
berlingis there any solution for lubuntu freezing on old pcs?00:08
stlsaintwe would need more a explanation of the error00:12
stlsaintand any error reports you get...00:12
stlsaintberling: ??00:13
berlingjust searched logs. Usually happens after using firefox or chrome.00:29
berlingntpd_initres[985]: parent died before we finished, exiting00:30
berlingand final log:00:40
berlingkernel: [   50.136353] EXT4-fs (sda1): re-mounted. Opts: errors=remount-ro,commit=60000:41
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
stwobejust installed sox - but cannot convert form wav to m3 - error says "SoX was compiled without MP3 encoding support". Even though I installed every Sox realed thing in Synaptic.00:57
stwobemp3 I mean in the above -not m300:57
=== LinoSP_ is now known as LinoSP
=== Freejack is now known as Freejack`
cmdrtebokhey I was wondering what the minimum amount of hard drive space needed for lubuntu was03:16
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phillwcmdrtebok: it *can* fit on 512MB03:56
stlsaintcmdrtebok: to functionally run i suggest 1-4 gb (thats giving room for installing programs)04:26
bioterrormy Arch is on 2TB drive :D04:31
bioterrorthanks to grub 2 :D04:31
bioterrorfeels weird if someone has less than 20GB hdd04:31
stlsaintbioterror: feels weird for me if less than 200GB lol04:33
stlsaintbioterror: its like anything less then 250 and i cant function properly lol04:33
bioterroryou dont need to install much stuff and you're way beyond 3GB04:40
stlsaintMonthOLDpickle: SPAM!!05:17
GoodgameI've got a question on ubuntu, (same on lubuntu I guess). How do we cut/paste files from an user to another?10:51
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
wyclifliking lubuntu a lot12:22
bioterrorgood wyclif12:25
sligohello. i am new to linux and what i learned in ubuntu doesn't always apply to lubuntu.  i downloaded a package from Moneydance which is my financial software.  is there anyway to make an icon executable from the same place the chromium icon is located and get rid of the chromium icon?14:23
sligoif this is the wrong place for this question, my apologies14:24
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
* woodzy is away: I'm busy16:41
=== zmijunkie_ is now known as zmijunkie
woodzydoes anyone know how to disable the touch pad on a laptop when a usb or ps/2 mouse is plugged in?17:03
=== peregrinator_six is now known as Monarquista
=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
=== Monarquista is now known as peregrinator_six
GaryDhello all. does anyone know why mplayer goes black after a few minutes? i have the video output set on x11.21:06
kosaidpooGaryD: why not use vlc its cooler21:07
GaryDbecause I can't seem to get the mozilla-vlc-plugin to ever work.21:07
kosaidpooGaryD: ahhi tho u jst askin abt the desktop app21:08
GaryDit never plays videos in firefox.21:08
kosaidpooGaryD: does it give you any error msg ?21:08
GaryDkosaidpoo: no. the screen just goes blank. i am using gnome-mplayer.21:10
GaryDi still get sound, though?21:10
YorvykGaryD, is that not the screensaver kicking in21:13
kosaidpooGaryD: uhmm weird21:13
GaryDYorvyk: i have the screensaver disabled. It doesn't happen all the time either, mainly in embedded videos, but it does happen on local videos too.21:15
Yorvykuhmm weird :/21:16
GaryDyep. a friend of mine is having the same problem.21:17
YorvykGaryD, Have you tried starting it from the command line to see if it throes any error out?21:19
GaryDYorvyk: no, i haven't. i will do that next time. does anyone else have this problem? i notice on the forums and mailing lists that others are having the same problem, but only with vdpau output. also, i do have unclutter enabled. coudl that causea problem? i notice that sometimes it happens when the mouse disappears. not always though.21:21
YorvykGaryD, I've not had the problem.21:22
GaryDand you use gnome-mplayer?21:23
YorvykDoes it happen only with a certain format or any format21:23
Yorvykyes gnome mplayer21:23
GaryDwhat is your video output?21:24
YorvykIntel or SiS21:25
Yorvykvdpau is nVidia?21:26
GaryDi am using x11. on my computer i have nvidea card. on my friend's computer there is xserver-xorg-video-intel.21:27
YorvykSorry I see, it is X11 yes21:29
YorvykGaryD, is this on full-screen21:34
GaryDYorvyk: yes.21:34
YorvykDo certain videos all ways fail?21:37
GaryDNo. It seems to be totally random, but it nearly always happens with embedded videos.21:40
GaryDi would just use vlc, but as i said, the mozilla plugin never works...not even sometimes.21:42
GaryDand what is up with that?21:42
GaryDalso, if there was any other player besides mplayer or vlc with a browser plugin for firefox, i would use that.21:42
GaryDand even with chrome, i seem to always have multimedia problems. even with all the extras installed.21:43
GaryDit is very annoying.21:46
YorvykThe only probelms I get a stuttering or the audio out of sync with the video21:47
YorvykThere does seem to be people having trouble with vdpau and no solutions21:48
GaryDI have seen that. i don't even have vdpau installed. i have the proprietary nvidia driver and xserver-xorg-video-nv.21:49
GaryDsomeone told me to install smplayer and it would "automagically" fix the problem...what do you think?21:50
YorvykOne can but try.  Although I'm surprised VLC won't work for you.21:52
GaryDvlc works great. it is my player of choice. it is just that no videos will load in the browser. i get a "video loading" thing on the video screen and it never loads. i have waited a long time before too. at least 20 minutes.21:54
GaryDi get no errors when ran from the command line.22:13
YorvykGaryD, not helpful :(22:17
jhrjdhi all22:18
jhrjdi need help, who could help me, please?22:19
Yorvykjhrjd, If you ask we can try :)22:19
jhrjdok thank you very much, only wanted to know if i may, so i explain my request:22:20
jhrjdsorry for my english, i'm italian, i would add at the under bar, the pulsant: lock application blocked22:21
jhrjdi remember that there is one like in ubuntu22:21
YorvykGaryD, have you tried different video outputs?22:21
jhrjdnow i would use lubuntu and i would like to add the similar pulsant22:22
Yorvykjhrjd, Sorry I don't understand, can you explain it another way22:24
jhrjdyes certainly22:24
jhrjdi mean a button that is useful to unlock the software has gone in crash22:24
GaryDYorvyk: yes. they all don't work. also, do you think post-processing could have something to do with it?22:25
YorvykGaryD, just looking at I have Minimal set on this machine.  I'm not really sure what it does22:26
Yorvykjhrjd, I know what you mean now22:27
jhrjdand i used it on using ubuntu, adding it to the taskbar located in the downside of the desktop22:27
jhrjdand my problem is that i don't know the way to find it on distro lubuntu22:27
jhrjdi tried to click with right mouse on taskbar but i did not find in the possible options22:29
GaryDi set post-processing to max. no good.22:30
Yorvykjhrjd, I think i know what you mean but can't remember the name22:30
YorvykGaryD, it seems to alter the picture quality as far as I can tell22:30
jhrjdok thanks22:31
Yorvykjhrjd, is it the skull and cross bones looking thing?22:32
jhrjdi think not22:33
GaryDwhat the crap. i have seen this exact problem go unsolved on nearly all versions of ubuntu. from 8.04 to now. why hasn't this been fixed yet? also, why does lubuntu use a player for default that doesn't work properly? as far as that goes, why is it that the only player that works in a browser seem to be totem?22:34
Yorvykjhrjd, Is it called 'Force Quit'22:34
jhrjdyes, that one22:35
jhrjdis there a similar one in lubuntu too?22:35
YorvykGaryD, I can't get Totem to work exept with Xubuntu22:35
GaryDYorvyk: totem comes with ubuntu by default. i have never had a problem with it. this is wierd.22:36
Yorvykjhrjd, No and I'm not sure if the Ubuntu one would work, give me a moment to find it.22:37
YorvykGaryD, I know I used to install VLC in Ubuntu to get things to work.22:38
GaryDlol...that's crazy!22:39
jhrjdYorvyk, okay, as long as you want, thanks again for your help22:39
GaryDi wonder why i have these problems....also it doesn't make any sense since it is random and even my friend with a much older computer is having the same exact problems.22:39
GaryDi hate this. i talked up lubuntu a lot and now i have a lot of problems.22:41
jhrjdGaryD: are you saying to me?22:42
GaryDjhrjd: nope. just saying ingeneral.22:44
GaryDin general22:44
jhrjdok i see22:45
YorvykGaryD, the problem is, nobody seems to know what the problem is.  It appears, to me, that certain combinations of software just won't work on some machines.22:47
GaryDYorvyk: i hear ya. so what do you suggest i do? convert back to windows?22:50
Yorvykjhrjd, There skull and cross bones one I was thinking of is 'xkill'. If you open the terminal and type xkill it turns the cursor into a skull and cross bones and you click on the window you want to kill.22:50
YorvykGaryD, have you tried smplayer?22:50
jhrjdok thank you, i will do in that way22:52
GaryDYorvyk: i have not. although, the mozilla plugin depends on gnome-mplayer. so i would still have the problem with embedded videos, right?22:52
jhrjdthank you very much, now i go, good night all22:53
GaryDalso, smplayer is a qt frontend.22:54
bioterrorpcmanfm > thunar22:56
bioterrorthat one is clear thing22:56
GaryDbioterror: what?22:57
YorvykGaryD, forgot about the Qt thing.  It drags a lot of dependencies in as I remember.22:57
GaryDYorvyk: yeah, unfortunately22:58
GaryDbioterror: pcmanfm rocks22:58
YorvykGaryD, pity pcmanfm can't play movies :)23:02
GaryDYorvyk: i support that.23:02
YorvykGaryD, I rarely play video at full screen, but just tried Sintel and it went blank about 15 mins in and the sound is continuing23:04
GaryDYorvyk: that is the problem.23:04
YorvykI'll leave it to see if it comes back on.  No error messages though.23:04
GaryDI watch all videos in fullscreen. my family watches movies at night. we get tired of this black screen. even my 6 year old recognizes the player and says "please daddy, not that one, it will mess up!"23:05
GaryDbtw...sintel rocks23:06
YorvykHave you tried just maximising the window rather than using full-screen?23:06
GaryDI could, but it kinda defeats the purpose of seeing nothing but the video.23:07
YorvykI just wondered if that would work.23:08
GaryDi think the problem is just with fullscreen. not sure though.23:08
YorvykIf it did then the problem is with full-screen mode and may help the developer(s)23:09
GaryDright. i will try that.23:09
GaryDok. thanks for all the help and suggestions. i have to go, but will be back sometime tomorrow with a follow up.23:13

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