
BajK_how do I change the mouse pointer theme of the log in screen?00:02
yofelBajK_: sudo update-alternatives --config x-cursor-theme00:07
BajK_is there a way of showing some kind of splash screen when going to hibernation/resuming00:09
BajK_therer's just a blinky cursor00:09
yofelnot that I know of :/00:11
abusskii want a help to removed all virus on my computer00:17
abusskii want a help to removed all virus on my computer00:19
yofelabusski: how did you get a virus on your system? - there's clamav if you want to try it00:25
yofelgreat patience -.-00:26
BajK_yofel: it does not list my theme00:33
BajK_I just copied the index.theme of the openzone theme to /etc/X11/cursors and named it accordingly but it does not pop up in that list00:33
yofelno, you would need to add it manually since that is the alternatives system of dpkg, not sure how you do that though00:34
surunverihi can someone help me with getting ktorrent or similiar work00:34
surunverithere's some package problems or such00:34
BajK_hm or can I otherwise replace it. this index.theme links to the oxygen theme but I will not change that whole thing00:35
Snowhogyofel: Maybe the virus 'got him'!00:35
BajK_m maybe I can set a fallback trhingie00:35
surunveriit used to work then suddenly stopped working im  guessing a sy stem update caused it00:35
yofelSnowhog: let's hope not ^^00:35
yofelsurunveri: which release and which ppas do you use?00:35
Snowhogsurunveri: Not necessarily so. Some torrent sites are being blocked or taken down. What site are you trying to access?00:36
surunverithe program doesnt work00:41
surunverinot about sites00:41
surunverii dont know what ppas i use i just dont use linux it just is there and i try to do other stuff00:41
surunveriand im fed up with all the trouble as u can see for i already spent 80 minutes on trying to fix this problem here on this channel and the solution was: it doesnt work, linux is shaite00:42
surunverimerry christmas00:42
Snowhogsurunveri: Many, many, many other users would take issue with that statement.00:42
surunveriyeah sure00:43
surunveriso should i try to reinstall kubuntu for teh Nth time or00:44
surunverido you have any idea if there is an easy fix to ktorrent not working due to updates00:44
Snowhogsurunveri: we simply can't answer the question, as we don't know anything about your PC, the version of Kubuntu installed, the version of KDE, or...00:45
surunverii've kubuntu 10.0400:45
surunverii dont know about the version of teh KDE unless it has changed on it's own it's probably the same itw as upon installing 10.0400:46
yofelsurunveri: what happens when you start ktorrent, does anything happen?00:46
surunverisince we tried to fix this problem earlier i dont have ktorrent currently00:46
surunveribut here's what happened00:46
surunverithe day before yesterday ktorrent was working00:46
surunveriat somepoint, when i tried to start it, it didnt work anymore00:46
surunveriit opened the basic window with the torrents and such00:47
surunveriand then closed00:47
surunveriand a popup came up saying00:47
surunveri"drkonirc" is not writable and on the lower side of teh wwindow there reads something PID number and such details, and in brackets (segmentation fault)00:47
surunverialright so I looked up this file and changed permissiosn to writable00:47
surunveriafter that the same window comes up00:47
surunveribut it no longer says drkonirc is not writable, isntead it just says it happens for unknown reason00:48
surunveriand same segmentation fault at the bottom, again it briefly opens and then closes, ktorrent that is00:48
surunverithen i come here asking about what may have caused this00:48
surunverisince i've not done any modifications to the system other than applying automatic system updates00:48
surunverii had trouble seeing how this could suddenly be00:48
surunveriso the first things that were suggested as fixes were something like00:48
surunvericommandlien command for "purge" packet ktorrent and then install00:49
surunveriand other commands like that. remove. reinstall. install. in anycase00:49
surunveriin the process the error was00:49
surunveria list of packages that could not be installed, or that were to be installed00:49
surunveriabout 15-25 items in the list i cant remember00:49
surunveribut it also seems to have removed ktorrent00:49
surunveriso after brief discussion this guy says i should probably update to 10.10 kubuntu, and that it's not recommendable unless i can backup system data00:50
surunveriand that i have 'old files' and theyre not comaptible with new files00:50
surunveriso from that i concluded00:50
surunveriteh system update gave me like library files that are intended for some newer version of kubuntu, while i actually still haev an older kubuntu00:50
surunveriand therefor they dont work00:50
surunveriand the original sin was to naively apply teh system updates00:50
surunveriso got any idea?00:51
surunverii wouldnt want to go through anything enormous like reinstalling a newer OS because if I've to do that, i might just as well be sensible and fetch a copy of XP since the experience of using kubuntu00:51
xrivaperhaps #kubuntu is a bad place to be asking this, but does anyone have a suggestion regarding the path I should take to get started in the linux community?  I am considering the following:  A) Ubuntu running gnome  B) Kubuntu  C) PC-BSD00:52
yofelsurunveri: ok, can you please open a Konsole and pastebin the output of 'apt-cache policy ktorrent' and 'apt-cache policy kdelibs5' please?00:52
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.00:52
yofelok, you're using the kubuntu updates PPA which is good, but also a custom ktorrent package from another ppa00:57
surunverii've no idea about that00:57
surunverii installed it from a kubuntu image, ktorrent came with it00:57
surunveriyesterday when trying to fix this, i believe someone gave me a command which i pasted into terminal00:57
surunverithat applied the ppa or whatever it is00:57
Snowhogsurunveri: I'd be suggesting commenting out the custom repository entry. Run sudo apt-get update afterwards and then install ktorrent from the standard repos.00:59
yofelright, that should at least make it installable again01:00
surunveriso what's the custom repository entry coz i've no idea hw this works01:00
dasKreechbigbrovar: ping01:01
surunveriif i do egt it working01:02
surunverishould i not apply system updates in the future to avoid unecessary trouble?01:02
Snowhogsurunveri: With standard repositories, running system updates to installed packages is almost never a problem.01:03
yofelsurunveri: can you press alt+f2 and then run 'software-properties-kde' (not sure where that is in the lucid menu)01:03
surunveriis there any reason to apply them?01:03
yofelsurunveri: er, 'kdesudo software-properties-kde'01:03
yofelsurunveri: usually yes, and if after disabling the ppa ktorrent is still broken please file a bug at https://bugs.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/+filebug01:04
yofelupdates should never break something01:04
surunveriwhat world do you live in01:05
yofelsurunveri: erm, I said *should*01:05
Snowhogsurunveri: The world of user experience. :)01:05
Snowhogsurunveri: Debian's package management system, which *buntu uses, is very, very good, and very stable.01:06
yofelsurunveri: do you have software sources open?01:06
yofelsurunveri: go to 'other software' and search for 'http://ppa.launchpad.net/ferramroberto/linuxfreedomlucid ...' there01:07
surunverii removed it01:07
yofelgood, close software sources, go to konsole, run 'sudo apt-get update' and install ktorrent01:08
surunveriit seems to work01:09
surunverithanks for the help01:09
yofelsee if ktorrent works now or if it still crashes01:09
surunveriyea as soon asi t installss01:10
surunveriit does work01:11
surunveriso basicly01:11
surunveribecause i for some reason had a non-standard repository, which i dont think i've added myself01:11
surunverithe system update didnt work properly01:11
surunveriand the packages didnt update properly and it caused some inconsistency ?01:11
Snowhogsurunveri: Yes. package version inconsistancies. This can happen when non-standard repositories are used along with the official ones.01:12
yofelwell, that repository had a ktorrent version that was built with kubuntus backports ppa it seems, that will only installs if you add that repository too, but I'm not sure if you want that01:12
surunverii dont know what backports ppa means01:13
yofelsurunveri: don't worry about it, Snowhog is right01:13
Snowhogsurunveri: I'd suggest that you don't worry about it - for now.01:13
Snowhogsurunveri: Stick with the official repositories. Don't add repositories you don't know or understand. Install packages available from KPackageKit.01:14
surunveriyeah maybe i'll try that01:15
Snowhogsurunveri: If I may ask, how long have you been using Kubuntu and/or Linux?01:15
surunverior so01:16
surunveriwhy so?01:18
surunveriduring the time i've had to install kubuntu 4 or 5 times01:18
BajK_hm -.- whenever i attach my monitor to my notebook, plasma crashes and cannot be restarted (always crashes on startup then) until the monitor is deactivated or specified a clone of the notebook screen01:18
surunveriin comparison to 7 years of using XP i had to reinstall it once because i rebooted it from a switch  while a service pack installation was in progress01:18
Snowhogsurunveri: Just curious as to how much user experience you have gained. Nothing more. Six months is a reasonable time frame, so you have likely learned a fair amount thus far.01:18
surunveriyea except01:19
surunverii dont use linux u know?01:19
surunverii use other stuff01:19
surunveriit just gets in the way01:19
FloodBotK2surunveri: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.01:19
surunverii dont even do much with computer right now01:19
surunveriplay a java webstart game, go it's a board game. go to 4 different online chat places like facebook and similiar, download stuff with ktorrent to watch01:20
surunveriand use irc sometimes that's basicly it01:20
Snowhogsurunveri: "i don't use linux" "it just gets in the way" - Huh? Why then, did you install it?01:21
surunverimy HD died01:22
surunverii didnt have winxp01:22
Snowhogsurunveri: Good reason. ;)01:22
surunverialthough i actually thought01:22
surunverilinux might be good but01:22
surunveriwell it isnt01:22
surunverimaybe more secure01:23
surunverii dont know if it's secure but havnt hand any trouble at leaset01:23
Snowhogsurunveri: I tell all *new* users to Linux who come from a Windows world, "Linux is not Windows." Linux is a very solid 'alternative' to Windows and Mac for that. But it isn't everyones 'cup of tea.'01:23
surunverithe main problem i suppose is that everything is aimed at windows01:24
surunveriso software availability is reduced on linux01:24
surunverithough there's wine but out of the 2 programs i've thought of running with wine neither worked01:24
Snowhogsurunveri: I use Windows Vista at work (no choice there) and Linux at home. I very much like Linux Kubuntu.01:25
surunveriyea vista is terrible i agree with that01:25
xrivasnowhog, i am a win7 user, thinking about migrating over01:25
xrivacan I run flash on kubuntu?01:26
Snowhogsurunveri: Okay. So we got you going again with Ktorrent. As long as you have Kubuntu, if you run into any other issues, or have questions, you know where we are.01:26
Snowhogxriva: Yes.01:26
surunveriyea sorry for complaining01:26
surunveriwhile also asking for help but01:26
surunveriwell.. it gets annoying over time to run into problems every now and then01:27
Snowhogsurunveri: Frustration is understandable. We've all experienced it.01:27
Snowhogsurunveri: prolems every now and then? You run Windows. That statement is non-sensical! :)01:28
surunverii dunno01:29
Snowhogxriva: If you haven't already, install kubuntu-restricted-extras01:29
surunverii never had any serious trouble with windows01:29
Snowhogsurunveri: Never had a BSOD?01:29
surunverialthough it did require a bit of tweaking01:29
surunverion the sysetm i had before01:29
surunverihd died01:29
surunverii had only 1 problem01:29
surunveriif a program crashed the screen sometimes didnt reset but i had a fix for that01:30
BajK_what do I need for the webcam to function?01:30
surunverididnt happen often but sometimes. bluescreen? I dont remember having one01:30
xrivasnowhog: I am trying to decide which OS I want to try first via a live cd......i've never used unix other than a semester with bash shell and a few minutes spent on a KDE machine about 6 years ago01:31
xrivai am thinking kubuntu01:31
xrivabut i'01:31
Snowhogxriva: A good choice. What are your PCs specs?01:31
xrivai've heard suggestions to try gnome, gentoo, and pc-bsd as well01:32
Snowhogxriva: Kubuntu is a solid Linux distro.01:32
xrivaspecs are no problem this is a core i7 860 with 4gb of ram01:32
Snowhogxriva: Video card?01:33
xrivanvidia 8600gts01:33
xrivabut, on second thought, I would most likely be installing on a permanent basis on an old dell machine01:34
Snowhogxriva: I'd suggest downloading the Kubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 LiveCD .iso and burning it. Try it out in the LiveCD environment. Test everything out.01:34
yofelhaven't used pc-bsd yet, gentoo is a bit complicated on the configuration side and updating takes a whlie since you need to compile everything locally - the repository only ships the source code, rather try arch linux. I used gnome for a while, and ubuntu is good, I just prefer KDE01:34
xrivathanks guys for the tips01:34
xrivaI like KDE from my limited experience, and I am looking for something that can do youtube, office apps, and gimp01:34
Snowhogxriva: Kubuntu will do those and more.01:35
xrivagreat! i think i've made up my mind01:35
sfearsis anyone familiar with the compiz/emerald no widow border issue with ati cards?  my decorations disapeared and i'm stumped01:35
xrivai read that pc-bsd is good for first timers, but then I learned that it doesnt support flash on firefox01:35
yofelxriva: note: kubuntu and ubuntu share the same software, so you can do all of that with both, just the desktop looks and works different01:36
Snowhogxriva: Kubuntu. Try it. You'll like it. :)01:36
xrivaand kubuntu seems to have a much larger support base.....and friendlier dudes like you guys01:36
sfearsagreed, try Kubutnu01:36
xrivathanks a lot everyone01:36
Snowhogxriva: smaller support base actually, but yes, IMHO, a much friendlier lot!01:37
xrivalarger by comparison to PC-BSD is what I meant, but i dont really know, just going by what I've seen around the web01:38
xrivai could very well be wrong about that01:38
yofelour support base is smaller than ubuntus, but if it's not a question related to a KDE app or a question about the system itself they'll help you too in #ubuntu or #ubuntu-beginners01:39
Snowhogxriva: In the *buntu world, Ubuntu (Gnome) is the Big Brother. Kubuntu is the 'little brother' and doesn't get as much attention by the parent (Canonical). That said, though, Kubuntu is one tough ombre.01:39
sfearsis there a way to remove things from the boot that hang, before the kubuntu splash even hits the screen at a step after "loding init-scripts bottom" it hangs for about 15 seconds and then finally switches over to the kubuntu splash and login.  Any ideas how to remove the step from boot?01:40
xrivait is my understanding that gnome is a window manager for ubuntu, whereas kubuntu is KDE running on a version of ubuntu optimized for KDE.....is taht correct?01:41
Snowhogxriva: Yes.01:41
yofelmeh, sfears is gone, bootchart can show what makes the boot hang01:41
Snowhogyofel: Likely a polling of a USB device that might have been connected, but isn't now.01:42
yofelsfears: install 'bootchart' - reboot - and check the graphic in /var/log/bootchart what takes longest in your boot process01:43
xrivamy plan is to take an old DELL box I have sitting around (P4 hyperthreader with 2GB ram...integrated video and sound) and install an alternative OS on it so I can get some experience with a linux based environment01:44
xrivaim hoping to install something that will be as painless as possible to get started with01:44
Snowhogxriva: Both Ubuntu and Kubuntu (and for that, all the other *buntus) utilize the same kernel. What we see when we log in is the Desktop Environment being used - the DE. Ubuntu uses the Gnome Desktop, and Kubuntu uses the KDE Desktop.01:44
xrivaand also support the proprietary hardware that requires dell specific drivers when running windows01:45
Snowhogxriva: The difference between the two is primarily in the development tools used to create the packages used.01:45
xrivai guess the next step is to get myself a live cd and pop it in01:47
xrivashould I expect it to boot up right into a desktop environment? or should I prepare myself for a lot of fooling around? i think im gonna start with kubuntu01:48
xrivathanks to everyone here for your patience with my newbitude01:49
Snowhogxriva: Booting a LiveCD of Kubuntu Maverick Meerkat 10.10 should 'just work' on your rig.01:49
xrivai'm grabbing a 32-bit iso of kubuntu 10.10 right now....I take it the install disk will double as a live cd?01:51
xrivaand score! win7 can burn iso's without any special software01:55
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
Snowhogxriva: When burning the .iso, use DAO (Disc at Once).02:07
xrivawill do02:07
Snowhogxriva: That's a setting, not a program.02:07
xrivahehe thanks02:07
xrivai figured an iso would be disk at once by default02:08
Snowhogxriva: I "try" not to assume what I take for granted.02:08
xrivaactually, one time I think i was using nero or something, burned an iso to disk in windows file system02:08
xrivawas NOT what i was expecting when I put it in the drive heheh02:08
Snowhogxriva: Make sure that you verify the MD5SUM on the downloaded .iso before you burn. Save you a lot of grief.02:09
Snowhogxriva: The LiveCD has an option on the initial menu to install. Don't do that. Select the option to try. That boots you into the Desktop. Check everything out. Video. Sound. Internet. If all works to your satisfaction, then you can plan to install from within the LiveCD environment. There is a link on the desktop to do so. But, you should prepare you HD beforehand using a partitioning utility. GParted LiveCD is what most use.02:14
xrivagreat! thanks for the enlightenment02:14
SnowhogWhat OS is on your PC at the moment?02:15
xrivaI have the machine sitting around getting dusty, i dont even remember if the HD has anything on it.....it was formerly win xp sp302:15
xrivabut it may not even have an HD installed at the moment02:15
xrivais having a HD plugged into mobo a requirement for booting off a live cd?02:32
Snowhogxriva: In an old system, with an IDE controller, I think 'yes.'02:34
Snowhogxriva: But don't quote me on that.02:35
neji49Would anybody be interested in helping me out a little bit?04:00
=== Snowhog_ is now known as Snowhog
zoneteeeeeeeeeCan someone help me with this?04:43
zoneteeeeeeeeeFailed to activate desktop effects using the given configuration options. Settings will be reverted to their previous values.04:44
zoneteeeeeeeeeCheck your X configuration. You may also consider changing advanced options, especially changing the compositing type.04:44
zoneteeeeeeeeeError 5: dependency not met: gawk not found in path04:48
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marionHey all does anyone know how to run sims 3 on linux06:13
darthanubishow do I restart HAL?08:17
darthanubisMake sure HAL daemon is running, it is used by K3b for finding devices.08:17
sfuHello all, since the last update my system is crashed. I have now a livecd to see what is going wrong. On that ubuntu-server I have boot partition it seems it was full. I delete here some older kernel  and tried to reinstall grub via chroot with no luck.I saw that grub files are missing. stage1 and menu.lst. When I boot I have a grub shell but Imnot able to boot a kernel.Can someone help?08:25
darthanubisnot at 3:27am est on xmas :(08:27
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Guest91827can anyone help me with virtual box installation error09:23
Guest91827Kernel driver not installed (rc=-1908)09:23
Guest91827The VirtualBox Linux kernel driver (vboxdrv) is either not loaded or there is a permission problem with /dev/vboxdrv. Please reinstall the kernel module by executing09:23
Guest91827'/etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup'09:24
Guest91827as root. Users of Ubuntu, Fedora or Mandriva should install the DKMS package first. This package keeps track of Linux kernel changes and recompiles the vboxdrv kernel module if necessary.09:24
Bodatmerry Xmas 2 every109:26
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BloodyRain2khi, anyone knows when Peace-- would be probaly coming by here?10:17
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jason-in-coloradhello room10:57
speedvinjason-in-colorad: hi10:57
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goomydo you guys answer here questions about system ? or this is general chat  channel?11:48
yofelno this is a support channel, idle chat is in #kubuntu-offtopic11:49
goomyi have a question, just did reinstallation of my 10.10 and wanted to see system in different language11:50
goomyswitched it to different language and back to english but.. half of the11:50
goomythigs are still in second language11:50
goomyis there a way to roll this back to english ?(default)11:51
freinhardgoomy: already tried to log out and log in?11:51
goomyyes did that million times , what i've done i change locale to polish from english11:51
goomyand back11:51
goomythen i uninstalled polish totally from languages11:52
goomyswitched english uk to default system11:53
goomyeven installed english us11:53
goomybut still locales are mixed up11:53
iconmefistogoomy: look in ~/.kde/share/config/kdeglobals and see what the locale settings are there12:16
goomyDateFormat=%A %d %B %Y12:19
FloodBotK2goomy: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:19
goomylocale seems to be ok , locale -a returns only english but still half of the apps etc are in polish...12:19
iconmefistogoomy: are kde apps in the right language?12:20
goomyin the launchers for example system settings are in polish12:20
goomyand its mixed up12:20
goomyin system settings: i have for example Workspace Appearance and behaviour : under all icons with polish text12:22
goomybe right back need to check something12:23
iconmefistogoomy: try running this: kbuildsycoca --noincremental  (and then maybe log out/in again)12:24
fire`lalaI'm using rekonq from the natty repository and the default encoding is iso-8859-1 which obviously leads to problem with many web pages12:43
fire`laladoes anybody know how to change the default encoding used by rekonq?12:43
iconmefistofire`lala: it's in the menu "encoding"12:45
iconmefistofire`lala: "set encoding"12:45
fire`lalayes, but that does only change the encoding for the actual page and not the default?12:45
fire`lalaat least there's no "set default encoding" or anything similar there12:46
iconmefistofire`lala: choose which you want, then tick "default" in the same submenu12:47
fire`lalathat just reverts back to the default, which is iso-8859-112:48
goomy_k i fixed my problem, install -f    /   locale-gen and all back to normal12:56
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=== Muzer is now known as MuzerAway
BajKhm weird, plymouth is no longer working on my notebook14:29
BajKit's just a blank screen, then a few console messages appear and then the log in screen appears14:29
BajKlol okay now plymouth is displayed again?! o.O weird14:30
BluesKajBajK, don't worry about it , as long as you can log in. I've seen that a few times after kernel upgrades etc .14:44
BajKhm.. :(14:44
BluesKajdon't gt hung up on it , plymouth is flaky windowdressing14:45
BajKI want a consistent look on my notebook, sort of Mac-Like. I did a Grub kubuntu theme (the blue color background (grub because there is windows as well)), a kubuntu plymouth theme, kubuntu kdm theme and kubuntu kde splash, so there is a consistent look after the acer splash disappeared till the desktop appears14:47
BajKbut plymouth does what it wants do. I don'T care about error messages or stuff. I just want to have anice look. and thats it14:47
BajKand on shutdown theres [drm:atom_op_jump] *ERROR* atombios stuck executing CB9E error messages all over the place14:48
BajKmaybe plymouth doesn't get working with the intel graphics since i disabled the ati one14:48
BajKhm okay, *remember* just don't REstart the notebook and all is fine :D14:50
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BluesKaj!hi | frecko15:24
BluesKajok , guess ubottu is asleep15:26
freckoanyone familiar with Audex?15:32
Roeyhola all15:58
RoeyRiddell:  hello15:58
BajKhmm :(16:18
BajKplymouth is so unreliable16:18
BajKswitching virtual terminals crashes the system competele.y16:22
rtdoswhat is a good c++ ide for kubuntu/kde ?16:43
ubottuKDE bug 261187 in general "Akonadi shows error "The protocol version of the Akonadi server is incompatible Make sure you have a compatible version installed"" [Major,Unconfirmed]17:03
=== dani is now known as Guest81063
rtdosi'm using codeblocks to compile a c++ program in my home directory and i'm getting a permission denied error, can anyone help?17:20
yofelrtdos: Kdevelop and Qtcreator17:20
yofelcodeblocks is a bit easier for plain c++ though17:20
rtdosyofel, thank you.17:20
yofelrtdos: what's the exact error?17:20
rtdoshold on i'll copy and paste.17:21
rtdossh: /home/jeff/Workspace/hello_world: Permission denied17:23
yofelrtdos: can you open a Konsole and print what 'ls -l /home/jeff/Workspace/hello_world' says?17:23
rtdosProcess returned 126 (0x7E)17:23
fujiokaAnyone know of a guide for speeding up KDE on Kubuntu?17:24
rtdos-rw-rw-rw- 1 jeff jeff 139 2010-12-25 10:18 /home/jeff/Workspace/hello_world17:24
yofelrtdos: that's the executable that was generated? if yes, that need a chmod +x hello_world to work17:25
rtdosso codeblocks won't execute it automatically?17:26
rtdosor set the permissions it needs to compile and run the application?17:26
yofelmore like it made a mistake when generating the executable, it generated it without executable permissions and then tried to execute it17:26
hellojoneshow can I check if my dvb cards driver is loaded?17:27
nerdy_kidanyone try 4.6rc1 out?17:27
yofelnerdy_kid: yes17:28
rtdosyofel, is there a way to change it so that it sets permissions automatically?17:28
nerdy_kidyofel: how is it going?  any show stoppers/highly irritating bugs?17:28
yofelrtdos: probably, but I'm don't use codeblocks myself so I don't know where17:31
yofelodd that it doesn't do that by default though (bug?)17:31
rtdoscould it be the directory itself?17:31
rtdosnevermind i just answered my own question.17:32
yofelnerdy_kid: rc1 is loosing my gtk style settings on logout here which is a bit annoying, otherwise it works mostly fine17:32
nerdy_kidyofel: cool, 4.5 looses (unless I hard set it in gtkrc) my gtk theme anyway, so I guess its upgrade time for me :)17:33
nerdy_kidyofel: did they implement smooth scrolling in dolphin yet?17:35
* BluesKaj goes with the QtCurve settings ... fewer probs with font setup for nondefault apps etc on a large monitor / tv17:41
BluesKajexcept chromium toolbar , it doesn't integrate with kde at all so the fonts are unconfigurable and are too small to read17:43
BluesKaj<---stuck with FF which is becoming bloated and slow IMO17:43
BluesKajrekonq isn't the answer either , almost as clunky to set uip as konqueror used to be17:44
nerdy_kidBluesKaj: try oxygen-gtk IT IS AMAZING17:46
nerdy_kidintegrates everything (exept mozilla apps due to their gtk hacks) perfectly17:46
BluesKajnerdy_kid, if Iwanted gtk I'd be running gnome :)17:46
nerdy_kidBluesKaj: no oxygen-gtk is the oxygen theme for gtk apps.  thus everything looks the same17:47
BluesKajnerdy_kid, fine but kde qtcurve is fine for my needs , my only problem is chromium fonts on a 42" scrn17:48
BluesKajchromium bookmarks toolbar to ne exact17:49
BluesKajto be17:50
BajKwhat's the kde desktop sharing program? I have krfb for sharing the desktop but how do I access them? I remember KDE having a VNC viewer? No longer?17:58
nerdy_kidBajK: krdc17:59
BajKgot it17:59
nerdy_kidnp :)17:59
sourcemakerI have a problem with gpg and kmail... when I try to sign a mail... I receive the error message: wrong passhrase... but there is no dialog to enter the passhrase?18:04
sourcemakerkde 4.6 rc118:04
BluesKajsourcemaker, you need to set the passphrase in the kmail acct settings and be sure to click apply18:07
sourcemakerBluesKaj: the same problem occures in kmymoney...18:07
sourcemakerit's a gpg related problem I think18:07
sourcemakerbefor I have installed to update... there was a input dialog to enter the key...18:08
BluesKajI haven't used kmail in a while ...gpg in kmail?18:09
sourcemakerit's well integrated to kde18:10
BluesKajkmail is kde18:10
BluesKajnever knew kde was linked to gpg in kmail18:10
BluesKajat least I didn't suspect18:11
BajKSometimes I believe the network manager programmers are just plain stupid18:19
BajKor don't use their own cration18:20
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whilocan somebody help me and point out why building ktorrent trunk in my ppa does not resolve the dependeny to libktorrent in that ppa?20:28
webwhich are responsible for the packages QtCurve20:45
webMy computer hangs when I start a gtk application20:45
giovanniciao ciao20:54
manuelahi everyone...after upgrading the kubuntu release, I don't have the network manager tray icon anymore...how do I put it back?21:03
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ubuntutestin k-s)21:33
surunverifor some reason the computer is now running very slow and when opening system monitor it says CPU 100% at the bottom although the processes combined CPU% are not close to 100, but it works faster than what it would if it was completely in use but still very slowly22:13
surunverialso in the processes list there's an item called apache2 owned by root22:13
surunveriand 8-10 other apache2 owned by www.data- something22:14
surunveriany ideas?22:15
surunverii removed the apache things but it's still slow, i tired rebooting some time ago too22:15
surunverii think this appeared yesterday aftering changing to official ppa and doing sudo update22:19
surunveribut i didnt really do anything that would've required lots of system resources so i cant confirm D:22:19
surunveriand even now im tryin to play this browser billiard game, which isnt important and i dont really care about that, but it shows clearly how everything now is slow. :D22:20
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surunverino one ?22:25
surunveri...and yes it used to run better so it's not that i didnt notice it earlier. Just cant pinpoint the exact moment when this change occurred :D22:26
surunverigo linux22:29
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yofelsurunveri: what does top report as system load and in the 3rd line? (Cpu)22:32
surunveritop process? 13%22:33
yofelsurunveri: no, run 'top' in Konsole22:33
surunveriwhich one here is cpu load?22:34
surunveriis it these two us and sy?22:34
yofelyou should have 'load average: ...' and paste the complete cpu line22:34
surunveriniin ei kannattais alkaa22:35
surunverioho sorry22:35
surunverithe copy didnt work and it jsut gave whatever was on clipboard22:35
surunveriload average: 1.14, 1.19, 1.4022:35
surunveriidk what that means though22:36
surunveriload average: 1.14, 1.19, 1.4022:37
surunveriload average: 1.14, 1.19, 1.4022:37
yofelwell, that looks right22:37
surunverithis top keeps refreshing so22:37
yofelsurunveri: press q and copy then22:37
surunveriMem:   1026460k total,   800960k used,   225500k free,    37196k buffers22:37
surunverii've a browser java-applet, 2 irssi and system monitor running22:38
surunveriseems a lot of memory usage?22:38
yofelsurunveri: what's the swap line?22:38
surunveriSwap:   999416k total,    21684k used,   977732k free,   330180k cached22:38
yofelnah, you've got 330M used as system cache, so your mem usage is below 50022:39
surunveriisnt that a lot though?22:39
surunveriidk or maybe kubuntu uses a lot22:39
yofelwell, it does a bit22:39
yofelsurunveri: since your system seems fine, what's your graphics card? do you have compositing enabled?22:40
surunverii dont remember disabling it22:40
surunveriwhat does compositing mean?22:40
surunverithis was running fine 2 days ago22:40
surunverijust sayin.. it's an old computer though radeon960022:40
surunveriin system monitor at bottom22:41
surunveriit says CPU 100%22:41
surunveriand sometimes falls temporarily to other values22:41
yofelwhich system monitor?22:41
surunverithe one u get from startmenu, applications, system, and that says "system monitor"22:41
surunveriisi t normal to have 137 processe?22:42
nerdy_kidsurunveri: yup22:43
yofelyes, I've got 223 here22:43
nerdy_kid234 here22:43
yofelsurunveri: and that sysmon says CPU: 100% below the graph?22:43
surunveriin the footer section of teh window22:44
surunveriin the 'system load' part where the graph is22:44
surunveriit fluctuates steadily between 20, and other values22:44
surunveriwell idk..22:45
yofelhm... but then top should show a process actually using that :S22:46
surunveriyeah there isnt one22:46
surunveribut this still runs slowly. Idk if it says 200% if it runs fine :-D22:46
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surunverioh well..... it's tiresome22:48
nerdy_kidyofel doesn't i/o wait raise the CPU level?  (without raising a particular process's cpu usage)22:51
yofelhm, indeed, maybe try 'iotop -o' to see if something's running22:51
surunverianyway im gonna reboot again brb22:52
surunveriso what was the command?22:56
surunverianyone still here?23:09
noob_hi, in need to bridge my usb modem to a mini wifi hotspot asuswl330ge, under windows it was simply, are there something lik as ifconfig bridge eth0 wlan0?23:13
sourcemakerI have a problem with gnupg...23:14
sourcemakerit does not work in kde 4.6rc1... is there a update problem?23:14
sourcemaker=> wring passphrase... but no input dialog present23:14
sourcemaker=> wrong passphrase23:14
bochitohappy xmas ^ merry new year >P23:23
surunverihi.. suddenly the computer started to work really slowly any idea what might've caused that? any recent update that might malfuncitoN?23:29
surunverithe only serious change into the system i've done recently was a change into an official ppa and then aptitude update but that's not much23:29
surunveriahh.... i wish i could get windows back.. :D too many ggray hairs23:33

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