=== ZachK_ is now known as zkriesse === daker_ is now known as daker === luke-jennings is now known as jenkins [20:18] ls [20:18] opps :P === jenkins1 is now known as jenkins [21:40] godbyk: the latest version of quickshot for maverick is in https://launchpad.net/~quickshotdevs/+archive/quickshot-release [21:42] The 2010-09-12 version? [21:42] jenkins: ^ [21:43] yep thats the newest one [21:43] okay. [21:43] we have not written anything since as far as I know. [21:43] and bzr says nothing new either [21:43] can we fix the bug where it throws an error msg to the console when you try to submit a screenshot but haven't added your contributor details yet? [21:44] (it should show a gui error or better yet, ask for the details right then.) [21:44] do we have a bug number? [21:44] lemme find it. [21:44] not one I was aware of [21:44] https://bugs.launchpad.net/quickshot/+bug/691511 [21:44] Launchpad bug 691511 in quickshot "Crash after pressing screenshot submit button" [Undecided,New] [21:46] ta [21:47] I wonder how they got past the enter info page [21:48] ah, no clue. [21:52] do we have a manual .qsproj file? [21:53] you can nab it from the server. let me find it. [21:54] here's one for the 10.04 manual: http://flan.uguu.ca:5000/ump/10-04/%5Bump%5D10-04.qsproj [21:54] found one thanks [21:54] 'kay. [21:54] have we set up any 10.10 screenshots? [21:55] not yet. [21:55] I think we're still editing the manual. [21:55] which ones do we want? I can start adding them this week [21:55] i don't know yet. You might check with ChristWoollard when he's on next. [21:56] That reminds me that I do need to read through and fix up the index, though. [21:56] k will do, I see how the user may have missed the user credit. I will look into it tomorrow [21:57] night [21:57] 'kay. thanks, jenkins! [21:57] g'night.