
lengau@woodzy - try 'sudo apt-get -f install' to make sure the install didn't break halfway through. That happened to me a while back.00:38
kyubutsuwish rekonq would handle ubuntuone better :(00:43
lengau@heinkel_111 - I just tried in k3b on a new system and was able to rip an audio CD to flac without a problem. Which version of KDE are you using?00:47
lengau@kyubutsu - What's rekonq doing on ubuntuone?00:47
lengau@kyubutsu the reason I'm asking is because I'd like to try to recreate this behaviour for a bug report00:49
kyubutsufor starters, rekonq doesnt have any visual cue when downloading large files [progress bar];  and it has failed several times at uploading ;  its more of feature request than a bug00:52
lengau@kyubutsu - When downloading a file, rekonq hands the download off to KDE's job manager. There should be an icon all the way on the left of your system tray (just to the right of the show desktop icon in the default settings) that will tell you about notifications and jobs.00:55
lengauThat should be where it has your downloads.00:56
kyubutsulengau: i meant uploading ..00:56
kyubutsuoverall rekonq does a crappy job at dealing with ubuntuone00:56
kyubutsucompare with chromium if you like00:56
kyubutsuin fact, i installed chromium for the sole purpose of handling ubuntuone00:57
lengaukyubutsu - I don't really use Ubuntu One, but I actually use Chrome on all of my machines. I use oxygen-gtk to make Chrome look like (mostly) a KDE app.00:58
lengau( http://hugo-kde.blogspot.com/2010/11/oxygen-gtk.html  if you're interested)00:58
kyubutsui want rekonq00:58
kyubutsu& rekonq fails  :(00:59
kyubutsui even like it better than konqueror00:59
kyubutsugood design but, fail at ubuntuone transactions01:00
kyubutsuwebkit -1 ?   i dun wanna believe that01:02
lengauThe only thing I can suggest then is to make some noise so it gets noticed and placed on the Natty wishlist (https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/appdevs-kubuntu-n-rekonq-wishlist)01:05
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fanfarehey folks, i try to use time command with options, but all do fail even time --help ? --help : command not found03:55
fanfarehm, ok was a bash buitlin time i guess...03:57
fanfarehow to find out if a builtin is used or not? which time gave /usr/bin/time but it was not used as time...03:59
well_laid_lawnI would use the full path e.g. /usr/bin/time -options04:01
sea4everThis is strange. ftptop is showing 2 idle users..any way to kick 'em off?04:01
fanfarewell_laid_lawn: yeah, found that already, but as which time gave that path i thought it would be used...04:02
woodzyi'm trying to configure a window (vlc media player) to not show up on the task bar but only in the system tray (it already show up in both); what am i looking for in kwin to configure it so that it does not show up in the task bar but only the system tray?04:22
woodzyhow can i set the volume at a certain level (50% for example) every time i log in? even when i have it set lower than 100% it still defaults to 100% when i log in.04:36
btraillAre quick questions allowed in here?04:47
btraillSo, I was installing the LAMP package from the "sudo tasksel" line. It ended up freezing at 74% for about 20 minutes so I thought it may have glitched up... I closed my terminal and now when I go to re run that same line I get an error telling me that the config.dat is being locked by another proccess.04:50
btraillAny idea?04:50
btrailldebconf: DbDriver "config": /var/cache/debconf/config.dat is locked by another process: Resource temporarily unavailable04:51
btraillThat's the exact error.04:51
well_laid_lawnyou could try   lsof   to see what is using it04:52
sea4everYou could do a lsof | grep debconf/config.dat04:52
ubottuIf an APT front-end crashed and your database is locked, try this in a !terminal: « sudo fuser -vki /var/lib/dpkg/lock;sudo dpkg --configure -a »04:52
sea4everThat would tell you which process is locking the file. If any04:52
btraillInteresting.. Killed the proccess and now I just got a ton of "Setting up... Enabling, etc"04:55
btraillin my Terminal.04:55
btraillI'm asumming that's enabling/installed 74% of the pack up until where it froze, correct?04:55
btraillSo it would be ideal to re run the package, yes?04:56
sea4everYou'd better re-install it.04:56
btraill(By the way thanks for those tips; I'm a brand new Kubuntu user so these really help!)04:56
btraillOkay :)04:56
sea4everOr at least check to see that it installed OK04:56
btraillBah.. still got that same error when trying to run the04:58
btraill"sudo tasksel"04:58
well_laid_lawnI would just use apt-get04:59
sea4everYou sure you installed that LAMP thing?04:59
fanfarewoodzy: qdbus org.kde.kmix /Mixer0 setMasterVolume 5004:59
btraillI don't know if it fully installed.05:00
sea4everIs it anything executable that you can run to check?05:00
btraillI'll quickly check05:00
btraillI have a "Run MySQL" executable but nothing happens when opened.05:02
sea4everYou sure nothing happens? Maybe it runs in the background or something.05:04
DouglasKQuick question ... what's a recommended app for managing media players that would (in Windows) use the Windows Media Player to manage them?05:49
well_laid_lawnmanage media players?05:50
Daskreechwell_laid_lawn: Like an iPod05:51
DouglasKYeah, specifically non apple ones.05:51
cpatrick2008i upgraded from maverick to natty and now my broadcom sta wirelss does not work i am typing this on my linux mint debian edition triple boot05:53
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.05:53
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daniel3Is there a way to clear your dns cache?09:05
daniel3I know there is, cant remember the command.09:05
alokitowhere can I download kubuntu 11.04 torrent?09:06
ubottuTorrent clients: Transmission (GTK and terminal-based), Deluge-Torrent, Freeloader, BitStormLite, BitTornado-GUI (GTK), KTorrent (KDE), QTorrent (Qt), Azureus (Java), TorrentFlux (web-based), bittornado, rTorrent, cTorrent, bittorrent, aria2 (terminal-based) - FAQ: http://www.bittorrent.com/FAQ.html - See also !P2P09:11
ubottuNatty Narwhal is the codename for Ubuntu 11.04, due April 28 2011 - Help and support (only) in #ubuntu+1 - Natty is unstable and is not intended for production systems.09:11
well_laid_lawnalokito: ^^09:11
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ubottu日本語の場合は #ubuntu-jp または #kubuntu-jp を参照して下さい11:29
Guest50961最近一打开amarok就会提示为增请amarok功能 需要安装额外软件包 点击查看之后 会提示安装安装一个视频解码器 点击安装 提示E:无法修正错误,因为您要求某些软件包保持现状,就是它们破坏了软件包间的依赖关系。11:31
Guest50961请教下各位这到底是怎么回事  而且自从出现这种状况之后 amarok运行起来就不太正常 经常崩溃11:32
tsimpson!cn | Guest5096111:33
ubottuGuest50961: For Ubuntu help in Chinese 您可以访问中文频道: #ubuntu-cn 或者 #ubuntu-tw  或者 #ubuntu-hk11:33
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Klaus_Dieterhello world11:58
Klaus_DieterI know there is a qt interface designer somewhere but I cannot for my life remember its name - there used to be a qtdesigner but apt-get cannot find it. What is the program I am looking for?11:59
well_laid_lawn!find designer11:59
ubottuFound: libqscintilla2-designer, qt3-designer, libbio-primerdesigner-perl, openoffice.org-report-builder, pgdesigner11:59
well_laid_lawnI thought designer came with qt - try in konsole   which designer    Klaus_Dieter12:00
yofel!info qt4-designer12:00
ubottuqt4-designer (source: qt4-x11): graphical designer for Qt 4 applications. In component main, is optional. Version 4:4.7.0-0ubuntu4.2 (maverick), package size 342 kB, installed size 1872 kB12:00
yofelKlaus_Dieter: ^12:00
well_laid_lawnI wonder why the bot didn't find it...12:01
yofelgood question..12:02
Klaus_DieterI seached for qtdesigner - now installing qt4-designer12:02
Klaus_Dieterthank you!12:02
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Klaus_Dieteryesterday I did a release upgrade of kubuntu and everything worked like a charm. I was totally surprised and I have to say that this is just great!12:49
Peace-Klaus_Dieter: nice12:49
Klaus_Dieterso: Thank you for all the hard work and for making that happen12:50
Peace-kubuntu is a community project12:51
Peace- a lots of people do the work free12:51
Peace-for free12:51
Klaus_Dieterthat is why I am coming here to say it12:51
Peace-Klaus_Dieter: the best thing you could do is spread the voice12:52
Peace-and maybe code something xD12:52
* Peace- back on automatize kdenlive12:52
MasterOfIntegralnew KDE software works wery well for me and I'm more than glad. This is by far more stable and shiny than in kubuntu 9.04 release. But i have several minor problems with new kernel. Unfortunately I have lost old ones (from previous releases). Can I add something to sources list so I get linux-image from one distribution (9.04) and the rest from newest 10.10?12:56
yofelwell, you would have to add the sources from an older release for that (please don't use 9.04 though, that doesn't get any security updates anymore)12:58
yofelwhat are your kernel problems by the way?12:59
MasterOfIntegralok, can you tell me where I can find addreses?12:59
MasterOfIntegralLaptop battery life decreased by 50% and no VMWare13:00
yofelMasterOfIntegral: check your /etc/apt/sources.list - there copy the lines with archive.ubuntu.com and put them into the file changing maverick to lucid - I wouldn't recommend jaunty, that's only on old-releases.ubuntu.com13:00
yofeland make sure you don't edit the existing ones, make a backup of the file first13:01
MasterOfIntegraloh, it was so obvious. ;-) Thank you very much!13:01
yofelthen you can try an older kernel like linux-image-2.6.32-27-generic13:02
yofelif you need additional compiled drivers don't forget to install the corresponding kernel headers13:02
MasterOfIntegralThanks for details! I will try it right now.13:03
MasterOfIntegral@ yofel: thank you very much for your time and support! I should  have come to idea of cp url and swap maverick with lucid or koala ;-) Now need to reboot to check out new (old) kernel.13:21
MasterOfIntegralhi, thanks once again to yofel, now I can use once again my VMWare machines!13:41
yofelMasterOfIntegral: you might want to boot the other kernel once and file a bug with 'ubuntu-bug linux' that vmware doesn't work with the maverick kernel13:42
MasterOfIntegralMy network printer does't work in Maveric, don't know if it's because of kernel or some new cups drivers included. It worked flawlessly in karmic, not sure about jaunty... It still says processing on Document Print status (was going to print one line textfile). Some time before printer printed some random characters on about hundred pages until hard reset of printer & router ;-)14:08
MasterOfIntegralAny ideas? I have HP color laserjet CP1515n14:08
MasterOfIntegralmaybe at least name of channel which I could join to ask this question?14:10
yofelMasterOfIntegral: tried to add it with the HPLIP management app? The package name for that was hplip-gui14:17
yofelI added my HP OfficeJet fine using that14:17
MasterOfIntegralyofel: no, I was adding it by System Settings. I will try hplip-gui now.14:18
MasterOfIntegralyofel: you're awesome!14:25
MasterOfIntegralit works14:25
MasterOfIntegralI didn't know about that application. I's very nice14:26
mika__hi, i see from the kde wiki that krunner can manage currency conversions, but when i try it..it doesn't work, should i have to install some extra package for it?14:57
mika__i've installed plasma-runners-addons, but still there isn't15:02
yofelmika__: works here if I type '100€ in' for example, gives me a list of currencies15:05
yofeland yes plasma-runners-addons contains the converter15:06
mika__yofel: i write 100€= and it says: eur 100.... but what if i want it in usd?15:06
yofeldid you restart krunner after installing plasma-runners-addons?15:07
mika__yofel: yes.... actually i restarted it again and now works... don't know why..15:09
mika__thanks :)15:09
mika__do you know when it updates the data? and if it's cached (for offline conversions)15:10
mika__when / how often15:10
mika__or does it call ecb everytime for the conversion?15:12
yofelno idea15:12
mika__one more questione,if you know :)15:12
mika__what about simple calcs like: x:1=5:10 ?15:13
mika__i try it... but with a final = it says x=310.... not so good,as it should be 0.5 :)15:13
SlashxHey guys15:14
Slashxhow do I set start up services in Kubuntu15:14
SlashxI woud like Compiz and Knetworkmanager to be autorun for all users that log into a KDE session15:15
yofelmika__: not much better here, 5:10=5,1666667 o.O15:16
mika__yofel: nice :)15:16
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yofelSlashx: checked systemsettings -> startup and shutdown?15:17
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walter_please... spanish chanel??15:19
yofel!es | walter_15:19
ubottuwalter_: En la mayoría de canales de Ubuntu se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español o charlar entra en el canal #ubuntu-es. Escribe "/join #ubuntu-es" (sin comillas) y dale a enter.15:19
BluesKajHi folks15:34
BajKIs it just me or is KDE 4.6 RC1's sound system really broken (without PulseAudio)?15:39
BluesKajdunno , that's the chance one takes with RCs, BajK...maybe the alsa settings are muted again15:41
BajKBluesKaj: it's just that it worked perfectly in Beta 215:41
BajKand now people blaim me for not having this buggy pulseaudio thingie installed15:41
BajKafk, restarting, now installed pulseaudio15:42
ListsHello. How do I install thunderbird on the latest Crunchbang statler? Claws-mail is cool but really does not cut it for me..15:43
walter_hello a query15:43
walter_I have problems with the screen size15:44
walter_I return to the previous setting after restart15:44
walter_any suggestions?15:44
BluesKajI'm not a fan but mplayer sound needs pulkseaudio on mmy setup and I'm using mencoder for video and audio capture15:44
well_laid_lawnLists: there is a #crunchbang channel15:44
Listssorry wrong window15:45
walter_I'm sorry, but I'm new in kubuntu15:46
well_laid_lawnwalter_: you are prob saving sessions15:47
walter_?? sorrydo not understand15:48
well_laid_lawnselect a new kde session at login15:49
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Paddy_NIHow do I make windows on kde behave like they do on plasma-netbook... does kde use something like maximus, I have already added the "Current Application Controls" to the panel15:52
Paddy_NImaximised windows with no decoration.. yes please :)15:52
BluesKajI'm still waiting for a Google Earth version that will run on kde 4.5, just crashes at launch ...very poor support15:52
macoPaddy_NI: maybe try the "air for netbooks" theme instead of "air"?15:53
maco(in workspace appearance)15:53
Klaus_DieterBluesKaj: you want marble15:54
BluesKajKlaus_Dieter, do I ? :)15:54
macomarble doesnt have a way to save locations does it?15:54
Paddy_NImaco, Oh thanks I had just thought that was a plasma theme and had no interference with kwin15:54
Klaus_Dieterit works well and is stable here15:55
Klaus_Dietermaco: not sure15:55
SlashxYeah so15:55
SlashxCan you guys help15:55
macoBluesKaj: google earth 5.1 worked15:56
macobut the option to download it was removed when they put up 615:56
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BluesKajmaco, is there a source for 5.1 ?15:57
macoi dont know how to get it anymore15:57
BluesKajmaco, ok15:57
macodoes 6 not work either?15:58
BluesKajnot on my seup maco , it uses a deb installer and appears to install properly without errors, but it won't open on my setup15:59
macoand you get the crash on launch with 5.2?16:00
BluesKajno ,6 is the only one available, afaik , maco16:02
Paddy_NImaco, it does not work unless I change "Workspace" to netbook which is not what I want16:05
Paddy_NImaco, I will figure this out :)16:05
Paddy_NIbtw what is the latest stable kde version?16:07
SlashxHow do I set startup apps16:08
Paddy_NIbeen out of circulation for a time16:08
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Guest20939hello people16:10
macoPablito: 4.5 i think16:13
macoPablito: ignore that16:13
MasterOfIntegraldo you remember which kernel didn't have issue with power management: powertop wakeups from [kernel scheduler] Load balancing tick? I've checked all kernels from 2.6.31 to 2.6.3616:30
MasterOfIntegralI checked all from 2.6.31-36 and they limit my battery life by 50%16:30
MasterOfIntegralThis issue was already filed as a bug in Maverick16:31
BluesKajI diddn't like the fact that ths tutorial installed alien on my box but it obviously use a better version of GE-Linux than the ubuntu repos, and the tutorial does work to install GE successfully16:37
rethushave problem to upgrade from 10.04 to maverick, cause i have installed kde 4.5.3 from packports on lucid16:57
rethusget always the error about kubuntu-desktop16:57
James147rethus: what error?16:57
rethusif i remove kubuntu-desktop completly, does all the configfiles of kde still appear in the system?16:57
James147rethus: removing kde wont remove your user config files, and system ones should only be removed if you purge16:58
atlashey all, i have a seemlingly stupid question... but it's actually kinda important to me16:58
James147!ask | atlas16:58
ubottuatlas: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-)16:58
rethuswhat was the cmd-command for upgrading to newer distributiion16:58
atlasi'm running an upgraded box and a new install of 10.1016:58
rethuswas something likes upgrade-....16:59
James147rethus: do-realese-updrade16:59
atlasboth running quassel, one system flashes a red/blue Q16:59
James147^^ but spelt correctly :)16:59
atlasand the upgraded system flashes the mail image Q16:59
atlaswhen my nick is mentioned.16:59
atlashow do i get the upgraded box to have the red/blue Q?16:59
atlasmy brain blocks out the other one as noise... but the red Q gets my attention as it should.17:00
rethusJames 147: so if i run this, i got this error http://pastebin.com/Xdzk02dG17:01
James147atlas: play around with the notifications, I think 10.10 now uses the indicator widget by default, an upgrade could still use the old settings17:01
rethusso i think about to remove the package and install it later17:01
atlasthanks you, James147.  the upgraded one uses indicator as well, using libnotify (iinm).17:02
atlasbut that doesn't do a red Q, it's just a white piece of mail sitting quietly until something happens, right?17:02
yofelyep, and get's a green background when something happens17:03
yofelquassel 0.7 should always use the red Q though if you don't use the indicator17:03
rethusJames147: so you think i can remove this package, do an upgrade and reinstall this package and all should go well?17:04
James147rethus: what dose that error mean in english?17:04
yofelJames147: 'Couldn't mark kubuntu-desktop for upgrade', well something like that17:05
rethusthe package kubunut-desktop could'nt mark as upgradable17:05
rethuskubuntu-desktop is version 1.174.117:05
James147atlas: is the system tray icon enabled for quassel?17:06
rethusJames 147: the only other version i have (in synaptic) is 1.174.117:06
James147rethus: run "sudo apt-get install -f" andsee if it fixes anything17:06
rethusi mean 1.17417:06
rethusJames 147: i run it, nothing happend17:07
atlasJames147: yes, the system tray icon is enabled17:07
rethusmeans no error found all should run well17:07
James147atlas: is there any different in the notifications settings for both installs?17:09
James147rethus: hmm, well I would try a reinstall (sudo apt-get install --reinstall kubuntu-desktop) then try the upgrade again (probally wont help, but it cant hurt)17:10
rethusshould i deactivate backports repository while reinstalling?17:10
yofelrethus: I fear that's beyond update-managers capacity then. A) try to install ppa-purge from lucid-backports and run 'sudo ppa-purge ppa:kubuntu-ppa/backports'. That will try to downgrade the packgages to something you can upgrade B) try to upgrade by editing sources.list by hand and apt-get dist-upgrade17:10
James147rethus: not for now...17:11
yofelJames147: kubuntu-desktop isn't the problem, the problem is that update-manager has no chance of sanely resolving the dependencies if you have enabled the backports repository in lucid17:11
yofelsince it tries to upgrade lucid 4.5.3 to maverick 4.5.117:11
James147yofel: fairly sure I did an upgrade with it enabled... but I could be wrong :S17:12
rethusyofel: ppa-purge is a package?17:12
yofelrethus: it is17:12
James147yofel: ah, yeah... that could do it... I would have tried ages ago so probally had a lesser version17:12
James147yofel: and thanks for the hint about ppa-purge :) been looking for something like that17:13
rethusdoes this package remove all the backports-repos?17:13
macoits for removing PPAs17:13
macoif you mean kubuntu-backports, then yes17:13
macobut if you mean ubuntu-backports, then no17:13
rethuswow, ppa-purge seems to do a good job... list me many packages and dependencies17:13
rethusyofel: so if i let ppa-purge do his job, i got the default kde for 10.04 back?17:14
macouhh not for long17:15
macothe version thats in kubuntu-backports is going into the regular 10.04 updates soon i think17:15
macofinally got approval after like a year of it to include kde's point releases17:15
yofelmaco: no, what's in kubuntu-updates will go into regular ubuntu-updates soon17:15
macohmm ok17:15
macotoo many ppas17:16
yofelmeaning 4.4.5 instead of 4.4.2 for offical lucid17:16
macoyou're right17:16
macojust re-read emails17:16
rethusfirst i was glad to see the concept of LTS versions... but i think the problem is, that there are no realy major-upgrades, only bugfixes and patches, right?17:16
rethustherefor i go back to make each distribution upgrade17:16
rethusinstead using LTS version17:17
James147rethus: the point of an LTS is that its stable, not upto date, something like that shouldnt recive major upgrades as they are most likly to break things17:18
James147rethus: thus is you want the latest stuff then upgrading to the next version of the distro is the best plan17:19
rethusso this means, kde 5.4.3 never comes to 10.04 ?17:20
yofel4.5.3 will never *officially* come to 10.0417:20
yofeland 4.6 won't even come unofficially, too many new dependencies17:21
James147rethus: 5.4.3 :S HIGHLY unlikly ;) 4.4.3 ^^ from whyat yofel/maco said it looks like it might, but that is only a minor version increase, its a bugfix/maintance relase17:21
=== vorian is now known as bzip
yofels/4.4.3/4.4.5/ ;)17:21
rethusk, thats what i need to know. whats the default kde for 0.10?17:22
macobzip: ever go 24h without /nick'ing?17:22
macorethus: 4.5.x17:22
bzipmaco: na17:22
yofelrethus: currently 4.5.1, kubuntu-updates has 4.5.417:22
rethusyofel: so the minor-upgrades are still in kubunut-updates ?!17:23
rethus4.5.4 ... 4.5.5 (in future) and so on17:23
yofelrethus: getting that into official updates is in progress, but takes time17:23
rethusk, but it will17:23
rethusor is planed17:23
rethusgreat, you help me a lot - now i understand this strategie a little more17:24
Lord_Drachenblutafternoon maco17:26
macohiya Lord_Drachenblut17:26
Lord_Drachenbluthow's it going maco17:28
macoLord_Drachenblut: alright. you?17:29
Lord_Drachenblutnot to bad just killing a little time before i take the girlfriend to work.17:31
BluesKajmaco, i found a tutorial for Google Earth which worked, atho it uses alien to convert from rpm , something I'm not real happy about, but it does work on my setup. http://www.webupd8.org/2010/11/install-google-earth-6-in-ubuntu-linux.html17:31
macohahah fun17:32
macoso the earth 6 deb is just plain broken?17:32
BluesKajhey yofel17:32
BluesKajmaco yeah, seems so17:32
yofel_hey BluesKaj17:33
=== yofel_ is now known as yofel
BluesKajthis is a bin file , but it's version 6, maco17:33
BluesKajyeay, sunshine and blue skies and +4C , finally17:34
rethusyofel: have done this ppa-purge command you described... my machin installed much other packes...17:34
rethusnow after restart i type kde4-config --version and got17:35
rethusKDE: 4.5.3 (KDE 4.5.3)17:35
rethuswhats that now?17:35
rethusdoesn't take effect like it should?17:35
yofelwell, I don't know where kde4-config get's it's version from17:35
yofelbut try do-release-upgrade again17:36
* BluesKaj still uses 4.5.1...guess it's the latest stable vers17:36
rethusthe packagemanager looks different like before17:36
rethusso something happend17:36
yofelBluesKaj: that's what's in maverick, ppa has 4.5.417:36
BluesKajany benefits to upgrading , yofel ?17:37
yofelI don't know the bug list, if you don't have any issues leave it I guess17:37
rethusyofel: packagemanager telles me now he has over 1500 updates17:37
yofelasking me probably won't help much anyway since I'm running 4.6rc117:37
yofelrethus: o.O I wonder if do-release-upgrade forgot to change the sources back..17:38
rethusi didn't have run do-release-upgrade after ppa-purge17:39
rethusshould i do this?17:39
yofelI meant from before, but since you want to upgrade run do-release-upgrade now17:40
yofelphone, back in a few mins17:40
rethusthere i get much deprecatet errors17:40
CyLEvening folks... It is my first time in KDE, and I'm not getting my way really well in the desktop environemnt... would anyonde recommend a good reading for me to get used to it?17:40
BluesKajwll, guess I could run dist-upgrade after adding the ppa backports , but I'm wondering if there are any benefits other than being on the bleeding edge so to speak ?17:40
BluesKaj!kde | CyL17:41
ubottuCyL: KDE (http://kde.org) is the !desktop environment used natively in !Kubuntu. To install from Ubuntu: « sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop », or see http://help.ubuntu.com/community/InstallingKDE . See http://kubuntu.org for more information.17:41
rethusyofel: http://pastebin.com/UuCU7Z4B17:41
rethusyofel: whats now?17:41
James147CyL: the help center might be useful (kmenu > apps > Help)17:41
rethusBluesKaj: i advvice you not to use backports... i did and have many problems now to get system to higher distribution (Maverick)17:43
CyLBluesKaj, James147: thanks17:43
BluesKajrethus, I'm already on maverick17:43
rethusyofel: so what can i do now. do-release-upgrade didn't work, and now i have system with many old packages17:44
rethusyofel: whats your workarround?17:44
rethusif i look in sourcelist, there are only maverick-packages17:45
rethusBluesKaj: backports-problems for lucid may the same in future for maverick17:45
James147rethus: try changing them back to lucid (I would backup the config file first though)17:46
rethuswhats then17:48
rethuscomment out backports in source.list ?17:49
rethusjames 14717:49
BluesKajrethus, did you sudo apt-get update after doing the release upgrade ?17:51
rethusi have done no release-upgrade... i have only done this ppa-purge-command17:52
* James147 wonders if it would it would be easier to just do a fresh install on maverick instead...17:52
rethusafter that, if i have a look into kpackagemanager i have 1547 updates17:52
rethus(seems to be the whole system)17:52
rethusshould i run all this updates?17:52
yofelwell, if your sources.list points to maverick that will pretty much upgrade to maverick, just make sure kubuntu-desktop stays installed17:53
BluesKajJames147, I had not probs using do-release-upgrade , I just mage sure the ppas were all deleted first17:53
rethusyofel: hope this wil not break my system17:54
rethussome packages like kubuntu-firefox... are in the kpackagemanager has update-version 10.1017:54
rethusso it seems this are all maverik packages17:54
rethusso ppa-purge did make a upgrade to maverik?17:55
yofelrethus: as I said, make sure 'kubuntu-desktop' is installed after the upgrade, then your system should work17:55
yofelrethus: no, ppa-purge won't do that17:55
BluesKajrethus , no need to run a ppa purge command , just tyake ou the ppas from your sources list then sudo apt-get update , the do-release-upgrade afterwards17:55
yofelrethus: it's probably since you cancelled do-release-upgrade mid-way with ctrl+c17:55
rethusyofel: wait... a little slower for me17:55
rethusi will explain what i do, and you will explain what happend17:56
rethusi install ppa-purge like you said17:56
yofelBluesKaj: if you add kubuntu-backports to lucid it's impossible to upgrade to maverick without ppa-purge17:56
rethusid od the sudo ppa-... command17:56
rethusmy system install much packages a whole time... and ask for restart17:56
rethusis restart17:56
yofelrethus: before that, did you ever cancel do-release-upgrade with ctrl+c17:56
rethusnow i have 1547 updates in kpackagemanager...17:56
rethusmaybe... but if, than before ppa-purge was installed17:57
BluesKajyofel, what if you just delete tem from the sources list ?17:57
yofelBluesKaj: then do-release-upgrade will have to figure out how to upgrade 4.5.3 to 4.5.1 -> FAIL17:57
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rethusso i think: normaly ppa-purge should put my system back to 4.5.1, but it doesn't17:58
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BluesKajyofel, odd , I just deleted the ppas when I upgraded to maverick from lucid17:59
yofelrethus: without logs what it actually did and your complete apt setup I can only guess what happened17:59
rethuswhy ever... it seems the system is now a little confused (like me)17:59
rethusso i have no aptitude on my system and < 1500 updates18:00
yofelrethus: so I would guess: you cancelled d-r-u, which left source.list pointed to maverick, so I have no idea what ppa-purge would do in that case, now you've got a lucid/maverick mixup18:00
rethuswhat is d-r-u18:01
yofelrethus: I would leave the sources pointed to maverick and upgrade with 'sudo apt-get dist-upgrade; sudo apt-get install kubuntu-desktop'18:01
yofelrethus: do-release-upgrade (too much to type all the time)18:01
rethusk, i'll try18:01
rethusapt-get dist-upgrade says: 1571 packages.18:02
yofelsounds reasonable18:02
rethusyea, so i'll try18:02
rethusbut apt-get say: the following packages are hold back: kubuntu-desktop18:03
BluesKajrethus, maybe this will work , but be warned this changes your sources.list to point to maverick repos , sudo sed -i 's/lucid/maverick/' /etc/apt/sources.list18:03
yofelrethus: can you pastebin the output of apt-get dist-upgrade?18:03
yofelBluesKaj: he already has that18:04
rethusmy sources.list still point to maverick18:04
yofelcancelling d-r-u mid-way will do exactly that18:04
BluesKajdunno why ppl cancel midway , it can't do anything but break stuff :(18:05
rethusso question is: better change sourcelist back to lucid, do a  ppa-purge again,and than upgrade, or keep this sourcelist and run dist-upgrade18:05
yofelrethus: that looks good for now18:06
rethusthe pastebin?18:06
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rethusshould i run this?18:06
yofelrethus: yes, apply that for now18:06
BluesKajrethus, yeah, just reverse the maverick and lucid in the the command I just posted18:07
yofelor go BluesKajs way, both are hackish18:07
rethusyou post to change lucid TO maverick, i ask to change maverick to lucid18:07
olskolirchow do I set an html page as my background please?18:07
BluesKajsudo sed -i 's/maverick/lucid/' /etc/apt/sources.list18:08
olskolircfor my desktop wallpaper please18:08
rethusolskolirc: have a look into your plamoids.. search for web:18:09
BluesKajok brb18:09
olskolirci made my own rethus and i need to know how to set it18:09
rethusyofel: i do the dist-upgrade18:09
yofelrethus: for kubuntu-desktop you'll probably have to add maverick kubuntu-ppa/ppa so you get KDE 4.5.418:10
rethusmake your own what?18:10
olskolirci made my own html wallpaper i need to set it as my desktop wallpaper how do i do that?18:10
rethusyofel: no thanks, get enough for next time with backports18:10
James147olskolirc: cant see a way to set it as the background with the kde backdround plugins, but there is the "web slice" widget...  that said there might be a plugin to enable you to do that18:10
rethusi mean this web slice18:11
rethusright click on desktop add mini-application search for web18:11
olskolircwhere do I get this web slice James147 please?18:11
James147olskolirc: right click the desktop > add widgets > search for "Web" drag it to your desktop )(assuming widgets are unlocked)18:12
rethusi'm invisible ?18:12
BluesKajok ,Im on :Platform Version 4.5.4 (KDE 4.5.4)18:12
olskolirci swear before goodness is these developers can't make their widgets work then take it offline18:19
olskolircnone of the web widgets work18:19
BluesKajrethus, did you run the reverse maverick to lucid in the sources.list command18:19
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rethusi run apt-get distribution upgrade now18:19
rethuswopuld be the saver way, cause i didn't had aptitude anymore...18:20
olskolircthat line is so exciting rethus lol18:20
BluesKajoh so you're gonna upgrade afterall ?18:20
olskolirclucid is broke, maverick is worse18:20
rethusso i'm afraid there are much other things left the system, which i may need...18:20
rethusalso ppa-purge wasn't anymore on the system18:20
BluesKajolskolirc, maverick is worse , how ?18:21
rethusolskolirc: for me web slices works well18:21
olskolirccan't mount cdrom BluesKaj there is no entry in /etc/fstab18:21
rethuswhats the error18:21
olskolircit ships with pulse audio BluesKaj and no way to go back to alsa unless you uninstall pulse which leaves half of your programs soundless18:22
olskolircmanyyyyy things wrong with maverick everyone i know that had it dumped it and went back to lucid which messes up vlc and most are back on karmic18:22
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BluesKajolskolirc, well I need pulseaudio for mencoder audio/video capture ...it seems to work ok on maverick18:24
BluesKajolskolirc, vlc is fine on maverick as well, amarok sucks tho so i deleted it18:25
Peace-BluesKaj: caputre with mencoder?18:26
BluesKajyup. Peace-18:26
BluesKajmencoder , vlc might if you can get the parameters right but it's too difficult IMO ..VLC works great as aplayer for all codecs tho18:27
Peace-BluesKaj: i mean capture webcam ? or what?18:28
BluesKajPeace-, I have USB capture device to capture video of a pvr , not very high quality , but good enough for a small laptop scrn ...it was a challenge which I finally was able get working18:29
yofelolskolirc: I don't have an fstab entry for my cdrom either and I can mount them fine here18:29
Peace-BluesKaj: ok :) give me the mencoder string .... here there is a mencoder ffmpeg lover18:30
olskolircis this mencoder a cool toy or something?18:31
olskolirchow are you mounting it yofel18:31
olskolirci looked at the forums yofel and noboy was able to do it, got frustrated and quit18:31
yofelolskolirc: from the device notifier18:31
yofelbut last time I tried even mount would mount /dev/sr0 fine18:32
BluesKajMy daughter's friend was featued in some cooking shows here and I she asked me to send the videos to her thru dropbox, It was more dificult than I ever imagined because with TiVo it was a breeze, but unfortunately we Cancelled tivo when we weny=t Hidef . TiVo doesn't iffer HDTV service in Canada18:33
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BakiBBHow do I set up the graphic driver and graph card properties in the terminal?19:05
James147BakiBB: for which card?19:10
BakiBBI have a Nvidia 8400GS19:26
BakiBB<graphic card19:26
kyubutsulastfm on rekonq -1  :(19:27
kyubutsustandalone program for lastfm +1 though  :)19:28
James147BakiBB: to install the nvidia drivers either run jockey-kde ("hardware drivers" in the menu) or install nvidia-current in kpackagekit or apt-get then run "kdesudo nvidia-settings" to configure it19:28
James147(nvidia-settings is a gui program)19:28
kyubutsuhe said he wanted to do it via konsole ..19:29
* kyubutsu wonders19:29
James147kyubutsu: BakiBB: ^^ nvidia-settings is the easiet way, the only other way is to edit /etc/X11/xorg.conf by hand19:30
James147^^ if installing the driver dosent create an xorg.conf you can run nvidia-xconfig to create a basic one19:32
kyubutsujust follow the white rabbit to that hardware drivers deal in system settings19:32
kyubutsuif no drivers come up, prolly means you dont have pci graphics19:33
James147kyubutsu: he has an nvidia so there will be drivers for it19:33
kyubutsujust saying19:33
kyubutsugimme yours .. i need19:34
dsemblanoSomeone noticed that KPackagekit crashes everytime on KDE 4.6 RC1 ?19:37
yofeldsemblano_: known issue19:44
dsemblano_yofel: hm, thanks for you reply, at least we have synaptic :)19:46
yofelerm, muon?19:46
yofel!info muon19:47
ubottumuon (source: muon): package manager for KDE. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.0.2-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 139 kB, installed size 952 kB19:47
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mika__hi, is there anyone who has installed kde 4.6 + kdepim 4.6? (just to know if it's stable enough to install it on a production machine)20:51
James147mika__: best not to install it on a production machine untill its released20:52
mika__James147: a rc1 shouldn't be quite stable?20:53
yofel4.6 rc1 works mostly fine here, kdepim is only at beta3 though20:53
James147mika__: it might be, it might not be, something `could` break between now and release.... if you want to keep your mechene stable then its best not to upgrade untill a week or so after it has been released so the devs have time to sortout any issues that might arrise20:54
James147mika__: if you dont might the chance of something breaking then it should be fine to upgrade, but if you need stability then I would wait abit20:55
mika__James147: mmm....as it's not so stable yet (it freeze sometimes, it's very slow and stuff like that) i think i can upgrade..20:55
mika__and maybe sometime reinstall kubuntu again... (time from boot to be ready: 5-8 minutes..... and i've a pc of 1 year old with dual core and 4gb of mem)20:56
yofelthat is long, takes ~2min here20:56
mika__yofel: yes...too long... i've kontact which do i don't know what..... and i've wait for it near 5 minutes everytime20:58
yofelmika__: where does it take longest? to login dialog or from there to desktop?20:59
mika__from the desktop20:59
mika__to load something into kontact/kmail20:59
mika__(it goes in disk sleep a lot)20:59
mika__i actually don't remember the exact process name21:00
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woodzywhat program to i need to install to create img or imz (floppy images) files?21:17
James147woodzy: as far as I know dd can do that21:22
atlasJames147: thank you for your help earlier.  i'm very embarrassed, but digging further i made a very enlightening discovery...  i never upgraded this machine... or more exacly, i didn't upgrade this hard drive, as i have upgraded this laptop... using a different hard drive.  thank you again.21:23
atlasi'm still running lucid.21:23
atlashave a great one.21:23
woodzyunable to locate package dd21:27
DarthFrogdd isn't a package, it's a utility.21:29
woodzyhow do i use and or install it?21:29
DarthFrogJust use it.21:29
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James147woodzy: should already be installed, its a command line util to copy one file to another (often used to create images of disks):   "dd if=/dev/sdXX of=~/image.img   should do it21:30
DarthFrogas to how to use it, what are you trying to do?21:30
djusticecoreutils? where does that come from..21:30
woodzycreate a blank floppy to use with virtualbox.21:30
James147^^ rather then /dev/sdXX use the path to the flopy21:30
djusticeya. coreutils.21:30
DarthFrogJames147 tells you how to use it to do that.21:30
DarthFrogJames147: Isn't it /dev/fd0?21:31
James147DarthFrog: probally :D havent had a floppy drive in along time21:31
DarthFrogNeither have I.   Ancient technology.21:31
djusticea fake blank floppy is made with bs=8m if=/dev/null21:31
djusticeerf, 1m21:32
woodzythanks guys. (sorry 'bout being ancient, its for a project) :)21:32
javier_Hi. I disabled my user from admin group and I cannot get sudo priviledges now. Someone can help me changing it back?21:42
James147javier_: use recovery mode, that should give you a root prompt to add your self back21:43
javier_James147: i've tried that, but cannot manage21:43
javier_i get a message saying sudoers file doesn't exist21:43
James147javier_: when you try running what?21:44
javier_James147: something like "sudo adduser javier admin"21:45
yofelerm, you don't need sudo if you're logged in as root21:45
javier_yofel: hi yofel :) you were trying to help me the other day. i didnt have internet since then, that's why im still with this :)21:46
javier_yes, that's true, it was without sudo. sudo was before trying in recovery mode21:46
yofelthen that message doesn't make sense, adduser doesn't touch sudoers21:47
javier_mmm, so maybe I wasn't doing it right...21:49
javier_James147: do you know how to do it from recovery mode?21:53
James147"adduser javier admin"21:53
javier_ah, so it's like I was doing21:56
javier_and do you understand why I get that answer? ("sudoers file doesnt exist")21:57
yofeljavier_: what does 'ls -l /etc/sudoers' tell you?21:57
yofelshould be: -r--r----- 1 root root 575 2010-12-17 08:14 /etc/sudoers21:57
javier_i can try that21:57
javier_i will go and try that21:57
frederikany one pcw?22:22
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woodzyhow do i set the volume through the command line?22:51
James147woodzy: alsamxer22:52
James147alsamixer even22:52
kuvuwoodzy: you mean set it up or down?22:56
woodzyset it at 50%22:57
kuvuor some base/max?22:57
lui_hy nikola :-)22:57
woodzyi wish to create a script to set volume at 50% (or some other percentage)22:57
sdferfxHello. nm-applet won't appear on my kde tray even though I have told it to mark the nm-applet icon "Always Visible". Anyone know how to fix this? I'm not using Kubuntu but no one knows in #archlinux and #kde is dead23:00
James147sdferfx: wont appear at all? or just hidden (clcik the arrow to see hidden apps) and is it running?23:02
woodzyoff topic: but where can i go (irc, obviously) to discuss java programming issues?23:13
woodzymaco, i tried, but not sure who to contact since i'm getting a message saying i have to be invited. :-\23:15
macoare you registered & identified? they may require invites for unregged people23:16
James147!register | woodzy23:17
ubottuwoodzy: Information about registering your nickname: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - Type « /nick <nickname> » to select your nickname. Registration help available by typing /join #freenode23:17
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woodzythanks ubottu; i am registered on this server, james but never got an email like on other servers (was i supposed to?)23:35
woodzygot my question answered, thanks. :)23:38
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