
daftykinshey Jora01:31
daftykinssnow affected you much? sorry i don't remember where you are or even where that is in relation to the US :)01:33
daftykinsi'd say south west but that's a total guess01:33
* ball yawns07:55
MartijnVdS\o ball07:56
ballIt's 02:05 and I'm off to bed.08:06
ballGoodnight all.08:06
=== nick is now known as Guest74141
kaushalwhat does intuitive mean in Super-fast and great-looking, Ubuntu is a secure, intuitive operating system that powers desktops, servers, netbooks and laptops. Ubuntu is, and always will be, absolutely free.08:24
AlanBellmeans it does what you would expect it to do08:24
kaushalAlanBell: ok08:24
kaushalAlanBell: Thanks08:25
MartijnVdSAlanBell: so if you set your expectations low... ;)08:26
ballSo much for that theory.08:28
MartijnVdSball: I love shooting holes in theories.. I should have become a scientist08:29
ballI should have become something or other.08:34
MartijnVdSball: what are you?08:34
ballMartijnVdS: I work with computers.08:35
MartijnVdSball: that's what I tell family too :)08:35
MartijnVdSbut EVERYONE works with computers these days08:35
ballI suppose many people do these days.08:38
screen-xmorning :)09:04
MartijnVdShi screen-x09:04
screen-xHi MartijnVdS :)09:04
* MartijnVdS hopes flash+chromium will be fixed soon in natty09:05
screen-xsounds problematic..09:05
MartijnVdSI hate having to reload 10 times before a youtube video loads09:05
screen-xI've not tried natty yet09:05
MartijnVdSGood thing browsers sandbox plugins now.. a few years ago the browser would have crashed :)09:06
* MartijnVdS remembers the good old days of NS409:07
screen-xmmmm frames, and marques...09:08
MartijnVdSand <blink>09:08
MartijnVdS(but the doctor told me not to!)09:09
screen-xmorning daubers :)09:23
Apacheukmorning all09:23
daubersOooh kettles boiled09:23
MartijnVdStea \o/ good idea09:23
daubersThings to do today: Make Biscuits, Paint Miniatures, Code some graphing stuff09:24
ApacheukI got a weird issue with a mates laptop, its got 10.04 on it, when he goes to shut it down it just drops back to the login screen, and the shutdown option on the login screen don't do anything09:26
MartijnVdSApacheuk: have you checked the logs when this happens?09:28
MartijnVdSApacheuk: especially /var/log/syslog and auth.log09:28
Apacheuknot yet, but checking now09:30
Apacheukthats weird, the log has a date Thursday 29th December, but its definitely Wednesday right ?09:32
MartijnVdSit is09:32
MartijnVdSis the year wrong?09:32
Apacheuksay the right date when I use date on the command prompt09:35
MartijnVdStry installing ntp09:36
MartijnVdSthat should fix any time issues09:36
Apacheukfound this message in the syslog, WARNING: Unable to stop system: Not Authorized09:36
MartijnVdSApacheuk: is he in the right groups? (is he still using the "initial" username created at install time?)09:37
Apacheukyeah.... it's the user I setup for him when I installed it for him09:38
Apacheukno other changes "that I'm aware" of09:38
Apacheukhis groups are : adm, dialout, cdrom, plugdev, lpadmin, admin and sambashare09:39
MartijnVdSuid=1000(martijn) gid=1000(martijn) groepen=1000(martijn),4(adm),20(dialout),24(cdrom),46(plugdev),111(lpadmin),119(admin),122(sambashare)09:41
MartijnVdSthat's me09:41
ApacheukI don't think he is missing any groups, seems pretty standard09:44
MartijnVdSmaybe something got messed up, does it still happen after a reboot?09:44
Apacheukyeah, every time09:44
MartijnVdSdid he do anything that might have broken it?09:45
Apacheukhe says, No.... it started happening after the last round of updates he applied09:45
MartijnVdSwhich repositories are enabled?09:45
MartijnVdS-backports? -proposed?09:45
Apacheukall the standard ones and then medibuntu has been added09:46
Apacheukhe's not very computer literate so I don't think he would mess around with those settings09:47
MartijnVdSApacheuk: please check the 'software sources' preferences thingy to see if -backports or -proposed are enabled09:47
Apacheuknope both unchecked09:48
MartijnVdShmm stränge09:48
Apacheukyeah, has had me stumped for most of yesterday09:48
MartijnVdSApacheuk: can you post the entire line from the log?09:48
MartijnVdSthe one about "Unable to stop system"09:49
screen-xdaubers: it turns out that there are actually quite a lot of trees.. (and that my hugin skills need some work..) http://i.imgur.com/tti8G.jpg09:50
ApacheukDec 29 09:33:14 daz-laptop gnome-session [1920] : WARNING : Unable to stop system: Not Authorized09:51
MartijnVdSApacheuk: console-kit is still running?09:51
Apacheukhow do I check that?09:52
MartijnVdSps ax | grep console-kit-daemon09:52
Apacheuklooks like it, returns info on it09:53
MartijnVdSApacheuk: can you check /var/log/ConsoleKit/history?09:54
Apacheukyeah, is there and has a load of info in there, no idea what I'm looking at :)09:56
screen-xanyone used gandi.net for dns registation? Do they host dns records? or just register your domain, and allow you to point it at your own dns server?09:57
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I use them, you can use their DNS server or host your own09:58
MartijnVdSscreen-x: and you can edit the zone online in an "easy" or "advanced" mode09:58
screen-xMartijnVdS: ooh can you write a zone file without having to faf with a web interface?09:58
MartijnVdSApacheuk: look for SYSTEM_RESTART09:58
MartijnVdSscreen-x: well, you have to paste it in their web interface and then "submit", but yes09:59
MartijnVdSyou get a textarea :)09:59
* screen-x transfers expiring domain10:00
MartijnVdSthey don't do v6 glue yet though :(10:00
screen-xI saw a notice about that10:00
MartijnVdSoh.. it's possible10:00
MartijnVdSbut not with the same name as v4 records10:00
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Nothing for today, just a lot of SEAT_SESSION_REMOVED10:02
MartijnVdSApacheuk: no SEAT_SESSION_ADDED?10:02
MartijnVdSor SEAT_ADDED10:02
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Sorry yeah SEAT_SESSION_ADDED for each SEAT_SESSION_REMOVED10:03
Apacheukseems alomost like his user has changed some how10:05
MartijnVdSApacheuk: what does ck-list-sessions say?10:06
screen-xI didn't know ck-list-sessions, seems quite similar to w10:07
ApacheukMartijnVdS: do you wanna see it all, or are you interested in a particular bit?10:08
MartijnVdSApacheuk: if you can pastebin it, that would be grat10:08
Apacheukok, done that10:10
Apacheuk:) http://paste.ubuntu.com/54848010:10
MartijnVdSjust one.. hmm10:11
ApacheukMartijnVdS: thats all that came out of the command10:11
MartijnVdSah wait10:12
MartijnVdSit's like that here as well :)10:12
ApacheukMartijnVdS: only difference I can see between that login and mine on this PC is that mine says active=TRUE10:13
MartijnVdSso does mine10:13
Apacheukno man page for ck-list-sessions10:14
MartijnVdSApacheuk: try switching to guest mode and back10:16
MartijnVdSif that doesn't mark the session active..10:16
ApacheukMartijnVdS: nope still FALSE10:17
MartijnVdSApacheuk: *think*10:17
livingdaylightgut morning10:18
MartijnVdSApacheuk: try logging out, then selecting "Gnome session" from the GDM menu, then logging in10:18
MartijnVdSit's that or maybe PAM not setting active=true10:19
MartijnVdScheck for dpkg-old or .dpkg-new files in /etc/pam.d/10:19
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Only get the option to Restart or Shutdown10:20
MartijnVdSApacheuk: if you select your login you shuold see the 'session type' menu10:20
Apacheuk:) sorry... trying now10:20
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Was already set to Gnome, same result as before10:21
MartijnVdSApacheuk: if /etc/pam.d looks OK, I don't know anything else t ocheck10:34
ApacheukMartijnVdS: what should I be checking in there?10:36
MartijnVdSApacheuk: if files exist with names that end in ".dpkg-old" or something like that10:36
MartijnVdSor .dpkg-new, etc.10:37
MartijnVdSyou could also compare contents to another machine10:37
ApacheukMartijnVdS: thanks for all your help, have been checking another machine (clean install) and so far no luck.... back to google I guess :)10:38
daubersscreen-x: Lies! I know you've facked that in photoshop :p10:40
daubersalso, how was foreign parts?10:40
screen-xdaubers: foreign parts fun :)10:44
daubersGood good :)10:44
screen-xdaubers: how's biscuit making going?10:45
daubersNot started yet.... just doing some electricity sums to see if my approximate calculation of leccy usages tallies with the meter10:47
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Think I might have solved it :)10:49
MartijnVdSApacheuk: what is/was the problem?10:49
ApacheukMartijnVdS: did some more googl'ing there was a suggestion to change grub, GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT to have "quite acpi=force"10:50
MartijnVdSApacheuk: weird10:50
screen-xdaubers: nice -19 biscuit making10:51
daubersThis suggests that yesterday we spent £6.77 on electric......10:51
daubersNot sure that tallies with the meter10:51
ApacheukMartijnVdS: spoke too soon :( has stopped working again.... oh well, google here I come.... again10:51
MartijnVdSApacheuk: it's something about consolekit and the session not becomign active10:52
daubersWoot! That tallies with the meter to a within a few pence10:53
Phineasi have returned10:54
Phineaswill a pear of earphones be fine if they have been through the washing matchine?10:55
MartijnVdSif you let them dry properly, they'll usually work10:56
MartijnVdSbut I'd start saving money for a new pair :)10:56
PhineasMartijnVdS,  i have enough money, but i'm saving up for a ps3 so i hope they still work10:57
danfishlo lo10:59
screen-xyo-yo danfish10:59
danfishdaubers: how are you monitoring the leccie usage?10:59
danfishscreen-x: o/ where'd you go abroad to?10:59
daubersdanfish: Current Cost meter :)11:00
daubersdanfish: And some homebrewed python11:00
screen-xdanfish: Sweden. daubers has a catchphrase "there are no trees in Sweden" which had to be disproved.11:00
daubersscreen-x: You changed the outcome by measuring it11:01
screen-xby observing Sweden I caused the trees to exist?11:01
daubersYep! Its a quantum miracle!11:01
MartijnVdSthere were only trees while you were looking11:02
danfishdaubers: impressed the readings are so close. I'm doing something similar with the CC but my python code keeps crashing :(11:06
daubersdanfish: I spent some time trying to catch all the exceptions11:11
* daubers finds code11:12
daubersdanfish: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/548492/11:15
* Phineas find the code before daubers does11:15
daubersdanfish: http://pastebin.ubuntu.com/548493/ <- Database structure :)11:17
danfishdaubers: thanks a lot!11:19
daubersdanfish: I have some half finished graphing bits as well, but need to finish them before passing them on :)11:22
daubersRight! Kitchen cleaned, can no make some cookies!11:23
danfishI see where I was going wrong - using 're' to search for certain strings, but when the ?hourly 'dump' of historical data that the CC spits out causes breakage11:23
screen-xmorning popey11:25
Phineasmorning popey11:26
ApacheukMartijnVdS: Looks like that laptop is suffering with bug 543506, followed the advice in post 81 and so far 20+ successful reboots... yay for google11:48
lubotu3Launchpad bug 543506 in upstart (Ubuntu) "Some services not started on boot, runlevel returns "unknown" (dup-of: 554172)" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/54350611:48
lubotu3Launchpad bug 554172 in linux (Ubuntu) "system services using "console output" not starting at boot" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/55417211:48
=== monsterkiller is now known as MonsterKiller
daubersCookies in the oven12:08
daubersNot too sure about the cookie cutters though.... they where a christmas present so thought I should have a go12:09
popeywhat ho daubers12:10
daubersHow be thee Mr Pope?12:11
popeynae bad12:11
daubersGood good12:12
daubersFirst batch out of the oven \o/12:20
MartijnVdSbatch of what? :)12:21
daubersCookies \o/12:22
=== MonsterKiller is now known as monsterkiller
Phineasdaubers,  cookies mmm not from down the road i hope13:00
daubersPhineas: You wha?13:07
Phineasdaubers,  down the road ther is a house just like the one in the game at;  http://www.garfield.com/fungames/scavengerhunt2/scavengerhunt2.html  spooky as hell13:08
daubersI see.... I made these myself13:08
Phineasdaubers,  good job13:09
* daubers makes a mug of coffee and watches Thunderbirds13:17
Phineasdo amaon gift voutchers have to use up all there balance in one order13:34
MartijnVdSit stays as a balance in your account13:34
MartijnVdSyou can chech it in your "My account" bit13:34
PhineasMartijnVdS, good thanks13:34
PhineasMartijnVdS,  i am going to buy this:  http://www.amazon.co.uk/Garfield-Pet-Force-3D-DVD/dp/B002IFLXI8/ref=pd_sim_sbs_d_h__113:36
screen-xTalking of amazon, I was helping my mother in law with a kindle she was given for Christmas. It turns out you can't unsubscribe from stuff on a kindle, you have to go through the amazon website - cheeky.13:36
MartijnVdSscreen-x: it's all linked through their web site13:39
MartijnVdSscreen-x: possibly because the screen's refresh rate (= interactive experience) sucks13:39
bigcalmAfternoon all13:40
screen-xMartijnVdS: the amazon website side is pretty good, I just think it's a bit rude that you can subscribe to things via the kindle but can't unsubscribe..13:40
screen-xhi bigcalm13:40
Pendulumhiya bigcalm13:40
bigcalmI'm still waiting for my Kindle to arrive. Annoyed the Amazon has sent it via untracked 1st class mail13:40
MartijnVdSscreen-x: it makes more money that way :)13:40
bigcalmHi screen-x & Pendulum :)13:40
screen-xMartijnVdS: :p13:40
* MartijnVdS wonders what the upstairs neighbor is up to13:40
MartijnVdSit feels like he's going to appear through a fresh hole in the ceiling soon13:41
NafalloMartijnVdS: quick! get the coffee ready!13:41
MartijnVdSಠ_ಠ @ Nafallo13:41
Nafallomeh. chars I cant see :-/13:41
screen-xwhich character are those eyes?13:41
NafalloMartijnVdS: hmm. no coffee? vodka?13:42
Nafallohas to be one or the other damnit :-P13:42
* popey hugs bigcalm 13:51
bigcalmHey popey :)13:51
bigcalmpopey: thank you. My graze box isn't here either13:52
* AlanBell fails at installing Natty :(13:52
MartijnVdSAlanBell: what's failing?13:53
AlanBell64bit installer in a VM13:53
popeybigcalm: mine arrived early13:54
brobostigonafternoonings all.13:54
AlanBellMartijnVdS: bug 694772 apparently13:54
lubotu3Launchpad bug 694772 in debian-installer (Ubuntu) "Sudden reboot during server ISO install" [Critical,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/69477213:54
* screen-x pokes his proxy13:59
awilkinsAnyone know of a way of doing conditional background colour changes in gnome-terminal? ie - if the title says "@server1" I want the colour to change so I have an easy indicator of which machine the terminal is logged into14:00
screen-xawilkins: that would be useful, I took down a network interface on the wrong box the other day...14:02
Daraelawilkins: Not really, but the gnome-panel SSH applet can do different terminal profiles (incl. background) based on which machine you open.14:02
Daraelawilkins: That does rather force you to use that applet, though.14:03
MartijnVdSawilkins: I use a different PS1 everywhere14:03
screen-xawilkins: you may have to resort to PS1 manipulation14:03
screen-xtoo slow14:03
MartijnVdSawilkins: root prompts are red, and "normal" shells on every machine have their own colour14:03
MartijnVdSgreen for my desktop, blue for my laptop14:04
MartijnVdSyellow at work14:04
Phineasi just spent my gift voutcher on 2 things14:06
MartijnVdSawilkins: ^^14:06
awilkinsThanks :-)14:06
* MartijnVdS has loads of stuff like that in bashrc :)14:08
MartijnVdS^ like that14:10
* Phineas has a secret that know one should know14:12
DaraelI just set my pager to most instead of less, to get less boring manpage highlights.14:12
MartijnVdSDarael: I like less a lot14:13
DaraelMartijnVdS: So do I, but I like most more.  Less is better than more, and for me, most is better than less.14:13
MartijnVdSDarael: I like most less (I like less more) (let's use all pagers in one sentence!)14:14
DaraelThat was the idea, yes.14:14
brobostigonhmmm, how do i add a key shortcut for the pipe charector? as i can find it on my eeepc's keyboard.please.14:19
screen-xbrobostigon: on my eeepc it involved three keys14:20
Daraelbrobostigon: Right-alt and the backtick usually works (having to do the same thing on my laptop at the moment)14:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: altgr+[whatever is next to 1]14:20
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: (not 2, the other side)14:20
brobostigonMartijnVdS: there isnt anything next to 1,the 1 key is mmost left onthat row,14:21
DaraelMuch /more/ annoyingly, I don't have a backslash key.  Luckily I remap my capslock to compose as a matter of course, so I can compose-/-/ to get one, but still.14:22
MartijnVdSbrobostigon: you can check out the layout in the keyboard preferences14:22
popeybrobostigon: its next to z14:22
popeyyou need Fn and it14:22
popeyits blue14:22
popeyunless you have an eee pc I have never seen before14:22
Daraelpopey++ indeed.14:22
screen-xbrobostigon: shift+fn+z14:23
screen-xhad to boot my eeepc..14:23
screen-xlazarus_: you're back!14:24
DaraelIn fact, anyone know of a key combination for \ that doesn't require compose?14:24
brobostigonscreen-x: > that is what i get with shift + fn + z14:25
MartijnVdSDarael: Fn+z? :)14:25
DaraelMartijnVdS: Not on an Eee :P14:25
screen-xbrobostigon: is the pipe symbol on the z key in blue?14:25
DaraelThat is to say, I'm not on an Eee, not "it doesn't work on an Eee".14:26
brobostigonscreen-x: looks like white.14:26
popeybrobostigon: which model of eee is it?14:26
brobostigonpopey: a 900 ssd.14:26
* screen-x is looking at a 90114:26
popeyi have a 900 here14:27
popeyit is on the z key14:27
popeybrobostigon: your keyboard layout is set incorrectly14:27
brobostigonit is on the z keyhere aswell.14:27
popeywhat OS is on it?14:27
brobostigonpopey: debian14:28
popeyx or no x?14:28
brobostigonpopey: x14:28
popeydo you have a system -> preferences -> keyboard applet thing?14:28
popeyassuming gnome?14:28
brobostigonkeyboard and keyboard shortcuts14:28
popeyshould have a "layouts" tab14:29
popeywhat layout is it set to?14:29
MartijnVdSdvorak ;)14:30
DaraelMartijnVdS: Whose dvorak?  UK, US?  There are some minor differences.14:30
MartijnVdSDarael: exactly ;)14:30
DaraelMartijnVdS: Why am I even asking you?14:30
brobostigonthanks popey :)14:30
* brobostigon gets everyone beers14:30
MartijnVdSBeers \o/14:30
Phineaswoot beers14:31
lazarus_Im on my android atm14:32
DaraelMartijnVdS: Also, does that mean you use dvorak?  If so, hooray, I've actually met someone else that does.14:32
MartijnVdSDarael: no, I'm a qwerty man :)14:32
MartijnVdSI use too many different machines (also other peoples') for dvorak to be useful14:33
MartijnVdSalso, sometimes other people want to use MY keyboard14:33
screen-xsadly compatibility > ergonomics14:33
DaraelI switch reasonably easily, but I use dvorak for preference.  And for other people, qwerty is just a shift+shift away.14:33
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I type as fast as I think :)14:33
MartijnVdSscreen-x: I don't _want_ to type faster ;)14:34
screen-xI was thinking of finger longevity rather than speed14:34
MartijnVdSno issues yet (20 years and counting)14:34
awilkinsThe keyboard itself, not just the layout, seems to affect the finger strain a lot14:35
lazarus_what is dvorak14:35
bigcalmA keyboard layout14:35
lazarus_yea but what is the diff14:36
MartijnVdSlazarus_: everything except 2 letters :)14:36
awilkinsI prefer clickity mechanical switches every time - anecdotally, changing from a cheap nasty membrane keyboard to a proper Cherry keyboard with MX switches improved my dear old mums finger arthritis significantly (she was a professional legal secretary)14:36
bigcalmWikipedia is your friend for that question :)14:36
MartijnVdSlazarus_: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dvorak_Simplified_Keyboard14:36
awilkinsI have a Cherry at work and a Model M at home (it's just a little too loud for the stupid open-plan offices that people have now)14:37
Daraellazarus_: Well, two letters and the numbers if you go by common implementations.14:37
MartijnVdSlazarus_: 'm' and 'a' are in the same spot14:37
bigcalmA new keyboard is as good as a holiday14:38
awilkinsAnd costs significantly less14:38
bigcalmMartijnVdS: 1 - 9 as well14:38
awilkins* unless it's one of those stupid OLED ones14:39
MartijnVdSbigcalm: sure, and `~ if you're comparing to US-QWERTY14:39
MartijnVdSand |\14:39
MartijnVdSand ctrl, alt, wind, space, shift,capslock, tab, backspace :)14:39
awilkinsThe Apple key layout is just WRONG14:39
lazarus_scars only tell us where we've been not where we are going to be14:39
bigcalmI think it's time for an early afternoon nap14:40
awilkinsIt must be a significant factor in the number of Ruby developers on OSX because the braces are so horrible to find14:40
lazarus_my fav quote14:40
* AlanBell boots natty14:55
* TheOpenSourcerer says Hope you had a great Christmas AlanBell14:56
DJonesDoc Martin boot, or boots to see if its alive?14:56
AlanBellhi TheOpenSourcerer14:56
AlanBellyes, pretty good14:56
AlanBellhow was it chez TheOpenSourcerer?14:56
AlanBellDJones: I upgraded a maverick VM to Natty and booted it. Opens to a black background, no panels, no unity.14:58
gordAlanBell, can you get to gdm?14:58
popeyheh, i had that too14:58
AlanBellyes, got past GDM14:58
popeyi think he means can you get to gdm to choose classic desktop14:59
TheOpenSourcererAlanBell: It was quite manic, but good fun.14:59
AlanBellI can create a launcher on the desktop to launch terminal14:59
gordright, best to just set yourself to classic desktop in gdm then, the detection of weather you can run unity or not is still in its early stages so bug reports are very welcome14:59
TheOpenSourcererLots of cooking/drinking/partying etc.15:01
gordbasically, if unity doesn't run (you don't get a panel or anything) you should be thrown back to the classic desktop15:01
Nafallowith force!15:01
AlanBellbut I want unity to run!15:01
gordits not gonna work in a vm ;)15:02
AlanBellbut compiz does15:02
screen-xAlanBell: which hypervisor?15:02
AlanBellvirtualbox ose15:02
gordthis is true, compiz however uses the real basic bare bones of what opengl offers, we are talking about the specifications that were defined in the 90's15:03
daubersHmm.... in theory I could do everything I'm currently doing in natty15:09
* daubers reboots15:09
popeynatty is unusable here15:10
popeyclicking icons / indicators does nothing15:10
nperry!info samba415:16
lubotu3samba4 (source: samba4): SMB/CIFS file, print and logon server (version 4). In component universe, is optional. Version 4.0.0~alpha13+git+bzr12984.dfsg1-0ubuntu1 (maverick), package size 1929 kB, installed size 12636 kB15:16
nperry!info samba15:16
lubotu3samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.4~dfsg-1ubuntu8.1 (maverick), package size 7285 kB, installed size 20624 kB15:16
nperry!info samba natty15:17
lubotu3samba (source: samba): SMB/CIFS file, print, and login server for Unix. In component main, is optional. Version 2:3.5.6~dfsg-3ubuntu2 (natty), package size 7232 kB, installed size 20648 kB15:17
nperry</spam of lubotu3>15:17
dutchienperry: use pm15:18
dutchieor packages.ubuntu.com15:18
screen-xdutchie: the bot doesn't respond to info requests in pm15:18
dutchiein that case, p.u.c15:18
screen-x!info samba natty > nperry15:19
Nafalloor launchpad15:19
screen-xhmm I was expecting the bot to say "see my pm.."15:19
nperryscreen-x: I thought so too.15:20
screen-xnperry: did you get a pm?15:20
nperryWhats the restart samba command15:21
Daraelnperry: sudo service smbd restart && sudo service nmbd restart15:21
bigcalmsudo /etc/init.d/samba restart15:22
bigcalmOh, it's a service now15:22
nperryAhhh smbd, was saying service samba unreconizged15:22
Daraelbigcalm: service just invokes init scripts, but apparently we're supposed to use service now.15:22
Daraelbigcalm: Personally, I've been used to invoke-rc.d but...15:22
buzz_i just do "restart smbd"15:53
screen-xDoes anyone have a personal finance app/system that links to internet banking? I'd like to categories transactions but don't want to have to add all transactions manually..16:12
dutchiewxbanker got integration into some online service ~recently#16:12
dutchieistr it was us-only though16:12
MartijnVdSyeah banks should figure out a common standard :)16:13
MartijnVdS(though it might be hard to make a secure-enough implementable standard)16:13
screen-xdutchie: interesting, and it has csv import, which may work16:16
popeyscreen-x: which bank?16:27
screen-xpopey: lloyds16:27
popeymine has a quicken export feature which gnucash can import16:27
popeyi hear others can do that too16:27
screen-xthere is a csv download, which may work with wxbanker, will try that later.16:28
awilkinsDammit, I hate the slightly-different-dialects of regexp that all the GNU tools speak16:35
awilkinsWhy can't everything just be compatible with egrep....16:35
awilkins.. or maybe slightly more modern regexp than egrep16:36
MartijnVdSpgrep \o/16:36
awilkinsHmmph, in this case perfectly good regex that egrep likes doesn't work with mawk or gawk16:37
MartijnVdSah yes, awk16:38
awilkinsAnd I'm not in the mood to try and get sed to work across lines16:39
MartijnVdSit's usually extra (or less) escaping of () -> \(\)16:39
screen-xand {} []16:39
MartijnVdSor if it's shell, even \\\(\\\)16:39
awilkinsThe highly helpful vim colourization maintains that I have the right number of escapes :-)16:39
screen-xediting python in vim is confusing as the vim search/replace uses slightly different regexes to the python re module.16:40
MartijnVdSscreen-x: you can teach vim to require different kinds of escaping16:40
MartijnVdSscreen-x: :help magic16:40
screen-xMartijnVdS: thanks16:40
MartijnVdSscreen-x: put "filetype plugin indent on16:41
MartijnVdSand then something in the right place to set the right magic on load :)16:43
MartijnVdSwait, that's to detect filetype on load :)16:44
MartijnVdSscreen-x: au BufRead,BufNewFile *.py set magic=foo16:46
* screen-x reads :help magic16:47
screen-xmoremagic isn't an option :(16:48
MartijnVdSI prefer "\v"16:50
MartijnVdSbut it shuold be default imho16:53
awilkinsYou have to TURN ON many of the regex features it describes so it won't break old  awk programs16:54
MartijnVdSawilkins: and Bram says even including the "magic/nomagic" option was a mistake16:54
* awilkins punds head on desk *still desont work even when turned on*16:57
* awilkins pounds head on desk again as it starts to work for no apparent reason16:58
* screen-x points awilkins at the clock that says 16:59 16:59
awilkinsOh, I'm not WORKING16:59
awilkinsI'm trying to contribute to LibreOffice16:59
screen-xahh well have a teabreak :)16:59
gordyou are a braver man than I16:59
awilkinsJust doing things on their "easy hacks" list17:00
awilkinsAnd learning things about sed/grep/awk as a positive side effect17:00
* awilkins sets off his mass-replace of DOOM17:01
brobostigonany suggestions, i want to record the date not justthe time in irssi's log.17:13
brobostigon17:07:03 log_timestamp =  &D:%H:%M:%S17:14
brobostigonis what i have right now, and it doesnt show the date, only time.17:14
popeybrobostigon: &D should be %D?17:21
brobostigonpopey: good point. :)17:22
jacobwi'm having trouble with GNOME being in Industrial theme when i log in, then changing itself to Ambiance with certain artifacts of Industrial remaining17:32
* DJones wonders what popey has done wrong to be called so many rude words17:32
jacobwis anyone having problems like that?17:32
popeyDJones: we have a silly game where I say "I love you" and he says "I love you to..     .. stinky!"17:38
brobostigonweird, irssi is logging one channel i am on, but not another.17:45
brobostigonthis is not my day.17:48
livingdaylightinstalled ubuntu on laptop but wireless is not working out of the box. Do I need to install something?18:00
DJoneslivingdaylight: No idea, "installed ubuntu on laptop but wireless is not working out the box" isn't of any use in identifying the problem18:02
DJones!details | livingdaylight18:02
lubotu3livingdaylight: Please give us full details. For example: "I have a problem with ..., I'm running Ubuntu version .... When I try to do ..., I get the following output: ..., but I expected it to do ..."18:02
livingdaylightubuntu 10.10 on lenovo R60e18:03
DJoneseg. Which wireless card/which laptop etc18:03
DJonesHave you tried hardware drivers? Connect via cable to start with so that it can download anything it needs?18:04
livingdaylightDJones, currently connected via network cable so was able to complete install and updates18:07
DJonesLooks like intel 3945 wifi, but I've not used that18:09
dauberslivingdaylight: Nothing in the hardware drivers thing suggesting restricted firmware?18:10
livingdaylightdaubers, hardware drivers not popping up18:10
DJonesI suppose the other obvious suggestion, mac address filtering set up on the router18:10
livingdaylightcan i find somewhere?18:11
dauberslivingdaylight: system -> administration -> Additional Drivers18:11
livingdaylightsays 'NO additional drivers are in use on this system'18:12
dauberslivingdaylight: No options in the selection box at the top?>18:12
livingdaylightpink and empty18:12
dauberslivingdaylight: What does dmesg | grep iwl3945 show?18:14
* popey wonders if the wifi kill switch is on18:15
popeythe iwl3945 shouldn't need additional drivers18:16
livingdaylightpopey, where is this switch?18:17
popeythat looks fine18:17
popeylivingdaylight: does it show up in network manager?18:17
popeylivingdaylight: whats the output of the command nm-tool18:18
livingdaylighton panel?18:18
popeynm-tool pastebinned will suffice18:18
popeylivingdaylight: some laptops have a physical hardware "switch" to turn wifi on/off18:20
popeyothers it's a keyboard combination like Fn+F618:20
popeywhere the icon on the function key looks like an antenna18:20
popeyis that your keyboard?18:21
popeycan't make out a wifi switch there, maybe it's a hardware one18:21
livingdaylightsudo iwlist scan shows wlan0     Interface doesn't support scanning : Network is down18:21
livingdaylightpopey, yes18:22
popeyif it was disabled though I'd expect there to be something like this in dmesg...18:22
popey"iwl3945: Radio disabled by HW RF Kill switch"18:22
popeyso probably not that18:23
zack_Hi, how do I change the audio device used from the terminal?18:24
popeyzack_: what do you want to change?18:25
zack_It's playing out the wrong one motherboard audio and not the usb dongle18:25
popeywhy do you want to do it from the terminal?18:25
zack_Its a server18:25
popeywe have a gui for that18:25
popeywhat app are you playing audio with?18:25
zack_What the command line for the gui and I'll vnc it ;)18:25
popey!info pavucontrol18:26
lubotu3pavucontrol (source: pavucontrol): PulseAudio Volume Control. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.9.9-1 (maverick), package size 118 kB, installed size 948 kB18:26
popeybut that probably wont help18:26
popeyif it's not got a gui / pulse running18:26
popeylivingdaylight: has the wifi been known to work?18:27
zack_popey, I've got vnc on it so I'll give it a shot18:28
livingdaylightpopey, on the contrary it has been known to work... but laptop has been sat on a shelf for a few months because fan broke. Now replaced with new fan and keyboard which also broke due to negligence...18:28
popeyi need to go and bath my son, back later18:28
livingdaylightwill reboot18:29
zack_ah ok, its not detecting the usb dongle, is there a special package for that? desktop version of ubuntu work fine -_-18:37
livingdaylightany ideas on how to get wireless going?18:58
mfraz74we're going to need more info than that19:03
* popey returns19:17
brobostigonwb popey19:17
* brobostigon gets popey a beer.19:17
popeyjust got one on the way to my desk! :)19:17
issyl0Ello :)19:29
Laneyjust erased an absolutely huge email that has taken me days to write19:30
MartijnVdSLaney: Ctrl+Z?19:30
Laneyno no19:30
MartijnVdSgmail -> trash ? ;)19:30
Laneyit was the classic "Do you want to save? No" NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO19:30
issyl0MartijnVdS: how're you?19:31
MartijnVdSgreat! :) just got back from the gym19:31
issyl0MartijnVdS: cool :)19:31
MartijnVdSalso, putting all my CDs and LPs on discogs.com19:32
MartijnVdS(for easy reference)19:32
MartijnVdSwith almost 400, that almost feels like work ;)19:33
mfraz74MartijnVdS: wish there was an easier way of doing that19:34
MartijnVdSmfraz74: it's a lot of looking at small codes & bar codes, yes :)19:37
MartijnVdSbut I only have to do it once19:37
mfraz74perhaps there should be an app for the android phone. scan the barcode and send it to discogs19:38
MartijnVdSmfraz74: doesn't always work.. I have some weird/unknown stuff :)19:39
mfraz74i do too, but it would help cut out most of it19:40
* MartijnVdS is almost done ;)19:43
MartijnVdSissyl0: How are your projects?19:51
zleaphey issyl0 long time no chat :)19:52
kvarleyCan anybody help me fix the audio delay I have with enemy territory quake wars? I'm on ubuntu 10.10 and the audio in the game is delayed by about 30 seconds.19:54
MartijnVdSkvarley: again?19:54
MartijnVdSkvarley: what happens when you run it with pasuspender without the +set arguments?19:54
kvarley MartijnVdS: Yesterday didn't fix it19:54
MartijnVdSkvarley: have you tried searching for other people with similar problems?19:55
issyl0zleap: hey!19:56
issyl0MartijnVdS: heh, my projects are OK :)19:56
kvarley MartijnVdS: Yes thats how I found the pasuspender thing. Nobody has replied on ask ubuntu.19:56
zleaphows you, merry xmas and a happy new year19:56
MartijnVdSkvarley: could you try the pasuspender thing without the +set bit? just pasuspender /usr/local/games/blah19:57
kvarley MartijnVdS: Tried and it's the same result19:58
MartijnVdSkvarley: are you using the "rthread" version?20:00
MartijnVdSpasuspender -- ./etqw-rthread +set s_driver alsa20:00
kvarley MartijnVdS: How can I find out what version I have?20:00
MartijnVdSkvarley: of Ubuntu? lsb_release -a20:00
kvarley"No LSB modules are available."20:01
MartijnVdSkvarley: it should also list a release + description20:01
kvarley"Release: 10.10" "Codename: Maverick"20:02
MartijnVdSkvarley: have you tried the "rthread" and s_driver line?20:02
kvarleyIt gives me the same result20:05
issyl0zleap: thanks, you too! I'm fine - you? :)20:06
zleapi am good20:06
zleapgoing to see tron legacyt tomorrow with some of the dc lug people :)20:06
issyl0Oh cool :)20:06
MartijnVdSkvarley: In that case, I don't think there's anyone with enough alsa/pulse experience on this channel20:06
* MartijnVdS is going to IKEA tomorrow... hoping it's not too busy :)20:07
kvarleyMartijnVdS: Ok, thank you for your help anyway. If I find a fix I'll let you know :)20:07
issyl0MartijnVdS: haha - good luck ;)20:07
MartijnVdSissyl0: I need new shelves for my records :)20:07
MartijnVdS(I seem to have become somewhat of a collector)20:08
issyl0Ohhh :)20:08
MartijnVdSbut not of the die-hard "it has to stay factory-sealed" kind20:10
MartijnVdSLPs and CDs are made to be played20:10
MartijnVdSNafallo: no, vinyl records.. the "old" things20:11
* MartijnVdS throws Nafallo a troll snack20:11
Nafalloare they like CDs? rip them to the cloud and never touch them again?20:11
MartijnVdSNafallo: new ones come with MP3s so you don't have to rip :)20:12
MartijnVdS(no really)20:12
Nafalloyeah, most old ones as well.20:12
Nafallorecently had to buy one CD off of Amazon refurbish or whatever though.20:12
MartijnVdSNafallo: try finding an original record from '84 with mp3 voucher/CD included20:12
Nafallojust couldn't find it anywhere.20:12
MartijnVdSNafallo: try discogs.com -- those people have EVERYTHING for sale :)20:13
MartijnVdS(next time maybe)20:13
Nafalloalready bought it.20:13
issyl0MartijnVdS: absolutely :)20:13
Nafalloit got uploaded to U1 as I ripped it :-P20:13
Nafalloso I actually listened to it first time on my netbook, but ripped on my laptop ;-)20:13
MartijnVdSNafallo: I rip to flac, then have rb convert to mp3 for my nexus20:14
Nafallo♥ technology20:14
MartijnVdS♥ "Top 2000" on Dutch radio20:14
NafalloI rip to flac, and then let my for script transcode to MP3 for my Nokia20:14
MartijnVdS(http://shoutcast.omroep.nl:8102/listen.pls )20:14
* Nafallo puts on "The Crow" instead20:16
MartijnVdSNafallo: Dutch language music now :) (beautiful song at that)20:16
NafalloI wouldn't understand it20:17
MartijnVdSNafallo: you're Swedish.. it's not THAT different20:17
MartijnVdSNafallo: http://www.lyricsmode.com/lyrics/a/abel/onderweg.html20:17
Nafallodidn't understand it while I was in Brussels, won't understand it now20:18
NafalloI wouldn't mind going back though20:19
Nafallojeez. I shouldn't have eaten that much pizza.20:19
MartijnVdSNafallo: http://ftw.popey.com/ ?20:19
NafalloMartijnVdS: no, firezza.20:21
NafalloMartijnVdS: stupid deal made me buy half a meter of pizza.20:21
MartijnVdSNafallo: and you ate it all?20:21
Nafallowill need the gym tomorrow.20:22
Nafallooh, and a tiramisu for dessert.20:22
MartijnVdSfinish it of with a yard of ale ;)20:22
Nafallonah. I have my red wine20:23
MartijnVdS♫ Red Red Wine20:23
* MartijnVdS has water + fresh mint20:24
Nafallohmm. water wouldn't be a bad plan20:24
* Nafallo goes to fetch20:24
Nafallo*sigh* this upload to U1 will never get done :-/20:25
* Nafallo considers finding a data centre tomorrow if it's not done by then.20:26
marsilainenwhich is better, thunderbird or evolution?21:15
MartijnVdSunless you need to connect to Exchange21:16
Nafallothere are plugins for thunderbird to do that surely?21:17
diplonot that i found last time i tried Nafallo21:17
Nafallogoogle found me one21:19
Nafalloaddons.mozilla.org doesn't seem to load for me :-/21:21
MartijnVdSI found that21:22
Nafallobah. addons.m.o is useless for me.21:23
Nafallobet it is because I'm trying to upload a 900MB file to U1 at the same time21:23
MartijnVdSNafallo: ...21:24
MartijnVdSget better fibre ;)21:24
NafalloFTTC is delayed here :-/21:25
MartijnVdSsame here21:26
MartijnVdSBut when I need to upload a few GB, I just take it to work :)21:27
MartijnVdS100/100 to the dc :)21:27
MartijnVdS155 actually, but I don't get gbit from the distribution switch :)21:27
Nafalloworst case I'll find myself a DC tomorrow.21:28
Nafallothis netbook only got 100Mbps though.21:28
Nafallocould easily find a gig directly on a Cisco 6500 I could hook up on :-)21:29
AlanBellgord: I got unity running in virtualbox 421:33
Nafallogah! srsly?!21:34
AlanBelloh yeah :)21:34
Nafallothey've pushed back rolling out BT Infinity here for 3 months :-(21:34
Nafalloinstead of in two days it's end of March now :-(21:34
MartijnVdSNafallo: wait an infinite amount of time, then you should have it21:34
NafalloMartijnVdS: yeah, it is BT... isn't it :-/21:35
Nafallolol. I could get 2.5Mbps now, 35.2/8.6Mbps w/ Infinity :-P21:36
MartijnVdSI would be able to get something like that21:39
MartijnVdSIf they'd bother to upgrade21:39
Nafallothis is why I should move closer to a data centre.21:39
MartijnVdSGood thing I work for them, or I'd switch to cable (50/5)21:40
Nafalloget one gig via IR or something.21:40
MartijnVdSNafallo: have them dig a private fibre to your home ;)21:40
Nafallothat's more expensive.21:41
MartijnVdSbut it's faster21:42
popeywhee, found a btfon spot near here22:01
popeyget better reception than my own access point22:02
SuperMattok, unity, is there a button I can press to start searching apps, etc, or can it only be done with the mouse?22:02
=== MisesPieces is now known as OmNomSequitur
SuperMattaha, you can bind something to unity --show22:06
Nafallopopey: hmm. that's something that'd scare me... providers putting wireless on stuff.22:06
Nafallopopey: actually, I remember back in Sweden where I put aluminium tubes on the antennas before I called support and told them to turn it off on my modem :-P22:06
czajkowskiPeeka boo22:21
* czajkowski tickles popey 22:21
popeyhowdy howdy howdy23:03
andylockranhappy holidays23:03
brobostigonnoswaith dda andylockran23:04
popeyi should probably switch back to my own wifi and not my neighbours23:07
popeyso slow23:08
Nafallopopey: fon is a percentage of the available bandwidth I believe :-)23:10
popeymin is 1MB/s23:11
popeyI have 323:11
Nafallois that you saying "yes, that's right" or "no, you are wrong" ?23:11
popeyno you are wrong23:11
popeyits not expressed as a percentage :)23:11
NafalloI bet it'll be more than 1Mbps once they roll out 40Mbps everywhere :-P23:12
popeythe slider on the web interface only goes down to 1Mb/s23:13
popeywell, on the fon site, dunno what BT do tbh23:13
Nafallooh. a slider.23:13
Nafallofair enough23:13
NafalloI always thought they'd just steal a part of your bandwidth, no questions asked ;-)23:14
popeyi dunno what bt do23:14
popeyi assumed it was optional?23:14
Nafallono idea TBH.23:14
NafalloI've never bothered to lookup the default user/pass on the homehubs my neighbors have ;-)23:15
BigRedSpopey: I think it's opt-out23:15
BigRedSIf you make your homehub an openzone hotspot, you get a free openzone subscription23:15
BigRedSor, rather, if you don't let them have your homehub as an opnzone hotspot, no subscription for you23:15
* Nafallo adds ppa:mozillateam/firefox-next and hopes that one is active23:17
* popey tickles Nafallo 23:19
* Nafallo giggles23:20
Nafallooooh. this firefox works with pentadactyl.23:27
Nafallohow winful!23:27
brobostigonnos da, sleep well.23:45

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