
nUboon2Agejtatum: please see pm00:45
pleia2I remember when I thought it never rained here01:24
pleia2san francisco sure told me :)01:24
seidosi rode the bike in the rain a bit today.01:25
pleia2it wasn't so bad when I went out at lunch, but I finally had to close the windows01:26
pleia2very rainy now01:26
seidosi can hear the pitter patter01:28
seidosit does sound heavier than before, when i couldn't hear it01:28
jtatumthe dry summer was kinda cool but i missed the rain01:31
pleia2me too01:31
seidosi like humidity01:31
seidoswarm + humid is actually my preference01:32
seidosi could actually go out in the sun for some time without frying01:32
jtatumget thee to florida, seidos01:32
pleia2I think I get burned during every geeknic01:32
seidosnah, it's not that different in florida01:32
jtatumfrom here? yes it is. hehe01:32
seidosi should probably go to the carribean or something.01:33
seidosif i wear enough layers, it's almost the same ^_^01:33
seidosi'm probably just saying that since i really have no choice of where i go01:33
pleia2oh gosh, I can't handle florida at all, here is paradise :)01:34
pleia2I went to florida in november once and was violently ill from the heat for 2 days01:34
seidosi like it here...seriously people make all the difference.01:34
seidosi'm not sure what the people are like in florida01:35
pleia2the other time I went was in december, and all the locals were crying about how freezing it was (it got down to the 50s), I was ok that trip :)01:35
seidoswhen i was in miami, it was in the 70s.  it felt like home, except the water at the beach was balmy.01:36
seidosinstead of frigid01:37
pleia2yeah, warm ocean/gulf is *weird*01:37
pleia2I was like "woo, cool off in the gulf.... whaaa??? bath wather?!"01:37
jtatumwhat! how do you swim in freezing water?01:41
jtatumi miss warm beach01:41
pleia2I grew up in maine and live in san francisco, water where I've lived never gets above 60 :)01:41
pleia2ocean is a cold thing!01:42
jtatumgrew up in ct. water was warm enough in the summer01:43
pleia2yeah, cape cod noms all the heat01:44
jtatumi did not know htat01:47
pleia2actually it just creates a barrier of resistance that causes the warm water to go out to sea rather than continue north01:50
seidoshmmm, that's interesting.  if you stay in the water long enough, you should cool off01:54
seidossince there is more heat loss in water.01:55
seidos50 degree water definitely feels a lot worse than 50 degree atmosphere01:55
seidosi can't tolerate it for very long without a wet suit01:55
pleia2we used to go swimming in the end of may in maine, the air and water temps were both around 45-5001:57
pleia2the water was still cold, but it didn't feel so bad01:57
seidoshow long did you swim for?01:57
pleia2maybe an hour? but I was a kid, invincible and all that01:57
seidoshmmm, yeah an hour is a long time.01:57
pleia2I'd probably end up with all kinds of soreness after that now01:58
seidosmy problem is the fear.  tolerating that kind of misery is rarely good.01:58
seidosif i got hypothermic, would i even know it, and could i even get out of the water?01:59
pleia2that's what moms are good for01:59
seidosoh yeah, when you're a kid.02:00
seidosgood point02:00
nUboon2Agejtatum: please see pm06:56
nUboon2Agejtatum: please see pm07:14
rwwI don't think this tactic is working.07:15
nUboon2Agerww: actually he did contact me :-P08:58
rwwI wonder whether pinging him twice in channel or his IRC client's PM notification caused that :P09:00
nUboon2Agewhy the snottiness rww?09:03
nUboon2Agebesides, what you don't know is that the second time was just a slip of the fingers.  unintentional.09:04
nUboon2Agenonetheless the snottiness is unecessary.09:04
rwwYou appear to be ascribing a negative emotion to something that wasn't motivated by one :\09:04
nUboon2Agewhy even say it?09:04
rwwWhy take offense to it?09:05
nUboon2Agebecause its so obnoxious rww09:15
rwwprobably best to say "That annoys me, don't do it" instead of throwing insults around. Constructive criticism, and all that.09:16
rwwI will stop critiquing your highlighting skills, as you wish :)09:16
nUboon2Agepoint taken rww09:29
nUboon2Agerww: the other thing you couldn't possibly know is that we're riding together to The Lindependence Hour Santa Cruz, so we needed to communicate specifically.  So if people need to contact each other it'd be nice if you'd just allow it to go by without comment.09:30
rwwnUboon2Age: I haven't passed comment on people contacting other people. But since we're on the subject, texting works better than IRC for that ;P09:41
rwwor calling, but then you get annoying people like me who don't answer voice calls :\09:42
rwwWhen I die, someone petition the Vatican to make me the patron saint of unsolicited advice. I think I'd do well.09:44
nUboon2Agerww: calling is great when you have the phone number.  just let things pass without needing to be such a busy body, will ya?16:09
pleia2geez, name calling now? nUboon2Age, please chill out :)16:17
pleia2he wasn't attacking you, and you are still not being constructive, just stop16:18
pleia2anyway, updated twitter and identica for your Lindependence Hour tonight :)16:20
nUboon2Agepleia2: ty16:54
pleia2sure, have fun tonight, I still haven't made it down to Santa Cruz... keep saying I'll make a day out of it and go during one of the Saturday feltonlug meetings, but then find my saturdays always busy16:58

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