
ubottuCyL called the ops in #ubuntu ()01:12
DaekdroomHey guys, can someone take a look over #ubuntu-br, because there is a troll called emad?01:34
mneptokDaekdroom: you want #ubutu-irc for loco channel issues. this is core channels only.02:24
Daekdroommneptok, ok02:25
Daekdroommneptok, I'll have that in mind the next time :)02:25
ubottuGnea called the ops in #ubuntu (kunwon3 is spamming, shouting, advertising a false freenode site and just plain being rude)03:37
ubottukunwon3 called the ops in #ubuntu (http://blog.feenode.net/2010/12/january-1st-sasl-required/)03:38
ubottuFloodBot3 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
ubottuFloodBot2 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (exploit)04:10
Tm_Tgood morning04:41
ubottuFloodBot1 called the ops in #ubuntu-ops-monitor (repeated abuse from administrator_)04:42
rwwLast Measure link and an exploit. Sure it's a good morning? ;P05:03
jussiyou know, I just love the Spam we get to our lists sometimes... Subject: Windows 7 Professional 64 bit - $99.95 *G*08:02
rwwthat's a pretty good discount, forward to me plz08:02
rww7 Professional is $300 :(08:06
jussirww: dont buy it then! use ubu.... oh wait :P08:07
Myrttihi r00t4rd3d08:09
elkyPlease tell me this isn't still going on...09:04
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: hi, was good weekend?09:24
r00t4rd3dim a holiday hater :D09:24
Tm_Tthen there's two of us (;09:24
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: willing to discuss your ban now?09:25
r00t4rd3di doubt it will be much of a "discuss"09:26
r00t4rd3dim all eyes09:28
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: you understand that you should be respectful towards the others in our channels?09:29
r00t4rd3dIm beyond respectful09:29
Tm_Tplease answer yes/no so this stays clear09:30
r00t4rd3dread everything ive ever typedin the channel09:30
Tm_Tand when there's any disagreement with anyone, especially with ops, you come here and discuss it calmly?09:31
Tm_Tgood stuff09:31
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: your ban is lifted, have fun09:33
r00t4rd3dok , ty09:34
Tm_Tr00t4rd3d: and if there's any issues, just remember we are here, no need to escalate things (:09:34
elkydid he continue to harrass Jordan_U?09:42
Tm_Tnot that I know09:43
elkythen what was he banned for?09:43
Tm_Telky: eventually his hostile attitude towards ops I suppose09:43
elkyand you just unlifted his ban after "reading everything he ever typed in the channel"? hence making him think that you agree that "everything" said by him was respectful?09:45
elkyer, s/unlifted his ban/ lifted his ban/09:45
rwwWorks for me. We got into this mess because of a more direct approach to a borderline nick than usual; if he's not an issue any more, mission accomplished. If he is, reban him...09:46
rwwwell, some missions accomplished, I guess.09:46
elkyrww, we got in to this mess because he couldn't cope with being asked to do something for the sake of others.09:47
elkyrww, i cannot trust that the next time someone asks him to do something he won't engage the same behaviour09:47
elkyand hence having let him back in without evidence that he /won't/ we've essentially licenced him to do that.09:48
rwwelky: Given that the longstanding attitude towards borderline nicks has been "wait for someone that's not an op to complain about them", I question him being asked to change it in the first place.09:48
rwwIf he's problematic towards operator actions in the future, reban him. I did say this :\09:48
Tm_Telky: he stayed out nicely when I asked him to stay, the original ban wasn't clear case, not even close09:48
Tm_Tso I don't see any reason to keep the ban up if he behaves09:48
elkyTm_T, he was harrassing to intimidate an op. you just essentially agreed to his assertion that this behaviour was respectful. i don't care how "clear" the ban was, that's a really dangerous message09:49
Tm_Telky: I never agreed his behaviour being anything, simply that he knows our rules09:50
elkyTm_T, your unbanning him was agreement to the terms he was stating. you didn't challenge his assertion.09:51
Tm_The knows I disagree09:52
Tm_Tit's clear from our previous discussion09:52
Tm_TI just don't see a point to repeat the previous discussion all over again09:52
Tm_Tand one step wrong way from him will lead to an action09:53
elkyhe still asserted, and you didn't challenge. that's capitulation.09:53
Tm_Tmy mistake09:54
Tm_Tfeel free to chip in when I do such things09:54
jussiI dont really see an issue with Tm_T's actions - he got the guy to agree that if theres an issue, he will come here and discuss it calmly.10:02
jussiif the guy acts out again, we talk to him. if he doesnt understand and is rude, we reban10:03
jussianyway, Im  out for a bit, lunch time10:04
Tm_Tjussi: have a good lunch10:04
elkythe guy went on a mission of harrassment against an op because he was informed that his nick was awful and advised a new one would be appreciated. That's incredibly disproportionate10:05
elkywhat's going to happen when other boundaries are set?10:05
Tm_Thopefully he has learned to not repeat such actions10:10
elkyi'm doubtful.10:10
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knomeerm, host of trench @ #ubuntu13:59
knome15:59 ยป trench [trench@slutty.bitches.no] has joined #ubuntu14:00
ubottuIn ubottu, PhonicUK said: !spotify is a music streaming application. You can either run the Windows version using WINE, or download the Linux preview using the Debian instructions from http://www.spotify.com/uk/download/previews/ - Note that you have to have a paid account to use the Linux version at this time.14:38
ubottuIn ubottu, PhonicUK said: !steam is <reply> Steam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal.14:39
ubottuIn ubottu, PhonicUK said: !iPlayer is a video-on-demand service from the BBC in England, it can be used under Ubuntu with any browser that supports Flash. Simply browse to the usual URL at http://bbc.co.uk/iplayer14:41
ubottuIn ubottu, PhonicUK said: !4od is a video-on-demand service from Channel 4 in England, it can be used under Ubuntu with any browse that supports flash. Simply browse to the usual URL at http://www.channel4.com/programmes/4od14:42
PiciHrm.  Some of those are a bit unneccesary imho. I'd consider adding !spotify and !steam though, with a caveat that WINE support is in #winehq14:44
IdleOnethe video on demand ones are not needed imo14:44
Pici!steam is <reply> Steam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal. Application support in WINE can be found in #winehq14:46
ubottuBut steam already means something else!14:46
ubottuSteam can be found at: http://www.steampowered.com/14:47
PiciWell thats not helpful.14:47
Pici!no steam is <reply> Steam can be run under Ubuntu by installing WINE and running the installer from http://www.steampowered.com/ as normal. Application support in WINE can be found in #winehq14:47
ubottuI'll remember that Pici14:47
gordhehe yeah that was not a good factoid ;)14:57
IdleOnenot saying it isn't good, just saying I don't see why we should tell people to use a paid service when not needed14:59
PiciI'm not sure I like the !spotify one either.15:01
IdleOnethere are two good reasons not to use spotify. 1- it isn't free and 2- it isn't FREE15:02
IdleOneAnggaDj98 is OT a lot and at best sometimes almost right about the advice he gives15:03
PiciI thought spotify was free.15:04
IdleOnemaybe it is15:04
IdleOneNote that you have to have a paid account to use the Linux version at this time.15:05
popeythey have a free version15:05
IdleOneaccording to the factoid request15:05
popeythat is correct15:05
IdleOneso the app is free but to be able to use it you have to pay?15:05
popeyI dont see how the fact that it's not free or Free make any difference to the factoids existence15:06
popeyflash is non-Free, yet we have !flash15:06
popeyprobably more examples if one looked15:06
PiciI only didn't like it because of its length, not content.15:06
popeyas the factoid says, you can run spotify under WINE15:06
popey(for free)15:06
popeyit's only the native Linux client which requires a paid account15:06
IdleOneah, I misunderstood15:07
IdleOneok, it isn't available in my country :/15:08
IdleOneis spotify a rebranding of songbird?15:09
PiciIts a streaming music service like Pandora iirc.15:10
knomeon-demand music service15:10
IdleOneso it isn't "for streaming" but to "listening to" streams15:11
* IdleOne takes back everything he said.15:11
IdleOnethat will teach me to speak on what i know not15:11
knomeyeah, for listening. afaik, it DOES do some p2p-style sharing for the stuff you listen to, to keep the services up and running smoothly. but for the end-user, it's for listening only15:14
IdleOneGood morning BajK15:24
BajKoh not this channel again15:25
IdleOneI removed the forward I had set and placed a simple ban. The forward was for curse and run but they don't seem to want to stay here long enough to discuss it.15:27
macois r3dux always so argumentative?15:58
macor3dux hasnt been on topic for an hour :-/16:10
macojust saying random things about vector math16:11
Tm_Tgood night all20:38
ubottuMrKeuner called the ops in #ubuntu ()22:51
IdleOneidoru took care of it22:52
elkyTm_T, your rootarded fellow is now PMing me.23:42
CarlFKr00t's main problem is interacting with ops.23:56
CarlFKer, main problem we care about23:56
elkywell yes, he seems to think he can intimidate them in to letting him have his way23:57
CarlFKis that (and only that) worth the ban?23:57
CarlFKI am very undecided23:58
elkyintimidation is harassment.23:58
elkyintimidation is bullying.23:58
CarlFKbut i don't see that behavior towards other users, just ops that try to talk to him23:59
elkyHis ban was lifted under the directive he not continue his previous pattern of interaction. He has, this morning, reverted to that pattern.23:59

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