
penguin42heeed: And yo ho ho to you00:03
Azelphurwhat webcams do people have working with Ubuntu btw?00:20
AzelphurI'm after something not too expensive but not crap, mid range I suppose :p00:21
UndiFineDlogitech quickcam00:24
AzelphurUndiFineD: which one?00:24
UndiFineDan old crappy one00:25
UndiFineDit is dusty00:25
AzelphurUndiFineD: look at label for me? :D00:25
UndiFineDit has been peeled off00:25
UndiFineDbut it works hen i need it00:26
Azelphurmight just get a pro 9000, kinda expensive but good quality00:26
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
mumbleshappy christmas00:54
peter74Good tidings to you mumbles00:59
MartijnVdSAzelphur: Any UVC cam wil work06:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: UVC = cool06:23
MartijnVdSAzelphur: ad site, but http://www.uvccompatiblewebcams.com/06:24
ballMerry Christmas Britain!07:19
MartijnVdSball: Merry Christmas America ;)07:21
MartijnVdSor should I say "Happy Holidays" just to annoy people ;)07:21
* ball grins07:24
ballI have a stinking cold.07:26
ballI may sleep in the recliner tonight.07:29
cr215hi. it would be awesome if someone could tell me ho to make sound come out thru the hdmi... the picture was a sinch for my tv but sound is a prob07:36
cr215is anyone there?07:37
cr215is nyone talking at all?  my conworknection is good but it wont07:41
cr215i cant c anyone else07:41
exobuzzwell. you can hardly expect lots of action here xmas morning at 7:40am!07:46
exobuzzoh. they went anyway07:47
ballhello cr21507:48
balloops, too late.07:48
ballexobuzz: He, she or it didn't even give anyone time to answer.07:48
danfishit sure is early, but a Christmas toast to all with a glass of Bucks Fizz :)07:50
danfishI cannot believe the packaging on kid's presents - I've just had to use a pair of heavy duty wirecutters to get a present out of it's wrappers07:53
exobuzzdanfish, on the booze already ? :)07:57
* exobuzz has been up since 3am. ready for a wine actually.07:58
* ball is off to bed.08:01
ball...or the recliner, anyway.08:01
shaunobah.  just realised there's not enough coffee at the office to last the weekend :(08:12
danfishexobuzz: small kids - up since 5am. A Bucks fizz with a brekkie of salmon and eggs is an xmas tradition :)08:13
danfishshauno: working? :(08:13
shaunoyeah.  it's a good thing.  4 days of good money this year :)08:14
shaunojust feel like a bit of a prat for not stocking up before the shops shut08:15
danfishshauno: shops are open widely 2moro08:18
shaunocan grab some from home tonight.  just gonna be a bit tight today08:20
shaunonot a real problem, just a bad way to wake up  heh08:21
popeyAzelphur: see http://popey.com/blog/2010/12/20/my-ubuntu-webcam-setup/08:32
popeyAzelphur: there is a link there to the webcam I have which I use for http://popey.com/webcam/ - and it's a UVC cam08:33
popeydanfish: sounds yummy! I had scrambled egg and bacon sarnie :)08:33
czajkowskiMerry Christmas :)08:35
danfishpopey: egg and bacon - a winning combo! Merry Christmas08:38
exobuzzdanfish, sounds nice! got any left? gimme 10 mins!08:39
danfishczajkowski: merry christmas to you, but shouldn't you be starting to make your way back here, y'no, in case of more bad weather ;)08:40
exobuzzhappy xmas popey08:40
kazadeMerry Christmas all! :)08:44
* kazade is still waiting for his girlfriend to wake up :/08:44
exobuzzyou can always help her wake up!08:44
exobuzzi mean with breakfast in bed or something :)08:45
kazadeshe's got 15 minutes, then I'm getting a bucket of water08:46
exobuzzyou romantic ;-)08:46
danfishkazade: the bucket of water will of course have 24 red roses in it ;)08:47
kazadeso, what did everyone get then?08:48
AlanBellhappy christmas all \o/08:48
danfishkazade: socks08:48
AlanBellI got a mug with chickens on it :)08:48
kazadedanfish, traditional ;)08:48
* kazade wants a chicken mug08:49
danfishAlanBell: do the chickens lay eggs in this cold weather?08:50
shaunosounds like they lay mugs08:50
AlanBelldanfish: about one egg a day09:20
AlanBellbetween the three of them09:20
danfishAlanBell: so an omelette takes a few days then, but tastes of freedom :)09:28
exobuzzdvd, teacosy for my head, socks09:33
* exobuzz also wants chicken mug09:34
Ferbmerry xmas everyone09:51
* Ferb detects this channel is dead09:55
Ferbyup its dead alright, mabe its because its xmas09:56
exobuzzstrange how people think if you dont get a reply within 5 mins, then a channel is dead10:09
UndiFineDFerb sees dead people, they are everywhere10:12
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kazadeI got a flying lesson!10:38
MartijnVdSkazade: pushed from a high window? ;010:38
dutchiestupid family abandoning me on christmas day to go to church10:41
* dutchie is all alone apart from dog and cat10:41
shaunoand the internet :)10:41
dutchieyay, the internet10:42
MartijnVdSall of the internets10:43
Phineasmerry xmas all10:52
MartijnVdSyou too Phineas10:53
PhineasMartijnVdS,  what have you got so far?10:53
MartijnVdSPhineas: nothing -- we're doing presents tonight when everyone is at my parents'10:53
PhineasMartijnVdS,  oh i have done my stocking, not the tree prezzies yet10:54
MartijnVdSBeing single = not much in stockings :)10:54
MartijnVdSThough I guess I could count my Kraftwerk LPs and Alela & Alina EP :)10:55
MartijnVdS(limited edition! 89/1000! http://www.popmatters.com/pm/review/112522-alela-alina/)10:55
dutchieMartijnVdS: i thought you could buy things in stockings in .nl ;)10:55
MartijnVdSdutchie: rent :P10:55
dutchieheh, true10:56
PhineasMartijnVdS,  i got some underwere, an Odie dressed up as a red indian and allot more10:56
MartijnVdSI like the low number on my limited edition (also, it's nice music :)10:57
PendulumI am the only person in my house who is awake and I suspect my grandmother will sleep for another 3 hours so I don't know any of my gifts yet :(10:58
PhineasPendulum,  like i said i have done the stocking but not the treeeeeeeeee11:00
PendulumPhineas: I can't even do stocking until at least my parents' are up! Family tradition!11:01
Pendulumurgh. and I just failed and put a possessive where there shouldn't have been one :(11:02
PhineasPendulum,  me too, my parents woke up at about 7:30AM GMT11:02
dutchiei suspect it is silly o'clock for Pendulum11:03
Phineasso my stocking is done11:03
Pendulumit is 6AM here11:04
dutchiesee, silly o'clock11:04
Pendulummy parents were awake for about 10 minutes earlier when my brother rang before he went off to his Christmas stuff, but they went right back to sleep11:04
Phineasdutchie,  its 11:05 AM here11:05
dutchieyes, and that is a sensible time to be up on christmas day11:06
Pendulumbut I've actually been up for a couple hours as I'm sharing a room with my grandmother so if she falls in the middle of the night, someone is there and can get help. And she snores and talks in her sleep11:06
Pendulumso I gave up trying to sleep11:07
PhineasPendulum,  thats why i never sleep with my grandparents, they snore11:07
Phineasi know11:16
Phineasguests come round at 211:18
MartijnVdSalot of guests? 8_)11:18
Phineasquite a few yeah11:18
Phineassome of the guests you wouldn't expect nomaly11:21
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
Phineasits gonna be a long slow xmas11:27
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
Phineasi worked it out rather than asking you guys woot woot11:46
Phineasi'm not so stupid after all11:47
Phineasi installed a font all by myself11:47
MartijnVdSdid we ever say you're stupid? :)11:51
Phineasnope but i did11:51
MartijnVdSNever assume the worst :)11:52
twagerOT..My son has bought me an iPod Touch..Do I have to install windows and itunes to get it to work ?12:00
brobostigonhappy christmas all.12:00
Phineastwager,  use rythembox12:01
Phineasbrobostigon,  happy xmas to you too12:01
brobostigonPhineas: :)12:01
brobostigonthanks Phineas12:01
Phineasyour welcome12:02
brobostigonNadolig Llawen12:03
twagerPhineas, Thanks..Do I tell it to initialise ?12:04
Phineastwager,  it should power on on connect12:04
twagerPhineas, I started Rythmbox and it tells me the ipod must be initialised before Rythmbox can use it. ?12:07
* brobostigon reckons he should be getting drunk and eating, insted of being on irc, maybe.12:08
Phineastwager,  yeah initilize it12:12
twagerPhineas, If I went to my mates and used his windows box to install itunes would I still be able to install mp3's from Linux ?12:14
Phineastwager,  yeah12:15
twagerOk Ta..Thisk I will do that...Do not want to bugger up the ipod :-)12:15
shaunoyowser .. customer with a server room at 53C .. think I just ruined someone's christmas =x12:17
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as TheBangladeshi
Phineasoutch thats hot12:22
penguin42shauno: Don't aircons really love being left alone for a day?12:32
=== TheBangladeshi is now known as OmNomSequitur
* Phineas puts his santa hat on even tho its itchy13:08
* Phineas grabs himself a glass of Kinnie13:09
Phineasmmm kinnie13:13
Phineasyou do know what kinnie is don't you?13:14
Phineaswhere can i find an Neo-Geo pocket color emulator13:18
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Phineaswhats a good linux game13:31
Phineasbrobostigon,  what type of game is that13:32
brobostigonPhineas: a shoot-em-up like quake.13:32
Phineasbrobostigon,  one of my fave games for ubuntu would be Beneath a Steel Sky, do you like that one?13:33
brobostigontorcs is also good, a carracing game.13:33
brobostigonPhineas: not heard of it, sorry,13:33
Phineasbrobostigon,  it is in the softwere center13:34
brobostigonPhineas: ok.13:34
Phineasbrobostigon,  be sure to check it out13:34
brobostigonPhineas: iwill see. yyes.13:34
Phineasbrobostigon,  its based on a dos game but it is fun tho13:35
brobostigonPhineas: :)13:35
Phineasbrobostigon, WARNING: contains mild language13:36
brobostigoni see.13:36
Phineasbrobostigon,  it is T rated13:37
brobostigonPhineas: ok.13:37
Phineasbrobostigon,  you know what that means don't you?13:37
brobostigonnot totally sure.13:37
Phineasbrobostigon,  Rating(s) 13:38
Phineas    * ELSPA: 15+13:38
Phineas    * ESRB: T13:38
Phineas    * Apple: 12+13:38
Phineasbrobostigon,  i know i am a bit young to play it but its free and fun, point and click adventure game13:39
brobostigonPhineas: ok. no worries.13:39
Phineasbrobostigon,  http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beneath_a_Steel_Sky13:40
Phineasbrobostigon,  releaed in march 199413:48
brobostigonPhineas: yes.13:49
Phineasbrobostigon,  what do you think?13:49
brobostigonPhineas: i am quite busy here, i havent managed to get a goodlook nor an install.13:50
Phineasxmas is always busy13:51
Phineasbrobostigon,  heres a screenshot of the first level    http://img24.imageshack.us/img24/6531/screenshotfh.png13:54
Phineasbrobostigon,  how does it look to you?13:55
PhineasMartijnVdS,  actualy the game is from 199814:15
MartijnVdSthat's what I said14:15
MartijnVdS90s :)14:15
Phineasoh yeah14:15
Azelphurpopey: I gave into your will and bought a Logitech business 9000 :P14:57
* suprengr counts down to Dr. Who by watching Shrek 15:13
kvarleyHappy politically correct holidays ubuntu-ers15:24
Azelphurkvarley: isn't that winter fest?15:24
kvarleyAzelphur: Not sure lol15:24
Azelphurhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/apparmor/+bug/615177 hmm, I'm still getting this bug on my TV15:30
Azelphurbut it's marked as fixed :S15:30
Azelphursuppose I'll have to bug people after christmas about it :p15:32
* suprengr gives up on Shrek [boring] & switches to Top Gear while still counting down to Dr.Who [2 hrs to go!]16:03
popeyAzelphur: nice one16:10
popeybe interested to know what resolution you get out of it16:10
popeyshould do 1280x72016:11
AzelphurI got a HTC Desire Z too16:12
Craig_DemAvatar is on if you need to pass the time.16:12
Craig_DemSky Premiere, HD and 3D.16:12
brobostigonblackadder is also on tonight,16:13
* suprengr panics... what TWO countdowns for fun.. panics - grabs bottle of beer, smiles16:14
Azelphurpopey: why unlucky?16:14
popeyandroid :(16:14
Azelphurwhat's wrong with android16:14
popeyI'm not impressed by it16:14
popeysee past discussions here about it :)16:14
penguin42popey: So put Ubuntu on it then.....16:15
popeyright, make it worse16:15
Azelphurso which mobile OS do you actually like?16:15
Azelphurif you say iOS I'm going to loose my faith in humanity16:15
* Azelphur looses faith in humanity16:15
* Azelphur hugs his built in wifi tethering16:16
Craig_DemI sit with an osx device on my lap, one in my hand and one on my desk :/16:16
Craig_DemAnd my feet rest on a Linux box :)16:16
popeythat's probably the single only feature I miss, wifi tethering16:16
popeynot enough for me to switch back16:16
Azelphurpopey: I love my emulators too16:16
AzelphurHave a fully functional playstation emulator :D16:16
Azelphurbeen playing gran turismo on it while I'm in bed sick with flu16:17
suprengrCraig_Dem: [just seen your msg] - only freeview here so just the 2 countdowns still... phew!16:17
danfisheveryone having a jingly xmas day?16:17
* penguin42 jingles at danfish16:17
* brobostigon gets another beer16:17
danfishbrobostigon: excellemt idea16:18
brobostigondanfish: :)16:18
czajkowskidanfish: don't jinx me16:19
* danfish opens a bottle so sharp's doom bar16:19
suprengrAzelphur: had it... tried working with for 3 days [up to point where temperature = "seek urgent medical attention"] - what a mistake - I'm over it & back working but still exhausted from the damn thing.  You have my fullest sympathies16:19
Azelphursuprengr: most of my family has been knocked out for 1 week + with it, I managed to resist it until most of them was better16:20
Azelphurwhen I got it I came up with the sane idea of drugging myself and sleeping for 14 hours16:20
AzelphurI've nearly beat it in one day :D16:20
brobostigondanfish: i have hook norton, twelve days, here.16:21
suprengrAzelphur: don't get too over confident... I did - it literally nearly made me extinct as it's revenge - go careful & take care.16:21
* penguin42 has been trying to recover from it for 2 weeks16:22
Azelphurhaha, noted16:22
penguin42got the delux version with added eye infection16:22
Azelphurbut yea taking it easy anyway, as I say slept for 14 hours and now I'm just chilling at my desk sipping water and honey+menthol stuff :p16:22
Azelphurpenguin42: nice16:22
Azelphuron the first day of christmas my true love gave to me...flu :D16:23
suprengrpenguin42: yep - that I can understand - Azelphur note!16:23
* suprengr chuckles smugly16:23
penguin42and I seem to have something up with my left ear still - I do not want that cold/flu again thanks16:24
suprengrpenguin42: wot! something up your left ear - get it out - that's illegal ;D16:25
suprengr[it's Chrimble - bad jokes allowed16:26
* penguin42 doesn't normally wait16:32
suprengrhttp://tinyurl.com/2esnjan  or http://preview.tinyurl.com/2esnjan [if you prefer] for proof of banks being frightened of the truth16:34
Craig_DemI just saw that on reddit.16:36
OmNomSequiturWhat did everybody have for Christmas dinner?16:39
OmNomSequiturI ate about 12 sprouts today.16:39
Craig_DemWe're having ours in 20 mins.16:40
Craig_DemI can smell it getting ready :/16:40
danfishturkey curry tomorrow with the traditional roast potato and sprout bombay aloo ;D16:50
_Hanyone experianced o2's returns policy?17:41
_Hdhl couldn't deliver my parcel [it was less than 2000 meteres from there depot] so it was returned to o217:42
Azelphurdoctor who about to start on bbc 1 :D18:00
* brobostigon is already there.18:00
brobostigonno spoliers.18:00
Azelphurbrobostigon: dumbledore dies on page 59618:03
* Azelphur runs18:03
=== OmNomSequitur is now known as MisesPieces
jpdsAzelphur: Snape kills dumbledore*18:30
mgdmDobby kills Gollum18:32
bigcalm[eee]Hi kids18:44
Nafallopopey, Daviey: fwiw, my mirror just swapped httpd. let me know if you guys see any problems ;-)18:57
kazadeevening everyone!18:58
kazadeyou guys all had a good day?18:58
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=== Guest68045 is now known as uc_webpigeon
Craig_DemIs 21.5 billion CRC errors with my ADSL nnnor22:18
DaraelProbably not.22:21
DaraelDepends on the timescale involved, of course.22:21
Craig_DemAbout 3 minutes :/22:22
DaraelProbably not, then.22:23
penguin4221.5B in 3 minutes - is that possible?23:21
shaunogood question.  I don't think you can make a packet smaller than 160 bits.  21.5B * 160 is 3440 billion bits.  over 180 seconds, that's just over 19 billion bits per second, or 19000Mbps23:28
* penguin42 guesses he doesn't have 19Gbps dsl23:29
shaunoeither my math is broken, or it'd be impressive to see a residential router even pass that many packets23:30
shaunonot sure what a normal error rate looks like, but my gut feeling is no, that wouldn't be normal :)23:32
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:46
Craig_DemIt seems to be a common problem on the Bt Homehub v2.23:59

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