
SpamapSKeybuk: so it does look like there's a term handler in ubuntu's upstart..17:23
SpamapSKeybuk: which just exits init.. I'm looking through the kernel now to see if it somehow handles the re-exec in a weird way17:24
KeybukI thought there was17:31
Keybukbut I can't find it in natty's17:33
KeybukI wonder whether bzr has tried to help17:33
Keybukif that's been lost, that's the fix17:35
Keybukrestore the term-handler that just dumbly re-execs init17:35
SpamapSdoes the kernel re-exec if init exits?17:37
ionIt panics17:39
SpamapSright... weird I had to kill 1 twice to get a panic17:42
=== Keybuk_ is now known as Keybuk
ashb(this isn't really the right place to ask but i'm not sure where is) does anyone know anything about how to generate the deb-installer initrd/netboot image for ubuntu?22:25

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