
n00bohi..is there any particular reason or advantage why lubuntu uses openjdk instead of sun'S (now oracle's) jdk?00:27
phillwhyperair: maybe you can answer this one .... "(00:27:45) n00bo: hi..is there any particular reason or advantage why lubuntu uses openjdk instead of sun'S (now oracle's) jdk?"03:05
n00boi'd really like to know... ^^03:06
phillwI'm guessing it is about licensing issue.03:06
n00bodid oracle changed sth?03:07
hyperairphillw: because of licensing issues?03:07
hyperairsun/oracle's jdk is sitting in partner.canonical.com or something03:08
hyperairyou can always enable that repository to get it03:08
n00boafk for 503:08
phillwhyperair: so it will be because it is not in the main repositories?03:09
phillwokies, then at least n00bo has an answer, thanks for the explanation :)03:10
phillwn00bo: fortunately on the real small Lubuntu team we have a couple of MOTUs. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU I just call them Sir :D03:15
phillwn00bo you will be receiving an invite to our offtopic channel, we chill out on there along with people from several other teams :)03:23
n00boi don't like that aqualung audio player..any recommendations for another  music player? something capable for listening radio-streams and mp3's without any "media-librarys"?03:44
UndiFineD\o/ got dropbox working07:55
UndiFineDinstalled, but not using nautilus07:55
UndiFineDnow all i need is chromium to sync07:58
hajour$ chromium-browser08:00
hajour[18842:18842:21147969110:ERROR:chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.cc(542)] Unrecoverable error detected -- ProfileSyncService unusable.Sync Configuration failed.08:00
hajour[18842:18842:21147969179:ERROR:chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.cc(546)] chrome/browser/sync/profile_sync_service.cc[937] Observe08:00
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hajourhai all .are you all still alive?:P14:44
hajouro o wrong chat sorry14:45
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bittinbittin@jabber.se i need more geeks to chat with :)18:19
hajourhai bittin18:20
hajourhow are you bittin ?18:22
hajouri think a lot are eating now or work18:23
hajourwhat would you like to talk about bittin ?:)18:26
haddimanDoes gnome-do work well with Lubuntu or will it need to install a bunch of extra gnome libraries? Is there a similar program that's more lightweight?20:18
bioterrorwhat does gnome-do do?20:19
Mark76What does agadoo do do?20:19
bioterror    A launcher application for gnome (like Launchy or Katapult)20:19
haddimanOops sorry, should have specified that. It allows you to quickly start up programs or find files. You hit a keyboard shortcut and start typing and just hit enter when it finds what you're looking for. It's a lot faster than going through menus.20:21
Yorvykhaddiman, look at kupfer20:22
haddimanbioterror: Haha, very true. I already use that for some things, but I never considered it as an answer to my question. It would be the most lightweight solution but pretty limited in functionality compared to gnome-do.20:24
bioterrorI know my systems, I've never found usage for that kind of application20:25
haddimanYorvyk: Kupfer looks nice. Thanks! Some googling tells me that it is indeed more lightweight than Gnome-do. It doesn't need the mono libraries and all that.20:29
Yorvykhaddiman, It is rather pleasant little program20:30
haddimanbioterror: To each their own I guess. I just find if useful that instead of opening up PCman or Chromium and manually navigating to what I'm looking for I can just quickly type it and hit enter.20:30
haddimanThere's also a lot plug-ins that you can do all sorts of things with.20:31
Yorvykhaddiman, kupfer can be a bit fiddly to get things setup how you want but worth the effort I think20:33
Mark76Hey sultan220:34
bioterrorhaddiman, install gnome-do and bind it to alt+f220:35
bioterrorproblem solved20:35
sultan2Hallo Mark76 ;)20:35
haddimanbioterror: I don't think you understand my question. My concern is that Gnome-do will install Mono and Gnome libraries. I'm looking for something with similar functionality but more lightweight.20:39
Mark76Have you eaten any more pu...20:40
bioterrorwell, you cant have all those neat features without dependencies20:40
Mark76No, I can't do it20:40
haddimanTo people with Broadcom wireless cards: do you prefer the STA or the B43 drivers? My card supports both and I've gotten conflicting information as to which works better.20:51
bioterrorpeople seems to use B43 more20:54
sultan2\o UndiFineD21:25
foxnesnhow do i create a launcher in Lubuntu? it is not like Ubuntu where you just right click the desktop22:48
foxnesnguessing it is a LXDE thing22:48
bioterrorlike desktop icon or what22:48
foxnesnapp launcher22:49
* bioterror does not compute22:49
Yorvyk.desktop file?22:51
bioterrorI was about where to find them, but seems to be something else22:51
bioterrorhavent used gnome for a while and even if i have, no idea about app launchers22:51
Mark76You have to drag a .desktop file from /usr/share/applications to ~/Desktop22:52
foxnesnmore of an app launcher22:58
foxnesni installed an application and now i want to launch it from the menu22:59
foxnesnin ubuntu you can right click on the desktop and make it and then drag it22:59
foxnesnbut there is no launcher menu item when right clicking in Lubuntu22:59
foxnesnseems like a weird limitation using LXDE instead of Gnome22:59
bioterrorthings are done differentely23:01
bioterrorwhen you install something using apt-get, it usually goes to menu23:01
foxnesnnot in LXDE all the time which is fine23:01
foxnesni just have to manipulate the LXpanel23:01
foxnesnnot a big deal i got it now23:01
foxnesnthought maybe there was a quicker way23:02
bioterrorgood night23:02
sultan2Good night23:06

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