
Volkodavis simple scan gets broken pdf again ?00:14
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taransvar fd05:01
taransvarhello world05:02
taransva1hey ban05:09
taransva1apt-get kill you all05:10
taransva1hack you05:10
taransva1frans is my assistant05:10
taransva1using user name aministrator louie05:10
taransva1hack him man05:10
nit-witban| taransva105:23
nit-witholstein, I have no powers05:24
holsteinwatch out, you'll get hacked...05:24
nit-witholstein, they will jind nothing but tumble weed and some ash05:25
neizHey all, I just downloaded 11.04 Alpha 1 but upon boot it seems te exact same as 10.04... is there a way to enable unity, or should it be enabled out of the box?05:40
rwwneiz: It's enabled out of the box if the graphics driver you're using supports it.05:40
neizrww: ah that must be it then, using it through a VM with no 2d/3d support. thanks.05:40
ethana2i'm trying to convince myself to hold out for alpha 2 before trying 11.04 again, but  my self control is losing quickly05:56
ethana2Are the dailies pretty good these days? I think I might just grab one of those and try it on my flash drive05:57
rwwI have an alpha1 install that I've been upgrading. There've been a couple of hiccups, but it's generally not been worse than other alphas.05:57
rwwusable, if not always reliable05:58
ethana2rww: how's unity? :D05:59
rwwethana2: The basics are there. Still waiting on the new Places stuff and a real application picker (the button that's going to be used for that just opens a folder in nautilus right now), but it's a heck of a lot faster than UNE 10.10 on my (Intel) netbook thanks to Compiz :)06:00
rww(waiting as of a few days ago, anyway. Haven't had time to update since then)06:00
ethana2someone just called my Droid..  ping06:02
ethana2rww: what do you mean by new "Places" stuff?06:03
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coz_good day all12:54
speedvinDoes anyone know that newer version of Kubuntu will be shipped with Wayland (I mean versions below 11.10) ;) ?14:03
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histospeedvin: dont' believe so15:13
histospeedvin: but you can check out 11.04 yourself and see15:13
speedvinhisto: You mean fact that NVidia don't want to support KMS?15:13
speedvinhisto: I use it ;)15:13
histospeedvin: then whats the question?15:13
speedvinhisto: I mean 11.1015:14
kklimondaspeedvin: it doesn't have much with nvidia not willing to support kms, wayland is just not ready for major adoption15:14
speedvinand version with higher number15:14
speedvinkklimonda: ok15:14
coz_ok I have to break here....be back in a bit15:14
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Amaranthspeedvin: I doubt we'll see Ubuntu doing anything serious with wayland before the 12.10 release15:49
speedvinAmaranth: right15:52
hggdhanyone trying to install from current ISO? I need to confirm a bug -- installation is interrupted by sudden reboot in the middle of base install16:31
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=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
alex_mayorgaCan I get some eyes on bug #693828 please?19:45
ubottuLaunchpad bug 693828 in linux (Ubuntu) "Fatal exception in interrupt: Kernel panic on 2.6.37-10-generic" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69382819:45
charlie-tcaI don't seem to have that issue19:47
* penguin42 looks19:47
penguin42oh, I had looked a few days ago :-)19:48
penguin42the only thing that's a shame is that it's not the first error, although it's probably pretty difficult to get it19:49
alex_mayorgapenguin42: I seem to manage to crash on .11 too19:50
alex_mayorgafunny how running on netroot recovery and then gdm it works :S19:50
alex_mayorgano panics that way19:50
penguin42what kernel from netroot?19:51
alex_mayorgamaybe is just the crappy toshiba drive on my crappy sony laptop :)19:51
penguin42a crappy drive shouldn't cause those errors19:51
alex_mayorga2.6.37-11 is what I'm running now19:52
penguin42but as I say, not being able to see the start of the sequence is a bit of a pain, because the 1st error is normally the most telling, so you're saying -11 is OK netbooted but not directly?19:52
alex_mayorgapenguin42: yup19:52
alex_mayorgaif booted normally it panics too19:52
penguin42how do you mean normally? You mena netboot all the way?19:53
alex_mayorgaI mean not picking (recovery options) or whatever is called on initial grub19:53
penguin42ok, lets just go back a step; is there any way of booting it off the hard drive that works?19:54
alex_mayorgayup, I select the second option in grub the (recovery) one, pick netroot, then issue gdm on the # prompt19:54
alex_mayorgaand that way is how I am on this IRC channel ;)19:55
alex_mayorgaon the very same kernel that panics when booted normally (by normally I mean first grub option)19:56
penguin42sorry, I'm confused by netroot - do you mean you're running with NFS root ?19:56
charlie-tcaroot prompt with networking19:57
charlie-tcafrom the recovery menu19:57
penguin42oh, ok, never noticed that19:58
alex_mayorgacharlie-tca: that one, exactly19:58
penguin42ok, so full boot fails, netroot works - hmm19:58
alex_mayorgahow can I add to the current bug using ubuntu-bug?19:58
penguin42you can do an apport-collect and then the bug number - but you already have the info19:59
penguin42you can just add comments through the web interface19:59
alex_mayorgapenguin42: just did that20:02
alex_mayorgagot some gtk-warnings along the way20:02
alex_mayorgaanything you can suggest for now?20:03
alex_mayorgaI guess I just won't reboot ever again :)20:03
penguin42alex_mayorga: Add a note on that bug stating that works20:05
penguin42alex_mayorga: Then the trick will be to figure out what differences are on the rescue and the normal path20:05
alex_mayorgapenguin42: just added that to the report, thanks!20:06
alex_mayorgahave to go out to the "real" world now, thanks everyone for the help20:07
penguin42alex_mayorga: So I've never been through the recovery-mode stuff, grub doesn't seem to pass any options other than single - e.g. it doesn't pass any safe options (like turning off acpi or the like)20:08
penguin42alex_mayorga: One thought, do a disk boot (that fails) and then this recovery boot, check the logs to see if a copy of the oops made it to the log20:24
alex_mayorgapenguin42: where do I look for the log?20:25
penguin42alex_mayorga: Try /var/log/kern.log or /var/log/messages for the boot before your current one, most likely it didn't maange to get that far, but it's worth checking20:26
alex_mayorgaI have kern.log       kern.log.1     kern.log.2.gz  kern.log.3.gz  kern.log.4.gz20:27
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penguin42just kerne.log but possibly kerne.log.1 which is the next older one20:27
alex_mayorgado I add these to the bug report?20:28
munzirHi, when I leave my laptop for some mins, the laptop sleeps but I don't want this _feature_ how can I cancel it? power management is in performance mode already!21:36
munzirthe problem is all my downloads stops working ;)21:36
VolkodavI have a system hanging at boot after fsck saying init:udevtrigger main process(415) terminated with status 1 same about post-stop process and sda1 clean and then just blinking21:42
yofelwhich desktop env?21:42
yofelmunzir: ^21:42
munziryofel: kde21:42
yofelmunzir: check the performance profile?21:42
penguin42Volkodav: Try leaving it for a while, mine has gained a ~80second pause21:49
VolkodavI did fsck and then rebooted and then had it sitting for a while too21:50
munziryofel: suspend is not checked but the others like dim display and screen energy are ticked21:51
munziryofel: I have to go now21:52
munziryofel: thanks anyway21:52
penguin42wow, someone just thanked me for my celerity; I've never been thanked for that before22:00
mmdadawowhello there everybody22:17
mmdadawowI am concerned about the appmenu in Natty22:17
mmdadawowwill it properly support GTK and Qt? will it also support Gecko, VCL, the one Eclipse uses, wxWidgets, and maybe even more?22:18
penguin42mmdadawow: My guess is no, but those apps that don't support it I think will just work like they used to with the menus locally; I suspect there is nothing to stop other guis having the same interface to send to the stuff in the bar; not sure which ones have been written22:30
mmdadawowpenguin42: sorry but I don't understand everything you're trying to say22:30
mmdadawowunsupported apps/toolkits(?) will have their menubar in their window22:30
mmdadawowother than that I don't understand you22:31
penguin42mmdadawow: So the appmenu stuff seems to be 2 parts (and I wasn't involved in it) one part that does the menu in the panel, and another part that plugs inot gtk to send the menu to the other part22:47
penguin42mmdadawow: If an app isn't gtk and thus doesn't have the plugin, it won't send it's menu to the bar at the top; it'll just work like it used to22:48
mmdadawowpenguin42: there are other ways than GTK to implement a menu, Qt, VCL, wxW., etc.22:48
mmdadawowpenguin42: that is wrong I'm afraid, it currently supports Qt as well22:48
penguin42mmdadawow: Yep and as far as I can tell they won't change at all with the new system; the app will just work like it used to22:48
penguin42mmdadawow: Right, but I think the trick is that since there are two parts, you can do the plugin part for things like Qt or anything else22:49
mmdadawowso there are no plans to support other things than GTK and Qt?22:49
penguin42don't know - I'm just saying it would be possible to write plugins for anything22:49
penguin42(* anything may be a bit far fetched)22:49
mmdadawowid like to talk to someone who works on it then22:50
penguin42yeh, not sure who that is - go look at the source23:00

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