
tvbuntuhello,I want to use a .png file for nautilus status bar and I couldn't find how00:47
tvbuntuin gtkrc of the theme i want to modify is specified only the resize grip00:49
tvbuntunothing about the status bar00:50
tvbuntuwell,can I get some help from you?00:50
tvbuntuI thought people on these channels want to help the others00:53
cozziemoto.whois tvbuntu02:44
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coz_good day all12:54
coz_ok I have to break here....be back in a bit15:14
thorwilsome activity on http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20508416:29
evilvishthorwil: it would be nice if you sent that activity is going on there, to the list too charlie would be happy.. :)17:00
thorwilevilvish: hmm, i think i wait with that, until there's a bit more to see17:01
evilvishhaha! i just figured out what your avatar meant ;p17:01
evilvishon the blender form..17:01
evilvishthorwil: cool.. :)17:01
evilvishlol!! http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=205083&p=1761935&viewfull=1#post176193517:03
evilvishthey must have thought you were spamming!!17:04
evilvishBUT NO , EDubuntu and Xubuntu are different ;p17:04
thorwilevilvish: i was really amazed of the sherlock holmes like ability. no wait, i meant captain obvious!17:06
thorwilthat's the level of work i'm hoping for: http://blenderartists.org/forum/showthread.php?t=20399717:12
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