
=== locobot_2_2 is now known as locobot_2
=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
mhall119YoBoY: yeah, lack of translations on launchpad are a sore spot01:37
mhall119but teaching everyone on earh English might be easier than internationalising launchpad's code01:38
mhall119just trust me, I've looked01:40
=== myriam_rs is now known as Mamarok
YoBoYmhall119: switching to https://login.ubuntu.com/ seems a better idea for me and much easier than translating LP06:34
YoBoYgood morning06:34
=== Mamarok_ is now known as Mamarok
cjohnstonYoBoY: we get information from LP.. switching to login.u.c will screw it all up. How would we know what team someone beloings to?11:34
YoBoYcjohnston: don't know but can't we just use login.u.c for the users and have a synchronisation with the LP teams also ? I don't how LD works but are we pulling all the teams data on each user connexions ?11:37
cjohnstonSo what would we do if you don't have an LP account? And how would we know if you have an LP account? What would we assign as your user name, because we don't know if you have an LP account? 11:39
cjohnstonI believe it downloads the LP data at a set interval11:39
YoBoYcjohnston: LD is an OpenID consumer (actualy just LP OpenID consumer), only admins or team members who want to register events or change teams data have to connect with their LP account, the others to rsvp to the events, only need a name and an email provided by an OpenID connexion (login.ubuntu.com or other ones). Limiting the use to LP accounts is just a big barrier for most of the non english average users. It's my opinion11:52
cjohnstonmornin Ronnie 11:54
Ronniemornin cjohnston11:54
Ronniei saw you merged 2 branches :D11:55
nigelb*cough* *cough*11:55
nigelblogin.ubuntu.com = login.launchpad.net11:55
nigelbIts the same thing, just diffrently looking11:56
cjohnstonyou dont have to have an lp account for login.u.c tho do you11:56
cjohnstondid I merge another Ronnie ?11:56
cjohnstonI approved the live data, but wanted a second opinion11:56
nigelbcjohnston: no clue, but when I login, I see the same info11:57
Ronnieow wait 61304 is 2nd opnion. now i see11:57
YoBoYyes you can use a LP account to login on login.u.c but I don't know if creating an account on login.ubuntu.com also create an account on LP11:58
cjohnstonit doesnt11:59
cjohnstoni just created a test account11:59
cjohnstonYoBoY: another problem with that is that say you register with SSO, then all of a sudden you decide you want to create an account... now you either don't know how or still have to create an lp12:01
cjohnstonI have a couple things that I don't know how to do. :-/12:09
dakernigelb, yeah but l.u.c doesn't accepet request from like LP12:12
cjohnstonthat's another thing12:13
cjohnstonRonnie: whatcha got goin on today?13:03
mhall119merry christmas eve to everyone13:15
cjohnstonhey mhall119 !13:16
mhall119login.lp.net is just a facade for login.u.c13:17
mhall119at least, that's what the lp devs tell me13:17
cjohnstonmore merge requests for you mhall119 ;-)13:18
mhall119it's an early christmas present!13:19
* mhall119 drinks his coffee instead13:19
cjohnstonim drinking and coding13:19
cjohnstondrinknig coffee13:20
cjohnstonmy merge request will be easy ;-)13:21
cjohnstonthe import-live-data stuff is cool!13:22
mhall119it sure is13:23
cjohnstonbe even cooler when you approve it :-P13:27
cjohnstonmr. destructo is here destroying stuff mhall119 (also known as the two year old)13:41
mhall119mine are about to drive me nuts this morning13:42
mhall119hyper, grumpy, climbing all over me13:43
mhall119playing with everything in the house except their own toys13:43
cjohnstonpeyton broke a clock thingie that ive had for about 8 years that I gave to Paige when she was born13:43
mhall119quinn's laying on me arm while I'm trying to type13:44
cjohnstonI don't care, but I feel sorry for Paige cause she is sad.. I had no connection to it...13:44
cjohnstonhey daker 13:44
mhall119reading everything I write13:44
cjohnstonwanna do some reviews? lol13:44
cjohnstonHi Quinn!13:44
mhall119he's more interested in why my channel numbers are different colors13:45
cjohnstonTeach him to review python/django code13:45
mhall119he does python in Laby13:45
dakercjohnston, pls not now, i'll do it on the weekend13:45
cjohnstonhe prolly knows more than I do13:45
mhall119after I taught him that, he used "def" as a word in scrabble13:45
cjohnstondaker: :-)13:45
mhall119okay, I promised them I'd make muffins, bbl13:47
cjohnstonI want muffins13:47
cjohnstonTell Michelle I said hi13:47
mhall119will do13:47
mhall119you guys have a good christmas13:47
cjohnstonYou too.. Mine will be at the station13:47
mhall119your thanksgiving was at the station too wasn't it?13:48
mhall119how do you manage to get all the holidays?13:48
cjohnstonThe way it works is the year you get one, you get all13:48
cjohnston"A" Shift gets 2 of four years, B and C each get one13:48
dakerpoor cjohnston 13:48
mhall119lucky A13:49
cjohnstondaker: I grew up as a kid doing christmas at the fire station, so its all I've ever known13:49
dakercjohnston, i didn't know that you are working at the fire station ツ13:52
dakercjohnston, volunteer ?13:52
cjohnstonNope.. Career13:52
* daker stand up to show his respect to cjohnston 13:54
cjohnstonty :-)13:54
dakerand mhall119  ツ13:56
* daker knows that mhall119 is jealous13:56
mhall119jealous of not having to run into burning buildings?13:59
mhall119not really13:59
dakerWhaoo new event http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/team/604/detail/14:04
cjohnstonHow is the comment form called on a team event14:11
cjohnstoni dont get it14:11
dakeri can't wait to apply for a membership14:14
cjohnstondo it!14:16
cjohnstonmhall119: I pushed a .pot yesterday... wow... looked like millions of changes14:19
dakercjohnston, testimonials  are welcome https://wiki.ubuntu.com/AdnaneBelmadiaf14:21
cjohnstondont let that merge request stress yall out too much14:22
cjohnstonwhen are you applying14:24
dakeri don't know actually14:26
dakerthe wiki is not updated https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Membership/RegionalBoards/EMEA14:26
mhall119cjohnston: pushing pot are ya?14:39
czajkowskicjohnston: mhall119 Merry Christmas http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/609/detail/15:04
mhall119czajkowski: :)15:04
mhall119merry christmas to you too, and glad you're home, safe and warm15:04
czajkowskithanks 15:04
czajkowskibeen an eventful few weeks 15:04
czajkowskijust spent the day cooking, so happy now 15:04
cjohnstonyay! thank you czajkowski ! happy christmas!15:05
czajkowskiI did tell ye I would do it once I had slept :) oh ye of litle faith 15:07
cjohnstonnoone doubted you15:08
cjohnstonmhall119: czajkowski http://loco.ubuntu.com/events/global/17/detail/ should we include the dates on that page for the team events? cause thats a whole lotta events that make it hard to figure out what to look for15:12
cjohnstonlike maybe include the start date15:12
cjohnstonUbuntu Hour Lake Forest, Lake Forest - Ubuntu California - $start_date15:13
cjohnstonczajkowski: do you have time to move the ubuntu hours that are scheduled for next year into next years global event?15:13
mhall119cjohnston: try it and see15:15
czajkowskicjohnston: eh ?15:17
cjohnstonif you look there are like 95 events... the event lasts for multiple days (in this case, a year)... if you are looking for an event to attend, you have to click each event in your area to find the one with a certain date15:18
RonnieMerry chirstmas everyone :D15:33
Ronniejust played taxi for a few hours. got stuck 2 times :(15:34
TrickyJRonnie: welcome man 15:37
TrickyJmerrychristmas all :)15:37
Ronniecjohnston: i guess i have to time left to do programming. I guess it will be after christmas15:38
TrickyJquery Ronnie 15:39
TrickyJHi all i wan ask some thing regards UBUNTU. In UBUNTU do we have any tool for solving maths equations ?18:49
TrickyJlike algebra geometry etc 18:49
jpdsTrickyJ: python?19:00
TrickyJjpds: naaa.. I found couple of these 19:05
TrickyJjpds:  for example KAlgebra, Mathomatic :) I guess this is quite enough for me 19:06
TrickyJhey how can i access my ubuntu one folde r22:59
TrickyJI've copied few stuffs in there like images 22:59
Nafallo~/Ubuntu\ One23:02
TrickyJBut its not allowing me to publish we get 2 gb free right ?23:02
Nafallou1sdtool -s is a handy command to see the status of the syncdaemon23:03
TrickyJhow do i connect ? everything is false in there 23:06
TrickyJWhen i go to   System > Pref > Ubuntu one it shows me nothing 23:07
TrickyJas if i am not connected to the UBUNTO one server 23:07
Nafallou1sdtool -c23:10
NafalloOR, you can do it from the graphical thing, on the second tab I believe.23:10
TrickyJI tried that command Getting msg no command 'ulsdtool - c'23:22
TrickyJYes without space23:25
TrickyJwhen i open the ubuntu one Preferance in that there are 3 tabs account / Devices / Services 23:27
TrickyJRight 23:27
NafalloTrickyJ: u1sdtool -s might have a better status at this point.23:30
TrickyJHmmm let me double check23:30
TrickyJI am going to use this command on the terminal right 23:31
Nafallothat'd be the idea.23:31
TrickyJno command 'ulsdtool' found 23:32
TrickyJI tried that same message i get No command 23:33
TrickyJso does that mean i'm not connected to UBUNTU one ?23:33
NafalloI have no idea what you're doing, but I'm going to bed anyway, since it's late :-)23:33
TrickyJI am getting this message box 23:34
TrickyJYour Ubuntu One storage is full. Follow the link below to upgrade your subscription.23:34
Nafallowell, in that case you've likely used your 2GB...23:34
TrickyJHmm i can really understand :) any ways take care we talk about this later 23:34
TrickyJI've pasted on my one JPG image in there 23:34
TrickyJany ways Nafallo take care it was really nice u helped me :) merry christmas :)23:34
TrickyJhave a nice time there 23:34
Nafallota, you too.23:35

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