
nirazioHow can I update a published file and maintain the same URL?After saving an update of a published file on my desktop, it will automatically "synchronise" with the corresponding files at UbuntuOne (and it does). Problem is that the "new file", actually the updated file with the same name, is no longer published. Pressing the publish button results is a new URL. I now have to mail new URL's and change embedded links, as old URL wil08:03
levuwie kann ich upstart dienste deaktivieren? mit update-rc.d kommt immer "System start/stop links for /etc/init.d/gdm do not exist."09:27
levuooops, sorry, wrong chan09:27
=== verterok` is now known as verterok
=== Franxesk is now known as Franxesk_afk
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beunoof folks18:46
beunowe're going to have to go down for some unplanned downtime for some users18:47
karnibeuno: perhaps notice in the topic / UbuntuOneStatus would be a good idea?18:49
beunokarni, yeap, rye is on that right now18:51
ryewiki, identi.ca updated, now status...18:56
ryei.e. that thing on top of xchat window18:56
ryeanybody knows how to attach alt+f2 to unity-driven session?18:57
karnibeuno: yesterday I ported majority of Preferences to U1F. I'll work on some preferences and perhaps the initial-sync screen, and update you with a ready apk.18:57
beunokarni, w00t!18:57
karnibeuno: I'm so fond of your enthusiasm! ^ ^18:58
beunoit's the drugs18:58
karnibeuno: yes, we'll soon be feature-compat with AU1 (actually, a bit more with those udf's and shares, which I want to work for *you* !)18:59
beunoheh, me too!18:59
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File sync service is down for maintenance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ | http://bit.ly/caHbOf for help on adding your computer | Find us also on Ask Ubuntu: http://is.gd/gOeD2 | https://one.ubuntu.com/ || NOTICE: most of the team is out until Jan 3. Please stay in the channel for several *hours* after asking the question.
=== rye changed the topic of #ubuntuone to: File sync service is DOWN for maintenance: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/Status and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuOne/FAQ | http://bit.ly/caHbOf for help on adding your computer | Find us also on Ask Ubuntu: http://is.gd/gOeD2 | https://one.ubuntu.com/ || NOTICE: most of the team is out until Jan 3. Please stay in the channel for several *hours* after asking the question.
ryebzr does not work in natty with python2.7 due to mimetools not cooperating with httplib. boo19:02
nirazioWill Ubuntu One work on Xubuntu? And if yes, what's the level of integration?19:09
beunonirazio, not sure where things are at the moment, but the integration is done on the nautilus level19:10
beunoso not going to be great19:10
ryenirazio, in case you are ok with u1sdtool -- command line control application - that will work. Nautilus plugin provides menu entries to create folders, shows icons for sync status etc.19:13
nirazioOke thank you19:13
beunoeverything is back up21:57

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