
=== james_w` is now known as james_w
brobostigonmorning all.11:42
brobostigonafternoonings gwestai13:38
gwestaiShwmai - owenll sydd yma! working on adding a page to http://www.ubuntucymraeg.org/ so that people can join ubuntu-cym and ubuntu-cymraeg online without client13:39
brobostigonlike with freenode's java client. ?13:40
gwestaibasically using this service http://webchat.freenode.net/ - trying it on localhost to see how it works13:41
brobostigonyes, that is freenode's java client.13:41
gwestaithought it might be less daunting for people browsing the blog than having to install client13:42
gwestaiI was scared to venture onto irc myself for years - fear of the unknown!13:45
gwestaimethu gweld ffordd o gyfieithu'r dudalen / can't see a way of translating the java client13:45
brobostigonyou could translate he java code directly.13:46
gwestaithe code i insert in the webpage is <iframe src="http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=ubuntu-cym%2Cubuntu-cymraeg" width="647" height="400"></iframe>13:47
brobostigonlooks right,13:47
gwestaijust realised i can download it here http://www.qwebirc.org/download - will take a look - hwyl13:49
brobostigonafternoonings owenll14:49
owenllbrobostigon: diolch am yr help / thanks for the help - http://www.ubuntucymraeg.org/?p=1241 http://www.ubuntucymraeg.org/sgyrsio/freenode.html14:50
brobostigonowenll: you're welcome,14:50
gwestaibrobostigon:  just checking it works14:51
owenllhope it drives some traffic here - hwyl14:52
brobostigonowenll: lets see,14:52
owenllaround 70 unique visitors per day on the blog - no idea who they are, or if they understand what is there,  but feedback suggests some use google translate - most of the words - not necessarily in the right order :)14:56
brobostigoni see, 70 is quite alot.14:57
owenllhwyl - a blwyddyn newydd dda14:58
brobostigonafternoonings Mr__T16:05
Mr__Tgood day, sir16:05
brobostigoni am no knight, and have no knighthood, so cannot be called sir.16:06
Mr__Tmy apologies ma'am16:06
* brobostigon is a most definatly a man.16:06
* markjones slaps Mr__T with a Beibl16:54
Mr__Tbe orf with you!16:55
* Kaia slaps markjones17:03
Mr__Tlook what I finded http://www.londonwelsh.org/17:04
brobostigonafternoonings markjones and Kaia17:04
Kaiaooohhhh, you going to visit?17:04
Kaiaafternoon brob17:04
Mr__Tyeah, I emailed asking if they have classes starting in jan17:04
Mr__Tit's on the next street to my office!17:05
markjonesoh, all i want for xmas is my ban removed from #42 :(17:24
=== uc_tumbleweed2 is now known as uc_tumbleweed
brobostigonnos da, sleep well,23:19

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