
lightawhere can I found the java cache ?01:06
lightadec2010, so did you found it on logitheque ?01:50
lightaI'm guessing you're looking for runtime environment yeah ?01:50
dec2010i just got xubuntu yesterday01:51
dec2010im so new it aint funny01:51
lighta=) you'll get use too01:51
lightacommand line is a big part of unix also01:51
dec2010where is logitheque01:51
lightawell in my opinion is more faster01:51
lightaI told you01:51
lightamenu->parameter->Ubuntu Logiteque01:52
dec2010i liked it till i tried today to install securities an java01:52
lightafound it ?01:52
dec2010i see applications  / places01:53
lightado you have the menu ?01:53
lightaok you may be able to do it this way too. right click on desktop->application->parameter->Ubuntu Logiteque01:55
lightaor just run a command line with01:55
lightasudo apt-get install java01:55
dec2010do  i have a gnome or kde desktop02:31
charlie-tcadec2010: if you installed Xubuntu, you do not gnome or kde desktop, you have an Xfce desktop02:37
charlie-tcaa lot of the information for gnome will be good, though. Kde is very different02:38
dec2010im tryin to update java but i think xubuntu does it for me,  even though when i go an verify java it says i need the latest02:39
charlie-tcahow are you trying to update it?02:40
dec2010well i went to my software list an cant find how to update it02:41
dec2010it looks old  to me02:41
dec2010i just started out on xubuntu yesterday02:42
charlie-tcathen it is probably up-to-date for the version of Xubuntu02:43
dec2010so im very lost an need to prolly just get away02:43
dec2010i cant believe theres no security tools like antivirus or antispyware/malware02:43
charlie-tcaThere is no need for any.02:44
dec2010or a  cleanup disk / defrag02:44
dec2010but i go online02:44
charlie-tcaThe file system is very different from what windows uses.02:44
dec2010so  xubuntu takes care of all security ???02:45
charlie-tcaThere really is no need to fragment a drive the way windows does02:45
charlie-tcafor a desktop installation, yes02:45
dec2010this is a desktop02:45
dec2010an old one. just to see if i like it02:46
charlie-tcaThis is pretty secure operating system.02:46
dec2010so dont install anything like avg  ?02:46
lightadon't really need so02:47
lightayou'll need to specify wich file can run or not anyway02:47
dec2010ok that helps me feel better02:47
charlie-tcathere is a virus checker for those who keep windows files and share them with windows. Otherwise, you do not need one02:47
charlie-tcaI have not used a virus checker in 5 years now02:47
dec2010oh i dont like goin in a registry an i think the terminal is the registry ???02:48
dec2010so xubuntu updates everything,  i  had 152 updates when i installed from a cd02:48
dec2010i also see i have 122 processes running in task manager02:49
charlie-tcaThe closest thing to a registry is /etc, where the configuration files are kept.02:49
dec20105 years ?  you do banking online with that computer ?02:50
charlie-tcaAfter those updates, your system should be ready to use02:50
charlie-tcaI used to, I don't anymore, because I have no need to.02:50
charlie-tcaI have all my banking files on this computer, though02:50
dec2010well it does move well except some sites move wavy like maybe i need  a newer java or adobe flash02:51
dec2010oh ok02:51
dec2010i  think i'll just let things be fer now02:53
dec2010glad  i found this room , i was losing hair fast02:53
dec2010its tough to find a chat that knows about xubuntu02:54
charlie-tcathat's because we all hang out here02:56
dec2010ok it says i got a clam av installed02:58
dec2010im searching my software02:58
dec2010must of come with those 152 updates02:59
charlie-tcaYou must have installed clam av. There really is no need for it in Xubuntu02:59
charlie-tcaYou can open Synaptic Package Manager or Software Center to install programs. There is no need to download them from anywhere.03:00
dec2010no i just searched my xubuntu software an it came up in the search03:00
charlie-tcaIt will show in search, but it might not all be installed. there are thousands of programs available03:01
dec2010actually it says ubuntu software center03:01
dec2010oh ok03:01
charlie-tcayeah, not all of those are installed03:01
dec2010whew  thers zillions in the list03:02
dec2010srry about my poor typos , i been at this alot too much03:02
charlie-tcaTo see what is installed, go to Applications -> Accessories -> Application Finder03:03
charlie-tcaor just look in the menus.03:04
dec2010omg... i could get lost there, it's like the mall03:04
charlie-tcaThat's why you start with the menus. ESC or clicking the desktop closes menus03:06
dec2010your right i got alot of learning to do ,  just like when i  1st started out on windows 9803:07
dec2010not bad for my  1st time with the system loaded though03:08
dec2010i didnt know my computer name would be my chat nick   lol03:09
lightayou can change this03:10
=== lighta is now known as istmelighta
istmelightajust do /nick "name"03:10
=== istmelighta is now known as lighta
=== dec2010 is now known as RWF
RWFoh cool03:11
lighta=) what RWF mean ?03:11
lightaoups kinda off topic03:11
RWFwill it be that when i come in again  ?03:11
lightahmm are you on x-chat ?03:11
RWFRWF  =  RedWingsFan03:11
lightawhat is your irc client ?03:12
RWFi found the chat on my  computer somewhere03:12
charlie-tcaOnly if you register your nick. Otherwise someone else can use it03:12
RWF dont ask me where as im frazzled  lol03:12
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:12
lightalet's start define his nick on irc client charlie-tca03:13
lightaby the way there an french unbutu channel if you prefer RWF03:13
RWFlet me get a paper an pen or i'll ferget03:13
RWFim in detroit03:13
lightado you have an XChat menu on you left up corner ?03:14
charlie-tcalighta: it won't make any difference if the nick is not registered and someone else uses it03:15
lightatrue, but he must know how to define his nick for his client03:16
lightaok open it and do network list03:16
RWFwill i lose this chat if i click on it ?03:17
lightayou'll have a windows where you can set your nickname for your next connexion on this server03:17
lightayou wont03:17
lightafound it ?03:18
ubottuInformation about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode03:18
RWFgot a security warning03:21
lightaok you did it ?03:22
lightanow you should go on freenode and register your nick03:22
lightawith something like this03:22
RWF sudo update-java-alternatives03:22
lighta./msg nickserv register "name" "email"03:23
RWFquiet room03:54
RWFThanks Charlie  and Lighta  imma  go,  take care03:56
=== BlueEagl1 is now known as BlueEagle
well_laid_lawnis there anything extra I need to get xfce working well with a laptop? the "battery is charging" notification keeps popping up and some options in the power manager are greyed out05:46
CloseYetFarAnyone not idling?06:25
pleia2CloseYetFar: you can just ask your question :)06:28
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)06:28
CloseYetFarWell I really didnt have a question but ussally this channel moves a little faster06:30
pleia2it tends to be quieter this time of day (middle of the night for europeans and US east-coasters)06:31
CloseYetFaryea thats true06:32
lightahalf sleeping here  ! what's your question ?06:34
CloseYetFarwhy its so quiet in here lol06:36
lightawell it's not #ubuntu, it's nice this way =)06:38
CloseYetFarThats cool06:40
hagghi guys, tried it on #ubuntu but they seem busy. afaik i changed nothing on the system, when sound stops working. (audio- and video-)programs run, but way too fast, and there is no real audio output at all. the only ting that seems to work is wine (using alsa). every native linux program i tried has the problem (mocp, mpg123, mplayer(with audio and video), totem), with pulseaudio and with alsa instead of pulse, in xfce as well as directly on the ...08:04
hagg... console, after fresh reboot, before and after i started wine (with sound), after a "/sbin/alsa force-reload", and i didnt find anything useful in syslog or messages. any hints where i can look further for the cause?08:04
well_laid_lawnvids and audio are playing too fast?08:06
haggyes, progressbars/displayed time increases very fast, videoplayback is on "fast forward"08:07
well_laid_lawnI've never had that issue - seems weird08:08
haggbut no sound output at all.  but the program seem to think they have audio output "mplayer -ao null .." has normal video "mplayer -ao pulse .." and "pulseaudio --kill && mplayer -- ao alsa .." have the described problem08:08
haggsry for typos, netbook keyboard ;)08:09
well_laid_lawnI would blame pulseaudio for it personally - never heard of that happening before it came along08:09
haggyes, i blamed pulse too, so i killed it, and tried "mplayer -ao alsa ..". but there is the problem too08:10
haggand mplayer&co dont display any error messages. it seems the programs "think" sound is working correctly08:11
haggafaik mplayer uses the sound device for timing the video frames (as probably any media player does), that would explain why the program run too fast08:12
haggbut i have no clue where to look for the cause08:13
haggthe only thing i did between sound-working and sound-doesnt-work-anymore was installing a windows-program in my users wine-direcory.08:14
haggthat could hardly change anything on the system and for other users, especially after a reboot, when i didnt start wine before testing sound08:14
well_laid_lawnI don't know where to start debugging something like this let me have a google08:16
well_laid_lawnhagg: this is in a normal install not in vmware?08:19
haggno, not in vmware08:20
well_laid_lawnhagg: from google you need to use oss instead of alsa then - you should mention that sort of thing at the start :)08:21
well_laid_lawnsorry disregard above statement08:22
well_laid_lawnhagg: nothing in google except vmware stuff sorry08:23
haggi tried google before i asked, too. but also no luck :(08:24
haggbut thank you anyway08:24
well_laid_lawneverything was about vmware - try oss maybe08:24
well_laid_lawnor a diff vid with diff audio rate08:25
haggi tried several videos, several audios, with several players08:25
well_laid_lawnhagg: has it ever been working fine?08:26
haggyes, yesterday it worked08:27
well_laid_lawnwhat happened since?08:27
haggsoudn worked, then i transcoded some videos (changed cpu governors to performance), changed the governors back to powersave, installed my old dune2000 in wine (there the sound works), then sound doesnt work any more.   i tried already different cpu scalings (different governors and fixed cpu frequencies), i deleted my whole ~/.wine08:30
haggi reinstalled dune2000 in wine, there sound still works, thats the weirdest part for me08:30
well_laid_lawnseems obvious that wine changed the sound properties - what rate is the sound in dune2000?08:31
haggbut when i install something in wine, that cannot change anything systemwide, can it?  and i have the soundproblem even after a reboot before i even touch wine08:33
haggi dont know what rate the sound in dune2k has, but i assume it is 44.1k or less. the game is >10 years old08:33
Sysikilling pulseaudio don't help, if program uses it it starts it again08:36
haggi have added autospawn=no to ~/pulse/client.conf08:36
haggso it keeps killed, i think08:37
Sysii'd still remove it if you don't need it08:37
Sysior you could try something with pavucontrol (pulseaudio setup)08:37
haggok, i will try that, thanks08:38
haggSysi, thanks! somehow pavucontrol fixed the problem. the only thing i changed was changed the fallback-device(?) (the button with tooltip "set to fallback") from the hdmi-audio-output of the video card to the other device (internal audio analog stereo)08:53
haggi had not thought that pulse could cause the problem if it does not run (checked that with ps)08:54
haggwell_laid_lawn: also thanks to you for trying to help08:55
Sysiusing alsa directly can mess pulseaudio08:55
well_laid_lawnit's working hagg ?09:01
well_laid_lawnI was afk for a bit...09:01
haggwell_laid_lawn: it is working now. it is working so good, that i cannot even reproduce the problem (i tried to find out what exactly caused it, to avoid or workaround it in future)09:02
well_laid_lawnall I can say then is !woot09:03
haggit seems that pulse was to blame, but i still dont know how (as it was not running - checked it with ps)09:03
well_laid_lawnit prob changed some setting somewhere - it is evil..09:04
haggi ran pavucontrol (pulse config gui) only in userspace, so i think it could only have changed something in my home directory. i was trying to reproduce the problem and check if an "rm ~/.pulse" would have fixed the problem too09:05
hagg-in userspace +with my default user09:06
well_laid_lawnpulse makes dirs in /tmp too\09:07
haggso, now everything works fine, time for breakfast :)09:08
haggthanks again to both of you09:08
UBuxuBUseems odd i cant use my wubi anymore09:53
UBuxuBUcant get online wireless with it anymore09:53
GeoZoohey everybody11:35
jpswhich distro is Russia using? http://linux.slashdot.org/story/10/12/27/2025258/Putin-Orders-Russian-Move-To-GNULinux12:17
TheSheepthey had something for schools, forgot what it was called12:18
jpsin Soviet Russia, your distro orders the government to switch to it12:19
TheSheepopen source or not, I can't imagine using any software that you don't have the sources for in things like army12:21
TheSheepthey don't have to be open, but you have to have them12:21
Sysilooks like just generally free software12:24
Sysianybody using bluetooth mouse/keyboard? does blueman have nice autoconnect/authorisation or does gnome-bluetooth or whatever work better?12:27
Sysii'm considering getting apple magic trackpad12:29
TheSheepSysi: why?12:40
TheSheepSysi: get a wacom bamboo instead12:40
Sysii's not as good and what i've heard, not good anycase12:43
TheSheepdon't say12:45
TheSheepwhat's wrong with it?12:46
Sysifor me, compared to apple, clicking sucks12:47
knomewacom == good12:47
Sysicheap wacom = good?12:48
knomedefine cheap wacom. cheaper than aiptek? :P12:48
TheSheepknome: it's not a tablet, just a touchpad12:48
TheSheepone of those days I'm going to get myself a cintiq 12WX12:49
TheSheepwhen I12:49
TheSheep'm very rich12:49
Sysiwhat's configuring wacoms like?12:50
knomecan be a pain now that wacomcpl has been removed from the repositories ...12:50
Sysii hate that absolute position, or cursor moving without touching12:50
TheSheepSysi: you are talking about tablets12:52
SysiTheSheep: touch model is very different?12:52
TheSheepSysi: it's a touchpad12:53
TheSheepSysi: there is also a table with touchpad12:53
knometouchpad == no pressure sensing?12:53
TheSheepknome: remember how the old wacoms had those touch strips/circles?12:53
TheSheepknome: now the whole tablet is touch sensitive -- basically two devices in one12:54
TheSheepknome: you can use pan on it for drawing, and touchpad for scrolling, for example12:54
TheSheepthe computer sees it as two devices12:54
TheSheepno idea how that works in practice, but sounds cool12:54
Sysiapple is cheaper12:55
Sysialthough tablet would be cool to have too12:56
TheSheepwacom touchpad is 20$ cheaper...12:56
TheSheepagain, no idea how it compares12:56
knomei suppose it's not two *devices*; the system also senses multiple "modes" on the "old" wacoms ('eraser' is different from 'stylus' etc)12:57
TheSheepthat's something else12:57
TheSheepthat's the stylus id12:57
Sysii wonder if device you're talking about is available in finland..12:57
TheSheepon more expensive wacoms you can have dozens of different pens, and each remembers different settings12:58
knomebut you can apply different modes/stuff to different stylus ids12:58
knomeyeah, i'd like one of those...12:58
TheSheepbut you cannot easily scroll with eraser, I think12:58
TheSheepthat would actually be cool12:58
knomei just haven't figured out what the reason is to buy one12:58
knomewhen i do, i'll probably buy one12:59
TheSheepI have one, it's not as useful as one would expect12:59
knomebut better than my a6 wacom12:59
TheSheepit's great if you are retouching photos or doing digital painting12:59
Sysiah, finger-only is cheaper12:59
Sysithere's dual model too13:00
knomewell, doing work with it; maybe not retouching much or painting digitally much, but something in between maybe...13:00
TheSheepI made a presentation with it recently13:01
knomedare to share?13:01
TheSheepit's in polish, and the slides have practically no text13:01
TheSheephttp://www.sheep.art.pl/misc/009.png <-- example13:01
TheSheepit's about usability13:02
knomethat looks pretty much the same you can do with my a6 tablet as well13:02
TheSheepyou can read a short summary here: http://www.sheep.art.pl/2010-11-02_usability13:02
TheSheepknome: that *was* done with a5 tablet13:02
knomea6 != a5 :]13:02
TheSheeplittle difference13:02
knomeon the other hand13:02
knomethe a6 device is so cute and small you could even carry it with you13:03
TheSheepbtw, mypaint is great for digital painitng13:03
knomei personally prefer inkscape over anything, but yeah, i've tried mypaint and it's cool13:03
TheSheepinkscpae is kinda for a different purpose13:04
knomeworksforme pretty awesomely :)13:04
knomei *always* want to tweak and pinch13:04
SysiMTp would still be better as mouse13:09
Sysiit should work well with maverick13:09
GeoZoosome good with wlan? :D13:12
psycho_oreosstill haven't got that issue solved?13:13
psycho_oreosyou tried wicd to see if it works?13:13
GeoZoosame problems seens 2 years :D13:13
psycho_oreosas in wicd won't even work with it?13:14
GeoZooi tried nm, wicd, wpa_supplicant (by console)13:14
psycho_oreosnetworkmanager and wicd both have frontend I believe and both requires user intervention13:14
psycho_oreosnone of those work well with each other.. they all need to be stopped and I'm not sure how it will work if they still have claim rights to the device13:15
psycho_oreosafaik under nm if you disable managing of the wireless through the GUI you can use wpa_supplicant or have direct control over wireless13:16
GeoZooi still think it is not an issue with this programs, since i had the same problem with gentoo where i never used such programs13:17
psycho_oreosyou need to use wpa_supplicant in the very least, it allows you to connect to networks easily with profiles and what not13:17
well_laid_lawnneed the driver for the card first13:18
psycho_oreosand like I said I've had this issue before with nm tampering my ath5k device, when I disable the wireless under nm-applet I could do whatever I want with the device13:18
psycho_oreosno need13:18
psycho_oreosactually now I'm facing that issue as well lol13:21
psycho_oreoshmm think I may have fixed it, disable wireless under nm-applet, reload ath5k and now wlan0 declares to be up under ifconfig13:23
psycho_oreosyeah its working13:23
GeoZooarg, ok, i checked again and there are still 3 parts of network-manager installed... sry13:30
GeoZooi deinstall this, maybe this helps13:31
GeoZoook, i deinstalled network-manager :) and killed wicd and wpa_supplicant13:55
JakeGreySo... Apologies if this is a stupid question, but does Ubuntu's ARM support also apply to Xubuntu?16:01
charlie-tcaJakeGrey: not at this time16:02
JakeGreyDamn. Can anyone recommend an alternative? Netbook Remix is going to struggle with the machine I have in mind.16:04
Sysicharlie-tca: no built xfce packages or just no installation media?16:05
charlie-tcathe ARM support has not been ported to xubuntu16:07
charlie-tcaI don't know if it is even possible to install Xubuntu-desktop in Netbook Remix16:08
ubuntuthere are drivers for gma500 on xubuntu 10.0416:28
ubuntuit is a question16:28
=== Guest96026 is now known as MichealH
nicofs_What would be the best software to (easily) convert video files? need to convert 720p *.mkv to anything less than that... my netbook dies trying to play that^^18:08
B-r00twinff is gui18:10
B-r00tsudo apt-get install ffmpeg winff18:10
B-r00tex: ffmpeg -i film.mkv -acodec mp3 -vcodec mpeg4 -sameq film.avi18:11
bittinbittin@jabber.se i need more geeks to chat with :)18:19
Myrttibittin: have you considered that you may be reported for spamming?18:23
bittinno :(18:23
Myrttithought so.18:23
woodzyjake grey have you tried lubuntu?22:04

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