
=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse
* aveilleux rolls a 17. Spots nlsthzn!01:12
nlsthznguess it could have been a natural 20 seeing as you have all night (please note I have never played and games that needed 20 sided dices)01:13
aveilleuxnlsthzn: It would be a "take 20"01:15
aveilleuxnlsthzn: a "natural 20" is when you roll 20 on an immediate check; it means flying success01:15
nlsthznaveilleux: K... just remember my one friend always telling me about their games etc... I mostly just nodded :)01:15
aveilleuxnlsthzn: A "take 20" means you take however long you need to do the job01:15
nlsthznbut thanks anyhow, knowledge is power01:16
shahanI am suffering too much with my ISP02:09
shahanits creating problem from the beginning02:09
shahanhow to check the default eth I am using?02:42
aveilleuxshahan: type "ifconfig"02:48
shahanaveilleux, http://paste.ubuntu.com/547848/02:49
aveilleuxshahan: I'd say eth0, since eth1 doesn't show any transmissions02:51
shahanaveilleux, hmm02:52
shahanaveilleux, tnx02:53
shahanaveilleux, but the network manager says there is no connection but I can browse the net.03:01
aveilleuxshahan: It's probably not managing the connection.03:01
aveilleuxshahan: http://ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=6809436&postcount=803:03
Cheri703is there an easy (or relatively easy) way to split a LONG text file into multiple?04:09
zkriesseJust take some of it and paste into a new text file?04:10
Cheri703well, I have an exported text file that has 862 separate recipes in it. trying to import into a different software, that is WAY TOO MUCH text for it to handle. I need to break it up into separate files. I don't want to go through it by hand if at all possible04:10
Cheri703groups of 20-30 might be manageable, even 5004:11
zkriesseJust copy and paste I guess04:12
zkriesseSeems like the most viable option04:12
zkriesseHI! nit-wit04:12
Cheri703was hoping for some sort of batch editing thing04:12
zkriesseNot that I can think of off the top o' my head04:13
nit-witzkriesse, hello04:13
geirhaCheri703: What's the format of the file?04:20
Cheri703geirha: .txt04:20
geirhaCheri703: How do you determine where a recipe begins and ends?04:20
Cheri703there is a +++ at the end and rpw------- at the beginning04:21
geirhaCheri703: A line containing only +++ signifies the end?04:22
geirhaIf so, this should output the 20 first;  awk '/^+++$/ && ++i == 20 {exit} 1' file.txt04:23
Cheri703do I put that into terminal?04:23
aveilleuxCheri703: Yes, awk is a command-line utility04:23
Cheri703ok,thanks :)04:25
Cheri703it outputs: awk: /^+++$/ && ++i == 20 {exit} 1 awk:                            ^ invalid char '�' in expression04:26
aveilleuxCheri703: Did you just copy and paste? Don't do that.04:26
Cheri703ok, I dunno, never used awk :/04:27
geirhaArgh, sorry, my bad04:27
geirhaHitting alt gr+space makes a non-breaking space instead of a regular space04:27
aveilleuxCheri703: You'll generally not want to copy and paste from chat, just in case things like this happen04:27
Cheri703well yeah04:27
geirharetype the space after }04:27
aveilleuxCheri703: Not to mention accidentally copying newlines and such04:28
geirhaI think it was when I upgraded to Lucid that alt gr+space suddenly started making nbsp; ... has given me loads of programming errors.04:28
Cheri703I know enough (I think) to recognize some of the potentially hazardous possibilities, and I only do it if I (at least vaguely) recognize the sn :)04:29
aveilleuxgeirha: Do you generally lean on the altgr key when you hit space?04:29
Cheri703sn = nick04:29
Cheri703whoa, that did stuff :)04:29
Cheri703can I make it output that into a file?04:29
geirhaaveilleux: I need alt gr to type { [ ] }, so a space following one of those will often be coupled with alt gr04:30
Cheri703or just copy/paste from terminal?04:30
geirhaIf so, this should output the 20 first;  awk '/^+++$/ && ++i == 20 {exit} 1' file.txt > testfile.txt04:30
geirhaOops, forgot to remove the first part ^^04:30
aveilleuxCheri703: Just do an output redirect, like > filename.txt04:30
aveilleuxgeirha: How strange. Non-English keyboard?04:31
Cheri703nope, that put them ALL in that file :(04:31
geirhaaveilleux: Yeah, I should learn to use english layout ... at least for programming. Programming in norwegian keyboard layout requires alot of finger gymnastics.04:32
geirhaCheri703: Ok, are you absolutely certain there are lines containing only +++, no spaces or anything else?04:32
geirhaHm. Maybe it has dos line endings.04:33
geirhahead file.txt | cat -e   #  do you see any ^M ?04:34
aveilleuxAhhh, that would do it04:35
geirhaOk, then it's a dos text file. The lines end in \r\n. In linux, they only end in \n.04:35
aveilleuxSilly Windows and its not following standards04:35
stlsaintaveilleux: geirha is secretly linux guru ;) (nobody knows yet so sshhhhhhh)04:36
Cheri703it's a HORRIBLE program that exported them :( getting my mom set up in gourmet recipe manager04:36
Cheri703the old program looks like it's pre-windows 9504:36
Cheri703but it's been updated relatively recently, and it is absolute trash. :(04:36
Cheri703so she's excited for ubuntu and grm04:36
geirhaWell, it doesn't matter. You just need to decide if you want to convert it to unix, or deal with it as is.04:37
Cheri703converting is completely fine04:38
geirhaprintf 'g/\r$/s///\nw' | ed -s file.txt    # that will edit the file in place, removing \r from the end of each line.04:40
Cheri703ok, cool04:41
geirhaIf you want to keep the original;  sed $'s/\r$//' file.txt > newfile.txt04:41
Cheri703eh, I have it saved elsewhere04:41
Cheri703that previous command still gave me all of them :/04:42
geirhagrep -m1 +++ file.txt | od -An -tx1  # does that output 2b 2b 2b 0a  ?04:44
Cheri7032b 2b 2b 0d 0a04:45
geirhaOh 0d is \r. It still has dos line-endings.04:46
geirhaOh, darn.   printf 'g/\r$/s///\nw\n' | ed -s file.txt04:48
geirhaWas missing a \n.  ed is picky.04:48
Cheri703so now how do I repeat for 21-40? and so on?04:49
Cheri703thank you geirha!04:49
Cheri703this will help a TON04:49
* aveilleux must learn how to use sed and awk04:49
aveilleuxand Arabic04:53
Cheri703not trying to be annoying, because you guys have been SUPER helpful so far :) but is there a way to continue the process for further groups of 20 or so?04:58
bodhizazenCheri703, what process ?05:00
bodhizazenpaultag, ping =)05:00
Cheri703I have join/part turned off, so I don't know when you came in, but geirha was helping me separate a massive text file into groups of 20 or so05:00
aveilleuxCheri703: awk '/^+++$/ && i = 20 && ++i == 30 {exit} 1' file.txt > output.txt05:00
geirhaCheri703: exec 3>outfile01.txt; i=0 n=20; while read -r; do printf '%s\n' "$REPLY" >&3; if [[ $REPLY = +++ ]] && ((++i % n == 0)); then exec 3> "$(printf "outfile%02d.txt" "$((i/n+1))")"; fi; done < file.txt05:01
Cheri703geirha: that will do groups of 20?05:01
geirhaYes, putting the first 20 into outfile01.txt, next into outfile02.txt etc05:01
Cheri703ok, AWESOME!!05:01
Cheri703thank you!05:02
stlsaintbodhizazen: yo yo yo05:17
bodhizazenhey stlsaint , how goes ?05:19
bodhizazenI have squid set up05:19
=== Jason is now known as Guest89387
Guest89387any smart folks want to help a linux beginner (me) figure out why ubuntu netbook 10.10 is giving me so many problems on my wife's netbook?07:17
bioterror!ask Guest8938707:17
ubot2Factoid 'ask Guest89387' not found07:17
bioterror!ask | Guest8938707:17
ubot2Guest89387: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)07:17
mysteriousdarrenGuest89387: What is your problem?07:18
Guest89387ok. My wife has a toshiba nb305. I've already wiped win7 off of it and attempted to install ubuntu-netbook 10.10 on it 3 times (2 from USB and 1 from CD) it appeared to hang up both times with the usb, and took forever with the CD. I finally got it to boot off the hard drive, but it takes over 15 mins just to boot and performs incredibly slow.07:19
mysteriousdarrenwell i have a older toshiba and had alot of trouble with it. I went to use ubuntu 10.10 netbook several cds later I used a stripped down version of lubuntu 10.1007:22
Guest89387I had ubuntu on a desktop several years ago (installed by a friend who was very linux savvy) and it far outperformed windows on that platform. I expected the same difference on the netbook. Are my expectations too high, or did I do something wrong?07:22
mysteriousdarrendid u test the cd before installing?07:22
mysteriousdarrenor use the text based install?07:23
Guest89387yes. I checked the MD5 on the .iso file, and used the verify function on the burning software. Not sure how to verify beyond that tho07:23
mysteriousdarrenwell check the disk when it boots up?07:24
mysteriousdarrensometimes the builds are bad, and its just the fact of installing another one, ive downloaded several bad builds07:25
bioterroryou're feeding fud now07:25
bioterrorproblem is that toshiba07:25
mysteriousdarrenwell in my experience that is what happened. No i am not spreading fud that is a simple fact. bioterror what do u recommend?07:26
bioterrorI recommend trying out Natty Alpha 1 or something like that07:27
bioterrorwhich has a newer kernel07:27
aveilleuxToshiba laptops have a lot of problems with Ubuntu07:27
bioterrorand then I suggest to throw that piece of garbage out of window or using windows :-)07:27
Guest89387damn. The main reason I wanted to switch is cause they loaded the thing with win7 for some reason. I dont understand why they wanna put such a resource hog OS on a machine designed to be light on power.07:28
Guest89387ran slow with win7, was hoping for better results on Ubuntu. Bio, what's Natty Alpha 1?07:28
mysteriousdarrentrue, I installed backtrack4 r2 to mine and it worked like a charm if u like kde, windows? why would u ever want to use it unless you had to, or gaming. what are the specs?07:28
bioterrorGuest89387, next version of ubuntu07:29
aveilleuxGuest31799: Have you tried the desktop version of Ubuntu, or anything lighter? Netbook remix is surprisingly heavy,07:29
Guest89387I use windows on my laptop because I play games when I'm in the desert, but she just browses and such, so linux is fine for her. Hence the change.07:29
Guest89387aveilleux, no. Assumed netbook would be lighter.07:29
bioterrorGuest89387, http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/natty/alpha-1/07:29
aveilleuxWhoops. Wrong guest number07:30
bioterrorworth of try07:30
mysteriousdarrenbioterror did you try it?07:30
aveilleuxGuest89387: You'd think that, but no.07:30
bioterrormysteriousdarren, I checked forums07:30
bioterrormysteriousdarren, but I'm running 32bit natty on my laptop and I've got no probs07:30
UndiFineDbioterror, I would not recommend natty yet07:30
UndiFineDbecause I can run it, does not mean everyone can07:30
bioterrorno probs with i686 :D07:31
mysteriousdarrenI am sorry but I have to agree. I was not stable enough for my toshiba07:31
UndiFineDGuest89387, instead of ubuntu netbook edition, why not try alternatives07:31
ubot2To change the default applications system-wide, use 'sudo update-alternatives --all' in a terminal.07:32
Guest89387thanks everybody. I'll give 10.10 desktop a try, if I still get no love, I'll try natty.07:32
bioterrorhe might want to change some sata settings in BIOS ;)07:35
mysteriousdarrenyup, bio can we talk in chat?07:35
bioterrorwe can talk on -team07:36
aveilleuxmysteriousdarren: #ubuntu-beginners-team07:39
Tbruff13yes can i have some help09:52
Tbruff13with changing portiaons on gparted09:52
hobgoblinwhat's the issue?09:53
Tbruff13i just finised a duel boot i have used gparted to get rid of windows09:54
Tbruff13i need help how do i move my free space09:55
hobgoblinbooted with the livecd? or a partition editor as a livecd?09:55
Tbruff13no i had a duel boot with wubi i got rid of windows after installing gparted on ubuntu09:56
hobgoblinyou had wubi and deleted windows?09:59
hobgoblinor you had wubi delted windows and reinstalled ubuntu?09:59
bioterrorhe booted wubi and wants to remove indows to get moar space10:02
bioterrorwhy not just install from a cd or usb stick10:02
bioterrorthat sounds so complicated10:02
hobgoblinthen wubi has to be moved to a real install and then delete windows ...10:02
hobgoblingone anyway ...10:03
iTVhelp i screw up my dual boot after the ubuntu 10.10 update10:08
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_Hanyone know if you can use blackberry messanger or talk to people on blackberry messanger without owning a blackberry?13:16
Puck`well _H, can the blackberry messenger be installed on some any other phone os? (:13:30
_Hpuck pidgin?13:30
Puck`_H: I never owned a blackberry phone so i have no clue if it uses it's own protocol or not ..13:30
bioterrorown stuff13:31
bioterrorBlackBerry® Messenger is an instant messaging app just for BlackBerry® smartphone owners. With a chat style layout, and unlimited characters, BBM™ makes it easy to share with the people who matter.13:31
bioterrorI dont matter13:31
bioterrormy phone has MSN Messenger and Skype13:31
bioterrorand IRC!13:31
Puck`well yeah, and gtalk13:32
duanedesignhello Puck` bioterror13:46
duanedesignhope you both had/having a wonderful holiday13:47
Puck`duanedesign: *bows*13:51
Puck`yeah i did, i'm finally home with my family in romania (:13:51
bioterrorI'm at work atm :D13:54
bioterror6mins and I'm off13:54
bioterrorbut I think I should go and buy a trackball mouse13:54
bioterrorI've bee wanting one for long13:54
duanedesignbioterror: ahh. Yes. trackball mice are nice. IMHO :)14:09
bioterrorlogitech mx570 is interesting :D14:10
duanedesigniti had a kensington, kinda like http://tinyurl.com/26uc45s14:12
duanedesignand a logitech kinda like, http://tinyurl.com/25chh3j14:13
duanedesigntwo really different designs. I seem to remember not really having a preference14:14
bioterrorthat logitech looks better14:14
bioterrorlogitech m570 is interesting, but I would prefer USB cable over some bluetoothstuff14:15
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=== IAmNotThatGuy is now known as M0hi
shahanNeed help from internet connection expert for 10MB/s. full duplex mode connection for getting connected on maverick15:47
jdeslaurwhat happens if you set it to auto?15:48
shahanjdeslaur: it connects and disconec15:48
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=== M0hi is now known as IAmNotThatGuy
kristian-aalborgholstein: ping19:16
kristian-aalborgnot to make you responsible for my messed up sound ;)... but re. your suggestion that there is a conflict about "being default card"19:17
kristian-aalborgcat /proc/asound/pcm says "1" for both cards - do you think it should be interpreted as being said conflict?19:18
holsteinkristian-aalborg: plausible19:21
holsteinid probably try and get an alsa guy to confirm that19:22
holsteini not the best at interpreting that info19:22
kristian_hi ppl23:03
kristian_I borked my grub23:04
swoodykristian_: hello :) is it giving you any error messages?23:07
kristian_hi swoody23:09
swoodykristian_: Do you have an Ubuntu liveCD you can use? The simplest fix I've found for most grub issues is to reinstall grub23:13
swoodyit's outlined nicely here: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2#Reinstalling%20GRUB%20223:13
nit-witkristian_, how did you bork it per say23:16
kristian_hi nit-wit23:18
kristian_sorry, was reading up on it and getting advice23:18
nit-witkristian_, hi have you fixed the grub23:19
kristian_not really ;)23:20
kristian_swoody, I'll have a look at that link23:20
nit-witkristian_, I use the booyscript to get to the bootom of this sort of stuff have you done this before23:20
=== casandera is now known as hajour1
nit-witkristian_, here is a link to the script and instructions it may help you personally but you can rub it and pastebin for us to looks at.http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/23:22
kristian_nit-wit, I have been fighting grub before, but never spent more time with it than I was forced to ;)23:23
kristian_I may or may not have partially fixed something... bbl23:24
=== kristian_ is now known as kristian2
kristian2hi, I somewhat fixed it :)23:33
nit-witkristian2, okay what was the problem23:35
kristian2I dunno... I just kept trying things23:35
kristian2grub is one of the things I doubt I'll ever fully comprehend23:36
nit-witkristian2, that will do it you, you, rebel.:)23:36
nit-witkristian2, only a few do but there are some basics that are pretty easy.23:37
kristian2yes, I learn a bit about it each time23:40
kristian2so I'm not totally clueless like a few years back... but I don't speak grubbish fluently either ;)23:41
bodhizazenLOL grub 2 is not *too* bad, but it is more complex then it needs to be, and IMO need a graphical front end23:42
bodhizazenBasically you tell your machine23:42
bodhizazen1. What partition to use as root23:42
bodhizazen2. what kernel to boot23:42
bodhizazen3. what initrd to use, if any23:43
aveilleuxbodhizazen: Startup Manager can do some of that23:43
bodhizazenYou repeat the root partition again in the kernel line, lol23:43
bodhizazenOh, cool23:43
bodhizazenhave not tried it recently23:43
flourishing7Merry Christmass23:44
swoodyglad to see they've updated it, when I was using it when grub2 first came out on Ubuntu there was very little support for startupmanager23:44
flourishing7Hi, using ubuntu 1010 - I have update keyring problem:23:45
ubot2Ubuntu bug 1010 in drivel (Ubuntu) "out-of-date (heat: 1)" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/101023:45
flourishing7GPG error: http://extras.ubuntu.com maverick Release: The following signatures were invalid: BADSIG 16126D3A3E5C1192 Ubuntu Extras Archive Automatic Signing Key <ftpmaster@ubuntu.com>23:45
flourishing7W: Failed to fetch http://extras.ubuntu.com/ubuntu/dists/maverick/Release23:45
aveilleux!pastebin | flourishing723:45
ubot2flourishing7: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:45
bodhizazenkristian2, this page goes through grub2 =)23:45
flourishing7Thank you, Do you know how I can fix the keyring problem23:46
aveilleuxflourishing7: Here's your solution, though. Open Terminal and type in: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv 3E5C119223:46
nit-witbodhizazen, I love grub2 lfe just makes sense now.:)23:48
nit-witbodhizazen, a little os-prober it's painless really23:49
nit-witif every thing is there though23:50
bodhizazennit-wit, grub2 is painful when os-prober faile =)23:50
nit-witbodhizazen, argh thats when we be bringun out the bootscript23:51
flourishing7aveilleux -  the result for the keyring command is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548094/23:53
aveilleuxflourishing7: Weird. Run an apt-get update.23:54
aveilleuxsudo apt-get update23:54
flourishing7aveilleux: the result for sudo apt-get update is at: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548095/23:57
aveilleuxflourishing7: http://www.uluga.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10278181&postcount=923:58

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