
yoda_vansome Windows expert00:07
=== yoda_van is now known as jedijf
ChinnoDogI know, bad customer service. lol. I asked for more info and then I think I had to go somewhere and forgot to come back.00:11
jedijfprolly the best decision00:14
ChinnoDogInHisName: I can help you route your virtual windows network. I do not completely understand how you have it configured right now though.01:58
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
InHisNameChinnoDog: still awake ?  I'm reading chat now05:24
ChinnoDoghi lamalex06:17
lamalexhi ChinnoDog06:18
ChinnoDogInHisName: Yes, but I am wanting to go to sleeep06:18
InHisNameOk, go ahead, just got ping to work.  Now to get name recognition. Nighty night.06:18
ChinnoDogMerry Christmas06:19
InHisNameMerry Christmas to you also06:19
ChinnoDognite. :-) will help later if you still need it06:19
InHisNameNames resolve, ChinnoDog.   One task done. 999,999 to go. . . . .06:28
IdleOneMerry Christmas PA!14:39
rmg51Merry Christmas IdleOne14:43
JonathanDMerry Christmas14:54
teddy-dbearMerrt Xmas everyone :-[17:10
teddy-dbearyikes! I can't spell today!17:11
teddy-dbearMerry Xmas everyone :-[17:11
MutantTurkeymerry christmas19:07
teddy-dbearMerry Xmas MutantTurkey19:08
teddy-dbearbye-bye, I've got important teddy bear things to do21:03

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