* wrst thinks he has his wires about straight | 04:14 | |
* wrst has one more reboot | 04:16 | |
cyberanger | wrst: pull this wire, it looks shiney ;-) | 04:19 |
wrst | ha ha trying to get my setup something that looks sane cyberanger | 04:20 |
wrst | how are you doing? | 04:20 |
cyberanger | I'm doing well, just enjoying the insanity in my setup, something about it appeals to the schizophrenic in me | 04:22 |
cyberanger | well, both of them actually | 04:22 |
cyberanger | glad your setup is sane ;-) | 04:24 |
cyberanger | doing good, just watching some dollhouse (of which that schizophrenic quote was shamelessly borrowed from) | 04:24 |
wrst | what type of insanity are you doing cyberanger ? | 04:25 |
cyberanger | at the moment openvpn | 04:26 |
* cyberanger is overlooking something, and knows it, it shouldn't be harder than installing linux on a toaster | 04:26 | |
wrst | vpns are something i have never messed with | 04:28 |
cyberanger | I have, this is a bit further than before | 04:28 |
cyberanger | and I am doing it all config files, no webmin and such | 04:29 |
chris4585 | cyberanger, I made a reference to linux on a toaster today how strange lol | 04:31 |
cyberanger | well, I should have said snowblower then, darn (I was saving that one for later) | 04:32 |
chris4585 | nah, I'm just saying sometimes I feel really connected to the universe or something | 04:33 |
cyberanger | hehe | 04:34 |
wrst | cyberanger: i like me some webmin :) | 04:39 |
cyberanger | (I still missed my timing for a good snowblower refrence though, http://imagebin.org/129857 ) | 04:39 |
cyberanger | oh, one that I should use when I blog about diaspora, I forgot about this one ;-) http://xkcd.com/743/ | 04:42 |
wrst | goodnight everyone | 04:46 |
cyberanger | night wrst | 04:46 |
Xpistos | morning | 14:51 |
Xpistos | wrst | 14:51 |
wrst | morning Xpistos i'm still on vacation woot woot! | 14:58 |
Xpistos | cool | 15:02 |
wrst | yes gotta work tomorrow then off the rest of the week so 1 day work weeks i am all about that! | 15:15 |
cyberanger | Xpistos: afaik, there is no hdd limit | 15:50 |
cyberanger | at least one you can hit | 15:50 |
cyberanger | morning all | 15:50 |
Xpistos | cool | 15:58 |
cyberanger | Xpistos: that's assuming that this is all standard rig, nothing odd about the mobo, safe odds | 16:07 |
cyberanger | my netbook falls the other way, 2GB HDD is solid state, soldered right to the mobo | 16:08 |
Xpistos | cyberanger: I needed check to see if I could put a 3 tb drive in my server and it said something about a 2.19 tb limit in the description of the hdd | 16:08 |
cyberanger | hrm, what said that? the mobo? | 16:13 |
Xpistos | no the drive itself | 16:53 |
cyberanger | the 3tb drive said it wass a 2.19tb drive? | 17:39 |
Xpistos | no in the description on new egg it said some mobo have a limitation | 17:56 |
wrst | xpistos I have never had those limits pan out everything has worked for me | 17:56 |
Xpistos | cool | 17:57 |
Xpistos | Cause right now I could use a 3tb | 17:57 |
Xpistos | swap out the junk there and keep the important stuff (home movies and picts ect) to my 500 gb drive | 17:57 |
cyberanger | Xpistos: tread carefully, that drive is big, it maybe the first to pan out | 17:59 |
cyberanger | idk, I doubt it, but that msg is enough to rattle my head | 17:59 |
wrst | yeah I have just broken the limits by .5 TB | 18:00 |
Xpistos | wrst: how big? | 18:04 |
wrst | limit was 1TB I went with 1.5 | 18:06 |
=== excid3|mbp is now known as excid3|partyhat | ||
wrst | cyberanger: i'm still using irssi | 19:54 |
cyberanger | wrst: sweet | 20:15 |
wrst | yes its not as good as quassel in a lot of ways but better in others so i'm sticking with for a while | 20:16 |
Worldspice_Will | i've only ever used xchat. i tried pidgin briefly for irc and hated it. | 20:17 |
wrst | i am curious what the log will log like after a year | 20:17 |
wrst | yeah Worldspice_Will pidgin stinks for irc, its great for other stuff but for irc not so much | 20:17 |
Worldspice_Will | i want to implement an ejabberd server here. | 20:18 |
wrst | Worldspice_Will: well i have to ask what is that? it sounds cool :) | 20:19 |
Worldspice_Will | it's a xmpp server, same protocol that iChat and Google Talk are based on. It supports end to end encryption, message archiving, group chat. | 20:20 |
Worldspice_Will | it's really a must for a mobile office. too many companies are still on Yahoo and AIM, completely unsecure and unrealiable. | 20:22 |
Worldspice_Will | *insecure. | 20:22 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: hating pidgin as an irc client is a natural responce for so many | 20:25 |
Worldspice_Will | it's adequate is all you ever do is chat on one or two channels. | 20:25 |
cyberanger | ejabberd isn't bad, I've used some other jabber daemons, not bad | 20:25 |
cyberanger | bitlbee is a better option for a client, if your 9/10ths irc and 1/10th IM | 20:26 |
cyberanger | and that's what I've used for awhile now | 20:26 |
cyberanger | http://www.linuxjournal.com/podcast/linux-journal-insider-february-2011, should be worth the wait | 20:28 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: what do you use now, for IRC and IM? | 20:28 |
cyberanger | and what do you plan to use | 20:28 |
wrst | ahh i see Worldspice_Will thanks :) | 20:36 |
Worldspice_Will | i use xchat + empathy on my desktop | 20:39 |
Worldspice_Will | gchat and fring on android | 20:40 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: do you prefer xchat? | 20:42 |
wrst | Worldspice_Will: i used to use quassel but no way to connect to quassel from android and with ssh, screen and irssi i can do that | 20:43 |
Worldspice_Will | gtk compatibility plus i've been on Linux for over 10 years, it's all there was when i started. | 20:43 |
cyberanger | wrst: and that's the reason I wound up using bitlbee (after some issues with configing it for an alternate port, or it and my ircd griped at each other) | 20:44 |
cyberanger | it wasn't a client in the normal since, my favorite client (irssi) was able to be accessed from anything | 20:45 |
cyberanger | however at that time I didn't fathom a smartphone being a part of anything (however I could have, my wallet shrunk my foresight) | 20:45 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: have you tried irssi, weechat, chatzilla, or any other client | 20:46 |
cyberanger | same for IM (like amsn, psi)? | 20:46 |
* cyberanger finds it funny that those who've been on linux since day one stick to a gui, and I'm a stones throw short from full time cli myself | 20:47 | |
wrst | some of us like the "easy" way cyberanger :) | 20:49 |
cyberanger | wrst: says the guy using irssi ;-) | 20:49 |
* cyberanger waited for that one, but yeah, I get it, the words job and day come to mind, though not in that order ;-) | 20:50 | |
Worldspice_Will | i've used chatzilla. had some memory problems with it a while back, but that's when Firefox was a major resource hog. | 20:50 |
Worldspice_Will | i'm not afraid of command line apps. i like rtorrent. it has the smallest memory footprint of all the bittorrent clients. | 20:51 |
wrst | it all comes down to what works best | 20:52 |
cyberanger | wrst: I love rtorrent myself | 20:53 |
cyberanger | use it to seed linux distros mainly (while I do believe in copyright reform, I never got around to putting an eye patch on and waiving the jolley roger) | 20:54 |
cyberanger | an intresting way to distrubte tv too http://www.pioneerone.tv/ | 20:54 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: glad your a fan? | 20:54 |
cyberanger | hey netritious | 20:55 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: glad your a fan! (whoops) | 20:55 |
netritious | howdy cyberanger | 20:55 |
netritious | howdy locotn :) | 20:55 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: what's kept you from setting up ejabberd, or similar jabberd | 20:56 |
Worldspice_Will | my coworker is moving out of the office today. after today i'll have my own window office. how many other sysadmins can say that :) | 20:56 |
wrst | netritious: howdy | 20:56 |
netritious | howdy wrst | 20:56 |
Worldspice_Will | cyberanger, i just started here about 3 weeks ago. i'm just getting up to speed. | 20:57 |
* cyberanger can, but that's cause I freelance too, and my freelance office was my choice | 20:57 | |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: ah, gotcha, makes sense | 20:57 |
* cyberanger wants to make some setup scripts for that, really should too, would help out for swissknife-router | 20:58 | |
Worldspice_Will | i have some ideas to implement some technologies that will make our office more mobile. jabber chat is just one of them. i have a few goals outlined for the coming year. | 20:59 |
cyberanger | jabber is a secure chat server, has a niche I overlooked in swissknife-router, D'Oh (the whole point is to aid in communications for disaster relief, and I overlooked a bloddy chat service, wow I feel dumb atm) | 21:00 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: what's some other ideas (if you can say) | 21:01 |
cyberanger | ? | 21:01 |
cyberanger | netritious: what's going on? | 21:04 |
netritious | cyberanger: nothing much....fixing a computer | 21:12 |
wrst | i threw about 3 computers out today | 21:13 |
netritious | what was wrong with them wrst? | 21:13 |
wrst | well had windows 98 stickers on them, removed all i could find useful they were taking up so much space | 21:14 |
netritious | ah ancient pc's | 21:14 |
wrst | yes very much so | 21:14 |
cyberanger | that's not ancient, you took them to a landfill? | 21:15 |
Worldspice_Will | cyberanger, i'm kind of in a unique position. all of the applications i develop for internal use can be resold to our business customers. i want to move us into a mobile office, cloud computing environment. there are a lot of different technologies i can implement. | 21:15 |
wrst | yes cyberanger | 21:15 |
* cyberanger hates the term cloud computing, sees it as just a consumer friendly name for the terminal mainframe model I used before the term was used | 21:17 | |
wrst | cyberanger: i cna't say i'm overly thrilled with leaving google totally in control of all my data even though i guess i just about have anyway | 21:17 |
cyberanger | wrst: cool, mobile offices is a nice way for the red cross, seen them use alot of that methodolgy | 21:18 |
cyberanger | wrst: google, microsoft, yahoo, yeah, agreed | 21:18 |
wrst | yes especially microsoft and yahoo... yuck! | 21:19 |
cyberanger | I've done what I can to diversy, and also keep myself in sole control, without overburdening myself | 21:19 |
cyberanger | thus my fandom of VPS's and SSH, so on | 21:21 |
cyberanger | but there's a point where a local machine is best | 21:22 |
Worldspice_Will | i think cloud computing is great for business, as long as the business owns or is in control of it's own cloud. | 21:29 |
Worldspice_Will | what sucks is when you show up to a presentation and you realize that your presentation is on your desktop at home, or your thumb drive won't work in the board room... I've had both happen to me. | 21:31 |
Worldspice_Will | anyone else here using linux in a professional capacity? | 22:38 |
wrst | Worldspice_Will: i do use it on occasion at work i keep ubuntu installed but i'm a bean counter, so guess not really :) | 22:39 |
Worldspice_Will | i've worked with accountants and finance departments for the last 6 years until this job. | 22:40 |
cyberanger | Worldspice_Will: yes, I try to push it into my work actually | 22:45 |
cyberanger | but considering how far Windows has pushed, it's a pain | 22:45 |
cyberanger | I'm working on startup plans that would really push ubuntu far | 22:46 |
Worldspice_Will | wrst, are you a CPA? | 22:51 |
wrst | studying to get there Worldspice_Will | 22:51 |
wrst | need to get the exam taken | 22:51 |
Worldspice_Will | do you work for a accountancy firm or ... | 22:52 |
wrst | no a company | 22:52 |
Worldspice_Will | got it. i have a BBA, considered accountancy, i had higher grades in acct and finance than MIS. | 22:53 |
wrst | don't really want to get into working for a firm but want the cpa it cna't hurt to have it | 22:53 |
Worldspice_Will | i know an accountant/farmer. he works from January to April as an accountant and is an organic farmer the rest of the year. he owns the only certified organic farm in w. tn. | 22:55 |
wrst | thats cool Worldspice_Will | 23:47 |
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