
p_mashobore da all..01:52
p_masholike a sheep.. sitting on the leaf sofa, underneath the tree.. to tickle my back with ubuntu..01:52
p_mashoAttention ALL::02:02
p_mashoCan we at least create a test run of Ubuntu CYm..02:02
p_mashoAnd idea of mine is to take a milk chirn to Ammanford Town center, and give away EduBuntu for around 2 pounds, profits goto Marie Curie..02:03
brobostigonafternoonings all.13:54
brobostigonnoswaith dda Mr__T19:10
brobostigonnoswaith dda ianto22:01
iantobrobostigon: Sut ych chi?22:02
brobostigonianto: frustration and angry and ill and depressed. how about you ?22:02
iantoBumming about battling with BTOpenzone/BTFON, updating arch packages and then installing GNOME22:03
iantoLearnt a lot about wireless networking though through the command line lately22:03
iantoWell relearnt a lot I should say22:03
markjonesyou up North or down South?22:03
iantomarkjones: Chedleton22:03
iantoOr something like tat22:03
brobostigonianto: :)22:03
iantoIn Staffordshire22:03
markjonesoh right22:03
iantoAmber's got an xbox 360 now with Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood :)22:04
iantoIf only she had a PS3, I would get it and we could go multiplayer!22:04
markjonesi don't have one22:05
markjonesdecided to get a DSi XL instead22:05
iantoHeh, I think she's got one of those too22:05
iantoAnd a PSP Go, she doesn't even touch them but goes out and buys them anyway...22:06
iantomarkjones: Amber's asking how's Natalie and her wrists22:06
markjonesshe's coping, her wrist has a metal plate in it now22:07
ianto"F****ng hell" was the response "It must've been bad then" ;)22:07
* ianto wants a faster download speed than 60kb/s :(22:09
iantoSo how was everyone's christmas, any plans for the new year to come?22:12
brobostigonianto: it was quiet really, new years eve is going to be very boozy. and i plan to write a business plan for a (my) linux consulatency.22:13
brobostigonianto: how abou you?22:13
iantobrobostigon: Xmas very noisy to be honest, lots of family (of the girlfriend) coming over her grandmother's. Then the annoyancy of 3 boys under sixteen taking over the xbox and just being loud ;). Btw this Linux consultancy sounds interesting, have you done much so far?22:15
brobostigonianto: just basic ideas, not much more yet.22:15
brobostigonianto: and a prequesite would be to pass my driving test, which isnt far off.22:17
iantoCool and this is a project that you're intending to take up or is it one of those projects that you do for groups like MIND (I have no idea what mind does but I Remember the name) or a qualification of some sort?22:17
iantobrobostigon: Best of luck with it, after the test the only real problem is insurance if you can get that sorted you should do well22:18
brobostigonianto: seperatly from anything i have done so far, however with the aim of doing support and design for some people i have already done stuff for, like mind,22:18
brobostigonianto: and doing independent design and support.22:20
iantoWicked, well best of luck and I'm sure if you need any assistance that if you post to a list like the -cym or -uk you should get some help with it22:20
brobostigonianto: i will need the help with the mathematics, that is where my failiure lies.22:21
iantoI (think that I) am alright with maths, providing that you're not using advanced formulae using sine and other mathematical constants that I'm not too familiar with22:22
brobostigonianto: the mathematics within said business plan.22:24
iantoAh business maths, I've had to do that for my uncle's business a few times22:25
brobostigonianto: that is whatiam dreading.22:25
iantoAh well I'm currently reading and programming my way through "Chapter 4 - Arithmetic Operators" in my new programming book, you never know, we could make an app to do the maths for you22:27
brobostigonianto: the market reserch is going to be the interesting bit.22:27
brobostigonianto: now that would rock, :)22:27
brobostigonianto: may i ask, what is, hppy christmas in welsh  ?23:06
markjonesNadolig Llawen23:10
* brobostigon makes notes.23:10
brobostigonthank you markjones23:10
markjonesit's ok23:11
iantobrobostigon: Sori, I was AFK (well watching Family Guy)23:39
brobostigonianto: i am watching family guy aswell, :)23:40
* ianto can't take the laptop into the living room, he'll lose his Openzone signal :(23:41
* ianto slaps markjones 23:42
brobostigonplay kind, ok.23:42
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:45
iantoAnyone here who understands decimal to octal conversion?23:45
iantoNos da23:45
brobostigonnos da ianto23:45
iantoActually, don't worry, I've worked it out23:50
* ianto goes off to TV again23:57
markjonesto be fair I've got to be up at 723:58

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