
wiiflowwhy i cant run this from everywere /var/etc/newcs.x8601:05
wiiflowi must do it from folder itself01:06
pmatuliswiiflow: b/c that executable is not in your PATH01:06
wiiflowhow can i make this to be runed from rc.local01:07
WinstonSmithwiiflow, you can give it the full path eg var/etc/./newcs.x8601:07
wiiflowroot@Maverick:/var# /var/etc/newcs.x8601:08
wiiflowThis is NewCS 1.67 RC1 [Build: 95] - the New CardServer by the Butter-team..01:08
wiiflowCompiled on Jul 14 2009 at 12:13:1801:08
wiiflowReading Config file from /etc/newcs.xml01:08
wiiflowCannot open config file... quitting01:08
wiiflowit opens the newcs.xml just were it is01:08
wiiflowdont know why01:08
WinstonSmithwell it obviously needs to find the config file01:09
WinstonSmithcopy newcs.xml to /etc?01:09
wiiflowthe point is how to run itself with ubuntu from rc.local01:09
wiiflowbecause it dont run from nowere just from itself folder01:10
WinstonSmithin rc.local do a cd to that folder first01:10
wiiflowthis way looks my rc.local01:10
WinstonSmithcd /path/to/folder01:10
wiiflowsleep 4501:11
wiiflowsleep 4501:11
wiiflowone sleep01:11
wiiflowsleep 4501:11
wiiflowcd /var/etc/01:11
wiiflowshould look like this?01:11
wiiflowor maybe01:12
WinstonSmithor just newcs.x86 since ur already in that folder701:12
wiiflowsleep 4501:12
wiiflowcd /var/etc/01:12
wiiflowlike this01:12
wiiflowthis looks promising01:12
wiiflowlets see01:12
WinstonSmithyes try that out? what ur up to? card sharing? ;)01:12
WinstonSmithused to do that with some frined01:13
WinstonSmithand a couple of dreamboxes01:13
WinstonSmithur welcome01:17
WinstonSmithi wish you a lotta channels hehe01:20
wiiflowi have my owns cards01:25
cn1209This might be a bit off topic. But... What is the best place to buy a domain at a low price?02:29
qman__best is a matter of opinion02:31
qman__I use mydomain.com, they've been good so far02:31
cn1209cool. I'm looking into getting some kind of affordable cloud hosting to install ubuntu.02:36
mymrhelpdeskmuch ubuntu-ltsp experience here?02:39
computerwiz_222hello, i have a support question relating to a boot issue.02:48
Jeeves_computerwiz_222: Ask your question, and it might be answered :)02:49
computerwiz_222my problem.. i was playing with fstab for nfs. i edited the file and it wouldn't boot anymore. i used a livecd to revert the file and now i get initramfs. my root partition is raided.02:50
computerwiz_222any ideas? im really in a bind.. this is my home server with 2.5tb of data and his issue has stumped me lol02:54
Jeeves_What does it say before you go into initramfs?02:56
computerwiz_222various mount errors such as: mount: mounting /sys on /root/sys failed. no such file or directory02:58
computerwiz_222the livecd revealed that all the partitions appear fine.. no dead hard drives here02:59
Jeeves_Maybe your UUID in your fstab is screwed up?03:00
computerwiz_222do you have any suggestions for fixing this? or links to point me in the right direction.03:01
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
Jeeves_computerwiz_222: I think you need to have another look at your fstab03:02
Jeeves_I think it cannot mount / because there is an error of some sort03:03
computerwiz_222sure thing, I'll check it out.03:03
StrangeCharmhow do i use rm to remove every file whose name matches a particular pattern inside a directory and it's subdirectories? say, i want to remove *.txt in /malarkey , and also /malarkey/stuff, and /malarkey/junk03:03
Jeeves_StrangeCharm: man find03:03
computerwiz_222Thanks, I'll let you know.03:03
StrangeCharmthanks Jeeves_03:05
computerwiz_222oh my god thank you so much!!! I'm back in business.03:21
Jeeves_computerwiz_222: Good. What was wrong?03:24
computerwiz_222i added a line to fstab to boot from /dev/sdb5 (root) directly. its a hack but it gets me access to my data fast.03:29
Jeeves_But now your raid is probably 'broken'03:30
computerwiz_222nope mdadm all checks out somehow03:31
Jeeves_Well ok :)03:32
computerwiz_222boy... dont touch a server for months and the dust really piles up... gotta clean this up tomorrow03:32
computerwiz_222this thing went down last night and it was too late to fix it.. so today i went out to ge my new tetra2 android tablet and all my hd media is locked up on the server lol03:35
Delerium_Wondering... Does Ubuntu comes built-in some kind of firewall?! I installed apache for my new domain name and I can't see to connect using the domain name, but it works with the IP05:31
Psi-JackNot sure it comes default or not, depends on installation options, but yes, there's that piece of crap ufw.05:33
Psi-JackBut, if it works with the IP, it's not firewall.05:34
Psi-JackCheck iptables -L -n05:34
Delerium_Psi-Jack: can you try www.elezium.com please?05:34
Psi-JackVerify, is correct?05:34
Psi-JackIt works.05:35
Delerium_got ya05:35
Psi-JackThis is the default web page for this server.05:35
Delerium_yes, didn't put much yte05:35
Psi-JackMuch? heh, you've not put anything, yet. :p05:35
Delerium_Just building a home lab ;)05:35
Delerium_Thanks Psi-Jack for you help, I'm leaving05:47
Psi-JackDon't make any meth.05:48
Delerium_Just enough ;)05:51
jussigood morning shai08:09
shai__Hi :)08:09
shai__Should I repeat the question from #ubuntu?08:09
jussiwait a sec08:10
jussishai__: you can simulate an apt-get command with -s08:11
jussi       -s, --simulate, --just-print, --dry-run, --recon, --no-act08:11
jussi           No action; perform a simulation of events that would occur but do not actually change the system. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Simulate.08:11
shai__Right, but I would like to read on every update, before actually (even in simulation) installing them08:11
jussi       -u, --show-upgraded08:12
jussi           Show upgraded packages; Print out a list of all packages that are to be upgraded. Configuration Item: APT::Get::Show-Upgraded.08:12
shai__I see...08:12
jussishai__: is that what you are after?  or am I missing your point?08:12
shai__And what command would make sure that only those 7 packages are installed and not the rest of the packages?08:12
shai__I'm not sure this is what I'm after just yet.. I need to check ...08:13
twbshai__: I use -s for that08:13
shai__But my main concern is, that I don't want to upgrade packages which are used in production (LAMP), unless those are security updates and then, I want to review them first.08:13
shai__But -s is "simulation" and not "security" ...08:14
twbshai__: IMO you'd be better off doing the reverse.08:14
twbA security update is unlikely to bring in a bug08:14
twbA feature update is VERY likely to bring in a bug08:14
twbThus, reviewing and rejecting updates from the latter category unless you REALLY need them is useful.08:15
shai__This is why I ONLY want to install security updates on production server.08:15
shai__Thus, I want a way to make sure that my update/upgrade/safe-upgrade command will ONLY install security updates and nothing else.08:15
twbshai__: then it's simple08:16
twbshai__: only refer to lucid and lucid-security in your sources.list08:16
gcs_shai__: Let me ask, do you run a non-stable version of Ubuntu on a production server?08:16
twbshai__: feature updates will never appear in lucid nor in lucid-security -- they appear only in -updates and -backports08:16
gcs_shai__: Then all updates you are going to get is security or stability fixes.08:16
shai__20 packages can be updated.08:17
shai__7 updates are security updates.08:17
twb*strictly* speaking policy probably allows updates to -security that fix bugs that cause massive data loss, too08:17
twbshai__: pastebin the output of "apt-cache policy"08:17
gcs_twb: shai__ wants them as well.08:18
twbshai__: "Your paste has triggered our automatic SPAM protection filter. This happens when too many links are detected in a paste."08:18
twbTry "apt-cache policy | pastebinit -b http://paste.debian.net/"08:18
shai__I don't have 'pastebinit'08:19
gcs_Also, speaking in Debian terms, security upgrades goes to normal updates on point releases.08:19
shai__I'm kinda confused...08:20
twbshai__: then manually use a different pastebin08:20
gcs_twb: Just enter the capcha, you'll see the policy.08:20
twbgcs_: I am not able to do that08:20
gcs_twb: ?08:20
twbshai__: thank you.08:20
gcs_twb: Btw, he has a mix of Karmic and Lucid source lines, including updates.08:21
twbshai__: see, you have -updates enabled08:21
shai__Hmm... this isn't the correct output :)08:21
shai__This is an amazon instance and not a production server.. hold on08:21
twbshai__: maybe you have stuff in sources.list.d that you forgot about08:21
shai__There you go08:22
twbshai__: ok, again you have -updates enabled :-)08:22
shai__And that's not what I want?08:23
gcs_shai__: Stupid idea, but would you subscribe to -security?08:23
twbshai__: -updates is feature updates; -security is security updates08:23
shai__I have ...08:23
shai__I get emails on security updates08:23
twbshai__: if you don't want the former, simply remove it from sources.list08:23
gcs_shai__: When you get a security notification, you can install that pakcage only after evaluation.08:24
shai__I do want to be updates on it...08:24
shai__I just don't want to install them when I run my aptitude/apt-get command08:24
twbshai__: hm, then I guess you could pin a=lucid-updates to -1, which will prevent them ever being installed without explicit OK08:24
gcs_shai__: Well, if you don't want to install them, why have it in sources.list ?08:24
shai__It says I have 7 security updates. I want to run my aptitude/apt-get command and have it only install (show me first ie. dry run) the 7 sec. updates08:25
shai__gcs_: to be notified. I can't just ignore them. I need to know they are there and are needed.08:25
shai__don't cost me none either .. so why not :)08:25
shai__lol .. pastebin only wanted me to enter a 3-digit captcha code to authorized the paste...08:26
uvirtbotNew bug: #694953 in samba (main) "missing i386 libraries on amd64" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69495310:11
Error404NotFoundi am getting http://pastebin.com/tQCT5M7s when try to execute a dump of a 27G large DB. I did raise mysql timeout values to 864000 e.g. 10 days. Still no use.10:21
kaushalAre there any tools to check for disk errors11:45
kaushalI see high wa11:45
kaushalI am on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS11:45
twbkaushal: smartmontools11:46
kaushalI did that11:46
kaushalIt doesnot start11:46
twbkaushal: as the documentation indicates, smartmontools provides both a daemon and a CLI for direct use.11:47
kaushal* Restarting S.M.A.R.T. daemon smartd                                                                                                                           [fail]11:47
twbUse smartctl as the documentation directs to begin a self-test, then when it has completed use smartctl again to inspect the results11:47
twbkaushal: "/dev/cciss/c0d0p1" means you're running cheapo hardware raid11:51
twbi.e. you are fucked.11:52
kaushaltwb: so what has to be done now ?11:52
twbObviously you can turn the machine off, put the drive in something else, and run smartctl on that11:53
twbBut I assume you don't want to turn off a production server11:53
_rubenraid implies multiple redundant disks, so if they're hotswappable...11:53
kaushalso how would i know whether its a harddisk issue11:54
kaushaltop says high wa11:54
kaushalI ran ./check_cciss-1.8 -v11:55
kaushalRAID OK:  Smart Array P410i in Slot 0 (Embedded) array A logicaldrive 1 (279.4 GB, RAID 0, OK) array B logicaldrive 2 (279.4 GB, RAID 0, OK) [Controller Status: OK Cache Status: OK]11:55
_rubenhigh wa has 2 common causes: dying disks or overloaded disks11:55
kaushalPlease suggest further11:55
twbkaushal: presumably you've already checked dmesg for suspicious warnings?11:55
twbAhaha, RAID 0?11:55
_rubenraid0 aint raid11:55
gobberaid0 in production server? :-o11:55
twbMaybe he's using it for a reeaaaaaly big swap partition11:56
kaushalits RAID 1011:56
twbActually never mind, swap stripes internally anyway11:56
gobbewell anyway, using cheap raid-cards in production server is quite big mistake11:56
_rubenthat doesn't say raid10, unless you're doing software raid1 over the raid0 luns11:57
twbTechnically cciss is expensive, it just isn't any good11:57
twbIt's HP's line of crappy hardware raid11:57
kaushalfuck HP11:57
twbhear, hear11:58
gobbeeither proper raid or then software-raid11:58
gobbeproper hw-raid11:58
kaushalfuck HP ASSHOLES11:59
kaushalgobbe: so what hardware RAID has to be used ?12:00
kaushalI mean which make12:00
gobbekaushal: 3ware12:01
kaushalwhat does cciss mean ?12:02
patdk-lapcciss is the name of the hp raid stuff12:03
patdk-lapI haven't had any issues with my smartarray stuff, but then I don't have any P410's12:03
patdk-lapall mine are in raid1 config though, with sas 15k drives, get a good 500iops out of them12:04
DigitalFluxHi Guys12:18
DigitalFluxAnybody here worked with KickStart/Ubuntu before ?12:18
gobbeask the question12:23
DigitalFluxgobbe: I used the autopart statement in a kickstart file to bootstrap Ubuntu server 10.4.1, however during the installation it stops to ask if this is the correct partition scheme that i want, i want a fully automated installation with no human intervention required12:35
DigitalFluxso i need to automatically answer this screen with yes12:35
pmatulisDigitalFlux: not sure about kickstart but this is possible with the preseed method12:37
DigitalFluxpmatulis: Hmm12:37
DigitalFluxSeems like it used to work with 9.1012:40
DigitalFluxBut not with Lucid12:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 537421 in kickseed "automatic partitioning within kickstart does not work" [Undecided,Confirmed]12:40
gobbeneeds to be fixed12:46
jussihrm, Ive an issue with my server, I can login with sftp, but logging in with ssh it just hangs after I enter the password13:10
pmatulisjussi: check the server logs13:13
jussiits really strange, /var/log is coming up empty, but Im logged in as root.13:14
pmatulisjussi: no files under /var/log?13:14
jussithats correct13:14
pmatulisjussi: did you set up this server?13:15
jussipmatulis: no, its a vps, came with ubuntu set up.13:15
jussiI did add users etc13:15
gobbejussi: you should turn to your vps provider, /var/log _should_ have several files13:16
jussiyes, it should - seems its not loading the content there (Im trying the cli sftp client right now)13:17
jussiits hanging on "ls" in /var/log13:17
jussiyes, its very strange13:18
pmatulisjussi: pastebin output to 'dh -Th'?13:18
jussipmatulis: I dont have any shell access...-13:18
pmatulisjussi: ah13:18
jussijust sftp13:19
pmatulisjussi: correction anyway: 'df -Th'13:19
pmatulisjussi: i think the provider is shoving all their machine logs somewhere else13:19
jussiis there anyway to run a script at boot? (I can reboot the script, perhaps I can drop something somewhere with sftp to get some diagnostics=)13:19
jussierr, I can reboot the machine13:20
pmatulisjussi: i would just contact your provider13:21
ubuntinoIhave problem with server mail13:43
gobbeask the question13:43
ubuntinonothing works13:44
gobbeplease be little bit more specific, it's quite hard to help withoit knowing more :-D13:45
ubuntinoI' M italian one moment please13:45
patdk-wkhis server won't power on :)13:45
patdk-wktry italian, google language convert :)13:46
gobbepatdk-wk: :D13:46
ubuntinoI would try with you the operation of the mail server13:50
ubuntinosome directive?13:50
ubuntinoi installed sudo apt-get -y install postfix postfix-ldap spamassassin dovecot-pop3d dovecot-imapd mailscanner13:51
ubuntinobut certainly misconfigured13:51
ubuntinoI do not know what the ldap server?13:52
ubuntinowhat is the name13:52
ubuntinoplease help me13:53
gobbewhy do you want ldap-server?13:53
gobbeisn't plain postfix enough?13:53
binBASHubuntino: fix config with dpkg-reconfigure postfix13:54
gobbewell....i don't get idea of installing postfix with ldap, if you don't have any need for that13:55
ubuntinook now to test the proper operation?13:56
ubuntinoa no ldap with postfix?13:56
gobbewell. why did you install it at first?13:57
gobbedid you have reason for it?13:57
gobbewere you reading somekind of howto?13:57
ubuntinoubuntu guide13:57
ubuntinonow remove ldap ok?13:58
gobbeapt-get remove13:58
ubuntinook done13:59
ubuntinoNow to check the operation?13:59
gobbecheck what operation?14:00
ubuntinowhat do you think of a 'telnet localhost 25'14:00
ubuntinoto see if it works14:01
gobbeyou can do it14:01
gobbeif you want14:01
ubuntinoand now14:02
ubuntinoI see nothing14:02
gobbewell, your server is not up14:02
gobbedid you restart it?14:02
ubuntinorestart postfix?14:03
gobbeyou should read the whole howto14:04
gobbeand do like it says14:04
ubuntinoalready done, but nothing14:04
gobbeso is your postfix running?14:05
ubuntinowhat do you advise me to install up to a mail server?14:06
gobbei advise you to follow that howto14:06
ubuntinothis is my screen14:06
ubuntinoying ::1... Connected to localhost.localdomain. Escape character is '^]'. 220 code-desktop ESMTP Postfix (Ubuntu)14:06
gobbewell it means that your postfix is running14:07
ubuntinoI am not come to head14:07
ubuntinotime to enter the users?14:08
ubuntinoto enter the users?14:08
ubuntinoI have account ubuntino14:12
ubuntinoto make ubuntino@mioserver.com14:12
ubuntinoto make ubuntino@myserver.com?14:12
ubuntinoplease please14:13
pmatulisubuntino: please google for 'linux telnet test smtp'14:13
gobbeubuntino: you need to have domain and correct mx-entries to be able to set up mail server14:14
ubuntinoI have ivancristina.com14:15
ubuntinowhere I find the entries mx-entries14:16
gobbefrom your dns-server14:16
gobbeif you are not familiar how dns and email-servers work, why you are trying to build on?-)14:16
pmatulisubuntino: please continue with telnet testing.  MX records are not required for such a test14:17
ubuntinookok later on / etc / resolv.conf14:17
ubuntinothis is my nameserver ns1.netsons.com14:19
ubuntinoand ns2.netsons.com14:19
pmatulisoh well.  no more from me14:19
ubuntinoI do it for study14:19
ubuntinoI enter them into my server on resolv.conf?14:20
ubuntinosomeone is willing to teach me also to pay?14:22
ubuntinosomeone is willing to teach me also to pay?14:23
ubuntinoI want to learn14:24
gobbeyou can learn by starting to read documentation14:24
gobbethere's sooooooooo many documents available from google for mailservers14:24
jpdsubuntino: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/postfix.html14:24
gobbepostfix is quite trivial to setup14:28
ubuntinomy main job is to repair digital clocks, with a guide you would succeed?14:28
gobbedepends on guide14:29
ubuntinoI installed postfix and it works now I want to go ahead14:29
gobbeif it's step by step, then yes14:29
gobbewhat means go ahead? what do you want to do now?14:29
gobbeor what is the goal14:29
ubuntinosuch as ubuntu14:29
gobbeyou might understand that it's quite hard to give help without enough information14:30
ubuntinoAfter postfix dovecot-common is installed14:31
ubuntinoI've posted in the guide is written podo instllare postfix dovecot14:34
ubuntinoI've posted in the guide that is written after instllare postfix dovecot14:34
ubuntinoI've posted in the guide it says after you install postfix dovecot14:35
LikedI need some support for Ubuntu Server15:32
Likedso I ordered a VPS off a site15:32
Likedand they have given me root15:32
Likedand I told them to install15:32
LikedUbuntu Server15:32
LikedI think it was Ubuntu 815:33
Likedwhat commands do I use in SSH15:33
Likedto install a decent GUI15:33
Likedpreferably Gnome15:33
KurtKrautLiked, if it is meant to be a server, you should install Gnome.15:34
Likedmy question is, how?15:34
PiciYou mean "shouldn't"15:34
Likedso what would be better?15:34
KurtKrautLiked, if it is meant to be a server, you shouldn't install Gnome.15:34
LikedWhat would be the best GUI15:34
Likedfor a server15:34
KurtKrautLiked, in fact, if it is meant to be a server, you shouldn't install a GUI.15:34
Likedbut say I felt... compelled to.15:35
PiciMost people don't use any graphical environment on a server, especially on a VPS.15:35
Likedthe VPS is of good spec.15:35
Liked2gb ram15:35
PiciHow were you going to connect to it to see the screen?15:35
Likedthrough VNC15:35
PiciIf you're so compelled to do it, then install whatever you want.15:36
KurtKrautLiked, many people will point out that withouth GUI, you'd save plenty resources for the daily server activities. But even if performance is not an issue, you shouldn't use GUI in a server.15:36
gobbeLiked: well if you want gnome, then install it with apt-get?15:36
KurtKrautLiked, none of the tipical server activities (like being an HTTP server, FTP server, e-mail server etc.), none of them you'll be able to administer, configure or even turn on or off throught a GUI. UNIX-like servers weren't made to be used with a GUI.15:37
patdk-wkapt-get install ubuntu-desktop15:38
KurtKrautLiked, you may install it, you may use it, you may access it remotely but you'll only get a poor desktop experience. If you want to try Ubuntu, just use a LiveCD.15:38
patdk-wkbut really that isn't a ubuntu-server question15:38
patdk-wkunless he wanted a remote desktop, I have done that sometimes, for testing different things, but then, it wasn't meant to be a server anyways15:39
pmatulisLiked: 2GB is not a lot for running a graphical environment.  you'll also need memory for the server portion15:39
Likedpatdk-wk: I was thinking of a remote desktop I guess.15:39
patdk-wkya, not server related question15:39
pmatulisLiked: you may consider a light window manager such as openbox but the best option is to learn the command line15:41
Likedpmatulis: Thanks I guess15:42
LikedI did consider openbox15:42
AndyGraybealmaybe o/t but i'd like to rsync some files from a remote host (one i don't control).  it's got our website on it and i want to make sure i have it backed up somewhere.  i'm doing: rsync -avz user@www.remotehost.com:~/directory  /srv/other_host_backup/www.remotehost.com15:47
AndyGraybealone problem i'm having it says "bash: rsync: command not found" on the remote host.  i figured i only needed rsync on my local host to do this operation.15:48
AndyGraybealany ideas?15:48
uvirtbotNew bug: #695055 in clamav (main) "package clamav-milter 0.96.3 dfsg-2ubuntu1. failed to install/upgrade: subprocess installed post-installation script returned error exit status 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69505515:51
pmatulisAndyGraybeal: no, it needs to be installed on both sides15:54
AndyGraybealpmatulis: why do you think it's telling me 'rsync: command not found" do i have some syntax wrong?15:55
RoyKAndyGraybeal: unless you're rsyincing over nfs, it needs to be installed on both sides15:55
AndyGraybealnot nfs, i don't have control of the remote host :(15:56
AndyGraybealcan i do something like a wget instead?  if rsync is out of the question?15:56
AndyGraybealor scp?15:56
AndyGraybeali guess scp would be better.15:56
pmatulisAndyGraybeal: scp is a good option, yes15:56
AndyGraybealokay, thank you much.15:57
pmatulisAndyGraybeal: but if you will be doing the backup often then rsync is the best.  i'm surprised you have access to back up files but still incapable of installing rsync15:57
AndyGraybealpmatulis: my host i control, i'm trying to rsync the remote host; which doesn't have rsync.  why are you surprised?  is there something i'm missing?15:58
RoyKAndyGraybeal: you should be able to compile rsync on the host with only user rights16:00
RoyKAndyGraybeal: also, the sysadmin might just have forgotten it16:01
AndyGraybealRoyK: lemme talk to sysadmin, i swear i rsync'd earlier this year.16:01
pmatulisAndyGraybeal: is the remote end a ubuntu machine?16:01
AndyGraybealnaw, it's some old fedora machine or it used to be... lemme check16:04
AndyGraybeali think they just re-installed16:04
AndyGraybealwe had 2 days of downtime just recently,16:04
AndyGraybeali don't even have access to 'who'!16:07
AndyGraybealor uname16:07
AndyGraybealany other commands i can use to find out what my host is running aside from uname?16:07
AndyGraybealit's got bash.16:07
patdk-wkheh, doubt you can use cat /etc/issue; cat /etc/motd; cat /etc/lsb-release16:08
AndyGraybealnone of them work :)16:09
AndyGraybealokay, unimportant, i asked for perms to rsync.  waiting on response. i'm gonna find something else to do.16:10
patdk-wkcat /etc/redhat-release16:10
AndyGraybealk lemme try16:11
AndyGraybealit is redhat based, there is rpms16:12
AndyGraybealit doesnt matter :)16:13
pmatulisAndyGraybeal: figure out the release by the rpm versions16:14
AndyGraybealenough stop :)16:16
AndyGraybeali'm going to wrk on something else and hope the admin gives me access to rsync16:16
AndyGraybealthank you though for your persistence16:16
=== ogra_ac is now known as ogra
KartiHi all, wondering if someone could give me a few pointers with NFS from a client17:07
KartiIt is set up on my desktopm but I don't have write access17:07
gobbewhat does your /etc/exports say17:11
patdk-wkgobbe, assuming he is using nfs2/3 :)17:22
gobbepatdk-wk: well, same file is used with nfs4, so what's point ;)17:23
gobbewhat's the point =)17:24
gobbeit's hard to type with n90017:25
patdk-wkhmm, didn't realized nfs4 used it17:25
skorvi'm a newcomer to ubuntu server.... small question: To LVM or not to LVM at install?17:25
patdk-wkI only looked at nfs4 alittle, before I was annoying by how you have to get it working17:25
Kartigobbe, it says - /srv/nfs/Linux *(rw,sync)17:25
gobbei don't see any point not to use lvm17:25
patdk-wkskorv, what will it be?17:26
patdk-wkif your just going make it one big system, just don't bother17:26
patdk-wkif you plan to ever expand or resize things, and stuff, defently lvm17:26
skorvdomain server17:26
patdk-wkdomain server? you mean, dns server?17:26
gobbeKarti: do you get error messages? what are rights to actual directory (/srv/nfs/linux)17:26
skorvsame role as a windows server17:26
skorvprimary domain server17:27
patdk-wkin that case diskspace won't be an issue, unless your running filesystems on it17:27
gobbewell, in server environment i don't see any idea not to use lvm17:27
patdk-wkthen you probably want lvm17:27
skorvweb server will work on another machine17:27
patdk-wkgobbe, lvm has screwed me over many times, in vm's :)17:27
gobbepatdk-wk: :-)17:28
skorvi've got a fresh install (no LVM) for my server17:28
patdk-wkso most of the time I don't use lvm's, except if I'm working with raw drives that I will want to adjust17:28
patdk-wkjust the moving lvm from machine to machine, expecially when they are named the same, gets lvm really screwy in the head :)17:28
gobbepatdk-wk: i'v been using lvm's for several years, without any problems17:28
gobbeproblems are 100% times with administrator, not lvm itself :)17:29
Kartigobbe, drwxr-xr-x 3 root root17:29
patdk-wkya, been using them for 5 years no, no real issues, except for all the rhel vm's17:29
gobbeKarti: and. do you get any errors?17:29
skorvwell... thanks i'll be ok with no LVM17:30
Kartionly in the fact that I can't read or write to the folders once it has been mounted in fstab17:30
gobbeKarti: what is the mount command?17:30
skorvhow good will the server work with a modem.... enouth to make it a fax server as well?17:30
Kartigobbe, my fstab is:17:31
Karti192.168.220.12:/srv/nfs/Linux /home/jim/Desktop/Network nfs default0017:31
gobbeand if you try to write you get error?17:32
Kartigobbe, the create folder and document are greyed out17:33
gobbeKarti: can you try it from terminal?17:33
milliganI have a bunch of 32x32 images. Is there any easy way of combining them into one image so I can use them as a SpriteSheet ?17:34
Kartigobbe, mkdir: cannot create directory `John': Permission denied17:34
gobbeKarti: whatabout sudo mkdir17:34
Kartigobbe, still the same17:35
patdk-wkhe doesn't have, norootsquash, so root not allowed17:35
patdk-wkcheck permissions on the nfs server17:35
patdk-wkmake sure john has write access17:36
gobbeit's permission issue17:36
gobbegive write permissions to everyone if you want to share it with everyone17:36
Kartimany thanks I will try and give it to a group of users...17:36
skorvhow do i check the hardware status (fax modem) if its ok and recongized17:37
skorvinternal modem in my case17:37
patdk-wkskorv, hopefully it's a real faxmodem, and not a softmodem17:37
patdk-wkoh softmodem, heh, going have to find drivers for it I bet17:37
gobbesoftmodems are quite hell17:38
skorvi really dont know...17:38
patdk-wkwell, we can't help you if you dn't know the model of the modem17:38
patdk-wklspci lsusb, ... can help with that17:39
skorvgimme a sec17:39
skorvCommunication controller: Conexant Systems, Inc. HSF 56k HSFi Modem17:40
skorvthats what it says17:41
skorvguess its a soft modem17:42
gobbesounds like17:43
skorvbut at least its a known one P17:43
skorvthe package available in .deb is x386... and ofc i use amd6417:46
=== Hero_of_Mordor is now known as Mordor_away
skorvstill setting up that fax... how faxsetup is asking for port... where do i point it?18:16
gobbethe correct port you have, did you find out that is your modem supported?18:17
gobbeskorv: http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=190728/18:17
skorvyea... got the package from http://www.linuxant.com/drivers/hsf/full/downloads.php18:17
gobberead the link i pasted18:19
skorvyea... thats for x86... not x64... i had to adapt18:22
gobbeyes, 64bit might cause trouble18:23
patdk-wkskorv, you didn't use the free package from linuxant did you? no fax support18:32
siesonI have this script in the cron folder that I want to run hourly but it might take more than an hour to be completed. Does cron run it even though its still running?18:56
gobbesieson: yes18:58
gobbesieson: unless you do some hacks to script to see that is it still running18:58
siesongobbe: I have to do something in the script? isn't there a way to stop cron from running a script currently running?18:59
gobbecron is just scheduler18:59
gobbeit doesn't have any ability to see is previous job still running18:59
siesongobbe: thanks, will figure out how to get the PID in PHP18:59
skorvi'm phucked19:14
pmatulisskorv: ?19:25
=== Mordor_away is now known as Hero_of_Mordor
iRabbitso my boss is a cheap bastard and doesn't want to purchase a Windows Sever license. Here I am learning Ubuntu server on the fly for purposes of hosting a few websites. My first question is... how can I set this thing up for remote access via a VPN?19:48
iRabbitmy second question is, what is the CLI command to see the system specifications19:48
gobbewhat do you mean with system specifications?19:48
air^google it. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/OpenVPN19:49
gobbeunder /proc you can find several specifications19:49
patdk-wklshw is easier, and better to read :)19:49
baggar11iRabbit: check out SSH for remote management19:49
gobbepatdk-wk: oh...i forgot lshw totally :-D19:51
iRabbitI need to know what kind of POS machine this is. it wouldnt let me install x64 but on it19:51
=== cs278|| is now known as cs278^kinslayer
iRabbithow do I scroll up :(19:52
gobbeiRabbit: pageup, or just pass output of lshw to file like sudo lshw > something19:52
iRabbitpage up is a no-go19:53
soreniRabbit: shift-pgup19:53
iRabbitah there we go, thank you19:54
sherrdmidecode|less is pretty good for h/w (and BIOS) as well.19:54
sherrcpu : cat /proc/cpuinfo19:55
=== Amgine is now known as _Socrates
=== _Socrates is now known as Amgine
* Slyboots is wondering; is there a way to get wget to .. eh.. not quite sure how to explain teh problem20:26
gobbewell try20:27
gobbewithout trying it's quite impossible to answer20:27
SlybootsGot a link to download something from amazon; so I copied the URL and pasted it into wget but it doesnt seem to follow the "linking" correctly?20:27
gobbeunless answer is 4220:27
SlybootsIt downloads .. something' but its not teh file I wanted..20:27
gobbeSlyboots: use "-marks20:27
gobbeSlyboots: wget "http://something"20:28
SlybootsMm.. nope20:28
SlybootsIts suppopsed to grab the file "AmazonGSDownloaderSetup.exe"20:29
gobbedoes it require login?20:29
SlybootsBut I just get a HTML document20:29
Slyboots.. possibly20:29
gobbewell that's the reason20:29
gobbeyou need to get cookie and hack the way20:29
SlybootsI'll download it here and send it via scp or something; might be simpler20:30
SlybootsPain in the ass.. :P20:31
gobbeyes it is20:31
RoyKSlyboots: use links20:35
RoyKor lynx20:36
RoyKor something20:36
RoyKwget won't follow javascript redirects20:36
SlybootsThe things I have to do to commit fraud20:36
gobbeRoyK: but still, if site needs login, you need to get cookie before20:36
SlybootsI swear :P20:36
RoyKapt-get install links20:36
SlybootsBut at least Amazon is *trusting*20:36
Slybootsit.. supports mouse-interactions?!20:37
Slyboots... Thats freaky; I didnt think you could do that in putty20:37
pmatulisgobbe: lynx is a web browser20:38
RoyKlinks is nice20:38
RoyKlynx is - well - ok20:38
RoyKbut links is awesome20:38
gobbepmatulis: yes it is20:38
gobbepmatulis: i know :)20:38
pmatulisor elinks20:38
gobbepmatulis: but still, you need to login20:39
pmatulisgobbe: yes, so?20:39
gobbepmatulis: if you need automate something20:39
gobbei don't know what slyboots was doing20:39
Slybootsgobbe: it worked fine20:39
SlybootsClicked the link "Oh please log-in.. "Save"20:39
gobbeSlyboots: yes, i thought that you are doing somekind of automation20:40
gobbemy mistake20:40
Slybootsgobbe: nah..20:41
SlybootsNeed the Amazon windows client to download games20:41
* RoyK is waiting for Steam to download Civ V for his mac20:41
SlybootsWait; somethings gone a bit wrong I fear20:42
SlybootsThink you need a browser to use this program20:43
uvirtbotNew bug: #695145 in clamav (main) "package clamav-base 0.96.3 dfsg-2ubuntu1. failed to install/upgrade: sub-processo script post-installation instalado retornou estado de saĆ­da de erro 1" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69514520:51
Delerium_Hi, can someone do 2 little connection test for me?  (http + a telnet)20:54
* Slyboots Need a really basic web-browser20:57
SlybootsIsnt there one called dig or something20:57
SlybootsOr Dilo or something stupid like that20:58
gobbedig is not a webbrowser20:58
gobbeSlyboots: links?20:59
SlybootsNeeds to be GUI based21:01
SlybootsSoemthing wine will link to; and without a ton of crappy dependances like Gnome or KDE21:01
SlybootsChromium; perfect21:02
SlybootsDoesnt work21:14
RoyKdbpool/bacula              1.61T  92.8T  1.61T  /dbpool/bacula21:16
SlybootsMay have to setup a virtual-server client.. bleh21:24
SlybootsI know this is outside Ubuntu server..21:25
SlybootsWell; actually perhaps not; is there a way to setup something like VirtualBox on a headerless server?21:25
claydi am running a ubuntu server to host wordpress sites.  for some reason i can not send emails from with in wordpress.  is the a mod for apache that is needed, or for php?21:26
claydbasically do i need something like postfix?21:26
SlybootsAnyone know how to tell were all your free-space has gone :P22:18
patdk-wkdu :)22:19
Slyboots.. a *friendly* way lol22:20
air^use some nice parameters to du? :)22:20
air^"du -h --max-depth 1" ?22:21
RoyKSlyboots: try rn22:21
RoyKor rm22:21
Slybootsrunning du is rather like having someone scream in your face22:22
SlybootsNot very plesent..22:22
air^as said, just give it right parameters and it acts nicely.22:22
RoyKSlyboots: if you don't know where the data is, it's the only way22:22
RoyKdu -sch /path/*22:23
patdk-wkheh, I normally do: du -sc /* | sort -n22:30
patdk-wkgo into largest *odd* directory, and repeat22:30
patdk-wkwell, with the / removed22:30
* Slyboots will just have to dig around.. not 100% whats going on22:33

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