
=== Guest180 is now known as ogra
highvoltagehey everyone16:18
highvoltagehey mhall119 I was wondering if you were around16:24
mhall119I am16:25
highvoltageindeed :)16:26
highvoltageI wasn't particularly looking for you, but I thought that if *someone* would be around at this time it would be you16:26
mhall119any progress on debmower?16:27
highvoltageno, I suck. I spent pretty much the last week just watching TV and vegging out16:28
highvoltagethe next week should be somewhat better :)16:28
mhall119no worries, I did pretty much the same16:28
mhall119that's the true meaning of christmas, after all16:29
mhall119I'm still torn about what to do with xdg-launcher16:29
highvoltageyeah, stuffing yourself and lying around is indeed the TrueMeaning™ of christmas :)16:34
highvoltageI don't have an idea for xdg-launcher, if you feel strongly that that is what it should be called you can always just fight for it16:35
highvoltagebut I guess it probably is more appropriate to call it something else out of the xdg namespace16:35
mhall119yeah, but it seems like a silly think to fight over16:36
mhall119I may just call it qimo-launcher for 11.04, then work on a more generic one for 11.1016:36
highvoltagethat sounds sensible, although going with something more generic from the start will save you the trouble of dealing with transitional packages due to name changes16:39
mhall119then again, I can always call it qimo-launcher but still make it generic enough for non-qimo use16:42
mhall119Edubuntu gets a plug there too18:01
mhall119though, I'm not quite sure what "let's Qimo" means....18:02
highvoltagecool! interesting, I haven't made the direct link in my head from 'qimo' to 'eskimo' yet18:15
mhall119I try to advertise that pretty heavily18:15
mhall119it helps people pronoune it right18:15
highvoltageyes. maybe I did on some level but I didn't direclty think it. then again I might not have read that many qimo stuff before then (oops)18:15
mhall119probably the latter, I didn't start heavily advertising it until version 2, so you'd probably already read most everything before then18:16
highvoltageah cool, they mention weblive too18:17
mhall119highvoltage: that page seems to be a tad bit biased, so I'd question even if the images are real19:44
mhall119but, even if they are, they're for the software freedom law center, not the free software foundation19:44
highvoltagemhall119: bkuhn said they are real, I don't have a problem with the salaries per se19:47
highvoltage(weird how people jump to that conclusion though)19:47
mhall119yeah, I guess there wasn't a reason to assume that you did19:48
mhall119I was more struck that the guy who posted it seems to think that the FSF is paying those salaries19:49
highvoltageyeah he seems to have some kind of weird agenda19:50
highvoltageoh right, he seems to want everyone to use BSD licensed systems19:51
highvoltage(read that on one of his other pages)19:51
mhall119yeah, I saw that19:55
mhall119he also mentions GPL419:59
mhall119not sure what that is19:59

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