
FezzlerDoes the CD/DVD burner program that comes with Ubuntu burn iso files/images?04:27
holsteinbrasero right?04:29
holsteinright when you launch it04:30
holsteinburn image04:30
holsteinFezzler: ^^04:34
ailoI just had a problem with mounting/unmounting iso's with brasero. Made it impossible to burn a cd. Seems that mounting/unmounting iso's and usb sticks have changed a bit...04:40
holsteinailo: sounds like a bug04:40
ailoholstein: yes04:41
holsteini have seen brasero not able to eject the burned disc04:41
ailoIt happens04:41
ailoAlso,  not unmounting an iso might cause brasero not to be able to burn a cd04:42
ailoI mean, Ubuntu not unmounting an iso properly, might cause brasero not to be able to burn a cd04:43
ailoSomething to do with cache04:43
holsteinailo: did you find a bug report to add to?04:43
ailoDidn't put my time into into it, thinking perhaps this one was one of the "common" ones.04:45
holsteinyou on 11.04 already?04:45
ailoNot with this04:45
holsteini havnet spent much time in 10.10 or 11.0404:45
ailoPerhaps I've spent too little time with 10.04?04:46
ailoHeck, it's not like Ubuntu is recommending the LTS anymore...04:53
ailoThere's the "old style Desktop" with Gnome and KDE, but now we're moving on to new terrain with new hardware (Mobile interfaces).05:00
holsteini really like whats going on with unity05:00
holsteini was on the fence05:00
holsteinand im still not sure how it will be for someone transitioning from windows05:01
holsteinbut it looks great05:01
holsteinand that really doesnt need to be the goal of ubuntu... easy to transition from windows05:01
holsteinit just kinda happened that way05:01
holsteini think its great that ubuntu will soon just look like ubuntu really05:02
ailoFor the first time it seems a Linux based system is doing something innovative, which might even change things on a "mainstream" level. It would be great if it leads to open more open standards, anyway.05:07
ailo...or we'll be all using Debian soon :)05:12
Fezzlerdidn't work05:28
FezzlerJust copied the iso file to the CD05:28
holsteinyou have to choose the 'burn image' option05:29
holsteinthe one at the bottom05:29
Fezzlerok - dummies guide.  #1.  Downloaded file is on my desktop05:30
holsteinthe whatever.iso05:30
FezzlerIt is Windows Vista 32-bit Repair Disc.torrent05:33
holsteinwheres the .iso?05:33
holsteinyou'll need to use something like transmission05:34
holsteinto DL the .iso using the .torrent file05:34
holsteinassuming its being seeded05:34
FezzlerDownload and run µTorrent.05:35
FezzlerI have Transmission on my system, will that work instead?05:36
FezzlerSo what to I do, start Transmission?05:37
holsteinand add that .torrent you DL'd05:37
holsteinanswer some questions05:37
FezzlerHey guys, I'm not that smart with this new social media stuff.  Does torrent = stolen?05:37
holsteinlike where you want it to be DL'd05:37
holsteinFezzler: not necessarily05:38
holsteintorrents are just a way to DL things05:38
ailoJust a few basic questions: Are you using Ubuntu now? Is Windows on the same computer?05:38
holsteinpeople use torrents to do illegal things05:38
Fezzlertwo different PCs next to each other05:38
ailoWhat's wrong with the Windows PC?05:39
* holstein wonders what a windows repair disc is05:40
holsteinyou pretty much have the installer disc05:41
Fezzlertransmission is working05:41
FezzlerVista PC C: drive was flakey05:42
ailoWindows PC's usually have the installer software on the harddisk, meaning: you have to start the computer with an option (F2, F10) to get into the reinstall option.05:43
ailoThe F* might be something else for you..05:45
holsteinsince vista for sure05:45
holsteineven XP05:45
ailoBy F* I of course mean something like F1, F2, F3 or something like that05:45
holsteinFezzler: which are you trying to get?05:46
holsteinOH 32bit vista...05:47
holsteinthat one is coming in OK for me05:47
holsteinwonder what im DLing ;)05:47
ailoIt's hard to believe somethings as good as Ubuntu are not stolen :)05:49
holsteinim reading05:50
holsteinyou cant install win7 or vista with these05:51
holsteinthey are actually repair discs05:51
ailoThere's an option to create them on MS website, but when it comes to outside of MS, who knows what it does? http://windows.microsoft.com/en-XM/windows7/Create-a-system-repair-disc05:54
holsteinFezzler: how is it going?05:59
holsteinlooks like im about 3 minutes from having it06:00
FezzlerISO is downloaded06:00
holsteinthere you go :)06:00
FezzlerSo now I start CD/DVD Creator?06:01
FezzlerMy first torrent!06:01
holsteingood for you06:01
holsteinlooks like a nice and legal one too06:01
FezzlerIt down loaded a second one I must have tried to get once06:01
FezzlerA book06:01
FezzlerHome Recording for Musicians for Dummies  :)06:02
holsteini just got a nice pdf for registering at linuxtracker.org earlier06:02
FezzlerI own the print book too06:02
FezzlerFor beginners, the Dummy guitar and recording books are quite good06:03
holsteini just hung out at the studio and asked questions :)06:04
FezzlerOk #2 - Start CD/DVD Creators06:05
FezzlerNow what06:05
holsteinclick on the last option there06:05
FezzlerWhen I open the program06:06
holstein'burn image'06:06
holsteinopen brasero06:06
ailoWhen you put the CD in and get the option to open CD/DVD creator, just disregard it. Close everything down and go to "Applications > Sound & Video > Brasero Disc Burner"06:08
holsteinim really liking the transmission web interface06:11
Fezzlerbrasero magic!  I burned my first ISO06:11
ailome too, tried it on my own server. Nice to be able to do stuff from away from home06:11
holsteinailo: did you run in on something without X ?06:12
holsteinim running it on a xubuntu install right now06:12
ailoyes, debian server, apache06:12
ailono gnome06:12
holsteinbut i would like to run it on my server box soon06:12
FezzlerHey dudes, I really messed up my normally smooth Ubuntu PC too. (Too much time on hand during vacation)06:12
holsteinFezzler: :/06:13
holsteinhow so?06:13
holsteindid you drop it in the hot tub?06:13
FezzlerNot sure what : / means06:13
FezzlerDoes that mean you ar talking too much?06:13
holsteinis happy06:13
holstein:/ is kinda sad06:13
holsteinfor you06:14
FezzlerIt looked like  : /   Zip it06:14
holsteinborking your box06:14
holsteinprolly should be :(06:14
holsteinanyways, that sux that you've messed it up somehow06:14
FezzlerWell, ever since upgrade to Lucid my You Tube Videos only run at 240dpi06:14
FezzlerAnd my audio was not working.06:15
holsteinso your audio is cool now?06:15
FezzlerSo I installed some pulse audio stuff from Synaptic and and stuff06:15
FezzlerI got my Alsa audio back but video still 240dpi06:15
ailoAudo not working, do you have a pci audio card or built-in?06:16
holsteinused to be, you could select the quality in youtube06:16
FezzlerBut the my jackd set up (I have RT kernel) was not working.06:16
holsteinbut, i would look into the graphics driver06:16
FezzlerSo I figured I downloaded so much crap I'd start from zero.06:16
holsteinsometimes* you can have a bad time with graphics driver06:16
holsteinand the RT kernel06:16
FezzlerI deleted via Synaptic ANYTHING that references Pulse audio or Jackd06:16
holsteinif this is not a production audio box06:17
holsteinyou might want to try 10.1006:17
FezzlerWhen I rebooted, my desktop was gone and my user login just cycled06:17
holsteinor wait for 11.0406:17
FezzlerSo, I reinstalled my desktop06:17
holsteinFezzler: you wiped it06:17
holsteinand reinstalled what?06:17
holsteinubuntu studio?06:17
FezzlerBut now my OS is VERY sluggish and I still have all the same problem I started with06:17
ailoFezzler: On Ubuntu you'll propably be happiest with Pulseaudio, if it works.06:18
holsteinyeah, pulse is the way to go06:18
holsteinunless something is broken06:18
holsteinits kinda what everything 'expects'06:18
FezzlerBy sluggish I mean click on file folders, long delay, my browsers page switching delays06:18
holsteinFezzler: i would run a generic kernel06:18
holsteintry sorting out the graphics driver06:19
holsteinmaybe you can try the proprietary drivers06:19
holsteinget everything rockin and rollin06:19
FezzlerBut holstein man, you were the one who encouraged me to install RT, zap pulse and we did some magic that got me really great jackd performance with Ardour06:19
holsteinthen, move on to a different kernel if you need06:19
ailosluggish could be anything. For me it is almost always because of flashplayer.06:19
holsteinFezzler: i didnt say 'zap pulse'06:19
Fezzlerholstein:  Ha06:20
ailoFlashplayer seems to cache stuff on ram...06:20
FezzlerYou are a good man!06:20
FezzlerSo what do I do06:20
holsteini would look into the graphics driver06:20
Fezzlerhelp me work some command line magic and whip this beast back into shape06:20
holsteinwith a gerneric kernel running06:20
holsteinget that solid06:21
holsteinand go from there06:21
holsteinyou probably dont need an RT kernel06:21
holsteinand the gerneric kernel is getting better all the time06:21
FezzlerI have the driver for my board but for some reason (the RT kernal) it will not install06:21
holsteinthats plausible06:21
holsteinFezzler: what are you planning on doing with JACK ?06:22
holsteinrealtime effects and playing software synths is really what *requires* lower latency06:22
holsteini usually suggest trying the generic one06:23
holsteinthen moving up06:23
FezzlerThat is the driver that worked best with my PC until lucid06:23
holsteinFezzler: you should get a prompt06:23
holsteingo to...06:23
FezzlerHolstein.  All I want to do is record some midi and guitar with Ardour06:24
holsteinsystem - administration- additional drivers06:24
holsteinand see if the proprietary nvidia is listed there06:24
holsteinFezzler: i dont think you *need* an RT kernel06:24
FezzlerI don't care if it is Pulse, Alsa, OGG, Jackd, Core whatever.  As long as I can track and burn MP3 via LAME06:24
holstein*export mp3?06:25
FezzlerI listen to too many people.  Bunch of jackd fan boys told me the RT is best for low latency I think06:25
ailoFezzler: please try the nvidia stuff included in Ubuntu. They usually work better in my experience.06:25
holsteinyou wouldnt want to burn mp3's necessarily06:25
FezzlerRender MP3  :)06:25
holsteinFezzler: and that is still true06:26
holsteinbut if you dont need the crazy low latency06:26
holsteinthe generic kernel is do-able06:26
holsteinand more friendly for your needs all around i bet06:26
FezzlerI have the nvidia-173 on my system06:26
holsteinFezzler: its installed already?06:27
FezzlerIt works but I can't seem to get compiz stuff to work now either.  I had it with 173 but screwed that up too06:27
ailoFezzler: just go with the "recommeded" option when you get the "additional drivers option".06:27
Fezzler:)  Maybe I should have linux - I can never leave it alone!06:27
holsteinnah, you gotta mess with it06:27
ailoWhat nvidia card do you have?06:27
holsteinthats how you learn :)06:27
FezzlerSo should I bother to "back out" the RT kernel?06:28
FezzlerI mean, is it hurting me?  And why is my browser, apps and folder switching getting "stuck" or delayed?06:28
Fezzlerailo>> GeoForce FX 5500 APG06:29
ailoWhat kind of system do you have? P4?06:29
Fezzlerailo>> or AGP - whatever that old graphics slot was called06:29
ailoHow much ram?06:29
FezzlerOh, on the GeoForce06:30
ailoNo, on the system itself. Is it Pentium 4, Celeron,  AMD... what type06:31
ailoHow much RAM memory do you have?06:31
ailoIf you have 512MB of RAM or less, you might have performance problems06:32
Fezzler768 on my "Frankenstein", let-learn-what-this-linux-is-all-about, Goodwill, AMD Athlon K6-26606:32
FezzlerAnd I have to tell you, even Lucid is fast on this old hack06:32
FezzlerI got 768 ram06:33
holsteinyou can just boot the generic kernel06:33
ailoThe K6 is an old one.06:33
holsteinyou didnt uninstall it i bet06:33
FezzlerHolstein - doesn't Ardour require Jackd?06:34
holsteinmaybe not06:34
holsteinbut you wouldnt want to use it without it06:34
ailoBut the graphic card should do06:34
holsteini have several different kernels on my EEE06:34
holsteinand i just choose at boot which i want06:35
Fezzleryea, the graphics card I bet helps this old dog.  I bet an old soundblaster card would too.  Get as much off the CPU as possib;le06:35
holsteinFezzler: OH06:35
holsteini took a picture the other day06:35
holsteinof a stack of SB cards here at a goodwill06:35
FezzlerOH - Ohio?06:35
FezzlerGreat song06:35
ailoPerhaps the CPU is the problem? But you say you had good results before?06:36
FezzlerGoodwill in Charlotte?06:36
holsteinthe one here actuall06:36
holsteinbut i saw some there too06:36
FezzlerLast time I went there they had none and I hear Ubutunu does well with sound blasters06:36
holsteini guess06:36
holsteinif your on an internal card06:37
FezzlerGreat results06:37
holsteinid say, boot the gerneric kernel06:37
holsteinhunker down06:37
holsteinand hope for the best06:37
FezzlerI am so glad I learned Ubuntu - when my Vista HD was dying a little Samba and I off-loaded all my iTunes and I'm looking forward to restoring them06:38
ailoI've ran different low-latency linux based systems on Pentium 3 and early AMD sempron with good results. Haven't bothered with graphics though.06:38
FezzlerSo what is the deal with only getting 240dpi in You Tube?06:38
FezzlerI mean, I get 340, 720 but then the audio and video are out of sync.  All worked in Gutsy, Hardy, Intrepid, Jaunty, K?06:39
ailoFezzler: CPU, most propably, since graphic cards don't seem to do much good with flashplayer06:39
ailoAt least on Linux06:40
holsteinyeah, i see stuff like that with my VIA chip06:40
holsteinand the EEE too if its bogged down too much06:40
ailohtml5 is an option, though. Don't know what that will do for you. Try www.youtube.com/html506:40
holsteinso far, its been an improvement for me06:41
Fezzlerholstein>> do you use Ardour and Jackd?  What do you track with?06:42
ailoFezzler: Interesting that it used to work for you, but not now. Can't get good performance myself on Geforce306:42
holsteinFezzler: you mean interface?06:43
FezzlerShould I do a fresh install of just the Audio portion of UbuntuStudio?06:43
FezzlerNVIDIA-Linux-x86-100.14.19-pkg1.run  <-  ran best with this06:43
ailoHope I'm not misunderstanding, but the audio porion won't have any effect on Youtube or any other flashplayer type of thing.06:44
holsteinyou could try http://www.murga-linux.com/puppy/viewtopic.php?t=6048306:44
holsteinsomething more light-weight than gnome06:45
ailoFezzler: Do you find better performancew with the NVIDIA-Linux... driver than the one included in the distro?06:45
FezzlerI did06:45
Fezzlerand compiz worked without elaborate edits to config settings and files I can never remember06:46
ailoGood to know. I should try it myself!06:46
FezzlerNo compiz now  :/06:46
holsteincompiz on a K606:46
holsteini had one of those, and i was glad to just see a desktop06:46
holsteinafter a couple minutes06:46
ailoConsidering the amount of data processed by those processors, one wonders why we need these new one's..06:48
ailoA lot of dead calculation06:49
holsteini do alright on my EEE06:49
holsteinalmost always plenty for what i need06:49
ailoCan't get low latency on mine06:49
ailoOtherwise I'd consider it for live use06:49
holsteinthe EEE?06:50
holsteini dont think i can get much under 2006:50
ailoThat seems to be the same for me06:50
ailoI think I need 10 ms. Need to do tests to make sure06:51
Fezzlerany idea how to trouble shoot my huge delay in folder activity and browser and app switching?06:51
FezzlerIt all worked before06:51
Fezzlerholstein>> yea, what do you record with? Which DAW?  Jackd?06:52
FezzlerWorked with Lucid before I zapped my desktop and had to reinstall it06:53
Fezzlerremember, I went to Synapic and deleted any app or file that mentioned pulse or jacks06:53
FezzlerUbuntu no like that!06:53
ailoWith the AMD K6 I would either try to hold on to old versions of a distro or try some really light weight distro. Just fooling around with Lubuntu and its' file-manager was an eye-opener06:53
Fezzlertoo many distros for one lifetime06:54
holsteini use ardour and JACK06:54
ailoI also made my own file-manager with the audio program called "Pure Data". Nautilus could not compare in speed.06:54
holsteinailo: nice :)06:55
holsteinPD is one of those things i hope i have time to learn someday06:55
ailoOnce you get hooked ;)06:55
FezzlerSo, pen in hand, next time I go to Goodwill looking for nice Ubuntu upgrade PC, what specs06:56
FezzlerRemember, this is goodwill?06:56
holsteini got a nice P406:56
holstein2.2 or so06:56
holsteinfor $1006:56
holsteini had a gig or ram and a hard drive here already06:56
holsteingotta be careful with the graphics though06:56
holsteinyou just never know06:56
holsteinive taken live CD's in that goodwill before06:57
ailoI'd say that is safe too... 512MB minimum, 3GB for a newer AMD06:57
holsteinthey dont care06:57
holsteinif you go for the "as-is" ones06:57
FezzlerThey also have prices too high06:57
ailoI got a PC for around 200$, AMD X2, 3 GB RAM, exluding the hard drive though. Propably cheaper now.06:58
FezzlerWhat they charge for memory and refurbished PC is a joke06:58
holsteinyeah, you have to refurbish it06:58
Fezzlertaking advantage of people if you ask me06:58
holsteinas long as they keep that cheap pile on the other shelf, i dont care06:59
ailoOld hardware seems to be more expensive by the byte06:59
holsteinthey gotta pay the techs i suppose06:59
holsteinailo: i agree with that06:59
holsteinif you can come up with 300 bucks06:59
holsteinyou can get a lot of computer06:59
Fezzlerand now they throw out all the good real old junk like tandy and commodore, etc06:59
ailoStill got an Atari, modded, 1024/2048, but what the hell should I do with that other than sell it?07:00
Fezzlerwell - one more beer for me then bed07:01
ailoFezzler: If we wait long enough, it won't be worth the dust it wieghs07:01
Fezzlerdownloading 108 updates for Vista Factory recovery and it failed the first time07:02
Fezzlerworth is relative07:02
Fezzlersee ya gents07:03
Fezzlergotto run07:03
ailoFezzler: Always!07:03
Fezzlerholstein>> I may hit ComputerWorks tomorrow07:03
Fezzlerthanks ailo07:03
holsteini go everytime im in charlotte07:03
holsteinand i go to the one here every thursday07:03
Fezzlerfun stuff07:04
holsteinalrght... bedtime07:04
Fezzlerone of my other useless hobbies07:05
Fezzlerg nite07:05

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