
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
=== Toksyury1l is now known as Toksyuryel
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sobersabreI have installed bzr on windows.14:08
sobersabrehow do I run bzr explorer ?14:08
sobersabre(I understand it is a part of bzr distribution)14:09
jelmersobersabre: it's a separate plugin14:19
awilkinsThe Windows distribution puts a shortcut on the desktop by default14:26
awilkinsOr you can start it on the command line with `bzr explorer` , I think14:27
sobersabreawilkins: thanks!14:59
sobersabreI will try this.15:00
zyga./bzr/branch/location makes bzr choke when an editor adds EOL to the end of that file16:41
zygaack to fix that?16:41
zygalifeless: ^ ?16:47
DonDiegoi'm using the text-checker-plugin to avoid adding tabs and trailing whitespace and similar in commits18:35
DonDiegobut the pattern matching is driving me crazy18:35
DonDiego[name Makefile.am]18:35
DonDiegothis appears to get ignored18:35
DonDiegobelow i have "[name *]" with default actions18:36
DonDiegotabs are allowed in Makefile.am but nowhere else18:36
DonDiegobut the first section never appears to get triggered18:36
DonDiegoany hints?18:36
hsnis there way to convert repote repo (which i dont admin) to bzr?19:00
hsnsvn repo19:00
zygahsn: yes19:00
hsnlet launchpad to import it?19:01
zygahsn: if you have a project page you can add a source branch that is imported by launchpad from one of few foreign system19:01
zygahsn: svn and git are supported, I'm sure some others are too but I cannot remember the full list like that, I only used git personally19:01
hsnit is one way or 2 way sync19:02
zygahsn: svn has some approval process I'm not familiar with19:02
zygahsn: it's just a pull, one way19:02
zygahsn: but you can use bzr to commit to a svn repo so your options are wider than just that19:02
zygahsn: what are you trying to do?19:02
hsnneed mediawiki in bzr19:02
zygait probably is already19:02
zygaok, so it's not19:03
zygait seems you have to be the owner of the project to set it up19:04
zygahsn: you can use a local branch19:04
zygahsn: not bound to lp in any way19:04
hsni own one project in launchpad, i will import mediawiki there19:04
zygahsn: don't just import mediawiki there without a good reason19:05
zygahsn: unless your projects is mediawiki clone it does not make sense19:05
zygahsn: you can simply get a bzr branch of mediawiki locally19:05
zygaand push it to mediawiki project in lp under your own name19:06
zygaso bzr push lp:~yourname/mediawiki/name-of-your-branch19:06
zygayou can convert the svn tree locally using bzr and bzr-svn package19:06
zygathere are docs on how to do that but I suspect that you can just simply bzr get the svn url19:07
zygaI don't know what's going to happen if you want to get all the branches, this would work for svn trunk19:07
hsni need 17alpha branch19:08
zygahsn: then bzr get that directly19:09
zygahsn: if you try it and get stuck please ask again19:09
* zyga goes to work in another screen19:09
Takany thoughts on http://paste.pocoo.org/show/310950 ?19:44
Takthe odd thing is that I get that behavior when using libpython, but not at the command line or in a script19:45
jelmerhi Tak19:46
Takhi! :-)19:46
Takhappy solstice19:48
jelmerTak: thanks, you too :-)19:51
jelmerTak: what happens if you try without the extensions built?19:51
jelmerI don't see what's going on, after having had a quick look19:52
jelmerTak: In general, calling the command implementations from other code is a bad idea. Any reason for not calling branch.pull() ?19:52
Takthat's odd...locate tells me that extension only exists in my local bzrlib wc19:52
Takmmm, I was using the lower-level api before (branch.pull)19:55
lifelesszyga: well, its not intended for editing; bzr switch will change it for you19:56
jelmerTak: What made you switch?19:58
jelmer'morning lifeless19:58
Takiirc, there were some instances where the command api was doing some error handling/special-casing that I didn't want to redo by hand20:00
Takso then I just went that way across the board20:00
zygalifeless: yeah but bzr colo hardcodes the _absolute_ path of the tree so I had to fix it after realizing I broke it with out-of-tree mv20:16
zygalifeless: it's a simple fix that would at the very least make the behaviour more aligned with what users might expect20:16
lifelessyou can fix it with bzr switch20:25
lifelessand the bzr code as written needed absolute paths, older versions will fail if its a relative path, so we always write abs paths.20:26
lifelesszyga: I don't know if you're aware, but you can actually have \n in filenames :(20:27
zygalifeless: then we should print the repr of the filename and still allow a newline _not_ to break this20:33
zygalifeless: or do you think that I should not be able to mv my colocated branch  without having it explode?20:33
servertoodDoes bzr support perforce style mainline branching strategy20:59
servertooddoes it support it out of the box20:59
zygaservertood: what do you mean by mainline branchinc strategy?20:59
servertoodwell I have a team on perforce21:00
maxbservertood: You should bear in mind that most people here, myself included, will have no idea what "perforce style mainline branching strategy" is21:00
zygaservertood: I used p4 for a year and a half but I never used that term before21:00
servertoodok well the basic mainline appraoch to branching is something they document as a workflow for using perforce21:00
servertoodI have a team on p4 and we want an open source scm that works the same21:01
servertoodor better....21:01
zygaservertood: could you please describe the workflow?21:01
servertoodone sec21:03
servertoodtheres a master doc21:06
servertoodIm not finding it atm - heres a basic setup http://www.vaccaperna.co.uk/scm/branching.html21:06
servertoodlittel better http://www.perforce.com/perforce/doc.current/manuals/p4guide/06_codemgmt.html21:07
servertoodok I found it21:09
zygaservertood: so which point explains the strategy you mentioned?21:10
servertoodscroll down to where the heading says "mainline model"21:11
zygaone question21:11
zygahow big is your "mainline"21:11
servertood250 MB?21:12
zygacheckout or entire history?21:12
zygado you have binary files?21:12
servertoodimages etc21:12
servertoodWe are going to lose the history because its all garbage history anyway21:13
servertoodthe team that was using the repo all used the same user for all checkins21:13
servertoodso there are alot of binaries that dont need to be there because its a mess but I would say 100MB check out might be right21:14
servertoodbut not a huge amount of files21:14
servertoodlots of jar files etc21:14
zygaservertood: so I was in a similar situation21:14
zygaand I have the following to say as bzr user21:14
zyga1) binaries will make you cry over bzr21:14
zyga2) if you switch vcs you should consider splitting the repo (say to libaries/projects/components)21:15
servertoodthat sucks21:15
zygaand have separate trees for that21:15
servertoodwhats the issue with binaries21:15
servertoodjust too slow21:15
zygaonce you have that you can use bzr and you will be happy, p4 is actually so brain dead that bzr runs circles around it21:15
zygathey are not handled very well, the AFAIR official policy is that they are not important enough to be optimized for, if you want to version ISO files bzr will kill you21:16
servertoodok but what about stuff like images for webcontent21:16
servertoodI dont want to version huge binaries21:17
zygait _will_ work21:17
servertoodright now theres some jars that may be 10 MB 50 MB stuff like that21:17
zygabut bzr assumes pretty much that you have to fit all the tree in memory21:17
zygadepending on stuff it does and bzr version you use21:17
zygalifeless: ^^ please bash me for talking nonsense if I do21:17
servertoodok that sounds a little troublesome21:18
zygait works very well for source21:18
zygafor binaries21:18
servertoodso the work around again for binaries is21:18
zygait works but it's not the primary use case so you may get big memory usage21:18
servertoodso theres no - "hey for these file extensions dont load into memory..."21:19
zygaservertood: p4 is a versioned FTP server, really21:19
zygaservertood: no, for various reasons, it's not that simple21:19
servertoodso is there a workaround21:19
servertoodor is the workaround dont do it at all21:19
zygaservertood: there's been many people coming in and asking for support but nobody stepped up to do it21:19
zygaservertood: there is no need for a workaround, if your files are not that big then you will not notice it21:19
zygaservertood: if you start versioning big stuff then 1) bzr was not designed to do that 2) dvcs is not a good idea 3) it will work if you have the memory21:20
servertoodok so if I have a huge lib dir say for java21:20
zygaservertood: then again, perhaps, if you already switch to a multiple-repository model you can keep something for such stuff21:20
servertood100-200 MB of jars21:20
servertoodthats going to screw me21:20
zygaservertood: do you have to version them?21:20
servertoodno because Im going to switch to maven21:21
zygaand not a manifest that says which version you actually need?21:21
servertoodand pull them down during the build21:21
servertoodbut I have to version the project as it is right now21:21
zygaservertood: I'm not in java world but versioning binaries is not a good idea, version the source and build it21:21
servertoodthese are dependencies21:21
servertoodlike I said Im going to pull them in from a remote repo during the build21:21
servertoodbut for now21:21
zygaI don't put my dependencies in my tree21:21
servertoodI have to version what I have21:21
zygaI know java world is different21:21
servertoodwhich is a bucket of junk21:22
zygaservertood: what you have to version is the actual _version_ of a binary, not the actual file21:22
servertoodI suppose I could refactor before I import21:22
servertoodmaybe that makes more sense in this case21:22
zygaservertood: there is little difference to saying that I need to bundle glibc and other stuff with my C project21:22
zygaservertood: except that for Java and SVN/p4 it works (jars will execute) and works for proprietary jars21:23
zygaservertood: there are two topics here though: how to work with bzr and how to design the infrastructure around janva (which I don't know about much)21:23
servertoodi can get rid of the dependent binaries21:24
servertoodbut over time Im going to have non devs version word docs and god knows what21:24
servertoodso if this is really just for source - Im not sure its what Im looking for21:24
servertoodalthough I have remote teams21:24
servertoodinitially Ill be working in non distributed client server type setup21:25
zygaservertood: if your development process produces .docs then thats another mindset incompatibility21:25
servertooddoes that help the performance at all?21:25
zygaservertood: we would produce source files that get built to documentatino that can be versioned/compared/merged21:25
servertoodwe have specifications that need to be versioned21:25
servertoodthey are not produced by development21:25
zygaservertood: I cannot teach you your work as you know best what is needed21:26
zygaservertood: I can only say this21:26
zygaservertood: bzr will work great for what it's designed for21:26
zygaservertood: code21:26
zygaservertood: and text21:26
zygaservertood: if you do the transition in a smart way your overall development model will get more complex but more powerful21:26
zygaservertood: if you do it in a naive way (bzr add . && bzr ci -m "yay") then you will not get anything inherintly better than p421:27
zygaservertood: apart from the hefty price for p4, what was it 1K/year?21:27
zyga(per seat)21:27
servertoodits pricey21:27
zygaand it sucks badly21:27
zygait's just a versioned FTP site21:27
servertoodThe teams I have been working on for years have no issues with it21:28
zygathey even ship pftpd, that versions files on uploads21:28
servertoodBut Im not an SCM expert21:28
Takyeah, some of the guys I work with /rave/ about perforce21:28
zygaservertood: people that were always in a cage don't know how it feels outside21:28
servertoodWHat I will say abvout it is21:28
servertoodit never got in my way21:29
zygaservertood: eseentially each tool will work but current generation of vcses gives lots of new options that are just awesome for developers21:29
servertoodThats what Im looking for21:29
zygaI always found it buggy, slow, and mostly not different better than CVS21:29
servertoodA tool that supports branching more intuitively so you can work with the tool and not be afraid of fucking up the project21:29
zygayou could go back and edit history21:29
zygachange commit messages21:30
zyganothing was atomic21:30
servertoodwell Im not sure IM going to get to nirvana in this first pass21:30
zygathe GUI was just one gigantic script that often hangs if you are talking over a slow link21:30
zygaand the whole "multisite" mess is insane21:30
servertoodI think Im going to go whole hog21:31
servertoodand dump everythig in it21:31
servertoodand then refactor21:31
zygaservertood: if you're open sourcing then perhaps giving people a look at the code and the layout will yield more educated answers21:31
servertoodand see how the performance is21:31
zygaservertood: that's not a good idea21:31
zygaservertood: then everyone will have to get that first commit you made21:31
zygaservertood: it's not a centralized repo, you pay for the history21:31
servertoodeven after I refactor?21:31
zygaservertood: certainly21:31
zygaservertood: do it the other way around21:32
zygaservertood: start adding stuff to bzr21:32
zygaservertood: while refactoring21:32
zygaservertood: and if your tools support that, break stuff up early at component boundaries21:32
servertooddoes bzr support allowing only access to parts of the tree to a user21:33
servertoodthis is a high security project21:33
zyganone dvcs does21:33
zygait's not possible21:33
zygaif I can get anything (any revision)21:33
servertoodso I have to have seperate repos for different access levels21:34
zygaif you can get the whole history and work offline you have to have it locally, by then no security can exist21:34
servertoodso...if Im not do dist devel21:35
servertoodshould I just use a centralized model21:35
servertoodand not use bzr21:35
zyganot really21:35
zygait depends on how you define security today21:35
servertoodI remember the days of clearcase when they said whatever you do21:35
servertooddont enable multisite21:35
servertoodI know that this is built in out of the box now21:35
zygaI don't know how you work, do you have a team of people that can access something that other team or teams cannot?21:35
zygaah clearcase21:35
zygathe tumor of version control21:35
servertoodold days21:35
* zyga shrugs21:36
servertoodWell I actually21:36
servertoodhave to control access at the level of the developer21:36
zygaservertood: no dvcs has "mutisite", I hope you understand that21:36
servertoodyes I do21:36
zygaservertood: and at the repository level?21:36
zygaservertood: developers is not what you can control in dvcs21:36
servertoodwell right now21:36
servertoodthey have code separated by env21:37
zygaservertood: you can only control the _trees_21:37
servertoodso you either get access to dev or SIT or UAT or prod but thats pointless21:37
servertoodI need to be able to say21:37
servertoodhey a report developer21:37
servertoodcannot access code that does ACH transactions21:37
zygaimportant question:21:37
zygawhy not?21:37
zygais it "because the code has secret sauce?"21:38
servertoodI dont want them to be able to change it21:38
zygaor "because I don't want him to screw up"21:38
zygathat's easy21:38
zygachange your model21:38
zygahave a gatekeeper21:38
zygathat reviews21:38
servertoodbecause its a doorway to fraud21:38
zygahave branches21:38
zygathat get reviewed and merged21:38
zyganobody but the gatekeeper can commit21:38
servertoodsure I guess your right21:38
servertoodits just a high security env so21:38
zygayou don't care that Joe developer got a _branch_ of Foo21:38
zygaand changed somethng that broke it21:38
servertoodActually having more eyes on the code could potentially reduce fraud21:39
zygayou just crare that he could not get his code in the "blessed" branch of Foo21:39
zygaif you can get every part of the code accessible to everyone (or just to each emploee)21:39
zygathen you are safe21:39
zygabzr and other dvcses will work for you21:39
servertoodso they create a branch21:39
servertooddo their dev21:39
servertoodmerge into some other branch21:39
zygaI don't know how you work21:40
zygabut again21:40
servertoodbut can they merge into all branches?21:40
zygafor dvcses a very common and effective model21:40
zygais to have a reviewer21:40
zygaso I make a branch of my project trunk21:40
servertoodwhats stops them from merging into production21:40
zygahack it21:40
zygaand post a merge request21:40
zygayou can put whatever security/access around a _tree_21:40
zygaso you can say that physically only that user or that grup can perform alterations in that tree (at filesystem level)21:41
zygaif you can opernsource your project21:41
zygathen launchpad will provide you an infrastructure21:41
zygawith code reviews21:41
zygasecurity access21:41
zygaand all the good stuff21:41
servertoodin my case that is not legal21:41
zygaand so on21:41
zygaso you cannot opensource your code as you intially said?21:41
servertoodmy code?21:42
servertoodno I want open source tool for SCM21:42
zygaI see21:42
zygayou can deploy your own infrastructure then21:42
servertoodlegally I cant do that21:42
zygaof have someone who will do it for you21:42
servertoodsure Im building a new env21:42
zygaservertood: btw, what is your business about?21:42
servertoodI really cant say21:42
servertoodSo if I have a release branch21:43
zygaservertood: so to go back to the topic: you can setup security, you can have a working workflow and it will be arguably better than a worflow where once you get commit access you can do anything21:43
servertoodyour saying I cannot prevent someone from merging into it21:43
zygathat's not what I'm saying21:43
servertoodok sry21:43
zygabzr does not care about who is doing changes21:44
zyganeither does any other system21:44
zygayou just setup system users or other filesystel-level protection21:44
servertoodok thats cool21:44
zygaso code to /srv/bzr/something/trunk can be (for example) only changed by that user or that group21:44
mkanatzyga, servertood: There is no official policy that binaries are "not important enough to be optimized for". In fact, there are people doing work to make bzr handle them better.21:44
awilkinsYou exert security control on who is allowed to merge changes upstream into release branches21:44
servertoodat the filesystem level ok21:45
zygamkanat: I remember reading about one of the bzr devs commenting that binaries are not a priority so they are not treated differently than text - that's what I meant - if that's changed then I can only be more happy21:45
awilkinsI think there are "bigfile" plugins for git and mercurial that are in some kind of usable state now21:46
mkanatzyga: It hasn't changed, but there is work underway to change it.21:46
zygamkanat: cool21:46
zygamkanat: can I help in any way?21:46
awilkinsIn my experience, files up to around 100MB are alright on modern machines21:46
servertoodis there a bug open on it?21:46
mkanatzyga: Yeah, very possibly.21:46
servertoodhow many files up to 100MB?21:46
servertoodsay I have a dir of 200 MB worth of binaries like 10-20MB each21:46
awilkinsI have several branches that consist of around 1.5GB of text data resources in text files about 60MB or more apiece21:46
awilkinsAnd they check out OK on a machine with 2GB of RAM21:47
zygaservertood: you might hit the memory wall when bzr repacks the data21:47
mkanatzyga: I think jbowtie is doing the work on it, you should ask him.21:47
awilkinsIt can get a little ... swappy at that point :-)21:47
zygamkanat: thanks, I'll ping him21:47
zygaAFAIR repacking crosses file boundary and just sucks the tree in21:48
awilkinsOn my home desktop with 6GB of RAM and a 64-bit OS it's just fine though :-0)21:48
speakmananyone running Buildbot on bzr repo?21:48
zygathen your ISO will kill a 6GB machine21:48
servertoodso this slow down21:48
awilkinsWe have been using Maven for storing large binary build outputs in21:48
awilkinsBut it's not entirely well suited to that either - more to library sized JAR files21:49
servertoodIm switching to maven21:49
mkanatservertood: It's more about the size of individual files than the size of your whole repo, with bzr.21:49
mkanatservertood: It won't deal well with a 1GB binary, but it should be fine with a 100MB binary.21:49
awilkinsEnough people (p4 using game developers mostly) raise the "big binaries" issue recently to make it worth looking at21:49
awilkinsIf you are using Maven, top tip - use Nexus, not Archiva.21:50
servertoodIm sure I dont have any files near 100MB21:50
awilkinsNexus totally blows Archiva out of the water in terms of upload performance21:50
zygamkanat: it's been my experience that repacking _will_ kill your system at that poing (having any number of 100MB files)21:50
servertoodIm using Maven to build java21:50
Takyeah, we have big binary issues as well21:51
awilkinsWhat I'd like to see is a system that stores big non-mergy binaries on their SHA1 sum in a glorified FTP server21:51
awilkinsAnd you just refer to each binary you want in your build system by it's SHA121:52
zygaawilkins: that's not going to help you without pure shallow checkouts - assuming you still want dvcs21:52
awilkinsI mean, in the case of game dev, who goes with their old assets anyway?21:52
zygaawilkins: I've been considering transitioning part of a very large p4 repo to anything else21:52
awilkinsYou might want to build old CODE to find a bug, but who wants to go back to old ART?21:52
zygaawilkins: and that's what it ultilmately boils down to, you cannot even copy the whole history to a single computer21:52
lousygaruais there a way to download only a certain revision from a repository so i won't have to download the whole history of the project?21:53
zygalousygarua: in bzr? yes21:53
awilkinslousygarua, Yes, you can do a shallow checkout21:53
zygalousygarua: you can setup lighweight checkout for example21:53
awilkins^^ or what he said21:53
zygaawilkins: lightweigh is the same as shallow?21:53
zygaI remember talks about doing history horizon but I don't know if that was implemented21:53
lousygaruazyga: hmm, ok i will read about shallow/lightweight/whatever thanks21:54
zygaso that you could see (and have) some history locally21:54
zygalousygarua: bzr reconfigure --help21:54
awilkinsLightweight is like SVN - depends on the server21:54
zygaawilkins: yes21:54
awilkinsTBH never really used shallow checkouts but I think they get used on Launchpad to save storage for user forks21:54
zygaawilkins: and if bzr could just store binaries without processing (and holding them in memory) then bzr would be a perfect VCS for anyone apart from git hardcore users and people loving to rebase (I still do, darn)21:54
lousygaruawill a lightweight checkout store further revisions locally so it won't have to be SVN entirely?21:55
awilkinslousygarua, No21:55
zygaawilkins: lp uses stacked branches right? so you get same kind of data saving21:55
awilkinsstacked ... I think that's sort of what I may have meant21:55
zygaawilkins: stacked is where you just have your history and go to the partent for the rest21:56
zygaawilkins: lightweight is just a working directory accessing a remote branch21:56
zygaawilkins: also lanchpad has repositories around projects to make identical revisions collapse21:56
awilkinsAs I say... I don't use them myself ; I mostly use bzr-svn and straight bzr with a hidden folder shared repo and lightwieght checkouts of the branches therein21:56
speakmanHow can I debug a plugin? How do I even check if it's run?21:57
zygabut I'm not sure if that's exactly how lp.net handles code, ask in #launchpad for that21:57
zygaspeakman: print something in the module, worked for me :-)21:57
zygaspeakman: also bzr plugins -v will tell you it's there21:57
zygaspeakman: I had issues with putting something that cannot be imported by python (wrong name) as the plugin toplevel directory name21:58
speakmanzyga: ever run buildbot with bzr?21:58
zygaspeakman: no, sorry21:59
zygaservertood: if you need some non lp.net hosting then you can either use track or redmine, both are quite excellent22:00
zygasorry trac22:00
Takif bzr had good binary handling, it would have been the hands-down winner for new vcs at my workplace22:00
zygaTak: I had the same problem22:01
speakmanzyga: seems like there's something wrong with locations.conf22:04
zygaspeakman: ?22:05
maxb< zyga> awilkins: also lanchpad has repositories around projects to make identical revisions collapse22:06
maxbNo, it doesn't22:06
zygamaxb: oh, how does it work then?22:07
maxbstacked branches22:07
zygamaxb: so branches are always stacked on their parents?22:08
speakmanzyga: my mistake - was prefixing config settings with a tab in locations.conf22:08
speakmanokay, this plugin installs on post_commit post_push and post_change_branch_tip22:12
speakmanI want it to trigger on a smartserver when new commits are pushed22:13
zygaspeakman: I'm not sure how that part works or how to debug that, I cannot help you much, sorry22:13
speakmananyone else..?22:14
speakman(the bzr --serve --inet is run as user 'bzr' and I'm editing in ~bzr/.bazaar/* )22:14
speakmanthe option "recurse" seems to not be working for all plugins22:16
speakmanno, it's all working correctly22:20
speakmannow, which hooks are trigger by bzr --serve ?22:20
speakman"Called in bzr client and server after a change to the tip of a branch is made. post_change_branch_tip is called with a bzrlib.branch.ChangeBranchTipParams. Note that push, pull, commit, uncommit will all trigger this hook."22:21
speakmandoesn't seem so...22:21
speakmanhow is this suppose to match in locations.conf ?22:38
speakmanSeems like the smart server need a local path resolution fix22:49
speakmanBzrBranch7(filtered-172359628:///timespot/facelift-pure/)   --->    BzrBranch7(file:///srv/bzr/repo/timespot/facelift-pure/)22:50
servertoodI just setup a repo on my osx machine with notrees23:39
servertoodI want to create a working copy and add files to it do I have to access the repo with sftp even tho its local23:40
servertoodoh no I htink it worked at first when I referenced it on the filesystem it looked like it screwed up23:42

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