
TrickyJCan we find the channel list for Locoteams ?00:06
markjonesthe irc channel list?00:20
markjonesTrickyJ, try here: http://loco.ubuntu.com/00:21
TrickyJmarkjones: I mean to say like Locoteams is there any other channel or room where in we can chat for exame #ubuntu, #linux etc 00:41
TrickyJwooo wat a webpage who designed loco.ubuntu.com map feature ?00:42
mhall119TrickyJ: daker did the loco.u.c map00:47
mhall119TrickyJ: loco.u.c will list irc channels for the various loco teams00:48
TrickyJOh i see sounds good man00:49
TrickyJ!find daker00:49
ubot4`TrickyJ: Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for files00:49
TrickyJdaker is the name of the person ?? or a package ?00:49
TrickyJmhall119:  where can i find daker ?00:50
TrickyJI am sure this firefox add-on's are free of cost 00:53
TrickyJI am trying to download the Firebug adon and its asking me to contribute $10 :( not in UBUNTU I am trying to download that for windows XP Firefox 00:54
TrickyJIf i wann write programms for locoteams then what shall i do ?00:59
mhall119TrickyJ: daker is usually on during UTC hours01:04
mhall119TrickyJ: see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LoCoDirectory/#Get Started01:05
mhall119by "during UTC hours" I mean waking-hours during the UTC timezone01:05
cjohnstonmhall119: how's the chinese01:46
cjohnstonanyone around, or am i the only one online on christmas eve? lol01:49
UndiFineDdec 25th 2:52 nope, your not alone01:53
cjohnstonwell your not online on christmas eve then :-P01:54
cjohnstonhappy christmas to you UndiFineD 01:54
UndiFineDmerry christmas cjohnston 01:55
UndiFineDI have been online all day ... into the early morning now01:56
UndiFineDI have to know the truth :P01:56
cjohnstondid you put out cookies?01:58
deejoemmm nom nom nom01:58
deejoeI made sure to leave some crumbs01:58
deejoesomehow, in the morning, that seems to play better, if my decades-old memories of seeing the plate are any guide01:59
cjohnstonI need a merge reviewer!02:00
cjohnstonhey nhandler 02:26
cjohnstonhappy christmas02:26
UndiFineDlocodir-user, ok03:31
locodir-userwhat is this place?03:31
locodir-userI was like exploring, and I stumbled upon this...03:33
locodir-userur fr0m france?03:33
cjohnstonthis channel is a channel to talk about loco type stuff03:33
locodir-useri d0nt want 2 be all n00by, but wat in the world is "loco type stuff"?03:34
cjohnstona loco is a "local community team"03:35
locodir-userthat makes sense03:35
cjohnstonso if your from france, there is a french loco team03:35
cjohnstonand they have their own channel03:35
cjohnstonbut this channel is like a collaborative channel03:36
locodir-userthats kool03:36
cjohnstonlocodir-user: i take it you arent a member of a loco?03:40
locodir-usern0 but i am reading about it right n0w and i think i will join 03:43
cjohnstonare you from france?03:45
cjohnstonlocodir-user: ^03:48
cjohnstonYoBoY: ping03:48
locodir-useralready g0t there, thanks anyway 03:50
cjohnstonmornin daker11:08
dakermorning cjohnston 11:10
dakercjohnston, i think there something wrong here https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/618384/+merge/4468812:01
dakeryou added a new field but there is no migration script12:02
farujhi everybody12:22
faruji need someone to help me12:22
faruji've jus received mma copy of ubuntu 10.10and i dont know how to install it12:23
dakerfaruj, join #ubuntu for more support12:24
dakertype : /join #ubuntu12:24
YoBoYgood morning13:19
dakerBonjour YoBoY 14:36
YoBoYbonjour daker 14:42
=== kinoucho` is now known as kinouchou
cjohnstondaker: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/618384/+merge/4468816:59
dakercjohnston, ツ17:00
cjohnstonlook a little better?17:04
dakerWow what the hell is that17:06
cjohnstonmaybe not17:06
cjohnstonwhats wrong17:06
dakerah nothing17:07
dakeri thought it was your branch, i have run a bzr pull then he pulled a lot a files17:08
cjohnstondaker: another: https://code.launchpad.net/~chrisjohnston/loco-directory/686271/+merge/4469117:10
cjohnstoni have quite a few in the queue..  hehe17:11
dakercjohnston, who's singing "Cotton Eye Joe" ?17:12
cjohnstonumm... i guess i dont get it17:12
dakercjohnston, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2dnrosVyamY17:29
cjohnstonone down!18:21
dakerthe update commands sucks18:23
cjohnstoncause it takes so long?18:23
cjohnstonyou should check out the import-live-data18:23
cjohnstonit takes a while, but its awesome18:23
cjohnstonim waiting for that to be reviewed by someone else18:24
cjohnstoni wanted a second set of eyes before i merged it18:24
cjohnstonI'd really like if we can get a bunch of the merges reviewed and added.. there are some things im waiting on right now for them to be merged18:24
dakerit would be good if we can add some kind of indicator18:24
dakerthe update command18:25
cjohnstonto show the progress?18:25
dakernot the progress but something like this :18:25
daker* Fetching Countries18:25
cjohnstonya.. the import-live-data does that18:25
dakerthat's good18:26
cjohnstondaker: hmm19:12
cjohnstonthey are clickable for me19:12
dakerhmm o.019:13
dakercjohnston, 19:14
daker<daker> cjohnston, i added a meeting but it does not appear on "Upcoming Events"19:14
daker<daker> cjohnston, how can i add the meeting agenda ?19:14
cjohnstondaker: there is a bug filed against the first one19:16
cjohnstonand the meeting agenda, the back end has been developed, but the front end hasnt19:16
cjohnstoni don't know how to do the front end19:16
cjohnstonbug 686268 and bug 68806419:18
ubot4`Launchpad bug 686268 in loco-directory "Add the ability to add agenda items (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68626819:18
ubot4`Launchpad bug 688064 in loco-directory "Add meetings to 'upcoming events' on team's pages (affects: 1) (heat: 5)" [Wishlist,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/68806419:18
cjohnstondaker: pushed a new version.. I did it the way that the links are on the events pages19:18
dakercjohnston, done19:29
dakeri am trying to review another one19:36
dakermy computer is very slow :s19:36
cjohnstonim on a 3g internet today19:37
dakerwith 512M of Ram that suck19:37
cjohnstonthat sucks19:37
dakercjohnston, at work ? 19:39
cjohnstoni wish i was allowed to plugin to the t119:39
dakercjohnston, good luck19:41
cjohnstongot a call19:41
dakerwhoa it's a fire burning somewhere19:43
cjohnstonyay daker !20:09

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