
ASD_TC2 matthijs?00:03
ASD_TCsame person?00:03
matthijsmy laptop went to stanby00:03
ASD_TCoh ok00:04
AnggaDj98hey matt00:09
AnggaDj98guys he wants to be convinced to use ubuntu00:10
TrickyJhey 00:41
TrickyJBye bye all :)01:08
TrickyJsee u all tomorrow 01:08
TrickyJRonnie:  Bye man take care01:09
YoBoYgood morning05:45
czajkowskileoquant: wel that was getting rather close to Christmas, and many of the council are on holidays so I suspect in the new year you'll have an update. 11:41
leoquantczajkowski, ok and thx11:44
czajkowskileoquant: we do like to take a holiday :)11:57
=== copyleft_ is now known as copyleft
TrickyJWelcome all :)16:03
leoquantTrickyJ, ツ17:29
TrickyJRonnie: Hi17:39
TrickyJ!find leoquant18:34
TrickyJ!search leoquant18:34
ubot4`TrickyJ: Please use http://packages.ubuntu.com/ to search for files18:34
ubot4`None found18:34
deejoeTrickyJ: perhaps you want '/lastlog leoquant' ?18:37
nhandlerTrickyJ: /msg nickserv info leoquant will show you the last time he identified to nickserv if that is what you wanted19:13
MaWaLehi folks20:01
MaWaLehi jono, popey 20:01
popeyhello MaWaLe 20:01
MaWaLejono & popey : any idea about how to get members re-motivated to get them again involved in the roadmap of a LoCo?20:02
MaWaLethe last week, we are pleased to meet Mark20:03
MaWaLeand most of our members are impatient to meet him20:03
popeyI'd say lead by example20:04
MaWaLepopey:  we did for two years now20:05
popeyunfortunately you can't force people to contribute20:05
MaWaLebut i think that it's time to get other peoples more implicated than being a simple users20:05
popeybut make it as easy as possible for them to20:05
MaWaLepopey:  i think that for that (and even for professionnal issues) we must work more on study cases20:06
popeywhat contribution are you looking for?20:06
MaWaLefor example,as an IT manager, i'm working on a migration plan 20:07
MaWaLeand i searched for a practicle study case, a detailed one20:07
MaWaLebut i didn't found a concise one :(20:07
popeysometimes you just have to do the work yourself :)20:08
MaWaLepopey:  any type of contribution : i want to have some advices to get people more implicated in all the activities of the loco20:08
MaWaLepopey:  this is what i'm doing :)20:08
MaWaLebut when you get some feedback of previous experiences, it'll help you ;)20:08
=== daker_ is now known as daker
MaWaLethx popey for your time20:12
MaWaLeand happy new year ;)20:12

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