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godbykA quick heads-up: I just released the Dutch lucid-e1 manuals to the ubuntu-manual.org site and lulu.com.09:46
godbykAnd with that, I'm off to bed.09:46
dakergood work10:03
trijntjegodbyk, whohoo! Thats Great!11:08
trijntjeMinor error on the website: When I choose "Nederlands" the label on the drop down menu reverts to "English" within a second, even though the download button still gives me the dutch pdf to download11:11
dakertrijntje, i saw that11:11
dakeri'll fix that11:13
trijntjeok, cool, thanks11:15
godbykHey, daker.19:59
godbykIs the website still translatable via Launchpad?19:59
dakerlemme see20:00
godbykHannie found some untranslated Dutch strings. If it's still translatable via Launchpad, I can point her there.20:01
dakergodbyk, i reactivated the translations https://translations.launchpad.net/ubuntu-manual-website20:05
godbykdaker: Cool. I'll forward that link to Hannie.20:06
trijntjeby the way, everybody who is a member of the manual team can disable the translations on launchpad, is this a problem?20:22
dakergodbyk, ^20:23
godbyktrijntje: Really? Hmm. I'll take a look at it.20:56
trijntjegodbyk, yeah, I noticed it yesterday20:57
godbykI'm not sure if it's possible to limit control of our translations or not (since the Ubuntu Manual team is an open team at the moment). Does anyone know?20:59
MuscovyI thought only the project owner/driver (not the same as those with branch write access) could change details.21:12

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