
daviscczajkowski: Is it not justified?00:51
czajkowskidavisc: perhaps so, but not in an ubuntu channel we dont have swearing09:36
infoturtleis the next IRC meeting the 12th or the 19th of Jan can any confirm?16:40
airurandoevening all17:15
airurandoping: infoturtle17:27
infoturtleairurando: ??? should I pong?17:55
airurandohi infoturtle18:04
airurandono need to pong18:04
airurandoinfoturtle: good stuff on the podcast18:06
airurandoI've sent a mail to the list clearing up the details for the next IRC meeting.18:06
airurandoIf I receive no objections I'll set up website, wiki and LoCo Directory with meeting details this Friday.18:07
airurandoYou'll be able to add agenda items to the wiki as normal after that.18:08
infoturtleairurando: thanks very much, cool, I'll keep an eye out for them then, just want to wait till after the meeting to add anything from it to the cast, my replies are going to take ages, I'm cooking at the moment and writing back when i get a minute18:20

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