
BachstelzeI haven't looked at all of them but that's probably why we hase so many FTBFSs00:00
Bachstelzepackages that used to build fine but don't with the new toolchain00:00
Bachstelzeawesome, it works00:01
BachstelzeI guess I should forward it to Debian since we haven't diverted00:02
Bachstelzenot sure they'll accept it, though, it works fine for them apparently00:02
ari-tczewBachstelze: lucas__ page shows packages which have been built fine in the past. now if you'd build on natty toolchain, result is fail00:23
ari-tczewso you're right00:23
ari-tczewhow to deal SRU with backports?00:23
ari-tczewwhich version shall I choice?00:23
ari-tczew(0.6-0ubuntu2~maverick1) maverick-backports -> (0.6-0ubuntu2.1) maverick-proposed is OK?00:24
ebroderari-tczew: I don't understand the question. Are you asking about making an SRU from a backport, or making a backport from an SRU?00:26
ari-tczewebroder: this second00:26
ari-tczewebroder: no, stop00:26
ari-tczewebroder: clementine is backported package. I want to push a SRU00:27
ari-tczewfor maverick00:27
ebroderbackports are separate from the SRU process, and we usually don't use backports as the basis for an SRU because SRUs should have minimal patches00:27
ebroderIf the backport is buggy, then fix it in the dev release and get a new backport00:27
ari-tczewebroder: lol, I have minimal patch for SRU00:29
Bachstelzedebian 60801100:29
ubottuDebian bug 608011 in sendmail "FTBFS in Ubuntu Natty" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/60801100:29
ebroderari-tczew: I'm afraid you're still not making sense to me00:29
Bachstelzedo we wait to see if they apply it, or create an ubuntu1 for now?00:29
ari-tczewebroder: imagine (theory) that dev release has a big upgrade and you want to backport it. not always it's possible then we should get minimal patches.00:30
ari-tczewBachstelze: you can wait a couple of days since we have devel distro.00:30
BachstelzeI'll create a bug on P and link it00:31
ebroderari-tczew: There is always a minimal patch to fix a bug. It may be a big patch, but it should still be minimal. It may be the same as the difference between two releases, but it should still be minimal00:31
ari-tczewBachstelze: however, in bugtitle 'in ubuntu natty' is not 100% cool. better is use bugtitle like 'sendmail: FTBFS with binutils-gold and linking in gcc 4.5'00:32
ari-tczewBachstelze: and please attach in Debian mail only patch to fix bug. no full debdiff00:32
ari-tczewBachstelze: or maybe if you want prepare NMU, you should follow with Debian policy00:32
ari-tczewebroder: in clementine case backport is possible way, but in my last sentence I gave only an example00:34
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Laneythat is not really NMUable00:34
Laneyand it should be severity wishlist or minor00:35
ari-tczewebroder: should do I open a new bug?00:35
ari-tczew(for backport)00:36
ari-tczewebroder: if you want to writer YES, I tell that this is bureaucracy00:38
ebroderari-tczew: I still can't understand what it is you're trying to do00:38
ari-tczewebroder: ...00:38
ari-tczewebroder: I _ want _ to _ fix _ a _ bug _ in _ backported _ package _ called _ clementine _ which _ exist _ in _ maverick-backports00:39
ebroderThank you! That's what I was trying to figure out00:39
ebroderAsk for a new backport00:39
ari-tczewebroder: what do you mean ask? open bug? open question on LP?00:40
ebroderOpen a backport bug00:40
ari-tczewthis is a joke00:41
ari-tczew /usr/bin/ranlib: libclementine_lib.a: No space left on device00:42
ari-tczewI have 2GB free on part00:42
Bachstelzewvdial: same thing00:50
Bachstelzeyay for easy karma \o/00:51
Bachstelzeactually that's not going to give me much karma if everything must be forwarded to debian, eh00:52
Bachstelzeari-tczew: is it cool to say in the body of the message that the bug can be seen on Natty?00:56
LaneyBachstelze: getting stuff fixed in Debian gives you more karm00:57
ari-tczewif current binaries built fine, no00:57
Laneyat least in my eyes00:57
ari-tczewBachstelze: don't worry about numbers00:57
Bachstelzethat was a joke ;)00:57
Bachstelzeari-tczew: so what exactly should I put then?00:58
ari-tczewBachstelze: in mail forwarding to BTS?00:59
Laneyyou can say that you found this problem when building for Ubuntu, and that the fix is in the attached patch00:59
Laneyand politely ask them to apply it00:59
ari-tczewBachstelze: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547622/01:04
Bachstelzeari-tczew: thanks01:08
ari-tczewBachstelze: You're welcome.01:10
ari-tczewebroder: saying gentle, I'm don't respecting rules and I'm trying to backport package using one bug.01:11
Bachstelzeanother one down02:56
Bachstelzeguess I'll get some sleep, 'night folks02:56
Bachstelzebug 694398 if nyone is interested to sponsor it03:01
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694398 in cyrus-sasl2 (Ubuntu) "FTBFS in Natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69439803:01
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udienz[ftbfs] one down.. bug 69441306:11
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694413 in firestarter (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package firestarter 1.0.3-8ubuntu1 in natty" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69441306:11
micahgudienz: could you also upstream your patch to debian 554370 with teh appropriate tags: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Debian/Usertagging06:16
ubottuDebian bug 554370 in src:firestarter "FTBFS with binutils-gold" [Minor,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/55437006:16
* micahg goes to test build firestarter, thanks for the patch udienz06:18
udienzmicahg, Thanks! I think it's better when this patch is done reviewed by ubuntu-sponsors06:19
micahgudienz: yeah, oops, I spoke too soon, it should be a patch, not applied directly to source06:20
micahgI'll comment in the bug06:21
udienzmicahg, Done, i have submitted again. and already tested via natty pbuilder07:04
micahgudienz: usually we just use the next number available for patches unless it needs to be at the end (like autoreconf)07:08
udienzmicahg, soorry for delay reply. i will uploaded again and renaming it08:22
micahgudienz: it's ok, I've made the cahnges and added the patch name to the changelog08:23
micahgI'm testing it now08:23
micahgudienz: I'll upload in several hours, I don't like to upload right before bed08:31
udienzmicahg, ok no problem08:31
micahgudienz: thank you for the patch08:31
udienzmicahg, :) thanks for reviewing08:32
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dnivrais this the channel where i can ask for packaging support?12:22
ari-tczewdnivra: yes. also exist #ubuntu-packaging12:23
dnivraari-tczew: #ubuntu-packaging it is then. thanks!12:24
ari-tczewScottK: I encourage you to consider about approve some devs from community, like micahg or ebroder15:33
ari-tczewand clean up 'pending approval' from bots ;)15:33
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micahgapachelogger: sorry about the firefox installer override being dropped, I'll add it back15:44
apacheloggermicahg: thanks :)15:44
micahgare LDFLAGS fixes ok as a patch as opposed to being overridden in debian/rules?15:44
geserLDFLAGS fixes?15:53
micahggeser: LDFLAGS additions15:53
micahgbug 69441315:54
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694413 in firestarter (Ubuntu) "[FTBFS] package firestarter 1.0.3-8ubuntu1 in natty" [Medium,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69441315:54
geserI didn't try the patch out, but it most likely won't work15:55
micahggeser: it builds fine15:55
geserI'm surprised15:55
geserand LIBS would be a better place to add additional libraries instead of LDFLAGS15:55
* Bachstelze nods15:56
Bachstelze-l* flags belong in LIBS, not LDFLAGS15:56
micahgah, ok15:56
Bachstelzeand yes, this is very ugly15:57
Bachstelzenormally you would modify configure so that it puts the libs in the variables passed to MAkefile.in15:57
geserand another small issue: if the package needs to link with -lX11 -lXext -ldl the matching -dev packages should be listed in Build-Depends (for X11 and Xext)15:58
micahgcould one of you comment on the patch then explaining why another way is better?15:58
micahggeser: that's another good point15:59
micahgok, nm, I'll aggregate the comments here, thanks guys16:02
paissadhello, i see there are many tools to maintain a personal repository for .deb packages, (ftp-archive, apt-move, dpkg-scanpackages, mini-dinstall) ... what do you advice me ?16:47
Nafalloppa on launchpad :-)16:49
paissadNafallo, i do use it aleady16:49
paissadNafallo, i ask this question for testing purpose16:49
Nafallofair enough. I'd just set up a testing ppa though... *shrugs*16:50
Nafallosorry for not being helpful.16:50
croukHi all16:53
croukim new here16:53
croukcould someone help me with some question about MOTUs??16:54
Nafallo!ask | crouk16:54
ubottucrouk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:54
crouknice thanks! :)16:55
croukjust getting involved on PyGtk and RubyGtk development16:55
croukI just finish a new .deb package16:56
croukand i don't know how to upload in the universe repository or just someone who do it for me16:56
croukIf the package is ok, sure...16:57
Bachstelzecrouk: how "new" are we talking?16:57
croukwell, is 4 month old16:58
croukis a MP3 tagger16:58
croukdo it with Ruby-gnome2 +glade16:58
crouki do it a *.deb and I use it only in my comuter16:59
croukI checked the MOTUs web and I don't know is this kind of contribution should we checked by another MOTU17:00
croukor i can just register and contribute with them17:00
Bachstelzecrouk: if it's a really new package, as opposed to a newer verison of an existing package, the best way is to submit it to Debian17:00
Bachstelzeand then let it sync in Ubuntu automagically17:01
croukOK. And how do I submit it to Debian?17:02
crouknice :)17:13
croukim reading the dupload doc now17:13
croukso just upload the package with dupload and the Debian community will check it?17:13
Bachstelzeyou can't use dupload because you are not a DD17:14
Bachstelzeso you need to get a sponsor for your package17:15
Bachstelzethis explains it: http://wiki.debian.org/DebianMentorsFaq17:16
Bachstelzehmm, wouldn't it be better to just create ubuntu1 revisions for all the packages that FTBFS with LD_ERROR than flooding Debian with patches that are mostly not relevant to them?17:30
BachstelzeI have the feeling that most of them won't be applied, so we'll find ourselves with one week before FF and a lot of patches to apply17:31
azeem_what's the reason for that LD_ERROR?17:32
Bachstelzeazeem_: the new toolchain in Natty is much less tolerant of bad practice17:32
Bachstelzegenerally the packages put -l* flags in LDFLAGS instead of LIBS17:32
azeem_won't Debian have that toolchain at some point as well?17:32
micahgBachstelze: wheezy will probably be similar, so they should be sent to Debian but with wishlist prioirty ATM17:33
croukBachstelze: thanks. Im reading now about to get sponsored17:54
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tumbleweedbdrung: test_update_maintainer: You should probably unpatch os.path.isfile (ubuntutools.update_maintainer.os.path is os.path). I also see some trailing whitespace.18:31
ebroderari-tczew: Oh, sorry - missed that you were looking at bug #69450419:05
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694504 in mango-lassi (Ubuntu) "Sync mango-lassi 001+dfsg-3 (universe) from Debian unstable (main)" [Wishlist,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69450419:05
ebroderI'll reset the status back to where you had it19:06
ari-tczewebroder: what's the sense if you acked it?19:06
ari-tczewplease learn to set in progress and assign to you if you're looking19:07
micahgari-tczew: please unsubscribe -sponsors if you take a bug ;)19:07
ari-tczewmicahg: this is the second thing19:07
ebrodermicahg: I'm pretty sure this was my fault - I think I was looking at it before ari-tczew was19:07
ebroderBecause it was unassigned when I pulled it up19:08
micahgI set to in progress, assign to me, and unsubscribe sponsors19:08
ebroderari-tczew: Sorry. I sometimes forget when I'm looking at tickets that I think will be fast19:08
ari-tczewebroder: officiousness is worse than fascism19:11
ari-tczewjust anecdote19:11
ari-tczewebroder: btw. if you are bored, I can find activity for you19:26
DktrKranzari-tczew: wrt your gnome-user-share mail, I just replied to it19:26
ari-tczewDktrKranz: yes I know. unfortunately my pbuilder doesn't know about it :(19:27
ari-tczew(now I know)19:28
DktrKranzI think pbuilder ignores it19:28
sebnerari-tczew: I'm really surprised to see a polish guy saying that officiousness is worse than fascism19:34
ari-tczewsebner: why?19:34
ari-tczewthis is quote is very popular in Poland19:35
sebnerthis surprises me even more19:35
sebnerif you think about your past ..19:35
ari-tczewsebner: have you got problem with Poland?19:35
sebnerari-tczew: not really, just wondering if you forgot what happened 70 years ago19:36
ari-tczewsebner: hmm. I'm really interested what do you mean. maybe in your country is another history.19:38
sebnerari-tczew: not really, I'm from Austria ;)19:39
sebnerari-tczew: officiousness was a result of the fascism at that time imho19:39
sebnerbut we are quite OT19:39
Bachstelze# wc -l debian/patches/01-wsdl-stubs.patch19:45
Bachstelze339162 debian/patches/01-wsdl-stubs.patch19:45
Bachstelzethat's a big patch19:45
* kklimonda doesn't know any Polish quotes about officiousness and fascism, and if there are any he doesn't agree with them.20:12
ari-tczewmicahg: I'd like to not close bugs by you if fixed is not yet available. I mean bug 69411820:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 694118 in clementine (Ubuntu Natty) "plays songs concarently" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69411820:50
micahgari-tczew: I closed the maverick task since it was invalid20:50
ari-tczewmicahg: it confuses new users20:50
ari-tczewwhich clementine has got20:51
micahgari-tczew: yes, but that task is for the maverick archive, not backports20:51
ari-tczewmicahg: omg please open your eyes and see that there is no only policies and procedures20:51
ari-tczewmicahg: what about launchpad bug janitor?20:52
ari-tczewdoesn't close this bug after backport?20:52
micahgari-tczew: no20:52
ari-tczewmicahg: are you sure?20:52
micahgari-tczew: I think the new helper might close backport bugs, but a bug task is only for an SRU, not a backport20:52
ari-tczewmicahg: I'm out of words to describe this stiffness and bureaucracy20:54
micahgari-tczew: it's a different workflow for SRU bugs and backports20:55
ari-tczewmicahg: say it to newbies20:55
ari-tczewI know that you're master and for you everything is clear, but not for everyone20:55
ari-tczewI don't want scary new users20:55
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ari-tczewand you don't help in this case20:56
ari-tczewI want to tell gtfo20:56
micahgari-tczew: you can file a bug against launchpad to have the release tasks target different pockets if you like20:56
micahgari-tczew: the way to do that is with a note in the description, not using a release task20:56
tumbleweedari-tczew: I think the best thing to do in these cases is to close the task with a clear comment saying "backport tracked in LP: #foo, we don't use tasks to track backports"20:57
ari-tczewtumbleweed: tell this one to micahg20:57
tumbleweedmicahg is presumably listening :P20:57
* Bachstelze cries20:57
ari-tczewtumbleweed: reading20:57
micahgari-tczew: I closed it with a comment about adding an appropriate backports task/bug20:57
Bachstelzespent all afternoon fixing linking errors in eucalyptus20:58
Bachstelzeand now there's also some java errors that make the build fail20:58
ari-tczewBachstelze: unfortunately, life is brutal20:58
ari-tczewmicahg: you could include also new tracking bug number20:59
ari-tczewflow of information is very important20:59
* ari-tczew doesn't know how that master couldn't consider about it21:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:00
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit -b http://paste.ubuntu.com21:00
micahgari-tczew: sorry, I didn't connect the two, I could've given bug #21:01
ari-tczewmicahg: bravo!!!1111!21:01
micahg!msgthebot | Bachstelze21:01
ubottuBachstelze: Please investigate with me only with "/msg ubottu Bot" or in #ubuntu-bots.  Search for factoids with "/msg ubottu !search factoid".21:01
micahgari-tczew: would you like me to do that now?21:01
ari-tczewmicahg: pleased, yes21:02
micahgari-tczew: done21:04
ari-tczewmicahg: thanks, now you can send delation to CC21:08
micahgari-tczew: ?21:08
ari-tczewmicahg: Questionable behavior from an Ubuntu member21:09
akoskmIf I copy my *.so files to the /usr/lib/jni and then run the ldconfig in that directory, and after adding a configuration file to /etc/ld.so.conf.d/, specifying the path to /usr/lib/jni, If I start a java application the jvm should include the /usr/lib/jni path to not just the /usr/lib, isn't?22:09
Bachstelzeakoskm: you should run ldconfig /after/ adding a file in /etc/ld.so.conf.d/22:11
akoskmBachstelze, oh. that would be all? and doing by this way It will include the /usr/lib/jni too?22:12
Bachstelzenot sure about Java, but that's how it would work in C22:13
akoskmokay, I'll try this out. thank you.22:13
ebroderakoskm: It seems a little weird to me that you'd have to change the linker configuration to enable Java's plugin system22:13
akoskmebroder, why? I have no experience around packaging, if there any other ways to include the native libraries installed by my package let me know.22:15
ebroderakoskm: I don't know. But I would expect that you're just using the wrong directory or something22:16
ebroderI don't really know anything about Java. But have you looked at the Debian Java policy to see if it talks at all about JNI?22:16
ebroderakoskm: Looking for a random package that uses JNI, it looks like libswt3.2-gtk-jni just drops files in /usr/lib/jni22:18
* ebroder shrugs. I probably don't know what I'm talking about22:18
bdrungtumbleweed: fixed. thanks.23:34
bdrungtumbleweed: there was only one trailing whitespace line, correct?23:34
tumbleweedyeah, that's all I saw23:40
tumbleweedbdrung: I posted a pyflakes tester23:40
bdrungtumbleweed: thanks for your pylint tester23:40
bdrungtumbleweed: pyflakes?23:40
tumbleweederr pylint23:40
bdrungtumbleweed: can you remove the items that are default values from the pylint config file?23:41
tumbleweedI was just saying I was alcoholically impaired in another channel, let me repeat that here :)23:41
tumbleweedprobably, I should actually investigate that23:41
bdrungtumbleweed: and maybe it's better to disable unwanted test than enable wanted ones.23:41
bdrungtumbleweed: besides that it looks good23:42
tumbleweedthat's just the config file I wrote, I didn't disable any tests23:42
tumbleweedbdrung: err "del ubuntutools.control.os.path.isfile" is that right?23:44
tumbleweedshouldn't be a save that value and restore it23:44
bdrungtumbleweed: replacing pylint.conf with an empty files thrown more errors23:44
ebrodertumbleweed, bdrung: Have you guys looked at python-mox? It's a better way for replacing built-in functions like that23:44
ebroder(I haven't actually looked at the tests yet, but I assume that's what you're doing)23:44
bdrungtumbleweed: "del ubuntutools.control.os.path.isfile" is what i learned from you23:44
bdrungtumbleweed: why should i save the function link?23:45
tumbleweedbdrung: aah, I added open to the module, I didn't replace teh open builtin23:45
tumbleweedebroder: yeah, I wasn't doing anything *that* fancy, so I didn't look for libraries to help23:46
bdrungebroder: it's the first time i hear about python-mox. link to doc?23:46
ebroderbdrung: http://code.google.com/p/pymox/wiki/MoxRecipes23:46
ebroderbdrung: Look at the "Mock a module-level function in a different module" example, for instance - that's the idiom I've used most frequently23:46
bdrungebroder: merge proposals are welcome ;)23:48
ebroderbdrung: Afraid I don't have time for that at the moment; just wanted to make sure you guys were aware of Mox before you started duplicating what it does23:49
bdrungebroder: i will consider using it the next time i work on a python test23:50
* bdrung is setting a bookmark23:50
ebroderbdrung: Oh, and on the subject of testing tools, there's also https://github.com/mockfs/mockfs, which isn't packaged and which I've never used, but is probably also useful for faking out filesystem-based tests23:52
ebroder(docs at http://mockfs.github.com/)23:52
ebroderAlthough it looks like it only stubs out functions in os and os.path instead of, say, open, which makes it less useful23:53
bdrungebroder: do you have a real world example for mox?23:53
tumbleweedoh, that's a bit less useful, yes23:53
tumbleweedit has an open-like function you could patch in, though23:54
bdrungebroder: how to use StubOutWithMock on "open"?23:57
ebroderbdrung: You should be able to do StubOutWithMock(__builtins__, 'open'), I think23:57
bdrungebroder: self._mox.StubOutWithMock(__builtins__, "open") fails: AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'open'23:59

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