
=== nhandler is now known as Guest26812
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
hidHi, I'm a french ubuntu user and I don't understand why I'm outcast from ubuntu-fr ?14:20
hida google translation..14:22
Tm_Tah, you mean you're banned, that is14:22
hidTm_T, still here ?14:25
Tm_Tavelldiroll: you are apparently -fr op, you have any idea? ^14:25
avelldirollhi there14:26
avelldirollI don't really recall "hid" as a peculiar nick ... I am going to investigate ... juste a minute please14:27
avelldirollTm_T, hid : There is effectively a ban active for this IP on #ubuntu-fr-ops, you should have received a notice from uBOTu-fr to join #ubuntu-fr-ops if you want to discuss the details of the ban14:34
avelldirollin the meantime, i will backlog in order to know which fr-op put this ban in place14:35
avelldirollTm_T: thanks for the highlight14:35
hidavelldiroll, j'ai été banni par un membre ?14:41
avelldirollhid: non tu as été banni par un fr-op ... je te disais plus haut que tu pouvais /join #ubuntu-fr-ops pour en discuter14:42
avelldirollsorry for my french :)14:42
Tm_Tavelldiroll: no problems14:45
=== petr is now known as Guest35661
=== Guest35661 is now known as Asses
=== Asses is now known as Assential
=== Assential is now known as Assantial
=== Assantial is now known as Assdriller
jussiavelldiroll: other languages are more than acceptable in this channel - see the topic :)15:45
avelldirolljussi: that was just a poor attempt at a pun :)15:51
jussiavelldiroll: err, pun?15:53
avelldirolljussi: a pun: a play on words ...15:54
Tm_T"pardon my french"15:59
=== Assdriller is now known as br0
=== petr is now known as AASSS
=== AASSS is now known as AAS

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