
lamalexDBO, do you know anything about the nvidia 260 driver?03:27
lamalexworks? improvement from what's in natty?03:27
lamalextrying to get dual monitors working03:28
=== TheOmegaIsNear is now known as Omega
coz_lamalex,  if its any consolation... I am running the 260 driver with dual monitors04:30
lamalexcoz_, i got it working with regular natty04:30
lamalexit's running awesomely04:30
lamalexdisper is a great piece of software04:30
coz_lamalex,  oh ok sorry... I know you brought this up a while ago04:30
lamalexcoz_ I had just asked dbo if he had done it04:31
lamalexI hadn't tried it myself04:31
lamalexI've been in the process of moving04:31
coz_ah ok :)04:31
lamalexand my external monitor was sitting in my new apt04:31
coz_lamalex,  moving is always apain04:31
lamalexfinally moved today :)04:31
lamalexspecially 800 miles04:31
coz_lamalex,  from where to where?04:31
lamalexPhilly to Portland, ME (if you don't know US geography just say so)04:32
coz_lamalex,  I live outside of pittsburgh ...04:32
coz_lamalex,  like to visit philly on occasion04:34
coz_lamalex,  probably Portland is much safer :)04:34
lamalexoh yeah?04:34
lamalexI've lived in Philly my whole life04:34
lamalex(well, a mix of the city and the burbs)04:34
lamalexuntil .. today04:34
coz_lamalex,  how is Portland ?04:34
lamalexand an 8 week stint in Paris04:34
lamalexreally nice04:34
lamalexreally really nice04:34
coz_lamalex,   I bet more relaxing also ..yes?04:35
coz_and maybe colder ??04:35
lamalexhaha yes04:35
lamalexquite a bit04:35
lamalexcleaner air, more nature, less of everything04:35
lamalexexcept nature..04:35
lamalexI might move to NYC next just to make up for lost time, haha04:36
lamalexMy dad is a huge Steelers fan04:36
coz_lamalex,  oh no!!! I lived in Queens fro about ayear04:36
lamalexMy grandmom is from the Bronx04:36
coz_lamalex,   then he can tell you the stories :)04:36
lamalexI think I still have some family scattered about the boroughs04:36
OmegaYou had an afro for a year eh coz_.04:37
coz_Omega,  no but my hair was down to my waiste at that time lol04:37
OmegaYou just said you had a fro for a year ):04:37
coz_bad typing04:38
Omega:P, I know, I'm just teasing.04:38
coz_lamalex,  what are your feeling about global menu on dual monitors?04:43
coz_feelings  rather04:43
coz_hey guys....  I was asked to bring the ccsm icon set here ... i suppose you guys are going to put these in ?04:58
lamalexcoz_, dont know yet honestly04:58
lamalexI got it working and haven't needed it hah04:58
lamalexI wish the panel didn't extend across the entire desktop for one thing04:59
coz_lamalex,  understood...  I have been doing the ccsm icons for a while now...  there is an issue with the unity icon someone put in the set04:59
lamalexI think mac does it the way we do it (so while that's not everything it's something)04:59
lamalexIt really depends how we want to define what the multi-monitor experience in Unity is about05:00
coz_lamalex,  does what...the icons for ccsm???05:00
lamalexcoz_, aren't we talking about dual monitors?05:00
coz_lamalex,  oh lol no05:00
coz_lamalex,  i was talking about the icons for ccsm05:00
lamalexi don't know anything about that05:00
coz_lamalex,  ok05:01
lamalexare there icons? are they pretty?05:01
coz_lamalex,  I can send you the current set05:01
coz_lamalex,   http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/compiz%2B%2B/ccsm-Tango.tar.gz05:01
lamalexerm, I don't think there's anything I can/should do with them05:02
coz_lamalex,  no problem05:02
lamalexif you think it's the wrong icon file a bug05:02
lamalexCanonical is closed this week05:02
lamalexso it might take another few days for you to hear back05:02
coz_lamalex,  yes the Unity plugin icon  is wrong for the set  for sure05:02
lamalexbut come the new year we will look at it05:02
coz_whoever put that icon in has created a visual bug05:03
lamalexI vaguely remember a merge request about it05:03
lamalexbut like I said, file a bug report and attach the correct icon05:03
coz_lamalex,  well  that's a bit difficult since I have been doing the ccsm icons... if they want someone else to do them I think they need to speak with me ...yes?05:04
coz_whatever... I will wait til next week05:05
lamalexcoz_, someone probably just filed a bug and it got merged in a hurry05:05
lamalexno harm no foul05:05
lamalexjust a misstep :)05:06
coz_ok  cool05:06
coz_I will see what next week brings :)05:06
lamalexbug me again after new years and I'll make sure it gets looked at05:06
coz_lamalex,  ok ... I suppose I just really need to know if I am out of the picture doing these icons  and if canonical design team are taking it over05:07
lamalexcoz_, I really have no idea05:08
lamalexyou can try sending an email to the ayatana list05:08
lamalexand filing a bug and adding ayatana-design as a project05:08
coz_I might do that  after next week05:08
lamalexthen someone from design team will look at it05:08
coz_lamalex,  well its an entire set of icons not just one  ..and it has been the default icons for ccsm for some time now05:09
coz_but anyway  ,,,next week :)05:09
lamalexccsm had its own set of icons?05:09
lamalexsee, that seems like a bug05:09
coz_still does05:09
lamalexwell, not really05:09
coz_a visual bug is still a bug :)05:09
lamalexbut Unity has a brand identity so it makes sense to use the shipped unity icon05:09
coz_I agree05:09
coz_wait maybe I misunderstood you05:10
coz_lamalex,  the current unity plugin icon is the bug with the set .. I am not sure it matters if it is the "official" unity icon ..it doesnt belong with the set05:10
* lamalex looks at ccsm to try and understand05:11
lamalexok so what's really the problem?05:12
lamalexit looks fine to me?05:12
coz_lamalex,  well ... the  purple Ubuntu Unity Plugin icon looks fine?05:12
coz_http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/NEEDED%20DESKTOP%20STUFF/ccsm/plugin-unityshell.png    << is the current icon05:13
coz_this is one of the ones I chose    http://dl.dropbox.com/u/132551/compiz-unity/ubuntuunityplugina.svg05:14
coz_it fits more closely with the entire set... it can also use a little work05:14
lamalexyeah, see I would imagine we have very specific brand guidelines for what the uniy logo is, just like we do for Ubuntu circle of friends and so on05:16
lamalexthat's a nice icon, but it's not the unity log05:16
coz_lamalex,  but this is compiz05:16
lamalexUnity is a product05:16
coz_lamalex,  not unity05:16
lamalexUnity should be able to supply it's own icon to ccsm, even if that means ubuntu distropatching ccsm05:17
lamalexidk, that's my opinion05:17
lamalexI'm certainly not an authority on the matter05:17
coz_no  I disagree but its out of my hands05:17
coz_it would create a visual bug05:17
coz_and that seems contrary to the whole concept05:18
coz_none the less.. it is after midnight here so I am off to bed :)05:18
lamalexthe same05:19
coz_yep  same to you05:19
OmegaAnd with that, I hit the hay.08:26
Devil505bye :)08:28
coz_good day all18:30
=== _LibertyZero is now known as LibertyZero
lallenlowehow is Unity handling the maximized window controls, is it an indicator?20:49
lallenlowedoes anyone know how Unity is handling the maximized window controls, is it an indicator?22:59

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