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njinhello, just a curiosity, why asterisk comment out lines with ; instead # ,is a devel. decision, language related or what else?12:09
PetrHHHello, I'm trying to create deb package for the first time. A got over a few problems but hang on this: dpkg-genchanges: error: badly formed line in files list file, line 112:20
PetrHHAnybody know where could be a problem?12:20
zyganjin: perhaps lisp reference?12:24
njinzyga: thanks12:25
njinthese lines are in the conf file12:25
sorennjin: You could ask in an asterisk channel instead..12:30
njinsoren: thanks12:31
HobbseePetrHH: wrong formatting of debian/changelog.  You should use dch (-i) to edit it.12:57
Hobbseerather than by hand12:57
PetrHHHobbsee, I already found the problem. Interesting is, that problem were in control file, I've chosen wrong category13:03
HobbseePetrHH: ah.  didn't recall that genchanges looked at the control file13:03
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PetrHHHobbsee, It is OK, thank you for response13:06
PetrHHHobbsee, Where could I find section list for Section in control file?13:16
HobbseePetrHH: by googling debian packaging guide section, normally13:18
* Hobbsee heads to bed13:18
Hobbseeit's the most comprehensive, useful place for all those fields13:18
PetrHHHobbsee, I've read it but sometimes that manual is not so clear for me13:25
zygajames_w: hi, around?13:25
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Keybukzyga: the open source process does work15:15
zygaKeybuk: :-)15:33
zygaKeybuk: did you commit the patch to dbus?15:33
zygaKeybuk: nothing new on your discussion with Lennart15:33
zygacr3: hi15:34
cr3zyga: hey dude, happy holidays!15:45
zygacr3: :-)15:45
zygasingle calm week of the year, eh?15:46
cr3zyga: yep, enjoying every minute of it, checking email once in a while though15:46
cr3zyga: otherwise, I won't get any work done before the rally15:47
zygaI'm doing some hacking as always15:47
zygabut focusing on doing stuff for myself and not strictly for work15:47
cr3zyga: what kind of personal project(s) do you work on these days?15:47
zyganot really personal, just dependencies I created while working on the real stuff15:48
cr3zyga: have you looked into the go language yet, seems to be an interesting topic on the tech mailing list15:48
zygaI've been moving them to pypi today15:48
zygacleaning stuff up15:48
zygausing virtualenv for the first time :-)15:48
cr3zyga: cool, what stuff on pypi?15:48
zygacurrently versiontools (just uploaded)15:48
zygabut I'll transition over every other package15:48
zygaso linaro-json linaro-dashboard-bundle15:49
zygaand finally launch-control and launch-control-tool15:49
zygapypi gives me two things that I love:15:49
zygaand virtualenv15:49
cr3zyga: you're moving all that to pypi?15:49
zygabut moving != removing lp.net tuff15:50
zygalp.net still hosts everything apart from tarballs15:50
zygapypi just has the releases and the meta-data so that I can setup.py any of my work on other systems without bothering with packaging15:50
zyga(untill pkgme is ready for prime time)15:50
zygaand pypi has one extra bit that lp lacks15:51
zygait can host documentation15:51
zygaso I started building proper documentation for my projects15:51
zygaand I can upload_sphinx them to pypi15:51
zygakiller for me :-)15:51
* zyga always regarded lp as a poor place to host one's project15:51
zygait has tons of "stuff"15:52
zygabut it lacks in few key details that matter for non-ubuntu-like projects15:52
cr3zyga: that's unfortunate, couldn't lp.net be extended to do the documentation thing? sounds like a nice self contained project15:53
zygacr3: I asked for that a few months ago when linaro's input was taken to the stakeholder process for lp15:54
zygacr3: also the lack of need to open a browser is a big win for me15:54
zygaI currently work from my efika, I removed all the heavy stuff I could and I work with pure console + screen15:54
cr3zyga: as I once said, ask not what lp can do for you but what you can do for lp :)15:55
zyga(it's crazy fast in that setup for A8)15:55
zygacr3: I'm not going to fool myself that lp.net can be extended by mere mortals15:55
zygacr3: especially since it's not a problem that needs solving15:55
cr3zyga: you are not a mere mortal :) and if you find the project documentation feature useful on pypi, seems useful15:56
zygacr3: lp.net is driven by ubuntu's needs, that's to be expected, when/if the goals will change to directly compete with other "solutions" like that then it can be changed properly15:56
cr3zyga: it is indeed driven by ubuntu's needs, but it's vocation is not necessarily limited to it15:57
cr3zyga: ubuntu or no ubuntu, I agree with you that the documentation feature on pypi is pretty cool :)15:57
zygacr3: I _might_ be able to do that given lots of effort but frankly the last time I tried to run lp.net on my system it was really complex and I don't think that a hacky solution that I would be happy to work with would fly with upstream's coding quality standards. I don't have resources to go away for a month to fix lp.net to host my projects better.15:57
zygacr3: I know, I think it's quite strange that there is no 80/20 split15:58
zygaor at least I don't see it15:58
zyga80% effor for ubuntu15:58
zyga20% for community15:58
zygabut ask community first :)15:58
zygahaving a static website would solve lots of lots of grief I have with lp15:58
cr3zyga: your concerns have already been expressed by others, you are not alone :) the lp.net folks totally realize the barrier to entry is very high, they call it the typo test, ie how long does it take to fix a typo in launchpad15:58
zygacr3: other than that there is pypi namespace - if I register my project there there will be no conflict in most python (hopefully) projects _and_ it gets picked up by pip16:00
zygacr3: lp.net _could_ do that but it's not clear how namespace resolution would work16:00
cr3zyga: wgrant is one of those community members who's done tremendous work on lp.net, very cool dude16:00
zygawgrant: thanks :-)16:00
zygaI would love to help in such effort (static pages for projects) but I'd rather help than lead as I'm not experienced with zope and other standard lp.net bits or the whole development policy16:01
cr3zyga: the lp.net folks are making a lot of work to simplify the code base, we should start reaping the rewards in six months to a year. that's very short, time flies like an arrow...16:02
* cr3 hugs lifeless and the rest of the lp.net folks16:04
Keybukzyga: at least it has turned into the right discussion :p16:09
zygaKeybuk: yes, but I see that's still a long way from "you and him are friends"16:10
Keybukheh, we are friends, Facebook says so :-)16:10
Keybukwe just don't agree technically16:10
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zygaKeybuk: I'm curious what has to happen till you can commit that?16:13
zygaperhaps can is the wrong word, 'will'16:15
* mrenouf|work *yawn*16:16
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Keybukzyga: oh, next step is someone writes a new mail to start a new thread16:37
Keybukwith the complete proposal16:37
KeybukI figure I'll do that later this week (so everyone's had a chance to comment)16:37
Keybukand then we discuss again, and a consensus forms, etc.16:38
zygaKeybuk: complete proposal? Have you already commited the changes discussed in that thread?16:38
Keybukno, not yet16:38
Keybuknow it looks like the existing systemd patches will be backed out of d-bus16:38
Keybukin favour of a shared implementation16:39
zygaKeybuk: insane in a way :)16:41
zygaKeybuk: why did you not object earlier?16:41
Keybukat the time Lennart posted the patches, I wasn't subscribed16:41
zygaah I see16:42
* zyga is happy to see stuff go in the right direction16:42
zygaI though about upstar/systemd duality16:42
Keybukbut in a kooky way, maybe this way is better anyway16:42
zygathat we could actually live with both systems indefinitely16:42
Keybukwe could, it's going to be no different *really* than the fact we live with dpkg and rpm16:42
Keybukthe fact both are declarative configs is quite useful, it means in theory you could write stuff to convert between them16:43
zyga(except that because of that upstream hate to package stuff for "linux" and just ship sources thus breaking the user-developer loop)16:43
Keybuk(except maybe for the start/stop conditions, which is where the two differ anyway)16:43
zyga~ that's somewhat possible but it would be ugly16:43
Keybukzyga: right, but you can't package "for linux" already because of the deb/rpm divide16:43
Keybukso you're already packaging "for debian" or "for redhat"16:43
zygaand that sucks :-)16:43
KeybukI'm reactivating my Debian membership and will be doing Upstart stuff there16:44
zygaI'm interested if pkgme, our new tool still in progress might change that16:45
zygaso that linux world would move closer to upstream packaging16:45
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Keybukzyga: I doubt that'll ever happen16:58
Keybukit's not in distro interests to support it16:58
zygaKeybuk: are you certain?16:59
zygaKeybuk: do you remember mpt's presentation about 3rd party development for ubuntu16:59
zygaKeybuk: if anything it screams 'we suck'16:59
zygaKeybuk: and suggest 'we may have to change how things happen to fix that'17:00
ebroderKeybuk: I could see motivation for distros to support it, if they can be convinced that it would improve the overall Linux app ecosystem17:00
Keybuksure, I enjoyed mpt's presentation greatly17:00
Keybukand ev's17:00
Keybukbut distros exist right now to provide lock-in17:00
Keybukif you could sort the packaging problem such that upstreams did their own packaging17:00
zygaKeybuk: that's not really true, that's a side effect of our technology17:00
Keybukwhat would there be left for a distro to *do* ?17:00
zygaKeybuk: package the core platform17:01
ebroderThat seems like a narrow view. I'd argue that distros exist to provide cohesion17:01
Keybukthe core platform?17:01
Keybukthere is no core platform17:01
KeybukLinux is simply a collection of upstreams17:01
zygaKeybuk: there would be, defined by each distro17:01
Keybuk(and you forget, distros invented packaging, not the other way around)17:01
zygaKeybuk: then upstreams would dedice if they want to package for that core platform17:01
zygaKeybuk: not true17:01
zygaKeybuk: distros formalized packaging beyond all hope17:01
zygaKeybuk: the act of distributing software was older than first linux distro17:02
zygaKeybuk: and worked differently17:02
Keybukthe act of distributing source was17:02
zygaKeybuk: not soure17:02
zygaKeybuk: packaging is not about source really17:02
zyga(well unfortunately too I guess)17:02
zygaKeybuk: but nobody is keenly interested in distributing source17:03
zygaKeybuk: do you see anyone being particularly happy that they can distribute source to anyone?17:03
Keybukupstreams quite like it17:03
Keybukit's minimum touch17:03
zygaKeybuk: the true distribution is to the end user17:03
zygaKeybuk: upstreams hope to reach their audience but in our current model that involves going via the distro17:03
zygaat least, on linux17:03
zygaKeybuk: what do you think about KDE shipping _official_ packages for windows and osx17:04
Keybukdepends which upstream really17:04
Keybukthat's part of our problem17:04
zygaKeybuk: it's an example of upstream packaging and distribution that bypasses the middleman17:04
Keybukwe think all upstreams want the same thing :p17:04
Keybukquite a lot of our upstreams are actually Fedora :p17:04
zygathat's true17:04
zygaheh :-)17:04
zygayeah it's not a simple problem17:04
zygabut I think the common truth is that we have to change something to get that nice explosion curve of new software17:05
zygawe don't have to forfit our current model but we should extend it to new use cases that take distribution out of the way17:05
zygaessentially the way the vast majority of software (open or not) used today is distributed differently and for a reason17:06
zygawhile the appstore/gateway concept is cool and might again change things17:06
zygaour appstore sucks :)17:06
macoi think it's funny how new people whined about repos for years, and then apple does it on the iphone and suddenly repos, oops i mean "appstores" are cool!17:07
zygamaco: apple did not do "a repository"17:07
macothats all it is17:08
zygamaco: they did something quite different in the way it works17:08
macothe difference being ya pay?17:08
macoto the user, there's no difference17:08
zygaoh please, think not mock17:08
macoexcept paying ;)17:08
zygasure there is17:08
zygathe difference is that there is no concept of a depdency on anything except platform version17:09
macothere are two ways users know to get software:   1) search the internet and download from some random webpage  or 2) use a bit of software the lists available programs and tell it to fetch them17:09
macoappstore & synaptic are both #217:09
zygaand that the upstream ship binaries not source, if your binary matches the rigid form that is required then you are allowed in (I'm referring to filesystem structure, not the review process)17:09
macooh you're just talking about style of compiling! static versus linked17:09
zygamaco: except that our model makes tons of problems that they don't have17:10
zygamaco: again, a model that we use does not scale17:10
macoand saves gigs of hard disk space17:10
zygamaco: gigs of space is not the problem17:10
macoand tons of bandwidth17:10
zygamaco: I doubt that code is > 1% of the overall app size on mobile platforms17:10
zygathe difference is that you don't solve the packaging problem17:10
zygathere is no insane complex policy17:11
zygano insane manual review17:11
zygajust automatic and very constrained process17:11
zygaand you just delegated packaging to upstreams17:11
macoi rather like not having each package be several hundred megs due to static compiling. i only install packages that are fewer than 3 mb ordinarily, otherwise i have to go find some other internet to "borrow" if i want it to take less than a day to download17:11
zygamaco: they are not several 100s megs really17:11
* ogra curses the lucid kernel17:11
zygamaco: because the platform has virtually everything that you may want to use in an average app, the rest is just your code most of the time17:12
zygamaco: it's not a model where lots of our stuff fits because we like to ship 4 different things that do foo while they bless one and force you to use it but it seems to work17:12
macoim thinking of those dmg packages on osx. they are usually MUCH larger than packages im used to seeing17:13
qb89dragonhey, I'd be grateful if someone could advise me how to modify cupsd.conf during the install of a deb package in my rules file. Is it simply adding it in there, or is there some process for registering the changes made with dpkg?17:13
zygamaco: but to say that our model is the same is to ignore the problem17:13
zygamaco: I'm not sure that that works on osx, perhaps because they still use fat binaries?17:13
ebroderzyga: No, maco's right on that point in particular. OS X packages are big because they ship all their dependencies with them (i.e. a Qt app comes with a copy of Qt)17:14
zygaebroder: that's true17:14
zygaebroder: on osx you either use cocoa or bundle17:14
zygathat's a limitation17:14
zygabut again it's something they did to vastly simplify their platform17:14
zygaon the mobile you don't want 10s of toolkits17:14
zygaand version interedependenices between them and all apps, it's just a waste of qa and space17:15
zygaobserve how despite this limiattion there has been an explosion of apps on both iOS and android17:15
zygawhere both use identical (no deps) model17:15
zygaand it has promoted innovation and third party development with 1st party packaging17:16
zyga(where 1st party is the same 3rd party I mentioned, sorry about that sounding oodd)17:16
ebroderzyga: I'm not disagreeing with you in general17:17
zygaebroder: in our world it could also work17:17
zygaebroder: where we would extend current methods with a hybrid platform17:17
zygayou either use the old methods and packaging is a little more complex17:17
zygaor this is the "base platform" we ship and you have to bundle against that without deps17:17
zygaI thin that 2nd option is the one non-open aps would thrive on17:18
zygafrom the user point of view _nothing_ changed17:18
zygafrom developer's point of view it's a whole new world17:18
zygano deps, no conflicts, no alternatives, no triggers, no scripts, atomiciy, need I conitnue?17:19
zygaall of that are improvements17:19
zygaperpahps the first comma should be replaces with =>17:19
ebroderThat I disagree with. I don't think we need to drop the concept of dependencies. If we do that, then an app developer can *only* use the libraries that we ship as part of the base system. We'd end up under pressure to include libraries and such just for 3rd party apps.17:20
ebroderDependencies are good. And they can be largely be automatically calculated17:21
ebroderEven build-deps can be automatically calculated for many apps17:21
zygaebroder: that's not the problem17:22
zygaebroder: the problem is that we also ship _ONE_ version of a package17:22
zygaebroder: and that just breaks things17:22
zygaif A nees foo 1 and B needs foo 217:22
ebroderYeah, but there are *really* strong advantages, too17:22
zyga(and we don't ship libfoo*)17:23
zygaebroder: I agree our model has upsides17:23
cdbsI can see many recent uploads stating: Fix build failure due to binutils-gold , and it turns out that the package doesn't even *use* ld.gold, nor does it have binutils-gold in its b-d. Is the uploader's fault here, or am I misunderstanding?17:23
ebroderSecurity support, for instance17:23
cdbsdoko_: ^17:23
zygaebroder: that's true but only to a point17:23
ebroderzyga: I think that most people who ship bundled libraries don't even think about or are aware of security issues in those libraries, with the exception of the giant players like Google17:23
zygaebroder: when the link between upstram and downstream is maitained by a distro17:23
zygaebroder: then if the distro chokes with the amount the process stops working and quality falls17:24
penguin42cdbs: I think there are moves to make sure everything works with gold17:24
zygaebroder: in a hybrid model we would have market forces impacting quality17:24
zygaebroder: and thus you would get crappy stuff _and_ good stuff17:24
ebroderzyga: I don't think market forces are good enough to ensure some factors of quality17:25
zygaebroder: right now you just get average stuff, distro is not perfect - we cannot maintain the universe for examlpe17:25
cdbspenguin42: So, ubuntu aims to move to gold one day?17:25
zygaebroder: sure they are, apple seems to do just fine, ;-)17:25
zygaebroder: it's not a simple discussion, I don't mean to say that it would work better with code security17:25
kklimondaebroder: and yet it works for windows ans osx17:25
penguin42cdbs: I've heard it suggested for some platforms; not sure what the current story is17:25
ebroderkklimonda: No, people accept the way it's done on Windows and OS X. That's different17:25
zygaebroder: but that it would change the dynamics in our favour17:25
zygaebroder: all depends on how you set our goals17:26
zygaebroder: if our goal is to have uber security then you have to just stick to main17:26
zygaebroder: and current rules17:26
zygaebroder: _and_ have enough mainitaners talking with upstream17:26
zygaebroder: if our goal is to grow then this model will not work as well as a hybrid model17:26
zygaebroder: people on those other platforms still have quality problems but most of that is IMHO a derivative of the base platform17:27
ebroderzyga: Anyway, I think you're in general oversimplifying the situation. But I need to step away for a bit to focus on this assembly I'm trying to understand :)17:27
zygaebroder: I don't think that it's possible to understand and predict this without trying to do it really17:27
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doko_cdbs: gold has the same semantics as ld --no-add-needed, see http://wiki.debian.org/ToolChain/DSOLinking19:57
zygadoko_: --no-add-needed or --no-as-needed?20:17
doko_zyga: --no-add-needed, please see the wiki page20:25
zygadoko_: Interesting read, thanks!20:34
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xnoxmaco, ping =)21:20
macowhat i do?21:20
randomOfAmberhello world :D21:20
xnoxmaco, thanks a lot for the comment on my blog post "how to get a job in FOSS"21:20
xnoxI can't believe the famous maco spared a comment =)21:21
xnoxYou rock ;-)21:21
macoyou know mako and i are two different people right?21:21
xnoxYou are famous enough for me ;-)21:22
xnoxIt sucks that the path into FOSS is via unpaid internships based on all the comments I have gathered.21:23
macounpaid internships are the norm in the US21:23
macointo ANY field, unpaid internships are just what students do21:23
* micahg thought GSoC was paid21:23
xnoxMy job post did generate invite to join a certain company in the UK which does Linux Support21:23
macoyeah GSoC is paid21:23
xnoxmicahg, GSoC was paid =)21:23
ebrodermaco: I don't agree with that. There are some industries where unpaid internships are standard, but I don't think that's the case for software dev21:24
ebroderThough FOSS dev may be a subset where that is the norm21:24
macomicahg: thats why everyone wants to do gsoc21:24
xnoxIgalia, Collabora, Codethink & Canonical - is all there is, it seems in the EU21:24
macoebroder: depends if its at a tech company or doing tech for a nontech place i think21:25
macoebroder: i got paid interning at a security company after 2nd year, but doing  web dev for a newspaper during 2nd year i didnt21:25
xnoxI had quite high paid engineering internships / full-time jobs. (E.g. I was paid as a student more than graduates) but it wasn't related to Electronics nor Software Development. Which is what my degree is in.21:26
xnoxand what i want to do now.21:26
macochanging focus is tough :-/21:27
xnoxmaco, Yeap....21:27
macoi keep getting "hey wanna be a sysadmin?!" and im like "no, im a programmer" "but you have sysadmin experience" "because i wasnt a good enough programmer back then!"21:27
xnoxmicahg, /usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxul-embedding.pc is broken by the way =) in Natty / xul2021:28
micahgxnox: yes, I forgot about that, you filed a bug, right?21:29
xnoxmicahg, han =) was too lazy will file now....21:29
micahgxnox: ok, thanks21:29
macoxnox: did you just spell "nah" backwards?21:30
xnoxmaco =) yeap21:30
* xnox is just back from ER and I'm on loads of painkillers.21:30
xnoxWhen I start my own company i will do paid FOSS internships.21:31
ebroderxnox: I remember seeing your blog post but can't seem to find it at the moment. Have you looked into, say, Red Hat? I would have thought they had offices in Europe21:32
xnoxebroder, I have applied to Red Hat. They are based in Czech Republic for software stuff. The interships are to do with Java and their java apps like JBoss21:33
ebroderOh, huh. That's kind of unfortuate21:33
xnoxwhich are proprietarish21:33
xnoxI have also applied to Intel/Nokia < MeeGo.21:33
* xnox there are no internships with Linaro.....21:34
macoxnox: linaro is hiring for a few mentors though21:34
macoxnox: they need people who can show folks from big hardware companies the ropes when it comes to free software development, using launchpad & bzr, etc.21:35
maco(at least, when i talked to them at uds they were...)21:35
xnoxYeap I so job postings for mentors. But they don't seems to go away. Either they want a lot of people like that or they can't get them.21:36
xnoxmaco, I'm jealous about UDS =) I haven't been to any yet.21:36
macoxnox: i actually interviewed for one of those spots while at UDS, but im pretty solidly application-level so didnt get it. if you know hardware-level stuff though, you'll be in better shape21:37
macoi think theyre not going away because theyre not finding people who understand hardware AND are familiar with canonical's development tools...other than the folks they took from other canonical teams21:38
xnoxthey stuff they taught me in uni was - outdated, to say the least. I can play around with oscilliscope and do basic troubleshooting. But I haven't done debbugging on hardware with e.g. JTAG21:38
xnoxI did apply for internships with ARM. If I get that maybe I'll be able to go for Linaro next ;-)21:39
xnoxmaco, what's typical response time? Russians replied in 2 working days for all my applications. UK/EU seems to take 4 weeks +21:40
macocanonical's is supposed to be 3 weeks21:40
macodunno about elsewhere. in the US, you often only get told "yes" and are simply ignored for "no"21:41
xnoxmaco, did you apply for the Gnome Internship - Outreach for Women?21:41
macoim a kde user...21:41
xnoxmaco, same here in EU so far. with responses. It's like I tell them everything about myself and my life and they don't even bother to reply.21:41
macotbh, ive not done job applications much before. i put my cv on monster and then i get contacted by others21:42
xnoxmaco, You could have been working on Freedesktop.org stuff =0) i have on and off relationship with kde ;-)21:42
xnoxmaco, good tactic =) I was picky so far about what I want to do and with who. But money is running out.21:43
xnoxmicahg, why is mozillateam not called ~ubuntu-mozilla like all the other ubuntu teams?21:44
micahgxnox: idk, maybe it was before there was a convention21:45
macoubuntu-us-districtofcolumbia was ~dcteam originally21:45
maco(the docs say it should be ubuntu-us-{name of state} so we joked about ubuntu-us-werenotastateyetbutmaybesomeday and such)21:46
xnoxmaco, awesome love it =)21:46
xnoxI'm the only Ubuntu Member from Latvia =)21:46
xnoxThere is one Debian Developer from Latvia though.21:47
xnoxmicahg, will there be a package xulrunner-2.0-dev-gtk3 ?21:50
micahgxnox: not likely21:50
xnoxmicahg, is it possible?21:50
micahgxnox: idk, why do you need it21:50
micahgxul20 is GTK2 only21:50
xnoxmicahg, xiphos is a gtk app that uses xulrunner. We are half way gtk3 ready21:51
micahgxnox: ok, but xulrunner itself isn't21:51
xnoxand now I have realised that we might have to do webkit transition to build against gtk3.21:51
* xnox oh the joy of doing a gtk3-webkit-gsettings release which will not be installable on pretty much any of the LTS releases.21:52
xnoxmicahg, Bug #695166 I have subscribed chrisccoulson as well =) since it's his code.21:55
ubottuLaunchpad bug 695166 in xulrunner-2.0 (Ubuntu) "/usr/lib/pkgconfig/libxul-embedding.pc is broken =)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69516621:55
micahgxnox: ok, if I don't fix it before next week, he'll probably take care of it21:55
xnoxmicahg, is it possible to use a recipe to test-build xulrunner? My machine cannot build xulrunner in any reasonable amount of days.22:00
micahgxnox: you can use a PPA22:00
xnoxmicahg, still have to generate source package =) well at least my machine should manage to do that.22:01
micahgxnox: yeah, that's not too bad if you're not unpacking it22:01
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