
alinrus1stas inca treaz?04:55
=== razius_ is now known as razius
khomfyam o intrebare legata de setarea vodafone prepay11:03
khomfyce date trebuie sa introduc la conexiuni vpn11:06
khomfyla numar,utilizator,parola?11:06
khomfyare cineva o idee,un link?11:08
charonuxsalut, am o intrebare, instalarea ampjuke imi cere chmod 777 pentru cateva directoare din /var/www, cat de insecure este? mmultumesc13:24
charonuxa, am aflat, si /tmp e la fel, nu e asa grav14:44
* Chriisti Hello ppl***18:27
=== qwebirc78102 is now known as greedisgood
greedisgoodwho greedisgood18:37
alinrus1 "Vladimir Putin has signed an order calling for Russian federal  authorities to move to GNU/Linux, and for the creation of 'a single  repository of free software used in the federal bodies of executive  power.' :))22:37
stasalinrus1: vladimir putin ii cel mai nambar uan :)22:38
stasba azi n-am mai iesit22:38

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