
RLait seems like certificates support for kde was pretty incomplete up to versions 4.400:00
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Snowhog!ru | buldozer00:11
ubottubuldozer: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke00:11
buldozerне понял00:12
woodzyany idea as to how i can install bochs?00:22
well_laid_lawn!find bochs00:22
ubottuFound: bochs, bochs-doc, bochs-sdl, bochs-svga, bochs-term00:22
well_laid_lawnfrom the repos woodzy00:23
well_laid_lawn!info bochs00:23
ubottubochs (source: bochs): IA-32 PC emulator. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.4.5-1 (maverick), package size 1057 kB, installed size 3208 kB00:23
woodzycan i use apt-get to install it?00:24
well_laid_lawnsure you can00:24
woodzythanks. :) i just didn't see it in the list under settings.00:25
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well_laid_lawnyou can always try   apt-cache search bochs   in konsole to check00:28
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kaddiis there a wysiswyg editor for bb-code?02:01
sobczykhello, I have problems with Kopete, when I have message indicator I can't maximize Kopete, when I turn off indicator Kate does not show up in the tray is there a way to fix it?02:01
sobczykI mean Kopete not kate :)02:02
DaemonFCsobczyk, yeah, it's complicated02:04
sobczykDaemonFC: but fixable?02:04
DaemonFCI think it goes, close it to tray and restore it with indicator in the tray, then close indicator, quit kopete, open kopete, and close it again, this time it should offer to go to the tray02:05
DaemonFCI stumbled on that by wrestling it for a while02:05
sobczykwould be nice to have working message indicator though02:05
DaemonFCI don't like that thing anywhere, but it least it's possible to get rid of it in Kubuntu without losing half your notifications02:06
sobczykhmm the problem is - Kopete does not restore with message indicator02:06
sobczykI click Kopete but nothing happens02:06
DaemonFCoh, I thought you wanted rid of the indicator02:07
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sobczykI also have problems connecting to ad-hoc network (creating it), though I'm not sure if it's kubuntu related02:10
Paolo_CTHi there, I been using ubuntu for a year, and I just installed kde a couple weeks ago, since then, I been having problems with the audio (input and output), it works for a while, and suddlendly fail...Any healp pls?03:14
blakwolfI'm having trouble with a new Kubuntu 10.10 Install. It starts up kinda weird and when I get to the login screen and try to login, it goes to the splash screen and does a few of the things, then it goes black and goes right back to the login screen. help?03:19
Paolo_CTAnyone able to help?03:28
surunverihi anyone got an idea what in a system update may've slowed down the system03:37
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Thriksomeone posted that question on the kubuntu forum from what i recall.03:41
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kyubutsui got a triple boot system [kubuntu, ubuntu, windows] in which the kubuntu partition reached its limit. want second opinion about running the livecd to reinstall kubuntu using the space of both ext4 partitions [so only windows and kubuntu are installed] ..  how are the chances of all that going wrong06:55
valoriejust a thought06:57
valoriehow about blowing away Ubuntu, and moving/backing up your kub. /home on that?06:57
valoriethen you will have more room for kub., AND have your home on it's one partition06:58
valoriesheesh, typing fail06:58
kyubutsuright.. i assume your method is about running gparted from livecd?06:59
valorieI suppose you could do that06:59
valorieI don't know anything about your partition sizes07:00
valoriebut you could always adjust before copying home over07:00
valorieit's just a good idea to have /home protected by itself07:00
valoriesec, have to tend to the dog07:01
valoriealso, most people don't dual boot k/ubuntu07:05
valorieyou can just log into one or the other as you wish07:05
valorieif you prefer ubuntu for some things07:05
valorieor just use some ubuntu apps in kubuntu07:05
cpatrick2008i was wondering when the kpackagekit bug is going to be fixed i saw that kde fixed the problem in version 0.6.3,207:20
valoriewhich kpk bug?07:26
* valorie finally is liking kpk07:26
ubottuKDE bug 261295 in general "KPackageKit in kubuntu 10 10" [Crash,Resolved: duplicate]07:31
ubottuUbuntu bug 694194 in Kubuntu PPA "kpackagekit doesn't start after update to kde 4.6 rc" [Undecided,New]07:31
well_laid_lawnall i can say to that is07:32
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.07:32
valoriewell, I'm using 4.5.407:33
valorieso a bit behind the cutting edge07:33
kyubutsuperhaps you could ask #ubuntu-bugs or better yet, whoever handles the kde bugs ..07:35
kyubutsuam guessing that'd be around kde.org07:36
well_laid_lawnthere's a kde channel iirc07:37
valoriemany of them, in fact07:38
well_laid_lawnthe amount of ppl with kde issues in the Archlinux forums ...07:39
valorieit's sometimes difficult to work out where the bugs come from -- programming, or packaging?07:43
well_laid_lawnit seems the policy is to build something new rather then fix what is now I guess07:43
valoriesometimes that's best07:44
valorieif the old is really outdated, or a mess of code07:44
kyubutsui dont think thats how it works07:44
valorieit worked that way with Amarok07:44
well_laid_lawnvalorie: how many network manager issues have you seen?07:44
kyubutsuanyhow.. thats where a well done bug report comes into play07:45
valorieI didn't use to hang out here, so I don't know if it's getting better, or staying the same07:45
well_laid_lawnI just think they should hold up on new releases for a bit 'till the base is right07:45
valorie10.10 was a big improvement for me07:45
valoriewell_laid_lawn: what are your issues?07:46
kyubutsuam using 10.10 and i like my widgets too07:46
well_laid_lawnvalorie: I have none except trying to sort out others issues - my install is very basic07:47
kyubutsubut noveau isnt quite there as far as 3d acceleration .. sigh07:47
well_laid_lawngive it a bit of time to mature it is still young07:48
kyubutsuhave to.. only got integrated graphics07:48
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SynTet-a-Tetвсем привет!09:24
SynTet-a-TetКто знает, почему Мозила тормозит, при обращении к сайту (скорость нормальная)09:26
well_laid_lawn!ru | SynTet-a-Tet09:26
ubottuSynTet-a-Tet: Пожалуйста посетите #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке  / Pozhalujsta posetite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke09:26
spirov92hi, I'm trying to upload data to a garmin gps. According to http://www.marengo-ltd.com/gps/ garmin support is built in, but it seems to rely on older kernels09:43
spirov92http://sourceforge.net/projects/garmin-gps/ it says here linux 2.6-. So is there a replacement for this?09:44
spirov92btw the GPS cable is a serial, so I'm using a serial to USB converter, which seems to work out of the box.09:46
well_laid_lawnlinux 2.6-. generally means any of the 2.6 kernels so the one you have should be fine09:49
well_laid_lawn!find linux09:49
ubottuFound: doc-linux-html, doc-linux-text, grub, initramfs-tools, libhyphen-dev, libselinux1, libselinux1-dev, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic, linux-backports-modules-alsa-2.6.35-22-generic-pae, linux-backports-modules-net-2.6.35-22-generic (and 203 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=linux&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all09:49
well_laid_lawnwe're up to 2.6.35 now09:50
spirov92It seems there's no package for garmin-gps09:58
well_laid_lawn!find garmin10:06
ubottuFound: garmin-forerunner-tools, libgarmin-dev, libgarmin0, qlandkartegt-garmin10:06
spirov92I'm trying qlandkartegt-garmin right now10:07
well_laid_lawnapt-cache search   is a good thing to try in terminal for applications too10:07
skamster_hello all.. i like to use the uno-plugin for eclipse.. now i have to tell the plugin the path to openoffice sdk (or dev in *buntu) and to the openoffice-installation..10:20
skamster_which paths are these? i just found some directorys, but there isn't a valid/one who looks complett..10:20
well_laid_lawnI would think /usr/bin or /opt10:21
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hartmutGutn Morgen10:27
well_laid_lawnhartmut: woud you like a german channel?10:29
ubottuIn den meisten ubuntu-Kanälen wird nur Englisch gesprochen. Für deutschsprachige Hilfe besuchen Sie bitte #ubuntu-de, #kubuntu-de, #edubuntu-de oder #ubuntu-at. Geben Sie einfach /join #ubuntu-de ein! Danke für Ihr Verständnis.10:29
skamster_well_laid: yes, if i install the deb's from openoffice.org, then it's should be in opt.. in /usr/bin are just the binarys to start..10:30
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.10:34
well_laid_lawnskamster_: I don't really know what you are after - openoffice doesn't have a sdk afaik - in /usr/bin the executables normally start with three o's10:36
well_laid_lawnlike ooo-base etc10:36
skamster_oh, thanks for that trick.. i just now the same for console :)10:44
well_laid_lawnit's a handy trick :-)10:44
well_laid_lawnI type ska and hit the tab key and I get skamster_10:45
skamster_well_laid_lawn: yes, i know. but there's a package in the repos called openoffice.org-dev.. that's the sdk, as i know (written in description). i've got also a plugin for the uno-library, but this plugin needs the install-paths for ooffice and ooffice-sdk (or dev)..10:46
skamster_i found a folder under /usr/share/openoffice/ but it doesn't seem to be the right one10:47
skamster_well_laid_lawn: yeah, like in terminal for commands, folders and so on ;) very nice, didn't know that it's also avaible for irc :D10:48
well_laid_lawn!find openoffice.org10:48
ubottuFound: dictionaries-common, hunspell-de-at, hunspell-de-ch, hunspell-de-de, hunspell-eu-es, hunspell-gl-es, hunspell-uz, libbase-java-openoffice.org, libflute-java-openoffice.org, libfonts-java-openoffice.org (and 237 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openoffice.org&searchon=names&suite=maverick&section=all10:48
well_laid_lawnthere's lots10:48
well_laid_lawn!find openoffice.org-dev10:48
ubottuFound: openoffice.org-dev, openoffice.org-dev-doc10:48
well_laid_lawn!info openoffice.org-dev10:49
ubottuopenoffice.org-dev (source: openoffice.org): office productivity suite -- SDK. In component main, is optional. Version 1:3.2.1-7ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 2479 kB, installed size 27124 kB (Only available for i386 m68k mips mipsel powerpc s390 kfreebsd-i386 alpha amd64 kfreebsd-amd64 armel hppa ia64 ppc64 s390x sparc all)10:49
skamster_!find openoffice.org-dev10:49
ubottuFound: openoffice.org-dev, openoffice.org-dev-doc10:49
well_laid_lawnit's in the repos10:49
skamster_ah, damn, i didn't saw your command10:49
well_laid_lawnsudo apt-get install openoffice.org-dev   then10:49
well_laid_lawnit's ok :)10:50
skamster_i already did that10:50
skamster_my problem is just the path10:50
skamster_where is it? :(10:50
skamster_or: which one is valid?10:50
skaftihow do i setup zero ballistics ?10:52
skamster_well_laid_lawn: maybe it's also just the plugin who don't like me.. :p10:52
skamster_(it said just everytime: path is no valid oo-path)10:53
well_laid_lawnskamster_: I thought it needed three o's10:54
skamster_ok, yes, the message is with 3 o's.. but the path was copy-paste, so i don't think it was wrong..10:55
skamster_strange uno-world.. :s10:55
skamster_they may better would make a .jar-file and everything's fine.. without the plugin, i'm not able to programm something with uno or at least i don't know how..10:58
well_laid_lawnI don't know how to either10:59
skamster_well_laid_lawn: yes, it's the wrong channel for that, but they're all sleeping and i just relax because i couldn't work11:02
well_laid_lawnthe sdk isn't enough skamster_ ?11:13
well_laid_lawnit should have help/man pages I would think11:13
skamster_no, i've got no access to the librarys who i like to import..11:14
skamster_i looked in tutorials.. but found just the way with the plugin11:15
well_laid_lawn!find openoffice.org-dev11:15
ubottuFound: openoffice.org-dev, openoffice.org-dev-doc11:15
well_laid_lawnthere's the doc files to download too skamster_11:16
skamster_mh, the doc's are fine, there's a fully api-documentation.. but without working imports, i couldn't use it.. may i find somewhere in the sdk-folders a jar or so..11:22
well_laid_lawnI wouldn't know about that sorry11:36
phanii am a c developer and i can`t get a c program to work in maverick. i am doing it in codeblocks and it is giving a fatal error conio.h no such file or directory11:50
phanican anybody help me??11:51
Peace-no such file and directory....11:51
Peace-phani: this is a kubuntu help channel11:52
Peace-and not a #c channel11:52
phanihey i am getting the problem in ubuntu .. i mentioned it11:52
skamster_well_laid_lawn: no problem, thanks for the help anyway :)11:54
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lieuwewhat's the name of the sun java package?13:21
yofelsun-java6-jre for the JRE13:22
yofelyou need to have the Partner repository enabled in since lucid if you want to install it13:23
amichair!java | lieuwe13:27
ubottulieuwe: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.13:27
amichairhmm... the text should be changed to 'Lucid and later' or '10.04 and later'13:28
amichairlieuwe: and after you install it, you'll probably want to run 'update-alternatives --config java' to make it default13:29
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EvilRoeyoh hai.13:40
BluesKajHiyas all13:47
skaftii need to setup a game tremulous can someone help me13:53
BluesKajskafti, I'm not a gamer but is it available for linux?14:04
skaftiim not a gamer either but i got 2 boys who like to play14:06
BluesKajskafti, http://linux.about.com/od/dist_ubuntu/a/ubgtremulous.htm14:08
skaftithanks man i did not see it there before :)14:13
BluesKajskafti, you're welcome :)14:15
emanuele \list14:31
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »14:32
funcrushI just upgrade kde4.6 rc1 and changed keybord input method.. I can't find setting menu in systemsettings..14:51
funcrushhow can I changed keybord input method14:51
BluesKajfuncrush, system sttings/input devices14:53
funcrushBluesKaj: I can't find it in there..14:54
BluesKajin the kmenu?14:54
funcrushbecuz of my language.. I should use nabi, not scim14:56
BluesKajfuncrush, kmenu/applications /settings/ input switcher?14:57
BluesKajerr input method switcher14:58
funcrushhm... it is in there... i'll try14:59
funcrushthank you :)14:59
BluesKajfuncrush, and it coud be a bug , afterall you are running kde beta14:59
funcrushyup.. but input method is essential14:59
drkfceHi all.  I think I may have shot myself in the foot.  Wanting to reinstall ubuntu server on a machine that had a broken hard drive, and refused to  boot from USB, I decided to do the OS installation by moving the HD from one machine to another.  Of course, in the process of that installation, I believe I fubar'd grub.15:05
drkfceThe "other" machine has a Raid 0 set up, which makes things REALLY complicated.  I'm trying to mount the RAID volume, but it says that it is already mounted.  I look at the output of "mount", but it is not showin up.  Does that mean I am SOL?15:05
drkfceOddly enough, I am able to mount the partitions WITHIN the raid, just fine.15:06
BluesKajdrkfce, what does df -h tell you ..does it show the linux partition?15:09
drkfceBluesKaj:  It shows the partition that I mounted that is within the raid, but it doesn't show the whole "drive"15:11
James147drkfce: why dose it matter what the "other" mechiene has? just disable the other drives for the instolation and they should cause you a problem... (assuming your just going to install the system then move the hd back to the server and that the server dosent ahve raid)15:11
drkfceJames147: The problem is, is that I already "installed" the server os, and when I try to boot into my other partitions, it says "module not found"15:12
James147drkfce: reinstall grub15:12
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub215:12
drkfceI'm trying to15:12
drkfceThat is the guide I'm trying to follow15:12
drkfceI'll paste that boot info script output to a paste site, to see if that has any info15:13
drkfcehere: http://paste.ubuntu.com/54826515:17
drkfcewhen I type "sudo mount /dev/mapper/isw_dcghabhdc_Volume0 /mnt/mountpoint"  it  says "mount: /dev/mapper/isw_dcghabhdc_Volume0 already mounted or /mnt/mountpoint/ busy"15:19
drkfceand I have to mount that in order to reinstall grub, correct?15:19
James147drkfce: as far as I know yes... assuming its the root drive15:20
drkfceso, am I SOL?15:21
drkfceout of luck15:21
James147drkfce: not sure, dont know much about how raid works in linux :(15:23
drkfceThankfully I was able to mount the partitions and get the data off o fit15:24
James147drkfce: what type of raid are you using?15:24
drkfce0 :(15:24
drkfcewhatever is supplied by the motherboard, so I am assuming hardware15:25
James147drkfce: then probally fakeraid... you might want to note that linux dosent play very well with fakeraid...15:25
drkfceof course, heh15:26
ggeorgyis possible to acces internet on my phone via usb? :(  :)  :|  ;)15:31
ggeorgydo you have any ideas ??15:32
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James147ggeorgy: that would highly depends on the phone15:33
ggeorgyi have samsung star-s523015:34
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ggeorgydont work?15:37
James147sorry dont know that phone15:38
ggeorgyis a simple java  phone15:41
ggeorgyso .is not possible ?15:46
templar_Hello, I have a problem, please help me. The problem is the password which I enter during installing packages (kpackageedit) or during "kdesudo appname" command, says its invalid password. BUT the same password when entered through apt-get install or sudo in commandline works!. Please help me.15:46
James147templar_: any funky characters in the password?15:46
ggeorgydo you changed your passwd?15:48
templar_James147: No I have only alpahabets and nmumbers in my password15:48
ggeorgyi want say: do you modifyed your pass?15:48
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templar_ggeorgy: No I have not modified my password15:49
templar_It unexcpectedly started invalidating my password, whenver I use gui apps which require sudo password. BUT the same sudo password in terminal works15:50
ggeorgytry this command: sudo passwd your_user_name15:54
ggeorgyand insert your old pass15:55
templar_ggeorgy: It says "USER is not in the sudoers file.  This incident will be reported."15:56
James147templar_: hmm... so sudo commands dont work?15:56
templar_Yes I had sudo working an hour or so ago when I installed htop. Now even sudo in terminal doesnt work15:57
James147templar_: are you part of teh adm and admin group?15:57
templar_jumpin_in_havana: Yes, this is my own PC, I just instaslled it a few days ago. How can I check that?15:58
amichairtemplar_: any chance you switched users (using su or such)? you prompt confirms you're using the user you expect?15:58
templar_James147: ^^15:59
templar_I mean check if I am in admin group?15:59
James147templar_: run "groups"  in a terminal and it should tell you your groups15:59
amichairtemplar_: and/or, any chance you have a multiple-language layout, and you used the other language when the password worked?15:59
jumpin_in_havanaoh lol a irc notification :/16:00
templar_James147: amichair Oh I just remembered something which I did two days ago. I addded my username to www-data group to make it easier to edit files of my http16:02
James147templar_: that shoudn't have affected sudo (assuming you dident remove adm or admin)16:03
amichairJames147: must a user be in admin group in order for sudoers to apply?16:03
templar_James147: running groups tells there are only two groups, one my own created group and other one www-data16:04
amichairtemplar_: if you use "sudo -u www-data", does the password work?16:04
James147templar_: add yourself to teh admin group16:04
James147... if you need root to do that then reboot to the revocery mode16:05
amichairJames147: he'd need admin priviledges for that, no? :-P16:05
James147amichair:  :)16:05
templar_amichair: I didnt change lan"sudo -u www-data" doesnt ask for password16:05
templar_s/lan/language .16:06
amichairtemplar_: I meant "sudo -u www-data ls" (or some other command for sudo to run)16:07
templar_amichair: Now the same issue, it says I am not in sudoers file16:08
amichairtemplar_: ok. Is this the user you created during installation of kubuntu, or added later?16:09
James147templar_: reboot to recovery mode and add your self to the admin group16:09
templar_Its is the only username created during installation of kubuntu. No i did not create any other user16:09
amichairJames147: would not being in admin group remove one from sudoers file? (or give the same error message?)16:10
templar_James147: Sure, I would try that, but please help me with the commands since I have to logoff this PC to do that16:10
James147amichair: the admin group is in the sudoers file... so anyone in the group can use sudo... hes not in the group but he needs to be16:11
amichairJames147: oh yes, of course16:12
woodzynubie qwestion: how do i change the default 'konsole' shell to csh or how do i create a launcher on the desktop to open up a terminal using csh?16:15
James147templar_: one way is to edit the /etc/group file and add your name to the admin group (type your name after the last : .. or if a name is already there add it to the end seperated by a comma like: "admin:x:115:james"  or "admin:x:115:otheruser,james"16:15
James147woodzy: create a profile for konsole16:15
woodzywhere, james?16:16
templar_James147: I need sudo to edit anything from  /etc/group16:16
James147templar_: yes... thats why you need to reboot to recvery mode... doing that you should be ablt to get a root prompt without entering a password :p assuming you dident set a password in grub for revocery menus16:17
amichairtemplar_: you can also use the adduser command, might be safer16:18
templar_James147: No I did not set any password for grub recovery menus. Ok I am restarting I trying that, I wil be cut off from IRC, but I have logged in from my mobile to watch helpfule comments.16:18
templar_amichair: thanks I will try that16:18
James147amichair: probally, :) but I dont know the syntax for doing it that way :D16:19
amichairJames147: me neither, but "adduser --help" shows the way :-)16:19
amichairapparently it's "adduser <user> <group>"16:19
woodzyaimchair: isn't that the better way to add user to the admin group than editing /etc/group file?16:20
James147amichair: ahh, yeah... over looked that bit :d16:20
dadagI AM TEMPLAR16:21
amichairwoodzy: yeah, using simple commands is usually safer than manually editing critical files :-)16:21
amichairdadag: after you've done it, use "groups <username>" to make sure it worked16:23
woodzymy problem: i need to either change the default shell for konsole or create a launcher on my desktop to launch csh ?16:24
James147woodzy: create a profile for konsole (look at the menus)16:24
amichairwoodzy: and obviously make sure you have csh installed16:25
James147woodzy: (settings > edit profiles)16:25
templar_Thank you very much James147 amichair . Did "adduser MYUSERNAME MYGROUP". It works now! Thanks16:27
amichairtemplar_: cool16:27
templar_But any idea the reason I  got myself removed from root group?16:27
James147templar_: no clue how you got removed :S maby when adding yourself to the www-data group?16:28
woodzyjames: csh is installed but i do not see edit profile, do you mean account details or user management?16:28
amichairtemplar_: btw, in case you removed yourself from other groups as well, you should check what a default user gets (e.g. I have also cdrom, plugdev, adm, lpadmin... not sure what they all are though or if they are default)16:28
James147woodzy: in konsole...16:28
woodzydoh! thanks. :)16:29
amichairwoodzy: in konsole, Settings -> Configure Profiles, create a new profile and look at the existing one if necessary (using 'Edit') to see how it should be set up - you'll just need to change the command, basically16:30
templar_amichair: Well even though I am not in those groups, I am only in 3 groups now, my own created group, www-data and root16:31
templar_amichair: Even though I am not in cdrom group, I can access files from CD16:31
amichairwoodzy: (you should keep the current profile available since bash is used by nearly everyone - though you can change which one is default if your really need it16:31
=== Guest96026 is now known as MichealH
woodzyi have my profile setup but how do i change it to the default? (don't worry i'm not getting rid of the bash profile)16:37
amichairwoodzy: in the profile manager, 'Set as Default' button16:38
amichairwoodzy: in a shortcut, you can run 'konsole --profile <profile>' (without changing default)16:38
woodzyaimchair, is it possible to create a launcher on my desktop that uses "konsole --profile <profile>" ? that'd be easier.16:39
amichairtemplar_: http://efreedom.com/Question/2-11488/Default-Groups-Assigned-First-User-Ubuntu-Server16:39
woodzybtw, thanks james.16:40
amichairtemplar_: that's both how you probably got into this trouble, and the answer to my question :-)16:40
amichairwoodzy: yes, when you create the shortcut use this parameter in the command you specify16:41
woodzybut how do i create a launcher? right clicking on the desktop provides no obvious menu selection.16:43
amichairwoodzy: right-click -> Create New... -> Link to Application16:44
templar_amichair: Thanks thatcleared my issue16:45
woodzyon the desktop? all i see are: run command; add widgets; add panel; activities; lock widgets; lock screen; leave; desktop settings16:45
amichairtemplar_: great :-)16:45
amichairtemplar_: sounds like an easy mistake to make... silly interface to allow that16:46
amichairwoodzy: oh, I was looking at the Desktop Folder View16:46
amichairmaybe u can create it in any folder, and then just drag it to the desktop?16:47
James147woodzy: you can create menu entries via "kmenuedit" or rightclicking kmenu > edit menu16:48
amichairthe "desktop" can be confusing to anyone coming from... any other OS. the whole activities and containments and folder views thing is not intuitive coming from there.16:49
woodzythanks james.16:49
woodzythanks aimchair16:49
amichair(and frankly, doesn't add any convenience that I can think of)16:49
amichairwoodzy: cheers :-)16:49
woodzyi agree, aimchair, except for that minor difference, kde still is a better desktop. still, something new to get used to (like a new car). :)16:50
BluesKajheh, some gnome users won't use  a Qt/kde app ,I recommended audex without realizing some ppl think kde pollutes their gnome experience :)16:53
woodzygnome is OK but i prefer xfce over gnome (sssshhhh....don't tell the gnomeheads) :)16:54
BluesKajapparently soundjuicer is the gnome equivalent ...it doesn't bother me to mix and match apps as long as they work16:54
amichairspeaking of kmenuedit... is there a default icon yet for 'Development' category?16:55
BluesKajamichair, yup, I have one in the kmenu16:55
amichairBluesKaj: which is it?16:56
BluesKajit's ahammer16:56
amichairI don't see one in the system icons16:57
woodzyare there any other mp3 directory players other than amarok?16:57
amichairBluesKaj: not there16:58
BluesKajwoodzy, I use vlc16:58
amichair(looking at the select icon dialog from kmenuedit, searching for 'applications' doesn't show a hammer16:58
BluesKajamarok isn't my cuppa tea anymore ...it's just too clunky and unstable16:59
BluesKajno amichair , I'm talking about kmenu / applications/development.not the menu editor17:00
amichairBluesKaj: yes, that's what I'm talking about too - I'm trying to change the default ugly folder icon using the menu editor17:01
BluesKajperhaps you don't have any dev apps installed17:01
amichairstrangely, even for categories with a nice icon, clicking the icon button in the editor doesn't point to where the icon is, nor show it as one of the existing icons!17:01
woodzyi've used vlc on windows maybe i'll give it a shot on this machine now. thanks.17:01
amichairwhere are these icons coming from?17:01
amichairBluesKaj: I have dev apps, just not the nice icon (I probably have it from before they set a nice icon for it, and it never changed)17:02
BluesKajamichair, click on the development in the menu editor then click on the icon that comes beside name , then choose categories in Icon sourcew17:04
* amichair blushes17:05
amichairmissed that dropdown...17:05
amichairah, that's better.17:06
woodzyis it safe to un-install amarok if i'm using vlc as my main media player?17:07
amichairwoodzy: yes, they are unrelated as far as I know17:07
woodzyi just wanted to make sure i wasn't breaking my system: i.e. removing any codecs or anything when i do. :)17:08
amichairwoodzy: worst case, you reinstall vlc and it brings back everything it needs :-) (but it shouldn't happen)17:09
tammihi Kubuntu fans and experts! I have a small prob. may I ask?17:09
amichairtammi: go ahead (no need to ask if you can ask :-) )17:09
BluesKajwoodzy, not sure but doesn't amarok try to remove most of kde17:09
BluesKajit used to17:09
tammiupgraded to 10.10 and my computer wont boot anymore. It stops at grub saying: the symbol grub_xputs not found. I have raid installed.17:11
Tm_TBluesKaj: no, it would only remove metapackages if any, that's mostly harmless17:11
Tm_Ttammi: hi, you might also like to try to #ubuntu-fi for finnish support17:12
tammithanks, I speak not much finnish :-( just live here17:13
Tm_Tah, roger (:17:13
BluesKajTm_T, nice , amarok is gone , without any side effects , I hope :)17:15
amichairtammi: google comes up with a few solutions... have you tried anything yet?17:15
tammiyes i already googled all day17:16
tammiif I boot from live CD it does not see my md0 raid17:17
woodzythanks guys.17:17
tammiin most cases reinstall is recommended17:17
tammii just can not reinstall grub if my md0 is not seen17:18
James147tammi: just so you know, linux has had a bad history with fake raid... you might want to consider not using that if you go for a reinstall17:18
amichairtammi: maybe someone at #grub will be able to help (or #ubuntu too)... or someone will come along here who knows it well. Sorry I don't :-)17:18
tammiok i try #grub . Thanks anyway17:19
woodzyis there a way to add a sub-menu to the favorites folder on the 'start' menu?17:29
woodzyblues, is there a way to remove vlc from the task bar and have it reside only in the system tray?17:42
James147woodzy: you can tell kwin to make it skip the taskbar...17:49
woodzythis is the error i get james - http://www.brokenthorn.com/Resources/OSDevIndex.html17:53
woodzyoops - here is the error i get: kwin: unable to claim manager selection, another wm running? (try using --replace)17:53
dfaureos-prober doesn't detect Windows 7, is there a fix for that?   (/usr/lib/os-probes/mounted/20microsoft doesn't know windows 7)  -- on lucid17:55
dfaurehmm actually it does know it, the comment is confusing.17:56
dfaureand it has to start on sda2 (loader) in order to start the windows on sda4. Confusing, but works fine. Good.18:01
James147woodzy: kwin will already be running :) or at least it should.. you can right click the title bar of a window > configure window behavour > Window ruls ... then create a new rule and enable the one to skip the taskbar18:01
woodzyi base this on the title of the window, correct?18:03
James147wahooooo: yes (or press alt+f3 when focused on a window)18:09
James147woodzy: ^^ sorry18:10
woodzythanks, james. :)18:18
woodzylast question for today :) - any reason why radiotray won't work under kubuntu?18:19
bittinbittin@jabber.se i need more geeks to chat with :)18:19
woodzyradiotray works fine under ubuntu and xubuntu.18:19
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=== bane is now known as BakiBB
BakiBBI am a total noob to Linux in general18:54
James147Hi BakiBB18:54
James147thats alright :) we will help you in anyway we can :)18:54
amichairBakiBB: we all were once :-)18:54
BakiBBIs there a efficient way to learn basic stuff18:54
BakiBBlike a recommended manual18:54
James147BakiBB: really depends on what you want to know... you should find it easiey enough to use the desktop after you play around with it for abit, kubuntu also comes with some help info (press f1 in an application)18:55
DarthFrogBakiBB: Depends upon what you mean by the basic stuff.  What's your end goal?  To be proficient at the command line?  To understand system administration?  Or to learn the desktop user interface?18:55
James147DarthFrog: :D18:56
DarthFrogJames147: Great minds think alike!  Or is it, fools seldom differ? :-)18:56
amichairBakiBB: I learned (and still do) by picking things I want to get done, then figuring out how to do them (using google, this channel, built-in help) and experimenting. Lurking on this channel I learn a lot too :-)18:56
BakiBBamichair: Thanx, I'll do the same as you...18:59
amichairBakiBB: and you'll need a bunch of patience too... it takes time, learning little bits at a time :-)18:59
DarthFrogWhile patience may indeed be a virtue, the necessity for patience is a PITA! :-)19:00
amichairHow true, with Linux more so than elsewhere...19:01
BakiBBfor the starters, I'd like to see how to set my network up, and from what I heard - that is a WIDE area19:01
BakiBBdid I mention I have NO IDEA how stuf work in linux...19:02
BakiBBwell, almost nothing...19:02
amichairBakiBB: requirements, hardware and configurations vary wildly... do u have experience with this stuff on other platforms? that sure helps.19:03
James147BakiBB: what do you mean by set up? connect? then to what, wired wireless?19:03
BakiBBwell, I chewed up Mikrotik prety well, whitch is quite similar tu this I presume...19:03
BakiBBI have a Wireless AP which is in WISP (connects to a wireless ISP and passes the connection to me through wire), also there is another PC in the network (My sister in law-using windows)19:06
amichairBakiBB: you seem to already be online... what else are you trying to achieve?19:07
BakiBBI'd like to see what is my IP, to know how to change it, how to check my MAC and change it if possible19:07
BakiBBand if it can be done through terminal - even better19:07
James147BakiBB: hmm, not heard of a WISP before :S  ... I would start with the network widget, should be in your system tray,19:07
BakiBBnot in the tray19:09
BakiBBhold on19:09
=== arian_ is now known as Guest56991
BakiBBOK, Menu/System/administration/Network19:09
BakiBBthere it is19:10
James147BakiBB: there should be an icon in the lower right of the screen that deals with connecting to networks,19:10
BakiBBI know, but it is not...19:11
amichairBakiBB: one priceless thing to know is using "man <command>" and "<command> -help" in the console. For example, if I mention ifconfig or iwconfig...19:11
BakiBBI use this Multimedia editing distro19:11
BakiBBoh, hold on19:11
James147BakiBB: weird... right click the system tray > System tray settings > check "Networkmanagment"19:12
amichairBakiBB: right-click on the system tray, and check the communications and network management checkboxes19:12
BakiBBterminal should be better...19:12
* James147 finds connecting to the wireless via terminal a pain19:12
BakiBBok, I'll be back after losing my nerves with terminal19:13
woodzyanyone have a clue how to get radiotray to work under kde?19:13
woodzyit loads in the system tray but won't play any radio stations.19:14
BakiBBummmmm.... A little help.... How do I leave the manual (Man ifconfig)19:17
DarthFrogBakiBB: you might also find "xman" to be useful.  Gives you a graphical man page reader.19:19
DarthFrogIt looks gawdawful, using the Motif toolkit  (I think) which is an ancient graphical widget set.19:21
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BakiBBWhy did noone tell me that "q" gets you out of "man"?19:36
James147BakiBB: i did :)19:36
BakiBBoh, indeed you have...19:37
BakiBBbut please...19:37
FloodBotK1BakiBB: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.19:37
DarthFrogBakiBB: You'll find that "q" will quit many utilities.19:38
BakiBBOK... I'll be kicked out as a flooder19:38
James147BakiBB: you wont19:38
James147BakiBB: FloodBotK1 just warns you19:38
DarthFrogBakiBB: One of the nice things about Unix utilities is that they tend to leverage your knowledge, in that the same keys execute the same commands in different utilites.19:39
BakiBBgreat, thanx!19:40
BakiBBThis is what I meant as the propper help19:40
DarthFrogOK, then here's some more help.  Learn the vi editor. :-)  At least, learn the basic usage of vi.19:41
James147DarthFrog: heh, think learning the basics of the terminal first would be a good idea :19:42
DarthFrogThen you'll know many of the utility key commands.  And you'll also be able to use the most powerful editor known to man.19:42
amichairBakiBB: and before you start using vi, install the vim package - that way vi will look nice and colorful and friendly19:42
DarthFrogJames147: Oh, I agree.  Std In, Std out and pipelining are good things to be able to manipulate. :-)19:43
James147^^ to a given deffinition of 'friendly' ;)19:43
amichairJames147: :-D19:43
DarthFrogvi is user friendly.  It's just ... choosy as to whom it befriends. :-)19:43
amichairBakiBB: another small piece of advice, if it's relevant, is to use a virtual machine (such as virtualbox) - then you don't have to be afraid of breaking things, or waste too much time when you do - you can always revert to a previous snapshot19:51
amichairit's great for experimentation19:53
=== sthill is now known as darknigth
ruihey people20:11
ruican anyone helpeme with the sound20:11
ruideixa ver se tenho ajuda aqui20:12
ruiplease can anyone helpeme20:14
=== Kernel is now known as Wicked
jackle86Anyone here currently alive?20:29
DarthFrogNo, we're dead this year.  For tax reasons, you understand.20:30
andreyto everybody20:32
andreyi'm a new20:32
andreyi had installed at kubuntu20:32
andreyand from today and don't know  until what a day i'm a lol20:33
andreyif somebody can help20:33
andreythank for all20:33
andreyшы фтнищвн рщьу20:34
andreyis anybody home20:34
James147andrey: what problem are you having?20:35
andreyat the beginning this is my first steps in ubuntu20:35
andreyand please tell for what this irc channel20:36
James147andrey: this channel is the kubuntu support channel20:36
andreyto James147 thank you20:37
andreyif i aill have a problem20:37
andreyi will make u subject in this irc channel20:37
James147andrey: if you have a problem, or a question about kubuntu then ask here20:38
=== Smelly_Cat is now known as jackle86
jackle86So if I heard right, you're dead?20:42
FloodBotK1jackle86: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.20:43
jackle86Okay then20:43
jackle86FloodBotK1 just TOLD me20:44
* jackle86 slaps FloodBotK1 around a bit with a large trout.20:44
jackle86This is my new20:45
Picijackle86: stop that.20:46
amichairjackle86: please stop.20:46
jackle86Fine then20:46
jackle86Right now I am just BORED TO DEATH.20:47
Picijackle86: This is a support channel.  If you just want to chat try #ubuntu-offtopic or #kubuntu-offtopic20:47
woodzyis it possible to disable or uninstall user switching and accessibility features ?20:50
andreyi have a small problems20:53
James147!ask | andrey20:53
ubottuandrey: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:53
andreyi had installed kubuntu 9.0420:53
andreyand it was updated to 9.1020:54
andreyand after this to 10.1020:54
andreyright now20:54
andreyif i turn on my computer20:54
andreyi see that i have ubuntu 9.04, ubuntu 9.10 and ubuntu 10.1020:55
andreywith  recovery modes20:55
andreyand a question........how can i to delete referenceы20:57
andreyand a question........how can i to delete referenceы20:57
andreyand a question........how can i to delete references20:57
James147andrey: run "sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade" (to make sure everythings uptodate and installed right) then try removing the odl kernels20:57
andreyi was received that "updated 0, installed 0 new packets, for deleteng 0 packetsов, and 0 paccket didn't updated"21:02
James147andrey: ok, then uninstall the old kernels21:02
andreyhow ?21:02
andreywhat i need to do for this21:03
andreyname andrey andrey(4 day with ubuntu)21:03
James147andrey: find all the packages you have intsalled that begin with "linux-image-*" and remove all BUT the latest one (DO NOT remove the latest one or you wont be able to boot)21:04
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=== andrey_4 is now known as andrey_4_day_wit
pilulapHi all. Does anyone know why each time when I boot my computer, the graphic effects are deactivated and I have to re-activate them manually ?21:12
pilulapIt say that a programm had deactivated the effect but no information about which programm ...21:13
andrewh192it might be becaause of low system memory21:22
andrewh192i have had that happen, and sometimes when you are running low on system resources it will automatically shut it off to conserve the few it has21:22
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andreyto James147 i finded a lot of files, can you tell what extensions of the files that i need to erase?21:25
=== godtime is now known as goodtime
James147andrey: non, find them in kpackagekit or apt-get and remove them that way21:27
larbaci have a problem with my KDE instalation21:27
larbaccan anybody give me a hint_21:28
James147!ask | larbac21:28
ubottularbac: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)21:28
larbacafter the update to RC1 beta21:28
larbacI cant boot anymore21:28
larbacit stops at a battery check...21:28
larbaci only can boot with a live cd21:29
larbacwich i`m working with now21:29
larbachow can i repair the kde instalation, from live cd?21:29
James147larbac: probally :) I would start with a update (sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade) from either the recovery menu (not live cd) or as a chroot in the live cd21:31
larbacmy internet conection is made from a wireless conection, so I cant do package instalation from the repair option21:31
James147larbac: then try a chroot from the live cd...21:31
ubottuA chroot is used to make programs believe that the directory they are running in is really the root directory. It can be used to stop programs accessing files outside of that directory, or for compiling 32bit applications in a 64bit environment - see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BasicChroot21:31
=== jackson_ is now known as jackson
larbacim a little newbie with this ehehehe21:32
James147larbac:  :) dont worry, try to follow taht guide to set up a chroot envrioment, then try updating your system (with the commands above) if you get stuch give us a shout21:32
larbacok, gonna try21:33
* James147 notes that that guide might not be the best for this situation...21:34
James147larbac: give me a sec21:35
=== [1]Janek is now known as Janek
James147larbac: http://karuppuswamy.com/wordpress/2010/06/02/how-to-chroot-to-ubuntu-using-live-cd-to-fix-grub-rescue-prompt/  is better, although to get networking to work cp /etc/resolv.conf to the chroot envroment as well21:39
larbacok, lets see21:39
James147(also, you  dont need to do the grub-install part :) that will reinstall grub)21:41
larbacJamer147- OK21:41
larbacsorry, James21:41
* James147 notes that most clients support name completion via the <TAB> key21:43
Daskreech!tab | larbac21:46
ubottularbac: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.21:46
larbacok James147  and ubottu21:47
larbacone problem: when I try the command $ sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /media/xx..xx/dev21:48
* James147 makes note of another useful factoid :D21:48
larbacwhere xxxx, should be /media/disk/home/21:49
James147larbac: replace /media/xx..xx/dev with the actual path to where you mounted it21:49
James147larbac: it should be the root drive, not the home drive21:49
larbacit should be /media/disk21:50
larbacor not?21:50
James147larbac: so it you mounted it at /media/disk  when it should be /media/disk/dev21:50
larbacJames147: a got an error with that too21:50
James147larbac: can you pastebin the out put of the command "mount"21:50
larbacJames147: Usage: mount -V                 : print versionn       mount -h                 : print this helpn       mount                    : list mounted filesystemsn       mount -l                 : idem, including volume labelsnSo far the informational part. Next the mounting.nThe command is `mount [-t fstype] something somewhere'.nDetails found in /etc/fstab may be omitted.n       mount -a [-t|-O] ...     : mount all stuff21:51
* James147 wasent expecting a help menu :S21:52
larbacJames147:  I f try to access the disk, from terminal21:53
larbaci can see the files21:53
larbacso it is mounted21:53
James147larbac: ^^ what did you type to get that output?21:53
larbacJames147: sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /media/disk/dev21:54
James147larbac: :)  can you patebin the output of "mount" (by its self without arguments)21:54
James147!pastebin | larbac21:54
ubottularbac: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:54
larbacubottu: thanks / sorry for beeing newbie :S21:55
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:55
larbacJames147:  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548366/21:58
larbacis this it?21:58
James147larbac: no, just run "mount"  without the "--bin /dev /media/disk/dev" (and without sudo)21:59
larbacJames147:  Oh ok21:59
larbacJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548368/22:00
amichairwhat's the command (cli) to sync time with a timeserver?22:00
James147larbac: seems to be mounted at /media/disk-1  (or /media/mp3)22:01
Daskreechamichair: ntpdate I think22:02
larbacJames147:  Oh wait, i had dismount the disk22:02
James147so use disk-1  as xx..xx  (/media/disk-1/dev )22:02
larbacJames147:  sorry, are you there?22:03
James147larbac: :) you will want it mounted then22:03
larbacJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548369/22:03
amichairDaskreech: looks good, thanks22:04
James147larbac: ok, that seems right.. what happens when you run "sudo mount ‐‐bind /dev /media/disk/dev" now?22:04
* James147 ponders if kde rc1 is stable enough to upgrade his main computer to...22:05
larbacJames147: I got this http://paste.ubuntu.com/548370/22:05
James147larbac: ok... and can you pastebin the output of ls /media/disk22:06
larbacJames147: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548371/22:07
* James147 is unsure why that isent working22:09
larbacJames147: any other sugestion?22:11
James147larbac: if you can, i would suggest trying to get a wired connection and trying through the recovery mode, sorry, I really dont understand why that command sient working :s22:12
larbacJames147:  yeap, I have to take it to my store, and connect it there22:12
larbacstill gonna try some more things22:13
larbacJames147: thanks for your help22:13
James147larbac: good luck22:13
larbacJames147: thanks, i-m gonna need it22:13
larbacJames147:  can this do the same? http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=84632322:22
larbacJames147: these commands are all accepted22:22
larbacJames147:  I think its working22:23
James147larbac: yeah, they could work22:24
larbactrying to install KDE-FULL command22:24
larbacand its instaling22:24
James147larbac: also, make sure you install kubuntu-desktop22:24
larbacJames147: I saw at KDE forum, that install kde-full is better22:24
larbacJames147:  Many, Many thanks for showing me the direction where to go22:25
James147larbac: kubuntu-desktop will pull in everything that the default install should have (everything needed by kubuntu at least) kde-full will install the entire kde suite22:26
James147larbac: either way, you should install kubuntu-desktop,22:26
larbacJames147: OK, after the kde-full, i will do kubuntu-desktop22:26
larbacJames147:  another 10 minutes and will see eheheheh22:27
James147larbac: if that fails you can try renaming /etc/X11/xorg.conf (if you have one) to reset x settings22:29
woodzyhow do i use 'sudo apt-get' to reinstall firefox?22:39
James147woodzy: sudo apt-get install --reinstall firefox22:41
larbacJames147: OK James22:42
woodzythanks, james.22:43
woodzywill i break kubuntu if i install the gnome core services 'sudo apt-get install gnome-core' ?22:45
James147woodzy: no, you can even install all of gnome if you want22:47
woodzythanks james, but does it matter if i use kdm or gdm ? more than likely i'll stick with the kde desktop as my primary desktop.22:55
James147woodzy: shouldnt make much difference, and you can always switch back if you want23:01
woodzyoh, i can switch between kdm and gdm? cool!23:02
onslaughti have hi23:06
onslaughtsorry hi23:06
James147Hello onslaught23:06
onslaughti have some problems with my multi-screen configuration...23:06
onslaughti have some problems with my double screen configuration on KDE4.5. I configure screen resolution via K>system setting>screen. first device 1440X900 pos 0;30 and device_2 1680x1050 pos 1500;0. It's works but when i restart, i have to reconfigure screen resolution because device 1  1440x900 and device 2 as clone of first.... How i can fixe that ?23:07
onslaughtif someone knows...23:11
Daskreechwoodzy: switching between  gdm and kdm is harder than that (though not at all hard) but switching between KDE and GNOME (or fluxbox Xfce LXDE or Enlightment) is v very easy23:11
James147DarthFrog: as easy as stopping one and starting the other :) just need to be alright on command line ;)23:15
woodzylast time i tried this was on kubuntu 9.04 (i think) and one of my installations go hosed (i kept the kdm as suggested) - i shouldn't have that problem this time?23:15
James147woodzy: shouldnt have had that problem the first time :S23:15
woodzywhen i had kubuntu 9.10 i ran 'sudo apt-get install gnome-core' and it prompted me which should i use: kdm or gdm and i stuck with gdm23:17
woodzyso you're saying if i now use 'sudo apt-get install gnome-core' that my system won't break?23:17
woodzyoops. parallel that. i meant to say i stuck with kdm since i was doing this on kubuntu 9.10 (not gdm as i stated, sorry)23:18
James147woodzy: it shouldnt... i have had both gnome and kde installed before (my laptop currently has them both... although i installed ubuntu-desktop rather then gnome-core)23:18
woodzybrings me to my next question: does ubuntu-desktop add more features/files than plain gnome-core ?23:19
James147it will install everything the default ubuntu desktop has23:20
meshalالسلام عليكم23:23
meshalفيه احد هنا23:23
onslaughtoh strange23:23
woodzyjames, is it possible to go into 'safe mode' and tell the system whether i want to use kdm or gdm ?23:27
rats__woodzy: you should be able to pick which session at login23:30
woodzyokso, thanks.23:31
lengau@woodzy - If you're trying to choose KDE or GNOME, rats__ is correct. As far as choosing which you'd like to use for your login screen, the command 'sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm' should give you an option to choose which one. From either you'll be able to log into both KDE and GNOME.23:32
woodzythat exactly clarified things, lengau. thanks rats and lengau.23:33
James147woodzy: sudo dpkg-reconfigure kdm  will let you pick when one you want to use by default again (note you can pick kde or gnome from both kdm or gdm)23:34
woodzythanks james, i wasn't sure if i worded my question correctly. :)23:35
James147woodzy: otherwise you can run "sudo start kdm" (or gdm) to start it manually (after stopping the other one with "sudo stop kdm")23:37
James147^^ its best to stop kdm/gdm when you arnt loged into kde/gnome though :)23:38
rohdefwhat can I do if ecryptfs-mount-private do nothing?23:47
rohdefit doesn't even ask for a password or anything23:48
heinkel_111anyone else using audex for cd ripping here?23:50
heinkel_111I get error messages when trying to read/write from cddb23:51
rohdefheinkel_111, I have it installed, so most likely23:51
heinkel_111it is an alternative to k3b23:51
=== david is now known as Guest13322
heinkel_111k3b crashes on last song, always for me23:51
heinkel_111i rip to flac format23:51
heinkel_111audex seems more stable, but I have database lookup/write probles23:52
heinkel_111I was wondering if others are experiencing/already solved that kind of trouble23:52
rohdefI haven't had any like that sorry23:53
woodzyi just got done installing 'sudo apt-get install kde-full' and now my icons are 'scrambled' :-\23:57

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