
hamitronmy windows XP is wrecked, so trying the new ubuntu00:27
hamitronand bugging everyone in this chan was one of my priority apps to setup ;)00:27
hamitronbut in all serious, just sick of things breaking00:28
hamitrondon't like empathy ;)00:33
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
* jpds tries to feel for hamitron, but is reminded to the fact that he hates empathy.00:34
hamitronif only I could hide the speech bubbles...00:35
hamitronbut I suppose I should select my OS to install, before minor stuff like that00:37
daftykinsi thought that was a theme thing you can disable00:37
daftykinsby changing it to classic00:37
daftykinsalso, hi00:37
hamitronhi dafty :)00:37
hamitronI maybe need to reopen my chat window?00:38
hamitronI am really tempted to give ubuntu a go on my gaming pc again00:39
hamitronit is between XP, 7 and ubuntu00:39
hamitronI am now wishing I didn't have 2 x 300Gb hd in RAID 0 :/00:41
hamitronwith data on, like a big foolish user of windows00:41
hamitron503Gb of junk, and 21Gb of hdd free to move it to :)00:43
hamitronif you have a PCI raid controller with 2 hdd on it, and move it to another comp... can it read the data previously stored?00:47
exobuzzubuntu has a habit of switching from popular well liked apps to new ones, that although look good on papr, are often half finished, lacking features and buggy00:49
exobuzzstill prefer pidgin over empathy for example. first thing i do with ubuntu is ditch a bunch of default stuff00:50
exobuzzand the other thing. ubuntu "ties" itself in closely with their choice of apps. like the volume widget and rhythmbox. or the calendar and evolution00:50
daftykinsit's kind of amusing because in the past, all the default stuff made me think "ah great, so much less to do"00:50
daftykinsbut of course now, you have to pull it all off before you upgrade, so you don't grab updates for things you don't want :D00:50
daftykinsthough in its' favour once again, there's APT, so no hassle there either :D00:51
jacobwapt/dpkg is light years ahead of the software management facilities on Windows and OS X00:52
jacobwOS X less so than Windows00:52
exobuzzyeh.. i recently had the pleasure of doing some work on centos.. i dont uderstand why its popular for server stuff, since the basic lamp packages are a mess00:52
exobuzzno split configs/.d dirs. just a big old mess00:52
hamitronwhat you get used to I suppose00:53
hamitronmust admit I always resist change00:53
exobuzzi dont mind change, but it seemed a downgrade.00:53
daftykinsi had to use CentOS at Uni00:53
daftykinsi get frustrated by any distro change really, different default configs etc :D00:54
daftykinsi love the way the ubuntu ones at least sort of document some in their alternate locations now00:54
hamitronnothing wrong with a change of distro... stops you getting into the habit of 1 set of ways00:54
daftykinse.g. go to /config/file/here.conf and it'll say "Sorry daftykins, but your daemon's configured in another castle"00:54
daftykinsand i'll be able to save time \o/00:54
hamitronmy favourite distro is still ubuntu 8.04 :/00:55
exobuzzlots of companies probably choose centos as the second sentence they have says "enterprise class"00:56
hamitronI don't even know what a load of this stuff is in 10.0400:56
hamitroncentos is similar to redhat?00:56
jacobwcentos is redhat minus branding00:56
hamitronsuppose that is good if you use closed source apps00:57
directhexred hat is only useful because you are paying for a phone number to shout at when it breaks00:57
directhexotherwise, it's crap00:57
exobuzzi dont use ubuntu on my servers. i switch my home fileserver to ubuntu, but sort of regretted that in a way. glad i left my others on debian00:57
directhexand centos is red hat minus the phone number00:58
exobuzzdirecthex, lol :)00:58
hamitronredhat has a cooler name00:58
directhexthe only reason to use centos is so you can lie to your app vendor when they ask if you're running red hat00:58
directhex'cos they work it out when you're running debian00:59
directhextrust me00:59
daftykinswork out the problem?00:59
daftykinsoh i get you00:59
hamitroncan I move a RAID controller to another comp?01:00
hamitronand keep the data on a RAID 0 setup01:00
exobuzzif it fits01:00
directhexthe controller, or the disks?01:00
hamitroncontroller and 2 disks setup with RAID 001:01
daftykinsis the OS on it?01:01
hamitronyes dafty01:01
hamitrononly it only boots in safe mode01:01
hamitronmy intention is to not boot the OS off the RAID01:02
hamitronI got a feeling this is gonna bite me01:02
daftykinswait wait wait01:03
daftykinswhat are you wanting to achieve? :D01:03
hamitronnot sure01:03
hamitronI got a 2 x 300Gb RAID 0 gaming machine with data stored on01:04
hamitronand the copy of windows has died... can only boot in safe mode with networking01:04
hamitronI have a spare 500Gb hdd I would like my clean OS on01:05
hamitronsuppose I could install that and the OS, then maybe move most of the data over01:05
hamitronI was not planning on windows breaking :/01:05
daftykinsor boot a liveCD and rescue it to another disk?01:06
hamitronmy 8.04 live cd won't read it01:06
hamitronI thought it was maybe because you need to use alternative cd to use RAID?01:07
hamitroncould try slackware install cd maybe01:08
daftykinsyou do 0o but it's hardware RAID no?01:08
hamitronI dunno01:09
daftykinsi'd have expected a new enough distro on a new enough kernel would happily see the NTFS volume01:09
hamitronit is some SATA 1 ALi RAID controller01:09
hamitronI'd guess software I suppose01:10
daftykinsno doubt01:13
daftykinsbut it should be abstracted still01:13
daftykinseven if it were a couple of silicon image chips slapped onto a PCI bus adapter01:14
hamitronhalf tempted to just leave XP running in safe mode01:17
hamitronI got synergy running01:17
hamitronbrb, coffee01:24
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=== Daviey_ is now known as Daviey
=== Seeker`_ is now known as Seeker`
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hamitrondug out the good old low spec machine :)03:02
hamitronwell, it has a 3D processor.... so not too low ;/03:02
ballI booted Ubuntu at work today, from a liveDVD03:02
ballpeople seemed quite taken with it.03:03
hamitrongo well?03:03
hamitroncool :)03:03
knightwiseMerry Christmas everyone !07:12
diploMorning all08:14
screen-xMorning All :)08:31
danfishho ho ho08:54
danfishit's xmas eve and I've yet to hear any Slade08:54
* MartijnVdS always wondered why Santa calls people "ho"08:54
stuphidanfish: http://open.spotify.com/track/5b9yUVqrXQxVUn3okCEZav08:55
danfishhe listens to gangsta rap whilst doing his rounds I've heard08:55
screen-xmorning danfish :)08:56
screen-xI haven't heard any slade yet either :)08:56
* screen-x listens to similar artists: propellerheads08:57
MartijnVdSscreen-x: Lemongrass!08:58
danfishstuphi: thankyou, slade shortage rectified :)08:59
danfishalso finally signed up for spotify08:59
screen-xMartijnVdS: you have mentioned that a few times, maybe it is time to try it..08:59
MartijnVdSscreen-x: also Alphawezen08:59
screen-xdanfish: paying?08:59
MartijnVdSscreen-x: also other artists on that label (Mole Listening Pearls)09:00
danfishscreen-x: whoa there - one step at a time :)09:00
screen-xMartijnVdS: ok :)09:00
MartijnVdSscreen-x: (http://www.mole.de/eng/newspage.php)09:00
screen-xApache/2.2.8 (Ubuntu) mod_fastcgi/2.4.6 mod_jk/1.2.25 PHP/5.2.4-2ubuntu5.12 with Suhosin-Patch mod_ssl/2.2.8 OpenSSL/0.9.8g Server at mole.de Port 8009:01
screen-xubuntu \o/09:01
danfisha Matt Asay piece in el reg09:02
danfish09:00 < screen-x> MartijnVdS: ok :)09:02
danfishwe'll try that again09:02
screen-xMartijnVdS: (auto play music in web pages)--09:03
MartijnVdSscreen-x: agreed.. I didn't make that site :)09:03
screen-xI thought the vpn was choppy this morning, mtr reports 80% packet loss between here and work..09:52
screen-xonly 20% of that is lost on the wifi hop.09:54
MartijnVdSbroken switch/router?09:59
MartijnVdSsnowed-in cables?10:00
screen-xseems to be a bt router thats the culprit10:00
MartijnVdS\o/ bt10:01
screen-xt2c1-ge11-0-0.uk-eal.eu.bt.net to be precise10:05
Phineasi have returned10:10
* MartijnVdS runs10:10
Phineaswhy do people do that10:10
* danfish joins MartijnVdS ;)10:10
MartijnVdSPhineas: do you have a list of options to choose from? :)10:11
Phineaswhat would i like to do with menu.list? (during update)10:13
MartijnVdSPhineas: depends.. did you edit it manually?10:13
PhineasMartijnVdS,  no10:13
MartijnVdSPhineas: and it's asking you the diff/new/old question?10:14
Phineasnope its asking me in a window named debconf on *computer name*10:15
MartijnVdSwhat are the options?10:15
Phineaskeep current version, install package mantiners versoin, start new shell to examen situation, and a load of merge and compareing options10:17
MartijnVdSPhineas: try the "diff" option10:18
MartijnVdSit should show which lines it would remove (-) and add (+) if you were to choose "package maintainer's version"10:19
Phineasside by side , 3 way or 3 way merge (experimental)?10:19
MartijnVdSPhineas: just normal diff?10:20
Phineasok i have what you discribed abouve10:21
MartijnVdSPhineas: anything important it's (-)removing?10:21
Phineas-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.31-22-generic root=UUID=507545ea-e165-4532-b828-d3a0ffe2ac0f ro quiet vga=791 splash10:22
Phineas-kernel /boot/vmlinuz-2.6.28-19-generic root=UUID=507545ea-e165-4532-b828-d3a0ffe2ac0f ro quiet vga=791 splash10:22
Phineasthats the only (-) removes10:22
MartijnVdSold kernels10:22
MartijnVdSchoose "package maintainer version", and check if there are still "kernel" lines left when the upgrade finishes10:23
Phineasso time to press next10:23
MartijnVdSit'll always leave the old version lying around10:24
Phineasupdate compleate10:25
* Phineas will reboot later10:26
MartijnVdSPhineas: ok.. now check the menu.lst -- see if there are still bootable kernels in there :)10:26
Phineasthere are kernals there10:29
Phineashow do i know if they are bootable10:30
MartijnVdSPhineas: check if they exist :)10:30
MartijnVdSthat should be enough10:30
MartijnVdSunless you've had boot problems in the past10:30
Phineasthere are a few kernals in menu.llt10:30
Phineasnot on this install i haven't had boot issues (ones where it wond boot that is)10:31
Phineasi should be fine10:32
Phineasi gotta go bye10:37
davmor2ho ho ho merry morning10:43
danfishdavmor2: morning - what ya get czajkowski for xmas or is it a suprise?10:45
screen-xmorning davmor210:46
davmor2danfish: A day off10:47
* davmor2 prods czajkowski 10:48
AlanBelldavmor2: weekly quota exceeded10:50
AlanBellhappy not-quite-christmas everyone10:51
davmor2AlanBell: That was czajkowski new years  resolution for me no mine :D10:51
screen-xHappy Christmas-1 AlanBell10:52
AlanBelloh, new year, that isn't for another week or so, carry on . . .10:52
screen-xhow is mtr different from ping? I can get 0% packet loss when pinging a host, but ~60% using mtr.10:57
screen-xI thought they both used icmp, so should have similar results10:57
screen-xor is that too ontopic for christmas eve ;-)10:58
* davmor2 prods czajkowski again cause AlanBell told me too :D11:06
AlanBellscreen-x: try comparing it to tracepath11:09
MartijnVdSmtr \o/11:13
* AlanBell decides to make a caganer in the image of davmor211:13
MartijnVdSAlanBell: wasn't your caganer idea vetoed?11:14
AlanBellit was, maybe I will give it to czajkowski11:15
MartijnVdSSome Friday afternoon fun - http://www.unnecessaryquotes.com/11:15
screen-xAlanBell: tracepath ends with "Too many hops: pmtu 1458"11:17
MartijnVdSwoo routing loops?11:17
screen-xMartijnVdS: not sure :(11:17
screen-xwould you be able to pastebin mtr --report --report-cycles=20 mc-gw.smtl.co.uk for me?11:17
MartijnVdSscreen-x: sure11:18
screen-xthanks :)11:18
MartijnVdSscreen-x: http://pastebin.com/m0tyYaYj11:19
MartijnVdSand from my other machine..11:19
AlanBellsimilar here from a few directions11:20
AlanBellI think the hop after "???" and "???" should actually be "Profit!!!"11:20
screen-xhmm is it safe to conclude the problem is with my ISP? it seems to be that there is a lot of packet loss on the last three hops, wherever the trace is from.11:22
AlanBellso is that your host?11:22
MartijnVdSscreen-x: do you host with "griffin.com"?11:22
screen-xmc-gw is the internet gateway at work11:22
AlanBellyour ISP or internal network firewall/DMZ would appear to be the area with the issue11:23
screen-xMartijnVdS: nope, but I think our ISP is related to griffin in some way.11:23
screen-xAlanBell: mc-gw is the router owned by the ISP, our firewall is inside that, so I think it probably is their problem.11:24
MartijnVdSsounds like it11:24
screen-xowned by the isp, by on our site (CPE?)11:25
MartijnVdSCPE = customer premises equipment11:25
MartijnVdScan be your modem, router, etc.11:25
MartijnVdScan be yours or theirs really11:25
screen-xIts a bonder for 3 ADSL connections, I wonder if 1 of the ADSL lines is flaking and it isnt failing over properly..11:26
MartijnVdS80% packet loss -- maybe 2 are flaking11:27
screen-xyeah :(11:27
AlanBellscreen-x: that would sound very plausible11:27
=== kvarley1 is now known as kvalrey
MartijnVdSAlanBell: "nice -n19"11:30
screen-xraised ISP support ticket, told them not to spoil someones Christmas eve - its not despearte!11:42
brobostigonmorning all.11:56
_Hanyone know where to find cherap dried goods in edinburgh? want to stock up11:57
_H** im veggie11:58
=== Monster_Killer is now known as MonsterKiller
* AlanBell is tracking santa12:00
MartijnVdSAlanBell: how?12:00
MartijnVdSAlanBell: try "santa" on your Google mobile maps12:01
screen-xright /me is finnished for Christmas now, have fun all :)12:01
=== denny- is now known as denny
diploGood Xmas all, off home \o/412:17
_HThe Google Maps API server rejected your request because you do not have permission to use this service over SSL.12:48
AlanBellindeed not, you have to pay extra for that, which is why the maps are no longer on launchpad12:58
ubuntuuk-planet[Martin Meredith] 20 Easy steps to cook your Christmas Turkey - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/SourceGuru/~3/X9fIZ-hH_k0/13:19
daubers _______13:38
daubers< Moooo >13:38
daubers -------13:38
daubers        \   ^__^13:38
daubers         \  (oo)\_______13:38
daubers            (__)\       )\/\13:38
daubers                ||----w |13:38
daubers                ||     ||13:38
daubersI've run out of wrapping paper :(13:38
MartijnVdSdaubers: use toilet paper ;)13:38
MartijnVdSor aluminium foil13:38
daubersMartijnVdS: Heh! Tempted to use newspaper13:38
MartijnVdSaluminium foil looks nice and shiny too :)13:39
daubersMartijnVdS: Not as versatile as wrapping paper though13:39
MartijnVdSsure, but necessity, mother, invention etc.13:39
daubersheh :)13:40
jussidaubers: just find a random large box, fill it with soft fill (or dont) and put the small present in there, and put a ribbon around it13:41
jussimkes the present look bigger as well :P13:41
daubersheh, got a better plan. Wrap the parents presetns at the inlaws house13:43
MartijnVdSdaubers: cheating13:43
brobostigondaubers: how do you do ascii art like thathere in irssi ?13:43
daubersMartijnVdS: win \o/13:43
daubersbrobostigon: /exec -o cowsay moo13:44
brobostigon/bin/sh: cowsay: not found13:44
MartijnVdSapt-get install :)13:44
daubersrequires you to have cowsay install though :)13:44
daubersbrobostigon: exec just runs a terminal command and puts the result into irsi13:44
brobostigondaubers: an irssiscript ?13:45
daubersif you use -o anyway13:45
daubers!info cowsay13:45
lubotu3cowsay (source: cowsay): A configurable talking cow. In component universe, is optional. Version 3.03+dfsg1-2 (maverick), package size 19 kB, installed size 264 kB13:45
daubersor !info figlet13:45
brobostigonlet me try, thank you daubers13:45
daubers!info figlet13:45
lubotu3figlet (source: figlet): Frank, Ian & Glenn's Letters. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 2.2.2-1ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 147 kB, installed size 892 kB13:45
Laney!info toilet13:45
lubotu3toilet (source: toilet): display large colourful characters in text mode. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.2-1 (maverick), package size 21 kB, installed size 96 kB13:45
brobostigon _____13:46
brobostigon< moo >13:46
brobostigon -----13:46
brobostigon        \   ^__^13:46
brobostigon         \  (oo)\_______13:46
brobostigon            (__)\       )\/\13:46
brobostigon                ||----w |13:46
brobostigon                ||     ||13:46
brobostigoncool. :)13:46
* brobostigon likes.13:47
MartijnVdSDo you know how could I install on a SGRAM 2D hardware?13:48
MartijnVdSFrom Excel 6000 you can't mount a editor for inserting in the program over a e-mail address of a cable.13:48
MartijnVdS(polygen /usr/share/polygen/eng/genius.grm)13:48
MartijnVdS!info polygen13:48
lubotu3polygen (source: polygen): generator of random sentences from grammar definitions. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.6.ds2-10 (maverick), package size 88 kB, installed size 512 kB13:48
MartijnVdSHow to receive the icon?13:49
MartijnVdSYou either cannot delete a proxy, or can never turn off a terminale of the prompt on the serial GUI over a 3D mouse on the directory over the POPmail folder to cancel a 63X mail.13:49
* daubers should start cleaning the kitchen really13:51
daubersNeed to boil the gammon too13:51
MartijnVdSdaubers: play with polygen a bit :)13:52
brobostigon _____13:54
brobostigon< boo >13:54
brobostigon -----13:54
brobostigon        \   ^__^13:54
brobostigon         \  (oo)\_______13:54
brobostigon            (__)\       )\/\13:54
brobostigon                ||----w |13:54
brobostigon                ||     ||13:54
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: polygen > cowsay :)13:55
MartijnVdSTemplate Object13:55
MartijnVdSComposite Object13:55
MartijnVdSTemplate Adapter13:55
jacobwmerry christmas eve13:55
* brobostigon installs polygen13:56
brobostigonerror: cannot parse from file "moo: No such file or directory"13:57
brobostigonPolygen (type 2) v1.0.6 built 20040628 - http://www.polygen.org13:57
brobostigonManta/Spinning Kids alias Alvise Spano' anno MMII ac insequenti fecit.13:57
brobostigonusage: polygen [OPTION]... SOURCES...13:57
brobostigon SOURCE     source file(s) providing grammar definition13:57
brobostigon OPTION13:57
brobostigon  -eof STR  use string STR as end-of-file (default: STR = "\n")13:57
brobostigon  -help     display this help message13:57
brobostigon  -info     alias for '-S I'13:57
brobostigon  -l LABEL  add LABEL to initial active label environment13:57
brobostigon  -o DEST   output to DEST file13:57
brobostigon  -pedantic set warning level to maximum13:57
brobostigon  -pre      output preprocessed source grammar13:57
brobostigon  -seed N   pass unsigned integer N as random seed13:57
brobostigon  -S SYM    use SYM as starting non-terminal symbol (default: SYM = S)13:57
brobostigon  -t        check source grammar and output inferred global label groups13:57
brobostigon  -v        be verbose13:57
brobostigon  -X N      iterate generation for N times (default: N = 1)13:57
brobostigon  -W N      set warning pedantry at level N (default: N = 1)13:57
brobostigon  --help  Display this list of options13:57
daubersbrobostigon: May not be a good idea to use /exec without checking what it outputs first.....13:57
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: please run it without -o first (or in a separate terminal) :))13:58
brobostigondaubers: good point, yes.13:58
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you can use files from /usr/share/polygen/*/*.grm as arguments to generate things13:58
MartijnVdSWe need to manage software systems in order to manage the development of Net-surfing providers.13:59
MartijnVdSWe would globalize multimedia strategies.13:59
MartijnVdSetc. (eng/manager.grm)13:59
brobostigonMartijnVdS: ok, let me try, thank you.13:59
MartijnVdS$ polygen boyband.grm14:00
MartijnVdSPull Eleven14:00
czajkowskiPeeka Boo15:04
* czajkowski wallops davmor2 Behave you15:04
davmor2czajkowski: No :P  and prod for good measure15:13
daubersczajkowski: o/15:16
czajkowskidavmor2: brat15:17
czajkowskidaubers: ello15:17
davmor2czajkowski: Here have a Christmas Hug, and I hope you have a lovely Christmas :)15:17
penguin42hurrah, convinced the amazon mp3 downloader to run, only about 10 i386 packages needed16:29
davmor2penguin42: there is a package that grabs all the packages for you iirc16:33
penguin42davmor2: You thinking of ia32-libs ?16:34
davmor2penguin42: no it's something like getlibs.deb iirc16:36
penguin42hmm not come across that one16:36
Ferbhi and merry xmas16:52
* Ferb detects this channel is dead16:54
brobostigonmerry xmas Ferb16:56
penguin42not quite16:56
Ferbmore like merry bloody hot xmas here16:57
FerbI am boiling whilst you guys turn into blocks of ice16:58
penguin42well just ship us 10c and we'll be happy16:59
Ferbwell its about 30 here if not more17:00
* Ferb heres his noisy fans all the time17:01
Ferbcos its so hot17:02
Ferbwell good luck living in a freezer. its like a sauna out there17:03
brobostigonthe cold dont bother me inthe slightest, a good  pair of boots, and i am happy.17:03
brobostigonthe hot does bother me though.17:03
Ferbit does if you wanna go outside here, you'd be back in in 30 seconds because of the hot17:05
brobostigonexctly, hene why i hate the hot.17:05
FerbI know the swimming pool is like a hot tub, the ground is like a grill (some days I here hissing when I walk on it). thats an example of life out here17:08
* brobostigon 's perfect living place,would be somewhere cold, he really hates the hot, alot.17:08
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: north pole?17:09
brobostigonMartijnVdS: maybe, too cold.17:09
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: scotland?17:09
brobostigonMartijnVdS: maybe northern danmark, sweden, switzerland, cold.17:09
Ferbman the glass on the windows is hot today17:10
MartijnVdSFerb: you live in a nuclear reactor? :)17:10
Ferbnope its just very hot outside17:11
MartijnVdSFerb: lies!17:11
Ferbemphasis on the word very17:11
Ferbno lies it is hot here,  I tried the swimming pool and it was like a hot tub17:12
* Ferb turns his noisy fan up to full17:14
Ferbman thats loud17:14
FerbI have to wait until about 10am before I can get the groseries due to intense heat outside17:17
Ferbthats how hot it is here17:18
MartijnVdSFerb: your eggs are hard-boiled between your car and front door?17:19
MartijnVdSFerb: stuff like that?17:19
Ferbnot quite, milk will go off too quick and the cheese will start to mwlt17:22
Ferbstuff like that17:22
Ferbalways were shooes or esle its hot on foot17:23
Ferbstuff like that martiJNs17:24
Ferboh come on that was predictive text doing an epic fail17:26
* Ferb is in just his underwere most of the time17:28
Ferbcos its hot17:28
MartijnVdSuhhuh "because it's hot", sure17:29
Ferbbecause its hot outside that is17:29
popeyFerb: could you please attempt to go for a single day without talking bollocks?17:29
Ferbthis is all true popey17:30
MartijnVdSFerb: http://ars.userfriendly.org/cartoons/?id=1998060317:30
Ferbtake too long to load on my phone17:31
Ferbpopey, if you want to talk about something just say :)17:34
popeysure, how about Ubuntu?17:34
Ferbpopey, sure you start the convo17:35
FerbI've noticed that how ever much I put on my laptop it never slows down17:37
Ferbpopey, ^^^^^17:38
Ferbhow come windows slows down the more you put on it and ubuntu doesnt17:39
Ferbpopey, do you know why?17:40
Ferbor anyone for that matter17:41
Ferbanyone know17:43
popeyhello Laney17:44
Laneyalright? feeling merry?17:44
Ferbwhy doesnt ubuntu slow down over time?17:45
popeyI can has beer17:45
* brobostigon also has beer.17:45
LaneyI am on a bus which has wifi. This is new and exciting to me17:45
popeyheh :)17:45
popeyI am just getting the kids ready to put down a mince pie and carrot for santa and his reindeer17:45
* Ferb has a shandy even tho hes under agw17:46
popeythey are about set to explode with excitement17:46
Laneyany whisky?17:46
Ferbpopey, I am just as excited as your children17:46
davmor2Ferb: Ubuntu/linux has a major differences, one if the filesystem on the hd, the schema setup etc etc etc17:47
LaneyI will be excited after the wrapping is finished tonight17:47
* brobostigon is going for a boozeup tonight with friends,17:48
Ferbhappy Christmas everyone17:48
* popey hugs spotify for christmas music17:48
Laneywhy is it +t here? I wanted to put a ho ho ho in the topic :(17:48
popeypeople used to dick about with the topic17:48
brobostigonhmm, :(17:49
Laneyfair, I guess I was indeed about to myself17:49
Laney♥ popey <317:49
popeyas I have done17:49
Laneydamn, miscomposed17:49
popeyoh, someone removed my bit in the topic17:49
* popey glares at AlanBell 17:49
* Ferb glares at popey17:50
Laneyhelloooo huntingdon bus station17:50
* brobostigon gets the good beer guide out, and finds banbury.17:50
* Ferb likes his Speckled Hen17:51
Ferbbut its making me sleepy tho17:51
brobostigonFerb: you did say you were underage,yes ?17:51
lubotu3piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:52
Ferbyes I am underage17:52
popeyFerb: are you at home?17:52
popeyFerb: how old are you?17:52
Ferbpopey, yes I am at home17:52
Ferbpopey, old enough to use irc17:52
popeythere is no such thing as underage at home17:53
popeyits up to parents to decide17:53
brobostigongood point popey17:53
popeyunless you're about 317:53
popeywhich seems unlikely17:53
* brobostigon nods17:53
* DJones looks at scrollback and wonders whether 3 could be at the top end of estimates :)17:54
Ferbalcohol at home shouldn't be given to anyone under the age of 517:54
* brobostigon promptly gets his long pointy stick out, andaims in DJones's direction.,17:55
popeyhullo bigcalm[mob]17:55
popeyhappy doo-dah17:55
bigcalm[mob]Afternoon peeps17:55
Ferbafternoon bigcalm17:55
bigcalm[mob]Hey popey17:55
bigcalm[mob]popey: built a grinder?17:56
DJonesbrobostigon: Evening17:56
brobostigonDJones: good evening,17:56
bigcalm[mob]I'm hiding in McDonald's with a free coffee before visiting more relatives17:57
Ferbhappy Christmas all17:57
Ferb2 hours till I go to bed17:57
Ferbmake that 317:58
bigcalm[mob]Waiting for Farther Christmas?17:58
FerbI sure am17:59
bigcalm[mob]That's mobile IRC foe you17:59
* Ferb IS on mobile irc17:59
bigcalm[mob]Coffee finished. Back to the relatives I go18:00
FerbI just cant wait for all the prezzies18:00
bigcalm[mob]Merry Crimble18:00
brobostigonbye bigcalm[mob]18:00
Ferbsewya bigcalm18:01
Ferbthat was fun guys, bye merry xmas to all18:01
brobostigonxmas bean, lol. itv318:17
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: http://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/pmwiki.php/Main/GermansLoveDavidHasselhoff18:26
* brobostigon pukes18:26
brobostigonbigcalm[mob]: that was to show how much i dislike david hasselhoff18:28
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: and you're sort-of German ;)18:29
gordinstead of using sed to rename a bunch of files, i just installed krename. i think i haev to give back my geek licence :(18:29
brobostigonMartijnVdS: i just lived there while my dad was working there, i am half english, nd half welsh.18:30
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you know what I mean18:30
brobostigonMartijnVdS: that i understand german, yes.18:30
MartijnVdSbut maybe not the germans ;)18:30
bigcalm[mob]It's bad of me to want to be able to play minecraft on my phone. I can't imagine how the controls would work though18:30
brobostigongood point,18:30
MartijnVdSbigcalm[mob]: addiction18:31
suprengr...my planet wishes all your planet a peaceful Christmas.. and thanks you all for the help18:45
exobuzzthat's not a planet.. that's a ... space station18:56
davmor2night all have a great Christmas and a Happy new year18:57
* brobostigon thinks, and then lol's19:12
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: only in the uk ;)19:13
brobostigonMartijnVdS: infront of a pub aswell.19:13
brobostigonsorry, i am wrong.19:14
MartijnVdSnot a pub?19:17
_H3 Years and 340 Days 16hours 8 mins since I last saw my mother. #imaloneforchristmas19:17
brobostigona shop it is, onthe right of the picture.19:17
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: if it looks like a pub... (pub typing ;))19:18
brobostigonMartijnVdS: good point, :)19:18
brobostigonircing from the pub, hmm, i have done it, but not while in company.19:18
_H 4 Years and 70 Days since I saw/spoke to dad....19:19
MartijnVdS_H: sounds like an unhappy family19:20
_HI came out to dad  4 Years and 70 Days ago19:20
dwatkinsThat's not nice that you can't go see them :-/19:22
MartijnVdSI guess people will be here all weekend19:22
MartijnVdSmaybe not as many/much as other weekends19:23
MartijnVdS_H: so you won't be _all_ alone for christmas :)19:23
AlanBell_H: go help serve curry or something http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-scotland-edinburgh-east-fife-1206733019:43
MartijnVdSAlanBell: poor homeless! "the hottest curry in Scotland"19:44
AlanBelljust a nice warming turkey jalfrezi or something19:45
MartijnVdSAlanBell: pheasant vindaloo19:45
AlanBellwould barely tickle nigelb's tastebuds19:45
AlanBellapproaching eastern europe now http://www.noradsanta.org/en/index.html19:47
MartijnVdSAlanBell: http://www.fnal.gov/pub/ferminews/santa/19:48
jbblackHello Linux people... i just installed Ubuntu... it's pretty cool19:49
MartijnVdSanother fan \o/]19:50
danfishI'm not sure what I'm more excited about - Santy Claus visiting tonight or the Dr Who Special \o/19:51
MartijnVdSdanfish: isn't the dr tomorrow19:51
MartijnVdSdanfish: also, top gear on boxing day19:51
jbblackenglish people? i thought i was the only brit online19:52
_HReindeer feed on grass and lichens, but also have a taste for the fly agaric toadstool, Amanita muscaria, because of its intoxicating and euphoric effects.19:52
MartijnVdS_H: reindeer are stoned? like koalas :)19:53
danfishMartijnVdS: yep  - dr who at 6pm UK time :(19:53
danfishbut due to temporal distortions, that time may vary :P19:53
_HThe  Sami have a custom of feeding fly agaric to their deer and collecting  the urine to drink. The reindeer's digestive system metabolises the more  poisonous components of the toadstool, leaving urine with the  hallucinogenic and psychotropic elements of the fungus intact. Drinking  the urine gives a 'high' similar to taking LSD.  Under the hallucinatory effects of the drink, the Sami thought their  reindeer were flying through19:53
_HThe  reindeers' liking for the toadstool hallucinogens are such that they, in  turn, have been known to eat the snow on which intoxicated humans have  urinated, creating a reciprocating cycle.When the first  missionaries reached Lapland they heard stories of such reindeer flight,  and integrated those tales into the existing Christmas folklore of  Western cultures concerning Saint Nicholas.19:54
MartijnVdS_H: you're full of interesting facts this evening ;)19:54
* _H shuts up19:54
_Hjust wanted to say that's why roudolf has a red nose and the raineer fly19:55
=== AlanBell changed the topic of #ubuntu-uk to: Welcome to #ubuntu-uk! http://ubuntu-uk.org | This channel is publicly archived: http://irclogs.ubuntu.com | Mailing List: http://tinyurl.com/uukml | Support Guidelines - http://tinyurl.com/uuksupport | Meeting Thursday December 30th 21:00 GMT in #ubuntu-uk-meeting http://tinyurl.com/uukmeet | Happy Winterval \o/
AlanBelljbblack: plenty of brits here, this is the UK channel20:08
NafalloUK = Ukraine20:09
MartijnVdSNafallo: ...20:09
AlanBellNafallo: #ubuntu-gb redirects here for the benefit of pedants20:10
suprengrwhats a United Kraine?20:10
NafalloAlanBell: I know. GeoIP thinks UK is Ukraine IIRC :-)20:11
MartijnVdSgood thing .nl is .nl20:12
MartijnVdSnot .hol or something weird :)20:12
Nafalloaye :-)20:13
Nafallothere is some hilarity with sv and se as well I believe.20:14
MartijnVdSand sk20:15
Nafallo.se = Sweden, SE = Saami, SV = Swedish20:16
MartijnVdSsk = Slovakia20:16
Nafalloyeah, not even in the equation here.20:17
NafalloSaami is actually spoken in parts of Sweden, which might make it even more confusing.20:17
MartijnVdSNafallo: svenska?20:17
Nafallothat's Swedish.20:17
NafalloSaami in Swedish is samiska20:18
jacobw@ for the benefit of pedants20:18
AlanBellactually it is for the benefit of xchat, which joins by default to freenode and #ubuntu-$countrycode20:30
jacobwAlanBell: can you link to your flickr page? i've lost the link and i remember there were some good photos there :)20:32
jacobwi assume it was your flickr page anyway20:32
MartijnVdSflickr.com/photos/treenaks is mine if you want it :)20:33
AlanBellI think I have one photo on flickr20:34
jacobwcheers :)20:34
MartijnVdSAlanBell: maybe it's a good one ;)20:34
_HI just ordered a sack of spuds [18kg] as they last longer and are cheaper [for example asda smart price spuds £0.97 (38.8p/kg) but you do them for 10p a kg] nearly 3 times as cheap20:34
jacobwwhose was the flickr account that the pictures of the UK for beta.ubuntu-uk.org came from then?20:35
_H*you=an organics comp20:35
AlanBellahh, right that was some stuff I tagged20:35
jacobwi've set the picture of the turntable as my desktop background MartijnVdS :)20:37
MartijnVdSjacobw: nice, thanks :)20:37
jacobwi'm looking for new backgrounds, i'm getting bored of the default Maverick ones20:37
MartijnVdSI like the brown feather(?)20:38
jacobwthere should be a community site for background slideshows20:38
* jacobw starts it20:39
MartijnVdSart.gnome.org ?20:39
jacobwi don't think there's anything more there than when i last looked a few years ago20:41
suprengrhttp:... get outside your front door and take photos [.com]!20:42
MartijnVdSoutside = cold20:42
suprengrhonest ... you are always your best artist20:42
jacobwyeah i know i should do20:42
jacobwneed to find a photogenic part of Leeds :p20:43
jacobwactually, if i attached a camera taking an image every minute while i drove to Hull, i'd get loads of shots of the East Yorkshire countryside20:43
suprengrjacobw: that's called "head south" ;D20:44
* jacobw asserts than the Yorkshire countryside is the best in England20:44
* suprengr may well agree... wspecially with a camera [hint hint]20:44
_H*25 kelos20:45
FlashtekI need a Jabber client for Ubuntu.. recommendations ?21:10
MattJJabber \o/21:10
MattJI use Gajim, a lot of people use Pidgin, and Empathy is installed by default21:11
zleaphi fabien21:11
zleaphows you21:11
Flashtekok mate..21:11
zleapjust looking at this article i am meant to write21:11
Flashtekoh, cool21:11
Flashtekoohh.. kopete do jabber ?21:12
* MattJ mumbles something21:13
MattJIt does, but not brilliantly - not that I've ever used it21:13
MattJJust help people who have21:13
MattJIf you like Kopete and it works for you, great :)21:13
Flashtekwell, it's already installed..21:14
FlashtekI am going to use gtalk21:15
MattJDidn't know you were using KDE, all the clients I recommended are GTK/Gnome21:15
* Flashtek actually has Kubuntu21:15
MattJPsi and Swift (the latter isn't in the repos yet) use Qt21:15
MattJbut try Kopete first if you want21:15
* Flashtek will21:16
suprengrjust been looking at NORAD's santa tracker.  Not long before he's in the UK.  QUICK everybody, hide the mince pies & alcohol! If we all do it I bet he looses enoughn wieght to make his stupid red troosers fall down amd proove he waers red knickers & red suzzies !21:28
* AlanBell has just been hiding some of his alcohol21:29
* AlanBell goes off to "hide" the mince pies too21:29
* suprengr congratulates al21:29
suprengrnum num21:31
bigcalmHi kids :)21:34
suprengrSanta's current location - Athens, Greece.  I bet he hoped Greece was actually Grease.. a.k.a gosse fat sandwich with lard dressing21:35
suprengrhurry kids.... hide that booze and mince pie salad21:37
* suprengr wishes you all a good one [and pleeese don't tell Santa what I said]21:43
=== emma is now known as em
* danfish is full of Christmas cheer (and zider)22:07
danfishone year, my dad bit into the carrot left out for santa's deer and lost a tooth.22:08
danfishFinding a dentist on xmas day was rather amusing !22:08
danfishbigcalm: all presents wrapped up and accounted for?22:12
bigcalmdanfish: mostly22:14
bigcalmSeeing GF's family tomorrow, so those are done22:14
bigcalmThen seeing my family on Sunday, so we have a little more to wrap22:14
bigcalmI got my GF's done a few days ago :)22:15
danfishbigcalm: remember, BP garages are a always good for last minute pressies...22:15
bigcalmAre you still wrapping?22:15
danfish....though a bag of coal does not go down well will the in laws :P22:15
Laneyso so bad at wrapping22:15
danfishLaney: amazon are very fgood at it22:16
danfishand with that I bit you all a good evening, christmas, new year and the end of a past 2 'monthus crapus'!22:18
AzelphurI'm impressed with my G2, it runs a playstation emulator very well22:21
AzelphurI played gran turismo for the past hour :D22:21
MartijnVdSwo.. just found the "Limited edition: 89/1000" tag on one of my records :)22:21
MartijnVdSAzelphur: 5?22:21
MartijnVdSAzelphur: GT5?22:21
Azelphurno, playstation one emulator.22:21
Azelphurgran turismo one.22:21
MartijnVdSoh The Original22:21
MartijnVdScool :)22:22
Azelphurlol good luck at GT5 on a phone any time soon22:22
MartijnVdSAzelphur: well they said they would be adding "remote play" capabilities for b-spec ("team manager") mode22:22
MartijnVdSAzelphur: for the PSP or anything else that does Remote Play22:22
Azelphurheard about that :D22:22
AzelphurMartijnVdS: oh there's better stuff than that, there are companies that are starting to cloud compute games22:23
Azelphurand stream it to you with low latency video codecs22:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Not trusting that yet -- Sony can't even keep its servers up on release week :)22:23
AzelphurI'd love to do it from home22:24
MartijnVdSThe more playstations you buy, the smoother the action!22:24
Azelphurhaha :D22:25
AzelphurMartijnVdS: I was thinking run the game in a separate hidden X session at the phones resolution and stream it via VNC or maybe VLC with something funky for input22:25
Azelphurbut I don't know how to do the X session stuff :(22:25
MartijnVdSthat's what remote play is, basically :)22:25
AlanBellhuh! http://twitter.com/#!/noradsanta/status/1841007279525888023:17
ubuntuuk-planet[Matthew Garrett] Viewsonic GPL update - http://mjg59.livejournal.com/131682.html23:19
MattJ!info sqlite323:28
lubotu3sqlite3 (source: sqlite3): A command line interface for SQLite 3. In component main, is optional. Version 3.7.2-1 (maverick), package size 22 kB, installed size 168 kB23:28
heeedyo ho ho all23:43

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