
invisiblekdd if=/dev/sdXX of=/dev/sdXX00:00
cablopinvisiblek: mmm, but can't i change the size of the partition while doing that?00:00
plundraDiamondcite: No, it's nothing like that. I did try the other interace aswell.00:00
invisiblekcablop, i dont think so, but you should be able to do that afterwards from a livecd00:00
plundraDiamondcite: I get errors from tg3 when rebooting, for exampl.e00:00
invisiblekbut maybe not...00:00
hihihi100how can i see the data of a .lst file?00:01
plundraDiamondcite: Something seems to be very broken :-) I'll move the pbx to another machine for now, and look at this later on.00:01
plundraIt's 01:00 AM and I'm drunk :-P But was near the colo facility.00:01
plundraStupid cheap ass computers!00:02
linux_probestupid drunkard operators :)00:02
Diamondciteplundra: Well I'm clueless for now.. Since you claim the cards didn't swap ids with each other ^_^00:02
MrUnagihow can i limit sftp users to one directory?00:02
plundraDiamondcite: This must be a hardware problem, either from the nic it self or some other part of the hardware.00:03
plundraDiamondcite: Thanks for your interest though!00:03
invisiblekhihihi100, you can do: cat /path/to/file.lst00:03
invisiblekhihihi100, that will just puke the contents of the file, you can edit it with gedit or nano00:03
HollowPointMrUnagi: use the chroot feature in whichever ftp server you are using00:05
MrUnagii was using openssh which i didnt think had a chroot option, do you have an sftp server suggestion?00:05
akumafandoes Ubuntu 10.10 support WUSB54GSC v2?00:06
akumafanin any way00:06
HollowPointah hadn't noticed the s on the front of ftp00:06
akumafanit's a wireless usb dongle00:06
al_nz1if I have a wireless receiver for my usb mouse, and I want to cat /dev/"usbreceiver" - how do I work out which usbmon device the receiver is on? lsusb gave me bus and device if that helps?00:06
MrUnagiHollowPoint: yea, otherwise it would be easy =)00:06
simon_when i use world of warcraft on opengl mode it give me an error,but i can run it in direct x(but it goes very slow) i'm using lucid 32bits with intel g31 without compiz.  PD:render yes.gears:5000 frames in 5s00:06
HollowPointMrUnagi: you should still be able to do it though, I haven't had to chroot an SFTP user for a long long time though00:07
HollowPointI've had trusted users for quite some time00:07
MrUnagiHollowPoint: there is a lot of documentation but none of them have worked for me00:07
raven737Hi... i am trying to load a Broadcom b43 driver (from compat-wireless) and i get the error "The driver does not know which firmware (initvals) is required for your device (wl-core rev 16)"... does anybody have any idea on what i can do to fix this?00:07
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HollowPointMrUnagi: you could use scponly, but it won't work for existing users00:08
akumafanbasically i'm following this thread but no luck http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=124716300:09
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HollowPointso you'd have to delete any existing users and recreate them USING scponly and not adduser00:09
MrUnagiHollowPoint: that was the last attempt that i tried00:09
HollowPointMrUnagi: that one should work fine, was what I used last time and it did the job nicely00:09
MrUnagisometimes ssh will deny the connection00:09
HollowPointsometimes or all the time?00:10
MrUnagidepends on the method and what was changed00:10
MrUnagii need to keep better logs00:10
MrUnagibut i know that if i set the shell to bin/false, sftp wouldnt work either00:11
HollowPointhmmmmmmmmmm, well scponly will probably refuse the connection if one is already/was recently active00:11
wagnerhello! i'm having a problem with fstab, someone can help me?00:11
HollowPointbecause it's specifically designed to limit access00:11
HollowPointwagner: what kind of problem?00:11
MrUnagiHollowPoint: does that mean i cant configure scponly through ssh?00:11
DiamondciteMrUnagi: Tried 'rssh' it's a shell for scp and ftp accounts00:12
wagneri try to give user access (mount and rw) to all user, is a extra partition, but i cant00:12
HollowPointMrUnagi: no you should be able to configure it through ssh, just so long as you're not trying to create the same user you're currently logged in as00:12
MrUnagiHollowPoint: ok cool, i dont want to limit my admin user :D00:12
HollowPointwagner: although you can set rw permissions in fstab, they will then be over-ridden by the specifc file/folder permissions00:13
hihihi100where can I find a german english open source dictionary to use OFFLINE?00:13
MrUnagiDiamondcite: i will try that after i try scponly00:13
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jon_athonany recs on a bomber ftp and ssh server?00:13
jon_athonok, bomb proof00:14
MrUnagiget a shelter?00:14
HollowPointvsftp always worked for me00:14
akumafanI have WUSB54GSC v2 which is supposedly a Broadcom chip00:14
akumafanbut i can't get it to work00:14
wagnerHollowPoint, defaults is rw, or no?00:14
HollowPointakumafan: are you installing from repos or source?00:14
jon_athonakumafan, my experience with broadcom is that its a PITA00:14
jon_athonHollowPoint, thanks, ftp and ssh or just ftp?00:15
HollowPointvsftp goes someway towards supporting ftp and sftp, but it really depends what you want00:15
HollowPointfor ssh you need openssh00:15
jon_athongotcha, thanks00:15
HollowPointfor ftp, you can use vsftp or if like MrUnagi you're trying to setup specific sftp chroots then you'll need something like scponly00:15
MrUnagiubuntu takes forever to install in a vm lol00:15
MrUnagiHollowPoint: scponly still requires openssh right?00:16
jon_athonI'm not sure what an sftp chroot is00:16
MrUnagijon_athon: jail for sftp users00:16
HollowPointMrUnagi: yeah, anything using SSH still needs openssh or similar00:16
MrUnagiHollowPoint: ok no problem00:16
jon_athonMrUnagi, I don't like jail00:16
MrUnagijon_athon: that is what i need00:16
wagnerHollowPoint, i'm doing this: /dev/sda5       /geral          reiserfs defaults,users        0       200:17
HollowPointjon_athon: chroot in sftp basically does the same as chroot in ftp, it restricts the user to the folder you specify00:17
jon_athonOh, I like that00:17
MrUnagibut you said you didnt00:17
nylosHello! Does anyone know how to check which graphiccard is the currently active one on my system? I have a laptop with Nvidia-Sli00:17
jon_athonMrUnagi, did you kill someone00:17
jon_athonMrUnagi, I said I dunno what it is... I knew the concept00:17
HollowPointwagner: what exactly are you trying to do? Allow anyone to mount the partition? Or allow anyone to read write it?00:18
wagnerHollowPoint, anyone to mount and rw it00:18
HollowPointwell rw it depends on the file/folder permissions, nothing you can do about that in fstab00:19
HollowPointmounting depends on the folder you're mounting it in00:19
HollowPointas in the file/folder permissions for that folder00:19
wagnerHollowPoint, so, i need to mount in fstab and modify the folder permissions00:20
MrUnagiHollowPoint: what about this method http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=22900:21
HollowPointwagner: first and foremost, you need to make sure the folder you are intending to mount it in /geral you said above, has permissions 77700:21
Vincent1800hi all00:21
jon_athonMrUnagi, that's neat, so each ftp user has it's own root folder, and scponly creates the remote shell appending the chroot command?00:21
lorenzohi, i dont get any input on my M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB soundcard. I get outputs alright, but no input at all (not even listed as output in the preference box). Any suggestions? It was working fine a couple of days ago, i am puzzled. Thanks00:21
MrUnagisight......still stuck on 77%00:22
HollowPointwagner: after making sure /geral has 777 permissions, you'll need to mount the drive, and make sure all folders have likewise 777 permissions and files will need 666 permissions to allow ANYONE to read and write them, unfortunately, that won't stop new files and folders being created as read/write by the user that created them only00:23
Nexxus im trying to use kismet to check out some packets coming in and out of my web server and my ethernet controller is a Realtek RTL9111.  The website provided by kismet to match card types is given here: http://www.kismetwireless.net/documentation.shtml#readme but i cant seem to find my card what should i do00:24
wagnerHollowPoint, thanks! I will do it00:24
HollowPointMrUnagi: sorry for delay, that looks good, lots of work though for each user :(00:25
MrUnagiHollowPoint: luckily i only have 2 users :D00:25
HollowPointlol MrUnagi that's ok then00:25
MrUnagiHollowPoint: but it doesn't need to be for each user......just add each new users to sftp group00:25
gartralhello all, anyone else using ubuntu on a cr-48? it needs special kernel setups. and i'm afraid to do a full update. any ideas?00:26
HollowPointyeah I noticed, not a bad addition to a very old tool00:26
cablopinvisiblek: then, do i need to create exact size target partitions before using dd?00:27
lorenzo hi, i dont get any input on my M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB soundcard. I get outputs alright, but no input at all (not even listed as output in the preference box). Any suggestions? It was working fine a couple of days ago, i am puzzled. Thanks00:27
Nexxus im trying to use kismet to check out some packets coming in and out of my web server and my ethernet controller is a Realtek RTL9111.  The website provided by kismet to match card types is given here: http://www.kismetwireless.net/documentation.shtml#readme but i cant seem to find my card what should i do00:27
jon_athonDoes scponly use the ftp protocol for transferring files?00:28
ZykoticK9jon_athon, scp should be using ssh00:28
secretary_linuxNexxus: isn't that a wired card?00:28
cablopis 25 GB enough space for the root (aka system) partition?00:28
raven737Hi... i get "ERROR: PLL init unknown for device 4322" (for a broadcom b43 wireless chip)... anyone know a solution?00:28
PratikPatelI discovered the documentation was out of date, so my question doesn't need to be answered.00:29
jon_athonZykoticK9, does ssh support all of the file transfer features of ftp? e.g. resume checkpoints00:29
Nexxussecretary_linux: ya my mistake the wireless card is a Ralink RT286000:29
PratikPatelThe one about MonoDevelop.00:29
ZykoticK9cablop, "enough" is relative to what you will be installing.  I use 8GB for my VMs but my main system have 500GB for /00:29
gartraland how does one setup full multi touch gestures?00:30
ZykoticK9jon_athon, sorry don't know00:30
Jordan_Ucablop: Yes, though I wouldn't call it the "system" partition as in the windows world that means something completely different, and in the *NIX world everyone understands "root partition".00:30
jon_athonZykoticK9, no worries, thanks00:30
onelinerHello there, just installed 10.10 and am beeing greeted by a blinking cursor and no boot, using live cd right now, any suggestions appreciated00:30
HollowPointjon_athon: onlyscp uses ssh/scp to transfer files, as does sftp00:30
Jordan_Uoneliner: Do you have more than one hard drive?00:30
jon_athonHmmm, never heard of scp00:30
Vincent1800oneliner: burn cd again...00:31
jon_athonmust not make it into the windows arena much... I'm a recent convert :)00:31
HollowPointjon_athon: scp is basically copying a file over ssh, it's a oneshot wonder, if it fails, you start again00:31
gartralhello all, anyone else using ubuntu on a cr-48? it needs special kernel setups. and i'm afraid to do a full update. any ideas?00:31
Vincent1800your cd is not good00:31
jon_athonHollowPoint, f... that sucks00:31
jon_athonI guess it does make it to the windows world... I've never configured ssh before on a machine though.00:31
HollowPointjon_athon: ah but if you use a client like filezilla, you can copy multiple files over sftp and it handles all the transactions for you, which is where the sftp stuff comes in00:32
onelinerJordan_U:  yes Vincent1800  how would i check cd integrity, live versions is running ok, am using it00:32
cablopwqow ZykoticK9 i just plan to have the root thing on it while having home and other things elsewhere00:32
onelinerJordan_U:  sata drive is my target drive for install, is set as primary boot after cd drive00:32
JargonJragon: Error: "helllo" is not a valid command.00:32
jon_athonHollowPoint, yea but if the server isn't creating resume points the client will still need to restart a download00:33
secretary_linux Nexxus: where IFACE is your card, you could try sudo iwconfig IFACE mode monitor to test it yourself00:33
jon_athonHollowPoint, I'm worried about unstable connections.00:33
ZykoticK9cablop, again - it depends on what you will be installing.  If you plan on installing commercial games, which i personally do, then 25GB would be too small for my needs.00:33
Jordan_Uoneliner: Grub was probably not installed to the drive you're booting from. Try changing the boot order (Ubuntu doesn't always install grub to the hard drive the rest of Ubuntu is installed to, which I don't particularly like).00:33
Vincent1800oneliner: u can check with md5 for iso or in the cd installer00:33
HollowPointthis is true, however the client remembers the last thing it successfully uploaded and if a connection was lost/terminated, it starts from the last unsuccesful file00:33
chaospsychexi installed windows and now i can't boot into ubuntu00:33
Nexxussecretary_linux: alright ill give that a shot thanks00:33
Jordan_Uchaospsychex: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide00:34
jon_athonis there any way to wrap ftp in a secure shell... besides things like IPSEC and GRE tunnels?00:34
HollowPointchaospsychex: you can't install windows AFTER Linux, it's the other way around00:34
secretary_linuxNexxus: I'm not sure but it's possible iwconfig is case sensitive in which case you should do sudo iwconfig mode Monitor00:34
cablopZykoticK9: nah, it is a netbook, just a few games on it00:34
HollowPointyeah, sftp lol00:34
secretary_linuxNexxus: with your interface name in there of course00:34
ZykoticK9chaospsychex, windows over rights grub.  See !grub or !grub2 for reinstall instructions.00:34
Jargonchaospsychex: Error: "grub2" is not a valid command.00:34
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub200:34
MrUnagijon_athon: sftp is ftp with ssh00:34
jon_athonhmmm, unfortunately I think the resume function of FTP is kinda important, as I may be transferring files via unstable sat links00:34
jon_athonMrUnagi, hmmm... now I'm confused00:35
HollowPointok, so then you forward your ftp port over an ssh connection, then ftp to localhost00:35
JohnnyJethas anyone successfully installed windows media encoder with WINE ?00:35
MrUnagijon_athon: if that is important, then tunnel ftp through ssh with port forward00:35
phatypushello, i've installed dnsmasq on ubuntu 10.10, i've added "listen-address=" to /etc/dnsmasq.conf and restarted dnsmasq but dnsmasq is still listening on -- anyone have experience with dnsmasq?00:35
MrUnagissh -C -L 21: user@host.com00:35
HollowPointssh -L 21:localhost:21 alex@somehost.com00:35
jon_athonMrUnagi, Gotcha. does that encrypt the data and command channel?00:35
MrUnagibeta ya!~00:35
MrUnagijon_athon: if you encrypt both of them00:35
Jordan_Uoneliner: Once you're booted (or chrooted) into your Ubuntu system you can run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to change what drive(s) Ubuntu installs grub to.00:36
HollowPointjon_athon: that basically creates an SSH tunnel to your server, then when you ftp to localhost, the ssh tunnel does the re-directing for you, plain old ftp over an ssh tunnel00:36
mattgyverI would like to setup my computer to also act as a telephone for my land line so I can make/receive phone calls from the desktop with a bluetooth headset.  Any suggestions on software that could aide in this?00:36
jon_athonI'll need to play with that00:37
MrUnagijon_athon: you CAN DO IT WITH VNC and smb and afp and a lot of other things too00:37
HollowPointmattgyver: there are several, unfortunately bluetooth headsets don't work brilliantly in the Linux desktop yet, your best bet would be something simple like Skype, and do a bit of research into bluetooth headsets that WILL work00:37
jon_athonMrUnagi, I'm not familiar with afp but I thought SMB was a widows deal00:38
MrUnagiit is cross platform00:38
Necrocyberhi everyone00:38
jon_athoninteresting... learning has occured00:38
HollowPointsmb is samba, a program that emulates a windows file/folder share jon_athon00:38
mattgyverHollowPoint, the headset I want to uise works rather well for everything I use it to up to this point, i just dont want to replace my broken phone ;X00:38
mattgyverHollowPoint, isnt skype voip only?  I dont want to use voip really00:38
onelinerJordan_U:  the installation completed sucesfuly, maybe i could check the grub folder config in the target drive_00:39
HollowPointmattgyver: skype is voip, but you can tune it to a landline number for a small fee00:39
mattgyverHollowPoint, okay cool maybe thats worth looking into.  Thanks for the suggestion.00:39
HollowPointmattgyver: while I was living in NZ I had a London Landline number tethered to my skype account so my family and friends in the UK could ring me, worked just like a normal phone, except if I turned my computer off .... lol00:40
Jordan_Uoneliner: It's not an issue with the grub folder, it's an issue with what drive's mbr + embedded area grub was installed to.00:40
jon_athonHmmm, i got some more learning to do on data transferring protocols00:40
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MrUnagijon_athon: it gets fun00:40
Jordan_Umattgyver: Look into asterisk00:40
MrUnagijon_athon: HollowPoint  what i am set out to do is create my own dropbox set up00:40
onelinerwill do00:41
onelinerso i swap drive order in the bios untill i get a grub message or else come back here00:41
mattgyverJordan_U, yeah I looked into that and its a bit overcomplicated for what my end goal is but if need be i may go that route.00:41
HollowPointI think it cost me the equivalent of about £5 a month to have a UK landline number and it also allowed me to make unlimited calls to UK landlines at no extra cost. mattgyver00:41
jon_athonMrUnagi, yea, I've done a lot of work with routing protocols, and routed protocols, but not much on the application layer00:41
HollowPointa dropbox as in for outsiders to be able to drop things in, but not get them out?00:41
jon_athonI'm CCNA but there is no focus on application layer00:41
mattgyverHollowPoint, yeah essentially I want a desk phone that has bluetooth built in but there all so darn expensive this would be more functional for me00:42
HollowPointjon_athon: I'm CCNA, can't remember much of it at all00:42
jon_athonHollowPoint, MrUnagi sounds like what I use to submit homework for online classes00:42
MrUnagiHollowPoint: dropbox as in an account with a 2gb limit to access files from any where including a phone00:42
hblounthi. i am trying to format my usb stick to NTFS with GParted. i did "create partition table", and it shows prompt asking "select new partition table type:" what do i choose there if i want NTFS? i dont see it listed00:42
HollowPointmattgyver: if you can stand to change your number over skype is the way for that00:42
HollowPointhblount: you shouldn't format a usb stick to NTFS, use FAT3200:43
jon_athonHollowPoint, I am Sec+ Net+ MCSA CCNA and CCNA Security... I only remember the CCNA , NET+ and SEC+ stuff... MCSA went in one and out the other00:43
jon_athonbrb removing HDD DIAGNOSTIC virus from dads pc00:43
ralliasWhy is my postfix server not relaying mail for me?00:43
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Jordan_Uhblount: MS-DOS00:43
HollowPointI never did my microsoft stuff, left the MS world behind a few years ago, moved into cisco stuff, but then moved out of that and now am a developer, so barely even remember how to subnet tbh00:43
hblountHollowPoint, ok but I need it. at least temporarily. any other points to make?00:43
MrUnagiHollowPoint: haha subnet is simple :D00:44
HollowPointhblount: you need it to be NTFS and not FAT32?00:44
MrUnagiit is like reverse binary00:44
HollowPointMrUnagi: I know, was just over-exagerating to make a point lol00:44
MrUnagioh i was about to explain it lol00:45
hblountJordan_U, it said error while creating partition...i tried it twice. any ideas?00:45
HollowPointMrUnagi: I used to be a guru of all things IT, but since I moved into development, I barely do anything systems or network related and am starting to forget in my old age :D00:45
hblountHollowPoint, i cant transfer files bigger than 4gb to/from my usb stick with fat3200:45
MrUnagifinally.....i am ssh'd back into the server, time to try scponly00:45
ralliaslol nvm I figured it out... :/00:46
HollowPointhblount: do you need to connect the usb stick to a windows machine?00:46
MrUnagiHollowPoint: i manage nodal networks for the army, i hope to get a cisco job when i get out00:46
nyRednekok, i want to set up a vpn to share files...i have an open wifi router, and i want only allowed machines to connect to a file share...what's the ubuntu way of doing this?00:46
hblountHollowPoint, yes00:46
spencer__hey guys, I need to know how to mount an unformatted external HDD, it doesn't have a "type" so what do line do I need to put in terminal?00:46
Jordan_Uhblount: Does it give any more detailed error message?00:46
HollowPointhblount: hmmmmmmmmm, then I could recommend formatting the stick to EXT3 and download the ext3 driver for Windows, then install that, then plug in the stick, but that's a bit long winded00:47
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STILLSTORMspencer, when you connect your hd, anything mount ?00:47
Jordan_Uspencer__: You can't mount something that isn't a fileystem. What is your end goal?00:47
Dr_WillisIve had such big issues with the ext3 drivers for windows.. i have a hard time recommending them00:47
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Dr_Willisspencer__:  a unformated hd would have no filesystems - so you cant mount it.00:47
HollowPointDr_Willis: I haven't had too many issues using EXT3 in Windows, but EXT4 is a nightmare00:47
donvitowhy it doesnt run00:47
hblountwtf i thought gparted supposed to let me read and create NTFS disks00:48
HollowPointspencer__: you should use GParted, select the drive that you've plugged in with no filesystem and then use GParted to create a partition table and file system on the drive00:48
STILLSTORMhere, there are system admin ?00:48
donvitoReading Config file from /etc/newcs.xml00:48
donvitoCannot open config file... quitting00:48
Dr_WillisHollowPoint:  i had big ext3 filesystem curruption.. but that was due to windows crashing while accessing the ext3 i think. but I havent tried the things in over a year  :) so it maty be better00:48
gsdfsd_hey guys, can I ask someone to help me? 2 things..firstly..ive got ubuntu...everytime I press to MINIMIZE something..I dont know where it goes?00:48
donvitoit reads only from were newcs.xml is there00:48
Dr_Willishblount:  if you have the ntfs support package installed.. it can00:48
hblountJordan_U, it just shows dialogue with this message "Error while creating partition table" nothing else00:48
HollowPointah yes hblount have you installed ntfs-3g?00:49
hblountDr_Willis, i do00:49
Jordan_Uhblount: Can you post a screenshot?00:49
Jordan_U!screenshot | hblount00:49
ubottuhblount: Screenshots can be made with the [PrtScr] button. Want to show us a screenshot of your problem? Upload an image to http://tinyurl.com/imagebin and post a link to it.00:49
Dr_Willisgsdfsd_:  perghaps the window applet in the panel crashed. You should see a list at the bottom  panel.00:49
Dr_Willis!resetpanel | gsdfsd_00:49
ubottugsdfsd_: To reset the panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »00:49
dotblank-awayhello, back again00:49
MrUnagiHollowPoint: "adduser -d /pub -s /usr/local/sbin/scponlyc scpdemo" i do not have scponlyc in that dir00:50
HollowPointDr_Willis: I haven't done it for well over a year, so I wouldn't know, I had serious problems using EXT4 in Windows, I got it to read ok, but writing was a nightmare, I just don't use Windows anymore unless I absolutely have to, in which case, I transfer files by ftp/smb etc00:50
spencer__I just DBAN'd an old external hard drive, DBAN completely erases everything on the disk including filetables, but windows doesn't recognize it00:50
spencer__so, I need to format it any way possible, just to make it usable00:50
Dr_WillisHollowPoint:  last i checked. there was no ext4 drivers for windows. :) but that was a long time ago00:50
Bing0Hi.  Fresh laptop(10.10 32bit) with wireless.  Is it safe to assume that to use WPA/WPA2 I need to install the wpasupplicant package?  Thanks.00:50
dotblank-awayspencer__, just use linux to format it00:50
Dr_Willisspencer__:  you partition it, then format the partitions.00:50
Dr_Willisspencer__:  use gparted.00:50
MronoI'm trying to run ushare on boot in 10.10 but nothing I do is letting it boot00:51
gsdfsd_DOH ..found it..I had shrunk the place where minxed progs go....I had shrunk it to 1 pixel:P00:51
skorvjust a "off-topic" question for the crowd... but any girls in here... i would really hate ubunto to be a guyz thing :P00:51
Dr_Willisspencer__:  or fdisk.  - its also possibel the hd could have died i guess...00:51
Bing0skorv, goto the offtopic channel for that00:51
HollowPointMrUnagi: with scponly you should be using the setup_chroot.sh script, not adduser00:51
irieKENAnyone here know why my gigabit NIC would only negotiate at 100mbps? (MCP79, using forcedeth).00:51
Dr_WillisirieKEN:  messed up wireing? dog chewed the cable...00:51
gsdfsd_okay another thing, to do with IRC...would that question go here?00:51
HollowPointirieKEN: because you have a 100mbps switch/router connected to it?00:52
dotblank-awayskorv, I honestly have no clue how many girls are on here, The thing that makes this channel cool is that you can't really tell them apart or anything00:52
skrapsirie, lsmod and modprobe check the driver associated with your nic00:52
Dr_Willisgsdfsd_:  ask and see I guess. :)00:52
linux_probe100mbit switch port, lol00:52
spencer__dr_willis possible but not likely, it's in excellant condition, only about a year old00:52
skorvhere... 1371 there just 21000:52
Dr_Willisspencer__:  disks can die at any time.. they are the weakest link in any pc these days from what ive seen.00:52
Bing0irieKEN, the cable or the switch/router you connect to might not be 1Gbps.00:52
ZykoticK9skorv, #ubuntu is the support channel, for other stuff use the OT channel instead (like your question)00:53
hblountJordan_U, ok here it is: http://img51.imageshack.us/img51/7572/screenshotdkx.png00:53
spencer__okay using Gparted, what FS type should I make it?00:53
onelinerok so i found grub sitting on the wrong drive, it gives me a device not found error and a grub recover console00:53
Mronoanyone have any experience with making a program run on boot?00:53
Dr_Willisspencer__:  if you totally whipe a hard drive. You proberly need to repartiton it. fdisk/gparted will do that for you.00:53
HollowPointMrono: what program?00:53
ZykoticK9Mrono, at boot, or login?00:53
skorvdotblank: yea... thats the "problem"...00:53
MronoZykoticK9: it's autologin so i don't care which'00:54
onelinerfor the sake of an example, lets call the drives good and bad00:54
MronoHollowPoint: ushare00:54
irieKENDr_Willis: Nope, cable is all good... Runs in 1Gb/s if I run an old Ubuntu live CD.00:54
flyktrying to install edubuntu10.10 and I keep getting this error: "The attempt to mount afile system with type ext" 2/3/4 "in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (ssda) at / failed."00:54
hblountJordan_U, i dont know if this means anything, but before when i first opened gparted, it showed the usb stick and it was not "unallocated". then i tried to create partition table (msdos), it gave me that error, but after that first try the usb stick is now "unallocated"00:54
ZykoticK9Mrono, just add it to System / Preferences / Startup Applications then - easy00:54
skorvMrono: rc.local maybe...00:54
=== dotblank-away is now known as dotblank
onelinerJordan_U:  could you give me that reconfigure command again_00:54
irieKENBring0: Yeah, gigabit switch... all works fine with 9.04, but not with the latest:(00:54
* dotblank forgot to come back from away00:54
Mronoskorv: tried that have 'ushare &' in there00:54
MronoZykoticK9: still won't boot00:54
HollowPointright I gtg folks, my bed is screaming at me, night00:55
onelinerbtw _ is my ongoing interogation mark until i fix my keyboard layout00:55
skorvgimme a sec00:55
Jordan_Uoneliner: "sudo dpkg-recofnigure grub-pc" But that needs to be run from the installed system or from a chroot into the installed system.00:55
skorvhave to check something00:55
onelinerwould a grub rescue console work_00:55
flykI've tried normal (all disk) setup and advanced (trying ext2 and ext3) with no luck00:56
dotblankJordan_U, you shouldn't need worry about grub in a chroot00:56
dotblankIw would think ***00:56
skorvMrono: rc.local on /etc/init.d/00:56
joshuac__can anyone help me, im trying to install a .bundle file00:56
HeColdFeetirieKEN: you can try ethtool eth0 to check if module supports gigabit00:57
Mronoskorv: isn't rc.local in there just a symbolic link to /etc/rc.local00:57
dotblankjoshuac__, whats a .bundle file?00:57
donvitowhy i cant run ./newcs from rc.loca00:57
flykanyone know what to do to make the partition mounting work so I can finish this install ?00:57
HeColdFeetirieKEN: the same can be used to force gigabit negotiation00:57
Jordan_Uoneliner: The error you're getting from grub suggests that your BIOS can only handle one of PATA or SATA at a given time, i.e. when you boot from the PATA drive the BIOS can't read from the SATA drive.00:57
lesMrono: I would take it out of rc.local.  It should have installed S20UShare into /etc/rc2.d00:57
joshuac__dotblank, its for VMWare00:57
skorvMrono: i've been using it to run services on startup00:57
Bing0Hi.  Fresh laptop(10.10 32bit) with wireless.  Is it safe to assume that to use WPA/WPA2 I need to install the wpasupplicant package?  Thanks.00:57
irieKENHeColdFeet: Ethtool reported that it does support 1000mbps00:57
lesMrono: you could try remove it from whatever it's set to right using update-rc.d and then readd it using the same00:57
MrUnagi5. Run ./setup_chroot.sh and creat a user.....how do i run a .sh from cli?00:58
ZykoticK9joshuac__, chmod +x VMWARE.bundle && ./VMWARE.bundle should work00:58
dotblankBing0, it doesn't just work?00:58
irieKENHeColdFeet: I'll try forcing it when I get home.00:58
Bing0dotblank, networkmanager only offers(from menu) WEP00:58
ddaltonhi guys, i was only able to install the base system, so how can i with the command line, install all the packages from the ubuntu installation cd?00:58
dotblankBing0, thats very odd...00:58
flykwhat could cause the file system mount to "fail" ???00:58
skorvMrono: they are better then me... i'm learning as i go along and try to do all kinds of stuff00:58
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs00:58
Mronoles: it's in rc2 as S80ushare00:58
onelinercould i use the live cd to install grub to the sata drive and set it as the boot drive_00:58
skorvnn all00:58
Bing0yeah. ive seen this on a few laptops...this laptop(under wondows) uses wap2 just fine,.....00:59
Jordan_Uoneliner: Yes. To do so follow this guide: http://grub.enbug.org/Grub2LiveCdInstallGuide00:59
ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.00:59
lesMrono: yeah so it should be starting up.  you could try moving it into runlevel 3 and see if that works00:59
HeColdFeetddalton: you can install the metapackage ubuntu-desktop.. run the command: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop00:59
flykis the 10.10 installed just screwed up ?00:59
Mronoles: it's in rc3.d as well00:59
thewarlockhas anyone used metasploit before00:59
joshuac__ZykoticK9, i get this: chmod: cannot access `VMware-Workstation-Full-7.1.3-324285.i386.bundle': No such file or directory00:59
dotblankthewarlock, yes, I ahve00:59
dotblankhave *01:00
ZykoticK9joshuac__, are you on 64bit OS?01:00
lesMrono: remove the service using update-rc.d and readd01:00
Mronoles: these were put in with apt-get install01:00
Jordan_Uoneliner: Once you're booted into Ubuntu you should still run "sudo dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" to make sure that Ubuntu is configured to install grub to the SATA drive whenever there is an upgrade of the grub-pc package.01:00
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joshuac__ZykoticK9, how would i check?01:00
lesMrono: make sure your rc.local is purged of any modifications as well01:00
thewarlockhow do i get it up and running at a good rate01:00
dotblankthewarlock, rate?01:00
ZykoticK9joshuac__, "uname -m"01:00
onelinerJordan_U:  thank you, please stick while i try those two >)01:00
joshuac__ZykoticK9, i68601:00
Bing0dotblank, im finding some drivers simply dont support wpa under linux01:01
thewarlockwhat i mean is how do i get it to run on a open port01:01
hblountJordan_U, http://img834.imageshack.us/img834/1958/screenshot1po.png01:01
ZykoticK9joshuac__, that 32bit.  sorry don't know why you would be that error then.  best of luck.01:01
dotblankBing0, I know some atheros cards do..01:01
ddaltonHeColdFeet: oh, ok, but will that install everything the installer would have? is there away to install from the cd so i don't waste my banwidth?01:01
flykI should think letting the installer use ext4 on the whole drive should work01:01
Bing0dotblank, how can i tell the wireless nic type in terminal?  any idea?01:01
dotblankthewarlock, well if the port is below 1024 it has to be run as root01:02
Bing0n/m ... lspci01:02
dotblankBing0, yes you can use lspci01:02
Jordan_Uoneliner: You're welcome, I do need to leave in about 8 minutes though.01:02
thewarlockok i had 1025 and tried admin01:02
HeColdFeetddalton: if you keep the cd mounted it should install from the cd the packages that have not been updated01:02
flykis there something I can do running in this live cd that can fix this "FAIL to Mount": ?01:02
onelinerdeadline, gotta love em01:03
MagicJI woild like that when the login screen appears that it DOES NOT show ALL the users, how do I cause it to supress some of them01:03
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »01:03
dotblankflyk, where is it failing to mount? havee you tried mounting manually or using the -o force?01:03
Bing0dotblank, its an anronet that only has 802.11b in lspci.. could be why?  Weird it can do wpa in xp01:03
ddaltonHeColdFeet: where should i mount the cd to, and is there supposed to be a line in sources.list refering to the cdrom?01:03
flykI am trying to install01:03
needhelp1can i reinstall ubuntu from within ubuntu?01:03
MronoHow do I use update-rc.d to make it run at startup01:03
dotblankBing0, well maybe it does neeed the wpa supplicatn01:03
HeColdFeetddalton: just insert the cd into the drive!01:03
donvitowhy i cant run this from everywere /var/etc/newcs.x8601:03
needhelp1like a fresh install01:03
donvitoi must do it from folder itself01:03
flykdotblank: trying to install edubuntu10.10 and I keep getting this error: "The attempt to mount afile system with type ext" 2/3/4 "in SCSI1 (0,0,0), partition #1 (ssda) at / failed."01:03
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Bing0dotblank, ok01:04
STILLSTORMwhen i could install the new distribute ?01:04
ZykoticK9MagicJ, not sure how to only show "some" of them, but if you want the old type name instead of the list you could see http://sites.google.com/site/alucidfs/how-i-do/gdm-disable-user-list01:04
dotblankflyk, ssda?01:04
dotblankyou mean sda?01:04
ddaltonHeColdFeet: oh so it doesn't need to mount? because  remember i don't have a gui installed or running01:04
Guest9859can i reinstall ubuntu from within  ubuntu for a fresh install?01:04
Jordan_Uhblount: Can you click "save details" then pastebin the "gparted_details.htm" file that it produces?01:04
jon8_To all, you're all great here, thanks for the support ;)01:04
dotblankflyk, what does dmesg say?01:04
flykis demsg a command I put in terminal ?01:05
dotblankjon8_, thank you we always appreciate kind words01:05
MrUnagidoes anyone know how to chroot sftp?01:05
ZykoticK9flyk, the command is "dmesg" actually01:05
dotblankflyk, yes01:05
wiiflowwhy i cant run this from everywere /var/etc/newcs.x8601:05
wiiflowi must do it from folder itself01:05
Guest9859can i reinstall ubuntu from within  ubuntu for a fresh install?01:05
ZykoticK9wiiflow, it's not in your PATH probably01:06
wiiflowhow to fix it?01:06
mobius551how can i use an alternate boot method to install ubuntu? with the traditional way, i loose video when acessing the options on the menu01:06
flykwell, I lost the menubar...live cd failure.... "gnome-panel" closed unexpectedly01:06
Jordan_U!alternate | mobius55101:06
ubottumobius551: The Alternate CD is a classic text-mode install CD. It supports a wider range of hardware than the !LiveCD, and can also be used as an upgrade CD. http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/alternative-download#alternate - See also !minimal01:06
dotblankwiiflow, it may be that the program access files needed by it using relative paths, you may need to write a launcher script to handle this for you01:06
wiiflowZykoticK9 look what it says Cannot open config file... quitting01:06
Harakenwhile trying to setup a preseed installation I'm noticing that even though I tell the preseed file to select USA as the default keyboard layout and to use eth0 as the default ethernet device, it still prompts me in the installation.01:07
ZykoticK9joshuac__, i don't reply to unsolicited PMs sorry - ask here instead.01:07
lightawhere can I found the java cache ?01:07
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Harakenanyone have any ideas on why it would still be prompting me for those?01:07
flykis there a keyboard combo to bring up termainal ?01:07
dotblankjava cache?01:07
tbruff13hey can some one help me with something please01:07
ddaltonHeColdFeet: ok, i'll give it a shot thanks for your help01:07
ZykoticK9wiiflow, um, that a slightly different issue - sorry i don't know man.  good luck.01:07
HeColdFeetflyk: ctrl+alt+t01:07
dotblanklighta, perhaps .java?01:07
KM0201tbruff13: ask your question, if we can help, we will01:07
hblountJordan_U, idk but i unmounted/ejected the drive cuz i gave up but tried to put it back in to do what you asked but now when i put it in nothing happens and ubuntu doesnt see the drive... :P01:08
lightaa yeah that make sense !01:08
dec2010very complicated this ubuntu is01:08
tbruff13well i kind of need to show a screenshot to get you to understand so how do i paste one here01:08
Guest9859can i reinstall ubuntu from within  ubuntu for a fresh install? i dont have the cd01:08
KM0201dec2010: not really.. it's really one of the easier distros to use.01:08
ZykoticK9dec2010, it gets easier ;)01:08
tbruff13ill use pastebin hold up01:08
KM0201!paste | tbruff1301:08
ubottutbruff13: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:08
dec2010cant just download java01:08
Bing0tbruff13, http://min.us01:08
HeColdFeetGuest9859: you can use a USB01:08
flykwell, dmesg is full of stuff01:08
KM0201dec2010: then you're doing it wrong.. java takes about 5min to download and install01:08
Guest9859HeColdFeet, with unetbootin ?01:08
dotblankdec2010, you can download openjdk fromthe repos01:09
ubottuTo install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.01:09
hblountbrb im gonna reboot. im starting to get frustrated with ubuntu...01:09
flykone of the latest is SQUASHFS error01:09
dec2010well i just got xubuntu yesterday so itll take time01:09
flykUnale to read data/page01:09
dotblankflyk, sounds like you ahve a hrdware/currupt cd problems01:09
MrUnagiwhen following http://blogs.techrepublic.com.com/opensource/?p=229 my user cannot connect to sftp....any ideas?01:09
HeColdFeetGuest9859: yeah that or System -> Administration -> Startup disk creator if you're using a recent ubuntu01:09
flykthe drive tested fine01:09
dec2010ty kmo01:10
tbruff13how do i show you guys a screenshot01:10
KM0201dec2010: its not hard, just different,you'll get it01:10
flykI ran hddinfo earlier01:10
ZykoticK9!paste | tbruff1301:10
ubottutbruff13: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.01:10
dotblankflyk, well squashfs wouldn't be given an error if the cdrom and the image on it was fine01:10
tbruff13min.us i see01:10
flykok, so I need to test the disc image I guess01:10
tbruff13bing0 please open a dialog01:10
dec2010its like a new language01:11
dotblankdec2010, ?01:11
onelinerJordan_U:  question i have chroot now, should i run your query or continue this guide from the link?01:11
flykit should be fine, no error on burn, and I checked the iso using torrent01:11
dec2010yes dotblank01:11
linux_probei've found that live-cd's tend to show you bad hardware quickly( mainly the rom drive)01:11
WeemsI am getting a cannot update .iceauthority file error whenever I log in to Ubuntu Maverick.01:11
tbruff13a pm01:11
tbruff13or privite chat so i can send you the link01:12
dotblankWeems, you may not be an owner of that respective file01:12
tbruff13anyway here is the link of the screenshot http://min.us/mvphnNg01:12
WeemsI chown and it fails (as sudo)01:12
onelinerthe guide goes with a full on install but id much rather propperly configure an existing grub01:12
dotblankWeems, with what error/01:12
lightaWeems, do an ls -l ./.iceauthority01:12
WeemsI'll paste bin01:12
Weemsone second01:12
Jordan_Uoneliner: Just run "dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc" within the chroot. dpkg-reconfigure grub-pc itself runs grub-install and grub-mkconfig.01:12
lightaso you'll see if you're the owner or not01:12
dec2010maybe the old computer i put the xubuntu cant handle it01:12
tbruff13when you look at it you will see all i want is the green suggestions to be white01:13
ubottulubuntu is a project to create a derivative of Ubuntu using the LXDE desktop environment. See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Lubuntu . /join #lubuntu for lubuntu support.01:13
tbruff13iceroot,  you here01:13
Jordan_Uoneliner: Make sure you select only the drive, like /dev/sdb, and *not* any partition like /dev/sdb1.01:13
dotblankWeems, hmm.. thats quite odd01:13
tbruff13can someone please help me i dont understand who to ask01:14
dec2010i found a virus scanner in my  software list  so i think i got an antivirus01:14
onelinerhow many minutes left? >)01:14
Kanibalgz! VMware knows Ubuntu 11.04 :)01:14
tank8465I need help with network manager, can soemone help?01:15
dotblank!ask | tank846501:15
ubottutank8465: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)01:15
dec2010who is the techs here01:15
dotblankdec2010, techs?01:15
tbruff13oneliner, can you help me please01:15
tank8465i'm trying to connect to wireless and i'm DEFINITELY entering the right password, but I cant connect01:15
dec2010techs  = ppl that can help01:16
tank8465it just keeps asking me01:16
dotblanktank8465, try checking dmesg for errors when conencting01:16
ubottudmesg is a console command which outputs the kernel ring buffer - an important log for diagnosing problems in  Linux. Often when something errors with hardware it will result in additional lines reported which can be seen by running dmesg in a console.01:16
lightatank8465, is it wep ?01:16
tank8465lighta: WPA01:16
tank8465dotblank how?01:16
onelinertbruff13: i ll try as soon as i am done helping myself heh01:16
lightatank8465, can you connect easely to another wifi ?01:16
tbruff13oneliner,  ill help you with yours if you help me with mine01:17
tank8465lighta: there are no others, i'm pretty far away from stuff01:17
tbruff13I am acually really good with ubuntu01:17
dotblanktank8465, are you able to move closer?01:17
known_homosexualVladimir Putin has signed an order calling for Russian federal authorities to move to GNU/Linux, and for the creation of 'a single repository of free software used in the federal bodies of executive power.01:17
=== richard is now known as Guest52286
lightaah craps, I wanted to determine if it was only your router or computer :(01:17
dotblanktbruff13, +1 1337 buntu skills01:17
tank8465dotblank: not in the mood for a 20 minute drive for some wifi.01:17
tbruff13huh dotblank01:18
dotblanktank8465, your computer is 20 mins away fromt he AP?01:18
dec2010my task manager says i got 121 processes  :|01:18
pmitrosI have a zip file. I know other people can uncompress it under other OSes (or at least get some files out). When I run 'unzip' on it, it complains: 'End-of-central-directory signature not found.' I'm wondering what a logical next step would be.01:18
izinucsdec2010: most are probably sleeping01:18
demonsoul09hi. nobody would happen to know how I would go about finding the path for  a USB audio device, would they? I use shell-fm but it always insists on playing from my onboard speakers rather than the usb speakers i've attatched, even though everything else is fine, but it gives an option in the config for a device path.01:18
tank8465dotblank: no my house is rural, this is the only AP01:18
lightaAP ?01:18
nit-witknown_homosexual, mmmm known bodies01:18
izinucsdemonsoul09: lspci in a terminal will give  you info01:18
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dotblanklighta, Access point01:18
=== randy is now known as Guest49244
lightaaahh ok01:19
pmitrosIt's either a newer version of zip than unzip supports, or it is possible it's a corrupt .zip file, and that not all of it is there. I'm wondering if there are other known utilities that would handle either case.01:19
flykok, checking disc image, and checking cable connections...not sure what else I could check to resolve SQUASHFS error01:19
tbruff13tank8465, try checking your password with your isp i could be that they changed it and the password that was right is not right anymore01:19
lightatank8465, I'd try to conect withanother key if you can01:19
pmitros'file' does claim it is a .zip file, and catting it, it looks like a .zip file.01:19
dotblankdemonsoul09, have you tried using aplay -l ?01:19
lightamore easy one like wpe just be sure is all correct01:19
lightathen focus on wpe01:19
tbruff13tank8465, if that does not work find the ip address for your router and configure it from there01:19
lightaeh wpa01:19
tank8465tbruff13 its definately the right password, this laptops connected fine01:19
tank8465but i kinda wanna get on my good one :P01:20
dotblanktank8465, caps lock?01:20
tbruff13oh duh sorry01:20
lightaI think he copy paste it01:20
dec2010i think im gunna try buzzen chatroom01:20
flyk"Checking ./casper/filesystem.squashfs" takes a long time01:20
MrUnagihow do you give sftp users permission to make directories?01:20
demonsoul09@dotblank yes, although I'm unsure what the actual path for the device is but it is listed01:20
dotblankdemonsoul09, what do you mean path?01:21
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tbruff13OK i really need help from like anyone01:21
lightahmm tank8465 , some router need mac registrion01:21
lightaare you sure it's all ok this side ?01:21
MrUnagiwhat chmod permissions give users read write ability01:21
dotblanklighta, good point01:21
demonsoul09@dotblank shell-fm can launch on a designated audio device but it needs the device = path set in the config file01:21
flykdisc checking just takes a while I guess01:22
dotblankdemonsoul09, can you give me an example of what the path may look like? if you are talking about /dev/dsp then we would have to work around that01:22
Dr_Willis!permissions | MrUnagi01:22
ubottuMrUnagi: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:22
Dr_WillisMrUnagi:  777 gives everyone execut/read/write.  proberly not what you want01:22
tbruff13w i seem weird but i have looked for a solution for this problem forever can i please have some help if you don't mind01:23
dotblank777 is dangerous01:23
flykok, "no errors found" on disc check !!!01:23
dotblankflyk, does the md5 match?01:23
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows01:23
demonsoul09@dotblank that's sort of the problem... in the man page for shell fm it says the device can be initialized for playback if the path to the device is given, but I have no clue what that path would be01:23
tank8465still havin the problem01:23
flykI ran the disc check on the disc01:23
lightatank8465, states what you did01:24
flykboot up, chose to check it there.....01:24
dotblankdemonsoul09, hmm do you have a link to the man page I may try looking at it01:24
MrUnagii chmod 775 the directory, and my sftp user still cant create directories.....did i do it wrong?01:24
tank8465today i did a fresh install of ubuntu 10.10 on both my computers01:24
dotblankflyk, is your cdrom drive old?01:24
flykwhat's wrong with the disc checking itself ?01:24
tank8465not the first time ive installed it01:24
flykthis is dvd edubuntu01:25
tank8465wireless usually works flawless01:25
Dr_Willistbruff13:  and tell the channel the actual problem.01:25
tom866guys i installed ubuntu 10.10 onto windows 7 using wubi and the gmail on pidgin in ubuntu will for some reason not work01:25
dotblankMrUnagi, what user is your sftp user? you know you can use sftp/scp with your regular shell accounts01:25
lightaso router work fine with other computer ?01:25
naiadis there a way to remove meta packages and it's dependencies?01:25
flykdrive is not too old01:25
flykit works fine afaik01:25
MrUnagidotblank: i have a specific user that i want to have only sftp access01:25
wiltonAnyone know if the game runs on full ubuntu01:25
tbruff13my problem is an issue with the sugesstion bar showing up as a weird green in cromeium i dont know why i happened after i used mac4lin01:25
dotblanknaiad, open its control file find the depends copy and past it into apt-get remove?01:26
tank8465wilton: what game?01:26
tbruff13i want to send a link to show you what i mean01:26
demonsoul09@dotblank, yes, sent you a pm01:26
flykyou can't run md5 on a burned disc though...can you ?01:26
lightahmm tank8465 what did you tryed already ?, just to see what I can think more01:26
nit-witflyk, yes01:26
MrUnagiMake sure you have permission to modify this file.01:27
tank8465i just keep trying to connect01:27
Dr_Willistbruff13:  paste a url. and sumarrize the issue. not all of us have the time/option to access a web site.01:27
MrUnagidoes 775 not give permission?01:27
naiaddotblank, that's what i've been doing, but it seems silly to be able to install all the packages with the meta but not remove them ;\ heh01:27
tank8465i made sure the password is all good01:27
lightanothing else ?01:27
tbruff13Dr_Willis,  are you there01:27
lightareboot router ?01:27
tank8465idk thats the problem: again im on it01:27
dotblanknaiad, I think it may be on purpose.. try using the computer janitor to remove them01:27
flykI thought you check the md5 on the iso file01:27
Dr_Willistbruff13:  add a new user see if affects them.. if not. then you got some theme setting for the problem user. twiddle with the various theme settings, or reset gnome totally back to defaults perhaps01:27
Treahey can someone tell me a chat client that supports video through yahoo messenger?01:28
MrUnagils -l gives drwxr-xr-x    2 1002     1003         4096 Dec 28 01:24 test.......what does this mean01:28
dotblankdemonsoul09, hmm I was looking at the man but I don't see anything about audio path? what option are you refering to?01:28
Dr_Willistbruff13:  last i checked mac4lin  had some sort of Undo script. but i also recall hearing it had issues.. we cant really give much support for things liek mac4lin that do so many changes.01:28
wiltonthe game is cabal online01:28
tom866lol hey lordnoid01:28
bomberinsandalsim cracking my own wep adress but i cant get a succesful authentication is it my wireless card?01:29
Treadoes anyone happen to know of any chat programs that support yahoo with webcam?01:29
bomberinsandalswep password not adress01:29
dotblankbomberinsandals, did you change your card out of mnitor mode?01:29
bomberinsandalsyes i shut it down with ifconfig01:29
bomberinsandalsim thinking it is not compatible01:29
dotblankum.. but did it create a monitor interface?01:30
bomberinsandalsim pretty new to backtrack so im not totally sure whats going on01:30
dotblankdid you use airmon-ng01:30
tom866guys i installed ubuntu 10.10 onto windows 7 using wubi and the gmail on pidgin in ubuntu will for some reason not work01:30
dotblankuse airmon-ng stop iface01:30
bomberinsandalsok this is my line of commands airmon0ng stop wlan001:30
bomberinsandalsthen ifconfig wlan0 down01:31
bomberinsandalsthen macchanger01:31
bomberinsandalsthen airmon -ng start01:31
dotblankbomberinsandals, why did you start the monitor mode again?01:31
MrUnagiwhen logged into sftp, i am unable to create a directory, it says permission denied......i tried to chmod 755 but still unable to......what can i do to enable write access?01:31
lightatom866 there an pidgin chan for this01:32
dotblankMrUnagi, maybe checking the ssh log files will help?01:32
nexus74hey all01:32
MrUnagidotblank: permission denied doesn't say enough?01:32
bomberinsandalsdotblank  I was following a written sheet i aquired from a friend01:32
MrUnagimeaning, the log will really say more than that01:32
flykwhat's wrong with the disc checking itself ?01:33
John___MrUngai: did u set the correct permission01:33
dotblankMrUnagi, maybe not.. but I'd say its worth a try01:33
nexus74Is there a way to get Ubuntu to run Mac versions of Photoshop / Flash ?01:33
MrUnagijohn__: i set 755 for the user....is that not correct?01:33
MrUnagidotblank: where is the log located?01:33
dotblanknexus74, hmm you can run windows ones with01:33
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu01:33
nexus74Right, I new about Wine, but my versions are now mac..01:33
MrUnagier not for the user01:34
MrUnagii set 755 on the directory01:34
nexus74anyway, how does wine affect the performance of the apps?01:34
bomberinsandalsso do you think if i dont include airmon-ng start then i can get an authentification packet back?01:34
nexus74is wine something that is maintained?01:34
John___MrUnagi: try reading this http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html01:34
dotblanknexus74, depends on the app01:34
ZykoticK9John___, there is no "access" permission in linux/unix - there is X for "execute" which means something different when applied to directories01:34
SnowyOwlHey, I'm hoping someone can help me out here.01:35
reff67lbomberinsandals try h**p://code.google.com/p/fern-wifi-cracker/01:35
flykI don't see how md5 is suppose to do anything more than when you boot the disc and have it check itself for defects01:35
SnowyOwlI'm trying to install ASCIIquarium, but I've run into a problem.01:35
John___i might be thinking something else01:35
MrUnagiJohn___: ls -l returns drwxr-xr-x 3 waynrdude root 4096 2010-12-27 19:2401:35
John___hold on01:35
SnowyOwlI installed all of the required programs and they finish without any errors, but when I go to launch ASCIIquarium, I get -bash: ./asciiquarium: Permission denied01:35
SnowyOwlWhat could be the problem?01:35
MrUnagiSnowikku: sudo?01:35
nexus74who here uses Ubuntue for all there needs?01:35
flykit said it's 100% verified, so I'm convinced the disc is fine...moving on, checking cables01:36
bl4ckw1r3hi guys01:36
SnowyOwlanyone know?01:36
bl4ckw1r3does anyone know how to install CMUS or MOC??01:36
SnowyOwlI'm sure it's simple01:36
bomberinsandalsalbeit that program is neat id rather understand how to manually run the code01:37
MrUnagii dont see what i am doing wrong01:37
ZykoticK9SnowyOwl, are you getting this error?  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548113/01:38
John___MrUnagi: there is 3 permission that u set like: User, Group, Others01:38
reff67what kind of wireless card are you using? can it inject?01:38
SnowyOwlZykoticK9, I typed perl asciiquarium, and it's working now -.-01:38
MrUnagiJohn___: 755 = user is at 7 group is at 5 and others is at 5 yes?01:38
bomberinsandalsthats what im thinking that it not compatible01:38
SnowyOwlWhy does ./asciiquarium not work?01:38
SnowyOwlwhile perl asciiquarium does?01:39
Dr_WillisSnowyOwl:  its not set to a excutable file, or the first line of the script is not a proper #!/bin/perl01:39
ZykoticK9SnowyOwl, for me even using "perl asciiquarium" doesn't work?  so no idea ;)  Glad you got it working.01:39
reff67what does it say01:39
bomberinsandalsthis isembarassingbut how can i check what wireless card i have01:39
SnowyOwlHow would I make it an executable?01:39
SnowyOwlThanks Dr-Willis and ZykoticK9, btw :)01:40
ZykoticK9SnowyOwl, "chmod +x asciiquarium"01:40
Dr_Willis!permissions | SnowyOwl01:40
ubottuSnowyOwl: An explanation of what file permissions are and how they can be manipulated can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FilePermissions01:40
lightaeh Snowikku you just give him the right to get execute01:40
bomberinsandalsok i got it01:40
bomberinsandalswlan0           Atheros         ath9k - [phy0]01:40
lightait has to be an executable or you talking about doing a script01:40
reff67That will work01:40
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reff67you on ubuntu or backtrack?01:41
SnowyOwlit works when i type ./asciiquarium now :)01:41
bomberinsandalsbacktrack 401:41
ZykoticK9!backtrack | bomberinsandals01:41
SnowyOwlthis is cool01:41
ubottubomberinsandals: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)01:41
John___MrUnagi: try setting 775 and see if that works01:41
reff67you have the patched drivers01:41
bomberinsandalsim not sure whats going on01:41
reff67what are you doing?01:42
MrUnagichmod 775?01:42
SnowyOwlnow to move the files to a better location01:42
bomberinsandalslike what do you mean01:42
bomberinsandalspatched drivers?01:42
Treacan someone answer a question I have about some chat clients please01:42
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, 755 would give read/write to USER & GROUP, and Read to everyone else01:42
reff67airmon-ng start wlan001:43
MrUnagiwhich group?01:43
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, sorry 775 i meant01:43
MrUnagiZykoticK9: do i have to set the chmod from the user i want it to affect01:43
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, the group that own the file/directory - use "ls -l" to see01:43
lightaTrea, what you question again ?01:43
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, it only affects the user/group that owns the file/directory - use "ls -l"01:43
MrUnagiZykoticK9: drwxr-xr-x 2 waynrdude waynrdude 4096 2010-12-27 19:2401:43
Treado you know of any that support webcams?01:43
MrUnagithe first waynrdude is the user and second is the group right?01:44
lightaany what ?01:44
bomberinsandalsunder driver it says ath9k - [phy0]01:44
Treachat clients01:44
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, right01:44
John___MrUnagi: correct01:44
lightayou mean something like msn ?01:44
kanalybest chat pogramm01:44
MrUnagiZykoticK9: i THINK my user was able to create directories but i cannot delete them01:44
JohnnyJetHi, is there any way to encode videos in WMV9 format under linux ?01:44
lightapidgin does webcam support for jabber as I remenber01:44
kanalyuse it in your browser01:44
em/w/ 101:44
Treayea but I currently use pidgin but it doesn't support it for yahoo, haven't tried msn though01:44
Dr_WillisJohnnyJet:  ffmpeg or mencoder. and the proper options. or front endd to those like winff01:44
dec2010ok i  got java sitting in downloads an cant figure out how to get terminal to let it download01:45
reff67aireplay-ng -9 mon0 <-----tests for injection01:45
cdubyahow can I convert an avi file to an mjpeg?01:45
lightatry for jabber Trea01:45
ZykoticK9MrUnagi, that i wouldn't be able to explain?01:45
lightaamsn does support webcam too for msn ofc01:45
rwwdec2010: ignore whatever you downloaded, add the partner repository, install sun-java6-plugin package01:45
JohnnyJetDr_Willis, encode, not decode, to my knowledge ffmpeg does not encode in WMV901:45
MrUnagiZykoticK9: it may not actually be there, when i view them from my sftp client i do not see them01:45
rww!partner | dec201001:45
ubottudec2010: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »01:45
MrUnagiZykoticK9: only in ssh01:45
lightaTrea, skype =)01:45
Weemsdotblank: any ideas?01:45
Dr_WillisJohnnyJet:  check its faq./ its possbible the default version in ubuntu is missing some of the codecs.01:45
SimplySethubuntu 10.04 ... is there a special trick to bridge networking with bond0 ?01:46
dec2010 i'll  stick with windows01:46
bomberinsandalsok it says injection is working01:46
dec2010 this is too complicated01:46
lightaok tell me your issue01:46
Dr_Willisdec2010:  have a nice day then.01:46
JohnnyJetDr_Willis, i've been searching for hours, ffmpeg is not the solution01:46
Dr_WillisJohnnyJet:  theres always mencoder.01:46
rwwrunning one line in terminal and installing a package is complicated? heh.01:47
Dr_WillisJohnnyJet:  if neotehr of those cant do it.. id almost say its not doable then01:47
dec2010no issue just want to download java without dealing with codes01:47
Trea:lighta thanks, but do you know of any that support yahoo and video within that?01:47
dec2010then i want to install securities01:47
lightaah dec2010 you can do that with sinaptic01:47
JohnnyJetDr_Willis, unless I could get wine and windows media encoder working01:47
reff67airodump-ng --channel (ap is on) --write output --ivs mon0  01:47
Dr_Willisdec2010:  the normal java in the repos works fine forme..  actually i think if you checked the proper option at the start of the installer it would have auto installed it.01:48
gartralI booted ubuntu on my cr-48 >.> anyone else doing this? I need help with mouse pad01:48
dec2010i have xubuntu 10-1001:48
lightaoh perfect01:48
lightaI have xfce also01:48
lightamenu>accesory>ubuntu logiteque01:48
John___MrUnagi: just check if u set ur sftp client correctly01:49
dec2010ty lighta01:49
lightadec2010, you'd better come in xubuntu instead01:49
MrUnagiJohn___: i dunno what would need to be set?01:49
dec2010wheres xubuntu01:49
lighta. /j #xubuntu01:49
Morbusi have /etc/ufw/applications.d, but the values within don't seem to be read at all...01:50
Morbusah ha, nevermind, i see.01:51
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MrUnagiam i suppose to run chmod from the user i am trying to affect?01:53
John___MrUnagi: just try and see if that works01:53
ComeOnFattyFrançais ?01:53
rwwComeOnFatty: /join #ubuntu-fr01:53
ComeOnFattyY'a des français ici ???01:53
rwwComeOnFatty: no, English here. French in #ubuntu-fr.01:54
JohnnyJetComeOnFatty, il y a un channel français, sur  #ubuntu-fr01:54
thethinkercannot play dvd, title menu fine, issue?01:55
John___MrUnagi: be sure u read it if u have time http://www.tuxfiles.org/linuxhelp/filepermissions.html01:55
Dr_Willisthethinker:  you did install the decess stuff?01:55
gccsterguys ive installed php5 and php5 apache2 mod for ubuntu10.10 and while phpmyadmin my own php scripts dont run apache prompts them for download what can be wrong?01:56
thethinkeri installed something called totem?01:56
Dr_Willis!dvd | thethinker01:56
ubottuthethinker: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats01:56
gccster*phpmyadmin runs01:56
Failicanhey, I have a .rar file that i want to unzip but ubuntu says cannot create archive :( what how do i unzip it?01:56
ubotturar is a non-free archive format created by Rarsoft. For instructions on accessing .rar files through the Archive Manager view https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FileCompression. There is a free (as in speech) unrar utility as well, see !info unrar-free01:57
Dr_WillisFailican:  install teh unrar program.01:57
flyksudo apt-get install unrar ?01:57
Failicanokej i has to try this01:57
Dr_Willistab completion works for apt-get :)01:57
SimplySethubuntu 10.04 .. attempting to do network bridging using bond0 .. should I stop trying or can  it be done ?01:58
thethinkerubottu: why can't vlc be added to ubuntu by default?01:58
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)01:58
Dr_Willisthethinker:  legal reasons - most likely01:58
rwwPlus it's Qt-based, and adding a bunch of Qt stuff to the default install would take way too much space.01:59
thethinkeris there something to explain the legal reasons?01:59
spydefenderthethinker, licensing01:59
kanalyhi how to install a tar,gz file?01:59
SimplySethkanaly: you mean unpack ?01:59
chris_osxthethinker: well it includes all that evil coder/decoder stuff like mpeg and such01:59
Dr_Willis!compile | kanaly02:00
ubottukanaly: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)02:00
Dr_Williskanaly:  totally depends on whats in the archive02:00
spydefenderkanaly, untar it and make&&make install02:00
ZykoticK9kanaly, .tar.gz if an archive format (so what's inside is what matters - but it's probably source code)02:00
John___MrUnagi: did that work?02:00
MrUnagihow do you transfer files to the sftp02:01
ZykoticK9kanaly, what is it?  are you sure there isn't a DEB or PPA of the software?02:01
chris_osxkanaly: quick and dirty? tar -xzvf file.tar.gz        then  cd into the directory and type ./configure   then  sudo make install02:01
gccsterubuntu 10.10 gets me in trouble all the time02:01
gccsterwith old ubuntu libmodapache php5 worked fine damn02:02
MrUnagiJohn___: i can't do that because the user does not have shell access02:02
chris_osxgccster: why? have you got naughty pictures on your box?02:02
chris_osxah ok02:02
gccstermunin worked fine also02:02
gccsternow shit02:02
kaddi is there a wysiswyg editor for bb-code?02:03
FailicanThank you ubuntu channle, it works like a fish in the water with unrar program :=)02:03
John___MrUnagi: r u Transfer files securely with SFTP02:03
KarlHungusis apache shipping with an upstart init conf yet?02:03
IdleOne!language | gccster02:03
ubottugccster: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.02:03
MrUnagiJohn___: yes02:03
John___hold on02:03
gccsteri think ill install an older version of ubuntu02:04
John___MrUnagi: here http://linux.about.com/od/commands/l/blcmdl1_sftp.htm02:04
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mobius551im having trouble installing ubuntu02:05
mobius551i looke video when I select an option from the install menu02:05
KarlHungusi suppose i know apache (the asf) isn't shipping httpd w upstart, but i'm curious if the sysv init script has been ported over to upstart for ubuntu (stable or newer) yet02:05
Guest9859how can i extend a partition02:05
MrUnagipermissions are good, my client didnt want to see it02:06
neizAnyone familiar with the Razer Orochi mouse?  Looking for ubuntu drivers, but can only find mac/windows on their site02:06
FaiLicanI use irssi client atm, what is the advatages with irssi compared to other irc clients?02:06
Dr_WillisGuest9859:  gparted live  cd - is handy for resizeing partitions02:07
Bing0FaiLican, that isnt an ubuntu question.. ask in offtopic02:07
SimplySethFaiLican: its command line .. that's always a plus :)02:07
rwwFailican: 1) more configurable, 2) quicker to do everything with keyboard shortcuts than point-and-click, 3) autobleh02:07
Dr_WillisFaiLican:  i perfer weechat to irssi. :) both are command line based02:07
Dr_WillisFaiLican:  use what you like..  try one for a week.  try others.02:07
spydefenderAnybody uses UCK?02:07
FaiLicank, i've been using xchat but i like the configurablity in irssi :)02:08
the_filehi I am looking for a program that is gpl and similar to this: http://oi56.tinypic.com/2wgx55y.jpg02:08
John___MrUnagi: did u check ur client computer if it setup correctly02:08
gartralhow do i install updates without touching the kernel? my computer requires a special kernel too run.02:08
chris_osxgartral: uncheck the kernel updates02:09
the_fileJohn__: you make sure that updates your trying to install don't mes with kernel02:09
ShapeShifter499ahhh help I killed sound on my computer after trying to fix the problem of sound playing through the speakers while my headphones were plugged in..  and I do not know how to get it back02:09
SimplySeththe_file:  .. wish you the best on that one .. #offtopic02:09
ShapeShifter499I'm getting this following error02:09
FaiLicanontopic, anyone got good suggestions for a nice themes for the desktop?02:09
ShapeShifter499cannot open mixer: No such file or directory02:09
gartralchris_osx: i dont use graphical package managers02:09
KarlHungus21:09 < chris_osx> gartral: uncheck the kernel updates02:10
KarlHungusthat is terrible advice, fwiw02:10
ZykoticK9gartral, research "pinning" not really sure it's what you need, but maybe02:10
SimplySethFaiLican: art.gnome.org #offtopic02:11
gartralKarlHungus: any pointers that are constructive to me updating correctly, please?02:11
chris_osxKarlHungus: could you elaborate on that claim?02:11
KarlHungusgartral: preferably move you custom kernel code to a module and use akmod or dkms02:11
gartralZykoticK9: I did, and it only works if what your pinning is already installed.02:11
TheLolrusHello, I have a strange problem with pitivi. When trying to render on any format, it says it is rendering but the file is still stuck on 0 bytes. Do you guys happen to know why it isn't rendering?02:11
gartralKarlHungus: NOT possible, the BIOS boot stub is in the kernel. and it's signed and running from a TPM.02:12
gartralKarlHungus: it's a google cr-48 laptop. meant for the new chrome os02:12
KarlHungusgartral: are you getting it prebuilt? or can you make a new one from sources?02:12
gartralKarlHungus: yes, prebuilt, no only the recovery kernel is availible out of source.02:13
mobius551how can i work around the ubuntu install if I lose video when selecting options from the menu?02:13
TheLolrusstrange, running through a terminal fixed it02:14
KarlHungusgartral: hmm. thats interesting =) are you sure you want updates at all?02:14
tbruff13i need help with something02:14
tbruff13I am trying to run world of warcraft under wine and the installer works but it tells me that i might be behind a firewall02:15
tbruff13how do i set up ubuntu's firewall to work with wow02:16
kanalyuse sudo  apt-get install wine02:16
psycho_oreos!cn| rocfly02:16
ubotturocfly: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk02:16
tbruff13i have wine it works the wow installer even works02:16
chris_osxtbruff13: are you connected to a router?02:16
mobius551i keep losing video when selecting an item from the install menu, any way to work around it?02:16
tbruff13but it tells me i am behind a firewall that is stopping the program from working correctly02:17
KM0201tbruff13: ubuntu's software firewall is off by default... so you've either enabled it, or you're behind a router02:17
RussiaCan anyone help me fix my wubi installation?02:17
tbruff13i downloaded one thinking it would help02:17
KM0201help what?02:17
tbruff13if i uninstall it will it leave my computer open for any damage02:17
KM0201tbruff13: it's not windows...02:17
ShapeShifter499can someone help?02:18
bluezoneeHow skilled must one be in programming to join the ubuntu development team?02:18
tbruff13yes i know but ubuntu does have some bad content that lurks online02:18
tbruff13but i will disable this firewall02:18
ShapeShifter499help!  I've killed sound on my computer after trying to install the drivers from this link   http://www.realtek.com.tw/downloads/downloadsView.aspx?Langid=1&PNid=24&PFid=24&Level=4&Conn=3&DownTypeID=3&GetDown=false02:18
KM0201tbruff13: please link me to some of this "bad content"... i've been using Ubuntu for almost 5yrs, and have yet to run into it.02:19
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, don't understand why would you do that, I'd check kernel logs02:19
chris_osxtbruff13: are you connected to a router?02:19
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, how?02:19
tbruff13i was told by someone that wine could be used as a frontend for windows viruses to infect ubuntu02:19
KM0201tbruff13: i wouldn't listen to that person anymore02:20
KarlHungusKM0201: http://cve.mitre.org/ is a good place to start looking.02:20
Dr_Willistbruff13:  bad contend that lurks onlike? I have to wonder what you are even refering to.02:20
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, you need to go into terminal and type in `dmesg'02:20
ZykoticK9tbruff13, most but not all, the malware fails to run in wine - but it's certainly possible02:20
KM0201KarlHungus: i'll have to just trust you know i'm rolling my eyes02:20
tbruff13i need help turning off the firewall02:20
bluezoneetbruff13: possible, but highly unlikely (IMO)02:20
Dr_Willistbruff13:   wine has the ability to run window software.. so yes. that would include malware and so forth.02:20
Dr_Willistbruff13:  what firewall did you install exactly?02:20
aeon-ltdtbruff13: bull. 99.9999999999999% unlikely, wine (and other emus) are sandboxed the worst they could do is hog ram and cpu, and corrupt others in the wine userspace02:20
psycho_oreostbruff13, you cannot turn off the firewall, it is integral part of kernel so to say02:21
tbruff13all i installed was a program from ubuntu software center called firewall configuration02:21
Dr_Willisa bad app in wine. could  mess up your users home dir i guess.. but thats not going to infect the ssytem02:21
ZykoticK9psycho_oreos, actually the firewall isn't turned on in Ubuntu by default02:21
KM0201psycho_oreos: it is "turned off"(ie, open out, open in) by default however02:21
KarlHungusKM0201: :P but its true02:21
psycho_oreosZykoticK9, more like what I thought as not configured, i.e. nothing on the rules table02:21
KM0201KarlHungus: i geuss that depends on how gullible you ae.02:21
tbruff13i know i think i acidently turned it on how do i turn it off02:21
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, here is that output02:22
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, http://pastebin.com/W5wAxfuk02:22
Dr_Willistbruff13:  rerun that gui tool you turned it on with?02:22
bluezoneeHow skilled must one be in programming to join the ubuntu development team? (question re-asked)02:22
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, I was trying to fix my sound problem, where sound was playing through the speakers and headphones at the same time02:22
psycho_oreosKM0201, still I believe it would still work if you add rules to the table, it'll block, pretty sure its active just with noting configured02:22
tbruff13k it is open02:22
gartralKarlHungus: I played around with that idea, but as long as i dont update kernel i should be aok02:23
tbruff13it says incoming deny outgoing allow02:23
Dr_Willistbruff13:  perhaps -->  sudo ufw disable02:23
ZykoticK9!motu | bluezonee you might want to start here.  good luck.02:23
gartraland if i fubar it all, i'll start over02:23
ubottubluezonee you might want to start here.  good luck.: motu is short for Masters of the Universe. The brave souls who maintain the packages in the Universe section of Ubuntu. See  http://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU02:23
tbruff13should i allow the incoming too02:23
KM0201psycho_oreos: i don't know.. i don't think it is.... i'm behind a router though.. and when i've needed ports open, i just open my router, and it works02:23
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, oh and when I try running alsamixer either as root or not I get this error "cannot open mixer: No such file or directory"02:23
Dr_Willistbruff13:  as a test totally disable it02:24
cntbI know it may sound low precaution on securtity , but I need to not receive on boot GUI the keyring password screen unblocking window IOW have it permanently unblocked02:24
bomberinsandalscan anyone give me a crashcourse in wpa cracking02:24
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, seems like the driver isn't loaded judging by that dmesg output, lspci -k may also prove if there's driver loaded to the sound device02:25
tbruff13this is what i got back Dr_Willis02:25
tbruff13Firewall stopped and disabled on system startup02:25
rwwcntb: System -> Preferences -> Keychain and Passwords (or whatever it's called), in the window that pops up, right-click the entry for the login keychain and hit Change Password. Leave the new password boxes blank, click through the warning.02:25
psycho_oreosbomberinsandals, its off-topic, has nothing to do with ubuntu02:25
bomberinsandalswhat would be an appropriate chat room for it then?02:25
tbruff13ok now what about if it is the router causing the issue how would i fix that02:26
cntbrww thks02:26
psycho_oreosbomberinsandals, probably #aircrack-ng02:26
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, hmmm    http://pastebin.com/ceLW6ju502:26
gartraldude, freenode is lagging02:26
psycho_oreosKM0201, what I meant is that if you add a rule to the iptables table, like for example drop all outgoing packets it will do so without needing to be started02:26
needhelp1i need help, ive been having a problem i cant solve and i cant find any information online about it. it has to do with unetbootin and the startup disk creator, it installs fine to my 4gb usb but every time i try to boot from the usb drive i get the same error02:27
magn3tzHow is it that sharing to a Windows network is still so infuriatingly impossible in today's day with Ubuntu02:28
needhelp1kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x1002:28
KM0201magn3tz: what do you mean "sharing to a windows network?02:28
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, seems like its loaded, it just didn't create the necessry /dev/mixer I think..02:28
needhelp1i have formated the drive over and over again, and formated the volume to recreate the mbr02:28
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, which startup disk creator?02:28
tbruff13The Blizzard Downloader requires that TCP and UDP ports 3724, 4000, 6112, 6113, 6114 and 6881-6999 be forwarded.02:28
needhelp1psycho_oreos, from sy stem admin in ubuntu02:28
tbruff13this is the ports i need forwarded from my router how would i do that in ubuntu02:29
magn3tzKM0201: If I go in and "share" a folder with Nautilus, I assume taht should make that folder visible to Windows computers on the same network02:29
aeon-ltdmagn3tz: how's it? install and configure samba; chck firewall = thats it02:29
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, so how do I get it to create that?02:29
KM0201tbruff13: that all has to e done in your router, has nothing to do w/ ubuntu.. you need to refer to your router documentation02:29
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, why don't you just use unetbootin purely to download ubuntu iso and load it onto the USB drive?02:29
magn3tzI installed samba, the default cfg appears to be fine. Right-clikc "Share" and nothing shows up in windows.02:29
magn3tzaeon-ltd: what firewall?02:29
needhelp1psycho_oreos, i have, same error02:29
tbruff13i tried but i cant find my username i never put one in02:29
KM0201magn3tz: uh, you have to set windows to look at the share02:29
rwwtbruff13: 1) Forwarding ports on a router is something you do on your router with a web browser, not a setting in Ubuntu. 2) Blizzard downloader doesn't /require/ ports be forwarded, it just wants you to so it can use your upload bandwidth to send patches to other users.02:30
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, was thinking if you can check to see that you can load the module in verbose mode02:30
aeon-ltdmagn3tz: depends if you've set it up or not02:30
magn3tzKM0201: as in point it at \\cole-ubuntu-desktop\02:30
mobius551i need to edit the boot parameters because I lose video when using the traditional install, how do I do this?02:30
needhelp1pseubodot, i have used this same usb thumb drive before with unetbootin with a linux distro that worked fine02:30
tbruff13oh thanks rww02:30
magn3tzaeon-ltd: I haven't.02:30
needhelp1after the first use i keep getting this error though02:30
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, not likely, if so, that error sounds more like kernel panic/oops which may also mean insupported kernel02:30
KM0201magn3tz: do you have a folder set up to share now?02:30
magn3tzKM0201: yes.02:30
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, I'm still learning linux, how would I go about that?02:30
KM0201magn3tz: open my computer02:30
magn3tzKM0201: okay.02:31
KM0201and go to tools/map network drive02:31
needhelp1psycho_oreos, i know the kernal is supported because im using ubuntu now02:31
KM0201magn3tz: choose a driver letter, then hit enter.02:31
magn3tzKM0201: it's not seeing the computer and trying to connect to it manually fails. I don't think Mapping a Network Drive is going to work, but I will try.02:31
KM0201hold on02:32
magn3tzKM0201: yeah, dude, it's not showing up and its not accessible.02:32
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, `modinfo snd-hda-intel' from my output it seems like there's no verbose option02:32
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, uh02:32
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, ERROR: modinfo: could not open /lib/modules/2.6.35-24-generic/kernel/sound/pci/hda/snd-hda-intel.ko: No such file or directory02:32
KM0201magn3tz: can the two machines ping each other?02:32
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, well that single line paste seems like it came from kernel spewing up, it might also be you trying to use a 64bit version of ubuntu when your computer can only handle 32bit02:32
thethinkerwant to add a blacklist to ubuntu's filtering software, where to find them?02:32
magn3tzKM0201: I'm remoting into my Ubuntu machine from my couch, so yes, most definitely.02:33
needhelp1the iso i have is 32 bit, i double checked, and i checked the md5 wich was ok02:33
magn3tzKM0201: I also have SSHFS going from Ubuntu to Windows.02:33
needhelp1the iso i have is 32 bit, i double checked, and i checked the md5 wich was ok psycho_oreos02:33
magn3tzlol, that's the thing, I know what I'm doing and I still can't get it to work. Once a year I try this and I just leave frustrated.02:33
cntbmagn3tz: Ia m interested in remoting my oldmans ubuntu lucid thru freeNX02:34
nyRednekquestion, what is the package for the service config?02:35
magn3tzcntb try x2go. it's easier to configure, has audio and folder sharing. uses the nx protocol but isn't compatible with other NX clients/servers.02:35
magn3tzcntb: x2go has clients for most all platforms02:35
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, ahh wait it says modules available but if that posted an error it seems like the necessary file is gone and the module list was not updated.. I'd probably check to see if there's traces of the file somewhere under that parent directory or at least under the kernel version, if not then chances are at minimum you'll need to reinstall kernel modules but better yet is to remove realtek's driver first02:35
nyRednekparticularly samba config02:35
cntbwill conside magn3tz but is not freeNX mostpopular and supported magn3tz ?02:36
needhelp1has anyone here ever seen an error for a usb boot from system disk creator or unetbooting regarding   "Kernal_thread_helper" ??02:36
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, weird, well as far as I can tell its a line from kernel, you might want to try back tracing as to locate where was the originating source of conflict02:36
needhelp1psycho_oreos, it wont drop into a cli, just freezes the pc02:36
magn3tzcntb: idk, I had problems with freenx.02:36
magn3tzcntb, I install x2go-one and I was connected from my laptop 3 minutes later.02:36
magn3tzcntb, sound worked out of the box, etc.02:37
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, um realtek's driver had a install script, but no uninstall script, so I don't know where and what to remove02:37
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, which is what I meant, but I suppose the screen was scrolling fast prior to freeze? and that was the only line you saw?02:37
needhelp1well its going through a list of things, and stops on that .. i can see everything before02:37
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, I just checked my filesystem   and the file is no where in the directory02:37
cntbok magn3tz link to follow if you are so kind pls?02:37
needhelp1lots of numbers .. like <[0312394]  .02:37
magn3tzYep, still no ubuntu desktop >_<02:37
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, maybe check the contents of the install file and see if the files were placed where the install said02:37
magn3tzcntb I added the repos: http://www.x2go.org/index.php?id=7 installed x2go-one and it was done. really.02:38
cntbx2go-one resident on som erepo? magn3tz ?02:38
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, before that, if you can't see it then you may need to readjust vga settings to enable more lines on the screen02:38
cntbk thks magn3tz02:38
magn3tzcntb, that link has the repositories02:38
magn3tzcntb, no problem. good luck02:39
needhelp1psycho_oreos, can you give me 5 mins i can write some down02:39
* magn3tz is going to murder samba02:39
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, err yeah sure, but like I said, that's usually serious if you saw lines about it, which ubuntu are you trying to boot via unetbootin anyway?02:39
needhelp1psycho_oreos, brb02:40
psycho_oreosand you're currently running 10.04?02:40
lucielHi, I'm currently awaiting an SSD in the post. Due to this I have two options open: clone my current HDD or a fresh install - which is better (either is fine). Secondly, is there a way if I do use the SSD fresh can I use the swap partition on the HDD, or create one as applicable?02:40
max_sharpehi hi.02:40
lucielOr should I put a swap partition on the SSD?02:41
computerwiz_222hey guys im having issues with a 10.04 server with root raid1'd. i used a live cd to edit a borked fstab and now it boots to initramfs02:41
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, um ok so it looks like it auto compiles the driver from a .tar.bz2   full of the alsa source and I tried looking inside that but I can't find any info to as where the files got installed to02:42
magn3tzOH LOOK. It *still* doesn't show up02:42
psycho_oreosluciel, if you're new to linux I'd probably do fresh install, but cloning may just work without too much issues.. as for using swap partition on hard drive it should be possible with minor tweaking to /etc/fstab file02:42
woshishuido not to say02:42
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, is it a Makefile?02:43
lucielpsycho_oreos, Not that new, but not worked with an SSD before.02:43
intraderAnyone, where can I find the settings for the fan on my Dell Inspiron 8200  with ubuntu maverick. The fan is always on - the CPU use is abou 4%.02:43
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, oh ya the makefile lolz hold on02:44
roydaman2ok guys gotta noob question i am tryin to dual boot xp and zorin on 2 seperate HDD but i cannot get GRUB to work02:44
computerwiz_222i was messing with nfs, created a mount and added the line to fstab. i used the live cd to reert he02:44
needhelp1psycho_oreos, kernet_init02:44
needhelp1etc etc02:44
psycho_oreosluciel, I haven't worked with SSD either but I'm under the impression that they work the same as a normal hard drive without the usual mechanical sounds and what not. I guess no harm in cloning hard disk contents across to see if it works, if it doesn't then maybe you'll need to adjust the settings to make it work or to simply reinstall02:44
computerwiz_222revert the file, and now i get initramfs02:45
gartral_how do i force delete failed downloads?02:45
magn3tzI can see my computer, I just can't use the hostname02:45
magn3tzwhat a load of crap02:45
Roakshello, i have a question02:45
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, I'll pastebin the makefile02:45
mopfliteI received the /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/firefox-restart-required notification tonight except that firefox has not been upgraded or reinstalled (not by me anyway) - should I be worried?02:45
roydaman2i guess what i need is some 1 to walk me thru how to edit the GRUB file properly02:46
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, what about a line or two leading up to the first lines of [<c01221314>] foo or whatever you may see?02:46
Roaksi wish to make a reproducer video, how can i do?02:46
needhelp1cant see up that far02:46
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, try readjusting the vga= line under isolinux02:47
psycho_oreosor err casper I think in that case02:47
needhelp1psycho_oreos, maybe i cant get around this entirely .. what im trying to do is .. do a fresh install of ubuntu .. if possible from within ubuntu02:48
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, http://pastebin.com/QLZvE9gX02:48
needhelp1i installed originally with some personal information and i want to remove it02:48
gartral_how do i force delete failed downloads in apt??02:48
lucielpsycho_oreos, Thanks. So similarly, if I use the visual install, setup / on the SSD and /home on the HDD and a swap partition on the HDD will the auto installer sort the rest?02:49
needhelp1psycho_oreos, i dont have a cd, and the usb isnt working02:49
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, not easily no02:49
psycho_oreosluciel, it should iirc02:49
lightahey does someone know wich software can convert my video file into wm902:50
Roaksuse mencoder02:50
Roaksmencoder is a software that convert videos into diferents formats02:50
lightado you know if it support wm9 ?02:50
Roaksi think so02:51
Roaksor use, ffmpeg02:51
Roakssorry for my english02:51
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, I'd format the USB completely first, use unetbootin and then load it with the ubuntu iso and retry again.. failing that there's not much other alternatives apart from trying to locate the source of the problem or do dist-upgrade from your current release and hope that it still works (probably may want to backup important data first)02:51
LinoSPmasjota: hola02:52
Roakscomo estas masjota?02:52
psycho_oreoslighta, there's a switch or so I believe under mplayer to see what -vo codecs are supported.. basically if mplayer supports it so does mencoder02:52
gartral_why is downloads from cononical coming so slowly?02:52
LinoSPhozer29: hola02:52
psycho_oreos!es| Roaks02:52
ubottuRoaks: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:52
lightafriend say mencoder wasn't working for wm9, any other idea ?02:52
masjotame pueden ayudar :-) soy nuevo...02:52
psycho_oreoserr oops02:52
Roaksclaro masjota yo tambien soy nuevo02:52
psycho_oreos!es| masjota02:52
ubottumasjota: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.02:52
Roakslighta: use ffmpeg02:53
rwwRoaks, masjota: English here. Spanish in #ubuntu-es.02:53
lightaffmpeg doesn't support wm902:53
LinoSPdiscriminadores  xD02:53
lightaguys it' really wm9 the issue here :(02:53
rwwLinoSP: no, just separating out various languages to avoid confusion ;P02:53
gartral_why is downloads from cononical coming so slowly?02:53
rwwgartral_: because their servers are overloaded02:53
LinoSP:P i know   xD02:53
needhelp1psycho_oreos, thanks for your help, im gona try one more thing.. brb02:54
psycho_oreoslighta, I don't know if wm9 is specifically supported, though I think wma and wmv are supported02:54
psycho_oreosneedhelp1, nw02:54
Roaksgartral: u must to find servers in your location02:54
gartral_Roaks: i'm in us02:54
Roaksso, could be a problem with your ISP02:54
twiztidhey gang... could anyone help me out with getting a WMP54G RT2500chipset wireless networking card goin on 10.10?02:54
rwwno, the various canonical.com repositories are overloaded.02:55
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, :/02:55
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, there's an option to make uninstall02:55
psycho_oreosbut in either case it may have borked your setup02:55
mopfliteI received the /var/lib/update-notifier/user.d/firefox-restart-required notification tonight except that firefox has not been upgraded or reinstalled (not by me anyway) - should I be worried, potential security issue?02:55
gartral_rww: the download just stopped, dead02:56
rwwgartral_: this is not unusual, in my experience.02:56
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, but wouldn't reinstalling alsa from repo fix this?  I've tried and it has not? know why?02:56
twiztidcould anyone please help me out with getting a Linksys WMP54G RT2500 chipset wireless networking card goin on Ubuntu 10.10?  Not too sure what driver would be appropriate...02:57
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, its not the alsa that's messed up, its the kernel modules for sound are pretty much gone because in the Make file it specifies to remove it, check lines 212 and more below from that last pastebin link you sent me02:58
psycho_oreostwiztid, normally rt2x00 driver by serialmonkey (which should come standard as integral part of kernel) works02:58
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, err s/Make\ file/Makefile/02:59
Roaksi want to know how can i make a reproductor program like mplayer?02:59
amalloyi'm using wubi to dual-boot ubuntu/windows, and am suddenly unable to boot to ubuntu, receiving the error message "unknown command (loadfont)". the problem seems to be documented at http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10165304, but i can't easily boot from a live cd - is there any way i can edit my grub.cfg from windows?02:59
=== al3x is now known as Guest67871
twiztidpsycho_oreos: not to be obvious, but you mean to tell me that itll work out of the box???  :O03:00
psycho_oreostwiztid, yup in other words :)03:00
psycho_oreostwiztid, well at least it should03:00
simon_when i use world of warcraft on opengl mode it give me an error,but i can run it in direct x(but it goes very slow) i'm using lucid 32bits with intel g31 without compiz.  PD:render yes.gears:5000 frames in 5s03:00
twiztidpsycho_oreos: OMG IM GUNNA FAINT! LOL THX! Im on it!03:00
taransvarhello ubuntu friends03:01
researcher1is it possible to download updates in zip form so that the same can be applied on another ubuntu machine which does not have internet?03:01
taransvarhow are you03:01
rww!offline | ResQue03:01
ubottuResQue: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD03:01
=== taransvar is now known as xfranz
rwwstupid tabs03:01
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, so I killed my sound modules?03:01
MrUnagihow can i list the cli history?03:01
rww!offline | researcher103:01
ubotturesearcher1: If you need to download Ubuntu packages using another machine or OS, check the desired packages in Synaptic and select File > Generate package download script. Alternatively, try http://ubottu.com/ljl/apt/ - See also !APTonCD03:01
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, yup, kernel sound modules03:02
StrangeCharmhow do i use rm to remove every file whose name matches a particular pattern inside a directory and it's subdirectories? say, i want to remove *.txt in /malarkey , and also /malarkey/stuff, and /malarkey/junk03:02
psycho_oreosMrUnagi, less ~/.bash_history03:02
rwwMrUnagi: the "history" command, or "less ~/.bash_history"03:02
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, :/03:02
=== WinstonSmith_ is now known as WinstonSmith
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, so no fixing that without reinstalling ubuntu?03:02
Roaksrm -rf *.txt03:02
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, it may work if you reinstall linux-modules03:02
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, oh?03:02
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, ok one sec03:03
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, well reinstalling would be the last avenue but at this rate you're quickly headed towards backing up and reinstall :) you need to be familiar with linux in order to get out of the mess you created initially03:03
Roakssomebody here is a programmer?03:03
psycho_oreosMrUnagi, nw03:03
BlackWebDoes anyone know what program I'd need to turn my local host into a FTP server03:04
amalloyStrangeCharm: you want something like $ find -name '*.txt' | xargs rm03:04
BlackWebI know redhat then theres vsftpd03:04
StrangeCharmthanks amalloy03:05
lightaBlackWeb, well you need an ftp server, something like vsftpd, proftp..03:05
psycho_oreosBlackWeb, there's plenty, even vsftpd is available inside ubuntu repos iirc, you can search in the very least for ftpd under apt-cache03:05
lightathere vsftpd here also03:05
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, I can't find that package03:06
BlackWebalright, ya wasnt sure, i went to the terminal and tried to get it and it couldnt find it so maybe need to google it03:06
BlackWebThanks :)03:06
xfranzwhat are you looking blackweb03:06
xfranzwhat are you looking blackweb?03:06
BlackWebwent to terminal and tried sudo apt-get install vsftpd03:07
nintnint#mpd is dead, can anyone help me?  I do sudo mpd and get:  listen: Failed to listen on localhost (line 69): Address already in use03:07
BlackWeband couldnt find it or my respositories are out of date or something03:07
rwwnintnint: Ubuntu installs mpd as a service, so it's already running. Set it up how you want it, then sudo service mpd restart03:08
tdh20021hi everyone!03:08
Roaks hi!03:08
xfranzwhat is the use of vsftpd?03:09
psycho_oreosShapeShifter499, hmm bugger, I can see there's restricted modules in the repo. I'd say you may have to reinstall linux-image-generic then03:09
gllhow to change the background color of the menuitem in GTK ?03:10
nintnintnick@nickmain:~$ sudo service mpd restart03:10
nintnint * /etc/mpd.conf must have pid_file set; cannot stop daemon.03:10
=== lighta is now known as istmelighta
MrUnagiwhat in the.....my ftp user cant download any files, says permission denied, how do you set that permission?03:10
bomberinsandalshow do i run a game i downloaded03:10
psycho_oreosxfranz, very secure ftp server03:10
=== istmelighta is now known as lighta
=== dec2010 is now known as RWF
pixelpirateBest Netbook distro?03:11
psycho_oreos!unr| pixelpirate03:11
ubottupixelpirate: Ubuntu Netbook Remix is a slightly altered version of Ubuntu, optimised for small screens. For more information, please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UNR - support in #ubuntu03:11
Duweshello baby03:11
psycho_oreos!offtopic| Duwes03:11
ubottuDuwes: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:11
ralliasQuestion of compatibility: Can the filesystem copy tool copy into a mounted truecrypt enclosure?03:12
psycho_oreos!pm | xfranz03:12
ubottuxfranz: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.03:12
psycho_oreosrallias, you might want to ask that in truecrypt support channel03:13
russiaCan I access files on another partitions on Ubuntu?03:13
psycho_oreosrussia, yes03:13
psycho_oreosprovided that they are mounted of course03:13
amalloyi'm using wubi to dual-boot ubuntu/windows, and am suddenly unable to boot to ubuntu, receiving the error message "unknown command (loadfont)". the problem seems to be documented at http://ubuntu-ky.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=10165304, but i can't easily boot from a live cd - is there any way i can edit my grub.cfg from windows?03:13
xfranzpsycho_oreo: can tell me how to install vsftpd?03:13
russiapsycho_oreos: Would I need mount it with "sudo mount /windows/directory/here /newdirectory/03:14
magnetzzCan anyone help me register my hostname on my network please03:14
psycho_oreosxfranz, why do you want to install it? you need to be able to know how to configure it afterwards03:14
magnetzzI have samba installed... I have my hostname set... my windows machine can access my IP, but it does not see it's hostname...03:14
psycho_oreos!mount| russia03:14
ubotturussia: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount03:14
Paolo_CTHi there, I been using ubuntu for a year, and I just installed kde a couple weeks ago, since then, I been having problems with the audio (input and output), it works for a while, and suddlendly fail...Any healp pls?03:14
magnetzzgod this is so frustrating03:15
psycho_oreosmagnetzz, its the router that needs to be made aware of the hostname by resolving it, either that or you can manually add entry into windows03:15
=== Abhinav11 is now known as Abhinav1
nintnint * /etc/mpd.conf must have pid_file set; cannot stop daemon.03:16
magnetzzpsycho_oreos: why can I type WINDOWS_MACHINE_HOSTNAME into ping and it works.03:16
magnetzzI didn't set it manually in the router...03:16
acerBhi guys03:16
psycho_oreosmagnetzz, and you're pinging from the windows machine itself?03:17
gllhello , is there anyone know how to change the background color of the menuitem in GTK ?03:17
magnetzzpsycho_oreos: I can ping my windows machine by hostname from ubuntu, but not the other way around.03:17
xfranzfor safety03:17
Flannelnintnint: You need to edit /etc/mpd.conf and set some stuff up before it'll run.  But once you do, you'll be able to start it (as a service).03:17
acerBis there an alternative to youtube-dl?03:17
magnetzzI didn't set anything in /etc/hosts or in the router to enable that.03:17
DuwesIs this place safe03:17
magnetzzI assume the router is aware via netbios, etc03:17
Duwesanswer me guys03:17
DuwesIs this place safe?03:17
magnetzzDuwes: ? safe for what?03:18
tdh20021Safe ?03:18
Duwesi'm asking03:18
Duwescan't i be hacked here?03:18
magnetzzpsycho_oreos: further, my router sees my cole-ubuntu-desktop hostname and is aware of it03:18
xfranzi want to know how to install vsftpd for security03:18
psycho_oreosmagnetzz, no idea, maybe linux has arp cached entries which maybe generated by other potential sources such as from samba for example, windows is pretty dumb on the other hand when it comes to interop03:18
magnetzzDuwes: You're fine. I have no idea what you're talking about.03:18
Duwesok thank you03:19
psycho_oreosxfranz, you might want to search for vsftpd-HOWTO on google to see what you're getting into03:19
Duwesmagnetzz thank you03:19
tdh20021duwes:i think it is you problem03:19
xfranzthank you03:19
Duweswhat do you mean?03:19
acerBis there an alternative to youtube-dl?03:19
tdh20021duws: you can connect by proxy server03:19
Duwestdh20021: what do you mean?03:19
psycho_oreosacerB, that has got nothing to do with ubuntu03:19
xfranzDuwes: hey03:20
Duwesxfranz: hey03:20
nintnintflannel: any idea what stuff?  I've set up the proper files in the proper directories03:20
tdh20021duews: if you dont want to be hacked , you can connect by proxy03:20
psycho_oreosproxy isn't all that safe either03:21
rwwnope. freenode and #ubuntu block open proxies that aren't TOR03:21
Flannelnintnint: There's a few things (passwords and such) that it mentions you need to set.  Once you've done that, you should be able to start mpd (sudo service mpd start)03:21
acerBpsycho_oreos,  the prob is that when i want to download a vid from youtube for offline viewing it doesn't seem to download the videos03:21
Duwesi want to learn how to hack can someone help me?03:21
xfranzpsycho_oreos: now i know03:21
nintninti've never neeeded to set up mpd with a password03:21
rwwDuwes: no03:21
psycho_oreosacerB, again, its not related to ubuntu, not in the remote sense03:21
macoDuwes: if you mean cracking (criminal hacking) it is not permitted here03:21
psycho_oreos!offtopic| acerB03:21
ubottuacerB: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:21
magnetzzI smell troll03:21
Duwesi'm just joking03:22
rwwpsycho_oreos: youtube-dl is in Ubuntu's repositories, and is thus on-topic for #ubuntu.03:22
Duwesmaco: i'm just joking03:22
acerBDuwes, I would recommend http://www.hackforums.net for your early start03:22
psycho_oreosrww, ahh my mistake, didn't know that was available03:22
Duwescan you help me about internet security rather?03:22
DuwesacerB: thank you acerb how nice of you03:22
magnetzz"Internet Security"?03:23
magnetzzlol #ubuntu's the wrong place for any/all of that03:23
acerBno brobs Duwes03:23
DuwesWhy are our IPs are visible?03:23
treetopim having issue with ubuntu server starting up it asks me a question but i cant type i troubleshooted all the most common things like maybe my keyboard and stuff but my real question is whats the best way to get my /var/www/ files off the hardrive03:24
xfranzhow can u say its safe here for hacking when the IPs are visible?03:24
xangua!cloack > Duwes03:24
GneaacerB: I've found that if you go to youtube-dl's site, you can get the latest there and it works03:24
xanguammm no cloack fact03:24
skrapswhen you fart and noones around does it still smell??03:24
xangua!cloak > Duwes03:24
gllsomebody help me ..03:24
ubottuDuwes, please see my private message03:24
Gnea!ot | skraps03:24
ubottuskraps: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:24
Gnea!ask | gll03:25
ubottugll: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)03:25
gllhow to change the background color of the  menuitem in GTK ?03:25
=== Treetopx is now known as treetop
Gneagll: a menu *item*?03:25
Duwesubottu: thank you very much03:25
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)03:25
rwwDuwes: IPs are visible by default because that's how IRC works. It's also how HTTP and email work.03:26
Duwesrww: thank you for the information03:26
Duwesthis irc is cool guys03:26
Duwesthe bot is cool03:26
Gneathat's a wee bit too specific, I think you can change the colors of menus themselves, but menu items, that's up to the icon.  I doubt that gnome is diverse enough to support such a thing.03:27
acerBDuwes, think of it as flashin a badge around with ur name on it03:27
Duweshow is that?03:27
Duwescloak > duwes03:28
gllGnea: thank you03:28
max_sharpei just noticed this irc shows ips03:29
Paolo_CTHi there, I been using ubuntu for a year, and I just installed kde a couple weeks ago, since then, I been having problems with the audio (input and output), it works for a while, and suddlendly fail...Any healp pls?}03:29
Duwesprayer is the best answer03:29
soreauPaolo_CT: In what way does it fail?03:30
craigbass1976I'm using dyndns; Were I using just an ip, I'd throw something in /etc/hosts so I could just do somthing like ssh mybox.  How do I do something like that when rather than resolving an ip I've got to resolve a hostname in /etc/hosts?03:30
Paolo_CTsoreau: I will start the session, and if I play a video, it may work or it will suddlendly stop working in any minute03:30
Paolo_CTsoreau: Not just with a video, with everything, it suddlendly stop working. Input and Output03:31
soreauPaolo_CT: Have you checked the audio setting in kde panel? Are you using pulseaudio?03:31
Paolo_CTsoreau: Yes, about puseaudio I just kill the process and start it again, but nothing happened03:34
MrUnagiwhy do i not have permission to download from sftp.....which permission is that?03:34
soreauPaolo_CT: Do you still have gnome installed or how did you install kde?03:34
Paolo_CTsoreau: I still have gnome03:35
soreauPaolo_CT: If you log into gnome does it work ok?03:35
Paolo_CTsoreau: Nop, It doenst work the sound03:35
soreauPaolo_CT: It doesn't work at all in gnome or it just has the same intermittent problem?03:36
Paolo_CTsoreau: I was just trying to think about that, but I dont really remember, I will log into gnome and came back in here03:36
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espansbabhow can i hide my IPadd here03:37
rww!cloak | espansbab03:37
ubottuespansbab: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode03:37
MrUnagiwhat permission needs to be set for a user to download from sftp?03:38
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StrangeCharmhow do i run a shell using a socks proxy?03:40
rwwMrUnagi: Does the user you're logging in as over sftp have permission to read the files you're trying to download?03:40
MrUnagii get permission denied when trying to download but not when upload03:40
skrapsmrunagi: if root is creatign the files etc in the ftp account root directory , you need to adjust the ownership and group id before because the ftp user wont have the same uid and giud as root,03:40
UncleChipshey... I have an Ubuntu 9.04 machine thats is responding "It works!" on port 80 but I cannot seem to find where it is running that from... :/03:40
MrUnagirww: chown is set to the user and chmod is 75503:40
MrUnagiskraps: it is a file that the user uploaded03:40
rdw200169UncleChips: /var/www03:40
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UncleChipsty rdw20016903:41
skrapsmrunagi 744 is rwx r r03:41
rwwUncleChips: fyi, 9.04 reached end of life in October and is no longer receiving security updates. It isn't supported in this channel, and it's strongly recommended that you upgrade to a supported version.03:41
ubottuEnd-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades03:41
w11_hi all03:42
UncleChipsrww: I sure am, in about a week I'll have 10.10.. but its a dedicated vps so I need to have the guys clean install without all the garbage disabling updates and other 3rd party junk03:42
MrUnaginevermind i think it was just the one file03:42
rwwUncleChips: okay :)03:42
rdw200169UncleChips: for the standard apache installation, your website should reside, in some way, shape, or form, in /var/www with the owner/group as www-data (this way you don't get crazy 'no permission' stuff when you browse your site).  furthermore, you should reference how to set up a basic apache configuration for your server, so you can have directories, and such03:43
UncleChipsI noticed even after sudo apt-get remove apache2 lighttpd ... that I still get responses on port 80 saying 'It Works' because this is what is in /var/www/index.html .... is this normal for having removed the 2 apps?03:44
Dr_WillisUncleChips:  they are still in ram.. stop the service perhaps03:45
Paolo_CTsoreau: Hi, I just restarted my system into gnome, the sound wasnt working at all now03:45
enyawixwhy is Ubuntu 32 recommended on the Ubuntu page? Is there a bug in the 64 bit version that stands out over normal bugs?03:45
cr215does anyone use myth tv?03:46
gartral_enyawix: yes, FLASH03:46
enyawixmyth tv rocks03:46
rwwenyawix: no, it's recommended so that people who don't know what version to get get one that works on most things03:46
rwwenyawix: Flash works fine for me.03:46
rdw200169enyawix: mostly b/c you only need 64 bit for crazy math/physics or if you have greater than 8GB of ram03:47
FlannelUncleChips: Just removing "apache2" doesn't remove the server, you'll need to remove a few more packages.  Assuming you're on a recent version and picked the defaults: sudo apt-get purge apache2-mpm-worker apache2.2-common apache2.2-bin apache2-suexec apache2-doc apache2-utils03:47
soreauPaolo_CT: But it was working in gnome before you installed kde, right?03:47
Paolo_CTsoreau: Right03:47
UncleChipsDr_THanks Flannel, I'm doing that right now...03:48
enyawixrdw200169: 64bit is over ten years old why wont 32 die03:48
Paolo_CTsoreau: It stop working after I installed Skype in KDE (I doubt that was the cause, but after I remove skype, there was no change)03:48
enyawixthanks for the help03:48
CP2100Would xubuntu run on a 2ghz/256ram laptop better than XP?03:48
killoenyawix: Because 64bit has little advantage03:49
rdw200169enyawix: probably b/c of the storm AMD weathered some 20-odd years ago when they release a 64-bit only proc.03:49
Dr_WillisCP2100:  perhaps.. Lubuntu may work even better03:49
Paolo_CTsoreau:  Again, that might be just a coincidence03:49
soreauPaolo_CT: So it was fine for a while before installing skype?03:49
Paolo_CTsoreau: YEs03:49
craigbass1976Anyone had trouble mounting a Christmas present in Lucid?  I'm having trouble with a philips mp3 player.  lsusb shows it, but it won't mount.03:49
CP2100Is Lubuntu stable?03:49
UncleChips... THERE we go, the web server is gone... now I can clean re-install it to get wtorrent going... thanks you guys! :D03:49
Blue11CP2100: probably - I have win xp and ubuntu 10.04 (lts) on a compaq deskpro 733 mhz 384M o ram03:49
Dr_WillisCP2100:  works decently well here.03:49
Paolo_CTsoreau: I installed skype using Ubuntu Tweak03:49
soreauPaolo_CT: Try removing the config files for skype and make sure no skype processes are running03:50
soreauPaolo_CT: What else did you do with ubuntu tweak?03:50
KM0201Paolo_CT: skype had some issues earlier in the week w/ their servers... i just downloaded the .deb from skype.com and it works03:50
KM0201ubuntu tweak...lol, is it possibly worse than wubi?03:50
Paolo_CTKM0201: Update repos, installed software, clean after that03:51
CP2100Dr_Willis:  I am 100% Linux noob.  So I am looking for something to replace Windows without any real effort to play roms (nes and snes) along with use facebook/youtube and maybe some flash games on websites.03:51
=== amalloy is now known as amalloy_
Dr_WillisIve had no issues with 'ubuntu-tweak'03:51
Dr_WillisCP2100:  lubuntu can cover the basics.03:51
KM0201Paolo_CT: so what happens skype just doesnt start, or what?03:51
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kaushalPlease guide me about http://askubuntu.com/questions/18988/openvpn-on-ubuntu-10-10 ?03:51
Paolo_CTKM0201: No, The sound (Input and Output) stop working, right after I installed skype03:52
DiamondciteCP2100: NES and SNES wise, try ZSNES which should have a linux version03:52
Paolo_CTKM0201: And now (after removing it) still doesnt work03:52
KM0201thats odd03:52
enyawixCP2100 ubuntu or mandrake would be great for you03:53
Paolo_CTsoreau: No process are running, and the config file (should be in ~/.skype?) is empty03:53
CP2100And Sega roms too, obv.  But I just dont want to have to keep trying different distros to find one I like.  I already tried Puppy which was really messy on start up and took like 30 minutes for me to figure out how to do wireless adapter to work.03:53
CP2100I just want to make sure what distro I choose will run better than XP on my 256 ram cpu.03:54
Dr_WillisCP2100:  30 min in puppy.. heh.. thats odd..03:54
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ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, you still there?03:54
CP2100Well I didn't know what I was doing and had to do trial and error.03:54
Dr_WillisCP2100:  if you want uber-minimal-roll-your-own - theres 'tiny core linux' but i would say - try lubuntu03:54
enyawixCP2100: facebook games work fine but farm town is broken03:54
Paolo_CTKM0201: I was thinking about reinstalling, but before that, in the case that is a bug, I want to see if I could give any information that could be helpfull03:55
soreauPaolo_CT: Its pretty obvious that something you have installed messed things up.. if you want a better kde experience, you might be better off trying kubuntu from a live cd and see if it works. If it still has the same problem, you can file a bug03:55
KM0201Paolo_CT: honestly, i don't know.. skype works flawlessly for me..03:55
CP2100I will try Lubuntu.03:55
ShapeShifter499psycho_oreos, sounds back but I still have that other issue where the computer can't tell when the headphones are plugged in and I have to manually set it in sound preferences03:56
Paolo_CTsoreau: Thanks for your time, I will reinstall tomorrow.03:56
unrealjeffis there a not so serious ubuntu channel?03:56
unrealjeffnot so crowded03:56
enyawixCP2100: if you have 356 ram you need to hack ubuntu03:56
Paolo_CTKM0201: Thank you for your help. Will reinstall after all03:56
dewwCP2100: it probably wont run "better"03:56
soreau! ot | unrealjeff03:56
ubottuunrealjeff: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!03:56
KM0201Paolo_CT: sorry i couldn't be more assistance.03:56
JesusBondClamTk freezes while recursive filesystem scanning. Finds 545 viruses in the home partition, which is encrypted. I tried to scan with avira from usb but it doesn't scan the encrypted files, what scanner should i use now?03:56
enyawixCP2100 ubuntu starts many services at boot you simply do not need03:57
unrealjeffsoreau: thanks! :D03:57
Paolo_CTKM0201: Thanks anyway :D03:57
Morbusanyone know if there's anythign that terminates background processes (or nohup'd processes) after 90 minutes?03:59
CP2100enyawix:  I am using 2ghz/256ram/64mb video/40gb hd.  The laptop is 7-8 years old.  My mom gave it to me.  I am also 100% new to linux.03:59
CP2100enyawix:  So I am just looking for anything that will run better than xp along with playing nes/snes/sega roms and do facebook/youtube with minimal effort on my half.  To good to be true?04:00
enyawixCP2100:  just google for BUM. BUM = boot up manager04:00
bastidrazorenyawix: why use google? use synaptic and install it. CP210004:01
CP2100I am downloading Lubuntu right now.  I have bad internet.  Says it will take 2 hours. :\04:01
enyawixbastidrazor: i do not know if you have it. i do not run ubuntu. that is for my girlfriends computer04:02
caboose885anybody on here good with drivers?04:02
Dr_WillisCP2100:  torrents are handy04:02
KM0201caboose885: drivers for...?04:02
Dr_Williscaboose885:  perhaps be a bit more clear in the problem. :)04:02
enyawixcaboose885: i can help04:02
DiamondciteCP2100: with specs like tat lubuntu sounds about right, Flash and Firefox should work fine, zsnes for your SNES games, not sure about your NES and SEGA games...04:03
caboose885Dell Duo....brand new and the touch screen is screwed up04:03
* KM0201 once taught a drivers ed class04:03
CP2100Diamondcite: Okay04:03
caboose885It works in Windows *shudder*04:03
caboose885but when I boot in to ubuntu back to back its no longer functional04:03
CP2100Dr_Willis:  Yeah.  Torrents are good, but I am fine with waiting.04:03
KM0201caboose885: it's fairly irrelevant that it works in Windows...04:03
caboose885it works if I reboot from Windows to Ubuntu but not if I just boot into Ubuntu04:03
caboose885I think its a calibration deal04:04
KM0201allt hat proves, it's nt a hardware problem04:04
DiamondciteCP2100: If asked to make one, please consider making a swap partition (if it doesn't do it automatically?)04:04
CP2100a swap partition?04:04
caboose885I know windows doesn't have anything to do it but I know its not a hardware issue04:04
TMN_i just ordered laptop with ATI switchable graphics. the switching probably doesn't work on linux but is there usually easy way to kill the integrated gpu and use the discrete one all the time?04:04
enyawixCP2100:  like the windows swap file04:04
DiamondciteCP2100: Err.. Window has a swap file in C:\, linux uses a swap partition, a space dedicated to putting things which don't fit in ram and aren't currently active.04:05
CP2100Okay, so make swap if asked.04:05
soreauTMN_: The radeon driver has great support for ATI cards now. Turn onboard gpu off in your system bios04:05
enyawixCP2100:   linux can do a actual swap file with loop04:05
enyawixbut that is slower04:05
DiamondciteCP2100: Your homework for example, will probably be in swap more often than facebook =P04:06
caboose885if anyone is interested here is the running thread of the Dell Duo Issues...http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=162823204:06
TMN_soreau: awesome. thanks. how is 3d support of radeon driver? haven't dealt with ati on linux in years04:07
enyawixanyone here using the cloud server? if so did you like it?04:07
bastidrazorTMN_: i'm using radeon on an X1200 and everything works04:07
TMN_sounds good04:08
bastidrazorTMN_: the last 2 releases of ubuntu have vastly improved ATI support. all has worked well for me since 9.1004:09
caboose885bastidrazor: My ATI Support dropped in 10.04 +04:09
caboose885My ATI Radeon X1400 is glitchy now04:09
KM0201caboose885: whats your device?04:09
bastidrazori'm still on 10.0404:09
caboose885its sometimes unusable04:10
JesusBondWhen I run the ubuntu virusscanner, it finds 500 viruses on the encrypted home partition (recursive scan file system), but freezes before i can delete them. I tried to scan from usb boot with avira, but it doesn't scan the encrypted files. What should i try now?04:10
magnetzzI wnat to remove php5-cgi but it keeps trying to install apache04:10
KM0201JesusBond: 500?...lol04:10
magnetzzgod I can't get anything to work right today04:10
dagoti'm still on 9.1004:10
soreauTMN_: The support is very good, especially for 3D in chips r3-5xx. The r6-r8xx support is growing rapidly and many things already work well04:10
jon8_magnetzz, apt-get remove php5-cgi04:10
caboose885@KM0201: I filed a bug with the Launchpad but its still being fixed....I'm assuming04:11
soreaucaboose885: Which version of ubuntu are you using?04:11
BlueEaglemagnetzz: Is the apache install failing and therefoer you cannot remove php5-cgi?04:11
magnetzzjon8_: right, it then tries to install apache2.2-bin apache2.2-common BlueEagle04:11
caboose885soreau: 10.1004:11
magnetzzBlueEagle: no, apache was installed, I removed it and it installed php5-cgi04:11
cachedI know this isn't strictly an ubuntu question at all, but I'm not getting much assistance elsewhere: is it possible, given the google chrome / firefox cached files for a certain (css, in this case) page, to recreate the original source?04:11
jon8_magnetzz, when using 'apt-get remove' its trying to install something?04:11
JesusBondKM0201: Do you have an idea how to scan enncrypted home partition alternatively?04:11
soreaucaboose885: What is glitching exactly?04:11
R0b0t1Hello, would anyone happen to know if the problem with Ubuntu 10 and Macs is fixed? It had to do with no X.04:12
BlueEaglemagnetzz: Any useful error messages?04:12
R0b0t1Assuming it's fixed, I'ma try to upgrade.04:12
KM0201JesusBond: no i don't... what virus scanner are you using again04:12
caboose885soreau: the screen will flicker almost. Sometimes the driver totally crashes and kills the computer04:12
ubottuFor help on installing and using Ubuntu on a mac, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MactelSupportTeam/CommunityHelpPages04:12
soreaucaboose885: Are you using kms?04:12
caboose885soreau: this all started the day I updated past 9.1004:12
obiyodaI just ended up with a new dell precision m4500 but trying to install 10.10 and all I get is a blank screen when booting any ideas.04:12
caboose885no its a laptop04:12
jon8_obiyoda what video card?04:12
soreaucaboose885: Pastebin your X log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log file)04:12
JesusBondKM0201: the one from ubuntu and another one from avira for usb. but avira doesn't scan the encrypted files04:13
magnetzzIt's not an error.....04:13
magnetzzIt just does it04:13
KM0201obiyoda: does it eventually get to the desktop?.. my screen is usually black until it hits the sign on screen... also, during hte "black screen".. hit escape, and see what the terminal is doing04:13
obiyodaits nvidia not sure of the make04:13
Ja23obiyoda: check this out https://wiki.ubuntu.com/X/Troubleshooting/BlankScreen04:13
obiyodaKM0201, I can't don anything won't let me switch to a terminal just seems kind of stuck04:13
KM0201JesusBond: i dunno, maybe try avast for linux?.. i've used it w/ pretty good luck (never on an encrypted partition though)04:13
KM0201obiyoda: is it a live cd, or an install?04:14
BlueEagleobiyoda: Try turning off modeswitch.04:14
obiyodaKM0201, trying the livecd04:14
obiyodaBlueEagle, how do I turn that off?04:14
KM0201obiyoda: well, usualy, if you hit escape(do it right after you choose to try ubuntu)....  you'll see what is happening, and you can see where it is freezing04:15
Ja23Does anyone have any suggestions for getting multitouch working on 10.04 for Ubuntu?04:15
caboose885Ja23: whats the device?04:15
BlueEagleobiyoda: First screen that the install shows you can press an F-key (I beleive F6) for advanced and turn it off. If you've already installed it you need to modify your grub.conf04:15
JesusBondKM0201: i need to know before i download the scanner04:15
caboose885Ja23: Have you install the uTouch package?04:15
Ja23The touchpad on a new HP04:15
KM0201JesusBond: well, i really don't know..04:15
samw3Can anyone recommend the best way to back up a mounted partition?04:15
* KM0201 thinks encrypted linux partitions are more trouble than they're worth04:16
caboose885Ja23: Oh I thought you meant multi touch as in a tablet pc04:16
Ja23Caboose885: hehe, yeah I wish04:16
caboose885Ja23: what exactly do you want the multitouch to do?04:16
Ja23Caboose885:  two fingered scrolling, hoping it cleans up the way the trackpad works now04:17
JesusBondKM0201: thanks anyway04:17
caboose885Ja23: the two finger scrolling (if you can do it without tweaking) should be a quick toggle in the Mouse Properties04:17
Ja23caboose: the buttons are also part of the track pad, so dragging to select text does not work correct04:17
Ja23It's greyed out04:17
samw3Can anyone recommend the best way to back up a mounted *ext3* partition? :)04:17
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caboose885Ja23: can you send me a link to the website that has your laptop specs? Like maybe the HP page?04:18
psycho_oreossamw3, dar04:18
KM0201!backup | samw304:18
ubottusamw3: There are many ways to back your system up. Here's a few: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BackupYourSystem , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/DuplicityBackupHowto , https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HomeUserBackup , https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MondoMindi - See also !sbackup and !cloning04:18
samw3thanks KM020104:18
rsvpfrom the command line, how does one get gui_app to appear on desk 2 ??   is DISPLAY the variable to tweak ??04:18
soreaucaboose885: Did you see my last message about pastebinning that file?04:19
Ja23Caboose885: Specs http://www.shopping.hp.com/webapp/product/XG978UA%2523ABA04:19
caboose885soreau: no04:19
caboose885soreau: can you resend?04:19
soreau<soreau> caboose885: Pastebin your X log (/var/log/Xorg.0.log file)04:19
caboose885soreau: ok give me a minute04:20
obiyodaBlueEagle, Looks like that worked thanks for the tip... I can get into it now Had to first press escape to get into the menu though.04:20
Ja23Curious, I'm using Empathy, is there anyway to ask it not to show the connects, disconnects and timeouts?  They clutter up the screen sometimes04:21
lyleI'm trying to use a sixaxis controller over usb. I don't have bluetooth, and apparently that's all sixpair deals with. Ubuntu community docs don't seem to be useful here. Halp plz.04:21
sacarlsonrsvp: I think you can just drag the gui from one display to the other from the bottom right boxes or from the top of the gui box you can also drag to move to next display04:21
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dagotuse xchat04:23
soreau! pastebin | caboose88504:23
ubottucaboose885: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:24
emis the ubuntu torrent definitely faster than just downloading it directly?04:24
rwwem: depends on your connection. for me, yes.04:24
soreaucaboose885: Go to pastebin.com and pastebin the file then post the link it gives you back here04:25
paissadhello guys, i would like to install mencoder-mt & mplayer-mt in Maverick, i used this repository in ppa launchpad04:25
paissadhere is what i put in my sources.list04:25
paissaddeb http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/libs/ubuntu lucid main04:25
caboose885soreau:  got it04:25
FloodBot2paissad: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.04:25
paissadbut when i try to install, i have this error http://dpaste.com/291367/04:26
embecause this torrent for an alt cd of ubuntu 10.10 is taking PLENTY LONG04:26
xavantecould anyone help me with this issue: audio/x-imelody decoder04:26
soreaupaissad: Read what you just said <paissad> hello guys, i would like to install mencoder-mt & mplayer-mt in Maverick ... <paissad> deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/rvm/libs/ubuntu lucid main04:26
emit's normal for an alt ubuntu CD to take over an hour to torrent?04:27
xavanterythmbox tries to install but can't find it04:27
paissadsoreau, and ?04:27
soreaupaissad: You do not want to use sources for other versions of ubuntu because it can mess up your package manager04:27
rwwem: depends on your connection.04:27
Dr_Willisem:  totally depends on the seeders and your connection04:27
rwwand Ubuntu torrents have plenty of seeders04:27
Dr_Willisem:  on release day - i was getting the iso's in under 10 min.04:27
rww10.10 alt does for i386 and amd64, anyway04:27
soreaupaissad: You are on maverick but using a repo for lucid04:27
KM0201em: unless you have a slow connection, yes thats unusual... i usually torrent the ubuntu cd's down in about 10-15min tops04:27
paissadsoreau, because, the package was not built  for Maverick yet04:28
emwell this is an alt 10.10 amd6404:28
soreaucaboose885: Talk in the main channel here04:28
_Synergy_I just installed 10.04 and have no sound. I have checked all the obvious things (it is not physically muted, speakers are on, alsamixer is not muted, etc). Ubuntu -does- see my sound card, note this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/80b2uj2U. Any suggestions as to how I should proceed? What do I check next?04:28
emtorrenting while sshing is hell.04:28
soreau! pm | caboose88504:28
paissadsoreau, i even used the repo of karmic ^^04:28
ubottucaboose885: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.04:28
KM0201em: probably irrelevant, usually the ubuntu ISO"s are very well seeded04:28
UncleChipsI'm trying to install wtorrent with this guide http://www.wtorrent-project.org/trac/wiki/DebianInstall but it won't pull the svn file svn: Can't connect to host 'svn.wtorrent-project.org': Connection refused'04:29
FezzlerDoes the CD/DVD burner program that comes with Ubuntu burn iso files/images?04:29
paissadsoreau, but in any cases, i should get the package when i run 'apt-get install' no ?04:29
UncleChipsdoes anyone else have issues trying to get the svn files for wtorrent?04:29
soreaucaboose885: This command should spit back a link to the file:  sudo apt-get install curl && cat /var/log/Xorg.0.log | curl -F 'sprunge=<-' http://sprunge.us04:29
caboose885soreau: What other program besides Vi can I use to open my /var/log/Xorg.0.log?04:29
FezzlerOr do I need a different program to make an ISO file a proper CD04:29
KM0201Fezzler: it should... i don't use brasero though, i always use gnomebaker... i know it does04:29
soreaupaissad: You should never use a repo for any version of ubuntu other than what you are running04:30
smwFezzler, it does burn ISOs04:30
KM0201caboose885: probably gedit.. or whatever other editor you have on your machine.04:30
paissadsoreau, ok then ! but is it possible anyway04:30
caboose885KM0201: Gedit complains about the character04:31
paissadsorry, i thought i was in a terminal ^^04:31
soreaupaissad: Is what possible?04:31
caboose885KM0201: I tried to open it using that but to no avail04:31
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KM0201caboose885: i'm looking at mine w/ gedit right now.04:31
KM0201it's not complaining about anything04:31
paissadsoreau, installing a package of Lucid in Maverick (using apt-get)04:31
caboose885Did you change anything about the file?04:31
soreaupaissad: No, dont try that04:31
paissadsoreau, ok  i won't04:32
KM0201caboose885: change anything?.. why would i change a log04:32
soreaupaissad: Remove any sources that arent for maverick and apt-get update04:32
xavanteanyone can help me with this issue: audio/x-imelody decoder??04:32
soreaupaissad: Which package are you trying to install?04:32
paissadsoreau, mplayer & mencoder multithreaded04:32
paissadmencoder-mt, mplayer-mt04:32
paissadsoreau, when i use debian-multimedia.org repository, its packages are too recent and the dependencies became quickly a big mess04:33
caboose885KM0201: I will have to paste the log some other time. My internet has shut off and the only reason I'm still on is because it doesn't kill active connections04:34
needlezanyone in here from yesterday that was helping me??04:35
gartral_caboose885: do you use ssh at all?04:35
caboose885gartral_: I have in the past but my server doesn't do much good when its in the same room as me04:35
soreaupaissad: Yes, as I said Do Not use repos for other distros or versions of ubuntu other than what you are currently running or else your package system will explide04:36
paissadsoreau, so you think i should also avoid using debian-multimedia.org repo ?04:37
soreaupaissad: Is that what you are currently running?04:37
rwwpaissad: debian-multimedia.net, unsurprisingly, is built for Debian. Therefore, it's a repo for another distro...04:37
paissadsoreau, not currently, i tried .. but its packages are too recent compared to the official one of Ubuntu, Medibuntu  ...  hence, i would have to satisfy too much dependencies (almost tricky & impossible ^^)04:38
paissadthanks anyway for the advices ^^04:39
paissadi give up04:39
rwwpaissad: Medibuntu is in no way official.04:39
rwwIt does, however, tend to work :\04:39
paissadrww, yes i know04:39
paissadi did not express myself correctly , sorry04:40
soreaupaissad: If you cant find a ppa providing what you want, you might be able to build it yourself from source04:40
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paissadsoreau, yep, i got to build then04:41
needlezcan any one help me? My computer is set to go into sleep mode after a certain time, but if I have totem open. After the movie stops playing it doesn't kick in the sleep mode at the time out i specified. In fact all that happens is the screen saver kicks in then screen blacks out but computer doesnt sleep any help would be apperciated, have tried python and bash scripts... still no luck04:41
Know1edgeHey guys, is there a way to make a live cd based on my current configuration to be able to reinstall my system with a bigger partition size later?04:41
Know1edgeI instaleld via the wubi installer, and am wanting to make it a permanent thing04:41
KM0201Know1edge: not to my knowledge... you *might* be able to back up a wubi home, and import it on a regular install /home.. but hoestly, i don't think i'd chance it... wubi is just.. ::shutters::04:42
soreauneedlez: Totem likely disables the mode and should re enable it where its not04:43
soreauneedlez: Try a different player like mplayer04:43
gartral_wubi should have been named wobbly04:43
needlezsoreau: forgot to mention same issue in VLC, and mplayer also04:43
Know1edgeAh ok, I guess I can just reinstall all of the software I have04:43
Know1edgeonce I figured out I can run photoshop via wine...i have 0 need for windows now04:44
KM0201Know1edge: make sure you uninstall wubi completely, before you attempt to install ubuntu on its own partition04:44
Know1edgeKM0201: I will thanks04:44
soreauneedlez: Set the player to exit after the video playback is complete04:44
_Synergy_I just installed 10.04 and have no sound. I have checked all the obvious things (it is not physically muted, speakers are on, alsamixer is not muted, etc). Ubuntu -does- see my sound card, note this pastebin: http://pastebin.com/80b2uj2U. Any suggestions as to how I should proceed? What do I check next?04:44
KM0201Know1edge: well, don't go crazy and cut all your ties w/ windows..04:44
needlezsoreau: also mplayer shows the screen choppy and green outlines... but i will try04:44
Know1edgeOn another note, what do you guys recommend for streaming video to xbox36004:44
soreauneedlez: What graphics driver?04:44
Know1edgeKM0201 Why is that ? :P04:45
KM0201Know1edge: cuz the first minor issue you run into, you're gonna nuke linux and reinstall windows... i'd recommend dual booting for at least a few months.04:45
needlezsoreau: its a nvidia 310M graphics card with the driver version 260.19.0604:45
KM0201Know1edge: unless youhave spare computers around...04:45
brosShould I be able to write ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso to a USB stick and boot it?04:46
bros(using dd)04:46
soreauneedlez: Try different vo methods for the players04:46
KM0201bros: i think so.. but.. unetbootin is easy to download and works swimmingly04:46
Know1edgeKM0201: I have a few computers. I've been using linux since '99, just wanted to see what the whole ubuntu fuss was about -- am pleasantly suprised with how solid everything is04:46
needlezsoreau: gonna try mplayer now and see what happens hope your idea works it'd be nice to sleep and wake up with the computer in sleep mode like i want04:46
KM0201Know1edge: oh ok... you should be fine then04:47
rwwbros: Ubuntu's isos aren't dd'able04:47
KM0201Know1edge: sometimes we have to "newb-proof" our advice here.. :)04:47
mneptokKnow1edge: http://xbmc.org/04:47
Know1edgeHaha, understandable04:47
brosrww: are there plans to make future releases dd-able?04:47
_Synergy_nobody has a single suggestion for my sound problem?04:48
_Synergy_i revert to my windows knowledge.. how would I remove the sound driver ubuntu 10.04 uses and manually reinstall it?04:48
rwwbros: Not that I know if. I wish they would :(04:48
rwwof **04:48
brosrww: Does the kernel on ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso support booting from USB sticks?04:49
mneptokbros: yes. does your BIOS?04:49
sacarlsonbros: there are apps that do install iso to the usb flash to enable boot from usb04:49
xangua!usb | bros04:50
ubottubros: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent04:50
rwwbros: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick04:50
xanguai personally preffer uneetbootin04:50
psycho_oreosthe enabling of booting from USB is bios specific and can only be done with user intervention04:52
brosmneptok: Yes. I just tried UNetBootIn. echo $? output 127.04:52
bros(it failed)04:52
Know1edgemneptok: xbmc doesnt stream to your xbox does it?04:52
Know1edgeits more meant for a media center pc, right?04:52
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sacarlsonbros: what operating system are you running unetbootin from?04:53
gartral_uhh crap04:54
brossacarlson: Arch Linux04:54
gartral_arch, owwie04:54
sacarlsonbros: I guess it's libs aren't setup for that?  you should boot a live cd and install to a usb flash from there04:55
needlezsoreau: change it to gl for vo thanks for that pointer hopefully all turns out good... thanx04:55
brosI would just burn the Ubuntu CD and boot it if I had a CD ROM drive.04:55
* Diamondcite checks..04:55
campeusb stick bar is ok04:55
Diamondciteunetboot doesn't work in arch?04:56
soreauneedlez: Did it fix the video problems for now?04:56
brosI didn't have Qt. Let me see if installing it helps. I thought the one binary would include everything it needed. It didn't output any error messages04:56
sacarlsonbros: well you can install ubuntu from your arch linux if you have some spare patition with 3gb for the installer and another drive attached to install to04:57
brosit didn't help04:57
brosHow sacarlson?04:57
needlezsoreau: changing it to gl stopped the glitchy green screens in background play... not sure if it will kick in sleep after movie gonna check that now with mplayer hopefully it does04:57
gavronanybody uses the phoronix-test-suite?04:57
soreauneedlez: Just make sure -loop is 0 or 1 depending if you want it to exit or keep playing04:57
gartral_how would one transfer a /bin dir to it's own partition after a system has been setup?04:57
brosI can do a lot of things. I would prefer to copy the contents of ubuntu-10.10-desktop-i386.iso to a USB stick then have some form of bootloader load it how it would be loaded if it were from a CD04:58
gavrondid an apt-get install .. now what?04:58
sacarlsonbros: see this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromLinux04:58
soreauneedlez: The problems with xv are probably because of poor xv implementation in the proprietary nvidia driver04:58
sacarlsonbros: from that point I guess you could also install it to your usb flash but I never tried that.  I just install to another hd04:59
Diamondcitebros: is your unetbootin from AUR?05:00
Marikosevening gents05:00
psycho_oreosbros, are you running this from a pure console?05:01
Marikoscould anyone suggest a way to get my naugilus-vfs mounted ntfs external chmod 777?05:01
brosI am going to see if installing SYSLINUX to a USB stick with the contents of the ISO will work. I configured SYSLINUX05:01
Alexxxxo: any idea why my desktop running ubuntu 10.10 gives me some absurd errors ever since i updated it?05:01
nit-witbros: https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/Putting_installation_media_on_a_USB_key#UNetBootin05:02
sacarlsonDiamondcite: I think you might have a good idea,  your arch must have it's own distrubution of usb flash installers or compile unetbootin in it05:02
soreauAlexxxx: Where and when are you seeing the errors?05:03
Alexxxxon boot05:03
oxoocoffeeHow do you enable multicast traffic in iptables?05:03
gavronG'night ladies.. shall be back.. w/ same dumb question..05:03
soreauAlexxxx: What do the messages say?05:03
Alexxxxi need to doublecheck it i'm on my netbook and forgot my wife had needed windows earlier05:04
Marikosnobody familiar with this?05:04
Alexxxxi've got it booting now05:04
karuru_hi. i want to put the ubuntu 10.10 amd64 server image on an external hard drive and use this as an installation medium, how to? if i use unetbootin or pendrivelinux it says me "No Operating System Found" at booting05:04
Alexxxxoh christ05:05
Alexxxxit may just be a disk error now that i look into it05:05
Alexxxxlooks like one of the pitfalls of not having a gajillion different partitions05:06
evilbughow can i connect to shoutcast stations via rhythmbox?05:06
sacarlsonMarikos: ntfs has no permitions,  I think you need to change access control (read writeable access) from mount options05:06
Jordan_Ukaruru_: Does your BIOS support booting from USB?05:06
Marikosscrooloose: i figured as much, could you point me in the right direction?05:06
karuru_Jordan_U yes it does05:07
Marikosmy google-fu has been failing me05:07
Alexxxxso it tells me error /dev/null doesn't exist. then /tmp no exist.05:07
karuru_it is an external 2,5" 250gb hard drive (Western Digital)05:07
Alexxxxit may be because i've got such a small partition on my SSD05:07
magn3tscan anyone share a default /et/chosts with me? I editted mien and the internet is basically useless now05:08
emis it possible that peerblock is blocking ips from sending me the ubuntu alt cd faster?05:08
magn3tsrequests for google take 2 minutes to load if they load at all05:08
emdoes ubuntu use the RIAA to help seed it's alt CDs ?05:08
dotblankThis maybe a bit advanced but.. since 10.04 HAL has been removed so that means it is handled by device kit.. the only problem is that I can no longer set .fdi files05:09
sacarlsonMarikos: I see what you need here by modify /etc/fstab options http://www.linuxforums.org/forum/debian-linux/34923-mounted-ntfs-permissions-ubuntu.html05:09
rwwem: Anyone who wants to can seed Ubuntu CDs. Maybe the RIAA wants to. Who knows.05:09
dotblankIs there a way to set options and propterties on device connect?05:09
Marikosi appreciate it.  thanks :D05:09
Diamondcite<sarcasm> The RIAA probably does this to counter any, these torrents are linux ISO defenses </sarcasm>05:09
Jordan_Ukaruru_: Can you pastebin the output of "sudo dd if=/dev/sdb count=1 | hexdump" ? (change /dev/sdb to the device for your external drive).05:09
magn3tssrsly, can someone take like 2 mins and upload their default ubuntu /etc/hosts05:09
magn3tsI removed a line that network manager had added and everything blew up in my face05:09
karuru_Jordan_U the problem is i have just a windows host :/05:10
magn3tsthis is a nightmare. I have just had problem after problem today with ubuntu05:10
Marikossacarlson: this looks like it's working via fstab, the drive is being managed by gnome-vfs05:10
needlezsoreau: didnt powersave i think gnome-power-manager is messed up think its something on their end no big deal05:10
jon_athonIs there a windows command shell emulator for linux?05:11
francisco_someboy knows how to detect wireless pcm4311 ??05:11
Alexxxxi have a stupid GUI question. since the last distro i used before ubuntu was fedora 9 (it's been a while)05:11
francisco_in ubuntu 10.1005:11
Diamondcitejon_athon: Try dosbox for running DOS games?05:11
jon_athonIt would be helpful to troubleshooting remotely... I can't always remember all of the commands05:11
Alexxxxi know GNOME is ubuntu default, but is there any way to use KDE/X without a completely different distro?05:11
rww!kubuntu | Alexxxx05:11
ubottuAlexxxx: kubuntu is Ubuntu with the KDE Software Compilation instead of !Gnome. See http://kubuntu.org for more information - For support join #kubuntu - See also !kde05:11
Xokejon_athon, you could set up aliases if that would help05:12
needlezAlexxxx: what is your problem you had early pm me with the issue if this relating to new kernel update 2.6.35-24 i can help05:12
pbjarandehow to install vlc05:12
jon_athonXoke, nah, I'm trying to walk someone through fixing a windows machine05:12
Alexxxxactually, it didn't start until after i updated needlez05:12
Xokejon_athon, *cough* del c:* /s ? :P05:12
francisco_sudo apt-get xubuntu | sudo apt-get kubuntu05:12
rwwAlexxxx: and to change an existing Ubuntu install to Kubuntu, install the 'kubuntu-desktop' package.05:12
magn3tsCan someone please assist me. My internet basically doesn't work.05:12
needlezAlexxxx: after you updated your kernel rite??05:12
Alexxxxah ok05:12
francisco_but i preffer to instal completly the distro05:12
Alexxxxyes needlez05:12
Xokejust to be clear, that WILL delete a windows C drive before anyone tries05:12
rwwfrancisco_: those aren't valid apt-get commands :\05:13
francisco_because menus and apps merge and its a complete disaster05:13
Alexxxxonce i get through that stuff it loads fine05:13
rwwXoke: Don't offer "joke" problematic commands, please.05:13
needlezAlexxxx: look at this and paste your issues... http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165356805:13
Xokerww, yeah, sorry05:13
Marikosi can mess with this more later... night guts, thanks anyway05:14
magn3tsoh my freakin god05:14
needlezAlexxxx: im looking into the bugs with this new kernel image that was release seems theres alot of bugs at least a dozen that ive found myself so I went back to image 2.6.35-23-gen05:14
Alexxxxyeah i'm contemplating doing that05:14
needlezAlexxxx: you should also open up system monitor and go to about it shows that the kernel thinks your ubuntu 11.04 not 10.10 thats why so many issues wrong kernel05:15
jon_athonXoke, haha, not funny though. I accidentally did "rm * -r" the other day05:15
jon_athonI lost my frickin home folder05:15
Xokejon_athon, ouch :(05:15
Alexxxxoh and one more stupid question before i turn in. how much of a PITA would it be if i tried to install a distro on a different drive and get to it in GRUB?05:15
jon_athonI meant to -r a dir, but I got he syntax wrong05:15
needlezXoke: please don't post fake unhelpful commands or you will be reported, this is a serious problem because ppl have been posting this in forums  as help and ppl are doin this05:16
XokeAlexxxx, I know a few people that do a separate /home and then you can (in theory) change distros much easier05:16
EnigmaticCoderIs there an ubuntu "lounge" channel on freenode?05:16
rwwEnigmaticCoder: #ubuntu-offtopic is our non-support chat channel05:16
Jordan_U!caps | francisco_05:16
ubottufrancisco_: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.05:17
EnigmaticCoderrww: ty05:17
Alexxxxwell i strictly boot from my SSD, 50GB is windows and 10 is nix05:17
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francisco_nobodys answer05:17
needlezfrancisco_: hey pm me05:17
pixelpirateanyone one here use the ubuntu minimal before?05:17
needlezfrancisco_: I can help05:17
brosUnable to find live file system. I used SYSLINUX, everything booted fine05:17
brosthe ubuntu dots came up, then I got that error05:18
Alexxxxoh and what about network file sharing between OS'es? specifically getting to my media folder from my desktop with windows running while ubuntuing on my netbook?05:19
jon_athonfrancisco_, I had a broadcom NIC that didn't work with linux well... now I have an intel NIC that does05:19
Alexxxxi've not been able to get it and everything i google gives me solutions for like 7.1005:19
MaahesI added a ppa with add-apt-repository, I ran update, it connects to the server fine, when I go into synaptic, the ppa is not there.05:20
mgolischhow do you know its not there?05:20
Maahesmgolisch: Sort by Orig05:21
magn3tsCan someone please help me? I was messing with /etc/hosts but I've restored it. My browsers won't load pages, it takes a long time to connect to irc05:21
magn3tsI don't know what I did, but I desperately need help.05:21
mgolischAlexxxx: you should be able to browse your windows shares just fine05:22
Maahesmagn3ts: if you can't get help in here, try ##networking05:22
li_baii'm having a tough time using the At utility. i want to put my computer to sleep at a certain time, so i'm trying "/etc/acpi/sleep.sh sleep" | at now, but this doesn't do anything05:22
greppymagn3ts: have you done a reboot since you restored your /etc/hosts?05:22
Alexxxxwell i've been trying and i can't get it05:22
XokeI borked an install (on a friend's machine) by trashing the hosts file05:23
Xokecouldn't sudo :(05:23
magn3ts_The stupid file looks fine though.05:23
MaahesXoke: I recently just repaired my system after destroying 90% of /bin/ and /libs/05:23
magn3ts_everything takes ages to load05:23
greppymagn3ts: have you done a reboot since you restored your /etc/hosts?05:23
magn3ts_greppy, yes05:23
unrealjeffubuntu 8.10 was amazing05:23
mgolischAlexxxx: hm you can try smb://ip/ in nautilus to directly browse that computers shares05:24
XokeMaahes, well wouldn't be the first time I trashed my Ubuntu install lol05:24
magn3ts_3 ping packets took 18 seconds05:24
mgolischAlexxxx: if its not listed if you go to network05:24
MaahesXoke: I had no sudo, no bash, no cd, ls, etc.05:24
greppymagn3ts_: that doesn't sound like an /etc/hosts problem... but I could be wrong, can you paste your /etc/hosts?05:24
greppy!paste | magn3ts_05:24
ubottumagn3ts_: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.05:24
magn3ts_those pastebins won't even load05:25
XokeMaahes, ouch05:25
Know1edgeoops wrong window05:25
MaahesI added a ppa with add-apt-repository, I ran update, it connects to the server fine, when I go into synaptic, the ppa is not there.05:25
Maahesanyone know why this might happen and or how I can fix it?05:26
Alexxxxit would probably help me to try this with windows booted05:26
needlezMaahes: did you add the gpg key for the repo you added?? also can you run sudo apt-get update from terminal and pastebin your errors if any05:27
mgolischMaahes: you see that it actualy downloads stuff from that repo if you update your packagelist?05:27
naiadanyone have any recommendations on a bookmarking/connection manager for handling many ssh connections?05:33
ghostnik11Has anyone had problems with brasero and burning DVDs in1005:34
magn3tsI'm going to lose my mind.05:34
magn3tsgreppy, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548145/05:34
MrUnagianyway to stream video from an sftp?05:34
Maahesmgolisch: Yes. I have some duplicate entries in my sources though, deleting that and seeing what happens. needlez apt-add-repository gets the key for you automagically05:34
ghostnik11.04 b/c I try to burn ISO to DVD -r and it keeps coming up as error b/4 it even starts to burn05:35
sacarlsonnaiad: I'm not sure but I think nautilus does that for you,  I should test to verify05:35
Ironictigerwhats the best linux distro to install on a macbook? not talking about dual booting, talking about replacing the OS entirely05:35
laurusIronictiger, I recommend Debian...05:35
needlezMaahes: ok just was wondering about that hmm not sure then what to do05:36
Crash1hdok I am confused I ran sudo tune2fs -r 0 -m 0 /dev/sdd1 on a drive I just got and it still showing 29.42GB used on a 2TB drive (empty drive)? any advice05:36
magn3tsI can't remember the last time I was this close to just kickign the crap out of my computer05:36
magn3tsthere is no explanation for this whatso ever. It seems to be taking ages to get a dns fix05:36
laurusIronictiger, see http://wiki.debian.org/MacBook05:36
magn3tsthats the only explanation I acn see05:36
Ironictigerlaurus, thanks05:37
laurusIronictiger, you're welcome!05:37
laurusIronictiger, for help go to #debian :)05:38
laurusThey can answer your detailed questions.05:38
laurusNo problem :)05:38
greppymagn3ts: remove lines 3,4 and 505:38
greppymagn3ts: also can you paste /etc/resolv.conf?05:39
magn3tsgreppy, resolve is just my router already checked it05:39
ghostnik11Okay I am in virtual box and am running XP and vm and. Wanted to know if I can select my CD rom drive as the CD rom drive instead of virtual box additions05:40
magn3tsgreppy, no progress sadly05:41
magn3tsEvery single time it's a new domain it takes forever to load. I don't know where it's getting it's DNS lookups from, but I feat that's the problem.05:41
magn3tsyes siree, I'd happily pay a large sum of money to just have this fixed.05:42
magn3tsI know I've heard about this before... having terribly slow DNS for some small reason05:43
magn3tsI just don't remember the fix05:43
cowslammerdoes anyone know about laptop mode?05:45
Jordan_U!anyone | cowslammer05:45
ubottucowslammer: A large amount of the first questions asked in this channel start with "Does anyone/anybody..."  Why not ask your next question (the real one) and find out?05:45
laurusDoes anyone know if Ekiga development is dead or not?05:45
cowslammerdoes anyone know about laptop mode?05:46
Ed_Moneyis there a command line application that can easily sort a text file by the first character of each line?05:46
rwwEd_Money: 'sort'05:46
ghostnik11Laurus: I don't think it is dead b/c the ekiga mailing lust is very active05:46
rwwadded benefit: it then goes on to sort by the second, third, nth, characters if the first characters match :\05:47
laurusghostnik11, really, that is very good to hear...05:47
Jordan_Umagn3ts: Your router or ISP probably can't deal with ipv6 properly.05:47
laurusghostnik11, I was upset to see that Ekiga had been "replaced" by Empathy05:47
BlackWebJust does anyone here have a seedbox05:47
Crash1hdok I am confused, I ran sudo tune2fs -r 0 -m 0 /dev/sdd1 on a drive I just got and it still showing 29.42GB used on a 2TB drive (empty drive)? any advice05:47
Svr_Sakurais it normal for mutter to take up 33% of CPU on eeepc?05:47
ghostnik11Laurus: what do u mean?05:47
laurusghostnik11, the default install of Ubuntu now comes with Empathy rather than Ekiga if i'm not mistaken...05:47
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to do that?05:48
laurusghostnik11, so I'm afraid of people losing interest in Ekiga...05:48
rwwSvr_Sakura: wouldn't surprise me. mutter doesn't work well at all in my experience.05:48
XokeI was trying mutter out at work (on 10.10) and yeah I got horrible responses05:49
Xoketook most memory and CPUs05:49
Svr_Sakurado u think metacity would use less?05:49
Xokealthough that should (in theory) be fixed in 11.0405:49
ghostnik11Laurus: oh yeah they changed that b/c I think of the social interaction of empathy but if people knee they could use Google voice and ekiga to make free phone calls through sip05:49
Svr_Sakuramemory's ok it's only using 2.1%05:49
BlackWebDoes anyone here use a seedbox at all05:49
rwwSvr_Sakura: compiz uses less than mutter, in my experience. Ubuntu's moving to it for the netbook edition in 11.04, thankfully.05:49
Xokeghostnik11, quick question about that, do you find there is a delay?05:49
laurusghostnik11, yeah. I just want Ekiga to keep going! :)05:50
Svr_Sakurarww a n00bish question... but how do you change mutter to compiz?05:50
ghostnik11Xoke: yeah sometimes but its very rare for me b/c I use Verizon fios05:50
rwwSvr_Sakura: the 10.10 version of Ubuntu Netbook Edition requires mutter. If you want to keep its interface, you have to use it.05:51
Svr_Sakurarww thx05:51
Xokeghostnik11, I tried ekiga + voice  a while ago and noticed a lag, that was all :)05:51
ghostnik11Laurus; it is but u have to sign up for ekiga mailing list to here some of the stuff ekiga is coming out with I think there will be a new ekiga coming out05:52
laurusghostnik11, oh really?05:52
Svr_Sakuralol the only reason i use ubuntu is coz i like the UI xD05:52
magn3tsEvery god damn time I think it's fixed, I click a new link and sure enough DNS is still takin an hour to resolve. I feel like crying.05:53
XokeSvr_Sakura, I have a machine running 11.04 beta and you can pick 'ubuntu desktop classic' and have the old style if you want :)05:53
ghostnik11Xoke: the lag is more on my phone when I make free calls through sipdroid connected to Google voice over T-Mobile network lag is at least a good 3 to 4 secs05:53
sacarlsonmagn3ts: did you try bind9?05:53
magn3tswhat is that? I'd happily try it.05:53
Xokeghostnik11, was my old machine so that might have something to do with it also :P05:53
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?05:54
sacarlsonmagn3ts: that's a dns server that will run on your ubuntu05:54
sacarlsonmagn3ts: instead of using the server that is provided from your isp you can run your own dns server05:54
magn3tssacarlson, other computers on my network aren't having this problem and it just started tonight. I'm not looking for instantaneous results, but it's litreally taking a minute up to 5 to resolve my requests05:55
greppymagn3ts: try using as your dns server in /etc/resolv.conf instead of your router.05:55
sacarlsonmagn3ts: are the other system windows?  they have there own hardwired dns backup05:55
Xokecowslammer, unless anyone has a better way you can change the 'swappiness' in a config file somewhere... but I forget which05:56
sacarlsonmagn3ts: did you try the dns test utility called dig?05:56
magn3tsgreppy, already tried alt dns servers including that one at the router and nm-applet level05:56
magn3tssacarlson, not yet, I'm going to use it to get some solid numbers in a sec05:56
magn3tsIs there any chance winbind could have done this?05:56
ghostnik11Laurus: actually I think it already came out and it is 3.2.7 sorry05:57
sacarlsonmagn3ts: I would first compare your isp dns with opendns.org , then compare that with you own installed bind9 server05:57
laurusghostnik11, yes, I have that version :) Thanks!05:57
greppymagn3ts: the other option I would look at would be a firewall problem, but except for iptables I won't be much help :)05:57
magn3tsNo firewall, no iptables . :(05:57
magn3tsI removed winbind and rebooted and it might be fixed now05:57
magn3tsIt's all much more tolerable at least.05:57
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?05:57
unrealjefftbruff13: hi friend05:59
sacarlsonmagn3ts: oh I never thought of that, winbind could conflict,  I think you can change the order it uses if you use multiple dns methods05:59
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?05:59
rww!repeat | cowslammer05:59
ubottucowslammer: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/05:59
magn3ts:P I think it was winbind. It's the only thing I can think of really05:59
tbruff13 can i please have some help with a world of warcraft issue under wine05:59
Crash1hdumm I am confused df -h shows /dev/sdd1 used 196M yet GParted shows 29.42GB used so which is it?06:00
magn3tstbruff13, you might try #winehq though it won't hurt to ask unless you get shamed for OT.06:00
sacarlsonmagn3ts: I would have been stuck on that one06:00
Maahesis there a way to force aptitude to re-read a server? I keep running aptitude update, but even if I change the value in the .list file it just ignores the server.06:00
tbruff13I tried wine hq i got nothing06:00
magn3tsthe whole cause of this was the impossibility of finding a decent transcoding DLNA server that will work in ubuntu06:00
magn3tsso I'm going to have to write one myself now06:00
tbruff13The wow loads fine and starts downloading the patch but when i try to run wow the screen goes black and then my screen resoultion is jacked up until i re log in06:01
sacarlsonmagn3ts: I see 12 DLNA servers for linux here did you try any of them? http://www.rbgrn.net/content/21-how-to-choose-dlna-media-server-windows-mac-os-x-or-linux06:03
magn3tssacarlson, tried all of the linux ones that support transcoding06:03
unrealjeffOH  crap the bot got me for yelling06:03
magn3tssacarlson, I may have stumbled upon a setup that works with mediatomb though06:03
tbruff13ill give a link to a screen shot in one sec i may have to log out and log back in06:03
elricsfateQuestion: How to allow for a user to be sent straight to shell after connecting to a server?06:03
nonix4Crash1hd: Both. df shows used space inside the partition, GParted most likely just how much space that partition is taking from the disk.06:03
ghostnik11Okay I think something is wrong with CD rom drive and I dont know what b/c it wont let me burn an ISO image to a DVD06:04
elricsfateThrough telnet to be exact06:04
Crash1hdnonix4, ok but it says that there is over 30Gb taken? with nothing on the drive06:04
=== Dwade09_ is now known as Dwade09
tbruff13ok i got the screenshot im will send you a link so that someone can try to help me06:05
nonix4Crash1hd: what does df -h show as partition size?06:05
histoelricsfate: you mean with ssh06:05
histoelricsfate: or on login?06:05
kunwon3yes hello06:06
Crash1hdnonix4, this is what df shows http://www.pastie.org/141038706:06
elricsfatehisto: no. I mean with telnet. My objective is to allow a user to connect to telnet and be sent straight to shell06:06
elricsfatehisto: the shell will actually be a chroot jail that allows nethack and other rogue likes to be played06:06
histoCrash1hd: how are you using 1.8TB06:06
Crash1hdhisto, what do you mean?06:07
Crash1hdhisto, its going to be storage only for videos06:07
tbruff13go to this link to help me with my issue please maybe this screen shot will allow you to help me please all i have is ubuntu and i just got wow for christmas http://min.us/mvnH8ya06:07
histoCrash1hd: it's full06:07
Crash1hdhisto, no its empty06:07
elricsfatehisto: Any clue how this might be possible?06:07
Crash1hdhisto, but its currently says its using 30gb06:08
Maahesgreat, now aptitude is telling me launchpad's api is down06:08
histoelricsfate: nope I don't use telnet I use ssh06:08
nonix4Crash1hd: 30Gb could easily be filesystem overhead, or just root reserved 1% or 2%?06:08
histoCrash1hd: sry nvm I thought I say it was using 100%06:08
tbruff13hello anyone please help06:08
histotbruff13: what's the problem?06:08
gartralhow the hell do i get multitouch in 10.10?!?06:09
Crash1hdnonix4, I would agree but I have set tune2fs -m 0 -r 0 and yet nothing changed06:09
elricsfatehisto: Roger. I also use ssh. The ssh is used for what I actually need to be secure though. Administration and the such. I want the telnet server to be used for joe blow06:09
tbruff13histo please open a diolog06:09
Crash1hdnonix4, well GParted says 30Gb is used df says only 196Mb used06:09
tbruff13so i can chat with you on my own this is confusing and no one will help me06:09
histotbruff13: yeah it's a screen shot06:09
gobbeCrash1hd: there is only 196Mb used06:09
gobbeCrash1hd: never mind what gparted says06:10
Crash1hdgobbe, ok so why does GParted say that 30GB is used?06:10
histoelricsfate: I was saying I have no experience with telnet06:10
nonix4Crash1hd: check df -k as well to see dif between avail + used and size?06:10
greppytbruff13: what kind of video card do you have?06:10
Crash1hdgobbe, or sorry 29.42GB06:10
ghostnik11Problem burning image file of 4.406:10
tbruff13yeah but it is to dim and you cant see it on the screenshot but wow messed up the resoultion and made the computer slow06:10
gobbeCrash1hd: can you get screenshot?06:10
greppytbruff13: and what is your command line to start wow?06:10
tbruff13my video card is nvidia06:10
ghostnik11Gb size06:11
histotbruff13: opena  terminal and killall wine06:11
Crash1hdgobbe, yes 1 min06:11
histotbruff13: did you install the nvidia drivers?06:11
tbruff13i dont i click on a link and the patch installer starts and then i click play and it freezes up06:11
histotbruff13: system > admin > additional drivers06:11
elricsfatehisto: I understand that. I was simply explaining my logic for not using ssh. Normally logic points to ssh.06:11
histoelricsfate: no no i understand06:11
greppyI think histo is on the right track for tbruff1306:11
nirazioWhat version of syslog does Ubuntu 10.04.1 install default?06:12
gartralI do not see a touchpad tab under System>Preferences>Mouse how do i enable multitouch support?06:14
histo!info syslog lucid06:14
ubottuPackage syslog does not exist in lucid06:14
histo!info rsyslog lucid06:14
ubottursyslog (source: rsyslog): enhanced multi-threaded syslogd. In component main, is important. Version 4.2.0-2ubuntu8.1 (lucid), package size 271 kB, installed size 712 kB06:14
=== al3x is now known as Guest16322
BlackWebDoes anyone use a seedbox06:15
Crash1hdgobbe, nonix4 Screenshot http://img717.imageshack.us/i/screenshotod.png/06:15
rwwhateball: that was aubade, in case you were wondering06:15
hateballrww: I see06:16
nonix4Crash1hd: Which block size are you using (tune2fs -l)?06:16
gobbeCrash1hd: ok, just a second06:17
Crash1hdnonix4, says 2096?06:17
Crash1hdsorry 409606:17
Slanderousi have a erm... bug? i guess you could call it, to report, where can i do that? http://img189.imageshack.us/img189/8022/screenshotud.png06:19
gobbeSlanderous: did you install netbook-edition?06:20
gobbeCrash1hd: interesting, for some reason gparted calculates it totally wrong. Anyway you are using only less than 200 megabytes which is ok06:21
Slanderousgobbe : no, i installed desktop 10.04 then upgraded to 10.1006:21
Crash1hdgobbe, anyway to fix GParted?06:21
gobbeSlanderous: I believe that you could report that to documentationteam06:21
nonix4Crash1hd: Guess that "Used" is showing how much the fs can be shrinked for creating another partition06:21
nonix4(while keeping contents intact)06:22
Slanderousgobbe : ok, thanks for the help^^06:23
gobbeSlanderous: just noticed that even my machine has it, i saw it first time few weeks ago after installing unity-package06:24
rwwSlanderous: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ubuntu-docs/+filebug , I think06:25
nonix4Crash1hd: Often partitioning tools with resize capability show "Used" when they mean "Smallest size the partition can be resized to"06:25
nirazioI am planning a rsyslog deployment for my department using Ubuntu 10.04.1 - I cannot seem to find which version of syslog Ubuntu installs by default in the documentation, syslog-ng, sysklogd, old syslogd, or rsyslog?06:25
potat0I think.06:25
rwwnirazio: rsyslog. it's a depend of ubuntu-minimal, if you'd like to check.06:26
Crash1hdgobbe, nonix4, ok thankyou both for the help06:26
Flannelnirazio: rsyslog 4.2.0-2ubuntu806:26
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?06:27
nirazioFlannel: How do you check that?06:27
Flannelnirazio: Well, you can go to packages.ubuntu.com to determine what versions there are (original, and current).  Or I just checked the manifest file of the desktop CD: http://releases.ubuntu.com/10.04/ubuntu-10.04.1-desktop-i386.manifest06:28
=== Crow is now known as Guest34642
gartralI do not see a touchpad tab under System>Preferences>Mouse how do i enable multitouch support?06:29
histogartral: I believe you have to do something with utouch06:31
greppycowslammer: I'd take a look at hdparm, but I don't know specifically what you would need to do.06:31
cowslammergreppy, thx :)06:31
* Maahes bangs his head against the wall06:31
gartralhisto: download?06:32
histo!info utouch > gartral06:32
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?06:33
MaahesSo I have had aptitude fail to recognize 2 PPAs, I finally get it to recognize a ppa (Although I have to use an external tool because evidently the launchpad api is broken or aptitude thinks it is) And anyways I get one to show up in Synaptic. And only 2 of the 4 packages listed in the package list for the distro version, show up06:33
histogartral: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Multitouch06:34
Maahesnevermind, view by origin is just retarded.06:34
q0_0panyone know how to dual monitor?06:35
q0_0pi connect laptop to tv06:35
q0_0pbut i want dual screen06:35
q0_0pany suggestions?06:35
CloseYetFari just restart mine and it works06:36
Maahesthere's a screens tool in system preferences06:36
Maahesand if all else fails, AwesomeWM is multimonitor by default06:36
milamber!details | cowslammer06:36
ubottucowslammer: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."06:36
q0_0pi want dual screen so i can have a movie running while surfing06:36
q0_0pas oppose to a mere image06:36
sunrizehai to everyone06:37
cowslammeri want to use laptop mode to reduce the frequency of disk writes.  does anyone know how to configure it?  what more details could I give, that's the entirety of my need06:37
CloseYetFartry to run command displayconfig-gtk06:37
q0_0pCloseYetFar, does not exist06:38
Maahesq0_0p: there's multiple ways to set up dual screen. What to do depends on your graphics driver and what you want it to do I recommend reading the first few here: http://www.google.com/search?q=ubuntu+dual+screen+setup06:38
milambercowslammer: did you install the package? how far into the process have you been?06:38
q0_0pMaahes, thx06:38
sunrizei have a problem ..that after installing ubuntu 10.04 in my lap ..my lap screen is blinking like a destroy window...is there any reasons for that06:38
cowslammermilamber, i installed laptop-mode-tools but have no idea how to proceed06:38
histo!twinview > Maahes06:39
ubottuMaahes, please see my private message06:39
q0_0pubuntu doesn't have xorg.conf anymore?06:39
histo!botabuse > Maahes06:39
histoq0_0p: nope but you can create one06:39
q0_0pi see06:39
histoq0_0p: all part of bullet-proof X06:39
Maaheshisto: -_- Twice is botabuse?06:39
Maahesespecially since ubottu didn't respond except to me in IM06:40
q0_0phow do i get displayconfig-gtk?06:40
histoMaahes: no probing it in channel is. You can message it directly when searching06:40
rwwMaahes: fishing for factoids that work in-channel instead of in PM or on ubottu.com is bot abuse, yes06:40
milambercowslammer: system >> preferences >> power management06:40
histoq0_0p: what type of video card do you hve?06:40
q0_0phisto, ati06:40
jkalex05Guys I have a question. I want to install ATI drivers for my video card. What do I do with the .bin file?06:40
milamberq0_0p: what version of ubuntu are you running?06:41
q0_0pmilamber, recent06:41
wp_wpqhs123who can give me a ssh account06:41
sunrizei ahve installed alien package but i cannot find  its application...where i can get this to use?06:41
histo!ati | jkalex05 q0_0p06:41
ubottujkalex05 q0_0p: For Ati/NVidia/Matrox video cards, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BinaryDriverHowto06:41
rww!alien | sunrize06:41
ubottusunrize: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)06:41
q0_0pmilamber, Linux doT 2.6.32-25-generic #45-Ubuntu SMP Sat Oct 16 19:48:22 UTC 2010 i686 GNU/Linux06:41
histosunrize: try locate filename06:41
histosunrize: well sudo updatedb first06:41
rwwjkalex05: You don't. Go to System > Administration > Additional Drivers and see if it finds any drivers. If it doesn't, the ATI drivers won't work with your video card and Xorg version anyway.06:42
q0_0phisto, 01:00.0 VGA compatible controller: ATI Technologies Inc Radeon Mobility X140006:42
milamberq0_0p: if you are getting a mirror image working, you can go to system >> preferences >> monitors to change the settings06:42
histoq0_0p: did you install ati drivers?06:42
rwwjkalex05: installing them manually is not a good idea at all06:42
q0_0pmilamber, will try that thanx for the tip06:42
q0_0phisto, i got compiz working06:42
q0_0phisto, is that good enough?06:42
sunrizeubottu, how to remove it then06:42
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)06:42
histoq0_0p: depends06:42
q0_0phisto, i assume it is hardware rendering06:42
q0_0phisto, i forgot the command to check06:42
wookienzhi, just installed 10.10. X doesnt load just drops me to login prompt. Xorg.log says "Failed to laod module grlfx"ANy ideas?06:43
q0_0phisto, can i use glxgears?06:43
q0_0phisto, glxinfo | grep rendering06:45
q0_0pdirect rendering: Yes06:45
idoitontourhello all06:48
bradshaCan someone help me with a usb headset with ubuntu ?06:49
aroman!ask | bradsha06:49
ubottubradsha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:49
cowslammermilamber, i went to power management and set the "spind down harddisk whenever possible" and it's having no effect.06:49
bradshaoh sorry well i went to the forums for help but no help i have a usb headset it was working then someone in the forums gave me a code to only use one sound card now i can't use my usb headset  at all for any thing06:50
milambercowslammer: what version of ubuntu?06:51
cowslammermilamber, i take it back - it is working.  i am running lucid on a thumbdrive06:52
milambercowslammer: good news then06:52
milamberbradsha: what was the code you used?06:53
hkarim /join #scala06:54
cowslammermilamber, i'm not sure what it's doing - the system isn't running anything but the write light on the thumbdrive is very active06:54
OrmieI am running ubuntu 10.10 and Do i need the driver for my printer HP Deskjet D1660?06:54
bradshaCan i give you the link to the topic or will i get kciked for spam ?06:55
llz= =06:55
milambercowslammer: if you are running off the thumb drive then it will always be very active. stuff is always running in the background.06:55
rs0832bradsha, sure give us the link :)06:55
gobbeOrmie: most of printers should work with generic postscript, if you need any special features of your printer then driver is needed06:56
cowslammermilamber, someone once told me to write a file under something in /proc with a number in it, and that caused it to cache the writes so they didn't happen so often06:56
gobbeOrmie: but there is lots of drivers already included, so add printer and see06:56
cowslammermilamber, but i can't remember the filename06:56
gobbecowslammer: well it will disappear in next boot06:57
gobbecowslammer: if you just did something under proc06:57
cowslammergobbe, i should have put it in rc.local06:57
glitchdso in the last couple of days ive been trying out different versions of linux/ubuntu, does anyone else find ubuntu 10.10 slow?06:58
gobbecowslammer: no, /etc/sysctl.conf06:58
cgcardonaonce I have ssh keys setup is it smart to remove my login password for extra protection?06:58
rs0832glitchd, depends on how slow... i do find mine a bit slow but only sometimes and its not permanent06:59
glitchdrs0832, well i have a dell laptop that is relatively new, and i have 8 gigs of ram(7.7 usable) and when i click something, it can take upto 10 seconds to open, the same with internet browsers, i.e.-firefox, chromium07:00
sacarlsonglitchd: slow at doing what and with what hardware?  try the utility top to isolate what your cpu power and mem is used for.07:00
glitchdrs0832, but on 10.04 everything is almost instant07:01
glitchdsacarlson, i dont have it anymore, i jus got done reinstalling 10.0407:01
cowslammerglitchd, i have noticed my laptop with a slow single core cpu and 1 gig of ram appears faster than my amd duocore with 3 gigs of ram07:02
rs0832glitchd, yep same thing here.. except it doesnt always happen... 1 day it's slow, the next, it's fine... but it doesn't bother me so i never thought of checking it out07:02
sacarlsonglitchd: well I'm pro 10.04 since I believe in long term support,  and I have little time on 10.10 other than in virtualbox07:02
rs0832sacarlson, yes non lts releases require you to install huge updates on every install... lts iso's are regularly updated from what i ve heard07:03
rs0832sacarlson, i am also having trouble with 10.10..07:04
glitchdcowslammer, rs0832, sacarlson ---well my laptop has 8 friggin gigs of ram, and i have the pae installed in the kernel so im using just about all of it, and still it was sluggish and slow to the point that i had to get rid of it, also it acted like i was on dial up with the interent speed.07:04
sacarlsonrs0832: in any case I don't beleave in update till something breaks,  I disable update07:04
rs0832sacarlson, the glib error at boot07:05
=== jon8_ is now known as jon8
cowslammerhow do i change the behaviour of control-alt-delete?07:06
jon8Anyone know of some documenatation on getting my SD Card Reader to be mounted --- in Terminal. I do not use the GUI.07:06
sacarlsonrs0832: sounds like a nvidia driver problem http://www.linuxquestions.org/questions/linux-desktop-74/glib-error-on-boot-up-ubuntu-10-10-a-836234/07:07
=== cpatrick08 is now known as cpatrick2008
milamberjon8: is it listed: fdisk -l07:07
SwedeMikejon8: check your log using dmesg, find out what /dev/sd device it became, then look into the "mount" program.07:07
cowslammerhow do i change the behaviour of control-alt-delete?07:07
glitchdcowslammer, rs0832, sacarlson  would any of u know anything about a i915 graphic turbo disabled error at boot??07:08
rs0832sacarlson, hmm but my installation and live cd boot... this only happens to me on a live usb stick07:08
jon8milamber fdisk -l doenst do anything, doesnt list anything07:08
SwedeMikejon8: sudo fdisk -l07:08
victor_aranaAnyone know how to change the size of the flow charts07:08
victor_aranathat i'm making with Dia?07:08
rs0832glitchd, http://www.ubuntugeek.com/how-to-fix-ubuntu-10-04-lts-lucid-blank-screen-at-startup.html07:09
sacarlsonrs0832: live usb stick with no activation of propriatary drivers?07:09
jon8Does there have to be a card in the SD slot for it to show up? (sorry)07:09
sacarlsonjon8: did you try sudo fdisk -l ?07:09
jon8sacarlson, yes.07:09
rs0832sacarlson, well, i just used the startup disk creator so i didnt activate them if thats what you mean07:10
jon8sacarlson, Linux, Extended, Linux Swap / Solaris, are in the list07:10
sacarlsonjon8: does the user you are loged into have sudo rights?07:10
jon8sacarlson yes07:10
milamberjon8: yes. put a card with something on it in07:10
victor_aranasomeone who uses Dia to flowcharting?07:10
jon8milamber ok, one minute07:10
geneven    /j #maemo07:10
glitchdrs0832, with all politeness, how is that directed or related to anything i said?07:13
rs0832glitchd, :)07:13
glitchdrs0832, =)?07:13
rs0832glitchd, what were you talking about?07:13
sacarlsonrs0832: must not be related to the link I gave then.  sounds like if ignored is might still boot07:14
glitchdrs0832, the fact that 10.10 was super slow in nautilus operations and with navigating website or doing anythin online basically07:14
=== Cibort is now known as Guest68206
OrmieThere is a problem about remote connection on ubuntu 10.1007:15
rs0832glitchd, i was refering to  "cowslammer, rs0832, sacarlson  would any of u know anything about a i915 graphic turbo disabled error at boot??"07:15
rs0832sacarlson, yes.. i checked out the bugs registered,07:15
glitchdrs0832, ohh07:15
rs0832sacarlson, on launchpad, but they werent too helpful... i tried remastering the iso too but that didnt work07:16
glitchdrs0832, but still that doesnt even hint at the error msg i get, its talking about a black screen at book07:16
rs0832sacarlson, oh and it also gives me an stdin error : 0  at times07:16
glitchdrs0832, i dont get a black screen at boot07:16
sacarlsonrs0832: I'm sure you did an md5sum of the iso before install to usb flash disk, didn't  you?07:16
rs0832glitchd, :) yes i just saw the i915.nomodeset part07:16
glitchdrs0832, i get that error and then it bofineots07:16
rs0832sacarlson, yes and even after burning07:17
glitchdrs0832, ok, ill jus leave it at that then07:17
glitchdrs0832, thx anyways bud07:17
bradshacan any one help me with my problem ?07:18
rs0832glitchd, youll have to excuse me :) i was just pondering on the glib problem so i just glanced at it :) sorry about that07:18
glitchdrs0832, its no problem, really, and i wasnt trying to be rude, sry if it came off as that=)07:18
sacarlsonbradsha: apears you have no problem I can see,  if I did I would have read it07:18
rs0832glitchd, oh not at all :)07:18
cpatrick2008i was wondering when the kpackagekit bug is going to be fixed i saw that kde fixed the problem in version 0.6.3,207:20
Ormieanthony__: Is there any quesion or any we/i can help you07:20
rs0832glitchd, hmm.. can you paste the exact or nearly exact error? (the i915 driver thing?)07:21
bradshaoh sorry well i went to the forums for help but no help i have a usb headset it was working then someone in the forums gave me a code to only use one sound card now i can't use my usb headset  at all for any thing07:21
meeroguys something is rewriting my /etc/resolv.conf how can i prevent it?07:21
greppymeero: it is probably your dhcp client.07:22
glitchdrs0832, its at boot and i have a crappy memory so i dont exactly rememer what it said07:22
meerogreppy: it is probably dhcp3...07:22
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meerogreppy: do you know how can i fix it?07:23
rs0832glitchd, ok then you might try this suggestion : http://ubuntu-virginia.ubuntuforums.org/showpost.php?p=10284427&postcount=5507:23
LinusTDoes ubuntu-virginia represent a real server in Virginia?07:24
glitchdrs0832, from what i can remember this is basically what it said "failed to get i915 symbols, graphics turbo disabled"07:24
Nexxusim trying to install a driver for my webcam on this computer and when i run make in the directory of the driver file i get an error saying: fatal error: asm/semaphore.h no such file or directory how do i fix this so i can install the driver?07:24
glitchdrs0832, btw, i have  an intel i5 processor07:24
rwwLinusT: Where are you seeing "ubuntu-virginia"?07:24
cowslammeri'm having problems with sound.  it works for some applications but not with the browser.  i looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems which advises me to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf but i don't understand the directions07:25
milambermeero: google for the program resolvconf07:25
rwwLinusT: oh, there. No, the forum has subdomains for various LoCo teams, and they fail at appropriate redirecting, so Google has a mess of different subdomains for forums posts.07:25
rwwLinusT: They all point at the same server.07:25
glitchdrs0832, if i blacklist my intel graphics card, i wont get any display at all, i think07:25
LinusTrww, thanks07:26
meeromilamber: idid but im still not able to fix dhcp3, maybe you can help me07:26
rs0832glitchd, which version of ubuntu is this?07:26
glitchdim talking about 10.10 but im in 10.0407:26
rs0832glitchd, oh ok 10.04 works?07:26
glitchdrs0832, they both worked, i jus got that msg then it booted07:27
glitchdrs0832, i wanted to see how to get rid of that msg07:27
milambermeero: what are you trying to do?07:27
glitchdrs0832, i dont remember if it gives me that msg in 10.04, i believe it does tho07:27
ggreenehow to set permanent permission for remote desktop so the remote computer doesn't have to allow connection07:29
rs0832glitchd, hmm you can try updating xserver-xorg-video-intel and install xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg07:29
rs0832glitchd, it may already be updated, but you can check07:29
glitchdrs0832, nd how do i do that exactly07:30
glitchdrs0832, synaptic?07:30
rs0832glitchd, they should both be in synaptic07:30
zs1otbhi, I have a problem upgrading to 9.10. The machine starts the upgrade with the downloading 2 of 2 files but then it stops the upgrade by not opening the upgrade screen.07:30
glitchdrs0832, the second one is listed but not the first one07:31
=== treetopx is now known as treetop
glitchdrs0832, xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg doesnt even appear to be installed07:31
glitchdrs0832, should i install it?07:31
egsomeSince about 3 days or more, I have got (no) updates for Ubuntu, Is that normal ?07:32
rs0832glitchd, i have.. installing that should update the other one automatically07:32
spencer__ggreene it may not be possible, you do realize how much of a security risk that would be right?07:33
cowslammeri'm having problems with sound.  it works for some applications but not with the browser.  i looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems which advises me to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf but i don't understand the directions07:33
glitchdrs0832, ok ill install it n see what happens07:33
zs1otbsomebody who can help, how do I get the upgrade to continue after downloading the 2 of 2 files during an upgrade from 9.04 to 9.10. My other machine has done that but this one not...07:33
=== dystan is now known as Can_SomeOne_Help
rs0832glitchd, good luck07:34
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ggreenespencer__, yes i do what i need to do is access my ubuntu router on my local network from a single computer07:34
spencer__ggreene sorry I can't help you, I'm usually just general toubleshooting and pointing out the obvious :)07:35
glitchdrs0832, this wont disable my current working graphics and leave me with a black screen, will it?07:35
sacarlsonzs1otb: do you know the names of the 2 packages?  I guess you can try dpkg to install them manualy,  with that you might also see why they don't install.07:36
ggreenespencer__, i understand i believe it can be done. at my job we run linux systems and everyone can be operated remotely without having to approve i just need to figure out how they did it07:36
rs0832glitchd, nope the debuggin symbols just give more understandable error messages and the update shouldnt do anything :)07:37
zs1otbsacarlson - I have tried manualy but it stops with a /tmp not mounted with noexec07:37
sacarlsonzs1otb: but upgrades normaly go smothly07:37
glitchdrs0832, ok, ill give it a try07:37
rs0832glitchd, if you want to be sure you can ask in the channel for someone elses opinion though :)07:37
=== jmad980 is now known as Guest80000
zs1otbI know the other machines went well but this one seems to stop after downloading the first 2 files07:37
sacarlsonzs1otb: what command did you do to get that error?07:38
zs1otbsudo do-release-upgrade07:38
chandrageethai have installed GYachE Improved. but when loaded it shows error like Could not launch 'GYachE Improved' failed to execute child process, what to do, pls07:39
sacarlsonzs1otb: what is seen with this? ls -l -d /tmp07:40
cowslammeri'm having problems with sound.  it works for some applications but not with the browser.  i looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems which advises me to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf but i don't understand the directions07:40
zs1otbsacarlson - drwxrwxrwt 20 root root 420 2010-12-28 09:37 /tmp07:41
glitchdrs0832, ok i installed xserver-xorg-video-intel-dbg, but now how do i use it?07:41
rs0832glitchd, no particular way07:41
rs0832glitchd, just let it do its own work07:41
meeromilamber: basicaly im trying to stop dns loop i have dns server on the computer where is /etc/resolv.con been rewrited and this cause the loop, which im trying to avoid07:41
Nexxushow can i install module gspca07:41
rs0832glitchd, did you try searching for the first one now?07:41
glitchdrs0832, well i dont understand how it works for me then if i dont use it07:42
spencer__anyone know of any RFID scanner drivers for 10.0107:42
glitchdnot yet07:42
rs0832glitchd, well for one, installing it should update the first one i mentioned, which are the drivers for the intel i9xx07:42
glitchdrs0832, ohh i just searched it again and apparently i had it typed in wrong nd it is installed07:42
sacarlsonmeero: two options,  1. setup your dhcp server to give you the dns server you want,  2. setup your system static to make you own settings on that system.07:43
cowslammeri'm having problems with sound.  it works for some applications but not with the browser.  i looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems which advises me to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf but i don't understand the directions07:43
rs0832glitchd, second, instead of the error it gave you, it should give you a more understandable one .. thats usually how debugging symbols work :)07:43
glitchdrs0832, one of them says xserver-xorg-video-i74007:43
chills518anyone know the command line default for the Synaptic Package Manager gui launch?07:43
sacarlsonchills518: gksudo synaptic07:43
exxtreme<using xfce. How do i move desktop icons at 1 pixel increments?07:44
spencer__chills518 no, but wanna know how to find it out yourself?07:44
rs0832glitchd, type in 'i915' in the search07:44
zs1otb<sacarlson> any clues on this one?07:44
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:45
peeps[lappy]i'm trying to enter special characters with my keyboard, using the methods here:  http://fsymbols.com/keyboard/linux/07:45
peeps[lappy]i tried all 3 methods, and i can only get the last one to work07:45
rs0832glitchd, if that package is not installed, it could probably be why you got the error.. cant be sure though07:45
sacarlsonzs1otb: no that looks normal to me07:45
chills518sacarlson:  thanks.  I guess mine was not the default before I changed it.. doh!  I remember it having --description and then a path to somewhere.. I saved it in a text file but once I got gksu-polkit working I deleted my record of the default.. ugh..07:45
ezyhi all...quick question, under top it shows 2915504k used but under the ubuntu system monitor it shows me as using 789Mb...should there be a dissonance between the two readings ?07:46
peeps[lappy]I cannot get Ubuntu to recognize 3rd level modifier and compose key, even though I have tried many different settings in the keyboard preferences07:46
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:46
zs1otb<sacarlson> I'll try once more to get this upgrade to run07:46
haggi have sound problems with maverick. till yesterday everything works fine. now audio- and videoplayers are much to fast, but there is no audio output. i didnt find any hint in syslog or messages. problem occurs with pulseaudio and with alsa, problem occurs with xfce, and directly on the console. any hints where i can look for the reason?07:46
chandrageethai need help installing GYachE Improved, pls help me07:46
sacarlsonzs1otb: what are the packages that it tries to install?07:47
chills518now when I try to install from Synaptic I get error "Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned error code 2"  I think it has to be my change to the command line which caused this.. but who knows..07:47
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exxtremei usually run rox pinboard which allows you to move desktop icons small amount of pixels.  xfce wants to move icons 35pixels at a time07:47
exxtremehow can i change xfce to move icons in small amount of pixels?07:48
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:48
chills518<spencer__> sure, I'll take a look at what you would point me to...07:48
zs1otbI have no idea, I tried to do the upgrade on update manager to go from 9.04 to 9.10... I did that yeserday with another laptop without problems. That one is now busy upgrading from 9.10 to 10.04 but this laptop is struggling07:48
sacarlsonzs1otb: reboot and try again?07:49
zs1otbok wil do, I'll be back soon...07:49
spencer__chills518 go to the menu, and add the programs launcher to the panel. Then, right click>properties, and it tell syou07:50
Nexxushow do i get the gspca module on my computer modprobe returns that it is not found07:50
spencer__chills518 it's kind of a ghetto method though07:50
haggi forgot: the only applciation that seems to work with sound is wine (using alsa).  but for any other user, with any native linux program (i tested mplayer, mocp, mpg123, totem) with pulse and alsa, before or after running wine, on x11 and on console. i have the sound problem07:50
=== drew is now known as Guest93011
chills518<spencer__> thank you..07:51
spencer__chills518 that;s what I'm here for!07:52
=== Guest93011 is now known as nigajim
nigajimhows everyone07:53
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:53
chandrageethahow to install GYachE Improved, on Ubuntu 10.1007:53
nigajimi need help with my gnomes07:53
nigajimthey keep getting loose and knitting me shoes07:53
rs0832nigajim, :D07:53
nigajimi ran out of kerosene for my cd burner07:54
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:54
chandrageethahi spencer__, would you pls help me install GYachE Improved07:54
nigajimcan i still do an easy burn on my nautilus iso installation, i just reformates and my sound isnt configured yet? should i do a nano etd.d config rewrite or just press ctr D to continue? anyone know?07:55
spencer__chandrageetha mind if I PM?07:55
=== nigajim is now known as Changralah
sacarlsonNexxus: it apears you need to compile a custom kernel for that,  not sure why,  maybe there's a ppa for it. http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?p=646553207:55
cowslammeri need help configuring my sound07:55
Changralahanyone want to talk about girls07:56
Changralahcomputers are boring07:56
Changralahi saw this real nice one at the debs burger barn today07:56
meeroguys how to set dhcp3 to stop rewriting my /etc/resolv.conf?07:57
spencer__cowslammer, I could tag ubottu right now but I'm gonna save the effort. Please include more detail, and just wait.07:57
chandrageethaspencer__, couldn´t get  you07:57
Changralahshe was a thick cutt tall blond with big boobs and tight jeans07:57
Nexxusthank you scarlson07:57
spencer__changralah try /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:57
Changralahshe had a tattoo of billy ray sirus on her back with his clean cutt mullet.07:57
spencer__chandrageetha may I private message you?07:57
banker247how do i convert this so i can enter it into the terminal to actually work ??  cd $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Game/Directory/07:57
banker247if theres a space between the words i dont know the command liek i can't do cd Program Files07:57
sacarlsonNexxus: oh and are you sure your cam doesn't work in like cheese?  it may just not work on google chat or skype?07:58
Jordan_Ubanker247: cd "$HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/Game/Directory/"07:58
Jordan_Ubanker247: You could also use: cd $HOME/.wine/drive_c/Program\ Files/Game/Directory/07:58
banker247Jordan_U, can i PM u07:59
Nexxusscarlson: ya i have tried it with a bunch of different types and they all seem to not think the driver is there :(07:59
cowslammeri'm having problems with sound.  it works for some applications but not with the browser.  i looked at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/DebuggingSoundProblems which advises me to create a file called /etc/modprobe.d/sound.conf but i don't understand the directions07:59
dc5alabanker247, you have a space in there which you either need to escape with a backslash or put the whole directory in quotation marks07:59
Jordan_Ubanker247: Yes, but I'd prefer to keep support discussion in-channel.07:59
banker247nevermind then07:59
banker247so if i use " " qutoes i dont have to do all the crazy /././/07:59
Jordan_Ubanker247: Correct.07:59
zs1otb-Can not run the upgrade08:00
chandrageethayes, but what me to do?08:00
zs1otb-This usually is caused by a system were /tmp is mounted noexec. Please remount without noexec and run the upgrade again.08:00
chills518looks like it was the gksu-polkit.  I used that so it would allow me to open Synaptic with my finger print reader... which worked.... but it wouldn't let me install anything.. so I guess that that isn't quite useful yet.. hahaha08:00
Aurlito_1bargLinux is for homeless people08:00
Aurlito_1bargRMS sucks dick lol08:00
Aurlito_1bargWhen's the last time you had sex?08:00
Aurlito_1bargGuess... never?08:00
FloodBot2Aurlito_1barg: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:00
spencer__aurlito_1barg what chan did you come from?08:01
Changralahlinux is for homeless people08:01
spencer__aurlito_1barg go watch some hentia08:01
Changralahrich folks have a mac these days08:01
banker247cd "$HOME/.wine/drice_c/Program Files/Mount&Blade Warband/"08:01
Myrttimoving on08:01
Changralahi have a custom made alpaca linux distro from my refridgerator08:01
banker247this is what i'm trying to do.. but its telling me that Mount&Blade Warband doesn't exist08:01
spencer__mods, want some target practice?08:01
Changralahthis is out of control08:02
banker247yet when i do ls in Program Files its spelled out exactly Mount&Blade Warband08:02
Changralahctrl alt delete this shit08:02
spencer__myrtti you missed one08:02
MyrttiChangralah: mind your language08:02
spencer__myrtti spare the mercy, he's been flaming ubuntu for 3 minutes straight08:03
Changralahyes master, these are not the droids your looking for.08:03
Changralahanyone here own a gun?08:03
banker247ok works.. thanks08:03
Nexxusscarlson: thats weird i did sudo modprobe -r zc0301 and it works now08:03
spencer__thanks a bunch myrtti, it's mods like you that make this place so awesome08:04
FezzlerStrange issue.  The graphical controls of my file system and browser in Lucid have a huge delay but keyboard commads fly?08:04
Nexxusscarlson: the light on the camera doesnt even go on lol08:04
Changralahdude, all im saying is guns would be great for moderator types since then they could actualy matter in life and not be babylon batty boys dun hear me mon.08:05
FezzlerI did have to rebuilt my desktop recently08:05
Changralahi love you08:05
sacarlsonChangralah: some people ride bycycles some people drive race cars,  does the person in the race car yell at the man riding the bike or honor his hard work?08:05
Myrttimoving on...08:05
brophatthat last two times i ran ubuntu I lost that thing you click on on the right hand side to shut down the puter. instead it either repeats the day and date or repeats my username08:06
brophatto shut down i have to do a shutdown now in the terminal window08:06
brophatanyone know about this bug?08:07
spencer__brophat have you tried right clicking on the panel, add to panel?08:07
sacarlsonNexxus: different driver for the same cam?  cool I always tape over my light so my girls don't know I'm filming, now you don't have to08:07
brophatok but now the turnoff icon is to the left and my username is still where the turnoff icon should be08:08
Nexxusscarlson: guess so :P thanks for the help08:08
shai__Hi :) I Have a headless Ubuntu Server 10.04.1 LTS and when I login, I see "20 packages can be updated. 7 updates are security updates.". Since this is a production server, I don't want to install anything other then security updates. How can I manually review all 7 updates and then install just them?08:08
jussishai__: probably best to ask in #ubuntu-server for server items08:09
brophati can restart I guess and see if it reboots corrected08:09
spencer__brophat wait08:09
spencer__brophat right click on the shutdown icon and hit "move" and slide it to the right or wherever you want it08:10
Beatrix_Kiddodoes anyone know if ubuntu 10.10 supports multi touch monitors out of box08:10
brophatit does not move to the righjt cause the is other stuff to its right08:10
spencer__brophat then move that stuff. You may need to uncheck "lock" under right click08:11
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exxtremehow do i see hidden icons in file-roller?08:11
cowslammeri solved my sound problem by reloading pulseaudio & rebooting08:12
sacarlsonexxtreme: not sure I understand,  icons that are in a compressed file?  maybe try extract them and then view them?08:14
spencer__cowslammer congratulations. now go slam some more cows? wait, that actually sounds a bit cruel08:15
exxtreme<sacarlson>: my mistake..just realized i'm using thunar. i found the hidden file setting in view menu.08:16
exxtreme<just wanted to view files with a dot prefix08:16
cowslammerspencer__, the nick is a private joke - it is derived from duckslammer http://duckslammer.com08:17
cowslammerspencer__, my speaker icon has disappeared from the bar at top of screen - how do i get it back?08:17
sacarlsoncowslammer: try adding Indicator Applet 0.3.7 to the pannel08:18
spencer__cowslammer are the rest of the notification icons still there?08:19
cowslammerspencer__, yes08:19
exxtremewhere's the minimise button in thunar?08:19
spencer__cowslammer it's a bug then, it does that occasionally unfortunately08:19
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:20
cowslammerspencer__, is there a way to get it back?08:20
sacarlsoncowslammer: spencer__: I've had the same problem when I deleted my mail icon from the top pannel,  it is also part of the volume in Indicator Applet08:21
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sacarlsoncowslammer: right click on clear space on the top panel and select add to pannel and select add Indicator applet08:22
cowslammersacarlson, that added another mailbox notifier but not the sound08:24
sacarlsoncowslammer: oh that weird, what version of ubuntu and indicator is that?08:24
spencer__alright guys, gotta go play some delicious Microsoft Xbox 360 -gags- Night guys08:24
definityHi, not sure if my Windows X manager is not working or if Gnome aint working but either way evreytime i bootup my machine it go's straight into terminal no GUI, any ideas on how to fix this?08:25
cowslammersacarlson, i'm on 10.04 - dunno which version of the applet08:25
sacarlsoncowslammer: right click the applet and look at about08:25
sacarlsoncowslammer: maybe it's a theme thing?  did you change your theme?08:26
cowslammersacarlson, it is 0.3.708:26
sacarlsoncowslammer: same as me,  I have no clue08:26
spencer__sacarlson cowslammer is there room for it on the panel? I've had a few notifications disappear on me, they come back after you reboot I think08:26
Myrttirwrite: do you have a minute?08:26
cowslammerspencer__, i'll just reboot (later)08:27
spencer__cowslammer alright08:27
sacarlsonspencer__: cowslammer: ya could be a space thing?08:27
cowslammersacarlson, plenty of room08:27
dc5aladefinity, can you manually launch the graphical login manager?08:28
spencer__Night guys08:29
definitydc5ala: i  have tryed rebooting and installing agian but it did not work. But when I tryed to reinstall it said ti was already running08:29
dc5aladefinity, so it puts you back in terminal when you try to start gdm? Have a look at /var/log/Xorg* log files08:30
dc5aladefinity, maybe you see some errors in the log08:30
definitydc5ala: I just stay in terminal08:31
sacarlsonI would like to boot iso's from grub2 but I get grub error "you must load kernel first"  when I use this linux (loop)/casper/vmlinuz boot=casper iso-scan/filename=/vbox/lubuntu-10.10.iso, has anyone ever booted iso's with ubuntu10.10 or other?08:31
definitydc5ala: and it says it running, even if i restart it from sudo08:31
tank8465_hey everyone im having trouble connecting to wireless, help?08:32
cowslammerspencer__, sacarlson do either of you know how to change the behaviour of control-alt-delete?  used to do it in /etc/inittab which no longer exists08:32
soreautank8465_: What chipset is it?08:32
sacarlsoncowslammer: just use <alt><ctl>+f1  to get to a console and sudo halt,  if that's what you need08:33
tank8465_soreau: output of lspci: Intel Corporation Centrino Advanced-N WiMAX 625008:34
soreautank8465_: Can you see your ap when you click on the wifi icon?08:34
tank8465_soreau its detecting networks, but it keeps telling the network password is wrong when I know for a fact its correct08:34
tank8465_yes it is detecting my network08:34
cowslammersacarlson, more weirdness - i can't get a con terminal - it's just a blank screen08:35
Doinkletank8465_, are you using wpa/wpa2 ?08:35
tank8465_Doinkle: yep08:35
sacarlsoncowslammer: how's that posible?  it uses no graphics08:35
definityscrew this im jsut gonna try fix it myself08:36
Doinkletank8465_, ive had that issue...i still do on a certain laptop.08:36
cowslammersacarlson, unknown.  in an earlier incarnation i didn't even get the blank screen08:36
jkalex05Hey guys Im trying to install ATI Drivers. However I get an error when I do sudo dpkg -i *.deb, Errors were encountered while processing:08:36
jkalex05 fglrx-kernel-source08:36
jkalex05 xorg-driver-fglrx08:36
jkalex05 xorg-driver-fglrx-dev08:36
jkalex05 fglrx-amdcccle08:36
FloodBot2jkalex05: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.08:36
tank8465_anyone got a fix?08:37
jkalex05any ideas08:37
jkalex05dpkg: error processing fglrx-kernel-source (--install):08:37
jkalex05 dependency problems - leaving unconfigured08:37
Doinkleideas? yeah use pastebin.....08:37
jkalex05what is dependency problems08:37
jkalex05and when I try to install the drivers via the hardware drivers. I get package broken. However there are no packages broken in Synaptic Package Manager08:38
jkalex05any ideas?08:39
tank8465_jkalex05: try 'sudo apt-get -f install'08:39
sacarlsonjkalex05: if you have synaptic you can go to file>generate download script,  look at the script it generates might indicate what it needs,  see what is missing in synaptic or try load each one08:39
a931bwi wonder08:39
a931bwis webcam login possibe08:40
a931bwon ubuntu08:40
sacarlsonjkalex05: I like tank8465_: idea better08:40
Myrttia931bw: with varying degrees of functionality08:40
jkalex05tank8465 seems like its working08:41
sacarlsonwhat is webcam login?08:41
sacarlsona931bw: what is webcam login?08:42
jkalex05tank8465 do I run sudo dpkg -i *.deb again after?08:42
gsdfsdserver irc.enigmagroup.org08:42
jkalex05tank8465: or is that it?08:43
sacarlsona931bw: optcal face recognition08:45
sacarlsona931bw: I have seen people chat about it never seen it working08:45
sacarlsona931bw: if you want real security get a smart card08:45
a931bwits more of justforfun08:46
sacarlsona931bw: ya it looks cool I admit but security just put a picture in the cam and your online08:46
meerohow to make dhcp3 client to stop rewriting /etc/resolv.conf?08:46
a931bwi'm only one who uses notebook08:47
a931bwi dont have a proper password08:47
a931bwand have autologin08:47
sacarlsonmeero: I gave you the answer two methods08:47
a931bwits just looks cool08:47
root___what is the command to instal gnome from terminal?08:47
root___and KDE08:47
sacarlsonmeero: did you not understand the answer above?08:48
meerosacarlson : please copy it here once more, ive lost it08:48
meerosacarlson: pls08:48
sacarlsonmeero: modify your dhcp3 server settings to the dns you want to use,  or go static and set your own on that single system08:48
pinPointwhats a good av package?08:49
sacarlsonmeero: do you have control of the dhcp server?08:49
meerosacarlson: im using dns server on the same machine where /etc/resolv.conf is beeing rewrited08:49
rs0832pinPoint, if you mean antivirus, linux doesnt need one08:49
meerosacarlson: yes i have control of dhcp08:50
sacarlsonmeero: then edit the file at /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf08:50
pinPointrs0832: i need it to scan in another infected win computer08:50
DoinklepinPoint, clamav08:50
sacarlsonmeero: do you have sudo on that unit,  are you able to edit that file?08:50
DoinklepinPoint, fyi, a few vendors now release an .iso of their av product\08:50
DoinklepinPoint, free too.08:50
rdw200169a931bw: here are some of the other options out there: http://www.kernel.org/pub/linux/libs/pam/modules.html08:51
nit-witpinPoint, I would use a bootable av08:51
rs0832pinPoint, i am with nit-wit on that08:51
rdw200169a931bw: PAM is related to that system that actually *asks* for your password... this is how you get Single Sign On and such working on linux terminals... notice that there is a 'voice authentication' PAM module :)08:52
root___what is the command to instal gnome from terminal or KDE?08:52
a931bwi dont really know how to add PAM08:52
a931bwat ogin08:52
meerosacarlson: yes i`m root, just a sec i wil send u the dhcpclient3.conf08:52
nit-witpinPoint, here is a list of a couple. http://www.techmixer.com/free-bootable-antivirus-rescue-cds-download-list/08:52
sacarlsonmeero: then add the line in that file option domain-name-servers ipyouwantasservershere;08:52
rwwroot___: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop for GNOME. sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop for KDE.08:53
pinPointalright, thanks everyone08:53
tbruff13hey i am trying to get wow to work under wine08:53
tbruff13it works but the sound skips08:53
meerosacarlson: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548166/08:53
meerosacarlson: and with this configuration it is still rewriting it08:53
nit-witpinPoint, cool08:54
meerosacarlson: normally there is no problem, but it create dns resolving loop between dns server and router :-(08:54
sacarlsonmeero:  it will rewrite it but are those the address you want them to be?08:54
sacarlsonmeero: also that seems incomplete,  that can't be the whole config file08:55
meerosacarlson: yes08:55
ox3astill i am having problem for dongel(USB) modem08:55
sacarlsonmeero: and what dns numbers are you getting then?08:55
sacarlsonmeero: are you sure you only have one dhcp server running?08:55
ox3astill i am having problem for dongel(USB) modem08:57
sacarlsonmeero: try shut down your dhcp server on that system and see if you don't still get an address and dns aquired08:57
meerosacarlson: no there is router with dhcp, there is:        lan1, lan2, etc, ----> router(dhcp + forwarded dns) <----- server(dns for LAN, + forwarded outside dns)08:57
meerosacarlson: only router is outside with outside connection08:58
sacarlsonmeero: well do you have control of all of them?  might be easier just to go static and set your own dns address08:58
a931bwanyway to add pam modules to logon08:59
sacarlsonmeero: multi lan multi access to internet?08:59
SriranganDoes Dell hate Ubuntu?08:59
folivoraSrirangan: no ?09:00
meerosacarlson: this is the whole config http://paste.ubuntu.com/548169/09:00
Sriranganfolivora: Dell Studio 14 overheats on Ubuntu09:00
Sriranganfor me09:00
Jerusalem420i have folders foo1 through foo18. in each folder I have file1 file2 etc. i want to rename all the files xfile1 xfile2 etc in each directory. i want x to be the number of the folder foox. how can i do this from command line in one neat command?09:00
meerosacarlson: no just router has connection to internet, lan1, lan2, etc, server(dns) is connecting to router first09:00
folivoraSrirangan: We have over 500 ubuntu-users in our company. Everyone are using Dell+Ubuntu =)09:00
sacarlsonmeero: that's the client config,  you need to modify the server09:00
Sriranganfolivora: I guess I get the defective models :-(09:01
sacarlsonmeero: but from what I see above it may have added complexities I don't fully understand09:01
sacarlsonmeero: ok so your ubuntu is a gateway to the internet on lan1 and all other users go through you from lan209:02
sacarlsonmeero: am I correct?09:03
meerosacarlson: idea is simple ... to have dns on internal lan, using one of computer inside (dns server) , and every other dns goes to providers dns server. in my configuration only router is directly connected to internet and one of computer - server is providing dns sevices for all LAN09:03
folivorameero: so you wan't to setup forwarding-dns on our server ?09:04
meerofolivora: for non-LAN dns yes:-)09:04
sacarlsonmeero: well you showed me the wrong file then,  I needed to see this file: /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf09:05
joeoshawaanyone here know anything about zeroradiant on ubuntu?09:05
folivorameero: so when your client in lan queries dns, it gueris lan-dns server and lan-dns-server queries your isp's dns-server ?09:05
Jerusalem420i have folders foo1 through foo18. in each folder I have file1 file2 etc. i want to rename all the files xfile1 xfile2 etc in each directory. i want x to be the number of the folder foox. how can i do this from command line in one neat command?09:06
sacarlsonmeero: if that file isn't there then you must not be running the server on that system09:06
BernardVmeero: I would use powerdns as a DNS recursor ;)09:06
userhello guys09:06
meerofolivora: yes exactly, fot those dns names that doesnt belong to lan, it forwards it to providers dns09:06
useri need help plz09:06
RypervencheDoes macchanger really change your MAC address or does it simply fake it for a while?09:07
userhow can i use USB-RS232 converter on ubuntu ?09:07
=== ghost is now known as Guest91201
meerosacarlson: there is no /etc/dhcp3/dhcpd.conf... only client09:07
folivorameero: that is really simple... pdnsd is really easy to configure ...09:08
EhRypervenche, for a while09:08
folivorait uses hosts-file for lan... and so on...09:08
nettezzaumanahi there09:08
potat0user: plug it in?09:08
userand then what ?09:08
folivorauser: then see dmesg09:08
userok wait09:09
RypervencheEh: Is it just while I'm in a terminal or is there a certain time period?09:09
folivorauser: there you should see information about ur device...09:09
sacarlsonmeero: then I have no idea how you are hoping to run this,  I would install on the gateway bind9 and dhcp3-server and setup each as needed09:09
potat0user: didn't you get a small disk with it?09:09
potat0read that and use the information in dmesg like folivora said09:09
nettezzaumanawould any responsible adult here tell me, if ubuntu xorg parsed /etc/X11/xorg.conf.d for configuration however it doesn't exist by default?09:09
useri dont09:09
Ehwhile you're using Ubuntu09:09
ubottuDO NOT RUN THAT COMMAND That particular command is DANGEROUS and shouldn't be uttered here. REST OF YOU: DANGER, WILL ROBINSON, DANGER! Do not use the command or utter it here thank you!09:10
useroh i see something09:10
meerofolivora: dnsmasq is working just fine, the problem is in rewriting the /etc/resolv.conf by dhcpclient09:10
folivorasacarlson: bind9 is good, but for home use pdnsd is also goood... altho it isn't so good and flexible as bind909:10
userusb serial converter detedted09:10
potat0nettezzaumana: i dont' think the conf is like that09:10
userbut hwo can i use it ?09:10
userhow can i use it ?09:10
folivorameero: ahh kk... What it is doing wrong ?09:10
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: yes it does parse a file but I think the file name is /etc/X11/xorg.conf  and is defaulted if not present.  only used for propriatary setup09:11
iflemarm -rf09:11
Jerusalem420_dropped. did i miss an answer to my question by chance?09:11
meerofolivora: it is setting the dns server to router, and the router is asking dns queries back to server, this creates the loop, which im trying to avoid09:11
userhi what is the best software to deal with usb converter ?09:11
folivoraerm, pastebin your dhcp-conf09:12
sacarlsonmeero: if that's your only problem and it's only on that system whould a static ip work in this case?  then dhcp is not used at all just a fixed ip, dns, and gateway are always the same09:12
folivorameero: I assume that you know that dnsmasq has built-in dhcp-server09:12
potat0user: paste the output of dmesg | tail09:13
potat0after plugging it in09:13
sacarlsonmeero: then you just setup the /etc/resolv.conf the way you want it and the rest is : http://shibuvarkala.blogspot.com/2010/10/how-to-setup-static-ip-address-in.html09:14
user[ 2027.976101] usb 3-1: new low speed USB device using ohci_hcd and address 209:15
user[ 2028.423121] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial09:15
user[ 2028.423142] USB Serial support registered for generic09:15
user[ 2028.423193] usbcore: registered new interface driver usbserial_generic09:15
user[ 2028.423196] usbserial: USB Serial Driver core09:15
FloodBot2user: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.09:15
user[ 2028.437012] USB Serial support registered for DeLorme Earthmate USB09:15
potat0not here09:15
potat0pastbin or something09:15
userthis is the output09:16
meerosacarlson: ee, that would not fix the situation, /etc/resolv.conf would be still rewriten, but you are right , maybe the problem is not in dhcp3 but in dnsmasq dhcp functions...!09:16
sacarlsonmeero: I use bind9 as my dns server as I have different inside lan address compared to what on lan that need to be fed the my other users,  I setup dhcp3-server to give my users my bind9 server address09:17
meerofolivora: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548169/09:17
sacarlsonmeero: no the only thing that overwrites the resolv.conf is dhclient,  when in static it will not get overwriten09:17
userso guys ?09:18
meerosacarlson: it is static believe me, set by routers09:18
meerosacarlson: router:-)09:19
sacarlsonmeero: routers don't set static,  your system does,  your routers only feed you the same thing each time you dhclient asks for them09:19
joeoshawaomg why bother creating a chat channel nobody can talk on i just tried to talk on the trac channel and it wont let me09:20
joeoshawaand yes i am registered09:20
sacarlsonmeero: the static settings in ubuntu overrides what the routers would have feed you09:20
meerosacarlson: youre right , but in /etc/network interfaces is only "auto eth0 ; iface eth0 inet dhcp"09:21
meerosacarlson: no information about dns...09:21
sacarlsonmeero: that what you would have to change, as stated in the link I gave you09:21
rs0832joeoshawa, did you register with freenode?09:21
obscurant1stwhere is the plugin folder for firefox in maverick, i installed firefox via apt-get09:22
rs0832joeoshawa, :p sorry didnt see your fill post in the traffic09:22
meerosacarlson: i definetely try it, just a sec...09:22
rs0832joeoshawa, does it kick you or something?09:22
sacarlsonmeero: the statment in that line inet dhcp indicates that it will auto run dhclient and that will auto overwrite the /etc/resolv.conf file09:22
obscurant1sti have to install adobe flash square for 64 bit09:22
twager I have a wired router but need to use wifi  Anyone tell me the easiest/cheapest way to do this ?09:22
nettezzaumanasacarlson: sorry for additional molesting, i don't have ubuntu actually but friend on phone has .. does :: strings `which Xorg` | grep xorg.conf.d :: print any output indicating that it parses that ?09:22
joeoshawaumm the and yes i registered09:23
rwwjoeoshawa: You're not identified with nickserv. Do that.09:23
joeoshawait just says i cannot send to channel09:23
joeoshawai did09:23
joeoshawadamn irc09:23
rwwjoeoshawa: no, you didn't.09:23
rs0832joeoshawa, are you using the webchat?09:23
rwwmy client tells me if people are identified. you're not ;P09:23
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: no ubuntu file name is different, that must be a different destro, also the file is optional09:23
ekat90anyone know what this error means when i try to run age of empires 2 with wine "wine: cannot find L"C:\\windows\\system32\\gearsec.exe"09:23
joeoshawai am using xchat09:24
useri use ubuntu 10.1009:24
nettezzaumanasacarlson: so as i've written above >> strings `which Xorg` | grep xorg.conf.d << prints nothing or it doesn't indicate that it uses that, right?09:24
userand i use virtualbox09:24
[thor]!enter | user09:24
ubottuuser: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!09:24
rwwjoeoshawa: now you're identified ;)09:24
ekat90anyone know hat gearsec.exe is on wine?09:24
lahwranhow do I set up an ad-hoc network with my phone with ubuntu? I want ubuntu to be *sharing internet to my phone*, not using the phone as an AP09:24
userok ok09:25
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: without the | grep I get  /usr/bin/Xorg09:25
userhow can i use rs-232 usb converter in ubuntu and virtualbox since i use xp as virtual09:25
jkalex05whats the  nano command to create a file09:26
jkalex05in terminal09:26
rwwjkalex05: just nano path/to/filename. if the file doesn't exist, it'll create it when you save09:26
jkalex05thanks rww09:26
joeoshawayes i know i did it before and it said identified but idk whatever09:26
jkalex05guys i was installing an ATI video driver09:27
rwwjoeoshawa: you need to do it every time you sign into freenode09:27
joeoshawai did09:27
rwwah. weird.09:27
* rww shrugs09:27
jkalex05restarted and i was getting terminal and thats it. what can i do in that situation in the future09:27
nettezzaumanasacarlson: ok, it seems like we don't understand very well to each other .. would you show me output from this command (and you have to substitute $placeholders) :: strings $ubuntu_xorg_binary | grep xorg.conf09:27
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: why not just tell us what your problem is I'm not sure what these answers I give you are helping09:27
joeoshawajkalex05 you need to change your xorg.conf usually if you go straight to prompt09:28
jahrraekat90: i remember something with a cd/dvd-software, but you might ask google or the wine-guys as this has nothing to do with ubuntu09:28
jkalex05joeoshawa how would i do that?09:29
nettezzaumanasacarlson: i need to resolve on phone with BFU man that his xserver will start up with proper and by default undetected resolution .. we tested that with adding modes and switching with xrandr works .. now i have a little problems to make changes permanent in ubuntu hence i don't know it well09:29
joeoshawasudo vi /etc/X11/xorg.conf09:29
[thor]joeoshawa: there is a place in the XChat > Network List... dialog that will allow you to set your nickserv pass for freenode09:29
joeoshawacool thanks thor09:29
meerosacarlson: ok, i have set up the static ip likewise the link u sent me... lets see09:29
[thor]joeoshawa: find Freenode in the list, and open it's properties09:30
ekat90jahrra: where can i find some wine guys to ask09:30
meerosacarlson: thanks for helping me !09:30
stephenpoohi guys im really new (just started using ubuntu today!)09:30
joeoshawajkalex05 you have a working xorg.conf file now?09:30
stephenpooi have a question that doesnt seem to be answered on the forums or else where09:30
nettezzaumanasacarlson: xrandr --admode `cvt 1920 1080 60 | perl -ne 'print if s/^Modeline\s+//'09:30
joeoshawayou can get into x on that machine?09:30
stephenpoobasically i downloaded a perl script from cpan, but i have no idea how to use it09:31
nettezzaumanasacarlson: xrandr --addmode VGA-1 $that_alias ### ^^ there sude be --newmode, alias is always 0x12e09:31
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: no I added the string and I get some stuf,  but I needed sudo user to get what you need09:31
nettezzaumanasacarlson: xrandr --output VGA-1 --mode $alias09:31
R1ckHello. Does Ubuntu 10.04 LTS not have a server version of the kernel image? I have install linux-image-server but no kernel files are in /boot09:32
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: yes seem to work fine09:34
nettezzaumanasacarlson: sorry, what do you mean now?09:34
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: that those commands do function09:34
lahwranwhat do I put in /etc/network/interfaces to make it not attempt to autoconfigure interface X at all?09:35
amageehey i have a .mov file that i want to convert to ogg theora.  i tried running ffmpeg2theora on the file and the video came out fine but the audio came out at double speed.  what do you guys recommend?09:35
nettezzaumanasacarlson: of that xrandr way as i described it above works09:35
nettezzaumana**oc course09:35
lahwranis it "iface wlan0 manual" for wlan0?09:35
nettezzaumanahell .. so many typos09:35
stephenpooso, anyone have a solution for me09:35
stephenpooor any kind of help09:35
nettezzaumanasacarlson: would you definitelly show me that strings grepped for string xorg.conf09:35
Jordan_UR1ck: Do you / did you have a separate /boot/ partition that isn't mounted?09:36
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: I can paistbin my xorg.conf and you can look at it yourself09:36
jahrraekat90: sorry, i got disconnected. i suggest the '#winehq' channel here in irc09:36
nettezzaumanasacarlson: no please .. show me :: strings /usr/bin/Xorg | grep xorg.conf09:36
nettezzaumanathis is what i need .. i'm not looking for anyone's xorg09:37
ekat90jahrra: I've already tried the channel is dead09:37
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548181/09:37
nettezzaumanasacarlson: well, thanks but i'd like to see what i've requested above09:38
nettezzaumanasacarlson: is it so hard to do that?09:38
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: I'll send you the bin file so you can do the rest09:38
R1ckJordan_U: I do have a seperate /boot, but it is mounted09:40
R1cklahwran: yes, interface dev manual is correct09:41
Jordan_UR1ck: Then it may be that it wasn't mounted when you upgraded the kernel. Try unmounting it temporarily, if after unmounting /boot/ is not empty then at some point /boot/ wasn't properly mounted during an upgrade.09:41
R1ckit was mounted the whole time :)09:42
nkei0hey everyone09:42
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: I setup transfer of 1.5meg file but your not picking it up09:43
Jordan_UR1ck: If you unmount /boot/, is the /boot/ directory empty?09:43
R1ckI don't want to unmount /boot on a running production server 200km away from here09:44
nettezzaumanasacarlson: forgot that09:44
nkei0Has anyone here tried installing the Gaia 10 theme?  I downloaded the .zip and extracted the folder into my .themes directory.  When I go into System>Preferences>Appearance it doesn't show up.  I also tried clicking on customize and looking there, but it wasn't there either.  Any ideas?09:44
nettezzaumanasacarlson: someone else will show me09:44
nettezzaumanasacarlson: thanls09:44
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: very good, I will stop transfer09:44
joeoshawaso has anyone mapped for a quake based game in here09:46
Tito0096Is there anyway to trick the Terminal that its running on 64 bit instead of 32 bit?09:47
sacarlsonTito0096: trick in what way?  the binary terminal program?  I have ran 32bit programs on 64bit with just added libs09:49
Tito0096I need something to compile on my 32bit system09:50
Tito0096but it requires 64 bit09:50
Tito0096Cyanogen Mod rom for an android device09:50
sacarlsonTito0096: oh I think you can set the compiler to 64bit yes09:50
sacarlsonTito0096: don't know never did it,  just know it can be done09:51
nettezzaumanasacarlson: was so bloody hard to do this: http://pastebin.ca/raw/203129109:52
sacarlsonTito0096: I think this might be it http://en.kioskea.net/faq/1137-compiling-testing-in-32-bit-on-ubuntu-x86-6409:52
sacarlsonnettezzaumana: ya but you see  xorg.conf.d search path, only root can use absolute09:53
Tito0096But I need to run something that requires 64 bit09:53
Tito0096on my 32 bit system09:53
rautamiekkaTito0096: 64-bit doesn't run on 32-bit09:54
Tito0096I know09:54
sacarlsonTito0096: so recompile the code into 32bit and run that09:54
rautamiekkaMy issue: I formatted my NTFS drive into EXT4 and re-created its mount point "/media/max250". Now I can't write on the drive. It's not supposed to be this way, is it ?09:55
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sacarlsonTito0096: I'm not sure if that's too easy maybe they have used lib functions that don't exist in 32bit09:55
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rwwrautamiekka: Yes. The root directory of an ext4 filesystem is only writable by the superuser by default. sudo chown yourusername:yourusername /media/max250/ while it's mounted.09:56
sacarlsonTito0096: where is the source you are trying to run or compile?09:56
rwwrautamiekka: if you have existing directories on there, you possibly want chown -R to change the ownership of them, too.09:56
rautamiekkarww: Right now the only content is the "lost+found".09:57
Tito0096To compile gingerbread android I need 64 bit09:57
rwwrautamiekka: then just do it without -R09:57
stephenpoohey guys, if i have installed some perl scripts09:58
stephenpoohow do i use them? im on the latest ubuntu09:58
rautamiekkarww: Thank you, that fixed it.09:58
tsimpsonstephenpoo: usually like "perl /path/to/script.pl" or just "/path/to/script.pl" if the files are marked as executable09:59
rautamiekkarww: Why is it by default that root may write on EXT4 ?09:59
stephenpooThanks tsimpson! sorry for the noob question, today is my first day on ubuntu10:00
SamVibhello all!10:00
rwwrautamiekka: There's probably a better reason for it than this, but it has to be owned by somebody, and you need to be root to put a filesystem on a partition, so it may as well be root.10:00
sacarlsonTito0096: it would be cool if virtualbox would simulate a 64bit machine in a 32bit machine,  it does the reverse,  it simulates a 32bit machine in a 64bit one.10:01
ghisen|homeAnyone had problem with XORG eating cpu? for example if i scroll i in chrome... it eats up instantly 20% cpu10:01
mrnhow to transparent proxy with squid?10:01
mrnhow to transparent proxy with squid?plz help me10:02
stephenpootsimpson: forgot to say, i got it off cpan, and Ive extracted and it comes as a makefile.pl10:02
mrnhow to transparent proxy with squid?10:02
rautamiekkamrn: Apparently you don't know how to behave in IRC.10:03
tsimpsonstephenpoo: you should try running "perl makefile.pl" then10:04
aidrocsidInquiry: SNES emluation multiplayer support, is there an alternative to kaillera? If not, does kaillera work with WINE?10:04
mrcreativityanyone here use ubuntu tweak?10:04
skpl__i do.10:04
skpl__i like it.10:04
skpl__speeds up your system.10:04
mrnI have problem and didnet any to answer me10:04
mrcreativityskpl__, which version are u using?10:04
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rautamiekkamrn: Since there's barely any talk here now, ask the Q once and wait. If you don't get an answer, it just means there's nobody who knows the answer.10:05
rautamiekkamrn: Right now present who knows, I mean10:05
ubuntu_user99Hi I clicked a link after reading Ubuntu Wiki about viruses. http://bukowski-framework.blogspot.com/   Is this where I am to start to copy their work to make a virus?10:05
stephenpoowoops big fail, accidentally quit10:06
mrnI installed squid and  i dont know how to config squid for transparent proxy?just config iptables10:07
skpl__mrcreativity: 0.5.810:07
MiVoHello,  I am not able to activate Mic Boost, how can I do that ? Does that depend on the hardware ?10:08
rwwubuntu_user99: Making viruses is outside of the scope of this channel.10:08
mrcreativityskpl__, i still at .5.7. for some reason installing .5.8 reduced the number of tweaks10:08
rautamiekkaubuntu_user99: Besides, why'd you make one ?10:08
ubuntu_user99rww, ubuntu10:08
ubuntu_user99to learn10:08
rwwubuntu_user99: I'm aware. It's still outside of our scope.10:08
ubuntu_user99is there a #ubuntu-virus or anything10:08
rwwubuntu_user99: no10:09
sacarlsonTito0096: I'm not sure it's posible but it seems qemu can translate 64bit to 32bit as noted here http://www.howtogeek.com/forum/topic/emulating-64-bit-os-on-32-bit-os , I'm not sure that would be any help to you10:09
stephenpootsimpson: if its in a folder on the desktop, how do i run it?10:09
stephenpoois it perl home/user/desktop/folder makefile.pl10:09
Tito0096sacarlson: nah10:09
* korben greets all10:09
Tito0096im using a old P4 lol10:09
tsimpsonstephenpoo: open a terminal, the use "cd ~/Desktop/folder" then "perl makefile.pl", and remember that the directory and file names are case-sensitive10:10
sacarlsonTito0096: I just hoped it would help you compile it,  but I agree nah10:10
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acerBhey guys i need some help with setting up conky10:10
stephenpootsimpson: thanks heaps!10:10
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acerBwhere do i get sample scripts to practise configurations?10:11
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sacarlsonacerB: configurations for what?  my guess bash10:11
mrn I installed squid and  i dont know how to config squid for transparent proxy?just config iptables10:12
acerBwhere do i get sample scripts to practise configurations for conky!!? sacarlson10:12
stephenpootsimpson: thanks a lot it runs! now to figure out how to use it haha10:13
nkei0argh...  I'm trying to install the gaia sprout theme on ubuntu 10.10 but it's not working.  I've downloaded the zip and extracted it into my .themes directory and it's not showing up in the appearance settings even when i hit the customize button10:13
sacarlsonacerB: sorry I missed the above note10:13
bullgardWhen I insert an audio CD in Maverick, VLC media player 1.06 will start and play the first song. The status line shows "Track 1.wav". Why does '~$ mount' no device /dev/sr0?10:14
bullgardWhen I insert an audio CD in Maverick, VLC media player 1.06 will start and play the first song. The status line shows "Track 1.wav". Why does '~$ mount' show no device /dev/sr0?10:14
tsimpsonbullgard: because you don't mount an audio CD there are no files, it's read directly from the device (CD)10:15
rwwbullgard: players generally just read AudioCDs straight from the CD, rather than through a filesystem. No filesystem mounting, so nothing in mount.10:16
stephenpootsimpson: ERROR: Can't create '/usr/local/man/man3'10:16
stephenpoomkdir /usr/local/man/man3: Permission denied at /usr/share/perl/5.10/ExtUtils/Install.pm line 48310:16
stephenpoowoops, i mean i tried to use make, it went ok, make test said it passed, but make install failed10:16
tsimpsonstephenpoo: if you're installing it, you need to put "sudo" before the command. this will make the command run as the root user10:16
sacarlsonstephenpoo: yup need sudo10:17
stephenpootsimpson: thanks again!!10:17
stephenpoosacarlson: thanks :D10:17
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bullgardtsimpson, rww: Thank you very much for your help.10:18
ubuntu_user99I wonder if ubuntu software center has a typing course program10:20
rww!info tuxtype10:20
ubottutuxtype (source: tuxtype): Educational Typing Tutor Game Starring Tux. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.1-4 (maverick), package size 109 kB, installed size 368 kB10:20
Tyrnisplop all10:20
chris_osxubottu is the most intelligent user here10:21
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)10:21
Jibadeehaanyone here use TrueCrypt with Ubuntu 10.10 and find it randomly freezes after creating a new volume?10:21
sacarlsonTyrnis: plop the boot loader?10:21
UBuxuBUis 1010 any better than 100410:22
rs0832UBuxuBU, i suggest you stay with 10.04 ;)10:22
rs0832UBuxuBU, just a personal suggestion though.. it's really your choice10:23
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: I'm happy with 10.04 just a few ppa here and there10:23
UBuxuBUexcept that my 1004 wubi wont go online wirless now10:23
Tyrnisno, it's only my "hello", sacarlson  :)10:23
UBuxuBUfreakin thing10:23
rs0832UBuxuBU, well, imo you would probably have more trouble if you switched to 10.1010:23
rautamiekkaUBuxuBU: My experience 1010 is the best Ubuntu ever, heavily.10:23
JibadeehaUBuxuBU, 10.10 is the best I've tried so far for my netbooks10:24
UBuxuBUi like 1004 but now cant get online wirless10:24
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UBuxuBUmakes no sence10:24
rs0832UBuxuBU, what kind of wireless10:24
UBuxuBUwell do they have 1010 wubi10:24
UBuxuBUehtheros i think10:25
UBuxuBUin an asus g73 laptop10:25
rs0832UBuxuBU, well someone yesterday had a problem with wireless too (10.10)10:25
g0thI performed an upuntu distribution upgrade to 10.10 and now I don't hear any sound anymore.10:25
g0thWhere can I configure the sound?10:25
UBuxuBUwas working great for weeks10:26
rs0832UBuxuBU, a backport of only the wireless kernel module worked for them10:26
UBuxuBUhmm dunno wut that means10:26
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: atheros works fine on my eeepc but it still runs old 8.04 or around there,  so maybe need to go back a verison if forward fails10:27
UBuxuBUill look in my device mgr10:27
madalinatheros works great on my asus also...10:27
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: rs0832: that's a good idea10:27
madalinon every ubuntu....since 8.04 to 10.0410:27
rs0832sacarlson, thanks10:27
rautamiekkaMy Eee900's Atheros works on 1010 Netbook, too10:28
UBuxuBUwonder what the heck is goin on10:28
g0thI dont hear anything when I play an audio file10:28
* rs0832 will brb (reboot)10:28
g0thany idea why?10:28
g0ththe mixer settings look ok10:29
UBuxuBUg0th its the mute thing10:29
UBuxuBUits deceiving10:29
evenflowhey, how do i unlock the screen (when xscreensaver is active) via the cli?10:29
madalinit's the other way around?10:29
UBuxuBUlook closely at mute10:29
madalinor do you have to toggle it?10:29
g0thUBuxuBU: it is not muted10:30
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: try install the linux-backports???wireless???  package as seen in synaptic10:30
madalinmute then unmute it...10:30
g0thI tried that10:30
madalinwith every playing device?not just the main?10:30
g0thalso in phonon settings I dont see the same stuff than before the upgrade10:30
g0thit just has 2 entries10:30
madalinbeats me :)10:31
g0thfor the muxer I use alsamixer10:31
madalintry aplay with a wave file..10:31
madalinif u don't know what "aplay" is..google it :)10:32
UBuxuBUok sacarlson i had never heard of that before10:32
Ryu_Kurisumadalin: or "man aplay" ;)10:32
madalinfor those who don't know what aplay is: it's alsa's basic audio player.10:32
UBuxuBUill look10:32
g0thmadalin: I dont hear anything10:33
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: I have some success with it in the past,  did you see it in synaptic?10:33
madalinare you shure that alsa properly recognised your audio device?10:33
UBuxuBUi had to uninstall wubi but i am gonna try it again10:33
g0thmadalin: I am not sure10:33
UBuxuBUit got all weird on me10:33
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: oh I would use a real loader with grub,  but that's just me10:34
g0thmadalin: the mixer settings look the same as before (before everything worked)10:34
madalintry with a usb soundcard...see if it gets recognised...10:34
g0thmadalin: but the phonon settings look completely different10:34
g0thI dont have a usb soundcard10:34
Majorityanybody here ?10:34
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g0thand how would I see if it is recognized anyway10:34
UBuxuBUsacarlson, YEAH all my other stuff is partitioned except this g7310:34
Majorityi really need help :(10:34
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madalinor...disable your soundcard in BIOS ,start ubuntu...thern reboot and reenable the soundcard10:34
=== Silvy is now known as Meya
red2kicOkay. I'm curious. How do you get Chromium to work with Thunderbird when it comes to RSS? I'm stumped on that one.10:35
stephenpooOk guys i have another question since i tried and nothing works10:35
=== Meya is now known as Sylvia
g0thThere seem to be no configuration tool for sound whatsoever10:35
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)10:35
stephenpoohow do i make a local version of this this script for ubuntu? http://search.cpan.org/~kawasaki/Lingua-ZH-Romanize-Pinyin-0.23/lib/Lingua/ZH/Romanize/Cantonese.pm#DESCRIPTION10:35
g0thmadalin: I dont have a soundcard setting in bios?10:35
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: I just used gparted to resize two partition yestarday and worked perfect,  but they were formated in ext4,  never tried resize on ntfs10:35
Majorityi just moved my libpthread.so.0 link and the file it was poiting to (version 2-12) out of my /lib directory , now my system is fucked up, cant start any program or even do "ls" in a terminal ==> seg fault10:35
Majorityi can't move those libpthread back to the /lib10:36
UBuxuBUits easy to resize ntfs10:36
g0thmadalin: it has something to do with the upgrade10:36
skpl__i'd just like to say im running 10.10 and nothing is wrong with it. hehe.10:36
madalinas far as i know...phonon just routes it's audio via alsa (or what ever it finds) and since  alsa is the problem...i don't think it has something to do with phonon10:36
UBuxuBUbut i use buntu to resize anyway10:36
g0thbut alsamixer is the same10:36
g0thI see my soundcard there10:37
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: well then just resize to create a 12gb free space to install ubuntu or more if you can spare it,  and give 2gb to a swap partition10:37
g0thbut I dont see it enlisted in phonon10:37
g0thwhere can I configure my sound?10:37
nkei0what's the default window manager in ubuntu 10.10?10:37
GnurduxI'm getting a weird seam under my window borders when wobbling windows in compiz10:37
madalinsorry goth...that was all I had...10:38
nkei0madalin, I mean like metacity, gtk, emerald, or whatever it's called?10:38
UBuxuBUsacarlson, yeah but i have 6 gigs of ram maybe ill do 1 gig swap10:38
Majorityanyone has a clue for my problem ? :)10:38
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g0thThere must be some place where I can configure my soundcard?10:38
g0thor some program to show me if it was recognized10:38
curiousxg0th: try --> alsamixer in the bash and full up Master and PCM10:38
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: if you have 6gig ram then you should have 6gig swap to enable hybernate10:38
g0thcuriousx: already did that10:39
curiousxexcuseme my inglish is not too good10:39
UBuxuBUeh why do i want hibernate10:39
g0thalsamixer lists my soundcard10:39
g0thbut phonon _does not_10:39
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: like the sleep mode,  for quick powerup recovery10:39
g0thanyway mplayer, vlc, aplay all dont work either10:40
madalinman, it's not phonon.If aplay does not work,it's alsa....10:40
g0ththey play the files but I dont hear anything10:40
UBuxuBUsee this one is a 17.3 in lapper i use like a desktop10:40
madalinalsa is the last stop on the way to the speakers...10:40
UBuxuBUi put all power settings on never hehe sacarlson10:40
g0thmadalin: yeah but phonon doesnt see the card, that's the _only_ thing that confirms that I dont hear anything10:40
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: well if you never turn off,  then I guess it's mute10:41
red2kicUBuxuBU: You don't have to. You could use suspend. If you're going for energy efficiency. Otherwise, 512-1024MB is more than enough.10:41
g0thmadalin: so usually it is not a bad idea to start "debugging" from a place where something is wrong10:41
curiousxg0th: can you see your sound with --> lspci | grep audio ?10:41
madalini agree goth10:41
UBuxuBUyeah ill do a gig10:41
g0th00:1b.0 Audio device: Intel Corporation 5 Series/3400 Series Chipset High Definition Audio (rev 06)10:41
curiousxexcuseme i mean your sound car10:41
_vaibhav_am unable to detect my graphics card ati 687010:41
g0thnothing with small "audio"10:41
madalinsorry but that was all the help i could give you10:41
UBuxuBU7 gigs of mem is a ton for ubuntu10:41
_vaibhav_on ubuntu 10.0410:41
akshit_how to install .tar.gz extension files in Ubuntu??10:41
Majorityi just moved my libpthread.so.0 link and the file it was poiting to (version 2-12) out of my /lib directory , now my system is fucked up, cant start any program or even do "ls" in a terminal ==> seg fault10:42
g0ththe kernel module was loeded it seems10:42
red2kicakshit_: What are you trying to install?10:42
sacarlsonUBuxuBU: well if you have a terabyte hd then it's also not much of a loss10:42
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evenflowdoes anyone know how can i manually unlock ubuntu10.10 from cli?10:42
akshit_red2kic, sendmail10:42
madalinakshit_ : you un-tar them , cd in the folder created , ./configure  and then make and make install10:42
UBuxuBUif this ridiculous asus live update thing would ever end i would resize now10:42
sacarlsonevenflow: unlock as in locked out of your login account?10:43
evenflowno, screen unlock10:43
red2kic!info sendmail | akshit_10:43
ubottuakshit_: sendmail (source: sendmail): powerful, efficient, and scalable Mail Transport Agent. In component universe, is extra. Version 8.14.3-9.2ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 3 kB, installed size 252 kB10:43
red2kicakshit_: It is already in the repository.10:43
akshit_red2kic thnx10:43
evenflowi installed the bluetooth proximity thingy, but cant get the screen to unlock\10:43
UBuxuBUthis feels awful havin 1 os in this lapper10:44
sacarlsonevenflow: screen to unlock?  like the gdm screen?  can't you just enter the password?10:44
evenflowsacarlson, xscreensaver10:44
rs0832sacarlson, remember about the glib thing some hours earlier?10:44
sacarlsonrs0832: yes10:44
rs0832sacarlson, well nomodeset fixes that10:45
sacarlsonrs0832: is that added to kernel options?10:45
rs0832sacarlson, while booting10:45
aHardyX_I can't login to ubuntu after logging off. When I click on my account it doesn't show me the password box. what should I do ?10:45
evenflowsacarlson, screensaver+lock is running, i want to be able to have a command to both unlock and stop the screensaver, this should be something like xscreensaver-command -d but it doesnt do the trick10:45
g0thIn mplayer when I press "m" for mute I get: [AO_ALSA] Unable to find simple control 'PCM',0.10:45
rs0832sacarlson, however, it unmasked another error10:46
rs0832sacarlson, should it matter that i dont have a floppy drive? (fd0)10:46
sacarlsonevenflow: oh I think I understand, so if you ssh in you can unlock the screen and bring up vnc or something like that,  I'm not sure but there must be a way10:47
rs0832sacarlson, i should add that this is a live usb..10:47
rs0832sacarlson, my installation works fine10:47
sacarlsonrs0832: cool did you find that in a blog?  maybe you should add an entry in one of them10:48
rs0832sacarlson,which part are you talking about?10:48
Avaszhow can i update only kernel?10:50
rs0832Avasz, it's simple enough through synaptic10:50
obscurant1st_i have to install adobe flash square for 64 bit10:51
obscurant1st_where is the plugin folder for firefox in maverick, i installed firefox via apt-get10:51
Avaszrs0832, oh.. i was unchecking evertything in my update manager10:51
rs0832Avasz, :)10:51
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rs0832obscurant1st_, it is in your home folder i think, .mozilla10:51
obscurant1strs0832: ok let me check10:52
spicemasterhey any body know this problem when i am installing ubuntu from my live cd it shows me the input /output errors :(10:52
rs0832spicemaster, stdin : 0?10:52
spicemasterrs0832, may be :(10:52
rs0832spicemaster, i am trying to fix that on mine right now :)10:53
rs0832spicemaster, try using the alternate cd in the mean time10:53
spicemaster???? hmmm i not easy that cd works on vmvare but not in real senerio :(10:53
rs0832spicemaster, sorry, what?10:54
spicemastercd works on vmvare but not in boot mode :(10:55
Bibobaboc'e' nessuno che puo aiutarmi?10:55
rs0832spicemaster, yes .. same here10:55
spicemasterlet me download lower verion mabe its work for me10:55
sacarlsonspicemaster: rs0832: I thought alternate worked in both virtual and real but just not as pritty and maybe not as user gui'ed as desktop standard.10:55
rs0832sacarlson, yes it does10:55
spicemasteryup :)10:56
BibobaboCan anybody who knows how to use the terminal help me?10:56
sacarlsonBibobabo: I can type in a terminal10:56
rs0832Bibobabo, i think everyone here does.. what do yo uneed help with :)10:56
spicemasterBibobabo, what want to do with terminal ?10:56
Bibobabook, i m gonna explain just a sec10:56
sacarlsonrs0832: I love the hard questions like that last one10:57
rs0832sacarlson, aha... i think i might have figured it out.. hold on.. ill reboot and try ... brb in 5 mins10:57
sacarlsonrs0832: what did he do save the world again?10:58
BibobaboI need to put the file "gimp_xcf.py" in the directory "/usr/share/inkscape/extensions" and overwrite the old file. But I cannot do it cause I don't have the priviledges10:58
sacarlsonBibobabo: are you in the directory now that has the file gimp_xcf.py?10:59
sacarlsonBibobabo: can you see it if you do $ls *.py10:59
Bibobabow8 I am gonan open the directory10:59
Bibobabothis is the code they told me to put but it doen t work: # sudo cp ~/gimp_xcf.py /usr/share/inkscape/extensions11:00
sacarlsonBibobabo: you will simply copy over it, or maybe backup the original before you do then sudo cp ./gimp_xcf.py  /path/to/old/file11:00
spicemasterBibobabo, if you need a root console use sudo su11:01
BibobaboIt doesn't let me modify the old file at all11:01
sacarlsonBibobabo: seem's inkscape is not installed on ubuntu as a default,  I don't see that directory on mine11:02
minthey peopl11:02
mintcan any one tell me how to install network manager on a live session _11:03
sacarlsonmint: seem network manager is installed as default11:03
mintyes but it stoped working now i need to reinstall it11:03
Bibobabo"sudo cp ./gimp_xcf.py  /path/to/old/file"  <--- should this code work??11:04
sacarlsonmint: you might try restart networks,  but I have to look that up11:04
GabiViewing this page requires a browser capable of displaying frames.11:04
Gabiwich browser can i use via terminal ?11:04
greppyGabi: elinks or w3m or lynx11:05
minti have tried that and i removed the networ-manager now i need to reinstall it i have downloaded the deb but is one dependecie missing11:05
sacarlsonmint: you might try: sudo /etc/init.d/network-manager restart11:05
madalinsorry :lynx11:05
wrdmint: stop your network-manager an delete the file /var/lib/NetworkManager/NetworkManager.state and start the nm again.11:05
Gabigreppy with lynx told me that11:05
SwotHello, i want to ask you... what distribution can you recommend to me? (sorry for english)11:05
wrdmint: reinstalling software in unix doesn't help you ...11:05
mintdude i purged network manager11:05
sacarlsonmint: yes I see that now,11:05
rwwSwot: You're in #ubuntu, so.... Ubuntu?11:05
sacarlsonmint: well you can setup networking with cli then when connected to your network reinstall network-manager11:06
sacarlsonmint: do you connect with wifi or wired?11:07
mintstep by step mate11:07
chandanvHi there...11:07
Swotrww, I have Ubuntu.. 10.10 (now im in Win), but my graphic drivers... not function :/11:07
sacarlsonmint: I don't have my scripts for wifi,  is cable an option?11:07
Klaus_Dieterhello wolrd11:07
damian-howdy partners. any idea how i can boot ubuntu without loading the entries from /etc/fstab? one of the entries seems to be halting boot11:07
sacarlsonmint: I will have to search my arkives11:08
Klaus_Dieterdamian-: set the noauto mount flag11:08
damian-Klaus_Dieter; i can't boot the os, thus i can't modify anything :P11:09
sacarlsonmint: oh and is your wifi encrytped?11:09
wrddamian-: boot via live cd and mount your disks ?11:09
chandanvJust boot into RESCUE MODE11:09
chandanvand edit your fstab file (vi /etc/fstab )11:09
chandanvsave and reboot11:09
mintit is11:09
FloodBot4chandanv: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.11:09
BibobaboThx sacarlson for the code. Problem solved11:09
d0kt0rashttp://l33ts.co.cc/forum/member.php?action=register&uid=847     For Keys,Serials, Hotfile RapidShare ShareCashe MegaUpload MegaVideo 4Shared Premium and many more, just join and enjoy....11:10
damian-hrm, let's see how to boot into rescue mode11:10
sacarlsonmint: do you have another system on your network that is ubuntu?11:10
mintnegative only windows arund here im at school lol11:10
damian-darnit, need the disc. any ideas how to load without the use of a cd?11:10
sacarlsonmint: what encyption is it?  wpa?11:10
chandanvdamian-: Don't have that option in your GRUB menu?11:11
damian-chandanv, i don't have a grub menu on boot, i was hoping there was a manual keypress to force it to come up.. my system boots straight into the loader11:11
rs0832sacarlson, ?11:13
chandanvdamian-: Then, a VAGUE method would be, boot using a LIVE disc and then edit your /etc/fstab :(11:13
damian-chandanv, yeah i was trying to avoid having to download the image :P11:13
damian-ohhhh well11:13
rs0832sacarlson, are you still here?11:14
sacarlsonrs0832: yes11:15
rs0832sacarlson, ah.. sorry to disturb11:16
chandanvI've a Gateway NV52 laptop. It worked well with all the previoous versions of Ubuntu as well as other OSes. But, with 10.10, every time  I shutdown the system, it restarts! Any solution..?11:17
rs0832sacarlson, i disabled the floppy drive in my bios so the fd0 error is gone11:17
rs0832sacarlson, but the stdin error is still there... any ideas?11:17
sacarlsonrs0832: clueless11:17
rs0832sacarlson, hmm11:17
rs0832sacarlson, i cant seem to remember how i fixed the same problem when i installed 10.1011:18
sacarlsonrs0832: what really breaks?  just a message?11:18
Colin969rs0832 =D11:18
rs0832sacarlson, actually it remains on the screen with the ubuntu logo and dots.. if i press escape, i get the error stdin : 011:19
Colin969rs0832 How can I install GLU? I've been using Terminal alot and cant find it11:19
rs0832Colin969, :)11:19
chandanvI've a Gateway NV52 laptop. It worked well with all the previoous versions of Ubuntu as well as other OSes. But, with 10.10, every time I shutdown the system, it restarts! Any solution..?11:19
sacarlsonchandanv: well a work around hold the power botton down 10 secounds near the power down state.11:19
Colin969rs0832 I installed G++, Using Sudo in Terminal11:20
rs0832Colin969, hmm whats glu?11:20
sacarlsonchandanv: does in a terminal sudo halt  also cause a restart?11:20
Colin969rs0832, Mesa GLU?11:20
chandanvColin969: sudo apt-get install freeglut3-dev11:21
rs0832Colin969, ah11:21
Colin969chandanv, Press power on shutdown?11:21
Colin969chandanv Thanks =]11:21
rs0832Colin969, sudo apt-get install libglu-mesa11:21
rs0832Colin969, sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa11:21
evenflowhello, i would like to enter my password for the lock screen from the cli, is that possible?11:21
chandanvColin969: shutdown11:22
chandanvsacarlson: never tried in terminal? Does it make any difference?11:22
Colin969chandanv I mean when it tries booting again press the power button?11:22
chandanvcolin969: no, it just reboots right after power off11:23
Colin969chandanv, Unsure =/11:23
sacarlsonevenflow: this might be totaly the wrong path to take but maybe x11 keystroke from cli with http://www.semicomplete.com/projects/xdotool/xdotool11:24
Colin969rs0832, what about OpenGL Libs?11:24
chandanvColin969: don't know what's the issue, it just worked fine with all other OSes :(11:24
NeoCicakhi all... i have an android phone that i'm trying to ssh into from my ubuntu machine. I ran ConnectBot from my android phone, doing a port forward to remote port 8084, pointing to localhost:22 (on the phone). Then I tried to do ssh -p 8084 <username>@localhost from my ubuntu box... but nothing happens... i.e i'm not connected to the phone... if i do ssh -v, i can see "ssh_exchange_identification: connection closed by remote h11:24
NeoCicakost"... can anyone explain to me whats happening here?11:24
evenflowsacarlson, even if i can change the keystrokes, i still need it to enter my password.. so im not sure about this11:25
rs0832Colin969, glu is open gl libs11:25
Colin969chandanv have you updated everything?11:25
rs0832chandanv, when your computer is on, try pressing the power button..11:25
rs0832chandanv, for me that shuts dowm my pc11:25
chandanvcolin969: yeah! I did a few times...11:25
chandanvrs0832: for me, it just presents me with the Shutdown menu11:26
Colin969chandanv, Post on forums for now? I mean is it JUST Ubuntu?11:26
rs0832chandanv, and when you shutdown then?11:27
sacarlsonevenflow: can't you just disable the screensaver ?11:27
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chandanvColin969: ya, just Ubuntu... It even works fine with Win7, Kubuntu and Fedora11:27
sacarlsonevenflow: maybe look at http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/lucid/man1/gnome-control-center.1.html11:27
chandanvrs0832: same, reboots...11:27
Colin969 chandanv Weird, Im on Netbook 10.10 and its fine11:28
ComeOnFattySalut ;)11:28
evenflowsacarlson, even if i disable the screensaver, i still need to enter a password11:28
Colin969Hola Fatty11:28
ComeOnFattyNot "Fatty" XD11:29
chandanvColin969: so, is it a problem with updates..?11:29
evenflowsacarlson, im trying to have lock/unlock of my ubuntu from my phone's bluetooth11:29
sacarlsonevenflow: well without the screensaver it would always be online to access with vnc11:29
evenflowi dont need vnc11:29
Colin969rs0832, Whats the OPen GL Package? Sudo cant find it11:29
rs0832chandanv, try sudo shutdown -H11:29
sacarlsonevenflow: ok I got cha,  let me look11:29
Colin969chandanv, Dunno, Is it partitioned or on its own drive?11:29
chandanvColin969: separate partitioned.11:30
chandanvColin969: do you want to install OpenGL headers..?11:30
Colin969chandanv cant you Format and reinstall11:30
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sacarlsonevenflow: ok I found it http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/maverick/man1/xdg-screensaver.1.html11:31
Colin969chandanv The damn Config needs the Libs11:31
rs0832Colin969,did you try libglu1-mesa?11:31
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BibobaboHi guys I d need an help. When I try to scan connections with SWscan I got this error "[SIOCSIWMODE] 1: Operation not permitted"11:31
rs0832chandanv, did you try sudo shutdown -H ?11:31
satishhow can i convert whole website into pdf or chm11:31
chandanvColin969: ya, I can! but, no way out withou reinstalling the oS?11:31
sacarlsonevenflow: now all you need is software from your phone to triger run that line11:31
evenflowsacarlson, xdg stops the screen but not the lock11:31
Klaus_Dietersatish: install a pdf printer in cups and use the print functionality of the browser of your choice11:32
Colin969rs0832, I used Chandanvs, it doesnt need GLU Atm11:32
chandanvrs0832: No, but I'll... Is it different from Shutdown option (via GUI)11:32
Colin969chandanv Might have been an issue when first installed, could fixit11:32
evenflowsacarlson, i guess i could write a script to kill the screensaver..11:32
BibobaboCould anyone help me with Swscanner?11:32
rs0832chandanv, well possibly11:32
mindwarebibobabo: try as root?11:32
rs0832Colin969, oh he gave you one.. sorry i didnt see that11:32
Colin969rs0832I need Open GL Libs11:33
satishwhole website can be cumbersome work ; to go at each page and print11:33
NeoCicakhi all... i have an android phone that i'm trying to ssh into from my ubuntu machine. I ran ConnectBot from my android phone, doing a port forward to remote port 8084, pointing to localhost:22 (on the phone). Then I tried to do ssh -p 8084 <username>@localhost from my ubuntu box... but nothing happens... i.e i'm not connected to the phone... if i do ssh -v, i can see "ssh_exchange_identification: connection closed by remote h11:33
NeoCicakost"... can anyone explain to me whats happening here?11:33
rs0832Colin969, he didnt give it to you?11:33
lahwranis there a bash prettifier in the repos?11:33
sacarlsonevenflow:  reset            Turns the screensaver off immediately. If the screen was locked the            user may be asked to authenticate first.11:33
lahwranmy searches are coming up blank11:33
Klaus_DieterNeoCicak: increase the verbosity level of ssh even further and you will see11:33
Colin969rs0832  Not the Open GL Ones11:33
Bibobaboit tells me that hasn t found kdesu directory11:34
sacarlsonevenflow: I would try lock and reset from the command line and see what happens11:34
evenflowsacarlson , doesnt work11:34
evenflowtried it before11:34
rs0832Colin969, o.0 libglu1-mesa are the open gl libraries11:34
tousI have11:34
chandanvrs0832 & Colin969: Thank you both :-) I'll try...or reinstall :( Have a nice day11:34
evenflowalso, there's something called xlock but it changes my all screensaver conf11:34
rs0832chandanv, :) you to and good luck11:35
Colin969chandanv COme back soon =]11:35
evenflowsacarlson, i found a way to do it but it involvs killing my xscreensaver :)11:35
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evenflowthanks for the help sacarlson11:35
mindwaresorry Bibobabo , that was just a suggestion...i know nothing more..11:36
Bibobabook thx anyway11:36
NeoCicakKlaus_Dieter: hmmmm i'm not sure if it gives the info that i need...11:36
Colin969rs0832, I never knew Terminalhad an Update function,It had 4 needing tobe updated11:37
satishhow can i convert any website into pdf or chm11:37
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rs0832Colin969, it is not the terminal ... what you use is the terminal emulator11:37
sacarlsonevenflow: that sounds like it would work then , just kill it and restart again at some point or at some time after11:38
rs0832satish, which website? you can do it only for some11:38
Colin969rs0832, Same thing, It needs X Libaries?11:38
Colin969rs0832 this section came all as no11:38
Colin969rs0832 checking for X... libraries , headers11:39
ox3aSomeone can help me installing libusb 1.0 in my Old Ubuntu?11:39
rs0832Colin969, headers11:39
anonimi'm from Russia11:39
BibobaboI d need to change the launcher od swscanner from "kdesu" to  "gksu" caould anyone tell me how?11:39
Colin969bibobabo not a clue11:40
satishrs0832: http://www.hackingthexbox.com/11:40
sacarlsonsatish: well my guess is it won't work but openoffice supports export in from html and export to pdf11:40
Colin969satish, people find it hard?11:40
Bibobaboany of u guys use swscanner?11:40
ox3ars0832, are you that guy?11:41
Colin969rs0832,How to get headers?11:41
rs0832Colin969, i think they should be there already... why, is it asking for them?11:41
Colin969rs0832, Toconfig a Linux Game11:41
BibobaboCould u give me guys a code to run a software as a root?11:41
satishsacarlson: but there are many pages i dont wanna waste time goin to each page and printing.......11:41
Colin969rs0832, The game pressumes i already have them11:42
rs0832ox3a, sorry?11:42
rs0832Colin969, it doesnt presume... you do have them11:42
mindwarebibobabo:  sudo [command]11:42
ox3ars0832, I mean, You tried to help me for installing Wimax?11:43
rs0832Bibobabo, sudo <softwarename>11:43
satishBibobabo:  type "sudo" before the command11:43
sacarlsonox3a: it's in ppa https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libusb-1.011:43
rs0832ox3a, ah yes11:43
Colin969rs0832 Its saying to cant find any11:43
rs0832ox3a, so how did it work out?11:43
rs0832ox3a,any luck?11:43
Klaus_Dieterbrml somehow kdialog gets spawned a gazillion times when I get highlighted11:43
rs0832Colin969, o.011:43
Colin969rs0832, fuck that I Give up...11:43
ox3ars0832, Not yet ........ Today i installed it but do not know how to start11:43
cdnColin969 & rs0832: Same problem! I tried `shutdown -H`11:44
Colin969rs0832, Also why cant I find Conky? I nstalled it11:44
rs0832ox3a, did it install properly?11:44
Colin969cdn, -H?11:44
ox3ars0832, yeah11:44
rs0832Colin969, can you paste the out put on paste.ubuntu.com11:44
ox3ars0832, it installed a new kernel and i can boot from new kernel11:45
rs0832satish, do you realise you are trying to get something that isnt there?11:45
cdnColin969: ya... Is it just -h?11:45
rs0832ox3a, ok then it should work11:45
rs0832ox3a, what kind of a device are you using11:46
harvi_svkhi guys one question.... Is gnome 2.30.2 the newest version of gnome?11:46
rs0832cdn yes11:46
rs0832cdn, it means shutdown and halt11:46
satishrs0832: at least give me a code that will enable me11:46
rs0832cdn, what happens when you restart?11:46
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: i believe its 2.32.x11:46
ox3ars0832, USB modem ....11:46
cdncolin969 & rs0832: Bye then! Time to reinstall my OS :(11:47
ox3ars0832, No problem for indoor device11:47
rs0832satish, no, i mean you have to buy the book, i think... see 'sample pages', 'ordering info'11:47
Colin969rs0832, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548203/11:47
harvi_svkbonjoyee: where I can download the newest version? or is it already in repo? I cant see it there... :(11:47
rs0832ox3a, did you get any cd with it?11:48
satishcan i use httrack and use a command to print those html files11:48
ox3ars0832, No..... I have told you it already11:48
Colin969chandanv, Huh?11:48
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: latest version of gnome? i dont think its not as easy as it sounds!11:48
rs0832satish, you can try it11:49
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: also what version of ubuntu are u using?11:49
rs0832ox3a, what is the name of the device? (sorry but i forgot)11:49
harvi_svkbonjoyee: 10.0411:49
ox3ars0832, Can i pm you?11:49
rs0832harvi_svk, are you looking for libgnome?11:49
rs0832ox3a, sure11:49
Colin969rs0832, Any Help? http://paste.ubuntu.com/548203/11:49
rs0832Colin969, ah thanks for reposting .. i couldnt find it in the traffic11:50
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: ubuntu 10.10 has the 2.32.x version, but why do u specifically need the latest?11:50
rs0832Colin969, it says you have the headers... what you need is the open gl libraries11:51
ox3ars0832, pm11:51
Colin969rs0832, Itold you that b4..11:51
rs0832Colin969, o.011:51
joe_if you have ubuntu 10.10 and its updated you have the latest version of gnome11:51
Colin969rs0832, Well?11:52
rs0832Colin969, hold on11:52
rs0832Colin969, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev11:53
diggelenIm using 10.10 server because 10.04 has a bug in kerneldriver for promise ata controller....when could I expect 10.04 to have that kernel upgrade?11:54
harvi_svkbonjoyee: I dont need the latest but Ive seen that 2.32 is the latest and Ive got 2.30 so I was looking for update which I havent found.11:54
Colin969rs0832, Still cant find,I Give up11:55
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rs0832Colin969, sudo apt-get install xserver-xorg-dev11:55
Colin969rs0832 I know,But the errors same,fuck this11:55
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: you wont get 2.32 in 10.04 ever..thats how ubuntu works..it will only have bugfixes/security updates to 2.30!11:55
rs0832Colin969, what errors?11:56
Colin969rs0832, I installed Conky but its not in my app list?11:56
diggelencan anyone tell me when 10.04 will be using drivers that 10.10 use?11:56
Colin969rs0832, It  cant find OGL Libs11:56
MyrttiColin969: I understand your frustration but please mind your language...11:56
bonjoyeeharvi_svk: and thats assuming u are using only the official ubuntu  repos..11:56
rs0832Colin969, did you install the upper one?11:56
rs0832Colin969, my previous post?11:56
Colin969Myritti,Sorry, but it wasnt used directed at anyone11:57
billy_i clicked the wrong button and removed my volume bar how do i get it back11:57
Colin969rs0832, Yes11:57
Colin969rs0842 Its the same as the one before11:57
rs0832Colin969, ok hold on ill tell you what to install (opengl things)11:57
antsI cannot seem to set an avatar in Empathy. After selecting the image in Edit > Personal Information it fails to show in chat. Personal Information also shows no image when I check it after as well.11:57
Colin969rs0832 I want Conky... But its not In app list11:58
aguitelbilly_, right click in panel area and add to panel indicator11:58
antsany ideas?11:58
diggelenIt stinks 10.04 has a nonfunctional promise ata driver11:59
rs0832Colin969, try the terminal11:59
aguitelbilly_, add indicator applet11:59
billy_i removed my volume bar from the panel by accident how do i get t back11:59
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harvi_svkbonjoyee: I know how ubuntu works, I was loking for update to 2.32 on 10.04 which doesnt exist so problem is solved.  thx :D I dont use only official repos11:59
billy_thank you aguitel12:00
Colin969rs0832, Wellits installed and terminal knows but how to run?12:00
sacarlsonbilly_: If you still have problems with the indicator panel check this out http://art.ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=165007512:01
rs0832Colin969, type conky in terminal12:01
Colin969rs0832,info conky worked12:02
rs0832Colin969, ok and try sudo apt-get install libglu1-mesa-dev12:02
Colin969rs0832 Hmm, Its "Drawing single buffer"12:03
rs0832Colin969, let me know when its done12:03
Colin969rs0832 OK12:03
pucko-OpenGL32 sounds strange. is that really a linux library?12:05
Colin969rs0832 Already new12:05
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Colin969rs0832 Conky is showing like a Terminal12:06
Colin969rs0832 Oh its for X12:06
rs0832Colin969, yep12:06
Colin969rs0832 FAIL12:06
rs0832Colin969, can you tell me some details?12:06
Colin969rs0832 I cant be arsed12:07
Colin969rs0832, Not a VITAL App12:07
sacarlsonpucko-: I guess it is: http://www.opengl.org/wiki/Getting_started12:07
rs0832Colin969, sorry, i cannot understand what you are saying12:08
Colin969rs0832, Idont want tohassle around12:08
rs0832Colin969, ??12:08
jukif i ping google why nameservers answer coming from having weird names like tz-in-f104.1e100.net, can't google have one google.com to not confuse?12:08
rs0832Colin969, ok can you tell me what exactly you need help with?12:09
sacarlsonjuk: they have mirrors everywhere, dependent on your physical ip location they redirect you (google)12:09
rs0832Colin969, k12:10
rafiihi all, anyone know what i can change resolution in terminal (not in normal desktop)? resolution isn't standard - 1600x900.12:10
sacarlsonrafii: I'm not sure but I think that is set at boot in kernel options but there might also be a way to change after boot12:11
juksacarlson: interesting12:12
sacarlsonjuk: ya I notice since I'm in thailand that google defaults to thai language from detecting my ip's location and redirects dependent on that12:13
rafiii thkink, probably i must add a new non-standard resolution, but where? 1600x900 is 16:9 format :)12:13
rafii.. compiz and graphical interface with fglrx works in native resolution, terminal in terrible low res..12:14
sacarlsonrafii: you mean what you see when you hit <alt><ctl>+f1 ?  I'm not sure that format is suported there12:14
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t0th__i have a vps12:15
gamabusorry about that i am absolutly new to irc12:15
rafiiyes, exacly in alt+ctrl+f-key12:15
t0th__i installed phpmyadmin12:15
t0th__how i can acess?12:15
rs0832t0th__, through the browser12:15
t0th__[rs0832]: i am trying12:15
t0th__but nothing12:16
juksacarlson: google russia ans italy having same ip, though12:16
rafiii dont find my 16:9 resolution, only 4:3 and other, i dont if is possible, where add a new resolution declaration12:16
bonjoyeerafii: what is the resolution u get for the boot splash?12:16
sacarlsonrafii: seems you can change with this https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ChangeTTYResolution12:16
rs0832t0th__, phpmyadmin has to be setup on a webserver12:17
sacarlsonrafii: highist I see is 1600x120012:17
rs0832t0th__, do you have apache or something running?12:17
t0th__[rs0832]: yes12:17
t0th__apache and mysql are running12:17
rs0832t0th__, try visiting http://localhost/ in the browser12:18
rafiibonjoyee: i can choose 1280xsth, 1024x768 and lowest12:18
t0th__[rs0832]: is a vps12:18
t0th__to acces is a ip12:19
t0th__if i access ip.ip.ip.ip works apache12:19
t0th__it Works!12:19
rafiiscarlson: thx, i'll look this now12:19
t0th__but phpmyadmin not12:19
* Jibadeeha is happy now he has learned how to encrypt his usb hard drive using LUKs12:20
juksacarlson: never mind, not anymore12:20
doobieThis is a printing question; I have a single sided printer, I have a lecture notes 40 pages long, I want to print 2-pages on 1 both sides using then even and odd functions modes on the printer settings any idea12:20
rs0832t0th__, try http://<ipaddress>/phpmyadmin12:20
t0th__rs0832: Not Found12:21
t0th__The requested URL /phpmyadmin was not found on this server.12:21
jukt0th__: mind the case12:21
doobieThis is a printing question; I have a single sided printer, I have a lecture notes 40 pages long, I want to print 2-pages on 1 both sides using then even and odd functions modes on the printer settings any ideas?12:21
rs0832t0th__, then you did not add apache to configs when installing.. see here how to do it - https://help.ubuntu.com/community/phpMyAdmin12:22
t0th__i will read12:22
doobieif i print even/odd it will mess up the order though12:23
rafiiwhat is best graphical editor for GRUB2?12:24
sacarlsondoobie: seem adobe reader has an option to print odd pages and even so you could export to pdf in openoffice and print from adobe reader http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=7034312:25
mindware:)) engleza frate...12:26
Chris01hai serios :))12:27
mindwarecere ajutor in romaneste sa vedem cine raspunde :)12:27
Chris01stie careva un hard disk extern 2.5 si USB 2.0 care poate fi formatat cu XFS in Linux?12:28
sacarlsonrafii: at the level of grub2 there are no graphic editors but you can use gimp in ubuntu to create images that grub2 will display12:29
Dr_Willisgrub2 can use many differnt image formats for its menu background.12:30
Ryu_KurisuHai Dharamsala :)12:30
Dr_WillisIve seen scripts that sync the users wallpaper and the grub2 background.12:30
mindwaredar cu care ai incercat si nu a mers?12:30
Ryu_Kurisu!es | mindware12:31
ubottumindware: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.12:31
mindwareok .ok..ok...don't kill me..i'm sorry..it was a joke.....he started it...12:31
mindwareand why is that message in spanish?12:32
mindwarei'm not spanish...12:32
Ryu_KurisuI guessed what you said was Spanish mindware, hence I gave ubottu the command to warn you in spanish to speak english here :)12:33
mindwareyou got two more guesses12:35
mindwareand i'm sorry again for speaking something else12:35
rafiisacarlson: no no, i want something like startup manager, graphical tool for editing grub2 - in startup manager only i can change resolution from non-editable list, exist other editing tool for grub2?12:35
akshatj!offtopic | mindware12:35
ubottumindware: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:35
mindwareanybody else got problems?12:36
pjotterHi there! Does anybody know where the 'default icons' are stored in Ubuntu? I changed the icon of a folder, but want to change it back tot it's original icon.12:36
mindwarewhy don't u use ubuntu's theme manager?12:37
Dr_Willisrafii:  ive not noticed many gui tools to configure grub2 at this time. There may be one or 2 out there thats not in the repos. Check  the omgubuntu and webupd8 blog sites. they may mention some12:37
pjotterOk... theme manager. I'll have a look12:37
Ryu_Kurisupjotter: You've probably added an emblem to a folder; go to the folder you've changed and remove the emblem12:38
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sacarlsonDr_Willis: rafii: there is a very limited us gui for grub2  package startup-manager12:38
dylan_noktumhow do i get Internet in a vbox vmachine?12:38
pjotterNope, that doesn't work. I don't  want to change the whole theme. I jsut want to change one icon of a specific folder12:38
Dr_Willisdylan_noktum:  the settings for the virtual machine have where you set up a network card. it should work by default in most cases12:38
pjotterRyu: No, I changed the icon by going to properties and then clicking the icon.12:39
pjotterThere is no emblem...12:39
dylan_noktumoh sweet thanx Dr_Willis12:40
rafiiDr_wilis: sacarlson: i used startup-manager, but in this tool, i can only choose a non-editable resolution entry from preconfigured list... grub2 is default bootmanager in ubu 10.10, and I have problem with this12:40
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Dr_Willispjotter:  when i go to change the icon for a directory (i just set to a different one) theres a 'revert' button12:41
sheephi, the physical disk of my ubutu vm had bad sectors and now the vm won't boot (dies starting hostname main process) is it possible to run apt-get install --reinstall from a different boot drive?12:41
sacarlsonrafii: you can add any option at the end of the kernel with it,  but not so gui, still have to type12:41
daGrevisHi! =)12:41
daGrevisI really need help with Ubuntu. I'm total noob. =(12:41
pjotterDr_Willis: Strange, I don;t see any revert button. I have Ubuntu 10.0412:42
rafiisacarlson: i can add non-standard resolution (which doesn't exist in startup-manager list available for grub2)?12:42
Dr_Willispjotter:  10.10 here.12:42
sacarlsonrafii: you might need to  add a to or edit 40_custom in /etc/grub.d/40_custom  to keep your settings12:42
sacarlsonrafii: just add the the end of the line vga=???12:43
daGrevisI can't install new theme. That theme is with .TAR extension. I tried to drop it in Appeareance -> Themes, but it said, that it's invalid file type. =(12:43
daGrevisUbuntu 10.0412:44
Dr_WillisdaGrevis:  a theme for what exactly?12:44
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Ryu_Kurisupjotter: 10.10 here as well...but I think you've got to go to the folder>Properties>[Click Icon] then in the bottom you've got 3 buttons, one will be revert we think...(me and Dr_Willis)12:44
Dr_WillisRyu_Kurisu:  yep its on the dialog where you select an icon/file.12:44
pjotterHurray! :D12:45
Dr_WillisThey really need to move that to  the main properties tab. and make the 'click here icon to change it' button be more obvious that it IS a button.12:45
pjotteryup. Didn't see that button there... :)12:45
Ryu_KurisuYour welcome pjotter :)12:45
pjotterThanx a lot!12:45
daGrevisThemes like Ambiance, Clearlooks... Just this one - http://sen7.deviantart.com/art/Mira-100077120?offset=10#comments .12:45
rafiisacarlson: but vga=xxx modes, doesn't support my native resoluton12:46
sacarlsonrafii: what number does add it to the end of vga=12:46
Dr_WillisdaGrevis:   theres a great many repos  and ppa's that allready include those themes.  Thats the easyer way to add new themes12:46
sacarlsonrafii: remember http://askubuntu.com/questions/17912/how-to-enable-1280x800-resolution-in-tty12:47
daGreviswhat is repos and ppa's?? *blush*12:47
Chris01Does anybody know an external 2.5 & USB 2.0 hard drive that can be format with XFS?12:48
Ryu_KurisudaGrevis: You could take a look on www.gnome-look.org Lot's of theme, many of with have PPA's or easily installable tar.gz files I believe...12:49
mindwarerepo's are the common places where official (or not) software can be downloaded from via the system's built in package manager12:49
gobbeChris01: you like to make your usb-disk to xfs or find?12:49
sacarlsonChris01: I see xfs grayed out in gparted so maybe that's a kernel module that's needed to be added?12:50
rafiisacarlson: i readed now, vga 791 mode is 1024x768, and 884 is 1600x120012:50
mindwareChris01 :   what external drive have you formatted with xfs and did not work?12:50
sacarlsonrafii: there ya go12:50
daGrevisk, guys. I will try another themes from official sytes. =)12:50
Chris01an A Data flash drive12:50
daGrevisthanks. =)12:50
rafiiactually, I have 1024x768 seting in startup manager12:50
Chris01and I need an external hdd12:50
mindwareChris01: and the error was?12:51
mindwarehow do you know the flash was to balme?12:51
Chris01I can't remember exactly but it said that it can't be formatted12:52
Chris01on the12:52
Chris01A data site it's said that12:52
ubottuPlease try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!12:52
sacarlsonChris01: seems you need xfsprogs package added to support that xfs format12:52
dylan_noktumhow do i access my ubuntu files from a xp vbox machine?12:52
Dharamsalaanyone can help me with my battery??12:52
LuciusMareHello, I am now installing ubuntu, and at the "Who are you?" screen, the "Encrypt my home folder" checkbox is checked and greyed out, and I am already using an old /home partition - what is it going to do? Will it encrypt my data, or will it delete and replace them with an encrypted folder?12:53
youyouhello, I installed 10.10 on my ubuntu lenovo G550, but I have a little noise in the drive when I open a folder or I run an application that accesses the disk,it's not a slam but a continuous noise, thank12:53
Chris01the A data devices are not LINUX compatible12:53
slartibartfasti wonder how to bring rhythmbox to show cover art of known cds ubuntu 10.04 64bit12:53
rafiisacarlson: but 791 is too small, 884 is too high, and my monitor in laptop doesnt support it... if 1600x900 mode exist, i'll dont have a problem .. :)12:54
gobbeLuciusMare: is your old home encrypted?12:54
crekarasuhi ! how can I install the php please !12:54
amithi, my ubuntu cannot run AVI format vcideo file. help me12:54
LuciusMaregobbe: nope12:54
daGrevisguys? but that theme is from gnome-look.org. xD http://gnome-look.org/content/show.php/Mira?content=8983112:54
sacarlsonChris01: well sfx isn't installed by default but it is supported in ubuntu12:54
IvaN^Yo there12:56
rafiiamit: install restricted drivers12:56
IvaN^I need some server debian problem12:56
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IvaN^I need to run process as different user12:56
IvaN^and that user has a password12:56
Chris01As I said I need an external hdd now and I want to know exactly a name of an hdd producer that makes linux compatible external hdds12:56
IvaN^so I make command12:56
IvaN^su user2 -c "test.sh"12:56
LuciusMaregobbe: hello?12:56
IvaN^but It ask me password ... how can I remove that password asking12:56
IvaN^or how can I enter the password12:56
dylan_noktumhow do i access my ubuntu files from a xp vbox machine?12:57
crekarasuhi ! how can I install the php please !12:57
skypentSo putin's endorsing linux based os's for Russia.  Does that mean we can expect to see malware and viruses soon on ubuntu/kubuntu12:57
daGrevishelp me, pls. =(12:57
sacarlsonChris01: almost all manufactured hd will work in linux, including  ata/ide  sata ,  scsi....  I'd go for sata12:57
IvaN^crekarasu server edition or desktop?12:58
crekarasuIvaN^ desktop 10.1012:58
LuciusMareHello, I am now installing ubuntu, and at the "Who are you?" screen, the "Encrypt my home folder" checkbox is checked and greyed out, and I am already using an old /home partition - what is it going to do? Will it encrypt my data, or will it delete and replace them with an encrypted folder?12:58
Ryu_Kurisu!flood | IvaN^12:58
ubottuIvaN^: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:58
crekarasu!flood Ryu_Kurisu12:59
Ryu_Kurisucrekarasu: I'm not flooding <_<"12:59
IvaN^Ryu_Kurisu I don't see my self flooding :P12:59
bittwist!flood | crekarasu12:59
ubottucrekarasu: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use http://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use http://tinyurl.com/imagebin | !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:59
Ryu_Kurisucrekarasu: And you should use a pipe...13:00
mrcreativityi cant seem to update ubuntu13:00
dylan_noktumhow do i access my ubuntu files from a xp vbox machine?13:00
crekarasuIvaN^ desktop 10.1013:00
mrcreativityi get an error msg when i run sudo-apt update13:00
mrcreativitysudo apt-get update13:00
icarus-cdylan_noktum, ubuntu as host and win xp as guest?13:00
sheephi, the physical disk of my ubutu vm had bad sectors and now the vm won't boot (dies starting hostname main process) is it possible to run apt-get install --reinstall from a different boot drive?13:00
IvaN^@ crekarasu sudo apt-get install mysql-server mysql-client apache2 php5 libapache2-mod-php513:00
dylan_noktumyep icarus-c13:00
bonjoyeedylan_noktum: check "shared folders" section in vbox13:01
IvaN^after that sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart13:01
Ryu_KurisuIvaN^: I've seen 7 lines in concession, which could have been in one line. Agreed !enter might have been better13:01
crekarasuIvaN^ tank you !13:01
IvaN^and that should be it13:01
mrcreativitydylan_noktum, u need to add the ubuntu folder to shared files13:01
IvaN^you're welcome13:01
IvaN^@ Rys_Kurisu ^^ oki :)13:01
bonjoyeedylan_noktum: also u need to install the guest-additions!13:01
mrcreativitydylan_noktum, and install guest additions as well13:01
sacarlsonChris01: not a name brand but an article that might interest you http://www.linuxtoday.com/infrastructure/2010030501435NW13:01
dylan_noktumah thanx!13:01
IvaN^anybody knows my question? How to run process as a different user with password13:01
icarus-cdylan_noktum, in VirtualBox, machine's settings you could configure to share a folder on host, and guest could access it as a network share iirc13:01
icarus-cIvaN^, sudo13:02
daGrevissudo help13:02
mrcreativitycan someone help me please? i cant update...i get an error msg when i run sudo apt-get update13:02
amitthis website needs username and password..i do not have13:02
icarus-cmrcreativity, pastebin the error messages13:02
icarus-camit, what website13:02
IvaN^icarus-c it is debian ... and i run it with su user2 -c "command" but it asks me to enter password. I need to enter password in 1 line with command13:03
Ryu_Kurisuicarus-c: http://paste.ubuntu.com13:03
icarus-cIvaN^, iirc you could use a pipe13:03
IvaN^I just installed sudo13:04
mrcreativityicarus-c, http://paste.ubuntu.com/548221/13:04
amitmy ubuntu do not support AVI video file formate.hoe i install te drivers13:04
_raven_how to connect two machines using wlan?13:04
mrcreativityamit, get ubuntu-restricted-extras13:05
SimonP86hello, how do I output the contents of a text file to terminal please?13:05
LuciusMareSimonP86: cat file13:05
IvaN^ow sh*t I gtg13:05
IvaN^some problems13:05
IvaN^cyas guys13:05
SimonP86LuciusMare, thanks13:05
LuciusMareSimonP86: OR, you can get scrolling with "less file"13:06
mrcreativityamit, start the software center13:06
mrcreativityand search for it13:06
dylan_noktumamit or in a terminal "sudo apt-get install ubuntu-restricted-extras"13:07
mrcreativityi need some help updating...http://paste.ubuntu.com/548221/13:07
amitthank you a lot13:08
aurealany help ?13:08
SimonP86I'm using > in terminal to try to output the contents of running make to a file but messages from stderr are still being displayed on the screen rather than being redirected to the file, how do I solve this please?13:08
aureali want that my normal user can reboot the system13:08
aurealis posible?13:09
aurealusing reboot command13:09
amithow i can do cloud computing as experiment and whats minimum hardware i require13:09
LuckySMacki dual boot with windows7 on my primary harddrive, and ubuntu on my second drive.but i need to re-install windows. How could I re-install windows and fix the grub so I can get back into my ubuntu distro?13:10
aurealwith the linux live cd13:10
aurealusing grub-install --root-directory13:10
mrcreativityLuckySMack, install windows13:10
mrcreativityLuckySMack, then run the ubuntu live cd13:11
daGrevisbut if he want to save ubuntu data? O.o13:11
mrcreativityand follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:11
LuckySMackyea i know i need the live cd. but when installing grub I dont know what to run.13:11
LuckySMackok thanks. will take a look.13:11
PiciSimonP86: command > outfile 2>&113:11
mrcreativityLuckySMack,  follow these instructions: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows13:11
LuckySMackappreciate it.13:11
mrcreativityi'd like some love too people...13:12
LuckySMackmrcreativity, cool thanks13:12
sandstromHow can I verify the version of an ubuntu installation and check that it's a server installation (and not a desktop)?13:12
mrcreativityLuckySMack, no problem.13:12
icarus-cSimonP86,   command > blah.txt 2>&113:12
* LuckySMack offers mrcreativity a cup of coffee. sorry i dont do hugs13:13
mrcreativityLuckySMack, i mean some help ;)13:13
SimonP86icarus-c, I presume that redirects both stdout and stderr to the file?13:13
LuckySMackheh yea13:13
daGrevisI have installed 7-zip and it appears in Soft Center, but why can't I see it when opening .ZIP file? For example, "Unzip with 7-zip"?13:13
icarus-cSimonP86, just to give you a bit of explanation.  you know the command > blah.txt part, which redirects stdout to blah.txt   2>&1 redirects stderr to stdout (which has been redirected to blah.txt)13:13
bad_allochello there, i'm just installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a machine with two harddisks: sda1-3 with windows 7 on sda1 and a blank sdb. ubuntu should go on the blank sdb. is it ok just to press "continue" whilst ignoring the advanced setting for where the bootloader goes? i'm not sure if i need to put it on sda1 with the windows loader13:13
icarus-cSimonP86, 1 = stdout  2 = stderr13:13
Ryu_KurisuDoes anybody know how I can sync all my desktop-settings cross computer via internet?13:13
SimonP86icarus-c, ah ok, makes sense, thanks :)13:14
icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, sync the config files directories of yours13:14
mrcreativityicarus-c, can u help me as well?13:14
icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, like  ~/.gnome2  ~/.gconf13:14
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icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, or simply sync the whole $HOME13:14
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Suikodenhow can i renew my partition with my harddrive?13:14
icarus-cmrcreativity, i dont really use ubuntu so i'm not so sure how ubuntu mirrors stuff works13:15
Ryu_Kurisuicarus-c: The whole $HOME...is that the same as the /home partition?13:15
icarus-cSuikoden, what do you mean? repartition?13:15
mrcreativityicarus-c, oh. thanks anyway13:15
icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, not precisely. your $HOME probably lies in /home but13:15
fqj1994Does ubuntu still import packages from Debian?13:15
Lint01lol today i lost the sound in kde apps, w.t.f.?13:15
Picifqj1994: Yes, we sync from unstable normally, but stable for 10.04.13:16
aurealhey i want help too XD13:16
nibbler_omg, ubuntu contains pictures of sodomized sheep in the standard repositories.... i did not know that :)13:16
bad_alloc(sorry for repeating:) hello there, i'm just installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a machine with two harddisks: sda1-3 with windows 7 on sda1 and a blank sdb. ubuntu should go on the blank sdb. is it ok just to press "continue" whilst ignoring the advanced setting for where the bootloader goes? i'm not sure if i need to put it on sda1 with the windows loader13:16
malapradejHi, I am new to Ubuntu. I have a EPSON GT-9500 scanner connected to my PC through a SCSI device. When I use <sudo sane-find-scanner> it shows "found SCSI processor "EPSON SCANNER GT-9500 1.12" at /dev/sg013:16
icarus-cdaGrevis, 7zip is meant for 7z files, rather than zip13:16
malapradej  # Your SCSI scanner was detected. It may or may not be supported by SANE. Try13:16
malapradej  # scanimage -L and read the backend's manpage."13:16
Ryu_Kurisuicarus-c: I'll check on the internaps what $HOME is, thanks anyhow :)13:16
icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, $HOME is your home directory13:17
aurealhow to enable reboot and shutdown commands for normal  users13:17
gobbeaureal: with sudo13:17
Ryu_Kurisuicarus-c: that contains all my files =-O Dropbox can't handle that =-O13:17
aureali dont want user sudo13:17
gobbeaureal: you can give user rights to run reboot and shutdown onöly13:17
aureali want user reboot comand directly13:17
k1_Hi, which way is easiest to fix corrupted mailbox in /var/mail/username . File is too big for editing and I don't want to lose anything except corrupted data.13:18
aurealhow can i do it?13:18
icarus-cRyu_Kurisu, well, then check out those folders or files begin with a dot (.) in your home directory13:18
aurealchmod 777 dont work13:18
aurealfor reboot command13:18
Ryu_KurisuYeah, the hidden files :), I'll try another search on the internaps, thanks anyhow :)13:18
gobbeaureal: yes, it needs more rights and this is why you need sudo13:18
bad_alloc(spamming happily:) hello there, i'm just installing ubuntu 10.04 LTS on a machine with two harddisks: sda1-3 with windows 7 on sda1 and a blank sdb. ubuntu should go on the blank sdb. is it ok just to press "continue" whilst ignoring the advanced setting for where the bootloader goes? i'm not sure if i need to put it on sda1 with the windows loader13:18
otakaureal: maybe you can put a line in /etc/sudoers so that password doesnt have to be entered for that command13:19
Dharamsalaacpitool not see my battery anyone can help me?13:19
Lint01lol today i lost the sound in kde apps, w.t.f.?13:19
Suikodenyup repartition13:19
aurealum i am going to look for how can do it13:19
icarus-cSuikoden, various tools available for partitioning tasks. a good one could be gparted. which has a decent GUI13:20
gobbeaureal: user    ALL=/sbin/reboot, /sbin/shutdown13:20
aurealum thanks13:20
aurealyou are good13:20
gobbeaureal: or NOPASSWD: in front if you want without passwd13:20
icarus-caureal, he meant to run "visudo" and add that13:21
gobbevisudo and add lines to end of file13:21
mlkjhit here13:21
Lint01what can be wrong with that piec of kde shit?13:21
mlkjhis there any good server mail ?13:22
Dr_Willisaureal:  set teh 'suid' bit on the executables is one way also. (but bad from a security point of view)13:23
Dr_Willismlkjh:  theres several mail servers in the repos.13:23
mlkjhthe best one Dr_Willis13:23
Dharamsalaanyone can help me with acpi^13:23
ubottuMail is another medium to communicate. Ubuntu mailing lists can be found at http://lists.ubuntu.com13:23
icarus-cDr_Willis, i thought you need permissions to do otherthings as well in order to shutdown/reboot13:23
Dr_Willismlkjh:  there is no 'best' - it depends on your needs13:23
Dr_Willisicarus-c:  if shutdown/reboot are 'suid' they run as root.13:23
icarus-ci see13:23
Dr_Willisicarus-c:  that would let ANYONE shutdown/reboot13:24
aurealDr_Willis, its true13:24
Lint01Dr_Willis, ANYONE can shutdown/reboot, by using power switch13:24
Dr_WillisLint01:  not if they cant reach it.13:24
Dr_WillisThey could take a shotgun to the machine also... but this is getting silly.13:25
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!13:25
mlkjhi need a mail serveral working with virtual host13:25
mlkjhi need a mail serveral working with virtual host Dr_Willis13:25
llutz_mlkjh: look at postfix13:25
aurealok i am going to try13:25
aurealif i go i because all is good13:25
mlkjhjsutement i got few problem with postfix llutz_13:26
Dr_Willismlkjh:  you need to learn a bit more about mail servers i am guessing also.13:26
aureali need to be superuser13:26
rob_pmlkjh: +1 on the Postfix suggestion.13:26
mlkjhi allready try that one postfix13:26
gobbeaureal: suepruser for what?13:26
llutz_mlkjh: mine are running fine, so what does this say? nothing13:26
aurealfor reboot command in the console13:26
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gobbeaureal: yes, sudo reboot13:26
llutz_mlkjh: it has superb documentation and #postfix for further help. just make sure that you read the docu before you ask there13:27
mlkjhwell let me explain u very well, i got several vhost13:27
mlkjhi need a mail server able to use each domain name for each vhost13:28
aurealok ok13:28
mlkjhdo you get my point ?13:28
aurealit works13:28
Lint01suddently my k f'ing de apps lost ability to play sound WHY?13:29
gobbemlkjh: postfix supports virtualdomains13:29
aurealok now it gobbe can i speak with your on private ?13:30
aurealis posible ?13:30
mlkjh i don't have a good documentation about postfix working with virtualdomains13:30
aurealany body know a software for cibercafe ?13:30
k1_does anyone know how to fix corrupted emailfile ( /var/mail/username ). Editing isn't possible because filesize (100MB++)13:31
gobbeaureal: ok13:31
mlkjhis there any a good documentation about postfix working with virtualdomains for ubuntu ?13:31
gobbemlkjh: google has _several_ howtos for that13:31
llutz_mlkjh: http://www.postfix.org/VIRTUAL_README.html13:31
AnggaDj98bad_alloc stop spamming.... ubuntu bootloader could be anywhere it wants to be as long as it knows where and what to load13:32
llutz_mlkjh: join #postfix for further help. just make sure that you read the docu before you ask there13:32
mlkjhperfect thanks a lot llutz_13:32
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?13:32
t0th__how i can add swap?13:33
t0th__i try free -m13:33
t0th__i dont have swap13:33
jerrybt0th__, see swapon command13:33
t0th__[jerryb]: i cant create a partition13:33
t0th__is a vps13:33
llutz_t0th__: create a swap-file if you really need swap13:34
icarus-ct0th__, add a swap partition or swap file -> mkswap -> swapon  & add to /etc/fstab13:34
AbhiJitaureal, https://launchpad.net/espresso13:34
t0th__[llutz_]: swap file13:34
AbhiJitaureal, https://launchpad.net/openlanhouse13:34
AbhiJitaureal, https://launchpad.net/pycoffee13:34
AbhiJitaureal, https://launchpad.net/zeiberbude13:34
icarus-ct0th__, you could make a swap file image with dd13:35
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ubuntinociao a tutti13:37
xeroxcan anybody explain/link me to how to try to build a ppa package from source for amd64 that is only built for i386 on the repositories ?13:37
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lakanAnyone have any tip on a good java editor tool ? (for ubuntu)13:38
meerosacarlson: we were solving issue with dns today?13:39
t0th__swapon: /swapfile1: swapon failed: Operation not permitted13:39
k1_Acer_: hi13:39
icarus-clakan, vim, emacs, netbeans, eclipse ...etc13:39
AnggaDj98t0th__ what program do you use to swapon?13:40
AbhiJit!packaging | xerox13:40
ubottuxerox: The packaging guide is at http://wiki.ubuntu.com/PackagingGuide - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment/NewPackages for information on getting a package integrated into Ubuntu - Other developer resources are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuDevelopment - See also !backports13:40
lakanicarus-c, K thx, think  I will use netbeans13:40
Dr_Willist0th__:  needs to be ran as root for starters13:40
AnggaDj98t0th__: use GParted13:40
t0th__[AnggaDj98]: i have a vps13:40
t0th__i run with root13:41
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xeroxAbhiJit: I'll check those out thanks13:41
Acer_Can anyone help me with little problem in private chat (Dialog Window)?13:41
gobbeask the question here13:41
Dr_Willist0th__:  you are following directions at -> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-add-a-swap-file-howto/13:41
t0th__[Dr_Willis]: yes13:42
pauliunxhi, I keep getting a 'An error has occured mounting /etc/fstab. Press S to skip, M for manual recovery' when booting ubuntu 10.10. Here are my pastebins for /fstab and fdisk, can anyone please help me get rid of it: http://paste.ubuntu.com/548230/ and http://paste.ubuntu.com/548229/13:42
t0th__i read this post13:42
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?13:42
Dr_Willist0th__:  you gave proper path to the swap file you made?13:42
t0th__whyt this : swapon /swapfile113:42
Dr_Willist0th__:  thats teh  path to the swapfile you made....13:42
icarus-ct0th__, so you logged in as root with sudo -i ,  made swapfile image with dd & mkswap  and then swapon ?13:42
Acer_Can someone help me with little problem?13:42
icarus-cAcer_, just ask13:43
t0th__i am whit root13:43
t0th__and make dd mkswap13:43
k1_is there any more advanced channel available?13:43
gobbek1_: what kind of advanced channel?13:43
k1_gobbe: well, i got question which isn't so regular13:44
Dr_Willist0th__:  i just cut/pasted the commands they gave.. it worked..13:44
Acer_I can not connect to the Internet via modem Starmodem XB Aethra13:44
k1_or usual13:44
gobbek1_: well ask the question?13:44
t0th__[Dr_Willis]: dd if=/dev/zero of=/swapfile1 bs=1024 count=52428813:44
t0th__mkswap /swapfile113:44
t0th__swapon /swapfile113:45
t0th__swapon: /swapfile1: swapon failed: Operation not permitted13:45
gobbet0th__: sudo swapon13:45
k1_gobbe: My question is: How to fix corrupted emailfile in /var/mail/username . I tried editing, but didnt work out and file is too big for that.13:45
Dr_Willist0th__:  its working on a normal ubuntu here. No idea about your vps setup.13:45
t0th__[gobbe]: same erro13:45
t0th__i am with root13:45
k1_gobbe: I'm using qpopper13:45
gobbek1_: what editor did you use?13:45
t0th__maybe because i use vps13:45
k1_gobbe: i tried with nano and vi13:45
icarus-ct0th__, try swapon -v /swapfile113:45
gobbek1_: how big the file is?13:45
t0th__[icarus-c]: same erro13:46
t0th__not permited13:46
icarus-ct0th__, i does the verbose output suggest anything more detail?13:46
t0th__[icarus-c]: yes13:46
k1_gobbe: 12960811613:47
wigglezwhat is the package name for gtk development kit?13:47
k1_gobbe: over 100MBytes13:47
BluesKajHiyas all13:47
gobbek1_: what about vim or emacs13:47
gobbek1_: ubuntu doesn't have real vim by default13:47
Acer_I can not connect to the internet via modem Starmodem XB Aethra. Can someone help me?13:47
wigglezgot it.13:48
JibadeehaAcer_, buy a wireless router13:48
icarus-ct0th__, i googled a bit. it might be a bug with openvz. which may be used by your VPS provider?13:48
gobbeusually vps-providers don't allow swap13:49
BluesKajAcer_, wifi or ethernet ?13:49
gobbec's it causes lot's of disk-io13:49
t0th__[icarus-c]: i will contact my vps provider13:49
icarus-ct0th__, or not really a bug.13:49
icarus-ct0th__, it is a "feature"13:49
t0th__[icarus-c]: maybe13:49
icarus-copenvz isn't a virtualized machine like VM13:49
AnggaDj98toth_ to higlight a name just type the name dont use [] its just blocking it out13:50
icarus-cit is more like a chroot13:50
k1_gobbe: i'll try. one moment13:50
ajahcan anyone tell me equivalent of path/to/ZendFramework/library/Zend in ubuntu13:50
Dr_Willisajah:  try 'locate Zend' to see where its at.13:51
AnggaDj98toth__ to higlight a name just type the name dont use [] its just blocking it out13:51
llutz_ajah: dpkg -L zend-framework13:51
pw-toxicHi, I need to to automatic backups of one of my ubuntu folders to an USB drive.. are there tools for this in ubutnu?13:51
AnggaDj98toth__ why dont you try Gparted partition editor?13:51
AnggaDj98pw-toxic: Deja Dup13:51
BluesKajAcer_, ok open a terminal and do, route13:51
Dr_Willispw-toxic:  thers several in teh repos. then theres cron and rsync you could use.13:52
Morbusare there any daemon monitors available in ubuntu? something that would monitor httpd, mysql, mail, etc., and restart them if they go down?13:52
pw-toxicDr_Willis, i'd prefer some tool with a frontend13:52
icarus-cpw-toxic, backintime is a good GUI for automatic backup13:52
BluesKajAcer_, pastebin the output13:52
=== AnggaDj98 is now known as angga-at-ubuntu
sheephi, can you run apt-get for a different boot drive?13:52
ajahllutz_ this is output /.13:52
Dr_Willispw-toxic:  check the repos.  I recall at least 2 in there.13:52
pw-toxicicarus-c, do you know if backInTime supports several backups for one folder?13:53
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icarus-csheep, you mean on another ubuntu install? yes, with chroot13:53
pw-toxicicarus-c, i'm currently trying out BackInTime.. i need more projects with this tool ;(13:53
angga_ubuntupw-toxic the simplest is deja dup with automatic backups13:53
znikhow do i access usenet / usenet groups?13:53
icarus-cpw-toxic, i'm not sure you have to check13:53
BluesKaj!pm | Acer_13:53
ubottuAcer_: Please ask your questions in the channel so that other people can help you, benefit from your questions and answers, and ensure that you're not getting bad advice. Please note that some people find it rude to be sent a PM without being asked for permission to do so first.13:53
acidflashis there a way to resize a partition from command prompt without losing its data? (this is a non-system disk)13:53
llutz_znik: use a nntp-reader of your choice, configure it, subscribe your groups13:53
icarus-cacidflash, yes. but i recommend you to search online for a detailed howto13:54
llutz_znik: slrn, tin, thunderbird, claws-mail, tons of programs for that13:54
Dr_Willisacidflash:  parted. but i would definatly make backups first.13:54
znikllutz_: ok. thanks13:55
angga_ubuntuacidflash you could use a GUI program called GParted Partition Editor13:55
acidflashangga_ubuntu: no gui, only command prompt13:55
acidflashDr_Willis: parted works command line?13:55
sheepicarus-c: cheers!13:56
needhelp1psycho_oreos, hey you up?13:56
icarus-cacidflash, yes parted is a command line tool13:56
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kermithow do i keep my CPU speed from changing?13:57
icarus-ckermit, why would you want to13:58
needhelp1im having an issue installing ubuntu 10.10 from any medium, i have tried a cdr, usb, unetbootin and startup disk creator. I have checked the md5 many times its right, i keep getting stuck on the same line of code that states "Kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x10" and it will not drop into a cli. Can anyone help me13:58
icarus-cit is probably the feature known as ondemand CPU frequency scaling13:58
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, do you use deja dub yourself? i'd like to know if i do automatic backups every day, what happens with the backups from 2 days ago? overwrite? only copy the diff like backInTime etc?13:58
Morbuswhat package should i install to get the 'mail' shell util?13:58
hateballkermit: there's a gnome-panel applet to prevent cpu scaling13:58
WXZhow can I add an external harddrive launcher to my panel13:59
angga_ubuntupw-toxic: yes, i use deja dup. so if you can schedule an automatic backup and keeps the previous backups13:59
angga_ubuntupw-toxic: yes, i use deja dup. so you can schedule an automatic backup and keeps the previous backups13:59
zniki am getting this error: Requires installation of untrusted packages. The action would require the installation of packages from not authenticated sources.                   while installing from ubuntu software center.14:00
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, i think im gonna use BackInTime and deja dup in parallel.   I'd like to tell yuo the story why and maybe you can give me a better idea what to do:14:00
icarus-cWXZ,  Places -> Select your hard drive ?14:00
WXZicarus-c: no, I mean like an application launcher14:00
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?14:01
needhelp1im having an issue installing ubuntu 10.10 from any medium, i have tried a cdr, usb, unetbootin and startup disk creator. I have checked the md5 many times its right, i keep getting stuck on the same line of code that states "Kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x10" and it will not drop into a cli. Can anyone help me14:01
BluesKajAcer_,  open a terminal and type, route , post the output in http://paste.ubuntu.com/ and post the url here14:01
icarus-cWXZ, maybe DIsk mounter applet ?14:01
WXZicarus-c: I'll check it out14:01
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, i'm creating an ubutnu fileserver for my mom.. My Mom has a lot of important files and she is not very familiar with computers. So i want to offer my mom a backup system she can access read only which is an hourly backup of all of her files (using backintime with rsync). This backup is for human failure (of my mom). The second backup is done with deja dup onto an external USB drive if the Raid1 or ubuntu or anything else of th14:02
pw-toxice software/hardware crashes and i can give access to all of the files to my mom. What do you think about this backup hierarchy?14:02
gobbeneedhelp1: have you tried alternative-installation?14:02
needhelp1gobbe, yes, same error14:02
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, additionally the ubuntu fileserver runs on a raid114:03
icarus-cpw-toxic, sounds cool14:03
pw-toxicicarus-c, so you like this solution and you dont have a better (easier?) solution?14:03
acidflashanyone here know how to use parted really well?14:03
meerohow is possible to check which process/user last modified the file?14:03
KayAteChefgnome is misbehaving. in 10.4 is was misbehaving and today I installed 10.10 and it is misbehaving14:03
mm2000Hi, There is some funny things going on with my env. I am using ruby and rvm, having 2 versions installed ruby 1.8.7 and ruby 1.9.2. For root i get ruby 1.9.2, for my local user I get 1.9.2, sudo -c 'env' outputs 1.9.2, but when I do sudo php app.php (which executes a ruby script) i get 1.8.7. Any suggestions how to set this glogally?14:03
needhelp1pw-toxic, what are you wanting to do14:03
jpdsmeero: No, but you can use auditd to log such changes to a log file14:03
WXZKayAteChef: can you be more specific?14:03
angga_ubuntupw-toxic so your mum access read only files that is placed in her computer?14:04
pw-toxici'd like to buy a machine which supports all this like a QNAP system, but unlikley QNAP doesnt support hourly backups with time machine or BackInTime similar functionalities14:04
KayAteChefselecting windows is weird... I have to right click ont he active window and then left click on the window I wish to make active14:04
KayAteChefsame proble,14:04
KayAteChefand restarting gnome fixes it14:04
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, no.. my mom ONLY accesses read/write of her files on the raid1 of my ubuntu file server via GBit network, but additionally she has a network location on her windows 7 system called "backup" which she has read only which contains the backInTime hourly backup folders14:04
KayAteChefbut only for a short period of time14:04
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, so my mom cant destroy the backup by failure14:05
needhelp1im having an issue installing ubuntu 10.10 from any medium, i have tried a cdr, usb, unetbootin and startup disk creator. I have checked the md5 many times its right, i keep getting stuck on the same line of code that states "Kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x10" and it will not drop into a cli. Can anyone help me14:05
needhelp1pw-toxic, just give your mom access to the actual files and not the back up14:05
angga_ubuntupw-toxic is not trusting her mom14:05
sresuWhich channel can help me with banshee?14:05
meerojpds: thanks14:05
icarus-cangga_ubuntu, when your mom relies on those files to make your monkey, you would do the same14:06
pw-toxicneedhelp1, i give my mom access /read/Write to the files on the file server.. my mom ONLY stores her files on the fileserver.. but ADDITIONALLY she can access the backup if she overwrote an important file although she needs the older version14:06
needhelp1sresu, check the banshee website for support channels to see if they have an irc channel14:06
sresu!info banshee14:06
ubottubanshee (source: banshee): Media Management and Playback application. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.8.0-2ubuntu1~maverick2 (maverick), package size 3412 kB, installed size 10392 kB14:06
icarus-cangga_ubuntu, damn i mean money14:06
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, i dont trust my mom and my mom doesnt trust herself.. thats why i dont trust my mom ;)14:06
WXZicarus-c: do you know the package for the disk mounter applet?14:06
angga_ubuntuyeah im doing the same actually14:06
needhelp1pw-toxic, you cant fully protect against stupidity14:06
icarus-cWXZ, GNOME builtin14:06
pw-toxicneedhelp1, why not?14:07
icarus-cWXZ, right click at the panel -> add to panel -> disk mounter14:07
WXZyou're right14:07
pw-toxicneedhelp1, if i tell my samba that she cant delete backup files then she cant do anything wrong14:07
needhelp1if she overights the files on the fileserver then it will overwrite the files backed up anyways14:07
pw-toxicneedhelp1, no backInTime does not overwrite anything14:07
pw-toxicneedhelp1, backInTime holds version of EVERY HOUR of all files using rsync14:07
needhelp1if she edits a file, then the new version would be saved over the old version14:07
icarus-cneedhelp1, that's where rdiff jumps in14:07
pw-toxicneedhelp1, no thats not true14:07
needhelp1ah ok14:07
jpdsmeero: sudo apt-get install auditd; sudo auditctl -w /path/to/file -p a; sudo tail -f /var/log/audit/audit.log --- should do it14:08
angga_ubuntupw-toxic ok i almost get it14:08
needhelp1that seems pointless, you could have wasted space14:08
pw-toxicneedhelp1, im using BackInTime for myself for 1-2 years now i guess14:08
jpdsmeero: If you want to go that way.14:08
jpdsmeero: And then chmod the file to see it in action.14:08
angga_ubuntupw-toxic so you are going to backup files in your computer to a USB and sync it with your read-only folder in your moms computer14:08
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, so you think this is a good solution?  this is very important for myself because the files my mom has are very important for her work.. she is a teacher and has a LOT of files for tests  etc..14:08
needhelp1pw-toxic, not to intrude but does your mom have any disabilitys14:08
WXZicarus-c: it's not really what I'm looking for14:09
pw-toxicneedhelp1, my mom is 55 years old and she is not familiar with computer - thats all14:09
angga_ubuntuwhy dont she install ubuntu along?14:09
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, oh my god.. its a REAL big thing for her to switch from windows xp to windows 7  - believe me ;) thats no option14:09
icarus-cwhy are we keep talking about pw-toxic 's mother....14:09
angga_ubuntupw-toxic yeah if you are ok with the system then go ahead14:09
angga_ubuntuoh lol14:09
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, anyways i needa  windows xp virtual machine because most of her programs only work with windows xp14:09
needhelp1pw-toxic, there could be alternatives14:10
k1_gobbe: ok little better now, but may i ask, which way/key combo is fastest if i want to go end of file?14:10
meerojpds : im studying the manual aditctl  ...looks like what i wanted.. :-)14:10
needhelp1im having an issue installing ubuntu 10.10 from any medium, i have tried a cdr, usb, unetbootin and startup disk creator. I have checked the md5 many times its right, i keep getting stuck on the same line of code that states "Kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x10" and it will not drop into a cli. Can anyone help me14:10
gobbek1_: which editor?14:10
k1_gobbe: nano14:10
=== angga_ubuntu is now known as angga-ubuntu
jpdsmeero: It's a very useful tool.14:10
needhelp1pw-toxic, how much space are you using with the fileserver and backintime14:11
angga-ubuntui just wonder why most ppl still use text editor in cli14:11
gobbek1_: k1_ ctrl+v (if i remember correctly)14:11
jpdsangga-ubuntu: It's easy to use for some of us?14:11
k1_gobbe: thx, i'll try :)14:11
gobbek1_: or alt + /14:11
angga-ubuntujpds: why? the shortcut keys for GUI text editor is much more familiar14:11
gobbeangga-ubuntu: because text editors in cli are powerfull14:11
angga-ubuntulike ctrl end for coming to end of file14:11
needhelp1angga-ubuntu, being able to do everything from CLI is a survival skill14:12
gobbewell samee thing it is with gui editors14:12
angga-ubuntugobbe ok. maybe i will consider that.14:12
angga-ubuntuneedhelp1 i couldnt agree more14:12
needhelp1angga-ubuntu, some apps are much easier in a gui though ..14:12
angga-ubuntubut more powerful to use in clu14:12
gobbei work most of my time in cli14:13
pw-toxicangga_ubuntu, but once again for you in short the files hierarchy: 1) My mom works on the files with windows 7 mapped network drive onto my ubuntu fileserver having raid1.  2) the files on the raid1 of my ubuntu are backed up onto another internal disk of the server with backInTime holding all versions of every hour of all files.. My mom can access these backups READ ONLY over a windows 7 mapped network drive (using samba again) 3) There is14:13
pw-toxic an USB drive attacked to the ubuntu server which is written regulararly by deja dup.. if the whole system fails (hardware or software failure) i can give my mom the external usb drive to attach it directly to her computer14:13
needhelp1man i keep having errors with installing 10.10 . i cant figure it out14:13
gobbereason is that cli is available everywhere, even with my mobile phone and ssh, gui is not14:13
pw-toxicneedhelp1, we are talking about <50GB files.. but VERY MANY small files. The file server will have a raid1 conststing of 2*1TB wester digital green power14:13
WXZicarus-c: woot, I got it14:14
icarus-ck1_, spend a little time to learn vim or emacs.  it worths it14:14
needhelp1pw-toxic, next time you buy externals look into seagate, they last longer14:14
Dr_Willisvi - worth learning.14:14
WXZicarus-c: you can't drag and drop from places or from the desktop, you have to go into nautilus /media/14:14
icarus-cWXZ, huh. what you want to do anyway14:14
needhelp1im having an issue installing ubuntu 10.10 from any medium, i have tried a cdr, usb, unetbootin and startup disk creator. I have checked the md5 many times its right, i keep getting stuck on the same line of code that states "Kernel_thread_helper 0x6/0x10" and it will not drop into a cli. Can anyone help me14:14
pw-toxicneedhelp1, hm i have read something about that wester digital and seagte are quite similiar concerning this14:14
angga-ubuntuneedhelp1 yes it is, but WD is more famous14:14
angga-ubuntuand more support i guess?14:15
WXZicarus-c: I wanted to pin a shortcut to my external harddrive to my panel14:15
icarus-cWXZ, being able to copy/move files to a specific drive by drag&drop ?14:15
needhelp1i find that seagate has better quality drives14:15
angga-ubuntume too14:15
Acer_route output14:15
acidflashok i need to resize a ext4 partition14:16
pw-toxicangga-ubuntu, can you like me a seagate 1TB drive please? i think there are more versions14:16
acidflashits 1000gb i want to make it 75 gb14:16
acidflashwhats the proper way (without gparted) only with command line14:16
angga-ubuntuyou mean reference you a seagate HD?14:16
k1_icarus-c: i'm @ mobile14:16
pw-toxicangga-ubuntu, yes14:17
pw-toxicangga-ubuntu, you mean this one: Seagate ST310005N1D1AS-RK 1 TB ?14:17
angga-ubuntuall seagates are great14:18
angga-ubuntudespite its models14:18
pw-toxicangga-ubuntu, yeah but i still dont know whoch 1TB model i should buy ;)14:18
angga-ubuntunah its all the same14:18
angga-ubuntubut yeah14:18
angga-ubuntui will google it14:18
=== rayy is now known as hid
pw-toxicthere are 3 versions14:18
hidHi, I'm a french ubuntu user and I don't understand why I'm outcast from ubuntu-fr ?14:19
jpdshid: Best ask in #ubuntu-irc.14:19
BluesKajAcer_, are you running ubuntu in VMware ?14:20
hidjpds, I can't join the chan14:20
jpdshid: /join #ubuntu-irc ?14:20
Acer_no I have ubuntu a I am running Windows XP in VMWare14:20
hidjpds thanx14:21
angga-ubuntujpds merci14:21
BluesKaj!who | Acer_14:21
ubottuAcer_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)14:21
ubottuYou can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:22
Robinuxheya guys whats the cmd for nautiles or whatever the ubuntu/gnome explorer is called14:22
BluesKajAcer_, in the terminal type sudo dhclient vmnet114:22
BlackFerdybest free website editor for ubuntu?14:23
angga-ubuntuRobinux, its nautilus.14:23
angga-ubuntuBlackFerdy, go to ubuntu-best channel14:23
Robinuxangga-ubuntu, thanks man14:23
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?14:23
BlackFerdyangga-ubuntu, no one there... (?)14:24
angga-ubuntuoh sorry14:24
angga-ubuntuits ubuntu-bots14:24
BlackFerdyangga-ubuntu, oh, ok :) thanks for the tip14:24
Robinuxso whats a good mp3 player14:24
Quantum_IonDoes anyone know how to set a PATH for JavaFX in Ubuntu Linux ?14:25
angga-ubuntusearch for it just type it out14:25
Robinuxany good music player really?14:25
BlackFerdythanks for your tip also, technikfreak14:25
angga-ubuntuwhat is the best mp3 player14:25
angga-ubuntulater the best bot will answer14:25
Quantum_IonI need to set a PATH for JavaFX in Ubuntu linux in the /etc/profile file ?14:25
Robinuxwhat is the best mp3 player14:25
BlackFerdyyes, thank you very much for your help14:25
Dr_WillisQuantum_Ion:   you mean set 'CLASSPATH' or some other variable?   export FOO=$FOO:/new/path/ is the normal way.14:25
Quantum_Ioneverytime I set a bath in .bashrc it gets over written when I upgrade Ubuntu Linux14:25
needhelp1Robinux, for your pc?14:25
Dr_WillisQuantum_Ion:  or are you refering to the bash PATH?14:25
=== Know1edge is now known as Know1edge|work
needhelp1Robinux, rythmbox or guayadeque14:26
Quantum_IonDr_Willis, To the /etc/profile system wide path14:26
=== Know1edge|work is now known as Know1edge_
Robinuxok i'll install both and try them out, thanks needhelp114:26
suksany ideas why compiz says "Composite extension not enabled" when i try to run it? same happens when i choose system->appearances->visual effects->normal? it *should* be enabled, Xorg.log says "Initializing built-in extension COMPOSITE" (this is with the nvidia driver)14:26
Quantum_IonDr_Willis, It might be something like thise -> PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_BIN:/opt/javafx-sdk1.3/bin/14:26
angga-ubuntusorry but this is not best whats channel please redirect to ubuntu-bots14:26
suksthe log also says (**) Extension "Composite" is enabled14:27
wallacezhi ppl14:27
znikhow can i restore default setting of Synaptic package manager ? the revert only reverts to last setting. i want to revert to factory  settings of SPM!14:28
needhelp1during the installation screen, if i turn off acpi, after installing can i turn it back on?14:28
angga-ubuntuznik, what to revert?14:29
angga-ubuntuif its all about it try reinstall it14:30
znikangga-ubuntu: i have changed some settings in SPM-> settings-> repositories. i would like to revert to default settings of SPM14:30
suksif i run compiz --replace & i get compiz (core) - Fatal: No composite extension14:30
angga-ubuntuthe repos only?14:30
znikangga-ubuntu: yup14:30
=== james is now known as Guest119
=== Guest119 is now known as jwdunne
angga-ubuntuwhy dont you reinstall it14:31
angga-ubuntuits the fastest way14:31
znikangga-ubuntu: how do i do it?14:31
Robinux224MB for amarok OMG14:31
Robinuxthats alot14:31
znikangga-ubuntu: i have reinstall entire SPM?14:33
Acer_BluesKaj: http://pastebin.com/0ArX4xwX14:33
znikangga-ubuntu: i have to reinstall entire SPM?14:33
angga-ubuntuyes maybe14:33
angga-ubuntuif you wanted it as before14:34
angga-ubuntusorry i was away14:34
BluesKajAcer_, looks like it connected , now run  sudo /etc/init.d/networking restart14:34
shawntiGood day to you all ladies :>14:34
znikangga-ubuntu: what is the name of the software then. sudo apt-get reinstall ..?14:34
ksbalajiwhich app closely resembles MS-Access?14:35
Acer_BluesKaj: Complete14:35
angga-ubuntuksbalaji: openoffice.org-base14:35
ksbalajiangga-ubuntu, thanks.14:36
shawntiopenoffice ...14:36
shawnticheck it out14:36
shawntiits nice and free14:36
BluesKajok Acer_ , can you surf  the net now ?14:36
icarus-cRobinux, probably because you want to install amarok but you don't have KDE14:36
ksbalajishawnti, I use ooo word - but not aware of base! thanks shawnti angga-ubuntu .14:37
icarus-cRobinux, amarok depends on a lot of KDE stuff and qt. and these KDE stuff & Qt are huge14:37
angga-ubuntutheres much more to explore from oo.o14:37
angga-ubuntusee the full suite14:37
pircihello guys, i'm searching a good (and easy to use) C source code obfuscator, someone ?14:37
pircii'd like to study obfuscation process, for my thesis14:38
icarus-cpirci, google would be a better place to seek your answer14:38
icarus-cpirci, even #C might be better14:38
pirciicarus-c: i tried, its invite only :(14:38
usr13 /exit14:39
angga-ubuntui think the process of obfuscating is destroying the variable names?14:39
ZykoticK9!register | pirci14:39
ubottupirci: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode14:39
icarus-cpirci, no #c isn't invite only channel. but maybe registered users only?14:39
pirciexcuse me i'm new on freenode14:39
angga-ubuntupirci: i think the process of obfuscating is destroying the variable names?14:39
icarus-cpirci, http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#userregistration14:40
j_ayen_greenwas booting in vbox, and got message that a mount needed attention. Hit alt-tab to switch to something in windoze, but it seemed to do something else and now ubuntu has been booting for 15 minutes?14:40
sknhi, can any one help me?14:40
angga-ubuntuskn: what?14:40
pirciangga-ubuntu: hum, not exactly14:40
angga-ubuntupirci: then what is obfuscating a c code?14:40
skni want to install 10.10, but installer do not see my HDD14:41
icarus-cangga-ubuntu, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Code_obfuscation14:41
angga-ubuntuis it really empty?14:41
angga-ubuntuok checking it out14:41
pircithanks icarus-c14:41
Acer_BluesKaj: No! :-(14:41
boldfilterhow do I install java6jdk in 10.10 x6414:42
icarus-cj_ayen_green, maybe it is performing a force disk check?14:42
sknangga-ubuntu: i want to install 10.10, but installer do not see my HDD14:42
icarus-c!java | boldfilter14:42
ubottuboldfilter: To install a Java runtime on Ubuntu, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Java. For the Sun Java products and browser plugin, search for the sun-java6- packages in the !partner repository on Lucid (which must be enabled), or !multiverse repository on older releases.14:42
angga-ubuntuim googleing14:42
ZykoticK9!partner | boldfilter14:42
ubottuboldfilter: Canonical's partner repositories provide packages a location for software vendors to publish applications. The repo itself can be added by running this in a !terminal: « sudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ $(lsb_release -sc) partner" »14:42
icarus-c!cn | ywb14:42
ubottuywb: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk14:42
angga-ubuntuni hao14:42
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BluesKajAcer_, sudo dhclient vmnet814:43
boldfiltersudo add-apt-repository "deb http://archive.canonical.com/ meerkat partner"14:43
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: it seems that alt-tab takes me to dialog about mount command...and then starts booting again... any idea how to get out of that mode?14:43
cowslammerhow do i configure which version of java will run by default?14:43
angga-ubuntuhey guys anyone knows how to type chinese charactes in like that?14:43
icarus-cywb, this is just an online chatting channel14:43
znikllutz_: how do i use tin?14:43
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icarus-cj_ayen_green, if it is doing a force disk check, you wouldn't want to interrupt it.14:43
ywbthank you14:43
shawntiboldfilter: apt-cache search jdk to search for it14:43
shawntiboldfilter: then apt-get install sun-java6-jdk sun-java6-jre14:44
icarus-cangga-ubuntu, use a chinese input method?14:44
angga-ubuntuoh yes14:44
icarus-cangga-ubuntu, first pick up the input method engine you wanna use. namely  scim, ibus, gcin14:44
abhinav_singhone can easily change root password using recovery mode..how to disable that..so that no one can change root password using recovery mode14:44
boldfilterPackage sun-java6-jdk is not available, but is referred to by another package.14:44
boldfilterThis may mean that the package is missing, has been obsoleted, or14:44
boldfilteris only available from another source14:44
icarus-cabhinav_singh, use grub password14:45
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: ok...seems to cycle...if I alt-tab it gives info about mount command, and complains about problem activating swap, and alt-tab again seems to start boot with purple ubuntu screen14:45
shawntisearch for it14:45
shawntilike i mentione14:45
boldfilterE: Package 'sun-java6-jdk' has no installation candidate14:45
shawntiand add the package you found14:45
icarus-cabhinav_singh, and disable boot from other media in BIOS and set a password14:45
Acer_BluesKaj: Could you write notes in pastbin.com? Because I'm connected to another computer and when I try your procedure so I disconnect and connect to the laptop.14:45
sknI want to install 10.10, but installer do not see my HDD14:45
ZykoticK9boldfilter, add the partner repo - then "sudo apt-get update" - then you'll see it14:45
boldfilterZykotiK9: that worked14:46
ZykoticK9!tab | boldfilter14:46
ubottuboldfilter: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.14:46
boldfilterZykoticK9: ok14:47
KFPHi. I copied ordinary text files to a USB memory stick and now Ubuntu (10.04) seems to think that they're python files (type: Python File (no console) (text/plain)). Any idea why or how to fix?14:48
BluesKajAcer_, tell me about your modem/router ..what brand and how many ports etc... I need to know this14:48
ZykoticK9KFP, it is shown as (text/plain), but something inside your text file resembles Python code so "file" interprets it as Python File - why does it matter?14:49
=== MrKeuner is now known as Mahjongg
pw-toxicHm i have set up the deja dup preferences to do daily backups, but nothing happens.. how can i activate the backup?14:51
KFPZykoticK9: Just wondering, formerly when I double clicked on them, Gedit opened them, now it's asking if I want to run the files. Clicking "Display" does open Gedit though.14:51
icarus-cZykoticK9, maybe you have overridden default app to open file with text/plain  MIME type.  check out  right click on the file -> Open with14:51
icarus-ci mean KFP14:51
znikllutz_: i have installed tin and thunderbird. but how do i access usenet groups?14:51
icarus-cKFP, are your files on a NTFS ,  FAT*  or file system that doesn't support POSIX file permission?14:52
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ZykoticK9KFP, if you copied them to a Windows (FAT) USB then they are now marked as executable - perhaps that is the problem (no solution to that, other then to copy them to a 'real' filesystem remove executable bit, if that's the issue)14:52
Mahjongghello, system halts with error: init: networking main process (446) terminated with status 1. Problem shouldn't actually be networking... What is the problem?14:52
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mikebeechamhi there, does anyone know how I can access my itunes 10 library (mac downstairs) on my Ubuntu upstairs?  Is it possible?14:53
icarus-cKFP, alternatively you could tell Nautilus ( the file manager) not show that action prompt dialog for executable text files14:53
KFPZykoticK9, icarus-c: Oh, ok, thankee.   It seems I can just copy the contents of the files into new .txt files.14:53
icarus-cKFP, eh... look it is not a problem with the file nor its content14:54
ZykoticK9KFP, FYI linux doesn't use file extentions (.txt) for very much - if anything14:54
icarus-cKFP, it is just the file system that the file lives on doesn't support linux file permissions. and linux by default gives execute permission to all files on such file system14:54
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ZykoticK9KFP, if you run "file NEWFILE.txt" it will probably show you the same Python file type14:54
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icarus-cKFP, and nautilus file manager would ask you whether to run / open for text files with executable permisison14:55
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DysteR_HelpMeCan anyone help me  ? Trying to install EzQuake  on Utunbu 10.1014:55
Pici!nickspam > angga-ubuntu14:55
ubottuangga-ubuntu, please see my private message14:55
KFPicarus-c, ZykoticK9: Seems the USB stick has a file system called "msdos".  (?!)14:55
icarus-cKFP, you could either tell linux not to give executable permisison to files on that partition, or set nautilus not to ask you what to do14:56
PerSeLHello, I'm loosing internet connection (not router) after 5-10 min of use if I reset everything normal and working again for 5-10 mins14:56
icarus-cKFP, that suggests it is probably a FAT* file system.14:56
ZykoticK9KFP, anything Windows - FAT/MSDOS is going to mark everything as executable - no workaround for that14:56
icarus-cZykoticK9, sure there is14:56
ZykoticK9icarus-c, don't use fat :p14:56
icarus-cwith mount options  ( mask/fmask/dmask)14:56
KFPicarus-c, ZykoticK9: Thanks. :)14:57
ZykoticK9icarus-c, as soon as you copy something to FAT it becomes executable, doubt mount options would prevent that14:57
icarus-cKFP, do you want to tell nautilus not to do that prompt everytime?14:57
icarus-cZykoticK9, no...  that mask option tell linux to override file permission on the whole file system14:57
ZykoticK9icarus-c, ahh that would make sense.  thanks.14:58
PerSeLhello I'm loosing inet after 5-10 mins of using it how can I solve it?14:59
icarus-cKFP, open gconf-editor (install if you don't have it)  , navigate to /apps/nautilus/preferences/executable_text_activation14:59
KFPicarus-c: I think I'll just uncheck the "executable" box for these files.14:59
ZykoticK9KFP, won't work on a FAT filesystem!  it doesn't understand linux permissions.15:00
KFPZykoticK9: Oh, the files are now back on the hard disk (ext4).15:01
ZykoticK9KFP, then yes - remove executable15:01
IanrrI am switching all my employees to Ubuntu, is there a way I can give them "root" access but still leave an account for myself that they can not delete15:01
Acer_BluesKaj: Mod has one RJ-45 and one USB port15:01
fabiobikhow to install zend framework on ubuntu server???15:01
ZykoticK9Ianrr, don't give them "root" give them "sudo"15:01
mikebeechamDoes anyone know if it's possible to share your itunes library with Ubuntu?15:01
Acer_BluesKaj: Modem has eagle firmware15:02
rs0832 sacarlson?15:02
newbieHi all.  I think I may have shot myself in the foot.  Wanting to reinstall ubuntu server on a machine that had a broken hard drive, and refused to  boot from USB, I decided to do the OS installation by moving the HD from one machine to another.  Of course, in the process of that installation, I believe I fubar'd grub.15:02
sepplmastercan anyone help me with openshot? i am loosing my marker in the timeline after 3 seconds of playback.15:02
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jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?15:02
IanrrZykoticK9: Ok so would I just do the install, then create an account for the employee?15:02
rs0832sacarlson, are you here?15:02
=== y0da is now known as g0d_sh0t
fabiobikhow to install zend framework on ubuntu server???15:03
ZykoticK9Ianrr, the first account you create will automatically have sudo access - all other accounts you need to add to the administrator group in order to have sudo access.15:03
icarus-cIanrr, yes. and rather than giving them sudo right to all stuff, only give them sudo right on programs they need to run as root15:03
boobsbrhowdy, I upgd my lucid 64 machine this morning15:03
kermithow do i keep my CPU speed from changing when i [un]plug the power?15:03
boobsbrhowdy, I updated my lucid 64 machine this morning and now after the boot, when grub is loading, the machine reboots15:03
boobsbranyone with the same problem?15:04
drkfceThe "other" machine has a Raid 0 set up, which makes things REALLY complicated.  I'm trying to mount the RAID volume, but it says that it is already mounted.  I look at the output of "mount", but it is not showin up.  Does that mean I am SOL?15:04
g0d_sh0tcan anyone help me install ubuntu?15:04
g0d_sh0ti keep getting errors15:04
rs0832g0d_sh0t, sure15:04
rs0832g0d_sh0t, what errors do you get15:04
g0d_sh0trs0832, first off when i burn a cd it doesnt burn properly - burns then gives me a hardware error and isnt able to burn the image...yet somehow i can still boot up that cd get an installation and then it leads me to a command for mounting.15:05
Lint01suddently my k f'ing de apps lost ability to play sound WHY?15:05
BluesKajAcer_, that's not what I mean , first of all ,can you connect both machines ro the modem at the same time ?15:05
rs0832g0d_sh0t,  which disc are you using? the iso?15:05
g0d_sh0trs0832, iso 10.10 desktop15:05
rs0832g0d_sh0t,  32bit?15:05
ZykoticK9!md5 | g0d_sh0t15:06
ubottug0d_sh0t: To verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM or http://www.linuxquestions.org/linux/answers/LQ_ISO/Checking_the_md5sum_in_Windows15:06
rs0832g0d_sh0t,  32bit? and what program are you using to burn?15:06
g0d_sh0trs0832, hold on let me check15:06
fabiobikhow to install zend framework on ubuntu server???15:07
ZykoticK9g0d_sh0t, if your burn isn't working - don't trust the CD!  Use the MD5 test to verify the ISO you downloaded is correct.15:07
g0d_sh0tthanks let me check the md5 and ill get back to ya15:07
Lint01any idea dammit?15:07
Pici!attitude | Lint0115:08
ubottuLint01: The people here are volunteers, your attitude should reflect that. Answers are not always available. See http://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines15:08
ZykoticK9!attitude | Lint0115:08
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: if it's doing that forced disk check...this being on a laptop...how long might it run? would just feel better knowing it's not in some kind of loop...watching the led's on the ubuntu startup screen doesn't tell me much15:09
ZykoticK9Lint01, did you try to remove Pulse audio?  I'm not sure what "de" is exactly... assume Desktop Environment.  Do you have a volume control in panel?15:09
icarus-cj_ayen_green, how big your disk(file systems) is and what file system15:09
boobsbrhowdy, I updated my lucid 64 machine this morning and now after the boot, when grub is loading, the machine reboots. anyone with the same problem?15:10
icarus-cj_ayen_green, you could press the arrow button to view the command line verbose message on boot15:10
icarus-cto see what it is doing15:10
Lint01ZykoticK9, I have volume control but it is for OSS15:10
ZykoticK9boobsbr, hold down the shift key after bios to get the grub menu - can you boot an old kernel?15:10
ZykoticK9Lint01, did you remove Pulse?15:10
Kid_HunterOkay everybody ! Have french here ?15:10
ZykoticK9!fr | Kid_Hunter15:11
ubottuKid_Hunter: Ce canal est en anglais uniquement. Si vous avez besoin d'aide ou voulez discuter en francais, merci de rejoindre #ubuntu-fr, ou #ubuntu-qc. Merci.15:11
boobsbrZykoticK9, lemme try that. grub doesn't even finish loading, nothing shows on the screen15:11
BluesKajLint01, check alsamixer , make sure there's nothing muted , sometimes the master is trned down or the spdif is muted after updates15:11
Lint01firefox has sound, kde stuff not15:12
Lint01i have libpulse installed15:12
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: well, it's vbox. have 50gb allocated to ubuntu, though there is a shared directory of 30gb, and fs is ext415:12
Lint01or I need server of some kind?15:13
vectoryhi, led for the numpadkey doesnt glow after boot, tho it should, is this a grub issue?15:13
pentarexhey guys I am having problem with linux kernel and dpkg... when I am trying to install something via apt-get install and then dpkg says linux-image-2.6.35-22 runing depmod.... and nothing happens15:13
fabiobikhow to install zend framework on ubuntu server???15:13
boobsbrZykoticK9, well, holding SHIFT did load the grub menu, and kernel 2.6.32-26 did load up nicely15:13
sunrizeis there any short cut key to take a screen shot15:14
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: it -is- looping... keeps saying swap is busy and can't be activated15:14
luc_how do i get my ati tv tuner to work15:14
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BluesKajLint01, make sure you have ubuntu-restricted-extras installed15:14
sunrizeof my window15:14
pentarexcan anyone help me15:14
Lint01how to test pulseaudio working?15:14
Picifabiobik: Just by looking at package names, I'd guess: sudo apt-get install zend-framework15:14
BluesKajluc_, try tvtime15:14
=== fabiobik is now known as fabiobik_afk
boobsbrZykoticK9, kernel 2.6.32-27 makes the machine reboot15:14
g0d_sh0twould it be a problem if my iso is 32bit and my system is 64bit?15:14
rs0832g0d_sh0t, nope15:15
luc_cool you have a address for me?15:15
ZykoticK9boobsbr, do others work?  sorry man i have NO idea on solution.  Best of luck.15:15
rs0832g0d_sh0t, i am using 32 bit ubuntu on a 64 bit machine :)15:15
boobsbrZykoticK9, funny thing is, I've got another machine with the exactly same specs (the one I'm using now), and the update went nicely and kernel 2.6.32-27 did load ok on it.15:15
rs0832g0d_sh0t, what did the md5 give you?15:16
BluesKajg0d_sh0t, a 32bit install on a 64 bit will work fine ..I'm talking to you on one15:16
rs0832g0d_sh0t, did they match?15:16
g0d_sh0ttrying to find the program to check the md5sum for the iso15:16
boobsbrZykoticK9, well, thanks for the help, I was about to install from scratch and this saved a lot of time, at least my boss can get back to work using 2.6.32-26. Once again, THANKS!15:16
rs0832g0d_sh0t, type md5 in the terminal15:17
ZykoticK9boobsbr, glad to help15:17
g0d_sh0trs0832, im on windows.15:17
rs0832g0d_sh0t, ah :)15:17
rewtthere's md5sum for windows too15:17
luc_gat it15:17
rs0832g0d_sh0t, use md5summer.org15:17
g0d_sh0trs0832, well more precise backtrack on vm on windows.15:17
rewti use hashtab on windows, which puts a tab on the file properties page in windows explorer15:18
rs0832g0d_sh0t, if you are using bt, try md5sum in the term15:18
BluesKaj!backtrack | g0d_sh0t15:18
ubottug0d_sh0t: There are some Ubuntu derivatives that we cannot provide support for due to repository and software changes. Please consult their websites for more information. Examples: gNewSense (support in #gnewsense), Linux Mint (see !mint), LinuxMCE (support in #linuxmce), CrunchBang (support in #crunchbang), BackTrack (support in #backtrack-linux)15:18
ZykoticK9g0d_sh0t, "https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM#MD5SUM%20on%20Windows"15:18
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: when I hit the arrow, it gives long description of mount command format, then complains about one mount having failed, and swapon terminating with 255, mountall problem activating swap. then loops to the same again. how do I get out of the loop?15:19
rs0832BluesKaj, its ok.. his problem is with errors during the ubuntu install:)15:19
g0d_sh0trs0832, the md sum matches.15:22
BluesKajrs0832, yeah and if he has backtrack on another partition ? then it could be causing probs , that OS is bad news , causes all kinds of problems for ppl15:22
rs0832BluesKaj, nope15:22
g0d_sh0tusing backtrack on VM15:22
g0d_sh0tnot partition.15:22
rs0832BluesKaj, hes running it on vm in win,... was just md5 summing: )15:23
BonaparteHello. This is my first day with Ubuntu. Sound is not working on my computer. Where should I start looking at?15:23
BluesKajwell, have fun with it... ..no matter15:23
luc_tv time opens but close  only flash ?15:23
rs0832BluesKaj, appreciate your concern though :)15:23
BonaparteI have made sure volume is not muted15:24
j_ayen_greenicarus-c: i don't know if ubuntu is looping, or whether the arrow key keeps stopping the boot and taking me to the mount dialog15:24
luc_do i need to reboot after install?15:24
BluesKajBonaparte, open a terminal , type alsamixer , crank the ctrls up and make sure there no M s in the boxes at the bottom15:24
rs0832g0d_sh0t, which burning software are you using?15:24
ZykoticK9luc_, try opening a terminal and running tvtime from there - that way you might see an error message.15:24
g0d_sh0tfreeisoburner rs083215:25
rs0832g0d_sh0t, the windows one?15:25
ZykoticK9luc_, you really only need to reboot after kernel (or kernel module) updates15:25
g0d_sh0trs0832,  correct15:25
BluesKajluc_, which ati tuner ?15:25
rs0832g0d_sh0t, then maybe your burner doesn't support overburning15:25
luc_all in one radon15:25
luc_old system15:25
BluesKajall in wonder?15:26
g0d_sh0trs0832, possibly but this is a rather new computer so would be odd that the burner would be old school.15:26
BonaparteBluesKaj, done what you said. Still no sound15:26
rs0832g0d_sh0t, what error did you get? you said it was a hardware error?15:26
=== sandy is now known as Guest44683
j_ayen_greenanyone? booting lucid, pressing arrow gives description of all mount command parms, tells me one mount failed, and that swap can't be started because resource is busy, then goes back to purple boot screen...either looping or pressing arrow is causing it to loop15:27
Curly_QHas anyone here seen the virus  Cashtitan? How to remove it?15:27
g0d_sh0trs0832,  the burner gave me a hardware error mid burning, telling me unable to write image file. when i rebooted and booted the cd - it gave me the ubuntu logo and all and then took me to the terminal stating unable to mount etc15:27
rs0832g0d_sh0t, do you have the dot net framework?15:28
PiciCurly_Q: Try ##windows15:28
rs0832g0d_sh0t, if so, you can try burning it with cdburnerxp (www.cdburnerxp.se)15:28
BluesKajluc_, in the terminal sudo apt-get install gatos (it's the linux all in wonder driver )15:28
rs0832g0d_sh0t, i burned my disc fine with it15:29
Mahjongghow to fsck a lvm2 partition?15:29
icarus-cMahjongg, you don't fsck the lvm2 volume, but the file system15:30
g0d_sh0trs0832, i do have dot net framework. ill try using that cd burner and ill see what i can. ill even download the 64bit version i guess15:30
Curly_QPlCl I know how to remove it. I was just making conversation.15:30
Mahjonggicarus-c, how can I reach the filesystems in lvm2 partition?15:30
rs0832g0d_sh0t, you should try it.. as far as the 64 bit goes, you may find it tough to get 64 bit binaries though15:30
PiciCurly_Q: Well this channel is for Ubuntu Support only, not discussion.  Try #ubuntu-offtopic if you just want to chat.15:31
ZykoticK9Curly_Q, this channel is support only - conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic15:31
rs0832g0d_sh0t, but it;s your choice..15:31
icarus-cMahjongg,  look into /dev/mapper15:31
Curly_QPici No problem. I didn't know that.15:31
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icarus-cMahjongg, or maybe  /dev/<Volume_Group>/<Logical_Volume>15:32
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Mahjonggicarus-c, /dev/mapper only has control15:33
BonaparteAnyone has an idea why sound could not be working on my computer? I am glad to provide any information required15:33
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  what to do?15:33
AaronMTHi where can I download Ubuntu 5.1015:33
luc_ i have 2 computer that am fixing at once my main concern is a emachine laptop e725 i would like to be able to use my tv tuner wonder 600 usb can you help me?15:34
Mahjonggicarus-c, and there is no /dev/vg*15:35
rumpe1AaronMT, why do you want to?15:35
AaronMTrumpe1: because it works15:35
icarus-cMahjongg, what is your volume group & logical volume called?15:35
Mahjonggicarus-c, booted the system from 10.04.1live cd...15:35
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »15:35
Mahjonggicarus-c, I have no clue, where can I read it?15:36
j_ayen_greenwell, telling vbox to power down the machine and restarting seems to have fixed everything... very strange15:36
icarus-cMahjongg, try lvdisplay15:36
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=== pepper is now known as salt
Mahjonggicarus-c, live cd does not have lvm2 installed... trying installing...15:37
BluesKajluc_, did you install gatos ?15:37
jose__Can I create and use two different gnome sessions when I log in? I want to have a second "bare bones" gnome session for logging in remotely, rather then my usual one with all its compiz splendor15:38
=== peppermill is now known as pepper
luc_should i try15:38
g0d_sh0trs0832, cdburnerxp > isoburner? not datadisc right?15:38
rs0832g0d_sh0t, yep15:38
g0d_sh0tJerusalem420, allan15:39
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trojan_spikejose__, two accounts?15:39
trojan_spikejose, or u can save the compiz settings15:39
ZykoticK9Bonaparte, i'm affraid that audio issues are too common on Ubuntu, and difficult (at least for me) to troubleshoot - my audio has always worked OOTB.  You could run "lspci | grep -i audio" in a terminal and it should list your audio devices the kernel sees - step 0 really.  Best of luck.15:39
josetrojan_spike: no I wanted to only have one account, makes using thuderbird simplier15:39
sunrizehere any one know about  how to use anyremote?15:40
Jerusalem420allan 0d_sh0t15:40
josetrojan_spike: how would saving the compiz setting help? or rather how would I use them?15:40
trojan_spikejose, sorry didnt read the whole thing.. What u can do is install xubuntu ,, small with no Compiz etc,, then at log-in u can choose to load into that environment..15:42
Mahjonggicarus-c, got the volume name, etc. using lvdisplay but these volumes have status not available... what can I do to fsck them?15:42
sunrizehere any one know about  how to use anyremote?15:42
ZykoticK9jose, you'd need a second account to log in with.  To create a second Xorg session run the command "gdmflexiserver" then log in with the 2nd account (it won't let you log in with the same user twice, anymore) - use ctrl+alt+F7 (F8 or F9) to switch between them.15:42
nemetroidhi, i'm going to install ubuntu on a netbook with two tiny drives (4 and 8 GB), could someone suggest where to look for a primer on how to utilise them properly?15:42
Zack-MageeHey everyone, is it possible to do Internet Connection Sharing like in Windows?15:43
frustrogot a strange problem, when i click on Places and then pics or documents, rythmbox opened. so i uninstalled the player and now when i click on pics or music or docs, brasero disc burner opens..15:43
ZykoticK9!ics | Zack-Magee15:43
ubottuZack-Magee: If you want to share the internet connection of your Ubuntu machine with other machines in the network see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetConnectionSharing - You may also use !firestarter: http://www.fs-security.com/docs/connection-sharing.php15:43
DysteR_HelpMecan someone help me install Quake 1 on Ubuntu 10.1015:43
Zack-MageeThanks Ubottu :D15:43
DysteR_HelpMedid all the steps required but there seems to be some errors15:44
DysteR_HelpMeand the application wont start15:44
trojan_spikeZack-Magee, ask at #windows  TY15:44
josetrojan_spike: thanks for the info, so If I install xubuntu and log into that session remotely, it won' mess with my standard gnome session which I use when I am infront of the machine, is that right?15:44
n0wjehas anyone successfully installed Ubuntu on a Dell Inspiron M5030 with all hardware detected?????15:44
trojan_spikeZack-Magee, my mistake :(15:45
trojan_spikejose, exactly..15:45
joseZykoticK9: Thanks but that sounds like it will just let me lot into multiple sessions at the same time (as different users) I wanted one user with two different gnome sessions. I wanted to be able to decide when I logged in if I wanted to use the stripped down session or my normal sessoin15:46
josetrojan_spike: Thanks thats what I'll do then15:46
ZykoticK9jose, ya, using multiple windows managers (or DEs) would make more sense in that regard.  Sorry I misunderstood your original requirement.15:47
nemetroidsorry, my router kicked me out at the least useful time so if someone answered i apologise, but i'll ask again:15:47
nemetroidi'm going to install ubuntu on a netbook with two tiny drives (4 and 8 GB), could someone suggest where to look for a primer on how to utilise them properly?15:48
NetMDoes anyone know how to create torrent files from command line ?15:48
Kebais there A wAy to turn cApslock off mAnuAlly? (not using the key)15:48
zs1otb1I have a Fujitsu V2030 laptop and I cannot get the wireless to activate, anybody with ideas. I'm running 10.0415:49
ZykoticK9nemetroid, if you install ubuntu on the 4GB you'll probably run out of space quickly when you do updates...  8GB I've used successfully on netbooks.15:49
ugmgnemetroid, laptop or pc15:49
rewtugmg, netbooks are those tiny laptops15:49
trojan_spikenemetroid, how do u mean,, primer?? And are these 4 / 8 BG HDD or SSD ? Alos are they both inside the netbook?15:49
llutz_Keba: "setxkbmap -option ctrl:nocaps"15:49
nemetroidyeah, they're both inside15:50
ugmgok, u wont it duall or just on os " ubuntu"15:50
nemetroidjust ubuntu netbook15:50
ZykoticK9nemetroid, i'd recommend the desktop and if you want the netbook interface just install Unity15:51
ugmg ok u can use ubuntu notebook15:51
nemetroidah, how come?15:51
ZykoticK9nemetroid, i find UNE limited and not feature complete15:51
zs1otb1I have a Fujitsu V2030 laptop and I cannot get the wireless to activate, anybody with ideas. I'm running 10.0415:51
trojan_spikenemetroid, u can go for ubuntu netbook remix for the 4GB SSD with the 8GB as storage,, or the 8GB SSD as the ubuntu 10.04 LTS or 10.10 ,, with the 4GB as storage15:52
KFPzs1otb1: Does the wired connection work?15:52
nemetroidZykoticK9 i see, otoh its usage is going to be quite limited, but i'll look into it, thanks15:52
zs1otb1on another laptop also fujitsu ... yes15:52
ZykoticK9zs1otb1, you should find out what wireless you have "lspci | grep -i net" should say15:52
nemetroidtrojan_spike, ok, how would i do so? should i put /home on the other disk?15:53
luc_i have try gatos and tvtime still dont work15:53
frustroanyone know how to make the "places" open with a file browser rather than some random app?15:53
ZykoticK9zs1otb1, also do all updates with your wired connection then recheck System / Admin / Additional Drivers15:53
KayAteChefgnome is misbehaving: clicking on inactive objects doesn't work unless I right-click an active object and then click the desired object15:54
BluesKajluc_, yes try gatos , it should work for that ati tuner15:54
sacarlsonfrustro: places normaly opens with nautilus15:55
rs0832aha sacarlson15:55
BluesKaj!who | luc_15:55
ubottuluc_: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)15:55
zs1otb1lspci | grep -i net15:55
trojan_spikenemetroid, which of those would u want to choose?? ubuntu netbook remix , or ubuntu 10.04 LTS?15:55
frustrosacarlson, it used to, all of a sudden everything would open with mplayer, so I uninstalled and now all locations open in brasero15:55
sacarlsonrs0832: warning!  I've been drinking so all advice at this time may be tainted15:55
zs1otb1ZykoticK9 it is a Broadcom BCM431815:56
h4fHi all, I know its a bad idea but how do I move from 32 bit system to 64 bit  ?15:56
rs0832sacarlson, :) no need15:56
rs0832sacarlson, i fixed it dude!15:56
luc_<BluesKaj> it still dont work15:56
llutz_h4f: backup, reinstall, easiest way15:56
sacarlson rs0832: cool glad to hear it15:56
luc_thanks every one15:56
nemetroidtrojan_spike, i will probably go with netbook remix15:56
rs0832sacarlson, thanks :)15:56
BluesKajsacarlson, have another for me!15:56
h4fllutz_:  no reinstall no backup .. just convert15:57
BluesKajluc_, did you reboot?15:57
sacarlsonBluesKaj: please send all beer money to my secreatary15:57
runiHi. Is there someone that, has to much time on there hand, and would like to help a desperate man, with some apache2 debugging?15:57
joseh4f: why is it a bad idea?15:57
luc_<BluesKaj> a few time yes15:57
llutz_h4f: there is no easy way to cnvert, thats why i said better to reinstall15:57
sacarlsonruni: I'm an expert at appache15:57
h4f jose:  well because people usually say you need to back up firs. etc15:57
BluesKajsacarlson, is she trustworthy?15:57
h4fjose: and I need to do that now on my system15:58
BluesKajluc_, tvtime ?15:58
joseh4f: Oh sorry I thought you meant that using 64bit was a bad idea, now I see what you were asking. sorry for the confusion15:58
Mahjonggicarus-c, does this mean the hard drive has a problem?15:58
sacarlsonBluesKaj: no but make her look prittier15:58
joseh4f: yes I would back things up and do a fresh install15:58
frustroremoved all of the "bookmarks" from "places" and re-added /home/me/Downloads. Click from places and Brasero opens still :(15:59
trojan_spikenemetroid, prob best choice for what u have,, u can download ubuntu remix from :: http://www.ubuntu.com/netbook/get-ubuntu/download    ..  burn to disk,, then install to the 4GB15:59
KayAteChefjose do you use the AMD64 release?15:59
h4fjose: I am the kind of person who is never doing backups :( . and I am on alfa15:59
luc_<BluesKaj>yes and it also says in my tvtime windows that i have no signal15:59
joseKayAteChef: yes thats what I use15:59
KayAteChefis it good?16:00
KayAteChefI never made the leap to 64-bit16:00
joseh4f: I only recently started doing them myself, after my friends computer crashed and he lost all his picts16:00
Tyrnisplop all16:00
h4fjose:  the hard drive is the most important of all. and I have a separate partition for all important thinks16:01
BluesKajluc_, right click on the srn to get a menu , so you change inputs or channels and setup16:01
nemetroidtrojan_spike, that seems easy enough, how do i make it use the other disk afterwards?16:01
joseKayAteChef: I've not had any trouble with it, occasional I've had to install the a 32bit program but for the most part its great16:01
BluesKajluc on the screen16:01
h4fany one know how to change to 64 bit on the fly ? with no reinstalling from cd ?16:01
Colin969Heeeey Guys =D16:01
KayAteChefI suppose you have 32-bit dependencies16:01
Colin969rs0832 You Here?16:02
rs0832Colin969, hey16:02
Mahjonggif LV Status is "NOT available" what does that mean? is the partition or the hdd broken?16:02
KayAteChefnot a big deal eh16:02
Colin969rs0832 Yay16:02
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trojan_spikenemetroid, when install it will ask where to install the OS,, u just choose the 4GB SSD for it to install there16:02
rs0832Colin969, so tell me.. what do you need help with now?16:02
Colin969rs0832 Nothing =]16:03
joseKayAteChef: yep if you install the 32bit libs then you have no issues with the AMD64.16:03
Colin969rs0832 Just wanted to...Hang =D16:03
rs0832Colin969, k.. then join me in #ubuntu-offtopic16:03
MaMaGoodyhello, anyone know the package name for the custom menu bar?16:03
Colin969rs0832 kk16:03
luc_<BluesKaj> ok its scanning for channel now but it seams stuck on 316:03
ZykoticK9zs1otb1, if nm-applet is saying "not managed" then you may have an entry in /etc/network/interfaces for the wlan which would disable nm-applet.16:03
MaMaGoodycustom menu that shows Applications Places System16:03
nemetroidtrojan_spike, yes, i'm curious on how to make it use the 8GB SSD by default when downloading files etc.16:03
jitseh4f: think you have to do a full reinstall pretty much anyway?16:04
Phantom-Xhey there16:04
Phantom-Xdoes ubuntu liveCD/liveusb have ipset support ?16:04
h4fjitse: yess I think so no other way16:04
trojan_spikeu using forefox?16:04
Phantom-Xthe kernel i mean16:04
DysteR_HelpMehas someone run Quake 1 on Ubuntu 10.10 ???16:04
DysteR_HelpMeI cannot seem to get it running , can someone help ?16:04
ZykoticK9DysteR_HelpMe, what error are you getting (if any)?16:05
DysteR_HelpMeFindFile: can't find gfx/pop.lmp16:05
jitseh4f: if you try with updating etc, you're just gonna end up having to reinstall pretty much everything anyway; so you'll end up spending just as much time16:05
DysteR_HelpMePlaying shareware version.16:05
DysteR_HelpMeFindFile: can't find gfx.wad16:05
DysteR_HelpMeError: W_LoadWadFile: couldn't load gfx.wad16:05
FloodBot4DysteR_HelpMe: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:05
trojan_spikenemetroid, firefox .. go into options / preferences ,, look for download to >> and choose there ,, or have it as 'ask me each time'..16:05
g0d_sh0trs0832, tried burning twice with cdburnerxp. gave me an error and ejected the cd.16:05
zs1otb1ZykoticK9: Ill check quickly16:05
g0d_sh0trs0832, basically told me the Sony cd-r im using is crap.16:05
rs0832g0d_sh0t, then it;s pretty much your burner..16:06
h4fjitse:  yes but I need to download ISO then I need to burn it. then half an hour reinstalling it. then applications eetc16:06
luc_<BluesKaj> and the screen still say no signal16:06
rs0832g0d_sh0t, try moserbaer if you get one16:06
frustroah, fixed it. opened nautilus from cli. navigated to /home/me right clicked on the folder and selected "open with other application" selected "File Browser" and then checked Remember for type Folder16:06
g0d_sh0trs0832, whats that?16:06
rs0832g0d_sh0t, a brand of cd's/dvd's.. i m not sure if you get it where you are16:06
jitseh4f: unless there's an easy way i don't know of, i think it's safer to do a clean reinstall anyway; may save you a lot of time afterwards16:06
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548280/16:06
rs0832g0d_sh0t, i use them.. they are quiter good16:07
g0d_sh0trs0832, well i would think sony cd-rs would work...16:07
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g0d_sh0trs0832, if it is my burner - if im able to burn a movie then i should be able to burn an iso no?16:07
DysteR_HelpMeshould I install something to be able to make Quake 1 run ???16:07
ZykoticK9DysteR_HelpMe, try from a terminal "cd /usr/local/games/quake" then "./WHATEVERTHEQUAKEBINIS"16:07
DysteR_HelpMeIm sorry I didnt know about the Paste site16:07
rs0832g0d_sh0t, not exactly16:07
rs0832g0d_sh0t, do you know what overburning is?16:08
ZykoticK9DysteR_HelpMe, that was taken from http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=3173616:08
trojan_spikeDysteR_HelpMe, u can install wine .. A Windows environment for running window .exe's16:08
g0d_sh0trs0832, sort of. like you keep writing data to cd after burning. like adding more info to a live cd.16:08
rs0832g0d_sh0t, no..16:08
rs0832g0d_sh0t, the ubuntu disc is ~690mb16:09
Acer__Where can i download latest version ubudsl for ubuntu 10.10? No source code, but .deb package16:09
rs0832g0d_sh0t, a cd is 700mb capacity... however, they allow only ~650mb to be burned.16:09
Acer__Exist package for ubuntu 10.1016:09
BluesKajluc_, you have no signal at first, you need to configure the tuner ...what did you do ?16:09
ZykoticK9zs1otb1, an auto entry is OK i believe, only an iface entry disables - sorry don't know why it's Non-managed.  Best of luck.16:09
rs0832g0d_sh0t, this limit is enforced by the burner/software16:09
g0d_sh0trs0832, should i try to burn it to dvd then?16:09
oskar-Acer__:  if it is in the repositories, search here: http://packages.ubuntu.com/16:10
rs0832g0d_sh0t, do you have a usb stick16:10
BluesKajrs0832, I burned 696mb onto a cdrw a week ago with no problems16:11
rs0832g0d_sh0t, overburning can damage your burner.. thats why the problem16:11
MahjonggAn LVM2 partition is showing LV status NOT available. how can I make it available?16:11
rs0832BluesKaj, yes but some burners and some burning software dont support it16:11
ZykoticK9zs1otb1, remove that iface entry to use nm-applet16:11
BluesKajrs0832, most of the hardware these days doesn't even consider it an overburn16:12
rs0832BluesKaj, may be so, but i am just saying it's a possibility :)16:12
bullgard[Maverick] Nautilus reports: "On the Audio CD cdda://sr0/ there are 18 files: Track1.wav thru Track18.wav. But the Sound Juicer window is empty. How can I rip the audio CD?16:13
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compdocMahjongg, was the drive working on the same system, then it stopped?16:13
compdocdoes anyone know of a good program I can use to test for bad sectors?16:14
pw-toxiccan someone tell me other backup tools for ubuntu except deja dup and backupintime16:14
icarus-ccompdoc, badblocks16:15
Acer__oskar-: In repositories it is not16:15
Mahjonggcompdoc, exactly... after doing security updates and rebooting...16:15
bullgardpw-toxic: rsnapshot16:15
compdocclonezilla, and remastersys16:15
rs0832g0d_sh0t, hmm you can try the usb then, or there is one other thing,..16:15
bastidrazorbullgard: i thought RhythmBox had a way to rip audio off cd's.16:15
icarus-ccompdoc, or maybe you could just use smartctl or a GUI smart monitorying tool16:15
bullgardbastidrazor: Let me see.16:15
bastidrazorbullgard: i use banshee and i know it does.16:15
oskar-Acer__:  then you should know where to obtain it, or using it is not likely to be a good idea16:15
g0d_sh0trs0832,  whats the other thing?16:15
BluesKajbastidrazor, try audex16:15
Mahjonggcompdoc, still talking to me?16:16
rs0832g0d_sh0t, it;s a ~12 mb cd iso16:16
Phantom-Xhow do you create an ubuntu liveusb ? i got gentoo on my pc and want to have a liveUSB distro on my usbmemstick16:16
BluesKajbullgard, audex16:16
codeboyhey guys, ubuntu ack-grep is version 1.39?16:16
icarus-cPhantom-X, unetbootin16:16
g0d_sh0trs0832, what do you mean?16:16
rs0832g0d_sh0t, of ubuntu, then you install the de and stuff from the net after booting into that16:16
compdocMahjongg, sorry Im working on a drive right now. Do you use the gnome desktop?16:16
Mahjonggcompdoc, yes16:17
Phantom-Xicarus , i got this one but it seems to download .isos only from a pre-set list16:17
L0rDKadajHello guys. Anyone got tips on how to optimize ubuntu performance for software dev?16:17
compdocMahjongg, open System>Administration>Disk Utility16:17
pw-toxicbullgard, i have instaled it via synaptic.. how can i start it now?16:17
natewanyone here know much about clonezilla?16:17
natewthe channel is kind of empty16:18
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Mahjonggcompdoc, yes16:18
compdocMahjongg, then select your drive in the list16:18
compdocthen click the Smart Data16:18
josenatew: I've used it before, it's pretty selfexplanitory16:18
luc_BluesKaj wen it was installing it ask me for tv standard it set at ntsc and wen i start it for the first time i tried to scan for channel but i still get no signal16:18
compdocdoes it say disk is healthy?16:18
Mahjonggcompdoc, yes it says so16:19
compdocany red bullets?16:19
Mahjonggnone, seevral N/A s though16:19
natewjose: i mean more specifically.. im curious if i can clone from a 500gb to 1tb and get the partition to auto expand16:19
BluesKajluc_, do you have it connected to an antenna or cable ?16:19
luc_BluesKaj  i tried both16:19
compdocok, close that then. do you have logical volume manager installed?16:20
Mahjonggcompdoc, lvm2, yes16:20
josenatew: I believe that it does do that. look at the options for restoring an image, I am 99% sure that is one of the options16:20
natewjose: okay.. thanks16:20
compdocdoes the volume show in the volume group?16:21
Mahjonggcompdoc, lvdisplay? , yes16:21
trijntjeHi all, what is the easiest way to acces encrypted home from the live CD using the login-password?16:21
bullgardpw-toxic: You can start it only via command line. For example: '~$ sudo rsnapshot hourly'. But you will need to adjust the config file to your needs. This will take a while to understand.16:21
pw-toxicbullgard, so this is a command line tool only?  well i check the wiki16:22
pw-toxicbullgard, is this program old and has it proven is use?16:22
bullgardpw-toxic: Yes.16:22
ugmgmahjongg, try  vgchang -a y16:22
pw-toxicbullgard, you use it yourself?16:22
FrenkHey, I run a JAVA App Rachota 2.3 to track my time. The app disappeared somewhere in the background and I cant find it! Alt+Tab = nothing but it still works and asks me all 10 minutes if I rly work. How Do I make it appear again? (Console error was Error: Can't create Rachota system tray icon.)16:23
bullgardpw-toxic: The program is old and very reliable. I am using it for more than 3 years. Very much to be recommendend.16:23
pw-toxicbullgard, thx.. i like very small and easy programs16:23
jitseFrenk: could kill it and then restart the app?16:23
pw-toxicbullgard, the config file seems to be damn easy16:24
IanrrIs there a way to allow a system user to install software but not do everything an admin could do.  (IE lock everyone out of the system)16:24
Frenkjitse: Its a time tracker ... I dont want to kill and restart it every time ...16:24
bullgardpw-toxic: Don't judge too fast.16:24
jitseFrenk: lol, good point16:24
icarus-cIanrr, only let them to use sudo for the package manager16:24
Ianrricarus-c how would I do that16:25
BluesKajluc_, try this tutorial, it will help you familiarize to linux tv ...uninstall gatos and read this : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Video4Linux16:25
FrenkInvoice: Spent 10 hours restarting my time-tracking app. = 100 $16:25
luc_BluesKaj  thanks16:25
Frenksure thing jitse  >D16:25
Frenkany other ideas on my java problem?16:26
bullgardRhythmbox apparently cannot rip audio CDs.16:26
fr0d0hi, i have a question, where can i find the kernel images of ubuntu 10.10 to add them to my grub?16:26
BluesKajfr0d0, you needto install them16:27
Mahjonggugmg, compdoc thanks they became available16:27
bastidrazorbullgard: noted.. i like banshee and i've used it in past to rip cd's. if that is an option for you.16:28
induzwhat is GOOglizer??16:28
bullgardBluesKaj: I will not use a KDE program.16:28
fr0d0BluesKaj: the thing is that i had ubuntu and installed gentoo, so i lost the grub config for ubuntu.  what do you suggest me? reinstall grub from ubuntu livecd or add ubuntu's entries to the gentoo's grub?16:28
BluesKajbullgard, well, it's your loss :)16:29
jitsecan't VLC rip cds?16:29
induzhow can i add another dictionary on GoldenDict16:29
BluesKajfr0d0, reinstall grub from ubuntu livecd should work16:30
josebullgard: if you want to rip a cd install sound juicer16:30
fr0d0Blueskaj: ok. i will try that. thanks16:30
sunrizeis there anything new in ubuntu16:31
bullgardjose: I have installed sound juicer. Sound juicer keeps a white window while Nautilus shows that on my audio CD there are 18 wave files. How comw?16:31
BluesKajfr0d0, there are several tutorials on the net about reinstalling grub from the live cd16:31
aeon-ltdsunrize: if you install something.....16:31
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ubottugrub is the default boot manager for Ubuntu releases before 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - GRUB how-tos: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/GrubHowto - See !grub2 for Karmic onwards.16:32
sunrizeaeon-ltd, can u tell me anything new that u have installed16:32
fr0d0BluesKag: ok, got them! thanks again!!16:32
Mahjonggcompdoc, does this mean it will be active next time it is booted?16:33
BluesKajfr0d0, good luck :)16:33
josebullgard: are you sure Nautilus shows wave files? if they are wave file then you don't have to rip anything, and its not an audio CD16:33
Mahjonggcompdoc, fsck returns without any errors...16:33
CynewulfHello ! Does anyone know if there is a forum dedicated to Backtrack4 ?16:33
g0thhow can I configure my audio settings in pavucontrol such that they are saved for the next reboot?16:34
CynewulfThanks !16:34
bullgardjose: [Maverick] Nautilus reports: "On the Audio CD cdda://sr0/ there are 18 files: Track1.wav thru Track18.wav. But the Sound Juicer window is empty. How can I rip the audio CD?16:34
g0thin pavucontrol my main audio card is always set to mute16:34
r3jsCynewulf, http://www.backtrack-linux.org/forums/16:34
aeon-ltdsunrize: nothing, not on ubuntu - but the last thing i installed was cdm - console desktop manager though i ditched it in about 30mins, the last decent thing i installed for personal use was probably irssi or ncmpcpp16:34
g0th(dunno why)16:34
FrenkOkay is there any good time tracking app for Linux with PDF-Export?16:34
induzhow can i add an additional dictionary on to GoldenDictionary???16:35
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QauzzixWhat's GNU? -> http://imgur.com/ClRO716:35
aeon-ltdsunrize: if you're really bored i suggest you pick up more hobbies - or have fun uninstalling things you don't need or discovering new things you can do with your hardware; though i did spend a while changing themes and WMs till i got what i felt was 'right'16:36
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548280/16:36
josebullgard: if the tracks are reported as wav files, then just copy them, no ripping needed. Sound Juicer is blank because the disk is a data disk with wav files and not an audio CD16:36
Jordan_U!ot | Qauzzix16:36
ubottuQauzzix: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:36
itaylor57Frenk: how do you run your java app?16:36
ziro`omfg i'm stuck in vim16:36
ziro`such a POS16:36
aeon-ltd!details | ziro`16:36
ubottuziro`: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."16:36
Frenkitaylor57: java -jar filename16:36
aeon-ltdziro`: lol use emacs :)16:36
ziro`i'm just bitching16:37
Frenkitaylor57: from console16:37
aeon-ltd!ot | ziro`16:37
ubottuziro`: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!16:37
bastidrazorziro`: press Esc then :q!    then enter. it will get you out without modifying anything16:37
blupdoes anyone else have problems with java apps? on this (new) computer it behaves weirdly, and on my older laptop it freezes and i have to do a hard reboot..16:37
sunrizeaeon-ltd, can u suggest any best package for photo manager like picasa in windows16:37
ziro`bastidrazor: thanks!16:37
bullgardjose: No sir. I am just playing this audio disk. I can hear the 18 pieces of music, one after the other.16:37
mindwarei think u have picasa in ubuntu too16:38
irieKENsunrize: Picasa for Linux:P16:38
aeon-ltdsunrize: no idea, google around, ask on other channels. though imo i like just using a file manager or web-based16:38
MahjonggI get these when booting: udevtrigger main process terminated with status 1, udevtrigger post-stop procee terminated with status 1, udevmonitor main process killed by TERM signal, networking main process terminated with status 116:38
Mahjonggwhat may be the problem?16:38
oskar-blup:  what jre do you use? java -version16:38
sunrizeirieKEN, yes16:38
mindwarethere is no ubuntu picasa in the  repos... :d16:39
josebullgard: in your computer or a regular cd player?16:39
irieKENsunrize: Shotwell is also quite good, but not as full-featured as Picassa. But I was saying that Picasa is officially supported by Google running on Linux, though it may be under Wine.16:39
wyclifbeen tryin' to meet you16:39
bullgardjose: On my very computer.16:39
Jordan_Ujose: It is an audio CD, nautilus is just smart enough to realize that and present the tracks as wave files.16:39
itaylor57Frenk: what was the name of the program again?16:40
Jeruvymindware: if you go to picasa's web site, you can download the beta from there.16:40
irieKENsunrize: Shotwell does have Picassa integration, though.16:40
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juniourcan any tell me how to run exe file through wine in ubuntu16:40
josebullgard: sorry from what you have described it sounds like a data disc with wav files on it. have you tried to copy one of the wav files to your desktop?16:40
Frenkitaylor57: Rachota 2.3 from http://rachota.sourceforge.net/en/index.html16:40
DysteR_HelpMedoes anyone know a STEP by STEP guide to run EzQuake on Ubuntu ??? Its my second hour trying to run the game ... ???16:40
rs0832juniour, right click and select run with wine16:40
h4f 16:41
itaylor57Frenk: thanks, ill look at it and see if I can  help16:41
Frenkitaylor57: thx!16:41
bluposkar-: OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) (6b20-1.9.2-0ubuntu1) / OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 19.0-b09, mixed mode)16:41
joseJordan_U: Really - ok I didn't know nautilus would display an audio CD as a list of wav files, sorry I'm out of ideas then16:41
sunrizeirieKEN, are u using this package16:41
rs0832juniour, why does your name seem familiar?.. do i know you from this channel?16:41
rs0832juniour, ah ok16:42
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juniourrs0832 u know me16:42
irieKENsunrize: Picasa for Linux: http://picasa.google.com/linux/16:42
oskar-blup:  you may want to use the sun/oracle jre to get better results16:42
juniourrs0832 yesterday u help me lot16:42
irieKENsunrize: I use Shotwell.16:42
fiver22how can I assign touchpad buttons (two upper ones) on a dell latitude running 10.10 64bit?16:42
juniouri am the same guy16:42
rs0832juniour, oh.. sorry , it's actually bed time so i wasnt concentrated :)16:43
stealthcis it a synaptic pointing device?16:43
juniourrs0832 k dosent matter16:43
bluposkar- thanks, i'll check out how to replace it16:43
fiver22stealthc: I believe so...er...maybe the other one.16:43
rs0832blup, just install sun-java6-* packages from synaptic and remove the icedtea plugin16:44
juniourrs0832 i have installed pidgin in windows and i am chatting through windows 716:44
bullgardjose: I have copied Track 1.wav to my Desktop. I need now to convert it to an .ogg file.16:44
bluprs0832: thanks, i'll do that16:44
rs0832blup, :)16:44
stealthchmmm you're going to have to figure out what exactly your pointing device is, you can edit a file and assign extra buttons once you do -- it helps to figure out what file needs to be edited16:45
ziozizo can find the plugin "DVD subtitle decoder" for totem?16:45
josebullgard: give sound converter a try, its worked well for me in the past then I had to do that16:45
fiver22stealthc: yar... just need to remember how to find that... checking16:45
stealthcyou need to get an xinput list16:46
stealthcthis might lead you in the right direction16:46
fiver22stealthc: ta.16:47
NooBuntuEverytime i open Ubuntu, my NvidiaXserver config is messed up, I always have to open the Nvidia GUI so I can modify my screen resolution to its original format, and I have try to save the /etc/X11/xorg.confg but still, it is not working16:47
NooBuntuwhat could be wrong?16:47
NooBuntuUnable to open X config file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' for writing.16:47
Specbecause you're not running nvidia-settings as root.16:47
Specand therefore don't have permission to write to that file16:48
aeon-ltdNooBuntu: by dedault ubuntu doesn't generate one you may need to via 'sudo touch /etc/X11/xorg.conf'16:48
aeon-ltdNooBuntu: or 'sudo Xorg --configure'16:48
Specor sudo nvidia-settings and run it as root.16:48
aeon-ltdor generate; heh can't remember which :)16:48
bluprs0832: hmm, synaptic says i already have the sun-java6-bin, sun-java6-jre and sun-java6-plugin packages installed and the icedtea6-plugin isn't installed (just icedtea-6-jre-cacao)... might be a particularity of my distrib (i kind of lied, it's linux mint based off of ubuntu 10.10)16:49
oskar-blup:  i don't know exactly, but try to uninstall openjdk*16:50
rs0832blup, ah ok :) if you have openjdk, remove it.. then it should let the sunjava work16:50
blupoh ok16:50
NooBuntuWell, I am updating Ubuntu, as soon as it finishes, I'll restarrt and see if it worked...16:50
blupcrap, there's a lot of packages... i hope this works. thanks oskar- and rs083216:50
NooBuntuI used the nvidia-settings as root16:50
rs0832blup, yw..and good luck16:51
Mahjonggwhy would I get general error mounting filesystems...16:52
Mahjonggfsck returns fine16:52
AlagosHello. I have a problem with GeForce 7600. Can anyone help me?16:53
zichoif i get in/out error when i try to delete files from a external device, i know i can use fsck to somehow fix it, but how?16:53
encHi, im having trouble with php5, ubuntu says its installed yet if create a test.php file and access it threough browser it tries to download it and does not display the php info, any tips?16:53
martinlinuxhave you run nvidiaxconfig in terminal16:54
encI installed it like this: apt-get install apache2 libapache2-mod-php5 php516:54
itaylor57Frenk: what jre are you running?16:54
oskar-enc:  so you got the file by http to your browser? is the php module in apache enabled?16:54
_joeyhow do I unload kernel module manually?16:55
Alagosnvidiaxconfig - command doesn't exist )16:55
encoskar-, how do i check that?16:55
wolfricPackage openvpn is not available, but is referred to by another package (i've got main universe multiverse and restricted enabled in sources)16:55
brontoeeehow to force file reinstall with apt cli?16:55
Frenkitaylor57: java version "1.6.0_20" OpenJDK Runtime Environment (IcedTea6 1.9.2) (6b20-1.9.2-0ubuntu2)16:55
brontoeeei'd like to keep the settings16:55
oskar-enc:  see in /etc/apache2/mods-enabled16:55
itaylor57Frenk: that really shouldn't be a problem, but you might contact the web and see if you need to have sun6 java jre16:56
oskar-enc:  compare this to the available modules in /etc/apache2/mods-available, and if necessary enable it with "a2enmod"16:56
encoskar-, there is a php5.conf file16:56
NooBuntumartinlinux: Are you talkin to me?16:57
wolfricGuys can someone help me install openvpn. I'm getting an error that package is not available16:57
_joeywhat packages I need to install to build kernel modules manually?16:57
_joeymake & make install16:58
encoskar-, i didnt really understan what should i comare in these two folders? file size ?16:58
brontoeeei guess: sudo apt-get install --reinstall package will do the trick16:58
Frenkitaylor57: okay. actually its starting and its wokring but after a while it tries to go in the background and fails. ill check that.16:58
_joeyit's missing something16:58
AlagosWhen I have install drivers for geforce 7600 there is a problem with expanse.16:58
=== ogra_ac is now known as ogra
NooBuntumartinlinux: root@Djiin:~# nvidia-xconfig16:58
NooBuntuUsing X configuration file: "/etc/X11/xorg.conf".16:58
NooBuntuBacked up file '/etc/X11/xorg.conf' as '/etc/X11/xorg.conf.backup'16:58
NooBuntuNew X configuration file written to '/etc/X11/xorg.conf'16:58
FloodBot4NooBuntu: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.16:58
milamberwolfric: http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=openvpn&suite=default&section=all&arch=any&searchon=names16:58
zichoif i get in/out error when i try to delete files from a external device, i know i can use fsck to somehow fix it, but how?16:58
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
oskar-enc:  the "available" folder contains configuration files, that are linked in the "enabled" folder. apache uses the configuration from the "enabled" folder16:58
itaylor57Frenk: you could always file a bug with them and see what happens16:58
wolfricmilamber: ?16:59
milamberwolfric: what version of ubuntu are you running?16:59
ghostnik11can anyone tell me how to burn a 4gb or more iso image onto dvd-r b/c it used to work in my 9.10 ubuntu and now it doesn't work and i am on 10.0416:59
wolfricmilamber: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.10/serverguide/C/openvpn.html following this16:59
trijntjewhen I use ubuntu to automatically encrypt my homedir, will this also encrypt the filenames?17:00
stjohnmedranogood day,  is it possible to have seamless mode with ubuntu server edition 10.10?17:00
oskar-enc:  look for a symbolic link in the "enabled" folder to the php configuration in the "available" folder17:00
milamberwolfric: and the first step is failing?17:00
encoskar-,both folders have a file names php5.conf, but what do i do with it?17:01
wolfricmilamber: pretty much17:01
oskar-enc:  nothing, then the php configuration is enabled.17:01
milamberwolfric: can you pastebin the terminal?17:01
stjohnmedranoi am running ubuntu 10.04 and i did install 10.10 server edition in my virutalbox.17:01
encoskar-,but how come it does not do anything with php?17:02
Mahjonggsystem does not boot after security update. I get these when booting: udevtrigger main process terminated with status 1, udevtrigger post-stop procee terminated with status 1, udevmonitor main process killed by TERM signal, networking main process terminated with status 1. What may be the problem?17:02
Jordan_Utrijntje: Yes.17:02
oskar-did your browser retrieve the php file by http through your webserver?17:02
trijntjeJordan_U, ok, thanks a lot17:02
Jordan_Utrijntje: You're welcome.17:03
=== jitse_ is now known as jitse
jethrotCan someone solve my issues regarding installing and configuring apache2 mods mod_rewrite, mod_alias, mod_deflate, mod_expires etc17:03
Mahjonggthere is a LVM2 section but I think they are mounted fine since I see /dev/mapper/foo--bars-root: clean, before the error messages17:03
zichoif i get in/out error (claims also to be read only) when i try to delete files from a external device, i know i can use fsck to somehow fix it, but how?17:03
itaylor57apache and upstart don't mix well17:03
wolfricmilamber: http://pastebin.com/UzK3LWg817:03
gribouilleI'm on maverick and X freezes often while I'm watching a video. any idea ?17:04
inti_if i use xfce with ubuntu will be almost like xubuntu? or there are other important differences?17:04
ghostnik11so is there a way to burn files like 4.3 gb to dvd17:04
coz_gribouille,    which video card do you have?17:04
milamberwolfric: and you are running 10.10?17:04
stjohnmedranogood day,  is it possible to have seamless mode with ubuntu server edition 10.10?17:04
stjohnmedranoi am running ubuntu 10.04 and i did install 10.10 server edition in my virutalbox.17:04
=== y is now known as Guest3185
gribouillecoz_, Quadro FX 37017:04
wolfricmilamber: yup17:04
mindwarenot really....it's almost the same...(xubuntu)17:04
coz_ghostnik11,   install gnomebaker17:04
ghostnik11coz_, thanks17:05
mindwarexubuntu is an xfce painted a little in ubuntu "colours" :d17:05
coz_gribouille,  mm   that card shouldnt give problems  ... you have all of the codecs installed ...yes?17:06
gribouilleI tried to install the nvidia drivers, but it failed because of the Nouveau driver17:06
gribouillecoz_, what codecs ?17:06
coz_gribouille,  ah ok hold on  ,, I think I remember  some posts about this17:06
ubuntyi can vpn ok if my pc is connected to lan but vpn connect is imppossible if connected by wifi, any idea ???17:06
coz_gribouille,    hold on for the codecs  while I check something17:06
=== bsod1_ is now known as bsod1
milamberwolfric: not sure why apt isn't working, but here is an alternate: http://packages.ubuntu.com/maverick/openvpn17:07
milamberwolfric: at the bottom you can select your architecture17:07
zulaxcan I have different volume level for sounds produced my aplay?17:07
ubuntysomeone knows about VPN  ?17:07
BluesKajgribouille, you have to stop the gdm service in oder to install the new driver , best done at a tty17:07
AnggaDj98ubunty virtual private network?17:07
coz_gribouille,   ok when you go to system/administration/ additional drivers .. which drivers are listed there for use?17:08
ubuntyVPN :)17:08
zulaxis it possible to only lower volume output from aplay?17:08
ubuntynobody for Virtual private network?17:08
rodneymillerpcaGreetings everyone. In the process of teaching someone about Ubuntu I noticed something odd. My version is listed as "You are using Ubuntu 11.04 the Natty Narwhal - released in April 2011 and supported until October 2012." Did it go out on the updates and not official yet?17:08
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ghostnik11okay i just downloaded gnomebaker and still can't burn dvd of 4gb this is error i get: WRITE@LBA=0h failed with SK=3h/WRITE ERROR]: Input/output error17:09
gribouillecoz_, I use kde, so I don't know17:09
itaylor57rodneymillerpca: its a know glitch17:09
F0sterO4ubunty: what you wanna know17:09
stealthcthat is weird you made me check mine17:09
spartan7hey guys how can I download UNE 10.04 ?17:09
coz_gribouille,   ok  from terminal   jockey-kde17:09
gribouilleBluesKaj, I did service kdm stop, but it didn't help17:10
coz_gribouille,   then tell me which drivers are listed there17:10
ubuntyok here it comes17:10
sacarlsonzulax: most application players have there own volume, I never tried with aplay, if it was pluged into like rosegarden I'm sure you could17:10
spartan7I only see 10.10 on site17:10
stealthcmine says the right version I see 10.1017:10
stealthcdid you enable downloading test versions?17:10
rodneymillerpcaAh ok thanks itaylor57 I just thought it was odd.17:10
ubuntyi can connect ok to my VPN server when PC is connected to lan, but when PC is connected to WIFI connection to VPN is impossible :)17:10
stealthcI think there is a way to download beta versions instead of the main supported versions, it lets you get slightly more updated code but you aren't guaranteed that it's stable17:11
wolfricmilamber:  dependency not satisfable liblzo2-2. when i apt-get install that one it shows the same message as the openvpn17:11
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F0sterO4wifi and wired connections on the same network=?17:11
ubuntysame network17:11
gribouillecoz_, there are two drivers : the version 173 and the current version17:11
F0sterO4using ubuntu?17:11
milamberwolfric: have you done anything that may have broken your apt?17:12
ubuntyyes 10.0417:12
F0sterO4no vlans or anything like that?17:12
sagacispartan7: http://mirror.aarnet.edu.au/pub/ubuntu/releases/10.04.1/17:12
coz_gribouille,   ok use  the nvidia current driver ...see if that installs then reboot  if it does  ...then come back here17:12
BluesKajgribouille,  like coz_ asked did you check  system/administration/ additional drivers for the recommended driver?17:12
F0sterO4what OS is running on the HJost AS?17:12
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gribouilleBluesKaj, I'm doing it right now17:12
F0sterO4no, i mean on the VPN server17:12
wolfricmilamber: i don't think so17:12
wolfricmilamber: how would i find out17:12
ubuntyDDWRT is the vpn server17:12
spartan7sagaci, thank you.17:12
ubunty :)17:12
milamberwolfric: can you do: sudo apt-get update    ?17:13
F0sterO4am assuming thats a router right ubunty17:13
ubuntyyes router17:13
ubuntyrunning fine17:13
gribouillecoz_, ok, it's downloading17:13
ubuntythe trouble seems to be between the 2 interfaces17:13
ubuntylan and wifi17:13
coz_gribouille,  cool...now .. it probably should install..but to actually get it working  you "must"  reboot17:14
F0sterO4i have no experience with VPN running on the router itself, the concept should be the same, have you looked information based on the router model?17:14
wolfricmilamber: all correctly fetched17:14
ubuntyyes router is ok17:14
coz_gribouille, that is a complete hard reboot  not  a restart of x  :)17:14
ghostnik11i don't understand why i can't burn a iso image lager than 4gb when i use to do it in other versions of ubuntu17:14
ubuntyseems that the lan interface on ubuntu is somehow a default17:14
gribouillecoz_, completely reboot or just restart X ?17:14
itaylor57wolfric: there is a sudo apt-get -f17:14
hajhouseanyone sucessfully using an ATI Mobility Radeon HD 4225 on x86_64? i'm wondering how HD video playback works. currently have a netbook with poulsbo video, and i'm trying to switch to something better.17:14
gribouillecoz_, ok17:14
coz_gribouille,   :)17:15
ubuntystrange stuff17:15
wolfricitaylor57: ?17:15
coz_ghostnik11,  did you try  gnomebaker?17:15
gribouilleok, let me reboot17:15
_joeyI need to get a source for driver, patch this source, compile and install the driver17:15
F0sterO4try joining #networking17:15
_joeywhat is the easiest way to do this17:15
F0sterO4maybe they know a bit more about this17:15
_joeyi mean the easiest way to install the module once iti is compiled17:16
coz__joey,  which driver?17:16
Mahjonggsystem does not boot after security update. I get these when booting: udevtrigger main process terminated with status 1, udevtrigger post-stop procee terminated with status 1, udevmonitor main process killed by TERM signal, networking main process terminated with status 1. What may be the problem?17:16
milamberwolfric: have you ran the update since you enabled the universe repository?17:16
ubuntyok thanks17:16
_joeycoz_: ath5k17:16
wolfricmilamber: yes17:17
=== dlublink is now known as david3r3
sacarlson_joey: I use that ath5k, works for me17:17
coz__joey,   which device is t his for?17:17
_joeycoz_: wireless NIC based on atheros chipset17:17
securityonioni dont speaking english, can your help me, in spanish.17:17
coz__joey,   ah ok  I cant help with this one  I am the most efficient "doof"  when it comes to "anything" networking :)17:17
wolfricmilamber: http://pastebin.com/ji222axA my sources file17:17
sacarlson_joey: what will your patch at to ath5k?17:17
F0sterO4securityonion: que deseas saber?17:18
sacarlson_joey: add to ath5k17:18
notmeI just installed 10.10 amd64 on a computer that had a dead 10.04 with grub issues.  The installation, it hung while running 'update-grub' and I had to reboot it.  It now works but I'm wondering if I should be concerned about future issues.17:18
_joeysacarlson: there is patch which I know how to add. What i am not sure is how to insert the newly built module over the old one17:18
compdocMahjongg, in my experience, weird errors can point to hardware issues. you might start with memtest86+, and let it run several passes17:18
BluesKaj!es | securityonion17:18
ubottusecurityonion: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:18
compdocgood luck17:18
securityonionhola es que stoy utilizando una version de securityonion y no se exactamente, porque en terminal me pide un usuario y contraseña, y cuando indico el de administrador no me deja seguir17:19
coz_notme,   did you try  running   sudo update-grub2   again?17:19
securityoniondice que es incorrecto.17:19
sacarlson_jeoy: when in dought just get the entire kernel and edit it there and compile the whole thing17:19
Mahjonggcompdoc, actually when hit shift during grub and select memtest it does not run either...17:19
coz_!ubuntu-es | securityonion17:19
gribouillecoz_, ok, it works. thanks a lot for your help17:19
notmecoz_: Yes, I did that after moving the offending /boot out of the way.17:20
coz_gribouille,  ok cool now for the codecs17:20
Jibadeehaanyone find rsync is really really slow when backing up to a LUKs partition17:20
notmeMuch cleaner menu now.17:20
_joeysacarlson: entire kernel?17:20
_joeyI need to add a patch to stable source of the driver17:20
coz_gribouille,   first open a terminal and copy paste this command      *17:20
coz_ sudo /usr/share/doc/libdvdread4/install-css.sh17:20
sacarlson_joey: ya I think that's where that code is also17:20
coz_withouth the *17:20
_joeyI am not going to fiddle with the whole kernel17:21
BluesKajsecurityonion, En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.17:21
bullgard'~$  ffmpeg -i ~/Desktop/Track\ 1.wav /media/WD1.5_1/Music/ABBA/Track\ 1.ogg' produces an Ogg-FLAC-Audio file. How to modify my command in order to produce a Ogg-Vorbis-Audio file instead?17:21
sacarlson_joey: well I did comile the rt73 wifi drivers with just the headers but I don't think I can compile the ones I have now on the newist kernels17:21
coz_gribouille,  when that is done  ,,, in that same terminal type    sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras17:21
gribouillecoz_, done17:22
bonjoyeebullgard: -acodec libvorbis?17:22
coz_gribouille,  that should do it for the codecs  other than w32codecs17:22
_joeysacarlson: what packages are need to be installed to compile module from source?17:22
milamberwolfric: i am pretty sure you are missing a source line17:22
coz_gribouille,   is this 32 or 64 bit17:22
sacarlson_joey: when you pull a git time line you get the whole working set17:22
_joeybuild-essential, linux-headers17:22
_joeywhat else?17:22
quantumriderhey guys, sorry I'm new here... having problem installing 10.10 on acer aspire 7741z can anyone help?17:22
bullgardbonjoyee: Why do you ask me a question? I have put a question.17:22
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gribouillecoz_, 32 bit17:23
wolfricmilamber: any idea which one?17:23
Dr_Willisquantumrider:  tell the channel what its doing exactly.17:23
bonjoyeebullgard: thats my answer...the question mark says im not entirely sure of it!17:23
coz_gribouille,  ok go here    http://packages.medibuntu.org/maverick/w32codecs.html  ..scroll to bottom and click the  blue     i386   ...download that and install it by double clicking it17:23
BluesKajquantumrider, errors or the live cd not booting to a desktop?17:24
sunrizeirieKEN, are u using this package17:24
coz_gribouille,  did you already run the   sudo apt-get install kubuntu-restricted-extras   ?17:24
sacarlson_joey: that about it maybe cursurs or something or is that for the kernel build?17:24
coz_quantumrider, `  what is it doing when you try to install?17:24
quantumriderI can boot from usb without problem although 10.10 doesn't recognize touchpad nor wireles adapter, so i use usb mouse and ethernet it indtalls 10.10 on entire drive with updates but after reboot all i get is command prompt17:24
gribouillecoz_, yes17:24
milamberwolfric: deb-src http://archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu maverick universe17:24
coz_gribouille,  ok cool17:24
coz_gribouille,   when you get done with the  w32codecs  you should just about have everything unless you want sun java instead of the icedtea open java thingy17:25
milamberwolfric: then run sudo apt-get update again and then try sudo apt-get install openvpn17:25
wolfricmilamber: isn't that just a source repository?17:25
bullgardbonjoyee: I see. Let me try.17:26
BluesKajquantumrider, at the prompt , startx17:26
v0lksmanI lost a machine running an old version of ubuntu (I think it was 8.04)...I need to recover the mysql dbs from that machine.  I've tried copying over the files in /var/lib/mysql and making sure they are owned and grouped to mysql...but mysql refuses to start with a non-helpful error message of "terminated with status 1"...anyone know how to make this work?17:26
milamberwolfric: should be. but at this point it's probably worth trying17:26
wolfricmilamber: no joy17:26
sacarlson_joey: oh maybe the wpa-suplicant package17:26
quantumriderfatal server error no screens found17:26
gribouillecoz_, the codecs are installed. I hope everything works fine now. thaks again17:27
coz_gribouille,  cool    try out your videos now :)17:27
sacarlson_joey: maybe they have a dev file for wpa-suplicant?17:27
thanctoUbuntu Brasil?17:27
Flannel!br | thancto17:27
ubottuthancto: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.17:27
_joeysacarlson: that's a software for encryption17:27
_joeyI am interested what is need to compile the modules17:28
sacarlson_joey: ya I guess that's totaly outside the driver now?17:28
milamberwolfric: still getting the same message for apt-get install openvpn?17:28
tammihi. I have a problem with grub and raid. May I ask?17:28
wolfricmilamber: yup17:28
coz__joey,   is build-essential installed?17:28
quantumriderBluesKaj: got the fatal server error: no screens found17:29
gribouillecoz_, it works. I just hope it won't freeze any more17:29
aeon-ltdtammi: are  you using ubuntu? if so then ask17:29
coz_gribouille,   I dont think it will...but in case it does... dont hesitate to bring it up here again17:29
milamberwolfric: when you do the update is the last line showing that it is hitting the universe packages?17:29
* _joey yawns17:29
quantumriderBluesKaj: and two more errors at the end from xinit17:29
BluesKajquantumrider, which graphics card ?17:30
=== bsod1_ is now known as bsod1
quantumriderI thinkk it's intel I can check in bios17:30
bonjoyeebullgard: any luck?17:30
sacarlson_joey: well sometime when I try to compile then I find out what's missing,  hit the botton and lets find out17:31
BluesKajquantumrider, lspci | grep VGA17:31
bullgardbonjoyee: The process has not yet terminated.17:31
bullgardbonjoyee: The process has terminated now. Let me check the result.17:31
gribouillecoz_, sure :)17:32
zakwilsonI'm attempting to repair a laptop that seems to have a bad partition table. It boots, and fdisk -l correctly lists the partitions. Gparted and cfdisk, however cannot read the partition table. I want to make adjustments without hosing the partitions. cfdisk says "bad primary partition 0"17:32
OrangePeelNeed a program to convert FLV videos to mp317:33
Gneamp3 is an audio format, not a video format.17:33
quantumrider00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Inter....(rev 18) also I rebooted trying to look in bios for the info on card(which is not there) and now at the prompt it told me there are 199 packages that can be updated17:33
bullgardbonjoyee: Success! This new file works all right and is less than a tenth in size.17:33
Emilou3menconder can do it17:33
OrangePeelI know, I don't want the ido17:33
OrangePeelJust the song17:34
GneaOrangePeel: what song?17:34
sacarlsonzakwilson: that weird I keep seeing this where gparted can't see things,  I keep assuming it's operator error but can't be this often17:34
OrangePeelGenesis - CatTail17:34
OrangePeelsomething lik that17:34
Acer__Where can i download latest version of Ubudsl for Ubuntu 10.10?17:34
Gneaso you want a copyrighted song17:34
OrangePeelI only have the video, want to put it on mp3 and not have it take up a lot of space17:34
salvaeres española??17:34
OrangePeelno it's not copywritd, it's bought17:34
sacarlsonzakwilson: is this from a live cd at install?17:35
strappinghello from spain xD17:35
Gneabut it's from youtube17:35
OrangePeelno it's not17:35
Gneayou can't buy from youtube17:35
strappingI love Ubuntuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu xD17:35
bonjoyeebullgard: i must admit i was always sure of the result..just wasn't sure thats what u wanted:)17:35
zakwilsonsacarlson: Live flash drive, but yes.17:35
OrangePeelare you fucking kidding me17:35
skorvhow do i check if a fax/modem is installed and recognized by ubuntu?17:35
FloodBot4salva: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:35
OrangePeelIt's not from youtube17:35
Gnea!language | OrangePeel17:35
ubottuOrangePeel: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.17:35
Gnea!piracy | OrangePeel17:35
ubottuOrangePeel: piracy discussion and other questionably legal practices are not welcome in the Ubuntu channels. Please take this discussion elsewhere or abstain from it altogether. This includes linking to pirated software, music, and video. Also see !guidelines and !o4o17:35
coz_strapping,  it is cool :)17:35
strappinganybody from spain???17:35
bluezoneDoes Ubuntu automatically select the fastest server to download packages from? Because i'm getting slow speeds (extremely slow) and i remember there was a plugin one had to apply17:35
sacarlsonzakwilson: did you try manual partition and still not see these missing parts?17:35
OrangePeelIt's not from youtube17:35
OrangePeelonce again it's bought17:35
OrangePeelSick of people accusing me of it17:36
Dr_Willisbluezone:  thers some command you can use to find the fastest.. but i dont recall what it is..17:36
bullgardbonjoyee: ogg is only a container? The contents in it is in the first case "FLAC" and in the 2nd case "Vorbis-Audio"? What is Voris? A compression algorthm?17:36
bluezoneDr_Willis same :P17:36
Dr_WillisBought can still be 'drm' protected.17:36
timhi all17:36
GneaOrangePeel: where else does an FLV video come from?17:36
Dr_Willisbluezone:  i was thinking that ubuntu-tweak or 'alirus' (a similer app) have a find fastst server option.17:36
OrangePeelA friend.17:36
OrangePeelI'm not 1617:36
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  ffmpeg and mencoder can convert flv to other thangs.17:37
sacarlsonzakwilson: I have noted that in a live boot install in the auto mode I note not seeing a whole drive due to it thinking that the drive is /cdrom17:37
OrangePeelI know it didn't come from youtube17:37
coz_Gnea,  well its just a flash video17:37
OrangePeelit was bought17:37
Gneacoz_: well yeah17:37
Gneawell, there's no other way it can line up17:37
coz_OrangePeel,  and you want this converted to which format?17:37
bonjoyeebullgard: vorbis is a audio codec.....theora is its video counterpart...for more info see Xiph.org17:37
zakwilsonsacarlson: I'm making progress investigating with regular fdisk. Evidently, partition 1 overlaps partition 5.17:37
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  ffmpeg and mencoder can do that. or winff - i belive.17:37
coz_OrangePeel,   mm  hold on17:37
ubuntyhello little trouble with a vpn and ubuntu...someone available for help?17:38
ubunty i can connect ok to my vpn server if ubuntu is connected by lan but connection is impossible if ubuntu is connected by wifi17:38
GneaDr_Willis: do you think I'm being unreasonable?17:38
coz_OrangePeel,  well ffmpeg  should do it ...see if    ffmpeg is installed17:38
Infernius[BR]boa tarde, ALL17:38
sacarlsonzakwilson: oh well you don't hope to  recover anything do you?  can you just delete them and rewrite the whole table?17:38
bonjoyeebullgard: and yes..ogg is just a container format17:38
OrangePeelwill do, thank you Dr_Willis & coz_ ....Thanks for being you Gnea17:39
Dr_WillisGnea:  never noticed. :)   a quick google of 'ffmpeg convert flv mp3' will proberly give the exact command line.17:39
leshastehow do I tell which version of flash I have installed in firefox?17:39
bullgardbonjoyee: Thank you very much for your help.17:39
coz_OrangePeel,  there is also  soundconverter  but not sure how well that works    sudo apt-get install soundconverter17:39
GneaDr_Willis: heh probably17:39
=== bsod1 is now known as bsod1_
bonjoyeebullgard: glad to help!!:)17:39
xangualeshaste: about:plugins17:39
bluezoneDr_Willis, I found it, system>administration>update manager>settings>ubuntu software> download from "other">select best server :)17:39
coz_OrangePeel,   the command for ffmpeg should be as simple as ,, cd to the location of that file and     ffmpeg -i  nameof.flv    name.mp317:39
sacarlsonzakwilson: you could exersize all the sectors if you just shred the whole disk17:39
milamberleshaste: Tools >> Addons >> plugins17:39
Dr_Willisbluezone:  :) that may be new in 10.10.17:39
bullgardDr_Willis: proberly > properly17:40
bluezoneDr_willis yup xD17:40
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DysteR_HelpMecan someone teach me how to delete things ?17:40
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  rm filetodelete17:41
OrangePeelThank you coz_17:41
Dr_Willis!bash | DysteR_HelpMe17:41
ubottuDysteR_HelpMe: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:41
sacarlsonDysteR_HelpMe: try man rm17:41
coz_OrangePeel,  did it work for you?17:41
OrangePeeland Dr_Willis17:41
DysteR_HelpMetrying to delete something from file system17:41
OrangePeeltrying now17:41
DysteR_HelpMesay its a DIRECTORY and I cannot delete17:41
bullgardDysteR_HelpMe: highlight the name of the file in Nautilus. Then press the Del key.17:41
milamberDysteR_HelpMe: add -R17:41
DysteR_HelpMelemme try with -r17:41
quantumriderhow can I do an update from command prompt?17:42
milamberquantumrider: sudo apt-get update17:42
sacarlsonDysteR_HelpMe: you could sudo rm -r /path/to/your/dir17:42
DysteR_HelpMeokay then17:42
coz_DysteR_HelpMe,    sudo  rm -rf   location/of/directory17:42
leshastealmost 1500 people here!17:42
quantumridermaybe that will solve my problem thanks17:42
DysteR_HelpMewhy cant I add folders from Nautilus to the System File ?17:42
coz_DysteR_HelpMe,  which directory is this and where is it located???17:42
leshasteis anyone tracking the "demise" irc ? :)17:42
OrangePeelyes sound converter workd coz_  am going to try the other17:42
coz_OrangePeel,   cool17:42
DysteR_HelpMejust trying to put QUAKE1 into the USR/GAMES17:42
DysteR_HelpMesays I am OWner17:43
DysteR_HelpMeand dont have permission or something17:43
DysteR_HelpMesomewhere on Ubuntu forums it says that QUAKE1 wont run from anywhere else on the system but the games folder17:43
coz_DysteR_HelpMe,   you probably need to use  sudo for that17:43
milamber!sudo | DysteR_HelpMe17:43
ubottuDysteR_HelpMe: sudo is a command to run command-line programs with superuser privileges ("root") (also see !cli). Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo for more information. For graphical applications see !gksu (GNOME, Xfce), or !kdesudo (KDE). If you're unable to execute commands with sudo see: http://www.psychocats.net/ubuntu/fixsudo17:43
timI am having trouble installing ver. 10.10 64bit. I have made the usb stick and booted it, but I do not get the display that I should get to "try it" or "install it"17:43
sacarlsonDysteR_HelpMe: sudo over rides owner and permisions17:43
phpjimWhy is my ubuntu taskbar and 'application bar' not taking the style of the current theme? I seem to be stuck with this gross theme for my taskbar: http://tinypic.com/view.php?pic=v4z4ec&s=717:43
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  you could make a link from there to the other location. QUake1 is so old.. you may be better off finding some quake1 'redone' variant and use the q1 data files.17:43
coz_phpjim,   you mean gnome panel?17:44
phpjimcoz_: yeah.. sorry..  bad wording =)17:44
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  you may want to learn a luittle bit of bash basics befor messing with system directories.17:44
DysteR_HelpMeI found EzQuake and was not able to install it , there are no instructions for the Linux installation but there is a linux version17:44
coz_phpjim,    right click the panel   go to properties  and then the background tab17:44
quantumriderdidin't work...17:44
coz_phpjim,   make sure the "None (sue system theme)   is ticked17:44
phpjimcoz_: yeah, that is set to 'none (use system theme)'17:45
coz_phpjim,  mmm17:45
milamber!details | quantumrider17:45
ubottuquantumrider: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."17:45
DysteR_HelpMeis it a problem with Ubuntu 10.10 ???17:45
DysteR_HelpMemy Ubuntu is not running properly and my friend who has a 10.04 and a inferior computer runs it better then mine17:45
coz_phpjim,   go to system/preferences/appearance   choose another theme to see if the panel changes along with it17:45
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  you need to be more clear on whats not running properly.17:45
coz_phpjim,   go to the "Customize"  button first17:45
bluezoneDr_Willis,  eh, still seems relitively slow, the ping test it did probably wasn't accurate17:45
phpjimcoz_: yeah, already tried that as well..  that's what lead me here!17:45
quantumriderhaving problem installing 10.10 on acer aspire 7741z17:45
quantumrider00:02.0 VGA compatible controller: Inter....(rev 18) also I rebooted trying to look in bios for the info on card(which is not there) and now at the prompt it told me there are 199 packages that can be updated17:45
phpjimcoz_: let me try the customize button17:45
quantumridercan boot from usb without problem although 10.10 doesn't recognize touchpad nor wireles adapter, so i use usb mouse and ethernet it indtalls 10.10 on entire drive with updates but after reboot all i get is command prompt17:45
FloodBot4quantumrider: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:45
coz_phpjim,  ooo... is this theme  one you installed?17:46
phpjimcoz_: not at all, completely fresh install of ubuntu 10.10.. I have 10.04 on another machine and the themeing works as you would expect it to17:46
milamberquantumrider: will startx get you a gui?17:46
OrangePeelcoz_, that command worked for ffmpeg but it asks for directory....what would the terminal code be for that ?17:46
coz_phpjim,   this is odd then17:46
DysteR_HelpMemy Ubuntu 10.10 recognized my touch pad and wireless adapter from the start17:46
DysteR_HelpMethe graphic card GeForce 9500m GS from an Asus G1SN laptop17:46
quantumridergetting an error no screens found17:46
NooBuntuI remember that everytime i looked a video from Youtube or other place, the file was stored in the tmp folder, but now is not there, where can I find it?17:47
zakwilsonsacarlson: I do hope to recover things. The machine is usable as-is, but I want to clean-install 10.10, replacing 8.10. I also want to *fix* the partition table.17:47
coz_OrangePeel,   well... actually if you cd to the location of that  .flv  file    ,,, ffmpeg should convert it to the same area17:47
phpjimcoz_: indeed.17:47
DysteR_HelpMeeverything runs very slow after a few minutes after start up , the cool effects like the DESKTOP CUBE is incredibly slow17:47
coz_OrangePeel,   you can run   man ffmpeg  to be sure17:47
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  winff is a front end to ffmpeg17:47
coz_OrangePeel,    cd  =  change diretory17:47
coz_OrangePeel,  for example...if your .flv file is on the Desktop ,,,then open a terminal and type     cd  Desktop17:48
phpjimcoz_: it is indeed odd..  I just want the default ubuntu 10.10 look and feel17:48
coz_OrangePeel,   from there you can run the ffmpeg -i command17:48
OrangePeelNot sure how to change directory coz_ ..... Dr_Willis do I need winff for ffmpeg to work properly ?17:48
timcan anyone help a newbie? I am trying to install 10.10 64bit as dual boot on a Dell Studio 1749 with windows 7 ultimate.17:48
OrangePeeloooh I see17:48
coz_phpjim,   mm17:48
phpjimtim -- no need to ask to ask here, just start asking questions.17:49
jimi_Can I serve an ISO file as a pxe boot file?17:49
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  winff is a front end to ffmpeg...    winff needsd ffmpeg... not the other way around.17:49
phpjimcoz_: I agree completely.17:49
coz_OrangePeel,  wherever the  .flv  file is you have to cd to that location17:49
sacarlsonzakwilson: recover I mean recover data,  I think if you just repartition there is a good chance it will work17:49
milamberquantumrider: take a look at /var/log/Xorg log17:49
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  when in doubt check the ffmpeg docs/faq for examples..17:49
milamber!dualboot | tim17:49
ubottutim: Dual boot instructions: x86/AMD64: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WindowsDualBootHowTo - Macs: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MacBookPro https://help.ubuntu.com/community/YabootConfigurationForMacintoshPowerPCsDualBoot17:49
coz_phpjim,    ah I would run through a few things... first   sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade to see if anything needs to be updated17:49
timI asked a question before.  and no one answered. so thought maybe better to ask a different way17:49
Dr_WillisOrangePeel:  if you dont even know how to 'change directory' you may want to spend a few min - learning some bash basics.17:49
zakwilsonsacarlson: I'm thinking that too. Now that I've determined fdisk can interact with the partition table, that's what I'm going to do.17:49
quantumridermilamber: how do I do that?17:49
OrangePeelam trying this now coz_17:50
OrangePeelYeah Dr_Willis that i need too17:50
OrangePeelany links/17:50
DysteR_HelpMeanyone here uses EzQuake ??? ;( someone from the stone ages ?17:50
milamberquantumrider: "cd /var/log/"  then do " ls -al Xorg*" one of those should end with a log extension. then do "sudo nano <filename>"17:50
sacarlsonzakwilson: the shred of the disk will rewrite all the sectors to correct any posible check sum errors on each sector.  this might increase the posibilty of hardware recovery17:50
coz_OrangePeel,  well there  are a bazillion links online for  bash commands :)17:50
needhelp1im trying to use the alternative installer and get stuck on a blank black screen17:51
quantumriderwill try now17:51
coz_OrangePeel,    the  "cd"  command is one you will end up using quite often17:51
needhelp1after clicking install ubuntu17:51
phpjimcoz_: there are a few things that needed update.. I'll start with that..17:51
Dr_Willis!bash | OrangePeel17:51
ubottuOrangePeel: The linux terminal or command-line interface is very powerful. Open a terminal via Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal (Gnome), K-menu -> System -> Konsole (KDE), or Menu -> Accessories -> LXTerminal (LXDE). Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UsingTheTerminal17:51
coz_phpjim,   cool  that would be my first  step17:51
coz_phpjim,  i would...if that doesnt solve this... also try installing  another theme  from gnom-look.org   make sure it is  a  GTK2.0  theme17:52
quantumridermilamber: there are 10 files matching in that directory17:52
zakwilsonsacarlson: I know I can just wipe the partition table. I'm hoping to *keep* the partitions.17:52
OrangePeelDidn't get it work with the ffmpeg but the sound converter workd wll17:52
timI am trying to install ver 10.10 64 bit. I booted the usb stick and instead of getting the "try it" or "install it" screen I was expecting....I got a text screen and ubuntu booted the stick up without allowing me to select language17:52
milamberquantumrider: the Xorg.0.log should be the one you want17:53
NooBuntuWhere are the flash videos stored in the system as I am watching them right now?17:53
coz_OrangePeel,   mmm   ffmpeg should have worked but if  soundconverter is doing it for you then that's fine ... it uses the same command with ffmpeg  I believe17:53
Quantum_IonDr_Willis, I found out how to add JavaFX SDK to Ubuntu Linux you have to add this to your /etc/profile system file ->PATH=$PATH:$JAVA_BIN:/usr/local/javafx-sdk1.3/bin17:53
Quantum_Ionexport JAVA_HOME17:53
Quantum_Ionexport JAVA_BIN17:53
Quantum_Ionexport PATH17:53
FloodBot4Quantum_Ion: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.17:53
bonjoyeeNooBuntu: in the browser cache..i suppose..17:53
sacarlsonzakwilson: I don't know how you could wipe the partition and expect to keep the partitions?  you mean keep the original data?  I'm not an expert in forensics17:54
needhelp1im trying to use the alternative installer and get stuck on a blank black screen after clicking install ubuntu17:54
OrangePeelThank you Dr_Willis & coz_ ...for taking the time and having patience with noobs17:54
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quantumridermilamber: yeah it opened it, what should i look for?17:54
coz_OrangePeel,  no problem ...17:54
=== CripperZ-away is now known as CripperZ
milamberquantumrider: look for any errors or failed to load commetns17:55
needhelp1noob bashing has lost its fun when noobs willingly refer to themselves as noobs.17:55
NooBuntubonjoyee: Do you know where can I find that cache?17:55
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Quantum_IonDr_Willis, my /etc/profile file with JavaFX looks like this ->>>http://pastebin.com/wD1JyYs117:55
NooBuntubonjoyee:  I want to download videos17:56
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k1_thx for help17:56
fabiobikwitch best distro for server??? ubuntu or cent os??17:56
quantumridermilamber: there are many errors17:56
BlaDe^Can anyone help me with a find/sed to replace {baseurl}/(.*).(png|jpe?g|gif|ico)  etc to static1.example.com/\\1  ?17:56
needhelp1i cant get ubuntu to install to save my life .. ive tried everything17:56
induzHow can I add translation on GoldenDictionarty??17:56
milamberquantumrider: your best place to start would be google the errors. more likely than not someone has come across the same thing. if that doesn't work. come back here and pastebin the log file17:57
mongyNooBuntu, /tmp17:57
quantumriderok will do that thanks!17:57
sacarlsonneedhelp1: can it boot and run a live cd or live usb?17:58
milamberNooBuntu: most videos are not downloaded locally17:58
Vic10What happened to root in Ubuntu 10+? Why does it now ask for the user password vs. the root password when performing tasks?17:58
PiciVic10: Thats nothing new.17:59
NooBuntumilamber, I thought they changed the location of the tmp files in the new version of flash17:59
milamber!root | Vic1017:59
ubottuVic10: Do not try to guess the root password, that is impossible. Instead, realise the truth... there is no root password. Then you will see that it is 'sudo' that grants you access and not the root password. Look at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RootSudo17:59
NooBuntumilamber, but they are here, yep, good ol tmp folder17:59
needhelp1sacarlson, ive tried live cd with no luck, usb with unetbootin and startup disk creator, didnt work.. and  ive tried 10.10 32bit altern .. no luck either17:59
sacarlsonVic10: that's always been how ubuntu is setup,  normaly there is no root account active17:59
sandy /j #bot17:59
needhelp1sacarlson, i could use 10.04 to install and update by my internet connection is so slow its really not worth it18:00
needhelp1im basically on dial up18:00
Vic10from what I remember from past versions you always had to assign a root password on install and then when you were performing a serious task it would ask you for the root password...18:00
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zakwilsonsacarlson: There are multiple partitions on this disk. The partition table seems to be corrupted such than cfdisk and gparted can't deal with it, but the OS and fdisk still can. I want to repair the partition table.18:00
needhelp1live cd and usb give me an error with Kernel_thread_helper .. no cli drop out18:00
PiciVic10: Ubuntu's install has never asked you for a root password, only for a password for your first user.18:00
needhelp1alternative boots, i can choose english and install, but it goes to a blank black screen18:00
milamberVic10: ubuntu has never had a root password. what happens is the initial account you create is added to a sudo list. the user/pass is what allows you to do root type things18:01
needhelp1md5s are right18:01
quantumridermilamber: here are a few EE open /dev/fb): no such file or directory, intel(0): no kernel modesetting driver detected, Screen(s) found but none have usable configuration, and it ends with no screens found, while when I boot from usb stick it loads gui fine, also I tried the apt-get update but it didn't update anything....18:01
Vic10Isnt giving a regular user account root privileges basically defeating linux's whole security idea?18:01
timlets try this again....can anyoen help me? I am trying to install 10.10 64bit on a notebook. when I boot the usb stick, I do not get the screen that I am supposed to get "try ubuntun" or "install". I get a text based screen and a few seconds later, ubuntu boots from the stick18:01
sacarlsonzakwilson: it never hurts to try,  you can do a dd of the first 512 bytes that contain the partition table and try rewrite it and see what that does18:02
needhelp1Vic10, are you asking or telling?18:02
needhelp1Vic10, usually you use the command sudo to give temp admin rights to another user18:02
DysteR_HelpMewho here is using Ubuntu 10.10 with GeForce Graphics card ?18:02
milambertim: that is normal behavior. there should be an icon on the desktop once it boots from the stick that will let you install it.18:02
bluezonetim: when i did it yesterday it booted as a liveCD and then it asked me if I wanted to try it or install it18:02
sacarlsonzakwilson: I could never figure out if you had anything to loose on the disk18:03
milamberquantumrider: can you pastebin the log file?18:03
needhelp1sacarlson, any ideas18:03
Vic10i just dont think its a good idea for anyone who has access to one account and its password to have total root privileges... It sounds to me like the same this as making every account on a Windows machine an administrator18:03
quantumriderI'm on another pc.... I have no idea how to do it from that notebook? can I do it from the prompt?18:04
zakwilsonsacarlson: Yes. There's a Windows install on it with data. While possible, a reinstall would be fairly annoying because I don't think there's any recovery media available.18:04
needhelp1Vic10, then use windows and install 7 antivirus applications18:04
ox3ars0832, yeah18:04
timmilamber: and when I click on the icon, will it allow me to change the language from english to german? I would rather install in German18:04
bluezoneDoes anyone recall the command used to find the closet/best server to download packages from? N.B. The gui method is not working, i'm still getting slow speed18:04
abcd0099hey how to make my ssh serv to listen to the whole subdomain i mean from ips to adding listenaddress in conf to 192.168.1.* not work - it says its invalid ,also ive looked man pages - didnt found anything18:04
needhelp1Vic10, this method works so well, that microsoft is using a method that is very simular18:05
Vic10i use linux to get away from that needhelp1, your sarcasm isnt helping any thing18:05
sacarlsonzakwilson: well without a partition table I guess fschk would be worthless18:05
induzi want to add translation on GoldenDict18:05
needhelp1Vic10, fair enough18:05
induzdoes some use GoldenDict18:05
Vic10is there a way to enable the old root behavior in ubuntu?18:06
induzgolden dictionary18:06
milamberVic10: i don't really understand your logic. if there is a root account everyone already knows the administrator user name. the way it is currently set up you elevate yourself to 'root' status when needed. it *is* possible to create a system where *no one* has administration privileges, but then you could never update/upgrade18:06
quantumridermilamber: I don't know can I post it from the command prompt from that notebook? weird thing is 10.10 boots gui fine from the usb stick18:06
fabiobikhow to install zend framework on ubuntu??18:06
fabiobikubuntu server 1018:06
zakwilsonsacarlson: there IS a partition table. I can boot from the hard drive and mount the partitions. It is somehow corrupted such that Ubiquity, cfdisk and gparted are unable to interact with it. fdisk, on the other hand can, and is not showing any problems.18:06
needhelp1Vic10, as long as others dont know the root password, then noone would get root access18:07
wng-Is there a PPA I can use on 10.04 to install a 2.6.36 kernel? I need it for my 6GB/s Marvell SATA controller18:07
quantumridermilamber: maybe i can boot from it and then try to fix the install from gui?18:07
needhelp1im having issues installing, can someone give me a hand18:07
bluezonefabiobik, i would assume it is in the repositories, apt-get install (something, try zend maybe)18:07
milamberquantumrider: https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?pid=31288318:07
needhelp1sacarlson, ive tried live cd with no luck, usb with unetbootin and startup disk creator, didnt work.. and  ive tried 10.10 32bit altern .. no luck either. md5's are right18:07
Vic10is this root privilege only available to the first user account made?18:07
coz_needhelp1,   which issues are you having?18:07
milamberVic10: no, you can add others to the sudo list at a later time18:08
needhelp1live cd and usb give me all the same error, stuck on Kernel_thread_helper with no other paths to take, no cli dropout18:08
Vic10ok but by default the first user is the only one able to do this milamber?18:08
needhelp1alter install cd just freezes on a blank black screen18:08
milamberVic10: correct.18:08
gogetaneedhelp1: outch kernel crashing humm18:08
rs0832needhelp1, hmm did any other versions work?18:08
gogetaneedhelp1: sounds like maybe you gotta pass a option to get around whatever is crashing it18:09
sacarlsonzakwilson: oh ok so that can't be too bad,  maybe it's just that it's a ntfs partitions that gparted don't like?  seems like theres nothing wrong with it if it can boot18:09
needhelp110.04  rs0832 .. but my internet is so slow it would literally take me days to update18:09
wng-Is there a PPA I can use on 10.04 to install a 2.6.36 kernel? I need it for my 6GB/s Marvell SATA controller18:09
quantumridermilamber: I'm clueless to what it all means.. what should I do from that page?18:09
Vic10so theoretically if another account is made on my system regardless how, that user by default wont have any root accesibility milamber?18:09
coz_needhelp1,   well   first I would make sure that the md5sums for the downloaded  iso image are correct... if not then redownload...i would also suggest burning the cd  at  1x  if possible with your burning software...18:09
PiciVic10: By default its only users who are in the 'admin' group, which your first user is.  You can tweak it by modifying your sudoers file or adding people to that group.18:09
rs0832needhelp1, you could try a kernel backport while remastering the iso18:09
milamberquantumrider: that links to some scripts that will allow you to create a pastebin from the command line18:10
zakwilsonsacarlson: There had been two partitions that overlapped. I deleted one of them, but I'm still getting the same error messages.18:10
needhelp1gogeta, rs0832  .. my original error is very common though, if you google search Kernel_thread_helper .. it looks like its a linux kernal error in general because its everwhere on the net with all distros .. i tested two other distros with the same error message18:10
needhelp1rs0832, ouch18:10
coz_needhelp1,   this could be just a corrupted iso that you burned  or a bad burn at too fast of a speed18:10
milamberVic10: correct. unless that administrator (first account created) adds them to the sudo list18:10
gogetaneedhelp1: well they give you options to get passed it18:10
DysteR_HelpMeAnyone Using EzQuake ??? :D18:10
needhelp1coz_, ive tested the md5 and did the memory check thing18:10
abcd0099hey how to make my ssh serv to listen to the whole subdomain i mean from ips to adding listenaddress in conf to 192.168.1.* not work - it says its invalid ,also ive looked man pages - didnt found anything18:10
needhelp1gogeta, disable apci ?18:10
milamberVic10: but by default they will not have *any* 'root' privileges18:10
sacarlsonzakwilson: ok so it's not a total loss, some are recoverable18:10
rs0832needhelp1, yea you could  try18:10
gogetaneedhelp1: acpi=off in the grub line18:11
needhelp1rs0832, gogeta  didnt work, and my battery went haywire18:11
quantumridermilamber: am I supposed to install them on my notebook from command prompt?18:11
coz_needhelp1,   this installed  completely with no errors reported?18:11
gogetaneedhelp1: ah18:11
Vic10so total system security relies on the first users password milamber?18:11
milamberabcd0099: did you restart the ssh server?18:11
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milamberVic10: yes18:11
gogetaneedhelp1: how abought noapm18:11
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gogetaneedhelp1: turns off only avdanced mangment18:11
needhelp1gogeta, i havent tried any of the other options yet in F6 .. im not sure what they do18:12
abcd0099yes /usr/sbin/sshd -d says its invalid adress (conf file listenaddress 192.168.1.*)18:12
needhelp1oh i did try expert mode18:12
needhelp1no luck18:12
timoh well. thanks anyway18:12
rs0832needhelp1, try removing quiet and splash options18:12
Vic10and there is no way to add a requirement of a 2nd password for root tasks milamber?18:12
needhelp1rs0832, im not sure how to do that18:12
bluezoneDoes anyone recall the command used to find the closet/best server to download packages from? N.B. The gui method is not working, i'm still getting slow speed18:12
gogetaneedhelp1: thers like 3 diffrent oprions for turning diffrent parts of acpi18:12
rs0832needhelp1, same way you disable acpi18:12
needhelp1for acpi i just chose no acpi18:12
needhelp1it was in the options on the alter installer in f618:13
milamberquantumrider: yes, if you need assistance with getting onto the web: a text based browser is lynx and a get from the internet tool is wget. both can be installed with sudo apt-get install and after installed more help can be gained with the command man <programname>18:13
rs0832needhelp1, why dont you install 10.04 and update from the alt cd since you have it?18:13
gogetars0832: it crases to he said that18:13
zakwilsonsacarlson: Yes, all the data is currently accessable. My problem is that ubiquity can't interact with it.18:13
needhelp1rs0832, wait for a laugh, i will tell you my interent speed18:13
abcd0099milamber: /usr/sbin/sshd -d says: bad addr or host: 192.168.99.* (Name or service not known)18:13
DysteR_HelpMeis 10.04 better then 10.10  ??? Graphic Cards more compatible with the older version ???18:13
coz_bluezone,  did you open synaptic pakcage manager ...hit  Settings  go to repositories  and under the first tab   the pull down for  "Download from: ) ?18:14
rs0832gogeta, ok.. sorry i must ve missed it18:14
akumafan28is there  a way to get WUSB54GSC v2 Linksys wifi usb card to work with linux18:14
gogetaakumafan28: that card need nidswrapper18:14
needhelp1rs0832,  ready for a laugh ?18:14
rs0832needhelp1, o.018:14
gogetaakumafan28: download windows driver use nidswrapper it works18:15
akumafan28gogeta: are you supposed to build ndiswrapper yourself or something?18:15
needhelp1rs0832, speedtest has me clocked at 0.73 mb/s18:15
gogetaakumafan28: no its on the cd18:15
bluezonecoz_ : i did something similar, and it did not work (i'm still getting slow speeds)18:15
needhelp10.29 mb/s up18:15
rs0832needhelp1, hah mine is 0.45 down :D18:15
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gogetaakumafan28: as a optional install18:15
PraxiDysteR_HelpMe: In my experience, no hehe18:15
Vic10needhelp1 mine is 25 mbps+ down ^_^18:15
gogetaakumafan28: or you can apt-get it18:15
rs0832needhelp1, its the only unlimited dl/upload package my isp was giving:D18:15
akumafan28gogeta, are there some steps i'm missing in getting it to work18:15
coz_bluezone,   you have had faster speeds in the past?18:15
safinaskarhow to enable grub menu in ubuntu maverick? when i poweron computer i dont see grub. i tried write timeout=10 to grub.cfg, but it dont helped18:15
akumafan28gogeta, like are there certain times you must restart the computer?18:16
quantumridermilamber: what is the update command again? I keep getting warnings when trying to update, maybe that will solve my problems? or would an update on usb installed 10.10 help perhaps?18:16
needhelp1rs0832, i have to pause to let youtube videos to load for around 4 mins18:16
needhelp1before i can watch them18:16
gogetaakumafan28: install ndiswrapper thers a gui for it to install windows ini file from the driver files18:16
milamberquantumrider: the update command is sudo apt-get update then sudo apt-get upgrade to install18:16
bluezonecoz_ much faster, right now i'm getting 66.1 kB/s (~) and in the past it has reached over 1.1mB/s, and i still have the same internet connection18:16
rs0832needhelp1, o,0 i dont18:16
rs0832needhelp1, but back to your problem,18:17
gogetaakumafan28: you might have to restart after for it to take full effect18:17
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akumafan28gogeta, ok i will try to get it otherwise I'm just buying another card18:17
gogetaakumafan28: it works my brother has the same excat card18:17
rs0832needhelp1, disabling quiet and splash may give you errors that may give you a better idea of how to fix them..18:17
needhelp1rs0832, i could d/l 10.04 and update .. just would take all day18:17
coz_bluezone,  mm   I am at a loss... let me check something on google  hold on18:17
needhelp1rs0832, is this an option in f6 ?18:17
akumafan28gogeta, the thing that most concerns me is on the driver CD, there are way different file names18:18
rs0832needhelp1, when you press f6, press escape and you will see a text line18:18
gogetaakumafan28: the driver cd is useless it hides the ini file you need to dl the driver18:18
milamberabcd0099: http://www.cyberciti.biz/tips/howto-openssh-sshd-listen-multiple-ip-address.html18:18
needhelp1rs0832, cli?18:18
rs0832needhelp1, the boot options in text18:18
wng-Is there a PPA I can use on 10.04 to install a 2.6.36 kernel? I need it for my 6GB/s Marvell SATA controller18:18
abcd0099milamber: thanks18:18
needhelp1rs0832, ah ok, then what18:19
bluezonecoz_ the gui method you told me and the one i used are similiar, I believe the ping test ubuntu executes is not accurate18:19
quantumridermilamber: when I boot it tells me there are updates available but when I run those commands in the end it tells me it is unable to fetch....18:19
bittinbittin@jabber.se i need more geeks to chat with :)18:19
rs0832needhelp1, then remove the words 'quiet' and 'splash'... this help me fix the glib pwuid and stdin errors on my iso18:19
coz_bluezone,  mm  that area on the gui for repostories should have allowed you to select any server anywhere in the world they are available from18:19
milamberquantumrider: what version of ubuntu 10.10?18:20
coz_bluezone,   check here    https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/Ubuntu    scroll down to see what I mean18:20
needhelp1rs0832, kk, brb i will try that18:20
rs0832needhelp1, i have to go18:20
needhelp1rs0832, kk18:20
rs0832needhelp1, bedtime :)18:20
rs0832'night all18:21
safinaskarhow to enable grub menu in ubuntu maverick? when i poweron computer i dont see grub. i tried write timeout=10 to grub.cfg, but it dont helped18:22
joaopintosanchaz-away, press SHIFT while booting18:22
joaopintoops, was for safinaskar18:23
nirazioUbuntu 10.04 can't find built-in ethernet card,can anyone help??18:23
safinaskarjoaopinto, thanks18:23
FezzlerMy Lucid desktop is acting funny.  For example, keyboard command work well/fast in file browser, web browser, but the graphical button seem to be freezing up18:24
gogetanirazio: not finding or not getting ip18:24
FezzlerI did recently have to reinstall my desktop18:24
gogetanirazio: not finding eathernet is rare18:24
aeon-ltdnirazio: enabled in bios?, also do 'lspci' in terminal - does it show here?18:24
quantumridermilamber: yes 10.1018:24
milamberquantumrider: that means there is a problem with the mirror.18:24
quantumriderah ok18:25
nirazioaeon-ltd: It is not listed in lspci..18:25
aeon-ltdnirazio: check bios to see if its enabled next boot18:25
quantumridermilamber: can I change the mirror from prompt?18:25
nirazioaeon-ltd: I have already checked it,it's enabled in bios18:25
aeon-ltdnirazio: does it definately work?18:26
milamberquantumrider: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories/CommandLine18:26
quantumridermilamber: when I run upgrade, it seems its downloading something, then asks if ok to download then terminates unable to fetch18:26
nirazioaeon-ltd: It is working in windows18:27
sacarlsonwng-: I couldn't find kernel 2.6.36 but I did find 2.6.37 at https://launchpad.net/~kernel-ppa/+archive/ppa?field.series_filter=lucid18:27
aeon-ltdnirazio: laptop?18:28
imcakeive messed up my nautilus configuration and it shows the folder icons/lables weird. Can i simply reset the nautilus configuration to the default one ?18:28
nirazioaeon-ltd: No it's a desktop..18:28
aeon-ltdimcake: yeah there should be config files in your ~/ for that18:29
BonaparteSound works on jack but not on internal speakers. Any idea why? I'm using 10.1018:29
BonaparteThis is a compaq cq50 laptop18:29
aeon-ltdnirazio: hmm so not shown in lspci so it isn't a missing module, and power is being supplied to it. how new is the motherboard?18:30
bluezonecoz_ yes but it failed at getting the fastest one, either that or there's nothing faster anymore which would be disappointing xD18:30
nirazioaeon-ltd: MSI ms-7142 motherboard18:30
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milamberimcake: http://askubuntu.com/questions/17917/how-do-i-reset-nautilus-to-the-default-configuration18:31
imcakereinstall nautilus?18:31
joaopintonirazio, check your question at  askubuntu.com :P18:31
ThisBeMyNickimcake: In your home folder there should be a folder named .nautilus or something. Try renaming it and restart. If it messes everything up, delete any newly created .nautilus and rename the original folder back to .nautilus18:31
coz_bluezone,   I dont think it's  "there is nothing faster"   apparenlty something is up on that end   I am just not sure what that would be :(18:31
Bipul`hellow i am trying to install tor18:32
bluezonecoz_ eh, ill try all the servers lol18:32
niraziojoaopinto: i have given the output there18:32
imcakeThisBeMyNick, isnt relogin enough?18:32
aeon-ltdnirazio: try updating, udev may have gotten an update since the last18:33
Bipul`but i am unable to understand this polipo part  https://gitweb.torproject.org/torbrowser.git/blob_plain/HEAD:/build-scripts/config/polipo.conf18:33
nirazioaeon-ltd: Will give a try18:33
ThisBeMyNickprobably yes18:33
imcakedid that and still the same18:33
phpjimcoz_: did a full update...  installed a new theme from gnome-look and the theme applies but still not to gnome panel...  ftl!18:34
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quantumridermilamber: I'm trying to add repositories, getting an error need a respository name as argument, which are their names?18:34
coz_phpjim,   whoa... and this is  ubuntu 10.10 .. yes?18:34
imcakeThisBeMyNick, so just apt-get remove nautilus-data ?18:34
milamberquantumrider: adding a repository should be as simple as commenting out a line in your sources list and then running update18:34
quantumriderI'm a comlete newbie... no idea what you just said18:35
ThisBeMyNickimcake: I'm not entirely sure about that one, but maybe.18:35
coz_phpjim,  mm  then I am completely puzzled :(   I cant think off hand,  what might be causing this... you have not used any theme PPA's ...only one installed  theme... I;m at a loss18:35
quantumrideroh wait I thin i get it one sec18:35
bluezonecoz_ also, for some reason on 10.10 some windows have trouble... moving... over certain areas of a screen (for instance the top or over firefox's addres bar) do you know anything about that?18:35
milamberquantumrider: sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list18:36
quantumriderright!!!! let me try18:36
alahuHello Ubuntu Community. My ext3 partitions is hurt. I am trying to heal it.18:36
alahuI am booted off liveCD. I am running Ubuntu on Macbook6,118:36
alahuit keeps going Error reading block 20611293 (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while getting next inode from scan.  Ignore error<y>? yes18:36
coz_bluezone,   no I dont :(  sounds  suspiciously like a bad install... but not being there to actually see this ... I cant think of the issue18:36
* phpjim says a prayer for alahu's ext3 partition18:36
imcakeand how do i start something in background? ie it wont close when i close the terminal ?18:37
alahuphpjim, thanks, let's hope the extfs god answers prayers.18:37
coz_bluezone,   you already did the  sudo apt-get update && sudo apt-get dist-upgrade    ...yes?18:37
milamberimcake add a & after the command18:37
ThisBeMyNickimcake: you can use screen18:37
bluezonenot the second one18:37
IsmAvataralahu: I hate it when that happens. One time i lost a superblock...18:37
alahuIsmAvatar, I should've been doing backups.....18:38
coz_bluezone,  do those two together just as written...there may be software changes that have to take place18:38
imcakeno, using & and closing the terminal kills all childs18:38
induzi am lookingg for addition to my GoldenDictionary18:38
Dr_Willisimcake:  use & and the 'exit' command. not the close button..18:38
induzhow can I do that??18:38
imcakeoh cool18:38
IsmAvataralahu: you might be able to fetch it from your livecd. Try fsck'ing it18:38
bluezonecoz_ yeah some updates going on too hopefully that fixes it18:38
FezzlerAny ideas?18:38
Dr_Willisimcake:  stay away from the close button :)18:38
alahuIsmAvatar, That's what i'm doing now18:38
coz_bluezone,   its certainly possible :)18:38
Dr_Willisimcake:  theres proberly some other ways around it.. but thats the easiest way18:39
coz_I have to break here  but will be back a bit later18:39
ThisBeMyNickimcake: screen is a program. You can open a session and then detach it, logoff or whatever. And then later reattach to the same session.18:39
rumpe1imcake, or "command & disown"18:39
alahuMy work just ordered a sweet Lenovo Thinkpad T410. This Macbook is being retired for gaming and video purposes. I need a real computer for work.18:39
quantumridermilamber: they are all uncommented18:39
quantumridermilamber: how can I check if I have internet at all coming in off rthernet on that notebook?18:39
imcakerumpe1, works. thanks18:39
IsmAvataralahu: that's my best suggestion. It worked long enough for me to back up my data. Then I just formatted and reinstalled. Which worked for a while until I realized it was a sign of hardware failure18:39
sayresWhen I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:40
imcakeThisBeMyNick, after apt-get purge nautilus, the icons still appear the same weirdly18:40
IsmAvatar2 brand new seagate hard drives, still on warranty, both failed18:40
quantumridermaybe my ethernet isn't working also in prompt18:40
nirazioHow to prevent wireless network asking password when briefly out of range??18:40
alahuIsmAvatar, yea i'm just hoping i'll be able to boot back in the OS to backup important files...18:40
IsmAvataralahu: you shouldn't need to boot back in, just be able to access the partition as a data drive. Your liveCD can act as the OS.18:41
alahuIsmAvatar, yea that's true18:41
sayresWhen I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:41
milamberquantumrider: it should be working if you can run update.18:41
ThisBeMyNickimcake: if you removed nautilus entirely you may be in trouble after logoff.18:42
imcakeThisBeMyNick, removed and killed it. then installed and started from terminal (no logoff)18:42
quantumridermilamber: i get tons of could not resolve errors when running update18:42
ThisBeMyNickimcake: ah18:42
sayresWhen I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:43
IsmAvatarugh, why does firefox come pre-packaged with the bbc...18:43
TheWardenHi, I recently some how screwed up my main Ubuntu user account via the GUI. I was able to create a new user account but didn't learn until after that that account needs to be apart of the admin group.18:43
quantumriderso my ethernet also not working i think when booting from hd18:43
TheWardenso I figured I would just login in terminal with my main account again and fix that. However now I can't login to it. What can I do?18:43
mindwareput & after it18:43
imcakeTheWarden, "sudo userdel OLDONE", and "sudo adduser newone admin" :D18:43
TheWardenI now no longer have an account with sudo access18:43
imcakeTheWarden, you have to go to recovery mode ?18:44
Dr_WillisTheWarden:  boot live cd, chroot in, fix things.. or try the 'single' user mode. from teh grub menu.18:44
sayresWhen I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:44
alahuTheWarden, you can't login because no password?18:44
quantumridermilamber: ok could my hd in this new notebook be badly corrupted?18:44
imcakelol recovery mode is easier.18:44
ThisBeMyNickimcake: Then I am running out of ideas. Does anything change if you go to Edit > Preferences and change stuff or is it like it is loced?18:44
TheWardenimcake: I figured as much but I can't seem to locate that. I don't see the GRUB screen at bootup and I press ESC but nothing changes.18:44
Dr_WillisTheWarden:  try 'shift'18:44
* Dr_Willis wondes why grub cant just accept ANY key to show the menu...18:44
quantumridersince 10.10 boots fine without problem other than wireless and mouse missing18:45
quantumriderfrom usb18:45
TheWardenalahu: well yeah I tried to remove password for that account and screwed it up.18:45
sayresWhen I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:45
* imcake has 6 distros installed and grub menu always shows lol...18:45
TheWardenDr_Willis: use Shitft key at boot up instead of esc okay... I'll try that or the 10.10 disc.18:45
sayresi need help18:45
TheWardenthanks let me go see if that works.18:45
zakwilsonsacarlson: I managed to rewrite the partition table with fdisk such that gparted and ubiquity were happy with it. Ubiquity crashed during install though. I reported a bug and I'm trying again. Thanks for the earlier input.18:45
IsmAvatarsayres: we're not psychiatrists18:45
imcakeTheWarden: this might not be needed but check out system rescue cd. its naiz18:46
Acer__Does anyone have any experience with installing UbuDSL?18:46
quantumriderI'll try replacing hd in the notebook with one this is running on18:46
sayres  IsmAvatar:  psychiatrists??:-X18:46
Dr_WillisAcer__:  what is UbuDSL ? never heard of it.18:47
=== alahu is now known as wahben
goltoofDSL, damn small linux.. only thing that comes to mind18:47
IsmAvatarsayres: people that help you when you need 'help'...18:47
IsmAvatargoltoof: also, digital subscriber line18:47
IsmAvatarmy current internet connection18:48
goltoofIsmAvatar:  or... something else18:48
goltoofwhoa *plays violin*18:48
Acer__Dr_Willis: http://kde-apps.org/content/show.php/UbuDSL?content=6490518:48
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sayresIsmAvatar: So I wanted to help18:48
=== Kasjopaja is now known as Guest64527
Mahjonggsystem does not boot after security update. I get these when booting: udevtrigger main process terminated with status 1, udevtrigger post-stop procee terminated with status 1, udevmonitor main process killed by TERM signal, networking main process terminated with status 1. What may be the problem?18:49
pingufanHello, since hours I try to get Ubuntu using a resolution of 1280x1024. I have here a VIA EPIA M10000 mainboard with CLE266 craphics onboard, and it appears to me that Ubuntu does not recognize the LCD's features. Can I force Ubuntu somehow to do what I want?  Please, help.18:49
jorge909_Hi all. Could somebody please explain to me why the line <code>for i in {1..4}; do echo $i; done</code> gives "1 2 3 4" if given in the terminal, but "{1..4}" if executed within a shell script?18:49
Maikl27_is ubuntu supporting multitouch with touchpad?18:49
imcakeMaikl27_, yes18:49
Maikl27_imcake: since 10.10?18:49
imcakeidk, worked for me with 10.04 too18:50
sayres When I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:50
Vic10How do I set ubuntu to autmatically mount an ntfs partition on login?18:50
Maikl27_imcake: i've got 10.04 too..where can try it?18:50
Dr_WillisVic10:  add a proper entry to the /etc/fstab18:50
goltoofjorge909_:  might want to ask #bash.. not so much an ubuntu specific issue18:50
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g | Vic1018:50
ubottuVic10: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:50
jorge909_@Vic10 is that an external disk?18:50
AnggaDj98Vic10 run parted on startup applications works too18:50
jorge909_@goltoof will do, thanks18:50
=== NG_ is now known as ng_
Vic10its not an external disk its dev/sda2 i tried a terminal command but it came back with "fuse: failed to access mountpoint /media/sda2: No such file or directory"18:51
FezzlerWhy would the performance of graphical buttons be sluggish - almost frozen - when keyboad command work fine in browsers and file management and app switching?18:52
FezzlerI did have to reinstall my desktop once recently18:52
AnggaDj98Vic10: media?18:53
AnggaDj98not dev?18:53
stjohnmedranogood day, how do i open the virtualbox machine in terminal that open directly to machine18:53
stjohnmedranogood day, how do i open the virtualbox machine in terminal that open directly to machine?18:53
goltoof!repeat | stjohnmedrano18:53
ubottustjohnmedrano: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/18:53
jorge909_Vic10: what was the command?18:53
sayres When I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:53
goltoofstjohnmedrano .. you may want to try #vbox18:53
Vic10a tutorial i found online said to type "sudo mount -t ntfs /dev/sda2 /media/sda2" to mount it....18:53
AnggaDj98Vic10: use parted18:54
stjohnmedranosorry about that, i just add a ?18:54
jorge909_Vic10: something like that should work: $sudo mount -t ntfs-3g /dev/sda2 /media/somefolder -rw18:54
siesonI have this script in the cron folder that I want to run hourly but it might take more than an hour to be completed. Does cron run it even though its still running?18:54
AnggaDj98stjohnmedrano: you dont need to repeat it tho its only a minor mistake18:54
donttrustemhow do I install php5.2 ?18:54
Vic10parted as in gparted? AnggaDj98?18:54
IsmAvatarVic10: that should work, but it won't be permanent, usually. Next time you reboot, it will come unmounted again.18:54
donttrustemI am using lucid18:54
donttrustemit keeps install 5.318:55
AnggaDj98Vic10: no, parted is in CLI, by default its installed18:55
jorge909_@Vic10 but if you want to automatically mount it on startup, you will have to put an entry in the /etc/fstab file18:55
VivekRpGuys what is this sda2 extended 48.83 GIB lba?? I mean what is this partition? It took 48.83 GB of my HardDisk. is it safe to delete it?18:55
Vic10what entry do i put in /etc/fstab jorge909?18:55
AnggaDj98VivekRp: if its empty its ok18:55
Dr_WillisVic10:  that command - mountes it once.. if you want a permenet mount. You add a proper entry in /etc/fstab.  the ntfs-3g wiki page gives examples.18:56
jorge909_@Vic10 Ah, that can be a little bit complicated.. Can you google it?18:56
AnggaDj98just unallocate it in gparted18:56
stjohnmedranowhen i type the VirtualBox in terminal it will open the Virtualbox machine, is it possible to open directly to the lets say MS machine?18:56
Dr_WillisVic10:  example from, my /etc/fstab -->  #UUID=6A62B9CC1192CB2D/media/VistaBootntfs-3gdefaults,locale=en_US.utf80018:56
AnggaDj98Vic10: idk maybe you could go to parted and run some mount commands to your HD there18:56
Dr_WillisVic10:  example from, my /etc/fstab -->  UUID=6A62B9CC1192CB2D /media/VistaBoot ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 018:57
AnggaDj98and then copy the commands to startup apps18:57
lorenzohi, i dont get any input on my M-Audio Fast Track Pro USB soundcard. I get outputs alright, but no input at all (not even listed as output in the preference box). Any suggestions? It was working fine a couple of days ago, i am puzzled. Thanks18:57
Dr_WillisVic10:  gparted does not add entries to fstab.18:57
VivekRpNo in total size it is showing 48.83GIB & in used 48.53 . So it is not empty. what should i do?18:57
AnggaDj98Dr_Willis: its parted not gparted18:57
sayres When I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(18:57
herghost_I have been experimenting with multiple screens on 10.10 and things have not gone well.  nvidia-settings only shows one device (laptop screen) but the system appears to still think it has 2 screens.  It used to mean playing around with xorg.conf, but this doesn't appear to be used now.  Any pointers for how to resolve this?18:57
Vic10pm Dr_Willis?18:58
Dr_WillisVic10:  why?  you have read the docs mentioned and added a line to your fstab yet?18:58
jorge909_@Vic10: if all this does not make any sense to you, maybe you should google something like "fstab automount ntfs" you will find many examples.18:58
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : No in total size it is showing 48.83GIB & in used 48.53 . So it is not empty. what should i do?18:58
goltoofstjohnmedrano:  when i type virtualbox in terminal it tells me it's not installed and to sudo apt-get install virtualbox-ose-qt18:58
ralliasI need help. I have a copy of the servers hard drive, and need to restore my mysql database. What files do I copy before starting the new mysql database?18:58
Dr_Willis!ntfs-3g   | Vic1018:58
goltoofwhat is that?18:58
ubottuVic10: ntfs-3g is a Linux driver which allows read/write access to NTFS partitions. Installation instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/MountingWindowsPartitions18:58
goltoofstjohnmedrano:  confusing because vbox is already installed18:59
AnggaDj98VivekRp: are you putting the ubuntu system there?18:59
Dr_WillisVic10:  you could perhaps install and run the 'ntfs-config' tool also. that might auto-add the proper entrys to fstab18:59
=== mint is now known as Wally
=== herghost_ is now known as herghost
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xnixanHi, how to split a file into parts in zip format under ubuntu?18:59
goltoofwhat is virtualbox-ose-qt  ?  how's it different from the one i already got?18:59
=== Wally__ is now known as Wally____
AnggaDj98!nickspam Wally____18:59
AnggaDj98!nickspam | Wally____18:59
ubottuWally____: You should avoid changing your nick in a busy channel like #ubuntu, or other Ubuntu channels; it causes excessive scrolling which is unfair to new users. Please set your preferred nick in your client's settings instead. See also « /msg ubottu Guidelines »18:59
Wally____I am having trouble with my ubuntu19:00
herghostI have been experimenting with multiple screens on 10.10 and things have not gone well.  nvidia-settings only shows one device (laptop screen) but the system appears to still think it has 2 screens.  It used to mean playing around with xorg.conf, but this doesn't appear to be used now.  Any pointers for how to resolve this?19:00
bluezoneI seem to have trouble moving windows accross certain areas of the screen, like terminal windows with text on them, etc... anyone know what may be causing this?19:00
stjohnmedranogoltoof: yes its installed, i just want to open it directly to the windows directly with opening the first box, is it possible?19:00
Wally____when the GDM loads19:00
Wally____it freezess19:00
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : Right now i have dual booted Windows XP & Ubuntu 9.10. But because of some problm my Ubuntu is not working . So i downloaded Ubuntu 10.10 & burned iso in a DVD. Now i want to remove 9.10 & install 10.1019:00
Wally____I was trying to update my NVIDIA Driver19:00
Dr_Willisherghost:  does the 2nd monitor clone the first? or is it totally off?19:01
Wally____and think i f'd up19:01
kvarleyThe audio on quake wars is delayed by about 30seconds. How can I fix this? I tried doing this: http://napalmpiri.wordpress.com/2010/12/17/enemy-territory-quake-wars-sound-works-again-on-ubuntu-maverick-10-10/ but it says permission denied19:01
goltoofstjohnmedrano:  i know what you're asking, but i'm not sure if it's possible.  that's why i recommend asking in #vbox19:01
AnggaDj98VivekRp: where is the 9.10? at the 40 GB hd?19:01
Vic10ntfs-config is installed but wont start for me... ill just have to roam google i guess19:01
brontoeeestjohnmedrano, yes, check the command line usage and make an appropriate launcher19:01
Wally____Anyone know how to load an NVIDIA driver to your system from a live USB?19:01
herghostDr_Willis:  it is now totally off and disconnected.  I have since restarted x and rebooted too.  when I take a screenshot, it still shows as having a screen there (a black area where the screen was)19:01
AnggaDj98Wally____: use proprietary drivers19:02
Dr_WillisWally____:  with a persistant save file - You can isntall it.. but you have to watch out and not try to update/upgrade the whole system. that can confuse a persistant-flash installed system.19:02
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : No. Windows is in sda1 ntfs 20.48 GB . And Ubuntu 9.10 is in sda4 ext3 19.53gb19:02
stjohnmedranogolftoof: thanks a lot19:02
stjohnmedranobrontoeee: thanks a lot19:02
AnggaDj98VivekRp: so what is the 40 GB for19:02
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : and sda5 ntfs 51 GB is my D Drive. And sda2 extended 48.83 Gib lba19:03
brontoeeestjohnmedrano, currently my vbox is horribly broken, so you will have to experiment yourself ... :/19:03
Wally____My linux skills are about a 3 on a 1-1019:03
Wally____I will do some more digging, but if you have a link shoot it my way19:03
AnggaDj98Wally____: ok19:03
Fezzlermy lucid is really messed up19:03
stjohnmedranobronteee: ok, thank you atleast i know its possible, that will do.19:03
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : So i am not getting what is this sda2 extended 48.83 GB lba ?? for what it is used..19:03
AnggaDj98VivekRp: do you have any clue what 48 GB is for?19:03
AnggaDj98oh fast reply lol19:04
Bipul`hi VivekRp19:04
AnggaDj98try to mount it on somewhere19:04
herghostDr_Willis: example - http://i.imgur.com/vHzRu.png19:04
Fezzlerit is like the graphical user interface of all my apps isn't responding19:04
VivekRpBipul : Hi bipul19:04
Wally____So how can I install drivers when I can't get my system to boot at all?19:04
GrathIs there an easy way to backup wireless settings/passwords from Ubuntu 10.04 (e.g. Some script to export/import them)?19:04
AnggaDj98Wally____: get a liveCD19:04
Wally____I am on one19:04
Wally____But it is miny19:04
bluezoneWally____, why isnt your system booting?19:04
Dr_WillisWally____:   for the live cd's with my nvidia cards - i have to use the 'nomodeset' option - if they dont have the nvidia drivers isntalled.19:05
AnggaDj98GDM crashes19:05
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes
Wally____Because I was trying to fix the HDMI out and update the nvidia driver19:05
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : So you have any  idea what is it and can i delet it?19:05
bluezoneWally____, anyway, you can try using runlevel 119:05
AnggaDj98VivekRp: yes19:05
AnggaDj98try to mount in /temp19:05
Vic10Dr_Willis is "mount point" where you want the icon for the location to be? or is that the actual location its going to be at?19:05
kvarleyThe audio on quake wars is delayed by about 30seconds. How can I fix this?19:05
VivekRpAnggaDj98 : SO what it is?19:06
AnggaDj98Vic10: mount point is the place where you put what inside19:06
AnggaDj98VivekRp: have you try to mount it?19:06
Dr_Willis!mount | Vic1019:06
ubottuVic10: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount19:06
Dr_WillisVic10:  its the /media/WHATEVERMAKE_THIS_DIR_FIRST    location you want19:06
VivekRpAnggaDj98: No. Because it is not visible in ubuntu live cd gui.. From command line i dint tried. But as i read in some forums people are saying it is not mountable19:07
haddimanI have a Broadcom BCM4311 wireless adapter on my laptop. Should I use the B43 or the STA driver? Which works better? I tried googling and searching around but I got conflicting and probably outdated information.19:07
AnggaDj98try gparted on system>admin19:07
Vic10all i want is /dev/sda2 (UUID: 48CCFA64CCFA4C26) to auto-mount on start-up and be available on the desktop i dont know why this has to be so difficult19:08
AnggaDj98VivekRp: try gparted on system>admin19:08
KM0201!broadcom | haddiman pretty sure it says on the faq which to use for each adapter19:08
ubottuhaddiman pretty sure it says on the faq which to use for each adapter: Help with Broadcom bcm43xx can be found at  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs/Driver/bcm43xx19:08
Dr_WillisVic10:  its not difficult.. i gave you an example line that would do it. (with some editing) OR as i suggested.. install and run the 'ntfs-config' tool19:08
iRabbithow do I install Zimbra on Ubuntu 10.10 server?19:08
Dr_WillisVic10:  example from, my /etc/fstab -->  UUID=6A62B9CC1192CB2D /media/VistaBoot ntfs-3g defaults,locale=en_US.utf8 0 019:08
VivekRpAnggaDj98: I tried. But it is not bootable from there.. Giving some error.. I forgot what it was.. But it was saying somethng "This partiontion is not mountable, etc.."19:09
Dr_WillisVic10:  use your uuid. make that VistaBoot Dir.. (or whatever dir you want) and there ya go.19:09
KM0201haddiman: it looks like it can use both.. if thats the case... i'd probably use the b43.. cuz it has always been stable, unless you just want to use the STA.19:09
ziozizohi,how can find the plugin call"dvd subtitle decoder" for totem"?19:09
pingufanhi, can somebody help me with modelines for enforcing 1280x1024, please?19:09
Dr_Willisziozizo:  theres the gstreamer packages in the repos you need to install i think.19:09
Dr_Willis!dvd | ziozizo19:09
ubottuziozizo: Ubuntu's default installation and repositories do not include packages needed to play commercial DVDs for legal reasons. For information on adding them, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestrictedFormats/PlayingDVDs | For information on the legalities involved, see the "DVD" section of https://help.ubuntu.com/community/FreeFormats19:09
AnggaDj98VivekRp: make it not extension but primary maybe fix the problem?19:09
iRabbithow does one intstall MySQL on ubuntu 10.10 server?19:09
FezzlerI must be invisible or banned today :)19:09
Vic10ntfs-config errors out Dr-Willis annd what do i put after /media/ if i just want it mounted and available on the desktop?19:10
KM0201Fezzler: what?   :)19:10
sayres When I installed virtualbox 4 this error appear?There seems to be a programming error in aptdaemon, the software that allows you to install/remove software and to perform other package management related tasks. Please report this error at http://launchpad.net/aptdaemon/+filebug and retry.    What do I do?:'(19:10
VivekRpAnggaDj98: Okay. I'll try & get back to you.. :) thanks19:10
Dr_WillisVic10:  make a directory.. name it whatever you want..19:10
Dr_WillisVic10:  gnome handles the icon ont he desktop.. not fstab19:10
FezzlerKM0201>> The graphical user interface buttons on all my apps seem to be freezing up.19:10
FezzlerKM0201>> Yet I noticed in my browsers, the keyboard commands work well/fast19:11
KM0201Fezzler: hmm.. you mean like minimize/maximize/close?19:11
FezzlerKM0201>> Yes, open folder, back, switch app windows, etc.19:11
KM0201Fezzler: are you using some custom theme?... try changing to a "normal" theme and see if that resolves the issue.19:12
aviondepapelI HAVE A PROBLEM WITH THIS WEB, WHY?????????????????? satiro.es/mejores_inocentadas.html19:12
ziozizoi have gstreamer installated but when i try to see a dvd's totem request a plugin19:12
KM0201ziozizo: do you have totem-plugins and totem-plugins-extra installed?19:12
Vic10so Dr_Willis if i add my version of your example line to my fstab and mount it to say "/media/myfolder" how would i reach "/media/myfolder" via Nautilus?19:13
Dr_WillisVic10:  yes...19:14
FezzlerKM0201>> no custom therem19:14
KM0201Fezzler: hmm, mystery wrapped in a riddle.. running desktop effects, or anything weird like that19:14
Vic10how would i then reach "/media/foldername" Dr_Willis...19:14
ox3ai am trying to customize My OS and trying add my compiling software to synaptic but i do not know to do it. Someone can help me please?19:14
FezzlerKM0201>> Even as I went to check, the click on System, no response19:14
KM0201Fezzler: very strange.19:15
ziozizoI use mediaplayer to play multimedia.In teory it'sufficient.I look for them.Thank you19:15
Dr_WillisVic10:  /media/foldername is the full path you use..   Im not sure what you mean.. you access it the same as you would any other location/directory19:15
FezzlerKM0201>> Now it responds, but drop down stalls19:15
jitsehello, you guys have any idea why the proprietary ati drivers won't show up in the Additional Drivers app?19:15
Dr_WillisVic10:  you are making this way too complex. :)19:15
dewmanhi there. I am having an issue with overscan. I am using a geforce 8500gt from the video card it goes to a dvi to hdmi cable and then from the cable to my samsung 46"dlp tv. The overscan isnt an issue when I use the vga connector on the tv, but once i use the dvi/hdmi cable I have to adjust the overscan. But, once gdm is restarted the overscan setting gets lost and I have to go back into nvidia-config. I have also tried to use sudo nvidia-config with no luck.19:15
dewman any advice?19:15
imacakeOh cool. i cant login after reinstalling nautilus :(19:15
jitseit just says no drivers available19:15
KM0201Vic10: you can type "nautilus /media" w/o quotes, and that should open up the folder... but it's not hard to find19:15
FezzlerKM0201>> Select Appearance - delay19:15
KM0201Fezzler: strange19:16
KM0201Fezzler: create a dummy user, and see if there's the same issue w/ that user.. that would narrow it down to a system wide problem, or a problem w/ your user configuration(although i can't imagine what would cause that)19:16
imacakeis there an IDE for command-line-only ?19:17
Vic10if i mount it as "/media/foldername" will it show up on the desktop as "foldername" KM0201 /Dr_Willis?19:17
Dr_WillisVic10:  Try it and see? - the answer is YES.. GNOME HANDLES THAT.. i said so earlier.19:17
milamber!ide | imacake19:17
ubottuimacake: Programming editors/suites: Terminal-based: vi/vim, emacs - KDE: Kate, KDevelop, Quanta+, Umbrello - GNOME: gvim, gedit, anjuta, pida, monodevelop, geany - Others: eclipse, netbeans, qtcreator19:17
Vic10i get it now i think19:17
airman00hey all. I'm looking for a good tool that I can use to find out how big my TCP packets receiving/transmitting are19:18
Dr_WillisVic10:  not like its hard to use the PLACES menu item either...19:18
FezzlerKM0201>> All Window controls for xchat - gone19:18
herghostairman00: tcpdump19:18
KM0201Fezzler: that is straaange19:18
FezzlerKM0201>> no minimize, close, etc. buttons19:18
imacakeubottu: im looking for an IDE for command-line (no gui at all). not just editors....19:18
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:18
Dr_WillisVic10:  and that icon on the desktop wil actually go to /media/whatever19:18
KM0201Fezzler: it sounds like a theme issue to me... but.. who knows.. i assume yo'uve tried restarting?19:18
Myrttiimacake: "emacs"19:19
milamberimacake: emacs is going to be your best bet. be prepared for a learning curve19:19
FezzlerKM - yea19:19
Fezzleralmost like a systme resource issue19:19
ziozizoI use mediaplayer to play multimedia.In teory it'sufficient.I look for them.Thank you19:19
KM0201Fezzler: it could be.. do you have system monitor running in your panel?19:19
* imacake is brb19:19
KM0201and if so, ar you at 100%?19:19
nirazioIs it possible to completely remove the gnome panel from one of the workspaces? I'd like to have a clean desktop to work with on the second workspace, and a regular desktop with panels on the first workspace. Is that at all possible?19:20
airman00herghost: thanks! Googling it now. I see an alternative is Wireshark. Would you suggest that over TCPdump?19:20
Dr_Willisnirazio:  not really a work space type setting.19:20
herghostairman00: both are full featured and reasonably complex.  Wireshark is has a gui though, which you may prefer19:20
ziozizoKM0201 i have not installated totem-plugins-extra.now i do it...19:20
Dr_Willisnirazio:  so id say no.  never seen that done.19:20
herghostI think wireshark may actually use tcpdump as its engine, but I may be wrong.19:21
KM0201ziozizo: not saying that will solve your problem, you just said it was a plugin issue, and i saw that package.19:21
FezzlerKM no19:21
airman00much obliged19:21
Dr_Willisnirazio:  KDE has a feature similer to that however. :)19:21
FezzlerI can use command line TOP in another session19:21
nirazioDr_Willis: Are you sure KDE has that feature?19:21
KM0201Fezzler: ok, well, however you want to do it... if you think something is hogging your resources and causing this.. then you need to see what it is./19:22
matti__is it common to get weird ass requests from the wild?19:22
matti__i have 3 ips that seem to think my computer is a proxy19:22
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Myrttimatti__: try fail2ban or tweak iptables by hand?19:23
FezzlerKM0201>> top cycles so fast - hard to tell19:23
matti__Myrtti: yah i was thinking that19:23
imacakehelp nautilus got messed up. cant even login with a new user after reinstalling nautilus19:23
makosbladeget some iptables going19:23
ziozizoKm0201,please there's must be a mode to see my cd's....19:23
matti__Myrtti: im just wondering why in the world would they be requesting my IP... it seems like they're requesting random ass domain names that has nothing to do with my computer19:24
Myrttimatti__: seen more bizarre things...19:24
KM0201ziozizo: i honestly don't know.. i hate totem19:24
KM0201ziozizo: are you wanting to see subtitles for music cd's, or subtitles for movie DVD's?19:25
matti__Myrtti: heh.... i guess it's not that uncommon?  just afraid that my computer is getting hacked or something like that19:25
FezzlerKM0201>> how do I get top just list what is running and hogging cpu :)19:26
ziozizo Km0201,i'm sorry was DVD19:26
KM0201Fezzler: i'm not that familiar w/ TOP.. i just use system monitor.19:26
KM0201ziozizo: just use VLC and call it a day, quit stressing yourself out over this.19:26
Myrttimatti__: it's not common but it's not the first time I've heard of it either. iptables should do the trick if there isn't anything in fail2ban to stop them banging19:26
Neodymiumhow to monitor all outgoing and incoming http request from my system19:26
matti__for example this was one of the requests.... http://localhost:8080213.92.8.7:3120419:27
matti__how in the world does that get routed to my IP?19:27
matti__it's not even a valid address format!19:27
matti__or this one.... http://vlad-tepes.bofh.it/proxy.txt19:28
makosblade<matti_> http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/linux-iptables-drop/  and  http://www.cyberciti.biz/faq/iptables-block-port/19:28
matti__so is that a piece of malware on my own computer... that's trying to communicate out to the attacker?19:28
matti__well...thing is i actually do have a web server running...19:29
taransvardoes anyone know how to use tor?19:29
matti__so iptables helps to a degree... but i do want to leave the 8080 port open19:29
Jetienhi. is there a more elegant way to automount partitions in a ubuntu desktop? i notice that there is no entry in fstab for my ntfs partition, however it can easily mounted from within nautilus. is there another subsystem that handles mounting in ubuntu? what it's name?19:29
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TheWardenDr_Willis: Thanks it worked like a charm!!19:30
Jetiens/what/what's/ s/it's/its19:30
ziozizoKm0201....i'ts the oly way.by19:30
matti__but somehow people can make weirdo requests and it can hit my server...19:30
franzdoes anyone know how to use tor?19:30
Bisu[Shield]hey guy what is the path to the mysql log that shows bad sql queries?19:31
Neodymiumhow to monitor all outgoing and incoming http request from my system19:31
AmunRaHello! Any way I can upgrade multiple releases at once?19:31
makosblade<matti_> right so definitely leave 8080 and 80 and 443 open (if you're using them)19:31
AmunRaI'm on 9.04 and I'd like to jump to 10.1019:31
milamber!upgrade | AmunRa19:31
ubottuAmunRa: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade19:31
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newclimbi'm with a problem in my note it turn off without tel me that the batery its ending19:32
newclimbanyone can help me19:32
KM0201ziozizo: what is the only way?19:32
makosblade<matti_> if run netstat with the -p flag, you can see the pid of the process/program that is using that socket/connection19:33
makosbladeif you*19:33
das3mal1hey my mysql is pointed to the web but I use mysql only on the server where mysql is. so i think i dont need mysql to listen to the net. where can i change it? (ubuntu 10.04 lts)19:33
xnixanHow to reduce the size of video file even if the resolution will be less?19:33
Neodymiumnewclimb: try to use some other battery life notifier19:33
AmunRaWell.. that page doesn't mention anything.. so that's why I'm asking.. never know :-D19:33
newclimbNeodymium, wich one do you recommend19:33
matti__makosblade: ah thanks, ill check that out19:34
ziozizoKm0201 install LVC19:34
matti__i was just searching on the internet... seems like it's not uncommon for webservers to get random requests from people searching for proxies19:34
_oldgoatcan you install .net ? I hear yes and no...19:34
milamberAmunRa: from the page:   To avoid damaging your running system, upgrading should only be done  from one release to the next release (e.g. Ubuntu 9.04 to Ubuntu 9.10)  or from one LTS release to the next (e.g. Ubuntu 6.06 LTS to Ubuntu 8.04  LTS).19:35
macomatti__: i think id be surprised at a webserver whose logs *didnt* show such requests19:35
matti___oldgoat: i believe you have to use a .net variant.  it's called Mono.19:35
milamber_oldgoat: matti__ +119:36
matti__maco: yah... i guess that's true.  i was a bit surprised because it's my home computer and i only recently opened up the port just a few days ago19:36
Neodymiumnewclimb: thinkbat would be19:36
_oldgoatok, was having trouble loading it19:36
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sextigerhow do i addd an irc to chat on19:37
Neodymiumcould someone plz help me, how to monitor all outgoing and incoming http request from my system19:37
matti___oldgoat: microsoft prefers that people that use .NET to use a windows machine (for obvious reasons).  there was a group of developers that were interested in getting it to work on linux though, and that project is called Mono.19:37
macosextiger: join another channel you mean?  /join #channel19:37
BonaparteNeodymium, watch the HTTP server logs19:38
BonaparteThat way you  can monitor incoming HTTP requests19:38
_oldgoat@matti.i will look into it more,ty19:38
BonaparteNeodymium, why do you want to monitor all outgoing HTTP requests?19:38
mohsen_hello every body19:39
NyghtbyteHey, could anyone help me with drivers for a Zotac IONX-A-U? My HD audio (optical) isn't working, and neither are the manufacturer's drivers19:39
ihaveaproblemI have a question on an Ubuntu install. I used Wubi to install, restarted and booted up UBuntu.  Everything leads nively, the dots come and go and it comes to the home screen.  The wifi, bluetooth and power indicator show up on the top right (nothing on the left) and a screen comes in saying "Checking INstallation" and when it does that, an error comes up saing "cannot find root disk...fix from partition menu".  How do i fix t19:39
NeodymiumBonaparte: actually I am developing my application having 3-4 part, and try to monitor each of them19:40
NeodymiumBonaparte: can you suggest me any tool which I can use, to monitor all outgoing http request19:40
Nyghtbyteihaveaproblem: I would suggest reinstalling using a boot disk, I've had some troubles with the Wubi installer, it just doesn't seem to work right19:41
sextigerhow do i add a channel19:41
das3mal1where is the mysql config file on ubuntu? my.cnf does not exist on my machine19:41
makosblade@Neodymium: netstat19:41
milambersextiger: these questions are best asked on #freenode19:41
otak  sextiger if you /join a channel which does not exist it will be created19:42
tomlikestorock_how do I have sed search and replace, but ignore the first match?19:42
tcopelandihaveaproblem: Wubi is unstable in the fact that configures Ubuntu to essentially run inside windows, somewhat like a virtual machine. If something goes wrong with ubuntu and your partition is corrupted, you may not be able to use windows. I suggest just installing to a partition19:42
milambersextiger: http://freenode.net/faq.shtml19:43
NyghtbyteHey, could anyone help me with drivers for a Zotac IONX-A-U? My HD audio (optical) isn't working, and neither are the manufacturer's drivers19:43
stealthcuse virtual box19:43
stealthcvirtual box is pretty easy to use and you can do more than just windows with it19:43
makosbladeI second stealthc19:44
Nyghtbytestealthc: The main problems with virtual box, however, is it tends to be a little slow, as it is still running one OS inside another. If the user wishes to play with the OS, I would suggest using either a live CD or just installing the OS to a partition19:44
stealthchmmm on a high end computer nowadays is that really a bad thing?19:44
stealthcI have a dual core laptop with 4 gb's of ram19:44
stealthcthat seems to be adequate for a vbox setup19:45
KM0201ihaveaproblem: welcome to wubi! :)19:45
makosblade@Nyghtbyte: Wouldn't you say that there's much less work involved in using VirtualBox to try out an OS rather than having to stop your system to try it out with a liveCD?19:45
stealthcruns a little slow on my dual core netbook with 2gb's19:45
KM0201ihaveaproblem: can you still get to windows?19:45
stealthcthe space in ram seems a little too tight19:45
tcopelanddoes anyone know of a channel i can go to for help with bash script?19:45
stealthcI wouldn't say less work19:45
brontoeeetcopeland, #bash ?19:45
iRabbitis there a dedicated channel for Ubuntu server?19:45
stealthcbut at least you aren't fucking with your hard drive19:45
Nyghtbytemakosblade: That depends on whether or not the person already has a Live CD. That and virtualbox isn't exactly user firendly at times19:45
KM0201!server | iRabbit19:46
ubottuiRabbit: Ubuntu Server Edition is a release of Ubuntu designed especially for server environments, including a server specific !kernel and no !GUI. The install CD contains many server applications. Current !LTS version is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04) - More info: http://www.ubuntu.com/products/whatisubuntu/serveredition - Guide: https://help.ubuntu.com/10.04/serverguide/C/ - Support in #ubuntu-server19:46
stealthcI like how it uses files as virtual drives19:46
tcopelandbrontoeee: i was not aware that was a channel....19:46
stealthcif you are using linux19:46
stealthcthen you aren't worried about user friendly entirely all the time19:46
brontoeeetcopeland, it used to be a good one as well19:46
tcopelandbrontoeee: thank you19:46
makosblade@Nyghtbyte: I suppose. I found it pretty foolproof in my last few uses. I just like that you can be running both of your OSes at the same time so you can keep multitasking19:46
stealthcit's been getting friendlier, but still has a ways to go in my books19:46
brontoeeestealthc, who, what?19:47
KM0201stealthc: vbox is fine. . but if you're going to regularly use the OS, i'd rather have a traditional dual boot setup... I keep Xp in Vbox for one or two things I need, and probably boot it 2-4x a month19:47
stealthchmmm sometimes it's a pain to reboot just to run something in windows19:47
stealthcthat's why I like vbox... though it's a pain...19:47
stealthcI have a dlink router that I can hookup a usb hard drive to19:48
KM0201stealthc: thats why i use windows in vbox... but if i regularly used Windows for something, i wouldn't use vbox, i'd dual boot.19:48
stealthcbut the drivers only work under windows19:48
stealthccannot use smbclient because my login password doesn't work19:48
KM0201stealthc: a usb hard drive should work under either OS w/o issue.19:48
charasanybody here uses Finch - the text based console IM client?19:48
stealthcit must be encoded somehow by their software19:48
stealthcusb hard drive connected directly to the router?19:48
brontoeeewell, for heavy duty apps you still need a real boot, like video editing for example, other than that, i run winxp on top of osx and all my transcoder scripts are running with decent speeds, but not really superfast19:48
stealthcI'm using portshare or whatever that is, on a di82519:49
KM0201stealthc: thats just a matter of setting up a network device under ubuntu.19:49
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s8Alien ain't creating any packages, what do?19:49
otakcharas: yup finch is like pidgin without gui19:49
stealthcok well if you can guide me through this I would be shocked to get something working directly in linux19:49
stealthcI would love to have this thing mounted in linux19:49
KM0201stealthc: is it plugged into your router?19:50
charasotak: Yeah exactly. I am "cross" an oprion in preferences?19:50
stealthcrouter is a di 825, hard drive is external 2 tb usb, connect to router.  This relates to the shareport utility19:50
charasotak: Sorry for the gibberish. I mean how do I make a "cross" in preferences19:50
KM0201stealthc: you keep repeating yourself w/o answering the question.. is the hard drive, connected to the router.19:50
quantumriderhi I just copied entire partition from one drive to a new one using dd, it is booting fine I'm in it now however I am very worried cause in GParted this partition I am booted in right now says as unallocated... is this a big risk?19:51
stealthcyes connect to the router19:51
stealthcthe router has a usb port on it19:51
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stealthcI can connect to router using smbclient19:51
guntbert!alien | s819:51
ubottus8: RPM is the RedHat Package Management system. Ubuntu uses !APT, not RPM. RPM packages are not supported (the package "alien" can allow installing them, but it's quite dangerous and unsupported)19:51
KM0201stealthc: then it should just be a matter of going to "Places" and "Network places".. and going through the icons there till you find your device...19:51
stealthcbut the admin password I have set does not work when it asks me for a password to admin account19:51
s8guntbert: How did that help me?19:51
stealthcI can try but I will have to disconnect, I am stealing my neighbors wifi19:52
guntberts8: it should tell you: don't use alien, use athe apt-system19:52
KM0201stealthc: dunno, but i'm sure it can be done, im not making much sense out of what you're sayin g.19:52
s8guntbert: Don19:52
otakcharas: errr.. press enter ?19:52
charasotak: Enter doesn't work19:53
charasotak: Geez!! space worked.19:53
s8guntbert: Do you realize that is the worst answer I've had in IRC in a damn long time? Very ubuntu-ish.19:53
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nit-witquantumrider, I suspect a fdisk on that partition from a live cd would be a start. I don't know the exact fdisk command though19:54
stealthcI need to figure out what the work group name is19:54
stealthcit might just work if I can get that19:54
quantumriderhi I just copied entire partition from one drive to a new one using dd, it is booting fine I'm in it now however I am very worried cause in GParted this partition I am booted in right now says as unallocated... is this a big risk? when I click on info it says file system unallocated19:54
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quantumriderso fdisk would fix it?19:55
KM0201stealthc: just go to places/network.. there can't be more than 2 or 3 group names there... tr them all19:55
stealthcI think it liked my password, just couldn't find the share19:55
synackfinMrElendig: hmm, I just tried on debian (ubuntu), and python2 is on the path19:55
notryanneed help with dual boot (2 harddrive) with 10.1019:55
stealthcthere is no listing of it in there19:55
stealthcI get icon for windows network19:55
stealthcclick on it and find nothing19:55
KM0201notryan: whats the problem19:55
stealthcso I hit connect to server and manually enter in19:55
stealthc192.168.0.1 and account as admin19:55
stealthcok here it is19:56
KM0201!enter | stealthc geez, give it a break19:56
ubottustealthc geez, give it a break: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!19:56
notryani install win7 on my 120gig HD and then install 10.10 on my 1tb HD and now it only boots into linux19:56
Sean93how do i move everything except "file1" using mv?19:56
kermithow do i make convert HTML to an MS Word document?19:56
notryani got the grub menu but havn't been able to boot to windows19:56
KM0201notryan: is 7 the "primary" drive?19:57
nit-witquantumrider, I can't guarantee anything, but that is where I would start, you still have the original HD image correct19:57
stealthcI am trying to connect to a hard drive on my dlink di825 router.  I goto places, then click on connect to server.  Then I select windows share.  I set server to, set user name to admin.  A dialogue box pops up with fields for domain and password19:58
notryanKM0201, the bios boots the 1tb drive first then the 120gig19:58
notryanKM0201, i formated both drives and installed windows on the 120gig19:58
notryanas primary19:59
nit-witnotryan, can you run this script and post the generated file to a pastebin. http://bootinfoscript.sourceforge.net/19:59
notryannit-wit, k let me try that20:00
avg_guyI am looking to d/l the whole dir from the command line what would i use for this ?20:00
nit-witnotryan, you have run a sudo update-grub in ubuntu correct20:00
thewarlockneed help. metasploit says exploit complete but no shell was created. Do i need a differant payload20:01
NyghtbyteHey, could anyone help me with drivers for a Zotac IONX-A-U? My HD audio (optical) isn't working, and neither are the manufacturer's drivers20:02
gobbethewarlock: #metasploit20:02
gobbethewarlock: that has nothing to do with ubuntu20:02
Phantom-Xto make a liveusb with unetbootin , do you recommend 10.10_live or daily_live for this ?20:02
thewarlockyea i know but needed some info20:02
KM0201Nyghtbyte: well, are the manufacturer drives windows or linux?20:02
Sean93how do i tell mv to move all files in a directory except certian files? eg move all files except file1 and file220:03
nit-witPhantom-X, there is no daily for Maverick20:03
stealthcI would be real surprised if I could get this mounted in linux lol20:03
gobbethewarlock: google20:03
NyghtbyteKM0201: Linux, although they are built for Ubuntu 8.10 at the earliest. Here's the device20:03
NyghtbytenVidia Corporation MCP79 High Definition Audio (rev b1)20:03
Phantom-Xi jsut want something stable and preddy updated for liveusb20:03
KM0201Phantom-X: just download the ISO from ubuntu.com and install it w/ unetbootin20:03
nit-witPhantom-X, if you mean the daily natty  wouldn't run it as a main OS20:03
KM0201Phantom-X: well, its unlikely you'll get one 100% updated for USB...20:04
Phantom-XKH0201 i thought unetbootin did downloading for me20:04
notryannit-wit, KM0201 http://pastebin.com/ABFE4pku20:04
nit-witnotryan, thanks I'm going to open a dialogue window20:04
KM0201notryan: so windows is your slave20:05
KM0201i suspected so20:05
Phantom-Xto ensure i could run it on as many machines as possible I understand not to use the X64 isos20:05
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KM0201Phantom-X: that'd be pretty smart20:05
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NyghtbyteKM0201: It seems that there is a laptop with the same chipset that also has driver issues, it's a macbook, I believe20:06
Phantom-XKH0201 do you still recommend to manually download an iso or could i rely on unetbootin ?20:07
KM0201Phantom-X: either one, you're likely to get the same ISO.20:07
FezzlerKM0201>> switched theme, not sure it helped20:08
KM0201Fezzler: hopefully, did you find what was hogging stuff?20:08
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FezzlerKM0201>> I trashed my desktop a few days ago and had to reinstall it20:08
Phantom-Xi use gentoo normally , could i compile my own kernel and put it in the liveusb later on or would that spoil it ?20:08
Fezzlerplus I've been messing with nvidia driver trying to get compiz to run20:08
FezzlerKM0201>> Gnome-panel; metacity;20:10
Bipul`can any one help me20:10
Bipul`i am tring to install tor20:10
pradeep_i click on a link here in the irc channel and it messed up my ubuntu system20:10
pradeep_two dys ago20:11
KM0201pradeep_: what link was that?20:11
pradeep_someone paste it here20:11
suprengrAnyone know how to set x-chat in ubuntu to use UTF8?20:11
Pasto legacy20:11
pradeep_i clicked to check it20:11
pradeep_it froze  my keyboard and mouse pad20:11
Bipul`can any one help me in TOR20:11
ArachonI'm getting a "Low disk space" error when I try to install ubuntu from a live USB, and the installer freezes on "Identifying File Systems", could anyone help me?20:11
pradeep_i hadd to forcefully shutdown and even when open it the system was dragging to my surprise did not know such could affect linux systems20:12
KM0201pradeep_: i suggest your issue is unlikely to have aything to do w/ that link you clicked20:13
FezzlerKM0201>> Funny, metacity is there like 20 times and most processes say "Sleeping" or "Zombie" in the Status20:13
KM0201Fezzler: yeah, something isn't right there.20:13
Bipul`any one here hellow?20:13
Phantom-Xhow big would this liveusb become on the memorystick ? I have an 8G and think about partitioning it ...20:13
pradeep_KM0201, why say so20:13
zenguy21is there any linux music player that will play music from .rar or .zip like windows "foobar 2000" does?20:13
KM0201!tor | Bipul`20:13
ubottuBipul`: Want to hide your IP while connected to freenode? See http://freenode.net/faq.shtml#cloaks - More information available in #freenode20:13
pradeep_any lue20:13
Bipul`pradeep_,  what kind of link it was check you history20:14
Phantom-Xso I could have one partition to save changes etc so it boots up in as much same state as it was in last time20:14
Bipul`KM0201, but can't i use TOR?20:14
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FezzlerKM0201>> metacity is listed like 40 or 50 time20:15
FezzlerCPU usage is off he charts20:16
KM0201Fezzler: wel,l i'd say thats the problem...but i have no problem how to stop it.. can you kill the zombie/sleeping ones?20:16
harshnI have MICROMAX 200G network modem (by Airtel)... .. Which uses GSM SIM for the internet ... Its detected just as a mass storage device on Ubuntu.. want help for getting it detected as a Modem20:16
benkong2hey all20:16
hash_ada yang dari indonesia?20:17
FezzlerKM0201>> What is metacity?20:17
KM0201!metacity | Fezzler20:17
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KM0201Fezzler: metacity is the window manager used by Gnome20:18
FezzlerKM0201>> Hmm.  We must be close.  50 versions of it running.  GUI slow20:18
KM0201Fezzler: thats definitely the issue...20:18
KM0201!botabuse > NyghtByte20:19
ubottuNyghtByte, please see my private message20:19
harshnI have MICROMAX 200G network modem (by Airtel)... .. Which uses GSM SIM for the internet ... It is detected just as a mass storage device on Ubuntu.. want help for getting it detected as a Modem20:19
benkong2dpkg error processing dockmanager --unpack trying to overwrite skype_dnd.svg which is in Faenza-icon sub process error code (1). How can I fix this? deleting the skype png does not work and apt-get -f install does not work?20:19
benkong2ubuntu 10.1020:19
stealthclet's see what dlink tech support has to say of this20:19
stealthcthey will probably say they don't support linux20:20
stealthcbut either way I have a few questions to ask that needs some answers20:20
KM0201stealthc: it's probably gonna be along the lines of "we dont' support linux".... if you're the type to call tech support, linux is not for you20:20
stealthcI need to know if they are using a proprietary protocol for connecting to the share20:20
KM0201stealthc: can you ping your virtual install?20:20
stealthcthey should know that at least20:20
KM0201stealthc: they wont, all she's gonna tell you is their device doesn't support linux(because they dont support it)20:21
stealthcI can get prompted for a password but it cannot find the hard drive connected to the router, cannot find the share20:21
stealthccannot browse network places20:21
pradeep_harshn, was it formally zain20:21
subsumehow can I get a quick number of how many emails I sent out this month?20:21
stealthcI need information on this protocol so I can use my device20:21
stealthcI don't care if they support it20:21
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stealthcI can support it myself.20:21
pradeep_stealthc, use iptables20:21
Dr_Willisstealthc:  i had a dlink router with a usb port for a hard drive.. even windows couldent see the shareed thing.. it never did work nder any os i tried.20:21
stealthcif I know it's a proprietary protocol I might have no choice but to use a packet monitor20:22
stealthcand disassemble the packets20:22
hash_i can't enable visual efect in ubuntu20:22
nit-witanybody on here that knows how to read the bootscript20:22
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Dr_Willisstealthc:  oh wait. it was a Belkin. :) i just looked in the closet.. heh.20:22
stealthcit works with their proprietary driver20:22
stealthcthat's what I'm getting at20:22
stealthcit's like a modified version of smb20:22
pradeep_hash_, can you explain yourself20:22
KM0201Dr_Willis: well come out of the closet20:22
misho_i need from help20:23
Dr_Willismisho_:  and the issue is?20:23
pradeep_misho_, what is the issue20:23
KM0201hash_: it's likely you don't hve your graphics driver installed/or its unsupported20:23
zenguy21is there any linux music player that will play music from .rar or .zip like windows "foobar 2000" does?20:23
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548280/20:23
misho_What is the way of installing Heroes of might and magic 3 linux edition?20:23
Dr_Willismisho_:  given how old that game is.. i would be suprised if it still workeed in mondern disrtos.20:24
Dr_Willismisho_:  it proberly has some installer executable you run.20:24
stealthcI swear I'm on to something here, if it weren't doing that I wouldn't get a request for admin account password when tryin to connect using samba20:24
FezzlerKM0201>> WHat a mess20:24
misho_i have the installer,but it can't run20:24
KM0201Fezzler: sure sounds it.. ask Dr_Willis he might know how to narrow this down... like you said, at least youv'e found the problem20:25
FezzlerKM0201>> Amazing to me how Linux can be messed up in one respect but keeps running!20:25
FezzlerKM0201>> Is there a Dr in the house?20:25
KM0201Fezzler: he's here.20:25
Dr_WillisFezzler:  and the issue is?20:25
petehadsWhen I click Places and then, for instance, Pictures or Video, F-Spot loads up. Is this a program-folder association problem- is there a settings window I have missed?20:25
stealthclol still on hold but I'm going to need someone more than a regular tech guy20:25
stealthcI'll try the condescending approach20:26
stealthcI'll say if they don't know what samba is and never used it that they can't answer my questions20:26
stealthcand should go get someone who can20:27
KM0201petehads: do this... open a terminal(application/accessories/terminal) type "nautilus /home/username"(no quotes) hit enter, that will open your home folder... right click a folder inside home, and choose "Open With".. go throught he list and find "File Browser".. make sure at the bottom "always use this program" is checked... then apply the change.20:27
stealthcI worked in their tech support dept once this should be funny20:27
stealthctheir office is in mississauga ontario20:27
misho_:( I guess that there is no chance to install my favourite game?20:27
stealthclol maybe having worked there will give me a leg up over the others that have tried to get this dealt with20:28
itaylor57misho_: look in unbuntu forums, the game forum might have info on your game20:28
nietwho is the boss here?20:28
Gilosare there still any repositories left for intrepid?  I have an old box that I don't have physical access to, and am not too sure about upgrading it remotely.20:28
KM0201stealthc: i wouldn't get your hopes off20:28
KM0201niet: the boss?.. there is no boss20:28
amyDo I need to do something special to mount a usb floppy disk? I thought that would be plug and play by now.20:28
stealthcyeah I remember the rude things they used to do to customers20:28
KM0201amy: usually they are20:29
Bipul`plzz can any one help me how to install TOR20:29
stealthcthey'd say something snide to get people off the phone then disconnect before they can say anything or object to it...lol20:29
amyKM0201, What should I look for to see what went wrong?20:29
juniourhey i have a problem20:29
stealthcit's all about keeping short call times, disconnect the sucker they can call back and wait on hold for 30 minutes again20:29
KM0201amy: i wouldn't even begin to know, i can't imagine it not working(then again, i can't imagine anyone still using a floppy disk)20:29
stealthcthat used to piss me off to no end and that's what they train their reps to do20:29
nietif I install TOR, will I have my ip also changed in irc?20:30
FezzlerKM0201>> Floppy user <---20:30
KM0201Fezzler: wellt hat explains yoru metacity problem...lol20:30
FezzlerKM0201>> 5 1.4 floppies too!20:30
juniourhow to run exe file through wine20:30
amyKM0201,  LOL... friend brought me a floppy and asked it I could put it on a CD for her.  Gave me a chance to try out this usb drive that's been sitting in my office forever. :)20:30
KM0201Fezzler: well, considering a 1gig thumb drive can hold about 900+ floppy disks... i dunno20:30
ArachonI'm having problems installing Ubuntu, It tells me that I have low disk space, and the installer gets stuck on "detecting file systems", but I've partitioned boot with 500MB, swap with 5GB and root with > 200GB, does anyone have an idea of what might be wrong?20:31
brontoeeejuniour, wine file.exe20:31
harshnI have MICROMAX 200G network modem (by Airtel)... .. Which uses GSM SIM for the internet ... It is detected just as a mass storage device on Ubuntu.. want help for getting it detected as a Modem20:31
ZykoticK9trying to turn my display (on 10.04 w/Nvidia) "xrandr -o left" is giving this error as output http://paste.ubuntu.com/548344/20:31
nietdoes TOR changes the ip for irc?20:31
FezzlerKM0201>> I have old computers and drives as hobby,  still booting to CP/m or DOS 1.0120:31
juniourbrontoeee ya20:31
KM0201juniour: actually.. wine /path/to/file.exe20:31
FezzlerDr_Willis>> Available?20:31
misho_OK.One more question....Do you know anything about Bulgarian web version of Ubuntu(I'm from Bulgaria) or how can I connect with IT specialist from my country20:32
juniouri have to put file to that path first20:32
petehadsKM0201: thanks that worked20:33
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ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »20:33
NFischerHi all! is there a way to let mplayer NOT quit after a stream interrupt? (im watching and listening to live-streams a lot)20:34
NAIFAthe tourist20:34
leshastemisho_: isn't there a web page for the bulgarian port of ubuntu?20:34
itaylor57KM0201: I can't get my wireless to connect if the router is more than 3 feet away, so I am hardwired20:34
FezzlerKM0201>> I'll be back.  No one here who can fix thso20:35
misho_no,or might not be working right now20:35
harshnI have MICROMAX 200G network modem (by Airtel)... .. Which uses GSM SIM for the internet ... It is detected just as a mass storage device on Ubuntu.. want help for getting it detected as a Modem20:35
juniourkm0201 when i runt he exe file with wine it blocked20:35
=== ng_ is now known as NG_
KM0201juniour: what do you mean "blocked"20:36
wrdNFischer: do you use -cache 8192 (or any other size) ?20:36
NFischerwrd, i do20:37
juniourKM0201 blocked :wine start/unix20:37
NFischerwrd, im more looking for some retry functionality20:37
BernardVharshn: Google (2nd hit) gave me: http://www.techlab.in/mod/resource/view.php?id=16720:37
KM0201juniour: dunno20:37
donttrustemhi guy's I am in the poo how do I fix this The following packages have unmet dependencies:20:37
wrdNFischer: well you can always start it in a loop?20:37
donttrustem  libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: php5-common (= 5.3.2-1ubuntu4.5) but 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6 is to be installed20:37
donttrustemE: Broken packages20:37
BlaDe^can anyone help me with creating a grep/sed to change all {baseurl}'s to {staticurl}'s for all images?20:37
BlaDe^I have got this: grep -lr -e '^.+\.(css|js|png|gif|jpg|jpeg|ico)$' * | xargs sed -i 's/{baseurl}/{staticurl}/g'20:37
NFischerwrd, how do i do that?20:38
juniourKM0201 The file '/media/ZTEMT USB MODEM/Setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.20:38
BlaDe^but I have a feeling it is wrong20:38
donttrustemi just tried to downgrade from php5.320:38
juniourKM0201 WT IT MEAN20:38
KM0201juniour: ok, so you need to make it executable.20:38
juniourKM0201 HOW20:38
KM0201right click the .exe and click the permissions tab, and see if it says "allow executing as a program" is checked20:39
juniourKM0201 WT TO DO20:39
KM0201take a xannex20:39
harshnthank you bernardv... Now I will try it.. Hope it will do my job.. thanks again20:39
juniourKM0201 THIS F ME20:39
juniourWT IS XANNEX20:39
Pici!caps | juniour20:41
ubottujuniour: PLEASE DON'T SHOUT! We can read lowercase too.20:41
juniourubottu ia m not soiting20:41
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:41
juniourhow to make exe file executable20:43
BlaDe^can anyone help me with a grep/sed please?20:43
BlaDe^juniour:  chmod +x20:43
phpjim!ask | BlaDe^20:43
ubottuBlaDe^: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)20:43
misho_Why when I watch video clip on Youtube the picture is running very slow on full screen mode? It' might be a problem with flash player for Firefox...but i want your opinion20:43
BlaDe^phpjim:  i've asked twice20:43
PiciBlaDe^: #bash or #regex might be better places to ask20:43
phpjimBlaDe^: also stackoverflow would be a good place20:43
Picijuniour: You can't install windows drivers with Wine and expect things to work.20:43
BlaDe^okay I'll try that - thanks Pici20:43
PiciBlaDe^: and you'll likely need to escape your curly brackets.20:44
xanguamisho_: flash sucks in linux, that's the problem20:44
KM0201juniour: you're trying to install drivers in wine?20:44
wrdNFischer: http://tech.gaeatimes.com/index.php/archive/how-to-write-infinite-loop-in-bash/20:44
juniourKM0201 ya20:44
KM0201juniour: wellt hat is a total waste of time.... i'm not sure why you think that would work20:44
JeruvyI have a multiple display set up.  For some reason one of my displays lacks a desktop.  I can mouse over and see the mouse, but it's black.  Idea's?20:44
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing.20:45
KM0201jeremydei: nvidia or ATI?20:45
BernardVxangua: misho_ I have no problems, even on this atom youtube etc runs fine.20:45
ZykoticK9Jeruvy, you are using Separate X Screens instead of Xinerama/Twinview20:45
NFischerwrd, thx20:45
PeterNLlsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"20:45
JeruvyZykoticK9: some of each actually.20:45
ZykoticK9Jeruvy, it's one or the other (with Xinerama/Twinview being one option)20:46
vectoryin case you could watch it fullscreen fluently if you download the vid, id say flash n firefox tpp20:46
JeruvyZykoticK9: no, not at all.  One is twinview, two are not.20:46
misho_xangua, Hm..i have I3 procesor,and Nvidia  video card20:46
misho_might be problem with my video drivers,because i use beta version...20:47
=== nijotz_ is now known as nijotz
h4writerHi, my touchpad doesn't want to work any more. (I already tried the ctrl+f7 and the balloon tells it is enabled, but no reaction from the touchpad)20:49
nit-with4writer, try fn-f720:50
Nexxussorry that this is not an ubuntu specific  question but how do people get those fake addresses on IRC like Nexxus@some.place so people cant see your ip address20:50
h4writernit-wit, sry, I ment fn-f720:50
ubuntuumyj sie20:50
nit-witokay I have to go so i can't be of much help sorry20:50
h4writernit-wit, ok20:51
donttrustemcan anyone please help me fix this "The following packages have unmet dependencies: libapache2-mod-php5: Depends: php5-common (= 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6.5) but 5.2.10.dfsg.1-2ubuntu6 is to be installed E: Broken packages20:51
guntbert!pl | ubuntu20:51
ubottuubuntu: Na tym kanale używamy tylko języka angielskiego. Możesz uzyskać pomoc w języku polskim na #ubuntu-pl.20:51
PeterNLdonttrustem: sudo apt-get install -f20:51
Bipul`http://pastebin.com/zzbaxKr9 check this20:51
GrathIs there an easy way to backup wireless settings/passwords (e.g. Some script to export/import them)?20:51
nikitakithow can I report a bug in ubuntu without reporting package? (Bug is: right-click menus don't disappear)20:51
BernardVdonttrustem: Try updating the package list and then try again.20:51
Bipul`how to rectify this mistake20:51
h4writerSo anybody else has some idea off what is wrong with my touchpad. It started to happen when after hibernate I game back, I pushed fn+F7 before everthing was resumed20:52
donttrustemBernardV: still same error20:52
vBmis there something like "bad copy" for ubuntu ? (data recovery for cd/dvd etc.)20:53
BernardVdonttrustem: Then you could try what PeterNL said: 21:51 < PeterNL> donttrustem: sudo apt-get install -f20:53
Dr_WillisvBm:  ddrescue or dd_rescue20:53
donttrustemBernardV: I am in the crap ... need to get php5.2 installed20:54
vBmthanks Dr_Willis ... much appreciated20:54
BernardVdonttrustem: But no guanrantee all works well ;)20:54
=== nijotz_ is now known as nijotz
donttrustemBernardV: it didn't work20:54
nirazioHow to start Rhythmbox minimized?20:54
BernardVdonttrustem: But why 5.2?20:54
donttrustemBernardV: because I have websites that will not work with 5.320:54
BernardVdonttrustem: That's strange.. What problem do you have with 5.3?20:55
donttrustemBernardV: typo3 extentsions20:55
BernardVYeah, but what kind of "errors" ?20:55
jtrucksanyone here used a wired apple might mouse w/ Ubuntu?20:56
nirazioHow to start Rhythmbox minimized?20:56
donttrustemBernardV: going to install 5.3 again20:56
baka@seek spong20:56
baka@seek spong20:56
=== baka is now known as Guest89254
guntbertbaka: stop please20:56
Guest89254@find spong20:56
macobaka: stop that please20:56
macoGuest89254: please stop20:57
BernardVdonttrustem: I'm running 5.3.3 and had no problems..20:57
=== psi_ is now known as psyc_
=== psyc_ is now known as psycopatic
Guest89254sorry about that. what did I do wrong?20:57
Guest89254oops, now i see. Sorrt all!20:57
chullmy husband's ubuntu 10.10 is trying to open all of his .doc and .odt files in KOrganizer!? help?20:58
juniourKM0201 where is python in ubuntu20:58
BernardVjuniour: "which python"20:59
chulljuniour: i use vi(m) plus a script for python20:59
notryancan anyone help me trying to dual boot win7/ubuntu10.10 with two harddrives20:59
donttrustemBernardV: OK ... sties are backup but I get a problem with images http://www.walkingholidaysspain.eu/choose-your-level/21:01
juniourbernardv wherei can do promming21:01
junioursr progremming21:01
BernardVdonttrustem: ok, but what errors do you get in the logs?21:02
* chull *smiles*21:02
SamuraiAlbahave there been any updates in the past 4 days?21:02
BernardVjuniour: vi(m) ? Like chull already mentioned...21:02
juniourbernardv i have o install it21:02
juniourany command for installation21:02
juniourwhen  typed in terminal giving syntax error21:03
BernardVjuniour: ?21:04
donttrustemBernardV: no errors21:04
BernardVdonttrustem: :S21:04
juniourbernardv The file '/media/ZTEMT USB MODEM/Setup.exe' is not marked as executable.  If this was downloaded or copied form an untrusted source, it may be dangerous to run.  For more details, read about the executable bit.21:04
SamuraiAlbaI'm running Ubuntu 10.10 and now when I go to update it asks for an ubuntu studio cd...21:05
SamuraiAlbaany ideas how to fix that?21:05
juniourbernardv sr not that one21:05
juniourbernardv juniour@ubuntu:~$ vi(m)21:05
juniourbash: syntax error near unexpected token `m'21:05
KM0201!studio | SamuraiAlba21:05
ubottuSamuraiAlba: UbuntuStudio is a collection of packages for the artist who wishes to use Ubuntu as their Digital Audio Workstation. It contains all the best Audio/Visual components from the Ubuntu repositories. For more info and install instructions, join #ubuntustudio or see http://ubuntustudio.org21:05
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:05
ZykoticK9juniour, just type "vim"21:05
Daniel_NeelHello all, I have a quick request. A person has emailed me with the offer of free hosting space for FOSS projects. Does anyone know of someone/some resources I can point him to that would allow him to make use of his hosting space? Maybe Ubuntu could benefit from this?21:06
SamuraiAlbaKM0201, It WAS stock Ubuntu 10.10, now it is asking for the studio cd. :(21:06
juniourzykotick9 tell ing for installing packeg21:07
BernardVdonttrustem: In the html the src="" of the images is empty..21:07
BernardVdonttrustem: There must be something, like a warning or such.. otherwise look at the addon source :)21:08
GaryDhello all. is there a way to log all activity in one file?21:08
haddimanIs the 64-bit flash plugin more unstable? On my 64-bit box it crashes all the time but I'm running 32-bit Lubuntu on old laptop and it seems a lot more stable.21:08
itaylor57haddiman: yes21:08
mitchell_im running 32bit on my laptop and it crashes frequently as well21:08
mastiffmost recent distro's of apache and mysql have security issues.. has ubuntu release  the newer versions to the aptitude servers yet?21:09
itaylor57flash sucks, try html5 sites21:09
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:09
juniour haddiman ya use addobe21:09
BernardVjuniour: If it's telling you to install a package, maybe you should do that.21:09
rwwmastiff: no. Ubuntu backports security fixes to the version it released with instead.21:09
ubottuPackages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are  only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.21:09
mitchell_<itaylor57> thats what apple is tring to push21:10
notryancan anyone help me trying to dual boot win7/ubuntu10.10 with two harddrives (boot info script: http://pastebin.com/ZF8ru5iX)21:10
ubottuA Personal Package Archive (PPA) can provide alternate software not normally available in the offical Ubuntu repositories - Looking for a PPA? See https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+ppas - WARNING: PPAs are unsupported third-party packages, and should be used at your own risk.21:10
mitchell_<notryan> install Win 7 first and then use ubuntu to install its own boot loder21:11
BernardVdonttrustem: Do you have error reporting disabled in the php.ini ?21:11
mastiffwill ubuntu release the newer versions after that test them and fix the security hole21:11
juniourhiddiman wt?21:11
notryani did that21:11
juniourhaddiman wt?21:11
KM0201mastiff: what security hole21:11
notryaninstalled win7 on 120 gig and then ubuntu on my 1tb21:11
notryannow i cant boot into win721:11
notryangrub didn't detect it21:11
macomastiff: generally we just release a new version of the package with a patch applied for whatever holes there are, rather than a whole new version of the software (as a new upstream release may have new holes)21:11
pradeep_How to buy a Dell WITHOUT windows http://bit.ly/h4bM5K21:12
BernardVHow to buy Windows WITHOUT a Dell: http://m$.com21:12
KM0201BernardV: lol21:12
mitchell_<notryan> you will have to add windows to the ubuntu boot loader, you will have to edit the config file for it, sorry but im not to sure how to do this as im new to ubuntu21:13
mastiffso the version I have may already have a patch in it?  how can I tell if it is patched alread?21:13
GaryDis there a way to log all activity on my computer into one file?21:13
pradeep_BernardV,  funny21:13
wizardslovakhllo people21:13
BernardVpradeep_: ;)21:13
wizardslovakany app so i can raise cpu fan rpms?21:13
notryanmitchell_, thanks21:14
mitchell_notryan_, I will see if i can find a link for you21:14
macomastiff: there was a security update to apache2 in 10.04 on 18 Nov to fix a denial of service21:15
macomastiff: are you referring to a more recent patch than that?21:15
macomastiff: zless /usr/share/doc/apache2/changelog.Debian.gz21:15
stealthcok I'm lost anybody know any good places to find a starting point on hacking a dlink router firmware21:16
fortellerHi. My dad just got himself a camera with GPS, does anyone know of a good way to manage these photos (put them on a map)?21:16
shawnboyI'm getting errors halfway through installation of Lucid using Canonical CD & my own md5-checked downloaded CD. Any help?21:16
mastiffrunning 8.04 and and apache 2.2.8   got a company security metrics stating that the version 2.2.8 has security hole and needs to be updated21:16
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:17
shawnboyHow do I make a server install look & act like a desktop install?21:18
fortellerAs I understand it Picasa 3 should have support for GPS metadata, but I'd love to give him some true native Linux app, and something not from Google21:18
itaylor57shawnboy: install the desktop apps21:18
randomOfAmbershawnboy: 'sudo apt-get install gnome-desktop' does most of it I think, then you need to install applications you like21:19
rwwshawnboy: sudo apt-get install ubuntu-desktop21:19
randomOfAmberor kde-desktop, you might need to look up the package names in synaptic or software centre21:19
shawnboyitaylor57: is there a list somewhere so I know I get most / all of them?21:19
goodtimeits kde21:19
rwwrandomOfAmber: it's ubuntu and kubuntu, not gnome and kde21:19
shawnboyrww, randomOfAmber , so is it gnome-desktop or ubuntu-desktop?21:20
rww!info ubuntu-desktop21:20
ubottuubuntu-desktop (source: ubuntu-meta): The Ubuntu desktop system. In component main, is optional. Version 1.207 (maverick), package size 31 kB, installed size 60 kB21:20
itaylor57shawnboy: rww's advice is good21:20
BernardVshawnboy: install "ubuntu-desktop"21:20
BernardVshawnboy: Sorry.. to slow ;)21:20
shawnboyitaylor57: BernardV : so if I install server and then install ubuntu-desktop, I'll almost have same as installing desktop?21:20
pradeep_sorry what are linux headers21:21
BernardVshawnboy: Indeed21:21
itaylor57shawnboy: yep21:21
shcherbakshawnboy: or, check other windows managers, some of them are awesome21:21
pradeep_how do they work21:21
geojayHi, would someone be able to help me connect to a netbook running Ubuntu Netbook Edition using VNC on a Windows PC?21:22
shawnboythanks BernardV & itaylor57. shcherbak: I've played with other WMs on slower machines, but for this one I think I want standard Ubuntu.21:22
notryancan anyone help me trying to dual boot win7/ubuntu10.10 with two harddrives (boot info script: http://pastebin.com/ZF8ru5iX)21:22
KM0201geojay: if you want to do it "the easy way"... just put teamviewer on both machines21:22
BernardVshcherbak: shawnboy You can install other window managers besides gnome (default in ubuntu-desktop) and select an othre in GDM when logging in.21:22
GrathIs there an easy way to backup wireless settings/passwords (e.g. Some script to export/import them) or will I have to set everything up automatically for a fresh install?21:22
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:23
anygivennameI connected to my Ubuntu machine remotely & opened some apps.....how can I have the same iew from on the Ubuntu machine ?21:23
shawnboyBernardV: so like fluxbox or openbox?21:23
KM0201Grath: thats a good question.. i don't think there is.21:23
BernardVshawnboy: yup21:23
mitchell_<notryan> Here is the basic config commands http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=306009 and here is a Full tutorial on grub boot loader http://www.dedoimedo.com/computers/grub-2.html21:23
goodtimehey its ben awhile since i hve registerd my nick i forgot how21:23
KM0201!register | goodtime21:24
ubottugoodtime: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:24
BernardVshawnboy: On this netbook I have the default netbook install and also lxde and openbox, selectable in the login screen21:24
shawnboyBernardV: after installing ubuntu-desktop... would I simply find package name and install it?21:24
goodtime !register | goodtime21:24
ubottugoodtime, please see my private message21:24
shawnboyor is it more complicated than that?21:24
BernardVshawnboy: Yes21:24
geojayKM0201: how hard should it be to do it the VNC way? That works Windows to Windows but am struggling with Ubuntu...21:24
=== goodtime is now known as godtime
BernardVshawnboy: Yes on the first question :)21:24
GrathOkay, thanks for the help. It's a shame I'll have to waste my time doing that over again.21:24
KM0201geojay: it shouldn't be hard, but it's not very secure....21:24
shcherbakanygivenname: for cli - screen, tmux; for gui - xspre, guievict (?)21:24
shawnboyBernardV: gotcha. thanks.21:25
KM0201geojay: you need to start a vncserver w/ ubuntu, in order to allow folks to connect to it.21:25
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:25
geojayKM0201: it's only for local use on the same LAN if that makes any difference21:25
Braber01I have a server set up and I want to install either talk or write what's the better one to use?21:25
shawnboyanygivenname: you need to see whole desktop? or just a GUI app or two?21:25
anygivennameshcherbak: sorry but I did not understand a word21:25
KM0201geojay: well, security can still be an issue.21:25
godtime !register | goodtime21:25
ubottugoodtime: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode21:25
anygivennameshawnboy: preferably the whole desktop21:26
geojayKM0102: Yeah, I've installed Remote Desktop on the netbook21:26
shcherbakanygivenname: do you want to run same program remotly and locally with no interuption, right?21:26
BernardVgodtime: /msg nickserv help21:26
shawnboyanygivenname: I use FreeNX for whole desktop (like windows remote desktop) and ssh -X machine for running and seeing a few GUI apps.21:26
geojayKM0201: does that provide a VNC server?21:26
KM0201geojay: that still doesn't start a vnc server21:26
=== godtime is now known as goodtime
CripperZfreenx is cool.21:26
shawnboyanygivenname: personally I think the built-in remote desktop of Ubuntu really stinks. That's why I use FreeNX for that.21:27
KM0201!vnc | geojay21:27
ubottugeojay: VNC is a protocol for remote desktop. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/VNCOverSSH describes how to use it securely.  It works best over fast connections, otherwise look at !FreeNX21:27
geojayKM0102: Ah, that would be a problem...21:27
goodtime !register | goodtime21:27
ubottugoodtime, please see my private message21:27
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:27
anygivennameshcherbak: yes21:27
shawnboyanygivenname: if you can follow a few simple instructions on their site, you can install it and be up and going in no time.21:27
rwwgoodtime: Issuing !register just makes ubottu say a message. You should probably read the message and follow /those/ instructions instead.21:27
KM0201rww: death to reading! :)21:28
anygivennameshawnboy: I am not into desktopshaing21:28
geojayubottu: I'll look at that now21:28
ubottuError: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)21:28
anygivennameshawnboy: I am not into desktop sharing21:28
EnigmaticCoderI just ran a partial upgrade and it borked my system. What can I do to fix it?21:28
shawnboyBernardV: itaylor57: rww: thanks again. Bye all.21:29
ZykoticK9EnigmaticCoder, don't run Partial Upgrades - it is actually telling you that it's going to break your system (for next time)21:29
momelodgreetings channel21:29
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:30
BernardVanygivenname: You can also install vnc4server, start it for the first time in a terminal with -geom widthXheight, it will ask you a password for the user and you can log in. You could edit the vnc config to bind only to localhost and use ssh for portforwarding.21:30
anygivennameshawnboy: my Ubuntu is running ssh server & I connect from Win machine with putty21:30
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:30
EnigmaticCoderWould upgrading to 11.04 development version fix it?21:30
lampliterI need to activate file sharing remotely on my wife's machine. What's the gui tool I should use to configure it?21:30
ZykoticK9!repeat | PeterNL21:31
ubottuPeterNL: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or http://ubuntuforums.org or http://askubuntu.com/21:31
anygivennameBernardV: I already have this set up21:31
BernardVanygivenname: Ah ok21:31
momelodcan anyone tell me how to set the default pulseaudio output device?  for example, using alsa i can aplay to either hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=0, or hdmi:CARD=NVidia,DEV=1.  When i play to DEV=0 it sounds scratchy, when i play to DEV=1 it plays perfectly.. PulseAudio seems to play on DEV=0, and I would like to change that.  How?21:31
PeterNLZykoticK9: I ahve searched. Can't find anything...21:31
BernardVanygivenname: Must have missed that.. sorry21:31
ZykoticK9PeterNL, repeat your question at perhaps 15 minutes, not every 221:31
PerSeLhello, how can I know which version of ubuntu I'm running? somewhere it tells me 11.04 (which I don't know why) and somewhere 10.1021:32
anygivennameBernardV: but when I connet to the Ubuntu fromanother machine & open firefox for example...then on the Ubuntu machine itself I can not open firfox anymore21:33
ZykoticK9PerSeL, "lsb_release -a" in a temrinal21:33
vikashi, can you tell me which is the best freelance job website to get shell scripting work?21:33
PerSeLZykoticK9: thanks it's 1021:33
rww!ot | vikas21:33
ubottuvikas: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!21:33
BernardVanygivenname: Ah it starts another X session indeed21:34
=== TMKCodes__ is now known as TMKCodes
anygivennameBernardV: now I connected remotely & initiated some downloads....now on the Ubuntu mahine I can not see whether it has finished or not...the only way tosee it is to go again to the windows macine & connect remotly again onto the Ubuntu machine to be able to see whether it has finished or not21:35
intrusionanyone know of a RDP password cracker? for educational purposes21:36
anygivennameis there anyway to view the same session from Ubuntu ?21:36
=== [1]Janek is now known as Janek
mobileintrusion: Hydra could very well do it, Hydra does pretty much everything :P21:36
notryanhaving problems booting into win7 after ubuntu 10.10 install using seperate harddrives (boot script: http://pastebin.com/ZF8ru5iX)21:36
intrusionmobile: cheers, i'll give it ago21:37
bluezonenotryan: thats not good news, i jsut did the same thing :(21:37
BernardVanygivenname: If you only use it occasionaly you could use the build in: http://www.ubuntugeek.com/share-your-ubuntu-desktop-using-remote-desktop.html21:37
gateway69wonder if anyone can help me with an issue of giving access to my /var/www/folder to another user, my account can ftp and read/write/edit but the user i created cant?21:38
notryanbluezone: what worked for you?21:39
anygivennameu mean there is no way to view the same session from on the Ubuntu ?21:39
BernardVanygivenname: In the link you can see the same session21:39
bluezonenotryan: i havent tried going back to v7 yet lol21:39
bluezonenotryan: now i am scared :D21:39
notryanworked easy with one harddrive and 10.0421:40
fortellerMy dad just got himself a camera with GPS, does anyone know of a good way to manage these photos (put them on a map)? I can't get Picasa to do anything with them21:40
anygivennameI have disabled RDS.....vnc server is more secured21:40
notryanbut i add a new drive and try 10.10 and run into all kinds of issues21:40
chulli'm getting an error trying to open Nautilus - http://chalcedony.pastebin.com/W1uY596a - it was suggested that Nautilus might enable my husband to correct where Ubuntu is opening .docs.21:40
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:41
FloridaGuyin the repo whats e17 listed under21:41
BernardVanygivenname: But freeNX like pointed out earlier could work nicely, There are NX clients for windows as far as I know21:41
anygivennamewhat does wondows have todo with it?!!21:42
mintrepublicI've got a quick question: can i make it so one terminal command redirects to another?21:42
mintrepublice.g. telent will act as if i typed in telnet21:42
BernardVanygivenname: You connect to ubuntu on your windows machine don't you?21:42
anygivennameyou probably did not get my point21:42
anygivennameys I do21:43
anygivennameyes I do21:43
BernardVanygivenname: FreeNX on ubuntu and an NX client on windows...21:43
rwwmintrepublic: put "alias telent=telnet" in .bashrc in your home directory21:43
rwwmintrepublic: then close and reopen the terminal, or run "source ~/.bashrc"21:43
anygivennamethen what would both NX's do ?21:43
mintrepublicrww: awesome, thanks!  i knew it had to be someone simple like that, i just didn't know what to search21:44
mintrepublicrww: I work for an ISP and i'm in telnet all day, so i start to mistype things about this time of day21:44
BernardVanygivenname: FreeNX is a remote display (server), so you can "share" desktop21:44
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"21:46
nyRednekhow would you disable NetworkManager without removing it?21:46
alberthi, how do i search for packages with apt-get (ubuntu 10.10)?21:46
anygivennameBernardV: seem I am unable to explain right :(21:46
Dr_Willisalbert:  use 'apt-cache search PATTERN'21:47
Dr_Willis!apt | albert21:47
ubottualbert: APT is the Advanced Package Tool, which together with dpkg forms the basic Ubuntu package management toolkit. Short apt-get manual: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/AptGetHowto - Also see !Synaptic (Gnome), !Adept (KDE) or !KPackageKit (KDE)21:47
albertthank you, dr_willis21:47
BernardVanygivenname: If I'm correct you want to see your current ubuntu desktop on your windows machine.21:48
fortellerok, new question: Does anyone know of an app that lets you drag and drop images to create a slideshow? Not to create a DVD/movie, but a slideshow you can control yourself.21:48
Dr_Willisalbert:  theres tons of other apt???? commands and options also. I dont use more then like 3% of the features :)21:48
anygivennameBernardV: I connect with putty from the Win machine.....initiate some work (like downloads) on the Ubuntu machine & then disconnect this session from on the Win machine....I want to be able to view this work on the Ubuntu machine21:48
Dr_Willisforteller:  i was thinking googles picassa could do that. theres proberly other image viewers you could use also.21:48
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  learn to use 'screen' - you can reattatch to the session from any machine then and see whats going on21:49
albertDr_Willis, me neither, i just got confused when apt-get search PATTERN didn't work21:49
toyman61Ubuntu 10.04: I want to edit an .ogv-video (OGG video) and save it as .ogv. Which tools is the best to use ?21:50
mzawieskaI have problem with Utorrent, after ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 LTS- the Lucid Lynx the utorrent is not showing on the top. When I go terminal->su->top I see utorrent process working. How can I solve the issue?21:50
BernardVanygivenname: Ok, you do terminal work.. not GUI?21:50
imcakeI got a folder. the owning group is 'xtor'. The group permissions on that folder are rwx. I'm a member of that group. why cant i write in it D: ? halp21:50
fortellerDr_Willis: I'm tinkering with Picasa 3 right now, but I just can't find a function like that. I've search around a lot, but never found an app with this function at all..21:50
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  or you use 'vnc' for a gui session. (but putty and screen go together like Eggs and Bacon!)21:50
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:50
Dr_Willistoyman61:  i would have to use the generic answer of 'ffmpeg' and 'mencoder'  but it depends on what you are doing by 'editing'21:50
chalcedonyDr_Willis, a friend is trying to secure his ubuntu 10.10 .. he mentioned proftp, exim, and ssh bug? (where can i direct him for more info?)21:50
BernardVanygivenname: Then jsut start a screen and connect to that screen on your ubuntu machine21:50
lousygaruahello, is there a way in bazaar or git to download only a certain revision (or tag or whatever) so it won't download 433MB of source code and its history but only download 1MB?21:51
anygivennameBernardV: not expert with terminal21:51
BernardVanygivenname: "apt-get install screen"21:51
imcakeI got a folder. the owning group is 'xtor'. The group permissions on that folder are rwx. I'm a member of that group. why cant i write in it D: ? halp21:51
mzawieskaI have problem with Utorrent, after ubuntu upgrade to 10.04 LTS- the Lucid Lynx the utorrent is not showing on the top. When I go terminal->su->top I see utorrent process working. How can I solve the issue?21:51
Dr_Willischalcedony:   I dont run any of theose services.. id have to say hit the forums and  the various linux security sites.21:51
toyman61Dr_Willis: I simply want to cut off some scenes in the end of the video...21:51
chalcedonyDr_Willis, ok21:51
toyman61Dr_Willis, I simply want to cut off some scenes in the end of the video..21:52
Dr_Willistoyman61:  i rarely do video editing like that. Theres Kino, and i think vlc has some video editor in the works. and some others out. but i dont use them21:52
milamberchalcedony: www.ubuntu.com/usn21:52
imcakemzawieska: try with system monitor first...21:52
BernardVanygivenname: Then start "screen" and you have a terminal which can be used troughout different sessions21:52
anygivennameBernardV: is screen a UI ?21:52
chalcedonymilamber, ty21:52
toyman61Dr_Willis, OK. Thanks for the answer.21:52
mzawieskaimcake:What should i do?21:52
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  screen is a terminal-multiplexor. :) its a cli tool that lets you have differnt cli 'screens'21:53
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  'byobu' is a tweaked up screen. :)21:53
imcakemzawieska: i told you...21:53
imcakemzawieska: just check if its in something else than top...21:53
mzawieskasystem monitor?21:53
milamberchalcedony: np21:53
jerrybHi -- just did a safe-upgrade on 10.10.  system tries to upgrade my nvidia driver 260.19.29 but build fails with a compile error!  http://paste.ubuntu.com/548280/21:53
mzawieskaoki hold on21:53
Dr_Willis!info screen21:53
ubottuscreen (source: screen): terminal multiplexor with VT100/ANSI terminal emulation. In component main, is optional. Version 4.0.3-14ubuntu4 (maverick), package size 595 kB, installed size 1020 kB21:53
Dr_Willis!info byobu21:53
ubottubyobu (source: byobu): a set of useful profiles and a profile-switcher for GNU screen. In component main, is optional. Version 3.5-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 75 kB, installed size 532 kB21:53
BernardVanygivenname: I use screen for irssi for example, if I go to another computer I log in (ssh) type "screen -rd [screen id]" and I see this IRC21:53
zeknoxBernardV: I do the same, its the only way IMO21:54
imcakeI got a folder. the owning group is 'xtor'. The group permissions on that folder are rwx. I'm a member of that group. why cant i write in it D: ? halp21:54
BernardVzeknox: Indeed21:54
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  last i used screen for putty. i think i had to twiddle with some putty settings. but it depends on what you are doing with it i imagine21:54
huff_join #asterisk21:54
tthamy ubuntu boot gets stuck on the purple load screen21:54
zeknoxBernardV: I love being in no mands land with internet, and ssh home to screen -r :)21:54
Dr_Willisttha:  live cd? or installed system? what video chipset?21:55
anygivennamewhat is the screen id ?21:55
tthaits been working for months21:55
zeknoxanygivenname: run screen -list to view the ids21:55
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  you can have more then 1 screen sessinon going at one time. :) each has its own id21:55
mzawieskayea its showing on Top the utorrent.exe is working as a process21:55
tthathen one day it just wouldnt boot21:55
shcherbakanygivenname: name given with -L swith21:55
imcakehow do i get a list of groups a user is a member of ?21:55
BernardVzeknox: Same. When I'm on a train, sitting on a bench, mobile phone or laptop or desktop.. everywhere the same  ;)21:55
Dr_Willismzawieska:  you do know thers a native (32bit) linux utorrent client now. But its only got a web interface. :)21:56
anygivennameduno the id of the session i putty'd from21:56
bluezonettha: that could be a million things tbh, did you recently change something?21:56
tthai didnt21:56
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  its a screen session #.   each time you run screen. a new is# is added21:56
tthai dont think its a ram issue either, because i can boot from a live cd21:56
mzawieskawhere can i download it?21:56
tthawhen i pressed an arrow key to view the boot steps21:56
tthai got21:56
Dr_Willismzawieska:  utorrent homepage.. i belive.21:56
Dr_Willismzawieska:  i repeate - it IS 32bit only (last i checked) and only has the web interface.21:57
shcherbakanygivenname: name given with -S swith (not L, my bad)21:57
tthainit:hash.c:296:Assertion failed in nih_hash_search: hash != null21:57
mastiffWhen ubuntu does an incremental patch to a revision why don't they add that to the end of the version number... I have some security company  (securitymetrics.com) that just checks the version number and flags the server a security problem...21:57
anygivennamehow do I kow the screen# of the session I was on from when connected from on the other machine ?21:57
=== petr is now known as AASSS
BernardVanygivenname: You can use just one screen session and attach it on the currently used session. It's only shutdown when you type "exit", kill it or reboot21:57
=== AASSS is now known as AAS
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace21:57
anygivennamehow please ?21:58
Dr_Willismzawieska:  quick google serach finds -> http://www.utorrent.com/downloads/linux21:59
shcherbakanygivenname: screen -S MySession, detach, then attach screen -r MySession21:59
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"22:00
tthathe screen would stay blank for awhile then id get22:00
tthainit:hash.c:296:Assertion failed in nih_hash_search: hash != null22:00
tthainit:caught abort, core dumped22:00
ttha[119.393186]Kernel panic - not syncing: Attempted to kill init!22:00
FloodBot4ttha: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:00
BernardVanygivenname: or just use -rd instead of -r then it's auto detached on the other end ;)22:00
shcherbakBernardV: not detaching screen is bad habit, especialy over ssh22:00
anygivennameso it is sudo screen -S MySession detach  ?22:01
BernardVshcherbak: Sure.. But I use -rd when I walk to my other computer a few feet away :)22:01
shcherbakanygivenname: type: screen -S one22:01
BernardVotherwise its CTRL+A, D.. etc22:02
shcherbakanygivenname: Ctrl-Alt-d (this will detach)22:02
shcherbakwell, BernardV is more correct22:03
anygivennameCtrl-Alt-d will show me the other session & hide this view ?22:03
BernardVanygivenname: ctrl+a and then just D22:03
shcherbakanygivenname: no, you will just leave screen22:04
bluezonewhy can't anything play .pls files?22:04
anygivennameleave the screen & have what ?22:04
tthashould i rebuilt /boot/ or something22:04
shcherbakanygivenname: console22:04
shcherbakanygivenname: when you detach, type: screen -r22:05
anygivennamewhat's the use then ?22:05
shcherbakanygivenname: back in screen22:05
mzawieskahow to extract utorrent-server-3.0-23418.tar.gz?22:05
anygivennameI am totally lost22:05
shcherbakanygivenname: you can "log" to screen from anywhere (via ssh)22:05
BernardVanygivenname: detach is not "exit" it will run but you can't see it at that time, when you reatach (-r) you can see the terminal again22:05
=== christian is now known as Guest67740
fabiobikhow to run zend frame work from shell?22:06
fabiobikzf version22:06
fabiobikzend framework22:06
shcherbakanygivenname: do you want to follow me? will show you simple tricks22:07
anygivennameCtrl-Alt-d will get me to see the session I opened from on the other machine ?22:07
bluezoneSome windows have trouble... moving... in 10.10, happens a lot when i drag a window over a terminal with text on it, youll see the cursor move quickly up then back down, up and back down etc... and the window will move up at an extremely slow pace22:07
shcherbakbluezone: metacity --replace?22:08
anygivennameshcherbak: please simplify22:08
mzawieskahow to extract utorrent-server-3.0-23418.tar.gz?22:08
bluezoneshcherbak, i think that worked... thanks, what exactly does that do anyway?22:08
shcherbakanygivenname: ok, lets start over: screen -S screenone22:08
DysteR_HelpMeI would like to know how to make StartUpManager or Xsplash Screen Manager to work on Ubuntu 10.1022:08
nyRednekhow can you take down your network and restart all devices?22:09
DysteR_HelpMetrying to change Xsplash screen and Grub Menu , can someone Help ????22:09
shcherbakbluezone: removing comiz, usually22:09
aeon-ltdmzawieska: tar -xzvf filenameandpath22:09
anygivennamescreen -S screenone did nothing22:09
tthahalp pls22:09
=== coaboa is now known as coaboa||away
aeon-ltd!ask | ttha22:10
ubottuttha: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)22:10
anygivennameshcherbak: screen -S screenone did nothing22:10
shcherbakanygivenname: good, shortcut:22:10
tthahttp://pastebin.com/mWnh8CZN = my question22:10
shcherbakctrl-a shift-222:10
shcherbakanygivenname: ?22:11
shcherbakctrl-a shift-222:11
linux_is_my_herohow do i make rhythmbox see my ipod touch?22:11
DysteR_HelpMesomeone here usinb Ubuntu 10.10  ???22:11
PerSeLhello, can anyone link me at tut how to update the kernel?22:12
DysteR_HelpMeStartupManager doesnt work , it install but has half the options22:12
soreauPerSeL: Why do you think you need a kernel upgrade?22:12
DysteR_HelpMeThere are other Xsplash screen managers I have installed , and none of them work22:12
anygivennamewhat's this ?!!!!!!!!!!22:12
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  you removed plymouth and installed xsplash?22:13
PerSeLsoreau: maybe I don't but I'm pretty sure i have 32 when there is 36 and I just wanna try to play with linux anyway I'm gonna format my comp22:13
PeterNL!latest | PerSeL22:13
ubottuPerSeL: Packages in Ubuntu may not be the latest. Ubuntu aims for stability, "latest" may not be a good idea. Post-release updates are only considered if they are: fixes for security vulnerabilities, high impact bug fixes, or unintrusive bug fixes with substantial benefit. See also !backports, !sru, and !ppa.22:13
PerSeLubottu: the 36 is stable I've checked22:14
AlagosHow can i install something from concrete  repository?22:14
Dr_WillisAlagos:  add the repsitory, use pacakge manager tools.22:14
DysteR_HelpMeI cannot install Xsplash22:14
DysteR_HelpMeeverytime I try to run it from the terminal I get an error22:14
PeterNLPerSeL: Not everyone agrees on what is "stable"22:14
DysteR_HelpMeInvalid Perimeters22:14
soreauPerSeL: In ubuntu, you can typically upgrade the kernel easily with the kernel ppa.22:14
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"22:14
bluezoneDysteR_HelpMe, don't run it as root maybe?22:14
rwwPerSeL: ubottu is a robot.22:14
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  it proberly needs some extra options. I normally just disabled xsplash when it was used in earlier releases.22:14
DysteR_HelpMewas trying a Terminal Way to change Xsplash came across an little script to be run with the terminal22:15
anygivennameshcherbak: what have u made me do ?!!!22:15
PerSeLrww: lol how could I know22:15
AlagosDr_Willis: and what about consol way?22:15
DysteR_HelpMeI just wanna know how to tune up Linux correctly , change the grub and the Xsplash seemed simple to me...22:15
KM0201anygivenname: whats wrong?22:15
Dr_WillisAlagos:  add the repo to the /etc/apt/sources.list or /etc/apt/sources.list.d/  then use the command line apt tools tp update/upgrade/ install the stuff22:15
PerSeLsoreau I cannot see the ppa here kernel.org22:16
DysteR_HelpMebut after 3 days I still cannot do the right steps , I have tried from 3 different sources on Ubuntu forums22:16
shcherbakanygivenname: shortcut need to be passed to right window22:16
goltoofis there a forum for general programming?  besides bash22:16
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  its easy to change he grub Menu wallpaper.. as for xplash.. i imagine its basically a dead project.22:16
goltoofchan i mean22:16
Dr_Willisgoltoof:  perhaps #programming  thats a rather large topic. :)22:16
soreauPerSeL: The kernel ppa is ubuntu specific. They get the sources (from git kernel.org), configure and build the kernel then produce deb packages and put it in the ppa22:16
aeon-ltdgoltoof: no but there are specifics like #c #java etc22:17
goltoofDr_Willis:  rofl.. never would've guessed :P22:17
anygivennameshcherbak: what do u mean ?22:17
DysteR_HelpMeI seem to find the correct PNG22:17
DysteR_HelpMeto change in the system file , but even after changing it , it remainds the same22:17
aeon-ltdgoltoof: heh why isn't there just a general channel :)22:17
goltoofaeon-ltd: yeah it's a broad topic, so is webdev which is #web22:17
PerSeLsoreau: ahh ok I already found something in the lunchoad22:18
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  last i looked into xplash. it used some xpecial X startup commands/scripts and was a bit of a hack.   I disabled it back then.. and  basically find it pointless. when the system boots up for me in under 20 sec.. for me to worry about a splash screen that i see for perhaps 4 sec.22:18
KM0201aeon-ltd: a general channel for..?22:18
goltoofKM0201:  programming22:18
aeon-ltdKM0201: general things :)22:18
KM0201aeon-ltd: general linux things?  or just general chat?22:18
KM0201Dr_Willis: lol...22:19
KM0201goltoof: you might have some luck in #linux22:19
aeon-ltdKM0201: general chat, but completely unrelated to anything - as in no topic22:19
KM0201aeon-ltd: ubuntu-offtopic22:19
Medjaihey I was wondering if anyone could tell me how to run a shell command in the background with out having it depend on whether or not my shell session is open22:19
Dr_Willisaeon-ltd:  i think that was #hottub :)22:19
aeon-ltdMedjai: command &22:20
Dr_WillisMedjai:  'command &'  then 'disown'    - is one way. use of 'nohup' may be anotehr.. use 'command &' then 'exit' to close terminal may also work...22:20
Dr_WillisMedjai:  it depends on the details :)22:20
Medjaiwell ok22:20
Medjaiit's a php script22:20
Medjaithat has no time out22:20
Medjaiit continually runs22:20
goltoofKM0201:  right but as soon as i say what i'm programming they say go somewhere else.  anyway i was just curious if there was a general room for more general stuff22:20
wilharthow do i save gnome-terminal settings and position!?!?!?22:20
Medjaicurrently i'm running it via "php file.php"22:20
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  best to keep it in the channel22:20
aeon-ltdMedjai: then something like 'sh pathtoscript &'22:21
KM0201goltoof: why do they tell you to go away?22:21
Medjaiwill that work with my php script though22:21
DysteR_HelpMeWe have the Grub screen right ???  I have the DUAL BOOT maybe I forgot to mention that22:21
DysteR_HelpMethere is still a lot of things I can not run on linux22:21
aeon-ltdMedjai: then 'php file.php &'22:21
Medjaijust tacking an &22:21
ilovefairuzMedjai: nohup yourcommand22:21
Dr_Williswilhart:  i dont think gnome has that feature. You could use devilspie, or the compiz ccsm tool to force specific size/positions22:21
DysteR_HelpMeGrub Screen and then the Login Screen22:21
Sumo-EnteEvening - SW for MP4 to regular DVD format . Any idears please?22:21
DysteR_HelpMeCalled Xsplash Screen22:21
wilhartDr_Willis: okie22:21
Medjaii think nohup works you're right22:21
DysteR_HelpMewhere you can change the background as you log in to Linux Ubuntu22:21
eon01hello Anyone know an simple tool to make flash banners ?22:21
Dr_Willisgyn1s:  GRUB menu, boots kernel -> loads stuff -> plymouth -> gdm login -> Users X session.22:22
goltoofKM0201:  it's at this point i realize the futility of my question22:22
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe: :  GRUB menu, boots kernel -> loads stuff -> plymouth -> gdm login -> Users X session.22:22
rww_Synergy_: Looks to me like it is.22:22
Medjaihow do i check the process id and kill it if i want to terminate it22:22
aeon-ltdeon01: as in adobe flash? don't think so22:22
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  where you login = GDM.22:22
KM0201goltoof: i guess so.. i fail to see why they'd tell you to leave #linux, whne you're discussing programming/22:22
Medjaii forgot how to do that lol22:22
DysteR_HelpMeGrub Menu where you chose OS22:22
ilovefairuzMedjai: pkill processname22:22
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  correct.. grub - first thing you see.22:22
Medjaiyeah but how do i show process names to get the PID22:22
KM0201goltoof: try #programming22:22
DysteR_HelpMeXsplash where you type your password to login to windows22:22
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe: thats 'gdm'22:23
goltoofKM0201: i just like this room i guess, but the subject is off topic here22:23
eon01aeon-ltd: not as heavy weight as Adobe , but a simple one to make a flash banner !22:23
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  xsplasy = little animation that runs right befor gdm...22:23
goltoofKM0201:  yes i am, thx22:23
ilovefairuzMedjai: ps aux, but you don't need the ID with killall or pkill, you just need the process name22:23
DysteR_HelpMeso I need to know how to change just the background of the GDM screen ?22:23
ilovefairuzMedjai: get the id if the process name if not specific enough22:23
Medjaiwell i want to find out what processes are running22:24
Medjaiso i can kill it22:24
Medjaieach time i run it i know it has a new PID22:24
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  thats a simple image file at /usr/share/backgrounds/warty-final-ubuntu.png22:24
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  edit that file - is one way to change it.22:24
MedjaiI just need to get that PID incase i need to kill it22:24
DysteR_HelpMeGonna Try it22:24
DysteR_HelpMeThank you Very much22:24
Dr_Willisand No i dont know why they named it that.22:24
ilovefairuzMedjai: man pkill22:24
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  theres some gui tools that can also change it.22:24
DysteR_HelpMenow I can unninstal Xsplash manager Xsplash Screen Manager and STARTUPMANGAR ALL TOGEDAHH!!!22:24
KM0201Dr_Willis: it's named warty-final?22:24
Medjaii can use pkill with out knowing the process id?22:24
Dr_WillisKM0201:  yes.. :) must be somthing thats been grandfathered in.22:25
goltoofMedjai:  what's the process?22:25
ilovefairuzMedjai: yes if the process name is specific enough22:25
KM0201Dr_Willis: must be... now what does that image contrl again?22:25
goltoofMedjai: when processes keep changing id normally it involves a service22:25
Medjaigoltoof say i run 'nohup php file.php'22:25
Dr_WillisDysteR_HelpMe:  those commands are proberly so old. they dont even know how to do gdm2 stuff22:25
Medjaii want to kill that process later on22:25
Dr_WillisKM0201:  gdm wallpaper22:25
Medjaiwhat do i do22:25
PeterNLHi, I'm trying to use a usb photo frame, but it doesn't work. http://pastebin.com/3jtNCVbf Have tried on ubuntu karmic and debian testing. have searched on the product ID, but found nothing. lsusb says "ID 18b6:1201 Mikkon Technology Limited"22:25
goltoofMedjai:  say you do, or did you?22:25
Medjaino i didn't22:25
KM0201hmm, thats interesting22:25
Medjaii haven't run it yet22:25
Medjaiwhen i do run it22:25
Medjaisay it's currently running22:26
FloodBot4Medjai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:26
Medjaihow would i go about killing it22:26
goltoofMedjai:  depends on what file.php is  :)22:26
ilovefairuzMedjai: you better get the process id to avoid kill any other php processes22:26
ilovefairuzMedjai: ps aux | grep php22:26
Medjaiwhat do you mean on what it  is?22:26
goltoofMedjai:  if you have it restart with a diff pid then you'll have the process you mention22:26
gsfaiHelp! My ubuntu installation is dieing :(22:26
macoPeterNL: i had a usb photo frame keychain years ago... those arent common enough to expect any linux support22:26
Medjaii think that works ilovefairuz22:26
Medjaiit maybe what i needed22:27
CripperZgsfai maybe u can be more specific.22:27
PeterNLmaco: What can I do to make it work anyway? Nothing at all?22:27
macoPeterNL: maybe get the software that came with it to run in wine22:27
PeterNLThere was no software22:27
macoPeterNL: other than that....windows vm22:27
un333khi all ;]22:27
PeterNLOkay, damnit, I'll try the VM way...22:27
DysteR_HelpMehow can I create a simple TXT or DOC file at DESKTOP new file22:27
aeon-ltdDysteR_HelpMe: touch blah.txt22:28
YankeesFanshould i use ext3 or ext4 for my 500GB backup hdd?22:28
DysteR_HelpMehuh ???22:28
aeon-ltdDysteR_HelpMe: in a terminal22:28
bluezoneDysteR_HelpMe, or create document > empty file22:28
gsfaiCripperZ, about an hour ago, i saw that the Extra Graphic effects stopped working, i didnt really bother, so i kept on browsing, and then i rebooted, because firefox sound was dead, and now i get Segmentation fault at firefox and synaptic, and everything from the 2 bars except the menu and fast launch is lost!22:28
stealthcor try gedit documentname.whatever22:28
stealthcin the terminal while you are within the Desktop folder located in your home folder22:29
stealthcuse cd foldername to navigate22:29
goltoofMedjai:  DysteR_HelpMe  or vi file   in terminal22:29
stealthcdir to see what you are lookin at22:29
stealthcand cd .. to go down a folder.22:29
CripperZsounds like the same firefox problem that i had.. it wouldnt launch.22:30
aeon-ltdstealthc: cd .. goes up one directory22:30
DysteR_HelpMeDr_Willis what would be the way to see the file where I can edit the Grub menu and also its wallpapers ???22:30
goltoofDysteR_HelpMe:  cd ~/Desktop  since that's where you're going22:30
macoDysteR_HelpMe: if you dont want to use the command line, just go applications -> accessories -> gedit and then when you save do it to the desktop22:30
CripperZgsfai: what ubuntu version u using ?22:30
ilovefairuz!who | stealthc22:30
ubottustealthc: As you can see, this is a large channel. If you're speaking to someone in particular, please put their nickname in what you say (use !tab), or else messages get lost and it becomes confusing :)22:30
gsfaii just upgraded to 10.04.1 LTS22:30
gsfaihoping that it would fix the first problems22:30
leftistis it possible to update from 10.04 to 10.10? i havent had that server online now for over 5 months. i am updating it right now. will it offer me a option to upgrade to 10.10 with all the updates and patches applied to date for 10.04?22:30
CripperZu upgraded from LTS ?22:31
DysteR_HelpMemaco where is such file  ?22:31
gsfaibut instead of that, it also killed the themes, it would appear like i am in an Xfce enviroment22:31
_Synergy_Anyone have suggestions for no sound on 10.04 ? Ubuntu sees my onboard sound: http://pastebin.com/80b2uj2U , nothing is muted, speakers are on, alsamixer looks fine. What can I troubleshoot next?22:31
gsfaino i think it was 9.04 or 9.1022:31
rww!upgrade | leftist22:31
ubottuleftist: For upgrading, see the instructions at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UpgradeNotes - see also http://www.ubuntu.com/desktop/get-ubuntu/upgrade22:31
jsecDoes the Netbook Edition only work on netbooks with an Atom processor?22:31
macoDysteR_HelpMe: if you want to edit grub you are gonna need to use command line.   gksudo gedit /etc/default/grub22:31
ilovefairuzleftist: i would keep an LTS release for the server, not upgrade22:31
macoDysteR_HelpMe: i dont know about wallpapers for grub though22:31
gsfainow that i see, firefox doesnt get segmentation fault anymore, it just crashes22:31
ilovefairuzjsec: nope22:31
aeon-ltd_Synergy_: sound source?22:32
crimsun_Synergy_: please see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Audio/AlsaInfo22:32
andybedshi, i was wondering if i could ask an expert about installing ubuntu netbook on a laptop for the first time, my main question is if drivers will work? toshiba only supply windows drivers for it.22:32
gsfainot saying anything in STDERR, just popping a window saying that it failed, and it will tell mozzila about it22:32
rwwjsec: no, it's just a different interface to the same underlying system. works on all x86 computers like Desktop edition.22:32
ilovefairuzgsfai: turn off compositing?22:32
CripperZgsfai try renaming all .firefox and .gnome  .... beware that by doing this most of your previous settings will be gone22:32
aeon-ltd_Synergy_: also describe alsamixer is 'fine'22:32
jsecilovefairuz, rww: awesome. thanks.22:32
leftistok ilovefairuz22:32
CripperZgo to your home folder and rename .firefox and .gnome to .firefox.old and .gnome.old22:32
_Synergy_aeon-ltr, crimsun thanks... aeon by 'fine' i mean it is not muted22:32
gsfaiooookay wait a second22:33
Dr_Willisjsec:  you can install tjhe netbook interface onto the normal ubuntu install also if you wanted to.22:33
ubottuThis is not a file sharing channel (or network); be sure to read the channel topic. If you're looking for information about me, type « /msg ubottu !bot »22:33
CripperZlet the new installation run in a fresh default setting.22:33
CripperZu might need to reboot once.22:33
leftisti have some desktops at 10.04. are they updatable to 10.10? i have been so busy. just pure lazy actually :D22:33
Dr_Willisandybeds:  totally depemnds on the exact chipset/hardware  - my Toshiba x505 works very well in ubuntu22:33
rwwleftist: yes. see the instructions ubottu linked you to.22:33
leftistthanks rww22:33
aeon-ltd_Synergy_: so whats your source?22:33
CripperZanyone here keen to trade shell access ? =P22:33
bomberinsandalshow can i get madwifi drivers22:34
ubottuWireless documentation, including how-to guides and troubleshooting information, can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/WifiDocs22:34
jsecDr_Willis: I read that somewhere I think. I just got a new netbook for a graduation present, and I'm trying to figure out if I'm going to run into any issues or not when installing UNE.22:34
aeon-ltdbomberinsandals: that might have some links22:34
andybedsDr_Wills: thanks, I'll just try it to find out ...22:34
bomberinsandalslike i did download them but my driver still says athk922:34
gsfaiCripperZ, there isnt any .gnome folder, but a .gnome2. i deleted it, should i logout-re-login?22:35
Dr_Willisjsec:  try it from a flash drive.. personally i dont like the netbook interface22:35
ilpayowzers.. lots of people here.22:35
Dr_Willisilpa:  its a slow day actually22:36
Flamehow goes it22:36
ilpa@Dr_Willis eep!22:36
Dr_Willisilpa:  come in when a new release just gets released...22:36
jsecDr_Willis: I will. Thanks for the input.22:36
bisclataCan anyone explain some stuff about softraid in ubuntu?22:37
CripperZgsfai yes you can do that.22:37
ilpaI have a question concerning my not being able to connect to an Airport Express.. I've scoured the googles and come across several solves, none of which have helped me.22:37
andybedsis there a need to use anti-virus on ubuntu? if so, what's best to use?22:38
KM0201!antivirus | andybeds22:38
ubottuandybeds: Antivirus is something you don't need on !Linux, except where files are then passed to windows computers (perhaps using samba), See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Antivirus22:38
ilpaI should mention I'm running 10.04 from a hpmini22:38
Medjaiwhen i use nohup php file.php or when i use php file.php&22:38
Medjaiit still closes22:38
Medjaiwhen i close my terminal session22:38
geegeegeeIs there something that will generate as much traffic on the network as possible? I want to test a gigabit card agasint another one.22:39
Medjaii remember i used to use a nohup command before that kept it alive22:39
Medjaii just don't remember what it is22:39
bluezoneanyone know what i have to install in order to play .pls files?22:39
gsfaiCripperZ, done, now nothing works at ALL22:40
KM0201bluezone: if i'm not mistaken, VLC will play those.. possibly even audacious.22:40
ilovefairuzbluezone: these are "play list" files, not actual sound formats22:40
bluezoneKM0201, i tried vlc it says it cant play them22:40
bisclataMy PC has 3 Harddrives, 1 SATA 500gb the OS boot drive and 2 SATA 1TB (each) that i set too be used in raid-0 software. I'm with 10.10 and it's working fine, but now i would like to know if i can re-install ubuntu and do not loose my raid and all the stuff in those hardrives?22:40
KM0201bluezone: thats a playlist file..22:40
bluezoneYes i know, it is a stream22:41
bluezonethats my point ^.^22:41
KM0201bluezone: i'll be back, but i'm sure i've plaeyd those w/ vlc22:41
ilovefairuzbluezone: open it with gedit and extract the URLs22:41
geegeegeeIs there something that will generate as much traffic on the network as possible? I want to test a gigabit card agasint another one.22:41
CripperZgsfai glad it works for you22:42
bluezoneilovefairuz: File1=http://stream1-1.mika.fm:80/22:42
ilovefairuzbluezone: then copy that URL and trying opening it in a media player like totem or vlc22:42
gsfaiso, no ideas?22:43
Medjaican anyone help?22:43
Dr_WillisMedjai:  you are useing  the 'exit' command, and not the close button  ?22:43
otakmplayer does that bluezone22:43
Medjaioh shit22:43
FloodBot4Medjai: Please don't flood; use http://paste.ubuntu.com to paste; don't use Enter as punctuation.22:43
Dr_WillisMedjai:  ages ago - i would tweak the wm. to where my terminals never even had a close button. :)22:44
Medjaii just intuitively close it22:44
Medjaibut still22:44
ilovefairuz!enter | Medjai22:44
ubottuMedjai: Please try to keep your questions/responses on one line - don't use the "Enter" key as punctuation!22:44
Medjaiclose button should send a hangup signal22:44
soreau! language | Medjai22:44
ubottuMedjai: Please watch your language and topic to help keep this channel family-friendly, polite, and professional.22:44
Medjaiok ok i'm sorry guys22:45
CripperZgsfai ..sorry i read wrongly ..haha. in terminal rename back .gnome222:45
CripperZgsfai ..sorry i read wrongly ..haha. in terminal rename back .gnome222:45
gsfaii think i did something though22:46
CripperZyou should have .firefox ...22:46
gsfaii spawned gnome-session and gnome-panel by hand22:46
gsfaiand i got back to where i was22:46
gsfaiwith the new 10.04.1 graphics \o22:46
=== River-Rat is now known as RiverRat
Solteiro2algum br ae !?22:46
gsfaithough, if i try to put any applications on the bar, it crashes, and respawns22:47
rww!br | Solteiro222:47
ubottuSolteiro2: Por favor, use #ubuntu-br para ajuda em português. Para entrar no canal por favor faça "/join #ubuntu-br" sem as aspas. Para a comunidade local portuguêsa, use #ubuntu-pt. Obrigado.22:47
Solteiro2ubottu, tank you22:47
CripperZwas there any packages that fail to install during ur upgrade22:47
anygivennameOn my Windows PC....I use putty & vnc viewer to connect to my Ubuntu machine which is running vnc server.....I initiate some work remotely on the Ubuntu machine (like open firefox, transmission, etc....) & then I disconnect this session from on the Win machine & power off the Windows machine...at this point....the Ubuntu machine is doing the tasks I have already started........now I want to be able ON THE UBUNTU MACHINE to view the same view I was22:47
anygivennameseeing when connected from on the Windows machine.....22:47
bluezoneilovefairuz: haha, i found the problem, their server was down22:47
serdarI have installed successfully ubuntu 10.10 on my macbook pro, but I don't have any sound. alsamixer shows me everything's nice but I don't get any sound.22:47
bluezoneilovefairuz: other streams work perfectly, thanks!22:48
nawkDoes anyone here use MFT with their SSD under Linux?22:48
nawkor is there an alternative that does the same thing?22:48
ilovefairuzbluezone: you're welcome22:48
gsfaii didnt see, but this happened before i started updating22:48
gsfaii upgraded because i thought it would fix it, but no luck22:48
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  one way. ssh in, run 'vncserver' -  that will make a vnc 'desktop' in thebackground on the remote box. You could then use vncserver on the remote box and see the cvnc desktop thats in the background.22:48
nawkanything relevant info on using MFT under linux is appreciated22:48
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  OR you can share the 'current visible' desktop thats on the remote box. thats the default way these days.22:48
MedjaiDr_Willis, can you check your PM?22:49
ilpaHas anyone had any problems connecting to airport extremes?22:49
Dr_WillisMedjai:  you are using the exit command and not using the close button?22:49
Dr_WillisMedjai:  perhaps you should look into using screen. that would be the easy way to keep it running22:49
anygivennamewhat's the remote box ?22:49
gsfailogging out didnt work either, it got stuck, and i had to crash it22:50
Medjaiis there a way not to have it spit out the irc connection output?22:50
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  the box you are vncing INTO..22:50
CripperZgsfai: trying booting in recovery mode. then you choose xfix22:50
CripperZand then when its done resume normal boot22:50
Dr_WillisMedjai:  its your script - i dont know what its douing.. :) you could pipe its output to /dev/null i guess.22:50
Medjaiwell the output is not really the issue22:51
Medjaijust keeping it alive is22:51
CripperZerm nope..when you restart your pc.. you can press 'esc' to load up grub options.. choose the latest kernel with (recover mode)22:51
=== andregondim is now known as Andre_Gondim
Dr_WillisMedjai:  use screen. that way you can connect back to and monitor the bot.. perhaps.22:51
anygivennameI did from the Win machine & then threw it away....but the session I ran is still open & tasks are being done.....how do I view those from on the Ubuntu machine itself ?22:51
CripperZand choose option 'xfix'22:51
shcherbakMedjai: what is wrong with script?22:51
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  'vncviewer localhost:1' or whatever port# it was.22:52
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  or whatever vnc viewer app you like on the linux box. You will get a 'desktop' in a window that way.22:52
Medjainothing is wrong with it22:52
Medjaii'm just trying to use nohup php file.php &22:52
Medjaiand it's still dieing on me with the exit command22:52
Medjaiit won't stay alive int he background after my session is closed22:52
Dr_WillisMedjai:  perhaps somthing like --> nohup ./myprogram > foo.out 2> foo.err < /dev/null &22:53
Dr_WillisMedjai:  from --> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nohup22:54
Medjaiyeah i was on that page22:54
shirocan you toggle the bootable flag in cfdisk without erasing a drive?22:55
gsfaiok right, im going to recovery mode22:55
gsfaibe right back (hopefully)22:55
Dr_WillisMedjai:  could be the program is writibng some outpyt. and sunce the terminal is closed.. its crashing/exiting ith an error.22:55
Dr_WillisAnother way to avoid the process being bound to a terminal is to have the at daemon run it, as for example with echo command | at now.22:56
Medjaiidk that shouldn't be the case22:56
macoDr_Willis: nohup?22:56
macoDr_Willis: oh you already said it22:56
Medjaiunless there is a delimeter i can use to supress the output22:56
ilovefairuzshiro: who said toggling the bootable flag erases it?22:56
Dr_WillisMedjai:  or use screen...22:56
macoDr_Willis: the usual way to avoid ti freaking out at lackof place to print is ot nohup AND background it22:56
Medjailol i'll try to take a look at screen22:56
Medjaii'm not quite familiar with it22:56
Medjaibut i used this bot 3 years ago22:57
Medjaiand i remember using a nohup command that worked22:57
Dr_WillisMedjai:  thas what the > foo.out > foo.err does in the exdample i gave above22:57
Medjaii'm just not quite sure what it is22:57
Medjaiyeah i'll do that22:57
macoMedjai: id do it as:   nohup command &22:57
Medjaidid that22:57
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  hmm?22:57
Dr_WillisUnder Debian, it is possible to use the following command to daemonise a process: /sbin/start-stop-daemon22:58
aendrukI just enabled the wallpaper plugin from compiz-fusion-plugins-extra but it isn't doing anything. All I see behind my windows is the cube's skydome. What did I do wrong?22:58
anygivennameDr_Willid: you da man......22:58
Dr_Willis!find start-stop-daemon22:58
ubottuFile start-stop-daemon found in dpkg, fai-server, ltsp-server22:58
Medjaii think it worked22:58
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  what did i break now? :)22:58
Medjaii did ctrl c22:58
=== johan124 is now known as johaness
Medjaiand it's still running in the background22:58
Medjaimaybe if i use the exit command now it will stay up? lol22:59
brontoeeeMedjai, screen: a. screen myapp b. ctrl+a then d to detach c. screen -r to resume (that would be a basic guide)22:59
ahaney3I've been using sshfs to mount folders on my webserver on my local machine so I can edit them in emacs, someone told me that I could set up autofs to do this, but all the documentation that I've found about autfs has been about ntfs, anyone know what the syntax is for sshfs mounts in /etc/auto.master ?22:59
Dr_WillisMedjai:  or -->    command  < /dev/null >& /dev/null &22:59
Medjaiok ok 1 sec i'll try that22:59
Medjaibut its on a webhosting server23:00
Medjaii'm just going to save it to some file on the directory i cant access /dev/null23:00
anygivennameDr_Willid: was a piece of cake....23:00
Dr_Willisanygivenname:  'the cake is a lie' :)23:00
gsfaii got severly insulted by xchat, for trying to open it with root priviliges23:01
Dr_WillisMedjai:  err.. cant access /dev/null ? that would be VERY weird.23:01
gsfaiBut! from a clean user (never opened gdm on root before) nothing works either!23:02
gsfaii mean, ok gnome-panel started, but its applets crashed23:02
gsfaifor example "OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet"23:02
gsfairoot@shop:/home/soula# synaptic       Segmentation fault23:04
Random832i apparently have something instaled that depends on 'gnome or kde' is there a way to make apt prefer removing it rather than installing kde when i remove gnome?23:04
ResQueis there no start/boot menu on the new 10.10. there was a mem test and boot from harddrive before is that gone?23:04
tripelbhi, can I make Ubuntu look act like a mac.  Err how much can I?  (I want to convert someone who right now cant afford a mac.)23:04
woodzydid they move the repositories for ubuntu 8.04/8.10 ?23:05
Dr_WillisResQue:  if its a ubuntu only system. grub is hidden by default. you see NO menu? or just a few entries?23:05
KM0201tripelb: there's a lot of ways to do this on the internet, just be forewarned, I 'tested' one the other day, and ended u reinstalling rather than removing it.23:05
Dr_Willistripelb:  theres a mac4lin theme/script - but i dont reccomend it.. use ubuntu as it was designed...23:05
hiexponello Dr_Willis23:05
rwwwoodzy: 8.10 was End of Lifed in April, so its repositories were removed from the mirroring system. 8.04 is not EOL because it's Long Term Support release, and should still be there.23:05
ilovefairuzRandom832: just remove the package first?23:05
rww!eol | woodzy23:05
ubottuwoodzy: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades23:05
Random832ilovefairuz: i can't figure out how to find out what it is23:06
gsfai** (gnome-panel:3060): WARNING **: panel-applet-frame.c:1273: failed to load applet OAFIID:GNOME_NotificationAreaApplet: Failed to initialise the ActivationContext23:06
shcherbaktripelb: google gnome-look23:06
KM0201tripelb: and honeslty, just cuz it looks like a mac, doesn't make it a mac.. thats the wrong way to go about trying to convert them.23:06
ResQueDr_Willis i boot from the new install CD and i just starts the ubuntu live desktop (with the option to try or install ubuntu).23:06
Dr_Willis'looks like a mac' => dosent act like a mac.... - can get annoying.23:06
brontoeeetripelb, the looks or the osx stupidity?23:06
ResQuehow can i see the grub menu?23:06
Dr_WillisResQue:  when you see a little man at the start of booting at the botoom of the screen. hit the space key.23:06
Dr_WillisResQue:  theres options in there. :)23:06
KM0201!grub2 | ResQue it's on this page how  to automatically unhide grub23:06
ubottuResQue it's on this page how  to automatically unhide grub: GRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager since 9.10 (Karmic). Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub223:06
ResQueDr_Willis thanks23:06
Dr_WillisResQue:  the live cd - dosent use grub2 i think. :)23:07
woodzythanks, rww/ubottu - i was just trying to install some applications on an 8.04/8.10 system (mostly use it for local gaming so i don't see any need to upgrade it,yet)23:07
Sean93how do i extract subtitles with mkvextract? i have read the man page but im having trouble. it is track 4. i tried "mkvextract tracks 4 ~/Videos/Avatar\ 1080p\ sample/Avatar.2009.1080p.BluRay.DTS.x264-ESiR.sample.mkv TID1: ~/Videos/Avatar\ 1080p\ sample/"Avatar Sample English Foreign Subtitles.srt" "<Sean93> but i get "Error: Invalid track ID/file name specification in argument '/home/sean/Videos/Avatar 1080p sample/Avatar.223:07
romankrvHi. I start "screen" tools how kill sessions there?23:07
rwwwoodzy: "8.04/8.10 system" doesn't make sense. A system's either 8.04 or 8.10, not both...23:07
woodzybut makes me question why a 8.04 system is LT and not the latter 8.10 ?23:07
exxtremeinstalled ubuntu-mini 10.04 with xubuntu suite of applications..runs great and works nicely with my 3g wireless modem.23:08
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rwwwoodzy: 8.10 hasn't received security updates in over six months. I'd strongly recommend upgrading.23:08
geegeegeeIs there something that will generate as much traffic on the network as possible? I want to test a gigabit card agasint another one.23:08
shcherbakromankrv: by pid, or reattach and exit23:08
rwwwoodzy: because we designate one release every two years as LTS so that people who want a longer release cycle can use them23:08
ubottuLTS means Long Term Support. LTS versions of Ubuntu will be supported for 3 years on the desktop, and 5 years on the server. The current LTS version of Ubuntu is !Lucid (Lucid Lynx 10.04)23:08
rwwwoodzy: 6.06 (which is now unsupported on Desktop), 8.04, and 10.04 are LTS releases.23:08
MedjaiDr_Willis, keeps telling me ambiguous output redirect23:08
gem_catscanimage -L finds my scanner only with sudo - I changed the permissions on the dev but it still can't see it - I must be missing something obvious :/23:09
rumpel__geegeegee, hmm... scp /dev/null user@host:/dev/null (?)23:09
xfreakkcan anyone tell me how to launch metasploit from terminal after installation im trying to set it up for a class23:10
woodzyok, makes sense.23:10
brontoeeetripelb, you can get a basic logic without looking like a mac http://imagebin.org/129974, but still mimicking some basic keyboard shortcuts to act a bit like it (for example alt+space)23:10
brontoeeetripelb, it has to look a bit different imho23:10
Wally______I need to run a NVIDIA install script through chroot but I keep getting errors.23:10
xfreakkcan anyone tell me how to launch metasploit from terminal after installation im trying to set it up for a class23:11
woodzyminus the security updates i won't be able to install any apps through the repositories anymore?23:11
Wally______I am logged in to the other user but when I run the script i get  ERROR: missing/broken uname.  Cannot perform platform check.23:11
rumpel__geegeegee, or this maybe: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/gutsy/c1/netperf.1.html23:11
tripelbbrontoeee, what's the stupidity (real question not trolling. I've liked the mac myself. Even though I dont have it.23:12
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rwwwoodzy: see the EOLUpgrades page ubottu links to. It details where the repositories moved to. You seriously should upgrade, though.23:12
geegeegeeok, thanks23:12
brontoeeebrontoeee, the actual limitation of the finder for example, however i do like the looks of it23:13
woodzythanks, rww23:13
brontoeeeups, tripelb23:13
dukaskoalguem ae sabe como arrumo um convite do canal java23:13
linux_is_my_herohow do i make ubuntu see my ipod touch?23:13
gsfai-2CripperZ, no luck :/23:14
DThoughtlinux_is_my_hero: start rythmbox ?23:14
Wally______I need to run a NVIDIA install script through chroot but I keep getting errors.23:14
Wally______I am logged in to the other user but when I run the script i get  ERROR: missing/broken uname.  Cannot perform platform check.23:14
ilovefairuz!ipod | linux_is_my_hero23:14
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:14
brontoeeetripelb, but again, you can make the layout look close to osx with natilus-elementary (i'am doing it for small-screen reasons thought)23:14
tripelbbrontoeee, what is ups?  (certainly not uninterrupted power supply) cant find it on google23:15
gsfai-2i managed to fix firefox, but synaptic still gets segmentation fault, and i cant make the gnome-panel work23:15
rwwubottu: tell dukasko about register23:15
ubottuError: I haven't seen dukasko, I'll let you do the telling.23:15
rwweep, just a little too late ;(23:15
cryptodirawould someone point me to the solution for making the backlit keyboard light up after boot on a toshiba satellite notebook with 10.04..thanks.23:16
gsfai-2at last -.-23:16
=== gsfai-2 is now known as gsfai
tripelbbrontoeee, I would do it with regular ubuntu not a special one. - I'm not able to help him with any other version.23:16
brontoeeetripelb, all i have is regular with some irregular repos23:17
tripelbbrontoeee, well thanks. I have to go out in the world.... (I love being online just too much)23:17
brontoeeetripelb, no problem23:18
gsfaii think im out of ideas :/23:18
MedjaiNOHUP worked when i used it to write to nohup.out23:19
Medjaii used nohup php file.php > nohup.out &23:19
exxtremeexaile isn't connecting to shoutcast for some reason.23:19
Medjaii'm guessing the php script just needs something to write the output to23:19
otakgsfai: did you remove your .gnome directory?23:19
gsfaiMedjai, /dev/null ?23:19
brontoeeeMedjai, php5-cli file.php or what?23:19
Medjaiwhat's that brontoeee23:19
gsfaiotak: Yes, i also tried starting gdm from a new user account, gnome-panel still crashes, and i still get this weird xfce-like enviroment23:20
Medjaiidk it wasn't writing there i dont think the hosting company gives me access there23:20
brontoeeethe cli version of php, i think thats installed automagically with php523:20
exxtreme"wired xfce" ??  <<xfce rocks!!23:20
tripelbbrontoeee, Irrecgular repos... sounds sexy too me. All I have is medibuntu stuff23:20
aeon-ltdgsfai: could you screenshot it by any chance?23:20
shawn146i have a question about the 64-bit download23:21
shawn146is their an intel version?23:21
shawn146instead of amd6423:21
brontoeeetripelb, unofficial is the word i was looking for23:21
gsfaijust a second ill upload23:21
exxtremeanyone else getting shoutcast radio streams in exaile, cause mine isn't.23:22
KM0201shawn146: no.. 64bit, is the amd64 version23:22
aeon-ltdshawn146: it doesn't  matter its just a name it works anyway23:22
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shawn146does it work on core i7?23:22
shawn146Windows 7 64-bit does23:23
shawn146it came on this pc23:23
gsfaiyou can also see that gnome-panel is half-dead,23:23
tripelbbrontoeee, yes. I have all the repositories checked under "software sources", sys>adm>soft.sources23:23
bluezonesuch a shame, a download affects my music stream  :(23:24
aeon-ltdgsfai: gnome's decoration manager seems to have failed, the gtk theme reverted to the stock23:24
gsfaialso gnome-panel failed23:24
=== MetalSport is now known as RandomGuy_AC
aeon-ltdgsfai: if you restart it does it do the same?23:24
tripelbquestion: if I "install updates in the background" will it also AUTO-reboot. (which I do not want!!!)23:24
gsfaiaeon-ltd, i restarted like 5 times23:24
bluezonetripelb: no23:25
Crash1hdif you where to be formating a new 2TB drive would you pick ext3 or ext4? and or does it really matter?23:25
aeon-ltdgsfai: just the decoration manager?23:25
gsfaithe whole computer23:25
gsfaito be honest, when i first saw it, i tried upgrading do 10.04.1, hoping it will fix it23:25
tripelbbluezone, what is unsupported updates (lucid backports) - do you know?23:25
gsfaithere has to be some libary that makes stuff crash23:26
neizCrash1hd: ext4 is meant to succeed ext3 so I would definatly format ext423:26
rwwCrash1hd: ext4. It's a lot faster to do a filesystem check on a 2TB drive on ext4 than ext3. A *lot* faster.23:26
AnggaDj98hi matt23:26
bluezonetripelb: no sorry, i dont follow you23:26
aeon-ltdgsfai: just restart gnome-theme-manager with alt-f2 or a terminal, see what happens23:26
shcherbakgsfai: apt-get install -f, but what does gnome-panel --replace?23:26
tripelbneiz Crash1hd I got into trouble so I went back and did everything in the default way.23:26
Crash1hdneiz, rww thanks :)23:27
AnggaDj98im at the loco23:27
AnggaDj98pm please23:27
tripelbbluezone, it's not vital it's something in a tap on the sources dialog box. I'll wonder about it later one someday. Have a good one.23:27
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RandomGuy_ACi make a new channel23:27
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rwwRandomGuy_AC: don't advertise channels in here.23:27
RandomGuy_ACok sorry23:27
shcherbakRandomGuy_AC: quakenet is good place for it23:28
gsfaishcherbak, i pasted part of its output before, now i get no errors because i have disabled the erroneous applets23:28
RandomGuy_ACyes osrry23:28
RandomGuy_ACi was telling my friends so i dont interfere you23:28
wizardslovaki am trying to reinstall grub 223:28
gsfaiaeon-ltd, gnome-theme-manager: command not found23:28
wizardslovakonce i do chroot /mnt /bin/bash i am getting error23:29
wizardslovak: cannot change root directory to /bin/bash: Not a directory23:29
gsfaiits not supposed to be a directory23:29
shcherbakgsfai: you already tried new user account?23:29
gsfaishcherbak, yes, root :P23:29
gsfaiand everything crashed like on this account23:29
shcherbakgsfai: no, make new user23:29
gsfaiok ok, hold on23:30
aeon-ltdgsfai: go to system>preferences>appearences23:30
bluezoneanyone know how to get the terminal to realize it is reading C ? i remeber it is somehting like usr/!#bin/c something like that23:30
KM0201wizardslovak: what instructions are you following?23:30
gsfaihmm that changes the window themes, but gnome-panel is still dead23:30
hhhhh#!.usr/bun/c ?23:31
bluezonelet me try23:31
gsfaiBluezone: maybe #!/bin/c ?23:31
wizardslovakKM0201, http://www.ubuntu-inside.me/2009/06/howto-recover-grub2-after-windows.html23:31
hhhhhsorry for the bad typing23:31
shawn146k cya i'la sk later23:31
hhhhh/bin/c doesnt exist23:31
gsfaihhhhh, never programmed in c23:32
shcherbakgsfai: apt-get install -f23:32
KM0201wizardslovak: a lot of that is totally unecessary... https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RecoveringUbuntuAfterInstallingWindows?action=show&redirect=RestoreGrub23:32
gsfaishcherbak, done this before23:32
gsfai3 times23:32
macohhhhh: what on earth are you trying to do?23:32
KM0201wizardslovak: if you have a live CD, it shouldn't take you but a minute23:32
hhhhhthere is /usr/bin/c++23:32
wizardslovaki got live cd23:32
macohhhhh: c isnt a scripting language23:32
wizardslovakthats how i type from it23:32
shawn146if i ame ven visible23:32
gem_catwhat needs to be changed so sane-find-scanner works without sudo?23:33
hhhhhi use python which is #!/usr/bin/python23:33
shcherbakgsfai: try to purge any of applets and install it?23:33
gsfai(gnome-panel:3901): Bonobo-Activation-CRITICAL **: bonobo_activation_query: assertion `ac != NULL' failed -- Segmentation fault23:33
gsfaihhhhh, perl was #!/usr/bin/perl :P23:33
shcherbakgsfai: or rather whole panel23:34
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hhhhhand then of course there's  #!/usr/bin/php :p23:34
gsfaiand #!/bin/bash23:34
Crash1hdPrimary or extended partition? if its ment for only storing data like video files23:35
gsfaishcherbak, how can i do this?23:35
macohhhhh: those are all scripting languages though. c isnt23:35
Crash1hdneiz, rww Primary or extended partition? if its ment for only storing data like video files23:36
anygivennamesudenly my keyboard is typing numbers instead of letters onsome eys...I have restarted but still the same issue23:36
shcherbakgsfai: apt-get remove --purge <sth> && apt-get update && apt-get install <sth> (each part with sudo)23:36
rwwCrash1hd: you probably want extended23:36
gsfaianygivenname, check num lock23:36
Crash1hdrww, whats the difference? out of curiosity'23:36
KM0201anygivenname: sys/pref/keyboards... what does the "Layouts" tab say?23:37
rwwCrash1hd: on most systems, you can only have four primary partitions total. an extended partition is a primary partition that's a container for one or more "logical partitions", and you can have a lot of logical partitions. So technically, the choice is between primary and logical, I guess.23:37
anygivennamenum lock fixed it...thanks gsfai23:37
gsfaino problem :)23:38
Crash1hdrww, thanks :)23:38
rwwCrash1hd: some OSes need their system partition to be a primary partition to boot properly. I don't think Linux still does, and either way a data partition can safely be logical.23:38
gsfaishcherbak, it still crashes23:38
gsfaiif only i could get synaptic to work :/23:38
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hhhhhso do you want to run an uncompiled c++ file?23:39
shcherbakgsfai: you do not have synaptic?23:39
rohdefwhat do I do if ecryptfs-mount-private does nothing?23:39
macohhhhh: not possible23:39
gsfaisoula@shop:~$ synaptic   --  Segmentation fault23:39
shcherbakgsfai: does apt works?23:40
Crash1hdrww, right :)23:40
macorww: linux does not23:40
macorww: logical partitions are how some guy had like 60 distros on one system23:40
hhhhhdoes ubuntu come with a c compiler?23:40
Honthertanshyehhhhh: gcc23:41
rww!build-essential | hhhhh23:41
ubottuhhhhh: Compiling software from source? Read the tips at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompilingSoftware (But remember to search for pre-built !packages first)23:41
shcherbakgsfai: have you tried to reinstall gdm?23:41
gsfaishcherbak, yes, but i cant use aptitude or apt-get with the same ease i use synaptic23:41
gsfaiim am trying to avoid that23:41
gsfaibut it wouldnt make any difference anyway23:42
gsfaithe binaries never change23:42
bluezonehhhhh: yes23:42
bluezonehhhhh, gcc23:42
botcati agree23:42
shcherbakgsfai: ok, gconf-editor? does it works?23:43
histohhhhh: you can install one23:43
histohhhhh: if it's not there23:43
shcherbakWhat is command to reset panel in gconf?23:44
maco!resetpanels | shcherbak23:44
ubottushcherbak: To reset the gnome panel to defaults, type this in a !terminal: « gconftool --recursive-unset /apps/panel && killall gnome-panel »23:44
shcherbakgsfai: follow last ubottu... remark23:44
shcherbakmaco, ty23:44
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gsfaignome-panel restarted, and i got twenty application crash reports23:45
gsfai(more like eight)23:45
xindzI have two users in a group called "bananas" and i want the two users to share a directory called "Downloads" with alot of underdirectory. I want that both users to have acces to read/write in the directory. How can i do that?23:46
gsfaimaco: i doubt that someone can even list 60 distros, not mentioning having them installed :P23:46
gsfaixindz, chgrp23:47
xindzExplain more :23:47
histoxindz: make the group owner of the directory23:47
histoxindz: ever directory/file has user / group / others permissions.23:47
gsfaichgrp ./Downloads bananas23:48
decowhat packages are needed in order to have a complete perl  ?23:48
decofor example stock perl is missing perldoc23:48
histoxindz: so the directory could be like chown xindz:banannas Downloads23:48
gsfaiand     chmod g+rw ./Downloads23:48
xindzBut how about all under folders ?23:48
rohdefhow can I access an encrypted home-directory? ecryptfs-mount-private does nothing (not even ask for a password)23:48
gsfai--recursive / -r23:48
Dimitari had both ubuntu and windows xp, ubuntu failed after power loss for some reason and windows is fine. where are my desktop data from ubuntu now?23:50
histoDimitar: /home/Dimitar/Desktop23:50
Dimitari have just two partitions but in windows i dont know where tofind the data i had in ubuntu23:50
gsfaiyou probably wont be able to find the ext3/ext4 partition under windows23:50
histoDimitar: you need to install an ext3 filesystem reader in windows to see ubuntu partition23:50
histogsfai: you can with a reader23:50
the_eye_I cant mount samba share from nautilus, working only with ip, why ?23:51
gsfainever heard of a reader before23:51
zakwilsonIs there a reasonably usable ext4 driver for Windows?23:51
histoDimitar: gsfai fs-driver.org23:51
mockilloHi everyone. Is this the right place to ask about netbook remix issues?23:51
DavidJLor a liveCD install23:51
rwwno, and the ext3 driver doesn't work with default ext3 partition settings on recent versions of Ubuntu.23:51
uni4dfxhow can i configure gnome-screensaver to let multimedia keys through ?23:51
rwwor most other distributions, actually23:51
historww: what the fs-driver.org one?23:52
rwwhisto: correct23:52
shcherbakgsfai: srange, but all "synaptic seg fault" point to "sudo rm -f /var/cache/apt/*.bin"23:52
rwwI had some fun times a year or so ago figuring all that out.23:52
gsfaishcherbak, done this23:52
gsfaidoesnt work :(((23:52
ubotturockbox is an open source firmware replacement for audio players from Archos, iRiver, Apple (iPod), and iAudio. See http://www.rockbox.org/ to get started!23:53
gsfaialso done update-apt-xapian-index && apt-get update23:53
=== ResQue2 is now known as ResQue
histo!es | sero23:53
ubottusero: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.23:53
gem_catdeco, http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=8083423:55
Dimitarand where is . ? :)23:57
linux_is_my_heromy linux computer won't see my ipod and my ipod makes a beep when i plug it in23:57
histo!ipod | linux_is_my_hero23:57
ubottulinux_is_my_hero: For information on how to sync and add tracks to your iPod, see the guide at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/IPodHowto - For the iPhone and the iPod Touch, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/PortableDevices/iPhone - See !RockBox for information on liberating your iPod23:57
histoDimitar: where is what?23:57
shcherbakgsfai: so, gtk then.23:57
Dimitari mean root23:58
ResQuei am using the "Creat Partition" tool that comes of part of the install wizard. its asking me for a mount point, but where is this info stored. if i select the parition to be "/" root how does ubuntu know at next boot time that this is what i have choosen? is it stored in a file like fstab i am looking for a deeper understanding of how this works23:58
histoDimitar: i'm confused what is your question23:58
histoResQue: yea /etc/fstab23:58
brett__It's stored in /etc/fstab23:58
macoResQue: yes it goes into fstab when you do the install23:58
gsfaiDimitar,  . is wherever you are23:59
ResQuehisto thanks. that was lots easyer than i though it was going to be haha23:59
ResQueMAAAAAD thanks as well23:59
macoResQue: if youre trying to modify an existing install not do a new one, then you need to change the fstab on that disk23:59
macoResQue: and in that case, gparted or fdisk is what you ought to use instead of the partitioner23:59

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