
bdrungebroder: sorry. copy-paste mistake00:00
bdrungebroder: nope. still the same error.00:01
ebroderHmm...my __builtins__ is a module object, not a dict. Weird. Maybe try import __builtin__ then StubOutWithMock(__builtin__, 'open')?00:01
ebroderAlthough, come to think of it, I don't know if that will re-bind open in every module's namespace00:02
tumbleweedI *think* it will00:02
ebroderLooks like it does, at least for Maverick's python 2.6. No idea if that's guaranteed behavior, though00:03
tumbleweedbdrung: shortened pylint.conf seems to work fine. I'll commit it to trunk00:04
bdrungtumbleweed: trunk? did you a build test?00:04
tumbleweedno, /me does that00:04
bdrungebroder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547823/00:06
ebroderbdrung: __builtin__.open().AndReturn, not __builtin__.FunctionToMock()00:07
bdrungebroder: this fails with: AttributeError: MockMethod has no attribute "readlines". Did you remember to put your mocks in replay mode?00:07
ebroderbdrung: You need to call self.mox.ReplayAll() before actually trying to use the mocks00:07
bdrungebroder: i should go in bed instead of coding. ;)00:07
bdrungebroder: http://paste.ubuntu.com/547824/00:08
tumbleweedbdrung: hmm, natty's pylint seems pickier than squeezes, it won't be landing in trunk quite yet...00:08
ebroderbdrung: Hmm, also, if your test class subclasses mox.MoxTestBase instead of unittest.WhateverItIs, it'll automatically create a self.mox object for you and cleanup when the test is done00:09
ebroderI don't know where I learned that from, because I can't find it in the docs at the moment...00:09
bdrungebroder: class UpdateMaintainerTestCase(mox.MoxTestBase): --> AttributeError: 'UpdateMaintainerTestCase' object has no attribute 'mox'00:11
ebroderUh...you may need to do super(UpdateMaintainerTestCase, self).setUp() in your setup method00:12
ebroder(at the top of, rather)00:12
ebroderbdrung: Let me see if I can drudge up a test case00:12
ebroderErr, example case, rather00:12
bdrungebroder: you can use test_update_maintainer as example (only two functions to overwrite)00:13
ebroderbdrung: Looking closer, I don't think you actually want to use mox itself, which is designed for keeping track of the calls that get made to the things you're stubbing out. But mox does have a helper library for replacing functions and putting them back when you're done. Let me see if I can make that work for what you want00:17
bdrungtumbleweed: isn't max-line-length=80 the default?00:20
tumbleweedbdrung: sure, but it's also a style choice we stand by00:21
* tumbleweed must go to bed00:21
ebroderbdrung: http://pastebin.com/1rpguR3r is the patch I came up with. It really uses a helper library that mox ships with more than mox itself, but it's maybe a little cleaner00:36
bdrungebroder: thanks. that clean and works.00:48
randy_I use dh_auto-configure  in rules file,but it auto with --linux-gnu-x64-86 (I forget how it write),so it can't configure the optin and exit 1,and to desable it01:23
azeem_randy_: what adds --linux-gnu-x64-86?01:24
randy_azeem_, I don't add it,I package ffmpeg01:25
azeem_so where does it come from?01:25
randy_azeem_, I said ,the dh_auto_configure in rules file,when I packaged,it will add auto01:26
azeem_sorry, I don't understand you01:26
randy_azeem_, the source is came gorm svn01:27
randy_azeem_, and folloe debian maint-guide01:28
ari-tczewrandy_: do you base on package from archive?01:29
ari-tczewif so, please look in debian/changelog01:29
randy_azeem_, thank you,I will come back in the noon,the recess time is over,thank you,I don't donw the package from apt-get source.Tkan you01:30
randy_azeem_, are you online,I'm come back04:02
randy_I use dh_auto-configure  in rules file,but it auto with --linux-gnu-x64-86 (I forget how it is),so it can't configure the optin and exit 1,and to desable it04:11
randy_I use the source from svn,not apt-get source04:11
=== dotblank-away is now known as dotblank
randy_I use dh_auto-configure  in rules file,but it auto with --linux-gnu-x64-86 (I forget how it is),so it can't configure the optin and exit 1,and to desable it05:06
randy_I use the source from svn,not apt-get source05:06
yasseri cant put my password when i type any sudo command in the terminal05:30
yassercould you help me05:30
dotblankw00t was able to make my first package using pbuilder05:47
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bdrungtumbleweed: merged and pushed12:09
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ari-tczewhow can I restore my ssh key? seems it to be lost after migrate from gnome to kde15:40
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kklimondaari-tczew: it should still be present in ~/.ssh/15:59
ari-tczewkklimonda: there is ird_rsa, id_rsa.pub and known_hosts. however, software couldn't see them - like bzr or filezilla16:00
kklimondaid_rsa should be your key (unless something overwrote it) - what do you mean by couldn't see? maybe you just don't have a ssh agent running and you have to unlock key every time you use it?16:03
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ari-tczewkklimonda: every time? it's a joke16:05
kklimondaari-tczew: why? I'm sure that there is an ssh agent for KDE you can use.16:12
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ari-tczewhggdh: ping on bug 66392517:42
ubottuLaunchpad bug 663925 in ncmpcpp (Ubuntu Maverick) "ncmpcpp (version < 0. 5.4) can cause unexpected deletion of files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/66392517:42
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hggdhari-tczew: will look at it this week19:50
hggdhari-tczew: got busy with work, sorry19:50
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ari-tczewhggdh: ok20:05
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bdrungLaney: around?22:00
bdrungsoren: can you fix "Access to a protected member _blocks of a client class" in submittodebian?22:07
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