
=== stalcup is now known as vorian
bdrungari-tczew: "You can remove field XSBC-Original-Maintainer and move your person to Maintainer field as this package is not coming from Debian" - thats wrong (and dpkg-source will complain)01:48
bdrungari-tczew: the maintainer needs to have a @ubuntu.com address in Ubuntu.01:48
bdrungari-tczew: why should we upgrade to debhelper 8? what benefit does it bring us over debhelper 7?01:49
ari-tczewbdrung: ah right, @ubuntu.com address.01:50
bdrungari-tczew: btw, i was referring to http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/p/wallch01:50
ari-tczewbdrung: I know what are you reffering to.01:50
ari-tczewbdrung: keeping up-to-dated QA standards01:50
paissadguys, i have debian/patches/ & debian/.pc directories, i use quilt in order to apply the patches, ... i only set debian/source/format to "3.0 (quilt)"02:15
paissadbut except when i i manually copy (rsync) debian/.pc to sourceDir/.pc ... my build fails (debuild)02:16
paissadactually, the patches from debian/patches are not considered automatically02:16
paissadapart from have the patches in debian/patches & source/format, is there something i'm missing ?02:17
Bachstelzepaissad: did you add the patches to debian/patches/series ?02:25
paissadBachstelze, yes02:25
paissadBachstelze, actually i think i know what is the problem, 2 sec please02:26
paissadactually, no i don't know what's the problem ^^02:27
BachstelzeI'm not sure I understand either02:28
Bachstelzewhat do you mean by "not considered"?02:28
paissadBachstelze, well, i have pms-linux-$VERSION/debian/patches/02:39
paissadQUILT_REFRESH_ARGS="-p ab --no-timestamps02:39
paissadhere is the tree of pms-linux-$VERSION/.pc -> http://dpaste.com/291751/02:39
paissadhere is the tree of debian/patches/ --> http://dpaste.com/291752/02:40
Bachstelzepaissad: one moment please, I'm in the middle of writing a Very Importantâ„¢ email :)02:42
paissaddon't bother mate ^^02:42
wolfricas per https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/693962 would this be a fair task for motu? Someone suggested i give packaging it myself a shot and from the brief read on the wiki, motu seems quite interesting and community friendly05:23
ubottuUbuntu bug 693962 in aircrack-ng (Ubuntu) "needs-packaging airdrop-ng not included in latest aircrack-ng" [Undecided,New]05:23
wolfricwould this be a suitable candidate for me to try package?05:24
micahgwolfric: yes, it's probably just missing from the install file05:50
wolfricmicahg: as in the aircrack deb install file?06:09
micahgwolfric: the .install file in teh debian dir if it exists06:09
sagaciwolfric: have you done much packaging06:42
mase_wklo people. I am getting this error "debian/changelog(l5): found eof where expected first heading" from my debuild -S -uc -us06:50
mase_wkhere is my changelog http://pastebin.ca/203262606:50
mase_wki am unsure why it's complaining about the file, it looks very similiar to06:50
micahgmase_wk: you have no release name, source package shouldn't be capitalized06:51
mase_wkok, what is the release name meant to reference ?06:51
mase_wkthe release of the distro ?06:51
micahgmase_wk: yes06:51
mase_wkso Maverick Meerkat or just Maverick , do i use capitals for that ?06:52
micahgmase_wk: maverick, lower case, but only if this is for a local build or PPA, not REVU06:52
mase_wki am unsure what REVU is. This isn't actually going into the distro, i would like it to go into an apt repository which i host somewhere06:53
mase_wkat least initially06:54
micahgmase_wk: ah, ok, maverick is fine then06:54
micahgmase_wk: to get the correct format, you can use dch --create06:55
mase_wkwell i did use that initially but i didn't realise the case was important and i didn't know what release was referring to so i just removed it :)06:56
mase_wkso out of curiosity, what happens if debian people want to use this apt repo ? can they or do i need a debian install in order to create something that they can use ?06:57
mase_wkdebian people = people who use debian :)06:57
mase_wkalso i am getting a sh: gcc: not found, however this project is entirely PHP so why do i need gcc ?06:59
micahgmase_wk: part of build-essential?07:06
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shankaohi! against which package should be filled "please sync..." reports? (i.e.: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bug/612518)10:49
ubottuUbuntu bug 612518 in Ubuntu "Please sync xen-4.0 from Debian to Maverick" [Undecided,Confirmed]10:50
shankaoxen 3.3? should be left in the general "ubuntu" package?10:50
shankaofound a dup (#378240) in xen-3.3, I will mark it as such10:59
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micahgshankao: sync and merge bugs have a different workflow than regular bugs14:03
shankaoso, should they be assigned to the general "ubuntu" package?14:08
shankaoI mean, how do they get known to the proper people?14:11
micahgshankao: no, there are processes for them, https://wiki.ubuntu.com/MOTU/#MOTU Processes, please don't touch them unless you understand the processes14:12
shankaook, I see14:13
shankaothanks for the info14:13
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=== Guest82309 is now known as Lutin
pulbhi guys! bilal just suggested me to come here and ask for a package review. The package is called Basenji was uploaded  here http://revu.ubuntuwire.com/details.py?upid=8714 some time ago .Its lintian clean and just needs a review.  would be awesome if someone could do that :-)15:40
ari-tczewpulb: I'll have a look later. what did you do to get package in Debian?15:47
pulbari-tczew: great! I didn't upload it to debian, just to revu. I'm using ubuntu and didnt find the time yet to check if it builds on debian15:49
hugo_Is it possible to migrate a package from getdeb.net to official debian repositories?15:52
ari-tczewyes, it is15:58
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DktrKranzbdrung: congrats!18:39
sebnerbdrung: congrats! :)18:42
vorianwhat'd he do DktrKranz?  dd?18:42
DktrKranzvorian: exacly, just now18:42
sebnervorian: yeah18:42
voriancoolio, congrats bdrung18:42
* maco claps18:44
hakermaniawhat happened to bdrung?19:03
bdrungDktrKranz, sebner, vorian: thanks.19:15
bdrungmy irc client celebrates a highlighting festival. ;)19:16
hakermaniabdrung: Congrats :) but for what?19:18
bdrunghakermania: DD - Debian Developer19:18
bdrunghakermania: now i have full upload rights to both worlds19:19
hakermaniabdrung: Ouao. :)19:19
micahgbdrung a DD now?  very cool19:25
bdrungmicahg: yes :)19:25
DktrKranzbdrung: go for Archive-Admin and FTP Team too, so you'll have full breakage rights too ;)19:32
LaneyI just lost my almost-completed T&S reply19:35
Laneythis makes me sad and angry19:35
DktrKranzI imagine...19:36
* sebner hugs Laney :(19:36
Laneyunfortunately I was asked every single question too, so it was rather long19:36
* DktrKranz printed the questions, and answered on-paper during lunchtime in office19:38
DktrKranzquite old-style, but worked good :)19:38
hakermaniaEy, how do I do that? ***hakermania had a coffe19:46
* geser explains hakermania how to use /me19:57
* hakermania says20:02
hakermaniageser: cool, thx20:02
tumbleweedbdrung: congrats :) (sorry missed your messages last night)20:05
bdrungtumbleweed: thanks20:05
tumbleweedgeser: any idea why ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache.Distribution('ubuntu') takes a lot longer than launchpadlib.launchpad.Launchpad.login_anonymously('testing', 'production').distributions['ubuntu'] (it seems to transfer a lot of data)20:06
tumbleweedgeser: 10s vs 2s20:09
geserdid you use anon-login also in the ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache case?20:10
bdrungtumbleweed: why do we need ubuntutools.lp.lpapicache?20:10
tumbleweedit defaults to that, right?20:10
gesertumbleweed: no, default is normal login20:10
tumbleweedbdrung: it caches results (but yes that was my first question too)20:10
bdrungtumbleweed: and launchpadlib doesn't?20:11
tumbleweedgeser: err yes that was it, sorry :(20:11
geserbdrung: before lpapicache the several functions from requestsync all refetched the object they needed through the LP API make the script unnessarily slow20:11
geserbdrung: no, unless you pass the fetched object around20:12
bdrunggeser: can't we improve requestsync instead?20:12
bdrunggeser: introducing object that store the launchpad objects?20:12
geserbdrung: that's what lpapicache does20:13
geserbdrung: lpapicache does it in a singleton style: doing Distribution('ubuntu') in one function and the same in a different function gives you the same object (fetched only once)20:20
lifelessbdrung: launchpadlib has to be conservative about caching; client code can be more aggressive where it has domain knowledge suggesting safety20:49
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hakermaniaari-tczew: new package for wallch uploaded with one warning about the maintainer field (I was told by you to remove the XSBC-Original-Maintainer field at your comment. Please, if you have some time check it out.22:47
mase_wkwhat is the difference between the source formats quilt and native and what would make me choose one over the other ?22:57
micahgmase_wk: native has no upstream tarball22:59
mase_wkok cool that is what i want then :)23:00
mase_wkdo i still use debbuild -S -uc -us if my source format is native ?23:01
mase_wknm it's created everything..just in the dir above23:01
mase_wkwhich i guess makes sense23:01
bdrungmase_wk: what do you package?23:12
mase_wkthis is my first package. It's an application framework called timber23:13
mase_wki have a file called build.xml, an ant compatible build tool called phing is used with timber23:14
mase_wkhowever it's complaining that it can't run ant clean23:15
mase_wkbut i don't really want / need ant as a dependancy23:15
mase_wkhow can i tell debbuild to ignore it ?23:16
bdrungmase_wk: this application is not Ubuntu specific?23:16
mase_wkthe layout is ubuntu / debian specific23:16
mase_wkthe fedora / RH use a different directory layout but that's about it23:17
kklimonda  /b 1023:17
bdrungmase_wk: then it shouldn't be a native package.23:17
mase_wkthen it requires me to have an upstream tarball...which i don't have / want. I have a git repo which contains a branch which has only the debian dir in it23:18
mase_wkthe idea being that i merge the debian branch and the master branch and run debuild and instapackage23:18
bdrungmase_wk: your upstream branch should be put into a tarball. you could add a "dist" target to build.xml to generate the tarball.23:19
mase_wkwell a) build.xml isn't actually getting used at the moment23:20
mase_wkit's just there as a placeholder , but it will be in the future23:20
mase_wkalthough for unit tests and documentation23:20
mase_wknot as part of the install routine.23:20
mase_wkbut if i do ever try and get this into debian i will do that.23:21
oojahmase_wk: You can/should create a tarball by making a get-orig-source target in debian/rules23:21
oojah(as I understand it)23:22
oojahThere's an example in http://packages.ubuntu.com/source/maverick/sqlite3-pcre - download and extract the .debian.tar.gz file listed on the right.23:24
mase_wkoojah: ok, so then i just put the instructions for making my source tarball in there?23:24
oojahBottom, not right.23:24
oojahmase_wk: It actually makes the source tarball.23:24
mase_wksorry which of those files do i need the sqlite3-pcre_0~git20070120091816+4229ecc-0ubuntu1.debian.tar.gz one ?23:25
oojahmase_wk: Yep, then look at debian/rules23:26
mase_wkn/m not it23:26
mase_wkgot it rather23:26
mase_wkkewl, thanks23:27
oojahIt's just an example so might not apply to what you need to do exactly.23:27
mase_wkoojah: awesome that worked really well. so now my source format is correct.23:35
mase_wkdoes anyone have any idea how i can stop debbuild from trying to use my build.xml23:35
mase_wkhi EagleScreen23:53
EagleScreencan someone tell me what is wrong with this zenity code? <-- http://paste.debian.net/103446/23:55
EagleScreenwhen the URL is clicked, nothing happens23:55
EagleScreenand terminal outputs this: http://paste.debian.net/103447/23:55

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