
Kaspinobody I guess00:53
jelmer__Kaspi: hi01:08
jelmer__Kaspi: I think most people are off enjoying their Christmas.01:08
jelmer__I'm afraid I don't have any experience with the http smart server01:08
Kaspijelmer_: hey, yes, perhaps only me messing with computers even on Christmas :)01:09
maxbYou'll need to be a lot more detailed to elicit help01:30
maxbNo fcgi modul Well, install it then01:30
maxbdeprecation warning? Only a warning, why does that matter?01:31
maxbmod_python? Don't use it, it's deprecated/01:31
maxbmod_wsgi? Probably a good method to choose. You'll need to explain where you ran into trouble01:31
Kaspimaxb: how to install the fcgi module? do you know? (on a linux actually)01:51
maxbapt-get install python-flup sounds promising01:57
* maxb gets annoyed with mod_wsgi01:58
maxbKaspi: Right, I've got mod_wsgi working just by following your linked documentation. My only problem was that when I got a path wrong, there was no logging whatsoever to help me figure this out02:04
Kaspimaxb: where did you put the apache configuration? into a virtual host?02:05
Kaspiand btw what if you had more than one repository on a virtual host? e. g. /code and /code202:07
maxbWhether or not you put the config into a virtual host is dependent on how you want to fit the configuration into the rest of your Apache setup.02:11
maxbIn the examples, /code is not a bzr repository, it is a tree which can contain any number of bzr repositories02:12
Kaspiooh... aha!02:14
Kaspimaxb: well I have set it up for wsgi now and how to actually find out if things work?02:38
KaspiI can't push to any repository, so I guess it doesn't work02:39
Kaspidoes the wsgi script output any kind of html when the root directory is accessed for example?02:41
maxband as for push, the example is in read-only mode02:43
Kaspimaxb: yes, I set that one to False02:44
Kaspibut anyways, when trying to push, this is print out: bzr: ERROR: Cannot lock LockDir(http://host/repo/.bzr/branch/lock): Transport operation not possible: http does not support mkdir()02:44
Kaspican anyone see a problem? http://pastie.org/140584202:52
maxbsounds rather like it's not talking over the smart server at all02:59
maxbTry using bzr+http:// not http://03:00
=== tchan1 is now known as tchan
Kaspimaxb: this one says: "Generic bzr smart protocol error: Invalid http response for http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test/.bzr/smart: Unknown response code 403" (which means no access), but there's no /smart directory in that location03:05
Kaspishould there be a "smart" directory under .bzr/ ?03:07
jelmer__Kaspi: the configuration in apache should kick in and call bzr before it even checks to see if there's anything there03:10
Kaspihm, I wonder what's wrong then03:21
Kaspiwhat is the enable_logging argument for? couldn't it help?04:03
=== jpds is now known as Guest12343
Kaspinever mind, go to go now, I'll continue later with this.. thanks maxb and jelmer_ so far04:54
aaronfayI have a problem with a commit, I have a folder /plugins/ and I committed it and it's contents by accident, I really just wanted to commit the contents, so I uncommitted, reverted all the files.  Now when I add the child folder that I *do* want, it adds the original /plugins/ parent folder.  Any thoughts?08:09
aaronfayBy 'contents' I mean 'content folder'08:09
aaronfayas in /plugins/some-plugin/08:09
aaronfayMmm, appears it has to add the parent folder, OK, I'll work around it08:15
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
Kaspican anyone see the problem http://pastie.org/1405842 which doesn't let you push to http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test ? (no authentication)11:16
Kaspican anyone see the problem http://pastie.org/1405842 which doesn't let you push to http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test ? (no authentication)12:48
jelmer_Kaspi: where are you requiring authentication?12:58
Kaspijelmer_: nowhere yet12:59
Kaspi(to test it out)12:59
jelmer_Kaspi: Then I don't understand your question.13:00
Kaspijelmer_: just try, for example: bzr branch bzr+http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test13:04
Kaspijelmer_: the things are set up, but you won't branch any revision because of 40313:05
jelmer_Kaspi: not sure, it's .bzr/smart specifically that's refused13:06
jelmer_is WSGI not allowed there for some reason?13:07
Kaspijelmer_: yeah, and there's no "smart" directory under .bzr/13:07
Kaspijelmer_: you can see the whole apache configuration in the pastie I post, the WSGI should be allowed in the whole virtualhost13:08
Kaspijelmer_: WSGIScriptAliasMatch ^/.*/\.bzr/smart$ /srv/bzr/bzr.wsgi does the trick I guess13:08
jelmer_Kaspi: I'm not familiar with the ins and outs of mod_wsgi13:10
Kaspijelmer_: it is set up as according to this http://doc.bazaar.canonical.com/bzr.2.2/en/user-guide/http_smart_server.html#mod-wsgi13:12
KaspiI don't really get why it doesn't work :-/13:36
jelmer_Kaspi: I'm not sure either13:54
Kaspican anyone see the problem http://pastie.org/1405842 which doesn't let you push to http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test ? (no authentication)15:09
mgzhm, jelmer has been squishing 2.7 things over xmas but missed the bug tag and discussion in here with vila the other day.16:06
jelmer_hi mgz16:09
mgzdon't suppose launchpad has a mass-tag edit facility anywhere, seems everyone else decided on "python27" since we started filing ones under "python2.7"16:11
mgzjelmer_: I've put some comments on things you submitted.16:11
jelmer_mgz: thanks16:15
jelmer_mgz: fwiw bug 637674 doesn't have a python27 tag either..16:15
ubot5Launchpad bug 637674 in Bazaar "RemotedTestCase.addCleanup exists but fails under Python 2.7" [Low,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/63767416:15
mgzokay, put up an mp fixing that.16:28
jelmer_anyway, looks like we're in Germany now and roaming chargees are crazy16:48
* jelmer_ -> offline16:48
* Kaspi is praying for a working smart server16:52
Kaspido you trust in a god?16:53
* maxb thinks Kaspie should pray less and debug more17:07
maxbHas anyone ever broached the idea of adding authentication to the smart server protocol?17:07
maxbI'm thinking of something much like how SASL-based auth was added to the svnserve protocol17:08
Kaspimaxbie how should I debug such a thingy?17:09
maxbActually stating precisely how it doesn't work would be a good start.17:15
Kaspimaxb: you can try yourself: bzr branch bzr+http://bzr.omicron.e0.cz/test17:23
Kaspiit says just 40317:27
Kaspifor .bzr/smart17:27
maxbYou've not granted access to the WSGI script directory17:29
Kaspimaxb: I've been told that the script must run out of a web root. Do you mean this kind of access?17:33
maxbThere's a difference between being mapped anywhere into the URL namespace, and being granted access17:35
maxbMove the WSGIApplicationGroup out of the <Directory>17:38
maxbChange the AllowOverride All to AllowOverride None, unless you have a VERY good reason to allow that17:38
maxbCreate a new <Directory /srv/bzr> block and move the Order and Allow directives there17:39
maxbI've just pushed fine to my local http smart server17:47
Kaspimaxb: you win the golden cookie, little corrections and it works!17:54
Kaspimaxb: thanks! :)17:54
Kaspimaxb: btw why not to allow overrides?17:55
Kaspimaxb: because people could push .htaccess files there?17:56
lifelessmgz: so18:04
lifelessmgz: I stlil don't understand why re.sub is a *problem* for you18:04
lifelessI understand it does \ escape sequence evaluation18:04
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maxbKaspi: yes, exactly (about the .htaccess)18:33
Kaspimaxb: yeah but the repositories are not creating a working tree by default (or they seem so), so if I won't ever run a bzr update server side, it should matter, should it?18:38
Kaspishouldn't, should it? *18:38
maxbI suppose not, but it is still good practice to never enable AllowOveride unless you need to18:55
maxband, in theory, someone could still upload a .htaccess file using the bzr vfs calls18:56
=== Leonidas_ is now known as Leonidas
mgzlifeless: C:\temp has a backslash-t in it. see the example I pasted in the log the other day.21:03
mgzin the wider scheme of things, it's a problem because string interpolation on paths is a problem.21:03
mgzbut changing from re.sub is just... well, I don't see what problem you have with str.replace is the point.21:04
mgzyou appear to want a straight string substitution, and none of the fancy features regular expressions give.21:04
lifelessmgz: I'm likely to break out a full posix shell variable expansion implementation in python one of these days21:32
lifelessmgz: see for instance the bug on shell expansion support - and windows doesn't have a handy shell to delegate to21:33
mgzwith all the related horrors of shell scripting?22:03
mgzunquoted parameters and security holes.22:04
fullermdOh, don\\\\\\\\\'t exaggerate...22:05
Noldorinhello. how can i overwrite a remote branch when pushing?22:09
Noldorinit gives me complaints about the remote branch having diverged22:09
Noldorin(i don't care about the remote branch)22:09
darrenif I run bzr status, it tells me a couple of files have been removed. But if I run bzr commit, it tells me PointlessCOmmit (No changes to commit).. any ideas what gives?22:13
darrenspecifically: http://pastebin.com/8FWi41dj22:14
fullermdNoldorin: push --overwrite22:30
Noldorinah thanks22:30
fullermddarren: Dunno.  Maybe it some oddity with -x?  Try saving off the changes to settings and revert'ing it, then committing without -x.22:30
darrenfullermd: weird, but true23:20

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