
dokoScottK: please do not *workaround* ld build failures without any notice, and even the workaround was wrong / very questionable00:00
ScottKdoko: Which one?00:00
dokogpgme1.0. are there others?00:01
ScottKI don't think I've done any others that way.00:01
ScottKdoko: You'd rather I fixed the build system instead of just exporting the LDFLAGS?00:01
dokoyes, or file a bug report and cc me00:02
dokoand using LDFLAGS for libraries is *wrong*00:02
ScottKWon't do it again.00:05
ScottKIn related news, the pth thing has me confused.00:07
dokothe macro is in the gpgme1.0 package00:07
ScottKThe reason I thought the problem might be in pth was that when I rebuilt pth, the nature of the error changes.00:09
ScottKIf you look at the gpgme1.0 build log it complains about something linking related.00:09
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dokoScottK: we know that we don't want pth, so maybe just disable this autoconf check? I didn't analyze the build failure00:13
ScottKdoko: If you think that's best, I can do that.00:14
ScottKGotta go.  Airplane is about to land.00:14
dokoit's not a fix, but a workaround which should work for all archs. subscribe Janimo00:14
Sarvattyofel: pretty sure the fix for the copy/paste bug is http://git.gnome.org/browse/gtk+/commit/?h=gtk-2-24&id=120915d6deff00:17
robert_ancellsladen, I've uploaded the previous version.  Seems something is still wrong in 2.23.300:18
yofellet me try to apply that00:18
yofelah, that was the ubuntu3 patch00:21
Sarvattyofel, ari-tczew: copy/paste works right ubuntu3 gtk200:24
yofelI'm updating right now00:25
KeybukI love those mailing list threads that start "we all sat down in person and agreed this" and then proceed to turn into 1,000 mails disagreeing00:27
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ari-tczewKeybuk: do you mean clipboard case?01:13
Keybukari-tczew: huh?01:14
ari-tczewKeybuk: I'm thinking what you mean: [01:27] <Keybuk> I love those mailing list threads that start "we all sat down in person and agreed this" and then proceed to turn into 1,000 mails disagreeing01:14
Keybukoh, no01:17
Keybukthere was a thread on the D-Bus Mailing List entitled "User bus conclusion"01:17
Keybukit was a post resulting from an in-person discussion at the Boston GNOME Summit in October01:17
Keybukwhere they'd hammered out and agreed the way forward01:17
Keybukthe thread has about 1,000 mails, all violently disagreeing ;-)01:17
Keybukand I'm pretty sure everyone who agreed in that thread broke ranks along the way too01:17
Laneyfound it01:18
KeybukLaney: lost it ;-)01:18
Keybukerr, all agreed at that meeting, broke rangs along the way in the thraed01:18
ari-tczewyofel: and? did you update system?01:19
yofelsee +101:19
yofelah, you're not there..01:20
ari-tczewplease, I'm only human01:20
yofelwith ubuntu3 all gtk apps work fine *except* firefox and thunderbird, those crash as soon as I select something now01:20
yofelari-tczew: I posted that in #ubuntu+1 already01:20
ari-tczewyofel: is restart necessary?01:21
yofelI logged out01:21
ari-tczewok thanks01:22
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ebroderKeybuk: Was there any useful conclusion from that thread? I'm conceptually interested in what they're arguing about, but not interested enough to read past message, oh, I don't know, 201:26
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ari-tczewcould any archive admin unsubscribe team from bug 693982 ?01:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693982 in postgrey (Ubuntu) "Sync postgrey 1.32-6 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69398201:37
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keesdoes anything actually delete the /var/cache/apt-xapian-index directories?01:48
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jdstrandhallyn, apw: fyi-- I have a reproducer (though convoluted) for my natty/kvm issues that I mentioned yesterday and I just filed bug #69402906:09
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694029 in qemu-kvm (Ubuntu) "[natty] kvm guests become unstable after a while" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69402906:09
* jdstrand heads out06:09
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nullslashHello World09:27
nullslashIs anyone here is alive ?09:27
iulianProbably.  I can't say for sure.09:28
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jelmer_doko_: hi11:33
doko_jelmer_: hi11:34
jelmer_doko_: Sorry for the interruption, I think I found what I was looking for.11:37
jelmer_doko_: one of the changes that's cherrypicked by the latest python2.7 upload breaks bzr11:37
doko_jelmer_: no cherrypicking, just the branch11:38
doko_jelmer_: which package version does work for you?11:39
jelmer_doko_: ah, ok. Either way, it's a bzr bug not a Python bug so this is something that we can fix in Bazaar.11:39
jelmer_doko_: 2.7.1-1ubuntu4 works11:40
jelmer_2.7.1-2 uses an argument to readline() in one of the http functions, and the file-like object Bazaar passes in doesn't support an argument to its readline().11:40
doko_jelmer_: that's the fix for Issue #679111:57
jelmer_ah, thanks11:59
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shadeslayerisnt there a apt sources line which automatically chooses a ubuntu mirror for you?13:09
Nece228i want to know15:54
ubottuUbuntu bug 665546 in xorg-server (Ubuntu) "Drop and sub menus don't always show up" [Undecided,New]15:54
Nece228why this bug still doesnt have any attention?15:54
Nece228i know this is issue with xorg-server 1.915:54
Nece228but arch linux in aur has package which fix this issue15:55
Nece228and actually as i see xorg-server 1.9.3 fixes this issue15:56
charlie-tcashadeslayer: I don't how to do it from command line, but if you open Synaptic Package Manager, Settings, Repositories, Download from ...    Other15:57
charlie-tcathere will be a button to pick the best server15:57
shadeslayercharlie-tca: no not that15:57
shadeslayermvo told me about a custom deb line which automatically figures out servers15:57
shadeslayer also this : http://paste.ubuntu.com/54726816:02
shadeslayerseems a) on upgrade flash is removed and b) when you install flash apt-get goes wonky16:02
juliankshadeslayer: APT is happy, there's a bug in nspluginwrapper16:17
shadeslayerjuliank: ah .. so is the package fixed? or a WIP?16:20
juliankshadeslayer: I just read your log, and there is a segfault when running the postinst script of nspluginwrapper, so there is a bug there; but it may be that it is yet to be reported16:22
shadeslayerohk .. ill report one then16:22
shadeslayerjuliank: bug 69413716:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694137 in nspluginwrapper (Ubuntu) "nspluginwrapper 1.22-0ubuntu8 fails to install on natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69413716:28
cjwatsonkees: quit panicking about tor - it was nothing to do with autosyncs, tor was a manual sync.  it's done now.16:36
cjwatsonmicahg: the last huge autosync will be on 30 Dec16:36
cjwatsonper https://wiki.ubuntu.com/NattyReleaseSchedule16:36
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psusicjwatson, fyi the last day or two daily livecds have had plymouth breakage for me.  sometimes it doesn't show the logo until just before x takes over, sometimes it makes the monitor switch into standby until x takes over16:47
psusiand sometimes the kernel hard hangs... even magic sysrq doesn't work16:48
cjwatsonpsusi: I'm not going to look at plymouth at all until the new year16:48
cjwatsonso no point telling me now :)16:48
cjwatsonI'll just forget16:48
psusik... just thought you might know of a recent change that probably did it so I wanted to let you know now before it gets burried under other changes16:49
cjwatsonI'm not going to look at it on Christmas Eve, sorry16:49
psusisure.. just mental note about when the breakage happened ;)16:49
cjwatsonno mental note will survive Christmas16:50
cjwatsonif you want anything remembered, file abug16:50
cjwatson*a bug16:50
psusihrm.... ok16:50
Sarvattcjwatson, psusi: probably this one https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/69309317:04
ubottuUbuntu bug 693093 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i945gme] 2.6.37-10.24: Black Screen on Boot" [High,Confirmed]17:04
micahgcjwatson: ok, wasn't sure if someone was going to be around for that, thanks17:33
micahgcjwatson: have a good holiday weekend :)17:44
cjwatsonI intend to, thanks17:45
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