
magicianlordwhen is debian out?00:00
ikoniagenewitch: thank you00:00
ikoniamagicianlord: that's nothing to do with ubuntu, as you no00:00
BarbaraBushgenewitch: no core was around00:00
BarbaraBushlemme see the others00:00
genewitchBarbaraBush: i misspoke, it's kde4-base00:00
magicianlordikonia: ubuntu is based on debian? ok00:00
genewitchyou 100% need base.00:00
ikoniamagicianlord: so ? it's nothing to do with ubuntu00:00
shcherbakrana: what connection you want to keep alive, shh?00:00
BarbaraBushgenewitch: that gives me wallpapers :P00:01
ranathank you genewitch00:01
magicianlordwell, that's debatable. but i get you, homie00:01
ikoniaBarbaraBush: look at what each package contains, and install what you want00:01
BarbaraBushgenewitch: i will just dualboot instead00:01
ranai have RDC to me windows pc00:01
frxstremI have a serious problem with Ubuntu: it suddenly stopped working (applications stopped to respond etc.), so I had to reboot, and no it won't boot anymore00:01
Diskopanda<Issue> fixed with Ubuntu Software Center00:01
ikoniaBarbaraBush: you said there where no KDE packages, you've just been given examples, now search the repos for what KDE packages you want/need00:01
BarbaraBushthey dont excist on 10.10...00:01
ranaand i just wanted to minimize it00:01
nbjoergcrimsun: crashes around the time it tries to switch to graphic mode00:01
crimsunnbjoerg: bah00:02
Diskopandagenewitch: Are you sure the wine from Ubuntu Software Center with "dummy package" is right? :P00:02
amanda__ok thats 15 minutes without issue00:02
ikoniaamanda__: it's not an ubuntu issue, please stop commenting on it00:03
amanda__thanks for the help guys ill try all of those suggestions00:03
=== Ha is now known as Daisy-SMB-
amanda__bye for now00:03
=== Crash is now known as Guest58377
jacobrIs there a list of "must have" open source software that someone could link to me?00:03
ikoniajacobr: no00:03
shcherbakjacobr: ubuntu, ubuntu, ubuntu00:04
magicianlordis 11.04 stable enough to install now?00:04
fms6468The must haves come with ubuntu.00:04
ikoniamagicianlord: no00:04
magicianlordwhy not00:04
ikoniamagicianlord: because it's not stable enough00:04
magicianlordso nothing istable in it00:04
StateFarmi fixed my suspend issue, i am really cool00:04
jacobrGee. Now I see why everyone says Linux users are arrogant jack asses.00:04
ikoniamagicianlord: do some research on it, it's currently broke, but it's stability changes up and down daily00:04
shcherbakmagicianlord: copmiz is killing me, yesterday upgrade was a horror00:05
ikoniajacobr: don't rant in here00:05
magicianlordthanks shcherbak00:05
StateFarmjacobr: ubuntu comes with a lot of stuff installed, you'll probably be just fine with what it installs00:05
magicianlordStateFarm: it doesnt come with essential codecs or 3d drivers00:05
ranahey genewitch what program do you use tsc?00:05
frxstremjacobr: the only thing that's a must that Ubuntu doesn't have pre-installed is VLC media player00:06
fms6468jacobr: no sarcasm here. It's true. A lot of software is included in the Ubuntu installation00:06
ikoniamagicianlord: but that is listed on the https://help.ubuntu.com guide which you should have read before installing00:06
StateFarmmagicianlord: 3d drivers are painful, ubuntu is set up that if you really need a certain coded, it'll offer to install it for you00:06
andrew_46jacobr: What particular areas are you interested in? Perhaps some 'must have' software could be suggested...00:06
magicianlordStateFarm: yeah, but not offline. but, i found an offline codec pack for 10.10 and the nvidia drivers install just fine afterblacklisting nouveau and installing from recovery mode00:07
StateFarmyou're right, offline you're screwed.  hard to irc when offline! or just use vlc00:07
Diskopanda<WoW WINE install issue> I've come a far bit now, but when I try to install via CD I get this error; "No installer data could be found. If this problem persists..."00:07
jacobrI was just looking for a list of popular stuff, because Ubuntu's software center doesn't have the rank/rating/# of download system that Linux Mint's does.00:07
DiskopandaAnyone familiar to this problem?00:07
ikoniaDiskopanda: #winehq00:07
ikoniajacobr: it's going to be pretty much the same as mint00:07
coz_jacobr,  you can google  highest rated  applications   ubuntu00:08
frxstremI cannot boot my Ubuntu partition anymore, when I choose Ubuntu from GRUB it just shows a lot of error messages and enters the GRUB shell - could someone please help me fix this?00:08
jacobrFuck this. I'm sticking with OSX. Obviously trying Linux was a mistake. Just a bunch of half baked half assed college drop outs wanting to play "programmer" and get free shit. Peace.00:09
VonGodricHello. Might be a silly question, but. I got blank ubuntu 10,10 install. I just installed gcc 4.5. All works perfectly. only problem I have is that all gcc fbinaries have a suffix -4.5; how do I get rid of them and make gcc 4.5 default? Thanks00:09
StateFarmi wish modern Internet trolls were funnier00:09
andrew_46jacobr: Some of these could be debated: http://www.tripwiremagazine.com/2010/03/20-most-popular-open-source-software-ever-2.html00:09
* andrew_46 was a little too late :)00:10
shcherbakpity, andrew_4600:10
StateFarmVonGodric: "getting rid of" the old gcc stuff is probably a really really bad idea.  you should search for "update-alternatives" and gcc00:10
VonGodricer... machine didn't even have gcc installed...00:11
StateFarmVonGodric: have you installed the package 'build-essential' ?00:11
VonGodricit's actually a cloud servervice server running ubuntu 10.10. i'm just using what they have out of the box. which seems to be bare bones00:12
StateFarmmy question is still relevant00:12
VonGodrici'm kind of ignorant to what this even means...00:12
VonGodricis it a package?00:12
VonGodricok tnx. running that now00:13
StateFarmif for some reason you want to start compiling programs with gcc on your cloud server server, i recommend you start with installing the package 'build-essential'00:13
VonGodricdid just that.00:13
frxstremcan someone help me? please? I really need some help here...00:13
mmakkI just installed a new ubuntu server, i'm a little new to this, and i try to use tab to complete a command. Bash completion, i think. It doesn't work. I've tried to modify .bashrc, but it look the same as the file on my workstation. I ran into this once before, but can't seem to find a solution, any quick ideas? Thanks00:14
shcherbakmmakk: you are in sh or bash?00:14
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Any chance you can elaborate on "a lot of error messages"?00:15
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Did you attempt to google said messages?00:15
DreamsofanEaglehey folks00:15
DreamsofanEagleneed some help00:15
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Have you installed any other operating systems, altered disk configurations (including USB drives)?00:15
frxstremBlueEagle: no, because can't google it because I can't memorize it after rebooting into Windows ...00:16
DreamsofanEagleweird problem with Ubuntu and Windows 700:16
BlueEagle!ask | DreamsofanEagle00:16
ubottuDreamsofanEagle: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)00:16
frxstremBlueEagle: no, I haven't altered the hard drive partitions since I installed Ubuntu, which is quite a long time ago00:16
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Have you ever heard of the direct output device commonly reffered to as a pen?00:16
StateFarmor take a screenshot with camera phone and upload if you really have to00:17
BlueEaglefrxstrem: ie. write down the error messages on the screen so you can recite them later. ;)00:17
frxstremBlueEagle: well...yes...of course, but it still was a lot of messages, most of which scrolled out of sight before I could even look at them00:17
coz_frxstrem,  do you have access to anything that can image that error?  camera  etc ?00:18
frxstremcoz_: sure....just wait a couple of minutes, and I'll boot into Ubuntu and take a picture of it....00:19
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Hmm.. If it is a GRUB prompt you're at you should not see all that many messages tbh. What you can do is to install an EXT-driver in windows, mount the partition containing /boot and alter the screen resolution in your config file. That will leave more messages on screen .00:19
coz_frxstrem,  cool ... if we see it then someone can probably come up with a solution00:19
Claytonarvixedoes anyone know how to print something specific with awk when doing cat file | awk print $2 so it will print the information after the :00:19
BlueEaglecoz_: It wasn't that cruel, was it?00:19
coz_BlueEagle,  ah  well... not super  cruel :)00:19
magicianlordBlueEagle: heh00:20
Blastor48Is there a text to speach reader program for ubuntu?00:20
yeahwhat are the implications of creating a .deb containing an executable whose name is already taken by another executable in a different package in an official repository?00:20
ikoniayeah: example?00:21
Diskopandaikonia: They fixed my problem with wow, thanks man!00:21
coz_Blackguard,  ooo I have been looking into that  myself... there is one for firefox   and xchat00:21
yeahmy executable will be used only by me and coworkers, and we don't have the package with the conflicting executable installed00:21
ikoniayeah: example?00:21
yeahikonia: tcd00:21
ikoniayeah: it will just overwrite the executable, anything that depends on the ubuntu version of tcd will be at risk00:22
BlueEagle!info festival| Blastor4800:22
ubottu'Blastor48' is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable00:22
DreamsofanEagleProblem with running Windows 7 starter alongside Ubuntu 10.10 64bit, anytime I boot into windows 7 starter I can get into windows just fine, however once I reboot, the whole bootloader is crashed and I get a "no OS found" by  the Intel Bios. They only way to restore it is to re-install Ubuntu, but the whole process starts over again I try to boot into windows.  Booting into Ubuntu works fine. Dell  Inspiron Mini 101800:22
BlueEagle!info festival> Blastor4800:22
coz_Blackguard,   the one for firefox is  "foxvox"00:22
yeahikonia, only an executable contained in a package will conflict, not the package name itself00:22
yeahfor the existing tcd, the executable and package are one. for my .deb, the package is named uniquely and just happens to have a script in it i'd like to call tcd00:23
coz_Blackguard,   I believe the one on ubuntu for the system is festival00:23
Blastor48Thanks coz00:23
BlueEagle!info festival00:24
ubottufestival (source: festival): General multi-lingual speech synthesis system. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:2.0.95~beta-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 894 kB, installed size 2612 kB00:24
BlueEagleBlastor48: as above00:24
coz_ooo did I get the nicks mixed up there ?00:24
BlueEaglecoz_: happy tab-complete day. :)00:24
FrozenKnightCould anyone give me a hint as to why openshot says that libx264 and libmp3lame aren't installed although they appear as installed in aptitude? :/00:24
coz_BlueEagle,  apparenlty  ...sorry  guys00:25
frxstremcoz_: these are the error messages I got: http://i53.tinypic.com/j6tkpl.jpg00:25
=== Ha is now known as Daisy-SMB-
coz_frxstrem,   when you get to the initramfs   prompt   did you try typein   exit00:26
frxstremcoz_: no, why?00:26
coz_frxstrem,  give that a shot... I get something similar here unless I edit  /etc/default/grub  file   with rootdelay00:27
coz_frxstrem,  I dont think think this is the same issue however,,, but cant hurt to try it00:27
frxstremcoz_: okay, I'll try00:27
rbiddingtonhi all00:27
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Before you go...00:27
rbiddingtonhoping for some advice00:27
coz_frxstrem,  theh issue for me is that it doesnt see my scsi drives  and drops to busybox  initramfs  prompt00:28
BlueEaglefrxstrem: It does appear that linux is not able to mount a partition. Most likely the root partition.00:28
ikoniarbiddington: as long as it's about ubuntu, we can try00:28
FrozenKnightOf course google is our best friend and it might have helped me just now.00:29
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Are you sure you don't have an USB memory stick attached? It has been known to cause trouble in the past with some broken BIOSes.00:29
coz_sorry about that00:29
coz_frxstrem,   yeah this does seem quite different than the error I get00:29
BlueEaglefrxstrem: Did you try the recovery kernel?00:30
rbiddingtonOk so basically I tried installing this morning onto a spare hdd and it stopped where you register your name and pw and what not... Just wondering what I have missed00:30
ikoniarbiddington: define stopped, hung, didn't progress, rebooted, what version of ubuntu ?00:30
=== frxstrem2 is now known as frxstrem
magicianlordikonia: do you use 64-bit ubuntu?00:31
ikoniamagicianlord: yes00:31
rbiddington10.10 and it just stopped sying ready when you are and the install bar was about 9/10 full but the forward button wouldnt work for me00:31
coz_frxstrem,  and if no one can solve this here you might try the ##linux channel... I am on 11.04  and it is broken so I cant copy paste things here00:31
frxstremcoz_: it didn't work....00:32
ikoniarbiddington: was the button greyed out, or was it just not working00:32
itaylor57rbiddington: user name must be in lower case00:32
coz_frxstrem,  ok  give the ##linux channel a try    with that screenshot00:32
coz_frxstrem,  i cant copy paste the url for them so you will have to do that00:32
rbiddingtonis that all it is00:32
frxstremdamn autocomplete ...00:32
nbjoergcrimsun: happens with the 2.6.37rc7 kernel too00:33
frxstremcoz_: okay00:33
ClaytonarvixeIs anyone here good with awk or any other regediting?00:33
coz_frxstrem,  cool00:33
nbjoergcrimsun: using vesa for a moment to test if the ext4 behaves...00:33
Claytonarvixei have a file with alkjdaldk:something and I need the information after the :00:33
rbiddingtonso just to be sure with this00:35
Guest58377alguem do brasil?00:36
rbiddingtonI have a spare hdd that is unused that I am wanting to install too.. I have made a ubuntu partition and was attempting to installl and dual boot with that configuration.. so W7 on my main 1tb and UB on my spare drive00:36
DiskopandaSo guys n girls, does anyone play games here on linux?00:36
ikonia!br  | Guest5837700:36
ubottuGuest58377: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.00:36
ikoniaDiskopanda: linux is not a mature gaming platform00:36
ZykoticK9Trying to get bluetooth headset working in a minimal ubuntu 10.10 install - bluetooth connects ok, but don't see any bluetooth in the Sound Preferences.  I installed both pulseaudio-module-bluetooth and bluez-alsa without any change.  Any ideas?00:36
crimsunnbjoerg: thanks. If you can't reproduce it using the mainline kernel, please file a bug and include that detail about mainline (`ubuntu-bug linux`).00:36
Diskopandaikonia: About time it changes, init?00:37
ikoniaDiskopanda: no00:37
Blastor48For those who want to know I found a add on for firefox called Text to Voice Developer that will read text off a web page.00:38
wyclifDiskopanda: I agree with ikonia, that's why I usually run games on Win00:38
Diskopandaikonia: why? if we can develop linux into a gamers community aswell, linux developers will actually be able to make some cash!00:38
monolitohi, i'm trying to use my webcam on livestream, but it doesn't recognize it; the webcam works normally on cheese. anybody here could help me?00:39
BlueEagleClaytonarvixe: if you pass '-F :' then : will be the field separator for awk.00:39
Diskopandathat results in an increased rate of development for linux !00:39
Claytonarvixeyes, i just got that, thx Blue00:39
ClaytonarvixeNow i have to get the output onto the same line00:39
wyclifDiskopanda: I applaud developer efforts to make Linux a good gaming platform. It just isn't there yet.00:39
ikoniaDiskopanda: it's offtopic for this channel as it's not support, but it is not a gaming platform and will not be00:39
Diskopandahmm sorry for the offtopic00:40
Rigorm0rtisHello. I am looking for advice on how to move/resize an ext4 partition without using GParted. Is this possible?00:40
ikoniaRigorm0rtis: gparted (or parted) is the easiest way00:40
nbjoerganother two issues: modem-manager doesn't survive sleep here and insists on asking for the pin on startup (even though it is saved in the config); works again after killing00:40
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: What makes gparted unsuitable?00:40
Hit0anyone good with laptops? I'm thinking about buying a new laptop.. but can't decide between an HP G62 and a Toshiba C650 (both cheap and same price)00:41
ZykoticK9Diskopanda, game install instruction i made for 10.04 http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/gaming00:41
nbjoerghaving totem open with a stopped video will crash the machine00:41
Rigorm0rtisikonia: I need to resize partitions on a remote server without X installed.00:41
ikoniaHit0: hardware support is not on topic here00:41
ikoniaRigorm0rtis: use parted (gparted without gui)00:41
BlueEagle!info parted00:41
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 196 kB00:41
Hit0I'm looking for the best one to install ubuntu00:41
magicianlordbest what00:41
Rigorm0rtisikonia: parted gives me a scary warning when I try to move an existing partition. Is it safe to use on ext4 partitions?00:42
magicianlordHit0: 10.10 desktop. dont install netbook version00:42
ikoniaRigorm0rtis: it is safe, as long as it's not mounted00:42
Hit0those are laptops.. not netbooks.00:42
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Manipulating partitions is always risky, but generally OK.00:42
blackshirthello .. good morning .. :d00:42
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: As always I recomend having recent backups of irreplacable data,00:42
magicianlordHit0: netbook and laptop are similar. justinstall the desktop version of 10.1000:43
ikoniagood advice00:43
Hit0ok, bye.00:43
Rigorm0rtisYeah I can easily restore all of this data, I just cloned one drive to a (much) larger one using dd and I need to resize the partitions in order to take advantage of the size increase00:43
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Then you should go ahead but make sure the partitions are not mounted when manipulating them.00:44
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: And make sure you've got plenty of coffee availible as it may take some time.00:44
magicianlordis $60 a good price for a 500gb portable drive?00:46
Tito0096Ubuntu on cr-4800:46
Rigorm0rtisWhen trying to resize the partition with parted, I get the error: File system has an incompatible feature enabled.  Compatible features are has_journal, dir_index, filetype,00:47
Rigorm0rtissparse_super and large_file.  Use tune2fs or debugfs to remove features.00:47
nbjoergcrimsun: nope, I still see phases with at least 70% wa00:47
crimsunnbjoerg: still, worth filing a bug report00:47
nbjoergcrimsun: that's on a dual core i7, I don't think that should happen00:47
ikonia!topic | manictornado00:47
ubottumanictornado: Please read the channel topic whenever you enter, as it contains important information. To view it at any time after joining, simply type /topic00:48
Zeu5hi there i need help. for some reason, my phpthumb is working on my ubuntu machine but not on the ubuntu server. i have installed imagemagick in both machines. after much googling there may be a problem with the imagemagick library though i can find it in php_info. please advise.00:48
ikoniaZeu5: don't you need php-gd for that00:48
Zeu5ikonia, i know my devt machine has php-gd00:49
Zeu5let me go double check server00:49
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Zeu5ikonia, yes it has been installed as well00:50
Zeu5i mean php5-gd is also installed on my server machine00:50
lotecherro ubuntu peps00:51
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: what is the output from: sudo tune2fs -l /dev/PARTITION |grep features00:51
ikoniaZeu5: do a package list on php on the working desktop and compare it against the server00:51
Zeu5ikonia, how do i do a package list on php?00:52
Zeu5do u mean use php_info() ?00:52
ikoniaZeu5: dpkg -l | grep php00:52
manictornadohow do i install rpms with00:52
ikoniamanictornado: you don't00:52
ikoniamanictornado: rpm's are meant for Redhat based systems00:53
manictornadono hacks00:53
Rigorm0rtisBlueEagle: has_journal ext_attr resize_inode dir_index filetype needs_recovery extent flex_bg sparse_super large_file uninit_b00:53
ikoniamanictornado: even if there where hacks, you still don't do it00:53
ikoniamanictornado: they are meant for Redhat systems, you're not using redhat systems00:53
manictornadoso whats a good portscaning00:53
Big_D_271anyone know if I can just plug in a wacom touchpad and have it work?00:53
ikoniamanictornado: nmap is quite standard00:54
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Before you follow my next advice, be warned that I have never attempted this and I've got no clue if it will work.00:54
blackshirtmanictornado: maybe you can use alien to convert them00:54
Big_D_271sorry "bamboo"00:54
ikoniablackshirt: try it00:54
ikoniablackshirt: that is not a good idea00:54
manictornadoim so new to linux00:54
manictornadofirst 30 mins00:54
flintanyone have experience setting up a mail server with squirrelmail?00:54
manictornadoso idk what alien is00:54
ikoniamanictornado: do not use rpm's or try to use rpm's on a Debian/Ubuntu system00:54
blackshirtikonia: yeah, i know..00:54
ikoniablackshirt: ok, so don't recommend it00:54
ikoniamanictornado: what application do you want to install ?00:54
ikoniamanictornado: nmap is already in the ubuntu repos, open the ubuntu software package manager and search for nmap00:55
Zeu5ikonia, actually the server has 1 more package called php5 compared to devt machine00:55
Zeu5whatever php package devt machine has, the server has00:55
ikoniaZeu5: are they configured the same00:56
aeon-ltdmanictornado: you are better off compiling than porting, for stability and speed00:56
blackshirtikonia: i mean when there aren't deb packages, and only rpm package, we can use alien to convert them..but use with carefully00:56
Rigorm0rtisBlueEagle: I think I am going to just wait until after New Years when I can be on-site to resize the partitions. I think I'll just yank the drive and drop it into my workstation temporarily.00:56
ikoniamanictornado: https://help.ubuntu.com worth looking up the basics00:56
Zeu5ikonia, how do i check for same configuration?00:56
ikoniaaeon-ltd: what are you on about ??? nmap is in the ubuntu repos, he doens't need to compile anything00:56
ikoniaZeu5: you configured it00:56
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: sudo tune2fs -O ^ext_attr,^resize_inode,^needs_recovery,^extent,^flex_bg,^unint_b /dev/PARTITION00:56
manictornadoill read cause the lingo is throwing me off and how do u send messages with my name in it00:56
Zeu5i used the sudo tasksel lamp in both machines so i guess they are configured the same00:56
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Then resize the partition and execute the above command without the ^ to re-enable the features.00:57
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Again, I do not know if this will break anything.00:57
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Also please read the tune2fs manual page00:58
artoAccording to this script: http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/  -- I have 3 versions of grub in /sda, /sdb and /sdc.00:58
artoOne of which is 2.0, the other two are .97.00:58
artoHow do I go back to one GRUB installation, and remove the others?00:58
ikoniaarto: and ?00:58
ikoniaarto: zero the mbr on the boot sectors you no longer wish to you00:59
artohow would I do that?00:59
ikoniaarto: you are only (you can only) use one grub install though00:59
ikoniaarto: so if I where you I would ignore that script and just carry on unless you are currently having a problem00:59
Rigorm0rtisBlueEagle: I came across that solution in my preliminary googling, and it just gives me a bad vibe so I'm just going to wait until I can be on-site after New Years. Thank you for your help though.00:59
artoyeah, but i have no idea which one i'm using :\00:59
BlueEaglearto: Please note that there are no benefits of removing the boot loaders.00:59
ikoniaarto: how many ubuntu installs do you have (or linux installs)00:59
BlueEagleRigorm0rtis: Probably a reasonable call. ;)01:00
artoI am having a problem: /sdc has Win7 on /sdc1, Ubuntu10 on /sdc3 and Backtrack4 on /sdc401:00
artoBut at the moment I can only load Win7 from grub01:00
rageThis may sound really strange, but is it possible to run Nescape Navigator 2.0 on Ubuntu 10.10?01:00
ikoniaarto: you will only be able to load win7 from grub anyway01:00
ikoniaarto: that is the correct configuration01:00
ikoniarage: no01:00
artoBacktrack is not in there, and Ubuntu is giving me some errors when I start it01:00
ikoniaarto: you'll need to confiugre your grub ubuntu to be able to boot backtrack01:01
ikoniaarto: when you get the grub boot menu, it says the version at the top, that will tell you which one you are using01:01
artoSo if I have 3 versions of GRUB, which one do I fix?01:01
artoI think it's 2.0, since Ubuntu10 installer uses that.01:01
ikoniaarto: sadly, you have a real problem as with grub2 multiple linux distros is not easy to maintain01:01
zetherooI have been using my scanner over the local network now for months and suddenly it's not working anymore ...01:02
ikoniaarto: you "think" it's 2???? check which one01:02
artobut grub2 is supposed to be an improvement, right?01:02
campbellgolf_ 01:02
zetheroothe scanner still works on the computer it's connected to, but none of the other computers on the network can access it01:02
snowrichardhi just testing xchat install on my new (to me) hp laptop01:02
ShapeShifter499I love ubuntu, I was able to toss debian and install ubuntu without having to erase or backup my home directory yay :D01:02
ikoniasnowrichard: it worked01:02
Jeruvyikonia: so is it recommended to stick with grub for dual-boots?01:03
ikoniaJeruvy: you don't really have a choice, but with grub2, it's now very hard to manage01:03
Ny51bernwhats grub?01:03
ikoniaNy51bern: boot loader01:03
Jeruvyikonia: good to know, I was thinking of replacing grub on a dual-boot box..01:03
BlueEagle!info grub01:03
ubottugrub (source: grub): GRand Unified Bootloader (Legacy version). In component main, is optional. Version 0.97-29ubuntu60 (maverick), package size 396 kB, installed size 924 kB (Only available for i386 kfreebsd-i386 hurd-i386 amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 lpia all)01:03
rageikonia: Damn, yeah, it appears it was compiled against kernel 1.2 :-( which I think its not binary compatible with 2.x series kernels01:03
ikoniathe kernel has nothing to do with it01:04
zetherooany ideas on this networked scanner issue?01:04
Ny51bernThanks. I'm new to ubuntu and all01:04
BlueEaglezetheroo: any error messages in the logs? is it pingable?01:05
manictornadois iknio01:05
zetherooBlueEagle: ping the scanner?01:05
artoI didn't realise setting up triple boot would be so difficult...01:05
nbjoergcrimsun: http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.comp.file-systems.ext4/2143001:06
nbjoergcrimsun: I think I am hitting that one01:06
artoyou'd think they would have figured out how to make OS's play nice by now01:06
ikoniaarto: it didn't used to be, it is now01:06
Big_D_271anyone have experience with wacom tablets in 10.10?  .. any help would be great!01:06
SegFaultAXI can't seem to find the GDM theme prefs. Ubuntu 10.4. It's not in Administration > Login Screen01:06
BlueEaglezetheroo: If it is a stand alone network scanner it most likely has a web interface and does reply to ping..01:06
artowhat a nightmare... 3 disks, 8 partitions, 3 grub instances, and no end in sight01:06
ikoniaSegFaultAX: you can't change themes anymore01:06
artoi think ill just reformat everything01:06
ZykoticK9SegFaultAX, it's very difficult to change GDM themes these days :(01:06
zetherooBlueEagle: the scanner (mfp) is connected to a computer on the network (running 10.04) which is sharing the resources over the network01:06
ikoniaarto: if you pay attention, it is still very easy, however, you have to know what's going where01:07
SegFaultAXikonia: Oh really? I wasn't aware of that.01:07
SegFaultAXZykoticK9: Ah, thanks for that. Was not aware.01:07
sacarlsonarto: virtualbox might be a solution,  if it's that old can't need too much resources01:07
zetherooBlueEagle: I can still print to the printer of the MFD but the scanner is suddenly no longer accessible01:07
BlueEaglezetheroo: Oh.. I was not able to discern that from your initial description. Sorry.01:07
artoikonia: the problem is the backtrack and ubuntu installers that start installing different GRUB versions and mess up each other01:08
ikoniaarto: not really01:08
ikoniaarto: you just let one distro install grub, then tell the other not to01:08
BlueEaglezetheroo: That leaves the logs. Both on the client accessing the resource and the one serving it. Anything useful there?01:08
zetherooBlueEagle: no worries ... my bad ... I had originally set it up using this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ScanningHowTo01:08
sacarlsonarto: I have over 8 systems installed with virtualbox includeing 3 windows versions01:08
ikoniaarto: however with grub2 it's now very hard to manage external to ubuntu distros with grub201:08
induzany there any tweeter monitering real time s/w??01:08
zetherooBlueEagle: any log in particular I should be looking at?01:09
artoyeah i was using virtualbox01:09
ikoniainduz: the twitter web page01:09
artobut i needed more speed01:09
induzi mean real time twitter01:09
artothings haven't exactly sped up so far, but im learning a lot :P01:09
ikoniainduz: the twitter web page01:09
manictornadook so where do i find this ubuntu nmap01:09
artomostly about anger management01:09
induztwitter web page take about 10 sec delay!!01:09
manictornadoi cant find it01:09
ikoniamanictornado: did you read the page on how to install applications ?01:09
manictornadowhere is it01:10
ikoniamanictornado: ok, reading that would be a start01:10
ikoniamanictornado: it's in the URL I gave you to read01:10
BlueEaglezetheroo: tail -f /var/log/messages is usually a good start01:10
manictornado ok01:10
BlueEaglezetheroo: Run that in a terminal on both the client and server and look for some action when accessing the scanner.01:11
manictornadowhat verision of ubuntu am i running01:11
* dougiefresh says, "Hi"01:11
* ikonia asks dougiefresh not to use /me commands or emotions01:11
zetherooBlueEagle: ok ran that in terminal on client whilst trying to access the scanner ... but nothing was spat out ...01:11
ikoniamanictornado: what did you install01:11
manictornadobacktrack 4.001:12
ikoniamanictornado: ok, so that's not ubuntu and not supported here01:12
manictornadoso what is it01:12
ikoniamanictornado: the channel you need is #backtrack-linux01:12
BlueEaglezetheroo: there may be a separate log for sane.01:12
manictornadothanks your bunches of help01:12
BlueEaglezetheroo: See if you can find something like that in /var/log/01:12
glitchdanyone know anything about teamviewer??01:12
DiskopandaI'm having a hard time CHANGING DISCS for the installer of World of Warcraft01:12
ikoniaDiskopanda: #winehq again01:12
DiskopandaI've managed to install with DISC 1 but now when i need to change to disc 2 it doesen't apply01:13
ikoniaDiskopanda: #winehq again01:13
dougiefreshI'm having a problem and was wondering if I could get some help01:13
Diskopandawell, its more of a ubuntu issue here01:13
BlueEagleDiskopanda: As ikonia sais.01:13
ikoniano it's not01:13
glitchddougiefresh, what your problem?01:13
induzother tha twitter web page/01:13
ikoniainduz: search the repos01:13
ikoniainduz: open the package manage and search for twitter01:14
dougiefreshI've tried installing flash but anytime i go to YouTube, all I get is a black box where the video should be01:14
glitchddougiefresh, what browser?01:14
campbellgolf_anyone use VMWare Workstation, Win7 as the host and Ubuntu as the virtual machine?01:14
induzgtwitter u mean>?01:14
ikoniacampbellgolf_: just ask your question01:14
ikoniainduz: no, twitter01:14
dougiefreshFirefox 3.601:15
ikoniainduz: open the package manager and search for twitter, it will show you what applications are available01:15
glitchddougiefresh, see pm01:15
Diskopandadougiefresh: top right corner, just click the "INSTALL" button there01:15
rageikonia: Just for your info. Netscape 2.02 Win32 works great under wine under 10.10 :-)01:15
Diskopandadougiefresh: dont install by downloading manually, let firefox install it for you01:15
induzthere any so many Ikonia  i dont about them01:15
ZykoticK9Problem 1 - is there a way to disable a TwinView monitor from command line?  Problem 2 - MythTV crashing X when trying to play TV.  Problem 3 - Bluetooth audio on minimal install not showing in Sound Preferences.  Any ideas?01:15
ikoniainduz: then why are you asking what applications are available if you don't care01:15
campbellgolf_trying to get Dolphin-emu to work as a VM, Workstation has a 3D accelerator support, but does not seem to work.,01:15
induzdo I have to install all of those shown on pakage manager01:16
BlueEaglerage: The words "Netscape" and "works great" does not belong in the same sentence. ;)01:16
campbellgolf_... not Dolphin as a VM, but on an Ubuntu VM01:16
ikoniainduz: no you don't, you just pick what you want to use and install just what you want to use01:16
rageBlueEagle: heh :-)01:16
induzI just want real time moniter of twitts01:16
glitchdcan someone help me with a teamviewer problem?01:16
ikoniainduz: ok, so search the repos for one and if you find one, install it01:17
induzgtwitter?? how is that?01:17
rageBlueEagle: When I launched it, it went to netscape.com which redirected to aol.com and then opened 400 popup windows with Javascript errors. So I share your sentiment that "works great" may be inappropriate01:17
BlueEagleZykoticK9: 1: Alter /etc/X11/xorg.conf 2: Check the logs 3: alsamixer -C <sound card>01:17
ikoniainduz: I don't know, search the repos, find one and install it01:17
induzthanks for the pakage manager suggestion though01:18
BlueEagleinduz: The way to find software you like is kind of like finding a car you like. You need to testdrive and look at some to fine one that suits you.01:19
glitchdcould really use some help with a teamviewer problem01:19
induzok got it BlueEagle01:20
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induzI am new driver01:20
Ny51bernHow do you respond to someone so it has their name in the chat?01:20
induzjust got my license[Karmic]01:20
BlueEagleglitchd: Well since you took Doogiefresh to PM we don't know what's been tried.01:20
ikoniaNy51bern: just say their name01:20
Ny51bernU just typed my name? I feel like theres an auto way of doing it..01:21
BlueEagleNy51bern: TAB01:21
induzis there any video editing s/w on Ubuntu or I have to find @ package manager01:21
Ny51bernBlueEagle: testing this guy..01:21
BlueEagleNy51bern: There you go01:21
ikoniainduz: use the package manager to search, or read https://help.ubuntu.com for an introduction01:21
Ny51berndidn't think ppl typed it everytime01:21
ikoniaNy51bern: look at tab complete01:21
induzwhat is Emacs??01:22
glitchdBlueEagle, srysry01:22
Ny51bernikonia: say what?01:22
BlueEagle!info emacs01:22
ikoniaNy51bern: type iko and press tab01:22
BlueEagleWhat? Ubottu got nothing on emacs?01:22
Ny51bernikonia: oh it auto completes?01:22
ikoniaBlueEagle: all sub packages01:22
BlueEagleikonia: I think he's got it already.01:22
ikoniastuff like that01:22
Ny51bernikonia: tester>>01:23
ikoniaNy51bern: and it worked01:23
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Ny51bernikonia: okay cool thanks01:24
glitchdcan someone give me some insight as to why when someone connects to me thru teamviewer, they only get a black screen, but they still control the mouse?01:24
tifflorI try to change the baud rate of my e220 huawei gsm modem, for some reason, when I try to do stty 115200 -F /dev/ttyUSB0, I get this error:01:25
tifflorstty: /dev/ttyUSB0: unable to perform all requested operations01:25
tifflorthe same goes for setserial, which is not even able to read the contents of the device01:25
BlueEagleglitchd: You could try disabling compiz (visual effects).01:25
FlozuzMozuzis there any way to mute all the alerts of people leaving? is there a script or something for irssi?01:25
tifflorbut if I connect the modem with minicom all is working as it should01:25
tiffloranyone some experience with this problem?01:25
KM0201ubottu: is back01:25
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glitchdBlueEagle, thats done thru appearance, right? just set it to none correct?01:26
BlueEagleglitchd: That's it, yes.01:26
BlueEagleglitchd: Not sure it will make a difference though.01:27
glitchdBlueEagle, i already tried that01:27
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glitchdBlueEagle, i even tried reinstalling it01:27
glitchdBlueEagle, i dont understand why its not working now, it did before01:27
glitchdBlueEagle, but i havent been able to use it for a couple weeks now01:27
glitchdBlueEagle, i even reinstalled ubuntu, and the problem persists01:28
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BlueEagleglitchd: New kernel or altered firewall config?01:29
aliceglitchd, try Go to /desktop/gnome/remote_access and enable "disable_xdamage"01:29
BlueEagleglitchd: Are you running apache on your machine (ie. port 80 is bound)?01:29
glitchdBlueEagle, well how can i check the firewall config?01:29
glitchdBlueEagle, not at the moment01:29
BlueEagleglitchd: If you don't know you most likely are running without one. ;)01:29
glitchdBlueEagle, when i was hosting a website from my computer, i was01:30
BlueEagleglitchd: as alice suggested.01:30
glitchdalice, where exactly would i go to those?01:30
aliceglitchd 1. On the remote machine, open a terminal or press ALT+F2, then run/type: gconf-editor01:31
alice2. Go to /desktop/gnome/remote_access and enable "disable_xdamage"01:31
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=== AaronMT_ is now known as AaronMT
ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit01:32
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jumbojackDoes anyone know why I can access the apache manual but not index.html01:32
KM0201i never get stuck in a netsplit, ever01:32
glitchdalice, the problem is, i can see his desktop, but he cant see mine, although he can move my mouse around01:33
glitchddougiefresh, is it working yet?01:33
aliceglitchd , do it on your desktop then01:33
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glitchdalice, ok01:34
glitchdalice, ok now thats enabled, so they should be able to see my desktop now?01:35
aliceglitchd, the reason i am suggesting this is i run some remote sessions in remmina and remote desktop viewer, and the problem with teamviewer sounds similar that i had.01:35
aliceglitchd, may need to refresh if doesn't catch right away01:36
ssokolowHow do I figure out why a package is being held back?01:36
aliceglitchd, or even reboot01:37
aliceglitchd, if that doesn't fix it, i'm clueless01:37
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ssokolowOh, and what's the equivalent to -t when "avoid" pinning an origin (a PPA)?01:38
glitchdalice, so i need to reboot or restart x (crtl+alt+bckspc) for these changes to take effect?01:38
Agent_bobhaving network trouble here.   ubuntu 10.4 static ip in the 192.168 range     but cant ping my own ip01:38
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aliceglitchd, i would think, if it doesn't pick up right away. been a long time since i have had to do it.01:39
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, do you have a router?01:39
dd_what is the tool to backup/restore /var/cache/archives?01:39
aliceglitchd, in any event, no harm will come , and get to keep all your compiz yummies01:40
Agent_bobUnholyTerror can't ping my own ip from the ip i'm pinging    and iptables -L  says no firewall issue01:40
dd_what is the tool to backup/restore /var/cache/archives?01:40
takuyaDoes anyone have any experience with Intel Macs and Ubuntu?01:40
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, do you have a router?01:41
ZykoticK9BlueEagle, well your "check log" suggestion was a good one ;) through the log output found the related bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mythtv/+bug/660833 which led me to disabling XvMC and now I can watch TV - so thanks for that one.01:41
Agent_bobUnholyTerror why ?01:41
glitchdalice, thx for the advice either way01:41
Agent_bobUnholyTerror do you need a router ?01:41
glitchdalice, much appreciated, and i hope it works01:41
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, my netgear won't let me do it either.01:41
aliceglitchd, your welcome01:41
dd_what is the tool to save /var/cache/apt/archives?01:41
safirehow come i can host brother but when i ping brother i get hostname cannot be resolved?01:41
ikoniadd_: cp01:42
ikoniasafire: dns not working01:42
dd_what is the tool to save /var/cache/apt/archives?01:42
Agent_bobUnholyTerror ?    how can a router block communication within a box ?     there is no hardware between computer and itself01:42
safirei can figure that much out for my self01:42
ikoniadd_: cp01:42
ikoniasafire: ok, so whats the question then01:42
popsKM0201:  im chatting in INSTALLED ubuntu01:42
BlueEagleZykoticK9: good stuff01:42
popsKM0201: but still not in xchat :(01:42
safirewhat do you think the freaking question is01:42
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safirehow do I fix it?01:42
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dd_ikonia it is not copy - there is a tool that packages them for backup01:42
ikoniasafire: I suggest you change your attitude if you want help01:42
safiresuggestion noted01:43
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, my bad... didn't catch the range...01:43
safirewhy does host work if dns isn't working?01:43
dd_what is the tool to save /var/cache/apt/archives?01:43
UnholyTerrordd, cp01:43
safireit's a "dns lookup utility"01:43
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Agent_bobanyway   anyone have an idea why one would be able to ping but not 192.168."SELF"  ?01:43
ikoniaAgent_bob: is local, but 192 is not01:43
UnholyTerrordd, tar01:44
ZykoticK9dd_, i've never heard of a "tool" to backup /var/cache/apt/archives - i've always done it manually01:44
Agent_bobikonia yes it is01:44
ZykoticK9dd_, it really doesn't need a "tool"01:44
BlueEagleAgent_bob: firewall comes to mind.01:44
ssokolowUgh. Does ANYONE know what the syntax is for the Package: line when configuring pinning? I don't feel like duplicating all the information several times over just to specify multiple packages.01:44
Agent_bobikonia well not named localhost but still same box01:44
dd_there is a special tool to backup/restore  /var/cache/apt/archives and i can't remember it's name.  it packages them into an iso01:44
ikoniaAgent_bob: whats the IP your trying to ping01:44
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, gonna try myself...01:45
ikoniaAgent_bob: that cant be your machines IP01:45
KM0201pops: good news.. i told you i wouldn't let you mess up01:45
ikoniaAgent_bob: that's a broadcast address01:45
Agent_bobikonia why not ?01:45
ZykoticK9!aptoncd | dd_01:45
ubottudd_: APTonCD is a tool with a graphical interface which allows you to create one or more CDs or DVDs with all of the packages you've downloaded via apt-get or aptitude, creating a removable repository that you can use on other computers - See also !offline01:45
ikoniaAgent_bob: because it's a broadcast address01:45
Agent_bobikonia not .255 but dot 25401:45
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, works here... hmmm01:45
safirewhy does host resolve a hostname when ping can't?01:46
Agent_bobUnholyTerror as it should01:46
ikoniaAgent_bob: so when you do "ifconfig -a" show that address on a nic ?01:46
safirethe hostname i'm pinging / hosting isn't in /etc/hosts\01:46
safireso it's not stored statically01:46
Agent_bobikonia shows it without j-a01:46
ikoniasafire: ping uses libresolv, host uses dns01:46
ikoniaAgent_bob: pastebin the output of netstat -rn please01:47
safirehost uses the dns servers in /etc/resolv01:47
ikoniasafire: yes01:47
Myrtti /last mr-rich01:47
safirewhat is libresolv?01:47
ikoniasafire: a system library that tells what resolver message an application should use01:47
Agent_bobikonia box cant pastebin.   can't even ping self ***    anything i can look for and type in ?01:47
ikoniasafire: do "nslookup hostname"01:47
ikoniaAgent_bob: ahhh of course01:47
safirethat works fine ikonia01:48
popsanyone know where xchat is?01:48
ikoniasafire: so you know dns is working fine01:48
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, you working in a desktop?01:48
IdleOnepops: ~/.xchat201:48
safirei "knew" dns was working from the start01:48
ikoniasafire: so it stands to reason that your machine is not setup to use dns as a system01:48
Agent_bobUnholyTerror  on the box in question   yes01:48
safiremy machine? this is an ubuntu machine01:49
ikoniaAgent_bob: look at the default route ( and the network route what routes and interfaces are they using01:49
safireit's not "my" machine01:49
safireit's your machine ;p01:49
Agent_bobikonia eth001:49
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, right-click on network-applet and select Connection Settings... what is the ip?01:49
Agent_bobUnholyTerror same as it is in "ifconfig"
popsIdleOne: Do i need to download it?  typing that exact thing in a terminal isnt working01:50
safireis dns not supposed to be the default?01:50
ikoniasafire: it should be yes, look at /etc/nsswitch.conf01:50
IdleOnepops: you want to install xchat type: sudo apt-get install xchat01:50
safirehosts:          files mdns4_minimal [NOTFOUND=return] dns mdns401:51
ikoniasafire: that should use dns01:51
safireis that the relavent line?01:51
popsthat's it01:51
popsit's installed?01:51
popsI wanna use ubuntu forever01:51
ikoniasafire: do "which ping"01:51
aroman!flood | pops01:52
ubottupops: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:52
safire/bin/ping of01:52
IdleOnepops: you're welcome.01:52
ikoniaof /01:52
telugeubuntu 10.10... whats it programmed in? and alos what might be a good entry level language to get into to do stuff with my linux?01:52
BlueEaglearoman: I think !enter is more suitable01:52
safireof / ? /bin/ping01:52
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, Terminal->type: cat /etc/network/interfaces01:52
ikoniasafire: you put "of" on the end01:52
safirejust /bin/ping01:52
ikoniasafire: what is the exact command you're using01:53
safirewhich ping01:53
ikoniasafire: sorry, to do the ping01:53
safireping brother01:53
outer_spacesup folks is there a way to easily make 2 windows i open both take up half the screen like in win7?01:53
ikoniasafire: but "nslookup brother" works ?01:53
rafzZhi, someone cant help me?!01:53
aromanBlueEagle, wasn't aware of that command. thanks :)01:53
safiredo you want to see my resolv.conf?01:54
ikoniasafire: not at the moment01:54
glitchdcould having my screen saver simply enabled, not running, but just enabled, interfere with someone being able to see my desktop over teamviewer?01:54
ikoniasafire: what domain name are you using ?01:54
UnholyTerrorAgent_bob, nevermind01:54
ikoniasafire: so it's brother.homeunix.org ?01:54
safireabove is my domain entry in /etc/resolv.conf01:54
aliceglitchd, i haven't seen that problem01:54
safireif that's what you're asking01:54
ikoniasafire: pastebin your resolv.conf, lets see01:55
outer_spacecan ubuntu do split-screen?01:55
glitchdalice, well my buddy is not here for me to test teamviewer with so im  just think of "just in case type scenarios"01:55
DiskopandaHow do you autorun discs?01:55
safirei reckon the problem is there ;p01:56
rafzZhellow, someone can help me?!01:56
ikoniarafzZ: ask a question !01:56
ikoniasafire: ah, ok, so what domain is brother in ?01:56
BlueEagle!ask| rafzZ01:56
ubotturafzZ: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:56
aliceglitchd, that's good planning. digging into docs and help of teamviewer, and googling, would be helpful for planning01:57
rafzZikonia, I can not listen to  music  online, have already installed Flash and nothing!01:57
ikoniarafzZ: where are you trying to get the music ?01:57
rafzZwhere -> http://www.solouvor.net/play.php?id=106801:58
KM0201rafzZ: works fine for me.01:58
dnivrawhen we run 'apt-cache show <packagename>', where is the information retrieved from if the package is not installed? how can i edit the information?01:58
ikoniarafzZ: it's shockwave, not flash01:58
rafzZikonia, freezes at  0%, no  charge!01:58
ikoniarafzZ: it's not supported on linux01:58
alicerafzZ, same here01:59
rafzZikonia, omg!01:59
KM0201ikonia: no, its flash.. its working fine for me01:59
rafzZikonia, ok thanks for help!01:59
safirenot quite sure01:59
KM0201rafzZ: what version of ubuntu are you using?01:59
safirewasn't aware they had to be in the same domain01:59
rafzZKM0201, 10.0401:59
ikoniaKM0201: KM0201 it's listed as shockwave flash01:59
IdleOnerafzZ: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras and then try loading the page again01:59
ikoniasafire: it doesn't have to be the same domain name, I'm curious to what domain name it is though01:59
KM0201ikonia: i just right clicked the song, and it says adobe flashplayer02:00
safirelost the password to the printer, not sure how to check02:00
KM0201rafzZ: i think you need to install restricted extras02:00
ikoniasafire: ask the network admin02:00
KM0201rafzZ: liek idle-one said02:00
safirei am the network admin02:00
alicerafzZ, also, do you have flash blocked ?02:00
doomrobois anyone getting problems with internet speed on maverick?02:00
ikoniasafire: then you should know what domains you are putting machines in02:00
ikoniasafire: reverse lookup the IP address see if it tells you02:00
KM0201rafzZ: not what?02:00
antsHow do I remove Rhythmbox from the sound menu? Also, I wish for Rhythmbox to close when the "X" is clicked, can I do these things?02:01
doomroboI just installed maverick on my MBP, and even the local connections are slow02:01
safireahh.. brother.home02:01
safirewhere is the home domain coming from?02:01
safirethe router?02:01
doomroboI disabled ipv602:01
ikoniasafire: probably02:01
Sitonwhat's the time now?02:01
KM0201ants: not sure on the "close" question.. but right click your menu, edit menu,, go down to sound and video, highlight rythmbox, and delete02:01
safirei guess they both have to be in the home domain02:01
ikoniasafire: this is a world wide channel, it's different in different worlds02:01
ikoniasafire: try the FQDN then02:01
ikoniasafire: ping brother.homelinux.whatever02:02
antsOh no I mean the volume/sound applet02:02
BlueEagledoomrobo: does traceroute to the sites you access show abnormal response times?02:02
BlueEagledoomrobo: Are you accessing web pages or other network resources?02:02
doomroboboth are slow02:03
doomroboIt's the weirdest thing. This issue became apparent immediately after installation02:03
BlueEagledoomrobo: both web pages and other network resources? (which other resources?) or the trace routes?02:03
doomroboI'm connecting to web sites and my desktop which is wired into the same network02:04
doomroboremote and local02:04
BlueEagledoomrobo: Are you accessing web pages on both the remote and local sites or are you accessing FTP or mail and seeing the same slowdowns?02:05
BlueEagledoomrobo: And are the trace routes (or even ping) showing abnormal latency?02:05
doomrobowhat would constitute abnormal02:06
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BlueEagledoomrobo: Well on a local network anything above 5ms.02:06
BlueEagledoomrobo: Which browser are you using and have you tried alternatives?02:06
popsKM0201:  back02:07
doomrobobrowser doesn't matter02:07
KM0201pops: work?02:07
doomroboi'm getting between 1.40ms and 35.9ms02:07
ubuntu-usranybody uses xmbc? how to get vizualisation under ubuntu? when i'm hitting tab plain black screen appers, even when i switched to metacity...02:08
Agent_bobis there a "ubuntu" way to configure a static ip and gateway ?02:08
BlueEagledoomrobo: Sure it does matter. If a graphical and a text based browser are equally slow then it is the network. If the graphical browsers (all) are slow it may be related to your graphics drivers. If only one or two browsers are slow it's a configuration or rendering engine issue.02:08
ubuntu-usri mean xbmc not xmcb02:08
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, sure use nm-applet - the thing in the top left for networking02:08
doomroboi've used FTP, Synergy, ssh...02:08
doomroboIt's noticeable02:09
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, sorry, top right02:09
doomroboI only started complaining when synergy was extremely laggy02:09
Agent_bobZykoticK9 top right of what ?02:09
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, of Gnome (the GUI) - do you see a network icon?02:09
Agent_bobZykoticK9 nope02:09
BlueEagledoomrobo: Is there other traffic on the network? Do you have alternate machines or OS to test with?02:09
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, are you using Ubuntu with Gnome?02:10
Agent_bobZykoticK9 yep02:10
doomroboIt's just my laptop and my desktop02:10
BlueEagledoomrobo: Should not affect local servers notably though.02:10
doomroboI also have my iPod that sleeps the wifi02:10
Agent_bobZykoticK9 ubuntu 10.402:10
zulfamay i follow to chat with u02:10
doomroboBut I only have this problem with my laptop02:10
dd_when booting how do i get to the grub menu?02:10
doomroboit's connected over wireless 1 yard away from the access point02:11
doomroboN network02:11
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, perhaps you removed the notification area from panel?  right click / add to panel / notification - if you have.02:11
bastidrazordd_: hold shift after POST02:11
doomrobocould it be my wireless?02:11
dd_bastidrazor, thanks02:11
bastidrazordd_: you're welcome.02:11
DILif yor neibors are on the same channel02:11
Agent_bobZykoticK9 no change02:12
ZykoticK9Agent_bob, sorry i have no idea then. best of luck.02:12
Agent_bobZykoticK9 looks like i now have four or five of them   but all empty02:12
Agent_bobwhy do i not have a network icon   ;/02:13
doomroboIt seems as if it's a wireless problem02:14
doomrobobut this shouldn't happen with a linksys e200002:15
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doomrobothe problem just went away02:17
doomroboi have no clue why02:17
DILmicrowave, cordless phone?02:18
doomrobonow I have radically changing latency02:18
doomrobo<1ms ~ 165ms02:19
alicedoom, check what dil says02:19
dugger5688doomrobo: what wireless card, what wireless router?02:20
doomroboand the lag of the synergy mouse is completely consistent with the latency02:20
doomroboWireless card: whatever is in the newest MBP02:20
doomroboRouter: Linksys E20002:20
doomroboRouter: Linksys E200002:20
dugger5688doomrobo: It's the card, probably bcm43xx something.02:20
doomrobobut on my old network, it worked faster02:21
SmalltalkWhat will you do on Christmas Eve?02:21
dugger5688doomrobo: Is the network WPA?02:21
gigaclonIs there a way to set GVim as my default editor? instead of GEdit?02:22
doomroboyes, WPA202:22
doomrobothere's GVim?02:23
gigaclonvim-gnome i believe02:23
gigaclonor the other way around02:23
doomrobono, you're right02:23
alicegiga, right click on file wanting to edit, and set it to remember02:23
dugger5688doomrobo: For some reason I have had crazy trouble on WPA2 networks and broadcom cards, is it an option to turn it off for awhile? Maybe turn on MAC address filtering in the meantime and see if that helps?02:24
gigaclonbut doesn't that only do that for that file extension? Can i do it for all?02:24
[thor]gigaclon: yeah, that does it for the selected file type02:24
dd_hwo do i get sun jre and skype?02:25
ascheelquick question.  Trying to kill sshd and whether I use init.d/ssh or if I kill it, it keep respawning.  I'm intentionally trying to stop sshd from running until I either start it or reboot.  What's causing it to restart?  10.10 desktop02:25
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.02:25
ubottuSSH is the Secure SHell protocol, sshd is the server (or daemon) of SSH. For setting up the SSH server, please see: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/openssh-server.html . Advanced SSH uses: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH/OpenSSH/Advanced . For SSH client information, see !ssh . Related: !scp (Secure CoPy)02:25
bastidrazorascheel: don't kill it, instead stop the service.. sudo service ssh stop02:26
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mannyuelhow can i enable my cpu and gpu sensors on a laptop? i tried searching for im-sensors in synatptic but there wasnt a package under that name02:27
ascheelbastidrazor: Thanks a ton.  :)  I always thought /etc/init.d/service_name did the same as 'service'02:27
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bastidrazorascheel: upstart has changed everything.. service controls all!02:28
ascheelbastidrazor: so it seemms!~02:29
dd_thor i need explicit directions - i have the partner repo enabled but synaptic can't find anything with java6 in the name02:29
BlueFish_does anyone know if there is a alternative to adobe or macromedia flash for linux???02:29
Rigorm0rtismannyuel: you want lm-sensors. with a lowercase L.02:29
ascheelcreating a script to kill EVERY service that listens on any port when I'm in airports, etc02:29
doomroboThe latency is still between 1 and 165 ms02:30
mannyueloh i thought it was an "I" lol02:30
dd_i need explicit directions how to download sun java6 jre - i have the partner repo enabled but synaptic can't find anything with java6 in the name02:30
Rigorm0rtisascheel: couldn't you just alter your firewall?02:30
alicemanny, hardware sensors monitor. it is an applet in panel02:31
BlueFish_i think its under open jdk java 6 runtime02:31
dd_i need explicit directions how to download sun java6 jre - i have the partner repo enabled but synaptic can't find anything with java6 in the name02:31
BlueFish_i think its under open jdk java 6 runtime02:31
doomroboremoving WPA2 doesn't make a difference02:32
dd_BlueFish_, that's not sun java02:32
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ZykoticK9dd_, after you added partner did you run "sudo apt-get update"02:32
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BlueFish_sorry im a noob just trying to help02:32
DILtry changing channel (1, 6, 11)02:33
Guest20238Hi! i made the stupid decision to upgrade to 11.04 ubuntu alpha and im having problems at the login page that flickers.02:33
alicemanny, sudo apt-get install sensors-applet02:33
ZykoticK9Guest20238, #ubuntu+1 for support of alpha versions02:33
Maahes!find libsqlite3.so.002:34
doomroboWhat channel width should I be using?02:34
ubottuFile libsqlite3.so.0 found in ia32-libs, libsqlite3-0, libsqlite3-0-dbg02:35
BlueFish_dd here is a link i just tried it and it worked hope thi helps http://www.java.com/en/download/help/linux_install.xml#install02:35
BuzzaCan someone help me out, Im trying to backup my pc WIN 7 to a backup partion then im going to delete the win 7 partions and install linux is there a linux live cd or an app work on live cd to erase my HDD completely not just format it (Tried GPARTED)02:35
s3rrishello. i need some help installing ubuntu. I can't figure out how to partition my HD without destroying my important stuff.02:35
doomroboAnd what channel should I be using02:35
Buzza<s3rris> I can help you02:36
s3rrisBuzza: can i PM you?02:36
DILchange from channel you are on now and see what happens02:37
dewwBuzza: did you want to do clean wipe of your hdd so data is not recoverable?02:37
Rigorm0rtisbuzza: to erase a drive/partition COMPLETELY, destroying all data on the disk, you could simply use cat /dev/zero >/dev/??? where ??? is your drive (or partition) to wipe.02:37
dd_anyone know how to get and use 'laptop mode'?02:38
MaahesRigorm0rtis: or you can use shred to do the same thing02:38
dd_anyone know how to get and use 'laptop mode'?02:39
Rigorm0rtisMaahes, by default, shred does three passes of random data, which is much slower than overwriting with zeroes.02:39
Maahesdd_: erm, it should already be installed as part of the power management apci suite, but there is an aditional util specifically called laptop-mode you can download via synaptic02:39
glitchdanyone know a way i can test teamviewer aside from connecting to someone?02:39
doomrobo@dd what's laptop mode?02:39
Rigorm0rtisMaahes, but yes, shred -n 0 -z /dev/?? would do the same thing.02:40
chaos2358is anyone in here familiar with minidlna? i had it set up before but had to do a clean re-install and lost it as well as all information pertaining to it and i cant find it again.02:40
doomrobo@dd do you mean netbook edition?02:40
Maahesbasically laptop mode is a few ascpi options.02:40
BuzzaRigorm0rtis: ok the problem i have had is i ran gparted and cleared the partions then it (the pc) booted to recovery as i was only removing 1 partition02:40
Ray2glitchd, Have you tried there program to test02:41
dd_Maahes, thx02:41
BuzzaRigorm0rtis: it then restored the partion02:41
chaos2358KM0201,  hey bud, you wouldnt by chance be famiiar with minidlna would you?02:41
KM0201chaos2358: uh... no.. never even heard of it02:41
MaahesRigorm0rtis: yeah I was looking to see if there was a gui program to point him at, to offset the chance he might specify the wrond hda....but I couldn't think of it, and was about to type the shred command when you beat me to it ^_^02:42
chaos2358KM0201,  its a dlna server which alows me to view the files on the computer easily from other network devices i.e. my androids.02:42
doomroboWhat is the best wireless band to use?02:42
glitchdRay2, lol no i didnt even see that on there, im gonna look right now02:42
KM0201chaos2358: yeah, i have no idea on that.. sorry02:43
chaos2358KM0201,  its cool. man just thought id ask02:43
Rigorm0rtisMaahes, oh, i forgot shred gives you progress too. I usually use pv (basically, cat with a progress bar) for wiping drives.02:43
KM0201chaos2358: yeah, sorry man02:43
DILyou have 1 6 or 11 you could be usng one that is saturated02:43
glitchdRay2, my problem is that when my friend connects to me, he gets a black screen. he can control my mouse and click things, he just cant see anything.02:43
chaos2358KM0201,  wasnt getting a response on it from anyone else in here02:43
FlozuzMozuzhow do i block all these alerts about people joining and leaving and so forth?02:43
KM0201chaos2358: :)02:43
FlozuzMozuzthey are driving me nuts02:43
glitchdRay2, but if i connect to him, i can see everything along with interact with his desktop02:43
abr4xasMerry Christmas ... :D02:43
Rigorm0rtisBuzza, is this the Windows recovery partition you're referring to?02:43
KM0201glitchd: if you wanna make it easy, just each of you download teamviewer... it's free, and works flawlessly02:44
glitchdRay2, ive tried uninstalling then reinstalling several times, to no avail02:44
Maahesdoomrobo: no "best". 802.11a is technically the best as far as going through walls is concerned. But otherwise use g, if you have a network that is all n though, use n02:44
glitchdKM0201, im having a problem with teamviewer02:44
glitchdKM0201, thats what im talking about02:44
KM0201glitchd: really?... i thought teamviewer was pretty well perfect02:44
glitchdKM0201, if u scroll up u will see that ive been in here for hours trying to figure this out02:44
ZykoticK9FlozuzMozuz, if you are using Xchat then right click on the #ubuntu channel on the left, Settings, Hide Join/Parts02:45
glitchdKM0201, for days n days n days really ive been tryin to figure this out02:45
KM0201glitchd: sorry, been helping someone install in private... haven't been following the channel02:45
glitchdKM0201, ive done everything i can think of to fix it02:45
FlozuzMozuzzykotick69 im using irssi02:45
glitchdKM0201, its ok02:45
KM0201glitchd: are you two running the same version of teamviewer?02:45
zefixnubuntu allows creating a raid level 10 by when selecting 2 devices - does that work - and do i really have the advantages of raid 10?02:45
glitchdKM0201, yes02:45
MaahesFlozuzMozuz: I only know how to do that in weechat. ^_^ try /join #irssi02:45
chaos2358is anyone in here familiar with minidlna?02:45
glitchdKM0201, i dont understand it, it worked before then it just stopped02:46
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, Short answer: no.02:46
FlozuzMozuzoh sorry forgot i was in #ubuntu, apologies for gumming this channel up02:46
zefixnRigorm0rtis: why not - i would agree with 0+1 but...02:46
Maahesyou'd need a lot of devices to get any benefit from raid1002:46
glitchdKM0201, he can connect and move the mouse and click things, he jus cant see anything because there is a black box where the desktop should be02:46
doomrobo@Maahes actually, I'm broadcasting on all 302:46
sirscottwith vnc4server, when I connect with a client and press the "d" key, I get the desktop.  It's almost as if there's a key press being registered that isn't happening.  any ideas?02:46
glitchdKM0201, i have reinstalled numerous times already to see if that was the problem02:47
zefixnMaahes: until today i thought you would need at least 402:47
doomroboI, for the life of me, cannot figure out what the problem is02:47
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, with just two devices you're either getting just raid 1 i believe. so while you get redundancy, you don't get the speed of raid 0.02:47
glitchdKM0201, nd we both have the exact same package of teamviewer02:47
glitchdKM0201, so im really at a loss as to what to do next02:47
Maahesreally for personal use there's not much reason to go beyond 3 unless you have 5 or more drives.02:47
KM0201glitchd: are you confident the problem is on your end, and not his?02:47
doomroboshould I turn SPI firewall off?02:47
glitchdKM0201, well i can see his desktop just fine, he just cant see mine, although he can control everything02:48
cdose1why is iptables.h missing in Lucid's iptables-dev package?02:48
KM0201that is strange02:48
glitchdKM0201, is there a way to check and see if its his side?02:48
zefixnRigorm0rtis: what would be if you would split up your 2 disks into 4 partitions disk 1/1 disk 1/2.... and mirror disk 1/1 with disk 2/1 and then create a stripe set over these two raid 1s?02:48
KM0201glitchd: i dunno, just seems like you've tried everything on your end, curious if its on his.02:48
glitchdKM0201, it could be, but i dont know how to find out if it is his side or not02:49
Maaheszefixn: primarily the reason you can do that is this: If you need to be able to, for any reason, separately create an array at the same raid level for a small number of drives, and then join them to an existing array, as separate actions02:49
KM0201glitchd: if you want, i'll try to connect to you, see if there's a problem02:49
glitchddo u know if there is a setting that could effect that particular thing?02:49
glitchdKM0201, that would be great02:49
KM0201glitchd: PM me your info02:49
Maahes!find lucid iptables.h02:49
ubottuiptables.h is not a valid distribution: hardy, hardy-backports, hardy-proposed, jaunty, jaunty-backports, jaunty-proposed, karmic, karmic-backports, karmic-proposed, kubuntu-backports, kubuntu-experimental, kubuntu-updates, lucid, lucid-backports, lucid-proposed, maverick, maverick-backports, maverick-proposed, medibuntu, natty, natty-backports, natty-proposed, partner, stable, testing, unstable02:49
Maahes!find iptables.h lucid02:50
ubottuFile iptables.h found in doc-linux-ja-html, doc-linux-nonfree-html, focalinux-html, linux-headers-2.6.31-10-rt, linux-headers-2.6.31-11-rt, linux-headers-2.6.32-21-generic, linux-headers-2.6.32-21-preempt, linux-headers-2.6.32-21-server, linux-headers-2.6.32-22-generic, linux-headers-2.6.32-22-preempt (and 29 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=iptables.h&mode=&suite=lucid&arch=any02:50
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Rigorm0rtiszefixn, no, because the point of raid0 is using several _devices'_ speed. If you used partitions, the constant seeking required would drastically reduce the array's performance.02:50
zefixnMaahes: you want to say if i choose raid 10 for two disks im running raid 1?02:50
zefixnRigorm0rtis: doesn't sound very logical to me02:51
cdose1Maahes: it was moved?  in previous version of ubuntu is was in iptables-dev...02:51
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, how so?02:51
Ray2glitchd, You can connect to teamviews computer by using 12345 for id and 6876 for password02:51
zefixnRigorm0rtis: i get extra performance if i use a stripe set over two tiny partitions on more than 1 disk02:52
zefixnRigorm0rtis: not only when using entire disks02:52
Maaheszefixn: no, say you already have an array of 5 disks, and for some reason do not want to or can't stitch in an unformatted addition to the array, or if for say: two disks in an array get corrupted and lose their place in the array, rebuilding the array structure for just those two. Generally speaking you should almost never have to do it this way, but its there in case you need tol.02:53
dd_how do i use laptop mode to limit disk writes?02:53
Maahescdose1: It does kind of make sense to move it into the kernel headers though.02:53
doomrobois there any other channel I should go to for help?02:54
chaos2358KM0201,  hey bud i found what i was looking for. If you do any media sharing its a good option. here is the link just in case you want it, or just want to read up on it, http://scognito.wordpress.com/2009/11/18/streaming-movies-and-music-from-ubuntu-to-xbox360/ the instruction is to set up for an xbox 360 but it works with anything that pulls media from your network.02:54
zefixnMaahes: sorry but raid 10 with 5 disks? 4 + 1 spare?02:54
KM0201thanks chaos2358 i'll check it out02:54
chaos2358KM0201,  yep no prob02:55
Maaheszefixn: It's possible to stitch in a relatively large number of disks into a raid array IIRC02:55
doomroboMy latency is radical and spiking like crazy. What can be the cause of that?02:55
Maahesdoomrobo: well if you don't need to. Turn off a and b, and try switching channels.02:56
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, i might be misunderstanding what you're trying to do. From my take you're trying to create a raid0 on a single disk with two partitions, do this to another disk, and then combine these two disks into a raid1 array in order to create a raid10 array. Am I right?02:57
arooniis there an awesome slideshow app i can use to show off my photos to my parents?  is picasa the best for this?02:57
sagaciis jaunty EOL?02:57
doomrobomade it G-only, which is what my old router was02:58
alicearooni, eog is simple02:58
DILMany wireless products in the U.S. ship with a default Wi-Fi channel of 6. If encountering interference from other devices within the home, consider changing the channel up or down to avoid it. Note that all Wi-Fi devices on the network must use the same channel.02:58
doomroboactually, it was 2 separate ssid's for a and b02:58
Maahesarooni: no best, there's a couple other's available too. synaptic search 'slideshow'02:59
Maahesheh, my favorite slideshow image viewer is pornview02:59
chaos2358quick question. how do i get root access to copy files using windows?? example. i am trying to move parts of a downloaded file to the /etc/ and the /usr/ folders but want to do it outside of terminal by dragging and dropping02:59
doomrobo@Maahes God bless you02:59
zefixnRigorm0rtis: i dont want do invent something new - i just want to understand what ubuntu is doing and if it would work and if how....02:59
doomroboG-only works perfectly02:59
Maahesdoomrobo: de nada :)03:00
KM0201chaos2358: gksudo nautilus03:00
doomroboWhy is that?03:00
Maahesdoomrobo: correcting setting up a 3 spectrum wireless network can be a pain.03:00
chaos2358KM0201,  type that into terminal?03:00
KM0201chaos2358: affirmative03:00
chaos2358KM0201,  gracias03:00
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MaahesI mean its not impossible, but some devices don't manage it well.03:00
Maaheslike for instance: latency balancing :)03:01
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, if you select a raid10 array for two devices, you get the equivalent of a raid 1 array because there are not enough devices for a raid 1+0 array.03:01
doomrobothank you very much, I enjoy these experiences, but only in retrospect.03:01
zefixnRigorm0rtis: i thought it could work like createing sda1, sda2, sdb1, sdb2 - create raid 1 over sda1 and sdb1 getting md0 - create raid 1 over sda2 and sdb2 getting md1 - create raid 0 over md0 and md103:01
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, no, because RAIDs are based on devices and are not typically concerned with partitions.03:02
zefixnRigorm0rtis: not true03:02
zefixnRigorm0rtis: do you speak about physical devices?03:03
chaos2358KM0201,  that opened up a root folder but when i try to drag the minidlna.config file over to /etc/ it still gives me the following error: Extraction not performed. You do not have the right permissions to extract archives in the folder "file;///etc"03:03
zefixnRigorm0rtis: if not partitions are represented in form of a device in unix systems03:03
KM0201chaos2358: if you're int he root file browser, that should let you do that03:04
Rigorm0rtisi'm not saying you can't create a raid by striping partitions on the same device, i'm saying it's not a good idea. And when I say device, I mean the physical device.03:04
Guest20238how can i enable auto-login from terminal?03:04
Maaheschaos2358: gksudo nautilus03:04
zefixnRigorm0rtis: i never said i want to stripe partitions on same device03:04
darkwurmRigorm0rtis: You can do it on partitions, however it mostly defeats the point of having raid in the first place.03:05
chaos2358KM0201,  ok maybe im doing something wrong. i used the root file browser to get into the /etc/ folder then from the "downloads" folder i opened i click and drag the .config file into the root folder?03:05
Rigorm0rtisdarkwurm, that's what I was trying to say.03:05
KM0201chaos2358: what iw ould do.. is in the root folder, navigate to /home/username/downloads.. right cick/copy the file you need03:06
Maaheschaos2358: this is two different machines? or 1?03:06
Rigorm0rtiszefixn, sorry for misunderstanding you then.03:06
KM0201chaos2358: then go back to your destination flder, in the same root file browser.03:06
KM0201and paste it03:06
chaos2358KM0201,  just one and i get what you are saying let me try that03:06
Maahesand are you using two different nautiluses?03:06
KM0201chaos2358: ok03:06
bettscould any  can help with ffmpeg?03:06
zefixnRigorm0rtis: i'm sorry03:06
Maahesbetts: be more specific03:06
darkwurmNautili :P03:06
bettssimple jobs, convert wmv file to mp303:07
Maahesdarkwurm: two "large slow and memory hogging file browsers" :P03:07
zefixnOther question then why is a copy via ssh in nautilus about 300kb/s when getting 1.1mb/s via scp from same source - similar effect for ftp sessions03:07
dd_i'm tryiing to use brasero to write to a blank cd.  it says there is no cd in the drive, yet cd creator sees it just fine.  what am i overlooking?03:07
darkwurmMaahes: ^^ so true.03:07
bettsthe method on the net didnot work properly03:07
Maahesbetts: you wouldn't use ffmpeg directly for that, you'd use an multimedia program like VLC to do it.03:08
Maahesand if your .wmv file has DRM, it will not convert, just fyi03:08
dd_i'm tryiing to use brasero to write to a blank cd.  it says there is no cd in the drive, yet cd creator sees it just fine.  what am i overlooking?03:08
bettsi want the audio only03:09
chaos2358KM0201,  good deal thanks03:09
KM0201chaos2358: :)  glad it worked03:09
Maahesbetts: there's several programs to do what you want, I don't know what one handles wmv off the top of my head you might try synaptic: search -> wmv03:09
dd_i'm tryiing to use brasero to write to a blank cd.  it says there is no cd in the drive, yet cd creator sees it just fine.  what am i overlooking?03:10
chaos2358KM0201,  ok feel like one more? lol03:10
KM0201sure.. shoot03:10
Maahesdd_: any chance you have both of those open at the same time?03:10
KM0201metaphorically speaking of course03:10
Maahesyou might also try lsof /cdrom03:11
dd_Maahes, i checked that - no03:11
theophilus7777Hey guys... I have a question. I have two or more desktops hooked up to a wired router, and a laptop that I'd like to access network via wifi. I have a wifi dongle that I've been using on WinXP to share the internet via bridging the LAN and WLAN cards on the desktop... I'd like to make the same setup with my Ubuntu desktop, and found https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Router , and thought that it was along the lines of what I was03:11
Guest20238how do i enter another partition in terminal? i don't know the linux command for that03:11
bettsi donot if if has drm, i just want to extract the audio from the wmv file03:11
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theophilus7777Guest20238, is it an already mounted partition?03:12
MaahesGuest20238:  are both partions on the same drive?03:12
Maahesand yeah theophilus7777's question03:12
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Buzzadeww: no i didnt thats why im looking for a live cd/dvd to di it now03:12
chaos2358KM0201,  ok you know i have the 250 gig ntfs partition mounted as shared storage for my multi media between windows and ubuntu. well i have to edit the .config file of mini dlna to point to the folders in that mounted ntfs partition. how do i get the directory for that?03:12
dd_i'm tryiing to use brasero to write to a blank cd.  it says there is no cd in the drive, yet cd creator sees it just fine.  what am i overlooking?03:12
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root_Hello everyone I have some problems with merekat and I need some tech support if possible. I am not a n00b when it comes to ubuntu at all. If someone could please PM me it would be greatly appreciated.03:12
chaos2358KM0201,  and by directory i mean /home/this/that/and/thethird/03:12
Maahesbetts: I know, there are a programs to do just that. Actually there's a website that'll do it provided the wmv file isn't huge03:13
BuzzaRigorm0rtis: yes it was the windows partion03:13
KM0201chaos2358: if its in home, and its hidden.. just lcick View, and "Hidden folders".. and you should be able to find it03:13
chaos2358KM0201,  ok let me check03:13
MaahesWhat KM0201 said except press ctrl+h03:13
Maahesinstead of using the menu :P03:13
* KM0201 HATES keyboard shortcuts..lol03:14
theophilus7777Guest20238: if it's mounted, try "cd /media/" then "ls", and if you see it do "cd <drive name>"03:14
Guest20238ok thanks!!03:14
bettsthe question is that there are lots of wmv files and everyone is huge03:14
BuzzaI took out both partions i dual boot windows 7 and vista I took out vista with GPARTED MADGIC and restarted it errored so i rebuild the MBR with command prompt then it recovered the vista partion03:14
root_Does anyone have a vast know ledge of ubuntu that could helpme in PM please?03:14
MaahesKM0201: ....*o_O*.... you are a strange human being.03:14
twobitspritegood evening/etc03:14
KM0201Maahes: i hate em03:15
Rigorm0rtisBuzza, if you're recoving the mbr it might be restoring the old partition table too03:15
Maahesroot_: just ask your question specifically, no one is going to volunteer to help you with that question, because even someone with a vast knowledge doesn't know a good deal.03:15
root_ok thx maahes03:15
twobitspriteI'm trying to use rhythmbox in lucid to manage my ipod, but for some reason it won't let me delete items from the ipod03:15
chaos2358KM0201,  ok it isnt in my /home/ as a hidden file. with it being mounted, in the nautilus file browser it shows up in the "places" window seperate from everything else.03:15
MaahesKM0201: they're quite a bit faster and more efficient than using the mouse :P. (I hate using the mouse and structure every aspect of the desktop to be as keyboard driven as possible)03:15
twobitspriteIf I right click on the artist or album in the ipod, nothing comes up, and if I right click the song in the listing, the "remove" and "move to trash" items are both greyed out03:15
dd_i'm tryiing to use brasero to write to a blank cd.  it says there is no cd in the drive, yet cd creator sees it just fine.  what am i overlooking?03:16
KM0201chaos2358: give me just a second, i got like 5 questions getting PMd to me right now.. and i'll try to figure it out.. unless someone else can.. maybe Maahes can help you03:16
bettsi trid once , but the extracted mp3 file cannot be played on my phone Nokia 270003:16
chaos2358KM0201,  ok dude dont want to overload you.03:16
root_ok sometime when I go to install things through apt-get I get various "lock" then when I erase the locks It says that I have to do a "apt-get --configure -a" I do that and then it still doesnt work. So I reset hte machine and it works. Also my session indicator applet says i am root when I obviously logged in as my common username? any ideas?03:17
chaos2358Maahes, wanna help me get the right directory path to a mounted ntfs partition that i use to store multimedia so it can be accesed by either of my os?03:17
Guest20238I can't enter /etc/X11 from terminal? it says that there is no files in the directory or it does not exist. but I see it!!!03:17
Maaheschaos2358: often separate partitions are mounted to /media/partition03:18
KM0201chaos2358: a media directory.. is usually under /media03:18
root_Hense the reason my nick says root_03:18
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root_Also sometimes when it does seem that apt-get goes through it will get stuck and be stuck for hours.03:18
root_I am using ubuntu 10.10 x8603:19
root_any ideas maahes?03:19
Maahesroot_: well apt having lock file issues is usually because something killed apt before it was done.03:19
root_oh ok03:19
MaahesAs for session indicator. What do you mean by session indicator?03:20
Maaheswhat program exactly.03:20
chaos2358Maahes, KM0201 ok its there. last thing i promise. so when i am editing this .config file i will point it to "/media/mpoint/thefile-i-want-shared/ "mpoint is the partition name.03:20
root_also you know that applet that is at the far right of the top panel it says root as well not my normal screen name03:20
darkwurmroot_: create a new user03:20
root_also when installing I never press ctrl c03:20
root_thx darkwurm03:20
KM0201chaos2358: pretty sure.. yes03:20
Maahesalso.... why are you logging in as root?03:20
root_have you ever heard of this?03:20
root_Im not logging in as root03:20
chaos2358KM0201,  ok thanx. just wanted to make sure03:21
root_I am logging in as my common username it just says root when i log in03:21
ZykoticK9root_, in a terminal what does "whoami" return?03:21
root_I am not new to linux I never user root I use sudo03:21
root_ok one sec03:21
root_thx guys03:21
root_whoami says root03:22
darkwurmhes obviously logged in as root, hence is /whois return ;)03:22
Maaheschaos2358: yes, unless you've done wonky things with partitions, that should be the case.03:22
Maahesroot_: you are running as root then03:22
root_So Ishould make a new account then right?03:22
thetravok, getting pretty close to having this netbook back online now, got ubuntu netbook remix installed on it, just can't get the touchscreen working03:22
sync3timesroot_,   grep for your username in  /etc/passwd   if your userid there is zero you are root03:22
darkwurmhis account has been altered somehow03:22
root_ok one sec03:22
thetravis there a command I can run to get the touchscreen hardware info so I can look for a driver?03:22
CarlFKthetrav: try lsusb03:23
twobitspriteanyone here use rhythmbox to manage an ipod? I'm having some problems with it03:23
thetravthanks Carl03:23
twobitspritenamely that I can't seem to delete songs from it03:23
chaos2358KM0201,  no wonky things. i just have a music, pics, videos, and document folders inside the partition and i have to edit 4 lines of the .config to point to /media/mpoint/each-of-those-folders/ so that my tv and androids will pick it up.03:23
root_it is very wierd because before my last reboot the applet kept switching from jshmoe24 which is my username to root over and over again03:23
sync3timestwobitsprite,  I like gtkpod   its simpler and works great03:23
root_very strange03:24
KM0201chaos2358: yeah, i do the same thing actually03:24
darkwurmProbably during a failed update hence the wanky locked files.03:24
chaos2358KM0201,  really? what do you use if not minidlna?03:24
root_not only that but I have been having problems with apt-get installs failing and getting stuck03:24
twobitspritesync3times: thanks, but I'd like something that ties in to a music player03:24
CarlFKthetrav: this is over a year old, but here are some notes I took: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/TouchScreen0903:24
twobitspriteand I like rhytmbox03:24
root_grepping as we speek03:24
KM0201chaos2358: well, what i mean, is i keep all my  media and crap, ona separate partition.03:24
darkwurmroot_: create a new user and try your updates from there03:24
twobitspritesync3times: di you have a recommendation for a different media player that syncs with ipods?03:24
sync3timestwobitsprite, ties in?  It talks and transfers files to the ipod,  what more tiein do you need?03:25
chaos2358 KM0201 oh ok i thought you meant you had a DLNA server setup to share it on the network03:25
root_ok darkwurm thats sounds like the best idea thx for your guys help by the way too DX03:25
twobitspritesync3times: i.e., I can drag artists and albums etc without worrying about paths and filenames03:25
KM0201chaos2358: no no.. i just use samba for that03:25
root_thank god for the community03:25
Guest20238I can't enter /etc/X11 from terminal? it says that there is no files in the directory or it does not exist. but I see it!!!03:25
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Maahesthere's a few reasons this can happen, files getting overwritten because of a crash, rootkit, a bad user/group command03:25
sync3timestwobitsprite, ah, ok.  i dont use mine that way03:25
ZykoticK9Guest20238, are you using a capital X in X11?03:26
Guest20238capital X03:26
twobitspritesync3times: yeah, I used to be miticulous about keeping my mp3s organized by folders and filenames, etc, but I just have too many to do that with any more. hence why I want a music manager, not a file transfer thing03:26
SyntaXeI am looking for to change my server platform from Archlinux to Ubuntu, but I am wondering whats the diffrence on the 10.04 and 10.10, server point of view.03:26
ZykoticK9Guest20238, could you give the output of "ls -ld /etc/X11/"03:27
Guest20238ZykoticK9: capital X03:27
oxoocoffeeI have problem receiving multicast on one of my nic's. running iptables. Is there something that I need to enable to enable receive?03:27
MaahesSyntaXe: easiest way to find that out is look at the changelog for 10.10 server03:27
R1cocheti read somewhere that you can use a wireless bridge to connect to a wireless network. I understand that the bridge will connect to the wireless network, and connecting my own PC to the bridge i will be able to connect to the wireless network. Is this true?03:27
MaahesR1cochet: yes. however I'm of no use because I've never done it03:28
Guest20238ZykoticK9: this is what i am getting "drwxr-xr-x 9 root root 367 2009-10-28 21:05 /etc/X1103:28
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Guest20238ZykoticK9: im still not in X1003:28
R1cochetMaahes, thank you. I have one problem though. I dont have access to the initial router but do have the wireless key. Will it be hard to setup?03:29
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alazyworkaholicI'm trying to image a disk across a network using nc (netcat) & dd. It's not working. I think the problem is that the port I'm trying to use isn't open. I get "nc: connect to port 1010 (tcp) failed: Connection refused" after running "sudo dd if=/dev/sda1 | nc 1010 -v". Help?03:29
myth20how do i connect to owa using thunderbird03:29
ZykoticK9Guest20238, looks fine to me?  sorry i have no idea.  best of luck.03:29
Guest20238thanks though03:29
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, output of: cd /etc/X1103:30
Maahesalazyworkaholic: do you have something listening on 1010?03:30
myth20can anyone hlpe03:30
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, do it over ssh?03:30
Maahesalso yeah, ssh is a better option03:30
fms6468alazyworkahilic: open port in the router?03:30
alazyworkaholicMaahes: yes I ran "sudo nc | p 1010 | dd of=/home/alan/chuckbackup.dd" on the receiving computer that's @
Sensivahello whenever I quit xchat I get a message about a crash from bug buddy with this report http://pastebin.com/mMWGHNBA any ideas why it crashes?03:31
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   need the -L to listen03:31
Guest20238UnholyTerror:  bash: cd: /etc/X10: No such file or directory03:31
MaahesGuest20238: there is no such thing as X1003:32
ZykoticK9Guest20238, X1103:32
justinstallhi, can someone point me to a list of nm icons and their meaning?03:32
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, X1103:32
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   use   netstat -ant to see if you are listening on the port you need to listen on03:32
alazyworkaholicso on the receiving end I should run: "sudo nc | p 1010 | dd of=/home/alan/chuckbackup.dd -L" ?03:32
MaahesNot for many years unless your job is really unfortunate should you have been able to run into X1003:32
Maahesalazyworkaholic: proably nc -L03:33
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   netstat -L 1010    >  /home/alan/chuck.dd03:33
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, sorry     nc  -L  101003:33
twobitspriteok, so, now I'm trying to use my ipod with banshee, but it still opens rhythmbox whenever I plug it in. I changed the multimedia played in the "preferred applications" window, but it still does it.03:33
twobitspritehow do I change the default application for handling my ipod?03:33
quiescensnc -l03:33
Maahestwobitsprite: preferred applications03:33
quiescensnot -L03:33
MaahesI believe.03:33
quiescensalso, nc -l -p 101003:33
Guest20238I'm looking for Xorg.conf   I can't find it in X1103:33
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   and choose a port above 102403:34
MaahesGuest20238: are you using 10.10?03:34
alazyworkaholicI got nc: Permission denied03:34
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, there may not be one03:34
alazyworkaholicafter nc -l 101003:34
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, your port number is restricted    use 1024+03:34
alazyworkaholicok, will try03:34
Maahesif you are using 10.10 there is no xorg.conf and you don't need one03:34
quiescensusing |'s with sudo is.. troublesome03:34
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, and its xorg.conf if there is, not Xorg.conf03:34
twobitspriteMaahes: did you read what I said?03:34
Guest20238Maahes: im on live cd. Trying to fix my hard drive ubuntu with the flickering login page03:34
justinstallcan someone point me to a list of network manager icons and their meaning?03:35
Maahestwobitsprite: sorry sorry. Um try nautilus "Default actions"03:35
DamonI have a laptop with intel gma3150, can someone help me setup xorg.conf? Its a minimal install and I have xorg and xserver and all that installed along with intel video driver but I cant get startx to bring up anything03:35
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, what type of computer and graphics card?03:35
MaahesI don't know where exactly that is in nautilus.03:35
Maahes!find xorg.conf03:36
ubottuFile xorg.conf found in classmate-tools, libsyntax-highlight-engine-kate-perl, sandbox-upgrader, virtualbox-ose-guest-x11, xresprobe, xserver-xorg-core, xserver-xorg-input-evdev, xserver-xorg-input-evtouch, xserver-xorg-input-gevdev, xserver-xorg-input-joystick (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=xorg.conf&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any03:36
madmike117So, I have 3 seperate 1TB disks. I had Ubuntu and Win 7. I hadn't used Win in over a year, however I installed Ubuntu using the Wubi Utility (Why? I have no idea). Regardless, I decided to free up the space from the old dedicated Win Disk and formatted it forgetting it was what contained the Boot Manager. So upon reboot today I got the Boot manager not found. The first thing I did was go into bios and make the Ubuntu disk the primary and instead of Boot MA03:36
myth20how do i connect to owa 2003 using thunderbird03:37
jmateI have a Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR with a tv monitor from fortec. I am unable to get the resolution to go above 800x600 using xrandr. It said something about the resolution not being in the range or something. I can't remember.03:37
MaahesGuest20238: you would add an entry into the /etc/X11/login.conf with the bit of xorg code you want.03:37
thetravhmm, looks like lsusb isn't going to work03:37
thetravit's a crazy no brand netbook03:37
Guest20238UnholyTerror: Sony Vaio with intel video card integrated03:37
thetravthat's the brand03:37
twobitspriteMaahes: got it... it was under edit/preferences/media. thanks03:37
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, and what is the problem?03:37
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i see though xorg.conf.save   in X1103:37
thetravis there any other way to interrogate the system for devices attached?03:37
thetravextremely little information online03:37
thetravnot even a manufacturer03:37
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, don't start messing around just yet...03:37
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DamonI have a laptop with intel gma3150, can someone help me setup xorg.conf? Its a minimal install and I have xorg and xserver and all that installed along with intel video driver but I cant get startx to bring up anything03:37
Maahestwobitsprite: np :)03:37
Maahesthetrav: lspci lsw03:37
bastidrazorthetrav: sudo lshw  will list everything attached03:37
Guest20238UnholyTerror: the problem is that my login screen is flickering and I can't get passed that flickering screen03:38
thetravthanks guys03:38
Maaheslshw I mean :)03:38
myth20hi guys03:38
wyclifErm, Nautilus is kind of bloated. Going back to PCMan.03:38
Maahes'sup myth20 ,  how you is? :P03:38
bastidrazorthetrav: read the manpage for how to show specific things so you don't have to dig through the entire output03:38
myth20just wondering if it is possible to connect owa 2003 using thunderbird03:38
sync3timesDamon,    try  <as root>     Xorg   -configure      it should generate a skeleton  xorg.conf in roots home directory03:38
myth20hi Maahes03:38
jshmoe24Hello everyone this is root_03:38
myth20please help03:38
Maaheswyclif: pcman is crashy though, might try roxfiler03:38
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, you mean you can't login or you just don't like the flickering?03:39
Maahesheyas jshmoe2403:39
jshmoe24I managed to fix my problem by making a new panel03:39
bastidrazorGuest20238: you're using 11.04 .. you should ask in #ubuntu+103:39
Maahesmyth20: until you ask a question I don't know if I can help you.03:39
Damonsync3times, I tried that then tried Xorg -configure xorg.conf.new and it just brings up a black screen nothing on it, I have to hit ctrl alt f1 and ctrl c to get it to go away03:39
jshmoe24everything is good now thx for your help maahes03:39
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i can't login because the login box is flickering.03:39
jshmoe24and everyone else03:39
myth20maahes: just wondering if it is possible to connect owa 2003 using thunderbird03:39
satheeshhow to install boot loader03:39
jshmoe24Now I have one more question03:39
Maahesjshmoe24: de nada :)03:39
adv0catehello room03:40
Maahesmyth20: owa?03:40
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satheeshhow to install grub loader03:40
Guest20238bastidrazor: ubuntu+1 have no clue about it.03:40
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sync3timesDamon,   xorg.conf.new   at the end seem wrong?     does that file exist ?03:40
myth20maahes: Outlook Web Access03:40
Guest20238i asked them03:40
jshmoe24Is there a program for ubuntu that allows me to make high quality pdf documents?03:40
Damonsync3times, i just checked in the /root directory is a file called xorg.conf.net03:40
bastidrazorGuest20238: this channel is goign to know less considering 11.04 is Alpha.. Alpha is going to break.03:40
Damonsync3times, i mean xorg.conf.new03:40
sync3timesDamon:    try now   Xorg -config   Xorg.conf.new03:41
MaahesOooh...my default answer is possibly not unless owa has an option to serve as imap or pop3. Evolution I know has support for exchange's protocol03:41
jshmoe24I am actually looking  for a program that is specifically used for making high quaility pdf documents It would be greatly appreciated03:41
Damonsync3times, I tryed it without sudo says it needs to be ran as root, so I run it as root and it just brings up a black screen nothing on it no mouse pointer etc03:41
sync3timesDamon      try   ctrl-alt-backspace to  get out of the black screen03:41
Maahesjshmoe24: Scribus or Lyx03:41
jshmoe24cool thx again m803:41
MaahesScribus for making multimedia documents03:42
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, why are you on 11.04?03:42
DasEijshmoe24: you can use pdfedit or openoffice, save as pdf03:42
MaahesLyX for making Essays and such03:42
sync3timesDamon,  you are almost there.     put the  xorg.conf.new   in   /etc/X11/xorg.conf    and run     xinit03:42
jshmoe24I can always count on this channel. Ubuntu FTW03:42
jshmoe24when I go to openoffice it doesn't give me the opion of savingto pdf do I need a plugin?03:42
jshmoe24directed at BAsEi03:42
Lastso i cant seem to download the newest version its downloads some them times out and stops ? any idea why ? i think my net could be being lame but idk.03:43
UnholyTerrorjshmoe24, what's do you mean high quality? what's wrong with print to pdf?03:43
myth20just wondering if it is possible to connect owa 2003 using thunderbird03:43
jshmoe24well what i mean by high quaility is a program specifically for making pdf documents03:43
jshmoe24without all the other bells and whistles03:44
Maahesbuh? I'm pretty sure Openoffice does pdf by default if you scroll for "save as"03:44
alexanderam i here?03:44
DasEijshmoe24: http://tinyurl.com/xn6z03:44
alexanderoh wait03:44
jshmoe24let me check thanks guys.03:44
alexanderi dont want my real name03:44
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i saw the update button on updates manager... i clicked on it without knowing what i was getting into. dang it!03:44
hd1no, it's under Export, Maahes03:44
Guest20238lighta: what's MONTREAL?!!!03:44
Guest20238lighta: WHATS UP!03:44
jshmoe24funny BasEi :) I rofled at that03:44
DasEialexander: /nick SomeName,  further info in #freenode03:44
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Maahesjshmoe24: just for editing pdfs: pdfedit. for making things like brochures etc: Scribus. For making really nicely typsetted documents without actually having to learn LaTeX: LyX03:45
jshmoe24cool thx03:45
MaahesBe warned: Installing LyX is 700mb03:45
DasEijshmoe24: np, nick is DasEi03:45
jshmoe24see ya and thx again03:45
DasEijshmoe24:Lyx is more advanced03:45
jshmoe24oh my god pure_hate is on hte ubuntu forums shouldn't he be on the backtrack-linux forums. jk03:46
MaahesLyX is also easy to use.03:46
Maahes<3 LyX03:46
sync3timeswhats pure_hate03:46
Lasti kno installing it is that big but i cant seem to download it all the way. idk why ? i using windows now.  and i clicked download it says 600 some mb but only gets to say 123mb and stops03:46
jshmoe24well i guess seeing how backtrack is based on ubntu i can see why.... hahah03:46
MaahesI write up things in vim and then typeset them in lyx ^_^03:46
pure_hatejshmoe24, I am in many channels03:46
UnholyTerrorjshmoe24, OO->File->Export to PDF03:46
Damonsync3times, I did the xinit as a normal user I got something about errors from xkbcomp are not fatal to the x server then...waiting for X server to to shutdown ddxSigGiveUp: Closing log03:46
jshmoe24you are a god in the pentest community keep up the great work03:46
jshmoe24directed at pureh@te03:47
MaahesLast: what are you downloading?03:47
MaahesAnd what web browser are you using?03:47
gabe__hello, I'd like to know if it's possible to have wlan0 and eth0 interfaces working at the same time and if so, how?03:47
jshmoe24@pureh@te, I am loving bt4r2 nice work03:47
sync3timesDamon,   look in  /var/log/X*   and see if there are x server error logs there03:47
Lastthe iso from the actual website. and im using Foxfire03:47
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, what exactly is happening at login, you can't type to get in?03:47
jshmoe24thx unholyterror03:47
pure_hatejshmoe24, Thanks man but I am just a regular geek like evey one else03:47
sync3timesDamon,    you do have xterm installed right?03:47
DasEigabe__: it is, configure it in /etc/network/interfaces03:48
skraitoanyone from asia here ?03:48
MaahesLast: Download this extension: DownThemAll! use that to download the iso03:48
jshmoe24oh yea late congradulations on your wedding :)03:48
DasEi!wireless | gabe__03:48
ubottugabe__: Wireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs03:48
gabe__wlan0 is connected to my ISP's network, it's what I use for internet access and eth0 is connected to a private network where I have a lab environment: routers, switches, and two servers03:48
rootmorning all03:48
=== root is now known as Guest47901
Guest20238UnholyTerror: I see a normal login screen but the login box flickers white. the rest of the background is normal. I can't click on my user name.03:48
Guest47901im form indonesia03:48
Damonsync3times, yes thats intalled and it says in the log about no input driver/identifier specificed(ignoring) aiglx: suspending aiglx clients for vt switch03:48
jshmoe24hope the ball and chain doesnt keep you away from you computer though <sadface>03:48
gabe__DasEi: I did it there, but when I'm using them both, I can't get to the Internet03:49
skraitogua juga orang indo03:49
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, can you press ENTER?03:49
Guest47901gimna ganti  nama bro?03:49
MaahesI once lived pretty close to chinatown ^_^03:49
DasEigabe__: ic, please put nick in answers, ah yes; how did you set them up ? static/dhcp ?03:49
skraitotype /nick nicklu03:49
Guest47901ok ane coba03:49
Lastum im confused what extension like i said im new and use windows at the moment.03:49
=== Guest47901 is now known as rihack
rihackternyata sama kyaka irc biasa03:50
jshmoe24@pureh@te, I know this sounds corny but your videos got me into penetration testing and it has truely become a passion. Whitehat of course03:50
gabe__DasEi: static for eth0 and dhcp for wlan003:50
rihacksalam kenal skraito03:50
jshmoe24Anyway for hte last time I am out l8r folks :)03:50
DasEijshmoe24: it's pure_hate03:50
Maahesjshmoe24: tscheuss!03:50
gabe__DasEi: when I'm using the lab, I won't be able to get to the Internet even though I can ping my ISP's router03:51
jshmoe24well pureh@te was his old handle if you knew him from before03:51
Guest20238UnholyTerror: nope, doesn't work. i tried it.03:51
jshmoe24kinda reminescent03:51
Damonsync3times, what happen to the old xorg that was a lot easier to use lol03:51
gabe__ubottu: thanks for the link, I'll read it :)03:51
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:51
DasEigabe__: check your /etc/resoolv.conf03:51
skraitoanyone from asia ?03:51
DasEigabe__: check your /etc/resolv.conf03:51
Maahes....everyone with the name of Guest##### please type /nick whatever_nick_you_want03:52
jshmoe24man if we could get balding_eagle on here it would be the lulz03:52
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, is there an accessibility icon at the bottom of the screen?03:52
jshmoe24great community none the less03:52
gabe__DasEi: do you want me to past it here?03:52
DasEigabe__: there should be gateway set03:52
DasEigabe__: sudo apt-get install pastebinit03:53
DasEigabe__: pastebinit /etc/resolv.conf03:53
MaahesI think there should be two ubottu auto responders, one that looks for 'best' in a sentence and does !best | that person. and another that immediately pings all Guests to change their nick.03:53
Guest20238UnholyTerror: nope. no accessibility icon03:53
LastHey Maahes what extension im lost. like i said im a windows use and want to test linux cause i like the look of it and other reasons03:54
DasEiLast: firefox ?03:54
MaahesLast: firefox extension. It's called DownThemAll!03:54
DasEiLast: firefox > addons >search..03:54
MaahesIt is your friend.03:54
Maahesyou will love it.03:54
gabe__DasEi: http://pastebin.com/6Hq4Kn4p03:54
jihedamineHi, Is it possible to disable kernel mode setting in maverick while still being able to launch gdm ?03:54
needlezanyone know how to fix an issue with totem and the power manager why it wont let the computer go into sleep mode if totem is open??03:54
bonjoyeejihedamine: what video card?03:55
LastLOL okie all right it could be my net tho i have really lame satllite net but alright.03:55
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, try to use a previous kernel during boot.03:55
needlezvideo card is 310M nvidia03:55
jihedaminebonjoyee: intel gma03:55
Maahesjihedamine: I dunno about the last part, but yes its possible to disable kernel mode setting grub boot option: nomux03:55
bonjoyeejihedamine: i have disabled modeset as will..still get 3d on ati radeon xpress 1250!03:56
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i tried all of them. they all flicker on login03:56
DasEigabe__: are you using same domain on the two nets ? shouldn't be, and delete the second nameserver-line, the 7..; set gateway in /etc/interfaces03:56
Maahesthe last part depends on how well your hardware likes having no mode setting03:56
jihedamineis it nomux ? i think it's nomodeset ?03:56
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, what did you try, exactly?03:56
Maahesjihedamine: oh, yeah ^_^ I got them mixed up03:57
gabe__DasEi: I have no idea what the 7... address is03:57
jshmoe24its me again and I want to talk about openoffice not giving me a chance to save as pdf03:57
jshmoe24here are the options it gives me03:57
bonjoyeejihedamine: what module is loaded for your video card? try lspci -vv03:57
Maahesjshmoe24: export to pdf03:57
jmateI have a Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR with a tv monitor from fortec. I am unable to get the resolution to go above 800x600 using xrandr. It said something about the resolution not being in the range or something. I can't remember.03:57
jshmoe24Ill try again one sec03:57
DasEigabe__: line 5 of your pastie03:57
jshmoe24but this will be the third time03:57
DasEigabe__: gksude gedit /etc/resolv.conf03:58
gabe__DasEi: my wlan0 is and my eth0 is but eth0 is down right now because otherwise Internet gets cut off03:58
DasEigabe__: gksudo gedit /etc/resolv.conf ,typo king03:58
Maahesits not under save, its under export jshmoe2403:58
jshmoe24I was doing "save as" sorry I should have listened better my fault sorry03:58
jihedaminebonjoyee: Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller (rev 09)03:58
AbhiJitjshmoe24, http://user.services.openoffice.org/en/forum/viewtopic.php?f=5&t=2026503:58
gabe__DasEi: I mean I do not know who the 7.... address belongs to, I have not set it up03:58
jshmoe24<jshmoe12> bows down to superiors03:58
gabe__DasEi: maybe that's the public IP? let me see one sec please03:59
LastSo this might be a no linux related question but my graphics driver likes to time out then VPU recover alot ? is that bad ? lol03:59
bonjoyeejihedamine: what drivers?.."check the kernel driver in use" section03:59
DasEigabe__: that'll be your internal, and when resolving on this, no internet is there03:59
MaahesLast: might try updating the driver03:59
DasEigabe__: pastebinit /etc/network/interfaces04:00
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, can you get to a recovery shell?04:00
MaahesOkay I have done my good deeds for the holidays, I have to get my system working again, will help again in a little while04:00
gabe__DasEi: hmmm I'm lost now. I haven't set up that 7... IP04:00
Lasti did once but it still happened so i rolled back to factory driver.04:00
jihedaminebonjoyee i91504:00
DasEigabe__: network-manager does04:00
Guest20238UnholyTerror: hmm i don't know how to do that?04:00
bonjoyeejihedamine: ok...add this to your kernel line: i915.modeset=004:01
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i can get to root shell04:01
Guest20238UnholyTerror: is that what you are talking about?04:01
gabe__DasEi: should I bring up eth0 and then give you /etc/resolv.conf?04:01
gabe__DasEi: http://pastebin.com/sm6bXfpc04:01
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, yes, from the grub menu.04:01
Guest20238UnholyTerror: then yes, i can get to that04:01
DasEigabe__: I got it, give me a second to add some lines04:01
Guest20238UnholyTerror: what should i do next?04:01
gabe__DasEi: sure, thanks for helping me :)04:02
rihackgan...ada org indo ....ada ga groupnya...04:02
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, choose 'root console'04:02
DamonI think my xorg is going to the external adapter on my laptop, how do I find out the busid of the external monitor port and my internal LCD screen?04:02
ChipAndFamilyHowdy, everyone.04:02
Guest20238UnholyTerror: and then what?04:03
ChipAndFamilyI'm in need of some help scripting, was wondering if anyone would be able to help.04:03
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, try 'startx'04:03
randy_how to install a sofr from program but don't install it recommended one04:03
rihackstartx for bt start04:03
Guest20238UnholyTerror: is that all?04:04
UnholyTerrorGuest20238, did it do anything?04:04
Guest20238UnholyTerror: i gotta try now. imma restart.04:04
Guest20238UnholyTerror: brb04:04
alex__could someone help me?  i'm trying to mount a samba share, but i'm having problems.  when i try to mount i get "mount error(13): Permission denied".  the funny thing is that i have two different samba shares on this computer i'm trying to connect to,  and one works without issue but the other gives this error.  the one which works is the "home" folder share  and the other one is one that i've added to the smbd.conf file.  i should probably a04:05
alex__lso add that this other folder is also a home folder, but i want it to be available to everyone in its group04:05
hanasakiwhen will virtualbox 4.0 be in 10.10?04:05
DasEigabe__: http://pastebin.com/6sq7qcJM04:06
jmatealex__: what command did you run to mount it?04:06
bonjoyeehanasaki: its already there..i believe104:06
Lastso it a usb boot drive good or bad ? curious ?04:06
UnholyTerrorChipAndFamily, what scripting?04:06
hanasakidist-upgrade is not bringint it in04:06
randy_how to install a soft from program but don't install it recommended one04:06
Lastis my bad.04:06
buckyhanasaki, it's in a ppa http://tinyurl.com/3xcn9k404:06
buckyhanasaki, sorry i mean contrib04:07
bonjoyeehanasaki: add "contrib" to the end of the virtualbox sources line!04:07
MaahesLast: It's... don't store important data on a persistant USB drive boot.04:07
DasEigabe I assume your internal router is on,  and I missed a line04:07
hanasakibonjoyee:  what si the complete line? and what is ppa?04:07
needlezCan anyone help me with totem and gnome-power-manager?? I have tried multiple things and still no luck. If totem is open my computer will not go into sleep mode, or suspend automatically.  I have tried to make a script to tell it to shut down or suspend after totem playback but it doesnt work. Also turned on Dbus and turned of Dbus and uninstalled and reinstalled gnome-power-manager. Any help would be very appericiated04:07
gabe__DasEi: so in eth0 there is the public address... do I change it with the private one I use for my lab?04:07
bonjoyeehanasaki: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick contrib04:08
shingenne1 know if transmission-cli will allow me to scrape a dir via cronjob on a regular interval and also run torrents in the background?04:08
DasEigabe__: on which iprange is your lab ?04:08
Dwade09what button do i push in ubuntu to boot into my thumb drive for  alive dvd image?04:08
randy_and I forget the launchpad password and that it send to my gmail.but after 3 hours I haven't recieve it,I find rubbiosh box,none04:08
Lasthmm i was just just curious cause i was looking up linux and came acrossed usb drives i didnt kno that was possible till now hahah.04:08
bonjoyeehanasaki: deb http://download.virtualbox.org/virtualbox/debian maverick non-free contrib04:08
bonjoyeehanasaki: that will have 3.2 as well as 4.004:08
jmatealex__: nevermind mind, I need to get going04:08
MaahesDwade09: Go to the ubuntu website and look at the instructions for making a live usb04:09
gabe__DasEi: it's on on eth0... it goes to a router configured as a terminal access server and eth0 is, which  goes to the world through NAT (this is configured by the ISP)04:09
alex__jmate: http://pastebin.com/BUXEez2U04:09
DasEiDwade09: you want to look for grub2, boot live cd04:09
ChipAndFamilyOk, so here it is:  I have an LCD picture frame.  I want the script to read the Photos directory, determine if there are any sub-dir.  If there are, I want the script to go into the sub directories and move the photos to the main directory.  After that, I want the script to read the SD card for the LCD picture frame, and copy photos from the computer to the SD card, skipping ones already on the SD Card.04:09
ChipAndFamilyCan it be done?  If so, how?  I'm a noob at this, so please forgive me.04:09
hanasakibonjoyee:  lol I had the pre 10.10 lucid in not maverik.. but it still should have .4004:09
MaahesChipAndFamily: yes this can be done, in many different scripting languages04:10
MaahesI recommend learning either Bash, Python, or Ruby04:10
bonjoyeehanasaki: did u add the line to sources.list? and did sudo apt-get update?04:10
gabe__DasEi: my ISP's router private IP is in the range and anyone in my home gets an address assigned through dhcp to go out to the Internet, including my Ubuntu box (this one I'm on right now) which uses wlan004:10
ChipAndFamilyWhich is the best?  And which is the simplest to learn?04:10
ShapeShifter499I'm having audio problems, but never when I used debian, I had these problems before, but debian gave me graphics issues so I came back to ubuntu...  what do I do?    should I remove pulseaudio   like it shows I can in this tutorial ?  http://jechem.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-remove-pulseaudio-on-ubuntu-1010.html04:11
sync3timesChipAndFamily,  can be done,  to do the copy,  I would use rsync.   use a find command and move all files from your picture directory to a single directory and then rsync them to the sdcard04:11
MaahesChipAndFamily: there is no best. And all 3 of those are simple to learn for different values of simple04:11
UnholyTerrorChipAndFamily, ok, are all the pictures on the SD card and just need to be reorganized? or does this script need to run 'on' the picture frame?04:11
hanasakivirtualbox-4.0  turns out I need to do that instead of the 3.2... they are packaged by version number in the package name... kinda unusual04:11
LastSo someone correct me if im wrong but apprently Usb boot drives. are limited by their size i swore usb sticks came in 16gb. but im not sure. on that one.04:11
hanasakibonjoyee:  has it worked OK for you?04:11
DasEigabe__: lil' confusing, you connect to isp via wlan0 by dhcp, there isp's influence ends..04:11
needlezLast: yes they come in 16GB and bigger i have a 64GB04:11
MaahesChipAndFamily: in synaptic there is: diveintopython abs (advanced bash scripting) and rubybook04:11
bonjoyeehanasaki: not tried yet..just added to the sources 10 minutes before;)04:12
DasEigabe__: whereas your lab is entirely under your control, oc can NAT to wlan004:12
UnholyTerrorneedlez, i've seen 256GB04:12
Lastlol okie i was just curious cause i dont usually buy them all the ones i own i found laying on the ground outside a store or something.04:12
UnholyTerrorneedlez, was like $700usd04:12
ChipAndFamilyThe photos are being imported from my Digital Camera, and then copied onto the computer, the subdirectories are months and days the photos were taken.  I just want the photos in the main directory and then want the new photos copied onto the SD Card for the LCD picture frame.04:12
needlezUnholyTerror: wow I didn't know a flash drive that was that big, figures it would be like 700 tho..lol04:13
dewwshingen: apparently transmission-daemon has a watch feature04:13
gabe__DasEi: exactly, but when I turn on my lab router, which connects to eth0, I'm not able to access the Internet through wlan0 even though I can ping the ISP gw of
=== angela is now known as Guest83968
cuenkadakah people indonesia04:13
LastHow much is a 30gb usb drive ?04:13
shingendeww: yup, thanks... just got confirm from the guys over at #transmission that transmission-daemon is what i"m lookign for04:13
MaahesChipAndFamily: what you want to do isn't hard, and is basically one of the most common system administration jobs ^_^04:13
DasEigabe__: the 192.. is your internal address from wlan0, from the wireless router, and not isp's one04:14
UnholyTerrorChipAndFamily, ok, yeah, can be done... look into rsync. probably your best bet.04:14
ChipAndFamilyEasy, eh?, Maahes?04:14
dewwshingen: and up and until now, i didn't know there's a cli version :P been using rtorrent04:14
ChipAndFamilyThink of the most moronic computer programmers or script programmers out there.  Then there is me.  =)04:14
MaahesChipAndFamily: Yes, once you know what you're doing. It's one of the first few things you will learn (how to move files automagically)04:14
Maaheswell first few "useful" things.04:14
bonjoyeehanasaki: version 4.0 is a new major release..so it will show as a different package in synaptic...that has been the case with virtualbox!04:15
shingendeww: I head that rtorrent can be a pig when doing multiple threads, so I've stayed away from that...04:15
alex__can transmission04:15
needlezLast: 32 GB costs around 40 on sale to 60 or more depends on brand and store04:15
ChipAndFamilyI have the books, and I'll look into it more.  If I need help, I'll definitely log back on!  Thanks everyone for your help!!04:15
UnholyTerrorChipAndFamily, I think grsync (GUI for rsync) lets you set up 'profiles' for taskes like this. no scripting needed.04:15
alex__deww: shingen: can transmission-daemon be run with no gui at all?  does it have bandwidth scheduling?  i've been using rtorrent but have found it pretty disappointing04:15
gabe__DasEi: my ISP's router is configured with NAT, so everyone in the house gets an IP in the range of via dhcp on the inside. The outside interface of the ISP's router has a public IP address. I get on this Ubuntu box using wlan0 and I have my lab router connected to eth0 using
needlezLast: I live in US and mine was 60 but ive seen them cheaper before04:15
gabe__but if eth0 is up, I can't access the Internet04:16
gabe__DasEi: however I can ping
DasEigabe__: fyi can go to wahtsmyip to check your inet(world adress), thouugh not important in this context, should be
dewwalex__: transmission-daemon appears to be, well a daemon, so no gui04:16
dewwseems t hat you can control it with a web interface or something04:16
gabe__DasEi: yep, that's it04:17
DasEigabe__: you ping the wlan router with that04:17
gabe__DasEi: correct04:17
Maahesdeww: or the gui transmission client04:17
MS123kwhen i updated ubuntu, it added a third ubuntu and ubuntu recovery mode entry to grub... which entries can i remove and how do i remove them... also how do i change grub to have the windows partition as default?04:17
TheThinghey. how to make this panel buttons black? http://savepic.org/1021750.png04:17
shishirdwivedi20i use nokia mobile phones and i want application so that i can connect my mobile phone to ubuntu for transferring data in mobile which application should i install04:17
madmike117i installed ubuntu onto a seperate disk using wubi.exe .. i used it all day getting it setup the way i wanted and planned to move to actual install later using the scripts04:18
gabe__DasEi: now, if I bring up eth0, which is on for my lab, I will be disconnected from this chat session and won't be able to access the Internet until eth0 is down04:18
madmike117anyway, i formatted the windows disk while inside of ubuntu04:18
hanasakithanks bonjoyee04:18
DasEigabe__: s3econd04:18
madmike117is there anyway to get it to boot up into the ubuntu i setup by reinstalling grub(2) or something? my windows boot mgr is gone etc04:18
DasEifor lab on
UnholyTerrormadmike117, if you had a spare disk, why would you bother with wubi?04:18
madmike117no clue04:18
madmike117didnt know it was different04:18
gabe__DasEi: I also issued: route add default gw eth0 and wlan0 thinking it would solve the problem, but it did not04:18
hanasakiwhat vpn stuff is out for ubuntu?  I need ubuntu server for the vpn with ldap support and windows/linux/mac clients04:18
DasEigabe__: try this interfaces, then restart network04:19
madmike117i didnt have any cd's :-/04:19
madmike117i just wanted off of windows etc :-/04:19
DasEigabe__: sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart04:19
StateFarmDCC SEND "startkeylogger" 0 0 004:19
MS123kwhen i updated ubuntu, it added a third ubuntu and ubuntu recovery mode entry to grub... which entries can i remove and how do i remove them... also how do i change grub to have the windows partition as default?04:19
FloodBot1NOTICE - The above was an exploit attempt that may have disconnected some users. Please ignore it, or type « /msg ubottu exploit » for more information.04:19
madmike117so i spent all day getting the crap i wanted perfected for my development work and now i gotta start over :-/04:19
gabe__DasEi: iface wlano inet dhc... should be dhcp right? just wanna make sure04:20
UnholyTerrormadmike117, how powerful is you computer? specs?04:20
=== atyz_ is now known as atyz
DasEigabe__: wlan0 dhcp , rofl04:20
madmike117it's a good pc .. dual xeon 2.8ghz04:20
nitsuadid you guys hear?04:20
madmike117quadcore, 8gb ram, 4 300gb 10k's04:20
DasEinitsua: read you04:20
nitsualorez went nuts and is requiring everyone to fill out a grf starting next month04:20
UnholyTerrormadmike117, and windows is blown away on the first disk?04:20
nitsuaapparently some trolls got to him04:20
bonjoyeeshishirdwivedi20: use bluetooth..or the usb "mass storage mode"04:21
needlez Can anyone help me with totem and gnome-power-manager?? I have tried multiple things and still no luck. If totem is open my computer will not go into sleep mode, or suspend automatically.  I have tried to make a script to tell it to shut down or suspend after totem playback but it doesnt work. Also turned on Dbus and turned of Dbus and uninstalled and reinstalled gnome-power-manager. Any help would be very appericiated04:21
Prodegonitsua: this isn't really going to work, I'd save yourself the time04:21
madmike117no, seriously, it had win 7 on it .. i just wanted to get ubuntu 10.10 on here and kill the windows disk altogether04:21
DasEinitsua: no idea, tell me in #ubuntu-offtopic ?04:21
madmike117i didnt have any cd's to do a cd install04:21
nitsuaProdego, you give freenoders too much credit :D04:21
madmike117so i did wubi and then removed the windows partitions04:21
madmike117that was early today :-/ .. i shoulda read more about what wubi was. i thought it was just a way to do a reg install via windows for newbs04:22
nitsuai'm just planting seeds, anyway04:22
DasEimadmike117: true, mad , oo04:22
LoRezyou're just lying to people.04:22
madmike117i noticed no performance probs since the machine is fast .. so i had no idea it was using virtual disks04:22
DasEimadmike117: it won't run no mor without the hosting os04:23
madmike117i booted the livecd to mount my ubuntu partitions and just re-install grub to the mbr04:23
hanasakibonjoyee:  umm they pulled the USB out of 4.004:23
UnholyTerrormadmike117, d/l a cd and do a proper install on the first disk (since you don't want windows)04:23
madmike117will i be able to recover the data from the virtual ubuntu .disk files?04:23
madmike117i want to get back all the work id id today04:23
madmike117that's my main problem04:23
NonpythonHow do I make the "Feiya Technology Corp. Silicon Motion Camera" work? It has no brand, it was a cheapo eBay special.04:24
Maahes!find libsqlite3.so.004:24
ubottuFile libsqlite3.so.0 found in ia32-libs, libsqlite3-0, libsqlite3-0-dbg04:24
NonpythonCheese just has a blank screen.04:24
UnholyTerrormadmike117, can you see the linux files on the second drive (from the livecd)?04:24
DasEimadmike117: yes, can, first back up, then get a working ubuntu, then can do04:24
needlez Can anyone help me with totem and gnome-power-manager?? I have tried multiple things and still no luck. If totem is open my computer will not go into sleep mode, or suspend automatically.  I have tried to make a script to tell it to shut down or suspend after totem playback but it doesnt work. Also turned on Dbus and turned of Dbus and uninstalled and reinstalled gnome-power-manager. Any help would be very appericiated04:24
MaahesNonpython: that's tricky. Bear in mind almost every cheapo webcam drive in linux written by 1 guy in france.04:25
Maahesso, it might not have a driver yet.04:25
gabe__DasEi: am I in the room?04:25
gabe__DasEi: am I in the room?04:25
NonpythonI am helping my grandma in Florda, >4000 miles away. I can't install linux.04:25
DasEigabe__: yupp04:25
UnholyTerrormadmike117, you could then install VMWare and create a VM and copy the files into it.04:26
UnholyTerrormadmike117, you follow?04:26
DasEiUnholyTerror: he had wubi on win7 and deleted the host-os...04:26
UnholyTerrorDasEi, he had Win7 (disk1) and a wubi install onto disk2 and erased disk 104:27
gabe__DasEi: I got disconnected as soon as I restarted the network and eth0 came up04:27
DasEiUnholyTerror: alright, just to be sure you know whole story04:27
UnholyTerrorDasEi, this is the second person i've seen do this...04:28
madmike117im just gonna scrap all of it and do a fresh install .. oh well04:28
Maahes!find libstdc++.so.604:28
ubottuFile libstdc++.so.6 found in gcc-snapshot, lib32stdc++6, lib32stdc++6-4.3-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.4-dbg, lib32stdc++6-4.5-dbg, libstdc++6, libstdc++6-4.3-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg, libstdc++6-4.4-dbg-armel-cross, libstdc++6-4.5-dbg (and 2 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=libstdc%2B%2B.so.6&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any04:28
DasEigabe__: if you where connected through eth0 before, no wonder04:28
madmike117there's a bash script that u can use if u still have the host - os and can boot into ubuntu04:28
DasEiUnholyTerror: oo, awesome :P04:28
madmike117i cant even get booted into ubuntu to use it so thats out of the question.04:28
gabe__DasEi: what do you mean connected through eth0? internet is on wlan004:29
madmike117maybe ill save these .disk files and see if i can mount them later04:29
madmike117are they regular ext4 or 3 filesystems?04:29
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DasEigabe__: you told before the change you connected to inet via wired04:29
madmike117what format are they in? anyone know? (i'm talking about the wubi .disk files if ur just seeing this)04:29
UnholyTerrormadmike117, dunno04:29
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DasEimadmike117: the farmer, get a working os, then can acces these img's04:30
gabe__DasEi: nope, wired goes to the lab and wlan0 to the internet using
DasEigabe__: anyway, you're back04:30
needlezmadmike117: which version of ubuntu were you trying to install?? thru wubi??04:30
DasEigabe__: restarting nw brings down/up to the nics04:30
gabe__DasEi: yes, well I just came back to thank you but I gotta go04:31
DasEinp, have fun, gabe__04:31
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate04:31
needlezmadmike117: I believe it should be ext4 but im double checking right now04:31
Maaheswhy would I be getting an "unknown command" for '?installed!?automatic' ?04:32
DasEiMaahes: on which command ?04:32
NonpythonHow do I make the "Feiya Technology Corp. Silicon Motion Camera" work? It has no brand, it was a cheapo eBay special. It's usbid is 090c:937b.04:32
MaahesDasEi: the one in that last !clone04:32
ubottuInstructions for using webcams with Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Webcam - Supported cams: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsMultimediaWebCameras04:32
DasEiMaahes: that's one cmd :  sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install04:33
MaahesDasEi: Don't want that command actually, I want to make a list of installed packages, I don't have an install target yet04:34
DasEiMaahes: and oc my-packages must be in the same (new) dir04:34
DasEiMaahes: if not for cloning can easier : dpkg -l > packets.txt04:34
spankpolewhats a command to see if my hdmi sounds muted?04:35
Maahesyeah but there's often discrepencies between dpkg and aptitude04:35
DasEistar__: jingle shells04:35
MaahesI'm going to reinstall aptitute and see if that fixes my unknown command problem04:35
chaos2358ok im having trouble getting a program to startup on boot. i compiled the program "which is working fine" i open Sytem>pref>Startup Applications, I set the name to the name of the program "miniDlna" i set the command to /usr/sbin/minidlna, saved it, it shows up in my startup applications list but it will not start on boot. any ideas?04:36
hanasakiwhat vpn software is out for ubuntu?04:36
ubottuFor more information on vpn please refer to https://wiki.ubuntu.com/VPN04:36
DasEiMaahes: aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages         throws unknown cmd ?04:36
MaahesDasEi: yes04:38
Maahesoh wait04:38
hanasakithanks AbhiJit04:38
Maahesits missing search04:38
DasEiMaahes: typo ? just copy n paste04:38
AbhiJithanasaki, welcome04:38
needlezchaos2358: did you put the programs name and command to run the program into the startup applications area under preferences??04:39
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chaos2358needlez,  i compiled the program "which is working fine" i open Sytem>pref>Startup Applications, I set the name to the name of the program "miniDlna" i set the command to /usr/sbin/minidlna, saved it, it shows up in my startup applications list but it will not start on boot. any ideas?04:40
AbhiJit!sound | spankpole04:40
ubottuspankpole: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.04:40
Maahesw00t, now I can rebuild after reinstalling on my hosed system ^_^04:41
Maahesbbin awhile04:41
DasEiMaahes: slipstream on04:41
DasEiMaahes: but realize any done config will have to repeated04:42
alazyworkaholicThanks for the help (Maahes, sync3times). I managed to work out the network issues but I always want more. The receiving machine wrote an uncompressed file called chuckbackup with "nc -l 1234 > chuckbackup". Now I want the receiving computer to take what it gets from nc & compress it using pbzip2. Should the following command work, or will I cause BAD THINGS? "nc -l 1234 | pbzip2 -z -c | dd of=/tmp/backup.dd" Thanks!04:42
spankpoleAbhiJit, analogs working fine just no hdmi sound, must be muted in some config...04:43
kravlinis there any way to boot ubuntu from grub 1? or a more simple grub command than the one that's autogenerated?04:43
seidosanyone know where i can find the source code for the dictionary add on for gnome-panel?  checked gnome-panel and gnome-utils already.04:43
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, pbzip cannot do streaming so it must be done after.   I would compress the stream before you send it04:43
DasEikravlin: you can use grub1 on current ubuntu, too04:43
spankpoleAbhiJit, and it shows up in the mixer04:44
alazyworkaholicsync3times: ok, thanks for the tip. Is there a multithreaded compressor that can stream?04:44
needlezanyone got any ideas what to do to fix a computers sleepmode since it wont kick in if totem is open even if nothin is running it wont sleep /suspend04:44
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   no, but there really should be.04:44
MaahesDasEi: I actually don't have the tools to do that, and can't get them easily. I will however make a version of my fixed persistent install and then use that the next time I destroy this (I had a crash and lost almost all /bin and /lib and /usr/bin04:44
AbhiJitspankpole, dunno. run alsamixer in terminal an see if anything is muted or try pulse audio equlizer04:44
kravlinDasEi: does that invalidate any of the commands in the autogenerated grub conf?04:44
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, what you are doing is strange.  can you provide some background?04:45
Steve973if I have a package installed by apt, but there's a deb on the developer's site, can I install the deb through apt and still have it update the package later?04:45
alazyworkaholicsync3times: fine. I'll live with one core for now, but what should I put in place of pbzip2?04:45
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,  also,  nc is primitive.   I would look a the   socat command   socat  is godlike in features and clarity04:45
DasEikravlin: yes, grub1 is completly different and simpler than grub-pc04:45
DasEikravlin: what is yor actual demand ?04:46
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   use bzip204:46
spankpoleAbhiJit, did that nothing muted , worked in 9.10 :(04:46
spankpoleoh well04:46
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FezzlerWhy since upgrading to Lucid does my You Tube video not run insync with sound unless at 240p?  It worked great in other verisons04:47
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,  how are you going to verify you got all the data?04:47
alazyworkaholicsync3times: I have a windows laptop running an ubuntu live cd - going to wipe & put ubuntu. However, I want a full image of the drive so that I can get *everything* back in case my friend isn't happy with the result or forgot to save something on his usb drive. I want that backup saved on a desktop. & I'm trying to learn something.04:47
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FezzlerWrong video card driver installed by Lucid?04:47
Steve973if I have a package installed by apt, but there's a deb on the developer's site, can I install the deb through apt and still have it update the package later?04:47
kravlinDasEi: i'm running arch linux, but i'm creating a seperate partition in which i'm running ubuntu so prey can be installed on that (my arch partition is encrypted). so i need to modify my grub.conf so i can boot arch and ubuntu.04:47
Steve973through dist-upgrade, I mean04:48
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, all good reasons,   good enough.   I just wanted to make sure this wasnt going to be a daily thing.   Its kinda weak04:48
FezzlerThe video driver that worked great for my card doesn't seem to load since I went to Real Time kernel for improved jackd audio04:48
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, from a verification standpoint04:48
kravlinDasEi: and i'm pretty sure arch uses grub 1 so i have to figure out how to write the grub.conf.04:48
alazyworkaholicsync3times: would the command then be: "nc -l 1234 | bzip2 | dd of=/tmp/backup.dd"?04:48
DasEikravlin: so you're in the wrong channel.. you can install ubu to another party, with NO grub, then late add it to your existing grub04:49
NabiscoHow does one enable a verbose boot in 10.04 LTS x64?04:49
NabiscoAlso, the default sounds are very anoying.04:49
breadcrumbalazyworkaholic, Clonezilla is good for something like that. i used it to image my laptop in case i ever want to restore it to factory condition04:49
DasEikravlin: idk for arch, but neither grub1 or 2 has a grub.conf to be edited, either menu.lst or few files for grub204:49
ttwistCan anyone tell me how I would go about removing the verve command line from the panel of xfce?  I can't right click on it to get the menu to remove it.04:49
kravlinDasEi: i'm in the wrong channel? I figured that the arch guys wouldn't know anything about how to make ubuntu work with grub.04:49
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,     whats your sending stream look like?   as I said, you could transmit it compressed.04:50
DasEikravlin: also I won't put my hand in fire that grub2 will correctly find and boot arch, test this by a live cd first04:50
kravlinDasEi: sorry. menu.lst. I'm used to having configuration files with the name program.conf04:50
ldhow do i specify which version of java will run by default?04:50
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, you dont have to write the file twice that way04:50
Nabiscowhy is Ubuntu so damn "cutting edge?"04:50
kravlinDasEi: ubuntu's version of grub didn't find arch so i'm not figuring it does.04:50
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, scratch that04:51
kravlinDasEi: I'm wondering what commands i need to use to get ubuntu working with grub 1 effectively.04:51
alazyworkaholicsync3times: & I could probably run "md5sum /dev/sda1" & "md5sum /tmp/backup" & compare to check it worked right?04:51
DasEikravlin: either you leave the current bootlaoder and add ubu later, or check that grub2 finds and sets arch correctly and install grub2 by ubuntu-installer04:51
DasEikravlin: it's just another section in menu.lst and device.map04:52
ldhow do i specify which version of java will run by default?04:52
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,  very good.   but  image the whole drive    /dev/sda04:52
alazyworkaholicsync3times: I wanted to compress on the desktop because it's much more powerful (many cores) but if it has to be single threaded, I guess I could compress on the laptop.04:52
beginneroh yes04:52
alazyworkaholicok, not sda104:52
DasEikravlin: keeping the existing grub one is the safer way, getti9ng grub2 for further support more common04:52
kravlinDasEi: I left the current bootloader while installing ubuntu. now i'm trying to write the grub entry for ubuntu into menu.lst04:52
alazyworkaholicsync3times: sending looks like: "sudo dd if=/dev/sda | nc 1234"04:53
Steve973if I use dpkg -i and then use apt-get -f install, and then if the repo gets an update to my manually installed package, will apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade that package?04:53
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, if you are going to md5,  then  do the compression with pbzip after the transfer and comparison04:53
DasEiic, and are oon arch ?04:53
DasEikravlin: ^04:53
kravlinDasEi: currently, because i don't know how to write the one for ubuntu yet.04:53
alazyworkaholicsync3times: if I'm gonna compress on the laptop, the sending stream would be: "sudo dd if=/dev/sda | bzip2 | nc"? 123404:53
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,  looks good, I think you are set.   I am just a little worried about the last bytes, but it will probably be alright04:53
DasEikravlin: we can try, but I can't guarantee commands work on arch04:54
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, if you are going to md5  then dont compress until the end.  not transmit.04:54
Sean93how do i test a script i just wrote?04:54
DasEikravlin: can you install a paster (pastebionit) ?04:54
sync3timesSean93,   bash?04:55
kravlinDasEi: probably not until i install a graphical interface :(04:55
alazyworkaholicsync3times: Thank you.04:55
Sean93sync3times, I don't know04:55
DasEikravlin: which packagemanagement ?04:55
sync3timesalazyworkaholic,   welcome.   have fun.04:55
needlezSean93: if its a bash  chmod 777 first then sudo ./nameofscript.sh04:55
sync3timesSean93,  what language is your script04:55
alazyworkaholicsync3times: I'll look into socat next time I have to do this.04:55
cj123hey...i get this error compiling blender need help..'/Python-3.1/conftest.c:58: warning: warning: chflags is not implemented and will always fail'04:56
kravlinDasEi: pacman. it's arch-specific i think :(04:56
sync3timesalazyworkaholic, I try to let people know about it whenver I  can.   It is so damn pretty04:56
Sean93sync3times, can i PM you?04:56
sync3timesSean93, ok04:56
ashuam looking for ns2 help04:56
DasEikravlin: pacman -Ss pastebin*04:57
AbhiJitashu, ask04:57
ashuI want to install gui for ns204:57
needlezanyone got any ideas what to do to fix a computers sleepmode since it wont kick in if totem is open even if nothin is running it wont sleep /suspend04:58
kravlinDasEi: Nothing.04:58
randy_how to use kde4 and gnome in the same time,like gnome in tty7 and kde in tty804:58
kravlinDasEi: I have the grub entries from Ubuntu.04:58
DasEikravlin: wrong chan here, would have to set up yaourt04:59
kravlinDasEi: don't worry about it then. i'll puzzle it out.04:59
DasEikravlin: with out a gui it'll be hard to find the corrrect information04:59
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DasEikravlin: it's an easy task, also there is #grub, but I'm not fit in arch05:00
DasEikravlin: ubuntu also crypted ?05:00
ashuahhijit: can you help me for install GUI for NS05:00
AbhiJitrandy_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=4153605:01
kravlinDasEi: nope. therefore i don't have to put in a file or a keyword to start it. it's so if the laptop is stolen the only runnable os is the ubuntu one, which has prey installed so I can get it back.05:01
AbhiJitashu, do you have its .deb?05:01
AbhiJitrandy_, http://www.novell.com/coolsolutions/tip/15289.html05:01
DasEikravlin: should be possible then, call fdisk -l as root05:01
ashuAbhijit: no, i have .tar05:02
kravlinDasEi: ubuntu's on /dev/sda605:02
DasEikravlin: get the root partition.. (ubuntu)05:02
AbhiJit!compile | ashu05:02
ubottuashu: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)05:02
randy_AbhiJit, but I want it run when  I boot05:02
AbhiJitrandy_, dunno05:03
kravlinDasEi: i have the ubuntu version of grub as well, grub's just pointing towards the arch boot partition05:03
randy_AbhiJit, what is dunno,a program ?05:03
kravlinDasEi: is it possible to just use the chainloader to load ubuntu?05:03
Steve973if I use dpkg -i and then use apt-get -f install, and then if the repo gets an update to my manually installed package, will apt-get dist-upgrade upgrade that package?05:03
DasEikravlin: does it work ?05:03
AbhiJitrandy_, i don know05:04
DasEikravlin: did you install ubuntu-grub to /sda6 ?05:04
r007Steve973 no05:04
linuxIsCommunistis linux better than windows?05:04
kravlinDasEi: no, i installed it to sda like an idiot :(05:04
nesbittcould someone help me with transmission-daemon?  i have just installed it and got it running all ok, but i don't think it can access the folders i'd like it to use (for storing downloads and watching for torrents).  i can see that the daemon is running as user 119.  i'd like the folders it uses to be read/write accessible for the group, but not everyone.  should i get transmission to run as a different user? how can i do this?05:04
DasEiSteve973: yes05:04
r007Steve973 only what is installed from the repos will upgrade from the repos05:04
randy_AbhiJit, but you send me dunno05:04
Steve973roo7 DasEi which one of you is correct?05:04
kravlinDasEi: I might be able to use super grub disk to get into ubuntu and then install it to sda605:04
ashuanother problem, I unable to upgrade my ubuntu, once I start to upgrade it but due to internet problem it stop, after that this problem came05:05
billybigriggernesbitt, that would be done in the daemon config, if there is an option for it05:05
DasEiSteve973: dpkg - i , no wait, won't05:05
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Steve973I'd like to upgrade to subsonic 4.2.  The deb is out but it's not in maverick :)05:06
randy_AbhiJit,  you said randy_, dunno05:06
r007Steve973 Im correct :D05:06
DasEikravlin: then could go with chainloader, but a simply menu-entry should also work05:06
nesbittbillybigrigger: do you mean an option for which user to run as?05:06
AbhiJit<randy_> dunno = i dont know05:07
r007Steve973 even if you add another repo for a package and later disable it the main ubuntu repos will not upgrade it05:08
randy_AbhiJit, cool,is it english phrase05:08
Steve973randy_ it's a stupid way of saying I don't know.  AOLbonics = suck05:09
ShapeShifter499someone please help me with the following problem ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165194605:09
Steve973thanks for the help roo7 and DasEi05:09
DasEikravlin: a reason for grub2 on sda6 could be kernel-updates05:09
Steve973i'm out of here05:09
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kravlinDasEi: could be. but i don't ever plan on updating my copy of ubuntu (i know that sounds horrible but i don't really plan on running it either, it's literally there as a trap)05:10
ashuAbhijit: Sorry i have .jar file05:10
c_nickanyone know a good mac channel for Apple Webkit ?05:10
DasEikravlin: also, if you installed on sda6, could try os-prober (it should find arch on sda) this will auto-generate a chain to grub1, then just boot from sda6 (boot-flag)05:11
AbhiJitashu, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-504905.html05:11
r007kralvin make sure sda has a mount point05:12
AbhiJitashu, http://ubuntuforums.org/archive/index.php/t-202163.html05:12
randy_how both use kde4 and gnome and I want it run when  I boot05:12
randy_AbhiJit, thank you a lot05:12
kravlinDasEi: that could work too.05:12
DasEikravlin: prbly best solution, case you run in trouble > native support possible, and least one os accessible, if messed up05:13
r007randy_ if you install kde you should get a choice of which X to use at login05:13
DasEirandy_: if you choose no automatic login, can set the session before login in05:14
randy_r007, I konw,but I want to both using it and run auto05:14
r007auto login this is not windows lol05:15
DasEir007: I autologin05:15
randy_DasEi, I want to using it in the same time ,in different tty and run whan I boot05:15
r007didnt say you cant....05:15
r007this is Linux after all05:15
DasEirandy_: can't , use vm's05:15
needlezanyone got any ideas what to do to fix a computers sleepmode since it wont kick in if totem is open even if nothin is running it wont sleep /suspend05:15
randy_DasEi, well,I feel cold05:16
ashuAbhijit, I got error message "nsBench-1.0b3.jar: 2: Syntax error: ")" unexpected"05:16
AbhiJitrandy_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=161040205:16
ashuwhat I do next05:16
AbhiJitrandy_, http://maketecheasier.com/how-to-setup-dual-monitors-with-xrandr/2009/06/0105:17
ldhow do i specify which version of java will run by default?05:17
AbhiJitrandy_, http://www.linux-archive.org/gentoo-user/447730-setting-up-two-monitors.html05:17
skraitoanyone from asia here ?05:17
AbhiJitashu, try asking in #java05:18
AbhiJitskraito, yes?05:18
ldhow do i specify which version of java will run by default?05:18
randy_AbhiJit, your way is more fun,I one have one monitor05:18
ldhow do i specify which version of java will run by default?05:19
DasEirandy_: use virtualbox05:19
ldhow do i configure which version of java will run by default?05:19
r007Abhijit, I got error message "nsBench-1.0b3.jar: 2: Syntax error: ")" unexpected" that sounds like an error with the java code and theres a un needed ) somewhere in the syntax05:19
AbhiJitr007, hmmmmmm?05:20
r007or a line has not been closed off no java programmer but usually a ;05:20
randy_DasEi, don't think this way,and I use vmware05:20
ashuabhijit, its not java, It may be in c++05:20
DasEirandy_: or have it there05:20
AbhiJitashu, cant help05:20
randy_DasEi, have it here?05:21
r007if its .jar its java05:21
DasEirandy_: a different surface in parallel05:21
alazyworkaholicI'm gonna have a big file to compress in a couple hours, but I wanna go to bed. I could find out how to set a timer, but is there any way I can have a command (pbzip2 for example) run as soon as a file transfer (using nc, netcat) finishes?05:22
DasEialazyworkaholic: yes, use &&05:22
r007<alazyworkaholic> yes you can make a cron for rysync to backup to an archive05:22
AbhiJitashu, http://ns-2.blogspot.com/2006/05/problem-in-installing-ns-2292-allinone.html05:22
alazyworkaholicDasEi: right, but once it's already started?05:22
DasEialazyworkaholic: commandHere && shutdown -h now , from a rootprompt05:23
DasEialazyworkaholic: timer05:23
AbhiJitashu, http://mailman.isi.edu/pipermail/ns-users/2006-September/057322.html05:23
DasEialazyworkaholic: maybe could watch the pid, but I'moverasked there05:23
randy_DasEi, I don't know what you said,I'm chinese05:23
alazyworkaholicDasEi: ok, thanks05:24
DasEirandy_: I'm not; you can have different desktops in parallel in vm's at te same time05:24
randy_DasEi, I know,but I will never think this,even I often use vm05:25
AbhiJitashu_, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=146526905:25
* skraito say hi all05:25
AbhiJitashu_, i gave u 3 links. u got all?05:26
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shazbotmcnastywhy am i in this channel05:26
needlezanyone got any ideas what to do to fix a computers sleepmode since it wont kick in if totem is open even if nothin is running it wont sleep /suspend05:27
randy_AbhiJit, DasEi ,thank you I will think myself05:27
AbhiJitRandom832, welcome05:27
randy_how to use ssh with desktop,I said I can watch the remote PC desktop05:28
AbhiJitrandy_, welcome05:28
r007randy_ you need to install an ssh server first like open ssh use apt05:28
randy_r007, had done,and open x11_forward05:29
r007randy_ so your tunnelling over ssh?05:29
sacarlsonrandy_: sound like you want something like vnc if you want to view the remote desktops screen05:29
randy_r007, I don't know tune,I use ssh -x05:30
r007randy_ run it by me what you want to achieve05:30
glitchdanyone know anything about teamviewer problems?05:30
HeTaLHello. After upgrading to 10.04 from my 9.10, Everything worked perfectly for a day. After that, when I boot, I get a small shell view saying multiple things have failed, with a mention of virtual ether something. After that it's like my wireless doesn't exist. Doing ifconfig shows that neither wlan or eth are detected. Wireless works fine on windows, as does ethernet. Ideas?05:30
AbhiJitglitchd, what problem?05:30
randy_sacarlson, may be like it,but vnc is not security05:31
sacarlsonrandy_: ssh -X  will work to run the application on the remote and view it only on the side of the client.  so is that what you want?05:31
glitchdAbhiJit, everytime anyone connects to me, they control my mouse but all they see is a black screen, however i can connect to them just fine.05:31
HeTaLsacarlson: How can you run it and view it serverside?05:32
needlezhey glitchd05:32
randy_sacarlson, but it don't show angthings to me,and can it both show in server?05:32
glitchdneedlez, yea>05:32
Al3xG0use !cpf N05:32
needlezHeTaL: that script did you figure anything more out??05:32
HeTaLUnfortunately not. My linux is dead05:33
HeTaLAn update busted it hard.05:33
HeTaLTrying to make it work. :(05:33
F3RR1Shey... i am going to create individual partitions for ubuntu (/, /boot, /home, /var, /usr, /tmp, and swap) what sizes should these be? I have a 200GB drive05:33
needlezHeTaL: I sorries to hear that05:33
F3RR1SI haven't really thought about it before but now I am planning to keep ubuntu on this system... I will have 3 users05:34
HeTaLI might have to do a clean install, but I'm at my dad's place, so no empty disks, and since it's christmas, no place to get empty cds.05:34
sacarlsonrandy_: what X application are you trying to run on your server and see on your client?05:34
Random832F3RR1S: /boot should be half a gig or so at the _very beginning_ of the drive.05:35
randy_sacarlson, many like openoffice05:35
sacarlsonHeTaL: as stated you can run it on the server side and see it on both sides with vnc  as in vino05:35
HeTaLIsn't there a way to just execute it on the X server of the server without vnc?05:35
rdw200169F3RR1S: well, in my opinion, you can keep /boot /var /usr /tmp swap and / relatively small, compared to /home.  you'll find you waste the most space in /home.  now, personally, i like to use /opt for stuff i install that does not tie closely w/the ubuntu libraries etc... like chrome, but, hey to each their own.  regardless, i use a lot of space in /opt for stuff that is used by all the users05:35
sacarlsonrandy_: I guess that would work.  I run nautilus that is an X app and it works with  ssh -X hostip05:36
Random832maybe a gig for /boot05:36
sacarlsonrandy_: make sure you use capital -X05:36
Random832but not much more - you want it to be within 1024 cylinders, since some bioses require that05:36
randy_sacarlson, and I want to it like a remote learning05:36
Random832rdw200169: you could always ln -s /opt /usr/opt05:36
sacarlsonrandy_: then what you want is vnc  like vino05:37
rdw200169Random832: sure, but why would i do that, when i have a separate partition for /opt?  easy and painless, thats what.05:37
Random832and allocate whatever space you'd say for both those into one partition05:37
nesbittrdw200169:  why have separate partitions?  if you don't know how big they are going to be, don't you get the most versatility out of one shared partition (not disagreeing, just a noob trying to understand)05:37
nirazioHow do I remove Rhythmbox from the sound menu? Also, I wish for Rhythmbox to close when the "X" is clicked, can I do these things?05:37
HeTaLHello. After upgrading to 10.04 from my 9.10, Everything worked perfectly for a day. After that, when I boot, I get a small shell view saying multiple things have failed, with a mention of virtual ether something. After that it's like my wireless doesn't exist. Doing ifconfig shows that neither wlan or eth are detected. Wireless works fine on windows, as does ethernet. Ideas?05:38
F3RR1Srdw200169, yeah... i ran into some issues when I installed a lot of packages and ended up reinstalling on my laptop... should have used gparted... which is why I want to make sure I have plenty of space05:38
Madpilotnirazio, right-click on the Applications menu, select Edit Menu. You can toggle what's visible.05:38
sacarlsonrandy_: you can also activate vino remotely if you have privliges of that user or sudo in the host http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=26698105:38
randy_sacarlson, r007 ,thank you05:38
r007randy_ no probs05:38
rdw200169nesbitt: when you want to install a new copy of ubuntu, or some other distro of linux, you need an empty partition to install to.  but, you want to share certain aspects of your life across several installations, right?  like your /home folder, this is very common.  your /home holds all your personal customizations and such that you would reasonably want to use synonymously between several distributions05:39
kravlinDasEi: got it working!05:39
r007HeTaL sounds like your kernel may have upgraded have you tried selecting an alternate from grub05:39
Random832i'm running gdmap05:39
nesbittrdw200169:  i see, that makes sense,  so that means /home should be it's own, and swap obviously has to be.  what about /boot?   should that be separate to / ?05:40
DasEikravlin: nice, which way ?05:40
rdw200169nesbitt: the most important reason has to do with the stuff you want to keep, and the stuff you don't mind losing, after a re-installation.  generally, if you were to re-install ubuntu, like a clean upgrade from 10.04 -> 10.10, you would separate your /home from your / then format the old / partition and install the new ubuntu there (if there is no more space to add another partition.  thus, your informa05:40
rdw200169tion is safe during the upgrade05:40
HeTaLr007: Yes. I got different errors, but that still didn't fix it.05:41
Random832nesbitt: some setups and some bioses require certain boot files to be in the first 1024 partitions [7.5GB or so] of the disk05:41
rdw200169nesbitt: swap needs to be on its own, because its a special partition type devoted to providing that extra ram-boost.05:41
Random832er, first 1024 *cylinders05:41
r007Hetal does lspci pick up your wireless controller05:42
Random832mine's like that for instance, it was hard to track down05:42
nesbittRandom832, rdw200169: ok.  what about /var /usr and /tmp?05:42
HeTaLr007: I'll have to check. Should I do anything else while I'm there?05:42
rdw200169nesbitt: heh, i've never ran into problems with that 1024 thing with /boot being inside /, but every bios is different05:42
HeTaLMaybe try wlan0 up?05:42
williamhi, I've been trying to get hardware video card working on ubuntu 10.10, having lots of trouble - is this the right place to ask?05:43
tuxxmanhello, I'm having trouble connecting to anything that requires SSL (dropbox won't connect, chrome won't connect to anything SSL-related)05:43
sagatpuuuts todo mundo ai é gringo05:43
Random832nesbitt: i'd actually recommend /var and /tmp on the same partition (ln -s /tmp /var/tmp)05:43
HeTaLtuxxman: Do you have ssl supplicant installed?05:43
tuxxmanHeTaL: I'm not sure, but everything was working fine until this evening05:43
nesbittRandom832:  lumped in with / ?05:44
HeTaLDid you update recently?05:44
rdw200169nesbitt: if you reference the standard, this might help http://dhavalv.wordpress.com/2007/10/17/quick-introduction-to-linux-filesystem-fhs/05:44
Random832not necessarily05:44
r007hetal check your network settings are ok and that the wireless adapter is being picked up other than that you probably need to upgrade the driver05:44
tuxxmanHeTaL: yes, but i think I restarted and used SSL afterwards05:44
nesbittrdw200169: thanks05:45
Random832anyway - the actual disk space usage on my system is 2.07GB /usr, 530MB /var, 300MB /lib, maybe 100MB /everything else in /, and then HUEG /home05:45
Random832now, you'll want room to grow, a 100% full partition is never good even if your figures end up similar05:45
rdw200169nesbitt: or this, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Filesystem_Hierarchy_Standard05:45
magicjoei want to05:46
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Random832i'd probably say, give / [including /usr and everything] 10-15GB, a decent amount of swap, and make the rest /home05:46
Random832or leave room to maybe install other OSes later05:46
rdw200169nesbitt: yeah, i pretty much do the same as Random83205:46
tuxxmananybody else have any  ideas on SSL not working?05:46
nesbittso it sounds like the way to go is separate /, /home and maybe /boot05:47
Random832oh yeah and /boot05:47
rdw200169tuxxman: could be a dual-homed internet connection problem, but i doubt it05:47
Random832give /boot a gigabyte or so at the start of the disk05:47
Random832i would also recommend that /boot is a primary partition and the rest are extnded partitions05:47
tuxxmanrdw200169: I am on a new network since I last used it05:47
nesbittRandom832: what's the difference?05:47
alkisgNow with upstart, what executes /etc/init.d/* services? They're not started for me on a fat client...05:47
magicjoeANYONE, i need to make a .bsh script run at startup. i have the command in the startup programs list. the file has wrx permissions. it is in my /bin directory. the command i use at startup is ".scriptname.bsh" but it doesn't work. i have even tried "source /bin/scriptname.bsh" and that works in a terminal, but NOT from the startup programs. ANY help?05:48
Random832nesbitt: there's not much really, though i think you need a primary partition to boot with MBR05:48
r007tuxman when you say ssl is not working can you elaborate05:48
Random832extended partitions are more flexible, you're not limited to four05:48
nirazioI have a poster I would like to print. It is far larger than a single sheet of paper that can fit in my printer. What is a program that I can use to print it out on separate sheets of paper (to assemble later)?05:48
tuxxmanr007: Nothing can connect to a secure site (dropbox, chrome, svn) all fails05:49
r007tuxman can you telnet to 443?05:49
nesbittok.  i think i must have gotten simalar advice to what you guys are giving, i set my server up with 1GB /boot, 4GB swap, 16GB / and ~500GB (the rest) LVM for home05:49
sync3timesnirazio, good question.   You might try using openoffice draw05:50
DasEinirazio: or gimp and set paper to used format, then look at the options05:50
williamhow do i find out what graphics card ubuntu 10.10 is detecting?05:50
Madpilotnirazio, I think GIMP will do multi-page printing like that. Not sure, though.05:51
r007william lspci | grep vga or lspci | grep VGA05:51
DasEinirazio: I once did such and then used little frames, so I could glue it together05:51
linux_hacksi'm running out of disk space in root partition.. how do I resize to increase?05:51
ShapeShifter499can someone please help me with the following problem ---> http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165194605:51
tuxxmanr007: that yields a connection refused05:51
DasEilinux_hacks: from a live cd and afterward coorect the blkid's05:52
r007tuxxman looks like a network issue then05:52
sync3timeslinux_hacks,  whats taking the space up?05:52
linux_hacksuser folder05:52
williamthanks r00705:52
DasEilinux_hacks: or create another /home05:52
tuxxmanr007: But other computers on this network work and  have worked for ages05:52
r007tuxxman would check your iptables first05:52
DoonzHas nyone had trouble with byobu + irssi + ssh session + putty basically freezing graphically? Like the screen freezes but my key coomands will still get to the box05:52
linux_hacksyeah, unfortunately.. I installed most of my apps in that home folder..05:53
linux_hacksIf I change I should reinstall and configure all of them05:53
* skraito brb05:54
DasEilinux_hacks: no need, just add seperate home to fstab and rsync over05:54
F3RR1Snesbitt, I don't know if you have seen this article but I think it might be helpful... https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/installation-guide/i386/apcs03.html05:55
linux_hacksDaseI: but if I create seperate home.. I only have option creating in LVM's05:55
nesbittF3RR1S: oh cool, thanks05:55
linux_hacksDaseI: did you understand what I mean?05:55
DasEilinux_hacks: that's no problem, can have it in extended and give fstab blkid05:55
tuxxmanr007: SSL works fine on windows machines on this network05:56
linux_hacksDaseI: could you forward me for procedure if you have any links?05:56
r007tuxxman like I said check iptables05:56
DasEilinux_hacks: we can do it now, pm me ?05:56
linux_hacksDaseEI: sure thing.. let me put u and me in one on one chat05:57
tuxxmancheck for what05:57
magicjoecan anyone tell me how to make a source command work at startup? i just have a few aliases in a .bsh file and if i run "source /bin/filename.src" then my aliases work. BUT if i put the command in startup applications, the aliases do not work. PLEASE HELP ME SET THIS UP SOMEONE, ANYONE.05:57
r007tuxxman blockages for https ....05:58
randomdudeHello i have redirected the logs of my computer to a tty, i wonder if theres a way to get that output into x in a pts type of console05:58
dewmanevening....I am having a issue with my login screen, when i enter my username and password it acts like it is going to log in, but then it goes right back to the log in window....I am using 10.0405:59
tuxxmanr007: but I don't understand why this would just start randomly i didn't edit the iptables05:59
sync3timesrandomdude,  leave them going into a file and     tail -f the files05:59
randomdudesync3times, yeah i wondered that but the file would be huge after a time06:00
sacarlsonrandomdude: I would think you want to look a changes in your logs so you might look at using tail -f  /path/to/log/file06:00
r007tuxxman have you changed anything on your system and have you checked the update logs?06:00
sync3timesrandomdude,  over what time period06:00
randomdudesync3times, i used that before but i wonder if theres some way of redirecting the raw output06:01
r007also iptables changes arent permenant unless you wrote them to file so a reboot would reset06:01
glitchdanyone have a fix for teamviewer and a black screen?06:01
tuxxmanr007: just connected to a new network, but other computers on the network don't have ssl issues06:01
r007and all computers are the same arent they06:02
randomdudewihtout creating a file06:02
randomdudeor making a temporal one06:02
r007going to bed06:02
randomdudejust for the session06:02
sacarlsonrandomdude: I'm not sure why you want to redirect but you could tail -f /path/to/logfile >/path/to/redirected/log06:02
tuxxmanwill anybody else help06:03
privismwow, so many people here06:03
randomdudesacarlson, i would like to have a live feed of the logs if necessary in a console inside X, i normaly log em to /dev/tty8 via *.* in syslog06:04
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sacarlsonrandomdude: we normaly use a terminal in x called gnome-terminal  with that you can ssh into remotes or look at local points with tail -f ...06:06
randomdudesacarlson, can i tail the outpout of a tty?06:07
randomdudeIts not a file right?06:07
arooni-mobile___cant update shotwell connect due to: "cd: 156: can't cd to /usr/local/bin/ztemtApp/zteusbserial/2.6.32 dpkg: error processing crossplatformui (--configure): subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 2"06:07
arooni-mobile___how can i fix this?06:07
sacarlsonrandomdude: I'm not even sure what tty is. I use terminals06:08
randomdudesacarlson, thanks for trying anyway06:09
sacarlsonrandomdude: have you tried gnome-terminal?06:09
randomdudesacarlson, yeah dont worry look hit ctrl alt and f1 then ctrl alt and f7 back06:10
randomdudedat's a tty06:10
sacarlsonrandomdude: so your not in the X server then when you want to view?06:10
randomdudei have the output redirected out of X06:11
randomdudei want it be able to access it from X06:11
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randomdudewithout having to go outside06:11
sacarlsonrandomdude: have you tried ssh?06:11
randomdudeto a log?06:11
sacarlsonrandomdude: yes I view logs from ssh all the time06:12
* cowboydren howdies06:12
shingenrandomdude: I've heard about piping stuff to tty devices, but tailing a tty device?  sure it's doable, just not sure why06:13
randomdudeyou can pipe via ssh to ur tty?06:13
cowboydrenI wonder if somebody could help me find track down a problem with my SATA hardware.06:13
shingenrandomdude: have you tried tail -f /dev/tty0 ?06:13
snarksterrandomdude: you can start an X session thru ssh and then use logview06:13
randomdudeshingen yeah06:13
sacarlsonrandomdude: start gnome-terminal;  ssh ipofhostwithlogs; tail -f /path/to/log/file06:13
snarksterwhats the matter with your sata hardware06:13
randomdudeLet me explain you06:14
cowboydrensnarkster, my hd access light is almost constantly lit, whether I can  hear the disk in IO or not.06:14
randomdudeI added a line in the syslog config of my machine, wich redirects all the system logs to a tty (tty8)06:14
randomdudeSo whenever i go there i read logs as they go into the system06:14
snarksterdoes it effect how the system is working?06:14
randomdudeall logs06:14
randomdudeWhat i want to do06:15
randomdudeis redirect that output06:15
randomdudeinto a X terminal06:15
sacarlsonrandomdude: well turn that off and use tail06:15
cowboydrensnarkster, no, but it worries me because the next thing I want to do is put an SSD in this sucker, and I don't want anything worse to happen.06:15
randomdudeWithout creating a file06:15
cowboydrenI have a long history of frying disks and disk controllers. :)06:15
snarksterhave you checked the drive06:15
cowboydrenI'd love to. Where shall I start?06:16
snarksterinstall smart and check the drive06:16
sacarlsonrandomdude: oh so there is no disk space for the logs so you need to output it in this method?06:16
cowboydrensnarkster, the last GUI tool I looked at said the disk was fine.06:16
snarksterthen the disk is fine06:16
snarkstermaybe the controller is dieing?06:17
randomdudesacarlson logs are already being filed, but in separate ones, this is like a supervision interface06:17
randomdudeto see things as they happen06:17
cowboydrenThis laptop is a week old. I sure hope not.06:17
snarksterhave you looked at the bios of the sata card06:17
snarksteroh its built in then06:17
snarkstersee you left that out06:18
sacarlsonrandomdude: so what would viewing from tty differ from the view from tail -f?06:18
FlozuzMozuzSo I am fairly new to linux (about a week in) and I installed Ubuntu on an old laptop. I have found that the terminal is where ive been spending all my time, and I was wondering if anyone could suggest some cool CLI programs I could fiddle around with.06:18
cowboydrenI only noticed this running the amd64 kernel, and only the -25 (?) release of it. I'm hesitant to go back to the x86 kernel.06:18
shingenrandomdude: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=874757 should help you... you just need to change perms on /dev/tty806:18
shingenrandomdude: so you can read or write to the teletype device, aka tty06:18
snarksterwell cowboydren I run the amd64 kernel06:18
cowboydrenLinux bec-Aspire-5252 2.6.35-24-generic #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 02:41:37 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux06:18
sacarlsonthanks shingen: I was lost06:18
synackfinis there any generic way to know which ethX devices belong to a particular kernel module? (e.g. I have two, intel and broadcom, and want to get the intel eth devices)06:19
cowboydren.35-24, I guess.06:19
snarksterIve not noticed the hd light staying on06:19
randomdudenap not usefull06:19
randomdudei want to do the reverse thing06:20
randomduderedirect output to X06:20
cowboydrenten years ago, I was a certified Linux administrator. I'm so rusty, it's embarrassing.06:20
randomdudenot open extra X terminals06:20
randomdudenor sessions06:20
snarksterdont let it embarrass you.. Ive got 20 years on desktop technician and young kids run circles around me06:20
shingenrandomdude: if chmod o+r /dev/tty8 , you should be able to tail -f /dev/tty806:21
cowboydrenI used to work for the same company that employed Andre whatisname; the linux-udma guy. Really wish I still had his number. ;)06:21
randomdudeshingen, did it with sudo and didnt worked06:22
cowboydrenWeird guy, but he could make an IDE disk scream.06:22
cowboydrenWhich I followed...hence my history of frying ATA controllers. ;)06:22
shingencowboydren: hunt him down, http://www.linkedin.com/in/andrehedrick06:23
snarksterhmm i gotta go.. ttyl Merry Christmas guys06:23
Doonzhey does anyone know howto stream something over ssh to vlc06:28
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shingenDoonz: udp stream or tcp?06:30
Doonzshingen: i could do either06:30
Doonzbasically i have my home server and im at work and i wanna stream some videos i have at home to my work laptop06:31
shingenDoonz: http://www.debianadmin.com/howto-perform-udp-tunneling-through-ssh-connection.html06:31
Doonzok im on a windows box06:31
shingenDoonz: same for tcp minus the netcat, since all you need to do is ssh port tunneling06:31
shingenDoonz: install cygwin :)06:32
shingendefage: thats /part06:32
hblounthi. anyone know what the 2 temperatures on xsensors means?06:33
shingenhblount: depends on your hardware, but it's usually cpu and ambient06:34
skraitoanyone from indonesia06:34
hblountshingo: ok thanks06:34
paq7512what program would you recommend to backup?06:36
sgo11hi, I am trying to shutdown eth0. when I do sudo ifdown eth0, I got the error:"ifdown: interface eth0 not configured", why? my network is working via eth0 currently. thanks.06:37
yealin请问怎么消除ubuntu rar 乱码06:37
shingenpaq7512: me personally, I use rdiff-backup and rdiff-web, keeps deltas for any frequency and rdiff-web is an easy gui interface for recovery06:37
sync350so this may be a stupid question, but I'm using "dmidecode --type 17" to see my ram information, and only the first one has data.  There's three more entries, but for size, the next three say "No Module Installed".  I'm assuming that means that I have three open slots right?  Or does that mean I don't have any other slots period?06:38
sacarlsonshingen: I think I found what randomdude: was looking for a program called screen that is run from the tty console to log all to a file http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=137990306:38
shingensacarlson: naah, screen won't output a tty... I used screen since '93 :P06:38
sgo11yealin, please join ubuntu-cn channel.06:39
shingensacarlson: heck, I used the pretty version of screen, byobu, to test echo to tty0 while tailing it in another screen ;)06:39
DasEi ubottu: join ke #ubuntu-id untuk membahas ubuntu dalam bahasa Indonesia, skraito06:40
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:40
skraitoi didnt know there is indonesia ubuntu06:40
sacarlsonshingen: the man page shows this screen -r [[pid.]tty[.host]]   and screen -L  to activate output to screen.log file06:41
cdbsCWO_DOLphin: please stop it06:42
ox3aAny tools in Ubuntu which can connect to remote mssql server (Client)?06:43
shingensacarlson: -r is to resume existing screens, after using ctrl-d to detach... screen is used to detach console sessions to be resumed at a later time06:43
Tannerbaumox3a: I use MySQL workbench, i think it's called06:43
ox3aTannerbaum, MySQL work for mssql also?06:44
Tannerbaumahh, nevermind06:44
TannerbaumI saw "M*sql"06:44
Tannerbaumassumed that it was mysql (The human brain only really looks at the first and last letter of a word, I believe)06:45
shingenox3a: what pl you using?06:45
ox3ashingen, what do you means by "pl"?06:46
shingenox3a: programming language06:46
iulian_what is the general flagship book for learning about the linux kernel? (for noobs)06:46
sacarlsonshingen: I just tested screen -L in gnome-terminal and it captured the activity I did in a file screenlog.0  so I guess that would work on a tty console also?06:47
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ox3ashingen, I am looking for just a client which can connect Microsoft sql server06:48
shingensacarlson: the problem is, starting it as tty8...06:48
ox3ashingen, and i can run my sql query06:48
Goddardcan anyone recommend a simple time sheet tracker?06:49
MyrttiGoddard: hamster-applet?06:49
rigvediulian_: linux kernel in a nutshell to learn about the basics of the linux kernel06:49
shingenox3a: have you asked yourself what you're going to do with the data afterwards?  there are a bunch of odbc handlers written into php and perl... I don't know of a simple mssql client though06:50
GoddardMyrtti: thats great but I need to track time based on project and client and it would also be nice to calculate the time and rate06:50
GoddardMyrtti: i really like that applet it just isn't enough and most others i have seen are to much and way to complicated06:50
rigvediulian_: that is freely available to download06:51
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iulian_hmm... free you say?06:51
rigvediulian_: also, getting started with ubuntu 10.04 is a pdf to learn about ubuntu 10.04. there a pdf for 10.10 also available06:52
shingenrigved: kernel hackers guide was a good place to start when I read it last... that was '94 though :P06:52
rigvediulian_: yes. free06:52
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkiquick question: I am doing update today and update wants to remove laptop-mode-tools....why?06:52
rigvedshingen: ok06:52
iulian_thanks rigved ill check it out06:52
iulian_i also found this http://www.amazon.com/Linux-Kernel-Development-Robert-Love/dp/0672329468/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1293173141&sr=1-1   .. which looks promising06:53
rigvediulian_: but of you want to go deep, you can do what shingen says or you can tldp.org06:53
rigvediulian_: tldp.org is one of the linux documentation projects06:53
shingenRivged: http://tldp.org/LDP/tlk/tlk.html .... '96 even, it's been awhile :P06:53
sgo11hi, with sudo ifdown eth0, I got error:"ifdown: interface eth0 not configured". with sudo ifconfig eth0 down, it works fine. why? any ideas?06:53
rigvedshingen: ohh i was also referring to tldp.org only :)06:54
shingenrivged: it hasn't changed much, you still do insmod to install modules... there are just alot more modules06:54
raevolis there a simple way to mount a .mdf image in xubuntu ala daemon tools in windows?06:54
rigvedraevol: just right click the image file and click on mount06:55
raevolrigved: i'm in xubuntu, not sure that's supported in thunar :[06:55
rigvedraevol: you do not need special software to mount an image06:55
shingenraevol: you might want to check out acetoneiso06:55
rigvedraevol: have you tried that? right click?06:56
rigvedraevol: or you can ask in #xubuntu06:56
tp_can someone help me with using VLC from the command line? I could proly look it up but if there's someone here that can help i'd rather just be lazy and ask them06:56
raevolrigved: just tried it06:56
shingenraevol: to mount proprietary ISO image formats06:56
EduardHello guys06:56
shingentp_: man vlc :)06:56
rigvedraevol: ok. maybe it works only with .iso files then. sorry06:56
tp_too long06:57
tp_but ok fine06:57
reenignEesreveR-could someone please help me with NetworkManager not setting up correct routes?06:57
shingenreenignEesreveR-: how many NICs do you have?06:57
EduardCould someone tell me, is it normal, that my CRT monitors screen shape is way off normal bounds, every time i restart computer?06:57
reenignEesreveR-shingen, I have two 3g USB EVDOs which I want to dial in simultaneously ... they get connected but no new gateway is added in my routing talking (not talking about default route)06:58
EduardOn Win XP I did not encounter such problems, on 10.10 with nvidia drivers such crap happens06:58
rigvedEduard: not that i know much about it but have you updated the nvidia drivers?06:59
GoddardMyrtti: so nothing other than that?06:59
n_i_xhey all... I just installed ubuntu server 10.04 on my system and told it to install grub to MBR as it's the only OS, after install it reboots to a blinking cursor.. is this a problem with grub?06:59
shingenreenignEesreveR-: are both IPs on the same subnet?07:00
rigvedn_i_x: no. wait for some time. it should boot normally07:00
Eduardrigved: my nvidia drivers are of the latest version, i did not install them through Additional drivers, i installed them through nvidia installer07:00
n_i_xrigved: how long is some time? I let it sit there for like 10 minutes07:00
reenignEesreveR-shingen, they are different ISPs so i assume they'd be using different subnets07:00
rigvedEduard: you mean from the NVIDIA website07:00
MyrttiGoddard:  I have experience on hamster v only, google gives some suggestions but I can't recommend any07:00
iulian_would I have to know any knowledge before starting to read Linux Kernel in a Nutshell? Should I read a ubuntu linux book first?07:01
shingenreenignEesreveR-: have you tried to manually add routes?07:01
reenignEesreveR-shingen, i expect to have a gateway entry for ppp0 and a gateway entry for ppp1 but all i get is two host entries with subnet makss
rigvedEduard: there is a reason that the default NVIDIA drivers are not the latest from NVIDIA. because the lates NVIDIA drivers are unstable07:01
rologowhat is happening with ubuntu mobile? is there going to be a smartphone with ubuntu?07:01
reenignEesreveR-shingen, i haven't tried that; probably that'd work but I want the PPP to add the entries itself07:01
rigvedEduard: you should only install what is available in the repositoris07:01
Eduardrigved: i needed nvidia-96 drivers, the ones in repo's didin't work for me07:02
rigved!ot | rologo07:02
ubotturologo: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:02
rologothanks rigved07:02
anandfirst day in irc07:02
shingenreenignEesreveR-: might need to look into pppd settings for the auto-routes is where I'd start... but manually adding will confirm it works as expected....07:03
rigvediulian_: only C or C++ programming language knowledge is required07:03
reenignEesreveR-shingen, i can certainly add them manually but how do i figure out what routes the ISP is issuing me?07:03
rigvedEduard: what problem do you have with the NVIDIA drivers from the repositories?07:04
reenignEesreveR-shingen, all i get is a new entry like this: Dest:  GW: Flags: UH Iface: ppp007:04
shingenreenignEesreveR-: ahh, ic... can you get routes with just one interface enabled?  don't forget that you'll need some way to dtermine what interface is used for what IP range....07:04
Eduardrigved, after install & restart i was every time thrown into tty107:05
Eduardrigved: start x complained about missing nvidia driver in location where it was actually present07:05
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow's everyone today?07:05
shingenreenignEesreveR-: when you have both enabled... e.g., a router to determine which interface to use to send /retrieve traffic...07:05
rigvedEduard: have you upgraded from 10.04 to 10.10?07:05
Eduardrigved: it was a clean slate install 10.1007:06
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: did you try to reinstall the nvidia driver?07:06
shingenreenignEesreveR-: might be better off talking abobut this in #networking... it's not ubuntu specific...07:06
spectrahpwhat are PPA files?07:06
rigvedn_i_x: no. it should not take more that 5 minutes on a decent server07:06
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: It did not help, I had to resort to nvidia driver installer07:06
Us3r_Unfriendlyspectrahp: Personal Package Archives07:07
n_i_xrigved: it's a brand new intel i3 540, 4gb ram07:07
shingenreenignEesreveR-: because you will need a routing protocol to determine which interface to use for inbound/outbound traffic...  and I'm sure you could use zebra for it, but the guys in #networking would be much more versed in doing so07:07
reenignEesreveR-shingen, would u mind if i continue here? ... i think im almost there07:07
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: did you generate a xorg.conf and edit the driver in there?07:07
rigved!ppa | spectrahp07:07
ubottuspectrahp: A Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.07:07
shingenreenignEesreveR-: I'm just not sure how much more I can help you :)07:07
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: yes, i've ran nvidia-xconfig, it generated xorg.conf, but even then i was getting into tty107:08
spectrahpUs3r_Unfriendly, rigved: so they are similar to DEB files?07:08
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: btw, about what modifications you are speaking?07:08
reenignEesreveR-shingen, alright :)07:08
rigvedEduard: yes you could have fixed the earlier driver (from the repositoris). i don't know if the new NVIDIA drivers from the website can be fixed similarly. see what Us3r_Unfriendly says ^^07:09
FalleStarOn my laptop if I go into standby/hibernate, then resume it works fine for the rest of the session. If I shutdown or restart following that, GRUB refuses to start period. I have to boot into GParted Live from a bootable USB flash-drive, and then restart again upon which GRUB will start up as normal. Any ideas?07:09
Us3r_Unfriendlyspectrahp: the ppa is a server of known packages you can install...you could download them just as .debs too07:09
rigvedn_i_x: then there is something wrong with the install07:09
rigvedn_i_x: do you see only a blinking cursor?07:09
n_i_xrigved: yes.. just a blinking cursor in top left of screen07:10
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: i could reinstall my system, but could please then help me to install nvidia-96 drivers?07:10
rigvedn_i_x: can you come to #ubuntu-server07:10
n_i_xrigved: sure07:10
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo apt-cache search nvidia07:10
n_i_xdidn't realize there was a server chan07:11
shingen /join #ubuntu-server07:11
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: wait, i'm now only downloading 10.10 iso07:11
shingenwhoops :)07:11
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: if your going to reinstall why do you want to know then?  The Ubuntu install should install no problems07:12
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo apt-get install nvidia-9607:12
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: Additional drivers in 10.10 do not show that any gpu drivers could be found on my system07:12
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: doing plain apt-get install nvidia-96 makes my system go into tty1 after restart07:13
blinkwhat is Git? should I get it??07:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sorry i didn't understand...I would from the TTY install the driver/module you need and then restart...if you get back to the TTY screen then generate a xorg.conf and configure it so it reconises your card07:14
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I've had 2 isp's before and tried to distribute load accross them,  it seemed to work in some degree but my users complained they had problems so I setup to just split groups of users to different isp's that seemed to work for me07:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: is ubuntu installing your driver by default in the install by chance?07:15
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, load balancing etc is a different issue ... i dont get the interfaces running at the first place. I have a few apps to which you can specify explicitly which particular interface to use and they are not working in my case definitely because the routing entries are not being set up07:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo lshw           and            sudo lspci07:16
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo lshw is my favorite07:17
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: sounds like a dhcp setting problem then?  does one at a time work?07:17
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: for finding out info on hardware...there's also           sudo dmidecode07:17
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sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: the default gateway is normaly setup with the dhcp request07:18
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, i think i just figured out the problem: I just tried it with networkmanager off and dialing with wvdial: I see two new entries: D: G: M: I:ppp[1/2] ... now they are working!07:18
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: cool07:18
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: http://www.pastebin.ca/202792207:18
sheroguys I need to configure lucid with mac-os dual boot07:18
aldermikovI cannot create a startup USB drive for debian using Startup Disc Creator07:19
sync3timesshero,  doesnt that require bootcamp?     or can you use virtualbox for the linux07:19
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, where to report the bug? :P07:19
aldermikovI can create one for Ubuntu but not Debian :c07:19
sheroI tried virtualbox but I get a registry error07:19
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: line 97 is what your looking for07:20
cory__hi does anyone know of a way to do a remote desktop via an iphones 3g network?07:21
nit-witaldermikov, you might try unetbootin a updated verson07:22
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: after install how should I modify xorg.conf generated by nvidia-xconfig ?07:22
sacarlsoncory__: is the iphone side the host or the client?07:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: i think you might be running the wrong driver07:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: if you say your running the nvidia-9607:23
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: yes, I am07:23
THEnoblegasis this chatroom going to expire in a week?07:23
sacarlsoncory__: then as long as the host side has the router setup to forward trafic to the host from wan then vnc should work,  run vino on the host side07:23
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo apt-get install aptitude07:24
cory__ok thanks07:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo aptitude search nvidia07:24
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: aptitude will show you which driver is being used07:24
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: it dumped out a list of all know nvidia-drivers...07:26
cory__ah i had the wrong ip in im usinf it to type this07:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: pastebin the output07:26
nirazioWe have around 300 machines , how to monitor the network using ubuntu machine so that we can find out which node is broadcasting, traffic monitoring etc...07:27
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: http://pastebin.ca/202792707:27
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: also see if this ones installed:   sudo aptitude show xserver-xorg-video-nv07:27
sync3timesnirazio, can the linux machine be the gateway ?07:28
beginnermerry christmas everybody07:28
niraziosync3times: Yes07:28
sacarlsonnirazio: this might be what your looking for cacti07:28
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: the nvidia-96 is NOT installed07:28
sync3timesnirazio, well that would be a good start.07:28
niraziosacarlson: what is cacti??07:29
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: the xorg driver is installed, i've installed the nvidia-96 driver from nvidia website, not through apt-get07:29
Us3r_Unfriendlymerry christman beginner07:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: try:       sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-video-nv07:29
geekyogiMerry Xmas07:29
Us3r_Unfriendlyi would from the repos Eduard07:30
Us3r_Unfriendlythat way you get all the packages you need07:30
Us3r_Unfriendlyoops wrong nvidia sorry07:30
sacarlsonnirazio: I didn't find a good link but this at least tells you what it is http://www.debuntu.org/how-to-monitor-your-servers-with-snmp-and-cacti07:30
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: Nax, i've already burned 10.10 to my usb, i'll reinstall the system and then i'll try to install the driver from repo's07:30
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sudo apt-get install nvidia-96     is the correct one07:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sounds good07:32
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Us3r_Unfriendlyit's always kinda exciting to look at someone else's lshw07:35
Us3r_Unfriendlyedward_: are you the same guy here a second ago?07:36
alca7razive just installed 10.10 netbook remix to a friends netbook, but when it boots its extremely slow, like almost frozen slow, unless i have some constant user input. if i dont hold a key during boot grub even times out07:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyalca7raz: did you update the system?07:37
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, i just figured out that what im thinking is a bug might actually be a feature07:37
d1g1t4l_nrghey does anyone remember the command to install 3rd party drivers for dvd playback?07:37
alca7razhavent completed one yet, i have to hold a keyboard button fir the whole process and i dont have the fastest connection07:38
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I hate features that break stuf07:38
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: but with flexibility adds complications07:38
Us3r_Unfriendlyd1g1t4l_nrg: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/musicvideophotos/C/video-dvd.html07:38
alca7razi noticed it had the same problem during the install process07:39
Us3r_Unfriendlyalca7raz: which version are you  using for the install?07:40
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, is it possible to specficy ain INTERFACE as default routing interface rather than a route as default?07:40
sacarlsond1g1t4l_nrg: 3rd party?  you sure you don't just mean the restricted package? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats07:40
edward_Us3r_Unfriendly, hm?07:40
NaitojenAlso interested by reenignEesreveR- 's question07:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyedward_: you the same edward with the nvidia problem?07:40
pr0t0c0ni know this is a ubuntu channel but i got a quick question about slax07:41
pr0t0c0nwtf does kwifimanager not pull and ip07:41
d1g1t4l_nrgYes it was restricted formats. thanks.07:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyno problem d1g1t4l_nrg ...07:41
pr0t0c0ni can associate with the AP  but i have to invoke dhcp from the cmd line07:41
d1g1t4l_nrgafter upgrading i was unable to view these again.07:41
UBUxUBUeverytime i look away lucid makes me use my password how annmoying07:41
Us3r_Unfriendlyd1g1t4l_nrg: i think you need to reboot it for it to work after you do all that07:42
ox3aNo clue for mssql07:42
UBUxUBUhow can i fix it07:42
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I'm not sure what you mean but the default will always be setup as a path through an interface,  you can have more than on default as a backup07:42
reenignEesreveR-Naitojen, problem is this: I have an ethernet and two pppd's connections. I have applications that can be told to explicitly use a particular interface. Howver when I dial a PPP, connection gets established but if it doesn't have a default route, it won't transmit anything07:42
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBUxUBU: system>administration>login screen07:43
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, if i dont have a default route ( for a particular route, it won't work even if told explicitly to use it?07:43
Naitojenoh reenignEesreveR- , it's over my skills07:43
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBUxUBU: oops it's actually in the screen saver portion...system>preferences>screensaver07:43
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry about that07:44
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: no that would mask all so nothing would pass that,  the default is normaly
Us3r_UnfriendlyUBUxUBU: disable the lock screen with a password07:44
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I assume you mean the mask07:44
DannyButtermanHi there07:45
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: oh I seem to be wrong since mine is default         router         UG    0      0        0 eth007:45
mork1natty is unbelieveable bad ubuntu07:45
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: so is the pass all07:46
mork1my X usually crash in the middle07:46
reenignEesreveR-here's my table: http://dpaste.de/6qpA/07:46
DannyButtermanubuntu keeps on asking me a password for a so called keyring07:46
DannyButtermanno password is working07:46
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson,  here's my table: http://dpaste.de/6qPA/07:47
mork1reenignEesreveR-: do you use load balancing?07:48
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: so I guess the only trafic on ppp0 would be if you connected direct to
SetaHey! When i have a software requestion a link like: http://aaa.aa/a can i configure my computer to forward those requests to http://bbb.bb/b ?07:49
DannyButtermanCan't someone help me about this damn keyring ? hate this thing07:49
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: and same goes for ppp1 only if you connect to  will you ever touch that interface07:49
reenignEesreveR-mork1, no but that isn't required at the first place. I have certainly applications that can be told which interfaces they are supposed to use. However in my case they are failing to send any traffic. My guess is that my routing tables are not being setup correctly07:49
WBChi guys, I need help with throttling the speed of a single local IP on my network. The question is a bit long so I pastebinned it http://pastebin.com/qzf90MR5 - any help would be appreciated, thanks.07:49
timClickshow do I locate my jdk?07:49
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, but no other traffic will be routed, right?07:50
ShapeShifter499what are the alsa options?07:50
OooNeooOHellow rummmmmmmmmmm07:50
ShapeShifter499I need to know so I can tweak and possibly fix my sound issues07:50
OooNeooOany budy can help me to configure to ubuntu 10.0407:51
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: all other internet trafic will be defaulted to your gateway router address
reenignEesreveR-hmmm... how do i fix that? add a default route for ppp0 and ppp1? that'll sorta kill the purpose because the whole system would be able to use them as well07:52
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: what do you hope to accomplish?  distributed trafic or just backup on failure?07:52
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: or are they just private tunnels to distributed remote networks?07:53
FalleStarIf I restart my laptop after going into standby, I get a blinking underscore when booting up instead of seeing GRUB. Booting into GParted Live and then restarting it again causes GRUB to load normally until I do it again. I'd like a more permanent fix though, any ideas?07:53
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, I'm trying to test something like this: http://nms.csail.mit.edu/projects/horde/07:54
ex_have you tried using your recovery console?07:54
SetaHey! When i have a software that requests links like: http://aaa.aa/a can i configure my server to forward those requests to http://bbb.bb/b ?07:54
FalleStarex_: I can't see the recovery console. It's just a black screen when I boot up with a blinking underscore for a cursor in the top-left corner of the screen.07:55
cj123hey looking for some help. wanted to make python 3.1 as default instead of python 2.6. How could i do that?07:55
DannyButtermanHow am I supposed  to manage the keyring in order to get rid of annoying password requests ? And Why on earth no password is working ?07:55
Us3r_Unfriendlycj123: couldn't you just update it?07:55
cj123i'm working in ubuntu 9.04 which dosent have python 3.1 in the package so i have compiled it from the source.07:56
botdogguys how to change my kernel?07:56
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: well I'm not sure how that software works or how it is configured.  so I guess if left to the software to choose what path to use to transmit the data your network config could work07:57
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: system>preferences>passwords and encryptions keys07:57
sacarlsonyou could even setup dhcp so that users were passed different gateways to use all three of your internet paths07:58
Us3r_Unfriendlybotdog: do you already have the kernel you want?07:59
botdogwhat means rc befor kernel?07:59
SetaD: Please somebody help...07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlythat's your runlevel07:59
Us3r_Unfriendlyi believe07:59
DannyButtermanUs3r_Unfriendly: no such thing. btw it's 9.04 netbook remix. I do have something like that but it's in the accessories section. And the only entry I can see in it is for login authentification.08:00
Us3r_Unfriendlyi know on 1 through 608:00
botdogdo you know what does git1 mean?08:01
nirazioI wish for Rhythmbox to close when the "X" is clicked, can I do these things?08:01
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: terminal:        seahorse08:01
skraitoany one from asia ?08:01
Us3r_Unfriendlybotdog: reboot and hold the shift key down while after your bios screen08:02
Setaskraito: my meal ^^08:02
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: so what you want is to combine multi isp connections into one wide bandwidth pipe.  there are other software setups to try as I did but I failed.08:02
Us3r_Unfriendlybotdog: you'll get a grub menu with all the kernels you have...select which one you want to boot from08:02
Us3r_Unfriendlybotdog: i know git is a way to copy directorys from a server08:03
Us3r_Unfriendlybasically a file08:03
DannyButtermanUs3r_Unfriendly: yes the thing in accessories is actually "seahorse". The only item in it is 'login' which is about login on the box08:03
alca7razbotdog: if that doesnt work, you might have to run update-grub before it shows up in the boot list08:03
dadangbooeh tanya tentang driver acer 4738z for ubuntu08:03
dadangdriver audio08:03
javahello, anyone here?08:05
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: right click the passwords:login and click "unlock" if it isn't already and then right click again and change password...enter your password and for the new ones don't type anything and choose "unsafe storage"08:05
javaI cann't connect ad-hoc ubuntu to windows708:05
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I think this is the iptables solution I tried that seemed to work from my view but didn't seem to work when viewed by a group of users on the same network. http://serverfault.com/questions/93678/load-balancing-nat-ing-multiple-isp-connections-on-linux08:06
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, from a programmer's perspective, do you know if it is possible to open a client socket which is bound to a particular host?08:06
cj123Us3r_Unfriendly :  i'm working in ubuntu 9.04 which dosent have python 3.1 in the package so i have compiled it from the source.08:06
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
DannyButtermanUs3r_Unfriendly:I right click login, click unlock, then a popup appears asking for the keyring pasword in order to unlock it. I type my login password, and it keeps on asking the same thing08:07
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: you would just have to program manipulate the values of iptables I guess08:07
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: are you entering the right password?08:07
nirazioI wish for Rhythmbox to close when the "X" is clicked, can I do these things?08:08
OooNeooOany buddy use ubuntu server08:08
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I couldn't detect why my users where having problems and I couldn't experiment without making too many people unhappy08:08
DannyButtermanI do not have other password than my login password on this machine. I've checked in a notepad that it's not a "capital" issue, still I can't unlock the keyring08:08
Us3r_Unfriendlycj123: I know I have it in my repos but i'm on 10.10.  Can you find a ppa of it or try to configure the 3.1 package?08:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: lets try in a terminal:          sudo passwd08:09
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: but for you is is just one client on the side of the multiple isp's?08:09
reenignEesreveR-sacarlson, yes it is one client i.e. myself08:09
DannyButtermanUs3r_Unfriendly:by the way, I've stumbled upon this problem a lot of times, on 8.04, 8.10, 9.04, 9.10... always the same damn keyring password question08:09
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: enter you new root password08:10
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: then login to root08:10
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: then you should try the iptables method above and see if that works for you08:10
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: the other problem is that the destination needs a big pipe to recieve the data08:10
cj123Us3r_Unfriendly : what's ppa ? and how do i configure the package?08:11
DannyButtermanUs3r_Unfriendly: you mean, enabling the 'root' user on the machine ? I'd prefer avoid this, but if there's no other way...08:11
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: if on both sides they use multiple isp's then I guess it would be more complicted08:11
DasEiLoRez: pm you ?08:11
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: then from the root account change your password using:        passwd "yourusername"08:12
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Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: the reason why I say do it this way is some ppl had problems doing what your doing from their account08:12
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ryjydhello campers, I've got a hardware/driver/software/suggestion box kind of question08:12
ryjydspecifically to pro sound cards used for recording studios and whatnot08:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: ...and changing the password from root seems to be some kind of fix.  ?  Then after you do that try all that over again with the right clicking the passwords:login08:13
Us3r_Unfriendlyshould work08:13
DasEiryjyd: avoid x-fis08:13
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Us3r_UnfriendlyDannyButterman: this will be your new password for your machine, not that you didn't know that already08:14
ryjydbegging your pardon, not sure what you're asking of me08:14
Us3r_Unfriendlycj123: sudo apt-cache search python         ...are you sure you don't have it in the repos?08:15
DasEiryjyd: there are certain profs frm creative, the x-fi series, often caused trouble in the past /w linux08:15
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: I'm back08:15
ryjydohhh... gotcha08:15
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: how'd it go?08:15
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DasEiryjyd: soundblaster, amongst others serve well, check alsaproject.org08:16
cj123Us3r_Unfriendly : yeah i'm sure.08:16
DasEiryjyd: also there are various databases concernning a certain hardware under linux08:16
ubottuFor lists of supported hardware on Ubuntu see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport - To help debugging and improving hardware detection, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingHardwareDetection08:16
ryjydDasEi, most of what I've been running into has been leaning on usb2.0, but I've also read that this is a bad nono, as there's just not enough bus to haul the sound after two tracks, and this is kinda what I'm worried about08:16
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: I've installed the nvidia-96 while in tty on a clean 10.10 system. As for now, everything works except for i cannot launch 'NVIDIA X Serv Settings'08:16
DasEi^might not be the youngest, ryjyd08:17
cj123Us3r_Unfriendly : The thing is if i run python3.1 i'm able to run python3.1 but just python opens python2.6. Wanted to change that.08:17
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: It complains that I'm not using NVIDIA X Driver08:17
DasEiryjyd: I'm no expert on that, but can tell I helped with rosegarden using usb, and it was fine (usb2.0)08:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: is X working now though?08:18
gobbecj123: /usr/bin/python is a symbolic link08:18
DasEiryjyd: profs will want to use ocle08:18
gobbecj123: change that08:18
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: yes it does08:18
n_i_xcj123: can't you just repoint the symling?08:18
n_i_xgobbe: beat me to it :)08:18
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
ryjydDasEi,  alsaproject.org leads to a dead-end... looks like whoever the domain was bough from now is leaving ads to wherever on it...08:18
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: the only problem, how to fix the not using nvidia X driver...08:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: you might have to install some additional packages08:18
gobben_i_x: :-D08:19
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: which are?08:19
ryjydDasEi, rosegarden is for midi-like "stuff" isn't it?08:19
alca7razalright, ive installed 10.10 netbook remix and just finished an upgrade/reboot but it still slows way down when there is no user input. any ideas?08:19
DasEiryjyd: yes, supporting usb quite well; http://www.alsa-project.org/08:19
cj123gobbe : If i try to link  /usr/bin/python it says its not a directory.08:20
ryjydDasEi, that's the link... thx08:20
cj123n_i_x : don't know how to do that !08:20
Us3r_Unfriendlysudo apt-get install nvidia-settings08:20
n_i_xcj123: sudo ln -s /usr/bin/python3.1 /usr/bin/python08:20
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: Nvidia settings is already installed08:21
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: first of all, how did you know your using nvidia-96?08:22
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cj123n_i_x : this is what i get on doing that 'ln: creating symbolic link `/usr/bin/python': File exists'.08:22
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: My mouse shows up, with nouveau it's some glitched pointer08:22
n_i_xcj123: do this first: sudo rm -rf /usr/bin/python08:23
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: your mouse?08:23
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: you mean your having issues with your mouse?08:24
cj123n_i_x : got it. Thank you..!08:24
n_i_xcj123: np08:24
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: erm the mouse pointer on the desktop... With nouveau it always shows with some glitched graphics, with nvidia everything always works08:24
sacarlsonreenignEesreveR-: I found something better and easier that I never saw when I tried it: http://ubuntulinuxhelp.com/how-to-use-the-second-network-port-on-your-computer/08:25
cosmini want to connect my Samsung phone to ubuntu and transfer some files. What program can i use?08:25
n_i_xcosmin: depends on the phone really08:25
n_i_xcosmin: if it has an sdcard slot you can just mount it08:26
cosminit's a samsung z56008:26
cosmini have`n a card reader08:26
cosminfor my pc08:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyEduard: sounds like that's the firmware for your card08:27
cosmini will connect it to an usb port to see what is happening08:27
n_i_xcosmin: it probably wont do anything.. that's an old phone and doesn't run an OS that mounts with usb mass storage08:28
cosmini see:)08:28
cosminnothing's happening08:28
EduardUs3r_Unfriendly: who knows... The fact is, the proprietary nvidia drivers fix the pointer graphics problem. Now the only interesting question, is how should i fix nvidia-settings, because I need it08:28
AnimagladiusMerry Christmas everyone, btw.08:29
IntroMerry Christmas08:29
wispurshey, Im pretty new to linux, installed ubuntu 10.4 worked perfectly but had to reinstall it due to trying to properly partition it, on the second install things didnt go so smoothly, but it wasnt till i had spent days reseting it all up till i realized that some things werent right, for example, i cant switch desktops, my compiz wont work and sometimes when i restart my little frames where the close/minimize/maximize buttons would be, simply doesnt exist.08:29
wispursI figured i would wait for the upgrade and it would fix these problems.. i just tried to complete the upgrade but it had an error with vmware but otherwise seemed to complete...  however all the same problems still exist,  is there anything i can do or is it going to require a completely fresh install?08:29
cosmini will use the bluetooth :D08:30
cosminthanks anyway :D08:30
=== sidh_ is now known as sidh
IntroSound strange, i'm new to ubuntu.  but i had a problem where it was acting funny, i re-partitioned the drives after a defrag. and it seemed to fix the problems :\08:31
alca7razanyone know why netbook remix 10.10 would slow to a halt without constant user input?08:31
wispursif i do have to start over with a fresh install is there a way to not lose my current settings and files without keeping my current problem?08:32
Introthat i am unsure of.  I'm sure there is a way to save some sort of theme/template file that can be loaded once your back in08:33
bazhangwispurs, have you tried alt-f2 metacity --replace08:34
LiathIs this the appropriate place to mention a bug in the UNR installer?08:34
wispursno, i havnt do i do alt f2 in update manager?08:34
bazhangLiath, you can mention it, but better to file it08:34
LiathLink please?08:35
bazhangwispurs, no that's the run dialogue; try alt f2 then type metacity --replace08:35
LiathAnd the UNR installer insists on writing GRUB to my SD card. I didnt catch it the first time, but on reinstall I noticed it. :<08:35
bazhang!bug | Liath08:35
ubottuLiath: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please file a bug using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs - Bugs in/wishes for the IRC bots (not Ubuntu) can be filed at http://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu-bots08:35
wispursok, when i do it everything clears from my desktop then returns to normal08:36
bazhangwispurs, better to work through issues than reinstall08:36
FloodBot4wispurs: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
wispursthat fixed it08:36
wispurswell atleast my other desktop is working08:36
wispursthank you so much08:36
Introbetter than my plan lol08:36
LiathI guess the amount of times you get asked where to them warrants a bot command. :P08:37
bazhangwispurs, please no cursing; in future you might consider having a separate /home partition08:37
Liathfile* English even.08:37
wispurssorry, i didnt even mean to type that08:37
wispursi thought it ansd it came through my fingers08:37
wispursthank you very much for helping me with that08:37
wispursi wouldnt have thought it would be so easy08:38
hanasakiwhat is the vpn server software on ubuntu that works with windows/linux/mac clients? and supports LDAP auth?08:39
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=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
Introhave a quick question, curious as to what the effect is called that causes the menu's to look like there "burning away"?  not sure if this is the right spot to just ask any question.  Mostly Curious.08:40
Intro@hanasaki OpenVPN?08:40
bazhangIntro, some kind of compiz effect ?08:40
hanasakiIntro:  I have heard of that... just don't know which ones are more prefered and why.  have you used openvpn08:41
infidhtop is saying that 'cpu 4' is at 100% and it keeps causing my amd64 quadcore machine's fan to go off. how do i find out which processes are running on cpu4 so i can kill or renice?08:41
Introbazhang: Not sure, i've seen it in a couple youtube videos.  matrix 3d cube youtube video i think was the one i saw it in.08:41
bazhangIntro, think it is, you could get the definitive answer in #compiz though08:42
Intro@hanasaki: not sure, thats just one i know of that deals with all 3.  I honestly havnt used any VPN software on ubuntu yet08:42
thangam_arunjoin #debian08:42
Introthanks bazhang08:42
hanasakiIntro:  the pptpd daemon is easy to setup... seems a bit limited in configuraiton though08:43
hanasakiIntro:  what do you use for vpn?08:43
IntroI don't currently08:43
dmarkeyAny reports of polkitd sucking up CPU?08:43
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
hanasakiIntro:  ah.  the pptpd is nice since any windows box can connect w/o client software08:45
l34ki'm sorry to bother, but how to i install java with apt-get08:48
l34kthis is getting to be a little frustrating lol08:48
beginnerl34k, maybe apt-get08:48
i_is_brokel34k, the easiest is to apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras08:49
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bazhangl34k, enable the partner repo08:49
bazhang!java | l34k08:49
ubottul34k: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.08:49
alca7razalright nvm, need to set nohz=off in my grub options08:49
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bazhang!partner | l34k08:49
ubottul34k: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »08:49
Tyrnisplop all08:49
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doctordoctorcan someone please tell me of its possible to change the resolution of the gdm login screen08:53
hanasakiwhat do you all use to admin users in ldap for pam-ldap users/groups?08:56
ray24openoffice keeps crashing on me08:58
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amithow to hide my ip in xchat09:07
Hans_Henrikis xchat a irc client?09:07
treeshoeI am trying to enable checking of free/used memory. I found a pl script, how do I get nagios to use it?09:14
=== lonelyibex is now known as fungo
MadRobotHow do I solve the issue of untrusted sources?09:20
rigvedMadRobot: which ubuntu version do you have?09:21
ScottDDDo you guys know if UFW would cause issues with ipv6?09:21
hanasakianyone ever get pptpd going w/ ldap auth?09:21
MadRobotrigved, Maverick09:21
ScottDDEverytime I enable it (allow/allow) I lose all ipv6 connectivity.09:22
rigvedMadRobot: and did you upgrade to maverick from some other ubuntu version?09:23
MadRobotrigved, nope. I made clean install.09:23
rigvedMadRobot: ok. can you pastebin the output? the specific error?09:24
hanasakihmm openvpn... its only 2 connections unless you pay for it? did I read that right?09:24
ScottDDopenvpn is not limited...09:25
hanasakiScottDD:  what is this then? http://www.openvpn.net/index.php/access-server/pricing.html09:25
MadRobotrigved, this has been bothering me in the previous version too. I solve it temporarily by selecting another server, but it doesn't take a long time to come back again.09:25
ScottDDHOld up hanasaki. I use more than 2 connections and don't pay.09:26
rigvedMadRobot: run sudo apt-get update in the terminal. what does that tell you? error?09:26
hanasakiScottDD:  so what's the 'pay for have'?  you have a web gui and all with the ubuntu server install?09:26
ScottDDNo, I don't have a webgui. I just do it 'by hand'.09:27
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hanasakiScottDD:  thanks.. reading...09:27
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hanasakiScottDD:  you use just the OS level PAM for IDs?09:28
ScottDDNo, certificates and keys.09:28
MadRobotrigved, http://paste.pocoo.org/show/309247/09:29
MadRobotrigved, so what should I  do?09:32
rigvedMadRobot: one moment. researching09:32
MadRobotrigved, sure09:32
pradyumnai have changed my resolution using nvidia  control panel then the screen went black09:33
pradyumnathen recoverd but now nvidia contol panel is not working and my resolution is set to 800by60009:35
pradyumnaany ideas how to fix it09:35
rigvedMadRobot: open System > Administration > Software Sources09:35
MadRobotrigved, for some reason it doesn't appear in my Administration list.09:36
rigvedMadRobot: ok. right click on the System Menu button. edit menus09:36
MadRobotrigved, I'm in09:36
rigvedMadRobot: select system from the left hand list09:37
MadRobotrigved, I'm in software sources09:37
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu server in a VM from a custom netinstall image, but it fails: http://peter-server.homelinux.net/di1.png and http://peter-server.homelinux.net/di2.png09:37
rigvedMadRobot: then in the right hand list, tick Software Sources09:37
MadRobotrigved, I did that. :)09:38
pradyumnahow to run nvidia xconfig as root09:38
MadRobotrigved, what do I do in software sources09:38
rigvedMadRobot: close and then System > Administration > Software Sources09:38
rigvedMadRobot: ok09:38
MadRobotrigved, ok09:38
rigvedMadRobot: select Download from drop down menu. what do you see? what was your default selection for this?09:39
MadRobotrigved, sorry. I really g2g now. We'll finish  this later.09:40
pradyumnahow to run nvidia xconfig as root09:40
abehello there, I am using ubuntu10.10, it has very limitd support of ibus,(10.04 has a full support) it shows only chinese as the regional language. How to add more languages to ibus in order to type in regional language. I am from india, and want to type in hindi. Please help.09:40
PeterNL!root | pradyumna09:41
ubottupradyumna: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo09:41
rigvedabe: come over to #ubuntu-in09:41
pradyumnai have a problem with nvidia xserver settings it says to run nvidia xconfig as root09:42
aberigved: ok thanks...09:42
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to install ubuntu server in a VM from a custom netinstall image, but it fails: http://peter-server.homelinux.net/di1.png and http://peter-server.homelinux.net/di2.png09:42
* skraito back 09:46
* skraito say hi all09:46
rigvedPeterNL: ask in #ubuntu-server09:47
botdog i'v tried 'sudo make menuconfig", have saved myconfig, and try sudo make myconfig but it answers me: No rule to make target `config2'.  Stop.09:48
BiDDoHi All09:49
FLeiXiuSWhen I type startx where is the configuration to run gnome-session stored?09:49
synackfineverytime I reboot, my /var partition isn't mounted and I need to fsck.jfs the partition and manually mount -- anybody know why?09:49
BiDDoJust wanted to check that I have  done the right thing or if I have missed something09:49
skraitohi biddo09:49
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, whats your /var partition look like under /etc/fstab09:50
BiDDoI see this thing called wubi mentioned when installing within windows should I have used this to install into vbox09:50
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nirazioFresh install 10.10 all my bookmarks mainly ftp and ssh bookmarks open firefox and show a web based file browser instead of spawning a nautilus window. have no idea what caused this never seen this before. This kills me on this machine to not be able to transfer/edit remote files right from my places menu.09:51
synackfinFLeiXius: /dev/mapper/sfort_var     /var                   jfs    defaults                 0      009:52
rigvedBiDDo: are you trying to install inside a Windows Guest OS?09:52
synackfinthe root partition mounts fine:  /dev/mapper/sfort-root    /                      ext4   defaults                 0      009:52
pradyumnahow to change resolution by using terminal09:53
BiDDono i am trying to install ubu as a guest within 709:53
synackfinFLeiXius: the only difference is that / is ext4 and /var is jfs09:54
synackfinFLeiXius: but even if I do a graceful reboot, /var isn't properly unmounted and needs fsck'ing again09:54
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, when running fsck does the drive mount properly?  And does fsck report any resolved errors?09:54
synackfinFLeiXius: yeah, every time fsck has to fix something09:54
rigvedBiDDo: so, your Host OS is Win 7 and you wan to install Ubuntu in a VM?09:54
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, out of curiosity why is your var mounted with jfs ;-)09:55
synackfinFLeiXius: not sure, I copied it someone else :)09:55
rigvedBiDDo: then Wubi will not work. you need to install from the official Ubuntu CD09:55
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, oh...you manually partitioned this system?09:55
BiDDook thats all i wanted to know thanks09:55
synackfinFLeiXius:  yeah, it's on LVM09:55
rigvedBiDDo: download the .iso image and use that to boot the VM. all the best!09:55
BiDDowI have it installed just wanted to make sure it was correct as I seem to be getting an error of sorts on startup09:56
synackfinFLeiXius: raid5+lvm09:56
synackfinFLeiXius: but -every- other partition on the lvm works fine, just /dev/mapper/sfort_var is acting up09:56
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, thats similar to my setup just never seen anyone in modern linux use jfs  ;-)09:56
FLeiXiuSbah let me rephrase, modern ubuntu09:56
rigvedBiDDo: is there some other error?09:56
botdogmaybe i'v been lost^^ what's the regular config file do i need to confugire and build my kernel?09:57
synackfinFLeiXius: I can try creating a ext4 partition, but I'm not sure if that'll help09:57
BiDDowhen i start the machine i get a ubdate bios error that causes it to hang09:57
synackfinFLeiXius: there's something more basic going on, like the fact it isn't unmounting prior to reboot09:57
rigvedBiDDo: which VM software?09:57
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, the drive should umount if its in /etc/mtab after booted09:57
rigvedBiDDo: you need to make sure that your VM software is updated09:58
ik3glqche skifezza de prg09:58
rigvedBiDDo: i also get the warning but my system works fine09:58
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, you could make the last character of the fstab line to '2'09:59
rigvedBiDDo: ubuntu server in Virtual Box09:59
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, 2 will force a fsck ;-)09:59
BiDDoi can do a screen for you to show you not sure where to link it too though09:59
synackfinFLeiXius: ahh, that's useful, let me try that09:59
BiDDoyeah it works just seems to hang09:59
rigvedBiDDo: tahe the screen shot and put it on imagebin09:59
sacarlsonbotdog: you sure you want to compile a kernel?  cp /boot/config-`uname -r` .config09:59
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, are they properly unmounted during init 0 (shutdown) or just a init 6 (reboot)10:00
BiDDowill do bbr10:00
BiDDobtw how do i save the print screen as a img rather than in a doc10:00
nirazioFresh install 10.10 all my bookmarks mainly ftp and ssh bookmarks open firefox and show a web based file browser instead of spawning a nautilus window. have no idea what caused this never seen this before. This kills me on this machine to not be able to transfer/edit remote files right from my places menu.Can anyone help me???10:00
rigvedBiDDo: after printscreen, open up paint and paste the image to that. save and upload the file10:01
petarHello, can you tell me how to automaticly set up xorg.conf?10:03
BiDDodavzie: lol10:03
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BiDDook will do10:03
BiDDothought it would be harder than the obvious solution lol10:03
arunkumar413hi friends,plz help me to change my boot loader. Presently my bootloader is of mandriva. I want to change it to a separate boot partition and have all OSs boot from that partition.10:05
rigvedGuest22633: sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg10:05
synackfinFLeiXius: does raid5+lvm properly flush its buffers?10:05
rigvedGuest22633: it's not automatic10:05
synackfinFLeiXius: I wonder if /var data is being lost because even though /var gets unmounted, the raid5+lvm backend isn't writing to disk10:05
Mouldyhey guys. I just installed openbox to give it a try - but not all of the fn keys work. They do in gnome, so is there a way to see what config gnome is using and copying it to openbox somehow?10:06
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, your /var partition is spread across 3+ disks using raid?10:06
FLeiXiuSsynackfin, Enlighten me on your disk setup.10:07
rigvedMouldy: not sure if this will help - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=43452010:09
EduardGuys, what's the best way to stop X server in 10.10 ?10:09
=== Guest22633 is now known as apadox
Mouldyrigved, thanks. I'm not sure if that's what I'm after though. Unlike the thread's OP, I don't have a script for each of the fn keys as far as I'm aware. Gnome 'just worked'10:10
rigvedMouldy: ~/.gconf/apps/metacity10:10
rigvedMouldy: ~/.gconf/apps/compiz10:11
Eduardhello, anyone? service gdm stop does not work for me...10:11
rigvedMouldy: that's where everything about key mappings is stored10:11
Mouldyrigved, thanks. I'll have a look around there to see what's what (:10:11
rigvedEduard: sudo /etc/init.d/gdm stop10:12
Eduardrigved: stop: Unknown instance:10:12
rigvedEduard: are you in the GUI terminal right now?10:13
Eduardrigved: yes10:13
rethus1i copy some folders (kubuntu) of my hdd to another hdd. Now i installed this "mirror-hdd" on another desktop (xubuntu). i mount the device. If i list the mounted-folder, i got broken chars:  for example file: getopt is shown as getopt? on LS, and as getopt\r if i use "dir"10:13
rethus1any idea what the problem here10:13
rigvedEduard: not sure if this will help but hit Ctrl+Alt+F2 the try that command10:14
liTTle-FoXWich version is much better 10.04 or 10.10 ??10:14
rigvedEduard: to get back to the GUI, hit Ctrl+Alt+F710:14
Mouldyrigved, the only keybinding stuff I found in those folders was to do with the keybindings I had manually set up previously. There's no mention of the fn keys10:15
sacarlsonrigved: I'm not sure why but I need to ctl + alt + f8 to get back to gui10:16
rigvedBiDDo: yes.10:16
rigvedsacarlson: ok. sorry i dont remember. maybe its f810:16
rigvedor f910:16
FLeiXiuSF7 normally.10:16
BiDDorigved: http://imagebin.org/12941210:16
linewe are you from?10:17
nirazioHow can i keep a command started from shell on running if i logout from shell?10:17
sacarlsonrigved: it could be dependent on graphic drivers?  I use nvidia propriatary10:17
sharenirazio: use screen10:17
rigvedBiDDo: yes. same for me too but i can always continue from there. it's only a warning for me.10:17
sharenirazio: like "screen irssi"10:17
rigvedBiDDo: which VM software are you using?10:17
BiDDois there a way to fix it or is it just an issue with VM10:17
rigvedBiDDo: VMware?10:17
rigvedBiDDo: ok. i get this in Vbox too10:18
rigvedBiDDo: do you have the OSE version?10:18
BiDDoas long as its nothing to worry about im all good10:18
share!cn | line10:18
ubottuline: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:18
BiDDonot sure mate just DL it of the main site last night10:18
shareline: speak english here ;)10:19
nirazioshare: What i asked you is Which methods exist to keep a command that was started from shell on running after logging out from from shell???10:19
rigvedBiDDo: ok. there were two version there. can you check your downloaded file and see. it might be the OSE version10:19
lineI don't know how to say!10:19
sharenirazio: using the program screen10:20
BiDDotry a translator line might make sense to us10:20
nirazioshare: I have never used that program.Is there any tutorial for screen??10:20
rigvedBiDDo: no. i mean the Vbox version. is it OSE (open source edition)10:20
ubottuScreen is a window manager for terminal sessions, also useful over SSH. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Screen10:20
BiDDooh ill check10:20
PoshepocketI speak Chinese if that helps?10:21
PoshepocketWhat do you want?10:21
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:21
PoshepocketOh right. that.10:21
lineMy English is very 漏中!10:22
apadoxHello, after I tried to add xrandr mode for open source ati driver for tvout my screen is frozen. all that after reboot. and i cant find xor.cond in /etc/X11/ can you help me to restore X settings to default? i tried dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg but it didnt help10:22
PoshepocketJust that I can't type english.10:22
PoshepocketI meant, chinese.10:22
rigvedapadox: /etc/X11/xorg.conf10:23
apadoxrigved: it is not there10:23
apadoxubuntu 9.1010:23
rigvedapadox: /etc/init/xorg.conf.failsafe10:23
Dr_Willisapadox:  X auto  configurs for the most part. How did you 'add xrandr mode' ?10:23
rigvedapadox: is that there?10:23
lineylmf os 3.010:23
Poshepocketline 去 /join #ubuntu-cn 或 /join #ubuntu-tw 或 /join #ubuntu-hk10:24
apadoxDr_Willis: xrandr --addmode S-video 800x60010:24
apadoxthan i outputed that via xrandr10:24
rethus1on xubuntu i havve fujitsu siemens usb mouse with scroll wheel, but wheel didn't work.any idea how get this to work?10:24
BiDDorigved: its  4.0.0-6915110:24
rethus1click wheel works, but not scrolling10:25
apadoxrigved: let me check10:25
Poshepocketline: 这里所有的人都说英语10:25
apadoxrigved: no it isnt10:25
Dr_Willisada2358:  that shouldent of made a perment change. If you restart X, or revoot.  it should be back to normal.10:26
Dr_Willisoops that was for apadox  :)10:26
apadoxDr_Willis: thank you i will try again10:28
wyclifwell well, it was that damn avahi daemon10:28
FLeiXiuSWhen I type startx where is the configuration to run gnome-session stored?10:29
rigvedBiDDo: no i dont know what the problem is. maybe you can install  the vbox in Software Center10:30
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shareline: i told you before about chinese channels :x10:31
rethus1on xubuntu i havve fujitsu siemens usb mouse with scroll wheel, but wheel didn't work.any idea how get this to work?10:31
telugehey anyone wanna gimme a run down on how to install a game from a bin? i heard put it in /home and do a sudo sh from terminal....but then i heard there would be complications with patches later if i did that due to permissions10:31
rigvedrethus1: /join #xubuntu10:31
wyclifjust realised the Tor setup I had in China last year wouldn't work now10:31
BiDDonot too stressed just dipping my toes in atm10:31
ghostlinescan anyone help me out getting into service mode? I'm using x3max and pressing power then eject quickly but doesn't work10:32
rigvedteluge: do not do that. just run it as ./<game_name>.sh10:32
BiDDobtw I was reading last night and saw a free ubuntu work book with excersizes in it and info to learn10:32
rigvedteluge: if you use sudo, then when updating also you will need to use sudo10:33
telugeso open terminal and type ./gamename.bin.sh   ?10:33
rigvedBiDDo: there's a freely available Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04/10.10 guide. google it10:34
rigvedteluge: cd to the directory where the .bin file is stored.10:34
ghostlinessorry wrong channel:p10:35
rigvedteluge: ./<game_name>.bin10:35
telugekk sounds good ty ^^10:35
rigvedteluge: you are welcome10:35
pj`teluge, what game ?10:36
nirazioshare: doesnt adding an & at the end of the command work too?10:37
Dr_Willisteluge:  it totally depends on the game and what it is..10:37
Dr_Willisteluge:  a 'bin' is often a 'self instaling executable' like a 'setup.exe' would be in windows.10:37
rethus1somebody familar with xinput here?10:37
rethus1want to set the following10:37
rethus1wheel-click on mouse and movement will imitate scrolling10:38
sharenirazio: in a terminal ; then you can close it and the program you launched keeps opened10:38
rethus1cause xev dont show anything if i scroll the wheel10:38
nirazioshare: Do you want me to add & after commands in screen??10:39
Dr_Willisnirazio:  if useing & - its often a good habbit to close terminals via the 'exit' command, not hitting the X close button10:39
Dr_Willisnirazio:  & makes the command run in thebackground. but if the parent shell closes. that can still force the background programs to exit.10:39
BiDDorigved: not having agreat deal of luck with the google10:39
rigvedBiDDo: one moment.10:40
telugety for the tip dr willis ^^ it's installing i did rigveds method after setting permissions to execute and the game is Savage 2 pj10:40
BiDDorigved: cheers for the help10:41
rigvedBiDDo: :)10:41
BiDDonothing to DL back ther10:42
BigBoy_Hi Guys.  I'm using Ubuntu 10.10.  Everything was working fine until I installed Cairo-Dock.  There is no issues with Cairo-Dock.  But I noticed a few changes to my settings after I've installed it.  One of that is - When ever I double click the title bar of a window, it is "rolled" now.  Previously it used to Maximize when I double cick it.  I've already checked the settings in System -> Preferences -> Windows.  There it is selected to "Ma10:43
BigBoy_ximize" whilst performing the double click action on a window's title bar.  Any idea how I can get this fixed?10:43
rigvedBiDDo: http://files.ubuntu-manual.org/manuals/getting-started-with-ubuntu/10.04e2/en_US/screen/Getting Started with Ubuntu 10.04 - Second Edition.pdf10:45
rigvedBiDDo: sorry10:46
rigvedBiDDo: ubuntu manual project - http://ubuntu-manual.org/10:46
Dr_Willisteluge:  if you can install such things as a 'user' and keep thing in your users /home/whatever/ directory. then the user should be avle to use the games 'auto update' features.10:46
BiDDoi appreciate it10:47
BiDDowill print it out at work next week and have a good read10:47
rigvedBiDDo: :)10:48
Dr_WillisBiDDo:  save trees.. read the pdf file. :)10:48
BiDDoits ok its recycled10:49
BiDDoim one of those people that learns better with something tactile10:49
BiDDowill look over it10:49
ruby_on_tailshi there10:51
=== SquishyNotHere is now known as squishy
ruby_on_tailsi am using jaunty , and my synaptic has php 5.2.6 and no upgrades available , i need to upgrade to 5.2.1010:51
ruby_on_tailshow do i do that ?10:51
BiDDohey hey10:51
ubottuUbuntu 9.04 (Jaunty Jackalope) was the tenth release of Ubuntu. End Of Life: October 23, 2010. See !eol and !upgrade for more details.10:52
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  upgrade to the latest ubuntu release is proberly the best way.  Or use source to just upgrade php. (may not be a good idea)10:52
NineTeen67CometLooking for some direction on video setup with triple monitors (2XnVidia (TwinViewed) + 1xRadeon (separate X-session)). When this box boots, he Ubuntu logo shows on the Radeon screen, then flips off and goes to just the two nVidia screens twinview style.10:52
ruby_on_tailsDr_Willis: i need to upgrade via the source method10:53
ruby_on_tailscan u help me how10:53
Dr_WillisNineTeen67Comet:  mixxing in ati and nvidia - has been very problematic. Ive only managed to get 3 monitors working with just nvidia chipsets.. and even then that was problemaic.10:53
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  download the source.. compile/install it.10:53
ubottuYou can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html10:53
NineTeen67CometDr_Willis: No problem .. the new year is a commin' and I'll be back to my all nVidia setup (Had all 5 working a couple years ago w/all nVidia stuff). Thanks though; I'll go fire up google some more ..10:54
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  one trick that can make that easisr is the 'build-dep' option of the package manager. It can pull in all needed compile dependencies for packages that exist in the repos. thus making the source easier to compile also10:54
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Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:   sudo apt-get build-dep  phpXXXX  (no idea what the right name is)  , then find the source, and try to compile it.10:54
Dr_Willisruby_on_tails:  that release of ubuntu is past its end of life.. so its a good idea to plan on upgradeing soon.10:55
rigvedruby_on_tails: but you must remember that jaunty is past its update period. so you cannot update normally anymore. just making sure that you understand that10:55
ruby_on_tailsof course10:56
ruby_on_tailsrigved: r u from india ?10:56
PoshepocketMerry Christmas!11:01
ElPasmoHi, I've downloaded Natty amd64 daily build: http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/daily-live/current/natty-desktop-amd64.iso and I've use the startup disk creator to create an usb live. The problem is I'm not able to boot from usb live, it keeps forever doing the load animation with the Ubuntu logo.11:02
nirazioI like the Puppy Lupu Desktop icons. Are they available as a separate iconset to use in Ubuntu?11:02
Dr_Willisnirazio:  ask in #puppylinux perhaps. or check that disrtos homepage to see what icon set its using.11:03
rigvedElPasmo: firstly /join #ubuntu+1 for natty support (not supported here). secondly, your graphics card may not support the LiveCD installation. so check that also11:05
ElPasmooh rigved thanks, how I can check the graphic card?11:06
rigvedElPasmo: check online for a list of supported graphics cards (don't remember the link though - ask in #ubuntu+1)11:08
ElPasmoOk, thanks rigved11:08
rigvedElPasmo: you are welcome11:08
rigvedElPasmo: also you need to remember that natty is currently not for production system (only developers and testers). wait the #ubuntu+1 channel is currently slow moving (not many people onlune)11:10
BiDDoim going mad trying to find this guide i saw last night11:10
ElPasmoYes, I know... thanks a lot :)11:10
rigvedBiDDo: do you wipe your history? otherwise easy to find. also see !ot11:11
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!11:12
rigvedBiDDo: you were not talking about ubuntu in specific, which is ot :)11:16
BiDDooh ok11:16
TheRufushey guys. I have Ubuntu 8 server on a 2 drive RAID1 array and I need to back the whole thing up. I can't lose any data and I need to be able to boot the system back if something goes wrong. I'm migrating all the data to a new server eventually. What's the best way to duplicate a RAID1 array to a single drive and have it bootable?11:17
BiDDoill be off to that channel then thanks for the help im sure youl see me around11:17
rigvedBiDDo: cool :)11:17
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:21
DILraid 1=1 drive is backup if one drive fails no?11:23
rigvedTheRufus: the difficult way to do it - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=68887211:23
rigvedTheRufus: easier way to do it - http://maketecheasier.com/backup-ubuntu-with-remastersys/2008/12/2211:24
TheRufusi know that in raid1, one drive is a backup, but if I just boot off that drive, will it just mark it as a dirty raid and not boot?11:24
rigvedTheRufus: it will mean that your other drive (which has been changed) is unusable until you set it in the raid array again. not sure though11:27
rigvedTheRufus: you can still boot from the backup11:27
cosminhow do i increse the volume. on windows xp i had the twice of power that i have now on ubuntu11:27
cosminhow do i increse the volume. on windows xp i had the twice of power that i have now on ubuntu11:29
rigvedcosmin: in the top right panel, you'll see a sound icon. click on that and then Sound Prefernces11:29
rigvedcosmin: you can increase volume to 150%11:29
cosminin the imput panel11:30
Dr_Willisyou may also want to check the alsa-mixer (in a terminal) could be the system vol, or pcm vol is set low.11:30
Dr_Willisthen some apps have their own mixer/controls11:30
AnthonyCatI tried to create a usb drive to run ubuntu on my mac, but everything seemed ok, until I rebooted and the usb didn't show up. What could be wrong?11:30
cosminwhat is the terminal comand?11:30
cosminto enter in the alsa-mixer11:30
Dr_WillisAnthonyCat:  created how11:30
rigvedcosmin: and check the applications tab. you can change the volume of specific applications seperately11:30
Dr_Williscosmin:  try alsa-mixer :)11:30
SJKregsIf I do an upgrade from inside Ubuntu 9.10 to Ubuntu 10.04 will the Nvidia drivers that I installed in 9.10 be retained? If I try a live CD i have a blank screen!!11:30
frxstremI have 100 GB of hard drive space that I want to divide into two (or more) partitions for Ubuntu (primarily the / and /home mount points) - how should I divide these 100 GB?11:30
Dr_WillisSJKregs:  try the nomodeset option on the live cd11:31
AnthonyCatDr_Willis: Using these instructions http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/download11:31
cosminNo command 'alsa-mixer' found, did you mean:  Command 'alsamixer' from package 'alsa-utils' (main) alsa-mixer: command not found cosmin@Cosmin:~$ alsa-utils Usage: /etc/init.d/alsa-utils {start [CARD]|stop [CARD]|restart [CARD]|reset [CARD]} cosmin@Cosmin:~$ ^C cosmin@Cosmin:~$11:31
rigvedcosmin: top panel which has Applications, Places and System. in the roght part of that panel, the sound icon is available11:31
SJKregsnomodeset will not work11:32
cosminyes is avaible11:32
cosmini have sound11:32
cosminno problem11:32
AnthonyCatThe usb mounts fine when running os x11:32
cosminbut is not very loud :D11:32
cosminas it was on xp11:32
rigvedcosmin: *right11:32
randy2009Hello, how can i gzip multiple files into a predefined file? so something like this: gzip logs_20101224*.log to logs_20101224.gz without keeping the old logs.11:32
rigvedcosmin: it can only increase to 150%. beyond that you'll loose quality11:33
Dr_Willisrandy2009:  i think you tar then - then gzip them. check the tar command options11:33
cosmini am not in the input panel of the sound preferences and its set to maximul11:33
cosmini think its 150% as you said11:33
njinhello to all, is konqueror the default browser in kubuntu ?11:34
Dr_Willisnjin:  i think so.11:35
frxstremhow much hard drive space should I have for Ubuntu (excluding user files in /home)?11:36
rigvednjin: yes11:36
cosminlook at this11:36
bazhangcosmin, one word: alsamixer11:37
bullgardDoes ALSA write a logfile? I could not find one in /var/log/ .11:37
rigvedfrxstrem: min 50 GB recommended 80 GB11:38
rigvedfrxstrem: these are subjective11:38
bazhangrigved, frxstrem no need for 50 GB, not even close11:38
rigvedrandy2009: use logrotate to automatically rotate files11:38
rigvedrandy2009: it compresses automatically11:39
booksesHi, meery christmas to all!11:39
rigvedbazhang: on my system it is 50 GB (excluding /home)11:39
booksesHow can I change the title of the term in my C program?11:39
bazhangrigved, but thats not a minimum, not even close11:40
cosmingot it :D11:40
rigvedbazhang: ohh. okk11:40
cosmini inceased the volume just a little bit :d11:40
frxstrembazhang: well, how much do you think I would need?11:40
bazhangfrxstrem, perhaps 20GB11:40
bazhangfrxstrem, that will be generous11:40
frxstrembazhang: okay, that's great :)11:41
randy2009how to use a single tar command that delete's the files being tarred?:)11:41
ElNotabazhang: wasn't min 3GB ?11:41
rigvedbazhang: i had a wubi install earlier. the whole thing was 20 GB and everything worked fine (need to rotate logs more frequently though)11:41
bazhangElNota, thought it was around 5-ish11:41
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Dr_Willisrandy2009:  i think tar has a move option11:41
randy2009can't find it:(, i'll google11:43
StavaSo i've got a atheros wireless card, and my network manager will show me nearby networks, but it wont connect (wpa2). whats that about?11:44
rigvedrandy2009: or you can concatenate the commands (something like use &&) - generate filelist. tar these files and then remove these files.11:44
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JragonI need some help. I reasantly insalled lampp, i had installed it manulay befor. And i dont know how to stop apache i think its:11:44
Jragonsudo /etc/init.d/apache2 stopBut i dont know how to stop it from starting up everytime i reboot. I want lampp to start instead:11:44
Jragon/opt/lampp/lampp start11:44
bazhangJragon, install lamp , no need for /opt11:45
JPSmani am using 10.04 - how can I tell which device (dev/sd*) is mounted to which directory in /media?11:45
bazhang!lamp > Jragon11:45
Dr_WillisJragon:  if its ran by upstart - the script is in /etc/init/  rename/remove it11:45
ubottuJragon, please see my private message11:45
Dr_WillisJPSman:  the mount command. shows whats mmunted where.11:46
rigvedis lampp diferent from LAMP?11:46
JragonWhat should i do, use XAMPP or use the manuly installed one?11:46
JragonLampp is XAMPP for linux.11:46
bazhangJragon, neither xampp is not supported here11:46
rigvedoh ok. windows environments11:47
bazhangJragon, use lamp from the repos11:47
JragonI installed them all by hand.11:47
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JragonSo would i just do apt-get install lamp11:47
bazhangJragon, read the link given yet?11:47
pr0t0c0ni smoke rocks joe rogan11:47
bazhangpr0t0c0n, wrong channel11:48
StavaCould someone help me with my wireless network card? I can scan for networks but I cant connect (wpa2)11:48
JragonThat is what my friend did for me. But something went wrong with the error reporting.11:48
pr0t0c0ni had a similar problem with slax and kwifi manager today11:48
pr0t0c0nkwifimanager would associate with the AP , but it wouldnt pull an ip for some reason11:49
pr0t0c0nhad to end up running the dhcpcd command to get it to connect to the gateway and asign it an ip11:50
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rigvedStava: make sure that you have wpa_supplicant. and install wicd manager. it s GUI to manage networks11:50
Stavarigved, this is a fresh 10.10 desktop installation11:51
Stavarigved, So I wont be using the network manager?11:51
rigvedStava: both are same. you can use either11:52
kevin__it's 7 am here what time is it where everybody is at?11:52
pr0t0c0nwhat wireless interface are you using11:52
pr0t0c0nwlan0 ?11:52
Stavarigved, So I just need wpa_supplicant?11:52
rigvedStava: yes. to connect to encrypted connections11:52
coz_rigved,   near 7 am here also11:53
Stavarigved, I would have thought that was out of the box functionality :o11:53
ubottuCurrent time in Etc/UTC: December 24 2010, 11:53:4211:53
pr0t0c0nah nm so your wireless interface is up you just cant connect to encrypted AP11:53
Dr_Willistheres so many variatiy of wireless and drivers that bugs can happen.11:53
JragonErrr. When I plugged in my monitor it  is now well there is a very large gap between the tern off button and the rest. What happend?11:54
Stavapr0t0c0n, I can scan for networks11:54
Stavapr0t0c0n, Can't connect (its a wpa2 network)11:54
kevin__ubuntu is awesome just want to say thank you to everyone for making ubuntu such an awesome os11:54
pr0t0c0ncan you connect to un secure networks as well11:54
rigvedStava: it is but in your case maybe something went wrong11:54
pr0t0c0ni guess what im asking is is it just encrypted access points that you cant connect to , or is it anynetwork11:55
kevin__i would have never been able to get my wireless network working without u guys so thanks11:56
Stavarigved, pr0t0c0n I turned off encryption now, still wont connect (hidden ssid though) :o11:56
pr0t0c0nwhat network interface arre you using ?11:56
pr0t0c0nwlan0 ?11:57
Stavapr0t0c0n, I guess11:57
rigvedStava: no. it's not possible to connect to hidden encrypted networks out of the box. broadcast SSID. then it'll work11:57
davzieHahahaha http://xkcd.com/838/11:57
rigvedStava: i had same problem earlier. this way it worked for me11:57
Stavarigved, broadcasting ssid, no encryption, no connection11:58
MadRobotrigved, hi11:58
rigvedMadRobot: hi11:58
Jragon@davzie lol11:58
Stavarigved, Its an atheros card by the way11:58
MadRobotrigved, sorry I had to go urgently back then.11:58
pr0t0c0ntry running ifconfig wlan0 in the command terminal and tell me what the brdcst Ip is11:59
kevin__alright everyone i'm leaving11:59
randy2009how can i remove directory information when creating a tar? So if i untar a file i get the files in the current dir and not in currentdir/x/x/x/x/x/x/x/11:59
sacarlsonStava: did you turn the encrypion off on your client now also?11:59
rigvedMadRobot: np. i forgot what i was helping you with. bad repo signature?11:59
kevin__can't understand half of what is said in this room11:59
MadRobotrigved, I fixed that problem (for now at least) by selecting the main server.11:59
JragonBye then.11:59
Stavasacarlson, of course, i deleted all saved entries11:59
kevin__bye bye11:59
MadRobotrigved, yeah.11:59
rigvedMadRobot: yes. that is what i was going to suggest11:59
linuxghey all12:00
StavaAnd now the network card seem to have shut down itself, cause I dont get any scan results now12:00
jahrraStava: can you try to connect to a different access-point?12:00
Stavajahrra, all other are encrypted12:00
MadRobotrigved, umm.. there's some other (unrelated) problem, if you don't mind.12:00
pr0t0c0njust run ifconfig and look to see if your wireless interface is negotiating with the router by looking to see what the Bcast ip is12:00
Stavapr0t0c0n, wlan is down atm, no idea why12:01
rigvedMadRobot: ubuntu related? then shoot...12:01
MadRobotrigved, yes sure12:01
linuxgdoes anyone know how to get rid of a hacker who used guest account somehow remotley to gain root?12:01
pr0t0c0nok type ifconfig wlan0 down into your command terminal12:01
Stavapr0t0c0n, and for now reason, its back up12:01
Dr_Willislinuxg:  only guareneed way - reinstall.12:02
dagnimy language changed in ubuntu 10.10 to chinese12:02
dagnihow to change it back to english ???12:02
dagnisome options are in chinesee language now so i don't know how to fix it ;(12:02
Stavapr0t0c0n, and down again, im not even doing anything12:02
linuxgthats the easy n00b way, i need to keep this system in tact12:02
pr0t0c0nok do this type ifconfig wlan0 down , then close out all of your wifi managers or refresh them12:02
Dr_Willislinuxg:  theres root kit scanners and stuff.. but how can you be sure you got everything..12:03
pr0t0c0nthen type ifconfig wlan0 up12:03
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete12:03
sacarlsonlinuxg: on your ubuntu system?  what services does the system run?12:03
pr0t0c0nthat should bring wlan0 back on12:03
linuxgi have ruan rkhunter12:03
MadRobotrigved, The suspend/sleep command/feature is acting weird. It works the first time I boot my computer up. But, when I try to use it again (without rebooting), if fails to work and only locks the screen instead.12:03
Stavapr0t0c0n, done12:03
pr0t0c0nscan for a network and switch to it12:03
yankeethere is a official chan only for chat?12:03
Dr_Willislinuxg:  you actually had the root account enabled? or did he just some how evevate a user to be root?12:03
MadRobotrigved, I always have to fully reboot before I can use it again.12:03
Stavapr0t0c0n, failed because the network is down12:03
pr0t0c0nthen type dhcpcd wlan0 into the command terminal12:04
linuxghe somehow exploited it12:04
pr0t0c0nare you using ndis wrapper , or madwifi  or what ?12:05
Stavapr0t0c0n, this is a fresh installation12:05
Stavai've installed nothing12:05
rigvedMadRobot: i don't know how to debug that. maybe something /var/log/messages. i suggest that you use hibernate instead.12:05
sacarlsonlinuxg: from what port, service do you provide?  port 80 appache?12:05
pr0t0c0nok do this12:05
linuxgi saw several guest entries, and he uploaded some shells wich was kinda nice of him.  ip:pw ect to some highspeed oc line networks12:06
=== denny- is now known as denny
pr0t0c0ntype iwconfig into a command terminal and tell me what the output says12:06
MadRobotrigved, the weird thing is that almost the same thing happens to hibernate as well.12:06
Stavapr0t0c0n, I cant copy and paste that (obviously). But it says something about wlan0 and IEEE 802.11bgn12:07
linuxgi have port fowarding setup for my linux server12:07
sacarlsonlinuxg: I've been hacked before from oscommerce the older version, but only little can happen if you keep the owners of the files in /var/www something other than www-data12:07
Stavapr0t0c0n, power management on, access point: not-associated12:07
rigvedMadRobot: hmmm. check /var/log/ files for any error messages. don't know where this is exactly logged12:07
linuxgso..... ssh, vnc, and a few more12:07
linuxgand yes apache12:07
pr0t0c0nok what does it say beside ESSID ?12:07
Stavapr0t0c0n, off/any12:07
sacarlsonlinuxg: on ssh you should put it on a none standard port like 333312:08
pr0t0c0ntype ifconfig wlan0 down12:08
Stavapr0t0c0n, done12:08
lastchanceso little help please i got the download i tried to make a iso so i can make a pendrive. and well its not saying its a iso its sayin is a MDS file ? did i write the image wrong lol ?12:08
linuxghow do you config ssh to run on a diffrent port than 22?12:08
sacarlsonlinuxg: did you look at the apache logs?  that's how I found how my hacker got in12:08
rigvedsacarlson: and linuxng should not allow port scanning12:09
Dr_Willislastchance:  'whats' saying it? you srue its not some windows app that  juzt assoicated itself with the .iso files? have windows unhide the extensions.12:09
pr0t0c0nmake sure the wireless router doesnt have any security encryption and is broadcasting12:09
rigvedsacarlson: l*inuxg12:09
Dr_Willislastchance:  windows and its apps are often rather silly. Ive seen 'winrar' claim iso files. so people think they are downloading .rar archives when they in fact are geting iso;s12:10
Stavapr0t0c0n, it does not, and I can connect to it with my phone12:10
Sub_ZeroHas anyone successfully used a WBFS mounting tool? Such as Wiithon? I've tried it and for some reason it just doesn't see my ext HD12:10
sacarlsonrigved: how can you prevent someone from port scanning you ?12:10
pr0t0c0nthen type ifconfig wlan0 up , then bring up your wifi manager and scan for avalible networks12:10
lastchancehmm well when i get the iso it show up as WINRAR12:10
pilulapHi all. I have a silly question. Is there any way to undo a rm command :) ?12:10
Dr_Willispilulap:  not very easially.12:10
Dr_Willis!undelete | pilulap12:10
ubottupilulap: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel12:10
sacarlsonlinuxg: to change sshd port see /etc/ssh config files12:10
Stavapr0t0c0n, I'm scanning with iwlist scan, and i get no results12:11
lastchanceso i dont need to write the files in the winrar to a image using a program its still a iso cause i cant load it in my usb installer12:11
pr0t0c0nafter you type ifconfig wlan0 up into the command prompt and bring up the wifi manager see if you can find a network12:11
Stavapr0t0c0n, I see a few networks there, yes12:12
Dr_Willislastchance:  because winrar has taken over the file assication.. dopnt just 'double click' on the files.. use the proper tools to access them tod ow hat you want.12:12
Dr_Willislastchance:  i always make windows 'show' extensions,12:12
pr0t0c0n ok select a network that is unsecure if avalible12:12
rigvedsacarlson: if you get too many icmp (or whatever) packets on all your ports, then someone is doing a port scan. i don't know but may be iptables can be set to detect and then block all for that IP12:12
Stavapr0t0c0n, It'll try to connect for a few minutes, but in the end it will fail... i'll try it again12:13
Sub_ZeroHas anyone used Wiithon before?12:13
techbreakit says download stable version of google chrome... and unicoder render I am unable to download :(12:13
DiskopandaWhat's the #thing for the wine IRC?12:13
lastchanceokie i slightly understand that ill see what i can do im not a expert computer kid but i kno more then the average joe.12:13
rigvedDiskopanda: #winehq12:13
Diskopandalastchance:  no you dont, stop lieing.12:13
Diskopandarigved: thanks :)12:14
sacarlsonrigved: you can't stop someone from port scanning you,  but you can move services to none standard ports so they don't know what protocal to use to attack/breakin to it12:14
lwizardlI am picking up a new laptop in about an hour. I am looking for a program to do a 100% backup of the hard drive and all partitions from the factory. I am wanting to make the backup as like either an iso or similar so that if I ever have to send it in for repair I can just restore their files onto the drive and be done. which applcation boot cd should I be using i have partimage, clonezilla, and gparted burned to discs12:14
rigvedDiskopanda: you are welcome12:14
lastchanceya i do but i been a gay windows user forever and im tired of this crap it sucks to me12:14
techbreakwhats there in stable and unstable version of chrome ? I am not able to download unicoder in unstable..12:14
Stavapr0t0c0n, Its using the ath9k driver, perhaps I should use something else? :o12:14
Dr_Willislwizardl:  ive often used 'dd' or other tools and imaged the HD to a external USB HD.12:14
rigvedsacarlson: i don't remember this but i had read about something like this for my System Security class. :)12:15
lwizardlDr_Willis, yeah I don't want to do a bit to bit copy using the full external drive.12:15
ohmyi'm using kubuntu10.10 and when i run opengl applications in full screen mode i can still see kde taskbar, isnt it possible to have opengl application running in true fuill screen mode ?12:15
Dr_Willislwizardl:  for windows partitions - yoy may have to.12:15
lwizardlDr_Willis, the laptop I'm getting has a 320gb hdd and my external is a 1tb12:15
sacarlsonlinuxg: rgved: the weakness is in the software we run in appache that sometimes have security problems that are isolated some time after install.  but you can add multilevel security so those are limited.12:16
Dr_Willislwizardl:  you can dd to a 'file'  for a image file.12:16
pr0t0c0ndo you have an atheros wifi device ?12:16
jahrraStava: s far is i know, ath9k is okay for atheros wifi chips12:16
rigvedsacarlson: ok12:17
Stavapr0t0c0n, jahrra I have Atheros AR928X12:18
techbreakgoogle chrome beta problems in unicode rendering... any help ?12:18
lwizardlDr_Willis, yeah the laptop will have windows seven as the default os and I will say that is only going to be on the system until i have t backed up and then never infect the machine again12:19
pr0t0c0ntry NDISwrapper12:19
jahrraStava: according to 'lspci' i have an Atheros AR928X too, using the ath9k-driver and everything worked out of the box for me12:19
Dr_Willislwizardl:  these days - i normally just buy a 2nd hard drve for my linux laptops and keep the windows hd somewhere safe.12:19
Stavajahrra, that gave me a little hope :o12:19
Dr_Willislwizardl:  given how cheap HDs are these days. :)12:19
evaluateI've got this network card: Broadcom Corporation BCM43225 802.11b/g/n (rev 01) and on ubuntu maverick it doesn't seem to work (worked fine in lucid). Any suggestions?12:19
evaluateBtw, the error I'm receiving is: "Bad password"...12:20
lwizardlDr_Willis, yeah but if I was to do that at this time I would just buy a larger one and store the small 32012:20
sacarlsonjahrra: I use the ath9k driver also in my eeepc works perfect but never tried wpa2,  wep did work12:20
Dr_Willislwizardl:  or i just make the 'restore cd/dvd' sets the win makers let you make. and not worry about iot.12:20
Stavajahrra, perhaps there is a problem with ubuntu 10.10 and this particular card/driver? what else could there be?12:20
Stavalots of things i guess, but keep in mind that this is a fresh install12:20
Dr_Willislwizardl:  thats what i do. i replaced the last 320 laptop with a 500gb hd that was on sale that day. cheaper/faster then worrying about backing up 200GB of whats mostly cruft to dvd12:21
pr0t0c0ntry reinstalling the driver , if you still have problems then id go with a difrent driver12:21
lwizardlDr_Willis, I plan to make the restore dvd/s but I want to remove everything and give me back also the 4-10gb used for hidden restore partition12:21
amandaPI Need The Assistance of Someone who knows Virtualbox ubuntu conflicts12:22
=== root is now known as Guest40902
jahrraStava: did the atheros-card work before you installed ubuntu?12:23
pr0t0c0ni would also double check your network configuration manager12:24
Stavajahrra, I've never used this computer before installing ubuntu12:24
Stavajahrra, no one have12:24
jahrraokay, just asking ;)12:24
pr0t0c0nif you can detect a network then the card should be working fine12:24
Stavais the madwifi driver good?12:24
twitchGuest40902: ain't backtrack :P12:25
pr0t0c0nits just a matter of figuring out why its not working like its supposed to12:25
chxhi. i have an eSATA disk attached and would like to install Ubuntu to it while running Ubuntu on the host machine12:25
pr0t0c0nive never used madwifi , i uased NDISwrapper when i was running ubuntu12:25
ouyeshello everybody, I need your help12:25
jahrrapr0t0c0n: i did see broken wifi-cards that could see wireless networks, but were unnable to connect - altough under windows12:27
JPSmanso I understand that there is a GUI for ntfsundelete on the LiveCD, but can I run it without the livecd/12:27
sacarlsonStava: I thought madwifi was already moved into the kernel12:27
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ouyeswhen I play a movie, I feel the screen stops from times to times, I get a ati video card , I do know why the player cannot play smoothly?12:27
Stavasacarlson, i have no clue :o12:27
tasis there a way to convert NTFS partition into a ext4 partition? without loosing data in it, and does ubuntu auto mount ext partitions?12:28
ouyestas, are you running xubuntu?12:28
miasmatas: there's no free tool for converting NTFS -> ext4 in-place afaik12:29
pr0t0c0ni cant really tell without seeing all the output but it seems to me that its associating with the network but there is not data negotiation12:29
sunrizehow to download books in ubuntu12:30
techbreakwhich is the latest kernel version ? 2.6.35 ?12:30
pr0t0c0nso you say you can see the network but its like its not retriveing an ip or DNS server or anything ?OM12:30
paco_que le pasa ami ordenador que no conecta con internet12:30
Dr_Willissunrize:  depends on what books/sites/whatever.. the google books project has a lot in pdf/ebook formats.12:30
Dr_Willissunrize:  project guttenberg has a lot of books also.12:31
sunrizeDr_Willis, is there any web link if so give me that12:31
Dr_Willissunrize:  other then google.. not off hand.12:31
StavaIs there any linux-backports-wireless-karmic-general equivalent package for the 10.10 release?12:31
JragonErrr. When I plugged in my monitor it  is now well there is a very large gap between the tern off button and the rest. What happend?12:31
paco_no hay nadie ahí que hable español12:32
Dr_WillisJragon:  clarify wha tyou mean.. whats the 'tern off' button? what rest?12:32
Myrtti!rs | paco_12:32
ubottupaco_: Molimo udjite u #ubuntu-rs za pomoc u vezi sa Ubuntuom na srpskom jeziku.12:32
JragonMy icons on the top panel12:32
Myrtti!es | paco_12:32
JragonThe bit that says:12:32
ubottupaco_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:32
pr0t0c0nstava , can you read me the output from ifconfig ?12:32
Dr_WillisJragon:  move them back. or reset the panel I guess.  the spaceing  can get confused when screen sizes change.12:33
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »12:33
jahrraStava: before you start updating/downgrading drivers etc, do have any chance to try to connect to some other wireless network and see if you get the same problem there?12:33
JragonBut there all locked and i have about 10-15)12:33
Stavajahrra, I guess I could try another router12:33
pr0t0c0ntry that12:33
paco_join ubuntu12:33
Dr_WillisJragon:  unlock/move them i guess. or try loging out/back in.12:33
sacarlsonstava: also I would try bypass the network managers and try static from cli setup12:33
Stavapr0t0c0n, Well, wlan has a HWaddr, its "UP BROADCAST MULTICAST", mtu is 1500 etc12:34
Dr_WillisJragon:  theres known 'bugs' with panel things not mioving where they should.12:34
Stavasacarlson, I will try that, but ultimately I want to use the network manager12:34
LeFFhi 2 all =)12:34
pr0t0c0nbut do you see an IP associated with wlan0 ?12:34
Stavapr0t0c0n, No, im not connected12:34
sacarlsonstava: well first you need to isolate where the problem comes from.  maybe it's a hardware problem12:34
sacarlsonstava: things do break12:35
paco_alguien me entiende por favor12:35
Stavasacarlson, Well the network card is recognized, a driver is loaded for it, and it can scan for networks12:35
pr0t0c0n and you say you tried to invoke dhcp with dhcpcd wlan0 ?12:35
JragonOk, thanks/12:35
sarthorI am using maverick on my lenovo laptop, it show error, ntel ips 0000:00:1f.6: CPU power or thermal limit exceeded Solution?12:35
Stavapr0t0c0n, Will that do any good when im not connected? I dont exactly understand how that works12:35
Pablo1Hola Paco.  esto es solo ingles. /join #ubuntu-es12:35
pr0t0c0nif you can see the network select it , then  type dhcpcd wlan0 into the command prompt12:36
pr0t0c0nthen run ifconfig and see if there is now a ip associated with wlan012:36
paco_gracias pablo pero es que no consigo entrar en internet google desde mi ordenador  y no se que hacer12:37
Stavapr0t0c0n, "dhcpcd" and "dhcpd" are not installed12:37
aeon-ltd!es | paco_12:37
ubottupaco_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:37
pr0t0c0ngive me one sec12:38
Stavapr0t0c0n, thanks for taking your time :p12:38
sarthorI am using maverick on my lenovo laptop, it show error, ntel ips 0000:00:1f.6: CPU power or thermal limit exceeded Solution?12:38
paco_gracias pablo de verdad y felices fiestas12:39
Dr_Willissarthor:  i see those messages all the time. laptop sworks fine.12:39
iljLeFF, sup dude12:39
sacarlsonstava: I also assume you tried wicd in replacement of network-manager?12:39
Dr_Willissarthor:  some sort of kernel/bios/cpu setting quirk im guewsing12:39
pr0t0c0nok type ipconfig/renew12:39
Stavasacarlson, I have not (no internet access anyway)12:39
Stavasacarlson, I could use an ethernet cable of course12:39
sacarlsonstava: on any computer?12:39
Stavasacarlson, I would probably get internet access with a cable12:40
sarthorDr_Willis, I do think my laptop is working fine, working speed is slow, and also it is like the laptop is halting.12:40
Dr_Willissarthor:  check the forums for that error message. ive never relly looked into it.12:41
pr0t0c0nyea have you double checked your network manager settings ?12:41
sacarlsonstava: I would start there since many have had problems with the new network-manager version, if that failed I would try cli,  I can't find the scripts I used to setup wifi with a script12:41
Stavasacarlson, Shouldnt I try cli first?12:42
StavaI guess that would be the most foolproof way? If I know the syntax12:42
sacarlsonstava: I also don't see any output from the iwconfig ,  what does that show you?  cli=command line interface12:43
ouyeshi all, I have an ati video card and smplayer, but the player cannot play a film smoothly, it picture stops from time to time , do you know why ?12:43
sarthorDr_Willis, I checked the forum since yesterday, but no success.12:43
sacarlsonStava: I would at least take a peak at iwconfig12:43
bullgardDoes ALSA write a logfile? I could not find one in /var/log/ .12:43
LeFFguys Need help, coz I almost gave up... I'm new to Linux (only few days) Trying to apply changes from lilo.conf but can't it posts an error... what could it be?12:43
Stavasacarlson, it says a lot about wlan012:43
Dr_Willisbullgard:  not that ive ever seen. perhaps in its configs it can be enabled.12:44
sacarlsonstava: anything you understand?  pastebinit12:44
Stavasacarlson, ESSID:off/any, Access Point: Not-Associated12:44
guest9211hi everyone12:44
bullgardDr_Willis: Thank you for commenting.12:44
Stavasacarlson, Tx-Power=20 dBm (perhaps that is low? I have no idea)12:44
sauluswhy do take ssh connection attempts so long with 10.10 in my inhouse network? With 10.04 the password challenge was started immediately, now it waits for about 3 seconds. Any ideas?12:44
Sheepherdhey guys thats probably not 100% ontopic but im looking for a decent mp3 player that works great with ubuntu... synchronisation n all that stuff should be working out of the box. does the microsoft zune player fulfill this requirement?12:44
guest9211kindly check this article: http://linux-blog.org/using-alias-in-linux/12:45
saulusLeFF: why are you using lilo? Ubuntu uses grub.12:45
Dr_WillisSheepherd:  i would avoid stuff from MS12:45
LeFF<saulus> Grub doesnt work and shows me Grub Rescue>12:46
SheepherdDr_Willis: ya i thought so... but is there a good alternative? a mp3player specifically built for linux users or smthing?12:46
saulusLeFF: what do you want to do? Which system do you have?12:46
Dr_WillisSheepherd:  no idea.   Proberly are some out that run linux. but i dont pay attention to the things.12:47
wikeris  there  any  chinese12:47
rigved!cn | wiker12:47
ubottuwiker: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk12:47
LeFF<saulus> i want to start my ubuntu 10.10 at least once from my hard drive not from LiveCD=)12:47
sacarlsonstava: so what about sudo iwlist wlan0 scanning  but change wlan0 to athX whatever yours is12:47
rigved!ru | root_12:47
ubotturoot_: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke12:47
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, installed ndiswrapper for usb nic (gigabyte gn-wb32L), and added some drivers in blacklist.conf (followed howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper), now the computer wont boot with the usb connected, but will when i remove the usb - any suggestions on how to fix this? i assume theres a conflicting driver i havent blacklisted properly12:48
wikeris there an chinese!12:48
g1105ti have 2 monitors and a tv, i can have 2 displaying at one time..but is it possible in ubuntu to have all three running? Any software available?12:48
saulusLeFF: boot from the cd. Choose "install on harddisk" or similar. Wait 30 minutes and youre done. No need to touch lilo. Its not used in ubuntu12:48
SheepherdDr_Willis: alright. you know a place where i could start asking?12:48
rigvedwiker: /join #ubuntu-cn12:48
rs0832wiker: #ubuntu-cn12:48
Dr_Willisg1105t:  for my nvidia card. it cant do 3 outputs at a time (single card, 2  dvi, one svideo) it can only do 2 of the 312:48
wikerhow  to join12:49
Infrid64i'm trying to install xubuntu, i'm going to use the entire hard disk but when the system reboot after the intallation i get a nice prompt "grub rescue" and a "no partition" message :D12:49
rigvedwiker: /join #ubuntu-cn12:49
rs0832wiker: type /join #ubuntu-cn in the chat bar12:49
rigvedwiker: type that ^^12:49
Dr_Willis!fixgrub | Infrid6412:49
ubottuInfrid64: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.12:49
LeFF<saulus> ok. I've installed UBU but after installation it just doesn't start that's the problem Grub rescue sais Unknown device that's why I'm trying with lilo12:49
rs0832rigved: :) sorry12:49
g1105tdr_willis: i have a extra monitor port and a s-video i use for the tv for movies..i believe my sony vaoi laptop12:50
rigvedrs0832: what?12:50
Dr_WillisLeFF:  you may be better luck with trying to fix trub. then trying to get lilo going.12:50
rigvedrs0832: ohh np12:50
sliptteesHello all12:50
rs0832rigved: "_12:50
rs0832rigved: :)12:50
rs0832slipttees: hello12:50
rigvedrs0832: :)12:50
sunrizeslipttees, welcome12:50
sliptteesokay, bit problem, caps lock inverter, howto fix it?12:50
LeFFDr_Willis ok why Grub not lilo?12:50
sacarlsonstava: and a note is that you have no essid assigned;  you need to disable network-manager and try sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid accesspointname12:50
Dr_WillisLeFF:  lilo is old old old...12:50
Dr_WillisLeFF:  and may not even work propelry with newer hardware12:51
sliptteescaps lock actived = kkkk  - caps lock disabled= KKKK12:51
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, installed ndiswrapper for usb nic (gigabyte gn-wb32L), and added some drivers in blacklist.conf (followed howto: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/Ndiswrapper), now the computer wont boot with the usb connected, but will when i remove the usb - any suggestions on how to fix this? i assume theres a conflicting driver i havent blacklisted properly12:51
LeFFDr_Willis may be... ok thanks I'll try do smth with Grub.12:52
zagabarWth, something really strange has happened to one of my folders. :S   http://pastebin.com/sqjAhzTW  What is this?12:52
Infrid64thanks Dr_Willis12:52
sliptteesrs0832: u can help me?12:53
rs0832slipttees: hmm...12:54
saulusLeFF: try reinstalling and pull out every usb-disc like external harddisc, usb-player, stuff like that. Do a normal boot with a normal system setting and then the normal ubuntu installation should make it perfectly12:54
jahrranilsma: are you sure your pc does not try to boot from the usb-device? did you check the boot-priority-settings in your BIOS?12:54
sunrizehow to run java swing12:55
munkyin my xorg.conf i get "metamodes" "CRT: nvidia-auto-select @1280x1024 +0+0"12:55
sliptteesrs0832: please, my caps lock's inverte: activated: ubuntu - disabled: UBUNTU12:55
rs0832slipttees: was it working before?12:55
Dr_Williszagabar:  i would fsck the filesystem.. when you see ??? in filenames/permissions - thats not a good sign.12:55
sacarlsonzagabar: my guess is that your filesystem is not standard linux ext3-6 it must be like ntfs or fat32 or connected via samba12:55
munkyi want to add 60 hz refresh12:55
nilsmajahrra, i will try that12:55
LeFFsaulus can it be the raid problem? why system doesnt start12:55
sliptteesrs0832: work fine12:55
rigvedzagabar: that is weird. try the chown command again - sudo chown -cR /path/to/folder12:55
slipttees2 days ago12:55
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jahrranilsma: good luck :)12:55
bibic682hello,  Why does my hhd led blink constantly every 1.5 to 2 seconds.....10.10.....have already stopped polling of cd and dvd drives12:55
saulusLeFF: yes. That my be the issue.12:56
Dr_Willisbibic682:  ive had hd lights blink to show they are ins sleep/suspend mode12:56
rs0832slipttees: ok hold on ... let me see12:56
zagabarDr_Willis: Dayum... D:12:56
zagabarsacarlson: It is ext412:56
sacarlsonzagabar: try look at the mount point of that dir with mount command12:56
saulusLeFF: but the new grub (since ubuntu 10.04 I think and 10.10 for sure) should handle raids.12:56
zagabarrigved: Okay I'l try that12:56
sliptteesrs0832: humm u see12:57
sacarlsonzagabar: is it mounted read/write?12:57
rs0832slipttees: does this persist on restart?12:57
zagabarsacarlson: sudo chown zagabar -cR /home/share/  reported no changes12:57
bibic682my other machine 10.10 also does not do this12:57
zagabarsacarlson: yup, read/write12:57
rs0832slipttees: you have an led for the caps lock on your keyboard, right?12:58
sacarlsonzagabar: what else did the mount show us?12:58
zagabarsacarlson: I am not sure on how to check with the mount, but "mount /home" (which is the mountpoint gave: mount: according to mtab, /dev/sda4 is already mounted on /home12:58
sacarlsonzagabar: I'm not asking you to mount it I want to just see how it's mounted ,  just sudo mount  will show all your mount points12:59
ztiquetqeIve got infinite kdm login loop12:59
ztiquetqeanyone can help me ?12:59
Gneaztiquetqe: pretty sure kubuntu uses kdm, #kubuntu ought to be the place to ask13:00
rs0832slipttees: sorry i m taking long time to reply:) there is a setting though, that allows you to turn caps off on every restart13:00
zagabarsacarlson: oh sorry. It says: /dev/sda4 on /home type ext4 (rw)13:00
sacarlsonzagabar: also a sudo ls -l  might show us something13:00
rs0832slipttees: it should work13:01
sliptteesrs0832: humm...thx, ill try13:01
sacarlsonzagabar: ok that looks fine13:01
rs0832slipttees: which version of ubuntu are you using?13:01
UBUxUBUhow can i tell if i am running 64 bit ubuntu13:01
sliptteesi need use LTS13:01
sliptteesonly LTS13:01
ubottuFor instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup13:01
sacarlsonzagabar: so what does sudo ls -l  show us?13:01
GneaUBUxUBU: uname -m13:02
rs0832slipttees: some people have suggested some things that seem to have worked for them.. you can try those out -13:02
zagabarsacarlson: is looks normal to afai can see: http://pastebin.com/yVqAyhVC13:02
UBUxUBUgnea oh thanks i assume that a terminl command13:02
sliptteesrs0832: thx, my work have 40 pc with ubuntu 10.04.1LTS13:02
coz_slipttees,  very cool13:03
rs0832slipttees: and try unplugging and replugging your keyboard13:03
sliptteesonly one have this problem :D13:03
sliptteesrs0832: ;-)13:03
UBUxUBUgnea i downloaded wubi and dont recl getting a choice13:03
rs0832slipttees: and try this - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9673403&postcount=1213:03
sliptteescoz_: brazil :D13:03
rs0832slipttees: yes?13:03
munkyvertical frequnecy ini xorg.conf is it in khz or hertz???13:03
albertowho are you'13:04
sacarlsonzagabar: so where did those files go that looked like ??????13:04
sliptteesrs0832: waiting...13:04
rs0832munky:  i think hertz13:04
rs0832slipttees: didnt you get my message? - http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=9673403&postcount=1213:04
Gneamunky: Hz13:04
UBUxUBUgnea it said x86_64 hmm which one does that mean...its says both?13:05
zagabarsacarlson: that was the folders apps, video and games and they still looks like ???? when doing ls -l without sudo13:05
GneaUBUxUBU: if it's got 64 attached to it, it's 64bit13:05
UBUxUBUk thanks gnea13:05
sacarlsonzagabar: those are filename that just have caricters that you can't print13:05
GneaUBUxUBU: if it started with an 'i' it would be 32bit13:05
rs0832slipttees: also, are you using openoffice?13:05
sacarlsonzagabar: the part I didn't understand was the directories with permisions you couldn't read.  maybe a chmod thing?13:06
sliptteesrs0832: BRoffice13:06
rs0832slipttees: can you type something in gedit and check if it works there?13:07
sliptteesrs0832: unplug and plug no work, i'll try turn off caps lock and reboot13:07
sliptteesrs0832: yes, moment13:07
rocket16I bought a Philips gogear muse 8 GB. Is there a way to get it working with rhythmbox?13:08
zagabarsacarlson: are you sure that they are unreadable filenames? These three are folders and I get this when doing an ls -l without sudo on the folder: http://pastebin.com/zBz8vdvF13:08
nilsmajahrra, now it boots with the dongle in (after disabling boot other device in bios), but now it wont detect in nm-applet :p13:08
zagabarsacarlson: Yep, the permissions are strange. I made a chmod 666 recursively before, and tried ti again now but the same thing happens13:09
sliptteesrs0832: turn off caps lock and reboot, works :D13:09
sliptteesvery simple :D13:09
FloodBot2slipttees: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.13:09
Dr_WillisLeFF:  sounds like somthig dident get installed right, Ive rarely had grub issues.13:09
rs0832slipttees: :)13:09
sacarlsonzagabar: I've seen files like that from my girlfriends pics that are in thailand caricters that I wasn't setup to view.  I think they are like that13:09
Dr_WillisLeFF:  did you install from cd? or a flash drive>13:10
jahrranilsma, if you type 'lsusb' in a commandline, what does it say? is you nic listed there?13:10
vsilverlordi have problems with ubuntu, ubuntu is lagging13:10
sacarlsonzagabar: no I must be wrong,  why would it still be readable at the end of the file name?13:11
vsilverlordeverytime i start a new search in google the screen is frozen for 15 sec13:11
zagabarsacarlson: But I have no foreign characters in those folders. I am very sure about that.13:11
vsilverlordi saw in system monitor that the CPU is at 100%13:11
Dr_Williszagabar:  i would fsck the filesystem from a lve cd - if thats the case.13:11
nilsmajahrra, yes, its listed and "ndiswrapper -l" lists the driver as installed13:11
aeon-ltdvsilverlord: screen shot please13:11
sacarlsonzagabar: dr_willis: that's a good idea13:12
sliptteesrs0832:  ubuntu 10.10 is perfect, congratulations to those involved. Can't wait to get ubuntu 11:04 LTS :D13:12
zagabarsacarlson: also, shouldn't chmod 666 -R give read/write rights for everyone? Even more so if I do a chown zagabar -R?13:12
rs0832slipttees: :) great13:12
nilsmajahrra, iwconfig lists lo, eth0, eht1 and vboxnet013:12
zagabarDr_Willis: sigh, I guess I could but I hate having to shut down the server. xD Can't I do it from this system if I unmount /home?13:12
slipttees11.04 LTS, dan, 11.10 rigth?13:13
nilsmajahrra, iwconfig lists lo, eth0, eht1 and vboxnet0 * and all with "no wireless extensions"13:13
Dr_Williszagabar:  that would work also13:13
Sub_ZeroI'm trying to mount an WBFS formatted external HD. All the applications I've tried don't find the WBFS HD. What seems to be the problem?13:13
zagabarDr_Willis: cool I'll do that then, thanks. :)13:13
Dr_WillisSub_Zero:  what is WBFS? never heard of that one13:13
rs0832slipttees: yes .. i think the stable releases will be next year.. then they will be supported here on this channel13:13
sacarlsonzagabar: they are set to rw for all,  maybe try change them to 77713:13
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sliptteesrs0832: :D13:13
sacarlsonzagabar: that will add exectable by all13:13
rs0832slipttees: :)13:14
Sub_ZeroDr_Willis It's normally used to harbour Wii games to be played via USB13:14
=== mohammad is now known as Guest4469
MACscrwhats the newest kernel to run Ubuntu 10.04 as a xen domu? I just upgraded my xen guest from ubuntu 8.04 to 10.04 and now it wont boot. Here is the pastebin of the boot http://pastebin.ca/202808113:14
zagabarsacarlson: I'll try.13:15
MACscri noticed that the /boot folder doesnt even seem to have a newer -xen kernel in it13:15
jahrranilsma, hm i'm sorry to say, but that is beyond me .. maybe someone else can help?13:15
sliptteesThank you to everyone, who helps make the best ubuntu software opensource of world.13:16
zagabarsacarlson: lol that fixed it somehow!13:16
sliptteessoory my puor english too =]13:16
zagabarsacarlson: thanks dude13:17
dorsy__msg nickserv identify csoppcsaj13:17
Dr_Willisdorsy__:  thata a big phail :)13:17
rs0832dorsy__: you have to put a / before that13:17
sacarlsonzagabar: I guess a directory needs to be exec to be viewed.  I'm not sure how.  cool13:18
aeon-ltderrr seriously autojoin should not be allowed in xchat13:18
paul____hi I'm trying to setup an ad-hoc wifi network, it appears that using the network manager dosen't cause anything to happen so I set it up via command line13:19
paul____However setting the SSID name only works for a moment, so if it set it to 'test' that is fine, but a few seconds later it changes to random garbage.. any idea whats going on? :(13:19
zagabarsacarlson: lol yup13:20
paul____I run the command: sudo iwconfig wlan0 essid potato mode ad-hoc channel 9 key s:12347 ap any13:20
paul____and iwconfig returns wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"potato"13:21
paul____a few seconds later iwconfig returns wlan0     IEEE 802.11bgn  ESSID:"f2\x0D\xB71X\xA3Z%]\x05\x17X\xE9^\xD4\xAB\xB2\xCD\xC6\x9B\xB4T\x11\x0E\x82tA!=\xDC\x87"13:21
lolcat^I just read XKCD, who DO sudo report these "incidents" to?13:22
Dr_Willislolcat^:  root@localhost i think. or can be set to send them to other places/servers13:23
TheRufusquick question, I'm creating an 8Tb file/web server in RAID5. What's the best FS to use out of EXT4 and XFS?13:23
Dr_WillisTheRufus:  i think sticking to ext4 would be best for general ussage.13:24
tasCan anyone please tell me if there is any  converter that can conver .rm files to mp3 in ubuntu??13:24
TheRufusit's 33% in on formatting the array, i was hoping someone would say that LOL13:24
Dr_Willistas:  ffmpeg, or mencoder,13:24
inckiehttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements <-- when checken required disk space for Ubuntu Server. it states that you should count in users files. I ain't gonna have any users storing their files. is 5gb still minimum ?13:25
Dr_Willisinckie:  what are you going to be serving then?13:26
inckienagios server :)13:26
Dr_Willisfigure out how much hd space you need then.13:26
Dr_WillisNo idea what nagios even is.13:27
inckieDr_Willis nvm, just had to scroll down the page a little more13:27
inckieUbuntu Server (CLI) Installation13:27
Dr_Willisive installed to a 4gb flash drive.. but the /var/ stuff can get filled up fast13:27
inckieDr_Willis nagios is for monitoring services13:27
UBUxUBUdoes anyone know of a script that makes hulu play in ubuntu 100413:28
Dr_Willisits a service for servicing  services.. :13:28
Dr_WillisUBUxUBU:  hulu works fine here. Ive been watching it all night long.13:28
tasDr_Willis, eh, I installed mencodder, how to use it? :/13:28
Dr_WillisUBUxUBU:  you may want to try the Hulu desktop from hulu13:28
Dr_Willistas:  start witht he mencoder faq at their web site.    mencoder somthing.rm somthing.wav   perhaps.. id have to go look it up again.13:29
tasDr_Willis, ok13:29
Dr_Willistas:  theres online converteres also. but ive not used them13:29
tasDr_Willis, hmm13:29
Dr_Willisi tend to use ffmpeg/winff13:30
UBUxUBUhulu desktop for ubuntu make 64 bit work?13:30
tasDr_Willis, its for video, theres nothing about RM in it :/13:30
Dr_WillisUBUxUBU:  it works here on 64bit.. useing 10.10 - the web site also works with flash, as does hulu-desktop program.13:30
Zwalker_xchattas,  try avidemux13:31
Dr_Willistas:  it can convert audio also since videos include audio.13:31
UBUxUBUit wont let me install13:31
Dr_WillisUBUxUBU:  what wont let you install what exactly?13:31
abhinav_singhhow to install .air files in Ubuntu13:32
Dr_Willisabhinav_singh:   download the adobe air player tool and install it. it can also auto-install i recall. but that can have issues.13:32
shahanfacing 10MB Duplex ineternet connection on my maverick13:33
jahrraabhinav_singh, first you need adobe air, it's listed in the ubuntu software-center13:33
kostkonabhinav_singh, just install it from the software centre13:33
shahanits not getting any connection on my PC13:33
kostkonabhinav_singh, then double click on the .air file13:33
shahanbut working good on windows13:33
Dr_Willis ive seen  adobe air sites that auto-install the adobe air -->>> http://bcdef.org/antenna/13:34
shahanI have discussed the issue just few moment ago on #ubuntu-beginners so check the link http://paste.ubuntu.com/547215/13:34
JoshDreamlandDoes anyone here use snes9x-gtk?13:35
Daekdroom!ask | JoshDreamland13:35
ubottuJoshDreamland: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)13:35
JoshDreamlandI can't do anything with it. I can't set the controls, most importantly13:35
ChipAndFamilyGood morning, and a very merry Christmas-eve!13:36
JoshDreamlandNone of the keyboard buttons provoke any sort of response. I have a controller connected, it does nothing.13:36
JoshDreamlandMorning, chip13:36
lastchanceyo whats the persistance suppost to be set at ?13:36
mongyJoshDreamland, I prefer zsnes13:36
rs0832ChipAndFamily: a merry one to you too :)13:36
JoshDreamlandmongy: Does it have an interface?13:36
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  could be its set to use the wrong /dev/input/ for the gamepad13:36
samlcan i mount webdav as normal user (not sudo) ?13:36
mongyJoshDreamland, yup713:36
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  zsnes works very well. its older.. and 32bit only last i checked.13:37
mongyJoshDreamland, 32bit works if you force install it.13:37
stefanoshello, I plug in my ethernet cable and my laptop doesnt "see" it, what should I do? my laptop is Acer aspire 5820T13:37
bluefox83is there a bluetooth dongle list anywhere? i need to find a list of dongles supported by ubuntu that will work with voip13:37
JoshDreamlandI can't apt-get it.13:37
mongyJoshDreamland, its in maverick repo.  what ubuntu are you using13:38
bluefox83preferably before i buy a dongle on amazon.com >.>13:38
Dr_Willis!info zsnes13:38
ubottuzsnes (source: zsnes): Emulator of the Super Nintendo Entertainment System. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.510-2.2ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 890 kB, installed size 4084 kB (Only available for i386 amd64)13:38
JoshDreamlandE: Package 'zsnes' has no installation candidate13:38
mongyJoshDreamland, oh sorry, yeah, 64bit isnt.13:39
JoshDreamlandOh, that's what you meant13:39
mongyJoshDreamland, have to get 32bit and force it13:39
mongyJoshDreamland, using the deb.13:39
JoshDreamlandI was thinking you'd be hard pressed to find a ROM of 32-bit or more :P13:39
JoshDreamlandForget it; I'll just try to find info on why none of the emulators offered on 64bit can offer both controller config and screen size.13:39
Dr_Willissnes = 8 bit machine i thought.. or was it 16 bit.. i forget...13:40
JoshDreamland16, I believe, Dr_Willis13:40
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  snes9x has confif files you can edit manually, and command line options13:40
MACscrim running lucid and supposedly im missing libperl5.10, but im running perl 5.10. Any recommendations on how i resolve this?13:40
JoshDreamlandFCE Ultra doesn't offer a way to resize the screen, and if you go fullscreen, you can never, ever go back (without deleting its config files)13:40
JoshDreamlandNot to mention it freezes and dies when you try13:40
=== linuxIsCommunist is now known as dreamsAreGrand
nilsmajahrra, sorry i was afk, thanks for your help mate :)13:41
JoshDreamlandSNES 9x offers a variety of sizes, but I can't set controls at all...13:41
MACscrlol, nvm13:41
Dr_WillisI just set mine to use the keyboard here JoshDreamland  - i dont have a gamepad handy13:41
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  you are sure the gamepad is seen properly?  theres some js testign tools in the repos.13:41
cablopi upgraded mykernel and now i don't have graphics... how can i get to load the default safe graphics mode?13:42
JoshDreamlandDr_Willis: that's the issue. I can't use the keyboard, either.13:42
mongyJoshDreamland, http://mirrors.kernel.org/ubuntu/pool/universe/z/zsnes/zsnes_1.510-2.2ubuntu4_i386.deb13:42
JoshDreamlandNone of the buttons on anything do anything13:42
cablopi was looking at google, but it just points to the old way in ubuntu, nothing about lucid or maverick13:42
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  so you want to the settings dialog and set up the keyboard to be what you wanted first?13:42
JoshDreamlandmongy: I don't want to try to force it13:42
mongyJoshDreamland, sudo dpkg --force-all -i13:42
JoshDreamlandDr_Willis: Can't find a settings dialog for input.13:42
Dr_WillisOptions -> perferances -> joypad. select teh first entry. seledt up arrow, then left, right, and so on13:43
mongyJoshDreamland, why.. as long as you have ia32-libs installed it runs fine...13:43
cablophow can i load safe graphics mode in maverick?13:43
JoshDreamlandThat's insane13:43
Dr_WillisJoshDreamland:  err.. i found it rather trivial and straight forward.13:44
JoshDreamlandSo the Controller Ports is a convenience thing13:44
Dr_Williswhat 'controler ports' ?13:44
cablophow can i load safe graphics mode in maverick?13:45
mongycablop, from grub menu , press (ii think its) F5 or F6 and choose safe gfx13:47
cablopmongy, thanks, let me check it13:47
mongycablop, sorry Im talkin about installing13:47
stefanoshello, I plug in my ethernet cable and my laptop doesnt "see" it, what should I do? my laptop is Acer aspire 5820T13:48
cablopand if it is already installed?13:48
bonez2046If I type wrong password at gdm LOGIN, it takes several minutes before the dialogue clears to let me try the correct passwd to log in. Is there any way to change the timeout for login?13:48
mongycablop, choose recovery mode from grub and when you get a menu, choose failsafe X13:48
bonez2046this is on Ubuntu 10.0413:48
mountainedi want to edit my grub but there isnt a menu.lst13:48
rs0832mountained: it is grub.cfg13:49
Dr_Willis!grub2 | mountained13:49
ubottumountained: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub213:49
rs0832mountained: if you have grub 213:49
Dr_Willismountained:  and you dont edit grub.cfg by hand. edit the proper /etc/default/grub and /etc/grub.d/ files and sudo update-grub13:49
cablopthanks mongy i'll try, i just need to be able to enable the repo nvidia drivers, i was using the old nvidia ones, but it is a pain cause i can't use any old kernel13:49
stefanoshello, I plug in my ethernet cable and my laptop doesnt "see" it, what should I do? my laptop is Acer aspire 5820T13:49
Dr_Willisstefanos:  check 'dmesg' output after  You plug it in - see if the kernel messages mention any problems13:50
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »13:50
bakamaruhi guys, anyone knows how to extract raw audio from VIDEO_TS folder?13:50
mountainedDr_Willis problem is i have no working ubuntu partition right now13:51
bonez2046timeout at login, anyone?13:51
mountainedim using a live cd13:51
stefanos<Dr_Willis> only flash player error13:51
rs0832mountained: you will not find a grub config on a live cd if thats what you are tryinh13:52
rs0832mountained: *trying13:52
mountainedrs0832 yes i did13:52
mountainedrs0832 i opened the config right now but seams verry complicated13:52
Dr_Willismountained:  i dont understand why you want to edit grub - when you have no ubuntu? or am i missing somthing.13:53
Dr_Willismountained:  you can edit the grub menus from the grub menu/boot menu. hit 'e' to make changes as needed.13:53
mountainedDr_Willis i just installed arch linux as another os but it isnt in my grub13:53
rs0832mountained: do you have ubuntu installed? what are you trying to do?13:53
staszek20i looking for interesting book about unix/linux13:53
Dr_Willismountained:  so you can or can not boot into ubuntu?13:53
cablopok... my ubuntu can't run in failsafex mode.... what can i do?13:54
craigbass1976how come /etc/init.d/networking restart doesn't really go through all the motions.  I remember on RH type systems it did.  With Ubuntu I've got to dhclient as well to really restart the network13:54
mountainedDr_Willis i can try but i deleteted the swap partition during the install13:54
rs0832staszek20: what kind of a book? to learn it or an advanced one?13:54
zambawhen installing ubuntu you get presented with the choice of encrypting your home directory.. what does it use for this? i want to just encrypt portions of my home directory afterwards/manually.. how is that done?13:54
Dr_Willismountained:  boot a live cd. edit the etc/fstab and comment out the swap entry - if thats keeping it from booting.13:54
mountainedDr_Willis thx i ll try13:55
staszek20to learn13:55
erUSULzamba: ecryptfs13:55
bonez2046does PAM control login parameters?13:55
craigbass1976can I add dhclient to the networking script in /etc/init.d, or is there some other script I should run that does it all?13:55
erUSULzamba: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EncryptedPrivateDirectory13:56
kmckI have a few questions about my Ubuntu system, they are kind of odd, well to me at least :) could someone help me out?13:56
zambaerUSUL: thanks :)13:56
craigbass1976kmck, whats going on?13:56
rs0832kmck: tell us :)13:56
fritzfridolin_does anyone use the ati x1900gt graphics card? i cant find a working driver13:56
erUSULcraigbass1976: in ubuntu is network manager what controls all the networking by default13:56
zambaerUSUL: can this be used for a server installation as well?13:57
zambaerUSUL: and not a desktop?13:57
ChipAndFamilyI'm running Ubuntu Linux 10.xx, 64 bit.  I'm having problems with my dual monitors.  Anyone else having issues like this?13:57
kmckOk, so i've had Ubuntu installed on my laptop since it was in V9.(i don't remember the rest haha) but i've now obviously upgraded to 10.10 when it was released... after I upgraded to 10.10, two very strange things happened. 1) I no long can use the microphone built into my laptop that I could use before, and 2) whenever I try in anyway to shutdown the computer it just restarts? I'm very confused..13:58
craigbass1976erUSUL, so /etc/init.d/network-manager restart will totally be like reboting as far as the network interfaces are concerned?13:58
erUSULzamba: i do not see why not. probably automating the mountng on login would be differen13:58
StavaSo I cant connect to the wireless or wired network. I'm able to scan for wireless though, so the network card(s) are recognized and drivers are loaded for them13:58
erUSULcraigbass1976: may be. configuration wise.13:59
cablophow can i enable an nvidia driver from cli?13:59
erUSUL!nvidia | cablop13:59
ubottucablop: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto13:59
rs0832staszek20: http://www.ubuntupocketguide.com/index_main.html14:01
simain #ubuntu-ru14:01
cablopwell, i enabled the manually installed nvidia driver14:02
cablopbut.... i want to use the one in the repositories14:02
rs0832staszek20:click on the 'download pdf edition now' button14:02
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, should ndiswrapper-file in /etc/modprobe.d be named ndiswrapper or ndiswrapper.conf?14:02
orly_owlAny tool to defrag ntfs for jaunty?14:03
rs0832orly_owl: ubuntu doesnt need defragging14:03
erUSULorly_owl: use windows tools to fix ntfs partitions14:04
kmckwould anyone know the fix to my problems?14:04
kmckor am i in the wrong place?14:04
orly_owlrs0832: it's for an NTFS partition14:04
JoshDreamlandheh, it works. Now to see about the API for GamePads. Apparently no X event is generated... Unless XEV doesn't pick them up by default?14:05
rs0832orly_owl: i think i know some... one sec14:05
orly_owlerUSUL: I don't have windows.14:05
rs0832kmck: just ask every 10 minutes till someone answers (they maybe busy so they didnt answer) :)14:06
polishy :'(14:06
erUSULorly_owl: there is no ntfs defrag progrma for windows afaik14:06
erUSULorly_owl: there is no ntfs defrag progrma for linux afaik14:07
rs0832orly_owl: erUSUL is right .. i only know of one tool but it is propreitory and i am not sure if it can defrag from linux14:07
polishy :D  :D14:07
kmckthank you14:08
staszek20re0832: thanks, i will read it14:08
rs0832staszek20: :)14:08
orly_owlerUSUL: I asked for a program that runs on jaunty14:09
rs0832orly_owl: i m sorry but i dont think there are any programs for defragging that run on linux14:10
erUSULorly_owl: and i am telling you that i do not know of any program that runs on linux ( including jaunty ) that can defrag a ntfs partition14:10
Al3xG0how do I install the module MIME:: Entity perl in Unbuntu14:10
Al3xG0how do I install the module MIME::Entity perl in Unbuntu14:10
orly_owlThere is pyfrag http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=169551&page=1014:10
erUSUL!info libmime-tools-perl14:11
ubottulibmime-tools-perl (source: mime-tools): Perl5 modules for MIME-compliant messages. In component main, is optional. Version 5.427-2 (maverick), package size 232 kB, installed size 628 kB14:11
erUSUL!find libmime14:11
ubottuFound: libmime-tools-perl, libmime-types-perl, libmimelib4, perl, libmime-base32-perl, libmime-base64-urlsafe-perl, libmime-charset-perl, libmime-encwords-perl, libmime-explode-perl, libmime-lite-html-perl (and 13 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libmime&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all14:11
polishyim spending xmas in this channel14:11
rs0832kmck: do your speakers work?14:11
kmckyes they do rs14:12
kmcksorry i don't know how to send direct type messages.. still new at IRC14:12
System_Default_0May you tell me where can I find some tutorials for using nmap?14:12
rs0832kmck: no problem:)14:12
kmckare you doing /notice rs0832 this command?14:13
rs0832kmck: you can check out irchelp.org for that if you want... :)14:13
rs0832kmck: no14:13
kmckok! thank you very much14:13
rs0832kmck: :) sure .. it s very good for learning irc14:13
adrian__please can someone help me with wine14:14
rs0832kmck: i am not very experienced with audio devices but i will try to help you .. atleast untill someone else can :)14:14
System_Default_0adrian__: What problem do you have?14:14
rs0832adrian__: what kind of help do you need14:14
=== polishy is now known as MindWarper
kmcki really appreciate that! :)14:14
adrian__I get an error make sure your vido card is comatible driect draw14:15
adrian__fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 110 (SPI_GETSHOWIMEUI)14:15
adrian__fixme:win:EnumDisplayDevicesW ((null),0,0x32d9d8,0x00000000), stub!14:15
adrian__fixme:x11drv:X11DRV_desktop_SetCurrentMode Cannot change screen BPP from 32 to 814:15
adrian__fixme:system:SystemParametersInfoW Unimplemented action: 111 (SPI_SETSHOWIMEUI)14:15
adrian__adrian@adrian-desktop:~$ wine /media/LOCAL\ DISK/Age\ of\ Empires\ II\ The\ Age\ of\ Kings\ \&\ The\ Conquerors/Age\ of\ Empires\ II/empires2.exe14:15
FloodBot2adrian__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:15
adrian__i am sorry14:15
rs0832adrian__, i think age of empires doesnt support your card... or more the other way round :)14:16
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, should ndiswrapper-file in /etc/modprobe.d be named ndiswrapper or ndiswrapper.conf?14:16
adrian__it works in win xp14:16
rs0832kmck: what did you have before this version? of ubuntu?14:16
kmckI believe the version before 10.10 was 10.04, correct? if so that is the version i had, and before that I had windows 714:17
kmckhowever... unfortunately instead of installing ubuntu side by side i installed it over windows :(14:17
milamber!etiquette > adrian__ it's ok14:18
ubottuadrian__, please see my private message14:18
System_Default_0adrian: Is not the same in emulers. Try VirtualBox.14:18
System_Default_0adrian: You can install a Windows OS in the VirtualBox as guest, and Ubuntu as host.14:18
rs0832adrian__: hmm.. i think that a feature the game uses is not yet supported in wine.. did you check if wine supports the game? you can check at winehq.org14:18
rs0832kmck: ok.. so you installed it fresh from a live cd? not an upgrade?14:19
zambai'm going to set up a headless server for encoding audio.. should i use alsa for that?14:19
zambaor do you suggest something else?14:19
kmckversion 10.04 yes, version 10.10 was an upgrade14:19
kmckversion 10.10 is when the problems also arose14:19
rs0832kmck: and 10.04 worked alright?14:19
erUSULzamba: only encoding? for that you do not need even a soundcard. or you meant capture and encoding ?14:20
System_Default_0But I can't handle the Screen Managment in Ubuntu 10.0414:20
zambaerUSUL: capture and encoding, yeah14:20
Al3xG0!info Tie::DNS;14:20
ubottuPackage TieDNS does not exist in maverick14:20
mecoHow do I capture a browser window (including the part that doesn't show on the screen)?14:20
cablopi manually installed the driver from nvidia, not a deb package14:20
Al3xG0!info lib-DNS-tools14:20
ubottuPackage lib-DNS-tools does not exist in maverick14:20
Al3xG0!info lib-DNS14:21
ubottuPackage lib-DNS does not exist in maverick14:21
aeon-ltd!find lin-dns14:21
aeon-ltd!find lib-dns14:21
ubottuPackage/file lin-dns does not exist in maverick14:21
ubottuPackage/file lib-dns does not exist in maverick14:21
cablopi manually installed the driver from nvidia, not a deb package... but i want to replace it with the deb one... but if i remove the nvidia driver i got no video... so no way to enable it using the admin panel14:21
rs0832kmck: which program are you using for your mic?14:21
dattai want to put folding@home in the startup with the terminal viewing it's progress, how do i do this?14:22
dattai can run it from the terminal with the commands but i cannot put it in the startup14:22
kmckwell i've tried sound recorder that came pre-installed and skype14:22
zambaerUSUL: any idea?14:23
rs0832kmck: does it detect the mic, can they just not record?14:23
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mecoHow do I capture a browser window (including the part that doesn't show on the screen)?14:23
erUSULzamba: yes you need alsa; it comes with the kernel so you surely already have it14:23
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, should ndiswrapper-file in /etc/modprobe.d be named ndiswrapper or ndiswrapper.conf?14:23
zambaerUSUL: but i've wrestled with alsa before.. it rarely ever works for me :p14:24
rs0832meco: do you mean the page you are viewing or the just the browser window and what's visible in it?14:24
System_Default_0Sorrowful: Hi.14:24
* Sorrowful is away, auto-away after 99 minutes (1h 54m 27s ago)14:24
MindWarper :@14:24
Sorrowfulstupid away msg14:24
zambaerUSUL: what can i use to test alsa? both capture and playback?14:25
MindWarper :|14:25
MindWarper :o14:25
Sorrowfulim bored and have to do a report on mac layer firewalls14:25
mecors0832: I mean the browser window as far as it extends beyond the screen.14:25
Sorrowfulstupid lame one14:25
uzi__Merry Xmas. "intelfb: Video mode must be programmed at boot time." <- How do I do that?14:25
rs0832meco: well there are some screen capture programs that can capture a specified window...14:26
rigveduzi__: not that i know how to solve that, but are you able to reach the grub screen?14:26
rs0832meco: so it should capture the window, irrespective of where it is14:26
mecors0832: Do you know of any names?14:26
kmckrs0832: i'm actually looking to see if it is detecting it now that you ask, but i'm not sure where i'm looking to be honest14:27
MindWarper '<14:27
kmckrs0832: well i guess i'm not sure where to look14:27
rs0832!screencast | meco14:27
ubottumeco: Some programs to capture your screen are recordmydesktop, Istanbul, Wink, Xvidcap, pyvnc2swf.  Also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ScreenCasts.14:27
uzi__rigved: Yes. Maybe it's better put as "How do I program video mode with grub2?"14:27
Al3xG0As against this lib perl Can not locate Tie / DNS.pm in @ INC (@ INC contains: / etc / perl / usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 / usr/local/share/perl/5.10. 1 / usr/lib/perl5 / usr/share/perl5 / usr/lib/perl/5.10 / usr/share/perl/5.10 / usr / local / lib / site_perl.) x at line 15.14:27
mecoNice, appreciate it :-)14:27
rs0832meco: i am not sure which of these has the feature or if all of them do.. but you can try them14:28
MindWarper 8-)14:28
rs0832kmck: ah ok14:28
UBUxUBUDr_Willis, i have hulu desktop installed and that didnt allow me to view hulu vids...what did you mean14:28
Al3xG0how do I install the module Tie::DNS; perl in Unbuntu14:28
UBUxUBUstill says i need flash which i have14:28
rigveduzi__: ok. boot into recovery mode14:28
MindWarper ;)14:29
UBUxUBUwhy cant i view hulu vids in 64 ubuntu14:29
kmckrs0832: ok found it, when i go to sound preferences and go to hardware the output is correct as it states RS 780 Azalia controller Digital Stereo (HDMI) output however my Input says: Internal Audio Analog Stero Duplex?14:29
rs0832kmck: did you try the skype hardware test thingy? (sorry about being vague... i ll check what its called hold on)14:29
kmckrs0832: no no i know exactly what your talking about, and yes14:29
rs0832kmck: and did it detect the mic?14:30
uzi__rigved: Ok, I can do that. But, I'm trying to make intelfb work with 1280x800.14:30
rs0832meco: !screencast14:30
staszek20merry christmas!!14:30
kmckrs0832: nope14:31
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mecors0832: But those seem all to be recording programs. I'm just looking for an app to make an image14:31
JackomoLightHello everybody, my name is Jackomo.14:31
rigveduzi__: ok. let's see if this works. after booting into recory mode, select failsafex mode14:31
Al3xG0how do I install the module Tie::DNS; perl in Unbuntu14:31
meco!screen capture14:32
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=== Energetic_Silent is now known as Mkaysi
ubottuScreenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.14:32
IdleOnestop fishing14:32
dattai need to know how to add folding@home to the startup of my computer with the terminal, is there any command that can do this?14:32
MindWarper :@14:32
dattai am using the linux version of folding@home14:33
mecoPrtScr doesn't take the picture I need14:33
rs0832kmck: can you type alsamixer in the terminal?14:33
IdleOnedatta: #boinc can help you14:33
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC, ndiswrapper -l shows: "rt2870: driver installed - device present14:33
rigved!info recordmydesktop | meco14:33
ubottumeco: recordmydesktop (source: recordmydesktop): Captures audio-video data of a Linux desktop session. In component universe, is optional. Version (maverick), package size 54 kB, installed size 148 kB14:33
uzi__rigved: Sorry for the ambiguity of my question. But I'm trying to make fbcon work on 1280x800.14:33
rigvedmeco: does this help14:33
IdleOnemeco: click on Applications > Accessories > Take Screenshot14:34
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC, ndiswrapper -l shows: "rt2870: driver installed - device (ID) present (alternate driver rt2800usb)" but i find my wireless in iwconfig - what am i doing wrong?14:34
IdleOnerigved: he wants to take a screenshot not a video14:34
mecoIdleOne: That doesn't take a scrolling capture14:34
kmckrs0832: ok14:34
DiskopandaIs there any # for world of warcraft help?14:34
mecoRight. I just want a picture of an entire page.14:34
IdleOnemeco: make up your mind, you either want a video or an image14:34
Diskopandaor if someone knows alot about it?14:34
rigveduzi__: i don't understand that. are you having problems booting normally in ubuntu (like nothing showing up on the screen14:34
mecoI want an image of an entire webpage14:35
dattai have check boinc but that does not help much14:35
rigvedmeco: save the webpage14:35
Al3xG0 how do I install the module Tie::DNS; perl in Unbuntu14:35
cablopwelll, it seems that i solved the issue in a really dirty ay14:35
CarlFKmeco: does the web page fit on the screen?14:36
rs0832kmck: sorry about the delay:) my aunt called from canada14:36
cablopi inatalled the binary from nVidia, entered graphics mode, went to a TTY, uninstalled it, and went back to the graphics session... yep, it was still active... :P and then instaled the one from ubuntu14:36
kmckrs0832: exciting!!! take your time!14:36
=== JackomoLight is now known as Jako
=== Jako is now known as JackomoLight
rs0832kmck: oh.. im done :) just called to wish us for christmas14:36
rs0832kmck: ok.. so do you have anything in the terminal?14:37
uzi__rigved: I'm trying to get framebuffer console at 1280x800 resolution.14:37
CUFQuick question14:38
mecoCarlFK: Nope. That's the issue.14:38
rigveduzi__: ok. don't know how to do that. sorry14:38
CUFdoes anybody know of a command that can return the device where the current directory is?14:38
CUFas in "whichdevice"14:38
MindWarper :)14:38
CUFany ideas?14:38
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, gigabyte usb nic (gn-wb32L), driver installd rt2870, but unable to detect wireless - i suspect i need to change the status of the card to up or somewhat, but i do not know how.14:38
zambaCUF: 'mount'?14:38
CUFmount is not good14:39
CUFmount is good for me14:39
CUFas I can make a quick deduction14:39
UBUxUBUwhy cant i view hulu vids in 64 ubuntu14:39
=== dasda is now known as terawon
CUFbut for a script14:39
terawonhi all14:39
terawoni have a question14:39
CUFit is not so good14:39
rs0832meco: you can take a small vid of the window and then use pitivi to get the single pic14:39
CUFin fact it is not good at all14:39
nishikanthi  i need help14:39
terawonis this possible to make ubuntu livecd-rw persistent?14:39
zambaCUF: try writing longer sentences.. you're practically spamming the channel now14:39
CUFzamba, Ok sorry14:39
uzi__CUF: grub-install script has one.14:40
Al3xG0how do I install the module Tie::DNS; perl in Unbuntu14:40
jiohdievery once in a while a menu will just get stuck on the screen, so far only reboot will remove it... help, suggestions?14:40
IdleOnemeco: I think this is what you want https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/1146/?src=api14:40
terawoni mean - is this possible to write ubuntu livecd on cdrw and make it save settings on cd-rw?14:40
uzi__CUF: read the script.14:40
nishikantneed assistance with user permissions on Ubuntu 10.10 ..14:40
mecors0832: In Windows it is possible to just take a snapshot of the webpage. Making a video first sounds complicated (at least to me since I haven't done that before)14:40
CarlFKmeco: got it.  you want to render html and save it as an image.  im looking... at what IdleOne posted.14:40
rs0832terawon: i dont think thats possible14:40
terawonrs0832, so the only way is usb memory?14:41
kmckrs0832: yes i have bar looking things in the terminal window14:41
CarlFKIdleOne: "it saves webpages as images"  nice.  I have wanted that, never got around to looking for it.14:41
IdleOnemeco: CarlFK that addong will allow you to select part of or the entire webpage and take a screenshot.14:41
rs0832meco: if you want the webpage, just save it.. i only know of windows having one called camstudio14:41
terawonthere is no way to write data on livecdrw with ubuntu?14:41
rs0832terawon: if you want, you can install it on a vm14:41
nishikantthe users i have created (desktop users) can access each others home folders which i dont want14:41
jiohdi2nd Q? - is there a package to download contents of an ipod?14:42
rs0832kmck: ok is there anything displayed in the 'mic' bar?14:42
terawonrs0832, ok, thx14:42
mecoIdleOne: It looks like that's what I need14:42
rs0832terawon: :)14:42
milamber!permissions | nishikant14:42
ubottunishikant: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions14:42
IdleOnemeco: yup. sorry about the way i answered you before. I was a little impatient :/14:42
uzi__How do I program video mode at boot time? I get this error: "intelfb: Video mode must be programmed at boot time."14:43
mecoIdleOne: Ah.. I'm just delighted I found what I wanted.. It's Christmas Eve after all :-)14:43
IdleOnemeco: Glad I could help. Happy holidays.14:43
nishikantubottu :basically i dont even want read access to home folder between users14:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
kmckrs0832: well there are two bars on the right, the furthest one to the right says "Internal Mic" the one to the left of it says "External Mic" they are both bars, they are both green at the bottom and go almost to the top and halfway turn white, at the very bottom of the bar it say 00 on both and below the bar it also says 85<>85 for both14:44
UBUxUBUis it possible to play hulu vids while in ubuntu 64 bit14:44
uzi__ubottu: We'll make you intelligent one day. Don't worry.14:44
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)14:44
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=== Guest39218 is now known as sofa`
rs0832kmck: hmm.. then the mic is being detected14:44
rs0832kmck: can you open the volume options again?14:46
rs0832kmck: (sound prefs)14:46
DaremonaiHello all, it seems that my hard disk is dying, but i believe that the problem isn't all of it, some bad sectors are there, and most likely it's the first couple sectors, when i do fsck, i get: "attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read while trying to open /dev/sdc1 Could this be a zero-length partition"14:46
Daremonaican anyone help me?14:46
rs0832Daremonai: someone might,.. tell the channel your problem :)14:47
kmckrs0832: ok14:47
bahamasis this the right channel to ask about gimp or there's different channel?14:48
Daremonairs0832, do i need to put more information than what i pasted? what would you like to know?14:48
rs0832Daremonai: ah sorry :) didnt see your post :)14:49
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, gigabyte usb nic (gn-wb32L), driver installd rt2870, but unable to detect wireless - i suspect i need to change the status of the card to up or somewhat, but i do not know how.14:49
rs0832Daremonai: do you have 3 hds?14:50
babu__i am interested to contribute to ubuntu..how can i14:50
Daremonairs0832, I have 3 plugged in atm, yes.. I removed the others that i had.14:50
JowkAone question14:50
babu__i am interested in developing applications ubuntu..how can i14:51
babu__i am interested in developing applications for ubuntu..how can i14:51
Daremonairs0832, in lshw -short it shows as 1TB SCSI Disk14:51
milamber! code | babu__14:52
ubottubabu__: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator14:52
rs0832kmck: when you open it tell me in what you have in the input tab under 'choose a device for input'14:52
IdleOneis there some sort of large update to 10.10 today, I just did aptitude update & upgrade and have 942 packages to upgrade?14:52
UBUxUBUis ubuntu 1004 64 bit restricted from playing hulu vids14:52
bahamasbabu__: look on the cannonical website. maybe you'll find information there14:52
=== Mark_ is now known as grid_
cs02rm0does anyone know why when i wipe /etc/motd it reappears?14:52
aeon-ltdcs02rm0: generated by some root process?14:53
cs02rm0aeon-ltd: on a standard install?14:53
kmckrs0832: there is only one option: Internal Audio Analog Stereo and it is selected14:53
SudoYe like chmod 777 or something. Bit like trying to delete a 777 on a web server...14:53
SilverFoxin cvs, if I have a rev that was 10 days ago, followed by the most recent 5 days ago, and if I do a cvs diff -D 'yesterday' on the file, it shows a diff between the 10 day old and the 5 day old, when I'd expect it to show changes between now and yesterday.  Is this 'correct' behavior?14:53
rethushow can i change the uid-name completly?14:53
rs0832kmck: what about 'input-volume' ?14:53
rethusmeans if i see ls -als owner-name14:54
kmckrs0832: its at about 3/4th's which states 100% on my screen but it can be moved past the 100% point14:54
jiohdi1st Q? --every once in a while a menu will just get stuck on the screen, so far only reboot will remove it... help, suggestions?14:54
kmckrs0832: and the mute box is not checked14:54
SilverFoxlooks almost like the -f option was included?14:54
rs0832Daremonai: do you have any data on it? the 1tb disk?14:54
Daremonairs0832, yes, it's almost full14:55
Daremonaidmesg | tail: [ 2012.349648] sd 3:0:1:0: [sdc] CDB: Read(10): 28 00 00 00 00 41 00 00 02 00 [ 2012.349661] end_request: I/O error, dev sdc, sector 65 [ 2012.349675] EXT3-fs (sdc1): error: unable to read superblock14:55
jiohdi2nd Q? - is there a package to download contents of an ipod?14:55
tepowancould anyone tell me how ubuntu livecd works in general? I wonder wheter it really holds no session data on cd, even when writed on cd-rw (afaik it is possible to add data even to normal cd on multisession cd) and harddrive? all is in RAM (for example files on desktop) and disappears after reboot? in other words - can I be sure that when I lost my livecd or livecdrw nobody can read my private data?14:55
rs0832kmck: tap your finger near the mic or speak into it and see if the 'input level' changes14:56
kmckrs0832: no14:56
rs0832Daremonai: your superblock is damaged14:56
Daremonairs0832, how do i fix t?14:56
jiohditepowan: thats right, it all vanishes when you end the session unless you store some on disk14:56
kmckrs0832: unfortunately it doesn't hahaha and i was hoping it would too...14:56
adrian__bye all14:56
rs0832Daremonai: i am unsure if you can..14:57
jiohditepowan: it will not do anything to store without you telling it to14:57
Daremonairs0832, thing is, it gave me this problem then at some poitn, restarted a few times, then the contents showed... then restart again, since some files were inaccessible, then everything's gone again14:57
rs0832Daremonai: the superblock contains metadata about the disk14:57
rethusis there a way to find all files which owner is root into /home and all subfolders ?14:57
Daremonaiis there a way to backup the actual data?14:57
rs0832Daremonai: i think there is a program that can try to backup data even from damaged sectors14:58
rethusDaremonai: rsync to another hdd14:58
izinucsFirefox complains that my routers security certificate is invalid and won't let me access it.  Chrome complains too but allows me to continue.  How do I fix FF or force it to accept the cert?14:58
rs0832Daremonai: so yes.. i think you can14:58
rethusis there a way to find all files which owner is root into /home and all subfolders ?14:58
Daremonairethus, i can't mount the file14:58
tepowanjiohdi, thanks for the answer, I presume this, but I wanted to make sure :)14:58
Al3xG0"As against this lib perl"Can't locate Tie/DNS.pm in @INC (@INC contains: /etc/perl /usr/local/lib/perl/5.10.1 /usr/local/share/perl/5.10.1 /usr/lib/perl5 /usr/share/perl5 /usr/lib/perl/5.10 /usr/share/perl/5.10 /usr/local/lib/site_perl .) at x line 15.14:58
rs0832kmck: what are the options in the connector drop down14:59
=== Tannerbaum is now known as Tannerhatessnow
Daremonairs0832, any idea what the program's name is?14:59
kmckrs0832: in sound preferences i'm not showing a connector drop down14:59
uzi__izinucs: you can do it on FF. just following page displayed.14:59
rethus Daremonai: maybe sector for sector copying with dd if14:59
rs0832Daremonai: you can try rsync as rethus suggested...14:59
rethusis there a way to find all files which owner is root into /home and all subfolders ?15:00
milamberrethus: http://danielmiessler.com/study/find/15:00
Daremonairs0832, how can I rsync from an unmountable disk?15:00
izinucsuzi__: no.. page display only has a "Retry" option.. no other15:00
=== zuuuu is now known as naxoxota
rethusmailamber: great, thanks15:01
milamberrethus: np15:01
g117_hi there! could somebody give me an advice how to make mplayer, that every time I start a video through it, to play it as it was opened through console like mplayer -vo vdpau -vc ffh264vdpau?15:01
uzi__izinucs: the warning page should have buttons to let you do that, no?15:01
rs0832Daremonai: you can try safecopy or recoverdm15:01
jiohdirethus: I could be wrong, but the home folder should all be the users info only nothing owned by root15:01
izinucsuzi__: that's the problem.. no it doesn't have any other buttons..15:01
rs0832Daremonai: or i think you can mount using an alt superblock15:02
doctordoctorcan someone please tell me how large my swap partition should be15:02
Daremonairs0832, i tried them all15:02
aeon-ltdcs02rm0: sorry for the late reply, but i've no idea15:02
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC problem (gigabyte gn-wb32L), lsusb shows the device, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver as installd - yet nothing in iwconfig. Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong?15:02
rs0832kmck: hmm.. it should show you options15:02
rigvedrethus: ls -l | grep root15:03
Daremonairs0832, i did mkfs.ext3 -n /dev/sdc1, got all the backup superblocks, and still didn't work15:03
milamberg117_: right click on desktop, create launcher, type: application in terminal ?15:03
jiohdirethus: one easy way... as root, copy the /home to /homeold and then as user try to delete home... anything root will not allow you to delete it15:03
rs0832Daremonai: try mount -o sb=alternative-superblock /dev/sdaX /mnt15:03
mortalhello. is it possible to change the hdparm -B 128 default on ubuntu to something else?15:03
mortalwhen running on battery15:03
rs0832kmck: do you have pulse audio installed?15:03
rigveddoctordoctor: what are you planing on using the ubuntu system for?15:04
doctordoctorrigved, browsing the net, im, music, movies15:04
g117_milamber: yea, but I want for example, when I click on a movie file (eg. movie.mkv), the file would be opened with these parameters15:04
rigveddoctordoctor: ok. Swap=2*RAM15:04
kmckrs0832: no, should i?15:04
doctordoctorwoah...so my swap should be 6gb?15:04
Daremonairs0832, mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sdc1,15:05
Daremonai       missing codepage or helper program, or other error15:05
Daremonai       In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try15:05
Daremonai       dmesg | tail  or so15:05
FloodBot2Daremonai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.15:05
Daremonaioops, sorry...15:05
rigveddoctordoctor: if you have RAM=3 GB. then Swap=6 GB15:05
doctordoctorwhat'll happen if is say 2gb15:05
rs0832Daremonai: :) you have to replace 'alternate-superblock' with an actual alternate15:05
rs0832kmck: yes you should15:05
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC problem (gigabyte gn-wb32L), lsusb shows the device, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver as installd - yet nothing in iwconfig. Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong?15:05
rs0832kmck: but wait.. was it installed on 10.04?15:05
Daremonairs0832,  mount -t ext3 -o sb=32768 /dev/sdc1 /media/harddisk/ <-- this is the command i put15:05
rigveddoctordoctor: no problem. just that you may have problem hibernating15:06
rs0832Daremonai: dont put sdc1.. just sdc15:07
Daremonairs0832, same thing15:07
mrcreativityrigved, will it  be a problem if my swap is 2gb15:07
rigvedrethus: did that help?15:07
sagatalguem ai poderia me dar uma força com um roteador aqui ou ao menos me dizer se existe algum fórum para se discutir tal assunto15:07
rs0832Daremonai: what about if you remove the -f and ext3?15:07
rigvedmrcreativity: are you doctordoctor?15:07
cs02rm0/etc/update-motd.d/10-help-text .... why?!!15:07
IdleOne!br | sagat15:07
ubottusagat: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.15:07
Daremonairs0832, says i need to put a type15:07
sagatobrigado , pela informação15:08
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mrcreativityrigved, yes sir15:08
rigvedmrcreativity: you can run the system normally, but you may have problem hibernating15:08
rs0832Daremonai: o.o hold on let me thing :)15:08
Daremonairs0832, oki :)15:08
weguehey guys, I meet a terriable thing of my keyboard, the L-shift become delete,the R-shift becom"|", press the Enter it will show  volume,and some key become chinese-english exchange,. what's the problem.15:09
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mrcreativityoh...i never hibernate cuz my laptop sometimes doesnt wake up15:09
ldiamondI have a p3 w/ 256MB ram. Is Ubuntu Netbook edition more suitable for slower PCs with lower ram?15:09
MACscrhow can i extract a single directory from a tar.gz file?15:09
shawntihi there, do i need to compile mplayer for VDPAU support ? coze used the version from the software center, but have still freezer in some vids15:09
rigvedmrcreativity: system can run withouy swap also, but to hibernate you need swap. so if swap is less than 2*RAM, then you may not be able to hibernate is you have too many applications started15:09
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC problem (gigabyte gn-wb32L), lsusb shows the device, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver as installd - yet nothing in iwconfig. Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong?15:10
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rigvedmrcreativity: *without15:10
mrcreativityso since im running short of hard drive space,15:10
weguedoes anybody would help15:10
mrcreativityill stick to 215:10
mrcreativitythanks rigved15:10
rigvedmrcreativity: you can keep swap = 2 GB. np15:10
rigvedmrcreativity: you are welcome15:11
rs0832Daremonai: check this out - http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/surviving-a-linux-filesystem-failures.html15:11
chaospherehey all I am trying to reinstall via directions given here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows when I try to do the sudo grub-install I get this error "if you really want to blocklists, use --force." any help I am new to this OS so any help would be appreciated15:11
rs0832Daremonai: do you have any other os?15:11
rs0832kmck: are you still there?15:11
weguehey guys, I meet a terriable thing of my keyboard, the L-shift become delete,the R-shift becom"|", press the Enter it will show  volume,and some key become chinese-english exchange,. what's the problem.15:11
Daremonairs0832, on my laptop i have windows 7, but on my server i run just ubuntu15:11
rs0832Daremonai: have you tried mounting it there?15:12
gigaclonUbuntu thinks that the .as extension belongs to "Applix Spreadsheets" when it should be "ActionScript File". I know about changing the program that opens it but is there a way to change the name and maybe icon?15:12
Daremonairs0832, not really, i need to get an enclosure and get somethign that reads ext3 filesystems15:13
rs0832Daremonai: you get some tools to mount linux parts on win15:13
Daremonairs0832, i guess that's the only solution, huh?15:13
rigvedrethus: ls -al | grep root15:13
rs0832Daremonai: sorry if what i say sounds weird:) i have slept for just 2 hours last night so am not fully concentrating :)15:13
rs0832Daremonai: not really the only solution15:14
rigvedrethus: that can display even hidden folders ^^15:14
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC problem (gigabyte gn-wb32L), lsusb shows the device, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver as installd - yet nothing in iwconfig. Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong?15:14
Daremonairs0832, it's okay, thanks for your help, i've basically tried everything online before coming here..15:14
rs0832Daremonai: did you see the link i gave you?15:14
Daremonairs0832, yes, i've tried everything except the backup solution because i don't have another 1TB15:14
rs0832Daremonai: you can try asking your question again15:15
rs0832Daremonai: someone else may be able to help you15:15
chaospherehey all I am trying to reinstall via directions given here https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows when I try to do the sudo grub-install I get this error "if you really want to blocklists, use --force." any help I am new to this OS so any help would be appreciated15:15
ldiamondI have a p3 w/ 256MB ram. Is Ubuntu Netbook edition more suitable for slower PCs with lower ram?15:15
Daremonairs0832, mmm.... i'll try again later i guess, if there was someone who could, they probably would have spoken15:16
IsMyOwnWayHi everybody! MErry cheristmas!15:16
aeon-ltdldiamond: no gnome may lag a little, try somehting like xubuntu or lubuntu15:16
rs0832chaosphere: i think you are trying to install grub on some other partition than the boot15:16
IsMyOwnWayI got a small problem Every time i try to compile a source i got this error: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source- is missing. I have tried to investigate but I'm a noob on linux...15:16
rigvedchaosphere: not sure if i can help but try this - sudo --force grub-install15:16
rs0832Daremonai: ok.. sorry i couldnt help more.. good luck with it15:16
Daremonairs0832, no worries, and thanks :)15:16
ldiamondaeon-ltd, any easy way to switch from Ubuntu to any of these without reinstall?15:16
aeon-ltdldiamond: install 'lubuntu-desktop' or 'xubuntu-desktop'15:17
aeon-ltdldiamond: then log out and change the session15:17
ldiamondaeon-ltd, and I suppose remove ubuntu-desktop?15:17
aeon-ltdldiamond: if you don't plan on going back, then yes15:17
ldiamondthanks, will give it a shot15:17
lastchanceso i this might be dumb but im new is fat 16 a must have cause my usb tool said only fat32 ?15:18
rigvedldiamond: removing ubuntu-desktop will not remove gnome15:18
chaospherethanks ill keep digging for the right one15:18
ldiamondrigved, how do I remove gnome? remove gdm?15:18
przemek_hello :)15:18
nilsmaubuntu 10.04, usb NIC problem (gigabyte gn-wb32L), lsusb shows the device, and ndiswrapper -l shows the driver as installd - yet nothing in iwconfig. Anyone have any idea what im doing wrong?15:18
rigvedldiamond: no. wait i'll give you the link to the psychocats instructions15:19
=== squishy is now known as SquishyNotHere
rigvedldiamond: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purelxde15:19
rigvedldiamond: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/purexfce15:19
ldiamondWhich one do you recommend?15:20
ldiamondFastest and easiest for non-techy15:20
rs0832rigved: is it possible to save an hd whose superblock is damaged?15:20
rigvedldiamond: these are outdated but you can remove the non-existing packages and then run the command15:20
aeon-ltdldiamond: personally, if you've got an hour, just start again from minimal to get the lightest possible install, i'd reccommend lxde15:20
guodaoyi hello15:20
ldiamondOk, I'll give it a try15:21
rigvedrs0832: i don't think so. but i may be wrong also15:21
ubottuFor Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:21
guodaoyi hello15:21
rigvedldiamond: i recommend Lubuntu because it's lighter than Xubuntu15:21
guodaoyi  请问有人现在很闲着呢么?15:21
lastchanceahh my usb drive is stuck in fat32 ?15:21
rs0832rigved: i thought of trying to mount using an alternative superblock.. it didnt work though.. what about retrieving the data?15:21
lambda_xguodaoyi: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:22
ldiamondrigved, so start from minimal installation of ubuntu and install lubuntu? or download lubuntu straight?15:22
rs0832kmck: are you there?15:22
rigvedldiamond: download lubuntu if you don't know what you are doing. or if you are experienced enough to know what you need, then minimal install15:23
ldiamondWell, I'm experienced with Linux, but not distro specific stuff. So I'll go with the normal install I guess.15:24
rigvedrs0832: i googled this - how to recover from a damaged superblock - found many articles. i have never done this.15:25
Spaztic_Onehow do you cd in the term to a dir that has a space character in it?15:26
xissburgok, I am frustrated...why things have to be so hard in linux? Things that takes few minutes for me to do in windows or something takes hours to get done in linux and not even google helps15:26
rigvedrs0832: http://docs.sun.com/app/docs/doc/805-7228/6j6q7uf0i?a=view15:26
EvilPhoenixSpaztic_One:  cd /path/to/the\ dir/15:26
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, you\ use\ the\ escape15:26
Spaztic_Onethank you both15:27
Spaztic_OneI thought it was / for some reason15:27
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, "or put it in double quotes"15:27
Spaztic_OneZykoticK9: I tried that and it said the directory didn't exist15:27
rs0832rigved: yep.. suggested those to him but he said they gave him some error.. thanks for your time though:)15:27
xissburgHow put java in the path env variable?15:27
Spaztic_Onemight have just typed it in wrong though15:27
rigvedrs0832: also, this seems simpler but don't know if it wroks - http://linuxpoison.blogspot.com/2007/10/how-to-recover-damaged-superblock.html and http://www.programmersheaven.com/user/mariapeter12/blog/5416-Recovering-data-from-corrupted-Superblock-from-Linux-system/15:27
rigvedrs0832: ohh. okk15:28
punkoffWhat's the connection between two last kernel version components?,, - last two increment together15:28
ZykoticK9Spaztic_One, actually the best option is use the TAB key to complete the name15:28
xissburgHow put java in the path env variable?15:28
Spaztic_OneZykoticK9: Ah, true. Forgot about that completely15:28
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rs0832xissburg: you use the 'export' command, i think15:28
francosera a tutti son nuovo15:29
francosalve vorrei un aiutino15:29
xissburgI tried, printenv shows that java is in the path but typing java in the terminal won't work...15:29
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franconessuno mi vede15:30
rs0832xissburg: what does the variable show? the path for java?15:30
xissburgok linux is a great os and everything, but the usability is absolutely HORRIBLE TERRIBLE15:30
rs0832xissburg: i mean tell me what it shows :)15:30
KM0201xissburg: i guess thats a matter of opinion, how long have you been using linux?15:30
xissburgfew times15:31
KM0201xissburg: how long15:31
xissburgI mean, everything is hard to do, you have to use the console, you search for solution in google and they don't work, hence its a frustrating experience15:31
xissburgKM0201: I don't know, I use it only sometimes15:31
KM0201xissburg: i've used Linux for 6yrs, i VERY RARELY use console...15:32
KM0201xissburg: well.. I'm sure you were a microsoft expert when you used windows "only sometimes"15:32
tasis there any good downloader for ubuntu like Internet download manager for windows?15:32
rs0832tas: sure15:32
olvaphow could i know that the computer see the wifi card?15:32
tasrs0832, ???15:32
olvapin ubuntu 10.1015:32
rigvedxissburg: ubuntu is very easy to use15:32
KM0201xissburg: you just have to learn to use a lot of the GUI tools... unless you're using a server, cli is rarely "necessary"15:33
IsMyOwnWayEvery time i try to compile a source i got this error: Symbol version dump /usr/src/linux-source- is missing. I have tried to investigate but I'm a noob on linux...15:33
rs0832tas: there are browser plugins15:33
xissburgI'm struggling to install JDK in it15:33
KM0201xissburg: java?15:33
rs0832xissburg: maybe we can help then :)15:33
KM0201xissburg: how are you trying to install it15:33
tasrs0832, I am getting max speed 70kbps in ubuntu, in windows 7 I get 115kbps max15:33
m4xxi seem to have hosed my system some how, it says i needs to start in low graphics mode when i try to do that it sits there and does nothing15:33
rigvedtas: rs0832 ^^ use Down Them All for mozilla firefox15:34
xissburgI downloaded the .bin file, got to unpack it, now I think the only thing that lasts is to setup env variables15:34
adminewb1got a problem, on an installation of lucid: some time ago I installed package dnsmasq and later removed it completely, but the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service?15:34
paynnice evening here15:34
KM0201xissburg: how are you attempting to install jdk?15:34
xissburgI am like more than one hour struggling with it...in windows its just a few clicks and Im done...15:35
rs0832tas: you can try the one rigved suggested (download them all) and gwget15:35
xissburgKM0201: what? I just want to install it15:35
IdleOnexissburg: in terminal do: sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jre sun-java6-plugin15:35
KM0201xissburg: i see why you're struggling, you can't answer a question, HOW ARE YOU TRYING TO INSTALL IT.. what are you doing?15:35
rigvedKM0201: isn't openjdk the same as jdk (on most levels)15:35
ZykoticK9IdleOne, i was just working on typing that out...15:35
IdleOnexissburg: you can do all that from GUI also but it is easier for me to just give you the commands15:35
iszakSo my power just went out, back up now obviously, but one of my three 23" 1920 by 1080 displays has reset it's resolution to a pathetic 640 by 480, with no means to change it in the GUI, suggestions?15:35
JamesisHello guys.... I have som microphone problems in ubuntu ... when i record my voice with any program I can only hear it from one of the speakers on the headset15:36
KM0201rigved: i'm not real sure... i know its in the repositories... and if he can't install it in 3clicks, he's got an issue15:36
xissburgKM0201: I said..I downloaded the .bin and unpacked nd it works...I want to setup the env vars15:36
Jamesisthe left side to be precis15:36
xissburgIdleOne: hmm what15:36
KM0201xissburg: well there you go.. you're making matters more complicated than they need to be.. follow IdleOne 's advice aboove15:36
geirhaxissburg: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EnvironmentVariables15:37
ZykoticK9Jamesis, are you sure you have a stereo microphone?  if not, try recording in mono.15:37
IsMyOwnWayCan someone suggest a good chan for developers?15:37
xissburggeirha: haha I tried that one didn't help15:37
rs0832xissburg: type the commands IdleOne gave you in a terminal, one by one, and press return.. that will install jdk for you15:37
punkoffxissburg, all you needed to do was to install 'openjdk-6-jdk' package15:37
IdleOneyou can copy pastes the whole set of commands15:37
JamesisJamesis: I got a new headset Creative MK 2 I think it is15:37
geirhaxissburg: Which file did you edit?15:37
adminewb1nuisance on an installation of lucid: some time ago I installed package dnsmasq and later removed it completely, but the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service?15:38
xissburgpunkoff: I don't want OpenJDK15:38
rs0832IsMyOwnWay: which language are you using?15:38
IdleOneor yeah what punkoff said for jdk15:38
rigvedxissburg: if you want to install in a few-clicks-approach, then open up Applications > Software. type ubuntu-restricted-extras. install. it will install jdk and other required stuff like flash, mp3 support etc.15:38
System_Default_0IsMyOwnWay: #friendly-coders15:38
m4xxwhen i15:38
IsMyOwnWayrs0832, C15:38
punkoffxissburg, then you had just to do 'bash ./jdk-file-you-got.bin'15:38
rigvedxissburg: ubuntu-restricted-extras has the oracle jdk15:38
IsMyOwnWaySystem_Default_0, Thx!15:38
System_Default_0IsMyOwnWay: Ok.15:38
JamesisZykoticK9: I got a new headset Creative MK 2 I think it is15:38
rigvedxissburg: it is the jdk available on the Oracle website15:39
punkoffxissburg, or enable restricted software in Software Properties and install 'sun-java6-jdk' package15:39
francesco_Hi guys. I've just installed Ubuntu 10.04, and now I can't hear any audio from Youtube. Any suggestion?15:39
rigvedxissburg: sorry that *Software Center ^^15:40
xissburgrigved: I donwloaded that .bin, and it is annoying me, too hard to install that sucks15:40
adminewb1francesco_, it would probably help someone diagnosing to know what configuration you had that did support youtube audio15:40
System_Default_0francesco_: Did you check the volume in the window video?15:40
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ZykoticK9punkoff, FYI you wouldn't use your bash command above with a bin.  you would mark it executable then just use "./jdk-foo.bin"15:40
francesco_System_Default_0, Of course!15:41
jfalvarezhey, somebody knows why I can't find libfaac-dev in the apt tree? I have ubuntu 10.04.1 :S15:41
olvapicant see the wireleess driver. any couls help me?15:41
rigvedxissburg: Applications > Software Center. type ubuntu-restricted-extras and install that. it has oracle jdk15:41
francesco_adminewb1, What do you mean?15:41
punkoffZykoticK9, last installed it this way yrs ago, don't remember where it's a binary or script15:41
rigved!info ubuntu-restricted-extras | xissburg15:41
ubottuxissburg: ubuntu-restricted-extras (source: ubuntu-restricted-extras): Commonly used restricted packages for Ubuntu. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 42 (maverick), package size 5 kB, installed size 36 kB15:41
ZykoticK9rigved, actually no - Oracle JDK is not in ubuntu-restricted-extras, you need to add partner for Oracle's java15:41
adminewb1francesco_ as in you imply without stating that audio was working at one time on some other config15:41
rigvedZykoticK9: hmmm. ok15:42
System_Default_0francesco_: Did you install correctly Flash Playerugin?15:42
ZykoticK9rigved, you get the openjdr in U-R-E15:42
System_Default_0Drek010: Hi.15:42
Drek010what command i use to run clam on an entire file system?15:42
rigvedZykoticK9: i don't know. everything just works on my system! :)15:42
francesco_I am not sure of what I have installed. Everything was ok, until I updated my version of Ubuntu.15:42
lastchancegah okie so i cant format my usb to fat 16 why not ?15:43
adminewb1francesco_ so then it was an upgrade of karmic, say?15:43
ZykoticK9rigved, oh i could agree with that.  but oracle/sun's java is in Partner only15:43
rigvedZykoticK9: i had installed openjdk separately earlier. so don't know15:43
Drek010what command i use to run clam on an entire file system for a virus scan and have it remove any virus it finds?15:43
System_Default_0francesco_: Try reinstalling Flash Player.15:43
Drek010i use ubuntu 10.1015:43
francesco_System_Default_0, How?15:43
mongyDrek010, man clamscan15:43
iszakSo yeah, any help on my monitor resolution problem.15:43
rigvedZykoticK9: ok. thanx for the info. :)15:43
flhpi54I have installed Ubuntu 10.04 on a IBM R51 laptop with an ATI Radeon RV250 (Mobility FireGL 9000) video card. I cannor use the video effefcts in CompizConfig Manager. The driver shows to be readeon and not radeonhd.15:44
System_Default_0francesco_: Go to the Ubuntu Software Center. Applications > Ubuntu Software Center15:44
mongylastchance,  what are you using to format it.. and does it 'need' to be fat16?15:44
JamesisHello guys.... I have som microphone problems in ubuntu ... when i record my voice with any program I can only hear it from one of the speakers on the headset15:44
adminewb1nuisance on an installation of lucid: some time ago I installed package dnsmasq and later removed it completely, but the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service?15:44
ZykoticK9lastchance, DON'T use FAT16 - use FAT3215:44
lastchancelol okie i thought fat 32 would work cause it says in the pendrivelinux installer prgram but i cant get it to boot through bios i have like 3 options for usb15:45
ZykoticK9lastchance, oh for a pendrivelinux i'm not sure, but generally you would want fat3215:46
svchostgod, people update software too often on linux15:46
svchostits outrageous15:46
rs0832xissburg: if you still need it, copy and paste the text in the link in gedit and save as jdk.sh and then run in terminal...  http://paste.ubuntu.com/547258/15:46
lastchancek well still which bios setting do i use cause it says usb boot but like 3 um USB-FDD USB-CD AND i forget the last one.15:47
m4xxwhen i try to drop to console, i log in, then it gives me another login prompt15:47
aeon-ltd!cn | maucat15:47
ubottumaucat: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk15:47
m4xxeverything was fine before i rebooted15:47
adminewb1lastchance, those two you give are probably floppy & CDROM drives, which won't get you your flash drive15:48
lastchanceoh well whats the standard for usb flash drive boot then ?15:48
sacarlsonlastchance: I think it's the last one like usb-hd15:49
mongylastchance, one of the options is probably usb-hdd, which should boot it15:49
IdleOnelastchance: probably usb-hdd15:49
JamesisZykoticK9: sry to bother u but did u have any suggestion?15:49
lastchancek thanks ill try that.15:49
ZykoticK9Jamesis, sorry no - don't have a clue.15:49
JamesisZykoticK9: okay thanks anyway15:50
JamesisZykoticK9: hehe I think I fixed the issue now :) I tested a extension plug to the microphone and it worked :)15:51
adminewb1nuisance on a lucid installation: after completely removing package dnsmasq, the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service?15:51
chaos2358whats the terminal command to update a specific program?15:51
ZykoticK9Jamesis, lol - always start with the basics, in this case connections ;)  Glad you fixed it.15:51
KM0201chaos2358: usually sudo apt-get upgrade packagename15:51
chaos2358KM0201,  thank you. dude do you ever sleep?15:52
KM0201chaos2358: or.. you ca use synaptic... find the program, right click it and choose "mark for upgrade".. if it has an upgrade available, it will insall15:52
wyclifchaos2358: sudo apt-get update [program]15:52
KM0201chaos2358: lol, every so often, been on vacation a week or two, so i've been bored.15:52
aeon-ltdchaos2358: why not just update everything? to save time in the long term15:52
JamesisZykoticK9: yeah well it was really weird that I needed that :)15:52
chaos2358KM0201,  ok gotcha15:53
JamesisZykoticK9: got any tips on noise removal tools?15:53
chaos2358aeon-ltd,  because im trying to fix an issue with a certain program.15:53
ZykoticK9Jamesis, nope sorry15:53
Zetiin the kdm.log I get the error "Can not get ibus-daemon's address" shortly before the EOF15:53
Zeticould this be the reason that I only see a black screen which doesn't react to keyboard and mouse?15:53
chaos2358aeon-ltd,  i generally update everything every other week but im troubleshooting my minidlna15:53
adminewb1nuisance on a lucid installation: after completely removing package dnsmasq, the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service? ideas what channel would better cover this?15:54
chaos2358KM0201,  i guess i cant really say much im online most days myself15:54
KM0201KM0201: it's cold, there's a foot of snow o the ground... no thanks.. i like the cold, snow.. no thanks15:54
sacarlsonZeti: if the screen goes black always try <ctl><alt>+f115:55
chaos2358KM0201,  if you are talking to yourself in irc its time for sleep dude15:55
KM0201KM0201: no.. outside, thats why i'm not going outside..lol15:55
Zetisacarlson, doesn't work (believe me I tried it everytime before hard-resetting my notebook)15:55
KM0201oh wait, i did talk to myself15:55
chaos2358KM0201,  twice now15:55
KM0201thats a good zinger15:55
Zetiwhatever it's doing15:55
ZetiI have no clue15:55
OY1Rahhh finally.15:56
sacarlsonzeti: it's broke15:56
OY1Rinternal and usb soundcard finally work as i want them to.15:56
LinuxGoldwhat is apt command to use to reinstall pacakage that also recover the deleted files i.e. /etc/samba/* ?15:56
Zetisacarlson, how can I reinstall the GUI?15:56
adminewb1nuisance on a lucid installation: after completely removing package dnsmasq, the system still logs failures to start dhcpd (not setup for any net interfaces); how should I disable this unwanted service? ideas what channel would better cover this?15:56
iszakUbuntu multi-monitor bug makes me cry :(15:56
KM0201LinuxGold: i believe you'd want to purge it.15:56
flhpi54any suggestins for a resource on chat room commands like how to turn off the information  like people joining and exiting?15:56
KM0201LinuxGold: if i'm not mistaken, that will purge all settings, and make it like a new install15:57
LinuxGoldkm0201: remove with purge then reinstall?15:57
sacarlsonzeti: at this point you need to live cd boot,  not sure what you did to break it try setup older kernel if that's on option15:57
IdleOneflhpi54: what client?15:57
KM0201LinuxGold: sudo apt-get purge packagename15:57
rs0832flhpi54: irchelp.org15:57
chaos2358KM0201,  last night you were saying you used something similar to minidlna correct?15:57
Zetisacarlson, I can reach the console via recovery mode15:57
Zetidoes that help?15:57
rs0832flhpi54: or check the manual /docs for your client15:57
KM0201chaos2358: no... i was saying i use samba to do what you apparently use minidlna for.15:58
LinuxGoldkm0201: done that, didn't recover /etc/samba/* files15:58
Zeti(that's how I access the kdm.log)15:58
sacarlsonZeti: if you run propriatary then this would be the time to try to disable it15:58
chaos2358what is samba?15:58
Zetisacarlson, you mean the graphic card driver?15:58
ZykoticK9adminewb1, do you see a dhcpd.conf (or similar) in /etc/init?  If so you might want to mv that file to something like dhcpd.conf.disabled15:58
sacarlsonzeti: I mean video15:58
chaos2358KM0201,  what is samba?15:58
KM0201!samba | chaos235815:58
ubottuchaos2358: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.15:58
adminewb1ZykoticK9 thanks15:58
KM0201chaos2358: i jsut set up shared folders w/ samba,15:59
ubottufsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo shutdown -F -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot15:59
chaos2358KM0201,  and that shares it over the network to other devices?15:59
KM0201chaos2358: that makes it where i can access any files on a "samba share".. from any pc on my network.15:59
chaos2358KM0201,  what about other devices like my little brothers psp or my androids16:00
Zetisacarlson, xorg.conf is empty and /usr/lib/X11/xorg.conf.d doesn't specify a graphics card driver16:00
adminewb1ZykoticK9 there's an /etc/init/networking.conf which is pretty bare bones looking16:00
ZykoticK9adminewb1, that's not it!  sorry if you don't have an obvious dhcpd.conf then i'm not sure.  best of luck.16:00
KM0201chaos2358: well, it all depends, i'm not familiar w/ androids and PSP's.. but... what i usually do, is keep all my music, videos, etc.. then I have one windows machine(well, dual boot machine)... and i have the zune s/w and itunes, set to sync off the samba share....16:00
sacarlsonzeti: well that must mean you didn't install any propriatary then,  try an older kernel boot16:00
KM0201just make sure the folder where i keep all my music, videos, etc.. is set to be shared.16:01
chaos2358KM0201,  the last time i set it up "the exact same way i did it this time" it worked flawlessly but this time depending on the order in which i put the (music,pics,and vids) destination in the .config either it will load all my music and nothing else or it will load my pics and vids but not the music16:02
LinuxGold[2010/12/24 10:58:28.494665,  1] ../lib/util/params.c:513(OpenConfFile)16:02
LinuxGold  params.c:OpenConfFile() - Unable to open configuration file "/etc/samba/smb.conf":16:02
Zetisacarlson, any preferences: 32-27 (current), 31-22, 28-19, 28-15 and 28-11?16:02
sacarlsonZeti: whatever worked last16:02
KM0201chaos2358: i'm not sure if the PSP has SMB suppot.16:02
Zetisacarlson,  difficult question, I'll try all then16:02
chaos2358KM0201,  the fact that i have over 10,000 mp3 files. 14,000 pics, and about 50 full length movies.16:03
adminewb1ZykoticK9, there's a script /etc/init.d/dhcp3-server, would it be ok to rename that?16:03
sacarlsonZeti: kernels are try before you buy so you can always pick another in grub16:03
chaos23581 sec brb.16:03
KM0201chaos2358: well, i don't have near that many pics, but we're close on mp3's and movies.16:03
Zetisacarlson, I just did a do-realease-upgrade16:03
iszakOkay, so not sure if people notice me in and out, trying a few things to fix my monitor but my GOD why does ubuntu screw up just because of a simple power out.16:03
Zetiwith 31-22 already apparmor doesn't load16:03
sacarlsonZeti: I assume that mean all older kernel are still installed16:04
iszakIt's not like I was editing X11 configs before or installed any updates, why would it all of a sudden just crap itself.16:04
Zetisacarlson, yeah16:04
sacarlsonzeti: boot the version number bellow you present default16:04
iszakI just don't get it, I edit the config to support the resolution, I reset the config, I reset ATI config, nothing works.16:04
Zetialready booted16:04
Zetisec just starting kdm16:05
Zetilooking good16:05
sacarlsonZeti: set that as default16:05
iszakThis is not how I planned spending Christmas day trying to fix Ubuntu.16:05
Zetisacarlson, what's your diagnosis?16:05
sacarlsonZeti: newer is not always better16:05
Zetiis my notebook too old for the newer kernels?16:06
sacarlsonzeti: no sometimes you need to skip some versions16:06
ZykoticK9Question 1 - is there a way to disable a second monitor from command line using TwinView?  Question 2 - does anyone know the required packages to get Bluetooth audio working with Pulse (i'm using a minimal install and the BT Audio support is not there by default)16:06
sacarlsonzeti: or compile your own setup for what you have in hardware16:06
adminewb1ZykoticK9 hmm now it emerges there's an /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf, almost all commented out, came with the dnsmasq package I expect16:07
Zetisacarlson, coming from gentoo I already considered this :-P16:07
iszakBack to Windows it is.16:07
sacarlsonZeti: import your gentoo kernel should be way newer16:07
quiescensadminewb1: dnsmasq likely Is your dhcpd16:08
quiescensor was16:08
ZykoticK9adminewb1, it might have - but i doubt that is what is trying to start dhcpd... sorry you need someone more knowledgeable with your problem then me.  Best of luck.16:08
adminewb1quiescens right16:08
Zetisacarlson, http://gentoo-portage.com/sys-kernel/gentoo-sources16:09
Zetithanks for your input16:09
sacarlsonzeti: but my mato if it aint broke don't fix it, uless you see some feature you know you are missing or security that needs to be fixed, why try it16:09
francesco_Hi guys! I have a problem. Since i installed Ubuntu 10.04, I can't hear the audio from Youtube. Can you suggest me anything?16:09
adminewb1quiescens so if I rename /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf to a backup name, would that take care of logging bogus failures?16:09
Zetiatm logging in fails16:09
Zetibut at least I see the dialog16:09
quiescensadminewb1: um, sorry, anyway the traditional way to fully remove something is to sudo apt-get --purge remove (package) but you've already removed it normally, you can either install it and then purge it using that command16:09
adminewb1quiescens I did the remove-completely option in synaptic, same thing afaik16:10
LinuxGoldwhere should smb.conf be located by default?16:10
quiescensadminewb1: okay, one thing to check is that it also purged dnsmasq-base16:11
adminewb1quiescens if I recall, the base package didn't allow complete removal, as if it never was installed... ?16:12
quiescensadminewb1: failing that, just remove /etc/init.d/dnsmasq16:12
sacarlsonzeti: I have version already compiled 2.6.37-rc4 from kernel.org and never installed it just so I know I can compile it.16:12
zambahow do i get sound working out of the box with ubuntu?16:13
alexanderhey guys when i run firefox in ubunut it's way slower than in windows anyone know why?16:13
quiescensadminewb1: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/all/dnsmasq/filelist16:13
zamba(this is not a desktop installation)16:13
adminewb1quiescens hmm there is no /etc/init.d/dnsmasq, only dhcp3-server16:13
zambai need sound working on a server installation of ubuntu.. i have installed alsa-utils..16:13
adminewb1i'm using lucid not maverick16:13
sacarlsonzeti: you want to try that?  it's in deb format16:13
Zetimy kdm is loading :-)16:14
Zetibut I think I'll stick witht he working version for now16:14
quiescensadminewb1: lucid seems the same http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/all/dnsmasq/filelist16:14
sacarlsonzeti: good move16:15
alexanderis ubuntu slower than windows in general?16:15
LinuxGoldwhich package have smb.conf?16:15
noonianalexander, no16:15
iszakalexander, if I were going to get ubuntu, don't get 10.10, get 10.04.16:15
iszak10.10 is buggy16:15
quiescensmight be, might not be, slower is hard to quantify16:16
adminewb1yes looking at the lucid file list, just wanted you to be aware what release I'm on16:16
alexanderi already have 10.10 :(16:16
System_Default_0alexander: How can you ask that. Of course not.16:16
nooniani like 10.10 it fixed some bugs for me16:16
sacarlsonzeti: just remember not all kernel work on your hardware,  they are just there to try, if fail return to last working.16:16
iszakalexander, I'm actually deleting my ubuntu partition tonight, on christmas day because it broke.16:16
alexanderSystem_Default_0:  well firefox seemed slower and it's the only thing i've used.  but i forgot my dad said he had some trouble with the router so maybe it's the connection16:16
System_Default_0Oh, I didn't know.16:16
iszaknoonian, I don't, it broke things for me.16:16
alexanderiszak: because it was 10.10? :( is there a page where there are known bugs i can avoid?16:17
jribiszak: do you want help fixing it?  What exactly does "broke" mean?16:17
Zetisacarlson, yeah, the notebook is pretty old16:17
iszakjrib, can you fix the logging me out instead of shutting down or restarting bug?16:17
Zetiso I guess the default settings don't cover it anymore16:17
iszaksupposedly it's been in ubuntu for a few versions and does so because of apps open.16:17
jribiszak: what's the bug number?16:18
iszakjrib, no idea.16:18
sacarlsonalexander: there are thousands of bugs that are documented, you will never miss all of them16:18
System_Default_0alexander: Yeah, that's possible. But remember Ubuntu is one of the best OS.16:18
iszakso now I have to restart by typing sudo shutdown -n now IIRC16:18
jribiszak: then how can you make that statement...16:18
iszaknot restart, shutdown.16:18
alexanderis there a hotkey to open the terminal16:18
jribalexander: not by default16:18
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkilets you run line16:19
iszakjrib, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=114179416:19
hogdwarfcan i update through installation process ?16:19
sacarlsonzeti: ya the software supports sometimes moves to the new,  your old stuf may of had the best it will ever see16:19
iszakalexander, I use tilda, check it out.16:19
jribiszak: does the issue persist with a freshly created new user?16:20
adminewb1quiescens looks like I have dhcp3-server package installed, I'll try complete removal on that16:20
alexanderiszak, i hit tilda on my keyboard nothing happened16:20
iszakjrib, no idea, i haven't tried, but that's just one of the bugs I've encountered.16:20
iszakalexander, no no, it's a program.16:20
jribiszak: I'm telling you to try so we can troubleshoot16:20
iszakalexander, it basically aliases a key(s) to dropdown a tilda.16:20
sacarlsonSystem_Default_0: If it wasn't the best I wouldn't be here16:20
iszakjrib, that problem is the least of my worries, if you want to help me, help me get one of my monitors to display the right resolution.16:20
jrib!fixres > iszak16:21
ubottuiszak, please see my private message16:21
iszakjrib, already done.16:21
=== bryan is now known as Nickleworth
jribiszak: you need to be more specific.16:21
NickleworthHello I just installed Ubuntu Internet Security 2010 and I am wondering how I can make it disinfect my windows installation that is also on my computer16:22
ZykoticK9Nickleworth, "Ubuntu Internet Security 2010" really?16:22
Nickleworthhow do i make it scan my windows16:22
Nickleworthand ubuntu16:23
jribNickleworth: where did you get Ubuntu Internet Security 2010?16:23
Nicklewortha friend recommended it16:23
Nickleworthgave me a download with free trial16:23
jribNickleworth: /where/?16:23
iszakjrib, I edited xorg to add the resolution i want, and restarted, didn't work.16:23
jribiszak: pastebin your xorg.conf16:23
Nickleworthi don't know. he just linked me16:23
jribNickleworth: so link us16:23
lastchanceso i got it working finnally lol. apparently my bios is so Fing old its USB-FDD for some reason but then i i clicked something it sent me to a login screen wouldn't let me login then. i restarted and it said crashed wtf ?16:23
rs0832Nickleworth: can you tell ys the link?16:23
Nickleworthmy firefox clears the data16:24
quiescensof course not, giving you a link would make it harder to troll16:24
Nickleworthi would have to ask my friend later i guess16:24
iszakjrib, http://pastebin.com/BvCNp3qp16:24
sacarlsonNickleworth: to me viruse detection is hopless, just run another security model on your windows like zonealarm at least16:24
maycaola guapos16:24
Nickleworthcan you commend software that please scans my windows 716:24
rs0832Nickleworth: can you screenshot it for us?16:25
Nickleworthmy windows 7?16:25
rs0832Nickleworth: no the ubuntu internet security16:25
lastchancelol i ran AVG free for about a year now on windows and its been great but im getting tired of windows and its looks bleh.16:25
System_Default_0!english | mayca16:25
ubottumayca: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList16:25
Nickleworthno no. my win 7 is just home premium legit. i just want a software that can scan it and ubuntu lets me do this safely i thought16:25
iszakJragon, DFP1 is the problem16:25
iszakjrib, ** sorry16:25
rs0832Nickleworth: i mean a picture of the program your friend suggested16:26
Ibn_Ali_al-Turkimicrosoft security essentials16:26
Nickleworthone sec i will give you screen grab16:26
ZetiNickleworth, I use http://www.avira.com/en/avira-free-antivirus for windows16:26
Zeticompletely free16:26
iszakjrib, Let me tell you a little about my setup, I have 3 x 23" Samsung P2370's two of which are on the DVI and one is on a mini display port (active) to DVI ,that is the that one I'm having problems with.16:27
sacarlsonNickleworth: I see my friends still devoting 80% of there cpu and bandwidth just to support securtity.  it's just not worth it16:27
Zetisacarlson, antivir uses 0% cpu and 1.4MB RAM16:27
Zetithat's one reason I like it16:27
ZykoticK9Zeti, if it uses 0% cpu it's not doing anything :p16:28
jribiszak: there are other suggestions on that wiki page from ubottu, what happens when you try them?16:28
quiescenswhich it really shouldn't be, unless you're doing something that would cause it to16:28
ZetiZeti, or it was rounded to 016:28
sacarlsonzeti: ya that's what I use 0% here,  I'm a isp and I see alot of my bandwidth used for windows getting updated viruse updates16:28
System_Default_0Can you see private conversations?16:28
maycaaora buelbo16:28
iszakjrib, any in particular?16:28
A4_322hi, I'm trying to install ubuntu 10.10 64 bit from the live CD16:29
A4_322but it's not recognizing my windows partitions16:29
Giloscan anyone recommend a DLNA server that works well with Ubuntu and samsung?16:29
jribiszak: whatever works :)  I have no experience with the setup you described, so we just have to try and see.  This mini display port by the way is still from your ati card?16:29
A4_322it treats it like an empty 2 TB drive16:29
Zetisysop1, of course16:29
Zetiunless you are using encryption16:29
iszakjrib, yeah.16:29
iszakHD 5970 two DVI, one mini display port.16:30
=== naxoxota is now known as JesusCristo
ortsvorsteher!es | mayca16:30
ubottumayca: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.16:30
A4_322what should I do? is there a way to configure it to find those windows partitions?16:30
jribiszak: also, do you know if ati provides some special program to configure things?  I know nvidia does16:31
A4_322or should I just buy another hard drive for linux...16:31
System_Default_0Zeti: Define.16:31
iszakjrib, it does of which I tried to use to solve with no luck, it's called ATI Catalyst Control Center.16:31
sacarlsonA4_322: no you can mount your windows partitions, normaly they are visible in places16:31
jribiszak: ah16:31
A4_322this is when I'm installing it...16:32
A4_322Is it just ok that it doesn't notice the windows partitions?16:32
sacarlsonA4_322: the one just right of Applications,,,Places16:32
LinuxGoldsamba-common was the package that held smb.conf16:32
muskieHey guys.16:32
LinuxGoldthanks all!16:32
iszakjrib, made some amendments, trying it out, if not rm -fr /media/ubuntu/16:32
iszakthanks for your willingness to help though.16:32
sacarlsonA4_322: oh at install just make sure you don't write over your windows partitions16:33
muskieHoo boy. got a ticker of a problem for you guys, lol16:33
jribiszak: keep in mind these are issues with ati's driver :)  But of course you have to have some things work regardless of whose fault it is16:33
iszakjrib, nothing to do with ATI Drivers, it was working before..16:33
iszakthen power goes out, boots back up - hey presto! monitor not working.16:33
jribiszak: before what?16:34
iszakjrib, ^16:34
A4_322sacarlson - it doesn't show my windows partitions, though16:34
jribiszak: you fsck the drive?16:34
muskieI've got a RAID array i'm trying to access, but the Video card in the system is fooked (ancient card, the RAM's damaged), so I can't actually get into X to set it all up.16:34
A4_322sacarlson - the installer just shows the whole drive as being empty16:34
A4_322(i.e., unpartitioned))16:34
sacarlsonA4_322: you said at boot, wait till it's installed and tell me that16:34
iszakjrib, no.16:35
muskieWhat i'm wanting to do is launch a remote X session on my laptop here. can anyone help me set that up?16:35
System_Default_0Zeti: May you tell me that command again?16:35
jribiszak: you should see what the result of that is16:35
sacarlson A4_322: opps you said at install not at boot,  tell me after it's installed if you don't see them16:35
ZetiSystem_Default_0, for using encryption?16:35
A4_322so... I should install it on the hard drive even though it's NOT recognizing my already installed windows partitions?16:35
kcorcoran_i need to uninstall an application; what is the best approach?  i used this guide to install. - http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609516:35
muskiekcorcoran_, apt-get uninstall?16:35
System_Default_0Zeti: I think.16:35
rs0832kcorcoran_: use synaptic16:36
kcorcoran_muskie:  can you elaborate, still pretty new16:36
sacarlsonA4_322: ubuntu won't install on a partition that already has something on it unless you tell it to,  so if something is there it will see it16:36
muskieor yeah, use Synaptic if you have X access16:36
jribkcorcoran_: so you compiled things? (./configure, make, make install)?16:36
kcorcoran_rs0832:  i didn't use synaptic to install these apps...does that matteR?16:36
kcorcoran_jrib:  yes16:36
A4_322sacarlson - it's not seeing my partition table...16:37
rs0832kcorcoran_: how did you install them then?16:37
jribkcorcoran_: ah no, the guide seems to use checkinstall which means you should have packages in synaptic you can remove16:37
A4_322sacarlson - that I made in the windows XP setup16:37
iszakkcorcoran_, yes it does matter as it means you have to work that into your update cycle.16:37
A4_322erm, windows 7 setup, I mean16:37
muskiekcorcoran_, Doesen't matter, synaptic is a frontend for apt-get basically16:37
kcorcoran_jrib:  see http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=78609516:37
sacarlsonA4_322: oh are you using wubi?16:37
iszakreboot time16:37
kcorcoran_i followed that guide16:37
=== JesusCristo is now known as naxoxota-e-Gosto
A4_322sacarlson - wubi? I'm not sure, I just put the live cd in the drive16:37
sacarlsonA4_322: were you running windows when you installed the live cd?16:38
kcorcoran_so how should i uninstall?16:38
A4_322sacarlson - no, I restarted and booted off of it16:38
muskieAnyway. Does anyone have any Experience with Remote X connections?16:38
IdleOnekcorcoran_: scroll down to the part where it says reverting changes made with this guide16:38
cheesekillerhi all16:39
sacarlsonA4_322: ok at what point then do you think it didn't see windows partitions,  are you in gparted yet?16:39
kcorcoran_ah, perfect.  thank you16:39
A4_322sacarlson - I'm in ubuntu setup, and when I tried to select where to install the OS, it didn't detect any partitions, I'm not sure if it's gparted16:40
sacarlsonA4_322: you just runing the try now version?16:40
cheesekillerquestion... when 11.04 comes out is it really going to be all unity like netbook 10.10?16:40
A4_322sacarlson - no, I'm trying to install it16:40
muskieHave a rig i'm trying to get some Data off, but the video card is fooked on the system. Can anyone tell me how to remotely launch X on my laptop here?16:40
muskieCheesekiller: why the heck would that be the case? Unity doesn't really work on desktop systems16:41
sacarlsonA4_322: you mean it didn't detect any available partitions to install on?  do you have any free partitions to put it in?16:41
A4_322sacarlson - No, it showed the drive as being completely empty and unpartitioned16:41
sacarlsonA4_322: did you install a new empty disk?16:41
A4_322sacarlson - No! I have two windows OSes on it already, I just said that...16:42
cheesekilleryea but I was told they were working on it. and that in 11.04 gnome is going bye bye which would be sad16:42
KM0201cheesekiller: why would gnome go "bye bye"16:43
muskiecheesekiller, I doubt they'd get rid of GNOME.16:43
cheesekillerjust what I heard16:43
cheesekillerI'd cry I'd they did16:43
KM0201where did you "hear" this...16:43
muskieI doubt that very much. you know, what with Unity being based on GNOME anyway16:43
sacarlsonA4_322: can you try boot the try now and pastebin the results of sudo fdisk -l ? so we can verify what you are saying?16:43
cheesekilleroff of a forum a couple days ago16:43
KM0201muskie: not to mention, considering Gnome 3 is on the horizon(eventually)....16:44
jribmuskie: don't use X :)16:44
delkinhei! After installing linux i lost the windows MBR. How do I recover it? I have GRUB16:44
cheesekiller just asking to confirm16:44
KM0201cheesekiller: well, i HIGHLY doubt they'll dump gnome for unity.16:44
muskieDelkin: can you launch into windows using GRUB?16:44
cheesekillerbecause I hated the netbook interface16:44
delkinmuskie, I cant16:44
sacarlsonA4_322: wonder what you could have done before install that could have deleted the partitions?16:45
KM0201cheesekiller: i'm guessing the people who say this, are KDE fans.16:45
muskiejrib: I fail miserably at the commandline. I wouldn't know the broad side of a xorg.conf form a perl script16:45
cheesekiller<-- still. fairly new. btw16:45
sacarlsonA4_322: oh also try boot the windows to verify that it's still there16:45
jribmuskie: if you're just transferring data, should be pretty easy to hold your hand16:45
muskieDelkin: usually GRUB is smart enough to let you dual boot when you install it after windows.. :P16:45
Steve973does anyone know of a locally-hostable file uploader kind of like filedropper.com?16:46
muskiejrib: We're talking about a 12 disk RAID array here XD16:46
cheesekillerI just dumped windows completely like maybe 3 months ago so keep in mind I'm new16:46
zambahow do i capture from alsa on an headless ubuntu server?16:46
jribmuskie: what would you be doing in X?16:46
muskieSteve973, Dropbox?16:46
delkinmuskie, that is correct, I had it working well with Ubuntu, but now i have crunchbang... ANy idea?16:46
Steve973muskie: does that have a web frontend that people can upload to your server?16:46
muskiejrib: Trying to figure out how to mount the drives.. even if I can..16:46
sacarlsonSteve973: like ubuntuone?16:46
A4_322sacarlson - It didn't delete the partitions, they're still there16:46
Steve973muskie I use dropbox but I'm thinking of something else.16:46
delkinmuskie, i also cant fint the menu.lst file. Where should i fint it?16:47
A4_322sacarlson - it shows my partitions fine16:47
jribmuskie: how do you mount them in X?16:47
sacarlsonA4_322: ok so you can still boot windows?16:47
A4_322sacarlson - I didn't change anything16:47
cheesekillerwhat is the big difference between kde and gnome anyway?16:47
muskiejrib: to be honest, I don't know. I just feel I might be able to find out what's going on easier in a GUI lol16:47
Steve973qt vs gtk, cheesekiller16:47
cheesekillerI know its probably a dumb question16:47
sacarlsonA4_322: what shows your partitons fine?  windows?16:47
A4_322sacarlson - ubuntu, running off of the CD16:47
muskiejrib: if you wanna help me try and get these things mounsted in a CLI though, by all means lol16:48
jribmuskie: heh, well you can launch apps pretty easily (just run "ssh -X" to connect).  If you want "full" X, /msg ubottu vnc16:48
sacarlsonA4_322: ubuntu of live cd boot can see your windows partitons?16:48
A4_322why didn't setup see the partitions?16:48
A4_322sacarlson = yes16:48
muskiedelkin: I have no clue. sorry..16:48
jribmuskie: don't know about raid16:48
cheesekillerthanks: )16:48
delkinmuskie, thanks anyway16:48
sacarlsonA4_322: ok and what space do you have to install ubuntu then?16:48
sacarlsonA4_322: any unformated space left?16:49
muskiejrib: i'll try and VNC in..16:49
A4_322yes, tons16:49
A4_322more than a TB16:49
sacarlsonA4_322: or I should say unpartitioned space left for ubuntu to now install?16:49
muskiedoes VNC do the rendering serverside or client side?16:49
A4_322more than a TB16:49
sacarlsonA4_322: where did the tb come from?  I thought there was no new disks16:50
A4_322but again, it doesn't recognize the partitions, it says I have 2 TB of space on my hard drive, and doesn't mention the windows partitions at all16:50
muskiecause, like I said, the video card on the server is faulty, which Is why I need this remote connection in the first place lol16:50
A4_322sacarlson - please listen this time...16:50
A4_322it says I have the entire disk empty16:50
A4_322no partitions16:50
A4_322the entire 2 TB16:50
A4_322on setup16:50
jribmuskie: good point16:50
FloodBot2A4_322: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:50
muskiejrib: does that mean vnc does it serverside?16:51
A4_322the live CD, however, recognizes the windows partitions, but setup shows it as all empty space, unless it doesn't normally show partitions?16:51
sacarlsonA4_322: oh then you didn't read what I said above, so pastebinit  fdisk -l16:51
djindyIn Ubuntu 10.04, I'm trying to mount my cd/dvd rom drive as a permanent location, rather than having it mount each disk I insert uniquely, how can I do this?16:52
A4_322sacarlson - fdisk -l returns nothing16:52
jribmuskie: sounds like a stupid way to do it if I was designing vnc.  Try and see :)  I know ssh -X should work fine for you16:53
muskiewhat's the proper command for ssh -X anyway16:53
jribmuskie: ssh -X host16:53
muskieDid that. heck, doing that now on term316:54
harovalihi, I installed ubuntu 10.10 in a friend's notebook, and everuthing went fine until she plugged her usb stick pendrive: nothing seems to mount when plugging it.16:54
sacarlsonyou told me at (11:48:19 PM) sacarlson: A4_322: ubuntu of live cd boot can see your windows partitons?  your answer was (11:48:28 PM) A4_322: sacarlson = yes,  so do you understand your misunderstanding my question?16:54
rs0832harovali: did you try manually mounting this?16:54
noonianmuskie, its just like ssh until you run a program that uses A GUI16:54
svchostmy ubuntu virtual machine is fucked up16:54
muskieoooh. okay.16:54
svchostand idk why16:54
A4_322sacarlson - oddly enough, the live CD shows the partitions in the computer16:54
svchostit wont resize to the desktop size16:54
sacarlsonA4_322: pastebinit sudu fdisk -l16:54
svchostits one fixed size16:54
IdleOne!language | svchost16:54
ubottusvchost: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.16:55
harovalirs0832: not yet, I'll try that when I arrive there16:55
sacarlsonA4_322: of course it does16:55
svchostidk how to install the vbox guest additions either.. i did it before, but i cant figure out how to do it again16:55
sacarlsonA4_322: it always did16:55
rs0832harovali: sorry, arrive where? or did i miss something?16:55
A4_322that's why I answered yes16:55
A4_322because the OS sees them, but for some reason setup doesn't... I'll try that sudi fdisk -l16:56
A4_322\sudu I mean16:56
svchostcan anyone helpe me?16:56
rs0832svchost: with what?16:56
Steve973svchost what error is it giving you?16:57
svchostgetting ubuntu to work properly in my virtual machine16:57
muskieOkay, tried running gedit, got a "gtk WARNING: Cannot open display" error16:57
rs0832svchost: whats your host os?16:57
sacarlsonA4_322: well you know were to install it so install it were you know there is space,  and I asure you will be able to mount and view and monipulate the files in your windows partitons16:57
svchostits not giving me an error.. its not resizing with the window size and i cant figure out how to reinstall guest additions16:57
svchosthost os is win716:57
Steve973svchost you have to mount it on your guest within your host16:57
Steve973and then run it16:57
muskieOh. Wait a minute.. gah, i'm an idiot16:57
Steve973the additions iso, that is16:57
svchostthe drive is mounted16:58
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svchostbut i cant just click and run it cuz you have to run as admin16:58
muskieI'm doing that in tty316:58
Steve973so you can access that iso in your guest?16:58
svchosti cant seem to find it in terminal16:58
Steve973mount your /dev/cdrom16:58
muskieI should be doing it in my local X16:58
svchostvia the file explorer, yes16:58
Steve973where is the cdrom mounted to?16:58
Steve973vbox is nothing short of awesome.16:59
Steve973is it mounted to /mnt/cdrom or what?16:59
muskieblarrgh. still not working. :P17:00
KM0201Steve973: what do you mean?17:00
svchostokay, i found it17:00
svchostits /cdrom/media17:00
Steve973svchost in your terminal type cat /etc/mtab17:00
svchostand then the name of the thing17:00
Steve973oh ok17:00
svchostnow how do i actually run it?17:00
Steve973sudo /path/to/the/file17:01
A4_322sacarlson - http://pastebin.com/P2EF9new here's what the output was17:01
svchostcommand not found17:01
Steve973sudo sh /path/to/the/file17:01
svchostcant open17:01
A4_322sacarlson - so, if I install ubuntu, will I lose my partition tables?17:02
Steve973what's the name of the file you're trying to run17:02
Dr_WillisCase is ImpRntAnt in LiNux17:02
muskiejrib, sigh. "cannot find package x11vnc" on the remote system when trying to install a vnc server17:02
svchostim gonna try running the autorun file17:02
svchostsee if that does it17:02
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Steve973no, that's windows specific17:03
svchostautorun.sh isnt windows17:03
Kodyhas anyone paired gnome with awesomewm?17:03
sacarlsonA4_322: to me that looks like two visable partitions of a 2tb disk,  but neather is empty, so you will have to decide what you want to loose to install ubuntu17:03
A4_322sacarlson - it ran the partition table on my flash drive, I'm sorry17:03
Steve973svchost ok17:03
A4_322sacarlson - wait... it might've run it on both17:03
svchostit says please add exectuion rights17:04
svchostidk what that means17:04
KM0201svchost: do this.. open a file manager so you can see the .bin file you wat to insall, open a terminal and type sudo sh (hit the space bar oe time) then drag/drop the bin file in the terminal, and it will put the path and filename there for you, then hit enter17:04
A4_322sacarlson - oh, never mind... it worked correctly, that's my hard drive17:04
rs0832svchost: chmod 75517:04
sacarlsonA4_322: Disk /dev/sda: 2000.4 GB, 2000398934016 bytes that look like 2tb17:04
muskieallright. anyone know how to enable the universe list in a commandline?17:04
svchosthow do i use that rs0832?17:04
A4_322yeah, just saw that, when I saw 4 GB I thought I messed up17:04
sacarlsonA4_322: ok but they are both formated you need to delete one or move them17:04
A4_322but it was 2000.4 GB17:05
Steve973muskie can't you just vi /etc/apt/sources.list?17:05
rs0832svchost: in a terminal, type chmod 755 filename.run17:05
sacarlsonA4_322: ya that's what it still is17:05
et_hi, installation gets stuck at preparing level...17:05
A4_322hmm... but one should be 600 G and the other should be 100 G, shouldn't it be able to take up the remaining 1 TB?17:05
Steve973rs0832 he's using a cdrom17:05
Steve973that is why saying sudo sh /path/to/file should work fine.17:05
rs0832svchost: o.017:05
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KM0201how do you save a file in via?17:05
muskieSteve973, checking, thanks17:06
sacarlsonA4_322: if that's what you want you will need to do so repartitoning17:06
et_anyone else having proglems with installation just not proceeding?17:06
A4_322sacarlson - can I do that without getting rid of windows?17:06
Steve973KM0201 :w to write the file and :wq to write and quit17:06
A4_322should I make a partition for ubuntu in windows 7?17:07
sacarlsonA4_322: I have no Idea what's on the partitions, I have no idea17:07
Steve973KM0201 but hit escape first to make sure you're not in edit mode17:07
svchostokay, lets see if that fixes my ubuntu17:07
A4_322sacarlson - one partition for windows XP, and one partition for windows 717:07
sacarlsonA4_322: all I'm saying is you need to change something17:07
Steve973svchost what did you have to do to get it to run?17:07
svchosti went to the main root thing in terminal17:07
svchostand then sudo sh and dragged the thing17:07
A4_322sacarlson - what do you suggest?17:08
sacarlsonA4_322: ok so delete one,  if it has nothing on it then nothing lost17:08
shadaloohow does i17:08
A4_322sacarlson - ubuntu doesn't reckognize either17:08
sacarlsonA4_322: I'm clueless I don't know what's on the disk17:08
Steve973shadaloo how do you what?  speak properly?17:08
shadalooturn the window maximize to the righthand side17:08
et_"preparing to install" totally stuck. what is this?17:08
A4_322sacarlson - I just told you! Windows XP and windows 717:08
svchostexcellent, it works now. yay17:08
svchostsomehow the vbox guest additions got killed for some odd reason17:08
A4_322sacarlson - one partition for each17:09
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sacarlsonA4_322: it see's it fine but to install it needs to know were,  the esiest way to do that is clear one or more partitions so it knows17:09
shadaloosurely someone knows how to the get the x on the right hand side of the windows17:09
shadalooi don't want to google17:09
muskiewonderful. I enabled the universe and multiverse repositories, and it still says "unable to locate package x11vnc"17:09
Steve973svchost did it die when you exited the sudo shell?17:10
shadaloomuskie did you apt-cache search17:10
sacarlsonA4_322: ok and what partition might this empty windows partition be named?17:10
A4_322sacarlson - but this fdisk command told me the locations17:10
A4_322Windows 7 is the 600 GB partition17:10
A4_322XP is the 100 GB17:10
muskieUhh.. Shadaloo. it's a SKin called Human_Right. you HAVE to google it. :P17:10
sacarlsonA4_322: all that tells you is there are two partitions it tells you nothing about what's in them17:10
shadaloomuskie: fawk17:10
shadaloocheers mate17:11
A4_322I know what's in them, I thought we just needed to figure out where they are17:11
sacarlsonA4_322: well that's good because I don't17:11
mongyshadaloo, http://hubpages.com/hub/Move-Window-Controls-back-to-right-in-Ubuntu-100417:11
svchostwhat do you mean steve973?17:11
A4_322sacarlson - yes... I do know what's in them. The first one in the pastebin is windows XP, the second one is windows 7. I made the partitions myself...17:11
Steve973never mind.  can you restart the service?17:12
sacarlsonA4_322: ok then it's full17:12
Steve973do you know how to do that?17:12
A4_322sacarlson - it isn't full, there's 1 TB of unallocated space17:12
Steve973sudo /etc/init.d/vboxwhateveritscalled restart17:12
muskieshadaloo: apt-cache? wha17:12
sacarlsonA4_322: you need a total empty partition to work in17:12
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A4_322sacarlson - how do I make one?17:12
A4_322sacarlson - ubuntu setup should do it, but it's showing the partiton table as empty17:13
sacarlsonA4_322: so you will have to find a way to create one of decide what you want to loose17:13
sacarlsonA4_322: no it's showing it as full17:13
A4_322which is the question I'm asking...17:13
KM0201A4_322: so it doesn't see any of your drives?17:13
A4_322no it isn't!!!!!17:13
A4_322it shows it as empty!17:13
shadaloo_in case you guys wanted to know how to get your buttons back on the right17:13
KM0201!screenshot | A4_322 post a screenshot of your gparted window17:14
ubottuA4_322 post a screenshot of your gparted window: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.17:14
shadaloo_happy holidays17:14
Steve973shadaloo_ what's the matter with window buttons on the left?17:14
A4_322KM0201 - it shows my drive as being a empty 2 TB drive, unpartitioned17:14
KM0201shadaloo: thats been around for a while17:14
sacarlsonA4_322: I'm looking at it, both are acupied partitions,  you need to create an unused partition out of the space in one or both of them17:14
A4_322but it has two windows partitions on it, and some free space17:14
KM0201A4_322: aer you using some sort of RAID?17:15
A4_322sacarlson - I realize that, but the problem is the partitioner shows it as an empty drive17:15
A4_322KM0201 - nope17:15
sacarlsonA4_322: you not getting it, you need an EMPTY partition17:15
A4_322sacarlson - you're not getting it, I can't make one17:15
KM0201sacarlson: you're not listening to him at all are you?17:15
bezaohi, i have ubuntu installed under virtualbox, and my pc(win7) cant ping ubuntu, but i can connect to ssh! i've instaled mysql on ubuntu, and i cant connect throught windows! anyone knows? ubuntu can ping windows, but windows cant ping ubuntu!17:15
sacarlsonA4_322: well then buy a new disk17:15
A4_322KM0201 - no, no he's not17:15
A4_322sacarlson - :|17:15
sacarlsonKM0201: please give them a solution,  they need an empty partition to work in17:16
KM0201A4_322: only time i've saw that.. is when people were using some unusual raid setups.. i don't have ay answer to your question.17:16
muskieOkay, next thing17:16
KM0201sacarlson: if you can't pay attention, and read what he says, then its useless for you to respond17:16
muskieGetting a "can't find package" error trying to install x11vnc17:16
A4_322sacarlson - forget it, you're ignoring the real problem and giving me useless advice17:16
KM0201sacarlson: you wer so hellbent o telling him he needed free space, you weren't listening to what he was saying17:17
muskieany way of either fixing this or just installing it manually over a commandline?17:17
sacarlsonKM0201: you could be right, but the only method I use is start from a place to install in17:17
KM0201sacarlson: no, i am right.17:17
A4_322he's right17:18
KM0201sacarlson: read up, and you'll see you were completely wrong17:18
Anubishi there.  i'm trying to use ubuntu netbook into a vm and it's telling me " No required driver detected for unity. [...]"17:18
muskiedoiiii.. nevermind17:18
muskieforgot to apt-get update17:18
KM0201A4_322: anyway.. id on't really have a solution to your problem though.. i have seen it w/ some funny raid cards.. but it doesn't sound like thats your issue17:18
bezaohi, i have ubuntu installed under virtualbox, and my pc(win7) cant ping ubuntu, but i can connect to ssh! i've instaled mysql on ubuntu, and i cant connect throught windows! anyone knows? ubuntu can ping windows, but windows cant ping ubuntu!17:18
KM0201A4_322: did you say one of your partitions is Win7?17:19
A4_322KM0201 - yes17:19
sacarlsonKM0201: there are two partitions they are both in use with windows xp and windows 7,  it would require something like partition magic or gparted to move things so there would be space to install ubuntu.  A4_322.17:19
Anubisis there some piece of software that i need to install ?17:19
KM0201sacarlson: and you still don't get it.. keep readnig17:20
sacarlsonKM0201: ok you continue your point please17:20
A4_322KM0201 - something that might help - the first time I installed my OSes on this computer, I started with linux then installed windows, but windows wouldn't install anywhere on the drive because it said it was in the GPT format17:20
KM0201A4_322: WIn 7, has a partition tool integrated into the OS(I'm not really famililar with it, but i know its there)... try using that to set a clear partition, then boot the live cd to see if you see it17:20
A4_322KM0201 - I'll give that a try, it can't hurt...17:21
KM0201sacarlson: if you can't read back and see you were 1000% wrong, then i'm not gonna waste my breath trying to explain his problem to you... like i said, learn to read what peiople are saying17:21
KM0201A4_322: thats the only thing i can think tot ry.. good luck w/ it17:21
muskieA4_322, perhaps you can use a tool like EASEUS partition manager for windows to create the ext3 partition ahead of time,and then relaunch the liveCD?17:21
rs0832Anubis, maybe this may be of use - http://netgator.blogspot.com/2010/10/no-required-driver-detected-for-unity_15.html17:22
KM0201muskie: thats another good suggestion17:22
sacarlsonKM0201: you mean his cleam that he could see the partitions at all?  but we see them here http://pastebin.com/P2EF9new17:22
muskieThe win7 integrated partition tool doesen't actually detect ext3 partitions.17:22
A4_322muskie - good idea17:22
KM0201sacarlson: you're gonna need a bigger shovel in a minute.17:23
muskiewell, it DOES, but it jsut pops up as a "disk" as in, windows know it's formatted but can't do anything with it17:23
muskieyeah, after the Death of PartitionMagic, the only freeware partition manager is EASEUS17:23
muskiethank the RNG that it's a bloody good one17:24
KM0201muskie: partedmagic is a good, open source partition tool.. but if Linux live cd can't see it, it's unlikely that it will17:24
dallashowdy, i have been searching for about a half hour, what is the name of the program to have a bouncing icons similar to mac os?17:24
A4_322I'm guessing the windows partition tool won't make ext3 file system partition?17:24
sacarlsonKM0201: I'm sure I must have missed something,  but what you said above at (12:20:48 AM) is what I have also been trying to say17:24
muskieA4: it can't even see em :P17:24
JeruvyA4_322: no but you can use diskparted to make the partitions, then format ext them during install.17:25
KM0201sacarlson: i'm through discussing this with you..  it's pointless to keep discussing it.. .read the scroll back...  and you will see you did miss something, and you just kept repeating useless info that done him no good17:25
muskieUse a freeware tool like EASEUS or partedmagic17:25
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A4_322muskie - windows can see them, linux can't17:25
sacarlsonKM0201: well then help him17:25
A4_322he is17:25
KM0201sacarlson: i h ave been17:25
A4_322you're not17:25
xissburgany one uses netem here?17:25
KM0201A4_322: i made clear i didn't know how to fix his problem, and was giving suggestions(along w/ a few others) on possible resolutions17:26
muskieSilly question, A4: have you tried rebooting and looking again?17:26
sacarlsonA4_322: we both told you the same thing so do it17:26
xissburgtc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 100ms17:26
bezaothis is correct *mysql* ? iptables -A TRUSTED -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT17:26
muskieit might be just some random silly once off error..17:26
A4_322sacarlson - right... just be quiet already17:26
muskiey'know, if in doubt, reboot :P17:26
xissburgRTNETLINK answers: File exists17:27
Anubisrs0832: thanks. so basically it's about the graphic card17:27
rs0832Anubis, i guess so17:27
txomondoes anyone know programing in phyton?17:27
muskieAwesome. X11vnc is installed.17:27
rs0832Anubis, there is a link for drivers down17:27
muskietxo, might wanna try #python for that :P17:27
muskieThis IS freenode after all17:27
bezaothis is correct *mysql* ? iptables -A TRUSTED -i eth0 -p tcp -m tcp --dport 3306 -j ACCEPT17:28
muskiealmost every OSS project under the sun has a presence here17:28
JamesisHello guys! I get a buzzing sound when recording with my headset, is there anyway to remove this as in windows?17:28
rs0832Anubis, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupportComponentsVideoCardsPoulsbo/17:28
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muskieand I just forgot what happens when you try and /list freenode in Xchat17:29
Anubisrs0832: thanks, i was reading the wiki17:29
rs0832Anubis, :) good luck17:29
A4_322installing drivers17:29
Anubisrs0832: thank you & merry christmas !17:30
rs0832Anubis, y/w and Merry Christmas to you too:)17:30
himanshui had updated my system some days back, but it's  giving problem. is there any command or certain way so that i  can restore my entire system on a particular date.  Like windows xp system restore17:30
JamesisHej! när jag bandar in med min mic och spelar upp det som ja bandade in så får jag ett brus ljud som låter förjävligt17:31
Jamesisoops sry wrong language17:31
rs0832himanshu: i dont think there is.. unless you have installed a backup program17:31
JamesisI get a buzzing sound when recording with my headset, is there anyway to remove this as in windows?17:32
rs0832himanshu: but maybe someone here could help you resolve the problems you are having.. so give it a shot if you want to17:32
himanshurs00832: can you suggest me any backup pgm17:32
ezyhi all. slightly off topic question but curious if my chrome internet browser is infected by spyware. When I go to a url it sometimes directs me to some commercial website like findstuff.com tazinga.com etc...Could this be a spyware ? Will uninstall and installing back chrome fix it ?17:33
ezyhimanshu, try APTonCD17:33
rs0832himanshu: you can try backup2l  or backuppc17:33
sacarlsonezy: I would find that hard to beleave17:35
himanshurs00832: thanks i'll give it a shot17:35
Nickleworthany reason why my 5770 ati card , my ubuntu 10.04 in conjunction screws up my screen display when trying to minimzie xchat when it is in maximize state17:35
Nickleworthsoftware issue?17:35
rs0832himanshu, k.. but it will not restore your system..17:35
A4_322Ok, I have EASEUS17:35
EduardHello guys17:35
rs0832himanshu: it will only start backing up after you install it.17:35
EduardMerry Xmas to everyone17:35
A4_322I should set it as an EXT3 primary drive, right?17:35
A4_322how should I do the swap?17:35
bitplanehey guys, when I boot up my BIOS says my CPU is clocked at 4GHz, but /proc/cpuinfo says it's 3.07GHz. which one is right?17:35
A4_322is that automatic?17:35
yoritomohello all17:35
rs0832Eduard: merry christmas :)17:36
sacarlsonA4_322: it should default to about your mem size for swap17:36
rs0832himanshu: but it is good for future :)17:36
KM0201A4_322: you can go ahead and create a swap if you want.. usually 1.5-2x your memoyr but over 3gigs is silly.. then create an ext4 partition(if available)17:36
EduardDoes anybody know how to fix this annoying problem, each time i restart my system my screen resolution is way off what it should be, and nvidia-settings reports that my resolution is correct17:37
ezysacarlson, thanks, I will not to believe it to when it happens next time ;-)17:37
yoritomoi experience a problem with a script which i would like to put in startup programs of maverick, i set as executable already, and i put the command line in /etc/rc.local and  /etc/init.d/rc.local but no success17:37
KM0201Eduard: have you saved your nvidia-settings to xorg?17:37
bezaohi, i have ubuntu installed under virtualbox, and my pc(win7) cant ping ubuntu, but i can connect to ssh! i've instaled mysql on ubuntu, and i cant connect throught windows! anyone knows? ubuntu can ping windows, but windows cant ping ubuntu!17:38
EduardKM0201: yes, and wait a sec, i'll post my xorg.conf17:38
gccsterguys is it possible to delete the entries from "last" command17:38
yoritomoi want to do as command line because i would like to add that script in start programs by an install script which should do that automaticaly17:38
A4_322EXT4 isn't there, should I just set it to logical? will ubuntu know to use it?17:38
KM0201bezao: you need to set virtualbox to call for a separate IP from the router...17:38
A4_322hmm... maybe I'll just assume it does it on its own...17:38
A4_322does it?17:38
A4_322it's the live CD17:38
bezaoKM0201 already17:39
bezaoKM0201 already did it17:39
brukutuWOOPS wrong chan17:39
EduardKM0201: http://www.pastebin.ca/202830717:39
KM0201A4_322: then you should be able to ping it if its connected to the internet.. what does "ifconfig" in a terminal show17:39
JeruvyA4_322: ubuntu isn't fussy about the type of partition.17:39
kcorcoran_if i am not sure how i installed an application, what is the best method to uninstall?  i looked in synaptic and it doesn't show up there, however i can see the installation folder/files if i browse my drive.17:39
sacarlsonbezao: you sure it's not reversed,  windows normaly won't ping,  but ubuntu will return a ping,  try arping yourwindowsip17:39
mehdihi all room17:39
brukutukcorcoran_,  apt-get remove17:40
brukutuor with dpkg17:40
A4_322KM0201- I'm on windows 7 now17:40
brukutui am trying to setp a special key on my laptop....one of those manufacturer keys that for instance open their software when pressed....how do i go about it? acpi_listen doesnt pick it up, xev also doesnt...17:40
KM0201Eduard: unfortunately, i'm not that familiar w/ xorg editing.. ti was just the first thought that came to mind.17:40
kcorcoran_brukutu:  how would i use those to uninstall?17:40
KM0201A4_322: ok.. and what partitions have you created so far?...17:40
sacarlsonbezao: also you should setup the network to be bridged,  but I guess in your case it makes no diff17:40
rs0832kcorcoran_: you have to use them in a terminal17:40
brukutukcorcoran_, apt-get   remove etner/here/app/name17:40
A4_322600 GB for ubuntu, 100 GB for XP, and 600 GB for windows 717:40
SN4K3Is there any actual performance difference with ubuntu and arch?17:41
A4_322when I upgrade XP to SP3, I'll bump that one up to 600 as well17:41
KM0201600gigs for Ubuntu?.. thats borderline insane17:41
bezaosacarlson its already on bridge17:41
sacarlsonbezao: ok17:41
A4_322KM0201 - I love linux ^^17:41
A4_322I don't use windows unless I have to17:41
A4_322and I do a lot of music editing17:41
brukutuSN4K3, i use arch. I believe its quciker generally and alot easier to control...its neater.....i use UNR on my netbook thou17:41
sacarlsonbezao: but windows can't ping ubuntu?17:41
EduardGuys , does anybody have any ideas on the matter of fixing the incorrect screen resolution after restart/17:41
brukutuEduard, fix ur xorg file17:41
KM0201A4_322: lol, ok.. i would create a 4gig swap.. and then make the rest ext3... then boot the installer, and see if it can see the ext3 partition..17:41
bezaosacarlson no, but ubuntu can ping windows17:42
SN4K3brukutu: is it stable?17:42
sacarlsonbezao: fresh install on ubuntu side?17:42
A4_322KM0201 - so the live cd doesn't make the swap automatically?17:42
Eduardbrukutu: duh, it's the file generated by nvidia-settings, no hand editing...17:42
bezaosacarlson nop17:42
KM0201A4_322: only if you use the auto partitioning tool, which the way you're doing this, you won't be able to17:42
rs0832Eduard: dont worry about that message :)17:42
sacarlsonbezao: ok then what's then on ubuntu what's in sudo iptables -l17:43
A4_322KM0201 - ok, I'll add the swap17:43
bezaosacarlson iptables v1.4.4: option `-l' requires an argument17:43
SN4K3brukutu - is it stable?17:43
rs0832Eduard: as long as someone who knows what they are doing is helping you, you can edit it17:43
sacarlsonbezao: opps sudo iptable -L17:43
brukutuEduard, try opening nvidia-settings as root, open terminal and type sudo nvidia-settings....then do ur settings, save to x file and try17:43
sacarlsonbezao: opps again sudo iptables -L17:43
KM0201A4_322: now, when you boot the installer, you'll have to use the "advanced" partition tool... and if it sees the ext3 partition.. you might be able to format it as ext4(little more efficient use of space)17:44
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:44
brukutuSN4K3, i absolutely love it.....you can control most of the system from rc.conf file :) hmmm it is stable, but as it is a roling release distro its very bleading edge.17:44
bezaosacarlson i'm using ubuntu server, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547301/17:44
kcorcoran_brukutu: i just ran sudo apt-get remove /home/kcorcoran/ffmpeg-0.6.1/ffmpeg, but get the following errors - unable to locate package and couldn't find any package by regex17:44
sacarlsonbezao: well you got it all firewalled what do you expect17:44
Eduardbrukutu: you the verry big problem is this little pesky fact. My xorg.conf is fine, but after each restart my screen resolution goes off, when i launch nvidia-settings it says that my resolution is the one before restart, but my resolution is actually not that one17:45
SN4K3brukutu, I was thinking of changing recommend it?17:45
brukutukcorcoran_, sudo apt-get remove ffmpeg17:45
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bezaosacarlson i didnt know, lol, i'm not a ubuntu/linux expert, can you help me? what i need to do?:D17:45
rs0832bye all and Merry Christmas!17:45
KM0201rs0832: u 2...17:46
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rs0832KM0201: :)17:46
linelevelIn the Ubuntu doc about generating a GPG key, it says, "Make sure that the name on the key is not a pseudonym, and that it matches the name in your passport, or other government issued photo-identification! " Can anyone explain why this is important?17:46
kcorcoran_brukutu:  it appeared to work, however the folder/files are still there if i browse to that location.17:46
bezaosacarlson i have a firewall.bash script...17:46
brukutuSN4K3, it will take u a little longer to set it up on the biggining...doesnt work so well out f the box...but once u set it up, its really nice....i mean, for me only think that didnt work was sound and touchpad on laptop.....which i got it working within 30 minutes....rest was out of the box..and pacman (package manager) is really cool.17:46
sacarlsonbezao: well delete it or something17:46
brukutukcorcoran_, try type ffmpeg on terminal17:46
brukutudoes it say command not found?17:47
sacarlsonbezao: I'm looking for my script to open up a firewall17:47
twig11Why does my broadcom wireless card refuse to connect to  any wireless network, even though it recognizes them? My chipset is 4318 and I have the b43 driver installed. Please help!17:47
bezaosacarlson this is what i have, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547303/17:47
gobbelinelevel: because GPG-keys are based on trust, someone else sings your keys and they check your identity from passport etc17:47
kcorcoran_no, it returns ffmpeg is /usr/local/bin/ffmpeg17:47
SN4K3brukutu, thnx very much ill try not very sure it will work great cuz im only 1517:47
bezaosacarlson got it from some ubuntu forum17:47
KM0201twig11: STA driver maybe?17:48
brukutukcorcoran_, how did u install it? with apt-get or from source?17:48
sacarlsonbezao: well what runs it at reboot,  I think everything is open at boot if you don't run that17:48
kcorcoran_that's what i was saying, i am not sure how i installed - don't recall if it was via synaptic or ./configure.17:48
sacarlsonbezao: otherwise I need to find a script to undo what that does17:48
brukutukcorcoran_, try this....17:48
twig11KM0201: That one doesn't show up in Administration>Hardware Drivers17:49
KM0201twig11: nevermind that... did you install fwcutter and did you modprobe the b43 driver?17:49
bezaosacarlson i have other bash script to clean, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547305/17:49
brukutukcorcoran_, cd to the ffmpeg folder on ur home dir, then type in make uninstall17:49
linelevelgobbe: That practice rubs me the wrong way. I don't go by my government-assigned name, nor do I consider the government to be the ultimate authority on what a person's "real" name is.17:49
brukutukcorcoran_, or do a cat on the MAKEFILE and see what entry is there, probzbly make, make install, and make uninstall17:49
sacarlsonbezao: mine are all custom, I would have to edit one to fix that17:49
bezaosacarlson but even when i run the clean script, i cant ping17:49
gobbelinelevel: well. that's how gpg-keys ideology is17:49
gobbelinelevel: you cannot sign someone's key if key and passport doesn't match17:50
bezaosacarlson there isnt any line just to allow ping? i just need that :/17:50
twig11KM0201: I installed b43-fwcutter earlier, but i removed it as it didn't automatically do anything, and I did not modprobe b43.17:50
sacarlsonbezao: I'll give you an unmodifed one you will have to figure out how to adopt it for yourself17:50
KM0201twig11: reinstall b43-fwcutter17:50
turgonhello, my ubuntu 10.10 oput of a sudden turns into a blank screnn. no keyboard or mouse available17:50
twig11KM0201: ok...17:50
KM0201then when you're done, you need to modprobe it, and lilkely restart17:50
bezaosacarlson pl17:50
gobbelinelevel: and i believe that in everywhere world it is possible to change your official name17:50
brukututurgon, how to reproduce?17:50
kcorcoran_what am i looking for in the makefile?  what entry?17:50
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bezaosacarlson okay17:50
turgonbrukutu, reporduce what?17:51
turgonbrukutu, it hapens randomly... i dunno what causes it17:51
brukutukcorcoran_, anything that says uninstall remove or anything like that17:51
sacarlsonbezao: this is what I have http://paste.ubuntu.com/547306/17:51
brukututurgon, how do u come back from it? restart?17:51
bezaosacarlson ok thanks17:51
turgonbrukutu, ahh... cold restart: i pushthe power button till it shutsdown17:51
brukututurgon, to me sounds like an auto suspend gone wrong and hanging.....17:52
sacarlsonbezao: all it does is prevent samba from coming in from outside my local network17:52
gobbelinelevel: ofcourse you can use what ever name you want, but most of the users don't sign keys where key's name and passport (or other official id) doesn't match17:52
kcorcoran_brukutu: http://pastebin.ca/202831217:52
brukututurgon, check dmesg17:52
muskieY'know what?17:52
muskieI give up.17:52
A4_322okay, I tried running the live cd and it still doesn't see any partitions17:52
A4_322not even the EXT3 ones17:52
turgonbrukutu, what should i look for in it?17:52
KM0201A4_322: yeah, something is funny there....17:52
SoMeNaMemuskie: What's troubling you ?17:52
brukutunot exactly sure...see if suspend was called or see if there was hardware errors..17:52
JeruvyA4_322, your partitions aren't sitting on a raid on they?17:53
twig11KM0201: Even if I installed the b43 driver through the GUI? when I went to install b43-fwcutter, it says it's already the newest version and that it's "set to manually installed."17:53
linelevelgobbe: Ok, well thanks for the explanation.17:53
A4_322jeruvy - nope17:53
brukutukcorcoran_, do a make uninstall17:53
A4_322one hard drive17:53
brukutu"make uninstall"17:53
muskieSoMeNaMe, been trying to Get a remote X connection to a system with a failed graphics card so I can resurrect a semi-failed RAID array.17:53
KM0201twig11: i thought you said you removed b43?17:53
gobbelinelevel: np :)17:53
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kcorcoran_when i type in sudo make uninstall i get the output displayed here http://pastebin.ca/202831217:54
SoMeNaMemuskie: And where exactly are you stuck ?17:54
Guest55575can someone please help:  half my hdd space on my ubuntu partition is unnaccounted for. I have 100gig partition and my used space is 6gig and free space is 34gig.....17:54
muskieSoMeNaMe, I can't get the vnc connection working17:55
archeris there  a way for ubuntu server to auto-enter passphrase during booting17:55
A4_322hmm... so any ideas as to why the ubuntu installer is ignoring my windows partitions, and treating the disk as an empty, unpartitioned disk?17:55
ilovefairuzGuest55575: check the disk using the disk utility: alt + f2 and type: palimpsest17:55
muskiessh -x doesen't work either17:55
SoMeNaMemuskie: You have the computers on a network ?17:55
al_nz1I assume from a security prespective if I open up ssh access on a PC, as well as using tokens? I should change the default port?17:55
sacarlsonJeruvy: this is what A4_322: had before the changes made to add ubuntu http://pastebin.com/P2EF9new17:55
twig11KM0201: I had removed b43-fwcutter *before* installing the b43 driver through the GUI. I didn't realize that would download and isntall b43-fwcutter. Sorry, I don't have a great grasp of how drivers work on linux yet.17:55
muskieyes,they're on a network17:55
brukutukcorcoran_, try make uninstall-progs17:55
ilovefairuzarcher: why would you want to do that17:55
archerilovefairuz:  on vmware infrastructure17:56
brukutukcorcoran_, or try make clean, make, make uninstall17:56
A4_322Jeruvy - that might be out of date, after that I added an Ext3 partition in the hope that ubuntu would find it... it didn't17:56
ilovefairuzal_nz1: yes you should and also use fail2ban17:56
SoMeNaMemuskie: And VNC isn't working ? Which version of Ubuntu are you using ?17:56
twig11KM0201: After installing the b43 driver via the GUI, I did reboot. should anything further be necesssary?17:56
archerilovefairuz:  while host reboot, i need vm server to work without human interaction17:56
Guest55575ilovefairuz: thanks17:56
turgonbrukutu, so? what should i look for in dmesg17:56
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abhijeetguys.. my laptop fan is running at a high speen when i am in ubuntu while in windows it is running quietly17:57
muskieSoMeNaMe, 10.10.17:57
ilovefairuzarcher: which passphrase are you referring to? a disk encryption one? if so, then it defeats the whole purpose17:57
turgonabhijeet, you just installed ubuntu?17:57
KM0201abhijeet: that happens sometimes.17:57
galerienhi guys, i'm looking for a way to restore a deleted picture from an SD card, can anyone help ?17:57
JeruvyA4_322, do you have a current one?17:57
A4_322sure... let me get it17:57
kcorcoran_brukutu:  same results..i think i messed it up beyond resolution17:57
abhijeetturgon, no I am using for it long time17:57
ilovefairuz!undelete | galerien17:57
ubottugalerien: Some tools to recover lost data are listed and explained at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DataRecovery - Recovering deleted files on !ext3 filesystems can be virtually impossible, although methods that might work is some cases are described at at http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlo17/howto/undelete_ext3.html and http://projects.izzysoft.de/trac/ext3undel17:57
archerilovefairuz:  ... but it seems i have to by pass booting disk enc passphrase17:57
turgonabhijeet, new problem? or it existed before?17:57
sacarlsongalerien: I'm not into forensics but you might want to try the dd command man dd17:57
brukutukcorcoran_, why u trying so hard to remove ffmpeg anyway?17:57
abhijeetKM0201, always it is running at a high speen17:58
muskieSoMeNaMe, I think it's cause I don't have access to .Xauthority17:58
kcorcoran_as a newbie, this is frustrating in that the installation/removal process can be very confusing.17:58
ilovefairuzarcher: good luck with that17:58
archerhow could i?17:58
KM0201abhijeet: what i meant was, that happens w/ some laptops.17:58
galerienilovefairuz, ok, i'll look into it, thanks for your quick answer !17:58
archeri don't know how to17:58
abhijeetturgon, existed.. just now found out when using windows17:58
timI have a program that needs Internet Explorer, I tried to install ie4linux and ie7 but I can't find shortcuts for either can anyone help?17:58
galeriensacarlson, thanks for the advice too, thats great17:58
A4_322what was the command again?17:58
kcorcoran_brukutu:  i want to uninstall so i can reinstall it properly.  trying to get ffmpeg, x264,x11grab and kdenlive to all play well together17:58
ilovefairuzarcher: i don't think it's possible17:58
abhijeetKM0201, could u please elaborate17:59
twig11KM0201: Sorry. The last thing I did was go to System>Administration>Additional Drivers and activate the B43 driver through that interface. Then I rebooted. Did I miss something necessary?17:59
muskieOkay. fine. I can't get into an X.17:59
Guest55575ilovefairuz: now what?17:59
SoMeNaMemuskie: Can you ?17:59
abhijeetturgon, my processor temp is around 54c17:59
pfuipackage installation with aptitude is unbelievably slow on my pc; downloads happen at full speed but the unpacking, selecting previously deselected package, and setting up process drag on forever.... any ideas?17:59
muskieI have perfectly good ssh access17:59
ilovefairuztim: nothing in ~/bin ?17:59
muskieSoMeNaMe, Do you knwo much about mounting RAID arrays?17:59
turgontry to go under: Administration -> additional drivers  then see if any VGA driver is availalbe and not installed17:59
abhijeetit is running at high speed compared to windows.18:00
SoMeNaMemuskie: Not about mounting RAID arrays... Sorry !18:00
ilovefairuzGuest55575: does it show that the partition occupy all of that 100 gigs ?18:00
brukutukcorcoran_, u could always whereis ffmpeg, then c where it is, then rm -R the dir18:00
Guest55575ilovefairuz: yup18:00
abhijeetturgon, I have Ati graphics card and ati drivers are not working properly. that's why i am using opensource drivers18:00
abhijeetturgon, is that causing the issue18:00
ilovefairuzpfui: try cleaning caching: sudo apt-get clean18:01
jmateSystem -> Preferences -> Monitor will not let me select a resolution larger than 800x600. I have tried using xrandr to add a new resolution but it rejects it. I am using a tv monitor from FORTEC with an ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR18:01
timilovefairuz:  I don't see either ie4linux or ie7 there alphabetically or otherwise18:01
pfuiabhijeet: that could be it, in my experience the propriety drivers have better power management features18:01
ilovefairuzGuest55575: what command are you using to check disk space?18:01
kcorcoran_brukutu:  what is that actually doing?  i mean, i can browse to the folder.  is the commands you're stating to just delete the foldder/files?18:01
pfuiilovefairuz: it's a clean install, there's not much to clean18:01
Guest55575ilovefairuz: was just right clicking in nautilus18:01
abhijeetpfui, but that driver was frizzing my screen18:01
sacarlsonmuskie: what mode raid is it?18:01
Guest55575ilovefairuz: i also did fdisk -l18:01
ron_Hi  can anyone help me stop pulse audio from crackling whenever i move a window aroun?18:01
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abhijeetpfui, that's why i removed it. also the application which came with ubuntu to install it18:01
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turgonabhijeet, well i too have ATI card :P had same problem before activating the graphics card from the admin panel ( the place i told ya to go to :P )18:02
brukutukcorcoran_, whereis will tell u where it is intalled18:02
ilovefairuzGuest55575: df -h18:02
kcorcoran_i did that and it displays ffmpeg:18:02
brukutukcorcoran_, /usr/bin probaly18:02
ilovefairuzpfui: what's your processor brand/model?18:02
abhijeetturgon, let me install the driver again.. but i am sure again the my screen start to freeze18:03
brukutukcorcoran_, rm -R will remove the folder18:03
Guest55575ilovefairuz: /dev/sda4              97G   58G   35G  63% /18:03
ilovefairuztim: i think it install them to ~/.ie4linux18:03
pfuiilovefairuz: core i3-350m18:03
abhijeetturgon, are u facing such issues. screen freezing18:03
Guest55575ilovefairuz: but theres no directories that contain the ammount of space that is missing18:03
kcorcoran_okay, removed now.  but does that mean its uninstalled properly?18:03
ilovefairuzGuest55575: 97G is total capacity (after formatting) .. 58 used and 35 free.. so looks fine18:03
turgonabhijeet, screen does not freeze.. i goes black with all IO devices shut down :D i am currently working on solvin that prob :(18:04
pfuiabhijeet: i used to get screen artifacts after bootup, but that problem seems to be solved with the latest drivers18:04
ron_Hi  can anyone help me stop pulse audio from crackling whenever i move a window around?18:04
timassuming that "~/" means the root directory or "File System" directory I don't see it there.18:04
Guest55575ilovefairuz: theres only 6.2gig used by my home folder though...18:04
Random832tim: ~ means the home directory18:04
abhijeetturgon, great ... are an engineer from ATI :P18:04
kingworthany chinese here?18:04
A4_322new partitions - http://pastebin.com/ydrzxaFH18:04
Random832!cn | kingworth18:04
ubottukingworth: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk18:04
abhijeetpfui, i have checked it few months back .. then i faced the issue... let me try current drivers18:05
archerkingworth: here18:05
ilovefairuzGuest55575: du --max-depth=1 -h18:05
turgonbrukutu, man here is my dmesg: http://pastebin.com/g32LpeKX18:05
LinuxGuy2009Is there a way to install the ubuntu nvidia driver manually on an offline machine?18:05
timilovefairuz: I found the ie4linux by "showing hidden files".  How do I get it to run?18:05
ilovefairuzGuest55575: add / to the end if that's your root partition, otherwise, path the path to where you mounted it18:05
A4_322Jeruvy - new partitions http://pastebin.com/ydrzxaFH18:05
ilovefairuztim: a file or a directory ?18:06
Guest55575ilovefairuz: ooh thats a usefull command18:06
sacarlsonA4_322: seems you forgot the swap partition,  and what is w95 partition for?18:06
A4_322sacarlson - no idea...18:06
Guest55575ilovefairuz: it says theres 46gig used by ./.config18:06
brukututurgon, [    0.758886] PM: Resume from disk failed.18:06
gccsterguys where is the tty log file?18:06
turgonbrukutu, what does this imply/infer?18:06
brukutugccster, /var/log/tty i would think18:07
ilovefairuzGuest55575: add .config to the end of the command to limit it to that directory18:07
A4_322I guess the partition didn't work correctly in that program, ubuntu should have one 600 GB partition and one 16 GB swap18:07
gccstertheres no such file18:07
pfuiilovefairuz: btw, i noticed that package installation was slow during the ubuntu install too18:07
brukututurgon, i would think that something is sending it to sleep and then waking it up instantly....like a usb device that doesnt go to sleep of some sort causing it to come back awake..but when it doesn, it fails to...hence u sit on a black screen18:07
Guest55575ilovefairuz: ahh its coming from transmission18:07
brukututurgon, try sort out resume, c if u can sleep and wake up with no problemss.....18:08
iszakjrib, I found out why it wasn't working, turnt out my active mini displayport to dvi adapter got fried (despite being < 3 months old) as it requires USB power which probably over loaded it. $80 down the drain.18:08
JackomoLightHello everybody, my name is Jackomo.18:08
Guest55575ilovefairuz: transmittion is reserving the space do you think?18:08
op_ampHi,Can some one please help in convering a file in proper encoding. In the html dump file, I have encoding in ASCII HEX format. For example ( as %28, ) as %29.18:08
bezaosacarlson i did not found! ;/18:08
pfuiilovefairuz: apart from a hardware malfunction which i'm pretty sure is not the case, what could be the cause of the problem?18:08
ilovefairuzGuest55575: yes it does18:08
brukutuit will probably not work...if that is, good chance that that is what its happening...18:08
brukutusort that out first and then c if it persists18:08
turgonbrukutu, does this justify the fact that my keyboard and mouse are also unavaialbe?18:08
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brukututurgon, the whole system would hang.18:08
Guest55575ilovefairuz: ah ok. thats solved then. thank you very much for your time :)18:08
sherwinnhello room I need assistant this morning I booted up and my usb drives are now unavailable18:08
ilovefairuzGuest55575: you're welcome18:08
timilovefairuz: a directory.  files are .png and .svg18:09
brukututurgon, had it before on my netbook, cause was usb 3.0 port stoping it from going into sleep, instant wake up, which would then lock up.18:09
turgonbrukutu, i'm on a laptop..so i try to close the lid which should normally make it go to sleep... it doesnt!18:09
muskiesacarlson, I don't know! I think it's either 1 or 018:09
Hekos.. aall i waaat for christmaaas is uuuuuubuntu !18:09
brukututurgon, that is just a setting, might not be set, try                                                                                                send it to sleep normally and see18:09
KM0201Hekos: well, its free.. hopefully you get it18:09
sacarlsonbezao: didn't find what?18:09
ilovefairuzpfui: can't think of much else... is that only installation or any disk intensive operation?18:09
pfuinope, only installation18:09
bezaosacarlson got, working now :D18:10
KM0201A4_322: any progress18:10
brukututurgon, did it sleep and resume propper?18:10
serardmy eth0 is configued using dhcp, so I get my dns using this dhcp. However, I'd like to specify my own nameserver, how can I do that without configuring static ip ?18:10
sacarlsonmuskie: I assume it's mode 0  take a look at: V18:10
bezaothanks sacarlson18:10
turgonbrukutu, yes ... i never have a prob with this18:10
JeruvyA4_322: well that looks ok, so does it boot windows also?18:10
muskiesacarlson, Basically I was told that the thing wasn't booting correctly. went in, found that the graphics card is bunk, and I have no freaking clue how to look at the drives in a commandline\18:10
sacarlsonmuskie: http://silentdevelopment.blogspot.com/2009/07/ubuntu-mount-raid-array-as-single-disk.html18:11
turgonbrukutu, it only doesnt sleep when the prob occurs18:11
sirscottwhen I type the "d" key when connected w/vnc viewer, my windows are all minimized, showing the desktop -- ideas?18:11
brukutuserard,  on ubuntu i think its /etc/nameservers on /etc/network18:11
sacarlsonmuskie: oh so what makes you think it hasn't mounted18:11
timilovefairuz: 2 .exe files 249973usa8.exe and dcom98.exe18:11
brukututurgon, hmmmm that alli had for you hey...only thing more i can sugest is wait for it to happen and when it does check the logs and see what i shappening18:11
muskienothing in /mnt?18:12
turgonbrukutu, logs meaning dmesg?18:12
ilovefairuztim: did you run the installer or just downloaded and extracted it?18:12
brukututurgon,  and logs on /var/logs18:12
turgonbrukutu, how did u solve ur prob on ur netbook?18:12
sacarlsonmuskie: try sudo mount18:12
timilovefairuz: ran the installer18:12
serardbrukutu, /etc/nameservers doesnt exist18:13
sacarlsonmuskie: or look in /etc/fstab18:13
=== rider is now known as Guest97777
brukututurgon, can remember exatcly...had to change a file and add one line....earch google for usb 3 suspend problem linux18:13
brukutuserard, give me a sec18:13
ilovefairuztim: try reinstalling it18:13
chibihogoshinoserard: make a file called resolve.conf.head file in /etc. it will prepend to the resolve.conf18:13
amithow to use remote desktop view?18:13
muskiesacarlson, I'm running off a liveCD here18:13
KM0201amit: well, you get someones IP address, and go to it.18:13
sacarlsonmuskie: oh ok18:13
turgonbrukutu, i just did: lsusb | grep 3.0... got i device: "Bus 006 Device 002: ID 05e3:0606 Genesys Logic, Inc. USB 2.0 Hub / D-Link DUB-H4 USB 2.0 Hub"18:13
Fezzlerhow to get USB device recognized?18:14
sacarlsonmuskie: so pastebinit sudo fdisk -l18:14
Fezzlerdo some usb devices NOT work with Ubuntu?  Most seem to18:14
BluesKajFezzler, run lsusb first to see if it's listed18:14
brukututurgon, just research ur laptop model and c if it has a usb 3.0 port (they usually like a usb port but blue inside)18:14
brukutuserard, http://lmgtfy.com/?q=specify+nameservers+ubuntu18:14
ilovefairuzserard:  /etc/dhcp3/dhclient.conf   .. use the prepend directive18:14
FezzlerBluesKaj>> Done.  Don't see it18:15
muskiesacarlson, now there's a nice tool, lol18:15
muskieI was gonna copy and paste the output whole hog into PB18:15
serardbrukutu, ahah :) will check that thanks18:15
brukutuheheh serard :)18:15
sacarlsonmuskie: just another way of saying what I want to see18:15
BluesKajFezzler, what kind of usb device is it ?18:15
ilovefairuzserard: if you're using network manager (the default) you can use the right click > edit connections GUI to specify name servers18:15
turgonbrukutu, aigth :) thx18:16
brukututurgon, hope i could help :)18:16
serardilovefairuz, even when using dhcp ?18:16
brukutuserard, yes, u can also do it with network manager18:16
brukutuu can allow ip as dhcp and nameserver manual18:16
ilovefairuzFezzler: pastebin the output of: lsusb18:16
FezzlerBluesKaj>> guitar amp modeler18:16
turgonbrukutu, well now i now of dmesg :D :P18:16
ilovefairuzserard: yeah18:17
sherwinnis there anyone in here that can assist me with some usb issues I am having18:17
ilovefairuz!details | sherwinn18:17
ubottusherwinn: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:17
sacarlsonsherwinn: lsusb18:17
sherwinnOk thank u18:17
abhijeetturgon, thanks man.. the fan speen reduced significantly... so as the processor temperature18:18
brukututurgon, that is omehting :)18:18
abhijeetpfui, thanks u too..18:18
JeruvyA4_322: if it boots windows I'd really like to see what diskparted has to say about those partitions..18:18
muskiesacarlson, http://pastebin.com/3Yfu8bhj18:18
brukutuSherberts, fire! whats ur problems18:18
sacarlsonmuskie: ok18:18
turgonabhijeet, nice to hear that :D18:19
sherwinn I have a problem with my USB devices on Ubuntu Lucid Lynx version today I plugged in my usb drive , external drive and external drive and non seem to mount18:19
ilovefairuzFezzler: what kind of device is this?18:19
abhijeetturgon, it seems like linux can damage your delicate systems if not used carefully..18:19
=== petr is now known as Guest19773
sacarlsonmuskie: wow that's not good,  you should try fsck /dev/sdb118:20
ilovefairuzsherwinn: have you recently updated ubuntu? have you tried rebooting and trying again?18:20
turgonabhijeet, delicate?18:20
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> guitar amp modeler18:20
abhijeetturgon, now temperature reduced to 42c from 54.. means laptops18:20
sacarlsonmuskie: it sounds like alot of bad disk problems maybe the disk controler?  maybe try move the disk to another system18:20
sherwinnyes fairuz I have performed all updates and rebooted a few times I am wokring on a Acer aspire 510018:20
ilovefairuzFezzler: try asking around http://www.linuxmusicians.com/18:20
turgonabhijeet, this is a driver thing... not that much related to linux as muchas it is with the driver support probs18:21
abhijeetturgon, yeah correct..18:21
muskiesacarlson, Superblock could not be read18:21
sacarlsonmuskie: what version of ubuntu is on the system and what is it you live cd boot version?18:21
Guest19773How to see DVD files?  I see many many files in folder!  It is terrable, but when I run all of them in VLC   I see one small crazy shit18:21
sacarlsonmuskie: well that might be fixable18:21
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> Hey, any idea why my You Tube video only syncs with audio at 240p?  It worked fine before Lucid18:21
sherwinnwhen i run lsusb command in the terminal it just shows me that I have 3 usb ports available18:21
muskiesacarlson, 10.10 (netbook, I know, but it was the only one I had on hand)18:22
turgonhello. I cannot acess my virtual consols..only blank screen shows up!18:22
brukutuGuest open vlc, and say open disc....then select it.....if its all in files, use dd to create and image18:22
sirscottwhen I type the "d" key when connected w/vnc viewer, my windows are all minimized, showing the desktop -- ideas?  This happens with both realvnc and tightvnc viewers on windows boxes, connecting to a vnc4server ubuntu host18:22
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> low res video is really killing my ubuntu experience18:22
abhijeetturgon, I am keeping my fingers crossed.. this time the driver will work properly.. but already it has messed the ubuntu booting screen.. not the circled progress bar is shown as small squire dots.18:22
sacarlsonmuskie: is that the live cd or both?18:22
brukututurgon, u mean, ctrl + alt + f1 / f2 and so on?18:22
ilovefairuzsherwinn: pastebin the output of: sudo fdisk -l    (while the drive is plugged)18:22
muskieboth what?18:22
turgonbrukutu, yes18:22
ilovefairuzFezzler: that's strange, try removing and installing the flash plugin again18:23
turgonabhijeet, hah... let18:23
turgonabhijeet, c what happens :D18:23
turgonabhijeet, btw.. what ubuntu versionu have? 10.10?18:23
brukututurgon, usually happens when installing drivers....had issues with nouvoue, but not with offical nvidia driver..18:23
brukututurgon, dont know the fix, just the cause :)18:23
abhijeetturgon, yes.. 10.1018:23
phanindraramesh_how can i install enlightenment in ubuntu10.04?18:23
turgonbrukutu, i have ATI18:24
muskiesacarlson,  i'm running 10.10 netbook isntalled on the rig i'm sshing into the computer with the array connected18:24
sherwinnhere is what I got all im seeing is the main hd http://paste.ubuntu.com/547316/18:24
brukututurgon, as i said, dont know the fix18:24
sacarlsonmuskie: do we even know what fs format they started from ext3 ext4?18:24
turgonbrukutu, oww oki :D18:24
ilovefairuzsherwinn: lsusb18:24
muskiealso, sacarlson, the array computer is currently running the same OC (10.10 netbook) off a USB stick cause it wouldn't boot into anything18:25
sacarlsonmuskie: I don't care what you are ssh from what is the live cd boot on that system with the bad disks?18:25
muskiesacarlson, refer to my last post :P18:25
sherwinnafter lsusb http://paste.ubuntu.com/547318/18:26
sacarlsonmuskie: ok so it's 10.10 also got it18:26
muskiesacarlson, yup :P18:26
brukutuany1 ideas why would it be bad to run Ubuntu netbook remix of a sd card? what should i use, ext2?ext4 no journaling?18:26
Daekdroombrukutu, SD cards are slow18:27
phanindraramesh_how can i install enlightenment in ubuntu10.04?18:27
DaekdroomBut yeah, definitely no journaling fs18:27
sacarlsonmuskie: again do we know what fs they stared from ext3 - 6?18:27
ilovefairuzsherwinn: sudo tail -f /var/log/messages  ... and unplug and plug the drive again18:27
brukutuDaekdroom, got a class 6.....read speed is insanely quick...18:27
brukutuwrite is around 6mb/s....18:27
sherwinnok let me try18:27
greezmunkeysherwinn: are you sure your cable is good? Nothing there except the root hub(s)18:27
eLrOnDzhello all18:28
ilovefairuzhello eLrOnDz18:28
timilovefairuz: reinstalled, checked show hidden files, installed kommander but no luck. Any suggestions?18:28
brukutusherwinn, also check dmesg ..before and after plugging dev in18:28
muskiesacarlson, Unknown. odds are ext3... wait, there's an ext6 now?!18:28
ilovefairuztim: did you watch the terminal for any error messages? and still nothing in ~/bin ?18:28
eLrOnDzwhat can cause inode to get orphened ?18:28
brukutuDaekdroom, what file system would u recomend for sd card?18:29
sherwinni tried a few cables and went to another pc cables are fine18:29
sacarlsonmuskie: ok lets guess it's ext3 I'm looking for what I used back to fix these things,  I only did this one or two times18:29
sherwinnfairuz after i plug should i paste the code18:29
timilovefairuz: install was over quickly.  still nothing in bin18:29
ilovefairuzsherwinn: yes18:29
claudiui need some help with debugging an adhoc failing connection18:30
claudiui  want to debug the problem18:31
yogeshwhen an audio is played, the audio meter in my pulse audio volume control makes movement - but no sound is heard :(18:31
yogeshon sony vaio laptop18:31
wirelessu need edit your card configuration to chanell 11 or 718:31
sacarlsonmuskie: well fsck has a mode that tries to fix18:31
claudiu@wireless me ?18:31
epaphusHello. My machine runs on dhcp.. how do i know what is the gateway ip ? ifconfig doesnt show it, cat /etc/network/interfaces doesnt either because of dhcp18:31
ilovefairuzsherwinn: have you tried the disk on another machine?18:31
sherwinnyes i have and I have tried other disks as well as an external burner18:32
wingnut2626is the 3.06 penryn processor any good?18:32
sacarlsonmuskie: so try fsck -r /dev/sdb1 or the disk that failed above18:33
claudiu@wireless can I talk to you in private please ?18:33
ilovefairuzsherwinn: try plugging a different device to the same usb port18:33
sherwinnjust plugged in another device18:33
ubottuPlease ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.18:33
cntbapt-get installed chromium in lucid from terminal18:33
cntbbut icon doesnot appear18:33
ilovefairuzsherwinn: what device? and does it work?18:33
cntbhow to search and place chromium icon18:33
yogeshon sony vaio, cant hear audio although pulse audio shows movement while audio is played18:33
claudiuI would need some help to debug an adhoc network failure18:33
Belial`cntb, did you apt-get install chromium or chromium-browser?18:33
wingnut2626can anyone reccommend a tutorial that i would use to get a grasp for using terminal?18:34
KM0201cntb: open terminal and type "chrome-browser" no quotes, and see if it starts18:34
claudiuits an half-failure in fact18:34
cntbhmm belial chromium just that18:34
sherwinnanother external drive18:34
Belial`cntb, sudo apt-get install chromium-browser18:34
Belial`cntb, the package "chromium" is actually a game.18:34
sherwinnit does not work18:35
sherwinni will try a printer to see18:35
claudiuis anyone able to help me with an wireless problem ?18:35
cntbthks Belial`18:35
ilovefairuzsherwinn: don't you have a usb mouse or something to try it on? something other than a usb "mass storage device"18:35
KM0201cntb: or, just go ehre and download the actual chrome package for ubuntu  http://www.google.com/chrome18:35
Belial`cntb, no problem. you also might want to install the extra package for codecs if you're going to use chromium. that'll enable h.264 and html5.18:35
claudiuany wireless savvy around ?18:36
txdvBelial`: is chromium a default package?18:36
muskiesacarlson, No dice18:36
ilovefairuztim: are you using the graphical or the command line installer? try passing --help18:36
KM0201claudiu: depends on the device...18:36
ilovefairuztim: to find the option for the terminal-only installer18:36
sacarlsonmuskie: next try e2fsck -b 8193 /dev/sdb118:36
Belial`txdv, chromium is in the repos by default if that's what you're asking.18:37
claudiuI made an adhoc network on my desktop18:37
sherwinntryn a webcam18:37
claudiuI have  maverick on desktop18:37
timilovefairuz: not sure that I understand, sorry...18:37
sacarlsonmuskie: make sure the disk number is correct my memory is bad18:37
ilovefairuzclaudiu: all on one line please18:37
txdvi got an ancient version on this machine and i dont understand why it doesnt get updated18:37
claudiuand I am able to connect with my Lucid laptop18:37
eLrOnDzanyone using jolicloud ?18:37
txdvim using 10.04 and got chrome 518:37
cntbBelial`:  ? install the extra package for codecs if you're going to use chromium. that'll enable h.264 and html5 ?18:38
claudiuMaverick on desktop, Lucid on laptop, adhoc on desktop to share connection, laptop connects OK, but laptop with windows 7 cant connect and doesnt even take IP right18:38
Belial`txdv, you're using chromium or chrome? if you downloaded chrome from google's website, it'll automatically add their repo and update chrome accordingly.18:38
jmateSystem -> Preferences -> Monitor will not let me select a resolution larger than 800x600. I have tried using xrandr to add a new resolution but it rejects it. I am using a tv monitor from FORTEC with an ATI Rage 128 Pro Ultra TR18:38
ilovefairuzclaudiu: pastebin: iwconfig18:39
ilovefairuz!paste | caludiu18:39
ubottucaludiu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.18:39
Belial`cntb, sudo apt-get install chromium-codecs-ffmpeg-extra18:39
sherwinnno response with the webcam18:39
claudiuilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/ivB2LpVx18:39
ilovefairuzsherwinn: any different messages from the tail command?18:40
Goliath[20:39] <Goliath> hey18:40
Goliath[20:39] <Goliath>  how do i clean firefox cache completely?18:40
Goliath[20:40] <Goliath> when i go at an old youtube video it loads it istantly18:40
Goliath[20:40] <Goliath> instead of starting from the start18:40
FloodBot3Goliath: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.18:40
sherwinnit did not change at all18:40
wingnut2626no tutorials anyone on the command line?18:41
muskiesacarlson, No dice. Should I just give up now and tell em their array is dead, time to reformat the frives? lol18:41
sacarlsonmuskie: next try e2fsck -p -b 32768 /dev/sdb1  if that fails and again make sure sdb1 maches the first failed disk18:41
sacarlsonmuskie: if this next fails I would try it on another system18:41
claudiusorry to repeat myself> I have Maverick on desktop, Lucid on laptop, I made adhoc network on desktop to share connection, laptop connects OK and gets internet access, but laptop with windows 7 cant connect and doesnt even take IP right18:41
muskieSame error every time, sacarlson18:41
ilovefairuzclaudiu: sudo  iwconfig wlan1 channel 118:42
ilovefairuz!repeat | claudiu18:42
ubottuclaudiu: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:42
sacarlsonmuskie: ok time to move the disk to another sytem,  make sure it's not a usb box18:42
muskiewingnut: what's yer problem? :P18:42
sherwinnilovefairuz nothing when i plug other devices18:42
muskiesacarlson, it's a 12 disk array! O.o18:42
sacarlsonmuskie: I don't think those can provide the power needed for some disks18:42
wingnut2626no problem, i was just looking for a tutorial or guide to getting myself acquainted with using the command line18:43
ilovefairuzsherwinn: ok, i suggest you try the live cd and see if the drive works and/or other devices work (or a different distro), otherwise i suspect your usb port is faulty18:43
claudiuilovefairuz, NO  output from sudo iwconfig wlan1 channel 118:43
sacarlsonmuskie: ya and you put 12 disk array on a usb?  try just one disk18:43
yogeshwhy dony i have /etc/asound.conf ?18:43
ilovefairuzclaudiu: go to the windows machine and scan for networks18:43
muskiewingnut2626, look up "linux commands" on google. :P18:43
ilovefairuzyogesh: create it if you need one18:43
timilovefairuz: can you explain your last instruction?18:44
ilovefairuz!termianl | wingnut262618:44
ilovefairuz!termianl | wingnut262618:44
yogeshilovefairuz, could that be the reason i dont have sound in my vaio ??18:44
ilovefairuz!terminal | wingnut262618:44
ubottuwingnut2626: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal18:44
muskiesacarlson, Nonono. The array server is in a huge freaking rackmount server case18:44
ArteymisSomeone know here how to force grub to boot on startup? :)18:44
sacarlsonmuskie: it's not likly they all failed at the same time,  what could cause such a thing?18:44
ArteymisKinda need to do a memtest18:44
sherwinnok thanks i was thinking of tryin that should i reinstall if that is the case18:44
claudiuilovefairuz, network IS appearing on list18:44
suprengr...my planet wishes all your planet a peaceful Christmas... and thanks you all for the help18:45
sherwinn this all started cuz i was approaching low disk space and need to back up18:45
ilovefairuzyogesh: probably not, what's the model of your laptop? and pastebin: sudo lshw -C multimedia18:45
eLrOnDzdoes anyone know why inodes get orphaned ? and what other way than fsck can solve it ?18:45
sacarlsonmuskie: ok take at least one out of the rack mount case and try it in a system18:45
muskiesacarlson, I'm just booting a livecd from a USB flash disk18:45
Guest421ALMOST have everything working as I wish:  Home networking Win7 manhelp?chine with upgraded Ubuntu distro.  Can access shares on Ubuntu from windoze, see shares on windoze computer from Ubuntu, but it keeps giving me a password dialog over and over and over and over and...well, you get it.  Worgroups, shares, everything worked before when I deleted Windows Live Essentials.  Reloaded that program, couldn't do anything.  Deleted the Messenger18:45
muskiesacarlson, wouldn't that render the entire thing moot? I thougth RAID1 was striped?18:45
ilovefairuzclaudiu: "search for wireless networks" again (however you do that in windows) to  pick up the channel change and try connecting18:45
sacarlsonmuskie: raid1 is just mirrored you can live with just one of them18:46
yogeshilovefairuz, http://pastebin.com/0r3mYZBK model is VPCEB24FX18:46
muskiesacarlson, so basically it's one drive copied 12 times.18:46
VanscotI need help with setting an appropiate resolution for the S-Video output...18:47
ilovefairuzyogesh: what ubuntu version are you running?18:47
muskietbh, I actually think it's 3 seperate 4 drive arrays..18:47
VanscotI'm using ubuntu 10.10 and my vga is Radeon 9550/9600 (VGuru)18:47
claudiuilovefairuz, its connecting but it takes maany seconds , im waiting now to see the results18:47
sacarlsonmuskie: I'm not sure how they have it setup normaly with that number they have raid0+118:47
Goliathany good software to delete flash cache?18:47
sacarlsonmuskie: almost imposible to fail18:47
sasquatch1Anyone know how to shutdown a computer on a network?18:47
ArteymisDoes anybody know how to force grub on startup? It's for a memtest :(18:48
muskiesasquatch1, ssh in and then send the shutdown -now command ?18:48
ilovefairuzsasquatch1: sudo halt18:48
muskiethat works too18:48
VanscotAny ideas?18:48
sasquatch1muskie: Can I find out more information about a computer if I only know its MAC address?18:48
Vanscot(Also, I'm getting some weird messages on dmesg)18:49
KM0201Arteymis: what do mean force grub on start up?... grub starts automaticaly, you don't need to force it18:49
ilovefairuzArteymis: "force" it to do what ?18:49
muskiesacarlson, allright. I'll just grab a drive out, plug it into an enclodure, and see what happens18:49
claudiuilovefairuz, it shows as connected, but with warning yellow sign18:49
ArteymisKM0201: I'm single-booting ubuntu, so I don't have any choice on startup18:49
claudiuilovefairuz, ipconfig says IP is 169.254.bla.bla18:49
sasquatch1ilovefairuz: thanks, do you know how to find out more information about a computer just from it's MAC address?18:49
muskiesasquatch1, that sounds rather like you're wither trying to hack someone or play a prank on a freidn by remotely shutting down his rig lol18:49
ArteymisKM0201: I just want the menu to show up18:50
KM0201Arteymis: grub is still loading, its just hidden... i believe you need to keep hitting the left shift key to see it(or mark it to "unhide" in grub.conf)18:50
ArteymisKM0201: So by "forcing", I mean show the menu18:50
sasquatch1muskie: yea just messing around on my home network, nothing malicious18:50
KM0201Arteymis: well, force insinuates its doing something wrong...18:50
ArteymisKM0201: Thank you, I'll try that18:50
ilovefairuzsasquatch1: not much (other than the manufacturer of that NIC) .. try nmap's OS and version probing18:50
sacarlsonmuskie: it might help if you knew how it was formated to start with.  It's not some hardware raid is it?18:50
ArteymisKM0201: It works grea, but I suspect my memory to be broken18:51
ArteymisTanks anyway ~~18:51
KM0201KM0201: yeah..18:51
sasquatch1ilovefairuz: thanks i'll look into it18:51
KM0201!grub2 | Arteymis18:51
ubottuArteymis: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub218:51
claudiuilovefairuz, how can I debug even more  this adhoc problem  ?18:51
KM0201Arteymis: there's instructions on that second link, to make grub show automatically18:51
sasquatch1sacarlson: no, just trying to learn more about network security18:51
Guest421Help to log-ing in to HomeNetwork on Win7 from Ubunto 9,04>18:51
ArteymisMkay tanks18:51
eLrOnDzanyone ./18:52
greezmunkeysasquatch1: you could try pinging the broadcast address on your subnet, let run for a sec or two, stop that and run sudo arp -a to see if an ip address is associated. You can then run nmap against the address to search for open ports, and so on.18:52
KM0201Guest421: 9.04 is EOL.. you need to ugprade18:52
FishFaceGuest421: This is related. Look at the answer from comptergeek11 - http://social.answers.microsoft.com/Forums/en-US/w7repair/thread/5d30de22-10d7-41ad-a660-5e0c8e5f46ad18:52
ilovefairuzclaudiu: your ubuntu desktop can connect right? so it seems like the usual quirkiness of windows  to me but that's just my biased opinion.. try ##windows18:52
=== Guest87405 is now known as Freeaqingme
ivzeckServ identify lestnica18:52
muskiesacarlson, I know for a fact that there are FOUR SATA Raid cards plugged into the system18:52
muskieI know, cause they take up all the damn PCI-E slots!18:53
Guest421I did the apt-get update/apt-get dist-upgrade thingy.  That don't do it?18:53
ivzeOH shi...18:53
muskieotherwise I'd have plugged in an old geforce 6600 lol18:53
KM0201Guest421: not necessarily18:53
KM0201!upgrade | Guest42118:53
ubottuGuest421: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade18:53
Medjaianyone here have tmobile?18:53
muskiepassword fail ivze18:53
ilovefairuzivze: stop and /join #freenode18:53
claudiuilovefairuz, maverick desktop has internet access, and lucid laptop can get internet access from desktop by adhoc , but same laptop with W7 CANT GET internet acsess18:53
sasquatch1greezmunkey: what is the broadcast address on my subnet?18:54
ilovefairuzclaudiu: and that's my point, it's a windows problem18:54
KM0201claudiu: then thats a windows problem, ask in #windows18:54
claudiuilovefairuz, thanks a lot18:54
sacarlsonmuskie: ok but there are hardware raids and software raids,  I know little about software raid and like nothing about hardware raids, so if that's the case don't give up till you chat with someone that has played with more raids18:54
sebastiahi happy christmas18:54
nit-witGuest421, what are you trying to upgrade18:54
claudiuilovefairuz,   I suppose there are billions on #windows18:54
claudiuthanks a lot guys18:54
Guest421Hey, my Win7 Homegroup didn't work until I uninstalled Windows Messenger from Windows Live Essentials.  Now everything works except logging in from Ubuntu to windows.18:55
ivzeilovefairuz, thx, but it now permits posting without authentication... strange :)18:55
muskiesacarlson, I think I'm gonna give up until one of the more knowledgable people in the house here comes to take a crack at it. since he kind of OWNS the server and buiilt it..18:55
Guest421It keeps repeating itself.18:55
eLrOnDzany one can help ?18:55
sacarlsonmuskie: ok I secound that18:55
axhyniccould some one post the output of ls -l / | grep home18:55
muskiehe just didn't know why it was booting. I can thankfully tell him WHY X looked like candy stripes now lol18:55
nit-witGuest421, this is a wubi where the Ubuntu is not showing in the boot choce correct18:56
greezmunkeyclaudiu: in win7 remove the profile for that network. Then go back to the network widget in the tray, left click and select the wireless network, select connect - it should ask for the passphrase, or password. Supply it and see if it works or not. The key here is to remove the existing profile first.18:56
Guest421Googled that and other folks having the same problems, but I haven't gotten a solution to the last problem.18:56
FishFaceGuest421: I gave you a link to fix your windows and the login problem18:56
muskieyeah, if only I knew what kind of RAID this was18:56
claudiugreezmunkey, thanks ill be back in minutes18:56
sacarlsonmuskie: sorry I was not much help,  and it's my bed time,  so good luck over there.  and pm me of your outcome.18:56
greezmunkeysasquatch1: if your ip address is, your broadcast address is
muskieNot a problem, sacarlson , you've helped more than anyone else so far lol18:57
sasquatch1greezmunkey: thanks for the info!18:57
muskieRight, i'm off. that server's going in the too hard basket for now, lol18:57
nit-witGuest421, do you see my question18:57
muskieBack to windows! gotta check what today's steam deals are..18:57
eLrOnDzguys anyone knows how to fix orphened inodes other tahn fsck ?18:58
timilovefreeuz: I tried reinstallling again in a terminal.  I get an error "wine does not have wineprefixcreate installed. Maybe you are running an old version." I know I have the latest version. Suggestions?18:59
ChipAndFamilyHello, all.18:59
ilovefairuz!tab | tim18:59
ChipAndFamilyQuick question:  Anyone here have a ViewSonic VA2702w LCD Monitor?  I'm trying to get my to work, and it's not.18:59
ubottutim: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.18:59
Chuck_Hello, can someone help me change myvideo driver from radeon to radeonhd?18:59
greezmunkeyeLrOnDz: are you dual booting with windows?19:00
xissburgwhere is the ubuntu error stream? My java app prints stuff to the error stream but it is not printed in the terminal19:00
JamesisI get a buzzing sound when recording with my headset, is there anyway to remove this as in windows?19:00
timwhat do you mean I can use my TAB key?19:00
ilovefairuztim: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10186941&postcount=1419:00
tjubanghello, does anyone know of a reason to when i type in my passphrase for my privatekey when logging on my server with the ssh command i will just get a new line with "type in passphrase"19:01
ilovefairuztim: to auto complete a nickname on IRC, type the first few letters and press TAB19:01
histotim: you start typing a name then hit <tab>  to autocomplete19:01
svchostubuntu doesnt include pidgin anymore?19:01
histosvchost: well it's int he repos but they use empathy by default now.19:01
tech2077it currently uses empathy19:01
timilovefairuz, got the tab thing, thanks19:02
smerzsvchost, i stuck with pidgin too. I don't understand why they switched to empathy :)19:02
ubottuThe Instant Messenger Client Pidgin (formerly Gaim) (http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Pidgin) supports MSN, XMPP (Jabber, GTalk and variants), AIM, Gadu-Gadu, Novell Groupwise, ICQ, YIM, IRC and others. See also !Kopete19:02
ilovefairuzJamesis: try adjusting the levels in alsamixer (in a terminal)19:02
Jamesisilovefairuz: yeah but how should I mix it?19:02
Jamesisilovefairuz: what should i change?19:02
baxhi, i`ve installed the new nvidia drivers, the (recommended) and then my ubuntu has stopped working, i was using version 173 before and everything was working fine. what can i do19:03
claudiugreezmunkey,  I checked the "Manage wireless networks" thing and its empty19:03
ilovefairuzJamesis: try lowering the 'mic boast'  ?19:03
Jamesisilovefairuz: that did not help :S19:03
HeTaL_Hello, if I remove my Ubuntu partition, leaving only my windows partition, will that also kill grub meaning I won't be able to access either partitions?19:03
claudiugreezmunkey, laptop shows as connected with yellow warning sign and ipconfig says the IP is 169.254.bla.bla,19:04
sasquatch1HeTaL_: Correct, you will want to fix the window mbr first19:04
claudiugreezmunkey, but I know the IP is wrong  because it should be 10.42.43.something19:05
greezmunkeyclaudiu: that's because it is trying to get an ip via dhcp where no dhcp is available.19:05
HeTaL_sasquatch1: I want to merge an empty partition with the ubuntu partition, and then reinstall over the ubuntu partition.19:05
HeTaL_But the empty partition is BEFORE the ubuntu one.19:05
ilovefairuzJamesis: what are you recording with?19:05
claudiugreezmunkey, same laptop booted on lucid lynx can get internet with same adhoc connection from deksopt19:05
HeTaL_What complications will this cause?19:05
greezmunkeyclaudiu: what ip addresses are in the scope of your ad hoc network?19:06
ilovefairuzHeTaL_: use the window cd to restore the master boot record19:06
claudiugreezmunkey, desktop says and netmask
greezmunkeyclaudiu: ah, you are doing internet connection sharing via wireless?19:06
claudiugreezmunkey, Yesss19:06
FlozuzMozuzis there a way to force remove a directory that has stuff in it?19:07
claudiuI dont have words to thank you for taking time for me19:07
marierm -rf dir19:07
smerzrm -rf dir19:07
sasquatch1HeTaL_: Are you wanting to reformat all?19:07
smerzmake sure you don't run it in the wrong location as root19:07
FlozuzMozuzsuhweet thanks19:07
nirazioI have AAO110 (512ram, atom 270N) What is best version of ubuntu, if i need just web? UNR 10.04 was almost fine, but i wonder if there are better options now....19:08
HeTaL_sasquatch1: No. I want to keep my windows partition19:08
sandkingi got some issue with refreshing display - echo of ubuntu menu stays still on display occluding everything under it :/19:08
tjubanghello, does anyone know of a reason to when i type in my passphrase for my privatekey when logging on my server with the ssh command i will just get a new line with "type in passphrase", i am NOT typing in the wrong passphrase! works fine on windows with putty19:08
smerznirazio, that's an asus no?19:08
greezmunkeyclaudiu: the win7 box does not see the wireless network?19:08
niraziosmerz: yes19:08
sasquatch1HeTaL_: Uninstall ubuntu, then merge the new empty parition with windows? if so that is easy to do.19:08
smerznirazio, easypeasy or so19:08
smerzis a ubuntu distro targeted for netbooks19:09
claudiugreezmunkey,  the network IS appearing on the win7 list with signal excellent19:09
HeTaL_sasquatch1: Sounds good. How do I uninstall a partition?19:09
greezmunkeyclaudiu: select it and choose conect, what happens next?19:09
smerznirazio, it's based on ubuntu. but it's a diff project. i saw a few friends run that on their netbooks :)19:09
mariesmerz, use netbook ubuntu19:09
smerzor netbook ubuntu19:09
sasquatch1HeTaL_: Google the ubuntu forums there is information on fixing your windows MBR then you can use GParted to uninstall ubuntu and merge the windows and empty partition together.19:09
smerztry out what works for you nirazio19:09
ilovefairuzHeTaL_: i don't recommend you merge the partition, you could lose both of them, and it won't make your windows bootable19:10
sasquatch1HeTaL_: There is lots of info out there, i've done it many times.19:10
HeTaL_sasquatch1: Ok. Was looking for a quick fix.19:10
claudiugreezmunkey,  its connecting for around 30 seconds and the it says Connected, but with wrong IP (169.254....)  and no internet access    and  ZERO packets received19:10
ilovefairuzHeTaL_: restore the master boot record and then use a live cd or a windows program to erase the partition19:10
n_i_xdoes anyone know why ubuntu would be making a hard drive connected to sata port 1 /dev/sdd instead of /dev/sda?19:10
nudlsuppnmerry xmas19:10
sasquatch1HeTaL_: It'll take some work.19:10
HeTaL_ilovefairuz: Will do. I'd also rather do it that way since I'm having some problems with my partition locations.19:11
sasquatch1HeTaL_: Good luck!19:11
HeTaL_sasquatch1: Thanks. Finally giving up on Ubuntu's large changes from distro to the other.19:11
greezmunkeyclaudiu: ok, it doesn't like the dhcp server - set the wireless network on your win7 as ip:, mask, gate, dns and - then try agagin.19:11
HeTaL_Moving to fedora19:11
HeTaL_Anyways, thank you.19:12
claudiugreezmunkey,  I did that before, I'll do it again and report back in  5 minutes19:12
chaospsychexwill 32-bit ubuntu work on a 64-bit processor ?19:14
KM0201chaospsychex: yes19:14
marie<chaospsychex> it will19:14
KM0201chaospsychex: but if you have more than 4gigs of total ram, it will not recognize it all w/o installinga special kernel19:15
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BluesKajchaospsychex, if you have 4G ram or more then 64bit might be somewhat quicker but barely noticeable, and some media apps might give trouble19:17
claudiugreezmunkey,  pinging gateway doesnt work host unreachable19:17
greezmunkeyclaudiu: is the wireless net associated?19:18
claudiugreezmunkey,  what do u mean ?19:18
KM0201BluesKaj: are you saying some media apps, work on 64bit and not 32bit, or the other way around?19:18
greezmunkeyclaudiu: is the win7 box connected to the wireless network...19:19
BluesKajKM0201, some have trouble on 64bit like some browser plugins19:20
keanunot sure if this is better suited elsewhere, but is it possible to change the bus width on an sd card? i managed to break pin 8 (DAT1), but from the research i've done so far, if the bus width is set to 1 (instead of 4) only DAT0 is used19:20
KM0201BluesKaj: oh ok.. gotcha.. i thought you were saying some apps only work in 64 bit... i agree w/ you, 32bit is almost always going to give more compatibility19:20
claudiugreezmunkey,  in the list on right bottom it says Connected, but in N&Sharing center it has a yellow sign between localhost and GW and a RED cross between GW and Internet.           Access type: No network access19:20
Mattw_Trying to install ubuntu 10.10 on a Dell inspiron and the screen just goes kitty and I can't do anything19:20
KM0201Mattw_: kitty?19:21
liddell333Hi I have a little question that might sound silly. My friend is using GNOME and he says his default file manager is VLC, somehow. Apparently to change the default file manager is in a different place than the usual open with/default application place. Any insight?19:21
KM0201liddell333: so when he choose a folder(like in places menu) it opens VLC?19:21
claudiugreezmunkey, it seems that win7 talks other lang than ubuntu, lol19:21
Mattw_I meant it goes crazy. Am on a mobile device. It's a laptop. Ni I'd19:22
paranoid_ndroidhow can I see the saved  wireless network passwords?19:22
Mattw_No idea why19:22
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?19:22
KM0201Mattw_: is the laptop ATI?19:23
liddell333KM0202: yes, it opens the place in the VLC playlist browser19:23
greezmunkeyclaudiu: hmm, not sure then - in this case google is probably your best friend. Unfortunately I have to go to the hardware store before it closes. Good luck, if you're still here later I can lab that here to see if I get the same results.19:23
liddell333KM0201: yes, it opens the place in the VLC playlist browser19:23
claudiugreezmunkey, thanks a lot man  for your time19:23
KM0201liddell333: do this... open a terminal..  and nautilus /home19:23
nesto1000quick question you guys! How can I access a program folder in ubuntu? I remember that I done something with a tilde last time but i forgot19:24
Mattw_Any fix for this? I am having to surf net on phone because ubuntu simply will not install. Screen goes crazy.19:24
KM0201liddell333: that will open up the home folder... then right click a folder, and choose "open with"... go throught he list, and choose "File Browser" and make sure at the bottom its checked "always use this program"19:24
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BluesKajliddell333, do you mean VLC is media file manager for music and video ?, a file manager is used for most files on the system19:24
greezmunkeyclaudiu: You'll get it. I used ics on ubuntu a lot in the past, but never with win7.19:24
Mattw_Yes ati19:24
Marvel Hi, I'm  trying to run the following command on resume: "ethtool -s eth0 speed 100 duplex full autoneg on" . Because my asrock 330 doesn't like playing nice with my router but I can't find the right place to put that line. I've tried following a few ideas from google like script in /etc/pm/sleep.d but it's not working. I would appreciate any help19:24
claudiugreezmunkey, I hate windows its so complicated19:25
emCan anyone tell me if this site shows up well within Firefox on Ubuntu -- http://boycottBoA.org  ?19:25
country0129Had it all working when I uninstalled Windoze Live Essentials completely, but wifey MADE me put it back on.19:25
KM0201Mattw_: some ATi devices, can be very funky w/ live cd's.. personally, i'd try the alternate install CD19:25
greezmunkeyclaudiu: they do that on purpose...19:25
BluesKajem, yes \19:25
emBluesKaj: cool thanks.19:25
ilovefairuz!offtopic | em19:26
ubottuem: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:26
emubottu: You're welcome!19:26
greezmunkeycountry0129: get wifey a computer for Christmas!19:26
BluesKajFF 3.6, em19:26
emBluesKaj: awesome.19:26
KM0201ilovefairuz: lol... that was pretty clever though19:26
liddell333KM0201: Worked! Thank you so much!19:26
KM0201em: it works fine, but boycotts like that are stupid.19:26
KM0201liddell333: np :)19:26
country0129<evil grin>  She thinks THIS one is her 'puter.19:26
greezmunkeyheh - laterz19:27
liddell333BluesKaj: Thanks, got it working19:27
emKM0201: well quite a bit of time and effort went into making it. :) Good to know that it renders properly on the latest Ubuntu Firefox  :)19:27
dd070hello, why ubuntu runs slower than winxp on my pc ?19:28
dd070is dual core cpu recommended for ubuntu ?19:28
* alessiofachechi augura un buon Natale a tutti!! :)19:28
country0129Virtual machine?19:28
ilovefairuz!requirements | dd07019:28
ubottudd070: Hardware requirements to install, boot and comfortably use Ubuntu are listed at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/SystemRequirements - For a !flavor with lower requirements, see !Xubuntu or !Lubuntu19:28
timilovefairuz,  thanks for your help. it actually was 2 files I had to edit.  appreciate it and happy holidays19:29
dd070i believethat i have more than enough cpu power and ram. i have single core, amd athlon 64bit. and 1GB of RAM19:29
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dd070i have dual boot system winxp and ubuntu v1019:29
tjubanghello, does anyone know of a reason to when i type in my passphrase for my privatekey when logging on my server with the ssh command i will just get a new line with "type in passphrase", i am NOT typing in the wrong passphrase! works fine on windows with putty19:29
dd070ubuntu just doesnt run as smooth and responsive as winxp. this shouldn't happen19:30
country0129I used a cut down version of Mepis on a machine like that:  Anti-X.  Ran really well.19:30
nijaboWhat's the support channel19:30
ilovefairuztim: you're welcome19:30
Hekostjubang, did you set the username while using ssh ?19:30
country0129Having the same problem, Tjubang.19:30
xiaolindraconisi would like to strip down ubuntu for use with remastersys. can anyone help or point me to a page?19:31
ilovefairuznijabo: support channel for what?19:31
country0129or similar problem.19:31
tjubangHekos, yes19:31
jorenTukano, you could add a -v to you're ssh command19:31
jorenmight shed some light19:31
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?19:31
xiaolindraconisnijabo: its #sex-addicts19:31
BajK_any ideas why screen brightness settings are not working?19:32
nijaboThat's not helpful19:32
ilovefairuzxiaolindraconis: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/MinimalCD19:32
nijaboYou do not contribute to this community much doing that xiaolindraconis19:32
xiaolindraconissry sry19:32
BajK_When pressing the Fn keys for setting brightness, nothing happens. When using the system tray thingie and drag the slider around, i get the OSD stating the screen brightness but the screen is still bright as hell19:32
nijaboMaybe you should read the code of conduct19:32
bsmith093BajK_: fn down arrow works for me19:33
tjubangi wonder if its only on ubuntu19:33
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tjubangcountry0129, have you tried on other distributions?19:33
country0129Hey, tjubang?  What version of Windoze are you using?19:33
xiaolindraconisilovefairuz: i have been there but i wont mess up my grub (again) by installing another version19:33
xiaolindraconisi already ubuntu on here twice19:33
BajK_bsmith093: this is volume settings, and those work, also enabling/disabling WLAN works19:33
dd070is it common that ubuntu run slower than winxp ?19:34
xiaolindraconisand that is a little too minimal19:34
xiaolindraconispfft no its not19:34
ilovefairuzBajK_: what make/model is your laptop? and please file a bug even if you work around it19:34
country0129I had Ubuntu working well when I uninstalled ALL of Windows Live Essentials.  But wife made me put all back on but Messenger.19:34
Abhinav1marry Christmas  to all :)19:34
BajK_but the screen bright ness Fn+Left/Fn+Right does nothing although the shortcut configuration recognizes the keys, when I smanually set the settings19:34
BajK_so, the system knows of the keys, but the screen brightness itself seems to be not working19:34
country0129Now I get the repeating login screen.19:34
BajK_ilovefairuz: Acer Aspire TimelineX 3820 TG19:34
bsmith093BajK_:  sorry then must be a diff model i have a vostro 1710 dell laptop19:34
ilovefairuzBajK_: what ubuntu version are you using?19:35
BajK_hmm.-. the speaker jack does work fine (although this seems common for not working in ubuntu)19:35
BajK_ilovefairuz: Kubuntu 10.10 with KDE 4.6 RC 119:35
xiaolindraconisdd070: i have ran ubuntu a 500mhz cpu and its as fast if not faster than win2k19:35
rigveddd070: do you have proof of that. like actual test statistics?19:35
tjubangcountry0129,  dont think thats the same issue as me19:35
BajK_ah, I just upgraded from Beta 2 to RC1 and now the OSD shows that theres something happening19:35
KM0201xiaolindraconis: it's rpobably not faster, it just doesn't have as much bloat as most windows systems19:35
BajK_but I dont see the brightness change19:35
tjubangits only when trying to use the ssh command in a terminal19:36
country0129Old PIII Compaq, 256K Ram, 2.6 Mgz, Ubuntu, Screamed.19:36
johnbikerhow i can  put photo on compiz rute?19:36
dd070rigved: xiaolindraconis no i just feel it . i have both os dual booted on same pc. i have also provided enough disk space to ubuntu.19:36
KM0201country0129: 256k of ram?.. surprising..19:36
xiaolindraconisdd070: did u disable compiz?19:36
dd070xiaolindraconis: what is it?19:36
country0129But Anti-X worked better.19:36
BajK_so, now everything works, except for the fact that screen bright ness does not change19:37
KM0201country0129: well yah.. i'm sure.. i can't imagine gnome running well on 256mb of ram19:37
rigveddd070: it depends on what you are running in both of them. if you run metacity or Lubuntu for that matter, they are much faster!19:37
xiaolindraconisdd070: its in appearance settings19:37
ilovefairuzBajK_: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=158898519:37
country0129I have Ubuntu on two netbooks and a laptop.  More support available.  So, that's my story, and I'm stickin' to it.19:37
tjubanghello, does anyone know of a reason to when i type in my passphrase for my privatekey when logging on my server with the ssh command i will just get a new line with "type in passphrase", i am NOT typing in the wrong passphrase! works fine on windows with putty19:38
dd070rigved: what is metacity ?. something like theme?19:38
BajK_ilovefairuz: thx, lol yeah i cannot scroll up either19:38
xiaolindraconiscan anyone help me with removing as many packages as possible? the only thing i want left is firefox and a few games19:38
country0129Do you have Synoptic Package Manager?19:38
francxiaolindraconis: if you remove everything except games or firefox you won't have a gui19:38
ilovefairuzBajK_: read the whole thread19:39
rigveddd070: disabling compiz like xiaolindraconis said will give you metacity. it a Window Manager for gnome19:39
xiaolindraconisfranc: ok so not everything19:39
rigveddd070: in the terminal type - metacity --replace19:39
country0129For newbies like myself, that's the easiest way to remove stuff.  Just select it, see what it does in the window or Google it, and delete.19:39
tjubangi use ssh -i keyfile.ppk user@mysite.xx -p 2219:40
francor you could just do dpkg -l, find the ones you want to uninstall, and do a massive apt-get remove --purge19:40
rigveddd070: that will give you metacity. it means that your desktop effects will be disabled but you'll get a 'lighter' desktop19:40
tjubangwhen i type in my passphrase i just get a new line where i can enter passphrase19:40
ilovefairuzxiaolindraconis: that will be rather messy, better do a minimal install19:40
xiaolindraconisi selected one package that seemed useless but then it said i had to get rid of gnome-panel gnome-desktop and a lot of other things19:40
country0129I'm just learning the command line thingy.  Conversant in ol' 6.2 DOS, but, he's right:  if you can do command line, it's much faster and easier.19:41
xiaolindraconisilovefairuz: i just dont want to have to redo grub again19:41
xiaolindraconisilovefairuz: i have it looking all purdy n what not with burg19:41
country0129Won't have to with either feature.  Stays where you had it.19:41
ilovefairuzxiaolindraconis: do it in virtualbox19:41
kittymitamake a new user19:42
xiaolindraconisilovefairuz: wow i dont know why i didnt think of that... lmao19:42
kittymitaand delete your current user19:42
xiaolindraconisk that pretty much handles that topic19:43
usr13xiaolindraconis: are working with a small hard drive?19:43
xiaolindraconisusr13: kinda but not that small19:43
ilovefairuz!who | kittymita19:43
ubottukittymita: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)19:43
xiaolindraconisusr13: current partition has 20 or so gigs left19:43
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usr13xiaolindraconis: Is your goal to preserve hard drive space?19:44
xiaolindraconisusr13:  no im remastering a livecd19:44
duron23where can I ask questions about creating packages like .deb19:45
xiaolindraconismy current remaster is 900mb iso im trying to shave a few hundred off19:45
country0129LOL:  remember my first real 'puter:  10 MEG and 20 MEG (not gig) HD's and 1 M Ram 1 M extended ram...thought I was in high cotton.19:45
FezzlerI hate Linux audio!19:45
FezzlerCan't get jackd or ardour to work19:45
xiaolindraconisi had an 8mb hdd19:45
adrian_kx1 question guys do i need laptop-mode-tools installed on ubuntu?19:45
duron23where can I ask questions about creating packages like .deb19:46
xiaolindraconiscrazy how its same size as my 40gb19:46
adrian_kxi switched from debian19:46
ilovefairuzduron23: here19:46
FezzlerIf I kill pulseaudio to get jackd to work, I have no audio for other apps19:46
Eduardguys, how do i fix this error? compiz (core) - Warn: No GLXFBConfig for depth 3219:46
FezzlerIf I have pusle, jackd doesn't work19:46
francI'm confused. I don't know what to use. WeeChat or irssi =[19:46
Eduardbtw, my depth is set to 24 in xorg.conf19:46
country01291st one was a "color computer II" from Radio Shack.  HD was a 4 track tape.  Had to write my own programs in basic and store them on the "HD."19:46
duron23cool, I am really a noob for creating packages19:46
ilovefairuzFezzler: try ubuntu studio19:47
rigvedfranc: use weechat. i think you'll like it19:47
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> got it19:47
duron23I read the https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide/Complete19:47
francrigved: I guess. I've been a long time irssi user, been looking into weechat for the past few minutes19:47
duron23but still not able to understand, how the system will know to place which files where19:47
country0129Any networking gurus?19:47
usr13country0129: What do you need?19:48
rigvedduron23: there is a control file which takes care of that i think.19:48
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?19:48
johnbikerhow can i start widnows program on linux19:48
ilovefairuzFezzler: why don't you use alsa output for jackd? pulseaudio can handle that19:48
ottermatonI'm trying to get a b43 wireless working on a system without gnome. There are instructions "Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use." but since I don't have gnome I won't have that menu. How to do it from CLI?19:48
ottermatonOr other method? What is going on there?19:48
gingivere15duron23: I googled it and one of the forums said to try a program called checkinstall19:48
usr13johnbiker: wine19:48
xiaolindraconishow do i change the plymouth screen?19:48
franc1johnbiker: don't bother. find opensource alternatives19:48
rigved!wine | johnbiker19:48
ubottujohnbiker: WINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu19:48
adrian_kx1 question guys do i need laptop-mode-tools installed on ubuntu?19:48
duron23actually, I want to create a ppa for my program19:49
country0129I'm not using it, Adrian_kx.19:49
xiaolindraconisadrian_kx: i dont think so19:49
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> lost19:49
country0129Works well.19:49
rigvedjohnbiker: also, join #winehq19:49
xiaolindraconisadrian_kx: you on a laptop?19:49
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> very complex19:49
ilovefairuzottermaton: sudo apt-get install bcml-kernel-source19:49
ilovefairuzFezzler: well, read on jackd19:49
country0129Using a Gateway, old 'un, and not needing any laptop tools.19:49
gingivere15have you looked at launchpad?19:49
country0129Too old to use Windoze.19:49
rigvedjohnbiker: but i suggest that you use open source alternatives like franc1 suggested. of course only if you can find them!19:50
duron23yeah, I need to upload the source in a certain format19:50
xiaolindraconisPidgin is great19:50
duron23and system will build packages and distribute19:50
johnbikerok thanks all merry christmas:p19:50
gingivere15look here https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA19:50
xiaolindraconislive messenger support19:50
ilovefairuzFezzler: the option i'm referring to is "-d alsa" .. from the manpage19:50
sayres I want to Www folder in lamp transfer  home folder.What can I do?19:50
xiaolindraconisanyone know about installing new plymouth screens?19:51
country0129Unca Billieboygates started a conspiracy:  new OS every 2 years or so, quit supporting old OS, more compuer required to run it, more RAM, software makers quit writing programs for old OS...  more $$$ every time you turn.19:51
ottermatonilovefairuz, i'm doing it on a machine where I won't have internet access until I get the wireless working19:51
Fezzlerilovefairuz>> okay. but like know.  I have a usb audio device plugged in. jack is running.  ap shows input.  no sound19:51
adrian_kxi am on a laptop19:51
xiaolindraconisadrian_kx: then keep them19:52
adrian_kxand in early days of debian laptop-mode-tools where good:))19:52
biozhi, I have - maybe small - problem which I can't force myself:/. It's about configuring SMB to get a computer with Ubuntu connected with a computer with WinXP (I need to download files from a cpu with Ubuntu to the another one). Could anyone help me configuring this, or maybe someone knows the full tutorial to enjoy just this one feature? I'm lame, fyi.19:52
biozI have edited config file and set proper IPs and workgroups on both computers but it doesn't work.19:52
biozI have now these computers connected ad hoc, and at the same time one of them is connected to the router with a wire, and second one is using wireless connection. They are connected to the router because I need to get some help while configuring samba;).19:52
FloodBot3bioz: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:52
adrian_kxnow in ubuntu everything works out of the box19:52
hanasakihow can a package be forced to install and overwrite all the /etc config stuff already there?19:52
sayres I want to Www folder in lamp transfer  home folder.What can I do? :-$19:52
chaospsychexcan anyone tell me why my volume is at MAX and still unusually low?19:53
duron23I went through the link  https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA before coming here19:53
BajK_ilovefairuz: got it, scrolling works, brightness works. thanks :)19:53
rigvedhanasaki: sudo apt-get purge <package_name> && sudo apt-get install <package_name>19:53
gingivere15xiaolindraconis run the command sudo update-alternatives --config default.plymouth19:53
adrian_kxbut i can see laptop-mode-tools installed and if i do install it removes acpi-support pm-utils19:53
hanasakitried that19:53
sayres I want to Www folder in lamp transfer  home folder.What can I do?8-)19:54
adrian_kxmy guess is that much work is done now in the kernel mode settings and in acpi-utils19:54
hanasakirigved:  it left a /etc/.. dir and then didn't change it when I did the install / rm -are /etc/packagedir and install didn't overwrite either19:54
ottermatonilovefairuz, I think you may be taking about something other than what I'm trying to do, which is get a broadcom 4315 wireless card working19:54
usr13!samba | bioz19:54
ubottubioz: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.19:54
ilovefairuzottermaton: you could try downloading the package manually and installing it with gdebi .. http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/bcmwl-kernel-source19:54
rigvedhanasaki: use sudo19:54
CarlFKduron23: you might want to try #launchpad19:54
sayres I want to Www folder in lamp transfer  home folder.What can I do?19:54
hanasakirigved:  it was done as root19:54
rigvedhanasaki: have you tried the command that i gave you?19:54
usr13sayres: Can you elaborate just a bit on that?19:55
ilovefairuzottermaton: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:55
duron23thanks for your help people19:55
Flannelhanasaki: If you manually removed them, you'll need to purge the package(s), then reinsall.  Many packages have dependencies (like -common) that include the stuff in /etc, make sure you get those too.19:55
duron23merry cristmas19:55
hanasakirigved:  yes19:55
ottermatonilovefairuz, yea, that's what I'm looking at19:55
biozubottu: Thank you, I will read content from these links and if something will still  be going wrong, I will come back. Thanks :). Usr13: ?19:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:55
ilovefairuzBajK_: you're welcome19:55
hanasakiFlannel:  and rigved this is openvpn19:55
ottermatonI don't see a reference to bcmwl-kernel-source19:55
ottermatonilovefairuz, oh, nvrmind. I see it. I19:56
ottermaton'm in the part lower on the page for the b43 drivers19:56
sayres usr13: how?19:56
ilovefairuzottermaton: read the whole page :)19:57
usr13sayres: Explain in more detail your question19:57
hanasakiFlannel: rigved the openvpn dir is empty after purge and then install!19:57
rigvedhanasaki: sudo rm -r /etc/openvpn/19:57
ottermatonilovefairuz, I'm not trying to get the STA drivers, I'm trying to do the b43. 2 different things19:57
Flannelrigved, hanasaki: No.  don't ever manually remove stuff in /etc19:58
hanasakiFlannel:  yup....19:58
hanasakithanks ridg19:58
rigvedFlannel: agreed19:58
hanasakiFlannel:  so now something in ubuntu has remember it is removed19:58
country0129If you edit/delete /etc, always save a backup where you can find it again.19:58
hanasakivia purge19:58
hanasakinot rm19:58
rigvedhanasaki: first run the command to purge remove. then delete the directory19:58
rigvedif it still exists19:59
FlannelNo.  Don't delete the directory.19:59
hanasakididn't rigved just agree not to deltee the dir19:59
KM0201ottermaton: is your device supported by b43?19:59
BajK_ilovefairuz: but those graphics card switching things don't work at all :(19:59
hanasakiFlannel:  what is it that remember sthe state of the etc dir?19:59
Flannelhanasaki: Is there a particular file you're looking for that isn't there? or is it just not working?19:59
Flannelhanasaki: dpkg (apt)19:59
rigvedhanasaki: yes. do it as a last option only, if nothing works19:59
KruelKoyoteanyone have any ideas why if i unplug headphones or charger from laptop my laptop grinds?19:59
hanasakiFlannel:  well /etc/init.d/openvpn start says it stared.. but there is no process running and stop or status says no vpns to stop20:00
infidhtop is saying that 'cpu 4' is at 100% and it keeps causing my amd64 quadcore machine's fan to go off. how do i find out which processes are running on cpu4 so i can kill or renice?20:00
ottermatonKM0201, Actually, looking a little further I do have to use STA.20:00
ottermatonKM0201, It's the 4315 by the way20:00
Flannelhanasaki: so, it's just not running.  Alright.  Do this: sudo apt-get purge openvpn openvpn-blacklist20:00
sayres usr13: Now my www folder directory / var is located.    I want this folder inside the home would transfer file .... what do I need to change?20:00
KM0201ottermaton: ok.. i've never used the STA driver, don't know how it works, etc.20:01
Flannelhanasaki: Once that's done, dpkg -l | grep vpn, does it list any packages? or just exits without any output?20:01
hanasakiFlannel:  its an empty output20:02
hanasakiFlannel:  the /etc/openvpn dir is still there20:02
ottermatonKM0201, That's ok. The question is kind of general: In the step which is in both b43 and STA that says: "Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use. " Since I don't have gnome I won't have that menu. So how do I go about the activation?20:02
Flannelhanasaki: What does `dpkg -S /etc/openvpn` output?20:02
rookshow to synchoronise phones via bluetooth (nokia and erricson) the usual contscts plus calendar20:03
hanasakidpkg: /etc/openvpn not found.20:03
Flannelhanasaki: Oh, right.  Hmm.20:03
KM0201ottermaton: are you using a server install?20:03
hanasakiFlannel:  what's that indicate20:03
ottermatonKM0201, Am I being clear? Do you understand what I'm asking?20:03
rigvedhanasaki: if no files are present in the directory, then it's fine if the directory is still there. the config files have already been removed.20:03
ottermatonKM0201, No an Ubuntu derivative. Bodhi20:03
Flannelhanasaki: Nothing, that's expected, I just was being silly.20:03
ilovefairuzottermaton: you STILL didn't see the page has online and offline instructions for both drivers?20:04
Flannelhanasaki: What version of Ubuntu is this?  10.10?20:04
hanasakiFlannel:  so what now20:04
hanasakiyes 10.1020:04
KM0201ottermaton: well, i'd suggest seeking out help from Bodhi developers.20:04
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:04
ottermatonilovefairuz, of course. Do you STILL not see the question I'm asking?20:04
ilovefairuzottermaton: the GUI installs bcwml20:04
xissburgWhere is Ubuntu's standard output stream?20:05
ottermatonKM0201, so...you wouldn't know how to that activation by CLI20:05
KM0201ottermaton: correct....20:05
sayresusr13: Now my www folder directory / var is located.    I want this folder inside the home would transfer file .... what do I need to change?:'(20:05
rookscontacts synchronisation to bluetooth, is there some GO-TO app for such thing?20:05
ottermatonKM0201, ok. Thanks for trying to help20:06
usr13sayres: Use symlinks to home filder directory20:06
ilovefairuzrooks: try gnokii?20:06
hanasakiFlannel: ?20:06
Flannelhnasaki: Alright, now, sudo apt-get install openvpn, once that happens, you should have /etc/openvpn/update-resolve-conf (and I think that's likely all that's in that folder)20:06
ottermatonilovefairuz, Yes, thank you for stating the obvious.20:06
rigvedrooks: i don't know but there is fumabol to sync with ubuntuone20:06
imihi. if my hdd is quite full ubuntu offers some hdd allocation monitor to launch. how can I launch that app by hand?20:06
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:06
rooksilovefairuz, k, will try gnokii20:06
ottermatonilovefairuz, but there MUST be a way to do it without. That's what I'm trying to find20:06
sayres usr13: i know...but i want transfer ...20:06
ilovefairuzottermaton: to do what exactly? install the package? that's why apt-get is for20:07
BajK_how do I copy a CD and make it boot from a usb stikc? SO I have a bootable CD but the device has no CD drive so I want to copy this CD to a USB stick20:07
usr13sayres: Trnasfer what (from where to where)?20:07
BajK_cxan I just use dd?20:07
ilovefairuzottermaton: the very first command was: sudo apt-get install bcwml-kernel-source20:07
xangua!usb | BajK_20:08
ubottuBajK_: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent20:08
ottermatonilovefairuz, no, to do the step "Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use. " withOUT the gui20:08
nirazioFresh install 10.10 all my bookmarks mainly ftp and ssh bookmarks open firefox and show a web based file browser instead of spawning a nautilus window. have no idea what caused this never seen this before.Can anybody help me??20:08
usr13sayres: Oh, so you wnat to move the directory to /home/user/ ?20:08
BajK_xangua: it's not ubuntu. it's an imaging tool but it is CD only20:08
ilovefairuzottermaton: the GUI invokes the package manager to install the package, so by using apt-get you'll be achieving the same effect without using the GUI20:08
sayresusr13:  of /var   to /home/myname20:08
ilovefairuzottermaton: it doesn't do any more magic20:08
zulaxmy browser/mouse is acting strange - when I left click and try to higlight something and move mouse, random items get selected and i dont seem to have control20:09
usr13sayres: If so, just use mv.  i.e.  mv /var/www /home/myname/20:09
tehdaveHowdy everyone. Got a sound issue here: if I leave my master volume control up and speakers down, I get static, but if I drop the master volume down with speakers way up, I get regular noise. I'm assuming (from what I've read) that this has to do with PCM volume, but I can't seem to find a control for it, and Alsamixer seems to be gone from 10.04. Can anyone give me a hand please?20:10
usr13sayres: chown myname /home/myname/www20:10
Flannelsayres, usr13: why not just use userdirs?  Put stuff in ~/public_html, and then browse to it in mysite/~myusername20:10
ottermatonilovefairuz, I understand the difference between using a gui and a cli to install packages. However, once installed it still needs activated. And the only instructions to activate it are gui instructions20:10
country0129Network guru?20:10
ottermatonilovefairuz, "Under the desktop menu System > Administration > Hardware/Additional Drivers, the b43 drivers can be activated for use. " How does one do THIS STEP without the gui?20:10
usr13Flannel: Well, that would be fine too but sayres wanted it in /home/username/20:11
KM0201ottermaton: you can probably modprobe it.. but thats the only guess i'd have20:11
ilovefairuzottermaton: the word "activate" in the interface is only for usability, no "activation" is needed after the package is installed, it's a kernel module and it is automatically loaded upon detecting the wireless chipset20:11
Flannelusr13: Sharing your homedir is a bad idea, I imagine he just wants to share stuff in a place writable by his user20:11
usr13sayres: Basically, it doesn't matter.  You can have the files where ever you want, just move them where you want and then symlink to them.20:11
sayres usr13:  i want change localhost ....20:11
=== mike_ is now known as Guest36307
usr13Flannel: It doesn't matter.  You are only sharing the directory, not the whole home dir.20:12
tehdaveAnyone know how to adjust PCM volume in Gnome in Ubuntu 10.04? Can't seem to find anything that _works_20:12
ilovefairuzottermaton: reboot after you install the package, there, that's "activation" if you desire it20:13
claudiuilovefairuz,  I have made some steps with my wireless problem20:13
meerohow to make snmpd start at boot ?20:13
ottermatonKM0201, that's what I was thinking, but I don't really know how to go about it.20:13
BajK_so I hope dd if=/dev/sr0 of=/dev/sdf will do it since the CD speeded up and the USB disk is blinking20:13
usr13sayres: Change localhost?20:14
ottermatonKM0201, but at least that gives me a start on what to look into20:14
KM0201ottermaton: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx20:14
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?20:14
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:14
CybertrashHey, I've got a bit of a problem with installing Ubuntu from a USB...20:14
ottermatonilovefairuz, quit making this sound as if it's something I'm dreaming up. It's a freaking step in the freaking instructions on the ubuntu wiki.20:14
chaospsychexCybertrash: what's the problem20:15
ottermatonilovefairuz, it DOES require activation according to that20:15
wilmer_alguien me puede ayudar tengo un problema con el grub y windows 7?20:15
ottermatonKM0201, Yea, that's what I've been reading. Apparently I'm not being clear about what I'm asking20:15
KM0201ottermaton: there's instructions there to modprobe the device20:16
KM0201that should activate it20:16
Hydrant_hey all... there seems to be no option to delete an LVM group from Ubuntu Server 10.04... I don't like how it setup the volume groups, and there seems to be no sane way to delete it from within the installer itself20:16
wilmer_alguien me puede ayudar??20:16
tehdaveAnyone know how to adjust PCM volume in Gnome in Ubuntu 10.04? Can't seem to find anything that _works_ and alsamixer seems to be gone20:16
Cybertrashchaospsychex: I've tried unetbootin on a 1GB memory, trying to get the UNR image on there, by downloading the 10.10 hd file, then throwing the UNR .iso in the USB's root, but it won't boot20:16
CybertrashI take it I'm doing something terribly wrong20:16
country0129posible...pero no tengo mucho espanol technical.20:16
kcorcoran_i am attempting to use ffmpeg to capture video from my webcam...however when i browse /dev i am not seeing the webcam - but can see the webcam via lsusb.  any ideas how to find out what my webcam is?20:16
FlannelHydrant_: Have you installed, and now you're trying to modify? or you made them in this installer session, and you want to change your set up?20:17
ottermatonKM0201, you think they would work even though they're for live___ ?20:17
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:17
KM0201ottermaton: it should, all its supposed to do is activate the device20:17
industry__kcorcoran_: most likely hasn't loaded the driver yet if you don't have a /dev/video device20:17
sayres usr13: yes...because root folder have permission..i want install cms...Coz I do not want to limit..20:17
kcorcoran_industry_  how would i correct that?20:17
industry__kcorcoran_: what's the device show up as under lspci?20:18
ilovefairuzottermaton: rather than using terms arbitrarily, understand that this is simply a kernel module, the kernel detects hardware on boot and loads appropriate modules/drivers for available hardware, the "modprobe" is doing so without reboot, but it's been reported here before that a reboot (no, a complete shutdown even) may be required to get the firmware loaded correctly20:18
ottermatonKM0201, I would tend to agree. I'll give it a go. Thanks for all your help20:18
industry__or sorry, lsusb20:18
kcorcoran_industry_  its a usb device20:18
Hydrant_Flannel: I'm in the installer itself, and I don't want to wipe the partition and reboot20:18
wilmer_can somebody help me???20:18
industry__yeah, what's the lsusb for it?20:19
KM0201wilmer_: just ask your question, if someone can help, they will20:19
xissburgWhere is Ubuntu's standard output stream?20:19
usr13sayres: Let's say you want to move /var/my_site to your home dir:  sudo mv /var/my_site /home/sayres/public_html ; sudo chwon -R sayres public_html/ ; sudo ln -s /home/sayres/public_html /var/my_site20:19
xissburgWhere is Ubuntu's standard output ?20:19
FlannelHydrant_: You're in the "set up LVM" portion of the partition step still, I suppose?20:19
kcorcoran_industry__  its a usb device20:19
industry__xissburg: that question doesn't make much sense, what do you mean standard output?20:19
nikitisIs there an ubuntu package that will update dyndns entries?20:19
meerohow to make snmp deamon start at boot?20:19
=== Jragon is now known as Ubuntu
usr13sayres: install cms?20:19
=== Ubuntu is now known as Kbuntu
=== Kbuntu is now known as Kubuntu
claudiuilovefairuz,  I get internet on laptop with adhoc wireless  with security none20:20
Hydrant_Flannel: actually partitioning... it wants to write the partions before allowing me to modify LVM... but I don't like the partition schemes for the physical volume20:20
industry__kcorcoran_: yes, i asked for lsusb output, instead of lspci20:20
claudiubut cant connect otherwise20:20
industry__kcorcoran_: so I can know what kind of device it is20:20
=== Kubuntu is now known as Jragon
ilovefairuzclaudiu: from the windows machine?20:20
xissburgOUCH I MEAN....Where is Ubuntu's standard error output20:20
claudiuilovefairuz, yess   its weorking  thi security none20:20
industry__xissburg: not much better. standard error output for what?20:20
usr13sayres: What do you mean by "cms"?20:20
Hydrant_Flannel: I basically just want to get back to a blank slate and redo it.. but it's not obvious how to do so20:20
tehdaveWhen I try to run alsamixer, I get the error "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory"20:21
country0129Networking guru's?  PM mel20:21
kcorcoran_industry__  if i run lsusb, it lists the device as Bus 001 Device 005: ID 046d:08c1 Logitech, Inc. QuickCam Fusion20:21
industry__xissburg: if you are talking about the UNIX standard error output stream, then you'll need to clarify for what program20:21
ottermatonilovefairuz, interesting that you say I'm using a term "arbitrarily" when that term is EXACTLY the term used in the instructions, the instructions I pasted about 5 times. But whatever20:21
industry__kcorcoran_: thanks, one moment while I google this20:21
Hydrant_xissburg: is there a particular thing you are looking for in stderr?  It's different per application... and the process can do whatever it wants with stderr20:21
FlannelHydrant_: Ah.  Right, you do need to write partitions before going into LVM.20:21
StavaWith this particular computer I cant connect through the router (neither wifi nor lan). But it works if I bypass the router and connect the computer directly with my modem. Do you have any idea of why this is occurring?20:21
claudiuilovefairuz,  win7  cant connect with encrypted adhoc wireless ubuntu20:21
FlannelHydrant_: Just delete the partitions and start over20:21
StavaI have 2 other computers connected to the very same router though20:21
xissburgI mean, when I call System.err.print in java and it is not printing in the shell20:21
tehdaveWhen I try to run alsamixer, I get the error "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory". Trying to lower the PCM volume for sound so I can have normal sound again.20:21
Hydrant_Flannel: but I don't like the partition layout, and it gives me this big red box yelling at me20:22
intraderOn Christmas Eve, wish you all a Merry Christmas. My problem started with 10.10 - the fan on this old Dell Inspiron 8200 is always on; CPU load is 4.0 as I type this (mostly XOrg and 1.3% xchat). Noise from fan is not tolerable.20:22
kcorcoran_industry__  thank you...if you can tell me what you're looking up as well so i can understand how you're troubleshooting this....it would help me to learn.20:22
Hydrant_xissburg: this is a Java issue, and has nothing to do with Ubuntu or Linux20:22
wilmer_after install ubuntu 10.10 do I get the windows 7 and just started ubuntu, I do not get the grub20:22
otaknikitis: ddclient ?20:22
sayresusr13:Content management system20:22
xissburgHydrant_: :)20:22
usr13sayres: Oh yea, ok20:23
induzHow can I install .isc and .utf8 to Ubuntu20:23
wilmer_how can i repair de windows boot from ubuntu?20:23
Hydrant_Flannel: the partition for LVM won't let me delete it... "no modifications can be made because it's used by the volume group..."20:23
FlannelHydrant_: Sorry, I'm not sure where you are.  A screen that looks like this, right? http://www.webdevster.com/media/images/how-to/xen-qrm-lvm/lvm-xen-1hdd-install.jpg20:23
industry__kcorcoran_: i'm just googling the device ID with the word "ubuntu" and seeing what comes up...can you try running lsmod | grep videodev20:24
Hydrant_Flannel: almost... I wish I could screenshot this one... but it has the volume groups already defined at the top, and the partitions below20:24
usr13sayres: If you are switching to a cms, you are going to have to redo the site anyway.  Right?20:24
FlannelHydrant_: so you've already gone to the "Configure LVM" stuff?20:24
industry__kcorcoran_: which will tell me if you have any camera drivers loaded20:24
Hydrant_Flannel: no, I'm trapped at partitioning stage... because LVM needs the physical layout set, and I don't like what it did20:24
FlannelHydrant_: Maybe more like this: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianInstaller/SoftwareRaidRoot?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=17.gif20:24
usr13sayres: But it still does not matter where you serve from.20:24
tehdaveWhen I try to run alsamixer, I get the error "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory". Trying to lower the PCM volume for sound so I can have normal sound again. Any idea how to fix this?20:24
Hydrant_Flannel: yes, that's what it looks like20:24
industry__tehdave: is the normal mixing application not working for you?20:25
FlannelHydrant_: But if you haven't set up LVM, how can you have a .... oooh, you chose the "use the whole disk as LVM"? option?20:25
nikitisotak, ah, thanks20:25
sayres usr13: If I mv url when you write localhost, a message is not found?Localhost I'm so moved?20:25
nikitisotak, i have only delt with ddns on routers20:25
Hydrant_Flannel: yes, I wanted to see what options it would choose... and now I don't like them so I want to adjust20:25
kcorcoran_industry__  http://pastebin.ca/202843520:25
country0129Networking guru?20:25
FlannelHydrant_: Right, I strongly suggest creating a partition (of the whole disk, is fine) and then using that as a VG.20:25
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:25
FlannelHydrant_: Uh, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure.  How about powering down and restarting?20:26
ilovefairuzclaudiu: you could try hostapd but it requires more setup20:26
tehdaveindustry__, There is no normal mixing application. The absolute only volume control I can find _anywhere_ is for Master volume, which if I turn way down, and my speakers way up, I get normal sound. With master volume anything past about 20% I hear nothing but static20:26
nsisodiyahow i can install wine without installaling nonfree package ?20:26
FlannelHydrant_: Why don't you want it to write to disk yet?  trying to save some data or something?20:26
industry__kcorcoran_: so you do have uvcvideo loaded. have you already tried ls /dev/ | grep video ?20:26
Hydrant_Flannel: well, having swap as part of LVM makes little sense to me... so swap and /boot I don't want under LVM control20:26
FlannelHydrant_: So, why not just write it, and then modify it after it's written?20:27
country0129Is not wine distributed with the package, Ubuntu?20:27
Hydrant_Flannel: the install warned me that I should not do this20:27
nsisodiyahow i can install wine without installing nonfree package like ttf-mscorefonts-installer ?20:27
kcorcoran_industry__  it replies Usage: lsmod20:27
claudiuilovefairuz, I ll check hostapd20:27
FlannelHydrant_: You can't have /boot in LVM, actually.  Swap you can.  And having swap in LVM means you could repurpose that area for LVM later (more easily then just adding another VG where the swap used to be)20:27
usr13sayres: Sorry, I do not understand  your question.20:27
industry__tehdave: if i'm not mistaken ubuntu uses pulseaudio. the right tool i think is pamixer in the command line20:27
usr13sayres: Try and say it differently.20:27
Hydrant_Flannel: it claims once the partition is written it's game over... there is no data I'm trying to save, I can reboot if required, but I don't think I should have to reboot just for this20:28
FlannelHydrant_: It warned you that you shouldn't make changes after it's written?  interesting.  I'm not ure why it would do that.20:28
industry__kcorcoran_: ? for "ls /dev/ | grep video" ?20:28
topbayderi am having trouble with my broadcom 4313 and have the sta driver for the card form synaptic but it doesn't show up in the additional drivers list.. :/20:28
industry__kcorcoran_: that's plain ls, not lsmod20:28
tehdaveindustry__, yeah, but the level correction is in alsamixer. pamixer returns "couldn't find command. Did you mean amixer?"    amixer gives the same "No such file or directory"20:28
FlannelHydrant_: I don't know why the partition would be locked, you'd just have to, well, delete and reformat those partitions.  But again, I've never tried this (I don't do LVM-as-full-disk), so let me google, I guess.20:28
Hydrant_Flannel: yah, some people might like swap under LVM, I don't... I agree there is little difference... but I just don't want to carry around a VG for swap...20:29
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?20:29
meerohow to add script to start at boot time?20:29
kcorcoran_industry__  oops. okay, when i run that nothing happens...just return to prompt again20:29
industry__tehdave: does your sound device work? i ask because it sounds like you've got no sound card detected20:29
Hydrant_Flannel: well, I can just reboot... I just wasn't sure if I was completely missing something or if it was a bug20:29
bastidrazor!boot > meero20:29
ubottumeero, please see my private message20:29
usr13meero: You could use /etc/rc.local20:29
industry__kcorcoran_: okay, so there is no /dev/video or anything.20:29
tehdaveindustry__, yep. Sound device works. I can get sound, I just can't adjust any levels but master.20:29
FlannelHydrant_: There's probably some good reason for it, since someone went through the effort of writing that safety check in.20:30
xissburgwhere are my bash configs?20:30
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:30
industry__kcorcoran_: hold on another second20:30
kcorcoran_industry__   correct.  does that mean there isn't any drivers loaded?20:30
Hydrant_Flannel: there could be a reason, but I mostly seem to have gotten trapped...I guess I'll have to choose manual next tiem20:30
mongytopbayder, not showing up in additional drivers?  try sudo apt-get install bcmwl-kernel-source20:31
industry__kcorcoran_: no, it means the driver isn't initializing the device properly. can you paste dmesg | tail for me?20:31
meerousr13, i would like to add snmp deamon to start at boot, i added the line "/etc/init.d/snmpd start" , but it is now working...20:31
tehdaveindustry__, To be fair, aplay -l shows my USB audio, but lspci |grep usb  or grep audio doesn't show an audio device20:31
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:32
industry__tehdave: very odd -- not sure what else to try20:32
kcorcoran_industry__   http://pastebin.ca/202844220:32
chaospsychexalsamixer shows all levels at max too20:33
mongychaospsychex,  run alsamixer and check there20:33
Hydrant_chaospsychex: there are multiple mixers for the audio, adjust them20:33
sayresusr13:  I move if I want to do the www folder. When the default browser because I write localhost apache2 directory / var / www there! Message is not found. why should I set the apache220:33
chaospsychexall levels are at max20:33
BouncerWilmer Cual es tu pregunta?20:33
C1iFFcan any1 send me the latest ubuntu maverick 64bit repos?? I cant install programs because of 'unsolvable dependencies' or something. This is the error msg: http://pastebin.com/H9j0rmbH20:33
chaospsychexit's like i'm only getting 25% off sound level20:33
lucas-argi cant get my nvidia 320m hdmi audio to work with ubuntu 10-10 im using x-swat drivers... any ideas??20:33
chaospsychexi didn't choose to install 3rd party plugins and now its like this20:33
Hydrant_Flannel: yah, this is definitely a bug20:34
mongychaospsychex, do you have multiple devices? which one is it using20:34
FlannelHydrant_: File it! and I guess work around it for now :)20:34
Hydrant_Flannel: I rebooted, chose manual... and the LVM groups are still there... and impossible to delete!20:34
chaospsychexone device20:34
industry__kcorcoran_: your bug looks identical to something that the gentoo folks seem to have found20:34
FlannelHydrant_: Oh, strange indeed.20:34
FlannelHydrant_: Try getting a live system and writitng dev/zero to the disk20:35
country0129No networking help?20:35
Hydrant_Flannel: I normally will dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda in these cases20:35
Hydrant_well, with a count ;-)20:35
industry__kcorcoran_: they have a workaround. plug your webcam in, then do "sudo rmmod uvcvideo" and then "sudo modprobe uvcvideo"20:35
eirikbHello, anyone know any guides to install Ubuntu directly to hdd from Ubuntu?20:35
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
mongychaospsychex, idk to be honest then.  could be driver thing could be pulseaudio thing.  as a workaround I guess you use pulseaudio-equalizer and ramp up the pre-amp (http://www.webupd8.org/2010/02/pulseaudio-system-wide-equalizer-now.html)20:36
intraderSeems minor, but I am afraid for the old computer; problem started with 10.10 - the fan  Dell Inspiron 8200 is always on; CPU load is 4.0 as I type this (mostly XOrg and 1.3% xchat). Noise from fan is not tolerable.20:36
usr13meero: Try adding the line to /etc/rc.local20:36
kcorcoran_industry__   okay, then what?  look in the /dev folder?20:36
sayres usr13:  I move if I want to do the www folder. When I write in browser localhost , default  apache2 is   directory / var / www ! Message is not found. why should I set the apache220:36
industry__kcorcoran_: see https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-bugs/2010-April/079731.html which references the gentoo bug -- the dmesg output is identical to yours20:36
biozI can't configure the network ad hoc connection between two computers:/ I have modified network connection settings in my pc with ubuntu (ip, subnet mask, gateway; no settings for dns) and second one with winxp (,, Where is the problem? I know that I did something wrong because when I edit /etc/fstab/ by adding "//servername/sharename  /media/mountname  cifs  guest,uid=1000 (...)" and20:36
biozthen mount -a, I get: "mount error: could not resolve address for buiosu-lap: No address associated with hostname; No ip address specified and hostname not found"20:36
Flanneleirikb: As in, without rebooting?20:37
industry__kcorcoran_: well, after you reload the module, your webcam should work normally, so yes, you should have a /dev/video device which ffmpeg can work with through the v4l2 interface20:37
country0129Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?20:37
eirikbFlannel: Yes20:37
kcorcoran_industry__ video0 just showed up.20:37
_dev_null_eirikb, clone2fs ?20:37
biozboth computers are connected to a router (one with wifi, another one by cable) in order to get Internet connection (pc uses usb for the Internet and rj45 to connect to the laptop), can it be the reason?20:37
kcorcoran_thank you!!20:37
eirikb_dev_null_: I'll look it up, thanks20:38
C1iFFPlease, does anyone have Ubuntu Mav AMD64 PPA's. My repo's dont work for some reason...20:38
claudiugoodbye  guys  and MERRY CHRISTMAS20:38
eirikb_dev_null_: Will it install?20:38
_dev_null_you'll have 2 times the same OS, is that what you want ?20:38
usr13sayres: If apache serves from /var/www/  then place symlink /var/www/my_site there, (or a symlink) and it will server from it. To see where you have configured apache to serve from, look at the config file.20:38
bastidrazorbioz: in /etc/hosts  add IPaddress buiosu-lap  .. replace IPaddress for the actual IP of buiosu-lap20:38
AR_why does my internet randomly lag20:38
goodtime#j debian20:38
eirikb_dev_null_: I want a fresh install of Ubuntu20:38
AR_it feels like it's on my end20:38
Spirits-SightHow  do you change the mouse pointer to bigger?  thanks in advance!!!20:39
_dev_null_eirikb, ok, but why not install it  the usual way ?..20:39
sayres usr13: ok dud ..tanks20:39
biozbastidrazor: thanks, one step advanced;)20:40
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if i have it turned all the way up?20:40
Flanneleirikb: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux#Without%20CD20:40
eirikb_dev_null_: It's a laptop with broken CD-ROM which does not support USB boot. So my only solution so far is PXE or directly, and I think there is an installer for Windows20:40
BajK_*praying to God that reducing the Windows' partition's size will not break it or the boot manager*20:40
eirikbFlannel: Thanks20:40
pj`chaospsychex, type alsamixer in terminal20:41
chaospsychexall levels at max20:41
pj`the use the arrow key to make sure all the sliders are turned up20:41
ilovefairuzBajK_: you should back up your stuff before you start praying20:41
bastidrazorBajK_: you should of defragmented the drive and used windows to resize the partition.. if so you should be fine20:41
chaospsychexi had to reinstall ubuntu and i didnt choose to install 3rd party stuff and it was like this20:41
Hydrant_Flannel: do you know the installer package to file a bug against ?20:41
_dev_null_eirikb, yep. It's still a 'normal' / usual install, I bet.20:41
KM0201BajK_: as long as you're not reckless, you should be ok20:42
KM0201but defragging before hand is a good idea.20:42
eirikb_dev_null_: It's a normal install, just that I need to write to the already mounted disk20:42
country0129Anyone good with Networking Win7 and Ubuntu?20:42
ilovefairuz!ask | country012920:42
ubottucountry0129: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:42
mongy!samba | country012920:42
ubottucountry0129: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.20:42
induzwhen I download i get 3 files...how can i extract them and install20:42
itaylor57KM0201: o/20:42
KM0201itaylor57: o/20:43
industry__chaospsychex: i've noticed that with alsa sound output overall is much lower than it should be, i.e. from the same hardware in Windows20:43
country0129:Ilovefairus:  Same as before:Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?20:43
country0129Using SAMBA.20:43
xanguainduz: install what¿20:43
Hydrant_Flannel: also... I did dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/sda count=8192... well, when I redo "detect disks" the partition is still there... the installer is genuinely broken, or the table is at the end of the disk somehow20:43
industry__chaospsychex: if it helps, i've heard people have better results with OSS4 though personally it just crashes my system20:43
chaospsychexindustry__ how do i change over20:43
_dev_null_eirikb, you need to write the actual / current root ?20:44
usr13meero: If you place a scirpt in /etc/init.d that does not have a symlink from one of the /etc/rc*.d dir's it will not be ran at boot time.  But also, you must enable the executable bit, i.e. chmod +x /etc/init.d/snmpd20:44
PMantisHi guys, upgraded my Samba Domain controller from 8.04 to 10.04 and now failure. debug.log shows lots of "Failed to issue the StartTLS instruction: Connect error" messages. ldap is running, and I can issue ldapsearch commands successfully. Ideas?20:44
greezmunkeycountry0129: So you are trying to access a win7 share from ubuntu> Is that it?20:44
eirikb_dev_null_: I guess so, as I want a new fresh install20:44
marelIf the game can run on os x, can it run on ubuntu, the same file ?20:44
Spirits-SightAnyone able to tell me how to make the mouse point bigger?  thanks ahead of time!!!20:44
industry__chaospsychex: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenSound I can't guarantee any success though20:44
country0129Hey, I've contacted MS.  Stayed on hold for 5 days.  They're typically usless.20:44
kcorcoran_industry__ thank you!!20:44
country0129Yessir, Greez'20:44
industry__kcorcoran_: np20:44
eirikb_dev_null_: I could probably make a new small partition for the installer and boot that20:44
mongychaospsychex, try the eq, its a decent workaround.20:45
induzits a .tgz file20:45
mikeyfbihey guys, i'm using ecryptfs, and i'd like to upload an encrypted file to an server20:45
mikeyfbido i just drop it in the 'private' folder, then upload to ftp?20:45
mikeyfbiand it'll be encrypted?20:45
chaospsychexmongy i shouldn't have to do that,sounds like crap when i do that. when i first installed ubuntu it wasn't like this20:45
country0129I have networking in the appropriate place.  I can see the Windoze client.  When I try to open it, it repeatedly gives me a login screen that I KNOW I'm entering appropriately.20:46
muellisoftSpirits-Sight: http://library.gnome.org/users/gnome-access-guide/stable/dtconfig-2.html.en#dtconfig-2020:46
=== muellisoft is now known as Muelli
_dev_null_eirikb, yes, much better I guess. But there are (small) issues when the .iso image is on an ext* fs..20:46
usr13meero: See:  man update-rc.d20:46
mongychaospsychex, well ok then... I use it to get better sound quality..20:46
usr13meero: update-rc.d - install and remove System-V style init script links20:47
country0129I had it all working; but only after I'd uninstalled all Windoze Live Essentials.  Wife insisted I reinstall.  Took off MSN Messenger which no one uses, but I still get repeated login screens.20:47
chaospsychexmongy: there is nothing wrong with the sound quality, it's the sound level20:48
Spirits-SightMuellisoft:  in the settings it does not have pointer or even themes for that fact thats why I was confused :(  any advace please!!!20:48
MuelliSpirits-Sight: indeed weird.20:48
Spirits-SightMuelli: thats what I throught20:48
mongychaospsychex, is this a 10.10 thing or was it same in 10.0420:48
eirikb_dev_null_, Flannel: debootstrap seems like a lot of manual work, many things might go wrong. Any other suggstions? :)20:49
Spirits-SightMuelli: I just look into mine and it also does not have it,  the otehr system is my gf's20:49
chaospsychexmongy: when i first installed 10.10 it wasn't like this. when i installed the 2nd time it was like this20:49
biozbastidrazor: well, shame on me, but it still doesn't work, mount -a asks me for my password, and then "mount error(110): Connection timed out; Refer to the mount.cifs(8) manual page (e.g. man mount.cifs)"20:49
Flanneleirikb: I believe that's really the only way to do it if you're really interested in not rebooting.  chroot and deboostrap20:49
eirikbFlannel: I have another laptop here, could PXE be a easy solution?20:50
_dev_null_eirikb, try extracting the initrd (and possibly kernel, if different) from the .iso, and boot over it.20:50
mongychaospsychex, must be an update then thats done it.  I assume a livecd/usb boot is ok?20:50
Flanneleirikb: It could be.  That would require you to reboot.  Why were you wondering about ways that didn't require you to reboot?20:50
country0129er, sorry.... I'm upgrading to the latest Linux Kernel from Ubuntu...it's almost through.   I'm here until I resolve the issue.20:50
eirikb_dev_null_: Extracting directly to a new partition and point GRUB to it you mean?20:51
eirikbFlannel: I guessed that implied what I wanted, sorry for the misunderstanding20:51
Spirits-Sightanyone know why the pointer section is no longer in the mouse applet?20:51
_dev_null_eirikb, that's what I did for my CD-less note book..20:51
country0129I had 9.0420:51
Flanneleirikb: http://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation lists a whole bunch of methods for various "I have X and Y, but not Z, how can I install?"20:52
eirikb_dev_null_: It's safer I think, I'll give it a try. Thanks20:52
induzhow can I achieve this http://paste.ubuntu.com/547343/20:52
induzI have downloaded the files and also made a directory under required folder20:52
Flanneleirikb: The "extract and point GRUB to it" is covered on that "From Linux" page too20:52
Flanneleirikb: If you need pre-fab commands20:52
induzbut when i try to copy, it says i dont have access20:53
Flannel(or are lazy and want them!)20:53
_dev_null_eirikb, simpler, maybe ;) well, I went into a race condition if the iso file is on ext fs, the install proc' stopped..20:53
bastidrazorSpirits-Sight: System > Preferences > Appearances > Theme > Customize > Pointer20:53
eirikbFlannel: ok20:53
_dev_null_I had to convince it to start over.20:53
Spirits-Sightthanks bastidrazor20:53
bastidrazorbioz: i'm not much use for connecting to windows from ubuntu. :|20:53
xissburgMy program prints stuff to stderr. It prints in the console in window$ but its doesnt in Ubuntu. Ideas?20:54
BouncerErik: have you thought about getting an external cd/dvd player?20:54
eirikb_dev_null_, Flannel: Thank you, I'll go playing now :)20:54
usr13induz: You should use the package manager to install applications.  synaptic package manager20:54
ronnew to ubuntu and have downloaded several games that will not run any suggestions20:55
usr13!synaptic | induz20:55
ubottuinduz: synaptic is Ubuntu's Graphical Package Manager. For a good howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SynapticHowto20:55
biozok, i'll be searching ;) thanks (but, if we misunderstood... I want to get files on winxp-pc from ubuntu-pc, if it makes a difference; or maybe it is my understanding of english;) )20:55
eirikbBouncer: If that was for me: Yes, have tried once and it didn't work. Does not have any now anyway20:55
usr13!apt-get | induz20:55
ubottuinduz: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)20:55
country0129<----------<< Dumber than a hoe handle:  if anyone can help me with this, PLEASE pm?  Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?20:55
induzI tried to search thru pakage manager but its not listed there20:56
Hydrant_Flannel: I submitted a report now20:56
bastidrazorbioz: my brother uses winscp from windows to connect to my ubuntu box and collect files20:56
Hydrant_Flannel: #69419120:56
Hydrant_Flannel: now to figure out how to make these stupid volume groups die...20:56
biozbastidrazor: thanks, I'll check it out20:56
xissburgMy program prints stuff to stderr. It prints in the console in window$ but it doesn't work in Ubuntu. Ideas?20:56
cinmooni have installed ubuntu-desktop but do not have the option to use gnome on the login screen (meekrat)20:56
BouncerEirikb: O...... you don't have usb support?20:57
ronwhy wont my games run  click on it in app menu and nothing help20:57
=== kittymita is now known as Petskull
usr13induz: What is it you are wanting to install?  Is it a  Dict package for English-Hindi20:58
induz what should be the command for this package which i sent earlier20:58
induzI already have startDict installed and it runs fine now i want to add the shabdanjali dictionary20:59
usr13induz: look for something like dict-freedict-eng-hin20:59
induzusr13 I have those package20:59
induzI want this shabdanjali to run21:00
ronwant to run chromium b.s.u. but does nothing  any help21:00
usr13induz: stardict21:01
chaospsychexwhy would my sound device output level be unusually low even if all alsamixer levels are at max?21:01
induzstarDict is not installed i am sorry21:01
induzi have goldenDict21:01
usr13induz: sudo apt-get install stardict21:01
induzlet me try this21:02
usr13induz: See:  http://www.ubuntu-in.info/wiki/Hindi_Dictionary21:02
_dev_null_xissburg: my_prog & pid=$!; ls -l /proc/$pid/fd21:02
usr13induz: Never mind, that link is very old...21:02
_dev_null_..and look where goes de descriptor 2.21:03
Bouncereirickb: read this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DisklessUbuntuHowto21:03
retkuAnyone know solution for getting sound work again, I lost it be21:04
ronwill someone answer my question21:04
usr13induz: Maybe you DO need to follow instructions you have been given,  i.e.  http://paste.ubuntu.com/547343/21:04
retku*when I installed and used Sun java 621:04
usr13induz: I do not know where you got them from, but try it and see.21:04
induzhow can I extract the files in /usr/share/stardict/dic.21:04
pangaeai tried this but still can not get logkeys to run atstartup21:05
usr13induz: Looks like first you have to install stardict_3.0.1-1_i386.deb21:05
mohit_anyone there21:05
mohit_first time on IRC21:05
pangaeaand before that i havetried many different methods ive picked up fromthe internet21:05
itaylor57retku: are you having java problems?21:06
ronseriously ive asked a question 4 times and feel like im talking to noone21:06
usr13induz: dpkg -i stardict_3.0.1-1_i386.deb21:06
mongyron, run it from shell and paste the output21:07
ronmongy explain im new to ubuntu21:07
nirazioI have a Win7 box with an Ubuntu 10.10 VM accessed in Virtualbox.The Ubuntu install has the ex4 filesystem. Can I access the shared folders in both Windows and Ubuntu without corrupting the data?I made this mistake when dual-booting my laptop and made changes to a folder in Ubuntu.When I tried accessing that data in Windows, the access time was very slow, basically about 10% of normal.The only way I could fix it was to restore the d21:07
retkuitaylor57:yes, When I installed Sun java 6 it took sound. I installed Sun Java for playing Runescape (game) and I can only hear sound from Runescape. Every other I cannot (youtube, vlc media player, movie player...)21:07
mongyron, applications->accessories - Terminal21:08
ronand then....21:08
usr13induz: sudo  dpkg -i stardict_3.0.1-1_i386.deb ; sudo mkdir /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/ ;  cp shabdanjali.idx shabdanjali.dict.dz21:09
usr13induz: sudo  dpkg -i stardict_3.0.1-1_i386.deb ; sudo mkdir /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/ ;  cp shabdanjali.idx shabdanjali.dict.dz shabdanjali.ifo /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/21:10
petarbti have a problem with checkgmail anyone to help me21:10
mongyron, type chromium-bsu21:10
mohit_hello , everyone , i have just started with linux.could someone help to learn and advance in ubuntu well21:10
MaTdgtrying to get sound working in ubuntu 10.10. Soundcard is an x-fi card (emu20k1 chip). The card doesn't show up in audio settings21:10
mongyron, installing it as we speak21:10
pangaeamohit_: thereare a lot of resources on the internet about linux21:11
itaylor57retku: that is strange, I use openjdk, but let me ponder the problem for a while21:11
pangaeathats where i started21:11
mohit_hey pangaea21:11
BouncerRon in the terminal type in any game you want to play , say "frozen-bubble" with out quotes21:11
FlannelHydrant_: Might ask in #lvm21:11
IntroMerry christmas eve ubuntu21:11
mohit_i found a lot of them but dont which one is accurate21:11
rontyped it and it says X Error of failed request:  BadLength (poly request too large or internal Xlib length error)21:11
ron  Major opcode of failed request:  65 (X_PolyLine)21:11
ron  Serial number of failed request:  1321:11
ron  Current serial number in output stream:  1421:11
mohit_like here a whole lot of them21:11
FloodBot3ron: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:11
_dev_null_xissburg: not that clear ?..21:12
usr13mohit_: What is linux.could21:12
country0129Greetings.  Anyone conversant with networking Win7 with Ubuntu?21:12
bluenemomerry christmas guys.21:12
pangaeamohit_: try googling about ubuntu21:12
retkuitaylor57: from soundmanager it says that the sound should be played, but my ears dont21:12
country0129And to you,. 'Nemo.21:12
mohit_i did21:12
mohit_best place they suggested is ubuntu forums21:13
petarbti have a problem with checkgmail. it won't start with a normal user21:13
usr13!ask | country012921:13
ubottucountry0129: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:13
mongyron, well I just played it, ran fine.  not sure what that error is... google it?21:13
pangaeamohit_: what is it thatyou aretrying to do21:13
country0129country0129: <----------<< Dumber than a hoe handle:  if anyone can help me with this, PLEASE pm?  Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  Any fixes?21:13
roni have several games that just wont do anything! flood what do you mean about enter as punctuation21:14
nmvictoranyone heard of the fix to the bug where the screen brightness does not adjust, i was reading a certain post yesterday that talked of installing a certain kernel but today i cant seem to track it down with google, if anyone knows the kernel to install or any other particular help, i will be thankfull21:14
mongyron, copy as paste that error message into google and see what comes of it...21:15
chaospsychexhow do i open a .conf file from the terminal with sudo rights21:15
ronok mongy21:15
pangaeamohit_: what is it thatyou aretrying to do21:15
country0129>chaospsychex:  gedit21:16
usr13country0129: What exactly do you need to accomplish?21:16
Laurenceb_can i use that on acer aspire 5101AWMLI21:16
chaospsychexcountry 0129 i need the command21:16
mongyron, its not saying much about anything specific,  but chances are someone else has had it and had it solved21:16
Laurenceb_with amd6421:16
chaospsychexwhats the command to open a .conf file from the terminal with sudo rights21:16
induzusr13 which one to follow the last one or the first one21:16
chaospsychexassuming i am already in the right directory21:17
country0129usr14:  be able to access shares from Ubuntu at Win7 computer.  Can do the reverse seamlessly.21:17
induz i alreday used apt-get for starDict21:17
mongychaospsychex, sudo pico/nano/vim or gksu gedit21:17
usr13induz: Last one. (First one is incomplete).21:17
Random832mongy: sudo -e21:17
country0129Just gave it to you, Chaospsychex:  grep21:17
country0129er, gedit21:17
Random832chaospsychex: sudo -e will copy the file for you to edit then copy it back when you're done editing, so you edit with your own settings21:18
xissburg_dev_null_: ?21:18
xissburgnot clear :)21:18
xissburgwhat is that21:18
itaylor57retku: there are a lot of bugs showing sunjava6 conflicting with pulse audio21:19
_dev_null_xissburg, this was a (possible) answer to your question..21:19
aguitelwhat is bzr ?21:19
induzuse13 http://paste.ubuntu.com/547351/21:19
BouncerRon: are you trying to play games installed in HD or over the net?21:19
induzuse13: what should be the problem21:19
chaospsychexwhats the command to open a .conf in emacs with sudo rights21:20
ronbouncer games installed on hd21:20
chaospsychexi dont know how to use nano21:20
KM0201chaospsychex: won't gedit open up a .conf file?21:21
prodigelhi all. I'm getting this messages from gparted and partitionmanager apps: "no partition table was found" and "partitions can't overlap". It's probably related to the way I installed the system - dual boot xp/ubuntu. Can I fix this? The final goal is to use partitionmanager to backup the windows partition for future restores21:21
xissburg_dev_null_: I don't know what that means..21:22
usr13induz: You must first cd to the directory where  stardict_3.0.1-1_i386.deb  is21:22
usr13induz: That is, of course, if you actually have the file.21:22
usr13induz: If not, downloade it from the specificed source21:23
usr13usr13: But it looks as if it is already installed.21:23
_dev_null_xissburg, it's the way to find out where your prog's stderr goes, if not to tty..21:23
BouncerRon: Ok try installing a new one....Applications, Ubuntu Software Cwnter21:23
usr13induz: It looks like you've already installed it.21:23
chaospsychexcan someone tell me how to edit my alsa-base.conf file so i can get my sound level right?21:23
xissburg_dev_null_: my_prog & pid=$!; ls -l /proc/$pid/fd21:24
Hilikushow do i share a cdrom with the rest of my network?21:24
usr13induz: If you did apt-get install stardict  You should already have it insalled.21:24
xissburg_dev_null_: I don't understand that command...what should a change there?21:24
induzI have it installed21:24
induzdo i need the extra 3 files??21:24
usr13induz: Then it is done.21:25
usr13induz: What do you lack?21:25
induzstarDict is there21:25
usr13induz: What further do you need?21:25
induzi dint get this; Create a directory at /usr/share/stardict/dic/, for example:21:25
induz   mkdir /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/21:25
induz Copy the three Shabdanjali files in the dirctory: /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/21:25
usr13induz: Did you install it via Ubuntu's package manager?21:25
induzI installed it via apt-get21:26
_dev_null_xissburg: 1/ launch YOUR-COMMAND; 2/ get its pid 3/ see what's going on21:26
chaospsychexcan someone tell me how to edit my alsa-base.conf file so i can get my sound level right?21:26
_dev_null_for mlore info: man 1 ps, man 5 proc21:26
xissburg_dev_null_: what is my prog?21:26
otakchaospsychex: have you run alsamixer ?21:26
chaospsychexotak: yeah,all levels at max21:26
ronbouncer: have several games installed that do this but others do not. have ati graphics card after searching error code from terminal i think its a driver problem21:26
otakoh sorry21:27
chaospsychexotak: do you know how to configure alsa-base.conf ?21:27
chaospsychexi think something is configured wrong21:27
ronbouncer: unless you have other suggestions21:27
BouncerRon: may be you are low in RAM21:28
_dev_null_ xissburg: I forgot one thing: these are commands that need to be typed =) "my prog" is actually *your* prog, I have no other info on it !..21:28
usr13induz: Look into the shabdanjali directory and see if the files are there or not.  i.e. ls /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/  if they are not there, cd to where they are now and copy them to that dir, i.e. sudo cp shabdanjali.idx shabdanjali.dict.dz shabdanjali.ifo /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/21:28
BajK_ilovefairuz bastidrazor KM0201: The notebook is brandnew and I hope it is not fragmented out of the box ;) and I backed up the system of course :)21:28
roni am. only 512  but one game only req. 256 and still nothing21:29
KM0201BajK_: if its brand new, most likely defragging isn't an issue... did you get it installed OK?21:29
ronbouncer: waiting on my gig stick21:29
BouncerRon: or may be the CPU speed is too slow meanning that your pc is really old21:29
chaospsychexcan someone tell me how to edit my alsa-base.conf file so i can get my sound level right?21:29
BajK_KM0201: did I get it what?21:29
KM0201BajK_: i thought you had an install question earlier... maybe i have you confused w/ someone else21:29
ronbouncer: not cpu speed have dual 2.7ghz processors21:30
BajK_KM0201: I got the backlight settings working, scroll thingie working. so the only things left are the multi touch touchpad (where I found a workaround for in ubuntu wiki) and the webcam (which I hope will work right away)21:30
BajK_the only thing that won't work I think is switching graphics card21:30
BajK_so I disabled the other one in bios21:30
Laurenceb_anyone come across a way to fix the fan on acer aspire 5101?21:30
xissburg_dev_null_: I tried my_prog & pid=1971; ls -l /proc/$pid/fd21:30
Laurenceb_its not throttling correctly21:30
xissburgit says my_prog not found21:31
BouncerRon: Ubuntu just released the Ultimate edition 2.8 for gamers, check it out21:31
KM0201BajK_: yeah, i've saw some issues lately with those laptops that have dual video cards..21:31
BajK_KM0201: but all those nasty things won't bring me being stuck with windwos.21:31
BajK_compared to windows, it's just too comfortable ;)21:31
ronbouncer: is that in app store?21:31
_dev_null_xissburg, you have to subsitute "my_prog" by the name of your prog you're trying to hack....21:32
Jordan_UBouncer: Ron: "Ultimate Edition" is *not* a supported derivitive of Ubuntu, and last time I looked at it was hacked together in a fairly ugly way.21:32
induzthe files are not there??21:32
orkgentoo is better guys21:32
ronjordan_u: thanks21:33
Jordan_Uron: You're welcome.21:33
Jordan_U!ot | ork21:33
ubottuork: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
BouncerRon: Noooo You need to download the .iso file, then burn to a DVD and then you install it in your HD.21:33
xissburg_dev_null_: I called pid=1971; ls -l /proc/$pid/fd, and got http://paste.ubuntu.com/547352/21:33
marelwine is giving me a black screen sayign 'out of range' waht do i do ? nobody in #winehq answers me..21:33
ronbouncer: ok21:33
xissburgmarel: use Ubuntu21:33
marelxissburg, I'm on ubuntu.21:34
xissburgoh sorry I miss read, joke-fail21:34
BouncerJordan_U: Thanks for telling me this. I am running Ultimate Edition 2.721:35
Jordan_UBouncer: You're welcome.21:36
ronanyone else have ati graphic card problems21:36
industry__ron: it's a pretty common complaint21:36
BouncerJordan_u: do you have a link where I can read more about this. Which edition was hacked and hahow?21:37
_dev_null_xissburg, right, you can see that the standard i/o are all connected to your tty..21:37
N00beruberwould anyone know how to disable all logs of ssh connections?21:37
xissburg_dev_null_: tty?21:37
[8-bit][Pixel]how can i change incoming font formats on xchat so that all the font colors are the same (since some people use annoying scripts)21:38
ronindustry__: any suggestions to fix it? cant seem to get any ati driver installed. have one downloaded but cant make it work21:38
Jordan_UBouncer: I didn't mean "hacked" in the sense of security, when I said "hacked together in a fairly ugly way" I meant basically "poorly designed".21:38
_dev_null_terminaj, xterm, console. the thing you have under your eyes, even if you're blind..21:38
_dev_null_xissburg, so: no stderr, no output <-> every thing's right.21:39
chaospsychexcan someone help me fix my sound level? all levels in alsamixer are at max21:39
_dev_null_unless I missed something..21:39
intraderSeems minor, but I am afraid for the old computer; problem started with 10.10 - the fan  Dell Inspiron 8200 is always on; CPU load is 4.0 as I type this (mostly XOrg and 1.3% xchat). Noise from fan is not tolerable.21:39
BouncerJordan_u: Thanks for the comment. I was freaking out here. Yes, the Ultimate Edition 2.8  is still under development, it may contain bugs.21:40
chaospsychexcan someone help me fix my sound level? all levels in alsamixer are at max21:42
roncant get ati drivers to install. any help appreciated21:42
KM0201chaospsychex: click the volume applet, choose "preferences" click the hardware tab.. and at the bottom 'Settings for selected device"... there's probably a lot of stuff there in that drop down box.. try a few different ones21:44
industry__ron: i always use nvidia so i don't know much about wrangling with ATI, unfortunately21:44
tuggleAre there any reasons not to put a swap partition into an lvm while encrypting the drive?21:44
chaospsychextheres only two. analog and digital. im using analog and analog is selected21:44
chaospsychexsee when i first installed it wasnt like this21:45
chaospsychexthe second time i installed i didnt choose to download updates or add 3rd party software21:45
chaospsychexand now the volume is all messed up21:46
chaospsychexive installed updates21:46
itaylor57chaospsychex: you stated your second installyou did not download restriced apps21:46
chaospsychexim thinking theres something i need to install?21:46
=== max is now known as Guest32326
chaospsychexitaylor57 what?21:46
KM0201chaospsychex: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras21:46
Hilikuswhen i insert an audio cd, nautilius shows it and i can see its content, but it's not in /media. where does gnome mount it then?21:46
itaylor57KM0201: thanks21:47
KM0201itaylor57: any time :)21:47
itaylor57KM0201: i almost changed to sunjdk, but at the last minute i decided to stay with openjdk21:48
=== emma is now known as em
otakron: chromium runs for me on an atom with 512mb ram. however afaik ati needs a kernel module from ubuntu-extras repository21:49
Rigorm0rtishilikus: /cdrom perhaps?21:49
Bouncerchaospsychex: Did you already check the Volume control Phisycally on your speakers?21:49
HilikusRigorm0rtis: nop. i don't understand. it doesn't even show in mtab21:49
marelHow can I find out the exact model of my video card ?21:49
chaospsychexBouncer: omg21:50
chaospsychexi dont even have my speakers plugged in21:50
chaospsychexim such a n00b21:50
chaospsychexget serious21:50
intraderSeems minor, but I am afraid for the old computer; problem started with 10.10 - the fan  Dell Inspiron 8200 is always on; CPU load is 4.0 as I type this (mostly XOrg and 1.3% xchat). Noise from fan is not tolerable./user/bin/sensors says 45.5C; that is not quite so bad21:50
Rigorm0rtishiilikus: yet, it is being mounted?21:50
otakHilikus: I don't think an audio cd is mounted as it is not really a filesystem21:50
Hilikusotak: oh really? i need to share it though. how can i share it if its not in a folder?21:51
chaospsychexKM0201: can i pvt msg u?21:52
KM0201chaospsychex: sure21:52
Bouncercheapospchex: you are not gonna believe how many people dismiss this step in troubleshooting sound system.21:53
marelI downloaded drivers for my videocard, it's a .run file, how do I run it ?21:53
=== kcorcoran_ is now known as kcorcoran
otakHilikus: users must be in group cdrom21:54
Hilikusotak: what users? i want to share it across the network21:54
Hilikusi've done this in windows a million times21:54
Rigorm0rtismarel, give it execute permission and run as root.21:55
mhfshey guys ... having problems trying to store a su command in a variable for later execution in a init script .. could someone take a look? https://gist.github.com/75452421:56
Bouncercheapospchex: you are welcome... LOL21:56
marelRigorm0rtis, how do I do that ?21:57
BiDDomerry christmas all21:59
darktangenthey folks21:59
darktangentwondering if anyone here is into the joggler?21:59
marelI downloaded drivers for my videocard, it's a .run file, how do I run it ?21:59
Rigorm0rtismarel, open a terminal and do chmod u+x /path/to/file.run. then in the terminal, do sudo /path/to/file.run.21:59
atari2600ahey, I screwed around w/ my font settings22:01
marelRigorm0rtis, this is what I get sudo: NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run: command not found22:01
darktangentsudo ftw!22:01
atari2600a& now I need to know which file to delete to get back to defaults22:01
IntroHappy Holidays ;D not sure, i could probably google but was wondering if anyone uses a zune w/ ubuntu?22:01
helpmepleaeHello. Does anyone know how too re-arrange Photos in Fspot?22:02
helpmepleae Hello. Does anyone know how too re-arrange Photos in Fspot?22:03
helpmepleae Hello. Does anyone know how too re-arrange Photos in Fspot?22:03
helpmepleae Hello. Does anyone know how too re-arrange Photos in Fspot?22:03
atari2600awell first we learn proper english grammer22:04
darktangentkilled begging for help22:04
darktangentpoor thing22:04
atari2600aanywho I need to know which file to delete to get my fonts back to normal22:04
darktangentwhat happened to your fonts atari*22:04
atari2600aI messed with them too much22:04
atari2600a& ubuntu provides no GUI for resetting them to defaults22:04
atari2600aso now I need to know which file I need to delete22:05
chullmy husband has ubuntu 10.10 and it has photoprint 0.4.1 .. how do you get the pictures INTO it?22:06
chibihogoshinohow long does it take for ppas to update ?22:06
reqemhow do i get network manager icon back?22:08
chullis synaptic different in ubuntu 10.10 - we can't get it to load the program?22:08
itaylor57chull: have you selected the app for install?22:10
chullreqem: what happens if you right click where it's supposed to be.. can you select it?22:10
lucas-argneed help witj nvifia hdmi! doesnt work at all!!22:10
chullitaylor57: it's highlighted so yes?22:10
reqemchull: i had accidentally deleted the indicator applet and upon readding it.. it's missing22:10
hidnshadowsHey guys testin out an iPhone irc client22:10
Bouncerhelpmeplease:I am not familiar with F-spot. All I know thay are arrenged by date.22:10
itaylor57chull: press Apply that should install your selections22:11
chullitaylor57: hmm apply is grayed out.22:12
ynkHappy holiday, everyone.22:12
bastidrazor!panels | reqem22:12
ubottureqem: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »22:12
msichalhi, i've got a problem with my old intel graphics card on a dell motherboard, it has graphics acceleration, but rendered image is glitched, like here: http://img513.imageshack.us/img513/256/zrzutekranu7r.png22:12
msichaldoes someone know how can I fix it?22:13
reqembastidrazor: thank you very much22:13
msichali'm running ubuntu 9.0422:13
kcorcoranwhere would i go for help with evolution mail errors?22:13
lucas-argubuntu 10.10 nvidia 230m hdmi doesnt work, need help or at least a web? thanks22:13
country0129country0129: <----------<< Dumber than a hoe handle:  OK.  Updated to latest kernel.   If anyone can help me with this, PLEASE pm?  Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  I keep getting multiple login screens in spite of entering the correct info.  A22:14
Belial`msichal, the best thing to do is at least upgrade to 9.10 or newer.22:14
bastidrazorreqem: you're welcome. good luck22:14
msichalBelial`: update manager isn't offering me this22:14
Belial`msichal, yeah, 9.04 is no longer supported, give me one sec. i got you covered.22:15
country0129Do the Wiki dealie for updating to the latest kernel.22:15
msichalat least it wasnt when i checked this last time22:15
country0129Just did that, and, at least THAT process worked well.22:15
Belial`msichal, http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu9.04-jaunty-jackalope-to-9.10-karmic-koala-desktop-and-server follow that guide22:16
country0129Cross platform Win7 and Linux networking guru?22:17
Belial`msichal, i'd recommend upgraded one version at a time. going from 9.04 to 10.10 might cause problems. so 9.04 to 9.10, then 9.10 to 10.04 which is an LTS and supported for 3 years.22:17
intraderFollowing up with 'fan always on problem'. I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Anyone help please.22:17
msichalhm, i think i made a typo22:18
jzacshanyone know how to add a daemon to startup?22:18
jzacshbetweenupstart docs, and the old docs -- idk where i'm supposedtoput my daemon22:18
=== Blumptum is now known as modol
msichalI think I'm running 10.04, not 9.04 :)22:18
jzacshi'm looking for something simple -- not a gui i interface, if i can avoid it22:18
jzacsheg.: could anyone tell me, "add xyzDaemon to /etc/blah-blah.conf, and it will start on next boot"22:19
country0129the "l" is an "L"22:19
bluefox83jzacsh: i believe you put it in a file called rc.d22:19
mongyadd it to /etc/rc.local22:19
msichalBelial`: oh, it's 10.04.01 ;)22:19
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:19
country0129<=====<<< Dummy:  don't know for sure.22:20
rookshow to synchronise phones with central server over bluetooth? contacts, memos, meetings, etc...22:20
msichalBelial`: and I cant update to 10.1022:20
karma_policeanyone have any experience with dual monitors with nvidia?22:20
jzacshmongy: bluefox83 thank you a ton :)  -- it was indeed rc.llocal22:20
Belial`msichal, if you're really running 10.04, the only thing i can recommend is upgrading to 10.10 for a newer kernel. i never stick with an LTS version. so i'm not sure what the policy is on their kernel upgrades.22:20
Belial`msichal, someone else might have a better suggestion.22:20
bastidrazorkarma_police: nvidia-settings is your friend22:20
chullok now he's got gnome photo editor, and he can find his pictures, BUT after showing it the path and clicking ok .. the pictures don't show up in gnome photo editor at all?22:20
mongy10.04 has official support for the 2.6.35 kernel now22:20
msichalwhat if i run a dist-upgrade on terminal?22:21
Belial`msichal, couldn't hurt.22:21
msichalis it a same thing like updating from update manager?22:21
Belial`mongy, ok, thanks. i wasn't sure how it worked with LTS versions.22:21
bastidrazormsichal: that will get you all the newest packages for 10.04 not the latest versions of any given application.22:21
Belial`msichal, sudo apt-get dist-upgrade might help you out.22:21
Belial`give it a shot.22:21
karma_policei opened nvidia settings but it won't save my x configuratio file. i get : You do not have adequate permission to open the existing X configuration file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing. You must be 'root' to modify the file.22:22
msichalwhy I cant update via update-manager anyway?22:22
country0129Doesn't that give the latest upgrade for a specific distro?22:22
msichalkarma_police: gksudo nvidia-settings22:22
karma_policek.. ty22:22
karma_policei'm a noob but leaning22:22
country0129I'm "leaning," too, but willing to learn.22:23
Belial`msichal, open update manager and click settings at the bottom left hand corner.22:23
Belial`msichal, it'll open the settings window with the updates tab in focus.22:23
cntbhi inlucid which of preinstalled appscan handle .ram audio stream thks22:23
bastidrazormsichal: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MaverickUpgrades  this will tell you how to get from 10.04 to 10.1022:23
country0129Networking gurus?22:24
chullhmm now my husband has gnome photo editor, and he can find his pictures, BUT after showing it the path and clicking ok .. the pictures don't show up in gnome photo editor at all?22:24
ubottuFor multimedia issues, this page has useful information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats - See also https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/musicvideophotos/C/video.html - But please use free formats if you can: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats22:24
mongycntb, audacious for one I think22:24
mongycntb, realplayer is available to download alos22:24
cntbthks mongy rhythbox now plays a pls audio stream22:25
cntbcanb it handle ram ?22:25
mongycntb, can what22:25
hacker45Hey Does anyone know how to re-arrange photos in Fspot?22:25
cntbplay it mongy22:25
mongycntb, what app22:26
cntbrhythmbox default in lucid22:26
mongycntb, normally wouldnt like to say but I think it would..22:26
cntbnow playing this http://www.ibiblio.org/wcpe/wcpe.pls22:27
mongycntb, that pls file points to an mp322:27
msichalBelial`: oh, got it, needed to change one thing in the settings to show that info22:27
cntbI am trying this http://www.xela.com.mx/22:28
hacker45Can someone please help me?22:28
country0129Networking?  Dumber than a hoe handle:  OK.  Updated to latest kernel.   If anyone can help me with this, PLEASE pm?  Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.  Now all works except repeating login from Ubuntu.  I keep getting multiple login screens in spite of entering the correct info.  Any fixes?22:28
chullitaylor57:ok now he's got gnome photo editor, and he can find his pictures, BUT after showing it the path and clicking ok .. the pictures don't show up in gnome photo editor at all?22:28
Abhinav1hacker45: ask22:28
karma_police_i'm trying to set dual monitor up with nvidia.. i have a widescreen monitor i want as primary and a smaller lcd as the seconday.. my panels and icons keep ending up on the smaller lcd.. opposite of what i am wanting to do.. sorry this is hard to explain22:28
Bouncerhacker45: I think Fspot is an image viewer and editor What I use for photo manager is Picasa for linux.22:29
hacker45Abhinav1  Bouncer Hey Do you know how to re-arrange photos in Fspot?22:29
bastidrazorkarma_police_: can't you just drag the panels to the other screen?22:29
Abhinav1hacker45: never used F-spot  :((22:30
karma_police_no.. won't let me..22:30
mongycntb, that ram file is 0 bytes22:30
bastidrazorkarma_police_: are you using xinerama or twinview?22:30
cntbmongy astream my friend22:30
chullkarma_police_: mine was a real pain too on 9.0422:30
hacker45Oh okey, thanks Abhinavl22:30
karma_police_there is an option in nvidia settings to "make this the primary disp;ay for x screen" that doesn't work tho22:30
usr13I don't use fspot eiter and see no need of letting an application do the work of file management.22:30
usr13We need to decide for ourselves how to organize files.22:31
karma_police_nvidia geforce 7950gt with 260.19.2922:31
Dr_Willis country0129  with ubuntu/win7 shares - I recall somthing similer named to 'windows live login helper'  causing issues. I forget the exact name.22:31
karma_police_i just want my primary screen to be my widescreen monitor and the other to be a blank desktop22:33
country0129Yeah, Doc.  Found that, too.  When I disabled (uninstalled) Windows Live Essentials, everything worked well EXCEPT my female, lady-type, wimminfoke insisting I put Windoze stuff back on.22:33
karma_police_its doing the opposite tho22:33
mongycntb, ok I get from that link 'rtsp://'22:33
serardis it possible to unshift the first element of arguments of a bash script ?22:33
country0129I reinstalled WLE, disabled (uninstalled) the Messenger thingy, and all works but the latent problem I outlined above.22:34
cntbok mongy22:34
usr13serard: unshift?22:34
country0129access windows >>>------> but not in the reverse.22:34
mongycntb, realplayer is available to get from real22:34
cntbrtsp:// inwhat player mongy22:34
Nesto1000Hi guys, I have a question, How can i get my hdim to work on my laptop? I have the hdmi cable hooked up to the laptop and tv, but nothing comes on the tv... I'm using Ubuntu 10.0422:35
country0129er, windows >>>-------> Ubuntu, but not in the reverse.22:35
mongycntb, no player, just what I get from the file...22:35
serardusr13, yes, removing the first element of the array args=("$@")22:35
cntbnow installing terminal way realplayer from https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RealPlayerInstallationMethods#Install%20%27%27realplayer%27%27%20from%20the%20Repositories%20%28Lucid%20&%20earlier%2922:35
karma_police_its like its forcing me to use the smaller lcd as the primary and the larger as the secondary no matter what i try22:35
country0129Keep getting login windows that won't authenticate.22:35
mongycntb, the true location22:35
cntbmongy its aradio stream to be played constantly down loading mongy22:36
Nesto1000Hi guys, I have a question, How can i get my hdim to work on my laptop? I have the hdmi cable hooked up to the laptop and tv, but nothing comes on the tv... I'm using Ubuntu 10.04 and I think that I'm using the Intel HD graphics...22:37
Achmudashi. I'm using linux ubuntu about 1.5 years and i want to become part of this project help to develop it22:37
Dr_Williscountry0129:  so you cant get linux to connect to the windows 7 shares?22:37
country0129Correct, Doc.22:38
marelHow do I exit server X so I can install my drivers ?22:38
susanoohmarel killall X22:38
Jezekso im having problems with the icedtea plugin, it crashes my browser22:38
Nesto1000so nobody can help me out then??   :(22:38
KrakishHi i want to make ubuntu router for home my network is internet(pppoe)>ubuntu router with nat>home network would you be soo kind to give me some tips and guides22:39
susanoohor are you asking another sort of question22:39
otakNesto1000: have you looked at System-MonitorSettings ?22:39
country0129Nesto:  I can't.  Sorry.22:39
marelsusanooh, that doesn't work..22:40
Nesto1000otak: nope i have not... I'll look right now22:40
usr13serard: http://php.net/manual/en/function.array-shift.php22:40
Dr_Williscountry0129:  'windows live sign in assisstant' was what i removed on the windows side. Theres aparently some extra fetures it enables. Theres proberly other fixs out.22:40
susanoohmarel: am I misunderstanding your question? you are trying to end the x server22:40
Dr_Williscountry0129:  http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/75-63-windows-samba-issue22:41
goodtimeNesto1000: i have a idea and its simple22:41
mongycntb, http://ubuntuguide.org/wiki/Ubuntu:Maverick#RealPlayer_11_Multimedia_Player22:41
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marelsusanooh, yeah probably. I'm trying to install Nvidia drivers and they keep telling me that I have server X or something running22:41
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susanoohwhat is the output when you type in killall X22:41
cntbthks mongy22:42
WillowRabbitok guys, I'm having some trouble running WoW via wine22:42
chaospsychexI've configured everything,set all levels to max and still my sound output in ubuntu is way lower than it is in windows.......help please22:42
country0129: Doc, I couldn't find "Windows Live Sign In Assistant" in any program removal service.  I took off the Live Messenger thingy.  And that recovered discovery to my Ubuntu machine, but it didn't work the other way.  I'll look at that link so see if there's something I didn't see.22:42
usr13marel: To install the way you are going about it, requires you to not have the Xserver running at the time.22:42
chaospsychex apparently my problem requires an advanced solution22:42
goodtimegoto system prefrences monitor22:42
JeruvyWillowRabbit: best to ask in #wine, but if it's relevent ask your question.22:42
susanoohhe appears to be unable to close it22:42
marelusr13, yeah, so how do I do that ?22:42
goodtimefrom there you can hook it up22:42
susanoohmarel: what is the output when you try to kill the process22:43
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Dr_Williscountry0129:  i also often just enter smb://ip.of.the.server/sharename   and it can see shares that it dosent other wise find by browseing22:43
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WillowRabbitwell, everytime i try and run it, it gets all glitchy and freezes and I can't play22:43
nesto1000_what was it goodtime?22:44
WillowRabbitI'll ask in #wine22:44
susanoohwillowrabbit: have you checked the wine site to see how well it runs for other people22:44
bastidrazorWillowRabbit: #winehq22:44
ubottuThe Wine Application DB is a database of applications and help for !Windows programs that run under !WINE: http://appdb.winehq.org - Join #winehq for application help22:44
nesto1000_I feel like a dumb ass now22:45
goodtimehit detect monitors22:45
marelsusanooh, no process found.22:45
allan_Trevisanboa noite22:45
BouncerChaospsychex: when I ran ubuntu 9.4 my sound eas fine then I went to 10.04 and it was way  down. Now, I run Ultimate Edition 2.7 and it's fine.22:45
nesto1000_thanks goodtime22:45
susanoohmarel: did you capitalize the X22:45
intraderFollowing up with 'fan always on problem'. I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Anyone help please. Googleing show many people having the problem with 10.1022:45
usr13marel: Ctrl-Alt-F6  and then  sudo pkill gdm ; pkill X22:45
allan_Trevisanmarry cristmas22:45
nesto1000_adios, and thanks a lot goodtime for my noob question22:45
nesto1000_*for answering my noob question22:46
goodtimenp :)22:46
allan_Trevisanhi everybody22:46
bastidrazorusr13: why not stop the service instead of killing it. that could cause problems of its own the way you're suggesting. sudo service gdm stop/restart  would be a better idea22:46
esaym153/bin/sh: Syntax error: Unterminated quoted string22:46
country0129Does the same thing, Doc, when I enter the URL of the host machine.22:47
prowerhello :> i'm trying to change the ip address of a second NIC to an internal address so i can set up a router...does anyone know offhand of a console command that would change the ip and keep those changes between reboots? i.e. would sudo ifconfig eth0 be enough?22:47
goodtimeidk but i bet its more than that22:48
greezmunkeyprower: You would need to statically define it in /etc/network/interfaces - probably best in your case to statically define both interfaces there for your purposes.22:49
prowergreezmunkey, ahh, okay...then restart networking and it should be fine, that works22:49
greezmunkeyprower: mostly, you'll need to read up on resolv.conf as well22:50
chullthese are the problems my husband has with his computer: http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/N3rqFriv22:51
creepyHi all. I have am looking for a copy of the mouse driver package for a 2009 Mac Book Pro which is already in 10.10 and works quite well.   So I can put that driver in another distro of Debian.22:51
nesto1000_goodtime, one other quick question... how can i stream the audio over hdim too?22:52
greezmunkeyprower: while you are at the reading thing, check into ufw, or if you are really adventurous iptables for Internet / network routing and firewall functionality22:54
induzMy downloaded file is on my desktop22:54
country0129Didn't work, Doc.22:55
induzits .tgz file22:55
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induzI want it to be copied on /usr/share/StarDic/dic22:55
country0129The changing the LAN security settings.22:55
induzHow can I do that??22:55
Dr_Williscountry0129:  ive seen a dozen + sites have different tricks/thangs to try. ive also heard theres some bugs in samba->windows that are to be fixed in the next samba updates. but not sure if those are in the updates for ubuntu schedule or not.22:55
Dr_Willisinduz:  sudo cp whatever whever22:56
susanoohinduz: via cli?22:56
country0129And this Ol' Charter 101 is making me not give a **** whether I fix it or not.22:56
country0129Well, Mr. Doc, Sir....I'm as updated as one can get.  If it's included, it ain't workin'/22:56
induzyes via cli22:56
Dr_Williscountry0129:  for simple windows file transfers to/from linux - tend to use ssh/winscp. but that can be  bothersom22:57
KM0201samba is usually pretty easy22:57
country0129yeah, explored that, too, and I pretty well came to the same conclucion.22:57
ShadowwwHi there, what does I-node count on a filesystem affects?22:57
Dr_WillisKM0201:  yep. but with each new reelase of windows - it seems to get harder and harder.22:57
KM0201Dr_Willis: i dunno.. seems to work fine here at the compound22:58
ZykoticK9Shadowww, i-nodes are where all file information is stored22:58
mongychull, I have heard a few stories of users of 10.10 having issues.  I think maybe 10.10 is more experimental than 10.04 for some.... did you try 10.04?22:58
Dr_WillisKM0201:  untill it dosent work... then  its a pain22:58
ShadowwwZykoticK9, so basically amount of files is what inode count affects?22:58
country0129Uncabillieboygates prefers it to be "harder and harder"...'ceptin' when he's with what'shername.22:58
ZykoticK9Shadowww, the amount of files are limited by the number of inodes...22:59
ShadowwwZykoticK9, oh, I see, thanks :)22:59
chullmongy: do you think these issues won't exist in 10.04?22:59
country0129Can you say, "Conspiracy?"22:59
mongychull, its hit and miss Im afraid as far as what works/doesnt...but 10.04 being a long term release, I would definately try it.23:00
country0129New OS, bigger-more-powerful-more-expensive-hardware, developers ceasing to support older OS's still working, MS cutting off support....the dollar bill is the name of the game, and uncabillieboygates has plenty of 'em.23:01
creepyHi all. I have am looking for a copy of the mouse driver package for a 2009 Mac Book Pro which is already in 10.10 and works quite well.   So I can put that driver in another distro of Debian.23:01
mongychull, not your particular problem, but I have seem a few more people than normal of late pipe up about some issue or other with 10.10 that never existed in 10.0423:01
creepyWhere are the packages already installed in 10.10 located and how do I dentify which one I need, thanks for help23:02
country0129Synaptic Manager, Creepy?23:02
susanoohcreepy: gsypnaptics23:02
country0129Well, open a terminal.23:02
susanoohis a configuration pkg for debian23:02
chaospsychexhas anyone every ran two linux distros off one hd?23:02
susanoohI have23:02
country0129Type apt-get update23:03
Dr_Williscreepy:  most of that would be either in the kernel or in the xorg code.  the synaptits tool lets you tweak the driver/modules a bit.23:03
country0129(fixes the packages available)23:03
susanoohchaospsychex: I have.  which two are you trying to run?23:03
country0129Open the Synaptic Manager.23:03
Dr_Willischaospsychex:  thats doable. but you may need to hand-configure grub.23:03
AkakuMattJust woundering if anyone knows of a full feture text editor that has better syntax highlighting than nano?? For instace nano does not highligh trings etc. i have tryed finding RC's that do it but have had no luck23:03
country0129Do a search for what you want.23:03
country0129Look at the description when you click it.23:03
country0129Install what you want.23:03
creepyyes tried that.  I see drivers for packages which were not alreadly installed.23:04
Dr_WillisAkakuMatt:  for the console? or for X? the full 'vi' package can do highlighting, or theres geany23:04
AkakuMattCommand line23:04
country0129Better command line options, but you want a li'l more experience to know what you need.23:04
Dr_WillisAkakuMatt:  the full vim package, perhaps fte. or emacs.23:04
country0129Google is your best friend.23:04
creepyI know nothing about the actual name.  documentation does not list it for the apple pad23:04
greezmunkeycountry0129: try this form to see if it will connect, edit to suit your needs: sudo mount -t cifs //ipaddress/sharefolder ~/Share/ -o username=username,password=password,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077723:04
susanoohcreepy: you are trying to install drivers on debian for it?23:05
AkakuMattEmacs is very good but there is a command line emacs? i was not aware23:05
Dr_WillisAkakuMatt:  emacs has been around  longer then many os23:05
creepyYes, I wanted to use Puppy Linux 5.11 on my mac book pro23:05
Dr_Williss's have been. :) i think theres the emacs-nox package.23:05
country0129I'll try it, Doc.23:05
creepywhich is now has a version for Ubuntu.23:05
Dr_Williscreepy:  puppy linux is a very weird linux in many ways.23:05
marelSo basically I shut down serverX to install Nvidia drivers, I installed them, but how do I turn on serverX back on ?(I'm one live CD right now D:)23:05
creepyYes.  Puppy though makes a good web surfing machine23:06
Dr_Willismarel:   why did you not use the nvidia drivers /addational drivers tool in the normal repositoiries?23:06
susanoohmarel: startx23:06
creepyand it is easy to re-install the whole thing very quickly23:06
shcherbakcreepy: any linux with browser does23:06
AkakuMattDr_Willis Thanks, i was not aware23:06
creepyNot quite.   It takes like ten minuts to shut down and restart Ubuntu.  Plus I lose my settings.  And Ubuntu is not nearly as fast23:07
Dr_Williscreepy:  puppy is also good at removeing lots of things.. that people occasionally want.. so it can be hard to dissect whats been hacked away from it.23:07
creepyYes I agree.   Puppy has things missing which nearly anyone would think should be there.23:07
Dr_Williscreepy:  check out tinycorelinux  :)  but this is going to the Offtopic type discussion23:08
chullwhat are the ways to downgrade from 10.10 to 10.04?23:08
Dr_Willischull:  not relly23:08
Dr_Willischull:  backup stuff.. reinstall.. restore data23:08
creepyactually.  I only want the ubuntu mouse driver for a mac book pro23:08
shcherbakcreepy: up in 3.3 (seaved session) down 0.40... 10 minutes?23:08
Dr_Williscreepy:  that would be the kernel and xorg drivers.23:08
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate23:08
chullDr_Willis: can the problems my husband is having with 10.10 be fixed?23:08
Dr_Willischull:  no idea. dont know what his problems are..23:09
creepydepends on if you are completely restarting.  I do not know what you are running.23:09
susanoohcreepy: synaptics23:09
chullDr_Willis: these are the problems my husband has with his computer: http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/N3rqFriv23:09
Dr_Willis!info gsynaptics23:09
susanoohthere you go23:09
ubottugsynaptics (source: gpointing-device-settings): configuration tool for pointing devices (transitional package). In component universe, is optional. Version 1.5.1-2 (maverick), package size 3 kB, installed size 36 kB23:09
creepyYes.  I go to synaptics.  which expects me to knowthe name23:09
Dr_Willischull:  you coudl summarize the problems a bit.23:09
PharanacAnyone know a program or way to recursively walk directories and extract files to their own directory? It goes deep at least 10 steps and the files are lots of different compressions. Cant find anything on google or the repos to help23:09
Dr_Williscreepy:  no.. the tool to configure the touchpad is called 'gsynaptics'23:09
chullDr_Willis: i itemized them there23:09
creepyyes, that should help me find it.  thanks23:10
Dr_Williscreepy:  however in the lastest X versions theres been major changes to the touchpad drivers I recall.  so if puppy is using older x versions or kernel versions. that may cause issues23:10
MaahesIIRC: Puppy and DSL use the 2.4 kernel23:11
Maahesso yeah they use older drivers.23:11
creepyno.  puppy 5.1.1 is based on Ubuntu 10.923:12
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Maaheshuh, whaddaya know23:12
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creepypuppy uses now, latest kernel and is based on ubuntu.   like the version just before 10.1023:13
Maaheshow big is puppy now?23:13
creepybefore install.   120 MB or so.   I hear i will install in 128 MB RAM23:14
creepyAs I now have a lot more ram the size is not an issue23:14
Maahesokay, so yeah it has gone up. Old setup for puppy was like the default was 45mb, and the "bloated" version was 90.23:14
marelSo basically I've killed serverx, deleted my video drivers, installed nvidia drivers and now can't startx. What do I do ? (I'm on live CD right now)23:15
creepyUh,  I think the goal was always fit in 128 MB. except for the leanest version of Puppy which was a very cut down version and quite often those with only 128 MB could in get it in23:15
creepyas the video drivers would take up just enough to keep it out.23:16
creepyso one would need a swap file or to have already have a pup save file created23:16
country0129OK, Doc...you seen to be a very popular feller.  If you remember the fix you sent me, evidently, I have spaces (etc) or something out of order.  Hate to monopolize the window here.23:16
creepythanks.  I have a name I will go off and frustrate myself now.  Happy chris-grinch to everyone.23:17
marelSo basically I've killed serverx, deleted my video drivers, installed nvidia drivers and now can't startx. What do I do ? (I'm on live CD right now)23:18
susanoohmarel: what errors does it give you when you try to startx23:18
susanoohand did you do nvidia-xconfig23:18
xscrollI'm trying to figure out what version my onboard video card is.  what command can I run in the terminal?23:18
AkakuMattDr_Willis does emacs require adding incudes files that allow for better syntax highlighting23:19
ZykoticK9xscroll, "lspci | grep -i vga"23:19
marelsusanooh: no, I didn't do that. It wass something about a mismatch of nvidia and kernel maybe, I'm not sure. It was something about configuration too.23:19
itaylor57xscroll: lspci23:19
xxmayhem714xxcan anyone help me, i want to kill Gnome screensaver and make xsreensaver the default.. i have followed tutorials but no luck23:19
susanoohmarel: I'd suggest doing that then.23:19
susanoohit needs sudo.23:19
xscrollZykoticK9, itaylor57: that tells me what model of video card is plugged into my motherboard, but not the onboard video card model23:20
pj`Anyone know what i need to get this --> libbfd-2.20.1-system.20100303.so23:21
itaylor57xscroll: try lshw23:22
chullDr_Willis: he's got problems with hibernate - which doesn't work, screen saver flashes and doesn't display, it waits till the next interval and flashes and continues. the system crashes periodically, leaving the gui up but nothing works except the fans keep running. Restart works.23:22
xscrollitaylor57: thanks, that shows everything I was looking for  :)23:24
itaylor57xscroll: np23:25
xxmayhem714xxcan anyone help me, i want to kill Gnome screensaver and make xsreensaver the default.. i have followed tutorials but no luck23:27
susanoohmarel: any luck?23:29
aguitelxxmayhem714xx, delete gnome-screensaver23:29
marelsusanooh: I tried nvidia-xconfig, however it didn't help at all. I wrote down the message I'm getting - API mismatch: the NVIDIA kernel module has version 173.14.28 but this NVIDIA driver component has 260.19.2923:29
susanoohgoogled the error?23:30
CQNhi, i'm getting this error when i try to play a somafm station in exaile: "Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in." as far as i know, all gstreamer plugin packages have been installed. any ideas?23:30
Diamondcitemarel: Do you happen to have 2 different nvidia items in place?23:30
aguitelxxmayhem714xx, sudo aptitude remove --purge gnome-screensaver && sudo aptitude install xscreensaver23:30
xxmayhem714xxaquitel, thanx i should have just done that to begin with23:31
mongychull, try booting a 10.04 livecd/usb to get more of an idea.23:32
mongychull, or, make a live persistent usb stick to try out for a while to see if anything crashes23:32
traceto_Hello, I have a broadcom 4313 and use the bcmwl-kernel-source driver and my connections is very slow... what can i do?23:32
aguitelxxmayhem714xx, xcreensaver came with lxde23:33
susanoohOh god broadcom23:33
Raydiation1im having trouble to get tethering working with my android desire z23:33
pangaeaif i do a sudo update-rc.d how do i undo it haha\23:34
xxmayhem714xxStill unable to resolve, Fixed channel -1 problem broadcom bcm430623:34
pentarexhey guys23:35
pangaeahey yonder23:35
pentarexpangaea, merry christmas23:35
pangaeamerry christmas to you too and a happy new year to everyone23:36
marelsusanooh: yeah, I tried googling, no solutions come up :/23:36
susanoohmarel: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1648076&highlight=restart+server&page=223:37
xrivahey everyone!23:37
pangaeanever mind23:37
susanoohmaybe that will help23:37
bluecheesemerry christmas, guys23:38
xrivaho ho ho23:38
pangaeasudo update-rc.d -f FILE_YOU_PUT_IN remove23:40
Maahescan someone help me with diff? I have FileA and FileB and  I want All of the Lines which are in File A but not in File B > new_fileC23:40
pangaeajust in case for the noobs which i also am23:40
lahwranif I want to host an irc daemon on my system, what ircd should I use? there are a few shown by sudo apt-get install irc[tab][tab] and google isn't being helpful23:40
xxmayhem714xxStill unable to resolve, Fixed channel -1 problem broadcom bcm430623:40
zthwhere can i change so that using alt+leftclick dont move windows? i want it to be superbutton+leftklick23:40
Maaheslahwran: whichever one you want. Here's a good google string for you "easiest ircd to set up"23:41
pj`whats a good screen recording app ?23:41
pj`scree - desktop*23:41
lahwranMaahes, ah, thanks23:41
Maaheszth: under System > Preferences > Windows23:42
greezmunkeypj`: xvidcap works23:43
xrivaif I drop ubuntu onto a dell machine (~6 years old) with a bare HD, will I have trouble finding drivers for integrated video / audio, and other mobo drivers ?23:44
Maahesxriva: no.23:44
greezmunkeyxriva: I have a 600SC that it worked nicely on (very old)23:44
Maahesxriva: its more likely to have drivers than bleeding edge. Linux supports more hardware than any other system in existence.23:44
xrivamy only experience with any unix was a class at college using bash shell23:45
xrivaim considering migrating to a *nix or BSD system23:45
=== Raydiation1 is now known as Raydiation
xrivathanks for the replys everyone23:45
country0129Damnit, Doc...did the URL thingy that you sent me.  That didn't work.  Did the command line fix.  That didn't work.  Any other ideas how to fix:  Networking?  Dumber than a hoe handle:  OK.  Updated to latest kernel.   If anyone can help me with this, PLEASE pm?  Ubuntu, Windoze 7, HomeNetworking:  works with exception to logging onto Windoze from Ubuntu.  Nothing worked until I uninstalled Windoze Messenger from Windoze Live Essentials.23:45
Maahescountry0129: ...logging onto windows with ubuntu? Wha? What do you mean exactly.23:46
susanoohlogging onto windows?23:47
Maahescountry0129: and what exactly is the networking problem, what can you not do atm that you are trying to do. "Everything" doesn't narrow things down for us.23:47
country0129Sharing.  Have connectivity from Windows 7 to Ubuntu:  can read shares.  Copy, etc.  But I keep getting a repetitive login screen while entering the correct ifo.23:47
susanoohSharing over LAN?23:48
country0129Only glitch is being able to login to Window 7 Pro with Ubuntu.  No.  Wireless.23:48
Maahescountry0129: do you mean tunnelling internet access from windows to ubuntu?23:48
greezmunkeycountry0129: did you try the command line I sent you?23:48
susanoohcountry0129: then I know what you're dealing with.  I've tried it, it refuses to work.23:48
country0129Worked before after I deleted all of Windows Live Essentials.  Wife insisted I reinstall them.  Then nothing worked.  Reinstalled and deleted only Messenger, and I have the present setting.23:49
martin__i have a number of folders each containing multiple files formats... i want to copy the folders structure (all folders) and only files jpg which are inside them... how do i do this? any idea for a command line? cp -r */*.jpg /destination/ ?23:49
country0129Greez...I guess I missed your message.  Send it again?23:49
Maahescountry0129: you're using very confusing terminology. Unless you're using a virtual machine or VNC: You can not run/log into windows from ubuntu. Not without using bizzare windows terminal services stuff.23:49
greezmunkeycountry0129: try this form to see if it will connect, edit to suit your needs: sudo mount -t cifs //ipaddress/sharefolder ~/Share/ -o username=username,password=password,iocharset=utf8,file_mode=0777,dir_mode=077723:49
country0129I did it effectively without WLE, Maahes.23:50
country0129Hey, Greez....do I need to put values in any of that?23:50
PudabudigadaI'm running Maverick on a P3 800Mghz, whenever I do anything other than let it idle CPU usage shoots to the 90% area23:50
greezmunkeycountry0129: of course :) edit to suit...23:50
Maahescountry0129: I think what you mean is "establish access to", on the samba share.23:50
PudabudigadaI can't even run Open Sonic smoothly.23:51
MaahesPudabudigada: Run Lubuntu23:51
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.23:51
_dev_null_ /join #lubuntu23:51
PudabudigadaIt's smooth enough with GNOME (faster than xfce was 0.o)23:52
PudabudigadaUntil I do anything23:52
MaahesPudabudigada: lxde is even less resource intensive23:52
Pudabudigadathough oddly, youtube works pretty mucj fine23:52
boa`how do u temp root23:52
boa`su wont work23:52
wingnut2626well you are running a 800mhz p323:52
Maahesxcfe isn't really less resource intensive than gnome23:52
wingnut2626what do you expect, corvette speed?23:52
Maahesboa`: you don't.23:53
boa`well i tried to run this23:53
boa`it says insufficnet permissions23:53
boa`if i run it with sudo23:53
carandraugPudabudigada, it's LXDE. It's lighter than XFCE23:53
boa`it errors on adb23:53
boa`which i know is installed23:53
FloodBot3boa`: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:53
Maahesboa`: run that script again with sudo in front of it, and paste the output into pastebin23:54
dnivraboa`, maybe if you paste the script, someone might be able to help further.23:54
Maahesalso what dnivra said23:54
boa`heres the script23:55
Maahesboa`: what do you get from the following command: which adb23:55
tracetoI have a broadcom 4313 and my connections is realy slow, what can i do?23:56
boa`$ which adb23:56
PudabudigadaI don't think the environments the problem, it idles at ~20%, and Firefox, Xchat and Pidgin are ok, but as soon as I load a 2D game. Up to 90%23:56
Maahesboa`: echo $PATH23:56
needleztraceto: what version of linux are you using??23:56
xxmayhem714xxcan anyone help with "fixed channel -1" on Ubuntu 10.10 desktop broadcom bcm430623:56
boa`$ echo $PATH23:56
=== fawka is now known as rallias
tracetoneedlez: xubuntu 10.1023:56
dnivraboa`, type 'sudo su', enter password and then run the script again.23:56
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needlezxxmayhem714xx: pm me ill give you instructions ive fixed it loads of times23:56
boa`dnivra, same error23:57
boa`adb: not found23:57
Maahesboa`: and adb was made executable?23:57
boa`i just copied it to bin23:57
boa`didnt chmod it23:57
Maaheswhere did you copy it from?23:57
boa`from a zip23:57
tracetoneedlez: with the bcmwl-kernel-source driver...23:57
country0129Y'all remember that "Dumber than a ho handle" phrase?23:58
Maahesboa`: you need to make it executable23:58
country0129Said, "Does not exist"23:58
boa`how do i do that23:58
al_nz1is there a easy way to connect to  a pptp vpn from ubuntu?23:58
Maahesboa`: chmod a+x adb23:58
country0129And, Maahes, I'm believing to believe in believing you about "can't do it."23:59
XiaolinDraconiswow did i mess this up23:59
XiaolinDraconisi installed from mini.iso23:59
XiaolinDraconisdidnt finish selecting packages23:59
boa`well it works for normal user23:59
boa`to run adb in terminal23:59
boa`but root cant use it it seems23:59
boa`maybe ill copy it to /bin23:59
XiaolinDraconisnow i dont have anything23:59
greezmunkeycountry0129: now you are going to make me go get my win7 box...23:59

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