
=== nhandler is now known as Guest26812
=== nhandler_ is now known as nhandler
rww!nbr =~ s/Remix/Edition/03:16
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:16
rww!no, intrepidkde3 =~ s/Jaunty/Karmic/g03:30
ubottuI know nothing about intrepidkde3 =~ s/jaunty/karmic/ yet, rww03:30
rww!intrepidkde3 =~ s/Jaunty/Karmic/g03:30
ubottuMissing end delimiter03:30
rww!intrepidkde3 =~ s/Jaunty/Karmic/03:30
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:30
rww!intrepidkde3 =~ s/Jaunty/Karmic/03:30
rww!intrepidkde3 =~ s/Jaunty/Karmic/03:31
* rww shakes fist at ubottu03:31
rww!no, intrepidkde3 is <reply> Kubuntu 8.04 ships with KDE3 and full support. Karmic and above do not include KDE3, but a remix install CD can be obtained at https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/Kde3/Karmic (or .../Lucid, etc.). This is not officially supported. Support, instructions, and ways to contribute can be found on the wikipage.03:32
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:32
rww!no, noroot is <reply> We do not support setting a root password. Please don't offer instructions on how to set a root password or ask for help with setting it. See !root and !wfm for more information.03:37
ubottuI'll remember that rww03:37
rwwubottu: tell sanchaz-away about away04:41
rwwIdleOne: Why is there a +e on _Synergy_ in #ubuntu?05:07
rwwah, never mind, found the relevant log05:15
* rww PMs the user asking them to actually get exploit tested, because setting +es on nicks is not a good solution05:18
Jordan_UWhat does +es do?05:19
rwwJordan_U: +e, rather05:20
* rww fails at pluralization05:20
Jordan_UI tend to do things like "+e's". (even though it's gramatically incorrect)05:24
rww(and for those wondering why +e somenick!*@* is a bad idea, it means that /nick somenick allows anyone to bypass any ban that might be set on them in the channel)05:25
IdleOnerww, he was not able to join the other because he was in the victim list. I set a +e but afterwards tsimpson removed from the list05:25
IdleOnethe other day*05:25
IdleOneyou can remove it now I guess05:26
rwwIdleOne: no he didn't :\05:26
IdleOnehe didn't what?05:27
IdleOneremove from the victim list?05:27
rwwThey're still in the victims list and still banned by nick from the channel.05:27
rwwI removed the exempt and told the user in PM to go to -read-topic.05:27
IdleOnesorry for any confusion I caused05:28
rwwno problem. it's just one of my pet peeves; I'd recommend +e $a:accountname in the future.05:28
rwwor "come back when the FloodBots aren't being crazy", but that might be a little harsh05:29
rwwoy vey, user just ping timedout.05:29
rwwI guess they won't have to join the channel themselves :\05:30
IdleOnewouldn't +e $a:accountname still allow to bypass a ban?05:31
IdleOneno it wouldnt05:31
rwwI assume that everyone else guards their nickserv password with their life ;D05:32
rwwthat's the exempt form we used in #ubuntu-women during Ridiculous Trollscapade 2010, btw ;)05:32
rwwThoughts on "!windoze is <reply> Please don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making you and us look unreasonable."?06:09
rwwThe factoid name isn't ideal; superior suggestions especially welcome.06:09
FlannelI imagine !M$ probably isn't valid06:10
rww!m$ is <reply> test!06:10
ubottuI'll remember that, rww06:10
FlannelOh dear06:10
rwwthe bot surpasses herself06:10
Flannelrww: Well, start with that one, and we can alias other things to it, I suppose.06:11
rwwcould start with !misspellings and alias !windoze, !m$, etc(?) to it.06:11
FlannelThat'll work.  Except could misspellings be mistaken as an actual "spelling" issue instead?06:13
rwwsome English major has to have come up with a specific word for this sort of thing06:13
rwwhttp://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Windoze redirects to "Satiric misspelling" >.>06:14
FlannelMmm, if I were to pick a dictionary word, I guess I'd lean towards travesty or parody.06:19
FlannelAnd then, to patent it, you just add "using a computer" or "on the internet"06:20
rwwI've never seen anyone try to call !misspelling, I figure we just roll with that.06:28
Flannelsounds good06:29
rww!misspelling is <reply> Please don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making you and us look unreasonable.06:29
ubottuI'll remember that, rww06:29
rww!windoze is <alias> misspelling06:29
rww!no, m$ is <alias> misspelling06:29
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:29
rww!winblows is <alias> misspelling06:29
ubottuPlease don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making you and us look unreasonable.06:29
Flannel"...making you and the rest of the community..." perhaps?06:30
FlannelI don't like that "us"06:30
FlannelBut that might just be me06:30
rwwand the community in general?06:30
rww!misspelling =~ s/and us/and the community in general/06:31
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:31
Flannelor maybe ust "and the community"06:31
rwwor just "making the the community look"06:31
rwwwith one the06:31
Flannelmaybe it should have three "the"s06:31
rww!misspelling =~ s/you and the community in general/the community/06:32
ubottuI'll remember that rww06:32
ubottuPlease don't use silly misspellings to denigrate other operating systems. It makes users of that system feel attacked, and hurts Ubuntu advocacy by making the community look unreasonable.06:32
rww!misspellings is <alias> misspelling06:32
ubottuI'll remember that, rww06:32
tonyyarussoJordan_U: >06:40
Myrttinobody noticed that rwrite is banevading now? mainly though because I didn't notice he's running his irc client on a system that runs ident and could've been banned without the nickname in the banmask08:26
MyrttiI don't honestly know what to do with him08:30
Myrttitoo tired still08:30
Myrttisuggestions are taken in08:37
rwwwhich channel?08:37
rwwnvm, found it08:38
MyrttiI don't understand where the script writers get their SUCKY quit messages08:38
rwwI'd banforward *!*@zen.netx.org here, personally08:39
Myrttiyeah, but he's still on the channel08:40
rwwthen kick him08:40
MyrttiI'd probably use the ident too, though08:40
rwwI wouldn't bother. Doesn't look like it's a shell service, just a personal server with an identd08:40
rww_Synergy_'s now idling in -read-topic, for anyone following that topic.08:42
Myrtti@now Seoul08:45
ubottuCurrent time in Asia/Seoul: December 28 2010, 17:45:1808:45
Myrttitsimpson: the logic of that?09:13
tsimpson[09:11:12]<iflema> rm -rf09:14
tsimpsonand no reply to /msg, so I just removed09:14
Myrttiwell, I can't see what harm that command would do without defining what would be deleted, but YMMV09:15
tsimpsonindeed, that's why I tried to /msg first09:15
tsimpsonbut seeing as it wasn't in response to anyone and was the only message they posted...09:16
rwwodd. maybe they mistyped into IRC instead of a terminal :\09:16
Myrtti!pm > ox3a11:51
Myrtti!bot > AnggaDj9818:23
ubottuIn ubottu, AnggaDj98 said: who is myrtti18:29
ubottuIn ubottu, AnggaDj98 said: !who is AnggaDj9818:30
Myrttioh for goodness sake18:42
rwrwhy am I going in here instead of #ubuntu?18:44
Myrttibecause we want you to discuss about something18:45
Myrttiyou are using epic5 script package?18:46
rwrwhat are you talking about?18:46
rwrsomething wrogn with the script?18:46
Myrtticould you be kind enough to remove some of the quit messages it randomly uses?18:46
Myrttithere's one that made me retch of disgust last night18:47
rwrI was not aware of it18:47
=== rwr is now known as rawrite
Myrttithanks for your co-operation. I don't know what the developers were thinking when they conjured the "candy is dandy but chloroform keeps them still while I molest them" or something like that18:48
rawriteand was confused why I was joining here instead of #ubuntu18:48
rawritesorry. I need to remove the lame epic script18:48
rawritenot worth it18:48
Myrttiyeah, that happens, sorry bout...18:48
charlie-tcaat least they were agreeable :-)18:55
MyrttiI could've complained about the banevasion but I figured it wasn't worth the time and effort18:56
* charlie-tca nods18:56
Myrttiif I see that quit message again I'll be most annoyed18:57
jussiMyrtti: well handled :)20:43
rww!latest =~ s/  / /21:10
ubottuI'll remember that rww21:10
ubottuIn #ubuntu, PerSeL said: ubottu: the 36 is stable I've checked22:14
_Synergy_Ubuntu Ops please fix your bots. Every day I join Freenode on port #7000 (SSL) and your bots refuse me access to #ubuntu saying I have https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FixDCCExploit. This has been going on for a long time. Disable that bot or fix it!22:19
rww_Synergy_: I've already PMed you about this. If it's fixed, type "test me" in #ubuntu-read-topic.22:20
rwwas that channel's /topic tells you.22:20
_Synergy_The 'test me' option does not work. And it's beside the point22:20
_Synergy_the bot should not be interfering with me anyways22:20
rwwIt does work. It is in fact currently working22:20
_Synergy_I do not have that exploit, I'm not even on the right port22:21
rwwIt is now done. Have a nice day.22:21
_Synergy_Your right - it's working today22:21
_Synergy_But it's still not working the way it should.22:21
ubottuAntivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:39
ubottuThe short life and hard times of a Linux Virus http://librenix.com/?inode=2122:39
rwwSeems like these could be merged?22:39
rwwpleia2: What's the status on setting up a poll for the IRCC appointment process? I guess Christmas got in the way of it? :)23:09
pleia2rww: yeah, we need lp admins to get us a full list of email addresses from the irc-members group23:10
pleia2I think canonical is snoozing for the holidays23:10
pleia2once we have the list we can set up the condorcet poll23:10
pleia2the dropping of polls by LP has been a bit of a disaster TBH (I was under the impression that they'd be *adding* features to polling, not getting rid of them entirely!)23:11
rwwLP could do with an "Export to CIVS" feature. I know Ubuntu Women has the same issue, and I imagine others do too.23:12
pleia2yeah, akgraner had to go to the lp admins to23:12
pleia2now with complete removal of polls everyone will need to, it's bad23:12
pleia2I wish I knew why this happened, or where the discussion about it was :(23:13
pleia2anyway, sorry for the off-topicness, and apologies for not having a poll yet, I'm trying!23:13
rwwor just make user email addresses available to leaders of groups that the user is in, and have a warning about that on joining a group if the user's email address is hidden. iono.23:14
pleia2oh and I'll extend Pici and jussi's terms another week if it comes to that, but I'm still hoping we get a poll in the next couple of days :)23:14
rwwthanks for working on it, either way. I'm not trying to rush you, was just wondering if I missed something :)23:16
tonyyarussopleia2: it would probably be faster to just manually send everyone an e-mail through LP...23:20
rwwtonyyarusso: Assuming you value the anonymity stuff in CIVS, that doesn't work.23:20
pleia2tonyyarusso: the email addresses needed to be added to CIVS23:21
pleia2plus you are limited to how many you can send per day (maybe 20 or so?)23:21
pleia2so either way, it doesn't really work23:21
tonyyarussorww: what is CIVS?23:21
pleia2the condorcet poll23:21
rwwtonyyarusso: Condorcet Internet Voting System23:21
tonyyarussooooh, I see now.23:21
rwwService **23:21
rwwYou set up a poll and feed it email addresses, it emails each address with a unique voting link, and then forgets the email addresses. so votes aren't tied to an individual at all.23:22
tonyyarussopleia2: for the latter Canonical_response_time > len(ubuntu-irc-members) / 2023:22
pleia2yeah, but you still have the CIVS problem, since it's not linked to LP23:23
pleia2to get all the addresses I could use a script to grab all the addresses, then contact everyone who doesn't have a public address...23:23
rwwthe other option is using launchpadlib to pull public email addresses and then emailing ubuntu-irc saying to email $contact_person if you weren't in the pulled list, but that gets messy.23:23
pleia2but this idea kind of givs me a headache :)23:23
PiciCIVS sounds like it could be a disease23:23
rwwwhich is what I did at some point for something23:23
rwwpleia2: yeah, it's a hassle23:23
rwwI'd wait on Canonical, especially since this isn't really time-sensitive imho.23:24
pleia2I'll appeal directly to Mark if we don't get movement soon (I know he's *around* he was even answering mail on christmas)23:24
tonyyarussoPici: agreed23:24
tonyyarussopleia2: Those bloody open-source hippie heathens!  ;)23:25
pleia2tonyyarusso: I know! (I'm one of them)23:25
tonyyarussoActually, I was online on Christmas too - all of our actual stuff happens on Christmas Eve, and Christmas Day is "sit around in your pajamas until you decide maybe you should change at least for dinner" day.23:29
rwwI volunteered for work hours on Christmas Day (and New Years Day, actually). Free money :)23:30
Piciyay, free money23:30
* tonyyarusso wonders how "I worked" equates to "free"23:34
rwwtonyyarusso: not many people return library books on Christmas Day. I did a negligable amount of work.23:35
rwwMaybe this is an odd mindset, but I like my job, so unless it's busy and stressful, it's free money :)23:35
rwwand we're understaffed, so it's usually not free money right now :<23:35

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