
=== Gary_ is now known as Guest40327
=== Guest40327 is now known as A4_322
A4_322hi, I seem to be having a problem with disk partitioning01:04
A4_322I installed Ubuntu Studio, but when I booted Windows 7, it said it couldn't use the empty disk space because the partion was in the wrong style... GPT I think it was01:05
A4_322so I did it over again, and put Windows on first01:05
A4_322but... linux couldn't find the windows partition, it treated it like an unpartitioned disk01:06
A4_322Any advice?01:06
holsteiney A4_32201:08
A4_322hi, can you help me with this?01:08
* holstein looking01:09
holsteinyou had win 7 installed01:09
holsteinyou installed buntu01:09
holsteinand what?01:09
A4_322ubuntu didn't find the windows partition01:09
holsteinduring the install?01:09
A4_322when I was telling it where to install it to, yeah01:09
holsteinis that a problem?01:10
holsteinubuntu didnt give you a grub entry for win?01:10
A4_322well... yeah. If I re-write the partition table, windows (and my other partitions dissapear)01:10
A4_322and no, it didn't01:10
A4_322oh, be right back01:10
holsteinA4_322: i would boot a live CD01:11
holsteinand look at the partitions in gparted01:11
holsteinmaybe use that live installer01:12
holsteinseems to be a little more friendly01:12
holsteinyou can make that install ubuntustudio01:12
ubottuTo install Ubuntu Studio on top of a vanilla Ubuntu install, read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuStudio/Installation01:12
holsteinubuntu = ubuntustudio01:12
A4_322hmm.. does ubuntu studio have a live install?01:12
A4_322oh... sorry01:13
A4_322I didn't realize what "vanilla" meant01:13
holsteinonly the alternate style installer01:13
holsteinyeah, you can just add whatever you want to the normal vanilla one01:13
holstein*assuming* this help you get your issue resovled01:13
holsteini would make sure i have all my data in place01:14
A4_322ok, thanks for your help, I'll try it01:14
holsteinand images made if needed01:14
holsteinmaybe with clonezilla or something01:14
A4_322this is a brand new PC01:14
holsteinive never been all that worried about losing a windows partition though ;)01:14
A4_322I literally have nothing to lose01:14
holsteindid it come with a CD ?01:14
holsteina restore disc?01:15
A4_322no, it's a custom build01:15
holsteinso you just have a win 7 disc then01:15
A4_322I'd like to install Windows XP, Windows 7, and Ubuntu studio on it01:15
A4_322I have a disc of each01:15
holsteinyou'll sort it out then01:15
A4_322I hope so =)01:15
holsteinit gets hairy when you need to preserve a backup partition01:15
holsteinfrom a vendor01:15
holsteinyou can totally bork that01:16
holsteinand your just out the time you spent01:16
holsteinbork = screw it all up01:16
A4_322yeah... I already screwed it up twice01:16
holsteinyou want to do the win installs first01:16
A4_322but no harm done... reformat the hard drive and start again01:16
holsteinand i would leave the space for ubuntu01:16
A4_322I already installed ubuntu studio, should I take it off (for the third time argh)01:17
holsteinhowever, buntu will resize01:17
holsteinA4_322: i would get a plain old ubuntu live CD01:17
holsteinor a gparted live disc01:17
A4_322so... start over01:17
holsteini like http://www.ultimatebootcd.com/01:17
A4_322sounds like a good idea... the best I have anyway01:18
holsteinand just get a look at whats going on first01:18
holsteinyou might not have to start over01:18
holsteinA4_322: what are the formatting options with the win7 install?01:18
holsteinis there something different or newer than ntfs going on?01:18
holsteinthat im unaware of01:18
A4_322I'm pretty sure it's NTFS01:19
A4_322it's NTFS01:19
holsteinbuntu should be seeing it...01:19
A4_322it doesn't01:19
holsteinwell, the live CD should mount it01:19
ailoso, it's not exfat?01:19
holsteinthat would be a good trouble-shooting step i suppose01:19
A4_322I'll try the live cd, if it doesn't work, I'll come back...01:19
A4_322time to eat for now01:19
A4_322thanks for your help!01:19
A4_322bye for now01:20
holsteinwell, come back and thanks us when your rockin and rollin :)01:20
A4_322sure :)01:20
holsteingood luck01:20
A4_322thanks, all's gone well so far01:20
A4_322except the OS01:20
A4_322bye then01:20
ailoDon't know much about windows 7, but from what I've understood it supports exFAT01:22
holsteinailo: can we mount that?01:23
ailoAccording to wikipedia, leopard only just added support for it, but linux hasn't yet01:23
holsteinthat could be the deal01:24
holsteinif its the default setting in the installer01:24
holsteinmaybe what we just talked about will make A4_322 aware01:24
holsteinand choose NTFS01:25
ailoWell, maybe he will figure it out next time around..01:25
=== ubott2 is now known as ubottu
ailoholstein: about testing ubuntustudio, any tips?01:31
holsteini recently got lucid, maverick and natty on a laptop with firewire01:32
holsteinso i can test my firewire card01:32
holsteini use the PPA purge function in ubuntu tweak01:33
holsteini really havent even had a chance to add abogani's kernel PPA's for natty though01:33
holsteinailo: what are you interested in testing?01:33
ailoI'm about to install natty on 32 bits and 64 bits. So far only on Virtualbox01:34
ailoI use pci and built in cards with nvidia graphics01:34
holsteini think you can learn alot from virtual installs01:35
holsteini wanted the bare metal for the kernels and the firewire01:35
holsteinmight be nice to test those newer kernels with your nvidia hardware01:36
holsteinnot a deal breaker though01:36
holsteindo what you feel comfortalbe with01:36
ailoI just used Virtualbox to get the feel for it. Can't do any 3d or low latency sound.01:36
holsteini have a somewhat spare machine01:36
holstein64bit lappy01:36
ailoBut what about some sort of test suites?01:37
ailoI've been trying to find out what is out there, but it seems there's not much out there01:38
holsteinyou mean like a package?01:38
ailoor a script01:38
holsteinlike ubuntu-studio-test-blah01:38
holsteini dont know of a script or a package01:39
holsteini think so much of the performance depends on the hardware too01:39
holsteinits challenging, but not impossible to have such a thing01:39
ailoI suppose a lot has to do with the kernel itself, how well it works with your hardware01:40
holsteini know abogani would appreciate testing his natty kernels01:42
ailoI think it would be interesting to compare results from different hardware.01:42
holsteineven in VM i suppose01:42
holsteinailo: it would have to be a stupid simple script01:42
holsteinand we'd have to have somewhere to collect it01:43
holsteinailo: are you on the mailing list?01:43
holsteinif you think about it, mail that around01:43
holsteinand mention maybe a way to add the results easily01:43
holsteinsomewhere on the new site01:44
holsteinOR a link from the site to a wiki page that we could easily set up01:44
ailoI did mail something about kernel testing on both ubuntustudio-dev and lau. Seems like it is not an easy task to test a kernel01:44
holsteinwiki's can be a pain though01:44
ailowiki's seem to get easily bloated and disorganized01:45
=== JesusFreak316_ is now known as JesusFreak316
ryjydhello hello, anyone got eyes on the room?08:08

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