
=== Animawolf is now known as Animagladius
reispsyco orea are you there03:47
reisnot working dvdr problem was for bios problem in bios it must be shown as master then ı was right :d hava a nice readings03:50
bazhangkevin_, with?04:42
kevin_I need advice04:42
kevin_i am trying to mount a WD 320 gig external drive to my xubuntu. i was running it on windows vista04:43
kevin_any ideas04:45
bazhangput it in fstab?04:45
UBuxuBUgood morning Xubuntu Technicians.05:24
UBuxuBUi have buntu 1004 installed via wubi. i am trying to use clamtk to scan my w7 OS but i cant see it08:12
lightayou mean08:13
lightadisk ?08:13
UBuxuBUi am wondering if bunti installed via wubi can act like a live cd to remove virus from an infected w7 os08:13
UBuxuBUor do you have to use a live cd to remove virus from an infected w7 pc08:15
lightadon't know hpw wubi really so I don't really know08:15
lightabut what you trying is to see your hard disk from your xubuntu installation right ?08:16
UBuxuBUseems like i should be able to read w7 files from ubuntu regardless ....YES08:16
lightacan you do a fdisk -L08:16
UBuxuBUto read files?08:17
lightawait I should give you exact command08:17
lightajust to see if we can see your hard disk08:17
UBuxuBUi see ot 500gb y08:17
UBuxuBUi see it in the gui08:17
lightasudo fdisk -l08:17
lightaon xfce gui ?08:18
UBuxuBUjust not sure how to scan it08:18
lightaso you sein it but can read it ?08:18
UBuxuBUwhen i use disk utility08:18
lightaare there a mounting point created ?08:18
UBuxuBUi see 500gb hd08:18
lightaok but with something like thunar ?08:19
UBuxuBUwell this one is ubuntu08:19
lightaso dolphin ?08:19
lightawhat's your gui ?08:19
UBuxuBU1004 lucid08:19
lightauh doesn't help08:20
UBuxuBUill look08:20
lightanever mind so what do you use to see your file most of time ?08:20
lightanot quite familiar with ubuntu08:20
lightadolphin should exist I think08:20
UBuxuBUi use system,admin,disk utility08:21
UBuxuBUor my home folder08:21
UBuxuBUi suq at buntu08:22
lightalol nvm08:22
UBuxuBUyet i get around well08:22
lightacan't you see your hard drive08:22
lightaon /media ?08:22
UBuxuBUin terminal...is that wut u mean08:23
lightaon terminal or on your explorator since I don't know the yet08:23
UBuxuBUill run that terminal08:23
UBuxuBUill look08:23
lightals /media08:24
UBuxuBUdoes nuthing08:25
UBuxuBUls -l maybe08:25
lightacan I see result of sudo fdisk -l ?08:25
lightano if you got nothing mean there nothing on media08:25
UBuxuBUfdisk is 008:26
UBuxuBUjust blinks at me08:26
UBuxuBUls -l has lots of stuff08:26
lightaoh ?08:26
UBuxuBUdesktop stuff08:27
UBuxuBUdocs dloads08:27
UBuxuBUstuff like that08:27
lightaah yeah well we getting far from the point08:27
lightawhat you did is ls -l on your desktop folder08:28
lightawich not interesting for us08:28
UBuxuBUsee all wubi is just a file inside windows08:28
lightaso fdisk result is 0 ?08:28
lightaah ye08:28
UBuxuBUjust blinking curser08:28
UBuxuBUi am not infected08:29
UBuxuBUjust wondered if ubuntu as wubi would be able to read an kill windows virus08:29
UBuxuBUi know how to do it with live cd08:30
UBuxuBUprolly noone knows or ever tried08:31
lightaprolly they tryed yet08:31
UBuxuBUthey just use live cd to do surgery on windows08:31
lightabut as I said I don't know mush about wubi08:31
UBuxuBUseems like noone does08:31
lightawell yeah this could be faster08:32
UBuxuBUmany say its not too good08:32
lightabut all you have to do is to mount your hard disk08:32
lightaon you wubi intallation08:32
UBuxuBUbut will that mess it up08:32
lightawhat I found strang is that you have no result for fdisk but maybe it's normal for a wubi install08:32
UBuxuBUis the mount reversable08:32
lightayes it is08:32
lightadon't worry08:32
UBuxuBUok i saw that option08:33
UBuxuBUill try it08:33
UBuxuBUi knew to scan i had to mount08:33
UBuxuBUhere goes08:33
UBuxuBUbrb w/ test results08:33
UBuxuBUITS at /media/recovery08:37
UBuxuBUshows that when it hit mount...in the gui08:37
UBuxuBUi ll try to scan with clamtk now08:38
lightawhat the size of this disk ?08:38
lightayou should check before scan08:38
UBuxuBUooops its only 21gb08:39
lightayou should be able to look windows content too08:39
UBuxuBUits not it08:39
UBuxuBUits must be the ubuntu file at that size08:39
UBuxuBUcos my hd is 500gb08:39
UBuxuBUlooking deeper...08:39
lightawould be something else08:39
lightamedia are partition08:40
lightanot on the linux used now08:40
UBuxuBUits FAT08:40
lightayou can unmount it if you want08:41
UBuxuBUnow i know wut to do hehe...brb08:41
UBuxuBUok its mounted at /host08:42
UBuxuBUand wont let me ck files cos its active08:42
lightasize good ?08:42
UBuxuBUyup 479 gb08:42
lightak it's probably ntfs the issue08:42
UBuxuBUi see the whole drive08:43
lightayou better mount it with a line like this08:43
UBuxuBUi havent tried clam yet there08:43
lighta/dev/sda3/media/C ntfs-3g defaults,locale=fr_FR.utf8 0 008:43
lightaI know I abuse with this but I found it very strange that you got no result with fdisk -l08:43
UBuxuBUsee the partition doent even show buntu at all08:45
lightabut did you used sudo before ?08:45
UBuxuBUit shows a small FAT08:45
lightaif not it's normal you got no result08:45
UBuxuBUABD 470 NTFS08:45
lightaah nice08:45
UBuxuBUand 479 ntfs08:45
UBuxuBUno linux08:45
lightawhat it's /dev/sda number ?08:45
UBuxuBUprolly cos its a windows file08:46
lightayup this normal =)08:46
lightayour on a ntfs partition08:46
lightaso your line must be something like this08:46
lighta/dev/sda2/media/C ntfs-3g defaults,locale=fr_FR.utf8 0 008:46
lightak maybe you can skip locale=fr etc thing08:47
UBuxuBUsays will not scan /dev08:50
lightak so UBuxuBU your partition is mounted on /host08:50
lightacan you see all your windows file ?08:51
UBuxuBUcos wubi really doesnt partition at all08:51
lightayeah =)08:51
UBuxuBUthere is no real linux partition08:51
lightacan you manipulate them as you want for your scan ?08:51
lightafrom what I understand you should08:53
UBuxuBUah hah08:53
UBuxuBUthere is an 18 gig loop08:53
lightacan't you exculde it ?08:54
UBuxuBUit already was i just now mounted it for the heck of it08:54
UBuxuBUtry some more stuff08:55
lighta? you mount peripherical folder for a scan?08:57
UBuxuBUi think i just scannedeverything08:59
UBuxuBUi chose scan directory08:59
UBuxuBUchose file system08:59
UBuxuBUand it says i scanned about 860000 signatures08:59
UBuxuBUbut if i did thats an awful fast scan09:00
lightahe may skip more if you give him a large amount to scan09:01
lightaidk how your scan engine works09:01
UBuxuBUhmmm when i scanned i saw the word registry fly by09:03
UBuxuBUlinux has no registry09:03
UBuxuBUthats a windows term afaik09:03
lightawell wasn't windows file that you wanted to scan ?09:05
UBuxuBUits an experiment to see if an already installed wubu can clean an infecte windows os09:06
UBuxuBUif so ppl would be prepared up front by having wubi in windows09:07
UBuxuBUunless it was so comprimised that u cant boot windows09:07
UBuxuBUbut then u just di live buntu cd09:08
UBuxuBUstill not convinced i did it though09:08
lightaI see09:11
UBuxuBUcant scan 479gb in 5 seconds hehe09:12
UBuxuBUoh well ill keep foolin with it09:12
UBuxuBUthey say u can install avast in ubuntu....hmmmm09:14
UBuxuBUmaybe ill try that i know avast pretty well09:14
=== xero is now known as Guest34193
UBuxuBUx86 only i am 6409:17
UBuxuBUoh well live cd is sure thing anyway!09:18
lightausb live09:18
lightagood too =)09:18
UBuxuBUeven better prolly09:19
UBuxuBUi got it now10:02
UBuxuBUit works10:02
UBuxuBUclam is just really really bizarre10:02
UBuxuBUits prolly gonna take a couple hours to finish10:03
lightaI wan't to only use wlan connexion and disable ethernet, is uncommend /etc/network/interface the correct way to do it or should I do something else ?10:04
UBuxuBUsystem...prefernces...network connection i think10:08
UBuxuBUthen configure it there10:09
Sysii think networkmanager expects that everyone want to use wire if they have it plugged10:28
Sysiwlan autoconnecting isn't related to eth0, you just need to mark it so in "configure connections" orwhatitis10:29
lightain where Sysi  ?10:32
=== gnomefreak76 is now known as gnomefreak
scifihow do i add a new font to the system?14:23
knomescifi, copy to /usr/share/fonts and run 'fc-cache -f -v /usr/share/fonts'14:46
knomescifi, ~/.fonts would work as well14:46
knomewell, pretty much any path, but...14:46
scifiseem to have managed to get it working copying it to usr/share/local/fonts i think it was14:48
scifididnt have to run that terminal command14:48
nirazio1 down vote favorite Share on Facebook Share on Twitter   I am running Xubuntu. I was running headless fine before using tightVNC on windows and vino on Xubuntu. Now, after entering the password on the remote server, the unlock keyringdialog pops on the local server..14:55
nirazioHow to disable it??14:55
ShootEmUphello everybody16:17
ShootEmUphello again16:18
charlie-tcaGood morning16:21
ShootEmUphow is everyone today? I'm snowed in16:22
charlie-tcaEnjoy it while it is there?16:24
ShootEmUpI'll try, I just really hate snow16:25
Sysiit's not good if you have to drive a car but otherly nice16:26
Sysii wanna move to somewhere where's never -30°C16:27
ShootEmUpIts never that here16:28
charlie-tcaIsn't that cold? we don't get below about -15C here16:29
ShootEmUpgot down to 10 F16:29
charlie-tcaheh, we are already up to 19 F16:30
Sysiso you're living in warm places :P16:30
ShootEmUp-12C is so rare here anyway16:30
ShootEmUpits good weather most of the time16:30
Sysi-12 is normal winter here16:31
charlie-tcaOh, apparently, that's -7 C16:31
ShootEmUpSysi, where do you live?16:31
ShootEmUpahh, I'm in North Carolina, USA16:33
Sysii'll visit usa some day16:36
ShootEmUpits nice, some people are words I can't say on this channel, but most are nice16:37
ShootEmUpjust stay off the interstates16:37
charlie-tcaI talked to my daughter in NC yesterday. It was warmer than here16:38
ShootEmUpwere do you live?16:38
charlie-tcaIdaho, USA16:38
Sysii'd move to states but your social security sucks and afaik there's no too much jobs available atm16:39
ShootEmUpok, nice to know when your talking about the weather16:39
ShootEmUpSysi, yeah its probably best to wait for a litttle wile16:39
Sysiclimate, language or politics always suck16:39
ShootEmUpthe world sucks, just some parts more than others16:40
charlie-tcaCanada has good medical, doesn't it?16:40
ShootEmUpI've heard good things16:40
Sysicanada could be nice, but isn't it even colder than here?16:41
charlie-tcaI always thought either Netherlands or Sweden would be a nice place to live16:41
charlie-tcaSysi: yes, it might be16:41
ShootEmUpor you could try mexico...16:41
Sysisouthern sweden could be nice16:42
MorphixNWI having a strange issue with the Wastebasket16:42
ShootEmUpdo tell16:42
MorphixNWitems seem to be getting stuck and I cant delete them16:42
charlie-tcayes, that does seem to happen16:42
ShootEmUpahh, just had a problem like that16:42
charlie-tca10.04 or 10.10?16:43
MorphixNWis there a fix16:43
ShootEmUpopen a terminal, and type empty-trash16:43
ShootEmUpthats one fix16:43
MorphixNWempty-trash is not currently installed16:44
ShootEmUpinstall it16:44
charlie-tcago into /home/USER/.local/share/Trash/files  and manually remove them16:44
ShootEmUpthats another fix16:45
charlie-tcaYou can also hold right-shift when hitting delete to not put files into Trash16:45
charlie-tcaor Wastebasket, too16:45
ShootEmUpit work?16:46
charlie-tcaYou are welcome16:46
MorphixNWyes I installed trash-cli16:46
ShootEmUpyou delete it with empty-trash?16:47
charlie-tcaNatty warns me everytime that it can not delete some files in Trash, but then it deletes them anyway16:48
ShootEmUpyeah, I had a thing that I deleted as root, but couldn't empty root trash. and I had to enter root and do empty-trash16:48
ShootEmUp!info trash-cli16:50
ubottutrash-cli (source: trash-cli): command line trashcan utility. In component universe, is extra. Version 0.10.r55-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 14 kB, installed size 140 kB16:50
ShootEmUp140KB, not bad16:50
ShootEmUpI don't use the trash can anymore, I always just delete them16:52
ShootEmUpwell i gotta go now, play some black ops. ttyl16:58
ShootEmUpcrap, using a swap file you can't hibernate16:59
ShootEmUpoh well ttyl16:59
charlie-tcaShootEmUp is correct. You must have a swap partition to hibernate, otherwise, you are trying to hibernate to the same disk partition you want to hibernate...17:55
charlie-tcaMorphixNW: were you asking about games on Ubuntu a while back?17:55
MorphixNWwanted to get uplink working17:56
charlie-tcaYou might be interested in http://www.ubuntugamer.com17:57
MorphixNWhmmm interesting :)17:58
charlie-tcano problem17:59
MorphixNWI got some interesting news that you guys might like :)18:07
MorphixNWa friend mother wants me to install xubuntu for her :P18:07
MorphixNWdidnt take much convincing, I am sure she will pick it just fine, just need to point out that "start" is now called "applications" :)18:08
MorphixNWoh and also18:09
MorphixNWI installed 10.04 on a friends laptop a while ago.....all worked just fine (even a 3g modem) but the sound wouldnt work18:09
charlie-tcaturn the controls on?18:10
MorphixNWhowever, I gave my friend a 10.10 CD for him to install, which he has done and all is now working fine18:10
MorphixNWI tried everything18:10
MorphixNWbut 10.10 has worked out the box yet again18:10
MorphixNWthat was a Fujitsu Almio blah blah18:10
charlie-tcaIt just keeps getting better18:10
MorphixNWwell the laptop used to run Vista, badly I might add18:11
MorphixNWbut its runs xubuntu very well18:11
MorphixNWits a dual core with 1gb ram18:11
MorphixNWI am currently working to transform and original xbox into a xubuntu media-centre :)18:12
MorphixNWxbox standard hardware isnt enough with 700mhz CPU and 64MB ram18:13
MorphixNWso I have replaced the motherboard with a Mini-ATX18:13
MorphixNWI will also replace the xbox game ports with standard USBS, I think it will make a slick media-centre that wont be out of place under the TV18:14
=== nicofs_ is now known as nicofs
ShootEmUphello everyone20:29
ShootEmUpanyone have problems?20:29
psycho_oreosnot I :) unless you're running an ancient copy of xubuntu20:30
ShootEmUptrue dat20:30
Sysior beta, what's offtopic20:31
ShootEmUpSysi, #xubuntu-offtopic20:31
Sysihum, i could20:32
ShootEmUpthats the offtopic channel20:32
Sysilet me browse my channel list first..20:32
psycho_oreos<< 9.04 aka Jaunty Jackalope20:32
knomeSysi, you're not there20:32
ShootEmUpThe offtopic is just about empty20:33
Sysiknome: i could test that by joining, i'm thinking where to put it20:33
knomeSysi, 11 is a good choice20:33
charlie-tcaso, here is a problem for which I seem to have no answer...20:34
Sysihey i have query with girl on that20:34
charlie-tcaupgrade 8.04 to 10.0420:34
ShootEmUpokay, whats the problem20:34
charlie-tcaafter the restart, you can't do anything, the mouse moves, but no clicks activate anything20:34
psycho_oreosupgrading is hardly a clean process20:35
charlie-tcanot an answer20:35
charlie-tcaI should be able to use the desktop that is there after the upgrade20:35
ShootEmUphun, sounds like the mouse driver has changed20:35
Sysidoes the keyboard work?20:35
charlie-tcaIt was usable before the upgrade...20:36
psycho_oreosI'd check xorg logs20:36
charlie-tcaSysi: no, not to activate any apps or menu20:36
charlie-tcapsycho_oreos: and you would do that by ? when nothing works,20:36
ShootEmUp1. mouse driver change, 2. your mouse broke, 3. mouse driver curroption20:36
charlie-tcareal hard to look in /var/log when it won't open20:37
psycho_oreoscharlie-tca, I'd boot into single user mode first or rescue mode and then check the logs via console20:37
charlie-tcaShootEmUp: then the keyboard should work20:37
Sysictrl alt F1 doesn't work?20:37
ShootEmUpahh, didn't catch that20:37
charlie-tcaSysi: yes, it does20:37
Sysihave you tried installing updates through that? and maybe reinstall xorg20:38
charlie-tcaand when I go back to alt+f7, I can't even shutdown20:38
ShootEmUpI don't know of any fixes, but it sounds like you need to reinstall20:38
ShootEmUpjust my 2 cents20:39
charlie-tcaheh, don't want to. It worked before I upgraded.20:39
psycho_oreosI don't think charlie-tca will accept that as answer.. lol thought s20:39
charlie-tcatry rebooting about 5 times; you got to the tty...20:39
charlie-tcathen it worked20:39
ShootEmUpcharlie-tca, maybe Xorg needs reinstalling. I think you can do it from live CD via chroot20:40
psycho_oreosI personally would get my hands dirty by getting a terminal/console and finding out the root of the problem20:41
charlie-tcaI rebooted several times, and it decided to work again, to be honest20:41
psycho_oreosI suspect its the xorg `autoprobe' guessing fails20:42
ShootEmUpme too20:42
charlie-tcaBut I still want to know what locked it up... top showed about 10% of the cpu in use20:42
psycho_oreosagain, pull up console and read the logs20:42
charlie-tcaand memory was fine20:42
ShootEmUphow do you read the logs?20:42
charlie-tcayou can use pager LOG in tty20:43
charlie-tcaq quits pager, space pages it one page at a time20:43
ShootEmUpok thanks20:44
psycho_oreos`cat /var/log/xorg.0.log' for example20:44
psycho_oreosor less20:44
charlie-tcaor pager /var/log/xorg.0.log20:44
psycho_oreosthere's many ways20:44
charlie-tcayou can also use vim or nano or ...20:45
psycho_oreosvi, emacs, pico, ed, more20:46
ShootEmUpokay, I think I got it now20:46
charlie-tcaI guess there is more than one way to do it20:47
psycho_oreosa lot more20:47
psycho_oreosmight also be a good idea to get xorg write a conf file when it doesn't work and maybe when it works again dump another conf file and do a diff on it20:50
psycho_oreoss/on\ it/on\ both/20:50
=== ^Phantom2^ is now known as ^Phantom^
LinuX2halfI have trouble installing Xubuntu, it cannot identify my hard drive22:26
TheSheeptry different boot options22:27
ubottuBoot options: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BootOptions - To add/remove startup services, you can use the package 'bum', or update-rc.d - To add your own startup scripts, use /etc/rc.local - See also !grub and !dualboot - Making a boot floppy: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto/BootFloppy - Also see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SmartBootManagerHowto22:27
LinuX2halfI manage to identify the hard drive using Gparted22:27
LinuX2halfBut it cannot be unmounted.22:27
LinuX2halfAlso I haven't resize the partition for the OS22:27
TheSheepLinuX2half: why is it mounted?22:27
TheSheepLinuX2half: aren;t you using the livecd?22:28
LinuX2halfNo, I'm booting it from the hard drive.22:28
LinuX2halfUsing Unetbootin22:28
TheSheepyou cannot resize partitions that way22:28
TheSheepthey are being used22:28
TheSheepboot from the livecd22:28
LinuX2halfAlright thanks. I'll use a CD if I can22:30
ubottuHi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay!22:33
tux444thanks :)22:36
tux444i'm the newest here :)22:36
tux444anyone here ?23:38
_Techie_im here23:38
tux444where are y from ?23:39
_Techie_New Zealand23:40
tux444wellington ?23:40
tux444what time is it in nz ?23:42
_Techie_12:42 pm23:42
tux444and you use linux since ?23:45
tux444tell me if you don't understand23:47
tux444my english is not good23:47
_Techie_tux444, ive been using linux since about mid 200723:50
tux444me since 2006 :)23:52
tux444but for xubuntu, since one week23:53
_Techie_well, im gonna go play some Metro 2033 while i wait for my hard drive to be re partitioned23:53
tux444good game23:54
_Techie_very good game23:54
_Techie_very detailed23:54
_Techie_i play it on low - mid settings because of my resolution and its still more detailed than most games23:54
tux444you have a good pc i suppose23:54
tux444powerfull hardware23:55
_Techie_not many graphics cards can handle a resolution of 4080x1024 on high settings23:55
tux444what is your graphic card ?23:57
_Techie_i run dual HID HD5770 IceQ Turbo's23:58

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