
globushi Windows needs to do, someone knows a similar program to nLite but on ubuntu02:07
Hdale85Was curious if anyone here might be able to help me setup a 1080i custom resolution to output over component video to my Mitsubishi HD RPTV. Or maybe just point me to a guide that would work?03:25
holsteinHdale85: that might be a question for a myth channel03:37
holsteinnot sure...03:38
Hdale85yeah I've been googling a bit and there are lots of people asking but I don't see a lot of answers03:39
holsteindid you ask mitsubishi?03:40
holsteinwhat video card is it?03:40
Hdale85why would mitsubishi know about setting up linux resolution?03:41
Hdale85it's an Nvidia 9500g03:41
Hdale85it can't probe EDID info from component connections03:42
holsteinits their hardware03:42
Hdale85so it just defaults to 1024x76803:42
Hdale85the TV is yes....but the HTPC is what needs the resolution set03:42
holsteinhave you tried a custom xorg.conf?03:42
Hdale85well I was going to try it, but I'm not even sure how to tell it to do interlaced or anything03:42
holsteinyeah, me either03:43
holsteinive used knoppix live CD's in the past03:43
holsteinto generate an xorg.conf i can steal03:43
Hdale85yeah but it would be the same thing, because it can't probe EDID from component connections03:44
Hdale85so it would just default to some lower resolution03:44
holsteinbut you would have an xorg.conf03:45
holsteinand you can edit the res03:45
Hdale85well there is a xorg.conf on ubuntu as it is03:46
holsteinOH, so you already generated one then?03:46
holsteinwhat happens when you change the res?03:46
Hdale85there is one there, as well as a backup I tink it's all setup to auto detect though03:47
holsteinshouldnt be any different really03:48
holsteinmaybe look at a sample03:48
Hdale85yeah I'm just trying to reasearch what settings I need03:48
Hdale85I found someone that seems to be doing what I need03:48
holsteinyou'l need to know what the mitsubishi is capable of03:48
Hdale851920x1080 interlaced03:49
Hdale85which is the issue I have no idea how to set it to interlaced lol03:49
holsteini assume the card and driver supports that03:49
Hdale85yeah, pretty sure03:50
holsteini usually just try a bunch of live CD's03:51
holsteintil one looks close03:51
holsteinsteal the xorg.conf03:51
holsteinedit a bit03:51
holsteincopy it in03:51
holsteinotherwise, all those settings can be a bit daunting03:51
Hdale85sounds like a lot of work to me :)03:51
Hdale85I'll figure out the xorg03:52
holsteinthat sounds like a lot fo work to me ;)03:52
holsteinbut, im more of a hardware guy03:52
Hdale85Well I know my way around xorg files, just need to know what it needs to see03:52
Hdale85well I've got some idea's now03:57
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=== Hayazaki is now known as peregrinator_six

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