
coz_lol...wow... everything is screwed up..   gome panel... flash..java  gdm00:05
crimsunwelcome to Natty Narwhal!00:06
crimsunyou know the drill...00:06
coz_yep  i sure do :)00:06
coz_well cairo dock is  still working as long as I dont enable systray plugin :)00:09
coz_well not all of java is broken...openbravo sitll funtions properly... just in firefox I suppose00:10
coz_ah billard-gl doesnt work ...thats interesing00:11
coz_cool... gtk updates  lets  hope  :)00:37
yofelhm, with gtk 2.23.3-1ubuntu3 it's not that nothing happens when I try to copy something, it's just that the application crashes as soon as I select something.. - let's see if the downgrade will help00:39
coz_ah  a gnome panel has appeared :)00:40
coz_I can go to bed happy now00:40
nit-witthere's know place like gnome00:40
BUGabundoand the new updates are even more broken. won't install. stuck at man-db00:58
ikoniaoh dear01:02
BUGabundoand even a -9 won't kill it01:03
BUGabundoforcing a configure -a01:03
BUGabundoikonia: can you update /topic to NOT recommend upgrades at this time01:04
ikoniaI thought it already did01:04
ikoniait it already does say01:04
BUGabundoor many natty ubunteros will miss their PCs for the holidays01:04
BUGabundohumm it didn't fit my screen01:04
yofelrobert uploaded a downgrade to gtk 2.32.2 a while ago, so I hope we'll have usable systems again soon01:12
yofelinterestingly 2.23.3ubuntu3 only crashes firefox and thunderbird, all other gtk apps work fine again01:13
Amaranthyofel: I imagine others don't deal with foreign (X11) windows directly01:14
BUGabundopidgin doesn't work well01:15
BUGabundonor firefox01:15
BUGabundoor gedit01:15
BUGabundochromium works more or less01:16
BUGabundognome-terminal doesn't work eitehr01:16
yofelgnome-terminal and gedit work fine here now01:17
BUGabundoapt/dpkg affected some how01:17
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Guest20238Hi! i made the stupid decision to upgrade to 11.04 ubuntu alpha and im having problems at the login page that flickers.02:34
holsteincan you login?02:35
BUGabundoGuest20238: today is a really bad day to upgrade02:36
Guest20238i know i know. i immediately regretted the decision to upgrade. i was unaware that it was the alpha version.02:39
Guest20238i really need to login and save my webpages that were left open in firefox.02:40
BUGabundoclassic login or unity ?02:40
Guest20238classic login02:41
nit-witwhats the gconf-editor section for the windows controls moved from left to right used to be in nautilus02:44
BUGabundobeats me, sorry02:44
Guest20238where do i find xorg.conf ??02:44
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal02:45
Guest20238imma try to replace my HD xorg.conf with the one from the live cd.02:45
BUGabundonit-wit: there was a bot command for that. it iludes me right now02:45
Guest20238im on the live cd now02:45
nit-witBUGabundo, yah saw the bot02:45
BUGabundoGuest20238: you have to mount / and edit /etc/X11/xorg *if* there is such a thing02:45
BUGabundowe don't use it now02:46
nit-witthe side to side can be done by theme changes, but  can't tell if it is the themes causing no dropdowns at times02:47
Guest20238i see xorg.conf.save in /etc/x10 but not xorg.conf02:47
Guest20238can't i just sudo the replacement?02:48
BUGabundowhat for ?02:51
Guest20238i saw a post about this flickering login page problem and someone suggested replacing the live cd xorg.conf with the one on the ubuntu hard drive02:53
Guest20238suggesting it would fix the issue02:53
Guest20238thought that was on a ubuntu 9.04 post with the same flickering login page problem02:55
Guest20238any ideas anyone?03:02
Guest20238how can i enable auto-login from terminal?03:04
holstein^^ maybe...03:08
Guest20238thanks my friend03:10
billybigriggeris there no wine packages for natty?05:15
billybigriggerFailed to fetch http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/ubuntu/dists/natty/main/source/Sources.gz  404  Not Found05:16
billybigriggerjust use maverick instead?05:16
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MTecknologyheh.... my clipboard isn't working very well today08:06
ryeis the issue that gnome-keyring cannot be contacted known?09:29
AlanBell!info wine10:21
ubottuwine (source: wine1.2): Microsoft Windows Compatibility Layer (dummy package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.2.2-0ubuntu1 (natty), package size 1 kB, installed size 64 kB10:21
AlanBellbillybigrigger: there are wine packages in natty, but not in that ppa10:21
billybigriggeri just used maverick packages10:22
AlanBellno, you didn't :)10:37
AlanBellyou have a ppa set up, go to software sources and remove it or edit your /etc/apt/sources.list10:37
AlanBellyou have the ubuntu-wine ppa set up http://ppa.launchpad.net/ubuntu-wine/ppa/10:38
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Ian_Cornebah, I did full-upgrade11:05
Ian_Corneand now the wireless applet is gone11:06
Ian_Corneor the indicator11:06
ElPasmoHi, I've downloaded Natty amd64 daily build: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.iso and I've use the startup disk creator to create an usb live. The problem is I'm not able to boot from usb live, it keeps forever doing the load animation with the Ubuntu logo.11:08
rumpe1ElPasmo, same problem hier .. had to use unetbootin for alternate. Then it worked.11:11
ElPasmommm I don't know unetbootin, I'll check it... thanks rumpe111:21
ElPasmorumpe1, it worked... thanks a lot :)11:42
coz_ok guys... current updates  ok?11:42
coz_ah darn... nevermind... I accidentaly hit enter :)11:44
rumpe1ElPasmo, nice :)11:49
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alkisgHow can I do `aptitude changelog package` in Natty? Is there an apt-* equivalent installed?13:49
yofelalkisg: there's apt-get changelog package in natty13:51
alkisgTy, trying it..13:51
penguin42there appears to be a fix in at  the moment for 693737 - someone rolled an older version to replace it14:33
yofelcool, someone broke bazaar14:36
cdbsyofel: What is cool in that?14:36
yofelnothing, I'm just don't feel like throwing curses around today14:37
yofelbug 69391514:37
ubottuBug 693915 on http://launchpad.net/bugs/693915 is private14:37
BUGabundoMy most dear online friends, best wishes of an Happy Merry Xtmas for you all and your Families!16:21
charlie-tcaAnd a very Merry Christmas to you, also!16:22
BUGabundocharlie-tca: family all around you now, or what?16:23
BUGabundoare you playing nauty santa this year?16:24
charlie-tcaI have my daughter and grandsons here, yes.16:24
charlie-tcano, not playing santa16:25
yofelMerry Christmas folks!18:32
charlie-tcaand a very Merry Christmas to you, also18:40
nacho_hey guys19:11
nacho_is the new development version of ubuntu usable?19:11
* nacho_ usually use the unstable version but I'm kinda scared of the switch to wayland19:12
charlie-tcanacho_: no19:12
vishnacho_: no switch to wayland yet. wont happen for Natty19:12
charlie-tcadid you see the topic? That bug is not stable19:12
nacho_btw is gtk3 shipped?19:13
vishnacho_: no19:13
vishnacho_: not on the CD , but will be in universe or in a ppa19:14
nacho_:( seems I'll have to keep testing gedit with jhbuild19:14
vishhmm.. wait :s i think thats about GNOME3 , gtk3 i'm confused now!19:14
vishwow! the new VirtualBox is awesome!  when we want to create a new VM.. as soon as we type "Natty"  it automatically selects Linux/Ubuntu  wow!19:20
charlie-tcaI wish I could turn that preview screen off, though19:31
vishcharlie-tca: there is an option to disable it , right-click the preview image19:49
charlie-tcanever thought of that19:56
vishcharlie-tca: ooh! just found another way to disable it.. if we double click it it totally goes away.. o.019:57
charlie-tcaI guess that will work. It is rather irritating when I got two machines runnings19:57
charlie-tcaThat works for me. Thanks19:57
vishnp.. to restore preview we have to click the "preview" again..19:57
charlie-tcaI don't want to restore it19:57
vishyea.. i dont see the point of having the preview..19:58
charlie-tcaIt only shows the last machine started. If there is more than one running, it just confuses things19:58
mongyI have tried alpha and a few daily lives and I cant for the life of me get a working persistent usb stick to see/use the persistence part..20:27
VolkodavThe "add euro" option doesn't21:33
Volkodavseem to do anything is that just me ?21:33
Volkodav€ now OK21:40
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lamlexHas anyone tried installing natty on a macbook pro?21:50
lamlexThe installer doesn't show any text with the live, and while there's a daily -mac image there doesn't seem to be one for the alpha one21:50
charlie-tcaIf there was no one to test, there is no alpha1 image21:55
lamlexcan i use the normal one to install onto a macbook? does it matter? i dont really know what the difference is21:56
lamlexI guess I could just use a maverick cd and upgrade21:56
charlie-tcathe normal image should work on anything with the intel processor. The powerpc image is specific to the ppc21:57
lamlexwe dont officially make ppc images anymore21:58
lamlexI'm going to try the non-live cd I guess21:59
charlie-tcasure we do - http://cdimages.ubuntu.com/daily/current/21:59
charlie-tcafor natty, too21:59
charlie-tcawhat we dropped was the ps3 images22:00
lamlexI was pretty sure we dropped ppc a few releases ago22:00
charlie-tcaIt that is true, why are there PowerPC images in current?22:01
lamlexWell apparently it's not true22:01
lamlexmacbooks aren't ppc anyway so this is kind of irrelevant22:01
* penguin42 thinks I'll upgrade my main machine to Natty, it's a long enough break to recover :-)22:11
penguin42this laptop seems to be surviving OK as long as I don't go anywhere near Compiz, although I don't do as much interesting with it22:11
lamlexpenguin42: Well help us get compiz working for you22:13
lamlexwe want you to run Unity22:13
penguin42lamlex: Yeh I'll keep trying on this laptop with that22:13
coz_penguin42,   which video is on board that laptop?22:14
IdleOneis the bug in the topic fixed?22:16
penguin42coz_: Intel 945GM22:16
penguin42IdleOne: Seems to be22:17
coz_sorry about that22:17
coz_IdleOne,  it was fixed with this mornings  updates for me22:17
coz_penguin42,  ok  mmm  I dont about that intel graphics chip22:17
IdleOneso can we remove the warning from topic?22:17
IdleOneor should we still wait a bit22:17
coz_IdleOne,  ah well i would think so but I would ask amaranth  or someone actually22:17
IdleOneok i'll leave it for now22:18
coz_IdleOne,  there is always tomorrows bugs to break some thing anywy :)22:18
penguin42coz_: The stuff I had today did look like graphics driver, but other stuff over the last week or two with lots of crashing panel stuff and the crashing compiz panel and a few others22:19
coz_penguin42,  ah yeah  that panel crashing I believe was fixed this morening22:19
coz_penguin42,  but then there's always tomorrow.... I know it's repeating myself :)22:20
penguin42coz_: To be honest I'm ok at trying to help get it working, but I don't normally use compiz anyway22:23
coz_penguin42,  ah ok..well  if you dont use compiz on natty you would have to disable the Ubuntu unity plugin in ccsm... and use classic gnome desktop which you can choose during login22:24
coz_penguin42,  although the compiz that comes with natty is 0.9.x  the c++  version and is much les resource intensive for the most part22:25
yofelIdleOne: we can remove that warning, gtk was downgraded in the archive reverting that bug22:25
=== IdleOne changed the topic of #ubuntu+1 to: Natty Narwhal 11.04 | Milestones: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule | Maverick/10.10 support in #ubuntu | Alpha 1 Released: http://www.ubuntu.com/testing/natty/alpha1 | Happy Holidays!
penguin42coz_: Yeh it's fine with classic22:28
coz_penguin42,  yep :)  I prefer classic myself   especially on this dual monitor system... global menu is near useless with dual monitors22:29
IdleOnecompiz doesn't display the window buttons for me, need to metacity --replace22:29
coz_IdleOne,  in unity?22:30
IdleOnein classic22:30
penguin42ppa-purge's xorg-edgers22:31
coz_IdleOne,   do you have /usr/bin/compiz-decorator in the "Command" field under window decorations in ccsm?22:32
IdleOnecoz_: yes22:33
coz_IdleOne,  I havent tried gtk-window-decorator  for unity yet.. but in all honesty I compiled  0.9x  onto natty instead of the default 0.922:34
IdleOnehmmm, visual effects is gone from Appearances22:35
penguin42hmm, I keep getting 'the package ubuntu-desktop is marked for removal but it is in the removal blacklist'22:38
penguin42hmm why is it removing notify-osd22:56
speedvinDoes someone got working gimp on natty?23:02
rumpe1speedvin, used it some days ago... no problem23:02
rumpe1distro[Ubuntu "natty" 11.04]23:02
rumpe1Linux natty 2.6.37-8-generic #21-Ubuntu SMP Sun Dec 5 17:57:05 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux23:03
coz_speedvin,  yes I have gimp on natty here23:07
coz_let me check that it still works23:07
coz_yep it works23:07
coz_speedvin,  I have been testing most of the graphics apps...agave..blender. cenon.. fontmanager..gimp..g3dviewer..inkscape...k3d..misfit model....patch  price...pinta..23:09
coz_phatch  rather23:10
speedvincoz_: for me it does not...23:10
coz_speedvin,  you installed via apt  yes?23:10
speedvincoz_: I got segmentation fault :(23:10
speedvincoz_: yes ;)23:10
coz_mm let me check to be s ure I didnt use a ppa  hold on23:11
speedvincoz_: PPA? Maybe it can help me to get unstable version of gimp and run it :)23:11
coz_speedvin,  no it was from synatpic ....23:11
coz_speedvin,   I dont know... I think I installed via apt because the ppa didnt work but let me check23:12
coz_speedvin,    https://launchpad.net/~matthaeus123/+archive/mrw-gimp-svn23:12
coz_speedvin,  i dont think that will work though23:13
speedvincoz_: Packages there need python<<2.7 :(23:13
coz_ah ok23:13
coz_speedvin,  maybe purge gimp and then reinstall it23:14
speedvincoz_: I tried that  but I got the same effect as now23:14
coz_speedvin,  oooo... I wo nder why it is segfaulting for you?  no other terminal output ?23:15
speedvincoz_: no :(23:15
penguin42hmm 1hour 54 min remaining...23:42
alex_mayorgawhat's my best bet to deal with bad sectors on a crappy HDD?23:45
Volkodavcopy and trash the disk23:48
penguin42alex_mayorga: a new disk23:49
penguin42alex_mayorga: If there are bad sectors it's most likely it will develop more23:49
penguin42not always, but still23:49
alex_mayorgapenguin42, Volkodav: thanks, I actually put no valuable data on it, but I've been having kernel panics and such23:50
alex_mayorgadunno if related really, but was wondering if there's an easy way to let natty know about the faulty sectors23:51
VolkodavI would do fresh install on a new disk23:52
penguin42alex_mayorga: badblocks can scan a disk and produce a file that looks like it might be possible to pass to mke2fs or e2fsck23:52
alex_mayorgaVolkodav: that's my long term plan as well, but until I can afford a new HDD, I'd like to make the OS aware of these23:52
Volkodavaware ?23:53
alex_mayorgapenguin42: thanks on the pointers, I'd look into it23:53
penguin42has the notification system changed in natty?23:53
alex_mayorgasupposedly Toshiba gives 5 year warranty, so I might get lucky23:58

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