
rippsOkay, I have a new mobo with 939 processor and I need a new pci-e video card to go with it, what's the best I can get for around $70-80?01:17
AlphaClusterripps: are you hoping to game alot or just want video effects?01:48
rippsI'm not a huge gamer, but I do play emulator's somewhat regularily. Being able to play psx/n64 games would be nice01:49
rippsVideo playback and future-proofing is my priority01:50
AlphaClusterhttp://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16814131381 ?01:50
AlphaClusterShould even have a good Open Source driver ;)01:51
rippsdoes it have xvmc in the -radeon driver?01:52
rippsi know that r600 recently got xvmc01:52
AlphaClusterisnt 4xxx series r600?01:53
rippsI don't know, that's why I'm asking :)01:53
AlphaClusterlol yeah im gu8na go double check01:53
rippsHD playback is a high priority for me01:53
AlphaClusteri dont think it has hardware accelleration with the os driver yet01:54
rippsfast and smooth graphics, 2nd. And 3d gaming is 3rd01:54
AlphaClusterthey have been working on it though.01:54
AlphaClusterI know the prepriatery drivers provide a VA-API driver. If you want accel you migh twant to go nvidia though its prepriatry it will proved VDPAU for awhile.01:55
rippsyeah, I'm aware of the fglrx va-api, and I know that it is crap01:56
AlphaClusterlol i got it working but needed to manually build mplayer01:56
AlphaClusteri personally have a 5770 and am waiting for the power management to be added to the 5xxx series01:57
AlphaClusterbtw 4xxx series is r700 but r600 and r700 are almost the same...01:58
rippsI'm considering nvidia, but I'm concerned over the future. You need the proprietary for things to work, but driver has a habit of not working with the bleeding-edge xserver/kernel and I'm also worried about the switch to wayland in a few years.01:58
AlphaClusteryeah that is why i got ATU02:00
AlphaClusterit may not be perfect now but they will eventually get it working through gallum02:01
rippsCan you play you play 1080p video fairly easily?02:02
AlphaClusterlkol yeah02:03
AlphaClustermy only issue is sometimes there is tearing on my 5xxx but i would guess that is less common on the 4xxx as it has better XV support02:04
rippsI'm not entirely sure what the processor with this mobo is. I know it's an amd 64 bit, and it's 939 socket. But I don't have a fan for it yet, so I can turn on the computer yet to check out the specs.02:04
rippsI'm purchasing a video card and fan now02:05
AlphaClusterwell if you got a dual core you should be fine :)02:09
rippsI hope it is02:09
rippsi think most all 64 bit for the 939 were dual, but I can't be sure02:10
AlphaClusternot all but most for desktop were02:10
rippsactually, I just typed in the serial number into google.02:13
rippsLooks like it's a amd 3200+02:14
rippswhich is only single core :/02:14
rippsstill better than my current desktop02:14
AlphaClusterlol yeah02:15
AlphaClusteri think i played 720p fine on one of those02:15
rippsmaybe I should get nvidia than, so that I can I get the hardware acceleration02:16
AlphaClusteryeah might be worth it in that case02:17
AlphaClusteri almost want to say go with a 9800 then lol02:18
AlphaClusterbut i dont remember if taht does vdpau or if its after that series02:18
rippsthis looks good.02:20
AlphaClusteryep that should be good :)02:20
AlphaClusteri missed taht cause i thoguht they were all to high of a price02:21
rippshopefully nouveou will be more mature by the time wayland comes out02:21
rippsor nvidia get with it and supports wayland02:21
AlphaClusteryeah if wayland get popular they will support it02:22
rippsin an ideal world, I would upgrade to an i-core intel setup with sandybridge in the future. Intel video support has pretty good va-api02:22
AlphaClusterlol i will report that back to the group02:24
AlphaClusterjust got a cheap gateway for a htpc02:24
AlphaClusterguna try ubuntu 10.10 and see hwo intel support is02:24
rippsif you have any computer your not using, feel free to hand them down to me, I'm alway looking to upgrade my setup. Also trying to build my mom an htpc as well02:25
AlphaClusterlol sadly i dont have anything that is useable that i dont use02:25
AlphaClusterthe only retired computer i have around is a Dell Latitude LS with a P3 in it rofl02:26
unrealjeffhi friends05:45
unrealjeffMINNESOTA FRIENDS05:45
TakyojiEgad, there's people in here from Minnesota? D:06:39
unrealjeffhi but brb07:15
TakyojiJust playing with some malware (in a VirtualBox VM) that my brother's Windows 7 laptop was just infected with; as part of a drive-by download when doing casual web browsing in the most recent version of Google Chrome.07:16
unrealjeffbrb ubuntuites07:17
* Takyoji wonders why some names in Pidgin in IRC discussions are italicized07:32
Wally____If anyone has a some intermittent time to help with a ubuntu problem, let me know.19:15
Wally____Ubuntu 10.04 that won't boot past login screen19:16
tonyyarussoWally____: Generally it's best to just describe all of your problem as best you can and if someone knows the answer, they'll respond.  (Also known as "don't ask to ask")19:17
Wally____I messed up the display drivers and need to reinstall them using a live cd19:17
Wally____I need help reinstalling the display drivers using a live cd19:17
tonyyarussoWhich video family?  (Intel, ATI, nVidia, etc.)19:18
Wally____i am on a linux mint 9 live usb currently19:19
tonyyarussoFixing Ubuntu from a Mint environment might be trickier than necessary - do you have an Ubuntu image handy?19:20
Wally____i willl get one.  be back soon19:20
=== ubuntu is now known as Wally
Wallyok.  Back19:43
Wallytonyyarusso, did you have a method to install a NVidia Driver via a live usb?19:46
TakyojiI believe you can get the installer directly from NVidia19:50
TakyojiJust not as convenient as doing it through the package manager though I believe19:50
WallyThe problem is my ubuntu 10.04 will not boot.  I tried to update the driver and f'd up19:51
WallyOnce it tries to load the login screen it freezes19:51
Wallywhen I boot into recovery mode, the display is messed up and I can't see what i am doing19:51
Wallyso i need to load it via a live usb19:51
Wallyto try and save my install. :(19:52
WallyI have the install downloaded to the download folder on the home/"Username" of the ubuntu install.19:52
TakyojiCould boot to command line and remove nvidia-current and nvidia-common (which should hopefully remove everything depending on such)19:52
Wallythey are already gone19:53
WallyI purged them via command line19:53
tonyyarussoWally: From a Live environment, you can chroot into the hard disk partitions, and run apt commands and whatnot from there for whatever you need to do, affecting the installed system.20:02
TakyojiAnyone heard of the MovableType CMS before at all?21:33
Takyojijust came across it out of curiosity myself21:33
WallyI need some help with running a script via chroot21:44
WallyI get  ERROR: missing/broken uname.  Cannot perform platform check.21:47
Wallywhile login as chroot21:48
Wallybut when I uname it still shows me as my live usb uname21:48
=== ubuntu_ is now known as Wally______
unrealjeffyour name is long23:02
unrealjeffis this a free to talk IRC23:02
tonyyarussoTakyoji: I have.23:17
Wally______I need to run a NVIDIA install script through chroot but I keep getting errors.23:17
tonyyarussoI think it's more blogging platform than CMS though, a la WordPress.23:17
Wally______I am logged in to the other user but when I run the script i get  ERROR: missing/broken uname.  Cannot perform platform check.23:18
tonyyarussounrealjeff: within some reasonable limits, yes.23:18
unrealjefftonyyarusso: cool23:18
unrealjeffso what part of Minnesota?23:18
tonyyarussoWally______: do a `which uname` - what is the path given and can you run it with the full path?23:19
tonyyarussounrealjeff: Twin Cities23:19
unrealjeffi live in a suburb of the twin cities23:20
Wally______root@ubuntu:/home/Downloads# which uname23:20
Wally______is what I get inreturn of that23:20
Wally______first i did chroot /media/linux/23:21
Wally______which was the mount point of my system23:21
Wally______then i did chroot23:22
Wally______errr scratch that23:22
Wally______then i cd to the "Downloads"23:22
Wally______then sh "NVIDIA-BlahBlah"23:22
Wally______and I get23:23
Wally______root@ubuntu:/home/wally/Downloads# sh NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run23:23
Wally______NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run: 735: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied23:23
Wally______NVIDIA-Linux-x86-260.19.29.run: 736: cannot create /dev/null: Permission denied23:23
Wally______ERROR: missing/broken uname.  Cannot perform platform check.23:23
tonyyarussowhoa, dude23:23
lubotu1For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.23:23
tonyyarussounrealjeff: actually I'm in a suburb as well - same thing23:23
tonyyarussoWrong side o' the river!23:23
tonyyarussoWally______: are you root?23:24
Wally______root on my live cd? or on the chroot??23:25
tonyyarussoboth, really23:25
Wally______ok  i gotta reset the live cd root password23:29
Wally______ok I am23:33

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