
whorushjessica, i just can't set it right.00:00
Skopje75guys...how to create symlink to gcc-4.2?00:00
Skopje75which said none00:00
chaospsychexwhorush do you have "same image in all monitors" checked?00:00
jessica_@ whorush: have you tried setting "twinview"00:01
xeerwhen I go to open a folder from the gnome panel, mplayer is opened and que's all the files in that folder. where is the setting to change this behavior? gconf??00:03
magicianlordis it worht upgrading to 64bit 10.10 from 31bit 10.04?00:03
Dr_Willisxeer:  so the default applicationm for a 'folder' is now mplayer you mean to say?00:03
xeerDr_Willis: yes, it's quite annoying.00:03
whorushjessica, i'll try twinview, i might need to restart00:03
Dr_Willisxeer:  i know its setaable via the 'ubuntu-tweak' tools features. but not sure of any othe rway. theres a 'open folder' item you can set to be the default.  but i dont think you can riht clcik on a folder and change it that way00:04
whorushchaospsychex, i can't find that setting00:04
jessica_@ whorush.... try "twinview" and apply.00:04
whorushjessica, "auto" for resolution and "absoulute" for position/00:05
whorushjessica, i also checked "make this the primary display"00:05
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jessica_@ whorush: that all sounds good... it's best if you set the resolution to the resoultion of your television.00:05
whorushjessica, i think that works, now one thing, it's 720p so that's 1280x720, but it's not listed00:06
olskolircdoes anyone know the rss address for ubuntu forums?00:06
Big_BrotherWhat command would i use to get a list of my HDDs and their location (hdx,x) ?00:07
RussiaJordan_U: You still there? The .iso didn't work... what would I need to do to use a USB?00:07
whorushjessica, so it looks kinda weird, like aliased or something00:07
SnakkahHi. I have a problem with the proprietary ATI driver. When I activated it, my splash screen started to look very ugly and big. Is there any way I can get it back to normal?00:07
magicianlordshould i upgrade from 32 bit 10.04 to 64 bit or not00:07
rinku_kokiricouple o restarts.. and still nothing00:08
olskolirccat /etc/fstab Big_Brother or df -h00:08
jessica_@ whorush... so it's not a standard resolution?00:08
Jordan_URussia: What happened when you tried to boot from it?00:08
whorushsnakkah, maybe turn it off?00:08
Snakkahwhorush, turn off the driver?00:08
whorushjessica, not sure what "standard" means, but 1280 x 720 is not in my ilst00:09
RussiaJordan_U: It gave me an error message, I think it was something along the lines of "Directory not found"00:09
whorushsankkah, just the splash ?00:09
RussiaJordan_U: Not entirely sure, I could go reboot and get a screenie if you want00:09
jessica_@ whorush: okay.. I guess what I would do is to just find the closest resolution that looks decent.00:09
Snakkahwhorush, is there a way to turn the splash screen off?00:09
Toma-hi, having a bit of trouble with getting my USB headset to work with skype. ive read all the general guides on setup... and it works fine, but i cant specify which sound device to use in skype. its all just pulseaudio.00:09
jessica_@ whorush: but you've got a signal now?00:10
whorushsnakkah, sorry i don't know, i probably shouldnt have said anything ;-)00:10
whorushjessica, yeah, i'm using 1360x720 and it looks real strange.  any way to add a resolution?00:10
kaddiHi, I keep getting these errors with kubuntu: http://pastebin.com/DjjsrZVb and during those the system will temporarily freeze. Is there soemthing I can do to fix this? I ran fsck a couple of times already but it doesnt seem to be helping00:11
jessica_@ whorush: I am not sure. Let me see what I can find out.00:11
whorushjessica, thanks, i'm looking too, i think i mght have to edit one of those files, think i've done it b400:11
istvan007i have a problem with networking00:12
Jordan_URussia: That would help, but it's not a good sign unless your wubi install is fairly old (originally installed with a version of Ubuntu previous to 9.10).00:12
istvan007i had a ppoe connection00:12
istvan007but now i switched to router00:12
RussiaJordan_U: Ok, I'll go get a picture now... do you have an email I can send it to, since I'll be taking the picture from my ipod?00:12
istvan007and my computer doesn't seem to be connected to the internet00:13
istvan007i can't even find it on the router's log00:13
istvan007i have tried that cable whit my other computer00:13
istvan007wich has windows00:13
istvan007and it works00:13
magicianlordis 10.10 stable or stick with 10.04?00:14
SeCHolaaa soy un Bot de IRC =P00:16
SeCHolaaa soy un Bot de IRC =P00:16
SeCHolaaa soy un Bot de IRC =P00:16
SeCHolaaa soy un Bot de IRC =P00:16
SeCHolaaa soy un Bot de IRC =P00:16
FloodBot4SeC: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.00:16
Russiamagicianlord: I believe that 10.10 is stable00:16
magicianlordRussia: should i go from 10.04 32 bit to 10.04 64 bit or 10.10 64 bit00:17
ZykoticK9magicianlord, only YOU can really answer that question.  What are you looking for?  Does your system have more then 4GB RAM?00:18
Skopje75anyoone help with gcc?00:18
magicianlordZykoticK9: i think 64 bit is faster and more responsive. i have a dual core cpu with 2 gb00:18
magicianlordZykoticK9: but i am not sure about drivers, like printers00:19
ZykoticK9magicianlord, with 2GB RAM I'd recommend 32bit.00:19
magicianlordZykoticK9: running 1 partition, no swap file00:19
ZykoticK9magicianlord, it's probably easier if you leave the swap (but it's up to you)00:19
magicianlordZykoticK9: it's faster without the swap and i dont need hibernate. however, should i reinstall and repartition?00:20
ZykoticK9magicianlord, i can't answer that???00:21
Doinklemagicianlord, i just spent 3 months running 64bit 10.04.  I found it to buggy for me.  I went back to 32bit and it is much more stable for me.  I have 8Gb RAM but PAE works fine for me.  Your mileage may vary.00:21
magicianlordwhy not00:21
magicianlordDoinkle: thanks00:22
ZykoticK9magicianlord, "should i reinstall and repartition" - why are you reinstalling?00:22
magicianlordDoinkle: should i stick with 1 partition, or reinstall with separate boot /home and / partitions?00:22
magicianlordZykoticK9: for speed and stability00:22
Jordan_Umagicianlord: Stick with one partition unless you're having problems.00:23
ZykoticK9magicianlord, i use 64bit BTW and am quite happy with it, BUT i have twice the RAM you do, and don't mind the extra configuration steps required for 64bit.00:23
magicianlordJordan_U: ok. do you ever have problems iwth 1 partition and no swap?00:23
* h4f wonder00:24
skraitohi guys anyone know whats happening with kubuntu ?00:24
skraitoi though there is couple of version of ubuntu with kde00:24
skraitoi cant find it in the website anymore00:24
ZykoticK9skraito, http://www.kubuntu.org/00:25
Jordan_Umagicianlord: I take that back, having a swap partition (or swap file) is a good idea. You don't need to re-install to make either though.00:25
magicianlordshould i switch to 64-bit 10.10 then?00:25
txdvwhat about pressing on GET UBUNTU and then on DOWNLOAD KUBUNTU00:25
magicianlordJordan_U: how do i make a partition on the existing drive when 100% is taken up by sda100:26
kaddiHi, I keep getting these errors with kubuntu: http://pastebin.com/DjjsrZVb and during those the system will temporarily freeze. Is there soemthing I can do to fix this? I ran fsck a couple of times already but it doesnt seem to be helping00:26
skraitowhy ubuntu.com didnt include kubuntu anymore00:26
skraitoinstead the generalized it to ubuntu desktop00:26
r007because kde is poo00:26
skraitoany idea why it is not included ?00:26
txdvr007: stop talking poo00:26
ZykoticK9skraito, ? i have no idea - i don't use Kubuntu00:26
magicianlordis 64 bit faster ?00:27
magicianlordr007: yes00:27
Jordan_Uskraito: Ubuntu.com hasn't had links to download kubuntu for as long as I can remember.00:27
ZykoticK9magicianlord, 64bit is faster for a few things - for most it is equal or slower00:27
skraitoic thx for the info guys00:27
magicianlordok man00:27
skraitois kubuntu updated with up to date package ?00:27
skraitoor the project is dead ?00:28
mac9416magicianlord, I've been told that it's better for media-type stuff. Video editing, 3d modeling and such.00:28
txdv"project dead"00:28
ZykoticK9skraito, no more up-to-date then ubuntu - they use the same repository00:28
ZykoticK9skraito, kubuntu isn't dead.00:28
txdvdude KDE is much more alive then gnome every was00:28
mac9416magicianlord, as a matter of fact, my brother commented a few days ago about how much faster Blender is running on a 64-bit OS.00:28
magicianlordmac9416: ok man. so i should install 10.10 64 bit?00:28
r007why not install ubuntu and then kde00:28
moep2hi,  i try to play midi files with firefox an mozplugger/timidity, but it doesnt work. any ideas? :)00:28
ZykoticK9r007, +100:29
mac9416magicianlord, I'd say go for it. I use Studio Edition 64-bit and have had no trouble.00:29
txdvmac9416: it depends on the application, apps which do a lot of calculation, like blender, do run faster00:29
magicianlordthanks man00:29
mac9416txdv, right. Things like Banshee don't strike me as being any faster at all.00:30
istvan007my question anyone?00:30
istvan007can you help me?00:30
txdvplaying music doesnt eat up much more cpu00:30
txdvdunno, is banshee slow00:30
UnholyTerroristvan007, what's the question?00:30
istvan007ubuntu 10.10 doesn't detects my direct connection00:31
Jordan_U!helpme | istvan00700:31
ubottuistvan007: Avoid your questions being followed by a trail of "Please, help me", "Can nobody help me?", "I really need this!", and so on. This just contributes to making the channel unreadable. If you are not answered, ask again later; but see also !repeat and !attitude00:31
istvan007it was set to a pppoe connection00:31
UnholyTerroristvan007, wired internet?00:31
istvan007and now it's on a router00:31
txdvrepeat with attitude00:31
ubottuThe people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines00:32
skraitoistvan007 try dmesg00:32
skraitoand see whether it detect00:32
istvan007well my router doesn't logs it00:32
lucashi! I have an external usb sound card from TRUST. When I connect it, the system sees it as an input device. How can I configure it?00:32
UnholyTerroristvan007, what happens if you pull up System->Preferences->Network Connections00:33
istvan007it says link up00:35
r007istvan did you see what I posted it says could not post to channel?00:36
r007ok cool00:36
UnholyTerroristvan007, is there a red X on the network icon on the menu bar?00:36
istvan007there are no items listed in the wired tab00:36
istvan007sorry for the delay but i have to work with two machines00:37
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istvan007UnholyTerror no00:37
r007istvan can you ping out?00:37
sarawaraif i closed skype, is there a way to have it back?00:38
sarawarastarting up, tells me i have an instance open already00:38
istvan007ping google.com00:38
istvan007messed up the keyboards00:38
ponbikiit should still have an icon on your top right panel sarawara (assuming default gnome install)00:39
istvan007unknown host00:39
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ubottunetsplit is when two IRC servers of the same network (like freenode) disconnect from each other, so users on one server stop seeing users on the other. If this is happening now, just relax and enjoy the show. See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Netsplit00:39
=== AlertEye_ is now known as AlertEye
ponbikiif not kill the process00:39
UnholyTerroristvan007, can you pastebin the output of: ifconfig00:39
istvan007ponbiki default install but not with the default theme00:40
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sarawarano, i haven't got this icon since some time now, is there a way to get that back?00:40
istvan007UnholyTerror i can't00:40
istvan007the computer is not connected00:40
UnholyTerroristvan007, duh...00:41
UnholyTerroristvan007, type: sudo ifdown00:41
istvan007but it doesn't list any ip addresses00:41
r007hes saying he cant copy and paste as the box hes on is not connected...00:41
istvan007only ipv6 address00:41
r007istvan007 can you ping loopback?00:43
r007istvan007 what does lspci | grp Ethernet sho?00:43
r007lspci | grep Ethernet00:44
shrapnelwhere can I find a description of the 10.10 boot process? looking for scripts to disable. even renaming /etc/rc*.d, X still starts00:45
itaylor57shrapnel: look into upstart00:45
r007shrapnel interactive boot?00:45
ZykoticK9shrapnel, if you want to disable Xorg from starting see my notes at http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/boot-to-console---disable-graphical-login-gdm00:45
lucashi! I have an external usb sound card from TRUST. When I connect it, the system sees it only as an input device. How can I configure it?00:46
FrenkHey I'm running a script - But It works too fast from my point, is there a way to see whats happening on the remote pc?00:46
shrapnelyeah, X is locking at login, and so is single-user. trying to narrow it down.00:46
basixhello folks. i'm running a mainline kernel on ubuntu 9.10. When I try to compile kernel modules, the installers usually cannot find the kernel headers though i have them installed. I think its because of the unusual naming of the mainline kernel. Anybody with experience compiling kernel modules using the mainline kernel can you pitch in? Right now I have an issue with compiling vmware workstation modules.00:46
istvan007it shows two adapters00:46
istvan007one of them is unfunctionable00:46
r007Frenk run strace on the script on the pc it runs on00:46
istvan007so there's no settings for that00:47
istvan007but it's onboard00:47
istvan007so i cannot take it out00:47
ZykoticK9istvan007, you "might" be able to disable the onboard NIC in BIOS00:47
shcherbakFrenk: what script? in ssh? in terminal? Shift-PgUp?00:48
istvan007maybe that would help00:48
Musashi0011_4th hour trying to create a bootable ubuntu usb drive via a macbook...00:48
istvan007i'll try it00:48
shcherbakMusashi0011_: with unetbootin?00:49
Dr_WillisMusashi0011_:  can you get a live cd to boot?00:49
Dr_WillisMusashi0011_:  if so. you could set up grub2 on theusb. and have it boot the iso file.00:49
Musashi0011_I can't use unetbootin on os X.00:49
Frenkr007, shcherbak I run it remotly (OpenVAS). OpenVAS is logging in as an user and should check for Ubuntu Local Security Check - and is ready after 1 minute. Thats what makes me curious00:49
Dr_Willisthat pendrivelinux web site may have alternatives to unetbootin.00:49
ZykoticK9Musashi0011_, are you sure it's possible to boot a MacBook from USB?  I seem to remember someone mentioning it's not possible.00:49
Musashi0011_Dr_Willis: I thought I might need lilo or grub00:49
Dr_WillisMusashi0011_:  grub2 Can boot an iso file. Normally syslinux is used to boot a system on a usb vfat filesystem.00:50
Musashi0011_ZykoticK9 I'm not trying to boot my mac but my PC (laptop).00:50
feuergeisthave problems setting monitor to correct resolution00:50
feuergeistnvida sux00:50
feuergeistnvidia sux00:50
Dr_Willisfeuergeist:  i have very few issues with nvidia.00:50
ZykoticK9feuergeist, LOL - if you think Nvidia sux, try ATI LOL00:50
feuergeistwhat video card should we buy?00:50
Dr_Willisfeuergeist:  you want to stick to the issue. and not rant about things suxing, you may get more help.00:50
Dr_Willisfeuergeist:  for starteres what chipset exactly are you using, how is the monitor connected.00:51
Musashi0011_Dr_Willis: Thanks I am GTFM now...00:51
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, what's the problem exactly?00:51
istvan007cannot disable it00:51
istvan007i haven't found any settings that can be related to the onboard lan adapter00:52
feuergeistthe problem is that i cant set the correct resolution which it best suits my monitor, it doesn appear in the options provided by the nvidia driver00:52
istvan007so booting up again00:52
shcherbakFrenk: no clue, never used OpenVAS.00:53
aeon-ltdfeuergeist: update, then try to force it in xorg.conf. also what resoluion is your monitor's max, and what is it displaying?00:53
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, have you tried nvidia-settings?00:53
r007Frenk same here but it looks legitimate00:53
feuergeistmy monitor is a samunsung 203300:54
FrenkMy server is going wild:  100% CPU and Rack: /var/www/00:54
feuergeistnvidia-settings dont help me00:54
Frenkand some wired letter-number combo00:54
feuergeistthe optimus resolution does not appear00:54
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, can you open a terminal?00:54
feuergeistI can00:54
r007Frenk when you run top press shift + i00:54
Musashi0011_Damn... I don't have the live CD just an ISO.00:54
Dr_Willisfeuergeist:  and the exact nvidia chipset is? and the monitor is connected how?  and you are using the nvidia drivers from the System-> admin -> addational drivers tool ?00:55
feuergeistim sure00:55
txdvZykoticK9: 3d effects on the laptop of my father (wich has an ATI card) works out of the box00:55
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, type: xrandr00:55
feuergeistnvidia chipset? dont get it, rookie here00:55
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, type: pastebin the results.00:56
basixMusashi0011_, do you have virtualbox installed? If so, install a lightweight linux distro, install unetbootin in it and make the usb disk. dont waste time on trying to do it on a mac ;)00:56
cgcardonaI just did cat /var/log/auth.log and it looks like there is an ip address that is trying to login to root from several different ports and different user names - is this normal or is someone trying to hack me right now?00:56
feuergeistno aparece la opción deseada00:56
feuergeistdefault connected 1152x864+0+0 0mm x 0mm00:56
feuergeist   1024x768       50.0     60.000:56
feuergeist   800x600        51.0     52.0     53.000:56
feuergeist   680x384        54.0     55.000:56
feuergeist   640x480        56.000:56
feuergeist   512x384        57.000:56
feuergeist   400x300        58.000:56
feuergeist   320x240        59.000:56
feuergeist   1152x864       60.0*00:56
feuergeist   1360x768       50.000:56
feuergeistthe desire option does not appear00:56
Musashi0011_basix. I thought of that... Unfortunately as big of a fan as I am of VirtualBox I don't have it installed on this mac book pro. Darn00:56
r007cgcardona if you have a ssh server running on 22 yes00:56
txdvgood job, being stupid and not using pastebin00:57
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, what is you desired res?00:57
basixMusashi0011_, install it then!00:57
feuergeist1600 x 900 does not appear00:57
cgcardonar007: yes someone is trying to hack me?00:57
r007cgcardona best thing other than using a good password is changing the password is changing the port it listens on...00:57
cgcardonahow do I find out what port my ssh server is running on?00:57
cgcardonais this common?00:57
r007cgcardona not you in particular just any weak root passes00:58
Musashi0011_basix. I could... It just upsets me that I can't create a darn bootable usb on my mac with an iso..00:58
cgcardonaso I need to change what port my ssh server listens in on?00:58
UnholyTerrorfeuergeist, see me in private window.00:58
filo1234or disable ssh login for root00:58
Musashi0011_Should be easy. just convert it to an img and run the dd command...00:58
Frenkr007 http://d.imagehost.org/0224/screen.png00:58
r007cgcardona by default it is 22 edit the ssh config file to change the port00:59
Dr_Willisfeuergeist:  you did use the system->admin->addational drivers tool yet?00:59
cgcardonai am still a little unclear about that filo1234 - so do I create a new user other than root and then give that user the power to sude?00:59
basixMusashi0011_, ah00:59
r007cgcardona you dont need to its normal that your logs are like they are but it is advisable00:59
txdvFrenk: it seems like someone used an apache exploit00:59
txdvFrenk: and who the hell is "nobody" ?01:00
cgcardonaand ssh keys are better than passwords?01:00
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Musashi0011_basix ??01:00
cgcardonacurrently I am using both a macbook and a cr-48 and I haven't been able to add ssh keys to the cr48 so I have been using a password to ssh01:00
rinku_kokiriok so #pulseaudio refuses to fess up and fix the problem01:00
rinku_kokiriso looks like i'm stuck01:00
r007cgcardona keys are more secure than passwords yes it will only allow the user who has the key to login01:01
Frenktxdv: I dont have a user named nobody =(01:01
whorushhey, i want to watch a movie on my tv from my ubuntu laptop.  i get it to display and everything on the tv, but the correct resolution isn't there, and the closest match is all alised and hurts my eyes.  any way to add a resolution?01:01
Frenkor anyone els01:01
txdvso you totally got hacked01:01
txdvwhat are you using>01:01
txdvubuntu sucks for servers01:01
txdvi was hacked too when i used 6.0401:02
basixMusashi0011_, i thought you just wanted it to be done. didnt know you were trying to make it work on the mac01:02
txdvever since then im using debian stable01:02
r007cgcardona also disabling root logins is better an using sudo but doesent apply to ubuntu01:02
renatowcgcardona: netstat -nap01:02
filo1234cgcardona: normally way is disable root ssh login, but in each case enable root with a good password and  change default port01:02
Frenktxdv: I used OpenVAS to test my server - Thats where the explot was from.01:02
r007cgcardona make sure you edit sudoers though as a sudo user is root on ubuntu01:03
txdvO, so openvas created those processes?01:03
Musashi0011_basix: Yea... There are allot of tools available on Windows and Linux to get it done. I not only want to get it done on my mac, but I would also like to know why it doesn't work.01:03
azertyuhi i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/547576/01:03
Frenktxdv: at least I think so01:04
basixMusashi0011_, ah01:04
cgcardonai don't totally follow - wondering where a good online resource is?01:04
azertyuhi i got this error http://paste.ubuntu.com/547576/ what package i have to install ?01:04
laurelUsing UNE on a Acer Aspire One and it cuts off the bottom of the screen hiding my response buttons. Can it be fixed and does anyone have a link to instructions?01:04
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Have you tried the instructions on the ubuntu.com download page?01:04
nerdy_kidHow do I manually remove a package from dpkg's database?01:04
Musashi0011_basix: The bios info is correctly set on my laptop PC and the image 10.10 has been unpacked to the usb drive via (dd if=/Users/MusashiBaka/Downloads/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso of=/dev/disk1 bs=1m)01:04
Frenktxdv: because the server is in a local network so i dont think someone hacked it at 02;04 am01:04
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Yes I have, to the letter.01:05
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: They look to me like they shouldn't actually work, but for now I'm giving Ubuntu the benefit of the doubt.01:05
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: why do you think the shouldn't work?01:05
txdvwell, it is not secure anyway01:05
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Because you can't magically convert a .iso image into a bootable usb image.01:06
cgcardonawhere is the ssh config file?01:06
r007in /etc/ssh01:07
rinku_kokirianyone else have an issue playing a youtube video with other sound going on in the background?01:07
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Steve Jobs wants us to believe in magic....01:07
rinku_kokirior vice versa?01:07
rinku_kokirii need some more brains on this01:07
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, what's the issue?01:07
bazhangrinku_kokiri, please stop that01:08
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: So I guess that begs the question, "What makes a bootable image, a bootable image?"01:08
r007rinku believe thats a bug with flash iirc01:08
rinku_kokiriso i've been told three different thing's now01:08
rinku_kokiriit's a bug with flash/alsa/pulseaudio01:08
rinku_kokiriwhich one is it01:08
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Ahh, I understand the directions now. They will only work if you're booting from an intel mac, they won't work for creating a USB that's bootable on a BIOS based machine.01:08
txdvits flash01:09
rinku_kokiriUnholyTerror, open a youtube video..   then try to play music via your favorite music player01:09
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, what's the issue?01:09
rinku_kokiriwhat's the fix?01:09
txdvsince it is not an open source project, you can only blame flash01:09
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, what's the issue?01:09
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Still not sure what that conversion is actually supposed to do, but that makes the instructions at least plausible.01:09
txdvthe fix is: make it open source01:09
laurelcan anyone assist with screen cutoff issue with UNE on a netbook?01:09
rinku_kokiriUnholyTerror, try the above., you'll find one doesn't work while the other is01:09
nub2Hello, I have installed uubntu 10.10 on my acer timeline X aspire 4820TG and I have a problem with my battery (it always shows as being 100% charged, even if it's not). Could it be that I installed x86 ubuntu even though my machine is x64?01:09
cgcardona_r007: so I just open that config file and uncomment the line that says "Port 22" and change the number from 22 to another random number?01:09
xanguarinku_kokiri: stop expecting we guess, are you using hardy heron¿01:10
rinku_kokirinever expected a guess01:10
r007cgcaradona change it to a useable port though01:10
rinku_kokiriand no i don't run classic software01:10
cgcardona_a useable port?01:10
xanguarinku_kokiri: then would you provide some useful information¿01:11
ubottuPlease give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."01:11
=== cgcardona_ is now known as cgcardona
rinku_kokirixangua, have.. flash does not let anything else play audio01:11
rinku_kokiriand vice versa01:11
rinku_kokiriusing latest everything01:11
filo1234cgcardona: uncomment? you can change Port on /etc/ssh/sshd_config not on /etc/ssh/ssh_config01:11
r007cgcaradona yeah for example not 80 , 25 110, etc01:11
rinku_kokirixangua, sorry if i seem short, i've been trying to figure this out all day01:12
nub2Hello, I have installed ubuntu 10.10 on my acer timeline X aspire 4820TG and I have a problem with my battery (it always shows as being 100% charged, even if it's not). Could it be that I installed x86 ubuntu even though my machine is x64?01:12
r007filo the default port line is commented out01:12
cgcardonaso which file should I change it in? ssh_config or sshd_config or both?01:13
txdvnub2: it doesnt have anything to do with your cpu architecture01:13
cgcardonathanks r007  and filo123401:13
filo1234r007: in ssh_config but it can be changed on sshd_config01:13
JustMozzyhi everybody01:13
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Are you trying to make a USB for an intel mac or a BIOS based system?01:13
nub2txdv: any Idea what it could be then?01:13
JustMozzymerry christmas01:13
cgcardonaconfused - in ssh_config it is commented out - in sshd_config it is not commented out - if I uncomment it and change it in ssh_config do I also need to change it in sshd_config?01:14
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Its an acer laptop01:14
txdveither dell doesnt comply to the hardware standard or it is a bug in the kernel01:14
rinku_kokiriso for more info.. here you go:: Linux rinku 2.6.35-23-generic-pae #41-Ubuntu SMP Wed Nov 24 10:35:46 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux :: flashplugin-installer 10,1,102,65 installed :: while using youtube/ustream/any type of web based flash media, no other media will play, no system sounds, no mplayer, no amarok, etc.01:14
r007cgcaradona no just change the sshd_config01:14
burhancgcardona: one is for the client, the other is for the server. Depends on what you want to do.01:14
filo1234cgcardona: recomment on ssh_config and change in sshd_config01:14
Musashi0011_JOrdan_U: but I am trying to create the bootable USB on my mac.01:14
cgcardonacool thanks01:14
filo1234cgcardona: and restart service01:15
cgcardonaas in reboot my linode?01:15
rinku_kokirior am i good saying "flash won't let other apps play sound"    ?01:15
JustMozzyI'm facing problem with gpg keys. When running apt-get update it gives me errors in the gpg authentication. so I ran the keys in this script http://pastebin.com/CKhGjAUZ but the problem still exists :s01:15
r007cgcaradona no as isn service sshd restart01:15
laurelcan anyone assist with the screen cutoff issue using UNE on a netbook? Is there a fix or do i need to look for a different distro?01:15
filo1234cgcardona: not necessary reboot sudo service sshd restart01:16
txdvflash sucks, but it should actually play fine01:16
txdvcould be an error in alsa pulse audio wrapper or alsa itself01:16
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Ok. Do you want to try a combination of beta code and instructions that I can't actually test at the moment?01:16
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Why do you think the ubuntu instructions only work for an intel based mac, as opposed to a PC?01:16
txdvubuntu uses alsa as far as i know01:16
cgcardonawhen I try sudo service sshd restart I get sshd: unrecongized service01:16
rinku_kokiriearlier i was told to touch asound.conf and fill it with stuff01:17
filo1234cgcardona: ssh01:17
rinku_kokiriso i did..01:17
rinku_kokirisomething did change... amarok APPEARED to be playing media01:17
rinku_kokiribut still no sound...01:17
r007cgcaradona you have root enabled and proper sudo setup other than the default by the sounds of it...01:17
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, ok, so what is your issue?01:17
cgcardonayeah I should have root and sude01:17
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Ohhh Beta....01:17
r007cgcaradona try /sbin/service sshd restart01:17
nub2anyone else having battery isues?01:17
rinku_kokiriunholyterror   again  "flash won't let other apps play sound"01:18
rinku_kokirii.e. while a youtube video is playing.. NOTHING ELSE CAN PLAY SOUND01:18
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, I have sound from both youtube and rhythmbox at the same time.01:18
Musashi0011_JOrdan_U, Ubuntu beta?01:18
cgcardonaok - so "sudo service ssh restart" gives me "ssh start/running, process #number" - how can I check to confirm that ssh is now running on the port I chose?01:18
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: The Ubuntu liveCD images contain grub-efi, which be loaded via USB and a syslinux install that is only configured to boot from CD .01:18
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, Playing off an ipod nano 1G01:18
filo1234cgcardona: old name about ssh service :)01:18
burhancgcardona: netstat -anp | grep sshd01:19
waterbournehow do i disable the annoying system sounds in lubuntu when i open an app or tab in firefox?01:19
royale1223Whats ssh?01:19
r007cgcaradona sudo ssh status01:19
filo1234secure shell01:19
filo1234!ssh | royale122301:19
ubotturoyale1223: SSH is the Secure SHell protocol, see: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SSH for client usage. PuTTY is an SSH client for Windows; see: http://www.chiark.greenend.org.uk/~sgtatham/putty/ for it's homepage. See also !scp (Secure CoPy) and !sshd (Secure SHell Daemon)01:19
Jordan_UMushroomNZ: I'm on the road and about to enter a dead spot.01:19
royale1223Thaks ubotta filo01:19
royale1223Whats it for?01:19
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: ^^01:20
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: that would work, but unfortunately I don't have any CD-RW at home which is why I'm trying to create a bootable USB.01:20
royale1223Whats the diffrent frm bash?01:20
burhanroyale1223: remote access to a system.01:20
filo1234royale1223: read wiki, it's for remote login by shell01:20
r007royale1223 its remote bash01:20
cgcardonaawesome it appears to moved it from port 22 to the new port - sweet sauce01:20
cgcardonanot to add some proper ssh keys01:20
rinku_kokiriok.. UnholyTerror start playing a youtube video (via firefox) and open your sound preferences > applications.01:20
rinku_kokiritell me if it shows firefox01:20
waterbournehow do i disable the annoying system sounds in lubuntu when i open an app or tab in firefox?01:20
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Its a major catch 22. In order to create a bootable USB I need a CD... Which if I had I wouldn't need a bootable USB. Irony....01:20
rinku_kokiriUnholyTerror, cause thats where i think my issue is..01:21
cgcardonawhen I type top is shows that I have 2 users - how can that be?01:21
klossor03:18 [ BaconZombie   ] [ guichtong    ] [ nimrod10    ] [ Vimk_         ]01:21
klossor03:18 [ BaconZombie   ] [ guichtong    ] [ nimrod10    ] [ Vimk_         ]01:21
klossor03:18 [ BaconZombie   ] [ guichtong    ] [ nimrod10    ] [ Vimk_         ]01:21
klossor03:18 [ BaconZombie   ] [ guichtong    ] [ nimrod10    ] [ Vimk_         ]01:21
royale1223Jordan_U: bootable usb 4??01:22
r007cgcaradona what does the who command show?01:22
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, I'm using Chrome so it shows that. ALSA Mixer plug-in.01:22
rinku_kokiricause when i run mine (via firefox or opera) it shows nothing in the apps tab01:22
rinku_kokiriwhen sound is working from youtube01:22
cgcardonar007: it shows me on pts/1 and some other ip address on pts/0 :-/01:22
r000t_laptopHow do I tell if I have the latest driver for my REALLY outdated ATI card (MobilityRadeon X300)?01:23
r007cgcaradona can you copy paste if not are the ips differnet?01:23
UnholyTerrorrinku_kokiri, and of course it also showed Rhythmbox (for the ipod)01:23
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: Super GRUB2 DIsk beta..01:24
rinku_kokiriSO does anyone have any idea why an application playing sound wouldn't show up in my sound preferences > applications tab?01:24
rinku_kokiriUnholyTerror, i expected that. lol01:24
laurelcan anyone assist with screen cutoff issue in UNE on a netbook?01:24
burhanr000t_laptop: run software update, if there is something available it will tell you.01:24
r000t_laptopburhan: Also, how do I tell what drivers I have? I heard the x.org project built drivers manually01:25
cgcardonar007: I PMed the IP addresses to you01:25
laurelscreen cutoff issue appears to be a known issue but I cannot find out IF there is a fix01:25
nub2hey I have a problem with my battery (it always show it is at 100%). Any idea what could be wrong?01:25
burhanr000t_laptop: run the driver wizard (that's the easy way). Or, grep the Xorg.log file, it will tell you which driver is being used.01:25
r007cgcaradona your box looks like it might be owened01:25
Jordan_UMusashi0011_: This would allow you to make the USB from OSX.01:25
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: sounds great...01:26
UnholyTerrorlaurel, can you choose another res?01:26
Musashi0011_Jordan_U: Anything with a Super prepended to it must be awesome!01:26
cgcardonar007: not good - I was recently logged on from my cr4801:26
laurelUnholyTerror, yes, but it only decreases width, cannot increase height and cannot move window01:26
cgcardonahow can I check what IP address it was using?01:27
cgcardonaor will it be the same as my macbook?01:27
r007cgcaradona different isp?01:27
UnholyTerrorlaurel, open a terminal...01:27
rinku_kokiriso update... gnome volume control won't show firefox playing audio01:27
rinku_kokiriand i still can't play youtube and amarok at the same time01:27
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cgcardonamy cr48 was tethered to my android phone because it doesn't pick up wifi in my office and my macbook is on the house wifi which is the hawaii ip01:27
r007cgcaradona the bit i brackets01:28
r000t_laptopwhere is xorg.log?01:28
r000t_laptopfind | grep xrog.log isn't coming back with anything01:28
UnholyTerrorr000t_laptop, /var/log/Xorg.0.log01:28
r007cgcaradona could be that then what time did you connect?01:29
UnholyTerrorlaurel, type: xrandr        and pastebin the results01:30
laurelScreen 0: minimum 320 x 200, current 1024 x 600, maximum 4096 x 409601:31
laurelVGA1 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)01:31
laurelLVDS1 connected 1024x600+0+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 222mm x 125mm01:31
laurel   1024x600       60.0*+01:31
laurel   800x600        60.3     56.201:31
laurel   640x480        59.901:31
r007cgcaradona the first login is from sprint wether your mobile network use them dunno01:31
cgcardonar007: i do use sprint01:32
bazhang!it | trincione01:32
cgcardonawhen I try to ssh in from my cr48 it now fails because it is looking on port 2201:32
ubottutrincione: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)01:32
cgcardonado I need to tweak that in the cr48's ssh config file also?01:32
r007cgcaradona looks ok then01:32
trincioneti ga rason01:32
filo1234cgcardona: ssh -p ( port )01:32
UnholyTerrorlaurel, see me in private...01:32
filo1234cgcardona: you have change it...remember? :D01:33
aohi all, i can't partition my disk after bootcamp install win7,does anyone know why?01:33
nicolaushey guys my webcam wont turn on01:33
nicolauscan u help me turn on my webcam i on am skype01:34
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KM0201nicolaus: i thought you got it working the other day?01:34
rinku_kokirican anyone help me figure this out?01:34
nicolausnope :(01:34
kaddihi, it seems one of the sectors on my drive has gone back. I keep getting this in my dmesg: [432529.089887] end_request: I/O error, dev sda, sector 445024074 Is there a way to mark the sector as bad so that ubuntu won't keep trying ot use it?01:34
KM0201nicolaus: what kind of camera was it again?01:35
r007kassi have yu ran fsck01:35
nicolausbuilt in into my HP01:35
r000t_laptopHm.... Dell's website won't quite tell me what card's in here. How can I ask for a specific model directly from the device itself, like on Windoze?01:35
bazhangr000t_laptop, lspci01:35
KM0201nicolaus: see if lspci shows what it is.01:35
cgcardonanow I can't connect on the new port01:35
JustMozzyI'm facing problem with gpg keys. When running apt-get update it gives me errors in the gpg authentication. so I ran the keys in this script http://pastebin.com/CKhGjAUZ but the problem still exists :s01:35
aohi all, i can't partition my disk after bootcamp install win7,does anyone know why?anybody?01:36
sparrWhow can I move a fullscreen window?01:36
bazhang!gpgerr | JustMozzy01:36
ubottuJustMozzy: Getting GPG errors after adding custom repositories? Find the GPG keyword for the repository (it's 437D05B5 for the standard ones) and run « sudo apt-key adv --recv-keys --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com <key> »01:36
r000t_laptopX300.... You know NVIDIA is much more Linux friendly and if there was a way to replace laptop GPUs, I would01:36
cgcardonai'm on the new port01:36
nicolausi dont see it there01:36
rinku_kokirihow do i fix the issue where i can't play media while a youtube video is playing?01:36
KM0201JustMozzy: why on earth did you make that a bash script?01:36
KM0201nicolaus: hmm, check lsusb (can't imagine it being on the USB bus though)01:36
r007justmozzy any errors?01:37
rinku_kokiriand firefox crashes whenever youtube does it's duty01:37
nicolausnope i dont see it01:37
r007justmozzy your pastebin looks like it ran ok01:37
KM0201nicolaus: well it's gotta be one of those two.01:37
rinku_kokiriit can't be lshw?01:37
KM0201!pastebin | nicolaus pastebin your lspci01:37
ubottunicolaus pastebin your lspci: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:37
JustMozzyr007: that's the trouble. everything runs fine, but the apt update still gives me the same error for the same keys01:38
itaylor57KM0201: lshw?01:38
KM0201rinku_kokiri: i guess it could be... but really it should come up in lspci or lsusb01:38
rinku_kokiriwhat kind of card is it?01:38
nicolauspm me km020101:38
KM0201rinku_kokiri: it's an internal webcam01:38
frxstremis there a good program for burning video DVDs in Ubuntu?01:39
MoroccoFirefox can't establish a connection to the server at tinyurl.com.01:39
KM0201itaylor57: i guess it could be.. i dunno01:39
rinku_kokirimine shows in lsusb01:39
rinku_kokirias a chicony electronics01:39
JustMozzyKM0201, to answer your question: because I am lazy01:40
ubottuping-pong, a fun game for all the family01:40
r007Morocco can you ping tiny01:40
KM0201JustMozzy: i dont even remember my question, so i'll take you at your word.. :)01:40
alabalahello i have a problem with my wl-608 wireless adapter .. keeps disconnecting frequently01:40
r000t_laptopSynaptic says the latest ones are installed but there's gotta be something better than this. It used to be able to handle WoW on Ubuntu01:41
r000t_laptopNow it can't even do minecraft01:41
rinku_kokirii run wow01:41
alabala i have a problem with my wl-608 wireless adapter .. keeps disconnecting frequently01:42
alabalaany help pls01:42
r000t_laptopalabala: Do you own a microwave?01:42
Moroccor007 :  Réponse de : octets=32 temps<1ms TTL=128  (tinyurl.com)01:43
Moroccor007 :  Réponse de : octets=32 temps=189 ms TTL=56  (google.com)01:43
Morocco127.0.0.1 :D01:43
=== LukaszTarkowski is now known as Lukasz
MoroccoWhere is tinyurl.com?  OFfline ?01:44
r007Morocco its not offline because you can ping it01:45
cgcardonaso I want to do this correctly - once I create a linode/ubuntu distro it starts me out with the user root - using sudo this user can do anything - is it not safe to continue logging in as root? am i supposed to create a new user and log in as that user instead of root?01:45
Moroccono i cant  r007 .... my ping request stick in localhost ...01:45
Moroccoonly with tinyurl01:46
Moroccoother urls, its ok.. TTL ok01:46
Moroccohow do u say Bizarre?01:46
SashaNekohey if someone was really really really stupid and deleted /var/lib/dpkg/ how would one fix it01:47
rinku_kokirilmao @ microwae01:47
SashaNekoi need help01:47
r000t_laptopOkay I just fiddled with the appearance settings. I set it from normal to extra to none to normal. On that final switch, it looks like it installed drivers. How do I tell what changed?01:47
rinku_kokirime too01:47
SashaNekoi have just done something really stupid01:47
SashaNekoand need to know how to fix it01:47
alabala_i need help with my wl-608 wireless adapter .. keeps disconnectin randmly01:47
r007cgcardona dont believe the hype about not having a root account having root is good that way a sudo user isnt root like it is in ubuntu. Create a good root password and use su -c instead of sudo when you need to do something01:47
rinku_kokirir000t_laptop, can you enable compiz?01:48
LukaszTarkowskiDarn Asus G1S mother board stopped working twice in 2 years01:48
r000t_laptoprinku_kokiri I set it to normal if that counts01:48
r000t_laptopthen again it was already normal01:48
ArachonCan anyone help me get my head around UNE 10.10?01:48
rinku_kokirialabala_,  do you own a microwave?01:48
rinku_kokirialabala_, and is your computer close to it01:48
r007cgcardona remove the all from sudoers though01:48
LukaszTarkowskiI got a new laptop now :)01:48
rinku_kokirialabala_, and is it a powerful microwave01:48
cgcardonar007: remove the all from sudoers?01:49
rinku_kokirialabala_, and is it running when you disconnect?01:49
SashaNekoif someone was stupid enough to delete /var/lib/dpkg/ how would one fix it01:49
bazhangr007, cgcardona  very bad idea01:49
bazhangr007, please dont recommend that here. sudo -i for a root shell01:49
r000t_laptopAlso I don't think anything changes from normal to extra01:50
rinku_kokirimay help ^^01:50
r000t_laptopexcept the wobbling01:50
SashaNekohow do I get /var/lib/dpkg/ back01:50
laurelArachon  I am running UNE 10.1001:50
SashaNekoim kind of freaking out01:50
laurelbut I am new to it01:50
r007bazhang it does no harm in all the other distros like having a sudo user that IS root isnt worse lol01:50
wolf3142hey guys im somewhat new to ubuntu, and my built in software raid array crashed, any ideas on how to repair? 6x750gb drives in RAID 501:50
cgcardonabazhang: why is it a bad idea?01:50
bazhangr007, again, its not up for debate; don't recommend it here, thanks01:51
bazhang!rootsudo > r00701:51
ubottur007, please see my private message01:51
r007!linux noobs01:51
Arachonlaurel: Ok... Have you gotten the hang of the interface at all? I find it very confusing.... For example, is it at all possible to exclusively use the Unity file manager, or will I have to depend on Nautilus to view more "advanced" folders?01:51
bazhangr007, please stop that.01:51
laurelsorry, too new to answer that, lol01:52
laurel<--looks to educate herself on Nautilus01:52
UnholyTerrorr000t_laptop, what's the problem?01:52
r007truth is having a root acount is more secure than having a sudoer that has root privilages01:53
bazhangr007, lets move on please01:53
r000t_laptopUnholyTerror I need the latest drivers for this card because there's something wrong if it can't handle minecraft for more than a minute01:53
laurelI believe I exclusively use the unity fm, since I know nothing else, hehe01:53
Arachonlaurel: It's essentially Ubuntu's equivalent of the Windows explorer, or OSX's finder01:53
LukaszTarkowskiwell going to offtopic now heh01:53
SashaNekogod the ubuntu channel is useless01:53
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ArachonAnd it seems to be more "complete" than Unity FM... Unless I'm missing something.... As I've only been able to access the "pre-determined" folders from Unity FM01:54
r007bazhang fair dos but please dont tell me Im wrong01:54
IdleOner007: you may be right for other distros but it is not the Ubuntu way.01:54
bazhangr007, lets take this to #ubuntu-offtopic if you wish to debate the merits of this, please01:55
r007Its not off topic but aint going to go on it is ubuntu related though01:56
rinku_kokirihow about this... i want to be able to play youtube and wow and hear both01:56
rinku_kokiriright now i can't01:56
rinku_kokirianyone take it on?01:56
bazhangrinku_kokiri, got pavucontrol and padevchooser installed?01:56
KM0201rinku_kokiri: you want to play youtube, and WoW.. at the same time?01:56
rinku_kokiriyep and yep01:57
laurelarachon: do you use it on a netbook?01:57
laurelhave bottom of screen cutoff issues?01:57
Arachonlaurel: Yep01:57
bazhangrinku_kokiri, yep and yep to whom01:57
familyHi  im new to ubuntu. can i ask a question? i installed my ubuntu and it wouldnt work for a while, until finally i tried putting in "live video=ofonly" and it worked all good.  the only problem is that everything is tinted blue. how do i solve this?01:57
jpdsr007: Your security is as strong as the weakest link in your security chain.01:57
rinku_kokiribazhang, both01:57
cgcardonaso i am still a little unclear on what the ubuntu way is? should I create a new user other than root and log in as that user on the regular bazhang ?01:57
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KM0201cgcardona: there is no root user.01:57
rinku_kokiribeen through a whole bunch of things, including touching asound.conf and adding some text in it..01:58
KM0201!sudo | cgard01:58
ubottucgard: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo01:58
KM0201!root | cgcardona01:58
ubottucgcardona: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo01:58
rinku_kokirii think the base problem is.. when youtube is playing via firefox/opera, it doesn't show in gnome-volume-control liek other apps do01:58
laurelarachon: have screen cutoff issues?01:58
cgcardonaKM0201: if there is no root user then why does ubuntu start me out with a user named root?01:58
KM0201cgcardona: if you don't want a user to have "sudo" priv... you remove them from sudo group.. and voila...01:58
familyanyone know what my problem is?01:58
r007jpds yes but usually an admin ie root is more secure than a user ie sudo01:58
Arachonlaurel: How do you mean, like the screen dies occasionally?01:59
rinku_kokiricgcardona, did you name your user root?01:59
KM0201cgcardona: ubuntu should not be doing that... unless you've followed some hinky instructions.01:59
kaddihow can i figure out how many sectors are on my hard drive?01:59
jpdsKM0201: 'admin' group.01:59
UnholyTerrorr000t_laptop, what does Xorg.0.log say?01:59
KM0201jpds: well, yeah, admin.01:59
KM0201i have to consider my audience01:59
jpdsAlways important to know.01:59
cgcardonaKM0201: rinku_kokiri  I didn't name my user anything - I am just using linode - that is what it starts me out with01:59
joey_1Question: Does anybody know the metapackage that keeps the Kernel up to date? I've been fooling around with BURG and I'm worried that it uninstalled the metapackage, and that my Kernel's not being updated.01:59
histokaddi: look at the label on it.01:59
laurelno, when navigating through a program like Gnucash (and others) one cannot see the buttons that are surely there like OK and Back and Cancel02:00
kaddihisto: is there an option that wouldn't include opening up my laptop?02:00
histokaddi: maybe hdparm  or something02:00
ArachonYeah, got that in the mail setup "wizard"02:00
KM0201cgcardona: what does linode, have to do w/ Ubuntu?02:00
laurelfound a fix? found IF there is a fix? I am here looking02:00
cgcardonaKM0201: my linode is running ubuntu02:00
familyHi  im new to ubuntu. can i ask a question? i installed my ubuntu and it wouldnt work for a while, until finally i tried putting in "live video=ofonly" and it worked all good.  the only problem is that everything is tinted blue. how do i solve this?02:00
ArachonNah, didn't think much of it <.<02:00
histokaddi: yeap sudo hdparm /dev/sda  will work02:01
kaddithanks histo :)02:01
rinku_kokiribazhang, so i've been through a lot of nothing, touching asound.conf and filling it with gobblydegook, (lol) only thing that changed is when I play youtube and then play amarok, amarok at least tries to play sound, instead of sitting @ 0:00 it counts, but still no sound02:01
laurelIt has become a pain, have run into it three times and I cannot guess how many tabs to hit on one02:01
joey_1Question: Does anybody know the metapackage that keeps the Kernel up to date? I've been fooling around with BURG and I'm worried that it uninstalled the metapackage, and that my Kernel's not being updated.02:01
daxtguyz , i want to artificially increase the screen resolution to check an image with big dimensions , is there a way to do it ?02:01
UnholyTerrorjoey_1, why would you mess with BURG?02:01
rinku_kokiribeen through all flashplugin installs, even the deb from adobe and the beta so linked to me from #pulseaudio02:01
=== petr is now known as Guest22638
Skaperenjava for firefox used to work ... just work ... now in 10.10 it's not there ... is it in a different repository or did the name change?  anyone know what it is?02:02
histoSkaperen: they put it in the partner repo02:02
histo!partner | Skaperen02:02
ubottuSkaperen: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »02:02
DominoDrivehi. im getting message "acces denied" when i tru to do ./framework-3.5.1-linux-i686.run02:02
Skaperenpartner repo ... same name?02:02
DominoDriveand i am running bash as root02:02
joey_1UnholyTerror: Just trying it out, I'm not new to Linux so I thought I'd tinker. I'm just wondering what apt uses to keep the Kernel up to date.02:02
histoSkaperen: yeah sun-java6-plugin02:02
Skaperenit was "sun-java6-plugin" before02:03
laurelthanks UnholyTerror and Arachon for trying to help02:03
histoDominoDrive: what does the script do?02:03
Guest22638I have Poco library.... and I have linux. Where showul I place this library?02:03
SkaperenOK, thanks!02:03
Guest22638I need to work with this library .... with C++02:03
familyQuestion: i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my mac (ppc) and it wouldnt install for a while, until finally i tried putting in "live video=ofonly" at the boot screen and it worked all good.  the only problem is that everything is tinted blue. how do i solve this?02:03
DominoDrivehisto its suspose to install metasploit02:03
rinku_kokirifinally someone has the same want as me02:04
cgcardonaso linode starting me out with a user named root is not good?02:04
rinku_kokiriSee I like to play my World of Warcraft and Music in the back ground02:04
r007joey_1 set a cron to run sudo apt-get install linux-image02:04
Guest22638I have Poco library.... and I have linux. Where showul I place this library?02:05
Guest22638I have Poco library.... and I have linux. Where should I place this library?02:05
rinku_kokiribye bye pulseaduio02:05
rinku_kokirihello esound02:05
Guest22638I have C++ Poco library.... and I have linux. Where should I place this library?02:05
joey_1r007: thank's, I'll check that package. Chances are nothing got messed up. Do you know what the latest official kernel version for a Maverick is? I'm at 2.6.35-2302:05
jamesmillsQ: Is there any way to install bacula without requiring postfix ?02:06
jpds!repeat | Guest2263802:06
ubottuGuest22638: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/02:06
familyQuestion: i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my mac (ppc) and it wouldnt install for a while, until finally i tried putting in "live video=ofonly" at the boot screen and it worked all good.  the only problem is that everything is tinted blue. how do i solve this?02:06
cgcardonaso it is a good idea to change the username from root to something else?02:07
r007joey_i no idea Im using 0.04 and its 2.6.32-2602:07
joey_1family: Just taking a random guess here, but do you have a NVIDIA graphics card? Are you using Nouveau? I've had difficulty with the ppc and NVIDIA graphics02:07
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, yes!02:07
joey_1roo7: no problem, thanks so much!02:07
familyYes its possible02:07
familyim not sure how to check02:07
familyim pretty sure apple uses those though02:08
=== rgb is now known as Guest59455
cgcardonaUnholyTerror: how do I do that?02:08
joey_1family: try doing typing:  lspci | grep "VGA"   into the command line, see what it comes up with02:08
familyokay, should it put that into the turminal?02:09
joey_1family: yes02:09
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, System->Administration->Users and Groups, create a new account02:09
joey_1family: the bad news is I never sorted out my NVIDIA problems, but if it is a Nouveau issue that might help an expert know how to fix it better02:09
familyOk. just to be clear i should type in exactly this? lspci | grep "VGA"02:10
FrenkHey, I have a Ubuntu-Server and I have a question regarding security-updated. I just successfully tried to exploit my Apache. There is information about a vulnerabilitie on USN but my server doesnt suggest to update anything! (Although I have security.ubuntu in my sourcelist) There are suggested updates for OpenSSL, ClamAV and Apache (on USN) but none of them appear in my update-lust. How to fix that?02:10
r007no quotes02:10
cgcardonaUnholyTerror: i am doing it via command line on the server02:10
rinku_kokiriwondering if it was .asoundrc that was the problem02:10
joey_1family: yes, type exactly that02:10
joey_1family: lspci lists all of the system information02:11
joey_1family: then it pipes it into grep, which searches for lines with the phrase "VGA". In case you were interested...02:11
r007Frenk the versions on the os arent the same as the ones the original package is if that makes sense02:11
joey_1family: It should come up with at something indicating what video card you have02:12
r007Frenk they are patched look up linux backports02:12
histoFrenk: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get upgrade02:12
histoFrenk: or sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade02:12
cgcardonaso I need to create a new user - add that user to the sudoers group - and then delete the user named root UnholyTerror ?02:12
familyOh thanks for the info. Well heres what i got  VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc RV380 [Radeon X600 (PCIE)]]02:12
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, no delete root, no no no02:13
cgcardonai am totally confused02:13
cgcardonais there a root user or not?02:13
cgcardonai am firing up a linode ubuntu distro02:13
cgcardonait tells me to ssh in using root@ipsaddress02:13
cgcardonaso is that root or not?02:13
cgcardonaand should I change that login or not?02:14
joey_1family: definitely not a nouveau issue then. I can't help you any further (I'm not a video card expert), but at last you can tell an expert what video card you have02:14
jpdscgcardona: It is, Linode have made their own changes to the default Ubuntu install.02:14
r007om sorry but theres nothing wrong with root its just ubuntu is aimed at people who cant be trusted with it ffs02:14
samlhey, are there volume compressor plugin for pulseaudio?02:14
samlor can i use ladspa plugin with pulseaudio?02:14
wowotoany one here comes from China~02:14
familyOkay well thanks for the help02:14
bazhangr007, lets move on, and watch the language please02:14
rinku_kokiriok so new thinkg02:14
jpds!cn | wowoto02:14
ubottuwowoto: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:14
bazhangwowoto, #ubuntu-cn02:14
telugeanyone know the mono core name in package manager?02:15
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, once you are sure your new account is working properly, remove the root's password.02:15
rinku_kokirignome-volume-control doesn't work without pulseaudio.. << how to make it or wha'ts an alternative02:15
Skapereninstalled sun-java6-plugin ... but java is still not in Firefox ... after a reboot ... is there another step needed?02:15
cgcardonaUnholyTerror: after I create a new user with sudo ability?02:15
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, yes02:15
wowotobazhang: no, right now i can not input any chinese character02:15
cgcardonahow the heck do I remove the roots password?02:16
telugeanyone know the mono core name in package manager?02:16
Skaperencgcardona: change it to something obscure?02:16
jpdscgcardona: /etc/ssh/sshd_config → PermitRootLogin no02:16
bazhangwowoto, via ibus02:16
jpdscgcardona: usermod -L root02:16
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, you would use the same Users and Groups...02:16
wowotobazhang: can not use ibus in tty202:17
bazhangwowoto, you want to use only Chinese?02:17
ubu_operaCan anyone tell me why Opera wants to use its own font instead of the font I defined in the Appearance box?02:17
wowotobazhang: since my english's so poor ....:C02:18
cgcardonai still don't understand if I am logging in as root or not when I ssh root@ipaddress02:18
jpdscgcardona: You are.02:18
bazhangwowoto, not sure about tty, in the gui ibus works great. perhaps #ubuntu-cn can shed some light there02:18
wowotobazhang: thx02:18
familyyeah is it possible to have chinese pinyin input on here?02:18
Nisstyre65merry christmas #ubuntu02:18
cgcardonaso it is dangerous to log in as root if I don't know what I'm doing?02:18
jpdscgcardona: But you can create a new user account, add it to the sudoers admin group; and then lock down the root account.02:19
jpdscgcardona: Potentially, knowledge is power.02:19
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, are you trolling now?02:19
Skaperencgcardona: it's dangerous to play with loaded guns, too ... but they can have power in the right hands02:20
UnholyTerrorjpds, that's what I just told them...02:20
r007yes it is dangerous to log in as root if you dont know what your doing02:21
cgcardonaUnholyTerror: am I trolling?02:21
cgcardonano I am complete newb and am confused02:22
r007but ubuntu took root away on other distros you get a warning when running sudo02:22
rinku_kokiriso i uninstalled pulseaudio.. it fixed my flash problem.. but now i can't adjust the volume, gnome-volume-control isn't on the panel02:22
r007but on ubuntu sudo is root02:22
rinku_kokiriand when i try to run it via cli it gives me an error ** (gnome-volume-control:3337): WARNING **: Connection failed, reconnecting...02:22
r007no other distros use sudo02:22
r007su -c is much ore secure02:23
Tito0096Anyone want to help me combine Chrome OS stuff with a ubuntu install?02:23
bazhangr007, please stop02:23
r007sudo is only needed for multi users02:23
r007people are asking02:23
bazhangTito0096, remaster it?02:23
rinku_kokirianyone have any ideas how to now fix gnome-volume-control?02:23
bazhangr007, and I have asked you to move on, repeatedly02:23
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, when you new account is set up and you need to perform 'admin' type actions. Linux will ask you for your password.02:23
cgcardonajpds: I think I got the answer I need - create a new user in the same group as root - then lock down root02:23
rinku_kokirior should i just reinstall pulseaudio02:23
Tito0096Bazhang, I need some drivers from Chrome OS on the Cr-48 to put in the Ubuntu install02:23
jpdscgcardona: Yep.02:24
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, what OS are you using?02:24
r007I have but people are asking questions arnt we supposed to answer them?02:24
cgcardonai am using ubuntu 10.0402:24
cgcardonaon the server02:24
jpdscgcardona: You have to put the new user into the 'admin' group (ie, adduser username admin).02:24
bazhangr007, the ubuntu way, not to your own non-ubuntu liking02:24
cgcardonajpds: cool02:24
UnholyTerrorcgcardona, what server?02:24
r007no the Linux way bazhang02:24
cgcardonasorry for asking the same questions over and over - definitely not trolling02:24
bazhangr007, not here02:24
cgcardonaUnholyTerror: linode02:24
jpdscgcardona: The /etc/sudoers file defines which group as sudo rights.02:25
r007so this isnt Linux is it suppose that is the ubuntu way02:25
rinku_kokiriYES I FIXED IT02:25
rinku_kokirii still don't have the volume icon on the gnome-panel02:26
jpdscgcardona: When you've created your new user, you can check that it has the right privs, logging in and then running: sudo -l02:26
IdleOnethat is a capital i02:26
cgcardonaok cool02:26
Tito0096wait i thought that was an l02:27
cgcardonathanks again - a lot to digest here but I will reread it twice before I spam the room with newb questions again02:27
rinku_kokirilowercase L02:27
IdleOneor is it a lower case L02:27
IdleOnesorry my bad02:27
Tito0096it is02:27
bazhanglowercase l02:27
Tito0096I = l02:27
jpdscgcardona: No worries, we all had to start as beginners some day.02:27
bazhangcgcardona, best to ask :)02:28
UnholyTerrordoes ubuntu server default to root as the user on install?02:28
jpdsUnholyTerror: No, it's just how Linode have set it up.02:29
r007unholy now ubuntu server does not have root02:29
r007no not now*02:29
UnholyTerrorjpds, good god!02:29
jpdsUnholyTerror: Amazon do the same with their EC2 instances, and no; I'm not him.02:29
r007Im serously going off ubutu02:30
bazhangr007, please dont continue02:30
bastidrazorjpds: cgcardona add the new user to admin group and it'll be able to use sudo02:30
r007its like the download options windows mac or ubuntu dont forget what this is LINUX02:30
jpdsr007: GNU/Linux, thanks.02:30
UnholyTerrorjpds, this has got to be a way to get support $$$ from people that end up screwing up their accounts.02:31
cr215hi.   in order to familiarize someone else with ubuntu i am making it look a little more like windows xp for them.  i just found a site and i am wondering if what it siggests is safe.  also the site's url made me have some doubts about triusting it...  http://ubuntu.online02.com/node/1402:31
r007true jpds sorry02:31
cr215should i try it?02:31
Skaperenon https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FirefoxPlugins someone added that the Java plugins instructions do not work ... and could not fix the referenced page ... anyone know if that command there is the right one?02:31
noonianr007, it is trivial to enable root02:31
r007noonian I know it is but Linux is about choice02:32
bastidrazorcr215: in my opinion, Kubuntu resembles windows 7/xp more than anything. it may be easier to convert a windows user with02:32
UnholyTerrorcr215, for what purpose?02:32
Skaperene.g. is the Java plugin now a new package?  if so, why didn't they delete the wrong one?02:32
IdleOneStop now with all the enabling root in Ubuntu talk. it is NOT supported and will get you banned very soon.02:32
* Skaperen installed sub-java6-plugin but it doesn't work02:32
cgcardonaare there logs for this room?02:32
noonianr007, you have a choice.02:32
bazhangSkaperen, from the partner repo?02:33
jpds!logs | cgcardona02:33
ubottucgcardona: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/02:33
UnholyTerrorIdleOne, actually we were talking about disabling root... but i'm done with it.02:33
Skaperenbazhang: yeah02:33
bazhangSkaperen, restarted firefox after installing?02:33
r007are conical telling you to do this02:33
cr215its for my mom...   i love gnome ive personallized it a lot many times and i could do it on my own but i was curious about this paticular script02:33
Skaperenbazhang: I even rebooted ... and just checked another machine that is amd64 and it's not there either02:34
eazyigzI don't know what happened, but after doing apt-get update and upgrade my wifi won't connect02:34
cr215theres a youtube video that shows  the process...  its supposed to be some kind of script that does it all for you02:34
eazyigzits so f$n weird and frustrating02:34
cr215and is easily reversable...   but could it be a scal to teick ppl into downloading malware?02:34
bastidrazorcr215: look at the script to see if it has anything malicious02:34
rinku_kokirii gots flash and amarok playing audio at the shame time02:35
Skaperenbazhang: current machine where I need to get java working is a netbook, i38602:35
UnholyTerrorcr215, if you make it look like XP, she'll end up thinking it's XP... and it won't be XP...02:35
cr215i dont know enuff aoburt scripts...  just one i have wriitten down somwhere so i never do it02:35
AegNuddelI'm getting errors from mono02:35
cr215o wait thats a terminal command02:35
bazhangSkaperen, odd, it works fine here02:35
FezzlerI love ubuntu be it seem every version I struggle with nvidia, pulse audio and jackd02:36
bastidrazorcr215: then teach your mother how to use what you have instead of some, possibly, evil script.02:36
Skaperenbazhang: I know I've had it working, but now I think maybe all the machines I had it on are on 9.1002:36
bazhangFezzler, which nvidia card02:36
cr215lol @unholy terror... i want it to be gnome...  just to ease her transition02:36
FezzlerI spend more time working on the PC that working or being creative02:36
IdleOnecr215: I think making Ubuntu look like windows would be counter productive, if you want the the user to get used to Ubuntu let them use Ubuntu.02:36
UnholyTerrorcr215, check for themes at gnome-look.org02:36
bazhangFezzler, for playing games, or not so much02:36
Fezzlerbazhang>> Geoforce FX550002:36
histoFezzler: click Systme > admin > hardware drivers   done with nvidia what else is there?02:36
cr215any suggestions or wasing her transition?02:36
Fezzlerbazhang>> Just trying to get compiz working02:36
cr215i loved gnome from the start02:36
Skaperenbazhang: I don't normally use Java so I would not really notice ... but on this machine I need to get it working02:37
bazhangFezzler, thats an older card, the open source drivers work fine here ( a bit newer card though 9400 iirc)02:37
cr215i could just put some shortcuts on the desktop for her02:37
itaylor57Skaperen: open or sun?02:37
cr215how do u make one for the trash?02:37
UnholyTerrorFezzler, what's the problem?02:37
Skaperenbazhang: I've even wiped off ${HOME}/.mozilla and restarted Firefox to let it create a new config, and still the Java plugin is not there02:37
Skaperenbazhang: Firefox needs a "plugin control" menu panel where it lists all files in the plugins areas, which look valid, which are enabled, etc02:38
rinku_kokiriMy sound issue was an invalid .asoundrc02:39
rigvedcr215: you don't have to. check the bottom right corner of your screen. do you see the Trash icon02:39
rinku_kokiriall fixed nau02:39
cr215i know02:39
AegNuddelDoes anyone know how mono works?  I'm getting errors from something that says it is mono enabled02:39
cr215just wondering how if someone wanted to02:39
AegNuddelI have it in a pastebin02:40
cr215cuz i dont know its file location or command02:40
Skaperenbazhang: should I re-install from scratch?02:40
bastidrazor!trash | cr21502:40
ubottucr215: The location of Trash has changed since 8.04, it is now located in ~/.local/share/Trash | Looking for the trash in previous versions: ~/.Trash02:40
AegNuddelif anyone wants to know/see02:40
AegNuddelhere it i02:40
UnholyTerrorAegNuddel, I know you can get it from kissing...02:40
bazhangSkaperen, that is almost never the answer for such an issue; do you have any other java installed? icedtea or the like?02:40
AegNuddelUnholyTerror, wrong mono02:41
cr215this was my karmic configuration..   credit to kenzus on deviantart for the desktop and the originall image that i ised in the panels    http://fc05.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2010/139/3/3/My_Desktop_by_robot_chicken_parm.png02:41
Skaperenbazhang: I didn't look ... let me go do that02:41
Fezzlersays it is running nividia current02:41
Fezzlerand asked me to "restart X"02:41
UnholyTerrorAegNuddel, makes you feel the same.02:41
FezzlerI will reboot02:41
daxt_guys is there a way to increase the screen resolution artificially ?02:41
cr215that you @ ubottu02:41
AegNuddelUnholyTerror, lol02:41
UnholyTerrordaxt ?02:41
bazhangcr215, ubottu is a bot02:41
rigved!brain | cr21502:42
ubottucr215: Hi! I'm #ubuntu's favorite infobot, you can search my brain yourself at http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi | Usage info: http://ubottu.com/devel/wiki/Plugins | Bot channels and general info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Bots02:42
cr215i thought it was but its stsill the shit02:42
cr215can i say that word here?02:42
rigved!language | cr21502:42
ubottucr215: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:42
daxt_guys is there a way to increase the screen resolution artificially ?02:43
UnholyTerrordaxt ?02:43
Skaperenbazhang: java-common, sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre, sun-java6-plugin (did "dpkg -l | grep java")02:43
pksadiqdaxt_: nvidia ?02:44
rigveddaxt_: not if your monitor does not support it at all. nut try this - http://paste.ubuntu.com/546908/02:44
rigveddaxt_: *but02:44
daxt_unholyterror my max screen resolution is 1440X900, i am looking for some way of increasing into twice the size of it temporary02:44
daxt_yes NVIDIA02:44
pksadiq!info nvidia-settings | daxt_02:45
ubottudaxt_: nvidia-settings (source: nvidia-settings): Tool of configuring the NVIDIA graphics driver. In component main, is optional. Version 260.19.06-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 828 kB, installed size 1928 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 lpia)02:45
Skaperendaxt_: you wanting to match your monitor, or exceed it?02:45
daxt_exceed it temporarily02:45
Ashfire908Hi, I'm having issues with Pidgin's audio. Usually any sound it plays starts off with a crackly noise.02:45
daxt_coz i got an image with huge dimensions02:45
Skaperendaxt_: probably have to hack the Xorg config file02:46
daxt_i want to see it as one02:46
pksadiqdaxt_: you can't exceed unless your monitor and graphics card supports so02:46
AnthonyCatMy home is "/Users/Anthony" where /Users is a symlink to /media/Macintosh HD/Users. When I open Gnome Terminal, it begins with in /media/Macintosh HD/Users/Anthony,  instead of "~". Is there a way to make it start at ~? typing cd ~ works02:46
Ashfire908(If Pidgin is off topic, I'll go ask there, but since the issue is with the audio, it's more a system thing.)02:46
Skaperendaxt_: do you want a large workspace (example 2560x1600) with a small window into it (e.g. match monitor like 1440x900) ?02:46
daxt_u all know web developer toolbar right , it has an option to set custom resolutions inside the firefox which can do beyond the supported resolution02:47
daxt_Skaperen  yes  i want large workspace02:47
Skaperendaxt_: if you exceed your monitor, it likely will just blank out02:47
rigveddaxt_: use the link which i gave above. print it and then try it. but beware that it'l most likely not work as your monitor does not support02:47
UnholyTerrordaxt, what do you need to do. see a large image on the screen all at once. the image viewer will do that.02:47
TheWardenMerry Christmas02:47
rigveddaxt_: change the resolution of the image and then view it...02:48
daxt_UnHolyTerror , unfortunately  i am developing an app using GTK+ so i dont have the luxury of image viewer :(02:48
TheWardenI have an issue that is really bugging me. I altered my account in Ubunutu 10.10 to not prompt for a password. Now I can't login unless I go to the shell.02:48
AegNuddelTheWarden, Merry Christmas to you too!02:48
Skaperendaxt_: I did stuff like that back when I hand coded my own Xorg.conf files on Slackware for CRTs ... but I haven't done that in recent versions for LCDs02:48
TheWardenI receive the following error message "Could not update ICEauthority file02:48
rigveddaxt_: print this and then try this method - http://paste.ubuntu.com/546908/02:49
TheWardenthen I click the button and it shows "There is a problem with the config server /usb/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)02:49
TheWardenThere must be something I can do to resolve this without having to re-install Ubuntu. It worked slick with no issues prior to me changing my account to not prompt for login password. Hell if I knew how to put it back I would.02:50
TheWardendamn gui has gotten me confused02:50
cr215thanks for all the suggestions everyone02:50
SkaperenTheWarden: what did you do to make it not prompt?02:50
TheWardenyes I've tried google but so far no luck locating a solution.02:50
SkaperenTheWarden: you can login to shell via text console and sudo?02:51
histoTheWarden: system >admin > login screen02:51
=== Animawolf is now known as Animagladius
TheWardenSkaperen: it prompt... when you turn on the computer it always prompts for username and password. So I though well this is a media center primarily so lets remove the password. I did this in the GUI and now this problem.02:51
histoTheWarden: To re-enable the password that is.02:52
TheWardenSkaperen: I login with my account that I set during installation.02:52
daxt_hi rigved , i tried that , but it makes the screen turn off :(02:52
SkaperenTheWarden: but you now cannot get into the GUI at all?02:52
TheWardenhisto: Ahh I do that in the shell prompt? Remember I can't login via the GUI anymore.02:52
SkaperenTheWarden: I do not know what the GUI tool for making no password actually did02:52
TheWardenSkaperen: correct it just asks for username I press enter and it gives me to errors and then sits there with the wallpaper and nothing else.02:52
rigveddaxt_: that means that your monitor does not support that resolution. try changing the resolution of the image that you want to view02:53
TheWardenSkaperen: I wish I know... I just did it under Users and Groups02:53
SkaperenTheWarden: what do errors say?02:53
histoTheWarden: what did you do under users and groups?02:53
TheWardenSkaperen: the ones I posted priviously. let me get them again.02:53
TheWardenI receive the following error message "Could not update ICEauthority file02:53
TheWardenthen I click the button and it shows "There is a problem with the config server /usb/libgconf2-4/gconf-sanity-check-2 exited with status 256)02:53
TheWardenhisto: I set it to not prompt for password02:54
SkaperenTheWarden: did you change the uid numbers or anything like that?02:54
Skaperendoes the ICEauthority message repeat each time you login?02:54
TheWardenSkaperen: no02:54
histoTheWarden: you can't in there so I'm not quite sure what you did.02:54
TheWardenSkaperen: yes02:54
SkaperenTheWarden: sounds like some ownership mismatch02:54
magicianlordhey, i installed 10.10 64 bit and it is much faster02:54
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, try reinstating the password...02:55
SkaperenTheWarden: login on text console and see if files are owned by the correct user02:55
magicianlordeven the beta flash player works fine02:55
SkaperenTheWarden: does it prompt for password on text console ... or does it skip password?02:55
TheWardenOkay I went to Users and Groups then clicked on Change under password.02:55
UnholyTerrormagicianlord, applause!02:55
magicianlordUnholyTerror: thanks02:55
TheWardenand I checked don't ask for password at login02:55
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah that's what I thought but I checked the .ICEauthority file and I have read and write permissions02:56
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, try re-instating the password...02:56
TheWardenSkaperen: yes it prmopts at the shell for the password.02:56
SkaperenTheWarden: and all other files?  find /home/username -ls | less02:57
TheWardenUnholyTerror: Ahh how do you suggest I do that that would be affected in the GUI?02:57
SkaperenTheWarden: well, then somehow you didn't get changed what yough thought was changed, and something else got changed02:57
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah I have the rights to them under my home02:57
* TheWarden sigh02:57
SkaperenTheWarden: not just rights ... but OWNERSHIP ???02:57
TheWardenI guess I just re-install then damn it02:58
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, wait, you turned off login password but it still asks in the terminal?02:58
TheWardenSkaperen: yes I have ownership and group as well02:58
TheWardenUnholyTerror: correct02:58
SkaperenUnholyTerror: yeah, so it seems he didn't get what he wanted02:58
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, hold a sec...02:58
TheWardenI shouldn't have done that. I should have left the account and tried it on a new one instead. dumb ass move on my part :|02:59
SkaperenTheWarden: I do recommend, if you re-install, that the first user created NOT be the kiosk user ... make a 2nd user for the kiosk function02:59
wingnut2626hey i just got this laptop.  when im pipelining commands how do i type that vertical line that seperates the commands?02:59
SkaperenTheWarden: then make that 2nd user be the one with no password prompt02:59
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah I know I thought of that but was too late... not my norm way of doing things.02:59
SkaperenTheWarden: that way you have a "normal" user to get in with, securely02:59
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah.. I guess... just didn't want to go through setting everything back up again argh.03:00
SkaperenTheWarden: hehe ... yeah ... doing some new strange thing tends to be a learning experience ... practice makes perfect03:00
TheWardengotta be some damn file that could be corrected but no clue what. Stupid GUIs make ppl dumb :)03:00
magicianlordthe beta flash player wont play on hulu03:00
magicianlordwhy not. what to fix it03:00
SkaperenTheWarden: if I could login as root I might well be able to see the issue and fix it ... but that's not an option here03:01
SkaperenTheWarden: if I was in front of your console, that would be an option03:01
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, if you type your password does it login (to the termial)?03:01
TheWardendang it... have to pull up the stupid monitor now to hook backup to the system argh oh man I resetup MythTV oh man okay I gotta do more reading this this doesn't happen again.03:01
sutibucan I ask an XChat question here?03:01
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah well that would be a little difficult to remote in like that :)03:01
TheWardenUnholyTerror: yes03:02
SkaperenTheWarden: I always make my first user be "manager" and then make a 2nd user for other things (like my name)03:02
wingnut2626so i take it nobody can answer it?03:02
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, you could try: sudo startx03:02
sutibuUbuntu 10.10 - newest patch level - whenever I go into Preferences and try and change background color on XChat, it crashes.  Seeing this on both Ubuntu 10.10 as well as pinguy03:02
UnholyTerrorwingnut2626, SHIFT \03:03
Skaperentry UnholyTerror's sudo startx suggestion and see if you get X up and logged in that way03:03
NorthwoodsI'm new to ubuntu , to install a new software should i look some particular place ( like some repository ) ?03:03
wingnut2626thanks dude03:03
=== mike is now known as Guest83473
Guest83473what is script console used for03:03
UnholyTerrorwingnut2626, you can't see it on any of the keys?03:03
TheWardenSkaperen: yeah smart move :)03:04
wingnut2626no the thing was the \ key has a vertical line with a space in it.  sorry i didnt know it wouldnt present like that when i typed |.  Rookie mistake!03:04
TheWardenUnholyTerror: okay I'll maybe try that03:04
TheWardenWell okay lets see if I get this in Ubuntu.... I could maybe do this if I understand things correctly.03:05
UnholyTerrorwingnut2626, duh! ;)03:05
Xintruderanyone here knows any mod in #apple?03:05
sutibuNorthwoods, Right off the main menu, Ubuntu Software Center.  You can also try 'sudo apt-get BLAH' from the terminal03:05
TheWardenI'm use to dealing with things in the shell not a GUI03:05
UnholyTerrorwingnut2626, as you get older, that little space isn't as visible...03:05
TheWardenSo there is a root account I would assume so if I logged into that in the shell then deleted the account in question and re-created a new one that should in theory correct the issue?03:06
SkaperenTheWarden: me, too ... there apparently are a number of GUI programmers who don't really understand the systems level03:06
stealthcanybody here know C at all?03:06
TheWardenSkaperen: well I'm not saying I'm an expert but the damn GUI just confuses the hell out of me.03:06
Viking667stealthc: not enough to help out.03:06
abcd99hey, where should i report a bug in libm library (ubuntu x86_64bit)? its a tan func performance bug "sin/cos" is dam 10 times faster than tan, from what i see other distributions like suse patch it themselfes03:06
stealthcI'm having troubles with pointers and cast03:06
stealthctrying to do something real simple03:06
SkaperenTheWarden: I have successfully created new accounts from root, with an empty home directory under their ownership, logging them in from GUI does work03:07
stealthcbut keeps coming up with errors because stupid documentation doesn't define what the pointer really is and expects me to figure out how to change from one type to another03:07
XintruderI am sorry I have to ask this here, where can I find a network operator to ask for help?03:07
TheWardenso I feel like a dumb ass asking this but since I never setup a root account during Ubuntu install that I know of what would be the password for it?03:07
SkaperenTheWarden: but to adhere to channel rules, I will not tell you how (to be root)03:07
TheWardenSkaperen: mm interesting03:07
magicianlordis there a 64 bit adobe flahs plugin that works with hulu.com?03:07
SkaperenTheWarden: if you know how to be root ... you are on your own ... no support here03:07
histomagicianlord: flash squared03:08
IdleOne!root | TheWarden03:08
ubottuTheWarden: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo03:08
TheWardenSkaperen: oh I see... not sure I understand that being that Root is the administrator and should be used as such.03:08
Skaperenmagicianlord: experimental one03:08
histomagicianlord: let me check and make sure though03:08
dzup21wtf? this channel becomes crazy ...lol03:08
UnholyTerrorTheWarden, it's your password.03:08
magicianlordi have 10.2 beta, and that doest work on hulu, but does on other sites03:08
FezzlerSo I have the right driver - nvidia-173.  I have used it with compiz before.  Now Ubuntu starts in low graphics mode and I have no compiz03:08
histomagicianlord: i'm chekcing 10.2 right now.03:09
TheWardenUnholyTerror: oh okay03:09
UnholyTerrormagicianlord, it's a HULUproblem, not FLASH03:09
Fezzlerbad conf file setting?03:09
SkaperenUbuntu installs with no access to root ... real root jockeys know ways to change that ... if you can't figure it out, root is no place for you to be03:09
histomagicianlord: actually i'm running 10.303:09
TheWardenmm let me go try this out... have to go to the other computer upstairs :)03:09
histomagicianlord: works fine here03:09
sutibuXChat IRC on Ubuntu 10.10 crashes everytime I launch preferences and try and change background color - any ideas out there?03:09
* Viking667 has to agree with Skaperen, somewhat.03:09
stealthcwell I would go to the ##C channel but it doesn't explain how I can register to post on it03:09
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:10
dzup21...is this a windows channel ?03:10
detrix42Hi. I have changed my password. now I need to change the password for my keyring. How do I do this?03:10
Viking667THAT bit I can help out with...03:10
Fezzleractually, nvidia-173 is active.  nvidia-current also shows installed03:10
Viking667dzup21: not intended to be03:10
magicianlordhisto: 10.3 64 bit? where is it03:10
FezzlerIf I get pulse audio working, jackd doesn't and visa versa.  Lucid has not been good for me03:11
histomagicianlord: it's no longer on their site it seems let me see if I can find it.03:11
* Skaperen thinks he'l just go ahead and uninstall sun-java6 and try icedtea6 and see if that plugin works03:11
histomagicianlord: I have flash 10.3 d162 right now that i'm running03:12
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nonamewhat is script console in codeblocks used for?03:13
nonameanyone knows03:13
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magicianlordhisto: thanks03:13
histomagicianlord: still trying to find it. I swear they used to have 64bit links on the labs.adobe.com/technologies/flashplayer10/ page03:14
=== Guest89079 is now known as creative-mike
UnholyTerrorGuest89079, thankyou for changing your nick to something more unique.03:14
magicianlordhisto: all i found there was 10.2 dated 11/17/1003:14
magicianlordor 11/3003:14
detrix42Hi. I have changed my password. now I need to change the password for my keyring. How do I do this?03:15
creative-mikedoes anyone know?03:15
histomagicianlord: well i'm showing yeah 11/30/10 but there used to be a 64bit download which is gone at the moment03:15
magicianlordhisto: adobe is so secretive03:16
histomagicianlord: I can upload the one i'm running somewhere hold up03:16
magicianlordok, it's safE?03:16
MoroccoNight here..03:17
UnholyTerrorit's night time in Morocco?03:18
histomagicianlord: it's just a libflashplayer.so mine appears to be from 11/16/1003:18
histoUnholyTerror: yeah03:18
magicianlordhmm ok03:18
Viking667UnholyTerror: probably.03:18
histoUnholyTerror: well early morning03:18
Viking6673:20 or so, I think03:18
UnholyTerrorit's night time here.03:19
histomagicianlord: ?03:19
cablopmmm, i got a new dosk for my netbook, and i want to increase the disk performance of the luks (encrypted) partitions... is this -c aes-ecb-null -s 128 a good combination? safe and good eprformance?03:19
magicianlordis that your version?03:19
Viking667sounds old03:19
histomagicianlord: no it's 10.3 d16203:20
histomagicianlord: http://wikisend.com/download/474512/libflashplayer.so03:20
cablopwhat are recommended encryption values for a netbook? is a 128 key size safe enough?03:20
theadminhisto, magicianlord: Why not just get it from Adobe's site? o.O03:21
histotheadmin: because it's not there anymore03:21
histotheadmin: I don't see the 64bit one03:21
magicianlordhisto: thank you. i'll try it03:21
magicianlordtheadmin: they only have 10.2 on adobe03:21
magicianlordwhich doesnt work with hulu03:21
histomagicianlord: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html  there is the official link03:22
theadminhisto: Ah, 64-bit... Sorry.03:22
histotheadmin: magicianlord they really were trying to hide that bugger03:22
magicianlordok. what is 'square'?03:22
theadminluck: No need to caps. Hello.03:23
magicianlordis something wrong with it03:23
histomagicianlord: its the beta preview 3 of flash03:23
histomagicianlord: that's the one i'm using and it works03:23
magicianlordok. thank you.03:24
TheWardenokay I create a new account and rebooted the system.03:25
TheWardenWith the new user account I was able to login via the GUI.03:26
TheWardenso this is good news.03:26
Northwoodsbefore installing a software , what all do i need to know , like dependencies , repository etc , what is all that stuff , sorry i'm new03:26
theadminTheWarden: It can narrow down the problem to your specific user account, altough I'm unsure what the problem is.03:27
TheWardenI guess to make it simpler I could create another account with sudo privileges and I think that's the only difference to replace my broken account that is like the manager account.03:27
Northwoodstheadmin: ?03:27
theadminNorthwoods: Well, you said you were able to log in to GUI with the new account, meaning old one didn't work03:27
Northwoods:) no03:27
theadminTheWarden: Don't worry, APT will handle that automagically.03:27
Northwoodsi'm looking to install kvirc on ubuntu03:28
TheWardenTheWarden: thanks I was to be honest directly this at Skaperen and UnholyTerror to be honest.03:28
TheWardentheadmin: APT? Ahh so you are saying that I can just toast my main account that I had issues with it and APT with handle the rest ??03:28
SkaperenTheWarden: I hate GUI programmers ... I went to the Firefox plugin manager ... scrolling down does not scroll down ... instead it picks a plugin at random, jumping around as it goes03:28
theadminNorthwoods: Well, open Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center and search there, OR open Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal and type this in: sudo apt-get install kvirc03:29
TheWardenSkaperen: oh man annnonying03:29
NorthwoodsTheWarden: thanks i was to be honestly directly this at sheakspear03:29
SkaperenTheWarden: that and neither Java plugin works03:29
TheWardenSkaperen: strange03:29
SkaperenTheWarden: and this is on a 32-bit install ... which should have the best availability of working stuff03:29
TheWardenNorthwoods: :-s03:29
cablopis a key size of size 128 easy to break?03:30
TheWardenSkaperen: no kdding03:30
theadmincablop: No, it's pretty secure. I have my HD encrypted with that keysize.03:30
histocablop: what a wep key?03:30
bazhangcablop, not really on topic here03:30
SkaperenTheWarden: ironically, Java works on my desktop at work (10.10 amd64)03:30
theadmincablop: And yeah, gotta admit bazhang is right. Please move it to #ubuntu-offtopic03:30
SkaperenNorthwoods: eh?03:31
histoSkaperen: enable the partner repo and install sun-java6-plugin03:31
theadmin(or what was the channel?)03:31
Northwoodstheadmin: mind answering me ?03:31
histo!partner | Skaperen03:31
TheWardenAm I right though that the main user account created a Ubuntu install is granted sudo permissions other wise the rest of the account is like any other if just created as a standard account with no added permissions or ownerships?03:31
ubottuSkaperen: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »03:31
cablopbazhang, yes, on topic, i was about to install ubuntu again in my netbook and i want the best combination of security vs performance for it03:31
Skaperenhisto: BTDT03:31
Skaperenhisto: that was the first one that didn't work03:31
TheWardenSkaperen: I have Java working fine on this system and it's 32-bit :)03:31
theadminNorthwoods: Mind repeating what you said? Mighta skipped it03:31
cablophisto, not, a key for disk encryption03:31
histotheadmin: correct it's part of the admin group is the only thing extra03:31
histocablop: yeah that's fine03:31
magicianlordhisto: it works. thanks03:31
histoTheWarden: yeah it's only addition is part of the admin group03:32
TheWardenOh ops sorry histo I meant those messages towards you too.. didn't mean to excluded you. Thanks for helping.03:32
Northwoodstheadmin: I want to install kvirc on ubuntu , i'm new , when installing a software , should i look into some repository or something and what are dependencies ?03:32
cabloptheadmin thanks... do you know if choosing this will be ok for a netbook? -c aes-ecb-null -s 12803:32
shijiei encountered a failure with ubuntu 10.10 installation, can anybody offer a hand?03:32
theadminNorthwoods: As I said, APT handles dependencies automatically. Open Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center and search for your software there.03:32
cablopwhat error shijie03:32
Skaperenhisto: Firefox is simply not seeing the plugin at all ... it's like this Firefox was coded to ignore all Java plugins (I'm sure it isn't, just explaining the appearance)03:32
TheWardenhisto: ahh okay so I should be able to just create another account with sudo permissions and apart of the admin group and all should be good. On the other hand in theory one would think I could go into my home directory and delete it all then03:33
shijiewith GT41503:33
Northwoodsoh thankyou so much theadmin03:33
shijieI am using Acer 4741G03:33
TheWardenhisto: login via the GUI and it should work.03:33
theadminNorthwoods: Dependencies are... okay... it's kinda like... say, to play a CD you'd need a CD-ROM. Thus, CD-ROM is a dependency of a CD. Kinda like that.03:33
shijieand i just can't install my driver03:33
Skaperenhisto: so I uninstalled sun-java6-plugin and its friends, and installed icetea6-plugin instead ... still no joy03:33
histoTheWarden: yeah you can create another account and just add them to admin group and it would be the same as the install does.03:33
Northwoodstheadmin: gotcha03:33
cablopshijie, what driver?03:33
mantissaanyone here know how to use Nautilus Actions Configuration Tool? trying to do a "extract here" menu button for  xarchiver but it is not working03:33
Northwoodsthankyou , i love learning this OS03:33
Northwoodsits pretty faster than windows03:34
shijierecommended video driver03:34
shijieonce I did, the computer freeze upon starting03:34
cablopmuch much faster, and the 10.10 is really really energy saving03:34
TheWardenhisto: ahh okay perfect but I still have to grant sudo permissions right or does the admin group do that in Ubuntu?03:34
UnholyTerrormantissa, doesn't the xarchiver already do that?03:34
shijieand there is a message "Unable to detect WMID device"03:35
SkaperenI may re-install to 10.04.1 and see if Firefox finds the plugin in that one03:35
magicianlordoh this is interesting. so installing nvidia driver from within ubuntu adds a nvidia-graphics-drivers.conf file to modprobe.d directory, banning nouveau. instead of to blacklist.conf. is there a difference between doing it one way vs other?03:35
mantissanope archive manager does nut not xarchiver03:35
shijieand there is a message "Unable to detect WMID device" error03:35
cabloptheadmin: sorry to keep on the topic, but i don't want to keep stuck at this point of the installation03:35
histoTheWarden: yeah that's what the admin group is.03:35
theadmincablop: Well, as I said 128-bit should be pretty secure.03:35
TheWardenhisto: oh okay, great. Thanks.03:36
histotheadmin: if you run visudo you'll see that any one in the admin group gets sudo abilities03:36
cablopok, theadmin thanks03:36
shijieto <cablop> :hello,and there is a message "Unable to detect WMID device" error03:36
shijiei tried ubuntu 10.04/10.10,03:36
theadminhisto: Uh... I know about /etc/sudoers :D Why are you telling me that?03:36
shijiebut all encountered this same error03:36
mantissafileroller i mean for the extract here context menu button but I want to use "extract here" with xarchiver03:37
mantissai got the custom menu command to appear but running it produces segfault for xarchiver  with command xarchiver -x %d %f03:38
cablopshijie: do a install with a default driver, after that you have three options, install the driver from the repositories through the gui tool for that or grab a driver from the hardware maker or try to find a driver from a third party (probably open source compatble)... is it a nVidia card?03:38
shijiehello,can anybody help me with "Unable to detect WMID device" error03:38
Northwoodscablop:  where can i learn keyboard shortcuts for things , like switch between different desktops ( 4 of them are avaialble i think )03:38
histotheadmin: sorry wrong person03:38
histoTheWarden: i was trying to tell you about visudo if you look above I messaged theadmin by mistake03:38
randomOfAmberhas anyone gotten 2 finger scrolling to work with the magic pad (apple)?  Mine's recognized as a tablet, and so doesn't support that when enabled in mouse preferences03:39
UnholyTerrorNorthwoods, CTRL-ALT-ARROW03:39
Northwoodstheadmin:  where can i learn keyboard shortcuts for things , like switch between different desktops ( 4 of them are avaialble i think )03:39
shijiei installed the default driver, it did not work either03:39
Northwoodsoh sorry03:39
Northwoodsthanks people03:39
theadminNorthwoods: System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts. You can see a full list there and even add custom ones.03:39
=== shishirdwivedi20 is now known as shishir
shijiewhen no video driver installed ,the resolution fixed in 800*60003:39
shishirhey i need help03:39
cablopNorthwoods: it depends on many many things, like in windows, it depends in what you are running at the same time, but  for desktop things you can check the window manager, if you use compiz i recommend you to install the compiz fusion icon and right clic it then go to general and check aaaallll of them... but as a simple rule, ctrl+alt + left|right key do the trick for the workspaces switch03:39
magicianlordshijie: what?03:40
shijiecould you tell me why there is a WMID error03:40
shijieunable to detect WMID device ERROR03:40
cablopshijie? is that an nVidia one?03:40
Northwoodscablop: should i look for compiz fusion icon in software application center ?03:40
shishiri unfortunately removed the shut down icon from panel now the shut down ,restart, lockscreen all of them gone . how can i restore that  icon?03:40
shijienvidia GT41503:41
cablopyep, Northwoods03:41
Northwoodsbesides software applicatin ceenter seems to be little slow03:41
magicianlordshijie: what is your problem?03:41
cablopshijie, before install any nVidia restricted driver it is higfhly recommended to uninstall the nouveau driver that cames by default on ubuntu, i don't remember the package03:41
UnholyTerrorshishir, right-click->add to panel03:41
cablop!nvidia > shijie03:42
shijieI also encountered a "unable to detect WMID device" error,03:42
ubottushijie, please see my private message03:42
Northwoodsit is taking lot of time to download kvirc03:42
shijiei just can't fixed it03:42
cablop!nvidia | shijie03:42
ubottushijie: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto03:42
theadminNorthwoods: Well, it's most likely a connection issue03:42
cablopshijie, be careful it is a pretty old howto, but you can find the steps there, in few words, remove the nouveau driver then install the nVidia one03:42
shijiebut,where does the "WMID device" error come from03:43
Spaztic_OneHaving problems with a 2nd gen ipod nano on maverick. lsusb doesn't show it when it is plugged in, but my ipod does charge.03:43
shishirUnholyTerror i did that but individual options are coming i want previous list type option in which when i click to option whole list comes showing all options03:43
shijieok,i will try03:43
UnholyTerrorNorthwoods, Software Center is just a different front end to the same package installation programs.03:43
shijiebut,where does the "WMID device" error come from?03:43
shijieI just can't explain that03:43
cablopNorthwoods: i use chatzilla... i like it because it is the same tool for win and linux and i can hold a copy on my portableapps collection :P03:44
Northwoodstheadmin: but i have 1 mbps line , i hope the file size is not too large , because it installed only 14%03:44
cablopshijie, that error can come from a multitude of sources...03:44
Northwoodsportableapps collection , what is that cablop ?03:44
UnholyTerrorshishir, right-click->add to panel->Shut down03:44
Northwoodsdo you mean you carry over some apps from one os to another ?03:44
TheWardenokay I have another problem that is driving me nuts with Ubuntu in the X Window03:45
histoNorthwoods: yeah it's apps you put on a usb drive that are portable. They even work well under wine in linux03:45
histoTheWarden: what's that?03:45
theadminNorthwoods: Well, that's actually more like 28% cause it only downloads till 50%, then it starts installing.03:46
cablopNorthwoods: it is a collection of portable applications for USB, they don't modify nor write on the computer you use them... combined with a portable truecrypt you can have a safe set of applications to use on windows in any computer... they're mainly open source... no moe on the topic, cause it is OT, but in few words it is a prettty nice complement for any linux geek forced to live in windows03:46
Northwoodshisto: do we have to create some pacakage or what , where can i read about it ?03:46
TheWardenOne has I believe 4 virtual desktops created. Now each desktop is a viewing area that can be the resolution set or beyond your resolution. Does this make sense before I continue?03:46
shishirunholyterror  i did that and option is visible on panel but i want one icon which contains all the option like shutdown ,restart , lockscreen  just like previously how can i do  so ?03:46
Northwoodscablop: thanks03:46
TheWardenwhen I say viewing area I'm not talking about the monitor resolution.03:46
TheWardenview area or desktop size not sure what the proper term is03:47
UnholyTerrorshishir, right-click->add to panel->Indicator Applet03:48
TheWardenIf that makes sense, I'll continue the viewing area or desktop size for some reason is beyond the size of the monitor resolution. how do I make them the same? Keep in mind in my case here I'm using a CRT TV as my monitor.03:48
shijiemany acer 4741G nvidia GT415M users encountered this problem, it might be a kernel bug03:48
UnholyTerrorshishir, right-click->add to panel->Indicator Applet session03:48
shishirunholyterror done thanx03:49
cablopTheWarden: try in system>Preferences>onitors to check the best settiongs for your screen resolution and configuration03:49
cablopshijie i forgot to tell you, check if you have the proper linux headers for your current kernel, some drivers seems unaware to check for them03:50
TheWardencablop: I can't do that as I'm using the NVIDIA drivers. Also I'm in no way referring to the resolution size the monitor is using.03:50
histoNorthwoods: google portable apps03:50
Spaztic_OneHaving problems with a 2nd gen ipod nano on maverick. it doesn't show up when plugged in and lsusb doesn't show it either, but my ipod does charge. Tried all 3 usb ports on my laptop (even though lsusb shows that I have 8 busses (?), with bus one having 2 devices, one being my built in card reader)03:50
cablopTheWarden: i used the driver from the nvidia website and i can use that tool for that03:50
TheWardenOne can have a monitor resolution and then a separate dimensions of each virtual desktop viewing area.03:51
cablopshijie, also install the dkms package03:51
TheWardencablop: well I can't it says I have to use the NVIDIA tool as I'm not using a regular monitor its a CRT TV. Why it says I can't I do not know.03:51
cablopTheWarden: ah! mmm but in my opinion, first check if you can play with the monitor via that tool, in that way you check that your linux and the monitor are understanding each other03:52
TheWardenargh so hard to explain when some many people don't do this anymore. It can be handle to have the viewing area bigger but in this case its a pain cause you can't see the mouse.03:52
cablopafter that, then go and enable or install the nvidia-settings tool03:52
SenixI have ./folder saved in my home drive03:53
Senixhow do i get to it and copy something from it?03:53
TheWardencablop: well I've looked in there and all there is a monitor resolution setting. Nothing more that refers to size of virtual desktop/viewing area.03:53
TheWardencablop: I can't let me get the message it tells me when I try to use the monitors. Plus even if I do use that tool it doesn't provide what I'm talking about. It again only allows one to set the monitor resolution used.03:54
shijiehi,cablop, I just wonder what if I install early versions,just like 9.10/9.04,see if it works without WMID error03:54
cablopTheWarden: mmm i get the point... but... isn't an odd combination a CRT TV with an accelerated graphics video card?... :)03:54
magicianlordshijie: i saw a fix for that earlier03:54
balt11tMy computer was a lot faster running Arch with KDE, but I don't know why03:55
shijiewhat u mean03:55
magicianlordbalt11t: arch is faster03:55
shijieearlier versions03:55
dotblankSenix, a fodler with a '.' as a prefix is considered hidden you can use the sortcut ctrl+h to reveal it03:55
cablopshijie many many many things changed from 10.04, this is why, once you find the new way you'll be happy with ubuntu again :)03:55
theadminbalt11t: Well, duh, Ubuntu is slower.03:55
balt11tmagicianlord: drastically though03:55
shijieor there is a earlier solution03:55
balt11tI have 4gb of RAM03:55
Senixdotblank, thanks03:55
magicianlordbalt11t: because ubuntu has lots of modules it installs that make it crawl03:55
balt11tand I'm barely pulling minecraft off03:55
shijieyou mean 9.10 doesn't have a problem like that,right?03:56
magicianlordi run arch on my netbooks03:56
balt11tMaybe it's because I'm doing a huge sysupgrade too03:56
* theadmin runs OpenSuSE and is happy with it03:56
shijieand 10.04 getchanged but some new bugs jumped out03:56
magicianlordbalt11t: maybe. no computer janitor?03:56
cablopshijie, dunno, i didn't used 9.10... for me 9.10 seems to be a transition between 8.x-9x to 10.x03:56
Northwoods what is the firefox addon for viewing compatibility with I.E. ,  like virtually render page like I.E.803:57
dotblankmagicianlord, modules get auto-detected (I thought)  usually.. at least thats what I thought.. it may be the mdoule built into the kernel that slows it down03:57
magicianlordbalt11t: also, i partition sometimes into multiple areas, which makes things faster03:57
shijieok,i will try.03:57
Northwoodscablop: like if we want to see the page in I.E.03:57
magicianlorddtownhero: not sure03:57
shijiethanks anyway,to cablop & magicianlord03:57
shijiei am newbie, so i am unfamiliar with linux..03:58
cablopNorthwoods: no way to do that... sadly, maybe you mean the IETab but you need a real IE in your system making it only suitable for windows and certain macs... grab a virtualbox (or anything like that) and run windows on it for those tests03:58
balt11tcomputer janitor?03:58
theadminNorthwoods: Or run IE trough WINE.03:58
TheWardencablop: yes okay here is the message03:59
cablopmmm shijie, then... ubuntu 10.04 and 10.10 are much much easier than 9.04 and earlier... sadly for that bug03:59
Northwoodstheadmin: WINE ?03:59
theadminNorthwoods: It's a thing to run Windows programs. See http://winehq.org03:59
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu03:59
lotecVB is so easy,  just need a few gigs of space03:59
chris_osxmagicianlord: is arch notably faster than ubuntu on a netbook?03:59
cabloptheadmin: Northwoods but to trun IE8 in WINE is a hadra task... isn't it?03:59
TheWardencablop: when I run "Monitors" I receive this message, "It appears that your graphics driver does not support the necessary extensions to use this tool. Do you want to use your graphics driver vendor's tool instead?03:59
TheWardenops end quote :)03:59
bonjoyeeNorthwoods: are u wondering about "useragent switcher"? ...it makes the website believe you are running another browser!04:00
cablopTheWarden: oh! never saw that before... then install the nvidia tool for that, i just used it once04:00
dotblankTheWarden, see if you can run the command xrandr04:00
Northwoodsbonjoyee: My purpose is to test/veiw site in I.E. , because clients ask for it04:00
TheWardencablop: Like I was saying I checked again and there is no way to change the setting I'm referring to in Monitors anyways. It only has monitor resolution nothing much more then that.04:00
TheWardencablop: I have it installed and that doesn't have what I'm talking about either :(04:01
dotblankYou may be able to manipulate the screen with that providing your driver has a working randr implementation04:01
bonjoyeeNorthwoods: then...vbox or wine are your best options!!04:01
cablopNorthwoods: then use a real windows, in another pc or a virtual machine and install IETester or IECollection, this is the safest one, because you need to use the IE engine04:01
TheWardendotblank: I can and I have to actually setup my S-Video04:01
dotblankTheWarden, What gfx card do you have?04:01
TheWardenmaybe what I'm looking for is only in the xorg.conf file... mm04:01
TheWardendotblank: it's a PNY Verto GeForce 6200 AGP04:02
dotblankTheWarden, ok have you tried using nvidia's config tool?04:02
TheWardendoyou cablop  or dotblank no what I'm referring to (not monitor resolution)?04:02
cablopTheWarden: you are right, virtual size desktop is a pretty old feature i see years ago... in fact in the last century, xD04:02
TheWardendotblank: yes no option in there to do what I'm talking about.04:02
balt11tNow we're in business04:03
magicianlordchris_osx: yes04:03
dotblankTheWarden, sounds like you are going to have to play around with the xconfig04:03
magicianlordchris_osx: with openbox and fstab tweaking04:03
TheWardencablop: well lol that is what I'm talking about... the size of it is bigger then my monitor04:03
XintruderQuestion: Does any Ubuntu user here perfer Ubuntu over Apple?04:03
cablopTheWarden: afaik it was in the xserver previous to xorg... i forgtot the name... sigh04:03
XintruderI mean Apple O/s04:03
dotblankTheWarden, ah.. its because your set size is larger then the svideo resolution04:03
magicianlordXintruder: yes04:03
TheWardendotblank: yeah I'll look again but I have no idea what its called.. hell I'm not even sure I have you or cablop convinced of what I'm talking about :)04:04
bazhangXintruder, offtopic here04:04
dotblankwhich I belive is limited to standard def04:04
bazhang#ubuntu-offtopic for that Xintruder04:04
dotblankTheWarden, do you want your monitor to scale instead of scrool?04:04
TheWardendotblank: actually no that is not true as s-video is designed to handle 800x600 and my monitor resolution is set to that already.04:04
FraxtilIs there a command that lists the names of all available displays?04:04
cablopTheWarden: let me think... suppose you have a monitor capable to only 640x480 resolution but yuou use 1024x768 on it and whn you push the pointer to the edge of the screen it "scrolls" to that portion of sesktop... right?04:05
Random832s-video can handoe 800x600?04:05
histoRandom832: yes04:05
jadamsMy microphone just stopped working in ubuntu (was using my webcam mic, but neither it nor my line in mic will work now)04:05
dotblankTheWarden, hmm really.. ok well the nvidia driver may not support that and thats why it may be forcing the scroll.. perhaps you could look at the edid information or what resolution the nvidia card "thinks" the max res is04:05
TheWardendotblank: well yes but this goes WAY beyond my screen. I can make the mouse or even windows disappear yet be visible in my virtual desktop area in the bottom right hand corner.04:06
cablop!zh lei__04:06
bazhanglei__, #ubuntu-cn for Chinese04:06
TheWardendotblank: also to be clear there is no scrolling.04:06
cablop!zh | lei__04:06
ubottulei__: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk04:06
theadminlei__: This channel is English.04:06
Dr_Willisthe tv out on pc's can down convert higher res to what the tv can handle. but i do think svideo is 800x600 max. been a whild since i last messed with it04:06
dotblankWell it may be that svideo can handle it but what does the nvidia driver handle04:06
cabloplei__: try sunpinyin and ibus-sunpinyin04:07
TheWardenDr_Willis: yes you are correct. I've looked into the standard already and it is 800x600.04:07
TheWardenIt's my virtual desktop or viewing area of the desktop that is larger then 800x60004:07
cabloplei__: also install ibus-qt404:07
=== collin is now known as Guest11246
dotblankTheWarden, ok. Can I see your xorg.conf?04:08
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:08
magicianlordwhat's the difference between xorg 1.7.6 in 10.04 and 1.9 in 10.1004:08
callaghanany1 here tried to install vbox on Jaunty 9.04 recently?04:10
callaghanit appears busted04:10
AegNuddelMy system tells my it is running Natty.  Some repositories I would like to use only go up to Lucid.04:10
Dr_Willistheres a lot of updates to input devices and things in 1.9 i recall magicianlord  - touchpad/touchscreen support was a big area of devlopment04:10
AegNuddelSo when I add the line to my sources04:10
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  natty is in 'testing' stages; so thats not supruiseing. using differnet version repos .. is not a good idea04:11
callaghanAegNuddel: have you tried just keeping the "Lucid" entry for your source entries?04:11
callaghan(it might not be a "good idea", but sometimes it will work)04:11
AegNuddelI haven't tried anything yet04:11
AegNuddelso just keep it04:11
callaghani.e. if you have repos that aren't up-to-date with the latest rel of ubuntu, i've had success leaving the older entries04:11
magicianlordDr_Willis: so xorg is not just about window placement. its for input devices04:11
lotecanyone sugest a decent p4 based laptop?04:11
AegNuddelIt was weird.  I didn't update on purpose04:12
AegNuddelat all04:12
histomagicianlord: right you window manager handles placement04:12
Dr_Willismagicianlord:  Xorg is the 'foundataion' for the whole GUI. the 'window manager' runs on top of Xorg. that handles the windows decorations and 'functions'04:12
callaghanAegNuddel: what do you mean? -- oh it upgraded distro and you didn't expect it?04:12
rinku_kokirianyone know how to fix the "my mouse buttons 6 and 7 no longer work" problem?04:12
cablopsigh... my partition got stuck, had to restart instal :(04:12
Spaztic_OneHaving problems with a 2nd gen ipod nano on maverick. it doesn't show up when plugged in and lsusb doesn't show it either, but my ipod does charge. Tried all 3 usb ports on my laptop (even though lsusb shows that I have 8 busses (?), with bus one having 2 devices, one being my built in card reader)04:12
callaghanunfortunte... that shouldn't happen04:12
Dr_WillisAegNuddel:  you somehow set it to updage to the next release. and it did so.04:12
callaghanit's in the update manager settings04:12
callaghan(in there, you can configure if it will prompt for updating distro or not)04:13
chris_osxshould i upgrade to maverick? i use lynx and everything runs fine. are there big improvements in maverick?04:13
histo!ipod | Spaztic_One04:13
ubottuSpaztic_One: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod04:13
AegNuddelit seems to work fine.  I was testing some other features that I could not otherwise get04:13
rinku_kokirihei all, my mouse buttons 6 and 7 stopped working in opera today, anyone know a fix?04:13
dotblankSpaztic_One, does dmesg show anything when plugged in?04:13
Skaperenhas anyone tried combining ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu desktop systems all on one machine?  I'm curious what methods it has to allow users to choose which type of desktop04:13
callaghanyeah in there it's called "Release Updates"04:13
callaghanSkaperen, you mean multi-boot?04:14
bazhangSkaperen, sure04:14
dotblankSkaperen, very possible.. you can install packages and WM from either04:14
Skaperencallaghan: nope04:14
bazhangSkaperen, all the -desktop04:14
Skaperendotblank: I know I can ... I haven't yet because I want some better idea of what will happen before I do04:14
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, yes04:14
bazhangSkaperen, choose from login window04:14
royale1223I've tried ubuntu + kubuntu04:14
rinku_kokirianyone know how to fix my mouse issue??  buttons 6 7 (middle click left and right) quit working04:14
dotblankI wodner what login manager he would get though04:15
TheWardendotblank: Well unfortunately I have to go. I'll post it soon to see if one can resolve this issue of mine. Thanks so much for your help.04:15
royale1223But not 304:15
Skaperenbazhang: so at the login window it will have all the desktops to choose from?04:15
theadmindotblank: He'd get to select during the install.04:15
TheWardencablop: thanks for your help too04:15
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  the login manager lets you select what desktop to use - it all works. but it can cause some odd quirks/issues. like lots of redundant menu items, or other extra programs you may not need.04:15
dotblankalso pulse/phonon may act odd04:15
loteci have been looking at like a Compaq V200004:15
TheWardenMerry Christmas and take care all. ttyl04:15
Spaztic_Onedotblank: dmesg shows a lot of stuff. I glanced through it and nothing jumped out at me04:15
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, the most obvious thing you will notice is all the menus get full of all the programs from all the desktops.04:16
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  and some times with gnome/xfce/kde - some default file applicaitons can get running for example the kde app. when in gnome. which may not be what you want04:16
cablopok! merry Xmas to you too04:16
dotblankSpaztic_One, do dmesg | tail04:16
SkaperenDr_Willis: that happens if you switch between on a user logging in?  Or even if a single user stays with one desktop always?04:16
dotblankSpaztic_One, before and after you plug it in04:16
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, but you can edit the menus to show just what you want, anyway.04:16
balt11tIs there teamspeak 3 for ubuntu04:16
familyQuestion: i just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my mac (ppc) and it wouldnt install for a while, until finally i tried putting in "live video=ofonly" at the boot screen and it worked all good.  the only problem is that everything is tinted blue. how do i solve this?04:16
balt11tthe one in the repositoris is TS204:16
Spaztic_Onedotblank: they are identical04:17
dotblankSpaztic_One, try a different usb port04:17
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  gdm has a menu to select.. thats it... switch or not .. all you want04:17
dotblankSpaztic_One, like on the back04:17
collin_Could someone help me get my internal mic running?04:17
familyme too04:17
rinku_kokiricould someone help me correct my mouse issue?  minor annoyance04:18
Spaztic_Onedotblank: tried all 3 that my laptop has, none resulted in a new message04:18
dotblankSpaztic_One, does it work on any other OS/s or have you tried completely restarting your ipod and computer./04:18
bonjoyeecollin_: tried alsamixer?04:18
SkaperenUnholyTerror: one thing I was thinking of trying to do, which I have not seen anyone do, yet, is have 3 linux/lxc containers, one for each of ubuntu, kubuntu, and xubuntu, and (figure out how to) rig up a way to get a logging in user placed into the appropriate container (which X and the login prompt are in the main system)04:19
bonjoyee!alsamixer | collin_04:19
familywhats alsa mixer04:19
SkaperenUnholyTerror: that way users have a choice, but will see a system that has "only" their choice04:19
collin_I have tried alsa mixer04:19
collin_I dont belive alsa will solve my problem04:20
collin_Im thinking oss04:20
Spaztic_Onedotblank: Haven't tried it on any other computer yet. my sister gave me her old one and she hadn't used it in ages (since she got her droid phone). Also, haven't restarted my computer, and don't know how to restart an ipod04:20
dotblankcollin_, what is your pulseaudio profile?04:20
balt11tIs it possible to install windows after ubuntu?04:20
dotblankin  sound preferences04:20
histocollin_: right click on the volume icon and go to sound preferences. Then go to the input tab. and change hte mic04:20
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, um, it should default to whatever they pick the first time. I do believe. They won't need to choose everytime.04:20
histobalt11t: yes anything is possible.04:20
Skaperenbalt11t: yes ... let's hope windows will cooperate and not take out ubuntu04:20
royale1223Balt11t: yep04:20
histobalt11t: just be prepaired that windows will blow out your mbr.  You'll have to boot a ubuntu cd later and reinstall grub04:21
collin_I no longer have alsa. Im using oss so I dont have sound pref04:21
dotblankcollin_, you may also need to check the hardware tab as well and select the correct profile04:21
dotblankcollin_, hmm don't know oss04:21
SkaperenUnholyTerror: default is good ... I'd just want to avoid the issue of some app setting itself up in conflict when different logins have different choices04:21
collin_dotblank , Have you had a mic problem before?04:22
dotblankcollin_, well I've had misconfiguration issues.. I use a lot of digital audio too though04:22
SkaperenUnholyTerror: what I did in the past when Slackware had both Gnome and KDE, was different users for different desktops, but with the same uid number04:22
dotblankcollin_, I also use jack04:22
rinku_kokirican anyone help me?  i have a small annoyance.  My middle mouse button won't do back or forward anymore04:23
collin_dotblank ,Ok well I have searched many forums and most say that using alsa wont be able to solve my problem04:23
SkaperenUnholyTerror: hopefully Ubuntu will have no issue with 2 or 3 users having the same uid number04:23
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, i'm not sure what you mean... the uid doesn't change based on wich desktop you log into.04:23
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, you have absolutely lost me.04:24
dotblanknet split :(04:24
dotblankthe scow storm has killed the eastern seeboard04:24
SkaperenUnholyTerror: I know that ... the different userNAME's ... and hence different HOMEs, was my first hack under Slackware in the past04:24
dotblankSkaperen, you can specify a custom home for users04:24
rinku_kokirisno storm?04:24
dotblankdoesn't have to be by username04:24
* rinku_kokiri looks outside04:24
cablopSkaperen: what are you trying to do?04:24
dotblankrinku_kokiri, where are you located?04:25
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, I just don't understand why you need to do that.04:25
SkaperenUnholyTerror: the hack in the past was like:  login as "userg" and get Gnome, or login as "userk" and get KDE ... where the ${HOME} directories were different ... but the uid numbers were the same so that user could access files between userg and userk very simply04:25
Skaperencablop: get ubuntu and kubuntu and xubuntu working so a user can login under any one of them and have it work smoothly04:26
rs0832Skaperen, afaik uuid's are unique names given to your hd's04:26
dotblankSkaperen, you could just let gdm handle the sessions... you can set a default one04:26
balt11tHow do I configure a mic in Ubuntu04:26
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, ok,  but why make it so hard?04:26
dotblankalso you can have default sessions differening between users04:26
Skaperenrs0832: there is a user name AND a user id NUMBER ... the number controls the actual file permissions in the kernel04:26
dotblankthen you can set the group to be owned by the right users04:27
rinku_kokirinot eastern seaboard04:27
rinku_kokiribut waterboard :D04:27
SkaperenUnholyTerror: no reason to make it harder ... unless it makes the user experience smoother04:27
dotblankSkaperen, well its a hack and I would advise against that04:27
rs0832Skaperen, yes i know that04:27
cablopSkaperen: and login on many of them at the same time?04:27
Skaperendotblank: so how would you do it w/o the hack?04:27
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, ok,  I don't get why you need to split the /home(s), yet allow access to both?04:28
Skaperencablop: on different instances of X, sure04:28
dotblankSkaperen, well I still think im missing the point04:28
UnholyTerrordotblank, yes...04:28
cablopme too04:28
dotblankIs this just a hack thing for geekyness sake or something practical?04:29
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, all the desktops will access the same /home(s)... how much smoother can it get?04:29
cablopit was possible in the past, even running the same desktop twice otr more with same user... but that's in older ubuntus04:29
SkaperenUnholyTerror: I don't need to split homes ... it was just how I choose to do it long ago ... OTOH, split homes MAY keep certain apps less confused (e.g. a KDE app, running under a Gnome choice, might see the KDE config files present and get confused)04:29
cablopnowadays this is not recommended because desktops use their own daemons and they can override what the other desktop is doing...04:29
dotblanknot to mention inter user dbus....04:29
dotblankand all sorts of security stuff04:30
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, you're assuming...04:30
rs0832Skaperen, hmm.. i didnt know that.. can you give me an example of the uuid you are talking about?04:30
cablopand the daemosn that manage things like wireless, battery, bluetooth, disks...04:30
SkaperenUnholyTerror: I'm exploring all possible pitfalls ... that's part of what planning is04:30
cablopSkaperen, are they going to run those desktops in the same machine?04:31
dotblankI guess you could start a single x device and have different screens run different window managers.. but that would all work as the same user04:31
cablopor in remote clients?04:31
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, a KDE app will use it's own configs, if there is a GNOME equivalent then why couldn't it read the same config?04:31
Skaperenrs0832: uuid is not a part of that ... the uid number from /etc/passwd (also gid) are loaded into the process info by the login program (which runs as root briefly to set up the user, then switches things to be that user)04:31
royale1223What do u think of ubuntu dvd? Whats more in it?04:31
daxtguys do you know web developer tool bar which has an option to choose higher resolutions than the one you have in your monitor within the firefox browser frame ?04:32
rs0832royale1223, language packs04:32
Skaperenrs0832: the kernel uses the NUMBER ... the NAME is in the environment04:32
cabloproyale1223: the alternate installer a few more packages and ore languages04:32
royale1223Language packs only?04:32
UnholyTerrordaxt, I see what you're after now... dunno though.04:32
cabloproyale1223: not only, a few more software and an alternate installer04:32
royale1223Do u guys knw how i cud get a dvd with extra packages?04:33
daxtUnholyTorror , now you got me ,  that is the kind of functionality i am looking for Gnome04:33
Skaperenrs0832: basically, I had 2 user names in which a syscall to getuid() or geteuid() would return the same number for either04:33
cablopSkaperen: remote sessions or just local sessions?04:33
daxtUnholyTerror - won't it be a useful functionality for many apps ?04:33
dotblankSkaperen, ok. then you log into with the gdm and depending on the user provides a different wm?04:33
rs0832Skaperen, yes i know all that... well, i guess i misunderstood your first statement .. thanks anyway for the explanation :)04:33
balt11tOkay, I can NOT get my mic working04:34
Skaperencablop: either ... but definitely different instances of X if there is concurrent login ... but note that concurrent login is NOT a need04:34
balt11tI honestly had the same problem in Arch too04:34
dotblankSkaperen, you could modify the login script before it creates the screen to set up everything on login04:34
Skaperenrs0832: basically that hack of years ago under Slackware was making to usernames, separate homes, shared UID number so files could be accessed under either user04:35
cablopSkaperen: i think you can chroot them then, or use VMs for that04:35
SkaperenSkaperen: I'm not committed to separate home directories ... if it can easily be done w/o doing that, that's better04:35
dotblankit really doesn't have to be separate users04:36
Skaperencablop: for the container based scheme?  sure, that would be about how to do it04:36
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, talking to yourself now?;)04:36
Doinklemust be the eggnog04:36
SkaperenUnholyTerror: yeah, apparently :) ... stupid autocompletes04:36
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dotblankSo I got the humble indie bundle.. Anyone notice framerate issues with cortex-command?04:37
cablopSkaperen, not thinking as engineer or technician... but as designer, is the case that your users will use different desktops at the same time a very frequent scenario?04:37
SkaperenUnholyTerror: I doubt I ever get around to writing a better IRC client ... damn, there are so many of those, anyway ... sans the "better" part04:37
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, at least it won't cost you anything but time to figure it out.04:37
Skaperencablop: I don't expect a need to concurrently be logged in under 2 or 3 desktop types on the same machine at the same time ... the needs is only for switching04:38
cablopSkaperen: if that's not a very common scenario, then just install the three desktops enable remote access and tell your users they must be careful while using the desktops in multiple computers|sessions at the same time04:38
Skaperencablop: but if concurrency can work, great04:39
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Dr_WillisSkaperen:  clarify your ussage needs. :)04:39
* Dr_Willis is baking a cake so is missing half the conversations... good thing for history buffers.04:40
Skaperencablop: but the thing I expect might be trouble is some Gnome app, having been run under Gnome before, now runs under KDE, and has problems because it's expecting Gnome ... and visa-versa04:40
cablopto switch in ubuntu is really easy nowadays and each user can have her own default desktop, it is not really common that somebody would use two different desktops, current;y they're so different that users are not comfortable using many of them04:40
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  running kde apps under gnome, or visa versa are rarely a issue.04:40
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, I haven't seen that happen.04:40
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  now a few years back.. it had somw issues.. but now a days. rarely a problem04:40
SkaperenDr_Willis: I want users to be able to login under any desktop type: Gnome, KDE, Xfce, or any other, and have it all work as well as if it were a single desktop type machine04:41
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, I have GNOME, XFCE, and KDE and have not seen any interoperability issues.04:41
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  yes.. thats how it works now.. select the desktop under the Login Screen.04:41
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  so you are worring about nothing.04:41
SkaperenDr_Willis: yes, I know the apps works OK crossed over ... BUT ... can they also work just as well when crossing back and forth within the same user?04:41
cablopSkaperen: yep, not an issue nowadays, just care to install some extra packages, like ibus-qt4 for example, because ubuntu believes ibus-gtk is enough... but this is a very specific problem04:41
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  the gnome and kde menus however WILL show the gnome and kde apps..04:41
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  mixx and match kde and gnome apps.. no issues here.04:42
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  best answer.. go DO it and see if it works04:42
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
SkaperenDr_Willis: it's different if I log in under Gnome, and a Gnome app initializes itself as under Gnome ... then I logout and log back in under KDE ... THAT is much different than running that app on Kununtu where it initialized under KDE04:43
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, Yeah, you are doing a good job of talking yourself out of it :)04:43
cablopSkaperen, and one suggestion, you seems to face a very complex setup, maybe because your number of users, in that case i suggest you oone thing, go install a server and use thinclients for them, that reduces you the software configuration to just one computer04:43
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  its not really an issue.04:43
SkaperenDr_Willis: yes, that is the answer (go do it) ... if no one else has done it yet to share the expierence ... I'm checking first04:43
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  if a gnome app needs some gnome service going.. it will start them.. same for kde apps.04:43
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  im runnign kde and gnome here.. i log into eitehr one.. never had issues.04:43
SkaperenUnholyTerror: oh ... I didn't realize that :)04:43
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, A program doesn't initialize itself as GNOME or KDE, it's the libraries they use.04:44
Dr_WillisI always run k3b on gnome all the time..  and on KDE i normally run 'terminator' all the time. or gimp04:44
cablopSkaperen, rarely an issue, few people move from one desktop to another, for them create a second account able to read write what the other account can, just that04:44
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  now say 5 yrs ago.. there WOULD have been some issues to watch out for. but now a days.. not any problems that vie seen04:44
Skaperencablop: basically, I'm giving users a choice of desktop ... but they always ask "which is better" ... I want to answer "try them all and judge for yourself" ... without the having tried causing issues04:45
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, You are thinking gedit is going to complain about being run while in KDE...04:45
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, You are trying to reinvent the wheel...04:45
cablopskaperen, don't worry, people that is exploring desktops barely start to configure things sooooo deeply enough to have issues moving from one to another that cannot be solved04:46
Skaperenuser tries Gnome ... then tries KDE ... prefers KDE ... but some KDE app doesn't quite work right because it was "born" (first run for that user) under Gnome ... that's what I want to be sure cannot happen for any app of any desktop type04:46
Doinkleyou underestimate newbies :)04:46
Dr_WillisOnly issue ive seen with using kde and gnome both (or with xfce) is that some times like xfce and gnome are actually 'closely related' so they use the same settings - so changeing a setting in gnome. can also change it in xfce.04:47
Barridusstrange thing seems to have happened.  my password does not seem to work in terminal, but does in gnome apps (like synaptic)04:47
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  its not a problem.04:47
SkaperenUnholyTerror: yes, I prefer rounder wheels :)04:47
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  woorse case.. you remove the users gnome settings totally...04:47
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, People who use OpenOffice under GNOME will still use OpenOffice under KDE... it won't do anything different.04:47
rs0832Barridus, for sudo?04:47
Barridusrs0832, yes04:48
cablopDoinkle: not underestimating... just pointing newbies will cause more problems in other related areas04:48
Barridussudo commands keep kicking my password out, but it works fine in gksu stuff like synaptic04:48
rs0832Barridus, does not authenticate?04:48
SkaperenUnholyTerror,Dr_Willis: so basically ... the wheel is about as round as it gets (?)04:48
Barridus[sudo] password for ryan:04:48
BarridusSorry, try again.04:48
cablophow can i test the surface of a disk in ubuntu?04:49
Barriduscan't do things like mount or whatever else i normally do in terminal04:49
xxiaoa dumb question, 64-bit ubuntu 10.04.1 is not the recommended release, does tthat mean it's less reliable comparing to 32-bit?04:49
Skaperencablop: write on it?04:49
cablopi think i have problems with a disk or maybe the IDE cable, but dunno how to test what is04:49
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, It's as close to round as you can get.04:49
Skaperencablop: you have done the usual "remove and re-install cable connections" ?04:50
UnholyTerrorcablop, what is the problem?04:50
Barridusxxiao, 10.04.1 is the long term support ubuntu, so technically it should be the *most* reliable.  perhaps the issue is that 64-bit typically doesn't have as many things for it as 3204:50
Dr_Willisxxiao:  its idiot proofing in the 'web sites' - 32bit will run on anything.. if you know enought to ask about 32 or 64bit.. then you can handle 64bit04:50
[thor]cablop: System > Administration > Disk Utility04:50
cablopi tried many times to format partitions but the installer says some block errors or device errors or i/o errors came from nowhere04:50
Dr_Willisxxiao:  if you have 64bit hardware. i reccomend using 64bit os.04:51
cablopnow i see the disk has "no" smart support, but afaik it has!04:51
xxiaoDr_Willis: i used to have 32-bit, but now android needs 64-bit host OS04:51
UnholyTerrorcablop, System->Administration->Disk Utility has alot of info for you.04:51
Skaperenthe more you idiot-proof anything, the more the idiots adapt04:51
xxiaoDr_Willis: that means I need upgrade, but...ubuntu 64bit has amd64 on the name, hope it has no issues with intel 64bit chips(core2duo)04:51
cablopUnholyTerror: yep, i went there, but for my surprise it says no smart info available... o.O04:51
collin_64 bit is actually the real recommended version. Ubuntu eventually wants to get everyone running it. Its just alot of older computers dont have processors capible of running it04:51
cablopah! sigh, i thing the disk is connected through a cable that has one wire broken, haha04:52
UnholyTerrorcablop, is it set in BIOS?04:52
Skaperencollin_: like netbooks04:52
BarridusSkaperen, very astute :)04:52
cablopUnholyTerror: yes it is set there04:52
* Skaperen would love to run 64-bit on his ASUS EeePCs04:52
cablopSkaperen: if tyou want a system for newbies then please, don't give them Kubuntu as an option04:53
Barridusdoes it normally take a few minutes to change your password in the user settings?04:53
cablopit has TOOOOOOOOOOO many options for them to deal with04:53
collin_Skaperen ,lol you can actually do alot with that little computer though. My bro uses it and  gets some pretty good fps on his hard to run games04:53
ubottuThe Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/04:54
Skaperencablop: they are not actually newbies ... but they may be new to the latest version of Gnome, KDE, etc ... and most will already have a preference, anyway (why I need to put them all in)04:54
rats_cablop: if there new to linux how will they know there is too many options in KDE04:54
Barridusi tried to change my password to correct some weirdness i was having with it in sudo, the user settings change password window is grey and gives the "wait" mouse cursor.  has something gone wrong?04:54
Skaperencablop: and even I have switched around before ... KDE, then Gnome, then KDE, now back to Gnome04:55
Hilikushow do i specify in ufw to allow connections to port 6543 to only two specific ips in one rule?04:55
Skaperencablop: with some others before that, even04:55
nadjaBIOS is good, i386 is faster, and x64 is better, and ASUS is also good from experience. LXDE and JVM are simple GUI options. (I can not keep up with everyone....)04:55
cabloprats_: i tested at home, they prefered gnome and ask me for help... KDE settings are very complex for them, they say it has more to configure than windows and they come lost so fast04:55
Barridusshould i force quit this change password dialog?04:55
Barridussweating bullets here...04:56
rs0832Barridus, yes force quit it.. i don;t think you have a choice04:56
Skaperencablop: we're going to be hiring programmers faster and faster at work over the next couple years, and the boss is wanting to have computers pre-installed for them (current method is give new people an empty machine and some ISOs)04:56
collin_Well, when dealing with faulty drivers, I hate Ubuntu.04:56
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  change password via terminal -> sudo passwd username04:56
Dr_Willisoh wait wrong nick. :)04:57
Dr_WillisBarridus: :  change password via terminal -> sudo passwd username04:57
SkaperenDr_Willis: heh ... just as long as username != root04:57
Dr_Willisuswe r00t :)04:57
Barridusi'll try, for some reason sudo kicks back my password04:57
Barridusbut it works in gnome apps when it asks04:57
Dr_WillisSkaperen:  ages ago there was a bug in the installer tha tlet people name the first user 'root'04:57
rs0832Barridus, try creating a new user with priv's and then sudo in that users a/c04:58
Barridusnope, kicked it back04:58
SkaperenDr_Willis: I remember that ... I didn't call it a bug back then :)04:58
Skaperenit was a feature04:58
Barridusrs0832, yeah i was considering that option04:58
Barridusi'll try this one last time and see04:58
cablopSkaperen: mmmmm curious thing... well, the server with thin clients was nice when we used that at university, we could use either one desktop or the other, and we were able to sit at any computer each day keeping same settings, but the hard part is to secure the server04:59
n0a1iasI'm getting a Droid phone, and on Ubuntu, chould there be any problems when trying to import and export data?04:59
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Skaperencablop: I may also do some "deskless" (really has a disk, but not run the OS on it) network booting, too04:59
Skaperens/deskless/diskless/ :)05:00
cablopn0a1ias: dunno, but some people got dissapointed because you can't barely find a pure droid phone, licese allowed them tyo close the code and you got in a jailed phone.... try a nokia n900 instead :P :)05:00
rigvedif i wanted to install Debian Sqeeze and Ubuntu Lucid on the same machine, then which partitions can be shared by them? /boot, /home, /tmp, /usr, /srv, /opt, /usr/local05:01
Barridusok that failed, trying that option rs083205:01
cablopSkaperen: i love that config... you can perform some daily or weekly backups of it for just one machien, but you really do need a powerful server for that if you were planning to use that for development05:01
* Skaperen would prefer to get a phone with no OS already on it, and install the OS he builds first (as opposed to replacing an OS or even hacking the bootloaders)05:01
collin_rigved Im sure home can be shared05:01
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, I'm installing xubuntu on one of my vm's right now... gonna check something out.05:02
cablopSkaperen: a n900 has linux on it, no reason to build it from scratch, justr use and tweak it05:02
rigvedcollin_: ok. thanx. what about the other partitions?05:02
Skaperencablop: my idea was to just run the diskless machines with everything in RAM ... so no NFS mount to the server to run the OS (users might have that for their home directories for some reason)05:02
Skaperencablop: all our new desktop machines will be at least 12GB RAM ... and 24GB will not be an issue to get05:03
Skaperencablop: should be able to run from RAM05:04
collin_rigved , you can share your swap , but I wouldn't advise sharing anything else05:04
cablopSkaperen: it just has a very big aspect to care for... network connectivity, you need to ensure network never fails05:04
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cablopand electricity05:04
rigvedcollin_: ok. thanx again. :)05:04
Skaperencablop: one problem is a few users prefer to run network connectivity via wireless ... so they can't do netboot05:04
cablopit is taking more than 15 minutes for my old machine to format a 160GB disk as ext3... i think is there something working really bad with the disk or the cable tied to it...05:05
collin_rigved , actually, you should be fine with sharing /usr/local05:05
rooksi want some firewall/routing gui, maybe ncurses or web one, any ideas?05:06
rookssomething that is on commercial home routers05:06
cablopSkaperen afaik thinclients (minimal install on local disk) would work over wireless... we were trying that config for somebody before... but he was concerned about data security rather than users comfort, lol05:06
Skaperencablop: I think filesystem design could be improved ... it should be enough to write only the superblocks ... and include in them the boundaries of initialized inode tables, or fully dynamic inodes05:06
rookswith port forwarding and browser gui05:06
rigvedcollin_: ok. so swap, /home and /usr/local. got it.05:07
raymondjtoth2hi any one willing to help me with somthing05:07
Doinklerooks,  smoothwall05:07
* cablop would love to find a tag based filesystem....05:07
rigved!ask | raymondjtoth205:07
ubotturaymondjtoth2: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)05:07
raymondjtoth2any one good with setting up a dns server/05:07
rooksDoinkle, thanks05:08
raymondjtoth2any one good with setting there own dns server up?05:08
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: what help do you need with dns?05:08
* Skaperen has been setting up DNS since around 199005:08
raymondjtoth2i need to do this skaperen Most Unix systems put the BIND configuration file at either /etc/named.conf (as most Linux distributions do) or ar /var/named/named.conf (as the bind8 port installer for OpenBSD does).05:09
raymondjtoth2In the named.conf (or one of its includes), find a block that looks like this: m05:09
raymondjtoth2were do i finde it and how i do it right i got what need05:09
triuneanyone kno if there are any fun/chat/party channels on freenode?05:09
Doinkledo channel list and see05:09
raymondjtoth2skaperen understand05:10
ubottuUbuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.05:10
triuneusing qwebirc05:10
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: assuming you are doing this on Ubuntu, it's best to leave it where the Ubuntu package places it ... but if you must change something, symlinks are your friend05:10
cablopSkaperen: from that time!!! o.O oh my...05:10
raymondjtoth2i need to change it to point to dig . NS @ns0.opennic.glue > root.cache05:10
triuneclient doesnt have a channel list feature05:10
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, downloading xub and kde desktops for some quick testing.05:10
raymondjtoth2skapen its asking me to change it to dig . NS @ns0.opennic.glue > root.cache were i put it?05:10
Skaperencablop: I've been programming since 1972 !!!05:11
cabloptriune there's a command for that, but don't do it on a channel, use it on the server view or something05:11
raymondjtoth2i wantg to added it ti right spot it needs it05:11
raymondjtoth2i dont want to move it just edit it05:11
cablopSkaperen: OH MY...!!!!05:11
royale1223Since 1972!05:11
cablopyou were making holes on cards then!!05:11
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: I don't understand what you are trying to do05:11
chris_osxpdp-8 or what?05:12
triunecablop: any idea what the actual command is? :)05:12
royale1223What kinda computer were u using in 72?05:12
cablopi forgot it... triune... :S05:12
Skaperencablop: indeed ... and hacking them to do lower case letters on batch job names to disable the operator ability to cancel the jobs :)05:12
DoinkleGood window-pane back in '72 eh Skaperen?05:12
AkhlDis there any jpeg to txt converter in ubuntu ?05:12
cablopSkaperen: LOOOOLLL05:12
triunegoogle here i come05:12
raymondjtoth2were i post my text05:12
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:13
intraderFollowing up with 'fan always on problem'. I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Anyone help please. Googleing show many people having the problem with 10.1005:13
Skaperencablop: mainframe operator consoles were uni-case ... keyboard encoded only upper case ... display showed upper for either case05:13
cablopi bet skaperen will like the hitler reviews windows 1945 meme on youtube, xD05:14
Skaperencablop: that being in EBCDIC in the machine, Hollerith on the cards05:14
* Doinkle started programming in 197905:14
triunecablop: its just /list05:14
raymondjtoth2skaperen read this http://paste.ubuntu.com/547640/05:14
bazhang!ot | Skaperen cablop05:14
ubottuSkaperen cablop: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!05:14
cablopbazhang, you are taking more lines than my comment with that05:14
bazhangcablop, take it elsewhere thanks05:15
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: are you trying to set up a TLD or root server?05:15
White-HorseMerry X-mas all Have a small prom. here for some reason everything I minimized (Firefox BeachBit vlc Audaicous etc...) closes and I can not get them back some help please with this ?05:15
raymondjtoth2skaperen i pointimg to it on my dns server i making here05:15
raymondjtoth2tell me to do this05:15
raymondjtoth2not sure what want05:15
cablopWhite-Horse: try changing your window-manager or window-decorator, just to discard an issue on them05:16
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: I'm not sure you are getting the right instructions, because I don't understand what you are trying to accomplish05:16
raymondjtoth2skaperen what recamend reading this05:16
White-Horsecablop I will try that now brb05:16
raymondjtoth2i making my own dns suing opennic server on my own dns server05:16
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: how different do you want your DNS server to be compared to an ordinary DNS server?  What is your need for OpenNIC?05:17
raymondjtoth2it tell me its for tdl skapern05:17
raymondjtoth2its my tdl05:17
raymondjtoth2were i put it05:17
White-Horsecablop nope same thing happens ...05:17
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: I have no experience with OpenNIC ... I suspect you need OpenNIC specific help05:18
cablopbrb, going to take that cable off that computer.... i barely believe the ubuntu cerom is failing that bad... any known issue on the 10.10 installer?05:18
raymondjtoth2it tell me to configer for tlds05:18
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raymondjtoth2were i add what there telling me05:18
Barridusrs0832, heh i created a 2nd admin account, but it wouldn't let me log in.  so i re-logged in as myself and now my password magically works again.  *shrug*  heh, thanks for the advice05:18
raymondjtoth2skaperen its the tld's05:19
* Barridus hums the twilight zone music05:19
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: a TLDs is just like any other domain ... just usually larger05:19
rs0832Barridus, :) sure no prob05:20
raymondjtoth2skaperen were i add the zone to if got one05:20
rs0832Barridus, creating the user may have overwritten and fixed any damaged configs05:20
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: I have dabbled in doing TLDs ... I added the TLD just like another domain ... and it worked fine05:20
=== Pinako|wet is now known as Pinako
raymondjtoth2skaperen i need to add this This specifies a hint zone named '.', the root zone. Hints specified in the root.cache file are used to locate root servers and perform recursive queries. The root.cache file may also be called named.cache.05:21
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: you might try the #dns channel ... hang out there a while as it is frequently idle05:21
cablopWhite-Horse: using compiz? install compiz fusuion icon and use it to fast change between window-managers and test that05:22
White-Horsecablop ok I will try that brb05:22
cablopWhite-Horse: i had that issue once, but it just dissapeared by itself05:22
raymondjtoth2skaperen no one there05:22
White-Horsecablop ok05:22
cablopWhite-Horse: if you installed a new driver, changed video driver, updated the system upgraded the system, maybe you just need to restart the whole system05:23
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: then you own the channel :)05:23
White-Horsecablop no I didn't do anything it just started about 2 days ago05:23
raymondjtoth2any one good with setting up there own dns on ubuntu05:24
raymondjtoth2dns server i mean05:24
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:25
Skaperenraymondjtoth2: you should be making your initial question NOT for WHO can help, but ask the specific question ... then people who see a question they know an answer to can help05:25
cablopWhite-Horse: mmm if the window-manager|decorator thing doesn't work, then try booting with an older kernel and checking05:25
* Skaperen is going afk now ... zzzzzzz05:26
White-Horsecablop Compiz is installed and working but does not fix the prom. and the only kernel i have is the newest one05:26
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, ok, so just double-checked for you. login screen remembers which desktops users last used ans switches between them automatically.05:26
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
White-Horseos[Linux 2.6.32-26-generic i686] distro[Ubuntu "lucid" 10.04] cpu[2 x Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Duo CPU     T6600  @ 2.20GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2.20GHz] mem[Physical: 2.9GB, 90.8% free] disk[Total: 569.7GB, 82.6% free] video[Intel Corporation Mobile 4 Series Chipset Integrated Graphics Controller] sound[HDA-Intel - HDA Intel]05:26
SkaperenUnholyTerror: that's good ... the right way to do it05:27
SkaperenUnholyTerror: thanks for the help and ideas!05:27
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, tested with GNOME and KDE05:28
White-Horsecablop I should also tell you that vlc shows a broken icon every time I started05:29
cablopWhite-Horse: mmm try changing the theme, and also try testing another user on the machine, if thereś no user then use the default guest or create another one, if the issue happens to them then the problem is system-side if not then check current settings for your user05:30
Hapticso I have these bluetooth headphones and a dongle. dongle works with ubuntu, finds the headphones fine and they are connected and when I search for them via terminal it sees them. audio doesn't seem to play through them. any solutions?05:32
White-Horsecablop I will try with the default guess acct.05:32
White-Horsethank you05:32
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz05:33
cablopWhite-Horse: a way to check what the issue is is launch the app from a terminal and check the error messages... i detected in the past some apps won't load for me just cause i installed a third party theme05:33
Haptiche left05:33
Nick_whos there05:34
=== Nick_ is now known as Guest34793
Dr_WillisNick_:  Knock Knock?05:34
Guest34793come in05:34
XVampireXanyone here knows anything about hdmi with ubuntu??05:35
UnholyTerrorSkaperen, yep works across G,K,X05:35
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  depends on the issue.. it should just 'work' for video.05:35
Hapticanyone know a solution to my bluetooth headphone issue?05:35
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  audio ocer hdmi - can be an issue.05:35
XVampireXDr_Willis,  it doesn't work for video at all05:36
Dr_WillisHaptic:  for my BT headset. i had to select the device as the output in the pulse audio cnfig tools.05:36
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  and your chipset is? and your monitor is a monitor or tv? whats it doing exactly.05:36
familyQ: How do you undo "live video=ofonly" it seems that since i have installed my ubuntu on my mac and entered that into the yaboot screen everything becomes blue tinted whenever i sign on. when i sign out it returns to normal.05:37
Hapticand thats under system>pref.>sound. correct? (ubuntu 10.10)05:37
XVampireXI am connecting it to a plasma monitor, i've got intel gma915 I think05:37
Dr_Willisfamily:  you mean to say the GDM screen has  the correct colors.. but the user does not?05:37
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  is this a laptop or desktop?05:37
familyBy gdm i believe you mean the sign in screen?05:37
Dr_Willisfamily:  GDM is the 'login manager' the screen where you LOGIN at.05:38
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  you have tried the special FN keys on the laptop to enable the external monitor> also the Monitors dialog box may have a option to enable it.05:38
kl1kany raid5 specialists out there? I've moved a software raid5 volume from opensuse to ubuntu and am having problems.05:38
familyit has normal colors. but when i sign in it all changes and everything from menues  bg everything is blue tinted05:38
XVampireXOn windows 7 it works if I'm connecting it to hdmi, through a specific resolution, but only if both monitor and plasma are the same resolution, and as far as I know also something like 59hz I think05:39
XVampireXI didn't try the FN keys05:39
XintruderI really want to make an awsome GUI to show off with against apple/windows users. advise?05:39
XVampireXthe plasma says when I try any resolution that it's checking for signal and then nothing.... blue screen05:39
Hapticduh. fix'd. thank you for the help05:39
familyalthough it was normal when i ran the test cd. but when i tried to install it wouldnt work. so i tried inputting live video=ofonly at the yaboot screen and then i could install but its all blue tinted. is there a way to undo the "live video=ofonly" command thingy?05:41
XVampireXDr_Willis, monitors dialog doesn't provide anything with hdmi05:41
Dr_WillisXintruder:  make? as in a desktop? KDE has all the fancy features.. gnome and compiz can do some neat tricks.. depends on your needs,05:41
Xintruderhas compizfusion changed since 2005?05:42
XVampireXI don't think the FN+F5 would do anything though :P05:42
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  for my laptop+ intel. it wouldent even turn on the monitor untill i hit the fn keys. then i could tweak it with the Monitors settings tool,.05:42
XVampireXWell I'm going to try then05:42
familyany thoughts05:43
XVampireXit's weird in windows it works ok05:43
cablopXintruder: a lot, i guess05:45
familyQ: How do you undo "live video=ofonly" it seems that since i have installed my ubuntu on my mac and entered that into the yaboot screen everything becomes blue tinted whenever i sign on. when i sign out it returns to normal. (ubuntu 10.10 mac ppc)05:45
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  the fn+ stuff - went through several modes. Internal only, external only, both,   (i recall)05:45
XVampireXfn+F5 doesn't work05:46
Dr_WillisXVampireX:  with out hitting the fn+ key the monitors tool wouldent see the extarnal display. because the bios had it off..05:46
Dr_WillisHit it a few more times.05:46
Dr_WillisIts possible its not supported with that makd/model laptop. you may need to check forums for the exact laptop you have.05:46
XVampireXI've got a toshiba satellite05:47
Dr_Willisfamily:  check the boot files/configs to see if its using the video= option by default.05:47
Dr_Willisfamily:  i dont use yaboot. or ppc any more. so thats about all i can suggest.05:47
familyOkay, where can i find that?05:48
family(sorry im new)05:48
Dr_Willischeck the yaboot docs.. I dont use it.05:48
kl1kcan anyone help me with a raid5 disk issue?05:48
Dr_Willisppc and linux - has always had to many issues for me.05:48
familyin the terminal?05:48
Dr_Willisfamily:  You could try man yaboot.. You could also see if the system -> monitors tool or some other tools in there has some tools to tweak the colors..05:49
rigved!info yaboot05:49
ubottuPackage yaboot does not exist in maverick05:49
familyno ihave searched up and down for settings to tweak.05:49
spicemasterhello i need torrent file newest live cd of ubuntu but i can't get it on net :(05:50
rigved!find yaboot05:50
ubottuFile yaboot found in debian-cd, live-build05:50
spicemasterrigved, where are the torrent file ?05:50
cveazeyDoes anyone know how to get an iPad to mount to ubuntu 10.10??05:50
red3kic!torrents | spicemaster05:50
ubottuspicemaster: Maverick can be torrented from http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent or http://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/server/ubuntu-10.10-server-amd64.iso.torrent depending on your architecture. Other flavors can be found at http://torrent.ubuntu.com/05:50
spicemasterred3kic, thanks man is a live cd na ?05:51
needlezcan anyone help me setup my computer to use usplash or xsplash instead of plymouth. I've already got plymouth to not run and for it to run Grub2 as my load up screen but I'd like to see a usplash / xsplash picture instead of words when booting to gdm login screen. Thanks for any help05:51
cveazeyMy iPhone will mount to my system,  but my iPad will not!!05:51
Dr_Willisneedlez:  if they are in the repos.. just install them.. but they may not work.05:52
Dr_Willis!info usplash05:52
ubottuusplash (source: usplash): Userspace bootsplash utility. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.52 (maverick), package size 35 kB, installed size 220 kB (Only available for amd64 armel i386 lpia powerpc sparc)05:52
red3kicspicemaster:  /desktop/ -- That's LiveCD.05:52
White-Horsecablop I remember now what I did I saw alittle black line thing near the bottom left conner right after show desktop icon I removed it didn't know what it was for lol do you know what was there ?05:52
spicemasterhttp://torrent.ubuntu.com/simple/maverick/desktop/ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso.torrent <--- this is live cd torrent i am right ? red3kic05:53
needlezThat doesnt work, I have usplash and xsplash packages installed an it no xsplash or usplash displays... Im running Ubuntu 10.1005:53
red3kicspicemaster:  Correct. If you want amd64, then you should get amd64.iso.torrent05:53
White-Horsecablop Because the Guest acct. had that line and everything I min. went to the bottom just like it should05:53
spicemasterred3kic, ok thanks a lot :)05:54
cablopWhite-Horse: LOL i expect for you to didn removed the qwindow manager! then we were running in circles, LOL05:54
cablopWhite-Horse: give me a sec05:54
infidin ubuntu 10.04, i removed the 'shutdown' icon from the panel on accident but now i want it back, however the 'add to panel' stuff only seems to show a thing called 'shutdown' but it looks different and is always red, rather than only turning red when a restart is required. how do i get it back?05:54
White-Horsecablop thank you05:54
cablopright clic on the panel and then  select add to panel and select something called window list05:55
needlezinfid: you need to add to panel Indicator Applet Session05:55
needlezthats the one you need05:55
cablopWhite-Horse: right clic on the panel and then  select add to panel and select something called window list05:55
ubottuTo reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »05:55
fourcolorsHi, Merry Christmas everyone!05:55
cablopmerry xmas fourcolors05:56
ish_hey can anyone explain to me the Decimal64 floating point format?05:56
fourcolorsI was wondering if anyone here could help me understand creating a custom ubuntu live cd?05:56
cablopWhite-Horse: and tell me if that solve your issue05:56
stefanohi anyone experienced with setting up LAMP on ubuntu?05:57
infidthanks needlez05:57
White-Horsecablop Perfect! Thank-You cablop so much teach me to remove something i don't know what it does lol05:57
fourcolorsis there a gui tool to do this?05:57
rigved!uck | fourcolors05:57
ubottufourcolors: UCK is a tool that helps you customise official Ubuntu Live CDs (including Kubuntu/Xubuntu and Edubuntu) to your needs. See http://uck.sourceforge.net/05:57
needlezinfid: your welcome05:57
stefanomy relative links are not working in php05:57
fourcolorsrigved: thanks05:57
stefanophp work s fine though05:57
rigvedfourcolors: it's GUI05:57
White-Horsecablop works fine now everything back to normal05:57
fourcolorsrigved: yay!05:57
* iKitsune hates xorg.conf.d05:57
rigvedfourcolors: you are welcome05:57
iKitsuneIs there a way to make 10.10 use a normal xorg.conf?05:57
cablopWhite-Horse: LOL LOL LOL well, then, ghet the lesson... in computers sometimes a big issue is just a little very very little detail on the whole scenario05:58
needlezcan anyone help me setup my computer to use usplash or xsplash instead of plymouth. I've already got plymouth to not run and for it to run Grub2 as my load up screen but I'd like to see a usplash / xsplash picture instead of words when booting to gdm login screen. Thanks for any help05:58
rigvediKitsune: normal as in the one used by failsafex mode?05:58
=== ish_ is now known as ish10
White-Horsecablop Yes Thank-You Happy Holidays Everyone !05:58
iKitsunerigved: normal as in the kind xorg/X11 used since the dawn of time05:58
stefanophp relative links not working. anyone have an idea why?05:59
cablopWhite-Horse: i suggest you to add the window selector too, you can pick windows in other desktops with it and it is just one icon on the panel, add it05:59
cablopWhite-Horse: and happy holidays, man05:59
chris_osxhow can i find out, which cpu and os i use when i am at the terminal? i remember there was a two letter command05:59
White-Horse ok thanks i will try that05:59
rigvediKitsune: fail safe X mode is just about that. copy the xorg.conf.failsafe to xorg.conf05:59
quiescensxorg.conf is still used if it exists05:59
* iKitsune is trying to get an Elo serial touchscreen working with 10.10 and can't grok the xorg.conf.d way of doing things.05:59
iKitsuneAnd none of the howtos I've seen cover serial, just USB06:00
White-Horsehave a great night/day everyone and thank yous all for the time you all put in this channel06:00
quiescensit just doesn't exist by default to my knowledge06:00
ubottuThe linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal06:01
cablopneedlez: afaik you can't plymouth isn't just a splash, tha6t's what i've been told, it just manages many other hardware aspects, dunno if you can get another spalsh on top of it... i suggest for you to switch the splash thing, google for it, about changing splash screens for plymouth06:02
KB1JWQroyale1223: Watch your language.06:02
rigved!language | royale122306:02
ubotturoyale1223: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.06:02
royale1223Thot it wud go as a comment for ubota.. Sorry guys06:02
cablopjust don't do that again, lol06:03
iKitsuneSo am I the only one that's ever tried to pair a serial Elo touchscreen and 10.10 or what?  x306:03
royale1223I wont.. Pinkie promise06:03
needlezcablop: as for plymouth i couldnt change the screens so I nuked it... plymouth no longer exists on my system, and I just have Grub206:03
Dr_Willisi just remove the options in /etc/default/grub and turn off plymouth. i dont bother removeing it.06:04
cablopneedlez: you just need to remove splash from /etc/default/grub...06:04
=== kittymita is now known as Petskull
needlezwhat I did was remove the things from synaptic except plymouth and libplymouth and no plymouth wont start at all and i tried to reinstall it but no luck so no plymouth what so ever on my machine, so kno Im just using grub2... my thing is I would like a display or background to show instead of text before the gdm login screen loads, like when the computer has to do drive checks or anything like that06:06
needlezany ideas??06:07
Dr_WillisGiven how fast my system boots.. i wouldent see any such screen then for more then perhaps 2-5 sec.. so really not an issue. I like the normal text messages scrolling by.06:08
Dr_Willisneedlez:  theres usplash in the repos still - could try it i guess..06:08
cablopneedlez: or nstall ubuntu-desktop and it will install plymouth again06:09
needlezI have installed it  thru synaptic and nothing happens, ok i might try that06:09
Dr_WillisIm suprised you were able to remove plymouth without removeing/breaking other stuff really.06:09
cablopme too06:10
needlezyea, well its not removed removed, what happend was I was messing around with plymouth manager and it disappeared and now all i have is grub206:10
bopotogogeehi everyone06:11
skplwhat is plymouth?06:11
cablopneedlez: grub2 and plymouth are different things and they coexist in a default install06:11
cablopskpl: one of the things that drives you crazy after moving from ubuntu 9.x or rearlier06:11
chidhow would I get the address of the current browser page? for a script06:11
needlezyes i kno that, but I have no plymouth purple screen just text before the gdm login... and grub2 loads up06:12
cablopsomething like a hardware loader and other low level Os stuff06:12
needlezbrb gonna do a restart to see if plymouth came back06:12
cablopchid, better to ask that in #javascript06:12
cablopchid sorry it is ##javascript06:13
Dr_Willisskpl:  its the program that does the fancy (useless?) 'Ubuntu ...' animation right befor you see the GDM screen06:14
needlezback and nothing06:14
needlezstill no plymouth even after reinstalling ubuntu-desktop06:14
chidcablop, I'm looking for a scripting way, say from bash, to retrieve that06:14
cablopDr_Willis: afaik it does more than that... but... well... as how is Ubuntu nowadays this could be just a fancy "reason"06:15
chidSo I'm looking for the program or the method to retrieve :)06:15
needlezI dont mind to much the texting but just wondering if you can get plymouth back after its been killed06:15
Dr_Williscablop:  it dosent really 'add' any more functions. but it does have to dosplay the 'disk checking, and some other messages' but really just normal text screen booting does that as well.06:15
cablopchid, maybe a plughin for your browser06:15
Dr_Willisneedlez:  sounds like your plymouth tweaking tool may of disavled somthing/setsome configs. Or set the default theme to be the text one..06:16
cablopDr_Willis: i have been taught a lie T_T06:16
Dr_Williscablop:  ive never seen anyont state that it really 'does' more then what the normal text message type screen does.06:16
cablopi see06:16
UBuxuBUif i use wubi, and i install avast in ubuntu and clamtk, can i cean up an infection in windows while i am in ubuntu?06:17
Dr_Willisit has to 'do' more to do its fancy animations. :) but thats not 'doing' anything  that the system really needs. (from what ive seen)06:17
nit-witUBuxuBU, better ways to do it06:17
Dr_WillisUBuxuBU:  you should be able to. there are live cds out with  Linux live systems + AV software also.06:17
Dr_Willisthat would be a 'better way'06:17
Jesterhey so.. i'm in the process of building a raid5 - (3) 2tb WD greens ... its been going since before 1pm EST06:17
UBuxuBUwubi is already in windows now06:17
needlezDr_Willis: ok that could be i mean it doesnt bother me to much I guess just was wondering if anyone else had done something like this, also what does everyone think of plymouth compaired to xsplash/ usplash?? personally I like the old one better, plymouth is just so ugly and I couldn't mod it06:17
cablopestimated time to format as ext3 a 160GB disk06:18
Jesterdoesn't that seem pretty long?06:18
Jesterits at ~86%06:18
UBuxuBUso i was hopin i dont even need live cd06:18
Dr_Willisneedlez:  i disabled usplash/xsplash also.. I dont need somthing adding more complexity - that i onlys ee for like 4 sec during a boot up.06:18
UBuxuBUthe live cd method work well if u know the file path06:18
cablopDr_Willis, needlez i reenabled the splash in my /etc/grub just to ease things in my netbook... but i'm regreting that, xD06:19
needlezDr_Willis: so you just have grub2 then it goes to the gdm?? or to desktop?? thats what I have mine set to now06:19
adimanhelp help help, i really need help, i am new with ubuntu, i am trying to use my phone as a modem, i have tried google it, seems like i am LOST, pls help, anybody06:19
Dr_WillisUBuxuBU:  the 'best' way would be a live setup on a flash drive. that way you can easially update the virus definitions.06:19
adimanvia usb cable06:19
Dr_Willisneedlez:  grub2 -> normal old fashioned text messages -> gdm.06:19
JesterHas anyone built a raid5 before?  I'm want to know if mine is taking unusually long06:19
Dr_Willisneedlez:  you can set GDM to auto login if you want.06:20
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
needlezcablop:, Dr_willis thanx for the advice and I do like the way I have it set to now, which is the same way you do Dr_Willis06:20
FraxtilI did something in "Monitor Preferences" that disabled Compiz. There was a gksudo popup and it said something about a monitor not supporting a resolution. Does anyone know what I'm referring to?06:20
DiverdudeI Which tool can i use to make a http-request by supplying raw http header text and look at the response? for debugging http basically.06:21
FraxtilI think it also said something about needing to use virtual screens. Running compiz yields "compiz (core) - Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual"06:22
cablopneedlez: well, you accomplished it in a very different way, hehe xD06:22
adimanhelp me please06:22
chris_osxwhere can i find out what changes have been made to the latest ubuntu kernel?06:24
DiverdudeWhich tool can i use to make a http-request by supplying raw http header text and look at the response? for debugging http basically.06:24
chris_osxi mean what is new in the updated kernel?06:24
UBuxuBUwe aim to please adiman06:24
Doinklechris_osx, kerneltrap.org06:25
chris_osxDoinkle: is this specific for ubuntu?06:25
* skraito say hi all06:25
Doinkleyou asked about kernels....06:25
chris_osxDoinkle: i saw there was a kernel update for my ubuntu 10.04 installation. where can i find out what has changed?06:26
adimani have create a mobile broadband connection, when i plugin my phone, it just appear as a storage06:27
needlezalso has anyone upgrade the kernel to 2.6.35-24 with no issues to their wireless drivers?? just wanting to kno if its safe yet cuz I tried before and it killed my wireless card06:27
Doinklechris_osx, see what the rev # of the updated kernel is, google it with the word changelog06:27
* Doinkle is guessing....06:27
chris_osxDoinkle: ok thx06:28
gopsproblem with rename06:28
rigvedadiman: when you connect your phone, in the phone you need to select modem option and not media storage option06:28
UBuxuBUadiman, did u speah to your isp06:28
adimanrigved, im on it, UBuxuBU-whats 'speah'?06:30
Derek_RobertsHi all I am having trouble with an atheros wireless and need some help.06:30
po3hi room.06:30
chronoshey, I really need help with removing grub from my sda! I deleted partitions with grub, booted in windows recovery disk, and did bootrec and  bootsect commands to restor boot, but any works ...06:30
cyphasewhat's the best solution for a NAS? I already have a good idea what im going to use, just want to see if i missed something06:31
chronosexist another way of remove grub from my sda?06:31
GeorgeAI just installed qt4 from synaptic including the qt4-dev stuff, i'm trying to compile my project and it can't find the header files, the files are in /usr/include/qt4/* do I need to add any environment variables or something for it to find them? (I'm using qmake-qt4)06:31
rigvedadiman: when i connect my nokia phone, it asks for which mode to connect it in. i select it as PC Suite Mode (and not Mass Media mode).06:31
Derek_Robertsmy problem i can get madwifi installed and using the right drive but the card will not turn on. I have pressed the wifi button but nothing.06:32
adimanrigved, done it, same as i mention before, as a storage06:32
jjmwoodHey Im trying to install Ubuntu Netbook on my friends netbook but idk how to get into the bios. Can somone please help?06:32
ozzloy_i'm having intermittent wireless issues.  the googling i've done so far has been unhelpful.  can i get some help troubleshooting?06:32
rigvedadiman: there must some option where you can decide which mode to connect it in. check the phone's options. specifically in the connection section of the phone's options06:33
ozzloy_where are the error logs to check if it's a hardware problem?06:34
po3i know that this question is a little out dated. but a little info would be very helpful. i am installing U5 on an old p2 128,mb ram. 160GB hd. is it Okay that...during the install process. i partitioned as follwos. 806:34
rigvedJimmyJ: just when you start the machine, a splash screen will appear. it will say something like "Press <button_name> to enter setup. press that button immediatey to enter BIOS setup06:34
po38GB root. ext 3. 386mb swap. and 150 Good Bye as one logic partition?06:35
JimmyJHey, that's cool, but I don't know why you're telling me.06:35
jjmwoodBut all it says is loading os Image then boots. iv tried almost every key06:35
rigvedjjmwood: just when you start the machine, a splash screen will appear. it will say something like "Press <button_name> to enter setup. press that button immediatey to enter BIOS setup06:36
chris_osxjjmwood: have you tried F2?06:36
adimanrigved: my using huawei broadbang phone06:36
jjmwoodyeah, if tri06:36
rigvedJimmyJ: sorry06:36
jjmwoodYeah iv tried06:36
rigvedjjmwood: yes, something like F2 or F10 or Tab or Delete. just a few that i have seen06:37
adimanrigved: are you using Nokia Pc suite? did you installed it with wine?06:37
jjmwoodill try tab06:37
chris_osxor ESC06:37
rigvedadiman: no need to install Nokia PC Suite. ubuntu handles everything. :)06:37
jjmwooddoent work06:38
mdpatrickWhats the easiest way to burn a CD on linux?06:38
rigvedjjmwood: and the other keys? F10, Delete or Esc?06:38
adimanrigved: i thought your using it, so, what should i do?06:38
jjmwoodits a Sylvania synet0752606:38
jjmwoodrigved: Iv tried those keys too. no luck06:39
rigvedadiman: check the phone's settings. there must an option to select the mode in which the phone is connect to a computer's usb port06:39
adimanrigved: done that earlier, nothing, its just shows to connect it via usb, fyi, it's a china broadband phone06:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyalot of hardware christmas related problems tonight?06:40
Doinklemdpatrick, an .iso or files?06:40
Us3r_Unfriendlyhow's it going rs0832 ?06:41
jjmwoodit has windows ce 6.0 and i tried to load the Wubi installer but it says " not a WIndows Ce application"06:41
rigvedadiman: sorry. i do not know then. you should contact the phone's service center to find out how to connect it in the modem mode06:41
adimananyone knows?06:42
rs0832Us3r_Unfriendly, hi :) good.. you?06:42
view666hello,boys and girls,where are you from?06:42
view666hello,boys and girls,where are you from?06:43
bazhang!ot | view66606:43
ubottuview666: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!06:43
view666i know06:44
rigvedjjmwood: weird. i couldn't find anything on the internet on BIOS of the netbook.contact the manufacturer or a service center to find out how to enter te BIOS06:44
rigvedjjmwood: *the06:44
yagooanyone ever used unetbootin? (like to know if it does the entire usb drive OR just 1 partition.. i don't want to lose other partitions on the usb)06:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyyagoo: i've used it plenty of times06:45
chris_osxjjmwood: that's an ARM device not a x86 machine06:45
chris_osxso it's not a normal laptop06:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyyagoo: i've only used the full drive06:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyyagoo: are you thinking of dual booting a flashdrive?06:45
chris_osxyou can't just install Ubuntu for x86 computers. do you know that?06:45
mdpatrickDoinkle: Either06:46
rigvedjjmwood: you could try the net installer06:46
bsmith0931chris_osx: why not06:46
forzan'does that you fart?' - my wife, asking if I was the one that farted, after a long day of work06:46
Doinklemdpatrick, in panel, Applications, Sound & Video, Brasero06:46
bazhangforzan, wrong channel06:46
chris_osxbsmith0931: i already said why06:46
forzanoh, wow, ubuntu, whatam I doing in here :|06:47
rigved!netboot | jjmwood06:47
ubottujjmwood: Ubuntu can be installed in lots of ways. Please see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation for documentation. Problems during install? See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/CommonProblemsInstall - Don't want to use a CD? See http://tinyurl.com/3exghs - See also !automate06:47
FraxtilI did something in "Monitor Preferences" that disabled Compiz. There was a gksudo popup and it said something about a monitor not supporting a resolution. Does anyone know what I'm referring to?06:48
FraxtilI think it also said something about needing to use virtual screens. Running compiz yields "compiz (core) - Fatal: Root visual is not a GL visual"06:48
mdpatrickDoinkle: Sound & Video... rough fit on the category!! thanks :)06:48
cablopwhat is the recommended comamnd to chack a filesystem?06:48
Fraxtilcablop: fsck?06:48
Doinklemdpatrick, i agree.  for reference, ALT-F2 and type brasero :)06:48
cablopdoes it check yhe surface for errors? i mean surface errors?06:49
FraxtilYou mean the physical surface of the hard disk?06:49
mdpatrickDoinkle: Do you use 64bit ubuntu?06:49
* mdpatrick has a new PC with 6 gigs of ram...06:49
mdpatrickGetting ready to install ubuntoo :)_06:49
cablopyep, the physical surface06:50
Doinklemdpatrick, I did for three months, until yesterday.  I had enough of the flakiness.  8 have 8Gb RAM and 32bit with PAE rocks for me. :)06:50
Fraxtilcablop: It would interpret such errors as errors in the filesystem itself. Hard drives have no mechanism for checking for physical problems.06:50
mdpatrickDoinkle: What's PAE?06:50
cablopFraxtil: neither bad blocks/06:50
Fraxtilcablop: could you reword that?06:50
Doinklemdpatrick, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension06:51
cablopis there no way to check for bad blocks then?06:51
Fraxtilcablop: that would be fsck.06:51
mdpatrickDoinkle: On there now :)06:51
bazhangcablop, badblocks06:52
bazhangbsmith0931, you can man badblocks in the terminal06:53
cablopthanks :)06:53
jayziehi all06:53
jayzieMale here06:54
bazhangjayzie, so?06:54
rigved!find badblocks | bsmith093106:54
ubottubsmith0931: File badblocks found in e2fsprogs, e2fsprogs-dbg, fish, ketm-data, manpages-es-extra, manpages-fr-extra, manpages-ja, manpages-pl, manpages-tr, manpages-zh (and 1 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=badblocks&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any06:54
cablophehe, LOL, you avoiding a bunch of male geeks to start flirting to you? xD06:54
gancienthi all, i am in a bit of a problem right now , was formatting my new 2TB hdd using the ubuntu 10.10 builtin tool and it got interrupted (powercut) now i cannot boot into ubuntu06:55
mdpatrickDoinkle: Is it difficult to enable PAE after installing 32 bit ubuntu? I'm kind of a n00b, but if this is the ideal situation to go with it might make sense to set it up that way now :)06:55
Doinkleganadist, boot from the cd and try the recovery function06:55
cablopi think the old board is the problem or the cables... i was able to create a filesystem with ease via usb converter... :(06:55
gancientDoinkle: ok06:55
Doinklemdpatrick, in 10.10 it worked "out of the box"06:55
bazhangmdpatrick, install linux-generic-pae and it will bring in what you need06:56
cablopmdpatrick: just install a PAE kernel and adjust a few drivers to it06:56
Doinklebazhang, thanks for answering06:57
* Doinkle forgot about that. :/06:57
mdpatrickDoinkle: So you just ran the installer, and it detected over 4gig and was able to handle it?06:57
mdpatrickahh ok hehe taking notes06:57
Doinklemdpatrick, yes06:57
Doinklemake sure your BIOS understands you have more than 4gb.  My mobo(asus) has a soft switch in bios for that06:58
cablopbut sometimes the linux kernel is able to averride the BIOS settings06:58
mdpatrickbazhang, doinkle: ok so after install... "sudo aptitude install linux-generic-pae" and I should be GTG? How do I check if it worked?06:58
cablopbut... you need for both your motherboard and your processor to be able to handle PAE06:59
bazhangmdpatrick, check uname -a after you install it06:59
stefanocan i load my current windows partition as a virtual machine from linux?06:59
Doinklealong with baz's advice, fire up system monitor and see if it sees the ram too06:59
cablopmdpatrick: check also the linux headers for that pae kernel06:59
bazhangstefano, you may wish to ask in #vbox06:59
stefanook thanks06:59
cablopmdpatrick: maybe if the live cd is able to see them... you'll have no issues to do that07:00
mdpatrickcablop: not sure what you mean by linux headers... the stuff that shows up on the screen during boot?07:01
cablopsigh... i'll start screwing another old board to another old box07:01
bazhangmdpatrick, linux-generic-pae will bring in what you need07:01
Doinklecablop, the installer did all this for me.  installed this yesterday07:01
cablopnope, mdpatrick it is another package you will need along the linux-pae kernel, some sort of libraries for drivers and related things07:01
cablopbazhang: i tried that in the past and the linux-generic-pae package forgot to install the headers :S07:02
bazhangcablop, thats odd, it has always worked fine here07:02
mdpatrickbazhang: What should I see with uname -a?07:03
bazhangmdpatrick, the pae kernel07:03
mdpatrickah k07:03
cablopwell, in my system i installed a generic kernel before and i thought the system believed the standard headers suffice as a dependencie, this is why i recommend for him to double check that07:03
Doinklemdpatrick, here is mine:  Linux Ubuntu-Se7en 2.6.35-24-generic-pae #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:21:31 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux07:03
mdpatrickahh! that helps, thank you07:03
mdpatrickYou guys rock07:03
mdpatrickTook notes... going to do this install in the morning07:04
Doinkledrink a double and do it right now :P07:04
=== edward__ is now known as no--name
no--namehi, I installed Lubuntu, updated the graphics card driver, and then Windows XP vanished from the grub menu :(07:06
no--nameIt was there between the install of Lubuntu and updating of the graphics card drivers07:06
no--nameCan anybody help me get it back? :(07:07
=== ubuntu_ is now known as xio3
Mary-JaneHey guys I need your help yet again07:13
Mary-JaneSo I have this really outdated mic... and external soundcard. and I need skype to located my soundcard info07:13
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: hi, how can we help you?07:13
Mary-JaneIs there an apt get install I can do for soundcards?07:13
soreau! audio | Mary-Jane07:14
ubottuMary-Jane: If you're having problems with sound, click the Volume applet, then Sound Preferences, and check your Volume, Hardware, Input, and Output settings.  If that fails, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Sound - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoundTroubleshooting - http://alsa.opensrc.org/DmixPlugin - For playing audio files,  see !players and !mp3.07:14
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: you using pulse volume control?07:17
Mary-JaneI just want skype to recognize my microphone07:17
Mary-JaneI have all integrated stuff and under audio preferences it detects my mic and output07:18
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: i know I got to use pulseaudio when I make videos...otherwise it doesn't use my mic07:18
Mary-Janehow do I get pulseaudio07:18
GeForce88do i have to use icedte6-plugin to execute java applets on a web page?07:20
rs0832Mary-Jane, the packages are in the repos..07:20
rigvedi get the follwing error when i try to sync tomboy with ubuntuone. can anyone tell me how to fix that? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/547653/07:20
rs0832GeForce88, yes.. but i suggest that you install the actual java instead07:20
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: sorry ...            sudo apt-get install pavucontrol07:21
GeForce88rs0832 i thought i had, but FF is still telling me i need icedtea07:21
rs0832GeForce88, which package did you install? for java?07:21
rs0832GeForce88, you need the sun-java6-* packages07:21
rs0832GeForce88, including the sun-java6-plugin package.. and then remove the iced tea plugin if it is installed, so java can replace it in ff07:22
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: your going to have to play with the input devices part and tweak it to your liking07:22
GeForce88rs0832 does 10.10 have those in it's repos?07:22
rs0832GeForce88, yes it does07:22
GeForce88i'm not finding them07:23
rs0832GeForce88, are you using synaptic?07:23
rs0832GeForce88, use synaptic07:23
rs0832GeForce88, if you can07:23
Us3r_UnfriendlyGeForce88: sudo apt-cache search    ??07:23
GeForce88i can. brb let me look07:23
Maaheswhat should I use to explore .DB files?07:23
rigvedi get the follwing error when i try to sync tomboy with ubuntuone. can anyone tell me how to fix that? - http://paste.ubuntu.com/547653/07:24
rs0832rigved, hmm.. 40407:24
rigvedMaahes: that's a batabase file like thumbs.db07:24
rigvedMaahes: *database07:24
Maahesrigved: I would like to explore it.07:24
Maahesand edit values07:25
rs0832Maahes, you can try an sqlite db browser07:25
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: how are you doing?07:25
rigvedrs0832: i have been getting this error for like the past few weeks whenever i try to sync tomboy07:25
Mary-JaneI am getting pavucontrol right now07:26
Mary-Janeto see if that'll work for skype07:26
rs0832Maahes, use sqlitebrowser .. install from repos07:26
rs0832rigved, it connects to a remote server for sync right?07:26
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: it works when my mic doesn't work.  I just fiddled around with pulse audio, now I can record and use skype or teamspeak or what ever07:27
=== rvdavid is now known as Guest22517
rigvedrs0832: i think so. my other files sync properly with ubuntuone. only tomboy doesn't07:27
Mary-Janehow do I use it?07:27
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: your going to have to play with the input devices part and tweak it to your liking07:27
rs0832rigved, hmm maybe tomboy uses a master server, which is down or something?... ill see if i can find anything07:28
rs0832rigved, there is a bug registered.. checking it out now - https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/57593707:28
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: applications>sound and videos>pulseaudio volume control07:28
rigvedrs0832: ok. thanx.07:29
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: go to the input device and play around with it till the mic works07:29
=== chris_ is now known as ceh421
nirazioI use Ubuntu 10.10 and I've been shifting back and forth between the desktop and the netbook remix versions. Now I can't find the unity interface on UNR. It still shows as "installed" on the software center. Logging back and logging in on any other mode, gives me the same interface. Any ideas?07:30
rs0832rigved, ah yes.. there seems to be a solution.. you can try and see if it works07:30
rs0832rigved, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntuone-servers/+bug/575937/comments/807:30
ceh421can i get crunchbang help here? i assume i can since its ubuntu/debian based,07:31
Mary-Janeso i got it working is there anything I should know to make it work in skype or does it just do it itself?07:31
Us3r_Unfriendlyceh421: what's your problem?07:31
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: start skype and go to the test part of the application...see if your mic works07:31
Myrtti!crunchbang | ceh42107:31
ubottuceh421: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)07:31
rs0832rigved, see that post and the last one on the pag07:32
ceh421the problem is my display is off centered, the display works fine in suse, i have the correct nvidia driver installed and the settings on the monitor itself dont quiet fix it07:32
bazhangceh421, its not supported here07:32
rigvedrs0832: there is a comment just below that which says that the script did not work. but i'll give it a try. thanx07:32
rs0832rigved, try the last on the page07:32
Squarismwhat does LTS imply and should i rather get 10.04 than 10.10 to benefit from 10.04 being a LTS releaste?07:32
Us3r_Unfriendlysorry ceh421.07:32
GeForce88rs0832 i needed to open the commented out repos in sources.list and update. then apt-get found them. any ideas if this java package will work with 64 bit?07:32
rs0832GeForce88, hmm.. sorry i am not sure but you can try07:33
Us3r_Unfriendly ceh421 but you might want to look at /etc/X11/xorg.conf if you have it07:33
rigvedrs0832: i am afraid to try that because i do not know whether i will lose all my data with it like my notes. i'll try that after the first one. :)07:33
GeForce88yea, i'm getting ready to log into it now. thanks for the package name07:34
rs0832rigved, ah ok07:34
rs0832GeForce88, :) ok07:34
Mary-Janeyeah idk man its still not working for my input07:36
Mary-JaneSkype just has default and when I hit test call it says can't locate antying07:36
Us3r_Unfriendlyceh421: and take a look at your "nvidia-settings"...      sudo apt-get install nvidia-settings       if you have it in their repos07:36
rs0832rigved, the server seems to be fine though - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Notes07:37
a931bwGuys when i play video though ANY player in system. The video is Blue'ish07:37
ceh421nvidia-settings is already the newest version.07:37
ceh421nvidia-settings set to manually installed.07:37
rigvedrs0832: the script did not work. will try the second method later tomorrow as i am in the middle of some work. thanx again. :)07:37
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: that's how I got mine working.  What card are you using?07:37
rs0832rigved, ok then.. sorry i couldnt help.. i havent used tomboy :)07:37
Us3r_Unfriendlyceh421: look in those settings to fix your monitor sizing07:38
a931bwxeh thanks07:38
Mary-JaneI'm not using any card07:38
Mary-Janeit's an integrated sound card setup07:38
a931bwyour message was helpfull to me too :D07:38
rigvedrs0832: np. infact you helped to find the bug, that's a lot of progress for me :)07:38
a931bwsomehow my HUE was -100007:38
ceh421us3r: wehre do i find those settings?07:38
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: i thought you said you were using a different card07:38
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: sorry07:38
rs0832rigved, :) and make sure you check the last link... i think something there might help you fix it (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status#Notes)07:39
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: could you pastebin your "sudo lshw"07:39
rigvedrs0832: ok. :)07:39
rs0832rigved, good luck with it07:39
rigvedrs0832: thanx07:39
=== Fraxtil is now known as Fraxtil`
Mary-Janehow do I pastebin something07:41
Us3r_UnfriendlyMary-Jane: http://pastebin.com/07:41
skraitohi hackers07:44
Us3r_Unfriendlyhi skraito07:44
skraitoerr are u unfriendly07:44
psycho_oreos!pm| skraito07:44
ubottuskraito: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.07:44
bazhangskraito, ?07:44
skraitou not gonna shoot me with all crap right07:44
bazhangskraito, wrong channel07:44
* skraito just kidding07:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyi can be unfriendly at times07:45
Us3r_Unfriendlyskraito: what's your question?07:45
skraitonah i am just saying hi07:45
skraitoi dont have a question at the moment07:45
skraitocan i private message u for invitation unfriendly ?07:45
bazhang!ot | skraito07:46
ubottuskraito: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!07:46
Us3r_Unfriendlyskraito: for what invitation07:46
rs0832skraito, if you want to just chat with ubuntu guys you can use #ubuntu-offtopic... some of the guys from here are there too07:46
skraitono one there07:46
bazhangskraito, sure there is07:46
rs0832skraito, o.0 there is07:46
skraitooh yeah alot of them07:47
skraitoit just join with ...07:47
rs0832skraito, :)07:47
skraitobeen bored lately anyway thx for the info07:47
Mary-Janehey unfreindly07:49
Vijaykumarhi mary07:49
Mary-Janehw on pastebin07:49
Vijaykumari love u07:49
Mary-Janeits sean lshw07:49
bazhangVijaykumar, wrong network07:49
Vijaykumarwhy bazhang?07:49
rs0832haha :)07:49
Vijaykumarwhats wrong?07:49
bazhangVijaykumar, please stop07:49
rs0832Vijaykumar, this is not a dating channel07:49
Vijaykumarthen what channel is this?07:49
VijaykumarI am here for the first time...07:50
rs0832Vijaykumar, tech support for an operating system07:50
rs0832Vijaykumar, yes:)07:50
Vijaykumarcan u tell me about Lubuntu...07:50
Vijaykumarwhat is lubuntu for...and difference between Lubuntu and ubuntu07:50
Mary-Janethe person that was helping me07:51
Mary-Janeditched me07:51
rs0832_Mary-Jane, who?07:51
ceh421well, that didnt work07:51
Mary-Janeuser unfreindly07:51
akshatjVijaykumar, no Lubuntu =/= Love Ubuntu07:51
ceh421hmm, im sure its not the gfx card drivers, what else could it be07:51
rs0832_Mary-Jane, dont worry .. he ll be back07:51
psycho_oreos!lubuntu| Vijaykumar07:52
ubottuVijaykumar: lubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.07:52
Vijaykumarthanks...is lubuntu good for Netbook?07:52
lightadesign for at least07:53
psycho_oreosMary-Jane, you haven't really pasted the link to the pasted stuff, pastebin.com is just the main website for people to view and create pastes not a direct link to individual paste07:53
psycho_oreosVijaykumar, its up to the end user to decide, if you want to ask more questions about lubuntu, I suggest you to ask in #lubuntu rather than in here07:54
manlymat183Does anyone have any thoughts on this? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10280076  -- I've spend a day now trying to get it working.  Is there just no way to make the GUI work with verizon?07:54
=== rs0832_ is now known as rs0832
=== rs0832_ is now known as rs0832
psycho_oreosmanlymat183, not that I'm with verizon, but my guess is that for bluetooth side of things, it isn't very well adapted, you could probably however hack up a script to make things easier for you I suppose until of such time that there will be an app to handle it07:58
nirazioIs it possible to display shadows behind text on the gnome desktop??08:02
wyclifMerry Christmas08:02
rs0832wyclif, to you too08:03
wyclifrs0832: =)08:03
R3DGot 1 ? does  ubuntu have trim support ?08:04
rs0832wyclif, :)08:04
wyclifIf you guys haven't read it yet, today's 'The Setup' features Ubuntu prominently: aaron.boodman.usesthis.com08:05
akshatjR3D, I think so08:07
R3Dk thank u08:07
akshatjR3D, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux-2.6.git;a=commitdiff;h=18f0f97850059303ed73b1f02084f55ca330a80c08:08
manlymat183psycho_oreos: OK, thanks.  So the recommendation is to still go the script route then?  I just wish there was a way to use the internal manager with bluetooth.  Perhaps now's the time for me to get a wifi card that's separate from my VZW blackberry vs tethering all the time.08:08
OrangePeelHow do I take other people off my wirelss router ?08:09
llutz_OrangePeel: shut down, change encryption key, give the new key only to people you want to use the router08:10
OrangePeelI hae no idea how to make a password on it08:10
llutz_OrangePeel: read manual08:10
OrangePeelI have linux08:11
llutz_OrangePeel: read your routers manual08:11
OrangePeelit says nothing about linu08:11
lahwranbestbot isn't being helpful, anyone want to recommend a fastest file duplicate detector?08:11
lightaOrangePeel, it's on your router configuration that you should kick people of your network, except if it's your computer wich is the router08:12
OrangePeeleh fuck it08:13
HHabibOrangePeel: Please watch language.08:14
OrangePeeli don't really mind as long as it dosn't screw up the downloading speeds08:14
OrangePeelthanks again lighta , llutz08:14
lap_dragonWhat is the command to kill firefox?08:14
lap_dragonplease tell me quickly08:14
Guest22517tried killall firefox-bin08:14
manlymat183Does anyone here use Mobile Broadband on their Ubuntu 10.10 without issue?08:15
llutz_manlymat183: yes08:15
akshatjlap_dragon, killall firefox-bin08:15
lap_dragonterminal command please08:15
manlymat183llutz_: What provider do you have?08:15
llutz_manlymat183: germann prepaid08:15
manlymat183I'm trying to configure Verizon through my blackberry with Bluetooth and Ubuntu keeps asking for an ASM.  I assume the network connector in 10.10 only supports bluetooth tethering with GSM devices?08:16
=== Guest22517 is now known as rvdavid
llutz_manlymat183: i just configured the apn here, it automatically detects if 3g is available or not. no need to change anything in networkmanager08:17
TheSargeOkay so here is my situation. Right now Ubuntu is taking up my entire HDD. I am going to resize and install  windows 7. I have no optical drive and am using a usb drive to install. So after I install is there an  easier way to fix my grub then having to format my usb drive and install a linux live cd?08:18
manlymat183llutz_: hmmm, maybe I should get a dedicated mobile broadband card instead of using tethering through my blackberry.  It'd honestly be nice to be able to use both individually anyway.  Sounds like a GSM provider would work best with Ubuntu.08:19
llutz_manlymat183: don't know how blackberrys work, but when using my nokia via bluetooth, its the same thing. Nokia is configured to use 3G and then i only bind it with rfcomm to a device and use that as dialup08:20
manlymat183llutz_: so you're saying there is some manual configuration involved?08:21
llutz_manlymat183: _i_ only know the manual way when using a cellphone via bluetooth.08:22
llutz_manlymat183:but usually i use the built-in 3G-card of this AAO with networkmanager, which works flawlessly08:23
manlymat183Here's my issue: I went to the bluetooth icon at the top.  Paired my blackberry with my laptop.  Tried to establish a DUN setup but Verizon wasn't one of the options listed.  It asked me to enter an ASM manually (not sure what that is).08:24
manlymat183I *think* my t510 has a built in mobile broadband card, but I don't know for usre.08:24
manlymat183and I'm not quite sure how to check08:24
llutz_manlymat183: "lsusb" should show something 3g-related if there is a card built-in08:26
manlymat183nah, looks like there isn't, but I thought I added it as a feature.  They had an "antenna" feature or something.08:27
NightmarenHello, once someone has the time, I wanted to know if someone can help me identify why my fresh ubuntu 10.04 install is ignoring the kubuntu backport repository?08:29
ceh421i believe i have figured out the problem, any way to set the horizontal and vert sync for my monitor?  is that in any config file?08:30
Jordan_UTheSarge: Yes, you can install grub to the USB drive without needing to format it, then boot Ubuntu from USB and re-install grub from within Ubuntu.08:30
sabriest-ce possible d'utiliser deux bib différente sur ubuntu08:31
sabridu genre08:31
sabrisession 1 sur GNOM08:31
manlymat183I may just go to the store and grab a T-Mobile card08:32
sabriet sesssion 2 sur unity08:32
qiandonghello everybody08:32
akshatj!english | sabri08:32
ubottusabri: The #ubuntu, #kubuntu and #xubuntu channels are English only. For a complete list of channels in other languages, please visit https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList08:32
qiandongI'm new here08:32
sabriam thinking if its possible to use two different library with ubuntu08:32
qiandongcan you hear me08:32
akshatjqiandong, hi, what help do you need?08:32
sabrisession 1 with unity and session 2 with GNOME08:32
sabriubottu, akshatj>sorry08:33
qiandongI want install oracle on ubuntu,what can I do08:33
TheSargeJordan_U: Huh?08:33
=== david is now known as Guest61286
sabriso, is it possible?08:33
TheSargeYou misunderstood my problem lol.08:33
sabriusing GNOME and unity in two different session08:34
Jordan_UTheSarge: Do you have more than one USB drive?08:34
TheSargeI figured it out anyways I can use w32grub to install grub from windows then add my ubuntu entery08:34
akshatjsabri, yes, at the bottom of the login screen there is a small box that allows you to choose sessions08:34
sabriyes, i know about session08:34
akshatjUbuntu Desktop Edition for GNOME and Ubuntu Netbook Edition for Unity08:35
sabribut am talking about graphic library08:35
TheSargeBut now I need to know if there is some linux program like Unetbootin but that will make my usb drive a bootable windows installer.08:35
qiandongIs there any Chinese here?08:35
bazhangqiandong, in #ubuntu-cn08:35
sabriam using unity now08:35
bazhangTheSarge, try ##windows08:35
TheSargeOr is it as simple as making it ntfs dumping the contents of the iso and marking it bootable?08:35
sabribut it seem hard for first time, that's why am trying to find a solution to use two different library..08:35
TheSargebazhang: I am using linux to do it.. so Windows is of no help. Thx for the sugestion though.08:36
akshatjsabri, what graphic library?08:36
sabriGNOME and unity08:36
TheSargeJust cause the problem involves the word windows people think it has to be answered in ##windows lmao.08:36
TheSargeIts a linux Issue not windows.08:36
sabriits like, i want to configurate two session and each one work with different library08:36
bazhangTheSarge, its for a windows boot disk. ##windows08:36
Jordan_UTheSarge: While you're using linux to create the USB, the problem is really much more related to windows than it is linux, and almost all the people in ##windows also use linux.08:36
TheSargeNo all of the work is done in a linux machine what I am installing is not important, you are wrong.08:37
TheSargeI am doing all of the work on a linux machine..08:37
akshatjsabri, oh you mean you want different profiles for both08:37
sabriso, yeah that's it08:38
ManDayGuys can someone tell me how to get a PIDGIN notification something in cairo-dock? I've tried enabling the "Messages" Plugin but it shows as an empty space without icon!08:38
Nightmarenhmm how come all my repos with "Translation-en_US" at the end are getting ignored? I just added an amarok ppa...08:38
TheSarge3~creating the USB is the whole issue!08:38
sabriif i have a good memory i thinnk it was possible in the past to configure two different profile one with GNOME and others with KDE08:39
TheSargeAnd I am creating the USB in LINUX!08:39
sabribut now, i can't find how :(08:39
TheSargePlus no one is active in windows I have already asked there.08:39
sabrialso, with unity i can't start more than one shell window ..08:40
lightadoes fdisk -l on a wubi installation differ from a live cd one ?08:42
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ManDayDoes anyone know wheere the channel for CAIRODOCK is ?08:43
okin_insidego go go08:43
TheSargeAre you guys serious right now?08:43
bazhangManDay, try /msg alis list *cairo*08:43
sabriso, does someone know how to configurate two different graphic profile for two # session into ubuntu08:44
ManDayhm yeah, #cairo-dock has about 10 people08:44
ManDayi thought it was famous08:45
Jordan_Ulighta: Yes, but how it differes depends on what exactly you're looking at.08:46
stbtraxhow can I get a continuous output of dmesg?08:47
llutz_stbtrax: tailf /var/log/dmesg08:47
lightaJordan_U, trying to mount the ntfs partition used by wubi on the ubuntu, don't know wubi well, what it'll lead ?08:49
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Jordan_Ulighta: It's already mounted, to /host.08:49
lightaah nice ok08:50
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lightawith writting right ?, no need to put ntfs3g etc ?08:50
lightawell I think I can check on fstab08:50
stbtraxllutz: didn't seem to work but 'tailf /var/log/messages' worked, thanks.08:50
Jordan_Ulighta: Correct. Since Ubuntu's root is contained on a file in the windows partition, to have a readable and writeable root Wubi also needs to always have a readable and writeable windows partition.08:51
hegesiasHi there, support channel :) I attempted to install the acerhk utility (command: sudo module-assistant auto-install acerhk), however it ended with this make error: "make[3]: Entering directory `/usr/src/linux-headers-2.6.32-27-generic';  CC [M]  /usr/src/modules/acerhk/acerhk.o; gcc: -pg and -fomit-frame-pointer are incompatible; make[4]: *** [/usr/src/modules/acerhk/acerhk.o] Error 1" ... Any suggestions, pretty please? ^^08:52
AnthonyCatHow do I set gnome terminal to start in ~ (like ctrl alt f1 does) instead of the full home directory path.08:52
lightaok I see Jordan_U thx a lot =)08:52
AnthonyCatI added cd ~ to my .profile, but that didn't do anything08:52
Jordan_Ulighta: You're welcome :)08:53
quietonehow to I xfer video to an ipod? gtkpod fails with "must install mp4v2 library" which is not in synaptic.08:53
bazhang libmp4v2-0 quietone ?08:54
Jordan_UAnthonyCat: What is the output of "echo $PS1; echo $SHELL" in both gnome-terminal and at a tty (ctrl+alt+F1)?08:54
gancientthanks to all, my ubuntu 10.10 booted now , there was some bad sectors. rectified using fsck .08:55
quietonebazhang, yes, i think i had a typo (many times)08:55
bazhangquietone, its there08:55
gancientbtw where is this IRC logged ?08:55
bazhang!1984 | gancient08:55
ubottugancient: Official channel logs can be found at http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/ . LoCo channels are now logged there too; for older LoCo channel logs, see http://logs.ubuntu-eu.org/freenode/08:55
AnthonyCatnm, I found how to do it. (It was just bash -l)08:55
sabridid someone know how to make two different graphic profile for two different session into ubuntu08:56
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gancientubottu: under 2010 / 12 /26 there are so many logs which one is this channel logged to  ?08:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:58
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bazhanggancient, #ubuntu.txt and #ubuntu.html08:58
psycho_oreossabri, you can, with some slight difficulty, making xorg dump a conf file, duplicate that and edit the second one for the second session and whenever needed either hack up a script to start the second session of xorg in that fashion or switch by closing xorg with script and making it start on an alternate profile08:58
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[thor]gancient: there is a bit of a lag before the log is committed.08:58
gancient[thor]: ok08:59
nirazioI use Ubuntu 10.10 and I've been shifting back and forth between the desktop and the netbook remix versions. Now I can't find the unity interface on UNR. It still shows as "installed" on the software center. Logging back and logging in on any other mode, gives me the same interface. Any ideas?08:59
sabripsycho_oreos, thanks08:59
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quietonebazhang, thx.  curious that synaptic finds "libmp4v2" but returns nothing for "mp4v2".09:01
bazhangquietone, you might try apt-cache search mp4v2 to get something like that in future09:01
quietonebazhang, will do.09:02
Nightmarenwhat does this mean? "Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/kubuntu-ppa/beta/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US"09:04
rs0832Nightmaren, you have not enabled updating from that source09:05
rs0832Nightmaren, so it was ignored (Ign)09:05
Nightmarenhow may I do that? I checked it in the sources09:06
rs0832Nightmaren, hmm the same one?09:06
camper308any chinese here?09:06
psycho_oreos!cn| camper30809:06
ubottucamper308: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk09:06
rs0832camper308, #ubuntu-cn09:06
Nightmarenyes in the other software tab09:06
NightmarenI am having the same Ign issue with gnome-shell repos09:06
rs0832Nightmaren, which ubuntu are you using?09:07
Nightmaren10.04 clean install09:07
rs0832Nightmaren, version?09:07
Jordan_Unirazio: You might have driver problems. What is the output of "glxinfo | grep direct"? (if it's more than one line use http://pastebin.ubuntu.com )09:07
rs0832Nightmaren, i think it is because that is a ppa for kubuntu ... but i am not sure09:07
nirazioJordan_U: DO you want me to instal glxinfo for that??09:08
Jordan_Unirazio: Yes.09:08
Nightmarenhmm well I also had the same deal when trying to install the gnome-shell beta repo09:08
Nightmaren"Ign http://ppa.launchpad.net/ricotz/testing/ubuntu/ lucid/main Translation-en_US"09:08
rs0832Nightmaren, can you pastebin your sources.list file?09:09
Nightmarensure, one moment please09:09
NightmarenHere it is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547657/ I skipped the comments of course09:10
alfred__noobies question, I want to install openoffice I downloaded it in my computer what are the command to install it ?09:10
rs0832Nightmaren, can you post it with the comments?09:11
NightmarenMy apologies, I will do that then09:11
rs0832Nightmaren, some parts of the config are in there :)09:11
NightmarenHaha I see http://paste.ubuntu.com/547658/09:11
ofpeledand mary christmas09:12
Nightmarenthere is nothing about the PPAs though-- should there be?09:12
alfred__how to install openoffice, from a folder in my computer?09:12
rs0832Nightmaren, not really... i think some of the normal repos direct the u09:12
rs0832Nightmaren, not really... i think some of the normal repos direct the update to the ppas09:13
NightmarenI see09:13
* skraito brb09:14
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rs0832Nightmaren, ok.. i will tell you to uncomment some things in the sources.list09:14
rs0832Nightmaren, i will pastebin it ok?09:14
ManDayIs there a way to hook into update-aptd-xapi? I have it running in the background taking up loads of resourc es and I'd like to know what its doing09:14
ManDaycos I ve just run a complete update yesterday09:14
rs0832Nightmaren, ok.. now make a backup copy of your sources.list file, and then make the changes in the original as given here - http://paste.ubuntu.com/547662/09:16
Nightmarenok, I will run apt-get update now09:17
rs0832Nightmaren, ok09:17
Nightmarenhmm no go unfortunately-- same thing09:17
rs0832Nightmaren, have you modified the sources.list file before?09:18
Nightmarenno I have not09:18
NightmarenIt really is odd, since I installed it fresh today and have never ran into such a thing09:18
rs0832Nightmaren, can you pastebin the out put of the apt-get update09:18
rs0832Nightmaren, it isnt exactly a problem09:19
rs0832Nightmaren, i get lots of Ign's09:19
Nightmarenoh yes I thoroughly explored the forums seeing that was normal09:19
Nightmarenthe problem here is... its not reading the PPAs09:20
rs0832Nightmaren, yes but the ppas are also repos :)09:20
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nyRednekseems i've had issues getting 10.x iso's-made-usb chips to boot/recognize themselves as install media09:20
rs0832Nightmaren, you can try changing the update server from us to main09:21
Nightmarenhehe now I am confused-- I just know that the updated versions in the ppa repos arent showing up in synaptic09:21
NightmarenHere we are: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547663/09:21
rs0832Nightmaren, you neednt think about it much :) hold on im checking the output09:22
ManDayWhy is everything so freaking HUGE? I got an 1024x768 here and just the evolution settings window is bigger than my screen is high!09:22
nyRednekhad to put 9.10 on this netbook, now updating to 10.4.1LTS09:22
NightmarenI really appreciate your help09:23
ManDayIs there some GNOME setting to make everything a little smaller?09:23
rs0832Nightmaren, did you change the update server to main ?09:24
NightmarenYes, I tried between Main, US, and a couple others in the list09:25
nyRednekManDay, not that i know of...seen the same in kde and fvwm09:26
rs0832Nightmaren, ok.. one more thing,, do you know for sure that the ppa's have updated software versions from those displayed in synaptic?09:26
ManDaythanks nyRednek a pity09:27
intel-dellhey people09:27
Nightmarenyes, my other computer has more updated versions and should be using the same ppas. I also checked manually09:27
nyRednekManDay, i think it has more to do with the way the developer(s) laid out the dialog09:27
intel-dellwhat is the differnce between core duo and core solo09:28
rs0832Nightmaren, and have you compared the two sources.list files?09:28
nyRednekManDay, maybe adjusting the font size(down) may help09:28
intel-delllike when core duo 3.1ghz and core solo 3.1ghz which one is better ?09:28
nyRednekintel-dell, number of cores09:28
ManDaynyRednek: already did that09:28
Nightmarenyou know, I was startting to think in that direction as I was typing out my last message... I think I will do that right now.09:28
ManDaybut i can only size it down to a certain size09:28
nyRednekManDay, just a suggestion09:28
ManDaynyRednek: the problem is really more huge icons n all that09:28
NightmarenThe two computers are side by side09:29
rs0832Nightmaren, :)09:29
intel-dellis core duo 3.1ghz and core solo 3.1ghz are the same ? :S09:29
intel-delli mean have the same power ?09:29
nyRednekManDay, hmmm...tried a window manager that allows dialogs to cover multiple virtual screens?09:29
RealOptyeasy way to restore apt.sources from package default?09:29
StavaIs UFW blocking connections to all ports by default?09:30
rs0832intel-dell, no..duo is 2 processor cores and solo is one09:30
Nightmarento be honest, I was basically trying to clone my previous computer by putting everything it had onto this computer09:30
Jordan_UStava: No, all ports are open by default.09:30
nyRednekintel-dell, again, two cores means two processors, so to speak09:30
Nightmarenso if there is a way I can copy source files or something, that is great09:30
intel-dellrs0832 yes but still both are 3.1ghz ...09:30
rs0832Nightmaren, ah ok09:30
StavaJordan_U, How do I block all ports with ufw? :o09:30
rs0832intel-dell, yes09:30
RealOptyor sources.list?09:31
rs0832intel-dell, you can have a 3.1 ghz celeron too for that matter09:31
nyRednekintel-dell, and most linux distros take advantage of multiple processors09:31
rs0832Nightmaren, i think for cloning an install there are tools09:31
Nightmarensilly me thought I could do it without :P but if I'll get past this snag, Ill be in great shape09:32
Jordan_U!ufw | Stava09:32
ubottuStava: Ubuntu, like any other Linux distribution, has firewall capabilities built-in. The firewall is managed using the 'ufw' command - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW | An alternative to ufw is the 'iptables' command - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IptablesHowTo | GUI frontends such as Firestarter/Gufw (Gnome) or Guarddog (KDE) also exist.09:32
rs0832Nightmaren, you can do it without:) i m just saying ;)09:32
rs0832Nightmaren, if this cannot be resolved, you can try that.. but we will still attempt: )09:33
Nightmarenthank you!09:33
Nightmarenok there are some differences between the files09:33
nyRednekintel-dell, also bear in mind, clock rate is not an accurate measure of performance09:33
NightmarenIll try copying it over first, and keep a backup of the original09:33
nyRednekintel-dell, MIPS is09:33
rs0832Nightmaren, ok i got the new installations file.. can you paste the other?09:33
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intel-dellon what ? cache level  ?09:34
rs0832Nightmaren, or you can copy yourself if you want :)09:34
OrmieI was just about to open a virtual Machine but it has an error09:34
rs0832Ormie, long time :) what error?09:35
Nightmarenhere is the pastebin of the other computer http://pastebin.com/Sn89fMFE it has a few things that arent on this one yet however09:35
nyRednekintel-dell, the speed of a processor is not necessarily an indicator of the speed with which it handles instructions09:35
rs0832Nightmaren, ok09:35
OrmieIt's an error on virtualbox09:36
rs0832Nightmaren, yes.. you should try to replace the old entries with this one09:37
Nightmarencopying it hasnt seemed to fixed the amarok and gnome shell issue however :(09:37
rs0832Ormie, yes tell me the error09:37
Ormiers0832: Here is the paste bin and it contains the error that it shows. http://paste.ubuntu.com/547665/09:37
rs0832Nightmaren, sorry i missed the part about amarok and gnome shell o.009:37
Nightmarenoh no, those were the two IGN issues I pasted before09:38
rs0832Nightmaren, ah ok09:38
rs0832Ormie, in synaptic, install DKMS09:38
Nightmarenwhat if I were to copy the apt folder between the computers?09:39
rs0832Ormie, then run sudo /etc/init.d/vboxdrv setup in a terminal09:39
intel-dellok i have another question like ! what to do with your laptop do you leave it charging and use it like 24H/day or you charge it and use battery !09:39
rs0832Nightmaren, hmm can you open up system>preferences>software sources?09:39
intel-delli used to use it  24H/day but lately battery doesn't last for long time09:40
nyRednekintel-dell, the former09:40
nyRednekintel-dell, condition the battery09:40
rs0832Nightmaren, sorry its in system>administration>software sources09:40
Nightmarenyes I located it :)09:41
Ormiers0832, This contains what it says http://paste.ubuntu.com/547666/09:41
nyRednekintel-dell, do that by repeatedly fully charging pc then letting it deplete battery09:41
rs0832Ormie, i think you missed the 'setup' at the end09:42
rs0832Nightmaren, ok.. on the first tab, except for the cd, are all entries checked?09:42
intel-dellermmm i think i should buy a new battery !09:42
Ormiers0832, My mistake.09:42
Nightmarenyes they are09:42
rs0832Ormie, :)09:42
intel-dellbut charging battery when it is 100% will heat the battery & the pc too09:43
rs0832Nightmaren, ok.. second tab?09:43
pmjphello people09:43
rs0832Nightmaren, how many entries? and are all checked?09:43
Nightmarenonly the ppas are checked09:43
nyRednekintel-dell, again, i said let the battery run down to nothing, then fully charge again09:43
rs0832Nightmaren, there are others? try checking them09:44
nyRednekintel-dell, do that a few times09:44
nyRednekintel-dell, that will help09:44
NightmarenI checked all of them but the problem persists09:44
rs0832Nightmaren, third tab now09:44
Nightmarenimportant and recommended are checked09:45
OrmieThat what it's in the terminal http://paste.ubuntu.com/547668/09:45
rs0832Nightmaren, check pre released and unsupported09:45
rs0832Nightmaren, remember to uncheck these when we are done!09:45
Nightmarensame problem unfortunately09:46
rs0832Ormie, try running vbox now09:46
rs0832Nightmaren, check one of the programs for the version in synaptic09:46
rs0832Nightmaren, in the mean time ill go through the out put again09:47
Nightmarenno go:(09:47
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Nightmarenthe apt-get update output is a little different now with the new sources.list, would you like that?09:48
Ormiers0832, I run it on terminal or menu09:48
rs0832Nightmaren, yes if you can09:48
rs0832Ormie, anywhere is fine.. but preferably terminal09:49
Nightmarenhere it is http://paste.ubuntu.com/547669/09:49
Nightmarenfor some reason, all the ones with Translation-en_US are IGN09:49
OrmieIt says "vbox is not installed"09:49
OrmieI am installing it09:51
suranybody know here how to make .deb file09:51
rs0832sur, you have to use dist-tools i think09:52
rs0832Ormie, ok09:52
PerSeLHello! when I type sudo apt-get update in terminal it gives me the following, I think it happened after I installed cairo dock and tried to uninstall it09:52
surrs8832: how to use those tools???09:52
rs0832Nightmaren, it does not have a pgp key for one ppa.. see if you can see it on the old installation (75CFD31C9E5DB0C8)09:53
Ormiers0832, It does not look like the program that you mean but it ask me for the username09:53
Nightmarenyes it is on th eold installation, i can obtain it09:53
suri want to make .deb file from insatalled program09:53
cybertekcan anyone help me? http://paste.debian.net/103198/09:53
rs0832sur, i am sorry i have never used them.. something should be available on help.ubuntu.com (search for deb tools'09:53
kelvinellawhere is the off topic?09:53
rs0832Nightmaren, ok09:54
Ormiers0832, The package name is "isdnvboxclient"09:54
rigved!ot | kelvinella09:54
ubottukelvinella: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!09:54
surrs0832, thank q09:54
rs0832Ormie, no start vbox - 'virtualbox' in terminal09:54
rs0832sur, :)09:54
PerSeLhow can I fix this: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547670/ it comes up in terminal when I type sudo apt-get update09:55
Doinklecybertek, you have the port forwarded properly if you are behind router?09:55
rs0832PerSeL, can you paste your sources.list file?09:55
Ormiers0832, It works Thanks09:55
rs0832Ormie, :) no problem09:56
PerSeLrs0832: where can I find it?09:56
rs0832PerSeL, in /etc/apt/sources.list09:56
rs0832PerSeL, paste the contents in a pastebin like paste.ubuntu.com09:56
PerSeLy ok09:57
rs0832Nightmaren, whats the stats now?09:57
intel-dellgot to go guys thnks alot for your help ! you are the best09:57
intel-dellsee  you09:57
cybertekhow can I tell if my ISP is blocking my SMTP port 25?09:57
PerSeLrs0832: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547673/09:58
Nightmareni am trying to figure out which ppa is doing that09:58
Ormiers0832, Where can i get more ubuntu screen savers?09:58
llutz_cybertek: ask them09:59
rs0832Ormie, i am not sure but you can either put any picture for it or try gnome-looks.com i think09:59
rs0832Nightmaren, i have an idea09:59
Doinklecybertek, you didn't answer my quesiton10:00
rs0832Nightmaren, first, replace the new installation's sources.list with the backup,10:00
rs0832Nightmaren, now we will see if we can add the ppa's manually to your sources10:00
rs0832Nightmaren, and i got a backup plan too ;)10:00
rs0832PerSeL, find the line 'sudo apt-get update' in the file you just pasted, delete that line, save, and then sudo apt-get update10:01
Nightmarenhehe well you know what? Its starting to get a little late here so I think I'll pick up where I left off in the morning.10:02
rs0832Nightmaren, ok sure:)10:02
NightmarenYou have been really helpful and kind through all of this-- I really really appreciate your help10:02
rs0832Nightmaren, i ll be here about the same time tomorrow :)10:02
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Nightmarengreat! I will keep an eye out for you. Thanks again!10:02
rs0832Nightmaren, sure:)10:03
PerSeLrs0832: I cannot delete it looks like it's read only10:03
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cybertekyeah isp is not letting me use port 2510:04
rs0832PerSeL, run gksudo gedit /etc/apt/sources.list in a terminal10:04
cybertekoh wait10:04
rs0832cybertek, email port?10:04
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cybertekrs0832, yes but I saw yahoo connect10:05
PerSeLrs0832: thanks now everything is working10:05
rs0832PerSeL, :) sure thing10:05
brvergHI I need help in locating a folder10:05
rs0832cybertek, yahoo messenger?10:05
lightaHi, I wan't to only use wlan connexion and disable ethernet, is uncommend /etc/network/interface the correct way to do it or should I do something else ?10:05
brvergI need help in locating a folder...10:06
reberhi there. I need very small fonts for a small screen (10'') how to use them system wide ?10:06
AJ_Z0pidgin 2.7.7 on Ubuntu 10.10. Switched from Network Manager to /etc/network/interfaces for configuring network and now pidgin starts with status "Available... waiting for network connection" and show no buddies until I open Manage Accounts and sign off then on each account. To test I removed .purple and reconfigured all my accounts, settings and buddies - to no effect. Debug output logs "account: Network not connected; skipping reconnect".10:06
AJ_Z0What am I missing here?10:06
rs0832brverg, which folder do you need help locating?10:06
brverg<rs0832>     * home > username > .gnome2 > rhythmbox > plugins10:06
rs0832brverg, what is your username on ubuntu, currently?10:07
StavaWhat will happen if I use TwinView with two monitors (nvidia driver) and remove the primary screen? (I dont have two screens yet, so I cant try)10:07
brverg<rs0832> brian10:07
Stavadisconnect the primary screen10:07
manlymat183Does anyone here use mobile broadband with a US provider and Ubuntu 10.10?10:07
rs0832brverg, using nautilus, browse to /home/brian/10:07
brverg<rs0832> do you mean places>home?10:08
rs0832brverg, then click the 'view' menu in nautilus, and click on the 'show hidden files' option10:08
rs0832brverg, yes you can use that too10:08
brverg<rs0832> sorry but what is nautilus?10:09
rs0832brverg, in the normal ubuntu, it is the file manager with which you are currently viewing files and folders :)10:09
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brverg<rs0832> ok. but when I click on places>home folder, rythbox opens automatically10:10
rs0832brverg, sorry i didnt get you..10:11
rs0832brverg, rythbox?10:11
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »10:11
brverg<rs0832> rhythmbox starts when I click on my home folder10:12
rs0832brverg, the player?10:12
brverg<rs0832> yes10:12
rs0832brverg, hmm then something is wrong with your system... do this - create a folder on the desktop10:12
brverg<rs0832> done, then?10:13
rs0832brverg, right click and select 'open with'10:14
brverg<rs0832> open with other application? because there is one option "open with movie player"10:15
rs0832brverg, yes with other application10:15
olivier81merry christmas to everybody10:15
brverg<rs0832> ok done10:15
rs0832olivier81, Merry Christmas to you too10:15
brverg olivier81, Merry Christmas to you too10:16
rs0832brverg, ok now click on the 'use custom command' dropdown10:16
linzeolivier81: thank you10:16
brverg<rs0832> done10:16
olivier81i've installed ubuntu 10-10 and i can't control my CPU speed, my Core2DUO E7200 is always running at 1.63GHz instead of 2.53 GHz even at full charge :(10:16
rs0832brverg, in the box, type 'nautilus' without the quotes, and select the 'remember this ...' option below it10:17
brverg<rs0832> ok, done10:17
brverg<rs0832> shall i click on "open?"10:18
rs0832brverg, make sure the 'remember this...' is _checked_10:18
brverg<rs0832> yes checked10:18
rs0832brverg, click open10:18
brverg<rs0832> ok I can view my contents on the home folder...10:19
rs0832brverg, ok.. now open the folder 'brian'10:19
alfred__can someone help me with simple question ?10:19
manlymat183What's the difference between a mobile broadband connection inside the NetworkManager Applet vs. Adding a DUN connection to a bluetooth device?  Doesn't the Bluetooth device technically become a mobile broadband connection?10:19
rs0832alfred__, ask10:19
alfred__I downloaded openoffice, and I do not know how to install it :(10:20
alfred__rs0832, it is noobie question10:20
rs0832brverg, then in the view menu, click 'show hidden files'10:20
rs0832alfred__, where did you download it from?10:20
alfred__from openoffice the new version, which is not stable10:20
brverg<rs0832> I need to extract rhythmbox-coverflow-plugin-read-only TO  home > username > .gnome2 > rhythmbox > plugins10:21
rs0832alfred__, from the website?10:21
alfred__yes openoffice.org10:21
rs0832alfred__, what kind of a file is it? is it .tar.gz?10:21
brverg<rs0832> how to locate home > username > .gnome2 > rhythmbox > plugins?10:21
alfred__yes tar.gz, succeeded to extract it10:21
alfred__and now I got a folder10:21
rs0832brverg, did you click the option in the view menu?10:21
Nelson_littlejoin #ubuntuusers10:22
brverg<rs0832> http://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2010/09/coverflow-plug-in-for-rhythmbox/10:22
rs0832alfred__, then you have to compile it .. it is source code...10:22
alfred__yes how to compile it and run it10:22
alabalahello - i have a problem with my wl-608 wireless adapter .. keeps disconnecting frequently10:22
olivier81how to get help on this channel ? should i ask my question directly on the channel ?10:22
brverg<rs0832> please look at step 210:22
llutz_olivier81: just ask10:23
rs0832alfred__, the general way is , cd to the directory you mentioned above, in a terminal type ./configure10:23
rs0832brverg, ok hold on10:23
alfred__rs0832,  okay I try that10:23
brverg<rs0832> please look at step 2 in the link I sent u10:23
alabalars0832:  pm please10:23
olivier81i asked but had no answer ? my question is maybe not precise enough or too complicated ?10:23
olivier81i've installed ubuntu 10-10 and i can't control my CPU speed, my Core2DUO E7200 is always running at 1.63GHz instead of 2.53 GHz even at full charge :(10:24
rs0832brverg, yes i know what you are trying to do :) i am telling you how to do it... did you open /home/brian?10:24
brverg<rs0832> yes it's open10:24
rs0832brverg, now in the 'view' menu, click on 'show hidden files'10:25
alfred__rs0832, is there a graphical way to do it ?10:25
rs0832alfred__, sorry but there isnt10:25
brverg<rs0832> done and I can see gnome2, shall I extract it now?10:26
alfred__rs0832,  I am getting error no such file or directory10:26
rs0832brverg, yes :)10:26
brverg<rs0832> hold on10:26
rs0832alfred__, what did you type?10:26
rs0832alfred__, where?10:27
bgm80hi , i have folder with 4000 files inside ..need to find for string in some  files  ..how i can serch ?10:27
llutz_bgm80: fgrep10:27
rs0832alfred__, did you cd to the folder first?10:28
alfred__in theyes10:28
brverg<rs0832> thanks a lot, the pug in is working. Mwerry Christmas10:28
rs0832brverg, you too :)10:28
rs0832alfred__, hmm in the folder, is there any file called readme or install?10:29
alfred__yes folder read me10:29
rs0832alfred__, can you tell me what is in it?10:30
alabalahello - i have a problem with my wl-608 wireless adapter .. keeps disconnecting frequently10:31
alabalafrom 3 to 3 mins10:31
rs0832alfred__, open it10:31
alfred__but there is no instruction10:32
alfred__only some legal stuff etc..10:32
rs0832alfred__, the whole thing?10:32
alfred__rs0832, well, there is no commands anyway to install it10:33
rs0832alfred__, ok hold on a minute10:33
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alfred__rs0832,  found something10:34
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
alfred__rs0832,  in the folder package there are a list of .deb file many10:34
alfred__do I install them one by one ?10:34
alfred__or ?10:34
rs0832alfred__, ah thats good10:34
alfred__rs0832, is there a command where I can install all by one command ?10:35
rs0832alfred__, do you have a list of the names?10:35
alfred__how can I copy the list :D10:36
alfred__it is the openoffice all packages10:36
rs0832alfred__, never mind .. i got it10:37
rs0832alfred__, :)10:37
alfred__rs0832,  :)10:37
alfred__rs0832, will it work ./configure from there ?10:37
gccsterguys when i enable ufw i cant even ping google10:37
rs0832alfred__, if you have .deb files, you dont have to do that or compile it10:37
gccsterwhat rule do i miss?10:37
rs0832alfred__, try this.. cd to the directory in a terminal10:38
alfred__rs0832, done10:38
alfred__after I can list all the files10:38
rs0832alfred__, type gdebi10:39
alfred__rs0832,  okay10:39
rs0832alfred__, do you get an output?10:39
alfred__rs0832, I installed now gdebi :)10:40
mneumonicHas anyone tried Xonotic yet?10:40
alfred__gdebi-gtk ?10:40
rs0832alfred__, its not installed?10:40
rs0832alfred__,  then dont install it10:40
alfred__rs0832,  I am installing it10:41
rs0832alfred__, type this - sudo dpkg -i *.deb10:41
alfred__rs0832,  YES seems that what I needed :)10:42
rs0832alfred__, did it install ?10:42
alfred__rs0832, doing a lot of things :)10:43
rs0832alfred__, ah good10:43
rs0832alfred__, let me know when its done10:43
alfred__rs0832, thank you very much, I will update you10:43
rs0832alfred__, :)sure10:43
alfred__rs0832, by the way, I tried to copy from my other laptop files,10:43
rs0832alfred__, what files?10:44
alfred__rs0832,  but using the ssh , still I do not get the idea or cp -R /which laptop path/  /which laptop path ?10:44
rs0832alfred__, what files do you want to copy?10:44
alfred__rs0832, the dpkg now ended , but I can t see openoffice in my applications ?10:45
rumpe1alfred__, did it work properly or are any errors reported? (possibly missing dependencies)10:46
alfred__where can I post the log ?10:46
rs0832alfred__, paste.ubuntu.com10:46
rumpe1alfred__, and for copying over ssh you can use scp10:46
alfred__rs0832, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547676/10:46
ManDaySo I plug in that Thumbdrive and all I get is a [..... ] usb 1-5: new high speed USB device using ehci_hcd at adrdress 10    but no new /dev/sd*10:47
ManDayHow can that possibly be?10:47
rs0832alfred__, you need to install java10:47
ManDayBrand new 10.10 install10:48
alfred__another trouble10:48
alfred__rs0832,  :)10:48
rs0832alfred__, :)10:48
FloodBot4alfred__: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.10:48
alfred__rs0832, which JAva ?10:48
alfred__apt-get install java ?10:48
rumpe1ManDay, check "sudo fdisk -l"10:48
rs0832alfred__, hmm i think the jre10:49
ManDayrumpe1: works fine after a reboot10:49
rumpe1alfred__, sun-java6-jre10:50
rs0832alfred__, sudo apt-get install default-jre10:50
alfred__rs0832,  rumen[away]  saved a lot of my time :)10:50
rs0832alfred__, or you can use the one rumpel mentioned.. it is architecture independant, i think10:50
alfred__rs0832, already installing it10:51
alfred__used sudo apt-get install default-jre10:51
alfred__now back to sudo dpkg -i *.deb ?10:51
rs0832alfred__, yes.. it should create shortcuts now i think10:51
alfred__rs0832,  let hope :) at least something to do in this cold weather - 26 C10:52
rs0832alfred__, :)10:52
rs0832alfred__, whoa10:52
alfred__it was about -30 last night10:52
alfred__now it is warmer :)10:52
rs0832alfred__, :D10:52
ManDayhell the f**** is that...10:52
rumpe1alfred__, are you trying to install openoffice on a pc without internet-access?10:52
ManDaynow that the damn thumbdrive works after a reboot the USB keyboard and mouse wont work when plugged in!!!!10:53
ManDayis there some extremely important ubuntu hack that is required for making hotplug work?!10:53
rs0832rumpe1, he downloaded the snapshot version of oo10:53
alfred__rumpe1,  I downloaded to my computer10:53
rumpe1ManDay, usually it works ootb10:53
ManDayid say so too10:53
rumpe1alfred__, ah... ok :)10:53
alfred__rumpe1, rs0832  still is not working :(10:53
alfred__there are no links :(10:53
rs0832alfred__, output paste please10:54
rumpe1alfred__, try starting "oowriter" from terminal/alt-f210:54
alfred__rumpe1,  couldn t find it10:55
alfred__can t run it10:55
ManDayever heard that an ndiswrapper for a usb wifi can mess the rest of USB up?10:55
rs0832alfred__, what about oofice -writer10:55
alfred__rs0832, rumpe1  http://paste.ubuntu.com/547677/10:55
alfred__rs0832,  same , not workign10:56
rs0832alfred__, ok hold on10:56
akshatj!cn | tjrenok10:57
ubottutjrenok: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk10:57
rs0832alfred__, is there a folder called desktop-integration?10:57
alfred__yes rs083210:57
ManDaydammit! guys, how can that be that i plug all sorts of USB devices in and all that the kernel has for me is a message "new USB device"?!? and nothing happens10:57
rs0832alfred__, please open it and tell me what s in it10:57
alfred__rs0832,  I install that too ?10:57
ManDay(it works when NOT hotplugged but plugged before coldstart tho)10:57
rs0832alfred__, thats it?10:58
rs0832alfred__, then cd to that folder in the terminal and run sudo dpkg -i *.deb again10:58
alfred__there is some conflict :)10:59
rs0832alfred__, ??10:59
alfred__erros encountered while processing10:59
rs0832alfred__, did it give anymore info?10:59
rs0832alfred__, try just double clicking on that file11:00
alfred__rs0832, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547679/11:00
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
monokromeDoes anyone here know why Ubuntu doesn't have a package for GCC 4.2?11:00
ManDaydammit! guys, how can that be that i plug all sorts of USB devices in and all that the kernel has for me is a message "new USB device"?!? and nothing happens! the devices wont show up in /dev and the surely wont work!!!11:00
alfred__rs0832,  I am installing it now with software manager :)11:01
alfred__rs0832,  but still Conflicts with the installed package 'openoffice.org-core'11:01
manlymat183Does anyone here use mobile broadband with a US provider and Ubuntu 10.10?11:01
rs0832alfred__, you have to remove openoffice-core from synaptic, i think11:01
alfred__rs0832,  how to :( ?11:02
rs0832alfred__, hold on11:02
penjonkhi there11:02
penjonkanyone help me11:02
rumpe1penjonk, just ask11:03
ElLocohi everyone11:03
akshatj!ask | penjonk11:03
ubottupenjonk: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:03
Jordan_U!anyone | manlymat18311:03
ubottumanlymat183: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?11:03
penjonkchange DNS setting11:04
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
manlymat183OK.  Does T-Mobile's Rocket 2.0 card work well with Ubuntu 10.10?11:04
manlymat183I can't get my Blackberry 9650 to work with tethering/bluetooth11:04
rs0832Jordan_U, any experience/knowledge of wireless adapters?11:04
penjonkI use  USB modem in 10.411:04
ElLocoI have a question. I reinstalled my ubuntu from a CD and when finish I have a linux generic-pae. Normally I have a generic only11:05
manlymat183penjonk: t-mobile?11:05
rs0832alfred__, in synaptic,11:05
Tito0096Does anyone have an idea on how to get minecraft working?11:05
alfred__rs0832,  Yes11:05
ElLocowhat is the diference? and why it's not generic?11:05
Tito0096Ive been trying disparately with no dice11:05
ElLocoit's better or not?11:05
rs0832alfred__, find the package called 'openoffice-bundled'11:05
manlymat183penjonk: Verizon?11:05
alfred__rs0832,  how to go there where to find this synaptic11:05
ManDaydammit! guys, how can that be that i plug all sorts of USB devices in and all that the kernel has for me is a message "new USB device"?!? and nothing happens! the devices wont show up in /dev and the surely wont work!!!11:05
rs0832alfred__, sorry .. openoffice.org-bundled11:05
alfred__I type openoffice.org-bundled in command ?11:06
ktosiekHi! Anybody here using nmh on maverick? I installed nmh package, but there is no nmh binary11:06
rs0832alfred__, no in the synaptic package manager search11:06
Jordan_Urs0832: Yes, but I also am currently using CDMA in the U.S. with Ubuntu 10.10 but can't answer manlymat183, so no guarentee that I'll be able to answer your real question either :)11:06
ktosiek(only binaries in /usr/bin/mh/, but they seem to be nmh subcommands)11:06
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rs0832Jordan_U, not mine actually, but about the network manager disconnecting a wireless adapter conn. frequently11:07
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rs0832alfred__, find it?11:07
alfred__rs0832,  foung it11:07
alfred__I delete it ?11:07
rs0832alfred__, uninstall11:08
rs0832alfred__, but before clicking apply,11:08
rs0832alfred__, tell me what else will be uninstalled (it should tell you)11:08
Jordan_Urs0832: Other than that it's likely a driver issue and that dmesg might give some insights I can't really help there.11:08
akshatjElLoco, pae allows you to use more than 4 GB RAM in 32 bit Ubuntu11:08
alfred__this bundled, has nothing11:08
testHi all, what is the command-line way to disable automatic login in ubuntu?11:08
alfred__but openoffice got some files I can uninstal11:08
rs0832Jordan_U, ok thanks:)11:08
Jordan_Urs0832: You're welcome :)11:09
rs0832alfred__, no.. uninstall only that one (openoffice.org-bundled11:09
akshatjElLoco, see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Physical_Address_Extension11:09
ElLocoakshatj, and if I have only 4 GB, the installation decided what kernel install?11:09
ElLocoI mean if it's better have this kernel or a generic ?11:10
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ElLocoI gonna have updates of the kernel?11:11
alfred__the openoffice.org-bundled, got nothing to uninstall11:11
* skraito say hi all11:11
rs0832alfred__, ok.. uninstall openoffice.org-core then11:12
alfred__better :)11:12
rs0832alfred__, :)11:12
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
potat0anyway to limit the amount of mails claws mail fetches?11:12
potat0the retard thing is currently trying to build a tree for 68k something mails11:12
alfred__rs0832,  it is always easy to destroy , no easy to build :)11:13
alfred__always easy to fall and hard to go up :)11:13
rs0832alfred__, :) yes11:13
alfred__now back to the .deb ?11:13
rs0832alfred__, yep11:13
rs0832alfred__, try to install now11:13
ElLocoakshatj, that's mena that if try to reinstall ubuntu always gonna have a pae kernel?11:14
akshatjElLoco, it seems that it is decided by the installer11:14
wootzhey guys11:14
ElLocobut if ther it's an update of the kernel, I gonna have it to?11:14
alfred__rs0832,  now is installing :)11:14
rs0832alfred__, ah great :)11:15
alfred__rs0832,  wow now I see the menu :)11:15
wootzim new here. installed gnome and KDE on mah lucid and now its a strange hybrid type thing. rather fun!11:15
akshatjElLoco, you mean if you update you will get updates for the pae kernel?11:15
rs0832alfred__, can you open the programs?11:16
alfred__rs0832,  Yessss very nice ... rs0832  thank you really so much :)11:16
rs0832alfred__, sure, no problem :)11:16
alfred__I start to like this ubuntu more then windows :)11:17
alfred__no more windows :)11:17
LunganHaving som trouble with my partition disk wich not has the OS, it seems to have problems with mounting, because it seems to mount on diffrent placec all the time, and then my files I have in my torrent never can seed because the progrma doesn't find the files every time I reboot?11:17
ElLocook, I understand better know what that means, at least a little more11:17
rs0832alfred__, :)11:17
ElLocothanks akshatj11:17
akshatjElLoco, :)11:17
wootzhey guys i got a question11:17
alfred__rs0832, wow this new version got the prediction and synonym :)11:17
akshatj!ask | wootz11:17
ubottuwootz: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)11:17
rs0832alfred__, ah ok.. thats good :)11:18
wootzsome app icons (firestarter specifically) has a white background instead of the color of the rest of the bar11:18
akshatjwootz, oh that is problem with icons of some apps11:19
wootz(i apologize for the bad grammer)11:19
alfred__rs0832,  I asked you earlier about cp function11:19
alfred__I did connect to my other laptop via ssh,11:19
rs0832alfred__, oh for ssh?11:19
alfred__rs0832,  but the thing is I do not understand how to put the path11:20
alfred__rs0832, cp -R path ? /path ?11:20
rs0832alfred__, what files do you want to copy and to where?11:20
alfred__rs0832, for exp I want to copy let s say pictures in my second laptop to my picture in my actual laptop11:21
ElLocothanks to all and happy christmas days11:21
wootzakshatj you where saying?11:22
stbtraxIs there any utility to monitor all SCSI commands on a filesystem?11:22
akshatjwootz, see bug #40313511:23
rs0832alfred__, yes.. where are the pictures on your first laptop?11:23
wootzwill do, thanks11:23
akshatjwootz, err, this https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/banshee/+bug/40313511:23
rumpe1alfred__, scp -r user1@secondlaptopip:~/Pictures user2@actuallaptopip:~/Pictures   (for example)11:23
alfred__rumpe1,  thank you :) I will save this command and try it later, now to to go and rub the shop :)11:24
alfred__rs0832,  thank you very much again and happy X-mas for everyone11:25
alfred__rs0832,  I hope I can also help with something :)11:25
rs0832alfred__, y/w and Merry Christmas to you too :)11:25
rumpe1alfred__, or just use "places -> connect to server"11:25
wootzakshatj, yea i got it thanks :)11:25
rs0832alfred__, :)11:25
miniBillI cannot play an audio CD11:25
mkanyicyminiBill, have you tried using rhythmbox?11:26
miniBillmkanyicy: I only tried with amarok11:26
akshatjwootz, :)11:26
* miniBill installs rythmbox11:26
wyclifjust installed ubuntu on a xeon quad core, couldn't be happier11:27
wootzakshatj, hmmm.. its a know bug with no fix for firestarter :\11:27
=== BlinkyToon is now known as Don_Miguel
miniBillwyclif: that song rules :)11:31
miniBillmkanyicy: now, that I have installed rhythmbox?11:32
Tito0096can someone help me with minecraft in ubuntu?11:33
miniBillTito0096: whats your problem?11:33
Tito0096miniBill: it quits after it loads11:33
miniBilltry opening it from console, and checking error messages11:34
Tito0096I have11:34
Tito0096java -jar /home/tito/Desktop/Minecraft.jar11:35
Tito0096java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "javaw": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory11:35
Tito0096at java.lang.ProcessBuilder.start(ProcessBuilder.java:460)11:35
Tito0096at net.minecraft.MinecraftLauncher.main(MinecraftLauncher.java:31)11:35
Tito0096Caused by: java.io.IOException: java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory11:35
FloodBot4Tito0096: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:35
Tito0096at java.lang.UNIXProcess.<init>(UNIXProcess.java:148)11:35
miniBillTito0096: use pastebin!11:35
cybertrashEr, is the Empathy IM application a bit wonky when it comes to IRC functionality?11:37
stbtraxIs there an easy way to tell if my kernel has CONFIG_SCSI_LOGGING enabled?11:37
* miniBill solved with rythmbox11:37
akshatjcybertrash, use XChat11:38
miniBillor irssi11:38
miniBillor bitchx11:38
Tito0096so no input on the error?11:38
miniBillTito0096: paste it fully, on pastebin11:38
cybertrashI might just... But does xChat support this nifty little GUI integration with Ubuntu that Empathy does?11:38
Tito0096miniBill: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547691/11:39
miniBillTito0096: java.io.IOException: Cannot run program "javaw": java.io.IOException: error=2, No such file or directory11:40
miniBillcosa dice "which javaw"11:40
Tito0096what should i do? lol11:40
kad_heys!! i ineed help!! i have HP Pavilion Dv6 i7, there's 8G RAM , under windows they appear: 8G but under ubuntu they only appear 3.8G why? Ubuntu is 64-bit !!plz help11:40
miniBillTito0096: what does "which javaw" say?11:40
miniBillkad_: what does "uname -a" say?11:41
Tito0096i type it in the terminal11:41
Tito0096and nothing11:41
nightcrowhiya, Im upgrading our old linux machine running 8.10 and migrating (to a NEW machine) to 10.04 I have copied over smb.conf and now Im trying to add a 'Domain Users' samba group with net groupmap add but in the old machine, when I do net groupmap list I see that 'Domain Users' isnt part of a group (Domain Admin is) it has a -> -1 at the end of the SID - but when i create the Domain Users Samba group, it wont create because it nee11:41
nightcrowcan someone please help me?11:41
miniBillTito0096: you miss the java package11:42
Tito0096hmm where can i get it, i have sun java installed?11:42
miniBillnightcrow: your message got cut11:42
kad_miniBill,  Linux kad 2.6.35-24-server #42-Ubuntu SMP Thu Dec 2 03:58:11 UTC 2010 x86_64 GNU/Linux11:42
nightcrowminiBill: where did you see until?11:42
miniBillTito0096: try running "javaw", it will list suitable packages11:42
miniBillkad_: so, it actually *is* 64bit kernel. what does "free -m" say?11:43
miniBillnightcrow: wont create because it nee"11:43
nightcrowminiBill: but when i create the Domain Users Samba group, it wont create because it needs to be a member of something, even though the old one is set to 'NONE'11:43
Tito0096miniBill: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547692/ which one to get?11:44
kad_miniBill,  http://pastebin.com/1WiUqpYV11:44
nightcrowCan anyone please help me?11:46
kad_miniBill, strange right?11:48
mmdadawowhello, i installed PCManFM and I'd like to have it as my default file manager, I tried the command for /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder.desktop or something like that, but that opens a blank file, no matter how I open it, gksu, gksudo, sudo. Any other ideas?11:48
freemanhello, Does uinput work on Kubuntu 10.10 x64 because I have a headset bh-214 and controls button dont work (play, stop, |<<, >>|)11:48
freemanwhen I execute modprobe uinput and next lsmod | grep uinput I got a nothing11:50
F91who know about AIX hacmp ?. i need some help11:51
mmdadawowhello, i installed PCManFM and I'd like to have it as my default file manager, I tried the command for /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder.desktop or something like that, but that opens a blank file, no matter how I open it, gksu, gksudo, sudo. Any other ideas?11:51
miniBillnightcrow: I've got no experience with samba, sorry :(11:52
F91customer want testing takeover about aix...11:52
F91but i try to shutdown -Fr now  the master server ,,after that slaver havent takeover the rescource11:53
miniBillkad_: strage, yeah. have you tried with live cds/other distros?11:53
miniBillF91: this is #ubuntu. are you sure you're in the right place?11:54
F91 ...11:54
kad_miniBill, yup even try ubuntu 10.09 same issue11:55
kad_miniBill, at the BIOS. it appears as: 8G11:55
mmdadawowhello, i installed PCManFM and I'd like to have it as my default file manager, I tried the command for /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder.desktop or something like that, but that opens a blank file, no matter how I open it, gksu, gksudo, sudo. Any other ideas?11:55
miniBillTito0096: maybe that wasnt a true error11:55
miniBillTito0096: what about /home/tito/hs_err_pid2405.log11:55
miniBillkad_: what about a completely different distro?11:55
kad_miniBill,  like?11:56
miniBillmmdadawow: stop spamming your question every 4 minutes :D11:56
miniBillkad_: say, fedora, mandriva, gentoo, knoppix, ...11:56
miniBillnot suggesting to switch11:56
mmdadawowminiBill: sorry, didn't know11:56
kad_miniBill,  didn't try11:56
miniBilljust to test if they read whole memory11:56
wyclifmmdadawow: use lubuntu?11:57
DonNadieSpanish help?11:57
miniBillDonNadie: nope. but I speak italian :)11:57
kad_miniBill,  now it read 4G, and 2G Swap, does this mean ubuntu can use : 6G now ?11:57
Tito0096miniBill: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547697/11:57
mmdadawowwyclif: nty, ubuntu is great, I just wanna have pcmanfm as the default11:57
bazhangDonNadie, in #ubuntu-es11:58
wyclifDonNadie: I know there is a channel for that, just not sure which11:58
miniBillkad_: yes, but it should really tell 8GB if you have 811:58
kad_miniBill,  yes:(11:58
wyclifmmdadawow: I mentioned lubuntu because it uses PCMan by default11:59
mmdadawowwyclif: yeah ikr11:59
wyclifmmdadawow: anyway, sounds like a configuration issue11:59
mmdadawowwyclif: got any ideas how i can fix that issue? :p11:59
wyclifdid you use the .deb to install12:00
* miniBill runs kaway12:00
wyclifmmdadawow: did you use the .deb from the repos to install PCMan12:00
wyclifmmdadawow: PCMan is what I prefer as well, running it now12:00
mmdadawowwyclif: i installed it via synaptic12:00
mmdadawowi thought of removing nautilus, but i can't do that since it has integration with dropbox12:01
wyclifmmdadawow I did not see your original question, you cannot run PCMan?12:01
mmdadawowwyclif: hello, i installed PCManFM and I'd like to have it as my default file manager, I tried the command for /usr/share/applications/nautilus-folder.desktop or something like that, but that opens a blank file, no matter how I open it, gksu, gksudo, sudo. Any other ideas?12:01
* Mekzholan has an very unstable system with the "current" nVidia driver - and an slow system with the old one :(12:01
bonjoyeemmdadawow: sudo update-alternatives --config x-window-manager12:01
MekzholanWhat's the recomended way to get the latest binary nVidia driver?12:01
Manguellehello to u all12:02
wyclifmmdadawow: OK got it12:02
mmdadawowbonjoyee: window manager? :S12:02
StavaThe indicator applet (tray icon menu) wont show me if I have a message or rss feed update in evolution (not even when evolution is active). Why is that?12:02
bonjoyeemmdadawow: sorry...holiday hangover;)12:03
AnthonyCatIs there a way to get isight working in ubuntu 10.10?12:03
mmdadawowbonjoyee: hehe, np, merry xmas 8-)12:03
Manguelleis there one way to check his balance with Huawei e160e12:03
mongyStava, it only does it when its minimised or on another desktop12:03
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Stavamongy, it is on another desktop, and my inbox says that there are 2 unread messages12:04
Stavamongy, but the tray icon or menu wont change12:04
mongyStava, checked the plugin settings in evo?12:04
artuguys, how can i change login background image in ubuntu 10.1012:04
bonjoyeemmdadawow: wish you a blessed and a merry christmas as well!:)12:04
Stavamongy, Well its not only for the rss, its for email as well12:04
mmdadawowbonjoyee: thx12:04
mongyStava, checked that evolution indicator plugin is active?12:05
Stavamongy, it is12:05
mmdadawowwyclif: you fell asleep? :D12:05
camper308hello everyone12:06
camper308anybody here?12:06
mmdadawowsup camper30812:06
Stavamongy, I see evolution in the indicator, but it says my inbox is empty (0), while inside evolution its not empty (2)12:07
wyclifsorry, there was an issue here, snowstorm time12:07
wyclifmmdadawow: sorry snowstorm watch :(12:07
mongyStava, you see the icons in your panel, but is the plugin activated in evolution12:07
mmdadawowwyclif: whataya mean?12:07
mongyStava, apart from that idk tbh12:07
wyclifmmdadawow: there is a bad storm heading this way, sorry I got distracted, I am looking at the PCMan documentation12:08
AnthonyCatIs there a way to get isight working in ubuntu 10.10?12:08
bonjoyeemmdadawow: did u try this? http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-replace-nautilus-with-pcman-file-manager-in-ubuntu.html12:08
Stavamongy, Yeah its enabled and visible. The indicator menu will recognize my account (Personal), its just that it doesnt tell me if I have new messages or not, its always at 012:08
mmdadawowwyclif: ok, no need to hurry12:08
wyclifmmdadawow: bonjoyee: yes that is what I was about to suggest12:09
mmdadawowbonjoyee: checking it out atm, thx12:09
mongyStava, and the mail notification plugin is setup correctly?12:09
Stavamongy, Everything is as it was "out of the box"12:10
mongyStava, what version of  ubuntu12:10
Stavamongy, 10.10 desktop12:10
mmdadawowbonjoyee: i tried that with a command, lemme c if i can pull it off via pcmanfm12:10
mongyStava, worked for me when I used it (i use gm-notify now)  try setting up your account again.. :|12:11
Stavamongy, alright, thanks for the help12:11
mmdadawowbonjoyee: nothing ><12:12
spicemasterhello i have usb cd drive can ubuntu boot from usb cd drive ?12:12
wyclifmmdadawow: yes, just read that, I seem to recall doing this back when I switched. Edit the nautilus-folder-handler-desktop file as shown.12:12
spicemasterawaiting for answer .12:13
mmdadawowwyclif: i don't got any of those files ><12:13
mmdadawowshould've asked Santa :D12:13
jey2I installed Ubuntu with wubi12:13
jey2now I uninstalled it, but it still shows in the bootlolader12:13
camper308yes,if your mainbord support12:13
jey2how do I remove it from there..12:13
bonjoyeemmdadawow: try the command line..there are similar comments down there..12:13
wyclifmmdadawow: hmm did you check that a dependency doesn't exist or a library is missing?12:13
spicemasterjey2, nope i am asking can i install it via usb cd drive :/12:14
gobbespicemaster: sure it can12:14
mmdadawowwyclif: dunno 'bout that, got any ideas what i can do?12:14
spicemasterthanks gobbe (:12:14
wyclifmmdadawow: the other thing I would ask is are you sure you're running Nautilus and not something that looks like it?12:15
wyclifmmdadawow: this is a straight up ubuntu distro?12:15
acke-Hi i use ubuntu 10.10 and have to switch between 2 and 5.1 sound when watching movies with xbmc. is there a way to always have sound go in 5.1 channels or autodetect input?12:16
mmdadawowwyclif: ubuntu 10.10, up-to-date, and yeah running nautilus, i got both installed cuz of the dropbox issue12:16
ox3aHello anyone using wimax usb modem?12:17
siddharthchirag: haan bhai12:18
mmdadawowwyclif: hm, it seems that pcmanfm isn't "mature" yet like nautilus is, though it's freaking fast, so I'll set up a keyboard shortcut to launch pcmanfm and keep nautilus as the default one12:19
ox3aHow can i install WiMAX usb modem?12:19
camper308BIOS SETUP12:20
siddharthchirag: haan bhai12:20
chiragha bhaiiiiiiiiii12:20
chiragye kya cheez hain12:20
bazhangsiddharth, english here12:20
mmdadawowwyclif: i setup a keyboard shortcut: the command is: "pcmanfm" without quotes, but that opens the root folder ><12:21
ox3achirag, where are you from please?12:21
rs0832chirag, what were youll talking about?12:21
chiraghavng prob in wi-fi signal detection12:22
nightcrowhiya, i was wondering if someone can help me please12:22
wyclifmmdadawow: there is always that option. and no it's def. not a stable product yet ><12:22
siddharthchirag : do check that ur wi-fi is powered on12:22
nightcrowhiya, Im upgrading our old linux machine running 8.10 and migrating (to a NEW machine) to 10.04 I have copied over smb.conf and now Im trying to add a 'Domain Users' samba group with net groupmap add12:22
nightcrowbut in the old machine, when I do net groupmap list I see that 'Domain Users' isnt part of a group (Domain Admin is) it has a -> -1 at the end of the SID - but when i create the Domain Users Samba group, it wont create because it needs to be a member of something, even though the old one is set to 'NONE'12:23
nightcrowany ideas?12:23
FloodBot4nightcrow: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:23
chiragya it's12:23
mmdadawowwyclif: yeah, got any idea how i can make the command open my home folder instead of the root folder?12:23
ox3aIs it possible to install WiMAX USB modem?12:23
wyclifmmdadawow: if you run ubuntu on an older laptop nautilus is pretty much out of the question, it's not fast enough for me12:23
wyclifmmdadawow: change what director it opens on12:24
mmdadawowyh, imma use pcmanfm for fast file management and just keep nautilus12:24
wyclifmmdadawow: sorry "directory"12:24
mmdadawowwyclif: yeah, how? :D12:24
chiragmy wi fi doesn't seem to be working on 10.1012:24
gobbechirag: what is the chipset?12:25
gobbechirag: for example broadcom needs drivers, which can be installed with additional drivers12:25
wyclifmmdadawow: usually you can it F4 to give you the current directoryl12:25
chiraggobbe: 94512:26
ox3anone know answer of my question?12:26
mmdadawowwyclif: F4 opens a terminal :S12:26
wyclifmmdadawow: looking in my home directory12:26
pksadiq!repeat | ox3a12:27
ubottuox3a: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/12:27
mmdadawowalright wyclif12:27
rs0832ox3a, i think it is possible to install a wimax usb modem.. why? are you having trouble with it?12:28
mmdadawowwyclif: ill bbl ok12:28
nightcrowin net groupmap list -l my Domain Users unixgroup is set to -1 How can i duplicate this on another machine?12:29
wyclifmmdadawow: you have to change the mime type association12:29
ox3ars0832, Because i do not fine any driver for it12:29
rs0832ox3a, did you try using it without installing drivers?12:30
wyclifmmdadawow: in .local/share/applications/default.list12:30
ox3ars0832, There is a built in software for Windows but not for Linux12:30
ox3ars0832, Can you please help me ?12:30
wyclifmmdadawow: add the value for: "x-directory/normal"12:30
rs0832ox3a, if there is builtin software for windows, there should be drivers for linux..12:31
tristan3199usanybody mess with ipod or iphones in here.. i need to update music on an ipod without having to install itunes thru wine..12:31
ox3ars0832, No there is not12:31
rs0832ox3a, can you give me some details about your modem?12:31
Tupladhow can I manually change the monitor's frequency (in this case from 60 to 70) ?12:31
wyclifmmdadawow: see my answer above12:31
ox3ars0832, sure12:32
wyclifhi rs083212:32
rs0832ox3a, like a model number to start with12:32
rs0832wyclif, hi wyclif12:32
ox3ars0832, WiMAX 802.16e USB adapter12:33
pksadiq!ipod | tristan3199us12:33
ubottutristan3199us: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod12:33
rs0832ox3a, ok now did you get a cd or something with it?12:33
ox3ars0832, no nothing..... Just got the Modem12:34
rs0832ox3a, not even a manual?12:34
ox3ars0832, Here i can see only system requirement12:35
bazhangJragon, /msg ubottu info pidgin12:36
rs0832ox3a, have you tried the madwimax driver? it is meant for 802.16e12:36
ox3ars0832, I do not know about it12:37
chiragmy wifi is not working on ubuntu 10.1012:37
rs0832ox3a, it is in synaptic12:37
chiraghelp me12:37
ox3ars0832, Can you give me this web site link please?12:37
TanvirHello everyone, can anybody help me to download ubuntu restricted extras?12:37
chiragunable to find wi-fi signal...12:37
rs0832ox3a, open a terminal and type this - 'sudo apt-get install madwimax' without the quotes12:38
bazhangTanvir, sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras12:38
Tanvirbazhang: I tried that, but didn't work.12:38
bazhangTanvir, what error message12:38
ox3ars0832, sorry i am running old version12:38
Tanvirbazhang: it says, my connection is not okay, but it's okay.12:38
rs0832ox3a, old version of what?12:38
chiragmy wifi is not working on 10.1012:38
ox3ars0832, found it in http://code.google.com/p/madwimax/12:39
Tanvirbazhang: it's trying to download from bd.archive... something.. can it be a problem in that server?12:39
rs0832ox3a, which version of ubuntu are you running?12:39
bazhangTanvir, try to change servers and try again12:39
Tanvirbazhang: how?12:39
ox3ars0832, 8.1012:39
rs0832ox3a, did you try in the  terminal?12:40
ox3ars0832, yea not found12:40
rs0832ox3a, ok hold on12:40
chiragox3a:help me12:40
Tanvirbazhang: Can't I change the server entirely in my Software Center? My software center isn't working too.12:41
TanvirI mean it's not downloading..12:41
delkinHi !  1) How do I check my current 'Crunchbang' version?  2) How do I make updates?12:41
bazhangdelkin, ask in the #crunchbang channel as its not supported here12:41
bazhangTanvir, what version of ubuntu12:42
goodtimedelkin: goto system in your menu12:42
Tanvirbazhang: ^12:42
aar_ Hi, what can I use to check a drive for physical errors? (I'm trying to check whether my sister's Windows XP went kaputz because of data corruption or whether the disk is physically knackered).12:42
goodtimethen goto addmin12:42
ox3ars0832, It say also "BCSM250 Mobile WiMAX" ...... What is it?12:43
goodtimeand it near the bottom12:43
goodtimeyour update manager12:43
rs0832ox3a, thats a different type of adapter12:43
delkingoodtime, how do I do it in the console ?12:43
filsufhahahahah ... cool: http://www.anorak.co.uk/269094/strange-but-true/mug-shot-of-the-year-2010-blackburns-glen-mould.html12:43
goodtimeapt-get update12:43
IsMyOwnWayHi all!12:43
ox3ars0832, Then Madwimax will support?12:44
goodtimethen do a updatedb12:44
rs0832ox3a, yes it should12:44
bazhangTanvir, in synaptic package manager go to settings and choose the mirror there12:44
oCeanfilsuf: don't post that here..12:44
ox3ars0832, madwimax say: A reverse-engineered Linux driver for mobile WiMAX devices based on Samsung CMC-730 chip.12:45
rs0832ox3a, yes12:45
filsufso many tattoo are so outrageous12:45
bazhang!ot | filsuf12:45
ubottufilsuf: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:45
Tanvirbazhang: Where in synaptic manager?12:45
bazhangTanvir, under settings12:46
rs0832ox3a, thats the one12:46
IsMyOwnWayI have a small question, i have two systems on with kernel 2.6.x and the other with a newer one, I would like to copy the precompiled version of one module fro une version to the other, do you think it will be possible?12:46
filsufoh .. wrong channel ;((12:46
ox3ars0832, which is?12:46
tristan3199usi use a laptop with a small screen. when windows are too large for my screen i cant reduce them to fit.. so each click they pop up and down.. whats with that.. can i do anything to fix it..12:46
rs0832ox3a, hold on ill help you install12:46
alabalars0832: IS the best !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!112:47
ox3ars0832, thanks12:47
bazhangtristan3199us, hold alt and then drag12:47
rs0832alabala, thanks..12:47
bazhangtristan3199us, you might wish to install une to remedy that12:47
alabalau welcome12:48
alabalait`s true12:48
FloodBot4alabala: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.12:48
alabalau r the best12:48
rs0832AlbertoP, :)thanks but better not tel l me that here :)12:48
tristan3199uswhats une12:48
Tanvirbazhang: I think it's now working. Currently trying to install VLC. So far so good.12:48
tristan3199ussudo apt-get install une??12:48
rs0832alabala,, :)thanks but better not tel l me that here :)12:48
bazhang!une | tristan3199us12:48
ubottutristan3199us: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu12:48
rs0832AlbertoP, sorry bout that12:48
xoverukwhy is it that after rsyncing my friend is enable to boot his backup operating system?12:48
rs0832ox3a, ok download the tar.gz12:49
ox3ars0832, madwimax?12:49
tristan3199usgot it... is it mostly the window manager nautilus thats needing updated? or changed for some other window manager like dolphine12:49
Jragon<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about wanking12:50
rs0832ox3a, yes but first try this one - http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/i386/madwimax/download12:50
Tanvirbazhang: I want to run iBus in startup, but I don't know the command to give it in Startup application settings, what is the command?12:50
rs0832alabala, shall we install?12:50
bazhangtristan3199us, its a special remix that uses icons so you can avoid that issue12:50
bazhangJragon, not here.12:50
alabalaopened sm12:51
rs0832alabala, for java, the packages are sun-java6-*12:51
AlbertoPrs0832: no prob :)12:51
AlbertoPhappy holidays!12:51
alabalaok searchin`12:51
rs0832AlbertoP, :) Merry Christmas to you too12:51
tristan3199usi tried it and hated it.. is there a way to modify what i have already installed.. i think netbook looks like a cell phone menu.. not a good thing..12:51
ox3ars0832, done12:52
tristan3199usis there a way to force window sizes down to the size of my screen..12:52
tristan3199usso it doesnt start bobbing up and down12:52
rs0832ox3a, try using did you install it? if not try..12:52
bazhangTanvir, put ibus in the top panel?12:53
ox3ars0832, Not yet ..... Installing12:53
Jragon<ubottu> Sorry, I don't know anything about ubuntu.12:53
rs0832ox3a, now since your system is old, you may have dependency problems, but lets hope not :)12:53
bazhangJragon, stop that12:53
JragonSorry =P12:53
tristan3199usjragon your talking to a robot..12:53
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rs0832alabala, how's it going?12:54
rs0832alabala, hold on.. type sun-java12:55
tristan3199usim looking to learn a little something here.. nautilus is what i see when i open a folder.. in kubuntu its dolphin.. both are windows managers?? and can one be altered to small screens..12:55
yasminakako ste12:55
Tanvirbazhang: Update on restricted-extras: It was updating the cache, now it's downloading.12:55
alabalanow ?12:55
bazhangTanvir, good news then12:56
Tanvirbazhang: Problems on Software Center are now solved. Working fine.12:56
hidnshadowshey guys12:56
rs0832alabala, now you have to install the packages12:56
TanvirIndeed. :)12:56
alabalawich ones?12:56
guampai've managed to break the ethernet network in the same *weird* way in two ubuntu installs, and can't seem to find out what it is: dhcp works, udp hence too, icmp works, BUT i can't establish tcp connections! it seems the card doesn't send anything...uber puzzled. please help!12:56
CyLMorning folks... how can I add an entry for a LUKS encrypted LVM partition in fstab if the device name won't be available until I unlock it with cryptsetup?12:56
ox3ars0832, there is deb file installer GUI tool. What is the name of it please?12:56
rs0832ox3a, gdebi?12:56
hidnshadowsIs there any way to recover files from a corrupt SD card? my cheap phone went berserk, and none of my computers will recognize the card as a safe device12:56
CyLguampa: can you surf the web?12:56
ox3ars0832, yeah yeah12:57
guampaCyL: nope, not anything involving tcp12:57
goodtimesounds like you bricked it hidnshadows12:57
rs0832alabala, install sun-java6-* (*= jre, plugin, bin)12:57
guampanot even a netcat, this is between computer and router12:57
hidnshadowsgoodtime no chance for recovery?12:57
goodtimeidk man12:57
CyLguampa: can you have a dump of one of your trials?12:58
rs0832alabala, and sun-java6-fonts12:58
guampasaw it also in my laptop and thought then i had a broken card, now with a brand new desktop i see it again, at some point of restoring the lap config12:58
goodtimeits not the kinda thing i do though i think now ill look into it hidnshadows12:58
Tanvirbazhang: When I click on a drive, it mount a thumbnail on desktop. I don't like that, how can I stop this automount? Last time I fixed it but I forgot. All I remember that, it's something on Configuration editor. Can you tell me the detail procedure?12:59
hidnshadowsgoodtime thanks, and unfortunately I don't have an SD card reader next to me so I'm jsut looking for tips12:59
goodtimeyeah google it13:00
tristan3199usthere are tons of data recovery applications for linux..  some are included in hirens boot cd.. others in partition magic.. look on youtube..13:00
ox3ars0832, error of gdebi: Dependency is not satisfiable: lib-1.0-013:00
guampaCyL: sure, what would you like to see?13:01
rs0832ox3a, hmm yes i thought so...13:01
=== sburjan_ is now known as sburjan`
tristan3199usshouldnt matter that its a sd card.. find tools for data recovery on hard drives and use those..13:01
CyLguampa: just a sec13:01
shai__Hi :) I have been using grdesktop and rdesktop to connect to a Window Server 2003 Terminal Server ... and the admin of that server had to enable SSL (ie. TLS 1.0) server authentication and High encryption on the Terminal Server. Now, I can no longer connect using my Linux box, only with my Windows Desktop Connect client v6.1.x13:01
shai__What can I do?13:01
ox3ars0832, now?13:01
rs0832ox3a, let me see an alt13:01
tristan3199uswhat program language is the terminal using..13:01
ox3ars0832, thanks13:02
JackomoLightHello everybody!13:02
guampatristan3199us: most probably bash13:02
potat0shai__: use the appropriate settings while connecting13:02
dorbinhow do I install packages that I have manually copied to /var/cache/apt/archive ?13:02
JackomoLightAnybody knows some useful and cool scripts for xchat?13:02
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rs0832alabala, installing ,, hold on13:02
potat0dorbin: if theyre packages as in .deb's just do an dkpg -i <package>13:02
lukassomebody know how to use rtorrent from terminal13:02
potat0man rtorrent13:03
lukaslol ;d13:03
shai__potat0: I can't find anything in rdesktop for that...13:03
rs0832ox3a, can you tell me what the 'system requirements say? for an operating system?13:03
tristan3199usif i want to learn how open source software operates what tools do i need installed to view programs and what languages are most common13:03
shai__potat0: what are they?13:03
dorbin<potat0>: will that resolve dependencies?13:03
dorbin<potat0>: will that resolve dependencies?13:03
potat0dorbin: afaik it installs properly13:04
dorbinpotat0: thanks13:04
CyLguampa: try issuing a "sudo tcpdump -i eth0 -s0 -w test.pcap tcp port 80" and try to make a test connection to www.google.com13:04
aeon-ltdtristan3199us: wuuuuuut????, dude you can get the source from the developers site, and they code in pretty much anything from haskell, c, ruby etc13:04
=== onre_ is now known as onre
cooldenizHello people im from West Germany !!!13:05
guampaCyL: right on13:05
ox3ars0832, 1.Interface:2.0 (2.) 1 ghz prosecor and 256 ram and must be installed the NET Framwork version 2.0 (3) OS:windows xp/vista/713:05
CyLguampa: paste the results on a pastebin so that I can see whats going on13:05
potat0shai__: what is the error that you're getting13:06
alabalawelcome Dr_Willis13:06
potat0shai__: ssh with triple verbosity, copypasta output somewhere13:06
CyLguampa: you van read that file with "sudo tcpdump -r test.pcap"13:06
tristan3199ussorry aeon-ltd not trying to ask retarded questions.. if i download source from the developers will it tell me what language its in or should i just recognize it..13:07
potat0tristan3199us: its mostly in the name13:07
rs0832ox3a, ok.. i think i have a driver for you13:07
potat0like libsomething-python, perl-something-moar13:07
ox3ars0832, wow!13:07
dorbinpotat0: I am getting dependency errors..13:08
=== ZNC_shookees is now known as shookees
potat0mostly when its something like libgpgme its in C++/C13:08
tristan3199usthanks potat013:08
potat0dorbin: which package?13:08
tristan3199usare most lib files C/C++13:08
potat0aptitude reveals wicd is already present in the repository13:08
rs0832ox3a, http://www.linuxwimax.org/Download13:08
dorbinpotat0: I downloaded all the packages (5) and could only install them one by one13:09
potat0just directly install it.13:09
dorbinI have no GUI13:09
ox3ars0832, i am still visiting this site13:09
ox3ars0832, which i need?13:09
potat0why do you want gui for `apt-get install wicd*`13:09
guampaCyL: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/54770513:09
shai__potat0: there is no SSH being done to that remote server13:10
potat0shai__: then what do you want to do?13:10
rs0832ox3a, what version is your kernel?13:10
shai__It was working find on port 3389 and now it does not after he enabled SSL13:10
guampaCyL: only can try connections to the router (, as internet isn't reachable over ethernet here (i have only 3G here)13:10
potat0shai__: 1) what are you trying to do 2) protocol13:10
CyLguampa: most probably your router at is blocking the connections13:11
dorbinpotat0: because these packages is needed to get the internet on that box up and running -- catch2213:11
shai__potat0: 1) I'm trying to use rdesktop to connect to that terminal server 2) RDP - TCP - SSL13:11
xnixanHi, is there any application that will prevent cd copying "cd copy protection" for ubuntu?13:11
guampaCyL: i can connect to the router when in other OS or even with a liveCD13:12
potat0dorbin: hmm, what is dpkg saying now?13:12
Dr_Willisxnixan:  you want to make some sort of copy protected cd?13:12
guampathat's why i say it's a very weird situation13:12
ox3ars0832, Kernel
xnixanDr_Willis, yep!13:13
potat0shai__: afaik the tsclient in buntu can handle only RDP and RDPv513:13
potat0shai__: is VNC an option here?13:13
Dr_Willisxnixan:  never seen such a tool on any linux disrtos or repos. For a burnable cd. Im not really sure its doable.13:13
CyLguampa: what makes you believe this is not related to a hardware problem13:13
xnixanDr_Willis, thanks!13:14
potat0xnixan: css (dvd)13:14
rs0832ox3a, ok install the first one on the page13:14
guampaCyL: the fact that i've been able to use the nic under a liveCD / other OS13:14
xnixanpotat0, ??13:14
dorbinpotat0: "dpkg: dependancy problems prevent configuration of wicd"13:14
shai__potat0: nope :(13:15
CyLguampa: is it possible that there have been a driver update in the OS?13:15
xnixanpotat0, what do you mean by "css (dvd)" ?13:15
potat0xnixan: its a library for decryption of dvd's13:16
duldxnixan: there is no software-only solution for this. StarForce produce CDs that cannot be cloned (that is, a windows driver can always distinguish the original from a copy)13:16
ox3ars0832, Sorry, How to install it?13:16
guampaCyL: perhaps, what puzzles me is that the same problem arised on my laptop before (months ago). I was on a different network then, and could only do dhcp and icmp. Thought then it was a damaged nic, but after seeing the same here and knowing it's specific to this installation i'm puzzled13:17
tristan3199usisnt there ways to copy cd's and dvd's 1010100010 (bianary) so that its identical... literlly...13:17
dorbinpotat0: seems like a case of dependency-hell13:17
guampai can only guess it's some sysctl, though i haven't touched any13:17
CyLguampa: sorry, me too..13:17
guampaor a broken tcp stack :S13:18
potat0dorbin: you can map out the dependancies in this box13:18
CyLguampa: I'm also puzzled13:18
dorbinpotat0: how?13:18
xnixanpotat0, thanks13:18
xnixanduld do you mean that it is not applicable under ubuntu?13:18
guampaCyL: thanks much anyway for helping fellow13:18
duldxinian: yes13:18
dorbinpotat0: seems like I need python dependencies..13:18
rs0832ox3a, you need a git browser13:18
CyLguampa: you're welcome13:18
xnixanduld, thanks!13:18
potat0dorbin: hmm, can you install that there as well?13:19
dorbinpotat0: I can download packages manually from my laptop which I am also doing IRC from - then copy to offline box..13:20
dorbinpotat0: problem now is to sort out dependencies..13:20
tristan3199usdr_willis: what makes the window [bob up and down] when its too large and cant be reduced??13:20
gavin_hey folks. I have a SWF file (it is a small digital clock for a website) what can I use to decompile and edit it so I can create a world clock from it? I dont have the original file13:21
ox3ars0832, i have git-web--browse - git13:21
MrPicardHappy Holidays all!, i arrive with a question. 1) How do i install samba for ubuntu 10.10 desktop?13:21
Dr_Willistristan3199us:  cant say ive ever noticed that effect.13:21
potat0dorbin: tried the wicd sourceforge page?13:21
potat0MrPicard: apt-get install samba13:21
dorbinpotat0: what am I looking for on their sourceforge page?13:22
potat0dorbin: do this13:22
rs0832ox3a, install git-gui from synaptic13:22
potat0in this box13:22
gavin_Or to put it another way :) what can I use to edit SWF / FLA files in Ubuntu?13:22
potat0apt-get install -d wicd*13:22
potat0or something like that13:22
tristan3199usits like when a window has more options than screen highth, if the window doesnt have a scroll bar it starts tripping out and each click it goes between lining up the top windows edge with the top of the screen.. than the bottom of the window with the bottom of the screen... ill show you with screen shots in a second..13:23
MrPicardpotat0: Thanks!, do you know any easy start up guides for it?13:23
potat0it should _only_ download all the dependencies and not install (though you may want to check that)13:23
tristan3199usim bad at explaining myself.. sorry13:23
aegisHi all... Does anyone know of a server based ebay auction sniper that runs on ubuntu with a web interface?13:23
potat0MrPicard: http://www.iamjacksdesign.com/blog/a-decent-samba-tutorial-for-ubuntu/13:23
dorbinpotat0: I've already downloaded the packages, copied them to the offline box and then done dpkg .. now I need to get some python-deps13:24
potat0dorbin: i mean, it will download the dependencies as well13:24
potat0dorbin: unless you already have them in this box13:25
dorbinpotat0: exactly!13:25
dorbinpotat0: hence the full list of dependencies are needed13:25
cooldenizI have Ubuntu 10.4 and over Ubuntu i have BackTrack R2. But i will BackTrack in VirtualBox. How can i it make over VirtualBox Backtrack R2 ???13:26
potat0dorbin: unpack the deb file13:26
potat0look inside the debian/control file13:26
duldtristan3199us: the bits stored might be the same, but there is a side channel that may serve to identify a particular disc: timing!13:27
potat0a bit unorthodox but it'll have the information13:27
krogers0001hello everyone13:27
kabiigonjust a quick question13:27
cooldenizmy god nobody will me help ???13:28
kabiigoni can only write to hfs volumes as root13:28
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kabiigonis there a way around that13:28
potat0cooldeniz: what13:28
kabiigoncooldeniz, what is your issue13:28
dorbinpotat0: I'm sorry, you lost me - which deb file is to be unpacked and what is the purpose of doing this?13:29
ox3ars0832, done : Now clone existing Repository?13:29
=== Mark_ is now known as grid_
potat0kabiigon: you can't write to an hfs+ as non root because its mounted adn owned by root13:30
rs0832ox3a, yes clone the repository on the site13:30
cooldenizi have ubuntu 10.4 with BackTrack. but i will BackTrack in VirtualBoxt wit Ubuntu 10.4. how make i it ???13:30
JackomoLightHey anybody know some cool, useful Xchat scripts?13:30
potat0dorbin: when we make packages13:30
potat0the control file has information to help dpkg13:30
potat0and apt13:30
potat0now you can just read it using a text editor and get the information13:30
JackomoLightcooldeniz just get VMware13:31
JackomoLightits pretty easy13:31
ox3ars0832,here i see 3 url .... which i need please?13:31
rs0832ox3a, the topmost one13:32
AbhiJitJackomoLight, #xchat13:34
cooldenizi have VirtualBox not VM Ware !!!13:34
potat0cooldeniz: search for "virtualbox tutorials"13:36
potat0jeez gentoo has changed a lot from two or three years back13:37
cooldenizJo Thanks Potato !!!13:37
potat0still, portage is way better than apt13:37
MrPicardCouldnt get Samba to work, i used apt-get install samba but it seems when you type in sudo apt-get install samba its been sortened to smbd13:38
deluekshave those quarrels about portage and its replacements come to a conclusion?13:39
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:39
ox3ars0832,How long will it take?13:39
potat0delueks: more or less13:39
delueksi'm trying to make a windows-installer-usbstick under linux - no luck13:40
delueksmy laptop does not have cd or dvd13:40
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found here: http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines13:40
potat0MrPicard: works perfectly here13:40
deluekstried dd the installer iso to the stick on boot, nothing happens, just blinking cursor13:40
potat0delueks: writing ISO to USB (bootable)?13:41
deluekstried copying all files in a bootable fat-partition and installing mbr with ms-sys, gives "missing operation system"13:41
potat0delueks: make usb fat32, set bootable flag, use this program called "unetbootin" (its in the repo)13:41
duldxnixan: the software side of your "protection" scheme will always be crackable. "copy protection" (that is, the deliberate crippling of interoperability) makes life harder for your honest customers and doesn't really keep away the others13:41
deluekspotat0: I'll try unetbootin13:42
* skraito say hi all13:42
dreamer150hello everyone13:42
* potat0 yawns13:43
cablophello again13:43
gWillemwhat's the most basic graphical ubuntu irc client?13:43
potat0gWillem: xchat13:43
rs0832ox3a, how long will what take?13:43
dreamer150im afraid im very new here13:43
gWillempotat0, tnx, brb :)13:43
delueksunetbootin does not seem to support windows13:43
dreamer150and new to linux but i've started to like it13:43
potat0gWillem: or m0ar basic, irrsi13:43
ox3ars0832,to clone13:44
IdleOneirssi isn't a graphical irc client13:44
potat0Well he did say "basic"13:44
rs0832ox3a, cloning is just downloading the source code :) so it depends on the size13:44
cabloppeople told me that to encrypt my filesystem using ecb with a key of size 128 is not a goood idea... is that true?13:44
potat0cablop: don't see why13:45
ox3ars0832,clone fail13:45
rs0832ox3a, o.0 any error?13:46
AbhiJit!manual | dreamer15013:46
ubottudreamer150: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/13:46
potat0reminds me13:46
potat0im hungry13:46
cablopbecause ecb creates data patt5erns... in a few words, because blocks with exactly the same content creates encrypted blocks with the same content, exactly the same13:46
rs0832ox3a, pastebin13:46
cabloppotat0 because ecb creates data patt5erns... in a few words, because blocks with exactly the same content creates encrypted blocks with the same content, exactly the same13:47
imacakei have ran in recovery mode, and selected resume normal boot. how do i get into GNOME ?13:47
potat0cablop: unless you've cp no ones gonna care13:47
ox3ars0832,cloning fail13:47
ox3ars0832, Perhaps i am doing wrong13:47
cooldenizis here xchat in german language ???13:47
ox3ars0832, I am typing in URL: git://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/inaky/13:47
imacakecooleniz: install language packs13:47
potat0git clone git://url13:47
ox3ars0832, and DIR: wimax.git13:48
IdleOne!de | cooldeniz13:48
ubottucooldeniz: In den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.13:48
bibic682hello, how do I stop drive polling in 10.10...seems HAL isn't used anymore in the later version13:48
rs0832ox3a, what potat0 said, in terminal13:48
potat0ox3a: be in a reasonably directory13:48
Dr_Willisimacake:  'startx'13:48
cabloppotat0 unless cp? what do you mean?13:49
imacakeit starts Xorg, but logs me in as root. when i logout it crashes (SEGV)13:49
potat0cablop: its safe enough for most users13:49
cooldenizAlles klar ich danke dir ubottu !!!13:49
potat0cablop: child porn means you'll be v& by fbi who'll start caring13:49
Dr_Willisimacake:  if you are logged in as root when you 'startx' that makes sence.13:49
Dr_Willisimacake:  login as a user, and do 'startx' to start up the X desktop.13:50
imacakebut it wont let me start from normal, only sudo startx works13:50
wyclifpotat0: safe as milk =)13:50
Dr_Willisimacake:  then look for error messages when the user does 'startx' - as a test you could make a new user. 'sudo adduser testuser'13:50
ayush_what is the tentative release date for natty's beta?13:50
ubottuUbuntu releases a new version every 6 months. Each version is supported for 18 months to 5 years. More info at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases & http://wiki.ubuntu.com/TimeBasedReleases13:50
IdleOne!natty | ayush_13:51
ubottuayush_: Natty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.13:51
AbhiJitayush_, #ubuntu+113:51
Dr_Willisayush_:  theres some web page with a calander.13:51
cabloplol potat0... but i get it... not protecting iegal things or industrial secrets, just avoiding strangers to reach personal pics of family or a book i'm writing, just that13:51
imacakeDr_Willis: it prints "No protocol specified \n.\n" every second13:51
imacakewant me to pastebin ?13:51
rs0832Jordan_U, if you get this, just thought id let you know the problem i asked you about earlier is resolved.. a kernel wireless module backport did it (the disconnecting wireless adapter thing :))13:52
potat0cablop: then its a good enough encyrption13:52
Dr_Willisimacake:  try making a new user, see if works for the newly made user. - if so then that would point to an issue with the problem users setting files.13:52
imacakebut it wont let me Ctrl-C it, and ive set Keybindings in byobu to esc-things, and now i cant set back :(13:53
BluesKaj'Morning folks13:55
=== sanchaz is now known as sanchaz-away
* potat0 goes to get coffee13:56
ox3ars0832, fatal: Unable to look up git.kernel.org (port 9418) (Name or service not known) Error: Comand Fail13:59
rs0832ox3a, ok 1 min14:00
ox3ars0832, Can you test it pls?14:02
eryiowhen i change my dashboard for transparent, i got dirty black thing front and bottom of dashboard14:02
eryiohow to remove this ?14:02
rs0832ox3a, yes.. doing14:02
ArachonI get some strange error when I try to partition my flash drive14:02
Abdullhttp://l33ts.co.cc/forum/member.php?action=register&uid=847     For Keys,Serials, Hotfile RapidShare ShareCashe MegaUpload MegaVideo 4Shared Premium and many more, just join and enjoy....14:02
Abdullhttp://l33ts.co.cc/forum/member.php?action=register&uid=847     For Keys,Serials, Hotfile RapidShare ShareCashe MegaUpload MegaVideo 4Shared Premium and many more, just join and enjoy....14:02
FloodBot4Abdull: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.14:03
nirazioI just bought a new SSD (OCZ Vertex 2) and plan to do a clean install of Maverick on it (/home is on a separate HDD).I read that it is wise to align SSD partitions.  What advantages does it truly bring to have an aligned partition on a SSD?And how do I create an aligned Ext4 partition for the new SSD during the installation of Ubuntu 10.10?14:04
sl33keeubuntu 10.04 became complete unresponsive while playing grooveshark, what do i do? Same thing happens with you tube too. Is there  way to recover without restarting?14:04
Xintruderhow many version between gutsy and the current (10.10 I think?)14:04
Xintruderand hello btw :P14:04
Sub_ZeroHas anyone mounted a WBFS partitioned HD before?14:05
rs0832ox3a, http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/inaky/wimax.git;a=snapshot;h=9fe6206f400646a2322096b56c59891d530e8d51;sf=tgz14:05
sl33kee ubuntu 10.04 became complete unresponsive while playing grooveshark, what do i do? Same thing happens with you tube too. Is there  way to recover without restarting?14:05
rs0832ox3a, try to just click and download14:05
sl33keehanged because of flash14:05
Sub_ZeroWhen will adobe come out with a good flash player for Linux?14:06
sl33keeguise computer unresponsive14:06
ArachonI get a "Can't have a partition outside the disk!" error when I try to format my flash drive with FAT14:06
sacarlsonok what is the program that is used to install ubuntu,  I have a laptop disk installed in my desktop that has ubuntu studio installed,  I just want to install ubuntu 10.10 on the 30gb laptop drive that is now sdb?14:06
sushi_Sub_Zero: No14:06
pksadiqsushi_: using amd64?14:06
XintruderI cannot enable extra visual effects, any ideas why?14:06
pksadiqsl33kee: using amd64?14:06
sacarlsonoh and I have the iso image, and the laptop is 32bit14:07
Sub_Zerosushi_ yes14:07
ox3ars0832, direct download?14:07
XintruderI get this messageDesktop effects could not be enabled14:07
ox3ars0832, not found the server14:07
pksadiqXintruder: can u enable medium effect?14:07
sushi_irssi rocks14:07
sl33keepksadiq: ya i guess14:07
BluesKajArachon, do you have protected data on the drive ?14:07
pksadiqsushi_: exatcly, I love it14:07
Xintruderpksadiq: there is no medium. non, normal and extra14:07
rs0832ox3a, o.0 are you doing it on a different computer? other than the one you are using to chat?14:08
ArachonBluesKaj: Nope, I've formatted it with Master Boot Record, so it's completely empty14:08
Xintruderpksadiq: I cannot start normal14:08
sushi_pksadiq: I just used it for five minutes and I already in love with it14:08
Xintrudersame message14:08
ArachonBut I can't partition it with FAT.... In windows I can't "format" it at all14:08
pksadiqsl33kee: and so you need to use the native flash plugin released resently for 64 bit linux which is not available in repo14:08
BluesKajArachon, Master Boot Record?14:08
pksadiqsl33kee: search in google for adobe flash square14:09
ox3ars0832, no14:09
ArachonBluesKaj: The Partitioning method I guess... What shows up under "Format Drive" in the Ubuntu Disk utility14:09
rs0832hmm.. ok 1 minute14:09
ox3ars0832, My this new connection too and too slow14:09
pksadiqXintruder: using nvidia?14:09
sacarlsonwould this usb-creator-gtk work on a standard laptop disk installed in this destop to install an iso image?14:09
eryiowhen we close the window i need water effect14:09
eryiowhat i have to download ?14:10
Xintruderpksadiq: ATI Radeon HD 485014:10
rs0832ox3a, hmm i rechecked and the link worked for me14:10
rs0832ox3a, try again - http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/inaky/wimax.git;a=snapshot;h=9fe6206f400646a2322096b56c59891d530e8d51;sf=tgz14:10
pksadiq!radeon | Xintruder14:10
ubottuXintruder: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto14:10
Xintruderpksadiq: im running ubuntu on a vm on my mac14:10
sl33keepksadiq: how do i recover from this14:10
BluesKajArachon,what are you trying to do with the drive?14:10
Colin969Yay =D14:10
Colin969Can someonehelpme?14:11
ArachonBluesKaj: I'm trying to format it in FAT, so I can use it to create a startup disk14:11
Colin969Damn Space Bar14:11
rs0832Colin969, ask! :)14:11
pksadiqsl33kee: install adobe flash square after removing all current flash plugins,14:11
Colin969Im totally new to this and want to install Ubuntu on my Acer Aspire One14:12
BluesKajArachon, a start up disk for... ?14:12
Colin969But its saying my USB Wont be bootable?14:12
Colin969What does this mean =/14:12
Dr_WillisColin969:  whats saying this?14:12
gobbeColin969: how did you create your usb?14:12
Colin969The Umm14:12
Colin969Using the app that the Site says to use14:13
sl33keepksadiq: also my computer is hanged? how to et out from this?14:13
Colin969For Windows14:13
Colin969I formatted in FAT32 But its saying this?14:13
eryioclose window i need water effect what have to do ?14:13
pksadiqsl33kee: are you sure that it is because of flash?14:13
Slyboots_Aynone here know how to Enable the XRender function in vnc4server?14:13
Colin969And since I'm a Newbie, I have no clue14:13
Xintruderi installed Arabic on ubuntu, how to switch languages using keyboard?14:13
Slyboots_The guides I have suggest something about editing Xorg.conf; but I dont have that file (headerless server with x11-core only)14:14
pksadiqeryio: I don't think that you can have such a water effect for compiz now, while closing windows14:14
sl33keepksadiq: yes damn sure. only when i am playing from you tube or grooveshark14:14
eryiothanks pksadiq14:15
Colin969Damn,  Im failing with this14:15
pksadiqsl33kee: just wait, let me load ubuntu, then I will post the link to adobe flash square, now I'm in finnix without GUI14:15
sl33keepksadiq: ok14:15
ox3ars0832, shit, what a bad connection it is14:15
eryiowhen  i change the dashboard to transparent i got black color on begining and ending of dashboard14:15
eryiohow to remove black ?14:16
ox3ars0832, ?14:16
eryiois it available with apt ? Colin969 ox3a14:16
abhijaincan any body tell me how can i run .net on ubuntu14:17
Colin969I dont get what you mean14:17
XintruderAny recommended software key logger?14:17
rs0832ox3a, did you try the link again?14:17
ox3aeryio, what is it?14:17
eryiodo you the gnome dashboard on the top ?14:17
mathmoiHi! Can someone point me to good instructions on how to move my ubuntu installation from my current hard-drive to a new one? I find lot's of post about this on forums and blog, but most of them give differents techniques and I'm not sure wich to trust.14:18
eryioif i do right click proprieties14:18
pksadiqsl33kee: http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html14:18
ox3ars0832, yeah but not any tar file for direct download14:18
kittymitayou know what I do?  I just move my /home and my packages14:18
eryiobackground to transparent i got black14:18
eryioon begining and the end14:19
eryiohow to remove black ?14:19
=== kittymita is now known as Petskull
=== AnonOps is now known as kimjongil
BluesKajArachon, make sure you make the partition active , do list disk to figure out the number of your flash drive , then select disk 1, 1 being the number of the disk listed, then select partition 1, then active.14:19
rs0832ox3a, then what did you get?14:20
Colin969gobbe:  Huh?14:20
altinhi is there any command to uninstall everything installed today or sth like this14:20
gobbeColin969: try with another usb-stick, i'v seen that not all sticks can boot14:20
mathmoiPetskull: You mean you reinstall?14:20
mathmoiPetskull: That may be a solution since I already have a sepparate /home.14:20
Colin969Hmm, Thats the problem, Ive lost the other one14:20
Petskullwell, yeah14:20
altin hi is there any command to uninstall everything installed today or sth like this14:20
sl33keepksadiq: but i am on a different computer, the other computer is totally unresponsive- how do i get out from it?14:20
PetskullI think there's a way to make your own liveCD14:20
Colin969gobbe : Would USB To USB On my Desktop work?14:20
Petskullwith your own packages on it14:20
mathmoiPetskull: I think there is a way to reinstall all the packages that were installed. I'll look into that. Thanks.14:20
gobbeColin969: i don't know that that is14:20
ox3ars0832, Component,Version,License,Docs14:20
Colin969gobbe: Thanks ill try hunting one out14:21
ox3ars0832, Only these are14:21
Petskullmathmoi, caution, it can get pretty big14:21
gobbeColin969: i mean i don't know what usb to usb is14:21
altinhow to uninstall all the deb packages that are installed in a day ???????????????14:21
gobbeColin969: check also format-box in usb creator14:21
rs0832ox3a, can you see a 'snapshot' link?14:21
pksadiqsl33kee: do you know to use terminal?14:21
Colin969gobbe :  You use a USB To USB Cable14:22
rs0832ox3a, the word 'snapshot' on the page in blue14:22
* skraito say hi all14:22
monokromeDoes anyone know where I can find the source code for useradd?14:22
Slyboots_Which Anyone any idea how I enable XRENDER in vnc4server?14:22
sl33keepksadiq: no besides the basic copy, list commands14:22
ArachonBluesKaj: This is probably a stupid question, but how do I list disk?14:22
ox3ars0832, No14:22
ox3ars0832, Strange!14:22
gobbeColin969: did you create stick with universal usb installer14:23
pksadiqsl33kee: ok, then try CTRL + ALT + BACK SPACE  in the hanged computer14:23
rs0832ox3a, hmm14:23
Colin969gobbe: Yup14:23
Colin969gobbe: Just got the "Wont be bootable"error andit kept installing14:23
gobbeColin969: did you check "Check this box if you want to format the drive"14:23
Dr_Willismonokrome:  its proberly in the coreutils package. or some other package with other tools.14:23
Dr_Willis!find useradd14:23
ubottuFile useradd found in apparmor-profiles, fish, gforge-web-apache2, isdneurofile, libactiveldap-ruby-doc, libchef-ruby1.8, libuser, passwd, puppet-common, puppet-testsuite (and 5 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?searchon=contents&keywords=useradd&mode=&suite=maverick&arch=any14:23
Colin969Gobbe: formatted before i started14:23
BluesKajArachon, NM , it's not the correct command .14:24
gobbeColin969: and it wont boot from stick?14:24
ox3ars0832, Why this may be?14:24
sl33keepksadiq: still no response14:24
Dr_Willismonokrome:  i think the apt-file tool can tell what package it comes from also.14:24
scifihow do i add a new font to the system?14:24
ArachonBluesKaj: Ok...14:24
Colin969gobbe: The App says it wont14:24
Dr_Willisscifi:  for a user. copy it to their .fonts dir in their home14:24
pksadiqDr_Willis: I thought you are on DEcember leave14:24
gobbeColin969: what app? the universal usb creator?14:24
Dr_Willis!fonts | scifi14:24
ubottuscifi: Font installation basics here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FontInstallHowto - No fonts in Flash? Install "msttcorefonts" (from !Multiverse), "gsfonts", and "gsfonts-x11". No fonts in MPlayer? see !MPlayer. For the official ubuntu font, see: http://font.ubuntu.com/14:24
StavaI interrupted a ssh file transfer (through the default ubuntu file browser gui). Can I resume it? :(14:24
Colin969gobbe: soIdontwanna riskanything, this is a New Laptop14:24
monokromeDr_Willis: apt-cache search useradd only results in a LDAP tool called cpu14:24
Dr_Willispksadiq:  grand kids are here.. house is total chaos.. normal for here.14:24
gobbeColin969: try to check the format box14:24
Colin969gobbe:  Yup14:24
Dr_Willismonokrome:  try apt-file14:25
Colin969Gobbe: Ok 1 sec14:25
monokromeDr_Willis: I don't even have that14:25
scifiDr_Willis: ty, do TTF fonts work?14:25
Dr_Willismonokrome:  then install it.. :)14:25
rs0832ox3a, wait ill give you a different link14:25
Dr_Willisscifi:  ttf fonts have worked for years. :)14:25
Colin969gobbe: what about "Persistence"?14:25
scifik, just checkin14:25
pksadiqsl33kee: and so Right-Alt + Print Screen + k14:25
Dr_Willisscifi:  i copy (or link) my windows fonts dir to my users /home/username/.fonts14:25
gobbeColin969: leave it like it was14:26
gobbeColin969: if you don't need persistance storage14:26
NAVEENGFCHAT ONLINE, PLAY GAME, MAKE MONEY, GO TO http://letikfor.webs.com/14:26
Colin969gobbe: damn14:26
Dr_Willisscifi:  or i keep all my huge font collection on a spare hd. and link it to .fonts14:26
Colin969gobbe: Still syslinux error14:26
scifihmm i dont see a font folder in the home/user directory14:26
HilloHiiriHello guys! I need some help with running ubuntu on usb key on a macbook pro14:26
Colin969gobbe: You heard of Wubi?14:26
altin how to uninstall all the deb packages that are installed in a day ???????????????14:27
charasscifi: Try Ctrl + h14:27
gobbeColin969: what is the error excatcly14:27
rs0832ox3a, can you go here?- http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/inaky/wimax.git;a=summary14:27
altindoes anyone answer I dont have to stay holl day here making a question ?????????????????????14:27
ox3ars0832, No Problem for The indoor Device (WiFI support). But the problem  For the USB Modem14:27
gobbeColin969: i don't prefer wubi, but try it if you want14:27
Dr_Willisaltin:  depends on how you installed them. I was thinking  softwarecenter tool had some sort of 'history' feature.14:27
sl33keepksadiq: still hanged14:27
Colin969gobbe: an error(1) has occured when executing syslinux. Your USB Drive wont be bootable...14:27
rs0832ox3a, sorry? no i meant open the link in your browser14:27
Dr_Willisaltin:  ive seen some other tools that add a history feature. but it may be hard if you dident use those tools14:27
altinDr_Willis, i installed it witha deb package14:28
Colin969gobbe: Is Wubi...Foolproof14:28
gobbeColin969: it might be that your stick is not usable for that. I would try with other stick14:28
scifitheres a .fontconfig but no .fonts folder :(14:28
charasColin969: No it's not foolproof14:28
Dr_Willisaltin:  if you used command line - check the history command and see what you installed.14:28
gobbeColin969: no it's not14:28
pksadiqsl33kee: and so better restart the system pushing the restart button14:28
Dr_WillisColin969:  Wubi is Definatly NOT foolproof...14:28
altinDr_Willis, no i didnt14:28
Colin969gobbe:  In the sense of As long as i dont tick a "Kill Everyone" box?14:28
jahrraaltin: ubuntu software-center has a history-feature, although no option to uninstall all of the packages listed there14:28
monokromeDr_Willis: Doesn't show anything.14:28
altinDr_Willis, but is there any command to backup or restore ?14:28
HilloHiiriDr_Willis: hello ! do you know if running ubuntu on a usb stick works on a macbook pro?14:29
Colin969Dr_Willis: what...Could happen14:29
monokromeclear && apt-file show /usr/sbin/useradd14:29
Dr_WillisHilloHiiri:  never tried. i imagine it can work14:29
ox3ars0832, It is just giving me details but not any download link14:29
An_Ony_Moosewhy does empathy use up so much  RAM?14:29
HilloHiiriDr_Willis: ok thx, do u know anything about mac's?14:29
Dr_WillisColin969:  I dont reccomend Wubi at all. If i wanted to 'test' linux out on a windows box. i would run it in virtualbox.14:29
HilloHiiriDr_Willis: I would like to change the boot sequence14:29
Dr_WillisHilloHiiri:  Other then they make good overpriced doorstops? :) No.14:29
Colin969Dr_Willis: Ok14:29
Colin969gobbe: Illhunt another stick14:29
gibilooking for help re: SIS671/672 laptop GFX and screen resolution of 1366x768 -- running 10.04.1 x64 on Clevo W763ST14:29
hihihi100i need help to download the lastest version of bve, the one in software center is outdated, and I cannot update it14:30
histoColin969: what do you mean is it fullproof?14:30
gibiI managed 1360x768 and checked forums but no luck14:30
altinjahrra, is there any command to backup or restore ?14:30
histohihihi100: do they have a .deb availible?14:30
An_Ony_Moosebefore I quit it, empathy was using about 400MB of RAM. Can anyone explain this?14:30
Dr_Willishihihi100:  look for a 'ppa' of whatever it is. there may be newer versions avail.14:30
potat0An_Ony_Moose: can be a lot of things14:31
rs0832ox3a, ok but it opened>?14:31
potat0starting with a memory leak14:31
charasAn_Ony_Moose: You must have too many friends :P14:31
ox3ars0832, yeah14:31
rs0832ox3a, ok now search for this line - 4 months agov2.6.35Linux 2.6.35tag| commit | shortlog | log14:31
histo!compile | hihihi10014:31
ubottuhihihi100: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)14:31
Dr_Willisgibi:  given the problems ive seen with SIS - i would consider that you got that high a res going.. a bit of LUCK. :)14:31
monokromeDr_Willis: The only reason that I am asking, is because I want to know the method that `useradd` "safely" copies all files from /etc/skel/14:31
hihihi100not deb found in their site, just some linux instructions, that i will follow14:31
An_Ony_Moosepotat0, charas , that's silly... probably the 150-odd facebook friends I have whose profile pictures it downloads right?14:32
hihihi100yes, ill have to compile14:32
potat0An_Ony_Moose: a memory leak is _not_ silly14:32
An_Ony_Moosepotat0, so is it a memory leak or just too many contacts?14:32
gibiDr_Willis: It took me 4 days and destroyed the install several times, lucky I got it working before xmas, was a gift for the wife. Next time will stick to Intel.14:32
ox3ars0832, got it14:32
histohihihi100: check the link from ubottu has some stuff about using checkinstall.  That will create a deb for you then you can remove the package later easily14:33
rs0832ox3a, ok.. click on the bold 'v2.6.35'14:33
potat0Lol "too many contacts" is retarded14:33
HilloHiiriDr_Willis: hello ! do you know if running ubuntu on a usb stick works on a macbook pro?14:33
HilloHiiriDr_Willis: sry not for u :)14:33
HilloHiirihello ! do you know if running ubuntu on a usb stick works on a macbook pro?14:33
potat0HilloHiiri: yes it does14:33
HilloHiiripotat0: do u know howto change the boot sequence?14:34
HilloHiirihisto: at startup14:34
hihihi100i've only created a deb file once, for google earth14:34
petisnnakeHi, I just installed Ubuntu 10.10 and selected 'install next to another operating system' option, and then selected 'use entire disk space' in hopes that the partitioning will be dynamic. But now if I restart there is no grub mbr or anything and I can't boot windows 7. Is my windows gone? if not how can I boot into it?14:34
ox3ars0832, Yeah got a page with tree|snapshot|commit|diff14:34
rs0832ox3a, ok .. click on  snapshot14:35
gibidamn! i've never had xchat crash before... :/14:35
BluesKajpetisnnake, I'm afraid the choice did exactly that , used the entire disk14:35
potat0HilloHiiri: I use grub14:35
potat0but you can find other ways around14:35
gobbeHilloHiiri: hold option-key while booting14:35
ox3ars0832, Now downloading but it does not say what is the file size(for slow connection). Do you know the file size?14:36
pksadiqDr_Willis: do you know to configure domain names using ssh?14:36
monokromeNever mind, I think that I've figured it out.14:36
rs0832ox3a, ~83mb14:36
ox3ars0832, Oh my god!14:37
rs0832ox3a, :)14:37
pksadiqDr_Willis: now @ shellmix.com , I can host website, use eggdrop bots, ftp, sql, and too I can compile and run apps using ssh free14:37
mkanyicyI have TMPTIME=1 on my /etc/default/rcS but I have files older than a day on /tmp folder after rebooting. How can fix this?14:37
rs0832ox3a, what conn are you on?14:37
ox3ars0832, I am running now My Mobile internet14:37
potat0pksadiq: how good is shellmix? do they kick you off if you raep their server?14:37
pksadiqDr_Willis: but I don't know how to configure Domain name using ssh, please, if you know14:37
rs0832ox3a, how fast?14:38
potat0i rarely use my own server for weird shit14:38
ox3ars0832, I was a broad band but for problem i changed it and trying to use wimax14:38
BluesKajpetisnnake, open the terminal and do : df -h , that will list the partitions and they're sizes14:38
mkanyicy!lang | potat014:38
ox3ars0832, Download speed i see only 5 KB14:38
mkanyicy!language | potat014:38
ubottupotat0: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.14:38
pksadiqpotat0: you have limits, theygive you free shell accounts and web hosting, but hosting is not for big sites, for bigger sites I would recommend xtreemhost or x10hosting14:38
IdleOne!language | potat014:38
ox3ars0832, I see it will take very long time,,,,,, shit!14:39
rs0832ox3a, 0.014:39
petisnnakeBluesKaj: if no ntfs ones are listed I'm assuming windows is a goner?14:39
potat0pksadiq: just curious, have paid hosting already14:39
rs0832ox3a, you might wanna leave it overnight :)14:39
mkanyicyI have TMPTIME=1 on my /etc/default/rcS but I have files older than a day on /tmp folder after rebooting. How can fix this?14:39
BluesKajpetisnnake, I'm afraid so :(14:39
pksadiqpotat0: ok ;)14:39
rs0832ox3a, or you can switch to win and use your normal conn to download it then switch back14:40
petisnnakeBluesKaj: thanks for the help14:40
ox3ars0832, Confirm14:40
`AbhijitHello everyone. I don't see the grub boot screen. This is what i see instead error: no suitable mode found. & error: unknown command 'terminal'. Any suggestions? Thanks14:40
troythetechguyNot specifically an Ubuntu question, but I thought someone here might be able to help.  There are 3 firmware updates for my D-link router.  I'm running v. 2.0 and the most current is v. 2.03.  Can I upgrade from 2.0 to 2.03, or must I sequentially upgrade (from 2.0 to 2.01; 2.01 to 2.02, etc)?14:40
Friendhi guys14:40
Colin969gobbe: You stillhere?14:41
gobbeColin969: yes14:41
potat0troythetechguy: it doesn't matter afaik, but be careful and confirm cause you can brick it if you'rent careful14:41
ox3ars0832, At this time i am out of wimax network ... without it i do not have wine OS installed14:41
Colin969gobbe: can i do it from an SD Card or somin?14:41
rs0832ox3a, you dont have windows either?14:41
gobbeColin969: of course14:41
Colin969gobbe: Ihave an Adapter And a Built in Reader14:41
ox3ars0832, no14:42
Jimmy_excuse, can anybody help me with my video driver installing?14:42
FriendI'm using network manager, but the network-manager-app isn't shown. I've tried to kill and execute it manually but the wireless icon isn't show anyway.14:42
Jimmy_my laptop is nvidia14:42
rs0832Jimmy which one?14:42
ox3ars0832, I do not like windows exactly14:42
Colin969gobbe: Is  there a Tutorial?14:42
pksadiqpotat0: do you use ssh to your hosting server?14:42
rs0832ox3a, :) k14:42
gobbeColin969: tutorial for what?14:42
troythetechguypotat0: Thanks.14:42
Jimmy_nVidia GT415M14:42
ox3ars0832, how long are you here?14:42
Colin969gobbe: An SD Install?14:42
rs0832ox3a, 1 hr more14:42
gobbeColin969: its same as in usb14:43
rs0832ox3a, then tomorrow14:43
potat0pksadiq: I use ssh a lot yes14:43
gobbeColin969: it's just a flash-drive14:43
Colin969gobbe: Oh Thanks! REALLY THANKS!14:43
bogfjellHello folks. After some updates which required a restart, ubuntu freezes at login screen. screen output from recovery mode suggests it might be a gpu issue (ATI Mobility Radeon)14:43
ox3ars0832, Then confirm i am missing you14:43
rs0832ox3a, o.014:43
pksadiqpotat0: and so do you know how to configure new  domain name using ssh?14:43
HHabibbogfjell: Did you upgrade from 9.10 to 10.10?14:44
ox3ars0832, After download what to do?14:44
bogfjellno, just some updates from update manager. I've been running 10.10 without problems earlier14:44
pksadiqAbhiJit: try press and hold SHIFT while booting starts14:44
fzlamnhi all14:45
potat0pksadiq: what do you mean by "configure new domain name"?14:45
=== Friend is now known as Jacruth
HHabibbogfjell: The problem that you are talking about happened to me once when I updated my kernel. did you see what was in the upgrade list there?14:45
AbhiJitpksadiq, ?????????14:45
Danielc1234Hi al, would php not work if the website did not have suffient permission?14:45
ox3ars0832, Is it other way to install this git?14:45
rs0832ox3a, extract it, cd to the extracted dir in terminal then run ./configure, make and sudo make install.. it should work.. one of the others maybe able to help you too14:45
`AbhijitThanks pksadiq. I'll give it a try.14:46
Dr_WillisDanielc1234:  given how security is critical.. yes. that would make sence.14:46
rs0832ox3a, sorry i dont think so14:46
ox3ars0832, If it is then OK14:46
bogfjellHHabib: No, I just ran the recommended updates yesterday.14:46
Danielc1234Dr_Willis: can you tell me how to set permission so that php will run and I can see my website?14:46
AbhiJitits him14:46
pksadiqpotat0: I need to add new domain name to the server so and at the domain registrar I will be configure my webserver only, so when I visit the website it will automatically get forwarded to some directory that is configured14:46
GalindarHello all. I just purchased an used laptop for cheap, ad to put a HDD in it and it's up and running. problem is, when i type anything on the laptop it takes quite a long time to respond anything to the screen. also regular operations are slow at times. it's an Acer Aspire 5520. I have read some information online. most suggested the battery being dead could be the problem. i have tested this and it is not the problem. any14:46
Galindarideas/suggestions? please help!14:46
AbhiJitpksadiq, thats NOT meeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee14:47
Colin969gobbe: No bootable, AGAIN!14:47
ox3ars0832, Would you mind giving me your email address please?14:47
Galindarrunning 10.10'14:47
HHabibbogfjell: Does it freeze after you enter your username and password or before?14:47
Colin969gobbe: Will it use MS Duo cards?14:47
pksadiqAbhiJit: what? wow sorry a slight difference ;)14:47
bogfjellHHabib: Before14:47
AbhiJitpksadiq, :"(14:47
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
gobbeColin969: i don't know what is ms duo card14:47
pksadiqAbhiJit: but I cannot TAB his name14:47
fzlamnhow to extract libreoffice?14:48
HHabibbogfjell: I have no clue what that could be . sorry.14:48
gobbeColin969: so you use (http://www.pendrivelinux.com/downloads/Universal-USB-Installer/Universal-USB-Installer.exe)14:48
AbhiJitpksadiq, it start with `14:48
bogfjellHHabib: Thanks for the help anyway.14:48
gobbeColin969: and it gives you that error?14:48
pksadiqAbhiJit: ' ?14:48
rs0832pksadiq, he quit thats why you cant tab his name14:49
pksadiqAbhiJit: what is that charrector?14:49
AbhiJitpksadiq, buton on left side of 1 below esc14:49
potat0pksadiq: this is best done via the panel14:49
rs0832pksadiq, apostrophe14:49
pksadiqrs0832: no , actually I think he uses some strange stating14:49
gobbeColin969: it might be that your iso-image is also broken, have you tried to download it again?14:49
AbhiJitrs0832, no14:49
pksadiqAbhiJit: yeah, got it14:49
=== lingmingkun is now known as flyaway_ling
Dr_Willis` = backtick14:50
pksadiqpotat0: but if no panel?14:50
rs0832AbhiJit, pksadiq not ' ?14:50
Colin969gobbe: nope14:50
Dr_Willis' = single quote14:50
AbhiJitrs0832, no14:50
bonjoyeeColin969: try System>Adminitration>Startup Disk Creator14:50
rs0832AbhiJit, pksadiq then ` ?14:50
pksadiqDr_Willis: got it ;)14:50
AbhiJitrs0832, yes14:50
pksadiqrs0832: leave it, he hase gone14:51
rs0832AbhiJit, pksadiq thats on the tilde (~) key14:51
pksadiqhas *14:51
Colin969bonjoyee: Its USB14:51
Dr_Willisfor bash you can use $(command) instead of `command` in aliass and so forth for the most part. Makes them more readable14:51
AbhiJitrs0832, right14:51
bonjoyeeColin969: so?14:51
gobbebonjoyee: i thought that he is using windows14:51
ox3ars0832, Can i know your email address please?14:51
potat0pksadiq: then you best email the admin14:51
rs0832ox3a, redshiftrs@hotmail.com14:51
Colin969bonjoyee: Ill redownload first..14:51
pksadiqpotat0: no any othre idea? :(?14:52
ox3ars0832, thanks14:52
rs0832ox3a, :)14:52
gigaclonwhat kernel packages do I need to build madwifi for 2.6.35-24?14:52
rs0832gigaclon, its in the repos14:52
bonjoyeeColin969: also theres usb-creator on the ubuntu iso itself!14:52
potat0pksadiq: well i can think of some stuff but im not really sure14:52
Colin969bonjoyee there is?14:52
rs0832gigaclon, use sudo apt-get build-dep madwifi for the dependancies14:52
Colin969In the ISO?14:53
pksadiqrs0832: just don't post your email here as such try something like email [at] host (dot) com, because this channel is publicly logged and so you might get alot of spam messages14:53
bonjoyeeColin969: yes..open the iso with a archive manager14:53
Colin969bonjoyee: Fair enough14:53
rs0832pksadiq, yep i know.. my bad14:53
GalindarAny ideas on why my laptop types slow? and when trying to Authenticate on Software Center and some other areas it may take 20minutes or more.. Acer Aspire 5520 with Turion 64x2 2gbram nvidia7000. it should not be this slow..14:53
hihihi100OPENBVE, just curious, in the downloads section there r options for all OS and linux - windows, the tutorial I found to compile says i have to download all platforms, y dont linux?14:53
rs0832pksadiq, was going to pm it actually14:53
pksadiqrs0832: ok14:53
gigaclonrs0832: E: Unable to find a source package for madwifi14:54
Danielc1234Dr_Willis: Okay, I know it's not my permissions cause html is working fine. How can I trouble shoot why my php is not working?14:54
pksadiq!find madwifi14:54
ubottuFile madwifi found in aircrack-ng, collectd-core, collectd-dbg, collectd-dev, jockey-common, live-build14:54
rs0832gigaclon, build the deps of aircrack14:55
rs0832gigaclon, same command as earlier14:55
MindWarpernice job14:55
Colin969bonjoyee: Installing WinRAR,damn netbook doesnt already have it14:55
gigaclonrs0832: thanks im trying to get my Dlink card working DWL-G63014:56
rs0832gigaclon, :)14:56
bonjoyeeColin969: theres also 7zip for windows..which is oss...use whatever u prefer..14:56
Colin969bonjoyee: I know14:57
Tanvirbazhang, you there?14:58
needhelp1how come when i use system > About Ubuntu it says im using ubuntu  11.04 released in april 2011, though im using 10.1014:59
rs0832needhelp1, did you update or something?14:59
itaylor57needhelp1: known bug you are fine14:59
pksadiqneedhelp1: that is just a small mistake, ignore it,14:59
pksadiqneedhelp1: try lsb_release -a15:00
GalindarMy laptop takes 5minutes plus to display text each time i type anything on it..  ideas/suggestions? please help.15:00
nettezzaumanahi there15:01
Colin969bonjoyee: Im extracting the ISO Contents to a TempFolder15:01
mkanyicyI have TMPTIME=1 on my /etc/default/rcS but I have files older than a day on /tmp folder after rebooting. How can fix this?15:01
bonjoyeebonjoyee: is that neccesary?..i would just extract the usb-creator.exe?15:01
nettezzaumanawould anyone show me just a output from `ls /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d` ?? thanks you .. apropos on latest ubuntu .. it's iirc 10.1015:01
itaylor57Galindar: what version of unbuntu, desktop manager?15:02
mkanyicynettezzaumana, i dont have xorg.conf*15:02
Galindaritaylor57:  im running 10.10 with gnome.15:03
nettezzaumanamkanyicy: /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d/ is directory15:03
mkanyicynettezzaumana, i undersand15:03
itaylor57Galindar: do you have compiz enabled?15:03
soumyai have installed ubuntu on my dell insprion lapton and it is showing Wireless firmwire is missing.. how can i resolve it15:03
Colin969bonjoyee: It wont work?15:03
vindhyahi, i'm new to this. want some help in playing songs through internet on my desktop15:03
TanvirHello, I've some problem. I've tried to use the extra visual effect, but it said I need to install driver for my graphics card (since my graphics card is external). I installed per instructions. Though the extra visual effects are appeared at last, but it changed some other things, like Ubuntu logo are not appearing in the boot time, and some broken fonts. I removed the drivers, but the...15:03
Tanvir...situation isn't improving. How can I fix this?15:03
mkanyicynettezzaumana, it does not exist on my system15:03
nettezzaumanamkanyicy: ok, thanks very much15:03
Colin969bonjoyee: Or least wont launch15:03
Galindaritaylor57:  no i do not. though it is able to run it.15:03
bonjoyeeColin969: did you try it?15:04
Colin969bonjoyee: Nothings happening15:04
itaylor57Galindar: what application are you typing into that is taking so long?15:05
TanvirCan't anybody help?15:05
Colin969Whats CLPS.exe?15:05
PetskullOMG!!! How do I get access to everything in a folder?? sudo chmod 0777 -R myfolder  <-- right??15:05
nettezzaumanamkanyicy: does please "strings `which Xorg` | grep xorg.conf.d" prints out anything indicating that it uses it ?15:05
soumyaany help guys15:06
vindhyawant some help in playing songs through internet on my desktop15:06
Galindaritaylor57:  any and all programs15:06
pksadiq!ask | soumya15:06
ubottusoumya: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)15:06
Petskullsoumya, go to the terminal and type 'lspci'15:06
Petskullsoumya, paste it into pastebin and paste the link here15:06
Galindaritaylor57: any typing it takes 5 minutes to display the first letter i hit and so on.. it might not be 5 minutes.. but the time varies.. and it does take more than 1 minute everytime15:07
soumyaPeterman, ok15:07
Colin969bonjoyee: whats it come up as in processes?15:07
bonjoyeeColin969: using windows? what edition?15:07
Colin969bonjoyee: XP15:07
Galindari have yet to successfully be able to Authenticate as SU to make any changes.. it just sits there stupid15:08
Galindarmouse is great for responce time..15:08
=== shig is now known as shigutso
soumyaPeterman, my additional driver application is showing to install some close source application15:08
soumyaPeterman, btw here is the output http://pastebin.com/NTajSMuu15:08
TanvirOkay, I'll ask again. I've tried to use the extra visual effect, but it said I need to install driver for my graphics card (since my graphics card is external). I installed per instructions. Though the extra visual effects are appeared at last, but it changed some other things, like Ubuntu logo are not appearing in the boot time, and some broken fonts. I removed the drivers, but the...15:09
Tanvir...situation isn't improving. How can I fix this? I mean, I wanna get back to my previous configuration.15:09
Petskullsoumya, it's Petskull, not Peterman15:09
soumyaPetskull, i think i have to install BCM431215:09
`Abhijitpksadiq, thanks again. Your suggestion worked.15:10
Petskullsoumya, you mean the restricted driver manager?  go for it!15:10
soumyaPetskull, yes15:10
pksadiq`Abhijit: don't care15:10
soumyaPetskull, it is listed there.. should i install it15:10
willoneya des francais?15:10
jitsehey guys, anyone ever had nautilus hanging on the /usr/bin folder? thunar seems to do the exact same15:10
Petskullyes- get to an ethernet source first, though15:10
Dr_WillisTanvir:  the ubuntu logo at boot.. is 'plymouth' it has known issues with some video cards/chipsets.  as for fonts.. no idea why video drivers would affect fonts.15:10
Dr_WillisTanvir:  whats broken with teh fonts?15:11
soumyaPetskull, YES15:11
willoneYA DES FRANCAIS?15:11
Galindaritaylor57:  i read on the internet it could be caused by a bad battery. so i removed the battery and ran the laptop without it. same error still. any other ideas?15:11
Colin969Dr_Willis: The USB Creator wont opwn15:11
Petskullsoumya, in the future, if anybody asks, this is your Network controller: Broadcom Corporation BCM4312 802.11b/g LP-PHY (rev 01)15:12
Petskullsoumya, and you can search in google for people having the same issue15:12
itaylor57Galindar: not yet, ill let you knowif i get an idea15:12
Dr_WillisColin969:  what usb creater? if you are wanting to make a bootable flash drive. Theres several ways to do it. I tend to set up grub2 to boot my ISO files. the pendrivelinux site has scripts and tools for windows and linux, theres unetbootin, (win and lin) and lili (win only) and proberly a dozen others ive never used.15:12
Dr_WillisColin969:  ive also used the live cd to make one. but thats a bit of a hassle.15:13
Petskullsoumya, broadcom wifi drivers are an ancient sore-spot with linux, you used to need a wrapper and a whole thing15:13
XintruderI am running ubuntu on mac (VMware Fusion), can I run other vm's inside ubuntu :D ?15:13
Colin969Dr_Willis: The one in the Ubuntu Netbook ISO15:13
soumyaPetskull, sure.. I will check on net15:13
bluefox83Xintruder: no, but you can run more alongside it15:14
Xintruderi see15:14
mongysoumya, the driver in 'additional drivers' is fine.  use it15:14
Dr_WillisColin969:   you burnt the cd? and ran it from there? or copied it fromt he iso to the desktop ?15:14
Petskullsoumya, well- you've already solved your problem, haven't you?15:14
Dr_WillisColin969:  i dont recall ever using that tool.15:14
soumyaPetskull, not till now.. installation is on queue.. I will let u know once it is done15:15
Colin969Dr_Willis: How does Unetbootinwork15:15
shawntiim searching for a gui for netstat to see incoming and outgoing connections, any suggestions ? ( i dont want to see the traffic, just connection x on port x etc...)15:16
Petskullsoumya, rgr15:16
Dr_WillisColin969:  run unetbootin, point it to the iso file, point it to the flash drive.. hit a button.. come back 4 min later..15:16
Colin969Dr_Willis: I picked the ISO but how does..15:17
shawntiofc i could use wireshark, but thats way too big...15:17
Colin969Its not in the list15:17
Dr_WillisColin969:  download unetbootin for whatever os you are running.15:17
Dr_WillisColin969:  or use other tools from --> http://www.pendrivelinux.com/15:19
TanvirDr_Willis, sorry for delay.15:20
MaindotC-L1I'm on a Ubuntu machine that is properly connected to a WPA2 network using NetworkManager. Is there any way to copy the settings to another Ubuntu machine that is just using config files and not NM or Wicd?15:20
soumyaPetskull, driver installation is failing..15:20
soumyaPetskull, Install archive() failed15:21
TanvirDr_Willis, the problem is there should be appearing screen or images, but font is appearing now, like boot-up logos, and the font seems broken there. That's all.15:21
cveazeyHello, I have an iPad that will not mount! My iPhone will just fine, just not the iPad.15:21
Petskullsoumya, hmm- are you sure you're online?15:21
TanvirDr_Willis, How can I fix that problem?15:21
pksadiq!ipad | cveazey15:21
Dr_WillisTanvir:  im not even clear on what the font problem is 'font seems broken' ? what font? all fonts?15:21
mongysoumya, that old bug still lurking, how silly....  sudo apt-get install --reinstall bcmwl-kernel-source15:21
Colin969Dr_Willis: Didnt have my USB Plugged in...FAIL15:21
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ox3awhy this problem:./configure: No such file or directory15:22
Dr_WillisTanvir:  as for the Plymouyth boot screen...  I disable plymouth.. its an annoyance15:22
soumyamongy. ok.15:22
ox3ars0832, ./configure: No such file or directory15:22
=== asasdasda is now known as shookees
soumyaPetskull, mongy has suggested some tricks let me try it15:22
TanvirDr_Willis, how to disable Plymouyth?15:22
Dr_WillisColin969:  for the tools be sure to select /dev/sdX not /dev/sdx1 (i recall)  when they ask where.15:22
cveazeyAre iPads not supported yet?15:22
=== shookees is now known as DoubleString
Dr_WillisTanvir:  i edit the /etc/default/grub and replace the 'quiet splash' options with just ''  (ie nothing)15:22
Dr_WillisTanvir:  then rerun update-grub15:22
bluefox83cveazey: check the forums, there's probably something there about it15:22
mongysoumya, I think you need to be hooked up via wire also.15:23
soumyamongy, will it install the driver15:23
soumyamongy, i m hooked on wired15:23
mongysoumya, its what the gui program installs15:23
cveazeyI did! I went to the forums and searched "iPad" and nothing came up!!15:23
soumyamongy, ohh.. ok..15:23
Colin969Dr_Willis: For netbook its 10.10 NetInstall_84x?15:23
* Dr_Willis womnders whats 'to' support on an ipad..15:23
TanvirDr_Willis, I can't edit.15:23
Dr_WillisColin969:  No idea.15:23
Dr_WillisTanvir:  its a system file. You need root rights to edit it of course.15:24
soumya mongy .. there are installation error.. is that fine15:24
Dr_Willis!sudo | Tanvir15:24
ubottuTanvir: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo15:24
TanvirDr_Willis, how?15:24
mongyMaindotC-L1, wicd has a 'curses' to it if there is no X on that machine15:24
Colin969Dr_Willis: Im on a 32Bit XP15:24
Colin969Dr_Willis: On a  Netbook15:24
Dr_WillisColin969:  the pendrivelinux site has tools that can even ask/auto download the iso files...15:24
MaindotC-L1mongy: I'm actually going to download the wicd debs and move them with a usb drive - hopefully that will work15:24
mongysoumya, ive seen it happen before, not on mine but on another broadcom device15:25
soumyamongy. ok. lemme reboot the system.. then i willl let u know15:25
mongysouya, if you have error then no its not ok15:25
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mongyMaindotC-L1, could use /etc/network/interfaces15:26
mongyMaindotC-L1, I have a wpa2 interfaces setup.15:26
Colin969Dr_Willis: Was on Distrubution downloader, Had ISO Already,Its installing now15:26
ox3aHey, Why ./configure command not work?15:26
Dr_Willisox3a:  depends on the error its giving15:27
MaindotC-L1mongy: I'd like to do that - but I'm not sure what settings I currently have - like what key I'm using and so forth15:27
MaindotC-L1mongy: I connect to a campus network that just requires my campus username and password which I enter in NetworkManager on one machine15:27
ox3aDr_Willis, -bash: ./configure: No such file or directory15:27
shawntiDoes anyone got starcraft with wine working ? I cannot connect to battlenet. Tells me its not possible to verify which version im using...15:28
MaindotC-L1mongy: but the other machine I have configured for wired with /etc/network/interfaces and now I need to use the wireless15:28
cablopis that btrfs so good?15:28
MaindotC-L1mongy: but I'm not sure what settings to copy from the machine that is connect to the machine that isn't connected and has no NM/Wicd15:28
Dr_Willisox3a:  check the directory you are in... sounds lik e you are in the wrong dir.15:28
MaindotC-L1mongy: I downloaded the .debs for Wicd - I'm going to see if I can get it working - brb15:28
ox3aDr_Willis, No.... The dir is OK15:29
Dr_Willisox3a:    You are doing somthign wrong then. or the file is bad.15:29
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Colin969Dr_Willis: Can Dr_Willis I ask a few things?15:29
soumyamongy, thanks.. that worked..15:29
Dr_WillisColin969:  start asking the channel.. I may have to leave at any time.15:29
Galindarsomeone please help. laptop takes extremely long time to recognize key strokes. Authentication fails "ubuntu-bug jockey-common"???15:30
Colin969Dr_Willis: How does this work? I I shutdown and reboot, will there be a "Test" Option and "Install" Option?15:30
soumyaPetskull, thank you too.. I have installed the driver using mongi's method and it is working15:30
ox3aDr_Willis, I took the file from http://sourceforge.net/projects/libusb/develop15:30
Petskullsoumya, Welcome to Linux!15:30
ox3aDr_Willis, It should not be bad file15:30
soumyaPetskull, :)15:31
Petskullsoumya, why'd you install Ubuntu?15:31
Dr_WillisColin969:   you boot the usb - it will have some menus , you select the os to boot.. it willthen act as if you booted from a 'cd' only faster from the flash drive.15:31
Dr_Willisox3a:  prove its not I guess.. make sure its executable..15:31
mongysoumya, you just told it to install it again from shell..  its a 'jockey' bug15:31
soumyaPetskull, to lean linux .. as well as i m tired of windows slowness15:31
Colin969Dr_Willis its  in the Options right, Pressing F12 When it Boots up?15:32
mongyyou'll be glad to know, its still in natty15:32
Petskullit's your dual-boot with Vista?15:32
soumyamongy, yes.. i installed it from CLI15:32
Dr_WillisColin969:  the bios boot options - depend on your machine. Mine is F11.15:32
mongyits an old bug now, it should have been buried before now... ugh15:32
soumyaPetskull, yes.. but with windows 715:32
Dr_WillisColin969: some machines you have to go into the bios and move the usb drive to the top oif the list15:32
ox3aDr_Willis, can you test it pls?i see all ok15:32
Colin969Dr_Willis: Thanks, I know its F12, on an Acer Aspire One15:32
Petskullsoumya, then.. no?15:33
Dr_Willisox3a:  how about a ls -al ./configure15:33
soumyaPeterman, why??15:33
Petskullsoumya, what do you like?  Programming, Gaming, the customizability?15:33
pksadiqDr_Willis:now I have a strange problem, when I ever I boot ubuntu some flickering happens to my monitor and loads to tty, just like when there are errors with Xserver, but after that I have to login as root and the command gdm & makes it work again fine, but I have to do it each time, even addim gdm to rc.local is not helping15:33
Colin969Dr_Willis: Then how do I Install it? Imean i want to  Partition 30GB Forit and Install Linux as another Boot15:33
Dr_WillisColin969:  you boot the usb.. use the installer program15:34
Petskullsoumya... is it just a 'check the webmail' compu?15:34
soumyaPeterman, I am programmer.. but i have to keep the windows as my company uses outlook to accesss mail15:34
ox3aDr_Willis, ls: cannot access ./configure: No such file or directory15:34
EmryI'm actually looking for info on the Magnatune pluging for Rhytmbox.  :-)  when I tell it to download an album, where does it store it at?  I get a nice message saying that the download is complete, but no info on where it is. :)15:34
Colin969Dr_Willis: Well, So i boot Ubuntu from the Disk and run the Install?15:35
Dr_Willispksadiq:  try 'sudo service gdm start'  could be some time out in loading of the nvidia drivers. or other drivers.. I recall a similer issye ages ago in beta testng.. gdm would time out befor the modules where loaded.15:35
akshatjsoumya, yuck outlook15:35
Tetsuo55_3Hello, does anyone know hwere the gnome wheater application widget gets its locations from? my city is not in the list and the closest ones nearby have very different weather15:35
bluefox83soumya: you should write down your settings from outlook and then use them in evolution :)15:35
Dr_Willisox3a:  so we are back to you being in the wrong directoruy. or spelling somthing wrong.15:35
cveazeyI found an article about iPad! http://www.linuxplanet.com/linuxplanet/tutorials/7204/1/15:35
Dr_Willisox3a:  or the filesystem is totally messed up.15:35
soumyabluefox83, i will definitely try that but as of now I am keeping it.15:36
Colin969Dr_Willis:  Huh?15:36
pksadiqDr_Willis: ok, I will try later, but adding gdm to rc.local gives many warning like gtk can open display or something like that15:36
PetskullOK- How do I set permissions to everybody for a whole folder?15:36
bluefox83soumya: just remember, outlook is just a software suite, it can be replaced ;)15:36
homewhats my nic15:36
PerSeLhello, I installed pinguy os wchich is based on ubuntu and after update I lost inet connection.15:37
soumyabluefox83, yes.. but tilll now outlook is best in mail client :P...15:37
petisnnakeHi I have Ubuntu 10.10 installed and for some reason if I try to install Win 7, my dvd doesn't boot even if I put all the boot sequence devices to cd / dvd. Could this be a mbr thing? The dvd is definitely bootable since I already installed win from there15:37
Colin969Dr_Willis:  Huh?15:37
bluefox83soumya: hardly! lol. outlook is garbage :p15:37
akshatjPerSeL, #pinguyos15:37
soumyabluefox83,  that is another debate.. so better we leave it :)15:38
PerSeLakshatj: isn't it's the same?15:38
BluesKajpetisnnake, have partitioned a space for ntfs ?15:39
homepetisnnake, i guess its problem with bios15:39
BluesKajhave you15:39
petisnnakeI dont have any ntfs partitioned space15:39
GalindarWhat can cause everything i type to be displayed extremely slow on my acer aspire 5520?15:39
Emrypetisnnake, That would not be an Ubuntu problem,  Would be the system having issues.15:39
petisnnakebut I weant to erase all my hdd and only have win 7 on it15:39
akshatjGalindar, crappy drivers15:39
petisnnakeI see, thanks guys15:40
Emrypetisnnake, If the DVD doesn't boot, then you may need to tell the bios to boot form a CD/DVD Rom drive.15:40
EmryIf the system is even semi-recent the option should be there, unless the DVD drive itself is messed up. ^^;15:40
Galindarok ty akshatj , installing different driver now15:40
timcarsonHi, I have a problem which means I can't startup. and I think that there's a problem with the file /lib/libz.so.1.  In recovery mode, many actions result in:  error whiel loading shared libraries: /lib/libz.so.1: invalid ELF header.15:41
homewhat was the program that on running gives you sudo shell?15:41
soumyathanks guys..15:41
homei don't remember15:41
BluesKajEmry, I think he's already done that , he's having a prob with Windows not finding a suitable partition IMO15:41
petisnnakeEmry: like is said all the boot sequence devices are set to dvd15:41
pksadiq!find libZ.so | timcarson15:41
ubottutimcarson: Package/file libZ.so does not exist in maverick15:41
EmryBluesKaj, He said the DVD does not boot.15:41
pksadiq!find libz.so | timcarson15:41
ubottutimcarson: File libz.so found in lib32z1, lib32z1-dev, lsb-build-base3, zlib1g, zlib1g-dbg, zlib1g-dev15:41
needhelp1does libdvdread4 include libdvdcss215:42
Petskullcodeblocks says it can save my files!!! wtf??15:42
timcarsonSo should I apt-get those?15:42
Emrypetisnnake, What message does it give when it tries to load, or does it just not seem to find the drive?15:42
nintnintanyone know why i hang on shutdown?15:42
ZykoticK9needhelp1, yes - that's what it installs15:42
homePetskull, check write permissions15:42
red2kictimcarson: Not all of them. Try lib32z1 first.15:42
pksadiqtarzeau: try sudo apt-get install lsb_release -a15:42
Galindarakshatj: that worked so far!!! tyvm15:42
petisnnakeEmry: no messages, doesn't even try to boot. I get booted into Ubuntu15:42
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Petskulldrwxrwx--- 1 root plugdev 8192 2010-12-26 11:35 Game Lab - Pong15:42
petisnnakeeven though hdd is not set as a boot device15:42
pksadiqtarzeau: try sudo apt-get install zlib1g15:42
pksadiqtarzeau: sorry for the first wrong answer15:43
homepetisnnake, unplug the hd and try if you can boot from dbd15:43
jnanadarshanPlease Help me out. My Minimize, maximize and close buttons are disappearing after every system reboot. Please Help how to get rid of this15:43
timcarsonubottu: I realize I have no network connection so should I install it from cd or a thumbdrive or something like that?15:43
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)15:43
BluesKajEmry, I think windows cd doesn't see a proper ntfs partition so it doesn't boot ...I've had that problem with W715:43
Nick_Meisterhi guys i am trying to ssh to my computer, from about 6000 miles away, and im obviously experiencing some lag, is there any way to make it predict my keypresses a bit better, so that i dont have to wait few seconds for a response after i type a letter15:44
Petskullhome- for some reason, this does nothing: sudo chmod -R 777 *.*15:44
Emrypetisnnake, The HDD is always a boot device if it doesn't find something else.  Try hitting escape when the bios message flashes by at the very beginning of the boot sequence (also try delete if that doesn't work, and then if that doesn't work F12).  those are common boot menu keys15:44
* MindWarper thinks ubottu is sexy15:44
rignesHello everyone. Ubuntu semi-noob here.  I've been trying to reboot into the recover menu to get to the root console by holding down the shift key during boot as multiple google searches have shown me to do.  But it just boots normally each time.  What am I missing?15:44
nintnintNick_Meister, not really.15:44
EmryBluesKaj, The windows installer does not require an NTFS partition to run.  It will create it.15:44
pksadiqrignes: which version of ubuntu?15:44
rignesI'm sorry 10.1015:44
petisnnakeEmry: delete works and takes me to bios15:45
bluefox83rignes: try using f keys...and esc15:45
EmryBluesKaj, What he is describing is a hardware issue of some sort.15:45
rignesI figure I'm missing something silly as usual.15:45
needhelp1for some reason it still wont play dvds15:45
Emrypetisnnake, Mind if I send you a /msg ? :-) This is really beyond the scope of the Ubuntu channel. :-)15:45
needhelp1i have libdvdread4 and vlc installed15:45
BluesKajEmry, yeah , I thought so too , but I had to create a ntfs partition on the hdd before w7 would install15:45
ZykoticK9jnanadarshan, that most likely means that compiz is not starting correctly - you might want to try installing fusion-icon to see if that helps, best of luck.15:45
rignespksadiq: 10.1015:45
pksadiqrignes: holding shift key should work, might be some other problem,15:45
Galindarakshatj:  that seems to have fixed it!! awesome tyvm. next problem.. lol.. what can cause my acer aspire 5520 to hit 112c ((233.6 fahrenheit)) or higher when doing anything other than idling? cooler seems to be working fine.15:45
EmryBluesKaj, It should at least boot before it craps out though. :P15:46
ZykoticK9needhelp1, be sure that you ran "sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh" after installing the libdvdread4 package15:46
EmryOtherewise it won't know that there is a problem. ^^15:46
pksadiqrignes: when does you starts holding shift?15:46
needhelp1ZykoticK9, what does that do15:46
rignespksadiq: Odd...this is a fresh install too.  I'm tryign to work out better video drivers.  I have screen flicker for the intel i915.15:46
petisnnakeEmry: sent you msg15:46
ZykoticK9needhelp1, it actually "installs" libdvdread415:46
jnanadarshan@ Zykotick9 I have already installed Compiz Fusion Icon. What's Next ?15:46
rignespksadiq: When I see the POST start, also before I ever reboot it and hold during the entire post.  I also have hold down the left, right, and both.15:47
ZykoticK9jnanadarshan, sorry no ideas - i remember having that issue a long time ago, fusion icon sorted it out for me.  best of luck.15:47
rignesIt's frustrating when following the docs doesn't work. :P15:47
homeanyone know setting a co.cc domain to ip of ubuntu server in my local network takes everyone going to that domain to the host in my local network?15:48
pksadiqrignes: just after the post the grub loads, but any time holding shift might work,15:48
pksadiqhome: do you have a static ip?15:48
homehmm not now15:49
homebut i do in univ15:49
padi999for regexp guys: How come, "rename" uses different notations than "sed"? I especially need the "&" character in the replacement part to adress the extracted pattern like 's/[a-z]*/(&)'15:49
akshatjGalindar, dunno15:49
pksadiqyou can forward to static ip only, else you might use some sites like dyndns.org15:49
GrujahI need help. I have some 2000 simple HTML files, and I need to search for a single word in all of them. How to automate that?15:49
PerSeLhello, I lost my internet connection how can I fix that?15:49
rignespksadiq: Odd.  So at least I know I am holding down the propper key.  That's something. I was doubting myself.  I was hoping to find a quick answer (aka, me doing soemthign wrong) before more holidy visitations started but I'll probably have to work on it later.  Something else is probably wrong.  Thanks for help.15:50
Galindarakshatj: ok ty15:50
EmryAnyone here familiar with Rhytmbox? :)15:50
pksadiq!grub2 | rignes15:51
ubotturignes: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:51
=== needhelp1 is now known as Guest7864
Guest7864ZykoticK9, ok thats done, now i get i missing  a plugin for dvd subpicture decoder15:52
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BluesKajPerSeL, what kind of internet connection , ethernet or wifi ?15:52
EmryBelieve me, restoring a blown Grub install is a heck of a lot easier than restoring a windows boot sector. :P15:52
PerSeLBluesKaj: wifi it's connected to my router but no internet15:52
bluefox83Emry: that's the f-ing truth >.>15:53
PerSeLBluesKaj: at least it tells me it's connected15:53
ZykoticK9Guest7864, sorry - i've never heard of that error before???  I've always had to reboot to get DVDs working after that install, so you may want to try that.  Best of luck.15:53
multi_iowith broadcom wireless chips, why does Ubuntu by default offer the possibility to install the binary-only drivers via "additional drivers", even though the open-source ones are also available and packaged in the repositories?15:53
Emry:P What sucks even worse though is finding out what happens when you overight the boot sector too often on a cheap hard disk. ^^;15:53
bluefox83multi_io: because in a lot of instances, the open source ones don't quite get the job done15:54
pksadiqGrujah: try grep "to find" *.html15:54
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:55
Emrymulti_io, wifi is one of those places we still have a long way to go on.  Every time we get caught up, some random company goes and changes the API's on us. :P15:55
Emryandrea_, Is there something specific you are looking for?15:55
multi_iobluefox83: I thought that in the Broadcom case, the OSS driver is just the one that Broadcom released themselves when they opened up their code?15:56
multi_ioEmry: ^^^15:56
bluefox83multi_io: that doesn't mean they released everything...15:56
donCamscan anybody recommend a software that is as good as photoshop, illustrator, fireworks and dreamweaver for ubuntu? i'm thinking of trying out ubuntu. :)15:56
ubottuTo change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.15:57
Emrymulti_io:  It also doesn't mean that the OSS version is properly QA'ed. :)  Trust me, companies often like to give us steaming piles of crap when they "go open"15:57
Dr_WillisdonCams:   i recall some web site/articals on 'alternatives to windows apps' - but i use none of those aps.15:57
bluefox83donCams: uh...theres lots of software that does the jobs those do, but nothing that's a full-on replacement15:57
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EmrydonCams, Depends on what you are trying to do exactly.  Check out Gimp and InkScape.  :-) They will do a lot of what Photoshop and Illustrator will do, but the interfaces are not the same. ^_^15:58
Grujahpksaidiq - thanks, it worked15:58
PetskulldonCams, nothing in Ubuntu is that good.  You can try getting Photoshop to run under wine, but for those apps you're truthdully better off in Windows.  I dual-boot to do my Photoshop stuff15:58
bluefox83my wife is a graphics design major, she likes gimp, but she says nothign in linux can fully replace photoshop adaquately15:58
donCamsEmry: cool, i can adapt to new interfaces. just don't wana use wine. if i'm goin to use wine, might as well run windows... :)15:58
Emrybluefox83, She is right.  Gimp WANTS to get there, but........15:59
bluefox83no it doesn't, talk to the folks in #gimp they think it's just fine15:59
coz_donCams,   well the best graphics apps  on linux  are   gimp,,,inkscape,,, mypaint,,, pinta...agave and blender15:59
PetskulldonCams, you a webdesigner?  'cause if not, you'll probably find you'll be fine only dual-booting once in a blue-moon15:59
BluesKajPerSeL, open a terminal and do: ping google.com , to check if itcan send data over the net15:59
Emrybluefox83, donCams: To be blunt, the filters in Photoshop are friggen awesom.15:59
homesomebody's gotta feed gimp dev.15:59
* Emry dualboots to run WoW, and that is about it. 15:59
donCamsyeah. maybe i'll leave a wee bit of space for windows16:00
Petskullthe new Blender is really really good16:00
EmryWoW and iTunes rather. :)16:00
donCamsfor adobe stuff and games16:00
Petskullstill prefer 3dSMax, though16:00
histoughhh rt3090 not working ot of the box in ubuntu....16:00
home@pyth0n, you there???16:00
PerSeLBluesKaj: it tells me it's connected to the router but I do not recive local ip address... to run a terminal there I have to reboot the comp, I'm currently running the live cd16:00
bluefox83Emry: i run WoW in wine, and it runs better than my wife's comp and she uses win7 and a better machine than i have ;)16:01
timcarsonWhat can I do to install a package (libz321) on my computer if I can only boot into recovery from grub?16:01
EmryAt this point in time though, Windows is really the platform of choice for Graphics types.  Used to be Mac, but all the companies do their core dev for the windows version now, and everything else is just a port. *sighs*16:01
iszakHow do I make it so logrotate will use a date in the archived file?16:01
Petskullyeah, I've been running Steam on wine16:01
LogicallyDashingIs there some application that works like guidedog but uses up-to-date libraries? I don't want to run any kde3.5 apps if I don't have to.16:01
Emryalthough, I hear that Adobe is thinking for porting an older version of PhotoShop. :P16:01
donCamsEmry: thought they canceled the idea16:01
LogicallyDashingtimcarson, I'm pretty sure you can use apt-get while in recovery mode16:01
Emrybluefox83, I used too, but I have run into issues getting it to play nice with my current install,a nd don't have a lot of time to troubleshoot. :)16:02
PetskullI run PS7 on wine and it's ok16:02
Danielc1234can someone help me with my webserver?16:02
bluefox83Emry: at one point adobe was talking about going 100% open source...that hasn't happened...16:02
EmrydonCams, Not sure.  I just heard about it recently.16:02
Petskullbut the 'Alt+Drag' thing pisses me off16:02
iszakDanielc1234, don't ask to ask, just ask :)16:02
timcarsonlogicallydashing, I don't have an internet connection though.  Can I use a cd or something to get the data?16:02
donCamsyeah, I heard that they were going to release their own distro16:02
EmryI doubt Adobe will ever go even partially open. :P If we get photoshop, it will be a binary install. hehehe16:02
LogicallyDashingtimcarson, well if you know exactly what packages you want, you could put them on a thumb drive and use gdebi to install them16:02
donCamswith all their apps ported... but they canceled. haha16:02
Danielc1234I setup a webserver which seems to be working, however the php is not. How would I trouble shoot that?16:02
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EmrydonCams, They did release a distro, LONG time ago... Gave up before actually polishing it up though. :P16:03
satdavhi guys do you have a way to install irssi on your os16:03
bluefox83i have no problem with them offering a linux binary for people who pay the money for photoshop. but ONLY if it's up to par with the windows version of the software16:03
donCamsstill to confirm. anyway, thanks for the tips16:03
BluesKajPerSeL, is it a laptop or are you using pci-wifi or usb-wifi ...if it's usb wifi then perhaps someone else can help..I haven't been able get any usb wifi working in maverick.16:03
LogicallyDashingsatdav, sudo apt-get install irssi16:03
Emrysatdav, irssi even has a windows version now. :)16:03
donCamsI hate win7 aero and classic themes...16:03
satdavEmry: do you have a link to the windows version send me it on pm16:04
ubottuIrssi is a terminal based IRC client. See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Irssi for help. See also !screen16:04
TanvirDr_Willis, you there?16:05
TanvirDr_Willis, It didnt work.16:05
EmryI personally think that irsii is great. ^_^16:06
home!me is testing not me :P16:06
BajK_any idea how to get the webcam of my Acer Aspire 3820 TG working in Kopete? Cheese recognizes it but in kopete the devices dropdown is just greyed out.16:06
Colin969gobbe: you here?16:06
coz_BajK_,   kopete is KDE  ...yes?16:07
BajK_coz_: it is.16:07
Colin969gobbe: Got the USB Boot working, But Firefox wont use my Wireless i setup on it16:07
satdavwhats the latest build 9.04 I can get upto16:07
coz_BajK_,  mmm I dont have that installed  here... even though I am on gnome I generally have all of the kde libraries installed just in case  ,, but  no I am not sure... unless someone in #kde or #kubuntu might have a suggestion16:08
shingensatdav: it's recommended you do a dist-upgrade to the next higher version, so 9.10 to 10.04 to 10.10....16:08
satdavOK how do I do that16:09
GrujahAnother problem. I used dvorak layout for a month or so, and now, whenever I start Ubuntu, I always have USA, Serbian and USA dvorak layout activated. I delete dvorak as I dont need it anymore, but if I shut down the computer and boot Ubuntu again dvorak gets added to the list.16:09
BajK_coz_: they said v4l(2?) support is required by the driver or so to make it work in kopete.16:09
ZykoticK9shingen, dist-upgrade does NOT update versions16:09
coz_satdav,    in terminal   sudo  update-manager -d16:09
satdavOK thats16:09
coz_BajK_,  ah   mmm hold on16:09
coz_BajK_,  did you check in synaptic package manager or  kde's  package manager for  v4l  ?16:10
ZykoticK9shingen, ok will dist-upgrade does upgrade versions of software, but NOT versions of ubuntu16:10
EmryAnd the dist-upgrade options are a lot more functional than they were a few years ago. :P16:10
BajK_coz_: yep, libv4l-0 is installed16:10
homewhat are that many users in here doing idle?16:10
coz_BajK_,  oooo16:10
Papyrosanyone can help me in c ?16:10
shingensatdav: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu9.04-jaunty-jackalope-to-9.10-karmic-koala-desktop-and-server for starters...  same process for 9.10 to 10.04, etc...16:10
BajK_coz_: hm? :D16:10
timcarsonlogicallydashing, when I plug in the flash drive in recovery mode, I see "sd 7:0:0:0: [sdc] Assuming drive cache: write through".  How can I access the drive now?16:10
PhoenixSTFHello, i just blew up my ext4 partition on a extended partion ona a dual boot anyway to recover it?16:11
ZykoticK9satdav, fresh installs make more sense then multiple version upgrades (in my opinion)16:11
BluesKajBajK_, got v4l2 installed or just v4l ?16:11
coz_BajK_,    I have no other suggestions... I have difficulties with my logitech webcam on linux in general  well ubuntu always...16:11
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Papyroswho can help me in c ?16:11
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the_eye_intel N10 Vga canot recognize monitor resolution in 10.0416:11
w4ck1nggays i can't connect in netcat > anyone help me .. about this16:11
GrujahPapyros, just as the question.16:11
Emrytimcarson, check if there is a /media/<thumbdrive> or /mnt/<thumbdrive> if not you may need to mount it still. ^_^16:12
satdavZykoticK9: my host only offers up to 9.0416:12
Dr_WillisPapyros:  given how broad a topic that is... you need to be more concise16:12
BluesKaj!ask | Papyros16:12
ubottuPapyros: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:12
BajK_BluesKaj and coz_: If I enter "v4l" as search term there are packages presented dov4l, dv4l, gambas2-gb-v4l, libpt-blabla-v4l, libpt-1.10.10-plugins-v4l2, libv4l-0 (which is the only one installed of this list), libv4l-dev, libvideo-capture-v4l-perl, v4l-conf and xserver-xorg-video-v4l16:12
coz_satdav,   yes I agree with ZykoticK9    if you can...back up what you need from your current in stall.. download the ubuntu version you want....burn it... and install it16:12
Papyroslook this code ..16:12
Papyroscan't run it16:12
coz_satdav,  if you want an easy  download use the minimal install cd16:12
ZykoticK9satdav, 9.04 is unsupported!  find a better host!16:12
LogicallyDashingtimcarson, you can usually just cd to it, it'll be something like /media/disk, or some other folder in /media16:12
satdavOK I will contact the host to update it at their side16:12
satdavwell to update the datacenter16:13
EmryDoes ^ work for exponents in C?16:13
PhoenixSTFHello, i just blew up my ext4 partition on a extended partion on a dual boot anyway to recover it?16:13
Grujah^ is a bitwise operator, XOR i beleive16:13
homePapyros, yep16:13
coz_Papyros,   what is this for?16:13
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  clarify what you mean by 'blew up'16:14
home^ is bitwise operator16:14
HowardTheDuckhey what do i do with a "binary package"?16:14
Papyroscoz_,  i want to run this code.. it is a sum..16:14
Papyroshome, what must i change in my code ?16:14
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Galindarmy laptop is idling at 98c =208.4f....isnt that too hot?16:14
rs0832Papyros, whats the compiler output?16:14
ZykoticK9Papyros, you might want to try the ##c channel16:14
homePapyros, first i^i by pow(i,i)16:14
coz_Papyros,   well apparenlty   syntax error near unexpected token `('  on line 216:14
shingen Galindar: heck yes16:15
ihswhey, i have an ugly 'amd unsupported hardware' watermark, how do i get rid of it?16:15
GrujahPapyros, you also increase i twice, I don't think you want that16:15
_sl33khow to download this plugin from here on 10.04? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html16:15
homePapyros, then may be int with long int16:15
homeor something bigger16:15
Galindarshingen:  how do i fix this?16:15
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: I tried to delete the windows partition, to make a ext4 partion, and i dont know how, the partion where i have ubuntu just says extended, insted of extened, with the ext4 under.16:15
EmryPapyros, What are you trying to achieve?  by i^i do you mean i to the i power?16:15
shingenGalindar: if it's idle at 98c, you probably have alot of dust obstructing the vents... blow it out or suck it out16:15
Papyrosrs0832,  0 zero ..16:15
ZykoticK9ihsw, next time buy nvidia.  that "unsupported hardware" watermark is reason #12 why I will NEVER buy ATI (and i used to love AMD)16:15
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: It jsut simply disapear!16:15
HowardTheDucki have an rpm file of some screensavers i want to add to xscreensaver, what do i do with this? :(16:16
PapyrosEmry,  yes16:16
Galindarshingen: i took a can of duster to the cooler and rest of laptop earlier. it is quite clean..16:16
Galindarshingen: any other ideas?16:16
ZykoticK9HowardTheDuck, you can try installing RPMs with Alien - but it's not the best idea.16:16
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: and testdisk detecs the Windows partion but the otehr well its extended with nothing in it!16:16
ihswZykoticK9: i don't want to buy a new video card right now, the one i have is fine, are you sure there isn't any solution?16:16
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  check 'sudo fdisk -l' output.16:16
HowardTheDuckZykoticK9: whats the command line to do it16:16
_sl33khow to download this tar.gz plugin from here on 10.04? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html16:16
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  also in some cases you must reboot for changes to take effect16:16
charasI already install "tasksell lamp-server" How do I RUN it now?16:16
Papyroshome,  but it is not mistake to use ^ .. why must i include the math library ?16:16
ZykoticK9ihsw, not that i personally know of - but i don't follow ATI fixes closely16:17
TanvirDr_Willis, Hello16:17
ihswZykoticK9: how troublesome16:17
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: /dev/sda3 extended16:17
Guest66003is it possible to hide the notification about available new update packages, although I already disabled the notification, I get them everytime I hit apt-get update manually. is there a way to solve this?16:17
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: only partion in there, it should have a sda516:17
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  you make logical partitions inside an extended. normally.16:17
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  the logical would be sda516:17
TanvirDr_Willis, the problem didn't solve (i restarted my pc), many lines are appearing in the boot time.16:17
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: correct, how do i recover it?16:17
=== Fraxtil` is now known as Fraxtil
Dr_WillisTanvir:  I dont even recall what your issue is.16:17
_sl33khow to download this tar.gz plugin from here on 10.04? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html16:18
ZykoticK9Dr_Willis, infact it is ONLY possible to create logical inside of extended16:18
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  You deleted a windows partition,  you can use primary parittions.16:18
HowardTheDuckok im getting this tarball what the hell is that16:18
TanvirDr_Willis, It's a total mess now. How can I restore to my previous settings?16:18
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  or are you saying you deleted your linux partition?16:18
shingenGalindar: what's the cpu load and type?  see what the max temp on such a unit should be, although I've never heard of any mobile cpu running hotter than 70c as a max temp...16:18
HowardTheDuckhelp plz tarballed16:18
EmryPapyros, I have always just rolled my own function for power of type things.  I found a reference here: http://cppreference.com/stdmath/pow.html  that uses doubles.16:18
TanvirDr_Willis, like system restore.16:18
Colin969Dr_Willis: I Haz an Issu16:18
Dr_WillisTanvir:  no idea really. other then a reinstall.. i dont know what you have done.. so its impossible for me to tell.16:18
shingenGalindar: nevermind at idle...16:18
homePapyros, i get 0 as answer16:18
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: no i didnt mix on sda5, but it simply sidapear!16:18
EmryVery few languages support ^ directly any more though. :)16:18
HowardTheDuckoh god too late its already downloaded onto my system a tarbll16:18
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: no i didnt mix on sda5, but it simply disapear16:18
homeit compiles with out warniga16:19
PhoenixSTFadn yes i restarted it16:19
Papyroshome,  yes me too.. why  ? the sum must be something very big.. a very big number16:19
homewhy would be big?16:19
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  if sda3 is an ectended partition. You must make a logical partition there for the os to use it. Im not clear on what all you 'did' to the hard drives.16:19
Galindarshingen: it is an Acer Aspire 5520 with amd turion 64x 2 nvidia geforce 7000m and 2gb ram16:19
_sl33khow to download this tar.gz plugin from here on 10.04? http://labs.adobe.com/downloads/flashplayer10_square.html16:19
Galindarshingen:  i guess the 130c it was hitting while trying to run a 3d game would be very bad then lol16:19
HowardTheDuckhow do i add a tarball into xscreensver16:19
multi_ioEmry: are you involved or do you have insight into the Wifi development?16:20
homePapyros, ^ is xor in c16:20
shingenGalindar: max temp is 95c....  I'm surprised it hasn't shut itself off yet to prevent permanent damage16:20
homePapyros, xoring a number by itself gives 0000016:20
Colin969Dr_Willis: I've put my connection in the the Network Connections but Nor Firefox Nor Instant Messenger will use it?16:20
Daikokuhey guys. i am new to ubuntu and installed it as a virtual machine in order to use ruby on it. now i installed ruby by typin 'sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.1-full'. The problem is: the command 'ruby' tells me, that ruby is not installed. command 'ruby1.9.116:20
Daikoku' works fine16:20
Papyroshome,  oups yes.. i will try the pow16:20
coz__sl33k,   scroll down a bit and downlad the linux  tar.gz16:20
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  others in the channel may be able to help. I have other things going on. write up a page/pastebin page. with fdisk -l outputm and details of what you have done to the hd. and what you are expecting.16:20
rs0832Papyros, it compiles on mine16:20
homePapyros, so 0 is added16:20
HowardTheDuckDaikoku: that sounds like a problem16:21
Daikokunow: how can i make "ruby" linking to "ruby1.9.1"?16:21
Galindarshingen:  wow... lol. well i dont know about laptops this is my first. i bought it used for 15 dollars missing a hdd.16:21
Emrymulti_io, Unfortunately not. ^^16:21
HowardTheDuckhow do i add a tarball into xscreensver16:21
Galindarshingen: just got it up and running and trying to figure out whats what16:21
_sl33kcoz_: yeah but how to install it after downloading tar.gz16:21
BajK_BluesKaj: and? :)16:21
Colin969Dr_Willis: Any Ideas?16:21
DaikokuHowardTheDuck: i don't think that it is too complicated but as i am new to ubuntu, i don't know how to make 'ruby' link to 'ruby1.9.1'16:21
rs0832Papyros, it compiles on mine (the first code you gave).. i havnt followed the conversation though so dont know of changes :)16:22
HowardTheDuckDaikoku: thats a shame maybe i can help you out16:22
Papyroshome,  did you run it  ?  with pow ?16:22
home@EVERYONE : please point me to "C" language ircs16:22
Colin969Can Anyone Help?16:22
shingenGalindar: these guys are freaking out about temps of 80c, same proc as you, similar acer laptops...  not linux related but a good read for your problem -  http://forums.amd.com/forum/messageview.cfm?catid=34&threadid=10998416:22
HowardTheDuckwhats ruby16:22
ZykoticK9home ##c16:22
Emryhome, ##C16:22
Papyrosrs0832,  ok .. i found the error.. in c the ^ is  xor.. and i wanted the pow.. pow(a,b)16:22
rs0832HowardTheDuck, a programming language16:22
DaikokuHowardTheDuck: Ruby is a programming language16:22
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: ok m8 :) thanks, here is how i did it, I had sda1, windows boot, sda2 windows NTFS,  sda3 linux extended, sda5 ext4, deleted sda1 and 2 and made ext4 primary number 1 partion, now sda3 has no sda5, and it has all of it unsued!16:22
Dr_WillisColin969:   claify what kind of networking you are using to the channel. I normally just use wired networks.16:22
Galindarshingen: tyvm.16:22
rs0832Papyros, it compiled fine for me as is o.o16:22
EmryHowardTheDuck, Ruby is awesome in many ways... But then again, I liked perl. :)16:23
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  sounds like you may of missclicked and deleted it then.16:23
coz__sl33k,  well extract the package and place the file  .so where your  flash player file is on the system16:23
coz__sl33k,   off hand I dont know that location16:23
Daikokucan nobody tell me how to fix my simple problem? it must have something to do with PATH or something like that :)16:23
Colin969Dr_Willis: Its Wireless, I  put in the WEP Key and such, Its a Netbook, Wired would be extremely incovienant16:23
homePapyros, i ran it with pow16:23
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: ok but how do i get it back? tried testdisk... but it wont get it16:23
homePapyros, since we used i as int, it went an overflow16:24
itaylor57Emry: careful when you speak of perl :>)16:24
Papyroshome,  yes me too but it shows me infinitive...16:24
Dr_WillisPhoenixSTF:  not sure. Ive never accidently deleted a partition. there are some partion recovery tools in the repos i think. but ive never had to use them16:24
homePapyros, the numbers were beyond int's range16:24
Emryitaylor57, Why do you say that? :) Am I not allowed to say I like perl? :)16:24
the_eye_intel N10 onboard vga canot recognize monitor resolution in 10.04, any help ?16:24
Dr_Willis!info parted16:24
ubottuparted (source: parted): The GNU Parted disk partition resizing program. In component main, is standard. Version 2.3-2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 72 kB, installed size 196 kB16:24
ZykoticK9Daikoku, "sudo ln -s /path/to/ruby1.9.1 /path/tonew/ruby"16:24
_sl33kcoz_: thanks much :)16:24
homePapyros, so try replacing with long int16:24
homePapyros, i iwll and tell ya16:24
burnoutlampoops mischan16:24
itaylor57Emry: no I like perl just kidding16:24
Papyroshome,  look this..16:24
Papyroshome,  http://pastebin.com/ucYTBTKa with double16:24
HowardTheDuckive got these screen savers called "really slick screensavers" but it's a tarball and I think I got the one I can add to xscreensaver can someone tell me how to do that16:25
Emryitaylor57, :-) Perl was the one language I actually took the time to learn ^_^16:25
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: thats the thing i am using them but they doint seem to get in the extended partion and scan for ext4 partitions16:25
compdocin some OSes, the configuration for the nics are in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts. Where are the config files in ubuntu?16:25
DaikokuZykoticK9: thank you very much! Do you have sources where i can read more about that linking-stuff?16:25
Dr_WillisHowardTheDuck:  i think those are in the normal pacakge manager repos.16:25
shingencompdoc: /etc/network/interfaces16:26
rs0832Papyros, sorry to interrupt, but are you using c++?16:26
Galindarshingen:  i have ran 2 different programs to get temperatures... the nvidia x server settings thermal temp reads the extremely high temps. xsensors reads alot cooler...which is more accurate?16:26
Dr_WillisHowardTheDuck:  its possible you need to extract and compile the things.16:26
ZykoticK9Daikoku, sorry i really don't.  I'm sure a search for "ln" would work?  Best of luck man.16:26
Papyrosrs0832, no , c16:26
DaikokuZykoticK9: thank you very much again :)16:26
rs0832Papyros, oh o.o let me know what happens in the end, if you dont mind doing so :)16:27
PhoenixSTFDr_Willis: oh well............16:27
satdavguys getting http://pastebin.com/kMqd47n016:27
satdavwhen I try to update16:27
satdavusing the sumo command16:27
TMKCodes_satdav, what's the command your using?16:28
mo---satdav: please paste what you typed too ;)16:28
Papyrosrs0832, i want to find the sum 1^1 + 2^2 + 3^3 but int a small integer to do this.. so i am trying with double and long int..16:28
shingenGalindar: your gpu has a separate temperature sensor than your ambient (in the laptop) or the cpu (on the heatsink)... so you might have 3 different temperature readings, depending on where they are16:28
rs0832Papyros, oh.. 32 bit eh?16:28
HowardTheDuckyeah whats compile16:28
satdavsudo update=manager -d16:28
satdavthats what I put16:28
Papyrosrs0832, yes..16:29
GrujahPapyros, the s=s + pow ... line is executed only 500 times because you increase i twice, once in i++ and once in i=i+1;16:29
TMKCodes_satdav, it should be sudo update-manager -d16:29
rs0832Papyros, maybe thats is then.. k carry on :)16:29
=== sanchaz-away is now known as sanchaz
rs0832HowardTheDuck, compiling means converting source code, to 0's and 1's16:29
shingensatdav: http://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-upgrade-ubuntu9.04-jaunty-jackalope-to-9.10-karmic-koala-desktop-and-server walks you through gui or server upgrade process16:29
PapyrosGrujah, yes sure.. do you know how can i find the sum , 1^1 + 2^2 + ... 1000^1000 ? and find the number in my computer.. ?16:30
satdavsudo update-manager -d16:30
satdavsudo: update-manager: command not found16:30
HowardTheDuckrs0832: ooh16:30
HowardTheDucksounds nice16:30
satdavnot found now16:30
HowardTheDucki know how to do these debs those are easy16:31
GrujahWhenever I boot, dvorak layout is added to the list of my keyboard layouts (next to other 2). I delete it, but when I boot Ubuntu again it gets added again. how to stop it ?16:31
HowardTheDuckbut the tars confuse me16:31
rs0832HowardTheDuck, not as much as you think :) make s you pull your hair out at times16:31
Galindarshingen: the xsensor0.70 reads 44c at the acpitz and in k8temp it reads core0 41c core0 36c core1 44 core1 33. and the nvidia xserver settings thermal settings reads 98c16:31
mo---satdav: do you actually have a gui installed? ;)16:31
rs0832HowardTheDuck, tars?16:31
Galindarshingen:  one set is acceptable... the other not??? is my video card going bad ?16:31
rs0832HowardTheDuck, hmm which program?16:31
satdavhow do I check I dont think so16:31
HowardTheDuckjust in general16:31
Dr_Willis!source | HowardTheDuck16:32
ubottuHowardTheDuck: You can easily fetch a package's source with apt-get. See: http://www.debian.org/doc/manuals/apt-howto/ch-sourcehandling.en.html16:32
coz_HowardTheDuck,  right click the tar.gz  and  "Extract here"   then open the folder and look for a  README    or  INSTALL   file  and read through it16:32
Dr_Willis!compile | HowardTheDuck16:32
ubottuHowardTheDuck: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)16:32
mo---satdav: well, are you connected via ssh to a remote computer, or are you using a text terminal locally?16:32
satdavssh to a vps16:32
satdavvirtiul private machime16:32
shingengalidar: gpu temp that high isn't a good sign... what gpu again?  can't find the info in the scroll up :)16:32
mo---satdav: ah, there's the problem. hold on, I'll look for the correct documentation.16:32
satdavOK thats fine16:33
shingenGalindar: gpu temp that high isn't a good sign... what gpu again?  can't find the info in the scroll up :)16:33
Galindarshingen: nvidia geforce 7000m16:33
roselushhello,everyone ,I'm coming!16:34
timcarsonlogicallydashing, thanks for the help so far.  I had to mount manually. Should I grab the source files I need from here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/lib32z1  ?16:34
satdavhow do I know if I am using a valid version of ubuntu16:34
mo---satdav: trz executing "do-release-update", if the command is not installed, apt-get install update-manager-core and try again. that should do the trick.16:34
roselushname -r16:34
roselushuname -r16:35
compdocsatdav, why would you think its not valid?16:36
Papyroshome,  did you find anything ?16:36
mo---satdav: well, is it working?16:36
shingenGalindar: doing a quick search, seems 7000m shouldn't be over 83c when overclocked & full load, so that's definitely a problem...  if it's a passive heatsink, it's probably a bad mating... if it's an active heatsink, the fan is dead and/or it's a bad mating...16:37
gobbecompdoc: here i am, still something?16:37
satdavits updating them the now16:37
compdocI had two nics in my system. One was onboard, and one is a PCI card. I disabled the onboard, and I want the PCI to be eth0, but the system sees it as eth1. also, it says its 100baseT, when it should be 1000baseT16:38
Galindarshingen: is that a simple fix? or do i need a new gpu?16:38
Galindarshingen:  sorry this is my first laptop.. havent played inside them ever.16:38
compdocany way to clear out the network config at start over?16:39
roselushwhy at=and?16:39
shingenGalindar: http://tim.id.au/laptops/acer/aspire%205520%205220.pdf <--- take a look at the service manual... you might be able to put some new thermal compound on the existing gpu heatsink and fix your problem16:39
compdocthis is a busy channel16:39
=== sanchaz is now known as sanchaz-away
Galindarshingen: awesome! tyvm for your help. very much appreciated!16:40
boldfiltergit-core: command not found16:40
TMKCodes_boldfilter, sudo apt-get install git16:41
boldfilterIm getting this error ^^16:41
=== TMKCodes_ is now known as TMKCodes
boldfilterThe following package was automatically installed and is no longer required: ttf-dejavu-extra16:42
boldfiltergit-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush16:42
shingenGalindar: there is a CPU thermal module (aka fan)... bet that fan is dead... the service manual has the exact part #, so you can find it on ebay or something...16:42
boldfilterThats the command im trying to run16:43
Galindarshingen:  ty again will definitely check it out.16:43
coz_boldfilter,    you want to install these ...yes?16:43
coz_boldfilter,  you are starting with     sudo apt-get install   ....  yes?16:44
coz_boldfilter,   so you did      sudo apt-get install   git-core gnupg flex bison gperf libsdl1.2-dev libesd0-dev libwxgtk2.6-dev squashfs-tools build-essential zip curl libncurses5-dev zlib1g-dev sun-java6-jdk pngcrush16:44
shingenGalindar: lol, sorry... no gpu fan, but I'm sure you'll find what is or isn't working with that service manual ;)16:45
=== dev_ is now known as tantari
Galindarshingen:  i hope tyvm. i did however already find missing and incorrect parts to the manual lol16:45
shingenGalindar: well for $15, I wouldn't be surprised if I found a stick of gum to keep things together :)16:46
Galindarlol i fixed his desktop pc and he had me put the hdd from the one i bought into his other laptop so it was a good deal i thought16:47
Galindarim $75 into it so far with hdd and laptop16:47
roselushhello ,guys16:48
roselushhello ,all guys16:48
roselushgood evening16:48
ubuntuuserHi all16:48
roselushwhy are you not sleeping now ?16:48
roselushIs there  a girl here ?16:49
suprengrot | roselush16:49
suprengr!ot | roselush16:49
ubotturoselush: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:49
ubuntuuserI just have a short question, when could I expect the fix for bug 676644 to trickle into maverick's kernel. It was not in the last update.16:50
Milosshhello everyone. from time to time I can't open any website, and I can fix that either by restarting router(adsl modem) or restart, login to windows, and then get back to ubuntu again. It happens at the same time on the both ubuntu machines I have16:50
Alagoshow can i install header?16:50
Milosshcan anyone help?16:50
juniour_how to install sun java 6 in ubuntu 10.0416:50
juniour_can any one help me16:50
IdleOne!java | juniour_16:51
ubottujuniour_: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.16:51
TMKCodes_Milossh, if it happens same time on both your ubuntu machines, it's problem with your adls router16:51
JragonWhat time lapse software is there for ubuntu?16:51
MilosshTMKCodes_: how come then that if I boot windows and then boot back ubuntu, it works agin?16:51
Milossh*again, even16:51
gobbeMilossh: maybe your router's dhcp is broken or something16:52
gobbeMilossh: it might not do renew for the lease16:52
=== botdogb is now known as K1ndMeerk4t
blzhello everybody!  I have an nVidia Quadro FX 1800M graphics adapter in my laptop.  Installing the proprietary drivers via Jockey breaks the system theme (panels, window theme and plymouth).  Any fixes?16:52
Milosshgobbe: If i restart ubuntu, it's not working16:52
Milosshif I boot windows, then restart and boot ubuntu, everytthing works16:52
K1ndMeerk4thi everyone16:52
mo---Milossh: and it works perfectly with windows?16:52
juniour_hey is there any one who tell me how to install java 616:53
Milosshmo---: yeah16:53
blzI should mention that the open source drivers play nice with it, but unfortunately I do need the 3d acceleration16:53
gobbejuniour_: ubottu gave you link16:53
Dr_Willisblz:  Theres some fix's out for plymouth. but ive never heard of th drivers breakign the themes befor.16:53
Milosshbut if I restart ubuntu, nothing is working, except skype16:53
Milosshand now, irc is working, but if I try to connect to another network, it won't connect16:53
juniour_gobbe i dident get it16:53
Milosshcan't resolve hostnames16:53
JragonWhat time lapse software is there for ubuntu?16:53
gobbejuniour_: what part of you missed16:53
Milosshso, only the services I already am connected to, such as skype16:54
juniour_gobbe give me again16:54
Milosshso, it's probably something with dns16:54
gobbejuniour_:   https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java16:54
Milosshhow can I test that?16:54
blzDr_Willis:  the closest thing I've seen to a fix has been to install an older version of the nvidia driver.  I think it was 96.something.  Are those older drivers missing any sort of functionality in particular?16:54
gobbeMilossh: when your connection stops working, do cat /etc/resolv.conf and try to ping one of the dns-servers16:54
Milosshit just did16:54
Milosshlet me try16:54
chris_osxblz: possibly CUDA support16:54
shingenubuntuuser: it's in maverick proposed if you want it now...  https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux-meta/
Dr_Willisblz:  i saw some plymouht thweaks  just the other day. I just disable plymouth16:54
blzchris_osx:  nooooooo!  that's exactly what I need!16:55
Milosshgobbe: I only see router address there16:55
ubuntuuserthanks shingen i will try it out16:55
Milosshrouter's ip, that is16:55
Galindarshingen: sorry to ask again.. but im not seeing anything that says gpu..thermal gel where?16:55
JragonWhat time lapse software is there for ubuntu????16:56
shingenGalindar: not sure, didn't see anything about how to do anything with GPU :(   first step is locating it... second step is seeing if there is a passive heatsink sitting on it16:56
blzhmmm apparently it also breaks suspend =/16:56
Galindarpassive meaning it's got the fins correct?16:56
gobbeMilossh: can you ping something, like www.google.com?16:56
Milosshnope, it's not resolving16:56
gobbeMilossh: whatabout nslookup www.google.com?16:56
shingenGalindar: correct16:57
kad_how to check how many total RAM does :  Graphic takes?16:57
Milosshgobbe: nope.16:57
gobbeMilossh: does your router answer to ping?16:57
Milossh;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached16:57
blzDr_Willis:  hmm I'll give that a shot, thanks16:57
Milosshgobbe: normally16:57
gobbeMilossh: for reason that is unknown, your router stops answering to dns queries16:57
gobbeMilossh: you could try to set dns-servers to your ISP's ones and try again16:58
TMKCodes_or google public dns16:58
gobbeMilossh: for test, change nameserver to
Milosshgobbe: someone sometime told me to try dig command16:58
shingengobbe: ewww, ftw :)16:58
Milosshgobbe: my dns servers are already to ISP ones16:58
shingengobbe: google dns is the root server of evil!16:58
gobbeMilossh: yes, in your router but not in your machine16:58
gobbeshingen: well, for the test purpose who cares16:59
Milosshgobbe: can you tell me how to do it?16:59
kad_can i adjust the "Video Memory"?16:59
gobbeMilossh: change the /etc/resolv.conf16:59
kad_i mean the Grpahic memory16:59
gobbeMilossh: change the ip to or
blzIs there any sort of bleeding-edge nvidia driver I can try ?16:59
blzlike an alpha or beta?16:59
Milosshok, I did16:59
Milosshdo I need a restart of some daemon or something?17:00
Galindarshingen: i see 2 possible.. both are under the long copper bar..17:00
gobbeMilossh: and now, try to ping www.google.com?17:00
gobbeMilossh: no you dont17:00
Galindarcpu and gpu?17:00
Milosshgobbe: mate, works!17:00
xanguablz try the 'xorg edgers PPA' under your own risk17:00
Milosshso, what is the prob?17:00
TMKCodes_Milossh, now find your IPS's dns ip and use it.17:00
shingenGalindar: long copper bar is most likely a heatpipe to a heatsink for cpu and gpu... might need to remove17:00
blzxangua:  will do, thanks17:00
JragonWhat time lapse software is there for ubuntu??????????17:01
roselushhello ,guys ,I have a question ! where is  the software which download to my ubuntu system by default?17:01
gobbeMilossh: ok. so it has something to do with your routers dns cache17:01
MilosshTMKCodes_: I don't understand. I already have my isp DNS's in my router17:01
Galindarok i have some gel ima try it i guess.. hope i dont ruin it17:01
TMKCodes_Milossh, like gobbe said your router for some reason is not doing the queries17:01
bastidrazorroselush: do you mean synaptic the package manager?17:01
Milosshoh, ok. so now, I'm overriding my router's dns's and using my own?17:01
shingenGalindar: btw, you should try disabling compiz and other graphic intensive stuff and see if the gpu is cooler... might want to start asking for recommendations in #hardware too17:01
=== UNBELIEVABLE is now known as J_B
mehedimy rhythmbox music player shows....''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in'' how can i add it?17:02
=== kimjongil is now known as Oracle
TMKCodes_Milossh, yes17:02
Galindarshingen:  ok tyvm for your help. i have not enabled any graphically intensive settings. fresh install.17:02
roselushbastidrazor:      I mean download  which directory?17:02
Milosshis it wrong if I leave it ike this?17:02
coz_mehedi,   did you installl   ubuntu-restricted-extras17:02
TMKCodes_Milossh, it's not wrong.17:02
MilosshTMKCodes_: and, is there any explanation why booting windows fix the problem?17:03
=== desi is now known as Infrid64
coz_mehedi,     go to system / administration/  synaptic package manager17:03
bastidrazorroselush: what are you wanting to do? your question doesn't make much sense.17:03
coz_mehedi,   hit  "Search"  and type  in  ubuntu  restricted17:03
TMKCodes_Milossh, don't know.17:03
Milosshgobbe: is there any explanation why booting windows fix the problem?17:03
Infrid64I'd like to ask some questions...17:04
shingenGalindar: when the machine is on and closed, does it feel that hot?  your temp sensor might be burnt out too...17:04
gobbeMilossh: no idea17:04
roselushbastidrazor:      I mean: if I download one software , how can I find it ? in which directory?17:04
Infrid64at boot time I get "out of disk" and "no suitable mode found"17:04
Infrid64and then the system start17:04
Milosshthanks guys17:04
roselushbastidrazor:      I mean: if I download one software , how can I find it ? in which directory by default?17:04
Galindarshingen:  i havent put my hands on bare pc parts.. but through the plastic it is quite warm.. you can feel heat rising through the keypad lol17:04
Infrid64and I get the desktop and so on...17:04
Galindarit's like a mini heater and a laptop17:05
Infrid64what does it mean "out of disk"?17:05
roselushbastidrazor : I just to find this software which by my download17:06
bastidrazorroselush: download how? firefox or by a package manager17:06
roselushbastidrazor: I mean ,if I user the  "apt-get" command17:07
bastidrazorroselush: binaries are normally in /usr/bin and the configurable files will be in your home directory17:07
bastidrazorroselush: but still.. what are you trying to accomplish?17:08
JragonWhat time lapse software is there for ubuntu??????????????????????????????????????????17:08
roselushbastidrazor: I just to find my software which is download by "apt-get" command  for maintain by day and day later17:09
roselushbastidrazor: thankyou for tell me . I try to find it !17:10
bastidrazorroselush: i do not understand what you're trying to say.17:10
TMKCodes_Jragon, what do you mean by that?17:10
skorvany idea how to establish if a computer is on (bash scripting) by ping or whatever to turn into a var17:11
roselushbastidrazor:  maybe !but thankyou . I mean just for maintain by later17:11
bastidrazorroselush: best of luck.17:11
skorvi'm new to ubuntu... still learning17:11
JragonTime lapse software, like a stop motion?17:11
=== Oracle is now known as oracle
llutzskorv: ONLINE="yes" ; ping -c1 host.to.ping || unset ONLINE17:12
ox3aHello all , ./configure still is not working17:12
ox3aPlease someone help me17:12
shingenanyone know if ext4's journaling system can be rolled back using an easy gui, like opensolaris' filemanager & zfs?17:12
trojan_spikeox3a, whats the problem?17:13
JragonMy webcam is not being detected.17:13
ox3aI have installed the build-essential  but not working17:13
r4ffyhello i have a problem with the brighteness on my acer extensa 523517:13
roselushbastidrazor: can you tell me what's time now ?17:13
OffSethi everyone17:13
r4ffyi can't set the brightness what i can fix?17:13
OffSetim new on this channel17:13
trojan_spikeJragon, search ubuntu forum form help,, u may need a driver.. use the web cam make n model as a reference .17:14
ox3atrojan_spike, bash: ./configure: No such file or directory17:14
OffSetcan  anyone help me please17:14
r4ffysorry for my english i'm italian17:14
trojan_spikeox3a, sorry,, im not a developer17:14
shingen!help OffSet17:14
OffSetim triyin17:14
gobbeox3a: you dont have configure in directory where you are17:14
ox3atrojan_spike, i am doing everything right but not working.... even the ./configure --help17:14
OffSetto install ubuntu for my lap (qosmio 64bits)17:14
gobbeox3a: what you are trying to build?17:15
roselushwho can tell me what's the time please?17:15
ox3agobbe, C source17:15
roselushmy computer has no time now17:15
OffSetplease i very sad17:15
llutz!time | roselush17:15
ubotturoselush: Information about using and setting your computer's clock on Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuTime - See https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/NTP.html for information on usage of the Network Time Protocol (NTP)17:15
trojan_spikeroselush, terminal 'time'17:15
ox3agobbe, but ./configure --help command should work ........ right?17:15
OffSetduring the installation it crashes17:15
shingen!help | OffSet17:16
ubottuOffSet: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)17:16
trojan_spikeroselush, 'date' i mean,, sorry17:16
gobbeox3a: yes if you are in directory where configure is possible17:16
gobbeox3a: you cannot run configure just in random directory17:16
r4ffyanyone can help me please?17:17
roselushtrojan_spike : it doesn't to show17:17
roselushyou can tell me directly17:17
OffSetok ubottu17:17
trojan_spikeroselush, UK time = 17.1817:18
roselushtrojan_spike: thank you ,I must leave !17:18
roselushbut my time is : 01:19,that's very bad !17:19
roselushgoodbye!every guys!17:19
roselushI love you ,you are the one !17:20
OffSetso here i go, some weeks ago i installed ubuntu 10.4 64bits for my lap qosmio, but flashplayer is not supported nowadays for 64 so realy i can reinstall ubuntu for 32 bits but when it was installing it crashes(i dont know) it displayed a rectangules in black a freezed and that's all17:20
ox3agobbe, wait pastebin17:21
trojan_spikeOffSet, did it crash after installation?17:21
=== nixOverlord is now known as absentminded
absentmindedhey, any apple-like software for ubuntu that works plenty for an ipod???17:22
gobbeabsentminded: banshee17:22
absentmindedsudo apt-get banshee?17:22
sebastiasudo aptitude search nvidia17:23
trojan_spikeabsentminded, yes17:23
trojan_spikesudo apt-get install banshee17:24
OffSetno it crash during the installation17:24
trojan_spikefaulty disk maybe?? Did u delete the 64bit partition before hand?? So not to aver write?17:25
trojan_spikeover write17:25
ox3agobbe, http://pastebin.com/7eCdxvHY17:25
gobbeox3a: what does ls -l /home/file/libusb say?17:26
absentmindedtrojan_spike, is it intuit friendly or should i read something on how to use banshee?17:26
gobbeit is17:27
gobbeit's jsut like itunes17:27
OffSetno i didnt delete the 64 partition cause im a dummie and boot with win7 and ubuntu, so if my systme doesn't respond i don't know how to boot win717:27
trojan_spikeUser friendly,, but wouldnt hurt to read a lil about it.. If u want to know how to do something right..17:27
JragonI have had a look on the forum nothing works. D=17:28
ArachonI can't seem to be able to boot from USB17:28
trojan_spikeOffSet, can u get into windows 7 now?? What are u using to chat here,, live cd??17:29
OffSettrojan_spike so what do you recommend me?17:29
ox3agobbe, http://pastebin.com/HCSJW8ue17:30
gobbeox3a: try start reading README and INSTALL fiels, there is no configure-script17:30
gobbeox3a: so you cannot use configure ofcourse because there is no configure17:31
nirazioHow to check if current Ubuntu is 32bit or 64bit?17:31
trojan_spikeOffSet, are u on a live cd now?? and Can u boot into windows 7 ok?17:31
bastidrazornirazio: uname -m17:31
OffSetno im usin win 717:31
OffSetbecause i dont delete grub yet17:31
niraziobastidrazor: It gives i68617:31
trojan_spikeOffSet, have u got a cd / dvd that u can use to burn an iso on to?17:32
dmaxelnirazio, that's 32-bit17:32
OffSetyes i can17:32
ox3agobbe, they told to run configure command..... wait pasti17:32
trojan_spikeOffSet, kk,, do u know how to delete the ubuntu partition from windows?17:33
shingenanyone know of a multimedia IRC channel? looking for more daemons to install, like sabnzbd, transmission-daemon, mediatomb, etc, for my home fileserver17:33
niraziodmaxel: What is i836 then??17:34
OffSetyes i know but im afraid after that my system couldnt boot17:34
ox3agobbe, http://pastebin.com/nhzUk60G17:34
discozohanHello! I can't get - why there is no way to setup raid/lvm on ubuntu desktop 10.10 during install ?17:34
trojan_spikeOffSet, http://download.linux-live-cd.org/Super_Grub_Disk/download/binaries/sgd/cdrom/super_grub_disk_0.9689.iso17:34
gobbeox3a: where did you get that text?17:35
ahmadhesnihi 2 all, When I'm installing a file. I see this message. What is the problem17:35
ahmadhesniwarning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:35
ox3agobbe, from the installation guide17:35
absentmindeddoes rhythm box work with ur ipod?17:35
trojan_spikeOffSet, that link is for an iso grub loader,, live cd to boot linux and windows..17:35
bastidrazornirazio: that does not exist for an arch17:35
gobbeox3a: installation guide of what?17:36
ox3agobbe, http://libusb.wiki.sourceforge.net/Libusb1.017:36
niraziobastidrazor: Oke thank u17:36
ox3agobbe, this is the software i am trying to install17:36
absentmindedwill rhythm box suffice as an ipod manager... banshee doesn't even recognize music17:36
trojan_spikeOffSet, http://en.kioskea.net/faq/2677-super-grub-disk-live-cd   .. This is the grubloader site,, for more info on using it,, its straight forward tho17:37
OffSetok, this can helpme if i couldnt boot right?,  so then delete the 64bits partition and if my lap doens't boot ill use grub disk17:37
gobbeox3a: if you have build-essentials metapackage downloaded and your package provides configure-scripts it's working, however your package doesn't have them. You could try to look configure.ac file and see what it does contain17:38
trojan_spikeOffSet, yes,, the grub loader will into windows..17:38
mehedimy rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.'' what can i do?17:38
ahmadhesniWhat is the problem!!! :  warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:38
trojan_spikewill boot into windows17:38
wwriveHello. How can I reset the top panel to the default mode?17:39
ubottuTo reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »17:39
absentmindedmehedi, ubuntu software center.... look for gstreamer plugins i usually install most of the recognizable ones17:39
trojan_spikeOffSet, u shouldnt have any probs tho.. Once the 32bit grub is installed it will work,, I gota go now.. So any last questions before that?17:39
friesei have ubuntu server 10.10 with icewm on a hp t5710 thin client ( 1.2ghz tm efficeon, 512mb ram, crappy old ati integrated graphics), i already tried vlc but its too slow to play videos, anyone knows a very lightweight video player?17:40
Bennagecan anyone tell me what happens if I interrupt a DD zeroing out command on a 1.5tb disk?17:40
bastidrazorfriese: i like mplayer17:40
nibbler_Bennage, it stops zeroing?17:40
friesebut does it play smoothly with that crappy pc?17:40
bastidrazorfriese: i can not see the future.17:41
mehedithere has several kinds of Gstreamer plug in. which one will i install?17:41
Belial`friese, i doubt you'll see much a difference.17:41
ahmadhesniWhat is the fucking problem?17:41
absentmindedmehedi, which one are you looking for?17:41
ahmadhesniwarning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:42
IdleOne!language | ahmadhesni17:42
ubottuahmadhesni: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:42
absentmindedmehedi, what are you tyring to play? movies etc etc?17:42
bastidrazorahmadhesni: you're attitude17:42
mehedirhythmbox cant play mp317:42
Belial`friese, you could probably spend about $50 on craigslist and get a much better pc than that.17:42
frieseok, mplayer is better than vlc, but still extremely choppy17:43
MkS1992for playing file like mp3 you need a codec17:43
wwrivethanks Ubottu. Exactly what I was looking for. Thanks again!.17:43
ahmadhesnibastidrazor: hi, debian17:43
mehedimy rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.''17:43
friesethe nice thing about that pc is the power consumption of about 10 watts, also its fan-less. im using it as a server but thought of using it to play some videos as well17:43
Bennagenibbler_: it shouldn't permanently balls up the disk, should it?17:44
Bennagei need to use it again17:44
nibbler_Bennage, not physically, no worries. just mkfs it again and you are done17:44
Belial`friese, ah. i see what you're saying. well, i might suggest a lighter distribution than ubuntu. that might help you out a little. but nothing is for sure with that set up.17:44
Bennagebut I accidentally set off a complete zero of a biiig dick17:44
Bennagewhich is 1 gig takes about 1-2 miuntes, that's a loooooong time17:44
hum_does anyone know any good sites for opensource programs, is sourceforge pretty much the best one or are there other sites?17:45
mehedimy rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.'' what can i do?17:45
ox3agobbe, i have installed build-essential.... However, what should i do now?17:45
gobbeox3a: where did you download package, give me url and i'll lookup it17:45
ahmadhesniWhat is the damn problem!!! :  warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:46
ox3agobbe, http://libusb.wiki.sourceforge.net/Libusb1.017:46
nibbler_!language ahmadhesni17:47
ox3agobbe, git clone http://libusb.wiki.sourceforge.net/Libusb1.017:47
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ahmadhesninibbler_: ok, sorry17:47
Bennagenibbler_: It's to supposdlt fix issues I've got with a freenas box17:48
nibbler_Bennage, good luck with this done17:49
ahmadhesniTo fix this problem, what solution do you,  warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:49
dorbinHelp needed! wicd connects flawlessly when right next to switch, but not at all when a bit further away. I Have connected fine on the same HW when running XBMC on arch linux17:49
Bennagedoesn't like different filesystems eing made17:49
Bennageand the only thing to fix it is to zero17:50
Bennagebut in theory just the end17:50
bastidrazorahmadhesni: jaunty has passed it EOL.. you should upgrade to a supported version17:51
gobbeox3a: hmmh. i downloaded package, installed build-essential and configure works perfectly17:51
ox3agobbe, how you downloaded?17:52
gobbeox3a: it jsut took it with bz2 file, not from git17:52
gobbeox3a: your package doesn't include configure-file, and that's reason why configure is not working17:52
vpulsiveanyone ever get the same output with "Directories count wrong for group..." from e2fsck when trying to repair a disk using several different super blocks?17:52
wqapolJust loggeg in to my new Ubuntu 10.04 VPS. Nano, gedit are not installed, apt-get says it couldnt find them. Are there any other default text editor so I can modify sources.list?17:52
OffSettrojan_spike really thanks man, i gonna try this17:52
OffSet1.- unistall 64 bits partition17:52
eedywqapol > use "vi"17:53
ox3agobbe, oh my bad.... Can you give me the direct download link17:53
root_whats up17:53
root_anybody there?17:54
root_say hi17:54
OffSet2.- burn iso for grub (if i cant boot)17:54
OffSet3.- try to install 32 bits ubuntu 10.1017:54
wqapoleedy: thanks!17:54
ahmadhesnibastidrazor: my os: debian, release testing (squeeze) , Kernel Linux 2.6.32-5-686, Gnome 2.30.2 .  EOL !!!!17:54
hum_i cant find a dj mixing program does anyone know of one?17:54
root_i know it works on windows17:54
hum_for ubuntu?17:54
absentmindedquasi root man... any beat making programs that's free?17:54
root_you could use an emmulator for it17:55
hum_root: let me try17:55
root_its not free though17:55
root_i used a keygen/torrent17:55
root_its not that good but its the best i know of right now17:55
MkS1992need help with irc17:56
MkS1992I'm beginner17:57
MkS1992Where too start with irc17:57
hum_root: i havent had much luck with torrents...17:57
eedyMkS1992: so ask a question and maybe someone will answer ;)17:57
IdleOneMkS1992: what client are you using?17:57
ahmadhesniTo fix this problem, what solution do you,  warning, in file '/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 45634 package 'virtualbox-2.2':error in Version string '2.2.4-47978_Ubuntu_jaunty': invalid character in revision number17:57
llutzMkS1992: http://freenode.net/using_the_network.shtml17:58
IdleOneMkS1992: http://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&source=web&cd=1&ved=0CBUQFjAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.irchelp.org%2Firchelp%2Fmirc%2F&ei=RYIXTZqAAZPvnge_hNWdDg&usg=AFQjCNHDqaBMqZlfur1yYD6E0QWXp2zwug17:58
IdleOnesorry about the long link17:58
rocket16what's the way to integrate gogear muse with rhythmbox?17:59
IdleOneMkS1992: http://www.irchelp.org/irchelp/mirc/17:59
gobbehum_: http://www.mixxx.org/17:59
eedyyou are using mirc with ubuntu?17:59
gobbehum_: it's free and working17:59
hum_gobbe: ill try that right now thanks18:00
chris_osxMkS1992: are you running ubuntu right now?18:01
vpulsiveanyone have much experience with e2fsck?18:01
gobbevpulsive: yes18:02
visi'm thoroughly stumped with ubuntu. I've had an install of 10.04 on my mum's desktop, which frequently freezes due to some error with the ati graphics. I'm unable to sort it out, as it's frozen during updates and caused more problems which I can't fix before it freezes again. I've just made a unetbootin of 10.10, and I'm having the same issues in the live environment - presumably still due to the wrong graphics driver or somethi18:02
visng. is this a known issue?18:02
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visdoes ubuntu just not come with ati support out of the box?18:03
MaindotC-LTI'm trying to downloading network-manager for 10.04 from packages.ubuntu.com but it says "package not available in this suite".  What's going on ?18:03
visit's a fairly old machine, maybe 5 years old, with P4.18:03
vpulsivegobbe: im running e2fsck with -b option after superblock got corrupted, when i run it, it goes through, fixes a bunch of errors,18:03
desaiufirefox takes about 1 min to startup and then it runs slow. taking over 70% of my resources :( i have apt-get purge firefox and still the same problem18:04
desaiuhelp is appreciated18:04
vpulsivegobbe:  then when i run it again, it "corrects" the same errors again, like it didn't do anything the first time18:04
gobbevpulsive: are you running it on unmounted volume?18:04
xanguadesaiu: try a fresh fx profile18:04
MkS1992Thanks for link18:04
xanguaMaindotC-LT: you can find network manager in the ubuntu cd18:04
MaindotC-LTxangua: I don't have a cd - I need the .deb file and all it's dependencies18:05
vpulsivegobbe: no, it is unmounted, just a regular sata drive with a ext2 fs, i can access most of the data, but when i use it in my NAS, it will run for a while, then crash18:05
IdleOneMkS1992: you can get more help with mirc in #mirc. type /join #mirc18:05
vpulsivegobbe: it's a dns-323 NAS, but im doing the e2fsck while the drive is connected to my regular box, not inside the NAS18:05
Gizmo_the_GreatHi. I am pulling video footage off from my digital video camera using Kino 1.3.4 in Ubuntu. Does anyone know how to improve the quality - brighten, change colour casts etc using any Ubuntu Linux tool as Kino does not seem to be able to do it?18:05
gobbevpulsive: can you pass whole process's output to pastebin?18:06
AnggaDj98what are we talking on here?18:06
vpulsivegobbe:  yes, one moment18:06
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IdleOneAnggaDj98: Ubuntu support18:07
vpulsivegobbe: should be under e2fsck on pastebin18:10
gobbevpulsive: can you pass direct url to me18:11
vpulsivegobe: http://pastebin.com/3rixdaHS18:12
mehedi my rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.'' help............18:12
xanguamehedi: installed ubuntu-restricted-extras ¿18:12
MaindotC-LT I'm trying to downloading network-manager for 10.04 from packages.ubuntu.com but it says "package not available in this suite".  What's going on ?18:12
vpulsivegobbe:  so that was the first run through, and then the second run through looks exactly the same18:13
mehediya......but still not working18:13
gobbevpulsive: what is the excact command that you run?18:14
laura2is it safe to use 11.04 on my laptop?18:14
linxehlaura2: how do you mean "safe" ?18:15
AnggaDj98@laura2: alpha1?18:15
Qauzzixlaura2]$ Nope, it will explode !18:15
vpulsivegobbe: sudo e2fsck -b 1605632 -y /dev/sdc218:15
AnggaDj98laura2: alpha1?18:15
artuno need to use alpha instead you have aim to test new version18:15
laura2linxeh, to use instead of 10.10. Just curious18:15
gobbevpulsive: and if you just mount it again it says that fsck must be run?18:15
mehedimy rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.'' help...........18:16
AnggaDj98laura2: why?18:16
Qauzzixlaura2]$ The easy answere is "yes"18:16
vpulsivegobbe: no, it mounts fine for a while, then crashes18:16
linxehif you dont mind lots of updates (every few hours you could be installing lots of new packages to stay current, reduce bugs etc)18:16
laura2anggaDj98: just curious18:16
MaindotC-LTpackage not available in this suite18:16
linxehand if you dont mind instability / issues that might not be resolved for periods of time18:16
AnggaDj98laura2: for the unity ui?18:16
gobbevpulsive: well, that looks like hardware problem18:16
MaindotC-LTI'm trying to downloading network-manager for 10.04 from packages.ubuntu.com but it says "package not available in this suite".  What's going on ?18:16
vpulsivegobbe: which i would think would point to the drive being bad, but smartctl says its ok from what i can tell18:16
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Kjell_Chrhey fellas, struggling with a sound card driver here...  lspci | grep Audio -> 00:0e.0 Audio device: RDC Semiconductor, Inc. Device 3010 (rev 01), cat /proc/asound/cards -> --- no soundcards ---. loaded snd_usb_audio, snd_pcm_oss and snd-mixer-oss ... running mpg123 as a regular user gives no error, and seems to play the file, but no sound. running mpg123 as root gives various error messages (can pastebin if wanted). any ideas? been googling18:17
Kjell_Chrfor hours... :P18:17
laura2anggaDj98: Thanks, I'm just going to stick with 1010 until 1104 comes out18:17
aeon-ltdMaindotC-LT: why do you need the package?18:17
AnggaDj98laura2: ok, but if you want to experience unity just download the netbook theme18:18
MaindotC-LTaeon-ltd: because I'm trying to connect to a wireless network and I have no network access on that machine so I'm trying to d/l the package and install it via usb drive18:18
xanguaMaindotC-LT: no problem here18:18
laura2anggaDj98: ok18:18
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AnggaDj98anyone plays assaultcube here?18:18
xanguaMaindotC-LT: well i have no idea how reinstalling network manager will enable wireless18:18
MaindotC-LTaeon-ltd: I have one machine (this one) that is connected to the wpa2 network but the other machine doesn't have wicd/nm installed and I don't know how to copy over the wireless settings for manual configuration18:19
MaindotC-LTxangua: please read what I just posted18:19
MaindotC-LTxangua: is this the link you tried: http://packages.ubuntu.com/lucid/all/net/network-manager18:19
vpulsivegobbe:  i guess i'll try to reformat and see if it still does the same, i just didn't know if there was a logical reason why it would try to fix the same errors multiple times18:20
xanguaMaindotC-LT: download network-manager-gnome (gui) and network-manager packages18:20
xanguaMaindotC-LT: yes, it works18:20
MaindotC-LTxangua: I can't - and I just explained why18:20
xanguaMaindotC-LT: no idea what you did18:20
StavaWhere in my /etc/X11/xorg.conf file should I use 'Option "TrippleBuffer" "True"'? There are lots of sections there!18:21
MaindotC-LTxangua: thank you very much - do you know if there are any dependencies18:21
MaindotC-LTxangua: nevermind I was able to find the page that lists the dependencies18:22
MaindotC-LTxangua: thank you for your help - I don't know why it was directing me to the wrong page18:22
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mehedimy rhythmbox player shows...''Your GStreamer installation is missing a plug-in.'' help...........18:23
JoeMofknDothey I'm having trouble getting my machine running 10.10 to play sound out of the onboard optical but it plays out of the headphone output18:26
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cgcardonahow can I check what group a user is part of?18:27
vpulsivecgcardona:  type groups at the command prompt as that user18:28
ZykoticK9cgcardona, if you are the user - type "groups" in a terminal.  If not "cat /etc/group"18:28
Guest61795does anybody have an idea why slim does not want to start at boot time, but rather manually after I already startet gdm once?18:29
Qauzzixcgcardona]$ id <user>18:29
cgcardonawhat is the syntax for sshing into a server on a port? ssh user@ip.ad.dress -p #portnumber ?18:31
riddleboxhello, what do I have to download to get adb? I downloaded the sdk and its not there18:31
shookeescgcardona, I believe user@ip:port fits also18:31
Kjell_Chrcgcardona: yes18:31
Kjell_Chrshookees: no18:32
ZykoticK9cgcardona, i think the -p must come before the user@IP part so "ssh -p ## user@ip"18:32
popeycgcardona: ssh -p <port> <user>@<host_or_ip>18:32
Kjell_Chr-p can come both before and after :)18:32
popeycgcardona: or maintain your ~/.ssh/config18:32
cgcardonapopey maintain my config?18:32
popeycgcardona: so you dont have to specify it on the command line every time18:33
popeye.g. add a line "Host <hostname>" followed by a line "Port <portnumber>" cgcardona18:33
popeycgcardona: fill in those variables and you wont ever have to type the port number in when you ssh18:33
blue1how do you set the default media player in ubuntu? I tried this:  http://www.ehow.com/how_6197376_change-default-media-player-ubuntu.html  but when I stick in a CD nothing happens.18:33
cgcardonaawesome - thanks for the help everyone! :)  the ubuntu community rocks18:34
cgcardonaone of the better channels I frequent IMO18:34
ZykoticK9blue1, open Nautilus, then Edit / Preferences - Media tab - there is a CD audio selection18:34
itaylor57popey: good info :>)18:35
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blue1ZykoticK9: thanks that worked perfectly.18:37
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desaiuhow do i access a windows machine?18:38
desaiuvnc of some sort18:39
itaylor57!samba | desaiu18:39
ubottudesaiu: Samba is the way to cooperate with Windows environments. Links with more info: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MountWindowsSharesPermanently and https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/windows-networking.html - Samba can be administered via the web with SWAT.18:39
itaylor57desaiu: sorry I thought you meant filesystems18:39
Guest72910I purchase a verizon usb760 mobil broadband modem for ubuntu 10.04. I'm not able to get to VZAccess Manger to start my prepaid minutes. Is anyone familiarly on how to do this?18:40
Kjell_Chrdesaiu: what is wrong with realvnc?18:40
Kjell_Chr(apart from lack of encryption)18:41
DiamondciteGuest72910: Generally the included software of those USB modems are never usable in linux. Please use Network Manager and get up a Mobile Broadband Connection.18:41
desaiuKjell_Chr: it costs money18:41
Kjell_Chrdesaiu: the free edition does not?18:41
desaiuKjell_Chr: i'm trying to access a windows machine18:41
desaiusee for yourself, free edition doesn't have win7 support18:42
Kjell_Chrsomehow you need more than the free edition gives you?18:42
desaiuor win vista18:42
Guest72910Diamondcite, I beleave I have the software installed, but I need to activate my minutes.18:42
Kjell_Chrthat was the catch18:42
desaiuor win xp18:42
desaiuis there vnc built into ubuntu?18:42
desaiukde has this..18:42
Kjell_Chrworks on xp18:42
Kjell_Chrdesaiu: perhaps remote desktop, and rdesktop client?18:43
KM0201desaiu: yes, ubuntu has remote desktop built in18:43
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Kjell_Chrdesaiu: or you could use the logmein service.. should support different OSes18:44
scainedesaiu - Remote desktop built into Ubuntu is based on vino-server.  It's available in System/Preferences/Remote Desktop18:45
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scainedesaiu - But I prefer installing x11vnc from standard repos.  More features.18:47
PendragonI have a home buying question but have no idea what room to ask it in (I am a regular here in ubuntu) can anyone point me to a channel for home buying to ask a question?  OR, can anyone let me PM them a question?18:48
DaekdroomPendragon, you can try #ubuntu-offtopic :P18:50
PendragonThankyou Daekdroom18:50
the_cyber_guyi want to buy a tablet to run ubuntu with unity and multitouch, any suggestions ?18:51
skorvcan a bash if then else be in a single line?18:53
skorvnewbie question i know18:53
chills518I noticed yesterday when coping files from my ubuntu machine to my windows machine that it was very random on speed.  I was coping over 175MB avi files and it mostly copied at 2MB/s and take a couple minute.  Then there were times it would copy the whole file over in about 5 seconds.  What could be causing it to be so random?  how can I get it to be the fast speed consistently?18:53
niellaskorv : yea18:53
niellaskorv: just recall the command and you should see it in a single line already...18:54
scainechills518 : Run ifconfig -a on both your client and server to check for line errors (errors, dropped, overruns and frame)18:54
itaylor57skorv: its all whitespace to the bashshell, the spacing in the shell is more for human readability18:54
skorvi'm typing like this (probably wrong) if [ $? -ne 0 ] ; then HOST1="0" else HOST1="1" fi18:55
deek0146You guys know the default shortcut of ctrl alt t to bring up the terminal18:55
skorvcomes after a ping18:55
deek0146How do i change that (i want to to open up xterm instead)18:55
skorvHOST1 is var18:55
KM0201deek0146: i believe in preferred applications, set xterm as yoru preferred terminal emulator18:55
cgcardonais there any reason that putting my ssh on a port other than 22 would slow it down?18:56
niellaskorv: semicolons before the else and fi i think. like i said, just type it in multiple lines then use the up arrow to see how you would have to type it in a single line18:56
Kjell_Chrcgcardona: no18:56
skorvthanks niella18:56
chills518scaine:  client and server...  meaning ubuntu machine and windows machine?  sorry very new to this...18:57
cgcardonasloooow shh hell18:57
deek0146KM0201: Thanks! :)18:57
KM0201deek0146: np18:57
cgcardonathanks Kjell_Chr18:57
marechalHi. Can you help me? I'm on a Lucid system. I'm trying to mount an old-fashioned floppy but I can't. Hardware seems to be okay (`cat /dev/fd0` produces a lot of binary junk) but `mount /dev/fd0 /mnt` fails silently, `mount -t msdos /dev/fd0 /mnt` fails silently too and I can't access it through nautilus either. I need my floppy for a BIOS upgrade . Help!18:57
ziozizohi...How can apply an plugin for watch  DVD with movie player?....Totem requiest a plug in What?...18:57
scainechills518 : Yep, run ifconfig -a in a terminal on your ubuntu machine.  I'm not sure how to check for errors on your18:57
skorvstill learning bash... been using ubunto for 2 years and now i'm scripting bash :P ty for your help guyz18:57
scaine...server.  Didn't realise you meant Windwos.18:57
scaine...server.  Didn't realise you meant Windows.18:58
skorvbtw all my computers except this one (still) will be linux based by the end of the year18:58
chills518scaine:  I've been wondering if having my laptop(ubuntu) machine, plugged in with ethernet cable and wireless enabled would cause a conflict as well...18:58
skorv2 servers 2 3 desktops18:58
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »18:58
niellaskorv: you should perl on your list of "to-learn" :)18:58
itaylor57niella: I agree totally JAPH18:59
skorvi loved to use batch files in dos/windows so bash seemed like a good place to start18:59
skorvbut yes... i have some perl scripts as well18:59
skorvsimple stuff18:59
scainechills518, Nope - never had a problem with that myself.  I did have slow speeds just the other day, checked the server (in my case, another Ubuntu box), and sure enough - 27K frame errors.  Must be a fault on my ethernet cable or something!19:00
skorvjust working on ssh rsa keys and deployment... using bash (primitive i know)19:00
scainechills518, I have no idea how to check a Windows box for errors.  Hang on - I'll fire up my XP box and see if I can see a way...19:00
sspcHi, need some quick assistance with ubuntu. The operating system installed correctly (or appears to have), but doesn't start-up. The monitor displays a "no signal". (Ubuntu version 10.10). Any assistance would be appreciated- Thanks!19:01
MaindotC-LTwhen I install and run Wicd I get a message saying "AccessDenied: Connection ":1.33" is not allowed to own the service "org.wicd.daemon" due to security policies - what's going on ?19:01
niellai use shell scripts where it is simple enough to do so, for anything that requires more advanced parsing or complexity i use perl.19:01
a931bwBarba non facit sisadminum19:01
skorvthanks niella... appreciate it19:01
chills518scaine:  from my ubuntu here are the results "   RX packets:2737169 errors:1 dropped:0 overruns:0 frame:1"19:01
skorvi have perl scripts updating dynamic ip (namecheap in my case)19:02
aphrekhi all - can anyone recommend a way of displaying bandwidth in the menu bar (ubuntu)19:02
systmis anyone that is using the broadcom-sta driver (wl) and experiance very slow connection speed, specifically when downloading webpages/updates?19:03
niellasspc: try holding shift when you boot, then add nomodeset to the list of grub command line options when in the grub menu19:03
MaindotC-LTaphrek: if you add System Monitor to your panel it has an option to show network usage19:03
chills518scaine:  how I setup a connection between my machines.  maybe the way I setup it up is not the best way... I installed smbfs and then setup the connections in my fstab for a permanent share to the windows machine... not sure if that was the best way.. that was just the way I found online which actually worked for me quickly.19:03
MaindotC-LTaphrek: right-click on the menu bar and click "Add to Panel" and look for System Monitor19:03
skorvsspc: i would recomend that you try running the cd live... that will at least give u the idea if the computer is up and running19:03
scainechills518, That's fine... IF you're connecting with ethernet.19:04
scainechills518, If you're using wireless, then you'll likely notice that when you shutdown your PC, it will hang for 60 seconds per Windows share.19:04
scainechills518, It's a known bug.19:04
chills518my windows machine is connected with ethernet and my laptop has both ethernet and wireless going.19:04
skorvfurther you should see if the disks are ok tru gparted (thats what i use)... but mind the others more i'm still a beginer19:04
aphrekthanks MaindotC-LT, I was kind of hoping for a KB/MB per second view - but this looks good19:05
=== roberto_ is now known as WRX
sspcskorv: Live CD works correctly, just the installed version doesn't run. Is there anyway to find out whats causing the problem?19:05
intraderFollowing up with 'fan always on problem'. I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Anyone help please. Googleing show many people having the problem with 10.1019:05
skorvi still use 10.04 all the way19:06
scainechills518, You'll see "CIFS VFS timeout" errors19:06
niellasspc: try the advice i gave, or read http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1592485 if you don't believe me19:06
scainechills518, Here's the bug reference : https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/network-manager/+bug/211631?comments=all19:06
skorv10.10 had issues with vmware when came out... dunno if they're solved19:06
skorvi downgraded to 10.0419:06
scainechills518, So as long as you have that ethernet cable in, no worries.  Otherwise, timeouts.19:06
skorvsspc: fallow niella's advice19:07
scainechills518, Need to pop away for a bit.  Good luck troubleshooting...19:07
sspcskorv: Thanks!19:07
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chills518scaine:  I do see some errors like that during boot up..19:07
skorvsspc: dont thank me thank niella19:07
chills518scaine:  ok.. thanks for the help and link.. gives me something to look into.  thanks again19:07
sspcNiella: Thanks!19:08
niellasspc: sure, let us know if it works for you!19:09
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sspcskorv: Will do, it'll take some time. I'll report back in a few hours.19:10
NieSasHi !19:11
MaindotC-LTwhen I install and run Wicd I get a message saying "AccessDenied: Connection ":1.33" is not allowed to own the service "org.wicd.daemon" due to security policies - what's going on ?19:11
niellamaindotc-LT: sounds like PolicyKit to me19:12
MaindotC-LTniella: and what would I do to remove or fix this "policyKit" you speak of19:12
NieSasWho play Dopewars ?19:12
guntbert!ot | NieSas19:12
ubottuNieSas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!19:12
niellaMaindotC-LT: which user are you using to start your app with?19:14
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JoeMofknDothey im having sound issues no ound out of onboard optical cable but i can get sound out of the headphone jack19:16
beIItaanyone have experiance with a 10.10 guest in vbox?19:17
jahrrabeIIta: what's the problem?19:18
beIItaim trying to torrent in transmission, but the port is closed19:18
beIItai need to set up port forwarding in vbox i think, but i didn't know if anyone here has done it with sucess to verify19:19
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BajKAnyone owning a Acer Aspire TimelineX and having troubles switching from Intel to ATI graphics or backwards (hybrid graphics), I've got good neews for you. I am almost finished writing a script for that. It allows you switching from ATI to Intel or from Intel to ATI, requires a restart unfortunately.19:20
jahrrabeIIta: so torrent does work on your host?19:21
beIItajahrra: yes, i have a win7 host and uTorrent works fine19:22
zetterok my "cue" is gone19:22
compdocwhats the best vnc server to run?19:22
beIItai like transmission much better19:22
zetterby "cue" i mean, the letter that sounds like that19:22
zetterwhen i press q, nothing happens19:22
zetteri copy-paste q19:23
BuGo_laptopmaveric pulseaudio flash no sound. What do?19:23
balt11tis it possible for me to make an iso other than Ubuntu pen drive bootable?19:23
Kjell_Chrbalt11t: unetbootin19:24
SkaperenBajK: could your script be used on my desktop that has both Matrox and NVIDIA graphics?19:24
balt11tKjell_Chr, ?19:24
jahrrabeIIta: i never forwarded ports to a vm, so i won't be a big help on that. but can't you change the network of the ubuntu-vm to bridged-mode?19:24
BajKSkaperen: I don't think so. It uses a kernel module I found on the internet that disables the ATI graphics card since it doesnt make sense using the Intel while the ATI is still running and draining power. So you will never reach your 8 hours of battery life AND will have bad graphics performance.19:25
Yak40hey all19:25
beIItai am about to try that now jahrra  brb19:25
SkaperenBajK: actually I'd rather find a way to have both running at the same time, via their separate physical outputs19:25
BajKSkaperen: It shouldn't be that of a problem switching those two cards but without a respective kernel module there will be no power saving19:25
blinki have Broken packages on my system, how can i fix them??19:25
SkaperenBajK: in my case it's a desktop so power saving is not critical19:26
balt11tNo Kjell_Chr I need to make window on a lfashdrive from ubuntu19:26
Kjell_Chraa, windows livecd balt11t?19:26
Yak40guys - I just got my kid a laptop for xmas, but I cant update the OS.  I never set up a password for any kind, Ubuntu is asking for a passw19:26
BajKSkaperen: ah okay. Running both? hm... I think you can enable both cards and have them running and it should be possible having separate X servers for each of the cards19:26
SkaperenBajK: the mainboard has Matrox integrated ... A PNY NVIDIA card was added19:26
Kjell_Chrwindows liveusb even.. dunno19:26
BajKSkaperen: ah so you use them as two graphics cards for like two monitors?19:27
BajKokay that's a totally different use case than my script is designed for (switching cards for notebook power saving :P)19:27
BajKand since I don't have such a configuration, it's hard to test this for me but I'll look forward to finding a solution for your case.19:27
beIItathanks, that works!!19:28
xanguaYak40: the password you set when you installed it19:28
Yak40I didnt install it, pre installed19:28
SkaperenBajK: it would be enough to get both to work with the Matrox doing text mode and the NVIDIA doing X19:28
xanguaYak40: then ask where you bought it19:28
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vince__Hello community, I've got a bit of a problem here. I've just updated my Maverick Meerkat, and my eth0 is just...gone :/19:29
SkaperenBajK: e.g. let the kernel boot up with Matrox doing text, with the PS/2 keyboard/mouse working on it ... then fire up X for the NVIDIA using USB keyboard/mouse19:29
jahrrabeIIta: your're welcome :)19:29
SkaperenBajK: trouble is, when I try that, the non-free NVIDIA drive complains that it cannot find a video card19:30
Skaperenyet lspci sees it right there19:30
taherhello i install my graphic card driver from additional drivers but when i want to enable desktop effect an error occurred that can't to enable desktop effect19:31
Skaperenif I disable the Matrox in BIOS and boot up, then it sees it just fine (so it's not a compatibility issue)19:31
Linden940Want to do a check as I think I found an error on the system19:32
Skaperenvince__: you had 10.10 on it before ... but just did an upgrade?19:32
Linden940if you can go to system - About ubuntu on 10.10 dose it say you are using 11.04?19:32
vince__Skaperen, I did a regular update19:33
mongyupgrades shouldnt be allowed, not seen 1 go right yet.19:33
* Linden940 using 10.10 but its saying that I am using 11.04 and checking around it seems that others are having the same thing showing up19:33
guntbert!it | treppalle19:33
ubottutreppalle: Vai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)19:33
Linden940is anyone else having the same thing?19:33
vince__Wifi works fine, but it seems that my Eth0 is gone :/19:34
Skaperenvince__: which NICs show up with this command (do not paste, just summarize):   ifconfig -a19:34
taherplease help me19:34
cgcardonawhat step do I take once I have switched my ssh port from 22 to get the new port to take effect?19:34
Kjell_Chrhttp://www.alsa-project.org/db/?f=6d581338fc6b60bce1aaede5c08dd436dec13197  <-- more info on the RDC HD audio soundcard problem mentioned earlier...any help still appreciated19:35
linxehcgcardona: restart sshd19:35
Kjell_Chrcgcardona: remember absolute path19:35
Skaperentaher: what video card type is it?19:35
Kjell_Chror the init script should work fine...19:35
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vince__Skaperen, I've got eth0 , eth0:avahi, lo, vboxnet and vlan19:36
cgcardonalinxeh: that gives me Uknown job: sshd19:36
Skaperenvince__: so the eth0 is there ... but apparently not started or routed properly19:36
intraderHelp with 'fan always on problem', much appreciated.  I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Googleing show many people have the problem with 10.10 and various brands of laptops19:37
cgcardonaKjell_Chr: remember absolute path?19:37
taher<Skaperen>NVIDIA geforce  fx520019:37
Kjell_Chrcgcardona: killall sshd && /usr/sbin/sshd19:37
Skaperenvince__: do "ifconfig eth0" and tell me if there is an IP address, and if the word RUNNING shows up in there19:37
linxehcgcardona: sudo service ssh restart19:37
slikdigitI've got some wacom tablet issues in maverick I've been having a hard time figuring out - basically, the pen seems to get periodically 'stuck' (loss of pressure/always on/no click events) until I move he pen away and then back to the tablet19:37
Skaperentaher: do you have compiz installed?19:38
SolvedI'm trying to get the Mail app on cairo-dock. What account-type is Hotmail? (the options are: POP3, IMAP, MBox, MH, MailDir, Gmail, or RSS/Feed)19:38
Kjell_Chrcgcardona: what linxeh said. that is the "correct" way to do it :P19:38
vince__Skaperen, nope, nothing19:38
slikdigitthis happens to me on two machines , both 64 bit, with two different wacoms... I've searched and can't find reference to this anywhere19:38
cgcardonaKjell_Chr: :)19:38
cgcardonaalways wanna be on the up & up ;)19:38
Skaperenvince__: is an ethernet switch/source plugged in right now?19:38
taherSkaperen: yes i have installed19:39
oficina7I can't install java, what's wrong? aptitude install sun-java6-jdk19:40
Skaperenvince__: try the command "ifconfig eth0 netmask" ... then check again for its state19:40
SolvedI'm trying to get the Mail app on cairo-dock. What account-type is Hotmail? (the options are: POP3, IMAP, MBox, MH, MailDir, Gmail, or RSS/Feed)19:40
Skaperentaher: hmmm ... don't know ... this is about the limit of my NVIDIA knowledge19:41
Solvedoficina7: apt-get install sun-java6-jdk19:41
oficina7Solved I tried too19:41
oficina7that too19:41
Solvedoficina7: also try apt-get update and apt-get upgrade19:41
Solvedoficina: did you put sudo in front?19:41
vince__Skaperen, I'm noticing no difference19:42
Skaperenvince__: strange ... the ethernet is there, the kernel found it ... but even ifconfig can't bring it up?19:43
oficina7Solved I just wanted java installed, is there a simpler way?19:43
oficina7Solved say from .bin19:43
taherSkaperen: my graphic card work normally already and desktop effect enabled but i delete binary driver and install graphic card driver from additional driver and after that desktop effect can't be enabled how can i understand that my card driver installed very well?19:44
Skaperenoficina7: I've been unable to get java plugin to install into Firefox ... I wonder what might be broken19:44
Solvedoficina7: those commands are simple. do sudo apt-get update     then sudo apt-get upgrade   and then sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk19:44
vince__yes ?19:44
oficina7Solved waiting isn't :P19:44
Derek_RobertsI am needing help with the ar5007 wlan card. I got the right drivers my system detects it but i cant get it to turn on PLEASE help.19:44
absentmindedmy face was scrolled to the top19:44
SolvedI'm trying to get the Mail app on cairo-dock. What account-type is Hotmail? (the options are: POP3, IMAP, MBox, MH, MailDir, Gmail, or RSS/Feed)19:45
Skaperentaher: can you switch back to the old one and see if it still works?19:45
vince__Skaperen, Nope, this is very weird...19:45
psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, define right drivers19:45
oficina7I need to run red5, anybody knows how?19:45
sander_m__Hi. Can you help me? I cannot mount my floppy drive. It exists and is readable (`cat /dev/fd0` produces a lot of binary data) but whenever I try to mount it it says that the media cannot be found. I have tried with Ubuntu 10.04 that's installed on my PC and with 10.10 that I am now running from a Live CD. Both have the same problem. Help!19:45
Skaperenvince__: sounds wierd ... but if the kernel drive for it is now partly broken, that can explain19:45
Skaperenvince__: did you have an earlier kernel version when you first had it working?19:46
Derek_RobertsWell i ended up needing to use the ndiswrapper program than i found the only driver that would work with the card.19:46
Derek_RobertsI havent had anyluck with madwifi.19:46
trojan_spikePastebin address for pics some1?19:47
psycho_oreossander_m__, I believe you need to mount the right device as in its probably something like /dev/fd01440 or something like that. Its been awhile since I last messed with floppy disks under linux19:47
Skaperensander_m__: the command "wc -c /dev/fd0" done when a floppy is present gives you what?19:47
trojan_spikeOffSet, whats up bud?19:47
taherno when i want to enable that my graphical desktop can't be shown an when i use command startx in console ubuntu can't show my graphical desktop!19:47
OffSetagain man19:47
marionhas anyone attempted the sims 3 in wine?19:47
jahrravince__, Skaparen: wait, did i get this right, 'ifconfig -a' lists eth0 but 'ifconfig eth0' shows nothing?19:47
vince__Skaperen, do you think that missing dependencies can be responsible for that? Cause just before the update, I used that ubuntu-tweak thingie that told me that some packages were not longer needed therefore they could be erased19:47
mneptok!caps | OffSet19:47
ubottuOffSet: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.19:47
forsakensoulhey guys ... just installed ubuntu 10.10 on an old futsitsu siemens lap top but I'm having problems with my display ... it says my internal display is unknown and I can't fix the resolution ... any ideas how I can fix that19:47
wuluwasnt there an mdir command for floppy's ?19:48
aeon-ltdmarion: there is a list on the wine site19:48
trojan_spikeOffSet, so it frooze during installation again?19:48
Skaperenjahrra: I interpreted his meaning in the context of my command to configure eth0 then have him check it again with ifconfig -a19:48
psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, the thing is that you shouldn't have installed ndiswrapper.. madwifi is a legacy driver and should only be used if you wanted a specific functionality that you cannot obtain from ath5k which should come standard with ubuntu since like 8.0619:48
taherSkaperen:no when i want to enable that my graphical desktop can't be shown an when i use command startx in console ubuntu can't show my graphical desktop!19:48
trojan_spikeOffSet, is it the same disk as before?? or did u use a differ 1?19:48
Skaperenvince__: you did "ifconfig eth0" after doing "ifconfig eth0 netmask" ... right?19:49
Derek_RobertsWell i still cant figure out how to turn the card on.19:49
vince__jahrra, eth0 shows in both after both commands, but it's just not working19:49
sander_m__psycho_oreos: I have multiple /dev/fd0uXXXX devices. How do I know which one to use?19:49
checkhola alguien habla español19:49
OffSeta deleted the swap and ext3 partition of 64 bits, after that  i tried installed the 32 bit 10.10 but again it crached in the installation during cheching the batery status19:49
Skaperenvince__: because the larger command to configure is expected to output nothing19:49
mneptok!es | check19:49
ubottucheck: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.19:49
psycho_oreossander_m__, the XXXX format specifies the type of disk it is or maybe the drive.. I'd try 1440 or something like that19:50
Skaperenvince__: but what I'm interested in is whether the IP address shows up after configuring it, and if "RUNNING" shows up with the cable connecting it to something active19:50
aeon-ltdOffSet: deleted how?19:50
vince__Skaperen, yes I did19:50
trojan_spikeOffSet, u should have the main power in when installing,,19:50
wulusander tried mdir command?19:50
vince__Skaperen,  Nope, no ip adress nor any running showing up19:50
Skaperenvince__: at this point if I had that situation, I'd be reverting the kernel to an older version I knew it had been working with19:50
doug_So I'm installing nvidia drivers from the vendor provided .run file and they work fine after installing, however after rebooting I need to drop down to a TTY and install the drivers again before X will start... Any ideas why that is?19:50
trojan_spikeOffSet, first things first,, what windows are you using??19:51
sander_m__wulu: Can't open /dev/fd0: Device or resource busy. Cannot initialize 'A:'. It's not mounted. I checked.19:51
psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, the thing is if you have installed ndiswrapper, ndiswrapper expects you to have the inf file along with its accompanying dependencies such as sys files to be loaded prior to the driver (ndiswrapper) being loaded into kernel19:52
doug__So I'm installing nvidia drivers from the vendor provided .run file and they work fine after installing, however after rebooting I need to drop down to a TTY and install the drivers again before X will start... Any ideas why that is?19:52
forsakensoulhey guys ... just installed ubuntu 10.10 on my old fijitsu siemens ... and it can't find my internal display ... showing it as unknown and I'm stuck with a resolution that leaves out half my desktop - any idea how I can fix that? thanks19:52
mneptoktrojan_spike: the Windows version will not affect Ubuntu installation, if there is enough free disk space already available. Windows support is in ##windows.19:52
OffSetim using win 7 ultimate edition19:52
Skaperensander_m__: try all of the /dev/fd0uXXXX devices19:52
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taherSkaperen:can you help me?19:52
* Skaperen has no floppy drives on any machine, home or work, to test19:52
Derek_Robertspsycho_oreos, How do i do that?19:52
trojan_spikemneptok, yes i know,, i know what im saying19:52
jahrravince__: really strange. before reverting to an older kernel, i would 'sudo ifconfig eth0 down' and 'sudo ifconfig eth0 up' give a rey19:52
psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, which version or release of ubuntu do you have running right now?19:53
Skaperentaher: it's beyond my knowledge ... I know too little about video drivers19:53
mneptokOffSet: did you check the md5sum of the i686 .iso you dowloaded, burn at the slowest speed possible, and run the media check from the Ubuntu boot menu?19:53
trojan_spikeOffSet, have u got the installation disk?? You'll want to fix windows and be able to boot into that..19:53
Skaperentaher: especially the proprietary ones19:53
psycho_oreostaher, chances are your video chipset/card isn't supported19:53
Skaperenjeffwyeh*: isn't that excessive?19:53
oficina7bogdomania helped me install java, bogdomania is awesome lol19:53
Derek_Robertspsycho_oreos< I have 10.10 but i am running in Windows right now as my wifi in ubuntu does not work.19:54
mneptoktrojan_spike / OffSet: fixing Windows issues is not a topic for this channel.19:54
trojan_spikemneptok, give it a rest,, its a ubutnu problem19:54
OffSetthats the problem i cant acces the menu of the disk19:54
taher<psycho_oreos> My video card driver is not supported?19:54
psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, ok what I would suggest you to do is to uninstall ndiswrapper.. and then uninstall madwifi if its installed through something like jockey/hardware drivers or something like that19:54
sabribrothers, how do to resolve this expression :(19:54
sabriupdate-alternatives: using /usr/bin/bison.yacc to provide /usr/bin/yacc (yacc) in auto mode.19:54
Diverdudeis it correctly understood that if no namespace in a tag is specified, the rules defined in the xsd pointed to by the noNamespaceSchemaLocation attribute is used?19:54
sander_m__Skaperen: Tried them all. Either I get " mount: /dev/fd0uXXX is not a valid block device" or I get "mount: /dev/fd0uXXX: can't read superblock"19:55
psycho_oreostaher, probably.. pastebin (not paste) your `lspci -nnk' output19:55
vince__jahrra, Skaperen , i've had no luck so far...i've removed some packages just before the update, do you think that one of these could be responsible ? http://bayimg.com/DabePAadn19:55
sabriam doing : update-alternative --auto /bin/bison.yacc but dont work :(19:55
Derek_Robertspsycho_oreos,Alrighty i will give that a shot thanks.19:55
Skaperensander_m__: try them all with the "wc -c" command (name of device after the -c with a space apart)19:55
psycho_oreossander_m__, you might need to specify the fstype.. like `mount -t vfat /dev/fd0u1440 /media/floppy'19:55
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trojan_spikeOffSet, see my PM19:56
mneptoktrojan_spike: this channel's policies of Ubuntu support only are not mandated by me. but they are the policies.19:56
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psycho_oreosDerek_Roberts, once you get those set, check to see if you have ath5k attached to atheros card via `lspci -nnk' and then `lsmod| grep ath5k'19:56
Skaperenvince__: possibly, but if eth0 shows up in the list, you should be able to manually make it work with ifconfig19:57
intraderAnyone,  'fan always on problem', much appreciated.  I was hoping that adding acpi_osi=Linux to GRUB CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT. But no luck. Googleing show many people have the problem with 10.10 and various brands of laptops19:57
DominoDriveHi im folowing a installation guide who tells me to do  "lzm2dir"  But Ubuntu does not seem to accept that as a command. Is there any way to fix this?19:57
Skaperenvince__: since that fails, the kernel isn't handling it right ... possible network manager hosed it, but unlikely19:57
psycho_oreosDominoDrive, you need to install the program first19:57
sander_m__psycho_oreos: I tried them all with `-t msdos`19:57
jahrravince__: what Skaperen says. although none of the listed packages sticks to my eye19:58
DominoDrivepsycho_oreos as i understood this is a part of the installation of the program19:58
Skaperenvince__: can you disable wireless and reboot to see if that makes a difference?  (otherwise I would try the older kernel version)19:58
psycho_oreossander_m__, I don't think msdos is a valid fstype.. you can verify that via `grep msdos /proc/filesystems| wc -l`19:58
DominoDrivepsycho_oreos or do u mean that the "lzm2dir" rewuiers a program?19:59
trojan_spikemneptok, and when they run side by side and the problem occurred from ubuntu ,, which OS is to blame?19:59
psycho_oreosDominoDrive, well lzm isn't provided to ubuntu by default but can be installed separately so you might want to consider using something like apt-get/aptitude for example to install the package which provides lzm2dir19:59
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vince__Skaperen, jahrra , I'll try to reboot, brb19:59
=== shookees is now known as ZNC_shookees
mneptoktrojan_spike: it doesn't matter. diagnosing and fixing Windows issues is off-topic for this channel.20:00
DominoDrivepsycho_oreos do u know any packade that provides it?20:00
psycho_oreosDominoDrive, not off my head, but you might want to try using `apt-cache search foo'20:00
trojan_spikemneptok, no its not20:01
sander_m__psycho_oreos: msdos is a valid filesystem on 10.10 LieCD (your command returns "1")20:01
Skaperensome day I need to collect and clean up my sysadmin command tools, and make a package of them ... they are useful for diagnosing some types of issues, such as networking20:01
trojan_spikemneptok, its a common problem..20:01
mneptoktrojan_spike: please /join #ubuntu-ops to discuss this further.20:01
sander_m__Skaperen: `wc -c` on all devices either returns "No such device or address" or "Input/output error"20:01
Skaperensander_m__: is there a pattern to which ones have the I/O error?20:02
mkquist_anyone know of a good yahoo chat client for ubuntu? one that might support file sending?20:04
siddhionhello. does anyone know where I can find a full list of countries in which using openssh-server is illegal?20:05
siddhionI want to use it to do pair programming20:05
Skaperensiddhion: google for "openssh north korea"20:05
duron23hmmm !! Is using openssh-server illegal in some countries ?20:06
ErenI have copied 10.10-desktop-i386 image to my flash disk with dd, but it is not bootable20:06
sander_m__Skaperen: The I/O error ones are: fd0u1120, fd0u1600, fd0u1722, fd0u1760, fd0u1920, fd0720 and fd0u820. The other ones are "No such device or address"20:06
Erenis there any suggestions?20:06
ErenI fail to boot it20:06
sander_m__Skaperen: I don't zee a pattern in that20:06
Skaperenduron23: rumor is that it is now illegal, by side effect, in france20:06
aeon-ltdEren: check bios20:06
perlmonkey2What could have gone wrong and any ideas how to fix it, when I open Places->any folder rythmbox opens.20:06
Erenaeon-ltd: double checked with different computers20:06
Skaperensander_m__: repeat the effort w/o a floppy in the drive20:07
aeon-ltdEren: md5 sum check the iso, doo it again follwing the guide?20:07
siddhionSkaperen, I did and no obvious list came up20:07
duron23security becoming illegal in some countries, can't belive :(20:07
psycho_oreosEren, use unetbootin20:07
duron23anyway that was good info to know20:07
Erenaeon-ltd: md5 is also correct20:08
vince__Skaperen, jahrra I'm back. I started with an older kernel, auto eth0 show up in the network manager but won't connect20:08
Skaperenduron23: was happening as a result of laws being made that require certain backdoors, of which openssh will not have20:08
wulusander tried that already? sudo mount -t vfat /dev/fd0 /mnt/20:08
jahrraSkaparen: the possibility to change IP-adress/subnetmask via 'ifconfig eth0 netmask'-command was new to me. can i also change it back to dhcp the same way (and if, how?or will i need to modify /etc/network/interfaces?20:08
Erenok, but shouldn't dd be enough?20:09
wqapolIn my Ubuntu 10.04 VPS I need to see al my running processes, including daemons, how can I see them?20:09
psycho_oreoswulu, I believe sander_m__ has already tried that20:09
Erenwhy should I use unetbootin20:09
Skaperenvince__: the default network manager doesn't know how to make both networks route properly at the same time20:09
duron23oooh, yeah for the same reason India was above to ban blackberry service, Now I understand20:09
wuluk didn follow it all :D20:09
psycho_oreosEren, that would only work if the file you downloaded is an actual img file not iso.. iso and img formats are quite different20:09
wulumaybe its disabled in bios20:09
Skaperenvince__: the big question, though, is does an IP address show up on eth0 now ... or after doing a manual config20:09
Erenpsycho_oreos: oh..20:09
manlymat183Does anyone know why I can't configure my Verizon Wireless Blackberry Bluetooth DUN using NetworkManager?  I can pair the phone fine but when I configure the DUN Verizon isn't an option.  And if I try to do it manually it asks for an APN20:10
Skaperenvince__: I've had to disable network manager and manually configure everything (using a script) to make multiple network interfaces work the right way concurrently20:10
psycho_oreosEren, also file can also differentiate the files as well for extra verification.. iso doesn't even provide a logical bootloader that runs off at asm level20:10
vince__Skaperen, Alright then, I'll disable wifi then try eth020:11
Skaperenvince__: I'd make a network manager of my own, but I don't do GUI programming20:11
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nikitisDoes Ubuntu support hardware raid 0 yet?20:11
Erenpsycho_oreos: then I am trying unetbootin20:11
satdavhow do I make other users like sudo20:11
vince__I'm really sorry to bother you, i'm no expert...not even a native english speaker so I can be confused sometimes20:11
pietr101hello, I've discovered an increasing amount of brake-in attempts at my ubuntu machiner. The only running service is openssh. Can you please suggest ways, how to tighten security?20:11
psycho_oreossatdav, you'll need to use visudo20:11
Skaperenvince__: do you have a DHCP server active on your LAN?20:11
psycho_oreospietr101, you might want to try something like fail2ban20:12
vince__Skaperen, How can I know ?20:12
wuluif its an hardware raid, why would the os be interested in that20:12
Skaperenvince__: is it a LAN at home or a LAN at work?20:13
pietr101psycho_oreo: ok. btw, and how about a custom firewall. which simple one do you recommend?20:13
utenteI am get crazy because after 3 days y have no success to create a bluetooth PAN network between 2 linux box.20:13
vince__Skaperen, home :)20:13
utenteI want ot do in commnad line, not with graphic tools20:13
Skaperenvince__: did you set up all the computers on your home LAN?20:13
psycho_oreospietr101, the built-in iptables is powerful enough, it just needs to be configured correctly20:13
vince__Skaperen,  yes20:13
Skaperenvince__: you have a router to the internet?  It might have DHCP enabled on it20:14
pietr101psycho_oreo: are they hard to learn to configure?20:14
vince__Skaperen, oh right, I know what you mean, yes it's enabled20:14
Skaperenvince__: now can the LAN reach that router by a wired or bridged connection?20:15
psycho_oreospietr101, nothing's hard if you are willing to learn.. but then there's always various apps that you can install and configure iptables easily20:15
pietr101psycho_oreo: i'm more like a programmer, but i guess it's worth to take a look at. ;-)20:16
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can type « aptitude  --display-format '%p' search '?installed!?automatic' > ~/my-packages », move the file "my-packages" to the other machine, and there type « sudo xargs aptitude --schedule-only install < my-packages ; sudo aptitude install » - See also !automate20:16
vince__Skaperen, theoritically i can but in my case it doesn't20:17
psycho_oreospietr101, you won't regret learning it :) it may seem hard initially but ultimately it becomes a very good learning habit due to the complexity. Its complexity is probably the equivalent to dare I say *bsd's ipfw20:18
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drmrhorsehow do i remap keys?20:18
Skaperenvince__: in theory is probably enough ... it probably is not working if "ifconfig eth0" does not show "RUNNING" state20:18
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cgcardonaon this page which logs are for this room? http://irclogs.ubuntu.com/2010/12/26/20:19
Skaperenvince__: hardware issues might exist now, too ... or kernel driver20:19
luxurymodehey all. everytime i maximize flash videos in ubuntu, the video freezes but the audio continues. im using chrome. any suggestions?20:19
vince__i'm using a older kernel now20:19
pietr101psycho_oreo: thank you. i'll go look at it right away20:20
Skaperenvince__: boot into a LiveCD (e.g. "try ubuntu ..." mode on the CD), open a terminal, and see if you can make it work there20:20
Skaperenvince__: that should be the oldest kernel version of the ubuntu version20:20
luxurymodescratch that, not freezing now. but it does sometimes20:20
vince__i'm starting to think it'd be quicker to have a fresh install :/20:21
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Skaperenvince__: I was thinking that, too ... BUT ... suggest the LiveCD test first to save the hassle20:21
psycho_oreospietr101, you might also want to run something like IDS such as snort if resources permit.. and if anything else I suggest hardening linux kernel20:22
pietr101psycho_oreo: what do you mean by hardening kernel?20:22
Skaperenvince__: if the LiveCD can't make it work, I'd focus on a hardware issue ... even a bad cable can do it20:22
karthick87Is there a way to check if a program is available in the repository by commandline?20:23
pietr101psycho_oreo: something like SElinux?20:23
Skaperenvince__: our pile of bad cables at work has about 20 in there now ... over a year of doing it20:23
psycho_oreospietr101, well more than just that, hardening the kernel by patching the kernel for various security flaws, etc20:23
vince__Skaperen, jahrra  Thank you for your help, I think I'll go for a clean install, it'll be neat and quick :)20:24
Skaperenvince__: well at least you get to practice the art of the install :)20:24
* Skaperen has done many re-installs20:24
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vince__Skaperen, I'm already a master at that art :)20:24
jahrravince__: good luck ;)20:24
vince__Actually, it's more interesting than a Win install :D20:25
* Skaperen even has an rsync server to add on all his cool stuff after an install20:25
jahrrakarthick87: i would go with the '-s'-switch for apt-get, e.g. 'sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk -s'20:25
pietr101psycho_oreo: well I regularly install ubuntu upgrades. that includes kernel. but that may not be enough. or is it?20:25
Skaperenafter I do an install, I use rsync to load a ton of my files ... some of which are scripts that load more packages, etc20:26
mongykarthick87, apt-cache policy20:26
Skaperenso I can get a machine up to where I want it to be fairly quickly20:26
mongySkaperen, could always use remastersys20:27
psycho_oreospietr101, well it might but if you are really concerned, I'd subscribe to various security mailing-list and trying to pentest your machine against specified flaws20:27
minthello, can someone help with choice of a graphics card?  I have interest to run a 64-bit AMD-based system.  It supports Crossfire, so I am leaning towards ATI boards.  I have used ATI graphics before and have to use the binary drivers to do what I want.  Are the binary drivers good and stable for recent ATI cards?20:28
Skaperenmongy: could, but my system involves more than just Ubuntu20:28
Ed_Moneywhere I can find what the command line statement is to open any application already installed on my Ubuntu machine?20:29
Skaperenwe have a multi-distro environment at work ... centos, debian, fedora, slackware, ubuntu20:29
pietr101psycho_oreo: sometimes I test various exploits. etc. look up exploits for version of my software, etc. can you recommend some of those security mailing lists? (i guess something like packetstormsecurity, nmap, securityfocus)20:30
adrian_kxmint ati drivers dont do crossfire on linux20:31
adrian_kxand arent stable at all:20:31
nikitisDoes Ubuntu work on a Hardware Raid 0?20:31
psycho_oreospietr101, I'd check backtrack-linux forums for a list of security mailing-lists/websites/RSS feeds etc20:31
mintadrian_kx  thank you.  so going with nvidia card wouldn't disadvantage me at all20:32
ghostnik11Having problems getting fastboot and advanced devices to work when trying to flash phone in Ubuntu 10.04 from terminal20:33
pietr101psycho_oreo: will do. actually i know backtrack a bit. I've been playing with it for a while20:33
ghostnik11Meant to say adb devices20:33
K4kI'm having an issue with text input hanging. Anyone have any ideas? This just started today, I didn't change anything to my knowledge.20:33
satdavdoes anyone know the info on how to set up vis sudo20:33
Coded1anyone know of a channel that deals with OTA HDTV stuff?  ATSC tunners, Antennas, etc20:35
scorch__is anyone familier with upgrading to virtualbox 4.0 from 3.2.12?20:36
nit-witsatdav, what are you trying to do?20:36
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nit-witscorch__, remove the old one install the 4 and load the .vdi still in the .virtualbox HD20:36
MrUnagiwhat is the best way to set up ubuntu in a virtual machine to accept incoming ssh requests from outside the network20:37
MrUnagimeaning, do i forward the port to the host ip address or will it actually work with the vm ip20:37
mintadrian_kx:  what I am interested in is running a pretty modern system with IOMMU.  I have dual monitors.  Want to run virtualbox/vmware/somesuch with Win7 as a gues OS, and have two virtual monitors in fullscreen or seamless mode.  this has been working with newer versions of vmware/vbox.  I tried in on a machine with ati graphics, and the open source drivers wouldn't work to give it an extra display.  when I switched to the binary20:37
mint drivers it worked20:37
satdavnit-wit: trying to setup sudo accounts so I can use znc and irssi20:38
pietr101psycho_oreo: btw. do you have experience with installing and configuring snort?20:38
nit-witsatdav, http://www.gratisoft.us/sudo/visudo.man.html20:38
scorch__nit-wit: cant i just do an apt-get install?20:39
Maahesthere is a weird bug: I did a find query with ubottu for a package and it listed libsigc++-2.0.-0c2a as the package that contains the file I want. File does not exist in the ubuntu package archives.20:39
nit-witscorch__, there isn't a upgrade from the old to the new, are you using the puel version from the oracle web site20:40
satdavdo you not have znc pro installed on the servers20:40
nit-witscorch__, if you want usb working install this one, after just removing the 3.12 http://www.virtualbox.org/wiki/Downloads20:42
mintscorch: what I have done is install a PPA into my sources list20:43
scorch__nit-wit:ok thanks20:44
ayush_Is there a way for someone living in India to obtain ubuntu stickers?20:44
j_ayen_greenI added a NAS device to the network and it appears in Places in networks, and I can drill down into it there. What I need to do is use a directory on it for simplebackup, but local directory, ssh and ftp don't apply ... how do I map a directory on the NAS to a something I can use?20:45
cgcardonaif I am sudoer on my ubuntu and I want to create a new user who has the exact same priv as I do is the syntax 'sudo adduser username sudoers' ?20:46
wqapolYep it works now !20:47
BajK_hm what's wrong now? the /sys/kernel/debug/vgaswitcheroo/switch does no longer exist?! o.O20:47
wuluj_ayen_green smbmount //nasname/sharename /mnt20:47
induzhello how can I do on line 23...I have already installed starDict and created a folder/directory named: shabdanjali20:47
nit-witscorch__, the removal of 3.12 will leave the original virtuals there the best thing to do is make sure they are off and removed without deleting then install Vbox 4 and build the new ones using the original still in place HD's20:47
FishFaceAnyone have a way I can tell exactly what video card I have without taking the case apart?20:47
psycho_oreosFishFace, via lshw, lshal, lspci command through command line20:48
FishFacepsycho_oreos: Thanks :)20:48
j_ayen_greenwulu: after I do that is it a folder in /mnt?20:48
induzfiles which I have on my desktop to the said directory/folder... i have alreday created the folder20:49
psycho_oreosFishFace, no worries20:49
luxurymodehow do i uninstall an application that i installed using wine?20:50
wuluj_ayen_green if it works, it should be mounted there - just try it, maybe you need username & pw20:51
mongyluxurymode, there is an uninstall software option in the wine menu20:52
luxurymodegot it. thank you, sir.20:52
luxurymodei also installed ffdshow codecs. theres no uninstall option for that in wine. any idea how to remove?20:53
luxurymodenevermind, there is an uninstall option20:53
luxurymodehow can i tell which windows apps will play nice with linux and which wont?20:53
BajK_Man, ATI driver programmers (fglrx, not the open one) are assholes -.-20:55
j_ayen_greenwulu: perfect. is there an equivalent to mtab for smbmount so I can automate it?20:55
BajK_The end of the story: You cannot switch the graphics cards, if you want to use the proprietary driver.20:55
IdleOne!language | BajK_20:56
ubottuBajK_: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.20:56
MrUnagiis ubuntu ssh ready by default?20:56
BajK_IdleOne: it's true. the programmers of the fglrx are assholes. it's a fact. otherwise they wouldn't make graphics card switching that hard. when fglrx is installed, the vgaswitcheroo does not exist rendering all attempts to switch to the power saving graphics card useless20:56
absentmindedMrUnagi, no20:57
nyRednekMrUnagi, define ssh ready20:57
BernardVMrUnagi: Yes ready it is, if it works out of the box :)20:57
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MrUnagissh server what i mean20:57
BernardVubuntu server edition is, desktop does not install it by default20:58
induzhow can i copy files to a directory??20:58
BernardVinduz: cp [files] [target]20:59
luxurymodecp file.name path/to/folder/newfile.name20:59
sampleeehello people20:59
induzmy files are on different place21:00
sampleeequick question cause im too stupid21:00
induzI mean on a different folder21:00
absentmindedMrUnagi, ssh21:00
luxurymodeinduz: you can specify whatever folder you'd like21:00
sampleeei wanna make a link to a permanently existant ntfs partition on my desktop21:00
absentmindedMrUnagi, command in terminal to use ssh21:01
BernardVMrUnagi: sudo apt-get install ssh21:01
sampleeeits allways there in places but not on my desktop21:01
induzdo I  needed []21:02
Danielc1234just installed ngnix on ubuntu, php is not working, how can I trouble shoot this?21:02
[thor]induz: no []21:02
absentmindedi love how the application freezes and not the os.... is that virtual applications21:02
sampleeeanyone who can help on that?21:02
nyRednekwhy is there now network manager applet in top after updating to 10.04 from 9.10?21:02
almoxarifesampleee: right click on desktop, see option to create link?21:02
j_ayen_greenwulu: ah, never mind, looks like smbmount already put an entry in mtab. cool. thanks for your help :)21:03
nit-witnyRednek, is the notification area there21:03
[thor]induz: if the target is file is EXAMPLE.TXT and the destination folder is /home/example_user/documents then the command would be --> cp EXAMPLE.TXT /home/example_user/documents21:03
sampleee@almoxarife: i do but the link is broken after reboot21:03
nyRednekinstalled ubuntu netbook remix for 9.10 then used update manager to upgrade to 10.4LTS21:04
sampleeecause of that huge number the disk gets instead of static name or so21:04
wulugood, dont know anything about mtab :D21:04
nyRedneksampleee, it appears to be...the pidgin tray, battery status, and volume control are still there21:04
j_ayen_greenwulu: heh. or maybe simple backup put it there when I selected the mounted directory21:04
lwizardlwhats a good and easy to use livecd for backing up partitions/full drives to image files ? (Hidden Restore, Windows)21:05
sampleee@nyrednek: sorry?21:05
induz[thor] I am sending you a screenshot of my downloaded files but I am unabale to copy them on a folder21:05
induzHow can i send a screenshot21:05
[thor]induz: post the link here21:05
almoxarifesampleee: would that be a link to a network drive/folder?21:05
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nyRedneks/ sampleee / nit-wit21:06
sampleee@almoxarife: nope just another partition on the same drive21:06
induzwhat is the website to psot it21:06
[thor]induz: try http://uppix.net21:06
sampleee@almoxarife: its in /media/HUGE_NUMBER_FOR_EACH_NTFS_PARTITION21:07
Beelsebobhey ho, got an old ubuntu install that I'm trying to upgrade, but sudo do-release-upgrade is saying there's no new release available… what's up?21:07
zmaydoes anyone know a solution for this problem http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=159388321:07
sampleee@almoxarife: and that number is different after each boot21:07
nyRedneknit-wit, as i was saying, it appears to be there...i just don't see network manager21:07
Jordan_UBeelsebob: What version of Ubuntu is it currently?21:07
sampleee@almoxarife: does editing fstab propably help?21:07
BeelsebobJordan_U: pass – how do I tell? (9.04 if I had to guess)21:07
sensisensihi. can someone tell me how to install imageshack utility? it is a tar.gz file. im nooob21:07
Jordan_U!version | Beelsebob21:08
ubottuBeelsebob: To find out what version of Ubuntu you have, type « lsb_release -a » in a !shell - To know the available version of a package, « apt-cache policy <package> »21:08
almoxarifesampleee: sure, go for it21:08
Beelsebob10.04 Jordan_U21:08
sampleee@almoxarife: i can assign a static name there, can i?21:08
luxurymodezmay, have you set usb as priority boot?21:08
induzhere is my files which are on download folder http://i.imgur.com/2c7zH.png21:08
nit-witMyRedneck try in the terminal killall gnome-panel21:08
luxurymodeinduz: i msgd you to help, but no response21:09
zmayluxurymode: my friend has this error, she installed ubuntu from CD, then at boot she gets this error21:09
[thor]induz: you want to copy all of those files into a single folder?21:09
luxurymodezmay: she installed from cd or from flash drive?21:09
[thor]induz: what is the destination path?21:09
nyRedneknit-wit, the panel disappeared, reappeared, no network manager applet21:09
zmayshe trys to install it from CD, sorry my bad21:10
nit-witnyRednek, are you hard plugged or wireless21:10
bsmith093is there a way to batch-remove album art from an mp3 file21:10
Jordan_UBeelsebob: The reason is that 10.04 is an LTS release, and by default will only upgrade to the next LTS release (which doesn't exist yet). For instructions on enabling non-LTS upgrades see the links you're about to get from ubottu.21:10
luxurymodezmay: msg me.21:10
Jordan_U!upgrade | Beelsebob21:10
ubottuBeelsebob: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade21:10
adrian_kxzmay did u try 64 bit edition?21:10
nyRedneknit-wit, nevermind...more than one user logged in, other user has it21:10
zmayadrian_kx: yes21:10
nyRedneknit-wit, i'm actually on with a 3g broandband dongle21:10
[thor]bsmith093: you want to remove all image files from a folder or group of folders?21:11
induzdestination folder is /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali/21:11
BeelsebobJordan_U: the instructions there are exactly what I've just done21:11
adrian_kxand still same error?21:11
nit-witnyRednek, ket reading you nick wrong sorry21:11
zmayadrian_kx: yes21:11
dabbillwhen installing updates from the update manager i keep getting this error, It seems that the daemon died.21:11
nyRedneknyRednek, it's ok21:11
nyRedneknit-wit, it's ok, even21:11
adrian_kxzway do an upgrade to the latest bios21:11
[thor]induz: cp * /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali21:11
induznow how can i copy those files21:11
bsmith093[thor]: no i have a bunch of mp3s with album art built into them. how do i remove all the art all at once?21:11
nit-witnyRednek, being from a trash background my=ny21:11
adrian_kx worked for me on my thinkpad edge 13 amd box21:11
induzthis I have to insert on my cli21:12
lighta[thor], are they the same format ? you could do a rm yourfolder/*.avi21:12
nyRedneknit-wit, it's ok...21:12
Jordan_UBeelsebob: What is the output of "grep Prompt /etc/update-manager/release-upgrades"?21:12
[thor]lighta: not my issue, bsmith093 is asking21:12
campbellgolfdoes skype work on Ubuntu?21:12
nyRedneknit-wit, i'm not offended...the only thing irritating me is the fact that sed-fu isn't understood here when i use it21:12
BeelsebobJordan_U: Prompt=normal21:13
bsmith093[thor]: by "built in" i mean that the art is there instead of the visualization when i open the files in mplYER21:13
* nyRednek has been a slackware user for years...doing this for ease of admin21:13
dabbillwhen installing updates from the update manager i keep getting this error, It seems that the daemon died.21:13
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BernardVnyRednek: I have only one ubuntu install, on my netbook and for the rest it's debian console...21:14
[thor]induz:you can also try the command " cp /shabdanjali-ubuntu/* /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali " if your CLI isn't in the same folder as the files you wish to copy21:14
induz[thor] I get this http://paste.ubuntu.com/547796/21:14
erniejuniorsomebody experienced with setting up wacom tablets?21:14
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Guest50505got disconnected.. was asking about Skype & Ubuntu and a decent webcam ($50) for Ubuntu21:15
[thor]induz: try my second command variation, with the full path included21:15
nyRednekBernardV, yeah, i thought of that...i'm thinking it'll be easier to keep things to one os21:15
nyRednekthis is the netbook i'm on atm21:15
[thor]bsmith093: that album art might be downloaded upon playback21:15
sionMy ubuntu copy seems really unstable, is there a diagnostic test I can run to see if everything is installed correctly?21:15
BernardVnyRednek: If you use debian for console and ubuntu for GUI it's almost the same indeed21:15
bsmith093[thor]: any way to check21:16
aeon-ltdsion: err unstable how? bugs are pretty common21:16
induzcp /shabdanjali-ubuntu/* /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali21:16
induzcp: cannot stat `/shabdanjali-ubuntu/*': No such file or directory21:16
induzI get this21:16
BernardVI don't use ubuntu server because in my opinion it's to bloated.. but that's just my opinion21:16
nyRednekBernardV, have you seen issues with 10.x not being able to boot from a unetbootin-made dongle(from the iso)21:16
bsmith093well actually in easytag i can see the art attached to the file i just cant reomve all the art all at once, and there are 280 files i want to do this for21:16
sionUnstable as in it freezes up and firefox seems to crash quite often too21:16
nyRednekBernardV, i really don't have any servers21:17
evertonMichealH is that ready for  ssh21:17
induz[thor] I get this21:17
aeon-ltdsion: how often?21:17
BernardVnyRednek: I've installed 10.10 on a advantech embedded pc with AMD geode for a friend last week.. for the rest I don't know about 10.x problems...21:17
dabbillhow can i restart the update manager deamon?21:17
aeon-ltdsion: like once every boot>21:17
sionlike ever hour21:17
erniejuniori am trying to use "more /proc/bus/usb/devices" but the command does not work because the direcotry "usb" does not exist. is there any alternative?21:17
[thor]induz: oh ffs.. that first screenshot was a compressed file, wasn't it?21:18
aeon-ltdsion: watch process manager while it happens21:18
[thor]induz: use "Extract.." and tell it to put the files into /usr/share/stardict/dic/shabdanjali21:18
sionWhy, what am I looking for?21:19
BernardVnyRednek: But I just walked in... you have problems installing 10.x ?21:19
Jordan_UBeelsebob: Odd. Can you pastebin the output of "sudo apt-get update" and "sudo do-release-upgrade"?21:19
nyRednekBernardV, well, i got it up by installing 9.10 then using apt go get up to 10.x21:19
luxurymodeinduz: im offering help in our private chat, but all i get from you is "hello" after i gave specific instructions...21:19
Bogus8When using screen where is the bash command history stored... it is different for each shell I have open.21:20
campbellgolfcan anyone recommend a decent webcam for 10.x?21:20
induzI am still figuring out where are those downloaded files21:20
BernardVI installed 10.04 on USB on my netbook and 10.10 on the embedded on USB.. never had problems21:20
trojan_spikecampbellgolf, search the ubuntu forum for best webcam to get21:21
sionI take it there's nothing I can do apart from reinstalling?21:21
BernardVBogus8: The history is saved on quit or in the active session21:21
[thor]induz: probably in ~/Downloads/21:21
[thor]bsmith093: i'm not sure where you would find those settings in mplayer21:21
Bogus8BernardV: Ah, active session... that makes sense.21:21
BernardVBogus8: So if you have an active session you can't use that history in another21:22
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trojan_spikesion, have u reinstall the meta packages?21:22
Bogus8BernardV: I got it now... just assumed it was written somewhere as it was typed.21:22
BernardVyw :)21:22
luxurymodeinduz: you're hopeless. i can walk you through using teamviewer or something. cant help when youre unresponsive though21:22
Tbruff13can someone help me please21:22
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trojan_spikeTbruff13, whats the problem bud?21:23
F3RR1STbruff13, what is the prob.em?21:23
[thor]Tbruff13: state your issue with as much detail as possible :D21:23
induzIts my brothers comp... I can not let someone go to his comp21:23
Tbruff13well lets see I basically have run out of space21:23
sionHow would I do that?21:23
induzluxurymode I know u r trying to help me21:23
BernardVTbruff13: Let them walk the same path you did?21:24
[thor]Tbruff13: delete files?21:24
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induz[thor] let me find out first where are those files21:24
siontrojan_spike how would I do that?21:24
Tbruff13no not like that i am duel booting and my computer has more space21:24
Tbruff13but ubuntu cant access it i used wubi21:24
aeon-ltdsion: reinstalling would not be best not yet anyway, update first to see if it changes if not, copy all important files you need from your /home and then reinstall and update to latest before moving anything back21:25
[thor]Tbruff13: so you created a partition, and have used up the free space there?21:25
trojan_spikesion, open package manager (synaptic) / scroll to meta packages , and choose to reinstall ubuntu desktop (i think its that,, u might be KDE) , but reinstall still21:25
BernardVSorry Tbruff13 my reply was for induz21:25
Tbruff13yes thor how do i am it to where i can have more space on this portion21:25
[thor]Tbruff13: gparted is the graphical partition editor21:26
Tbruff13i tried it will not work21:26
Tbruff13it gives me an error21:26
sionThanks :)21:26
induzI get Error saying i dont have permission when i try to extarct those files21:27
jahrraTbruff13: you said you used wubi, right? wubi usually uses some kind of virtual disk *inside* of the windows-partition21:27
nyRednekBernardV, ok, was just me then21:27
[thor]induz: you need to be logged in to the correct user.21:27
Tbruff13okay but how do i make that disk bigger21:27
[thor]induz: i have a feeling that your brother downloaded those files, and you are using your own account, or a guest account to access his box?21:28
BernardVnyRednek: Well maybe not :)21:28
rcmhi there21:28
induz[thor] how do i make sure I not just the user??21:28
MartYanu2ok, I formated the partition but if I am trying to recover the files...I can do that using a tool...can anyone suggest on how to delete them permanentely?21:28
campbellgolftrojan_spike  ... thanks! found exactly what I was looking for on https://wiki.ubuntu.com/skypewebcams21:28
BernardVnyRednek: But I didn't have problems... that doesn't say nobody has21:28
vince__Skaperen,  you still there ?21:28
rcmI have an ubuntu 10.10 server, how can I mount a VPS there? what sofware should I use?21:28
[thor]induz: yeah, that would work in the CLI21:29
trojan_spikecampbellgolf, YW21:29
petisnnakeis there a command to see all the ipś on my local network?21:29
induzit just says my name not giving me details about the account I have21:29
[thor]induz: right-click the compressed file in Nautilus, and select "Properties >> Permissions "21:29
induzor the permission i have?21:29
jahrraTbruff13: this might help you: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/WubiGuide#How%20do%20I%20resize%20the%20virtual%20disks?21:30
icerootis it possible to "copy" a usb-installation from ubuntu onto the harddisc without using dd and without resizing the partition? so ubuntu is installing the same system with /home and so on from sdbc (usb stick) to sda21:30
BernardVpetisnnake: install nmap21:30
Tbruff13can someone please help me install gparted  this is what it says gparted could not be installed Depends: libparted0 but it is not going to be installed21:31
trojan_spikeinduz, extract from where?21:31
petisnnakeBernardV thanks21:31
doriangreyHello trying to set spanish language on my ubuntu 10.10 but there is no way .. english still there21:32
induzI am so confused21:32
induzI dont know where are my downloaded files are21:32
vince__you have the list in your routers control panel21:32
BernardVpetisnnake: nmap is a network scanner, but you can use it for the goal you need.21:32
icerootTbruff13: output of cat /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted  please21:32
vince__provided you have the admin password though21:32
pumpkinubuntu 10.10, fresh install: why is /etc/rc.local not run on startup?21:33
W3ird_N3rdsomething is downloading at full speed from my internet connection, netstat doesn't really seem to help.. how do I figure out what it is?21:33
icerootpumpkin: ubuntu is using upstart21:33
[thor]vince__: that only works for boxes connected to that router, not the network as a whole21:33
trojan_spikedoriangrey, use language support from /system / administration  .. ALT u might need to install it21:34
Loneclockhow do i remove old linux versions from grub?21:34
pumpkiniceroot, and it runs all the other scripts in /etc/init.d. Except that one.21:34
icerootLoneclock: deinstalling the kernel21:34
doriangreytrojan_spike,  I did it but no way21:34
icerootLoneclock: the old kernel21:34
Loneclockiceroot, i think i already did that21:34
icerootLoneclock: the update grub21:34
Loneclockthey still showed up on the grub screen21:34
aeon-ltdLoneclock: uninstall the kernels in apt/synaptics, then update grub and grub should generate a new config21:34
icerootLoneclock: then21:34
trojan_spikedoriangrey, did u install the languages?21:34
W3ird_N3rdit's even filling my upload21:34
BernardVLoneclock: gedit (nano/vi) /boot/grub/brud.cfg (or ini of you run grub < 2)21:35
Loneclockaeon-ltd, how do i update grub?21:35
Tbruff13okay ill send it iceroot is their anyway that i can just see what you say to me so i dont get confused21:35
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doriangreytrojan_spike, i installed spanish and removed en too but english still there21:35
trojan_spikedoriangrey, reboot21:35
aeon-ltdLoneclock: update-grub21:35
doriangreytrojan_spike, i did many time but still engilsh is there21:35
BernardVaeon-ltd: Yeah that's the easy way :)21:35
Loneclockdoes it matter if i removed an old header?21:36
icerootTbruff13: calling the name is a good way21:36
icerootTbruff13: the line will be colored21:36
Tbruff13what do you mean calling21:37
icerootTbruff13: writing the name like i do21:37
icerootTbruff13: type icer and press tab here to see what i mean21:37
Tbruff13iceroot, oh21:37
icerootTbruff13: that is also working on the bash :)21:37
CybertrashI'm having issues installing UNE from a USB drive... Could anyone give me a hand?21:37
ComradeHaz`Hi all, is editing crontab with "crontab -e" OK? I get an error when I try.21:38
icerootComradeHaz`: and the error is?21:38
icerootComradeHaz`: and yes, crontab -e is the prefered way21:38
W3ird_N3rdI'm starting to worry now21:38
ComradeHaz`Scrontab: installing new crontab21:39
ComradeHaz`"/tmp/crontab.ayOzjq/crontab":1: bad time specifier21:39
icerootComradeHaz`: then your line with "* * * * *" is wrong21:39
cybertekhi, I am having problems connecting to my ssh server at from my pc at, can anyone help?21:39
rcmsomeone there?21:39
werehogpwnerAny way to mount virtual hard drive files (from VirtualBox or vmware) on Ubuntu?21:39
rcmcan I install openVZ on ubuntu server?21:40
icerootComradeHaz`: can you post your cron time line?21:40
ComradeHaz`I just want: @reboot /foo/baaaaa21:40
werehogpwnerAny way to mount virtual hard drive files (from VirtualBox or vmware) on Ubuntu?21:40
icerootComradeHaz`: @reboot is the correct syntax21:40
bogdomaniahey guys.. 1 quick q.  is there any plugin or hack to bring srs-like effects on linux, for any known player?21:40
icerootComradeHaz`: some special characters?21:41
Tbruff13iceroot, i set up a dialog view for you can you see what i send21:41
icerootComradeHaz`: if your editor is vi/vim use :set list21:41
W3ird_N3rdokay, Firefox was *somehow* eating the download, whatever the reason was. The upload is still high, I'm not upload 50KB/s to IRC21:41
W3ird_N3rd*not uploading21:41
ComradeHaz`Hmm, it's nano21:41
ComradeHaz`and I get an errror from nano on starting the edit actually21:41
mongywerehogpwner, try installing virtualbox-ose-fuse and mounting a vdi21:41
ComradeHaz`Error reading /home/tom/.nano_history: Permission denied21:41
ComradeHaz` 21:41
intrusiondoes anyone know of a FREE voip program that can make landline calls?21:41
ComradeHaz`lemme try deleting that21:41
induz[thor], I am back21:42
induzI get this  when i extract http://i.imgur.com/A3mdq.png21:42
icerootComradeHaz`: you are calling crontab -e as user "tom"?21:42
ComradeHaz`Yes, iceroot21:42
ray24Hi, I'm having troubleshoots with openoffice -- my program seems to crash very often once used and left opened after certain time21:42
ComradeHaz`is that incorrect?21:42
[thor]induz: what is the output of whoami ?21:42
mongyinduz, permissions.21:43
icerootComradeHaz`: no thats fine21:43
icerootComradeHaz`: ls -all /home/tom/.nano_history21:43
icerootComradeHaz`: the output please21:43
intrusiondoes anyone know of a FREE voip program that can make landline calls?21:43
werehogpwnerProblem is, I have to uninstall my previous VirtualBox21:43
induzI downloaded those files and when I try to extraxt them on a specific folder i get this screen shothttp://i.imgur.com/A3mdq.png21:43
ComradeHaz`Owned by root, group root.21:43
W3ird_N3rdokay, IRC was definitely not using the upload. There has _got_ to be a program to monitor this!21:43
[thor]intrusion: i don't know that such a program exists. Telco companies normally charge for this kind of connectivity.21:43
BernardVinduz: There are archives that hold user rights21:44
werehogpwnerI try to install the virtualbox-ose-fuse but it says i need to install my existing VirtualBox installation21:44
BernardVinduz: So if you extract one of those...21:44
induzwhat should I do??21:44
icerootComradeHaz`: sudo chown tom:tom /home/tom/.nano_history21:44
werehogpwneriirc VBox OSE does not come with the .iso for the guest additions21:44
BernardVinduz: sudo [extract]21:44
intrusion[thor] i know, thats the main problem i've found, was just wondering if there was a program around that had a back way round the charges. thanks anyway (:21:44
kittymitaDoes anyone know a good app for recording audio into .wav?21:44
kittymitaa simple one21:44
mongyinduz, extract it in home and sudo mv it to /usr/share/stardict/dic/whatever21:44
ComradeHaz`iceroot, yeah, done it21:44
ComradeHaz`Thanks, wonder wtf happened there21:45
mongywerehogpwner, this has nothing to do with vbox ose or additions, its just the filesystem support21:45
werehogpwnerI know21:45
induzRead line 2321:45
CybertrashI'm having issues installing UNE from a USB drive... Could anyone give me a hand?21:45
kittymitaYou guys remember the old sound recorder on windows?  Something like that21:46
icerootComradeHaz`: ok now use crontab -e as user tom21:46
iceroot!paste | Tbruff1321:46
ubottuTbruff13: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:46
ComradeHaz`yeah, all sorted, thanks iceroot21:46
icerootComradeHaz`: ok working now?21:46
mongywerehogpwner, there is no ose version no more with release of v4.021:46
ComradeHaz`(Though after all that it turns out I needed to run said application as root!)21:46
ComradeHaz`But yes, all working.21:46
werehogpwnerThe fuse package (virtualbox-ose-fuse) is still there21:47
miststlkrtrying to resize a partition on a fakeraid array and gparted won't cooperate, suggestions?21:47
mongywerehogpwner, its ose with usb1.0 support by default and usb2.0/rdp etc via the usage of extensions.21:47
Tbruff13!paste | Tbruff13 owner@ubuntu:~$  cat /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted21:47
Tbruff13deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main restricted21:47
ubottuTbruff13 owner@ubuntu:~$  cat /etc/apt/sources.list && sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install gparted: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:47
Tbruff13deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy main restricted21:47
Tbruff13## Uncomment the following two lines to fetch major bug fix updates produced21:47
Tbruff13## after the final release of the distribution.21:47
FloodBot4Tbruff13: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.21:47
mongywerehogpwner, all you are interested in is the fuse package21:47
Tbruff13deb http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu gutsy-updates main restricted21:47
kittymitaI'm trying gnusound21:47
kittymitawe'll see21:47
[thor]Tbruff13: use pastebin21:47
trojan_spike:( my tab on this isnt working21:47
mongywerehogpwner, installing that should allow you to mount a vdi21:47
icerootComradeHaz`: another way is to use a file in /etc/cron.d/ e.g. foobar and put @reboot root /path/to/script inside21:47
trojan_spikeoh wait thats it21:48
ComradeHaz`Yeah, I know iceroot, but for a simple call of an application, I prefer the crontab21:48
W3ird_N3rdokay... think I solved it.. a Vuzu ghost21:48
BernardVIndeed ComradeHaz` crontab -e and add the command21:49
W3ird_N3rdkillall azureus and killall vuze did nothing, but java was still running21:49
W3ird_N3rdvuze ghosts21:49
jitsesomeone knows good msn client for linux?  amsn OR emesene gives me no webcam21:50
kittymitajitse, pidgin21:50
W3ird_N3rdmaybe pidgin, no exp with msn21:50
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W3ird_N3rdiftop seems to be as close as it gets, an applications that tells you what process is eating you bandwidth doesn't seem to exist21:51
jitseno luck with pidgin eather unless i am missing something21:51
jitsedoes it work for you kittymita?21:51
BernardVjitse: aMSN ?21:52
werehogpwnerFTP downloads seem to be slow on me, but it doesn't bother me because I never download with FTP that much21:52
jitseno luck with aMSN with me. does it work for you, the webcam, BernardV21:53
werehogpwnerchanged name21:53
werehogpwnerbut doesn't seem to appear21:53
BernardVjitse: Not that I know it but google gave it at the first hit with: "msn webcam linux"21:53
skorvdoes anyone know a shell program that can clean a pop3 email account (purge all mails)21:53
BernardVjitse: You webcam works om linux?21:54
icerootskorv: mutt21:54
W3ird_N3rdor just skype21:54
W3ird_N3rdskype may not be msn but who cares21:54
jitseno, i see myself in configuration but when i try it for real it does not connect21:54
erUSULskorv: fetchmail? getmail?21:54
BernardVindeed W3ird_N3rd who cares.. IRC ftw21:54
jitseskype works ok with me21:54
W3ird_N3rdthen what's the problem? :P21:54
jitsebut i want also msn network21:55
jitsejust a technical issue21:55
W3ird_N3rdwell it would probably help if MSN didn't change their protocol all the time..21:55
jitseyes ,21:55
jitsei agree21:55
W3ird_N3rdyou could try to get a version as new as possible from pidgin/amsn/etc21:55
jitsethe b*sterds21:55
skorvi'm using sendemail to send emails from shell and it works great... tried mutt didnt work that well21:55
W3ird_N3rdbuild from source maybe21:56
Colin969JUst got the Ubuntu settings on my USB Working21:56
skorvbut if mutt can clean all mails from a pop3 account21:56
skorvi'll give it another try21:56
Colin969Cn anyone run me through how to... "Do" the installation21:56
icerootskorv: mutt is the best cli-mail-client around there21:56
Colin969And Partition the HDD21:56
icerootskorv: the client which sucks less :)21:57
CybertrashI'm having issues installing UNE from a USB drive... Could anyone give me a hand?21:57
iceroot!details | Cybertrash21:57
ubottuCybertrash: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."21:57
zmayi get HyperTransport Sync Flood Error when trying to install ubuntu, any help?21:58
icerootColin969: insert the cd, boot from it, use the partitions ubuntu is suggesting,  thats all21:58
mokokbuona sera21:58
Colin969iceroot: Its from USB, thats it? It handles partitions?21:58
CybertrashFair enough... I'm trying to install UNE from a FAT32 USB-drive, using the usb-creator tool, however, I get a "Failed to install bootloader" error21:58
skorviceroot: must be me the "problem"... but made sendemail work... so sending is absolutely done21:58
icerootColin969: like the cd, yes21:58
Colin969iceroot: Andthis is fine on an Acer Aspire One? I know it can Run LInpus21:58
icerootskorv: sendmail is not an email client :) mutt is an email client like thunderbird/evolution/kmail for the cli21:59
skorviceroot: but if it can go in and delete all...21:59
skorvi know... i only needed a app to send an email from shell21:59
icerootColin969: i dont see a problem there21:59
induzI created a folder via CLI so the permission is for root21:59
icerootskorv: mail21:59
Colin969iceroot: Thanks, Im installing it now, will reply if all goes well22:00
icerootskorv: with the command "mail" you caqn send mails22:00
skorvi'm new... so if it works and i understand it :P its ok by me22:00
icerootskorv: echo "my first mail" | mail -s "my subject" foo@bar.de22:00
skorvgot it...22:00
icerootCybertrash: have fun with ubuntu :)22:01
icerootCybertrash: sorry wrong nick22:01
skorvwell... ubuntu user for 2 years.... learned enouth to make my own server 2 weeks after my laptop was running 8.04 desktop22:02
skorvlearning each day more and more22:02
BernardVskorv: I use *nix since 1998, but still it's .... :S22:02
BernardVskorv: Started with redhat 5 (if I remember correctly)22:03
BernardVskorv: Ubuntu is "easy" but if you want the more hard core...22:03
skorvmy very 1st distro was redhat 6 but i had only one computer back then22:04
skorvnow i own 922:04
CybertrashI feel like a shitty spammer... But: I'm trying to install UNE from a 1GB FAT32 USB-drive, using the usb-creator tool to "burn" an image from the .iso, however, I get a "Failed to install bootloader" error.  I've also tried using Netbootin, and whilst the "burning" process works with no errors, the USB won't boot at all.22:04
skorvthe 9th is still to be assembled :P22:04
gelaThere's a USB device I plugged into my computer. How do I tell which device path it is? (/dev/name)?22:04
BernardVskorv: Also an "early" adaptor... *nix back then filled a lot of needs, but not the desktop need22:05
induzI have downloaded 3 files but unable to extract them on a folder22:05
rumpe1gela, try "mount"22:05
skorvi guess i'm a computer tech geek... with a passion for making stuff work....22:05
induzhow can i get in as root22:05
iceroot!sudo | induz22:05
ubottuinduz: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo22:05
erUSULgela: dmesg | tail -n2522:05
BernardVskorv: And now with ubuntu it's a leap in the good way in my opinion..22:05
gelamount works, thanks!22:05
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cybertekhi, I want to run a program every time I download email off my imap server, is this possible?22:06
BernardVskorv: tech geek.. I like the sound of that.. :D22:06
weed37induz, in terminal type sudo -s22:06
tlfHaving an issue with my ipod classic 80g continuously ejecting itself immediately after it says 'connected'. Its worked before today (no major updates installed). Ubuntu 10.0422:06
icerootcybertek: something like a notification-tray-icon?22:06
icerootweed37: please dont suggest a root shell here its not needed22:06
zmayBernardV: geeks use something harder then ubuntu :)22:06
BernardVzmay: Don't see my reply as.... well said enough ;)22:07
induzok now how can i move my files or copy my files from desktop to the folder /usr/share/starDict/dic/shabdanjali/22:07
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induzI have downloaded and extracted the files on my desktop to a folder on my desktop22:08
cybertekiceroot, not really, I wanted to run a program that downloads my messages from my other e-mail account22:09
urasomeone knows how to mount an hard disk22:09
doriangreyhi i am trying to configure localpurge on terminal but where it say "localepurge will remove all locale files from your system but the ones    │22:09
doriangrey │ for the language codes you select now"   in the menu i dont know how to select the language i need to keep.. double klik on it not work22:09
uraa new hd inserted22:09
icerootura: mount /dev/sdX /path/where/you/want/it22:09
icerootura: with sudo22:09
induznow I am as root on CLI but How can i copy those files from my desktop to the other older22:10
nit-witcybertek, is it imap or pop and is it a free yahoo account22:10
induz[thor], can u send me the code again for copying or moving those files22:11
Cainushey all...can anyone tell me how to upgrade firefox? the "check for updates" menu option is disabled...22:11
nit-witCainus, it is updated from Ubuntu22:11
Cainusk... apt won't give me anything later than 3.0 though22:12
realmerxcan anyone give me suggestions for switching control and alt keys but only when specific application (emacs) is active22:12
W3ird_N3rdCainus, go to repositories options22:12
W3ird_N3rdwait a min22:12
nit-witCainus, whats your distro22:12
cyberteknit-wit, its a POP3 server I download from, and not a free account, from my service provider22:12
Erenis it normal that I cannot play mp3's after installing restricted packages, and what Totem tells me?22:12
Mene-MeneI've got a bit of a sound issue, I'm using the onboard soundcard on my GA-H55M-UD2H, which is an alc889... The problem is it's an 8 channel sound card. 5.1 in the back, and two more in the front. The 5.1 works in the back, but the two in the front don't.22:12
ErenI have no driver problem btw.22:12
W3ird_N3rdCainus, Synaptic > settings > repositories22:12
W3ird_N3rdgo to tab "updates"22:12
nit-witcybertek, have you tried thunderbird22:12
W3ird_N3rdand you can enable Pre-released updates and backports22:13
W3ird_N3rdthat may give you something newer22:13
cyberteknit-wit, I dont want that. I have an iphone.22:13
nit-witCainus, http://alestic.com/2010/10/ec2-ubuntu-jaunty-eol22:13
Cainusahh boo :)22:14
nit-witcybertek, seems like iphone all is needed then  would think22:14
[thor]induz: unpack the files into a seperate folder, and then move to that folder, then use the command " cp * /usr/share/???????????????/ " where ????????? is the rest of the path22:14
Nikonyes hello22:14
W3ird_N3rdMene-Mene, System > Prefs > Sound > Hardware > check your profile22:14
infidhow do i get some type of main system volume slider?22:14
infidon my panel22:15
NikonTAR stops at 2.0 mb, how can i fix this22:15
CybertrashCan anyone help me? I'm trying to install UNE from a 1GB FAT32 USB-drive, using the usb-creator tool to "burn" an image from the .iso, however, I get a "Failed to install bootloader" error.  I've also tried using Netbootin, and whilst the "burning" process works with no errors, the USB won't boot at all.22:15
cyberteknit-wit, I wanted to use my .procmailrc to download email to my local unix server because I wanted to check only 1 account for multiple accounts22:15
nit-witCainus, you can down load FF4 though22:15
cybertekinto 1 account22:15
BernardVNikon:  get a good archive.. I think the archive is broken22:15
Nikoni mean tarring an archive22:15
Nikonnot untar22:15
[thor]infid: add the panel widget called "Indicator Applet"22:15
nit-witcybertek, beyond me for sure.:)22:15
=== Nikon is now known as zedkappa
infidthanks [thor]22:16
Cainusnit-wit: as a tarball?22:16
cybertekiceroot, can you please direct me how to run a notification-tray-icon every time I get new e-mail ?22:17
tbrockhey guys22:17
tbrockwhen i run apt-get upgrade22:17
infid[thor]: on the indicator applet what's that thing that says 'toggle or autostart'?22:17
tbrockmy ubuntu box is saying that packages have been left back22:17
icerootcybertek: just ask the question/answer my question :)22:17
nit-witCainus, yes just unpack it to home and click on the firefox named text inside the FF 4 folder make a launcher for it22:17
[thor]infid: i'm not sure i know what you mean, let me add it./22:18
iceroottbrock: that is normal you can remove them with sudo apt-get autoremove22:18
\\\Rick__Ricksomebody speek spanish?22:18
Random832!es | \\\Rick__Rick22:18
ben_qhello, I have a problem with my cpu-scaling: even with "performance" setting it will only go to 70%, not 100% :(22:18
ubottu\\\Rick__Rick: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.22:18
tbrockdo i want to remove them?22:18
iceroottbrock: that are packages which are installed from other packages which are no longer needed22:18
cybertekiceroot, ok, how do you run a notification script every time you receive email in your unix inbox?22:18
iceroottbrock: ah or wait22:18
iceroottbrock: are there anything like "hold back"?22:19
tbrockit says, the following packages have been kept back22:19
[thor]infid: sorry, that doesn't show up on mine.. can you post a screenshot? (prnt-scrn button to take a shot )22:19
pumpkinwhat is wrong with this upstart-script http://pastebin.ca/2030110 ? I try to enable power saving on SATA-links.22:19
infid[thor]: no biggie it must be fors ome specific app i have22:19
skorvi dont really need a mail client... for windows back when mail bombing was fun we had tools to clean up mail account... and all i want is that22:20
iceroottbrock: ok there is apt-get upgrade which is only upgrading the packages directly, if you install package a which needs an upgrade apt-get upgrade is doing the job, if you install package a which is also installing package b and both need an upgrade, then its "sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" else the package a is keeped back22:20
nullp0interhey everyone...i used to have that compiz package installed, and when i removed it, my screen seetings somehow got messed up and all the colors on my monitor are too bright...anyone know how to reset the display settings?22:20
Ryu_Kurisuiceroot: first apt-get update ofc ;)22:21
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: why did you remove it?22:21
icerootRyu_Kurisu: sure22:21
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nullp0interAnggaDj98: it was slowing down my computer so bad22:21
Ryu_Kurisuiceroot: You might know, but tbrock might not...22:21
iceroottbrock: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade -s to see what will happen if it is ok, remove the -s from that line22:22
tbrocklet me think about that for a sec22:22
iceroottbrock: also man apt-get will show you the difference between upgrader and dist-upgrade22:22
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: oh22:25
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: but you shouldn't do that22:25
con-man_if the built in archive manager won't unpack rar files does anyone have a suggestions for an alternative?22:25
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: compiz is an important part of ubuntu22:25
BernardVAnggaDj98: When I get a nullp0inter I say the same thing...22:26
nullp0interAnggaDj98: is there an alternate i could use?22:26
AnggaDj98BernardV: oh lol22:26
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: hmm22:26
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: emerald?22:27
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: see this article http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=39780722:27
nullp0intercompiz was killing my cpu usage22:27
nullp0interchecking it out now22:28
induzI have downloaded few files on desktop now i want to copy them on a specific folder what should be the commands22:28
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induz[thor], r u there??22:28
dnivracon-man_, did you try installing unrar?22:28
nullp0interAnggaDj98: no emerald in add/remove apps22:28
[thor]induz: yep, i sure am22:28
mattw_Is there any way to use the Minimal Install CD / USB drive with a PPP connection?22:28
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AnggaDj98no emerald...22:29
Ryu_Kurisucon-man_: Is rar files supported by default? check in synaptic or software center for rar22:29
dnivra!rar | con-man_22:29
ubottucon-man_: rar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free22:29
tbrockiceroot: my question is22:30
tbrockiceroot: i literally just installed this ubuntu22:31
tbrockwhy would i need to dist upgrade22:31
mattw_No thoughts on this?22:31
iceroottbrock: to get the newest security fixes22:31
[thor]tbrock: try to keep posts on one line. this channel scrolls fast enough as it is.22:31
iceroottbrock: dist-upgrade does not mean upgrade to the next ubuntu22:31
tbrocksorry, i thought dist-upgrade moved you up a release22:32
tbrockthis won't bring me to testing will it?22:32
tbrocki want to remain on stable22:32
nullp0interanyone know why i would be going into swap when all i use is google chrome, and terminal?22:32
iceroottbrock: you will stay on stable after that22:32
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: go to http://packages.ubuntu.com/feisty/x11/emerald-themes22:32
[thor]!enter | tbrock22:32
ubottutbrock: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:32
tbrockgot it, sorry22:32
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: swap is used when you use over-weighting programs like openoffice22:33
mattw_Basically I'm trying to install 10.10 from the minimal CD, however, my connection is pppoe... which means I need the ppp-udeb module... that is not included in the minimal cd22:33
tbrocknullp0inter: chrome is very memory heavy22:33
AnggaDj98tbrock: I couldnt agree more22:33
tbrocknullp0inter: but it also is very fast and speedy because of that22:33
nit-witnullp0inter, swap is important if you want to suspend or hibernate you can cange the swappiness22:34
induzI am follwing this but unable to extraxt the files22:34
induz http://www.ubuntu-in.info/wiki/Hindi_Dictionary22:34
induzplease help me22:34
CybertrashCan anyone help me? I'm trying to install UNE from a 1GB FAT32 USB-drive, using the usb-creator tool to "burn" an image from the .iso, however, I get a "Failed to install bootloader" error.  I've also tried using Netbootin, and whilst the "burning" process works with no errors, the USB won't boot at all.22:34
con-man_I don't suppose unrar has a gui22:34
con-man_unrar -e rar.rar does nothing22:34
con-man_no dash for e22:35
dnivracon-man_, after installing unrar, archive manager would support rar files.22:35
[thor]induz: have you tried asking in #ubuntu-in ?22:35
Braber01I'm trying to get my PC to triple boot Ubuntu,Fedora and Win 7 Which rooms can help me with this?22:35
induzI tried but there are hardly any one there22:35
AnggaDj98Braber01: wow22:35
induzwhy its so complicated22:36
Ryu_Kurisunit-wit: suspend works without swap ;)22:36
[thor]induz: well, unpacking the files to one of your own folders should be no problem22:36
AnggaDj98Braber01: which one goes first? Win7?22:36
induzI unpack them on a desktop folder22:36
[thor]induz: once it is unpacked, open a CLI, move to that folder22:36
nit-witRyu_Kurisu, cool I never use ethier22:36
induzhow can i move to that folder?? its my desktop22:37
induzwhat is the command to change the directory22:37
Braber01AnggaDj98 I alredy have Ubuntu and Win7 on my laptop, I just need help with the edition of the partions to get Fedora to fit22:37
[thor]desktop is /home/USERNAME/Desktop22:37
[thor]where USERNAME is your username :D22:37
Ryu_KurisuThe difference between suspend and hibernate: suspend keeps RAM active, hibernate writes to drive....and for allocation it uses the swap area <_<"22:37
iceroot[thor]: /home/username == ~22:38
induzwhat is the command to move  is it : CD??22:38
[thor]induz: if your username is induz, the command is "cd ~/Desktop"22:38
icerootinduz: move files? its mv22:38
AnggaDj98Braber01: no i meant which is preinstalled in your computer first?22:39
vikingur_does anyone know where the blobs formely in package linux-restricted-modules are now?22:39
induzis "cd' is the command to get to that folder??22:39
icerootinduz: yes22:39
Braber01AnggaDj98 Win722:39
Ryu_KurisuDamn...cd means change dir22:39
robmillernowcan someone help a semi-noob?22:40
nit-witRyu_Kurisu, that makes sense, with Ubuntu shutting down so fast and starting up the 2 functions are needed by myself I have 4 OS on the one HD anyway I switch around all day anyway22:40
AnggaDj98Braber01 Ok then now how many space is left in your HD and RAM?22:40
nit-wit*not needed22:40
[thor]!ask | robmillernow22:40
ubotturobmillernow: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:40
Braber01AnggaDj98 What command do i use to find that out?22:41
Ryu_Kurisunit-wit: 4 OS'es? which? (I know...bit offtopic ;))22:41
blueglassesinduz, cd is used to change to any directory, you just have to specify which one22:41
AnggaDj98Braber01 umm wait22:41
robmillernowokay.  I'm trying to replace the virus-laden Windows on my 60-year-old Dad's laptop...22:41
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robmillernowwait.  starting over.22:41
induzI want to go to my desktop folder called 'hindi22:41
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[thor]induz: cd ~/Desktop/hindi22:42
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induzI inserted the command /home/userID/desktop/hindi22:42
blueglassesinduz cd /home/Desktop/hindi22:42
OsakaFooHello, I was wondering how I would go about setting a+x to all .php files and nothing else?22:43
blueglassesinduz you should read the ubuntu file hierarchy map22:43
induzit gives me ; No such file or directory22:43
[thor]induz: folders are case sensitive, /Desktop is not the same as /desktop or /dEskToP22:43
Ryu_Kurisublueglasses: you miss the user in your command...if you swap /home/[user]/ for ~/ it always works :)22:43
nullp0interhey does anyone know how i can go from (Ubuntu 4.2.3-2ubuntu7)) to xubuntu easily?22:43
CyLEvening folks... I have a LUKS encrypted partition that I don't want to be automatically mounted on boot time, so I marked it as noauto in crypttab. However I'd like to make it mountable by a regular user by menas of an entry on fstab, automating the step of opening the LUKS vault. Is it possible?22:43
AnggaDj98nullp0inter you mean the interface only?22:43
icerootnullp0inter: you want the xfce4 desktop?22:44
blueglassescorrect Ryu, thanks for noting that22:44
leffInduz capital letters and just letters do differ22:44
induzlet me try with Caps and lower case22:44
nullp0interAnggaDj98: i want to relieve my system from hogging all the memory22:44
vikingur_CyL: In fstab, change the option 'auto' to 'noauto' in the line associate with that partition22:44
robmillernowokay.  I'm trying to replace the virus-laden Windows on my 60-year-old Dad's laptop.  Dad's Windows machine optical drive is defective, so trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 via USB drive.  Put the Ubuntu 10.10 .img on new 8g USB drive.  Switched boot order in BIOS on Dad's Windows laptop.  Restarted, but getting "No boot sector on USB device" error.  can anyone help?22:44
AnggaDj98nullp0inter oh22:44
cquaidnullp0inter: lol!22:44
AnggaDj98nullp0inter so reinstall xubuntu22:44
icerootnullp0inter: then you want lxde and not xfce422:45
AnggaDj98i mean ubuntu22:45
nullp0intericeroot: whats that22:45
CyLvikingur_: the problem is that I still have to manually open the LUKS vault with cryptsetup... I'd like to automate that step if possible22:45
icerootnullp0inter: and dont reinstall anything...22:45
AnggaDj98iceroot: I AGREE!22:45
induzok now I am Hindi' folder on cli22:45
icerootnullp0inter: lxde is a small desktop which is not using that much ressources like gnome or xfce422:45
AnggaDj98iceroot: xfce is also considered lightweight22:45
mattw_Does no one here know how to get a PPP connection working with the minimal install CD?22:46
induzhow can I copy or move those files [3 files] to /usr/share/starDict/dict22:46
icerootnullp0inter: you can install different desktops with "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get install lubuntu-desktop" or xubuntu-desktop22:46
Ryu_Kurisurobmillernow: Just putting the iso on is not enough :)22:46
mattw_I'm having incredible trouble getting Ubuntu on my computer :(22:46
AnggaDj98Braber01: got it. Go to system monitor and see the swap space22:46
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: anyway, swap space is another name for RAM22:46
nullp0intericeroot: so i dont need to reinstall my entire operating system, just install lubuntu desktop?22:46
robmillernowRyu - I did convert the .iso to an .img following the ubuntu instructions...22:46
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: anyway, swap space is another name for RAM in linux22:46
vikingur_CyL: ah, sorry, must have skipped a line when I read your question.22:46
Ryu_Kurisurobmillernow: if your on windows, you could use this program: http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/22:46
vpshi everybody , i need help regarding a sip client for ubuntu that supports g723 and g729 codec22:46
icerootnullp0inter: yes22:46
induzwhat r the commands for copy??22:46
AnggaDj98induz: c[22:46
nullp0interthanks iceroot, will it auto remove gnome?22:46
AnggaDj98induz: cp22:47
leffcp - copy22:47
icerootnullp0inter: at the start-prompt you can choose then to use gnome, xfce4 or lxde22:47
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: no22:47
icerootnullp0inter: no it will not autoremove gnome22:47
robmillernowoh wait forgot that part -- i'm doing all the Terminal USB preparation stuff on Mac22:47
AnggaDj98nullp0inter you can see the bottom panel22:47
AnggaDj98nullp0inter at the gdm login22:47
Kaidelonghas anyone here used woof on ubuntu?22:47
AnggaDj98nullp0inter pick which one you want22:47
nullp0intericeroot: and AnggaDj98 thanks for the help!22:47
AnggaDj98nullp0inter welcome :)22:48
AnggaDj98Kaidelong: woof?22:48
AnggaDj98Kaidelong: woof? what is that?22:48
vpsanyone has sip client info ?22:48
robmillernowRyu - My macbook is the only other working computer in the house22:48
KaidelongAnggaDj98: makes a puppy distribution out of another distribution22:48
AnggaDj98Kaidelong i dont get it?22:49
AnggaDj98kaidelong oh ok22:49
AnggaDj98Makes a kinda puppy dog linux?22:49
ai6pgRunning ubuntu 10.10 with pulseaudio. I have an app that's looking for an audio device e.g /dev/dsp.  There is no /dev/dsp. Any suggestions ?22:49
Kaidelongthe idea would be to get ubuntu GNOME and debian package management stuff with Puppy's kernel22:49
AnggaDj98or UCK?22:49
AnggaDj98oh yeah22:49
AnggaDj98similar to UCK22:49
AnggaDj98just UCK is for customizing ubuntu only and not changing it22:49
Ryu_Kurisurobmillernow: which tutorial did you use on creating a bootable usb?22:49
[thor]AnggaDj98: puppies are resource light OS environments22:50
AnggaDj98[thor] yeah like puppydoglinux which can run even on old hardwares22:50
AnggaDj98[thor] i used them for about 2 years22:50
AnggaDj98till i got ubuntu of course ;)22:50
nullp0intericeroot: im getting this when i use sudo apt-get... E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (11 Resource temporarily unavailable)22:50
nullp0interE: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), is another process using it?22:50
AnggaDj98nullp0inter wait for another apt-get finished22:51
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robmillernowRyu - Step 2 on this page - http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download22:51
[thor]AnggaDj98: yeah, i just dl'd the latest puppyStudio (3.1 ).. which is a puppy release of ubuntu studio22:51
AnggaDj98[thor]oh nice22:51
adzyhello all!22:51
nullp0interAnggaDj98: ty22:51
nit-witnullp0inter, two commands22:51
nit-witsudo dpkg --configure -a22:51
nit-witsudo apt-get install -f22:51
=== AnggaDj98 is now known as UbuntuNoob
nit-witnullp0inter, make sure it is just the terminal open22:52
nullp0intericeroot: or AnggaDj98 it cannot find lubuntu-desktop22:52
induzI want to copy 3 files from a folder [/home/jack/Desktop/Dict] to [usr/share/starDict/dict] how can i achieve this22:52
robmillernowRyu - and, may i say, thanks already for your generous time.  Happy new year.  :)22:52
adzycan anyone recomment a good drawing app that can export to .jpg?22:52
iceroot!info lubuntu-desktop22:52
UbuntuNoobnullp0intere: go to synaptic22:52
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.18 (maverick), package size 4 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)22:52
nit-witadzy, gimp22:52
vpsanyone can guide about any sip client ?22:52
swordsmanwhere is for you22:52
iceroot!info lubuntu-desktop lucid22:52
ubottulubuntu-desktop (source: lubuntu-meta): Lubuntu Desktop environment. In component multiverse, is optional. Version 0.13 (lucid), package size 3 kB, installed size 32 kB (Only available for i386 amd64 powerpc ia64 sparc lpia armel)22:52
Ryu_Kurisuadzy: gimp imkscape pinta?22:53
adzynit-wit thanks!22:53
icerootnullp0inter: its on 10.04 and 10.1022:53
adzyil give gimp a try!22:53
nit-witlubuntu is just sudo apt-get install lxde22:53
nullp0intericeroot: im on ubuntu 822:53
=== UbuntuNoob is now known as AnggaDj98
icerootnullp0inter: there you will not find lubuntu-desktop just xfce422:54
lucid_systemhi there! im wondering if anybody would mind helping me compile with cmake. its my first try and im not really getting a hang on it. im trying to compile this: http://qdot.github.com/liblightstone/ but am only getting an error message as sson as i try: CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (BUILDSYS_BUILD_LIB):22:54
lucid_system  Unknown CMake command "BUILDSYS_BUILD_LIB".22:54
AnggaDj98iceroot: why?22:54
nullp0intericeroot: will xfce4 help with my memory hogging problem?22:54
adzyiceroot - put  use "sudo apt-get install"22:54
icerootnullp0inter: but on ubuntu 8.x xfce4 is small, on ubuntu 10.x xfce4 is big as gnome22:54
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: yes a bit22:54
AnggaDj98nullp0inter: but not as powerful as lxde22:54
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nullp0interso after installing xfce4, can i just log out, then log back in and use it?22:56
AnggaDj98nullp0inter you mean?22:56
icerootnullp0inter: yes22:56
AnggaDj98nullp0inter yes if you picked up Xubuntu Desktop Environment before Login22:56
nullp0intercool thanks again for the huge help22:56
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adzyhas anyone completed the comptia +linux course at all???22:57
SupportMeanyone playing assaultcube here?22:57
cquaidwow, he really wanted that xfce alot22:57
vpssir anyone has info about sip clients in ubuntu?22:57
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Ryu_Kurisurobmillernow: I don't know what could be the problem....but you might consider to use http://unetbootin.sourceforge.net/ on that Windows PC to create the USB....or is the Windows PC completely broken?22:57
SupportMewhat IRC clients do you guys use?22:58
KM0201!best | SupportMe22:59
ubottuSupportMe: Usually, there is no single "best" application to perform a given task. It's up to you to choose, depending on your preferences, features you require, and other factors. Do NOT take polls in the channel. If you insist on getting people's opinions, ask BestBot in #ubuntu-bots.22:59
Ryu_KurisuAnd no problem robmillernow :) (just a tat bit early on the new year wishing...but I accept it nonetheless)22:59
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lucid_system*bump* ;) come on you wonderful linux-ninjas! help me get this working ;) ive already been aty it for some hours now....22:59
AnggaDj98ok thanks ubottu22:59
lucid_systemim trying to compile this with cmake: http://qdot.github.com/liblightstone/22:59
CyLEvening folks... I have a LUKS encrypted partition that I don't want to be automatically mounted on boot time, so I marked it as noauto in crypttab. However I'd like to make it mountable by a regular user by menas of an entry on fstab, automating the step of opening the LUKS vault. Is it possible?22:59
CyLLol.. people are talking to the bot23:00
lucid_systembut am only getting a specific error :  CMake Error at CMakeLists.txt:11 (BUILDSYS_BUILD_LIB):  Unknown CMake command "BUILDSYS_BUILD_LIB".23:00
rumpe1lucid_system, well.. perhaps your cmake is too old...23:01
nexacecan i use 'find' to search all of the files in a certain directory for the string "x" ?23:01
rumpe1nexace, x in filename or in file itself?23:02
nexacewithin the file itself23:02
lucid_systemrumpel: i think its the last version... could it be to new? ;)23:02
Ryu_KurisuCyL: I suggest Good (UGT) morning....not static is created using that :)23:02
rumpe1nexace, then use grep -r foo directory23:02
lucid_systemrumpel: ver 2.8.223:02
quebecoishow to find a file using the find command?23:02
nexacethanks rumpe23:02
rumpe1lucid_system, i have 2.8.3-1 on natty ... could be an issue (i'm just guessing)23:03
cosgrovebmy keyboard doesn't have a pgup or pgdwn key.. how can i assign a shortcut? like ctrl+up / ctrl+down?23:03
cquaidI do have a parting query Mr Thomas"23:03
lucid_systemok, will try, the file im trying to compile is not that new thou, so i dont think that should be it, but i will try23:04
cquaidhow can I "reset" my gnome-keyring?23:04
Ubuntu64Good evening all.23:05
cquaid(I would like to change the password)23:05
josh_gAnyone know if using Update Manager from Ubuntu Netbook Edition 10.03 will update properly to UNE 10.10?  or if it just installs the standard desktop edition?23:05
cquaidGood evening Ubuntu64!23:05
AnggaDj98good morning all23:05
AnggaDj98its 5 am here23:05
C_R_Cis there anyone who know ow to setup the video driver for a AATI REdeon fireFgL 9000?23:05
neizIs 11.04 Alpha 1 the most current version of the updated OS?23:05
cquaidAnggaDj98: morning schmorning23:05
AnggaDj98its 5 am here23:06
cquaidI'm rushing into lunchtime23:06
cybertekanyone know if there is a way to run a script upon a connection to an courier-imap server?23:06
Ubuntu64I am trying to run ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386 on my Windows 7 Virtual PC Console. I get as far as a splash screen that shows ubuntu 10.10 but ultimately it crashes my VM.  Any thoughts?23:06
cosgrovebmy keyboard doesn't have a pgup or pgdwn key.. how can i assign a shortcut? like ctrl+up / ctrl+down?23:06
Ryu_KurisuCould someone add !UGT to ubottu?23:06
lupo767ciao a tutti, ma si parla solo inglese ?23:07
ubottuVai su #ubuntu-it se vuoi parlare in italiano, in questo canale usiamo solo l'inglese. Grazie! (per entrare, scrivi « /join #ubuntu-it » senza virgolette)23:07
Administrator_I need help :/23:08
cquaidso do i23:08
OgrawsWhat do you need help with?23:08
Ubuntu64Same here.23:08
nit-witcquaid, whats up23:08
Administrator_I have a linux Ubuntu computer that wont connect to the internet.23:08
cquaidcliguy is a great help with *buntu23:08
rumpe1cosgroveb, possibly this may help you: http://askubuntu.com/questions/3662/how-can-i-map-super-uparrow-to-pageup23:08
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OgrawsI have a windows computer that wont connect to the intern lol23:09
KM0201Administrator_: is it wireless, wired, etc?23:09
PhonicUKhey all, I have an issue under 10.10 where none of my startup applications launch when I log in.23:09
ilovefairuzOgraws: /join ##windows23:09
nit-witOgraws, hard plugged or wireless have you tried both23:09
Ubuntu64I have a Virtual Machine that crashes after the initial ubuntu splash screen.23:09
KM0201Administrator_: sounds like pretty bad luck...23:09
OgrawsWhy do I wanna join windows?23:09
Administrator_Is there no way to fix that?23:10
ilovefairuzOgraws: thought you were asking a question23:10
ilovefairuz!who | Ograws23:10
ubottuOgraws: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)23:10
KM0201Administrator_: it'll probably be tough to track down... how is your device identified in lspci?23:10
OgrawsI was making up a joke :-)23:10
Administrator_No idea...23:11
nit-witOgraws,  you so funny.23:11
Ograwsilovefairuz: is this okay?23:11
Ubuntu64Are there some experts that I can direct my question to?23:11
KM0201Administrator_: well, thats where you start... open a terminal and type "lspci" no quotes, hit enter(thats a lowercase L) and find your ethernet device.. don't post the whole list here...23:11
josh_ganyone here done the 10.03 -> 10.10 upgrade using the netbook edition?23:12
=== Administrator_ is now known as Romeria
nullp0interhey guys so i got xubuntu installed for my destop, but there is no taskbar at the bottom, and when i minimize a window its no where to be found! lol help23:12
gelaif I've reimaged a memory card, how can I reformat it to use it as a regular memory card?23:12
ilovefairuzOgraws: yes, that highlights the message to the person whose nickname you prefix the message with23:12
josh_gnone of the docs make it clear whether the auto-upgrade thing works with netbook ed.23:12
nit-witjosh_g, why?23:12
RomeriaKM0201: I changed my name to make it easier to identify me.23:12
OgrawsiLovefairuz: sweet! can i ask you about ubuntu?23:12
KM0201Romeria: thats fine23:12
nit-witjosh_g, is it offered23:13
ilovefairuzgela: why not?23:13
ilovefairuzOgraws: yes23:13
josh_gnit-wit: doesn't seem clear to me whether using Update Manager to upgrade will properly install 10.10 netbook ed, or just install standard desktop ed23:13
induz[thor],  Thanks i got the files to copy to that folder23:13
RomeriaI am trying what you said now.23:13
induzThanks a lot guys23:13
OgrawsiLovfairuz: Do I have to do anything on windows before installing it to my hard drive?23:13
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nullp0interanyone know about how to find something once its minimized in xubuntu23:13
Ryu_Kurisujosh_g: No, but I'd still advice a clean install (I've had problems with desktop upgrade 10.04>10.10)23:13
gelailovefairuz, the card is not auto mounting.. I used dd to copy a bootable image to it for one reason, and I'd like to make the card usable for storage now23:13
induzleff_ helped me too23:13
Ryu_Kurisunullp0inter: Alt+Tab?23:14
ilovefairuzOgraws: no you don't23:14
[thor]induz: good to hear! it only gets easier from here.23:14
nit-witjosh_g, `if your running the netbook version and update manager is showing a update your probably safe. I never upgrade thsi way though I have it all backed up for fresh installs much faster23:14
ilovefairuzOgraws: you can use the installer to repartition the drive if needed23:14
induznow the dictionary is working in hindi23:14
OgrawsiLovefairuz: So I pop the cd-r into the drive and then got rhough some installation on screen?23:14
induzits very case sensitive23:14
nit-witjosh_g, just be backed up23:14
Ryu_Kurisunit-wit: 10.04 normally doesn't slow normal dist upgrade....10.04 LTS ;)23:15
nullp0intergot it!23:15
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josh_gthanks nit-wit & Ryu_Kurisu23:15
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nit-witRyu_Kurisu, it will if you change the software soucers tab23:15
RomeriaKM0201: I have a big list in front of me now.23:15
Ryu_Kurisunit-wit: I said normally ;)23:15
C_R_CI am looking for some help getting the advanced video effects in CompizCongifg working on a radeon firegl 900 video card. Any ideas?23:15
KM0201Romeria: find your ethernet device...23:16
C_R_Cfiregl 900023:16
ilovefairuzOgraws: yes, but read the installer instructions carefully23:16
Ryu_Kurisujosh_g: IF you didn't have a separate /home partition...this might be a good time to create one :)23:16
OgrawsiLovefairuz: I get a message that says something about defragmenter whats that?23:16
ilovefairuzgela: did you try mkdosfs on the card?23:16
cawnc4What do you guys think of unity?23:16
AnggaDj98ubottu vouz parler francais?23:16
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:16
OgrawsiLovefairuz: Gnome is better23:16
robmillernow_okay.  I'm trying to replace the virus-laden Windows system on my 60-year-old Dad's 2005 Dell Inspiron laptop with Ubuntu 10.10.  Dad's Windows machine optical drive is defective, so I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 via USB drive.  Using my Macbook (the only other working computer in the house), I followed the instructions on ubuntu.com to convert the Ubuntu 10.10 .iso to an .img, which put it on this new 8g USB drive. 23:16
AnggaDj98je ne suis pas23:16
induzHow can I update my softwares on Karmic23:16
dnivra!fr | AnggaDj9823:17
ubottuAnggaDj98: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.23:17
RomeriaKM0201: would it be called "Ethernet controller"?23:17
ilovefairuzOgraws: you get the message where?23:17
nit-witRyu_Kurisu, just so you understand I'm a experienced user that is systematic in getting information before advising, so correcting me is gooing to be a irritant.;)23:17
josh_gRyu_Kuriso: on this little 8GB crappy aspire one? not likely23:17
robmillernow_Windows laptop to try and force it to boot from USB.  Restarted laptop, but getting "No boot sector on USB device" error.  Can anyone help?23:17
OgrawsiLovefairuz: You know what I'm actually trying to install Xandros 423:17
josh_gwhoops meant Ryu_Kurisu23:17
KM0201!pastebin | Romeria   paste your lspci there and i'll look at it.23:17
ubottuRomeria   paste your lspci there and i'll look at it.: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:17
dnivra!tab | josh_g23:17
ubottujosh_g: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.23:17
neizrobmillernow_: In order to install ubuntu on the Inspiron, you need a bootable .iso on the USB.. .img is mac specific23:18
Maahesrobmillernow_: how did you format the usb drive?23:18
robmillernow_to reiterate:  okay.  I'm trying to replace the virus-laden Windows system on my 60-year-old Dad's 2005 Dell Inspiron laptop with Ubuntu 10.10.  Dad's Windows machine optical drive is defective, so I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 via USB drive.  Using my Macbook (the only other working computer in the house), I followed the instructions on ubuntu.com to convert the Ubuntu 10.10 .iso to an .img, which put it on this new 23:18
robmillernow_...I switched the boot order in BIOS on Dad's Windows laptop to try and force it to boot from USB.  Restarted laptop, but getting "No boot sector on USB device" error.  Can anyone help?23:18
cquaidnit-wit: lol!23:18
nit-witRyu_Kurisu, I have no problems with relative correction though.:)23:18
cgcardonahow do I create a user who has the exact same privileges as root?23:18
josh_gok, off to give this a try23:18
ilovefairuzOgraws: we can only provide support for Ubuntu on this channel, please seek for Xandros in its dedicated channel or support forums23:18
dnivracgcardona, rather give sudo privilege to the user.23:18
Maahesrobmillernow_: how did you format the usb drive23:19
cawnc4robmillernow_I have never seen that problem, maybe try it again, be patient and someone will answer your problem this IRC is really good23:19
OgrawsiLovefairuz: Thanks for the help anyway :-)23:19
lumoshey i have manually installed my gfx drivers but now it says i do not appear to be using them and am running in low gfx mode, i tried sudo nvidia-xconfig but it says23:19
lumosUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".23:19
lumosBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'23:19
lumosNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'23:19
lumoscould someone help  me please23:19
FloodBot4lumos: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.23:19
cawnc4robmillernow_  is the flash drive the only USB device in?23:20
neizrobmillernow_: basically, don't convert the .iso to .img... just make the bootable USB with the .iso23:20
robmillernow_Maahes - it was FAT32 coming from the manufacturer ...  it says that it's "ISO 9660 (Rockridge)" when i do a Get Info on it in my mac23:20
dnivracgcardona, hope this helps https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Users.23:20
ilovefairuzcgcardona: sudo privileges? add them to the wheel group23:20
Maahesrobmillernow_: Okay, how did you create a live USB system, on the USB?23:20
induzis there any Update cli commanda23:20
RomeriaKM0201: How would I paste it there? It is on a seperate computer.23:21
Maahesinduz: yes, dpkg apt-get and aptitude23:21
aanti load23:21
KM0201Romeria: well, do you see "ethernet device" or "Netwrk controller"23:21
robmillernow_neiz - Maahes - i was following the instructions i found on Step 2 here - http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download23:21
kukenifittan1358 people in the support channel for Ubuntu23:21
kukenifittanhow come?23:21
KM0201cgcardona: you can also use "sudo -s" ... it's similar to sudo -su  but stays the "ubuntu way"23:21
Ryu_Kurisurobmillernow_: was the windows pc not usable anymore?23:22
ilovefairuzinduz: sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade23:22
cquaidwe watin 4 you kukenifittan , we luv23:22
robmillernow_the windows PC is only usable as a shell upon which Ubuntu can be put...23:22
cgcardonadnivra: so to create a new user I 'sudo adduser username' - then how do I give that user sudo privilege?23:22
robmillernow_it's really useless as a practical machine in any fashion.23:22
dnivracgcardona, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo#Users has the command :).23:23
Maahesrobmillernow_: have you confirmed whether or not it will boot up on your macbook?23:23
cquaidwe luv ubuntu tu i fink23:23
=== Hekos is now known as hekos
LogicallyDashingcgcardona, I think you just add the username to /etc/sudoers23:23
cgcardonasorry - my irc is lagged and I didn't see the link before I asked the question ;)23:23
cawnc4ryu_kurisu: im guessing the viruses have compromised its usefulness23:23
kukenifittancquaid what?23:23
breadcrumbif you add a user to the "admin" group, they will be able to sudo23:23
robmillernow_hmm.  interesting question.  that would require a restart and holding down Alt to force boot from the USB, right?23:23
dnivraLogicallyDashing, or add them to group admin23:23
Maahesrobmillernow_: yes.23:23
robmillernow_i'll go check and come right back.23:24
Maahesrobmillernow_: I'll also make a suggestion: the easiest way to make the usb system, is actually the windows way.23:24
robmillernow_thanks already, guys.23:24
cawnc4Maahes i was about to say that, its ezpz on windows23:24
* skraito say hi all23:24
Maahescawnc4: mainly because the pendrive linux installer includes an easy creation tool for casper-rw23:25
RomeriaKM0201: I doubt you will be able to help me now... I'm using 5.1023:25
cawnc4uhg i hate unity (packaged with UNR)23:25
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robmillernow_and yes, if i had a Windows machine, i'd've already done that -- but i really do feel like i followed the obtuse Ubuntu instructions well.23:25
KM0201Romeria: well duh.. why are you using such an old distro?.. it's WAY past end of life.. you need to download 10.04 or 10.10 and install them.23:25
kukenifittanI have a problem with connecting a phone with USB23:25
kukenifittansome page says I have to recompile the kernel23:25
kukenifittancan that really be true?23:26
RomeriaKM0201: how would I do that??23:26
Maaheskukenifittan: um, it very well could be.23:26
Maaheswhat page, what phone?23:26
kukenifittanhow do I recompile the kernel then?23:26
KM0201Romeria: download 10.10, burn it, and install it... didnt you install 5.1023:26
RomeriaKM0201: I found the the disc btw, thats why Im using it.23:26
kukenifittanSamsung Galaxy S23:26
robmillernow_Maahes - and yes, if i had a Windows machine, i'd've already done that -- but i really do feel like i followed the obtuse Ubuntu instructions well.23:26
AnggaDj98can you install ubuntu on a tablet?23:26
breadcrumbRomeria, go to ubuntu.com and grab the latest distro. dont even try to do an upgrade installation, 5.10 is too old23:26
cawnc4robmillernow_ did it work on your macbook?23:26
breadcrumb*latest version23:26
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: go to the USB settings on your device....change it to asks which you want :D23:26
jasont308hi all.23:27
KM0201Romeria: well, that release is about 5yrs old.. it'd be a lot better to download 10.04 or 10.1023:27
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu I did that but it doesn't work23:27
AnggaDj98Romeria dont do update managers as they are fond to bugs23:27
robmillernow_Maahes - cawnc4 - trying macbook boot now - brb23:27
KM0201Romeria: do you have a blank CD you can burn, on the working computer?23:27
Maaheskukenifittan: what are you wanting to do with it?23:27
kukenifittanthe site is here btw but it's in Swedish: http://ubuntu.se/showthread.php/12517-Problem-mount-usb-Samsung-Galaxy-S-Android23:27
kukenifittantransfer files23:27
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: You said to use it as a mass storage device?23:27
jasont308having a slight with postfix and dovecot it will deliver mail localy but not to anywhere else..23:27
kukenifittanit works on Windows23:27
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu yes23:27
=== leff_ is now known as LeFF
jasont308problem even23:27
RomeriaKM0201: So all I need to do is burn 10.10, and put it in there, and the install should start? Or do I need to wipe the computer?23:27
cawnc4romeria - km0201 - wouldnt it be easier to use a USB flash drive, if you have one23:27
AnggaDj98wait sorry23:28
KM0201cawnc4: sure it would, but not all computers boot USB's....23:28
AnggaDj98romeria download ubuntu 10.10 and burn the iso to disk then reboot and boot to disk and set your ubuntu there23:28
cawnc4km0201 what are you running? i love old computers!23:28
rumpe1Romeria, first create a backup of your data23:28
KM0201cawnc4: what i'm running is irrelevant, i didn't say i don't like old pc's, i just said, somme old pc's can't boot a USB device23:29
cawnc4woops ment the other guy23:29
Maaheskukenifittan: it seems as if there is no binary driver avaialable yet, which means yes, you would have to recompile and add the kernel module23:29
kukenifittanMaahes that sounds like a pai n23:29
Ryu_KurisuWhat do you get on your Galaxy when you connect...a green android asking to connect?23:29
MaahesAnd as for recompiling a kernel....um, you'll need to read some tutorials for a couple of weeks minimum.23:29
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: What do you get on your Galaxy when you connect...a green android asking to connect?23:29
KM0201Romeria: ?23:29
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu yes23:30
kukenifittanbut the phone doesn't show up as a mount point23:30
kukenifittannot in Konqueror either23:30
RomeriaWell, I also hear you can have this newest Ubuntu and windows running on one machine..?23:30
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: Does it change to orange when you confirm?23:30
AnggaDj98romeria: dualboot23:30
KM0201Romeria: yes... it's called a dual boot..23:30
MaahesRomeria: yes. You can do that with all ubuntu versions23:30
cawnc4or wubi i beleive23:30
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu it asks me if I want to connect the usb storage to the computer23:30
MaahesAnd yes using wubi you can install and run ubuntu inside of windows23:30
kukenifittanand I press that button23:30
AnggaDj98romeria: run wubi and install inside windows23:30
MaahesI personally don't recommend it23:31
cawnc4but from what I have heard it runs better dual booted23:31
KM0201don't use wubi.. unless you're just dying to wreck a system23:31
AnggaDj98because you cant hibernate and such23:31
Maahescawnc4: it does.23:31
kukenifittanand the phone seems to be ready but the computer like isn't responding23:31
cawnc4then installing inside windows23:31
kukenifittanwhy would you install ubuntu in windows btw?23:31
kukenifittanwindows isn't open-source23:31
cawnc4idk but some people do...23:31
kukenifittanor free23:31
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: which version are you running of android and ubuntu?23:31
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AnggaDj98cawnc4 i did23:31
kukenifittanI use Ubuntu because I want my software to be open-source23:31
Maaheskukenifittan: you don't have to partition your drive, and you basically are installing ubuntu in a vm to try it out on windows23:31
miststlkrhate to ask here, but is there a specific channel for virtualbox help?23:31
kukenifittaneven though it's a pain compared to Windows23:32
cawnc4AnggaDj98 how did it work for you?23:32
wildfire100hi i just downloaded a theme, wnt into my apereance setting tried to install it but an error massage popped up saying, cant move directory over directory, how do i fix this?23:32
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu Android is 2.223:32
* Maahes finds ubuntu to be less of a pain than windows23:32
AnggaDj98cawnc4 what do you mean/23:32
kukenifittanlet me see what version of Ubuntu it is23:32
kukenifittanMaahes lol then you're in luck23:32
trijntjemiststlkr, #vbox23:32
kukenifittanI've worked with this for like 5 hours23:32
dnivramiststlkr, #vbox. and you should have perhaps asked that in #freenode.23:32
miststlkrignore me... that was a stupid question23:32
kukenifittanon Windows it worked perfectly from the start =(23:32
cawnc4AnggaDj98 was it noticably slow compaired to a dualbooted system since it also had to run windows software23:32
doomageallo guys23:32
AnggaDj98i used vista for 2 years and it takes 20 minutes to boot and 10 minutes to shutdown23:33
Maaheskukenifittan: that's because they wrote windows drivers, and not really linux drivers.23:33
cawnc4lawl vista23:33
kukenifittanI didn't need drivers on Windows though23:33
kukenifittanvista sucks lol23:33
robmillernowookay - no, this drive does NOT boot on my Macbook either23:33
wildfire100help anyone?23:33
AnggaDj98nice ubuntu: 50 seconds to boot and 6 seconds to shutdown23:33
miststlkrdnivra: thanks, #virtualbox forwarded me there anyway... I don't know why I didn't try that first23:33
[thor]:D ubuntu boots for me in 15 seconds23:33
[thor]yay for SSD23:33
KM0201comparing vista to any operating system other than WIndows ME, should be a crime23:33
dnivramiststlkr, :). np.23:33
hellojoehi I have ubuntu installed on my laptop but grub doesnt work anymore, I bootet from cd, what can I do to repair grub?23:33
cawnc4yea bout 15 seconds aswell23:33
AnggaDj981 minute 20 seconds and 10 seconds boot&shutdown with dualboot23:33
Maahesrobmillernow: Try remaking the drive using the "from ubuntu" method, via a live CD. It's point and click23:33
dnivra!fixgrub | hellojoe23:33
ubottuhellojoe: grub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.23:33
AnggaDj98now im off vista and full ubuntu!23:34
kukenifittanwhy not Windows 7?23:34
[thor]my boot --> http://videobin.org/+31a/3c5.html23:34
cawnc4windows 7 takes awhile to boot too23:34
Maahesmiststlkr: I believe there is #virtualbox23:34
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: Can you find which version Ubuntu you run?23:34
robmillernowMaahes - hmm.  Live CD - okay, let me investigate that.23:34
cgcardonawhen I 'sudo adduser username admin' I get 'adduser: The group `admin' does not exist.' what group should I add my new user to to give them sudo powers?23:34
[thor]err.. ok.. so after transcoding, that will be my boot video :D23:34
micahHay a red alert sign just popped up at the top bar, i clicked it and it opened up the update manager, but no updates were available? what do i have to do?23:34
cawnc4Ryu_kurisu i know it shows you what subversion you have when you install via the terminal23:35
AnggaDj98micah its for ubuntu11.04 a123:35
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu Ubuntu 823:35
kukenifittanI think23:35
micahis 11 finsihed yet?23:35
Ryu_Kurisucawnc4: Not subversion (SVN), Ubuntu version ;))23:36
dnivramicah, i think you have to update your package lists.23:36
AnggaDj98!search me23:36
ubottuFound: code, selinux, kde docs, themes, ops-#xubuntu-offtopic, ops-#ubuntu-cym, eye candy, ops-#ubuntu-motu, removexfce, scp and 596 more, see http://ubottu.com/factoids.cgi?search=me23:36
micahOk one sec23:36
Yetii need some help setting up my built in memory card needs to read xd and sd cards23:36
AnggaDj98yeti me too23:36
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: You can find it in System Monitor (inside System menu) or in terminal with uname23:36
AnggaDj98my dell vostro 1400 cant detect sd card reader reading nds microsd23:37
cawnc4but uname isnt very specific23:37
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu I'm not in Ubuntu right now though23:37
kukenifittanI was looking at the CD23:37
kukenifittanI used to install23:37
Yetii am running 10.10 on an aspire one zg523:37
cawnc4anggadj98 check ubuntuforums.org dell section for those problems23:37
micahIts saying its failing to update the list, my connection is stable?23:37
cawnc4the dell section has abunch of the dell specific problems fixed23:38
AirrisHey guys, I've got a new hard drive to format. Now that's done, putting new install on. I want to just select one partition and use that as the general thing for all of the OS, not segregating areas for swap, home, etc. How do I do that?23:38
dnivramicah, what other messages are said along with failed to update list?23:38
Maaheswildfire100: check your .themes folder, and if there's a folder there that is named after whatever isn't installing, delete it.23:38
micahW:Failed to fetch http://wine.budgetdedicated.com/apt/dists/edgy/main/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found23:38
micah, W:Failed to fetch http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/edgy/universe/binary-i386/Packages.gz  404  Not Found [IP: 80]23:38
micah, E:Some index files failed to download, they have been ignored, or old ones used instead.23:38
MaahesI believe there is also #ubuntu-dell23:38
cawnc4Airris the newer ubuntu installs dont put a section for swap23:39
dnivramicah, try another mirror. might work.23:39
MaahesAirris: by default you only have two partitions: Swap, and the main partition.23:39
micahhow do i do that?23:39
MaahesYou can set swap to 0 if you have a lot of ram, and don't care about it.23:39
mattw_I'm trying to do apt-get -f install from a bash login23:40
mattw_but my internet is PPP23:40
mattw_how can I connect PPP without gdm :(23:40
Ryu_KurisuWell...Ubuntu 8 (.04 or .10) are very old...being April 2008 or October 2008. I would first suggest upgrading to 10.10 or something similar. Or 10.04 which is LTS (Long Time Service) (I presume you have 8.04 which is also a LTS). (My preference is 10.10, better in my experience)23:40
dnivramicah, i guess System -> Administration -> Software Sources.23:40
dnivramattw_, pon/poff/pppoeconf.23:40
cawnc4Maahes, if there is a #ubuntu-dell thats not the name23:40
mattw_dnivra thank you23:40
digitalfizhow do i make it so ctrl+t doesnt open terminal?23:40
mattw_Also, where can I find the ubuntu repositories because I'm going to have to configure apt manually23:41
robmillernowMaahes - I'm only finding vague suggestions and broken pages about what you're talking about with a Live CD - got a link?23:41
AirrisDoes swap need a separate partition to work, or is it just common practice?23:41
AnggaDj98cawnc4 then what is it?23:41
AnggaDj98airris swap needs partition23:41
dnivradigitalfiz, System -> Preferences -> Keyboard Shortcuts.23:41
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: Well...Ubuntu 8 (.04 or .10) are very old...being April 2008 or October 2008. I would first suggest upgrading to 10.10 (latest version of Ubuntu). Or 10.04 which is LTS (Long Time Service) (I presume you have 8.04 which is also a LTS). (My preference is 10.10, better in my experience)23:41
doomagecan anyone help me with jdownloader???23:41
cawnc4AnggaDj98 i dont know, i just tried it and im the only person there, looking now23:41
kefuhow to exit irssi ?23:41
Braber01Hi I just created a Server on my desktop and told it to install the software for a mail server however is it possible to also use this personal server to hide all my files I don't want people to see?23:41
AnggaDj98wait there23:41
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu ok will that make so I won't have to recompile the kernel?23:41
kukenifittanto get a USB storage device to work?23:41
dnivramattw_, why do you have to configure apt manually? it should be configured by itself i think.23:41
AnggaDj98do you see ,e?23:42
cainus_hey all... what's the easiest way to install ubuntu on a box that already has some other linux distro on it?23:42
Airriswait, the other guy said it doesn't put a section for swap.23:42
mattw_dnvira I have an insane problem with being completely unable to download something without hashsum mismatches, the default install CD doesn't work on my model of internet card, and my country uses PPP connections23:42
mattw_Life sucks23:42
Airriscainus to you have several partitions or one big one?23:42
Airris*do you23:42
dnivracainus_, well you can wubi if you have windows or you can install side by side with all existing OS.23:42
Ryu_Kurisukukenifittan: You won't need to manually recompile the kernel, seeing a more recent kernel is automatically installed. I do suggest a fresh install compared to a upgrade :)23:43
cainus_Airris: just one big one23:43
Alagoshow can I create flash Flip Book in ubuntu?23:43
digitalfizdnivra, ty :)23:43
dnivraAirris, 4 is the max number of partitions. i use an extended partition to have more than that.23:43
dnivradigitalfiz, no problem :)23:43
cainus_I just want to overwrite the current OS23:43
mattw_dnivra:  if I could do it.. I would put PPPOECONF on a freaking minimal install CD and somehow put it on a USB stick23:43
cainus_don't need for them to run side-by-side23:43
mattw_dnivra: but I have no idea how to do any of that23:43
Maahesrobmillernow: In ubuntu under System > Administration there is an option called "Create Startup Disk" you make a live CD, use that option to make the startup usb.23:43
kukenifittanRyu_Kurisu ok23:44
dnivramattw_, are you saying that you don't have pppoeconf by default?23:44
mattw_dnivra:  not on the minimal cd23:44
leftistis there a channel for mysql?23:44
nibbler_is there any way to get 3d of old ati cards running in ubuntu 10.10?23:44
cawnc4would enabling proprietary drivers possibly help a SD card reading problem?23:44
Maahesleftist: #mysql ?23:44
dnivramattw_, i see. well out of luck there then :).23:44
Airrisalright so backtracking. I usually don't have extra partitions to deal with. using smaller drives. etc. So i tend to choose the basic "erase everything and install option". What i was asking is if there's a way on the "prepare partitions" screen to do an option equivalent to that managed one, except just targeting one partition23:44
RaymondHi all, I have Ubuntu 10.04 LTS installed on a netbook, but want to install the netbook version to replace it, if I "Install alongside other operating systems", will this install like the ubuntu update 9 to 10? i.e. give you an option at boot up and all your data and software will still be there23:45
dnivramattw_, i have a PPP connection too BTW :).23:45
[thor]Alagos: have you tried flipbook in the package ivtools-bin ?23:45
Maahescawnc4: if there's a proprietary driver for your reader. The list of of drivers to install for your system, tells you what they do23:45
AirrisI want the automatic behavior, just used over a particular partition, not the entire drive23:45
cainus_do I need to burn a disk to install ubuntu on this box?  or can I just install over top of the existing OS?23:45
mattw_dnivra: hate23:45
Airriscainus_: probably a disk23:45
cainus_ahh okay :\23:45
Airrisuse the torrent download, it's so much faster ;)23:46
robmillernowMaahes - I don't have a system that's running Ubuntu.  The only working system i have is a Macbook running OS X23:46
Maahesrobmillernow: thus download and burn a live cd23:46
Alagos[thor]: Is It optimazed for creating books?23:46
dnivraRaymond, 'Install alongside' would mean that your present OS' would be left unaffected.23:46
cawnc4robmillernow_do you have parrallels?23:46
dnivraRaymond, you can install ubuntu on a existing partition. as long as you don't format it, /home will not be erased.23:46
MaahesAirris: if you're wanting to install it in it's own partition, and not overwrite an existing partition, use the "install alongside" option.23:47
nibbler_how to find out if i have a 32 or 64bit system?23:47
Airrisit didn't give me that one because there isn't any OS to install alongside23:47
Braber01I'm trying to ftp to a server that I just set up but I'm getting a connection refused error can anybody help me?23:47
MaahesBy default though, you need Two Partitions for the OS: / and /swap23:47
Ryu_KurisuAirris: It's also more certain the download will be complete...I don't know to how you were replying...hence I do it to you :D23:47
Braber01I've tried it both ways too.23:47
Raymonddnivra: I had a feeling it was something like that. I would then have to go to the advanced install then I guess as the other option is to erase the entire disk23:48
MaahesAirris: ah. Why not just install it the normal way and not use the entire disk for the OS? leave unallocated space.23:48
dnivranibbler_, 'uname -a'. that will tell you if your OS is 32 or 64bit.23:48
nibbler_dnivra, thanks23:48
dnivranibbler_, np :)23:48
AirrisMaahes: I just went through the trouble of using another partioner to set everything up. I need NTFS on one of the drives23:48
Airriser, partitions23:48
Ryu_KurisuMaahes: Swap is not needed but highly suggested and should be as much as the RAM if you want hibernation :)23:48
dnivraRaymond, yeah 'Specify partitions manually' i think it is known as.23:48
MaahesRyu_Kurisu: I've already mentioned that ^_^23:49
Ryu_KurisuMaahes: Sorry xD23:49
MaahesAirris: okay, what does your partition table look like now?23:49
AnggaDj98isnt swap=RAM?23:49
MaahesAnggaDj98: no.23:49
MaahesIt's disk space once you run out of ram23:49
AnggaDj98ok thanks23:50
induzis VMWare available on Ubuntu23:50
robmillernowMaahes - i can't do anything in Ubuntu23:50
Ryu_Kurisuinduz: Yes :)23:50
induzis VMWare freeware23:50
Raymonddnivra: OK, i've selected it, there are a number of partitions, but only one is EXT4 which is what i selected when I installed ubuntu initially, so this would be the one to install onto?23:50
dnivra!virtualbox | induz23:50
ubottuinduz: virtualbox is a x86 !virtualizer. A !free edition is available from the package 'virtualbox-ose'. A non-free edition is available at http://virtualbox.org for most Ubuntu releases (help in #vbox) - Setup details at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VirtualBox23:50
AnggaDj98robmillernow: wtffffff23:50
Maahesrobmillernow: what does that mean?23:50
Braber01on a Server do I just install open ssh-server or to I install the whole open SSH?23:50
wosxsI have a problem, my computer doesn't detect my keyboard and mouse after 3 minutes of being in the login screen23:50
AnggaDj98you can do everything in ubuntu23:50
[thor]Alagos: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/flipbook.1.html23:50
Ryu_Kurisuinduz: As suggested bij dnivra; I prefer VirtualBox :)23:50
wosxsit seems to be a usb problem related to xorg.conf23:50
AirrisMaahes: sda1 - ext4 , sda2- ntfs, sda3, fat32, sda4 ntfs. I know you're advised to install windows first but i'm not going to be able to do that immediately, i'm just leaving the stuff in place to do it later. One 80 GB partition for windows. a general purpose 8 GB partition for formatting, and a large NTFS data drive either one can use since Ubuntu reads NTFS23:50
dnivraBraber01, openssh-server. i think openssh-client is installed by default.23:50
uzi__How can I make MD auto-detect wait for USB partitions to become available?23:51
induzis VMware on Ubuntu?  I see so many options on Package manager23:51
Maahesinduz: otherwise I believe VM Ware will run on any linux box, provided you set it up.23:51
lekremyelsewI just installed a copy of ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and when I used the live CD I had to use the nomodeset option otherwise I would get23:51
dnivraRaymond, guess so yeah.23:51
induzis VMWare is freeware23:51
MaahesAirris: Yeah, you're boned. You have to use the manual partitioner.23:51
induzor I have to buy it?23:51
Maahesinduz: not it is not23:51
MaahesIt is expensive23:51
[thor]Alagos: also this http://www.ivtools.org/ivtools/flipbook.html23:51
robmillernowMaahes - it means that the only working system i have is my Macbook -- it's what i'm using now to chat, it's where i downloaded Ubuntu, and it's where I'm creating the USB drive.  I have no other working system here.  The Windows machine is too virus- and spyware-laden.23:51
Maahesvirtualbox is freeware23:52
dnivrainduz, prefer virtualbox. it's good enough.23:52
induzI know about VBox23:52
AirrisMaahes: Ok, so manual needed. What am I doing?23:52
BatjewHey guys, I'm having trouble with 3d acceleration23:52
AnggaDj98batjew what help?23:52
induzI have Vbox23:52
AnggaDj98batjew what trouble?23:52
robmillernowAnggaDj98 - let me start from the beginning -23:52
Batjewwell my laptop doesnt seem to have working 3d acceleration23:52
uzi__Please Help. How can I make MD auto-detect wait for USB partitions to become available?23:52
robmillernowokay.  I'm trying to replace the virus-laden Windows system on my 60-year-old Dad's 2005 Dell Inspiron laptop with Ubuntu 10.10.  Dad's Windows machine optical drive is defective, so I'm trying to install Ubuntu 10.10 via USB drive.  Using my Macbook (the only other working computer in the house), I followed the instructions on ubuntu.com to convert the Ubuntu 10.10 .iso to an .img, which put it on this new 8g USB drive...23:52
doomagecan anyone help me with jdownloader???23:53
robmillernow...I switched the boot order in BIOS on Dad's Windows laptop to try and force it to boot from USB.  Restarted laptop, but getting "No boot sector on USB device" error.  I've also since learned that this USB drive also doesn't boot on my Macbook. Can anyone help?23:53
BatjewCompiz randomly stopped working months ago, but i only pinned it down when Civ 4 wouldnt run in Vbox23:53
Raymonddnivra: you GUESS so? No problems, the logic sound good :) I've made sure that I have NOT selected to format the partition :) Thanks for the help...23:53
jubobawhere can I ask about aptana studio?23:53
robmillernowthat's what's going on.23:53
Batjewim trying to install the nvidia xorg drivers but having big problems there23:53
Maahesrobmillernow: Do you have a blank CD? Do you have a CD Image? Burn that image onto the blank cd. Insert CD into drive, log out of OSX, boot as Ubuntu. Mount the hardrive in your laptop. Put the USB drive in. Use Startup Disk Creator. Point it at the .iso image on your laptop, and at your usb drive. Finish, Reboot, try booting from the USB drive.23:53
Braber01Can I not ftp to my home server because it has to go through a router or something?23:53
dnivraRaymond, since you've said that it is where the original install existed, it should be that :). don't format-/home will remain unaffected. if unsure of the partition, mount it to confirm :).23:54
robmillernowAH  now i see.  okay got it...23:54
lekremyelsewI just installed a copy of ubuntu 10.10 on my desktop and when I used the live CD I had to use the nomodeset option otherwise I would get a signal over range error on my monitor. Now that its installed I cant edit the boot options because the boot process skips right over grub and boots to the login screen (that I can't even see) Can someone tell me how to access the boot options when I start up the computer or just help me fi23:54
lekremyelsewx the problem?23:54
Braber01and I've tried FTP-ing to my laptop from the server as well but I'll I'm getting is a message saying connection Refused.23:55
MaahesAirris: oh wait, are the sda's physically different drives?23:55
Brahemnhandler hi23:55
AirrisMaahes: no23:55
MaahesAirris: if you try the main installer, does it give you different sda's to install to?23:56
BatjewHey guys, im having a program getting 3d acceleration in ubuntu23:57
AirrisMaahes: nope I just have bubbles for erase and use entire disk, and specify parts manually. On the latter option it lists all 4, i'm just not sure what to do with this23:57
zdway2010_hi all23:58

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