
=== exarkun_ is now known as exarkun
=== exarkun is now known as Guest3981
=== Guest3981 is now known as exarkun
jfiHello, is there LP issues actually? I cannot upload to ppa (connection error)06:56
jfiHello, is there LP issues actually? I cannot upload to ppa (connection error)09:46
wgrantjfi: Hi. The PPA FTP upload server seems to be down at the moment, but the SFTP one is OK. Could you try the SFTP instructions on https://help.launchpad.net/Packaging/PPA/Uploading?09:58
paissadhello guys, i have this error dput ppa:paissad/pms-linux *.changes10:09
wgrantpaissad: See the advice that I just gave to jfi.10:10
paissadwgrant, ok10:10
paissadwgrant, when using sftp method, i have another error10:19
wgrantpaissad: Did you add 'login = <your launchpad username>' to dput.cf, as the page suggests?10:20
paissadno indeed10:22
paissadwgrant, http://dpaste.com/290445/ ?10:24
paissadi might be wrong somewher10:24
wgrantpaissad: That looks OK.10:25
wgrantExcept that %(ppa)s should be %(ppa2)s10:25
paissadbut another error10:25
paissadwgrant, http://dpaste.com/290446/10:27
wgrantpaissad: Looks reasonable.10:27
paissadwgrant, http://dpaste.com/290447/10:27
paissadi got it, i have to create a ssh key10:28
wgrantpaissad: https://help.launchpad.net/YourAccount/CreatingAnSSHKeyPair10:29
paissadis was already there, thanks10:30
yofelhi, I noticed the recipes now using bzr-builder format 0.3 by default, what has changed there from 0.2 ?10:34
jfiwgrant, Hello, thanks for the confirmation, I am going to give a try to sftp one. Sorry for the late reply, I was busy.11:09
wgrantjfi: Actually, the FTP one should be working again now.11:11
jfiarf, 30s late:) I have tested with sftp and it is ok, I am going to switch back to ftp one, thx:)11:13
jfithe ftp one is working again, fine11:22
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
maxbyofel: 'bzr help builder'11:40
yofelaah, thanks11:41
kongkHi, can someone give me an answer concerning Lanchpad translations?16:19
askhlkongk, you'll never find out unless you ask the question16:19
kongkaskhl: ; trying to be polite...16:20
kongkI'm translating Glippy and is it so that the in line «_Upload» the underscore indicates a shortcut?16:20
askhlkongk, yes.  You can put it under a different letter if that's better in your language16:21
kongkso that will change th programs behaviour then?16:21
askhlkongk, it will.  But it's meant to be like that.  The menu shortcuts can change, but the `global' shortcuts (e.g. Ctrl+C and such) don't.  KDE programmes use the '&' key instead, F.Y.I.16:22
kongkOK, I see. Is there any way to see all assigned shortcuts? I'm guessing it's not very helpful if I assign the same letter to different shortcuts...16:24
askhlkongk, it's unfortunately not possible to see them without actually running the programme or reading the code.  But it's not a showstopper if two shortcuts have the same key.  The user will just switch back and forth between those with the same keys then16:24
askhlThe best way IMHO is to make a best guess, but not actually put too much time into it.  You can always change a shortcut later if desirable16:25
askhlNo problem16:25
kongkbut perhaps this could be a future feature fo LP? Sure would be useful.16:31
askhlkongk, that's only possible if certain restrictions are put on the way the menus are constructed.  E.g. there must be a guarantee that the menu always contains the same items, and this is would require some programmer effort in every programme16:54
askhlkongk, I think time is better spent in other ways, cost-benefit-wise.  Except it might be possible in the Glade GUI builder.  That would work for at least a subset of programmes16:55
askhl(those that use Glade)16:55
kongkOK, no prob. Thanks again17:15
jesse_is there a way to get a list of all branches for a project via the command line?23:19

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