
=== SolidLiq is now known as solid_liq
apacheloggershadeslayer: one takes darwin04:13
apacheloggerthen adds more fancy on top of it04:13
apacheloggerand has an osx distro04:13
valorieso mac sound is better than  linux sound?04:21
valoriemy mac was so old I think all it did was beep04:21
* valorie plays new cds in linux sound-glory04:22
valorietoo bad about the closed parts04:50
apacheloggervalorie: how so?06:15
valorielicense proprietary, for starters06:19
valoriebut they rely on OpenAL: License LGPL before 1.1, proprietary since 1.106:20
valorieso again, closed06:20
valorieI mean, I'm not a freedom fanatic06:21
valoriebut I generally choose free over closed06:21
apacheloggervalorie: so you rather have the free broken shit pile of linux? :P06:29
valorieyou just helped me build a shiny new phonon and phonon-vlc!06:30
valorieand my kubuntu isn't a shitpile06:31
valorieI've actually shoveled multiple types of manure in my long and checkered life.....06:32
valoriepig being the worst by far06:32
valorielinux is more like.....rabbit pellets06:32
valorieuseful, non-offensive06:32
valoriebut still a bit poo06:33
apacheloggermy intarwebs is going to the death06:33
apacheloggerI hate xine(tm)06:33
apacheloggerI hate austria(tm)06:33
* valorie has a guestroom06:33
valoriecome to green washington state!06:33
valoriebit cold atm, though06:34
valorie34F, and some bits of snow predicted06:34
Tm_Tit was just -30 C for a week here 06:36
Tm_Tproper winter <306:36
valoriegood lord06:39
valorieI'd rather have a maritime climate, even with all the rain06:39
valorieapachelogger: if you get here soon, you can come up to the cabin with us for New Year's06:40
valoriemost of the comforts of home06:40
valorieno internet, though06:40
nigelbTm_T: heh, a friend of mine was in finland for a week.07:04
nigelbTm_T: He said he loved to be in proper Christmas weather :p07:04
nigelbs/a week/2 weeks/07:04
yofelwe got like 50cm fresh snow here in germany over christmas, nice surprise, haven't had a white christmas in years ^^07:14
valorieso, every time I try to change phonon-backends and test out phonon-vlc, which I just successfully built, systemsettings crashes07:49
valoriehowever, my bt is useless, so Dr. K asks if I want to install debugging07:49
valorieof course I do07:50
valoriebut what it wants to install is kde-base-dbg07:50
valoriewhich doesn't exist07:50
valorieaccording to kpackagekit07:50
valorieDr. K reports that it's successfully installed, but the bit is worthless, etc.07:50
valoriewash, rinse, repeat07:51
valorieanyone got a clue as to the dbg package I should try to find and install?07:51
valorieand apachelogger isn't allowed to use the phrase "free broken pile of shit" again07:52
valorienow they're called kdebase-dbg07:55
valoriesomeone should tell Dr. Konqui that07:56
valorieactually, I do have kdebase-workspace-dbg, which is I think what's needed08:09
valoriebut: Application: System Settings (systemsettings), signal: Aborted08:09
valorieI think something's amiss with phonon08:09
=== Tscheesy_ is now known as Tscheesy
valorieso -- should I file the bug against phonon, or systemsettings, or what?09:01
valorieseems to be phonon-vlc09:09
valoriethe same thing doesn't happen in phonon-gst09:09
apacheloggervalorie: I very much think it wants to install kdebase-dbg10:27
apacheloggerand depending on the actual backtrace that might be needed in addition to kdebase-workspace-dbg10:27
valorieha, I just happened to try it with phonon-xine -- also instant crash10:29
valorieotoh, am reporting another type of crash in phonon-gst10:29
apacheloggervalorie: what does the trace look like?10:30
* valorie goes to look for kdebase-dbg, but I think it's already installed10:30
valoriejust testing a bit more before I submit, to be sure it's only gst10:30
valorieeffing hell10:31
valoriecrashes in phonon-xine too10:31
valorieI used to be able to listen to podcasts, just DAYS ago....10:32
valoriewhat are you doing up?10:32
valorieyou got like ..... 3 hours sleep10:32
skfinHey valorie :P10:33
valoriehi skfin10:33
valoriehow are you10:33
valorieI see you in all the kde chans now10:33
skfinThanks, you?10:34
valorieyes indeed, kdebase-dbg IS installed10:34
apacheloggervalorie: I did not go to bed10:34
* apachelogger had breakfast10:34
apacheloggerand broken intarwebs10:34
valorieoh, I'm crashing amarok in like 5 different ways10:34
skfinvalorie: Hmm, I have been on almost all kde channels already for few months10:34
apacheloggervalorie: there is a bug in the debug magic in 10.1010:34
valoriewell, now you are spleaking up10:34
valorieapachelogger: truer words were never spoken10:34
apacheloggerit will repeatedly try to install the crashing apps dbg package10:34
valorieindeed it will 10:35
valorieeven when they are installed10:35
apacheloggerwhich is not really harmful though10:35
valorieand then it says they aren't there again, when it just said it successfully installed them!10:35
valorieapachelogger: 10:49
valorieCrash report sent.10:49
valorieURL: https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id=26135610:49
valorieThank you for being part of KDE.10:49
ubottuKDE bug 261356 in general "Try to play a downloaded podcast while using Gstreamer" [Crash,Unconfirmed]10:49
valorieoops, should have fixed that title10:49
markeyby the gods, someone please push this libpulse fix to backports?11:05
markeypretty please :)11:05
markeythe crashing is annoying as hell11:05
markeyapachelogger: ^11:05
markeyor, even better, can we kill PulseAudio with fire?11:05
* apachelogger thinks amarok is causing that crash11:05
apacheloggervalorie: what podcast is that?11:05
markeyseriously, does it even make sense in Kubuntu?11:05
markeyIMHO it makes no sense at all11:05
markeyonly for GNOME it might make a tiny bit of sense11:06
markeyall I get is crashes and latency and nonsense11:06
markeythere is 0 net win from PA11:06
markeyI can't think of any reason for keeping it per default...11:06
markeyALSA has DMix11:06
markeyso, we have software mixing11:06
apacheloggerper-app volume control11:06
markeythat does not even work with KDE11:07
apacheloggerdevice detection11:07
markeyand Amarok has its own software volume11:07
apacheloggerxdesktop volume/device setting11:07
markeywho does really use this feature in KDE?11:07
markeyI don't know of a single person11:07
apacheloggeryou do not need to use it11:07
apacheloggerwhich is the whole poit11:07
markeyPA is a pile of crap that Poettering invented, then left, and not Colin Guthrie is trying to fix up that mess11:07
markeywhat kind of working is that?11:07
markeyPoetter in11:08
markeyis the biggest idiot ever11:08
apacheloggervalorie: actually I know the crash all to well, just not sure about the cause11:08
markeyhave you looked at responses from users whenever the topic PA is discussed?11:08
markeythey hate it11:08
markeys/not Colin/now Colin11:09
yofelmorning Quintasan11:10
QuintasanWhat, Pulse Audio problems again?11:10
QuintasanI dunno who the hell invented it but it doesn't make anything better.11:10
Quintasanyofel: \o11:10
* Quintasan started to rant as soon as he got here11:10
valorieapachelogger: I tried two11:11
valoriethis american life, which I've been listening to in Amarok for like....years11:11
valorieand another NPR one11:11
valorieit wasn't even streaming!11:11
valoriethey were both downloaded11:11
valoriecould be amarok, I don't know11:12
yofelQuintasan: it does make things better, now we can blame the ubuntu devs too for braking our sound11:12
Quintasanvalorie: reinstalling Amarok didn't help. I also deleted my .kde/share/apps/amarok/* but it still crashes :<11:12
valoriebut I was successfully listening to ones from the same shows last week11:12
valoriegotta take out the old doggie11:12
QuintasanAMAROK Y U DO DIS11:13
apacheloggervalorie: what url11:13
valorieoh, se11:15
valoriehttp://feeds.thisamericanlife.org/talpodcast is one11:15
valoriethe other11:15
valorieand I didn't set a special download folder or anything11:16
apacheloggervalorie: latest episode I presume?11:16
valorieI can try again of course11:16
yofelhm, are package descriptions translated anywhere?11:18
apacheloggervalorie: canont reproduce it with #305 of the first pod11:19
valoriecool, 11:19
apacheloggeryofel: somewhere surely11:19
valoriemy machine is haunted, perhaps11:19
valorietonight at least11:19
apacheloggeryofel: at least for the user stuff as seen in kpk and software center 11:19
ulyssesyofel: http://nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu/ http://nightmonkey.ubuntu.hu/stat11:20
yofeljust wondering if kpk is supposed to use them, it doesn't here11:20
apacheloggervalorie: well, I get this crash every once in a while11:20
apacheloggerbut seems rather random11:20
apacheloggerand it is a bit weird because it would seem that the crash is related to the central piece of playback being deleted11:20
apacheloggerand I would like to know where it is going and why11:20
apacheloggeryofel: it should11:20
apacheloggerthere was some talk about this before release I think11:21
valorieodd that tonight anything I test is failing11:22
valorieperhaps my conclusion should be shut down the haunted machine and go to bed11:22
valoriesince it's after 3am11:22
apacheloggeroff to bed with you11:24
apacheloggernini valorie11:24
valoriegood night, and thanks for all your help11:24
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
nigelbtazz: \o/11:49
tazznigelb, 11:49
nigelbtazz: Didn't know you hung out here :)11:49
tazzi do11:50
apacheloggerRiddell: the analyzer appearing in dragon is dragon's fault12:38
=== Quintasan_ is now known as Quintasan
apacheloggerRiddell: sound problems are sort of phonongst's fault14:45
apacheloggerto feed the analyzer dragon uses audiodataoutput (i.e. raw audio data) which in combination wiht the regular audiooutput causes some sort of pipeline blocking resulting in the sound problems14:46
smarterapachelogger: Kubuntu will get slots for the GSoC this year?15:19
Nightrosesmarter: gsoc 2011 isn't even announced yet ;-)15:40
smarterhi Nightrose :)15:41
smarterwhen will it be?15:41
Nightrosenot sure - probably first 3 months of 2011 - and then orgs can apply and get selected within a few weeks15:42
Nightroselook at the 2010 timeline - it'll probably be closeish to it15:42
Nightrose(if there will be a gsoc 2011)15:42
smartertheir might not be one?15:43
Nightrosegoogle doesn't announce things in advance - so there might or might not be yes15:43
Nightrosechances are good there will be15:43
smarterby the way, I'm an edge case: I can't participate in gsoc 2011 because (last I checked) you have to be 18 in april and I'll be 18 in may, and I can't participate in code-in because you have to be in high school and I'm already in college, is there anything I can do or am I screwed? :p15:45
Nightrosei fear you're screwed15:46
Nightroseso wait for the 2012 gsoc or hope they'll chance the cut-off date15:46
Nightroseor take part in season of kde ;-)15:46
Nightroseno money but you get a tshirt and certificate15:46
smarteroh well, tshirts are nice :]15:47
QuintasanNightrose: are you running natty?15:47
QuintasanAmarok crashes for me each time at startup :(15:48
smarter"You must be 18 years of age or older by April 25, 2011 to be eligible to participate inGoogle Summer of Code in 2011." damn, I should have been born 3 weeks earlier15:50
Riddellapachelogger: hmm, so we're screwed for video for phonon+gstreamer+dragon?16:03
Riddellanyone started on koffice?16:07
QuintasanRiddell: Is it urgent?16:15
RiddellQuintasan: due for release on 29th16:23
apacheloggerRiddell: not necessarily, looking into it, worst case would be that we deactivate the analyzer16:24
apacheloggerwhich quite frankly would not be the worst thing to do16:24
Riddellapachelogger: and that solves all our problems?16:24
apacheloggerit is not exactly a well tought through feature IMHO16:24
apacheloggerRiddell: aye16:24
Riddelleasy peasy16:24
apacheloggerJontheEchidna, Riddell: any thoughts on bug 64128816:48
ubottuLaunchpad bug 641288 in kubuntu-debug-installer (Ubuntu) "kubuntu-debug-installer crashed with SIGSEGV in QMutex::lock()" [Medium,Incomplete] https://launchpad.net/bugs/64128816:48
* apachelogger is completely clueless16:48
* Quintasan has some wreid stack traces in dmesg16:50
Quintasanmaybe that's why my computer is getting sloooooooooooooow16:50
apacheloggervery likely16:50
Quintasan#ubuntu-kernel is lifeless as usual :<16:51
Quintasan!search xmllint16:51
ubottuFound: 16:51
Quintasanfound what?16:51
ari-tczewII'm looking for ssh agent for kde. is there anyone?16:53
Quintasanari-tczew: ssh agent as in?16:53
ari-tczewQuintasan: to remember my passwords and keys16:54
ari-tczewafter switch from gnome filezilla doesn't want to handle with sftp16:54
QuintasanI thin you can add those things in dolphin16:54
QuintasanI'm logging to people.ubuntu.com like this16:55
apacheloggermarkey: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547997/16:55
apacheloggerwas skipping around like a mad men16:55
apacheloggerthen closed amarok16:55
apacheloggerand death came over it16:55
QuintasanI can't even start Amarok :/16:56
apacheloggerrm -rf ~/.kde/share/*/amarok*16:56
apacheloggerari-tczew: there at least was one at times16:56
apacheloggerQuintasan: I think your ssh key just doesnt have a password16:56
Quintasanapachelogger: lol16:57
Quintasanapachelogger: I did that (rm'ing) at least 10 times today16:57
apacheloggerthat exact command?16:58
Quintasanwell not exacly17:02
Quintasanrm ~/.kde/share/apps/amarok/*  .kde/share/config/amarok*17:02
apacheloggerQuintasan: so what does it do?17:07
Quintasanlol crashes at splash screen17:07
Quintasanand even though I have debug packages installed it generates useless backtrace17:08
apacheloggermay I see?17:10
Quintasanwait a second17:10
Quintasantill my konsole unfreezes17:11
DaskreechCtrl+S ?17:14
QuintasanDaskreech: it's not a ctrl+s solvable problem17:15
Daskreechok :) just sometimes konsole (bash really) gets stuck and I have to do the Ctrl+S/Ctrl+Q dance17:16
=== mgraesslin_ is now known as mgraesslin
apacheloggerIm dancing with ctrl, Im dancing with control, what a glorious feelin' I am bashing again...17:18
DaskreechMy business card has me listed as Master of Internal Bashing 17:20
apacheloggermine sez master of the phonons17:20
Quintasanapachelogger: http://pastebin.com/gn6JYDvn17:22
apacheloggerrandom guess: your qtscript stuff is busted17:28
Quintasanand how do I fix this17:31
CIA-39[kgoldrunner] sitter * 1209633 * trunk/KDE/kdegames/kgoldrunner/src/kgrgame.cpp when starting a new game, make sure that all playback is discarded, otherwise one gets overlapping sounds if one was falling before starting a new game18:21
milianI'm still on 10.04 and do-release-upgrade keeps failing for me - can someone help me with this log: http://users.physik.fu-berlin.de/~milianw/apt.log18:49
apacheloggermilian: apt-cache search libkephal18:52
milianlibkephal4 - API for easier handling of multihead systems18:53
milianand now?18:53
apacheloggermilian: dpkg-query -l libkephal*18:54
Riddelllibkephal4 is right for 10.04 and 10.1018:54
apacheloggermilian: sudo apt-get install plasma-netbook18:54
milianwth hell what do I need that for?18:54
apacheloggerjust for fun18:55
apacheloggeralso it seems to be a dependency of kubuntu-desktop ;)18:55
apacheloggeras kubuntu-desktop nowadays decides what shell to use based on magic18:55
milianlets try again18:55
milianwhat about the other errors though?18:55
milianesd0 etc.18:55
apacheloggerit is resolving those18:56
apachelogger  Fixing libesd0 via remove of libesd-alsa018:56
apacheloggerif I understand the log correctly it only falls over plasma-netbook18:56
miliansuch a mess18:57
* apachelogger wonders what milian did to his system :P18:57
milianusing it, extensively18:57
apacheloggerthat is almost as horrible as http://aplg.kollide.net/images/avatar/snapshot130.png18:57
milianand I tend to remove stuff I don't need18:58
milianapparently not advised under kubuntu :(18:58
milianit does something18:58
milianthanks apachelogger18:58
apacheloggerif things are removable apt will tell you :P18:59
apacheloggerdo not try to be smarter than the apt19:00
apacheloggerits api is so complex, if the apt logic is only half as sophisticated as the api is complex it might easily be the mother of skynet19:00
milianapachelogger: well, apparently I was able to remove that stuff without problems as my system keeps working19:01
milianjust the upgrade failing sucks majorly19:01
miliananyhow, enough bragging19:01
miliannext time I can just invest the hours in reinstalling19:01
smarterapt doesn't have an API it has snippets of codes that every frontend copy-paste from another one, hoping it works :p19:02
macothere's libapt..19:03
apacheloggersure there is19:03
apacheloggersmarter: do not dare destroying maco's fantasy of libapt and santa and whatnot :P19:03
ulyssesSanta exists, the Doctor told >.<19:04
smarterlibapt-pkg might need a Doctor too :p19:05
smarteror an extermination, can't decide19:05
shadeslayerulysses: go read wikileaks ... 19:07
shadeslayeror 19:07
apacheloggerulysses: spoilers19:07
shadeslayerhold on19:08
* apachelogger holds on too smarter19:08
shadeslayerkaboom ... no santa for you ...19:09
shadeslayersimilarly .... no Mickey for you apachelogger19:09
shadeslayerDear apachelogger, Mickey is a insane guy in a costume who uses OS X19:09
shadeslayer<3 Wikileaks19:10
apacheloggerthere is a chance off converting him to Kubuntu2 then19:10
apacheloggerwe are becoming a darwin distribution19:10
shadeslayerwhats Kubuntu1? 19:10
apacheloggerbecause there is no shitty shitty multimedia on darwin19:10
shadeslayerwe had a version bump to 2?19:10
apacheloggershadeslayer: you bun too based kubuntu19:10
smarterso Kubuntu3 uses the Hurd?19:10
shadeslayerwhy wasnt i told about this19:10
shadeslayeryou dont tell me anything :/19:11
apacheloggerkubuntu3 uses my private parts19:11
apacheloggershadeslayer: you are nevar around!19:11
shadeslayerim around now19:11
shadeslayeralso im around on skype19:11
apacheloggeralways doing naughty things with other people19:11
apacheloggerin kde19:11
apacheloggerand qt19:11
apacheloggerand windows19:11
apacheloggerand whatnot19:11
shadeslayershhhh thats supposed to be a sekret :P19:11
apacheloggerit is of unknowingness?19:13
apacheloggera dusty fairytale19:15
shadeslayererrr ... more like a ... magical malady19:15
apacheloggerthe killers?19:16
apacheloggeryou know19:16
apacheloggerwith multimedia people you can say anything and they will think of a song19:16
apacheloggeryou only think of maladys :P19:17
shadeslayerapachelogger: go listen to BSB :P19:17
shadeslayeralso something is wrong with CIA 57 .... its not picking up my commits :/19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: plz2add me to CIA-3919:18
apacheloggerthat is intentional19:18
apacheloggershadeslayer: do you do things of interest?19:18
shadeslayerapachelogger: yes19:18
shadeslayerhere there everywhere19:19
* apachelogger just had an awesome idea how to be evil and annoy Riddell19:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: srsly19:19
apacheloggerobviously it should be of interest to darwin19:19
shadeslayerapachelogger: they ported android to the N900 ...19:19
apacheloggeror kubuntu219:19
QuintasanAndroid on N900 :D19:19
shadeslayerQuintasan: yeah 19:19
apacheloggersick shit19:19
apacheloggershadeslayer: and you did that?19:19
smartershadeslayer: was that a reference to a Beatles song? :p19:20
Riddellhmm, annoy riddell doesn't sound very awesome19:20
shadeslayerQuintasan: dude ..  theyre selling the Desire HD for 27k INR here .... the same amount i bought my Desire for :/19:20
shadeslayerapachelogger: no19:20
* apachelogger snuggles the Riddell19:20
QuintasanHA HA19:20
QuintasanI told you to wati.19:20
apacheloggershadeslayer: then I do not follow19:20
shadeslayersmarter: its the BlackStrat Blues ... see last.fm/shadeslayer_19:20
shadeslayeryes thats a _ there19:20
ulyssesshadeslayer: http://xkcd.com/838/19:21
apachelogger27k inr?19:21
shadeslayerulysses: whut? i dont follow19:21
apacheloggerthat is like 5 euros19:21
smartershadeslayer: 40419:21
apacheloggerI could get a car for that amount of money19:21
shadeslayerive seen that strip19:21
shadeslayersmarter: last.fm/users/shadeslayer_19:21
shadeslayersmarter: http://www.last.fm/user/shadeslayer_ and http://www.blackstratblues.com/19:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: ^^19:22
shadeslayerFree downloads ;)19:22
* apachelogger closes cia again19:22
shadeslayerapachelogger: wait .. you were adding me? 19:22
QuintasanDAMN IT19:23
apacheloggerno, I was waiting for you tell me why I should add you19:23
shadeslayerapachelogger: because im awesum 19:23
* apachelogger is wearing his custom made bathign suite http://www.anthonyshaffer.co.uk/Pics/Screenplays/EvilSun15.JPG19:23
apacheloggershadeslayer: that does not justify annoying Riddell19:23
apacheloggerhe grows ever so sad when we flood the channel19:23
apacheloggersee, he even payed max payne to get rid of kubotu19:24
shadeslayerapachelogger: i thought he paid jefferai19:24
smarterkubotu's dead?19:24
shadeslayerwait no19:24
apacheloggermaybe a jedi19:24
apacheloggerjaaadi as the wookies say19:24
Quintasanapachelogger: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548037 any idea what is this?19:24
apacheloggerQuintasan: a crash19:25
QuintasanI noticed that, any idea what crashes?19:25
apacheloggerirq 19: nobody cared (try booting with the "irqpoll" option)19:25
smarterbad CD/DVD?19:25
apacheloggerQuintasan: ata_bmdma it would seem19:26
shadeslayeronice ... ive never seen a kernel crash19:26
apacheloggeror something relatedly19:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: that is not a kernel crash19:26
Quintasanapachelogger: explains poor performance on everything19:26
shadeslayerapachelogger: then?19:26
apacheloggershadeslayer: module goes down the drain I presum19:26
QuintasanIt's a module crash19:26
* apachelogger is not terribly well informed on the kernel stuff either19:26
shadeslayercrashing modules19:26
Quintasanand guys in #ubuntu-kernel are either ignoring me or something19:26
Quintasanshadeslayer: fun as hell, my system slows down to a crawl each time I boot and do something19:27
shadeslayerQuintasan: you poke them too often19:27
QuintasanI did only once today19:27
shadeslayerrun OS X if you want something that works 19:27
apacheloggermaybe he is doing dirty talk there?19:27
* apachelogger also goes to #kwin for dirty talk19:27
shadeslayerapachelogger: iDunno19:27
Quintasan>OS X19:27
Quintasan>something that works19:28
apacheloggerwith darwin as base!19:28
apacheloggerwe shall prevail!19:28
apacheloggereat all them linuxers19:28
ulyssesyou guys started the new year's party a bit early19:28
apacheloggerwe are still working on xmas19:28
shadeslayerapachelogger: kwin devs are awesome, they fix bugs 2 days before people report the bugs19:28
apacheloggershadeslayer: they are like me19:29
shadeslayerthey know the art of time travelling i tell ya19:29
apacheloggerexcept I introduce bugs 2 days before people report them19:29
mgraesslinwe fix bugs? /me didn't know that19:29
apacheloggermgraesslin: is gles buildable yet? :P19:29
shadeslayermgraesslin: the one i told you about19:29
shadeslayerblack borders etc19:29
apacheloggerScottK, Riddell: I am going to eat arm soon19:29
mgraesslinshadeslayer: it has been reported weeks ago19:30
* apachelogger will just upload some Qt stuff that is supposed to turn on gles19:30
shadeslayerapachelogger: put some Qt on top of it19:30
apacheloggerno clue if it works proper19:30
shadeslayermgraesslin: dude i have 4.5.90 ... its not fixed here19:30
apacheloggerdoes not work!19:30
apacheloggerthe kio slave is broken19:30
mgraesslinapachelogger: yes it is buildable, though it won't work on top of current workspace19:30
smarteryou put magnets in your wine? :p19:31
mgraesslinshadeslayer: it took some time to fix it, we had it fixed before the rlease but after tagging19:31
apacheloggerI wanted to get more wine with a magnet19:31
apacheloggerdid not work19:31
apacheloggerit is the broken19:31
shadeslayermgraesslin: ah19:31
Quintasanscrew this, I'm reporting a bug19:32
apacheloggerI am somebody19:32
Quintasanmaybe they will react faster that way19:32
* apachelogger roflhao19:32
shadeslayerlol ... 19:32
Quintasanhell yeah19:32
Quintasan12 seconds and konsole is still not up19:33
apacheloggeryou should no bring it up that often, at some point it will be exhausted19:33
Quintasanstill not up19:33
apacheloggerdont you know the feeling19:33
apacheloggercant be up all day19:33
shadeslayersudo service shadeslayer_study start19:34
shadeslayercya people19:34
Quintasanshadeslayer_study: service not found19:34
apachelogger5 euros (29k inr) that he will be back in less than an hour19:34
shadeslayeri havent gone het19:35
apacheloggerwhy does no one ever wanna bet with me19:35
* apachelogger must be the only gambling human here19:35
QuintasanI have no money19:36
shadeslayerapachelogger: not eveyrone has done a GSoC :P19:36
* apachelogger now works nights19:37
ulyssesshadeslayer: others just rabbed a bank?:P19:37
apacheloggerone can make much more money19:37
shadeslayerulysses: or sold unicorns19:37
ulyssesshadeslayer: or read the http://trollscience.com/ how to make infinite money19:38
apacheloggerthere are more important things than money19:39
shadeslayernope ... you earn money via 2 ways : 1) GSoC or 2) Sell unicorns19:39
shadeslayerno other way19:39
apacheloggera space ship for example19:39
* apachelogger can go home any time now19:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: you can buy a space ship with money19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: you most certainly cannot19:39
shadeslayerapachelogger: you can build a space ship with money?19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: also you can earn money by working at night19:39
apacheloggershadeslayer: you most certainly cannot19:40
ulyssesapachelogger: just call MacGyver19:40
apacheloggerhe could19:40
ulysseshe certainly can19:40
apacheloggerbut he is not human19:40
apacheloggermy point behing that humans are not able to do it19:40
apacheloggermagnet kio slave is broken19:40
apacheloggeroh oh oh19:41
apacheloggerkde has a pastebin now :O19:41
apacheloggerthis is most awesome19:41
shadeslayerapachelogger: i just saw it too!19:41
apacheloggershadeslayer: add it to pastebinit19:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: EXAMS!!!19:42
shadeslayerill make something after 31st19:42
shadeslayerapachelogger: im telling you ... wait 3 more days19:42
shadeslayerjust 3 more days19:42
shadeslayeri have huge plans19:42
shadeslayerone of them might be getting revealed tomorrow19:43
* apachelogger is nerdly aroused19:43
apachelogger*huge* plans are always good19:43
smarterthe best kind of aroused19:43
apacheloggerthe bigger the better19:43
apacheloggerDeveloped by: Sayak Banerjee19:43
shadeslayeroh sayakb19:44
apacheloggerI mentioned that you people drove him from kubuntu to kde?19:44
mgraesslinapachelogger: phonon has been declared dead just on 27c319:44
shadeslayerapachelogger: lolwut ... he still uses Kubuntu iirc19:44
apacheloggermgraesslin: 27c3?19:44
apacheloggershadeslayer: yeah, but he used to be all busy reporting bugs and stuff19:44
mgraesslinchaos communication congress19:44
apacheloggerand apachelogger being apachelogger was all evil19:44
shadeslayeri think yes .... he's become more upstream19:45
shadeslayerhe does kde-www work more now19:45
apacheloggermgraesslin: do they want me to leak their sexual fantasies?19:45
apacheloggern one declares my *huge* projects dead19:46
Quintasanoh god19:46
Quintasanplease no19:46
* apachelogger gets his light saber19:46
* mgraesslin is just watching a video stream of a Linux rant19:46
=== apachelogger is now known as darthlogger
darthloggerthere we go19:46
darthloggerI shall eat them alive19:46
darthloggerand then I shall send my army of ponies after them19:47
smarteryour nick just turned dark red from purple in quassel, cool19:47
mgraesslinhttp://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/wiki/Documentation <- room 219:47
darthloggerand the unicorns on the flanks19:47
* Quintasan takes darthlogger away and hits him with a hammer19:48
darthloggerhave you filed a bug19:48
smarterthat reminds me, I'm supposed to write a phonon backend for openal for gluon19:48
darthlogger:D :D :D19:48
mgraesslinoh no19:48
darthloggertwo years ago19:49
* darthlogger dies19:49
darthloggermgraesslin: you made my day19:49
mgraesslinyou're welcome :-D19:49
darthloggermgraesslin: can I marry you?19:49
mgraesslinno, sorry19:49
darthloggertoo bad19:49
* darthlogger needs to marry the talker19:49
darthloggerhe is awesome19:49
darthloggerPA great work19:50
darthloggernot thread save19:50
darthloggerbut great work19:50
darthloggerI should be there19:50
darthloggerthough he has a point, if not made very well19:51
shadeslayernight all 19:52
darthloggernini shadeslayer19:52
=== darthlogger is now known as apachelogger
apacheloggerthis is so awesome19:54
mgraesslinomg the developers are taking away Linux from the freaks19:55
apacheloggerthis is so awesome19:56
* apachelogger is falling off his chair19:56
* apachelogger goes denting19:56
_Groo_hi/2 akk19:59
apachelogger_Groo_: http://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/wiki/Documentation19:59
smarterwho's that guy?19:59
_Groo_could anyone test phonon from kde 4.6 rc1, through the systemsettings multimedia?19:59
mgraesslinsmarter: an admin from Munich university20:00
_Groo_apachelogger: whats that? behind the obviou20:00
_Groo_two things20:00
_Groo_bad apachelogger 20:00
_Groo_you forgot to update akonadi from natty and it broken 4.6 rc1 for maverick20:01
_Groo_taken care off20:01
_Groo_kdemultimedia was MIA20:01
_Groo_i mean kdenetwork sorry20:01
_Groo_i did the packages in my machine but i had an ISP issue this weekend and couldnt upload it to ninjas20:01
_Groo_dont know if it was taken care of now20:01
_Groo_finally, aparently phonon is broken in maverick. i can use kmix but if i try to play the test sound in systemsettings it doesnt do nothign, can anyone verify this?20:02
_Groo_im building phonon from git, version is 4.4.4 now and see if this fixes the issues20:02
_Groo_if it does, it needs to be feed into natty and then maverick via ppa20:03
Quintasan_Groo_: doesn't work under natty20:03
_Groo_apachelogger: still there?20:03
Quintasanno sound is being played20:03
_Groo_Quintasan: i believe its phonon thats too old, natty uses 4.3.4 also20:03
_Groo_i mean 4.4.320:04
_Groo_damn dislexy20:04
* _Groo_ needs to replace is fingers for neural implants20:04
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1209652 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/libmuon/MuonMainWindow.cpp Ensure actions are re-enabled after errors.20:07
_Groo_apachelogger: btw akonadi needs to be updated ONLY if using latest kdepim 4.7, so the place to put it is in experimental ppa, and leave old akonadi for normal kdepim. i think the newest will work but leave it for the safe side20:07
mgraesslinyou need new akonadi for latest kdepimlibs if I know correctly20:07
mgraesslinpimlibs is part of 4.620:08
_Groo_mgraesslin: exactly, like i said... 20:08
_Groo_mgraesslin: but only kmail2 will complain of old protocol20:08
_Groo_and that one is in kdepim 4.7 in experimental20:08
mgraesslinat least current akonadi works with current pimlibs and 4.4 pim20:09
_Groo_compiling phonon 4.4.4 as we speak, lets see if this fixes the sound problem20:09
mgraesslin(running it here)20:09
_Groo_mgraesslin: the issue is only if you update to rc1 (it works till beta2) and also add the experimental ppa with the kdepim 4.7 code20:10
CIA-39[muon] jmthomas * 1209653 * trunk/extragear/sysadmin/muon/ (3 files in 2 dirs) I had been a bit overzealous in my code consolidation efforts. The Muon Manager needs its own UserCancelError handling20:12
* apachelogger needs a break after this20:13
_Groo_oh great, 4.4.4 changed a few things around, no more Phonon dir in include... no more AudioDevice.... i so love to change .install files ¬¬20:13
apachelogger_Groo_: Ido not follow20:13
apacheloggerakonadi will not be experimental20:13
_Groo_apachelogger: akonadi in the beta ppa was 1.4.020:14
_Groo_apachelogger: it worked fine till rc1...20:14
_Groo_apachelogger: devs updated protocol, now we need 1.5.020:15
_Groo_apachelogger: to cope witk kmail2/kdepim 4.7.020:15
apacheloggeryou should talk to jr20:15
_Groo_apachelogger: its already in natty, just wasnt backported to maverick20:15
* apachelogger is only phonon dev20:15
_Groo_i did talk this weekend, and someone in here fixed the problem with akonadi20:15
_Groo_apachelogger: also i cant find the xine plugin anywhere in phonon git, was it removed?20:16
apachelogger yes20:16
* _Groo_ knows is unmaintained20:16
* mgraesslin is close from falling from the chair20:16
_Groo_apachelogger: so the gstreamer and vlc are apart now? i redo the packages for them? phono only has the base lib funcionality?20:17
apacheloggermgraesslin: I wonder whether he will cry afterwards 20:18
_Groo_i love you guys :P20:18
_Groo_the problem of being an unoficial minion is that im always the last to know :P20:19
mgraesslinapachelogger: do you know who the guy is who gives the contra?20:19
ScottKapachelogger: Any particular reason?20:19
_Groo_apachelogger: btw is kdenetwork up in the ppa now?20:19
apacheloggermgraesslin: voice sounds familiar20:19
apacheloggerthough I am drunk20:20
apacheloggerall sandsmark fault 20:20
apacheloggerTHINGS WILL BREAK!20:23
mgraesslinit's so awesome20:24
* _Groo_ wants to know if he can get hired, apachelogger is always drunk, groo wants a job just like that :D20:24
apacheloggernow I remember20:24
apacheloggermarkey: it is the devil :D20:24
_Groo_apachelogger: where do i get phonon-gstreamer? i only have vlc and mplayer20:25
_Groo_to do the apckages20:25
* apachelogger hugs mgraesslin, goes for a smoke with a smile on his face20:25
apachelogger_Groo_: git20:25
shadeslayermgraesslin: you have a trunk build right? 20:25
_Groo_apachelogger: i know that...20:25
mgraesslinshadeslayer: yes20:25
shadeslayerapachelogger: mgraesslin i present to you  http://people.ubuntu.com/~rohangarg/pastekdeorg.tar.gz'20:25
_Groo_apachelogger: git.kde.org now?20:25
_Groo_apachelogger: or old gitorius?20:26
shadeslayermgraesslin: backend for paste.kde.org 20:26
_Groo_apachelogger: i only saw the news of vlc/mplayer, didnt see gstreamer added to the pack20:26
shadeslayermgraesslin: can you test it for me? :P 20:26
mgraesslinwill do20:26
shadeslayeri dont have a build env set up20:26
mgraesslinthe cmake does not work20:28
shadeslayermgraesslin: it needs to go into the folder with all the other backends20:28
mgraesslinoh right20:28
_Groo_FINALLY git.kde works with http20:28
mgraesslinand where is that?20:28
* _Groo_ pops some bubbles20:28
shadeslayermgraesslin: src/kdebase/workspace/plasma/generic/dataengines/share/backends/20:29
apacheloggerwell then20:31
apacheloggermy dear friends20:31
apacheloggerI am exhausted20:31
apacheloggerbig time20:31
QuintasanBut you have been doing nothing all the day20:34
shadeslayermgraesslin: i have to go ... but please compile and post the result :)20:35
mgraesslinshadeslayer: I am compiling20:36
apacheloggerQuintasan: I have, I have20:37
apacheloggerjust not in kubuntu20:37
apacheloggerother than planning our migration to darwin20:37
JontheEchidnaagateau: I have some QString optimizations for colibri that also fix some issues krazy picked up on http://pastebin.com/hBm1aKav20:37
mgraesslinshadeslayer: does not work20:38
shadeslayermgraesslin: compile error?20:43
shadeslayeror what?20:43
mgraesslinno I cannot upload to paste20:43
shadeslayeroh ... any particular error?20:43
mgraesslinno it doesn't show an error message20:43
mgraesslinit just fails20:44
shadeslayerah so no return URL20:44
apacheloggershadeslayer is like JontheEchidna, both are creating faulty software :P20:46
shadeslayerhah :P20:47
mgraesslinapachelogger: go to https://events.ccc.de/congress/2010/Fahrplan/events/4017.en.html - there's a feedback button20:47
* apachelogger feeds back20:48
shadeslayerapachelogger: how do you pass parameters to curl? like paste_lang ?20:48
shadeslayeroh hmm i think i found it20:49
_Groo_ok i rebuilt phonon 4.4.4, now remaking phonon-gstreamer/mplayer/xine/vlc20:59
_Groo_who do i talk to to get this uploaded to natty?20:59
apacheloggerno one21:01
apacheloggerthere is no phono 4.4.421:01
apacheloggerand thus it will not get uploaded to natty21:01
_Groo_commit a982aa460e6b6593c5f4bf6ebde258e375cb1233 Author: Harald Sitter <sitter@kde.org> Date:   Sat Dec 25 18:25:09 2010 +0100      bump version to 4.4.421:01
_Groo_merry christmas? :D21:02
_Groo_the guy was working at 6pm for god sakes XD21:02
_Groo_i was playing allods :P and getting stuffed21:02
_Groo_apachelogger: so there is or there is not a 4.4.4?21:06
apacheloggerI just bumped the version because it is not 4.4.3 anymore21:07
_Groo_apachelogger: sooooooooooooooooo if its not 4.4.3??? hum... 2 + , takes one... hm....21:08
_Groo_apachelogger: what you mean its that isnt stable yet? :)21:08
_Groo_apachelogger: ence cant be uploaded to natty?21:08
apacheloggerI mean I did not release it 21:08
_Groo_apachelogger: you gitted it baby, its released XD 21:09
apacheloggerand until I did not realease no shit not at all, there is going to be no upload21:09
_Groo_apachelogger: ok i understand :)21:09
apacheloggeryou have not seen grumpy upstreams if you never had me as upstream21:09
_Groo_apachelogger: ill wait.. you could just had saved me the copy pasting :D by saying.. ah, its not released yet... instead of saying it doesnt exit...21:10
apacheloggerit does not exist21:10
apacheloggerit exists when there is a tag21:10
apacheloggerand then it is released when I release it21:10
apacheloggercurrently there is git master which happens to become 4.4.4 21:10
_Groo_apachelogger: yah i know :D 21:11
_Groo_apachelogger: anyway kudos21:11
_Groo_apachelogger: just recompiled/made packages of 4.4.4 (master), latest gstreamer and vlc... now sound works in systemsettings as intended... even left/right works with pulseaudio21:11
_Groo_very good work21:11
_Groo_apachelogger: anyway IF/when if gets released i already made packages and ill be making them on weekly basis to catchup on upstream.. so if you want to use my work, just drop me a mail21:12
apachelogger_Groo_: you could just upload the packaging somewhere and mail kubuntu-devel21:12
_Groo_apachelogger: im having some trouble with mplayer backend but thats another story.. and ill do xine too cause i like it21:12
apacheloggerso that it is surely available when the time has come21:13
_Groo_apachelogger: i trust your memory21:13
apacheloggerwhich will be soonish for phonon and phonon-gst as both already have important and awesome improvements21:13
apachelogger_Groo_: yeah, but I might not be around21:13
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah just noticed that :D21:13
apacheloggeralso it is a delay if I have to ask for it :P21:13
_Groo_apachelogger: you where working at 6pm of day 25... so yeah youll be around XD drunk but around21:13
_Groo_apachelogger: the asking would be.. groo can you upload the apckages to ninja for testing? 30 min later... done!21:14
_Groo_replace ninja with whatever pit hole you guys send the pakcages21:14
apachelogger_Groo_: and if you are not around?21:14
apacheloggerlike sleeping? :P21:14
_Groo_apachelogger: then someone more capable will do them :)21:14
apacheloggertrust me, I have done this madness long enough21:15
apacheloggerto prevent work from being lost, upload and inform as many people as possible21:15
_Groo_apachelogger: im sure you did...21:15
_Groo_apachelogger:  ok ill upload to my ppa, and ill have to register for kubuntu-dev...21:15
_Groo_ill do it this week21:15
_Groo_im ultra lazy21:15
_Groo_and late to get home too :P21:15
_Groo_apachelogger: can you tell me why latest vlc doesnt show video anymore in dragon? only sound?21:19
apacheloggermaybe because eean broke it21:21
apachelogger_Groo_: on 4.6?21:21
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah21:21
apacheloggeryeah, that would be eeans fault21:21
_Groo_apachelogger: lol ok :D21:21
apacheloggerhe introduces some half baked audio visual support shit21:21
apacheloggerand that breaks all sorts of stuff21:21
_Groo_apachelogger: exactly21:21
apacheloggerwith phonongst you get an analyzer before the video21:22
apacheloggerand crappy sound (because of the analyzer)...21:22
_Groo_apachelogger: it shows the equalizer instead of the video21:22
apacheloggerif you want, go to #kde-devel and annoy him21:22
apachelogger_Groo_: it should show the video after some time21:22
_Groo_apachelogger: gst works fine, only vlc is showing the equializer21:22
apacheloggervlc is very hacky WRT to vieo detection21:22
apachelogger(as in 25 frames into the video or so the backend will ask vlc whether the file has video)21:23
_Groo_apachelogger: and since i still have pulse from maverick it still crashses at the end...21:23
_Groo_apachelogger: nice programing :D21:23
apacheloggercoling handed me a wrong patch21:23
apacheloggergo complain to lennart21:23
apacheloggerhe will rip you apart21:23
apacheloggerI swear21:23
apacheloggerwe just watched him do it21:23
apacheloggerit was uberfun21:23
_Groo_apachelogger: complain about what exactly?21:23
_Groo_apachelogger: he cant rip me appart im bery squishy21:24
apacheloggerthat PA is crap and not threadsafe21:24
apacheloggerbecause he does not read xlib documentaton21:24
apacheloggereven though PA is using xlib21:24
_Groo_apachelogger: lol.. well i can argue on that technical lvl, i dont work with that technology.. so i just keep my mouth shut21:25
_Groo_apachelogger: thats for you audio gods to querrel about21:25
_Groo_apachelogger: ehehehe Assertion 'pa_close(fds[0]) == 0' failed at pulsecore/core-util.c:2215, function pa_close_pipe(). Aborting.21:26
apachelogger_Groo_: you need to get sandsmark's parents nice fiber connection21:26
_Groo_apachelogger: maybe sandsmark allow me to move over?21:26
apacheloggerthen he can fix vlc and dragon and stuff21:26
apacheloggeralso I would like not to be drunk21:26
_Groo_apachelogger: ill be very quiet21:26
apacheloggercause Ive got important code to write21:26
apachelogger_Groo_: #phonon21:26
apacheloggeryou will have to talk to him21:26
_Groo_apachelogger: experience tells me the best code was written when converting beer/coffee into code21:27
apacheloggernot as much as I had21:27
_Groo_apachelogger: you said someone handded you the wrong patch? would that patch be the patch to fix maverick + vlc backend?21:27
apacheloggerin fact it was a patch that we already incorporated21:28
_Groo_apachelogger: do you have the proper patch now?21:28
apacheloggerwhich makes me wonder how you applied the patch21:28
_Groo_apachelogger: yeah the one i told you it was in .2.2?21:28
_Groo_apachelogger: and i told you it didnt work since it was already there?21:28
apacheloggerlast I checked it wsa not in master21:28
apacheloggerbut someline21:28
apacheloggerforgot what line it was21:28
apacheloggerlennart has funny names for the branches21:28
_Groo_apachelogger: and then you told me.. who do i trust, a unoficial minion or the ubber gods? ¬¬21:29
apacheloggerthe uber gods were right21:29
apacheloggerjust the wrong patch21:29
apacheloggeralso you probably did not package someline, did you?21:29
_Groo_i was right!!! the patch didnt fix the problem!!! AHHHHHHHHHHH21:29
apacheloggerbecause IIRC that stuff is still not inmaster21:29
apacheloggerbut someline21:29
apachelogger_Groo_: you can live in teh basement21:29
apacheloggernot heated though he says21:29
_Groo_does it have sunlight? i dont like sunlight...21:30
apacheloggerand he lives north, actually he is neighbor of santa21:30
_Groo_i like cold :)21:30
apacheloggerso you might want to get some heating 21:30
_Groo_ill kill mouses and burn their skin for heating21:30
_Groo_maybe some baby seals, if i can find them21:31
_Groo_they are easy to kill21:31
apachelogger<sandsmark> sure, it's just like -25°C here21:31
_Groo_apachelogger: AH! easy!21:31
_Groo_apachelogger: its 40+ here in brasil :P21:32
_Groo_minus 25... babies...21:32
_Groo_aaanyway... ill seeya all tomorrow.. need to get home, kill some monkeys and eat their brains..21:32
_Groo_today is monkey brain day :)21:32
apacheloggerthem brazilians21:33
_Groo_apachelogger: im portuguese21:33
apacheloggereating poor monkeys21:33
_Groo_apachelogger: but when in rome...21:33
apacheloggerand babies21:33
_Groo_portuguse are known to addapt to every country they go21:33
apachelogger_Groo_: well, I am irish, but I am in austria so I am austrian21:34
_Groo_apachelogger: ah austrian... howdy m8! auehauehauehuaheuaheuhehue ;)21:34
apacheloggerthat is chesseland21:34
apacheloggernot mozartland21:34
apacheloggeryou are mixxing up the sterotypes here21:34
_Groo_apachelogger: this joke never gets old XD21:34
_Groo_apachelogger: irish hu? know i know why you are always drunk!21:35
_Groo_apachelogger: well seeya all tomorrow :D21:35
_Groo_heeeere monkey monkey monkey.. come to papa21:36
_Groo_one down, 4 more to go21:36
_Groo_need at least 5... for a good nice stew21:36
apacheloggeromg omg21:36
_Groo_the little ones are hard to hit ¬¬21:36
apacheloggerthey are little21:37
_Groo_just apetizers... good with toasts or cookies...21:37
_Groo_make good cigar holders too21:38
_Groo_car key holders...21:38
_Groo_nothing like a gold head monkey with a car key attached21:38
_Groo_pen drives... dont make me start21:38
_Groo_a pen drive with a gold monkey head attached... super pop!21:38
_Groo_this made me hungry... need to go home...21:39
_Groo_seeya :D21:39
cpatrick2008i just wanted to say the 4.6 beta1 looks better than 4.5 and the other previous pre 4..6 releases keep up the good work21:46

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